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Dolly Parton的《Joshua》 歌词

歌曲名:Joshua歌手:Dolly Parton专辑:Dolly能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollthe air has never felt so warmthe sky has never looked this way beforethere"s nothing comforting in changeI can"t seem to find any peace in this confusionI can"t help my mind from racingand my heart is beating faster than ever beforetell me is this really happeningI cannot tell if I am dreaminglast nightI saw you standing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraid, be strongI"m with youI"m climbing on top of my doubtdon"t let this fearget the best of mecause I find my confidence in youand I find my hopewhen I lose controllast nightI saw you standing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraid, be strongI"m with youlast nightI saw you standing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraidand last nightI saw you dancing in the moonlightand you took my hand and we walkedbeside the riverand you saiddon"t be afraid, be strongI"m with youI"m with youI"m with youI"m with you






ANNA SUI 安娜苏粉娃娃女士香水 这款名为Dolly Girl的洋娃娃香水,娃娃头瓶子是Anna Sui著名的人体模型的复制品,香水有佛手柑、西瓜、苹果、木兰、紫罗兰、马樱丹、肉桂、绿叶等精华,既有水果的清新味道,后味还有带有一点浪漫浓郁香气。 至于一向不按牌理出牌的Anna Sui把对洋娃娃的热情转移到香氛上,少不了的是丰富又神秘的色彩,香氛传达出夏日水果的愉悦,包括佛手柑、西瓜、苹果、肉桂等让人垂涎欲滴的滋味,最后衬着绿叶的味道,彷佛微风吹过夏日树梢的清凉。香调:清新花果香调前味:佛手柑、西瓜、苹果、肉桂、绿叶中味:马缨丹、紫罗兰、玫瑰、铃兰、茉莉后味:维堤味香草、树莓、琥珀、麝香、柚木Anna Sui安娜苏白娃娃系列2004年,Anna Sui推出新款限量时尚香氛Dolly Girl-Ooh La Love 我爱洋娃娃!延续着洋娃娃女士香水复古的中国风,我爱洋娃娃更显得神秘而典雅!在瓶身与包装设计上,我爱洋娃娃以高雅和充满都会感的银色作为主要的设计基调,盒面上布满菱形纹路还有花朵与蝴蝶结。瓶身延续前一款“洋娃娃”所采用 ANNA SUI经典人体模型,色调上由梦幻少女的粉桃红色转换为雾面白色,我爱洋娃娃香水在发际装饰了许多小雏菊与蝴蝶,并大胆采用了如红宝石般,让人随时想亲吻的鲜润红唇,性感中不失少女纯真情怀。在香氛的调配上,由红醋栗、西西里佛手柑、杨桃与紫罗兰融合的丰富果味,为我爱洋娃娃香水带来青春的愉悦前味,随之而来的是深具诱惑的异国花香,结合了桂花、牡丹、铃兰,让嗅觉体验达到激情的新高峰。最后高雅的琥珀、白麝香与雪松,更带来源源不绝的迷人能量,我爱洋娃娃香水带你体验了一场冒险与趣味之旅。香调:清新花果香调前味:红醋栗、西西里佛手柑、杨桃、紫罗兰中味:桂花、牡丹、铃兰后味:琥珀、白麝香、雪松安娜苏 07限量巴黎恋爱洋紫娃娃香水香调:甜美花果香调前味:佛罗里达西柚、义大利甜柠檬、青苹果、哈蜜瓜、丁香花蕾、肉桂、芒果、凤梨、黑醋栗中味:橙花、木兰花、夜来香、茉莉花、铃兰花后味:紫檀木、德州雪松木、鸢尾草、蜜桃、草莓、椰子、琥珀、麝香在引发疯狂的收藏热潮后,2007年ANNA SUI又再次推出令人眼睛为之一亮的限量版巴黎恋爱洋娃娃香水,这一次洋娃娃将实现每个女孩到巴黎一游的浪漫梦想!前调:佛罗里达西柚(Florida grapefruit),义大利甜柠檬(Italian sweet lemon)及青苹果哈蜜瓜(green apple-honeydew accord),一阵阵清新脱俗的果香加上些许的丁香花蕾(clove buds)及肉桂(cinnamon),顿时令果香增添无限趣味。芒果–凤梨–黑醋栗(mango-pineapple-black currant blend)揉合而成的香调令人惊喜万分,海风香调(sea breeze accord) 完全展现出单纯愉悦的清新朝气。这前调给人的印象就如初吻般令人难以忘怀。中调:逐渐转为馥郁的中调透露出洋娃娃心中的秘密。丰富的花朵施展爱情魔法,释放心底深处最真实的情感。橙花(orange blossom)象徵幸福感与永恒的爱,木兰花(magnolia)代表一心一意,唯一的爱。诱人的夜来香(tuberose) 燃起恋爱的渴望和敢作敢为的勇气,新鲜的茉莉花(jasmine)让情感自然的抒发。最后,又怎能少得法国新娘最喜欢的铃兰花(muguet)呢?基调:香氛随著逗留的时间与肌肤温度,紫檀木(Rosewood)、德州雪松木(Texas Cedarwood)和鸢尾草(Orris)带来?暖心灵的感觉。接下来一股大胆清新的气息回应著前调,蜜桃–草莓–椰子香调(peach- raspberry-coconut accord)的香浓甜蜜混合琥珀(amber)和麝香(musk) 散发感性的气息。安娜苏渡假洋娃娃限量版(蓝娃娃)香调: 清新花果香调前味: 柑橘 、 佛手柑 、 柠檬 、 甜蜜桃 、 苹果 、 金盏花 、 黑茶蔍子中味: 玫瑰花瓣 、 小苍兰 、 莲花后味: 琥珀结晶 、 香粉麝香在2006年夏天,Anna Sui推出新款限量时尚香氛Dolly Girl On The Beach 渡假洋娃娃限量典藏版!全新推出的渡假洋娃娃延续着洋娃娃女香的瓶身设计,融入了夏日的气息,在贝壳海边,海风、沙滩、阳光,串起来美丽诗篇!阳光洒落洋娃娃的双肩,慵懒的伸伸腰,望向晴朗的天际,哎呀!原来那薄雾般的暮春,早已跟我们说再见。在风靡横扫接续不断的派对、聚会、午餐、下午茶的邀约后,洋娃娃心中生起了渡假的念头,决定去享受一个徜佯在蓝天、碧海与沙滩间的海滨假期。啊!我多么的想沉浸在热带花香海风吹送的蓝天下,在清澈的海水中浪漫悠游,躺在明亮柔软的白沙上那种令人无法抗拒的邀约…。在热带雨林里葱郁的湿润气息,「渡假洋娃娃」以充满异国情调的果香揭开序幕,晶晶亮亮的柑橘,蜜糖般的甜桃,清新柠檬与香甜苹果;再搭配优雅花香,金盏花、黑茶蔍子、佛手柑,串起缤纷的前调。犹如色彩斑斓的冰凉夏日鸡尾酒,那沁人心脾的花香随之而来,以优雅的小苍兰为基底,芳香的莲花伴随,衬以性感浪漫的玫瑰花瓣在杯缘,再洒上细细的碎绿叶在上头,即调和成醉人的中调。在假期的尾声,后调以珍贵的琥珀结晶、迷人的香粉麝香在木质基调中融合出的柔和芬芳,如同温暖的夏日海风,在黎明、黄昏的微光中,为完美的海滩假期谱出悠扬的协奏曲。爱美的洋娃娃一向以精致的打扮示人,无论在哪种场合,她一定是众所瞩目的焦点! 2006年的夏天,「渡假洋娃娃」当然以最时尚的渡假风貌妆点自己,如沉浸在海水中的美人鱼般,洋娃娃将俏丽的短发轻梳服贴、并以海星发饰环绕妆点,加上粉红色衬以珍珠边饰的太阳眼镜,搭配擦上粉红色唇蜜的可爱粉红色双唇,及浓俏且向外延伸的睫毛。这样,海滩里所有的男孩不得不注意到,这个有着闪亮大眼睛的海滩电眼美人。最后,在小巧的颈项上佩戴着洋娃娃最爱的ANNA SUI标志的心型坠饰项链。这么一来,「渡假洋娃娃」水蓝色的海边装扮,就与她平日挚爱的粉红打扮或舞会时的白色礼服很不一样喔!至于「渡假洋娃娃」香水的包装盒,也针对海滨妆扮而有所不同。散发珠光的水蓝色盒身,让你看了也激起一股想渡假的冲动。当「渡假洋娃娃」悠闲的在沙滩上散步时,沙上闪闪发光的贝壳与粉红、白相间的海滩球都成了包装盒上的图案,当然,可爱的海星与海马也是象征蔚蓝海水的包装盒上不可或缺的元素。盒子中央银色的部份则以缤纷泡泡与浪漫波浪将ANNA SUI的LOGO与香水名称巧妙的包围起来,值得您限量典藏喔!

求plastic tree 的dolly 的中文歌词

中日对照味気のない毎日と、薄暗い天気も惯れた无聊的每日、微微发暗的天气,都已习惯了白ジャケットの笛の音で、カラスは并びだした随着穿白外套的人的笛音,乌鸦排成了一列铮铮たる黒い群れ 银の钟が鸣り出した铮铮响着,黑色一群 银色的钟鸣响了変わらない景色眺めて、これでいいんだって思うか眺望着一成不变的景色,你觉得这样也不错吗?味気のない窓际と、肌寒い天気も惯れた乏味的窗际、肌肤微寒的天气,都已习惯了白ジャケットの笛の音で、カラスは并びだした随着穿白外套的人的笛音,乌鸦排成了一列铮铮たる黒い群れ 银の钟が轰いた铮铮响着,黑色一群 银色的钟轰鸣起来変わらない景色眺めて、これでいいんだって思うか眺望着一成不变的景色,你觉得这样也不错吗?おどけて虚脱感 雨の匂い可笑的虚脱感 雨的气味このフィルムに映し出す度、麻痹されてゆく一次次映照在这菲林里,渐渐麻痹了それが心地良いのです那就是所谓的心情愉快いつか仆と歩いた道は、君が壊してくれてるはず曾几何时与我一起走过的路,你应该正破坏着吧眩しさを淡い梦に缀る拿这炫目来点缀淡薄的梦それが仆と歩いた道と、哀れ伤ついたとしても那是我和你一起走过的路,即使出现了悲伤的创口虚しさを戯言に冷めて将这空虚在戏言里冷却午后は晴れるよ Dolly午后会晴朗呢, Dolly味気のない気遣いと、ドス黒い狂気も惯れた无趣的担忧、混乱漆黑的疯狂,都已习惯了白ジャケットの笛念れ、カラスも叫びだした穿白外套的人的笛子低低吟唱,乌鸦也叫起来了铮铮たる黒い群れ 银の钟は甘い蜜铮铮响着,黑色一群 银色的钟是甘甜的蜜変わらない景色眺めて、これでいいんだって思うか眺望着一成不变的景色,你觉得这样也不错吗?あざけて虚脱感 雾に迷い讽刺的虚脱感 迷失在雾气中このフィルムに映し出す度、麻痹されてゆく一次次映照在这菲林里,渐渐麻痹了それが心地良いのです那就是所谓的心情愉快いつか仆と歩いた道は、君が壊してくれてるはず曾几何时与我一起走过的路,你应该正破坏着吧戯れを淡い梦に缀る拿这滑稽来点缀淡薄的梦それが仆と歩いた道と、哀れ伤ついたとしても那是我和你一起走过的路,即使出现了悲伤的创口卑しさと戯言に冷めて在卑贱与戏言里冷却午后は晴れかな Dolly午后会晴朗吧? Dollyゆだねて虚脱感 蔑んだ放任于这虚脱感 轻视了このフィルムが映し出す剧、いつまで続く在这菲林里面映出的戏,持续到何时童歌と消えるんだ与童谣一起消失了いつか仆と歩いた道は、君が壊してくれてるはず曾几何时与我一起走过的路,你应该正破坏着吧眩しさを淡い梦に缀る拿这炫目来点缀淡薄的梦それが仆と歩いた道と、哀れ伤ついたとしても那是我和你一起走过的路,即使出现了悲伤的创口虚しさと戯言に冷めて在空虚与戏言里冷却いつか仆と歩いた道で、君が残していくはずと曾几何时我们一起走过的路,你应该还留在那里吧悲鸣あげ、カラスは待ってる悲鸣扬起,乌鸦正在等待そして仆と歩いた道で、哀れ伤ついてく君に而后在我们走过的路上,带着悲哀的伤口的你残酷な末路も待ってる也正等待着残酷的末路Dolly 雨に相容れ くすんでDolly 溶入雨中 模糊难辨

Dolly and bb will not wake up anymore 歌词

歌曲名:Dolly and bb will not wake up anymore歌手:My Little Airport专辑:我们在炎热与抑郁的夏天,无法停止抽烟Dolly and BB Will Not Wake Up Anymore My Little Airportdolly and bb will not wake up anymore唱,词,曲,编,guitar: nicoleYou主流 新歌词铺--制作人 David碧咸Dolly my little dog,fur in black and brown.She met her boyfriend Rocky,they played in the ground.One winter night,a baby dog was born.Unfortunately,Dolly died next morning.I cried in the morning.BB the baby dog,lost her mother Dolly,thus we fed her,pretend to be her mother.BB grew up, and had babies.Maybe that"s fate,one day the wolf dog bit her,the wolf dog bit her.The wolf dog bit her neck,and BB couldn"t breathe.She"s puling on the floor,her blood sketched on her chin,her son"s watching and barking,he was too small to do fighting.I didn"t save my darling,I was sleeping.Dolly my little dog,fur in black and brown.She met her boyfriend Rocky,they played in the ground.One winter night,a baby dog was born.Her name"s BB, her name"s BB, her name"s BB.You主流 新歌词铺--制作人 David碧咸

克隆人Dolly几个妈 谁是亲妈?


Dolly said she had never seen a film as ()as this

用 形容词原型的 good, (D)

Dolly and BB Will Not Wake Up 的中文歌词

dolly and bb will not wake up anymoreDolly my little dog,我的小狗多丽fur in black and brown.有着黑棕色的毛She met her boyfriend Rocky,她遇见她的男朋友洛基they played in the ground.他们在草地上玩耍One winter night,在一个冬天的夜里a baby dog was born.一个小狗出生了Unfortunately,不幸的是Dolly died next morning.多丽在第二天早晨死去了I cried in the morning.我在那个早晨哭了BB the baby dog,小狗比比lost her mother Dolly,失去了她的母亲多丽thus we fed her,所以由我们来抚养她pretend to be her mother.假装我们是她的母亲BB grew up,比比长大了and had babies.然后有了小孩Maybe that"s fate,也许是天命one day the wolf dog bit her,有一天有只狼狗咬了她the wolf dog bit her.有只狼狗咬了她The wolf dog bit her neck,那只狼狗咬到了她的脖子and BB couldn"t breathe.比比无法呼吸She"s puling on the floor,她在地板上挣扎her blood sketched on her chin,她的血流过她的下巴her son"s watching and barking,她的儿子看着她并且犬吠着he was too small to do fighting.他还太小无法战斗I didn"t save my darling,我没有救下我的爱宠I was sleeping.我那时正在鼾睡Dolly my little dog,我的小狗多丽fur in black and brown.有着黑棕色的毛She met her boyfriend Rocky,她遇见她的男朋友洛基they played in the ground.他们在草地上玩耍One winter night,在一个冬天的夜里a baby dog was born.一个小狗出生了Her name"s BB,她的名字叫比比her name"s BB,她的名字叫比比her name"s BB.她的名字叫比比自己翻的……请查收

dolly duck是什么意思中文翻译成?

dolly duck=多利鸭

Dolly the Sheep

Dolly the sheep=The sheep Dollythe 是加在sheep前面的,特指那只叫多利的羊。

Hello Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:Louis ArmstrongHello Dolly,......well, hello, DollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re lookin" swell, Dolly.......I can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin""re still crowin""re still goin" strongI feel that room swayin"......while the band"s playin"One of your old favourite songs from way back whenSo..... take her wrap, fellas.......find her an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello Dolly,.....well, hello, DollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re lookin" swell, Dolly.....I can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin""re still crowin""re still goin" strongI feel the room swayin"...while that ole band keeps on playin"One of your old favourite songs from way back whenSo...golly, gee, fellas....find her an empty knee, fellasDolly"ll never go away....I said she"ll never go awayDolly"ll never go away again


娃娃noun娃娃doll, baby, child玩偶doll洋娃娃doll娃baby, doll, child玩具娃娃doll, dolly, rag baby, rag doll真情为您解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!



Hello, Dolly! 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away again

Hello, Dolly 歌词

Hello Dolly演唱:小野丽莎Hello, DollyWell, hello harryIt"s so nice to be back home where i belongYou are looking swell, DollyI can tell, DollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still go in strongI feel the room swayinFor the band"s playinOne of my old fav"rite songs from way back whenSo, bridge that gap, fellasFind me an empty lap, fellasDolly"ll never go away againHello, dollyWell hello, dollyIt"s so nice to have you back where you belongYou"re looking swell, dollyI can tell, dollyYou"re still glowin, you"re still crowinYou"re still goin strong.i feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away againi feel the room swayinWhile the bands playinOne of your old favourite songs from way back when so...Golly, gee, fellasFind her a vacant knee, fellasDollyll never go awaynever never go awayDollyll never go away again






英文原名:Wall-E 中文译名:Wall-E 机器人总动员(大陆)Wall-E(台湾)Wall-E(香港) 首映日期:2008年6月27日 发行品牌:Walt Disney Pictures、Pixar Animation Studios 影片长度:未知 导演:Andrew Stanton Wall-E 是皮克斯制作的2008年电脑动画长片,由海底总动员、虫虫危机的导演和编剧 Andrew Stanton 导演并编剧。 该片的计划和第一张图片在2007年年初华特迪士尼公司公布的2006年年度报告中由罗伯特艾格公布,当时就成为影迷的焦点。影片故事发生在2700年,由于人类无度的破坏环境,地球此时已经成为漂浮在太空中的一个大垃圾球,人类不得已移居到太空船上,并且聘请 Buy n Large 公司清除地球上的垃圾,等待着有一天垃圾清理完重新回到地球上。 于是 Buy n Large 公司向地球运送了大量机器人来捡垃圾,但是这种机器人并不适合地球的环境,渐渐的都坏掉了,最后只剩下一个机器人还在日复一日的按照预定程序捡垃圾。显然这是个不可能完成的任务。就这么过了几百年,机器人收集了不少人造的物品,其中最让它喜欢的是一盒录像带——芭芭拉·史翠珊主演的歌舞片《你好,多莉!》(Hello, Dolly !)! 随着时间的流逝,这个孤独的机器人开始有了自我意识,它渴望有人来陪陪它。有一天一艘飞船差点落在它头顶,一个漂亮的女机器人 Eve 来到地球负责搜索一些东西,捡垃圾的机器人“爱”上了Eve,但是它面临着抉择,是随着Eve和飞船离开地球,还是继续按照预设的指令把垃圾捡下去。当然它最后选择和Eve一起离开,飞向太空,不过好戏才刚刚开始…… 以上是《WALL-E》前面三分之一的内容,这部分没有对话和音乐——除了反复播放的《你好,多莉》的电影里的声音,在影片后面的太空部分你会看到700年后的人类,不过做好思想准备:因为那时的人类由于太懒,体型退化,就像个巨大的水滴,只能坐着漂浮椅移动。 影片片名 “WALL-E” 是一个缩写,全称为“Waste Allocation Load Lifter - Earth-class”,就是 Buy n Large 公司派往地球捡垃圾的那些机器人的官方称呼,而且还有一个宣传语(Slogan)是“Working to dig you out”。另外这部影片中还会出现真人演员佛莱德·威拉德(Fred Willard),他将扮演 Buynlarge 公司总裁,在动画片中出现真人,这在皮克斯也是首次。 作为皮克斯首次尝试的太空科幻片,《WALL-E》将勾画出一幅前人没描绘过的全新人类未来图景,影片的前三分之一没有对话和音乐,只有WALL-E发出的机器声和反复播放的《你好,多莉》电影里的声音。这些音效将由曾负责《星球大战》(Star Wars)和《ET外星人》(E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial)的奥斯卡获奖音效师本·伯特(Ben Burtt)操刀。

dolly wheel是什么意思

1. 在石油钻井英语中,dolly wheel 指的是一种轮式拖挂钻机用的半挂式轮胎,该装置一般用于井队搬迁时,方便底座模块使用牵引车整体牵引移运。如下图所示:半挂式轮胎2. 在一般日常生活用语中,dolly wheel 指的就是手推车、办公椅等使用的滑轮,如下图所示:普通滑轮那么问题来了,原文The increase intension depends on the block position in the draw-works and friction forces at the level of the dolly wheels. 中提到的dolly wheel到底指代的是半挂式轮胎还是普通的滑轮?先参考下图:绞车工作示意图考虑到原文中的block有可能指代的是天车上的滑轮组crown block,亦或者是游车滑轮组traveling block,所以block直接翻译成滑轮组会贴近于实际情况,如果有上下文作为参考,会更加准确。至于后面提到的水平摩擦力,参考图中构造,不考虑死绳固定器的话,几乎都没有水平摩擦力,所以这里的dolly wheel只可能是指半挂式轮胎。综上所述,翻译如下:……增加的强度取决于绞车中的滑轮组位置和半挂式轮胎的水平摩擦力。PS: 楼上的机器翻译还真是惨不忍睹…

Dolly ran out of the doghouse ___38___ by four little dogs. T


Dolly Wink眼线液笔怎么样?Dolly Wink哪些产品好用?

很多妹子喜欢日系彩妆,日本妹子的眼妆一直都化的很好,日本彩妆线也有很多好用又白菜的眼妆产品。下面就让的我为大家介绍Dolly Wink眼线液笔怎么样?Dolly Wink哪些产品好用? Dolly Wink眼线液笔怎么样 这款眼线液笔,笔尖细!流畅!不拉扯眼皮! 不会显得眼线特别突兀 而且这款眼线笔容易上色 线条流畅 粗细控制自如 重点是特别容易卸妆 防水能力还可以 显色:dolly wink的眼线液笔,分棕色和黑色。棕色相对不显色,适合裸妆,自然。黑色显色,线条分明,压得住眼尾加长段。 上手度:流畅流畅流畅!笔尖极细!如果你哆哆嗦嗦一个眼线都要画1分钟以上,呃,你还是再练练手吧。但是真的画错了,拿棉签蘸水,可以改。持久度:只要不揉搓,带妆12小时以上没问题,防水效果不错,当然挡不住你又哭又闹。 耐用性:天天化妆,一支用半年,现在一支用一年没问题,不容易干,除非你买了假货 卸妆:眼唇专用卸妆液或者卸妆油都可以轻松卸掉,不管什么品牌的眼部彩妆都不建议用卸妆膏或者卸妆乳,卸不干净有残留还拉扯眼皮。 眼线液笔持久度max 笔尖极细纤长新手也可以很好使用,而且上色不浅不淡,如果画错了在没干透的情况下拿棉签就可以擦掉画错的部分,很方便。干透以后拿棉签就不会那么容易擦掉了。不易晕妆这点做的也是很棒,一般化好妆一天下来都不会有晕的情况出现,但是这个同样也不是防水主打,如果哭过或者碰到水还是会晕哒。卸妆方面,只要用卸妆水就可以了,卸妆水蘸棉签很轻易的就可以弄干净。Dolly Wink哪些产品好用 我个人很喜欢Dolly Wink的日系彩妆,她家假睫毛、眼线液笔、睫毛膏都超级好用,是她家的明星产品,这几款也是我多年的常备款。价格不高性价比却是max,学生党的福音。真的是超级好用,良心推荐! 浓密款睫毛膏持久度是很棒的,不易晕染也不会一不小心苍蝇腿。(防止苍蝇腿有一个小窍门,在用好睫毛夹后扫点散粉上睫毛,可以刷的根根分明而且更不易脱妆)也因为持久度的原因,虽然不是主打防水,但是日常绝对是可以的,不晕妆这点很心水。然后卸妆方面,不是特别好卸(毕竟持久嘛),要拿化妆棉蘸温水敷一下再用化妆棉蘸卸妆水卸,才卸的干净。 测评结果: 浓密款睫毛膏 持久度4星 易卸度2星 推荐指数4星 眼线液笔 持久度4星 易卸度4星 推荐指数5星dolly wink 家的假睫毛在日本常年都是销量冠军,没有太多花样百出的款式,每款都是经典款。软梗轻盈,每盒里面都有赠送的小胶水(足够一盒两幅睫毛使用)包装大盒子拆掉后里面有透明的塑料小盒子,可以放化妆包里随身携带很方便。dolly wink家的假睫毛都是非常轻盈的,戴上以后非常舒适轻盈无负担,和没戴假睫毛一样。(比有些厚重的睫毛膏涂上以后还清爽舒适哦)一盒里面2副,细心使用保管每副可使用10次以上。盒子里面附送的胶水也非常好用,假睫毛摘下来以后那个胶水的部分可以简单的一整条儿撕下来(不像dup的胶不好撕必须要清洗)假睫毛洗过以后必然会变形,除非特殊情况需要假睫毛特别牢固的时候会用dup以外,平时都可以用这个盒子里面送的小胶水(小包装也更卫生) 最后,我要强调它家产品真的超好上手超好用!Dolly Wink是什么牌子 Dolly Wink是日本EOS株式会社旗下的一款面向高端用户指定的彩片品牌,以最具有美感的花纹线条设计以及超高舒适度的佩戴感赢得了亚洲人士的青睐与追捧。身为2009年日本最红的女艺人之一:益若つばさ。她独特的成熟甜美娃娃风格席卷了整个日本年轻一代的女性。Dolly Wink是她亲手操刀设计的一个以假睫毛为主的品牌。一上市,就成为各药妆店的宠儿。



Dolly的《Nothing》 歌词

歌曲名:Nothing歌手:Dolly专辑:Sunday Afternoonnothingskid rowrevolutions per minuteHouses on the hillLooking down on all the little people"s livesAnd wondering it I"ve been missing outGrowing up is hard, isn"t that what Bowie sangWhen he was youngBefore he knew what growing up was likeGuess I"ll never know, so I"ll take it day by dayAs it comes until there"s something else to think aboutIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothingIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothing but youChanging with the timesLooking back on all our oldest memories to realizeWe haven"t changed at allRecords in my roomIt"s still the place where we can go to get awayFrom real life and real agonyIf we should disappear, we can take it day by dayAs it comes until there"s something else to talk aboutIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothingIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothing but youIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothingIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothingIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothingIf I want it all then I"ll get it allDo I need it all? I need nothing but you



Dolly的《Les Mots》 歌词

歌曲名:Les Mots歌手:Dolly专辑:1Er AlbumFixement, le ciel se tordQuand la bouche engendre un mortLà je donnerai ma vie pour t"entendreTe dire les mots les plus tendresWhen all becomes all aloneI"ll break my life for a songAnd two lives that stoop to notice mineI know I will say goodbyeBut a fraction of this lifeI would give anything, anytimeL"univers a ses mystèresLes mots sont nos viesYou could kill a life with wordsSo, how would it feelSi nos vies sont si fragilesWords are mysteriesLes mots des sentimentsLes mots d"amour, un templeIf one swept the world awayOne could touch the universeI will tell you how the sun rose high,We could, with a word, become oneEt pour tous ces mots qui blessentIl y a ceux qui nous caressentQui illuminent, qui touchent l"infiniMême si le néant existeFor a fraction of this life,I will give anything, anytimeL"univers a ses mystèresLes mots sont nos viesWe could kill a life with wordsSo, how would it feelSi nos vies sont si fragilesWords are mysteriesLes mots des sentimentsLes mots d"amour, un temple



苏州鑫辉dolly小车 手推车怎么样?



rainy和heavy同类,是形容词 dolly和today是名词


but now she is still not an eye view.In the summer, always





I am Dolly.提问Dolly是谁

回答和翻译如下:Who are you?你是谁呢?

Dolly Parton

穿越美国插曲 Dolly Parton演唱的Travelin" Thru,歌棒极了


Do you know Dolly,the cloned sheep?She was created in Scotland a few years ago.Cloning is a famous experiment throughout the world .So far,scientists have cloned rabbits,sheep,cows,mice,pigs and some other animals


dolly和panther的区别dolly 单词词义:n. 玩具娃娃; 手推车; 台车,移动摄影车; 洗衣搅棒;vi. 移动摄影车;panther 单词词义:n. 美洲豹; 豹,黑豹;

Plastic Tree的《Dolly》 歌词

歌曲名:Dolly歌手:Plastic Tree专辑:ORICON 08年08月度Plastic Tree - Dolly作词:ナカヤマアキラ作曲:ナカヤマアキラ味気のない毎日と、薄暗い天気も惯れた白ジャケットの笛の音で、カラスは并びだした铮铮たる黒い群れ 银の钟が鸣り出した変わらない景色眺めて、これでいいんだって思うか味気のない窓际と、肌寒い天気も惯れた白ジャケットの笛の音で、カラスは并びだした铮铮たる黒い群れ 银の钟が轰いた変わらない景色眺めて、これでいいんだって思うかおどけて虚脱感 雨の匂いこのフィルムに映し出す度、麻痹されてゆくそれが心地良いのですいつか仆と歩いた道は、君が壊してくれてるはず眩しさを淡い梦に缀るそれが仆と歩いた道と、哀れ伤ついたとしても虚しさを戯言に冷めて午後は晴れるよ Dolly味気のない気遗いと、ドス黒い狂気も惯れた白ジャケットの笛念れ、カラスも叫びだした铮铮たる黒い群れ 银の钟は甘い蜜変わらない景色眺めて、これでいいんだって思うかあざけて虚脱感 雾に迷いこのフィルムに映し出す度、麻痹されてゆくそれが心地良いのですいつか仆と歩いた道は、君が壊してくれてるはず戯れを淡い梦に缀るそれが仆と歩いた道と、哀れ伤ついたとしても卑しさと戯言に冷めて午後は晴れかな Dollyゆだねて虚脱感 蔑んだこのフィルムが映し出す剧、いつまで続く童歌と消えるんだいつか仆と歩いた道は、君が壊してくれてるはず眩しさを淡い梦に缀るそれが仆と歩いた道と、哀れ伤ついたとしても虚しさと戯言に冷めていつか仆と歩いた道で、君が残していくはずと悲鸣あげ、カラスは待ってるそして仆と歩いた道で、哀れ伤ついてく君に残酷な末路も待ってるDolly 雨に相容れ くすんで终わり







这个英文名怎么读?  "Dolly"

dolly读做多利n.[C]1. (儿语)洋娃娃2. 【美】(搬运重物用的)手推车3. 【美】(电影等的)移动式摄影车4. 【方】洗矿装置,杵臼5. 铆顶棍,铆头型6. 【英】【方】洗衣搅棒vi.1. 【美】(拍摄时)移动摄影车[(+in/out)]vt.1. 【美】用移动车移动(摄影机等)


dolly英 ["du0252lu026a]美 ["dɑli]n. 洋娃娃;手推车;移动式摄影车;洗衣搅棒vt. 用移动车移动vi. 移动摄影车[网络短语]Dolly 多利,移动式摄影小车,多莉CHINESE DOLLY 斜式推轨Dolly Girl 洋娃娃,从此这位多利女郎,粉娃娃希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!



dolly什么意思 算是英文名吗



"Dolly" 在英文中可以指多个不同的事物,以下是其中一些常见的含义和用法:1."Dolly" 是一个女性名字,它可以作为一个人的名字来使用。例如:"Dolly Parton is a famous country singer."2."Dolly" 还可以指代一种推车或手推车,通常用于搬运重物。例如:"I used a dolly to move the heavy boxes."3."Dolly" 还可以用作一种织物或面料的名称,具有柔软的质地。例如:"She made a dress using a beautiful dolly fabric."4."Dolly" 还可以指代一种动物,即多利羊(Dolly the Sheep),它是世界上首只通过克隆技术产生的哺乳动物。例如:"Dolly the Sheep was cloned in 1996."单词延伸当以“Dolly”一词指代克隆羊时,它通常指代1996年诞生的多利羊(Dolly the Sheep)。这是一项具有重大科学意义的突破,因为它标志着人类能够通过克隆技术复制哺乳动物。"Dolly" 这个名字来源于克隆羊诞生地的苏格兰罗斯林研究所(Roslin Institute),该研究所的科学家成功地将克隆过程应用于绵羊。这一成就在科学界引起了广泛的关注和讨论,因为它揭示了克隆技术在动物繁殖和遗传研究方面的潜力。"Dolly" 这个名字在此后的年份中逐渐成为克隆技术的代名词,常用来讨论关于动物克隆和生物技术的话题。除了上述提到的"Dolly"作为名字和克隆羊的代称之外,它还可以作为一个词语或短语在其他场景中使用。以下是一些常见的用法:"Dolly" 作为动词,意味着轻轻地移动或推动某物。例如:"She carefully dollied the camera to get a smooth tracking shot.""Dolly" 也可以指代一种摄影或电影制作中使用的装置,用于平稳移动摄影机。这种装置通常被称为"dolly"或"dolly track"。例如:"The cinematographer set up the dolly for the tracking shot.""Dolly" 还可以作为一个昵称或亲昵的称呼。例如:"Hey, Dolly, how are you doing today?"总而言之,"Dolly" 的具体意义取决于上下文和使用方式。它可以作为名字、克隆羊的代称,也可以作为动词或摄影器材的名词。

英语中的钱是dollar. 那么其他国家的钱呢?怎么说

这要好多种了,都不一样的。比如,中国,元,yuan英国,英镑,pound泰国,泰铢,THB(Thai Baht),法国,法郎,franc 等等

The Kill The Dresden Dolls 歌词翻译


Dresden Dolls的《Missed Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Missed Me歌手:Dresden Dolls专辑:The Dresden DollsMissed meThe Dresden Dolls赖猫。白 66224259Missed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you kiss me, misterI might tell my sisterIf I tell her, misterShe might tell my motherAnd my mother, misterShe might tell my fatherAnd my father, misterHe won"t be too happyAnd he"ll have his lawyerCome up from the cityAnd arrest you, misterSo I wouldn"t miss meIf you get me, mistersee ?Missed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you kiss me, misterYou must think I"m prettyIf you think so, misterYou must want to fuck meIf you fuck me, misterIt must mean you love meIf you love me, misterYou would never leave meIt"s as simple as can be !Missed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you miss me, misterWhy do you keep leavingIf you trick me, misterI will make you sufferAnd they"ll get you, misterPut you in the slammerAnd forget you, misterThen you"ll miss meWon"t you, won"t you miss meWon"t you miss meWon"t you miss meMissed me, Missed meNow you"ve got to kiss meIf you kiss me, misterTake responsibilityI"m fragile, misterJust like any girl would beAnd so misunderstoodSo treat me delicately !Missed me Missed meNow you"ve gone and done itHope you"re happyIn the county penitentiaryIt serves you rightFor kissing little girlsBut I"ll visitIf you miss meSay you miss me"Cause the food they feed youDo you miss meWill you kiss me through the windowDo you miss meMiss meWill they ever let you goI miss my mister soEnd

The Kill The Dresden Dolls 歌词翻译

The Dresden Dolls - The KillI am an anarchist我是个无政府主义者An antichrist一个伪基督徒An asterix一个高卢英雄(Asterix是以高卢传奇英雄为题材创作的法国知名连环漫画)I am an anorak我是一件厚夹克An acolyte一个侍奉僧侣An accidental一个意外I am eleven feet我有十一英尺高Ok, eight...好吧,八英尺Six foot three...六尺三。。I fought the British and I won我和英国战斗过,而且我赢了I have a rocket ship我有一艘火箭船A jetfighter一架喷气战机A paper airplane一家纸飞机Ja ja ja ja jaSay what you will... I am The Kill说你将要做什么。。我是杀戮者The only thing that keeps you really truly safe from being real我是唯一能让你在真实之下得到真正安全的人I have a tendency我有一个念头To exaggerate扩张的念头Just a little bit虽然它不多I am a plagiarist我是一个剽窃者Apologist一个道歉者A walruscokeheadlizard(这个恕我无能为力真不明白= =)I am an optimist我是个乐观者A closeted misogynist一个私底下的厌恶女人者I have a wishing well a living will a magical eight ball我有一个能满足我欲望与愿望的魔法水晶球Say what you will - I am The Kill告诉我你将做什么——我是杀戮者Put pat sajak back in office把pat sajak塞回办公室里吧Put pat sajak back in office!!!把pat sajak塞回办公室里吧But the sun still sets on you但阳光依旧洒在你身上And the retarded party nobody came to but you而且你去了个没人去的智障派对And so you drink to all the emptiness until you wake up而且你向所有无知者举杯直到你清醒And there"s hell to pay again这是个你需要再次付出代价的地狱And the punch lines point at you关键句也指向了你And all the comebacks in the world are in your head来自世界的所有反馈此刻已经在你脑海中And you can"t say them until everybody leaves但你一个字也说不出来直到全部人都离去And it"s just you and your imaginary friends...现在只剩下你和你所想象的朋友了

The Gabe Dixon Band的《Baby Doll》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Doll歌手:The Gabe Dixon Band专辑:The Gabe Dixon Band「Baby Doll」作词∶白石乃梨作曲∶白石乃梨歌∶白石乃梨梦の中party朝までeverybody见せつけたbodyTell me are you ready baby?蹴り上げたbootyまき髪にsexy香りばらまいてAre you ready ? Baby babySlow down(I want you know)(I want you hold)脱ぎ舍てたからclothing, my pride, everythingGet down (I wanna know)(I want you hold)まだまだこれから get dirty dirty babyTell me tell meI"m baby your doll from tonight more…more…hold me hold meもっと加速させてtouch my bodyah ha ah ha言叶じゃない会话I can"t stop dancin"Stupid stupid一皮むけたcherry, so sweet, so hot, baby doll…待ちに待ったpartyこれからは ladyキラめいたbadytell me are you ready baby?甘いガムtastyくちびるにdressy今日は特别よAre you ready? Baby babySlow down(I want you know)(I want you hold)脱ぎ舍てたからclothing, my pride, everythingGet down (I wanna know)(I want you hold)あなたに任せる I wanna get dirty dirty babyTell me tell meI"m baby your doll from tonight more…more…hold me hold meもっと加速させてtouch my bodyah ha ah ha言叶じゃない会话I can"t stop dancin"Stupid stupid一皮むけたcherry, so sweet, so hot, baby doll…Tell me tell meI"m baby your doll from tonight more…more…hold me hold meもっと加速させてtouch my bodyah ha ah ha言叶じゃない会话I can"t stop dancin"Stupid stupid一皮むけたcherry, so sweet, so hot, baby doll…【 おわり 】

New York Dolls的《Drowning》 歌词

歌曲名:Drowning歌手:New York Dolls专辑:Cause I Sez SoDon"t pretend you"re sorryI know you"re notYou know you got the powerTo make me weak insideGirl you leave me breathlessBut it"s okay"cause You are my survivalNow hear me sayI can"t imaginelife Without your loveEven forever don"t seem Like long enough"Cause everytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveMaybe I"m a driftermaybe not"Cause I"ve known the safety Of flowing freely In your armsI don"t need another life lineIt"s not for me"Cause only you can save meOh can"t you seeI can"t imagine life Without your loveAnd even forever don"t seem Like long enough"Cause everytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveGo on and pull me underCover me with dreams, yeahLove me mouth to mouth nowYou know I can"t resist"Cause you"re the air That I breatheEverytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveAnd baby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning your loveBaby I can"t help itKeep me drowning In your love(Got me drowning)keep me drowning In your loveBaby I can"t help itCan"t help it no, no"Cause everytime I breathe I take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveBaby I can"t help itYou keep me Drowning in your love

New York Dolls的《Drowning》 歌词

歌曲名:Drowning歌手:New York Dolls专辑:"Cause I Sez SoDon"t pretend you"re sorryI know you"re notYou know you got the powerTo make me weak insideGirl you leave me breathlessBut it"s okay "causeYou are my survivalNow hear me sayI can"t imagine lifeWithout your loveEven forever don"t seemLike long enough"Cause everytime I breatheI take you inAnd my heart beats againBaby I can"t help itYou keep meDrowning in your loveEverytime I try to rise aboveI"m swept away by loveDrowning in your loveMaybe I"m a drifterLate at night"Cause I long for the safetyOf flowing freelyIn your armsI don"t need another loverIt"s not for me"Cause only you can save meOh can"t you seeAnd even forever don"t seemLike long enoughGo on and pull me underCover me with dreams, yeahLove me mouth to mouth nowYou know I can"t resist"Cause you"re the airThat I breatheEverytime I breatheAnd baby I can"t help itDrowning your loveKeep me drowningIn your loveI keep drowningCan"t help it no, no 邮箱的DOLLARS标志


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T.J.McGibbon参演电影:《第十三号仓库》饰 Young Claudia《记住》 饰 Max"s Great Grandaughter《面具圣徒》 饰 Carrie Samuels《X战警:天启》饰 Nina








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请问 doll 和 dull 的发音有什么区别?感觉都很像“到”...谢谢。


doll 和 dull 的发音有什么区别

doll [du0252l]n. 玩偶, 洋娃娃; 甜姐儿; 愚蠢的美女; 逗人爱的孩子, 小宝贝dull [du028cl]v. 使迟钝; 缓和; 使阴暗; 变迟钝; 减少adj. 钝的, 呆滞的, 无趣的

请问 doll 和 dull 的发音有什么区别?感觉都很像“到”... dull 是读成 “大

这两个读音有明显不同: doll 音标为[du0252l] 汉语谐音【躲喔】 dull 音标为[du028cl] 汉语谐音【打喔】 祝你开心如意!

Little Dolls 歌词

歌曲名:Little Dolls歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Ten Commandments [Limited Collector"s Edition]Wrything and screamingThe pain just won"t goHe"ll show you no mercyYour image in his handsIt"s useless to tryEscaping his cursesThe pins and needles prick the skin of little dollsTortured and flamingYou give birth to hellLiving a nightmareFeelings of pityYou"ll pray for your deathBut he"s in no hurryThe pins and needles prick the skin of little dollsNowhere to runYour fate is in his handsYour time has comeYou"ll live to his commandI"m warning youThe worst is yet to comeThe killer whoRemains a mysteryI that believe inThe stories of oldWould never fight itVengeance and cursesThat play on your soulLike something ignitedYou never imaginedSuch a fate could follow you(You never thought it was true)And when it"s your timeI wonder how you"ll doYour kind of troublesRunning deeper than the seaYou broke the rulesYou"ve been a foolThe little doll is you, yeahNowhere to runYour fate is in his handsYour time has comeYou"ll live to his commandI"m warning youThe worst is yet to comeThe killer whoRemains a mysteryWrything and screamingThe pain just won"t goHe"ll show you no mercyYour image in his handsIt"s useless to tryEscaping his cursesNowhere to runYour fate is in his handsYour time has comeYou"ll live to his commandI"m warning youThe worst is yet to comeThe killer whoRemains a mystery

The Pussycat Dolls的《Buttons》 歌词

歌曲名:Buttons歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:PcdButtonsThe Pussycat DollsI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)TypicalHardly the type I fall forI"m liking the physicalDon"t leave me asking for moreI"m a sexy mama (Mama)Who knows just how to get what I want and (Want and)What I want to do is spring this on you (On you)Back up all of the things that I told you (Told you)You been saying all the right things all alongBut I can"t seem to get you over here to help take this offBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)You say you"re a big boyBut I can"t agree"Cause the love you said you hadAin"t been put on meI wonderIf I"m just too much for youWonderIf my kiss don"t make you justWonderWhat I got next for youWhat you want to do? (Do)Take a chance to recognize that this could be yoursI can see, just like most guys that your game don"t pleaseBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)

The Pussycat Dolls的《Buttons》 歌词

歌曲名:Buttons歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:PCDButtonsI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)TypicalHardly the type I fall forI"m liking the physicalDon"t leave me asking for moreI"m a sexy mama (Mama)Who knows just how to get what I want and (Want and)What I want to do is spring this on you (On you)Back up all of the things that I told you (Told you)You been saying all the right things all alongBut I can"t seem to get you over here to help take this offBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)You say you"re a big boyBut I can"t agree"Cause the love you said you hadAin"t been put on meI wonderIf I"m just too much for youWonderIf my kiss don"t make you justWonderWhat I got next for youWhat you want to do? (Do)Take a chance to recognize that this could be yoursI can see, just like most guys that your game don"t pleaseBaby, can"t you see?How these clothes are fitting on meAnd the heat coming from this beatI"m about to blowI don"t think you knowI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m a make you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeWhy don"t you loosen up my buttons babeLoosen up my buttons babeI"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)I"m telling you loosen up my buttons baby (Uh huh)But you keep fronting (Uh)Saying what you going to do to me (Uh huh)But I ain"t seen nothing (Uh)Isaac Ming

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