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guard against doing

?对不起重新纠正一下 guard against 防止, 防范 Please guard against pickpockets on the bus. 在公共汽车上要谨防扒手。 Yearly guardagainst famine; nightly guardagainst thieves年年防旱夜夜防盗 protect against 反对 ... 以保护如 Such guards also protectagainst fraying by roe deer. 这种保护措施还可防止獐鹿摩擦损伤。 It can be used for devising systems to protectagainst frost damage. guard against pride and rashness戒骄戒躁(习惯表达)

are you freaking kidding me?freak doing,是这个用法吗


thus doing weaken deepen 是什么意思?

这是现在分词短语作结果状语,前面一定是完整的句子。现在分词在句中可用作表语、定语、状语、补语等。1)用作表语,可有比较形式,亦可被very等副词所修饰。如:(1)This story is very interesting. 这个故事是很有趣。(2)This film is more exciting than any that I"ve ever seen. 这部影片比我所看过的都更令人激动。2)用作定语,多置于它所修饰的名词之前。如:(3)He is an attacking player. 他是一个攻击型的运动员。(4)He asked an embarrassing question. 他提了一个令人难堪的问题。现在分词有时也置于它所修饰的名词之后。这种现在分词往往相当于一个定语从句,表一时一事。如:(5)This is Mr. Smith speaking. 我是史密斯先生。(电话用语)(6)Oh, it"s the cake burning. 噢,糕点烧焦了。有些现在分词作为定语则必须置于它所修饰的名词之后,它已与其前的名词构成一种固定的搭配。如:(7)This is nothing doing. 不行!(nothing doing是一固定词组,表示拒绝)(8)Let"s drop the subject for the time being. 让我们现在不再谈这个话题了吧。(for the time being是一固定词组)(9)They"ve had rich harvests for three years running. 他们已连续三年获得丰收。(running常置于表示时间的名词之后表示“连续的”)用作定语的现在分词有两种。一种已转化为形容词,已无动词性质,不但可被副词very所修饰,而且可有比较的变化。另一种则仍有动词性质,不可被副词very所修饰,也没有比较的变化。试比较:a promising man 一个有为的青年(已转化为形容词promising,无动词性质)a leading comrade 领导同志(未转化为形容词,仍有动词性质)常见的已转化为形容词的现在分词有alarming,amusing,astonishing,charming,daring,demanding,encouraging,confusing,disappointing,discouraging,exciting,grasping,interesting,inviting,misleading,pleasing,promising,refreshing,revealing,shocking,striking,surprising等。但多数现在分词并未转化为形容词:a knowing smile 会意的微笑developing countries 发展中国家working people 劳动人民running water 自来水welcoming speeches 欢迎辞a changing world 不断变化的世界those stirring years 那些激动人心的岁月a crushing blow 沉重一击the neighbouring states 邻国a standing committee 常务委员会guiding principles 指导原则有的现在分词和与其同根的形容词皆可用作定语。如:differing systems 相异的制度 / different systems 不同的制度varying prices 各不相同的价格 / various prices 各种(不同)的价格由上面的两例可以看出,现在分词用作定语时有动词性质,具有能动性,而形容词则只表一种品质或性质。有时二者的意义则完全不同。如:loving 钟爱的 / lovely 可爱的现在分词短语一般皆须置于其所修饰的名词之后,相当于一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,故多用于笔语中。如:(10)A little child learning to walk often falls. 学走路的小孩常常跌跤。(11)Houseplants requiring constant attention are not suitable for working couples with little spare time. 业余时间不多的双职工不宜养育经常需要护理的家种植物。以上所举的现在分词及其短语皆是限制性定语。现在分词及其短语亦可用作非限制性定语。如:(12)There I met a friend, fishing. 我在那里遇见一个朋友,他在钓鱼。(13)He was a great realist, writing about ordinary men and women in their misfortunes. 他是一个伟大写实主义者,写了许多平凡的不幸中的人。现在分词短语用作定语时,其所表的时间一般应与句中的谓语动词所表的时间相同。以上诸例皆是如此。但有时二者所表的时间亦可不同,尤其当现在分词表示经常或瞬间动作的时候。如:(14)A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday. 一位写小说的青年昨天来向我们作报告。(现在分词writing=who write)(15)Do you know the number of people coming to the party? 你知道来参加晚会的人数吗?(现在分词coming=who will come)3)用作状语,表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况。表时间时其动作可能发生于谓语动词的动作之前或其后,亦可能与谓语动词同时发生。现在分词用作状语时可置于句首,亦可置于句末,但表结果时常置于句末;表条件时则置于谓语之前或其后。如:(16)Stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus. 他不小心离开了人行道,被公共汽车撞倒了。(表时间,发生于谓语动作之前,置于句首)(17)He went out shutting the door behind him. 他出去后将门随手关上。(表时间,发生于谓语动作之后,置于句末)(18)She broke her looking glass, dressing to go out. 她在外出前穿着时把镜子打破了。(二者同时发生,置于句末)(19)While flying over the Channel, the pilot saw what he thought to be a meteorite. 飞过英吉利海峡时,驾驶员认为他看见了一颗陨星。(强调动作同时发生时,现在分词前可用when或while)(20)Being sick I stayed at home. 我因病待在家中。(现在分词being常表原因)(21)Seeing that it was raining, George put on his mackintosh. 鉴于下雨,乔治穿上了雨衣。(seeing that是一表原因的固定说法)(22)Robert used the phone to cancel his lunch date with Basil, having suddenly remembered a previous engagement. 罗伯特打电话取消了他与巴兹尔吃午餐的约会,因为他突然想起已另有他约。(置于句末的现在分词完成式常表原因)(23)According to this theory, a large meteor hitting the moon would melt the surface rock by the force of the collision. 根据此理论,一颗大流星落在月球上所产生的碰撞力就会使月球表面上的岩石熔化。(表条件,置于谓语之前)(24)Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, keeping on your feet. 坐下吧,埃玛。你老站着,只会弄得你更累。(表条件,置于谓语之后)(25)Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 他们尽管了解这一切,还是要我赔偿损失。(表让步,置于句首)(26)Finally we appealed to a famous doctor knowing it was very improper to ask him to work on a dog. 最后我们向一位名医呼救,虽然我们知道请他给一条狗治病是很不适宜的。(表让步,置于句末)(27)The child fell, striking his head against the door and cutting it. 那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了。(表结果,置于句末)(28)He said that the leaves of his jasmine plant had turned yellow. He thought that it was due to a water shortage so he applied more water, only making things worse. 他说他的茉莉花的叶子变黄了。他想是缺水所致,于是多浇了水,结果反而更糟。(表结果,与only连用)(29)He died a glorious death fighting the bandits for us. 他为我们与匪徒战斗,光荣牺牲了。(表方式)(30)He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper. 他坐在扶手椅上读报纸。(表伴随情况)[注]有少数现在分词常放在某些形容词之前,起一种相当于副词的功用,往往意谓“极”或“非常”。如:freezing(biting,piercing) cold 极冷;burning(steaming,scorching) hot 极热;raving mad 疯狂;soaking wet 湿透4)用作宾语补语,与其前的宾语构成复合宾语。具有这种复合宾语的谓语动词多为表示感觉的动词。如:(31)I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog. 我看见那个顽皮的孩子打狗。(32)I felt the house shaking. 我觉得房子在摇晃。这样的动词还有find,hear,smell,observe,watch,notice,look at,listen to等。另外,有些使役动词如have,set,get,catch,keep,leave等亦可后接含有现在分词的复合宾语。如:(33)We"ll soon have you walking about again. 我们将很快地使你能再走动。(34)Can you get the clock going again? 你能使这钟再走吗?作为宾语补语的现在分词有时其前可有as,前面的动词多用regard,consider,describe,quote,picture,see,think of等。如:(35)We consider this sentence pattern as being useful. 我们认为这种句型是有用的。(being可省去)(36)They regarded the contract as having been broken. 他们认为合同已被破坏。[注]有人认为上述句子中as后不是现在分词而是动名词。5)用作主语补语,多用于被动结构,与主语构成复合主语。如:(37)He was seen going upstairs. 有人看见他上楼的。(38)She was heard singing all the time. 人们听到她一直在唱。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


my+brother+likes+doing+kungfu,改为一般疑问句:Does my brother like doing Kung Fu?

allow to do和allow doing有什么区别

allow to do和allow doing有意思、用法和强调内容三方面的区别。一、意思不同。allow to do 的意思是“允许某人去做某事”引申可表示“承认,认为”;allow doing的意思是“允许做某事”。例句:My father won"t allow me to take the wheel. 父亲不让我驾驶汽车。二、用法不同。(1)在主动语态中,如果allow后面没有sb出现,一般接动名词形式作宾语,即allow doing sth;如果allow 后有sb.作宾语时,必须接to do sth,即allow sb to do sth.。例句:Schools don"t allow smoking. 学校不允许抽烟。(2)在被动语态中,只有be allowed to do sth的句式结构,其被动结构可以以人作主语,也可以以动名词作主语,没有sb be allowed doing sth这种用法。例如:The doctor allowed him to smoke. 医生允许他吸烟。三、强调内容不同。allow to do不强调正在进行,未来某天做也可以;allow doing强调正在进行,也就是当前的语境里面。


因为英语中并没有allow to do sth这种结构,只有allow doing sth 及allow sb to do sth这两个结构。你这样记忆可能方便一些:1. 在主动语态中,如果allow后面没有sb出现在allow后面的话,就要接动名词形式;如果后面有sb做宾语,则必须要接to do sth.2. 在被动语态中,只有sb be allowed to do sth的句式结构,而没有sb be allowed doing sth。具有类似用法的动词还有:forbid sb to do sth / forbid doing sthadvise sb to do sth / advise doing sth

allow是to do sth还是doing sth?

allow +sb +to do sth = sb be allowed to do sthallow +doing sth类似的动词用法还有:permit, advise, recommend,report, consider,forbid

allow to do和allow doing有什么区别

allowtodo是错误的写法,正确的写法是allow sb to do sth。下面是allow sb to do sth和llow doing sth的区别,一起来看看吧。 allow to do和allow doing的区别 1、意思不同:allow sb to do sth的意思是“许可某一个人,去做某件事”;而allow doing sth的意思是“许可(允许)做某件事”。 2、语态不同:allow sb to do sth是被动语态;而allow doing sth是主动语态。 3、强调的侧重点不同:allow sb to do sth不强调正在进行时,其既可以在未来的某一天去做某事,又可以现在去做某事;而allow doing sth强调正在进行时。 allow的用法 allow主要用作及物动词,可用于被动结构,作“允许进入”解时其后可直接接表示方向的副词或介词,作“允许做某事”解时其后可直接接宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语,还可接以动词不定式(短语)作补足语的复合宾语。 allow作“允许”解时,其被动结构可以以人作主语,也可以以动名词作主语。作“给予”解时,可以以人作主语,也可以以物作主语。 allow作“承认”“认可”解时则可以接that从句或以“to be+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。

关于allow doing的用法


关于allow doing的用法

allow doing 这种用法allow只能用在主动语态中,即:sb allow doing sthThey allow our taking photo here.从意义上来分别:to do 结构中do的发出者是句子的主语(he);doing结构中do的发出者不是句子的主语,而是另有他人(we)。

关于allow doing的用法

allow (doing) sth 允许(做)某事.如: The facts allow no other explanation.事实不允许有其他的解释. We don"t allow eating in the classrooms.(我们)不允许在教室吃饭. 注:有时用于被动语态.如: Dogs are not allowed.狗不得入内. Smoking is not allowed here.此处不准吸烟.

doing chores的用法

B 。考查动名词短语作主语的用法。 doing chores 是动名词短语作主语 谓语动词用单数 is 。故选 B 。

求一篇“Doing Chores”的英语作文 不用太长

现在进行时 Now,we are having a great house cleaning.Everyone is doing chores.My father is cleaning the living room.My mother is sweeping the floor.My sister is cleaning her room,My brother is taking out the trash. I am washing the dishes. Together with our efforts,our house becomes much more beautiful .We feel tired but happy.What a meaningful day!(62字) 一般过去时 Last Sunday,I went to old people"s house with my friends.We bought flowers and gifts for these old people.They were very moved.Then,we cleaned their house and washed their clothes.Boys told jokes to make them laugh.Girls danced and sang songs for them.Old people felt very happy.They said that they always felt lonely.So they thanks to us.We all had a happy day in the old people "house.(75字) 一般将来时 Different people have different dreams. When I grow up,I will be a reporter.I will meet many interesting people.Such as actors ,engineers and soldiers.I will learn many things from these people.It will be a chance for me to get more knowledge.I will also go many beautifui places and eat delicious food.I wish my dream would come true in the future.(65字)

why do you like doing chores作文

i like doing chores because it"s a good exercise. so it"s good for my health.Secondly, if i do some chores ,my parents ,especially my mother ,will have more time to relax.

求一篇“Doing Chores”的英语作文 不用太长

现在进行时 Now,we are having a great house cleaning.Everyone is doing chores.My father is cleaning the living room.My mother is sweeping the floor.My sister is cleaning her room,My brother is taking out the trash. I am washing the dishes. Together with our efforts,our house becomes much more beautiful .We feel tired but happy.What a meaningful day!(62字) 一般过去时 Last Sunday,I went to old people"s house with my friends.We bought flowers and gifts for these old people.They were very moved.Then,we cleaned their house and washed their clothes.Boys told jokes to make them laugh.Girls danced and sang songs for them.Old people felt very happy.They said that they always felt lonely.So they thanks to us.We all had a happy day in the old people "house.(75字) 一般将来时 Different people have different dreams. When I grow up,I will be a reporter.I will meet many interesting people.Such as actors ,engineers and soldiers.I will learn many things from these people.It will be a chance for me to get more knowledge.I will also go many beautifui places and eat delicious food.I wish my dream would come true in the future.(65字)

初二作文 假设上周六你们全家(爸爸妈妈哥哥和你)进行一次卫生大扫除请以“doing chores”为题写一篇75短


debate,delay,design,deserve后面是跟to do还是doing?

debate doing sth 争论是否做某事 delay doing sth.=delay to do sth.推迟做某事 design to do sth.计划做某事 deserve to do sth.值得做某事 希望对您有所帮助!,9,deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:,0,

declare to do还是doing

declare doing。意思是:宣布做某事。declare 英 [du026a"kleu0259(r)]   美 [du026a"kler]    v. 宣布(声明);申报;声明例句:Britain declared war on Germany in 1914.翻译:英国在1914年向德国宣战。短语:declare independence 宣布独立declare的用法1、declare的基本意思是明确地、清楚地、正式地“宣布,宣告”,多用于官方场合。引申可指“宣称”“断言”“申报”等。2、declare既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其后接名词、代词或that从句作宾语。不接动名词,也不接动词不定式。可用于被动语态。3、declare后可接由to be/as加名词、形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。to be/as有时可以省略。

dedicated to do 还是 doing

对非常感谢您的提问,让我丰富了英语知识对于你的提问 我的解答是:be dedicated to doing致力于做双语对照例句:1.Our today"s showcase is dedicated to summer photography. 我们今天的展示以夏季摄影为主题。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

dedicate to后跟doing 还是do????

加do,因为一般是to do 连用,而 doing往往单独用

dedicate to doing?dedicate to后是加动名词吗


是be dedicated to doing么

没错.be dedicated to doing something:致力于

consider doing sth 和consider to do sth有什么区别呀

一个是正在进行时 一个是现在进行时

protect sb from doing sth 中的from可以省略吗 prevent sb


defend sb from doing

protect 保护 prevent 阻止 defend 也是保护,保卫,更偏向于守卫 阻止别人做某事和保护别人(免于)做某事的意思好区分 prevent sb from doing 的from可以省略

had been doing是什么时态

  had been doing是学习英语时必须掌握的时态,可是你知道had been doing是什么时态吗?下面由我为大家整理的had been doing的相关资料,希望大家喜欢!   had been doing的时态   had been doing是过去完成进行时态   过去完成进行时:就是相对过去的某个时刻来说已经对现在有直接影响并且还在进行的动作。   had been doing的例句   1. I had told people what he had been doing, so now the police were onto him.   我已将他的所作所为告诉了别人,因此现在警方正在追查他。   2. He had been " doing " butcher and baker in order not to call on her.   他一直在欺骗肉铺老板和面包房老板,只是为了不向她要钱.   3. But she only laughed and kept on doing what she had been doing.   她却自管自笑,照样我行我素.   4. You might be wondering what I had been doing all this while.   在录完音的这段日子,你可能会问,“你到底在做什么? ”   5. He did not know what was amiss, what he had been doing.   他不知道出了什么差错也不知道自己在干什么.   6. A : Nobody knew what this rascal had been doing all these years.   没人知道这个坏蛋这些年做了些什么.   7. Harry asked what she had been doing there.   哈利问她在这里做什么.   8. He stopped under the bedroom window when he realized what he had been doing.   9. Idle John had been doing sketch comedy for far longer than any of us.   Idle:John做喜剧的时间比我们任何一个都长.   10. I have now confessed to my family what I had been doing all those years.   我已向家人坦白了这么多年我一直在做些什么.   had been doing 和had been done的差别   1、首先要区分has been done与 had been done的区别:   have/has been done 是现在完成时的被动语态。表示某事被做,。   如:The problems have been solved.这些问题已经被解决了。   had been done 则是过去的过去,是过去完成的被动态时。(当你想说发生在过去的两件事时,就要分清谁先谁后。先发生的用过去完成时,后发生的要用过去时)。   如:The rooms had been cleaned when I came. 我来的时候,房间已经被打扫了。   2、区分has/have been doing与 had been doing   has/have been doing是现在完成进行时,并对现在有影响。   如句子:I have been dreaming all the night.   had been doing是过去完成进行时,也是过去的过去,需要时间先后顺序的对比.   如:I had been doing the cleaning before my mother arrived at home.   那么现在就可以区分had been doing 和had been done的区别了

急求 初中英语词语用法 want to do sth , like doing sth 这种的 中考用 要全 每种都有吧 谢谢了

means常用短语 by means of通过….., 靠…… by this means/ in this way用这种方法 by no means/in no case决不 by all means用一切办法 ♣keep常用短语 keep up with紧跟….. keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做 keep sb. from doing sth.阻止…..做…… keep off the grass勿踏草地 keep to the point紧扣主题 keep in touch with与……保持联系 ♣mark常用短语 make one"s mark成功、出名 be marked with标明 gain/get full marks for ……得满分 ♣seat常用短语 take one"s seat坐下 have a seat请坐 see/find sb. seated看见/发现某人坐在…. be seated就座, 坐着 seat oneself in/at/on使自己坐在…… ♣部分动词+ to + doing 的用法 look forward to get down to object to devote… to… pay attention to prefer…to… ♣give常用短语 give up放弃 give in让步屈服 give off 散发出 give away赠送、泄漏 give rise to 引起…… give out 疲劳、用完、散发出 ♣fit常用短语 be fit for适合 keep fit/keep healthy保持健康 be fit to do 适合于….. fit in with适应…… a nice fit合身的衣服 …fit sb.某人穿….. 合身 ♣reach 常用短语 reach an agreement达成协议 reach for…伸手去拿/够…… within / out of reach够得到/够不着 reach sb"s understanding 使某人明白 ♣feed常用短语 feed sth. to sb/feed sb. on sth. 用……喂养…… be fed up of…/ be tired of…/ be bored with… 对……感到厌倦 feed on以……为食 ♣mercy常用短语 without mercy残忍地 have mercy on /upon 对……表示怜悯 at the mercy of任凭摆布 beg for mercy 乞求饶恕 ♣ exist常用短语 exist in/lie in/consist in存在于…… in existence 现存的 come into existence/ come into being 形成 ♣ opinion常用短语 in one"s opinion =in the opinion of sb.在某人看来 have a high/ low opinion of 对……评价高/低 give one"s opinion on 对……谈自己的看法 ♣ persuade常用短语 persuade sb. to do = persuade sb. into doing 说服某人做某事 try to persuade sb. to do 试图说服某人做某事 persuade sb. to sth. 说服某人同意某事 ♣ engage 常用短语 be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚 be engaged in sth. = be engaged doing sth. 忙于……, 从事某事 ♣wide 与broad 的区别 它们均可以表“宽”和“广阔的” a river 50 feet wide/ broad 指身体部位“宽肩、宽背”一般用broad, 表示 “睁大眼睛、张大嘴巴”一般用wide。 broad shoulders/ back with wide eyes open one"s mouth wide wide 还可以作副词,表示“完全、大大地” be wide awake be wide open ♣ sure常用短语 be sure of/about 对……由把握 be sure to do sth. 肯定会…… make sure + that-clause 务必……,一定要…… make sure of… 弄清楚…… ♣ experience 常用短语 have experience in… 在……有经验 be experienced in… 在……有经验 ♣ pain 常用短语 take great pains to do 努力做某事 spare no pains to do 全力以赴做某事 ♣ stick 常用短语 stick to sth. 坚持…… stick …on… 粘贴…… be stuck in … 陷进…… stick no bills 请勿张贴 ♣ spare 常用短语 spare money/time for 省出钱…,腾出时间 in one"s spare time 在某人业余时间 spare no efforts to do 不遗余力去做 don"t spare the opinions 不要保留意见 ♣ put down的不同含义 put down (one"s knife and fork) 放下…… pit down the rebellion 镇压 put down what sb. says 记下,写下 ♣take up 的不同含义 take up a hobby 培养…… take up football 开始…… take up the work 继续…… take up…time/space 消耗,占据…… take up a post 就职 take up a song/ cry 跟着一起…… ♣ habit 常用短语 form/get the habit of 养成……习惯 be in/have the habit of 有…….习惯 get into the habit of 沾染了……恶习 get rid of the habit= grow out of the habit= break away from the habit 改掉了……习惯 补充: take away拿走; 夺走; 拆去 使离开; 带走 使消失, 消除(病痛等) 减去 把...买回家食用 take care (=be careful=look out) take (good) care of (好好)照顾,照料 take down 取下来 take out取出, 拔 出; 除掉(污迹等), 擦去 邀(某人)出门, 带去 取得, 领 到(专利权, 执照等) 【律】发出(传票), 传讯 摧毁, 消除 把...买出食用 启程, 出发 take off取[脱]下; 拆下; 切除 (=take oneself off)[口]走掉; 滚开 take one"s time 别着急,慢慢来 take one"s temperature 量体温 take sb."s measure测量某人身长; [喻]看穿某人 take sb."s arm 挽住某人的胳膊 take sb. in one"s arms 拥抱某人 take hold of sth. 抓住某物 take sb. in the act 当场逮捕某人 take a town 攻占一座城市 take cold 着凉 take sb."s fancy 占有某人的心 take (the) first place 居首位, 得第一 take a disadvantage乘人不备; 乘人之危 be taken ill患病 take sb. by surprise冷不防出现; 突然接近 take letters to the post寄信 take the luggage upstairs把行李搬上楼 take a friend home in one"s car用汽车把朋友送回家 take a holiday休假 take a day off请一天假 take a chair坐下 take 100dollars a month每月工资100美元 take medical advice听取医生意见 take driving lessons学习驾驶 take the air呼吸新鲜空气 take a wife[古]娶妻 take one"s chance碰运气 take a chance on sth冒险试做某事 take it from me (=take my word for it)相信我; 我保证; 我这话你可以相信 be able to take it能忍受得住(痛苦, 惩罚, 攻击等) take a newspaper订阅报纸 take a cottage course[美](大学生)毕业前结婚 take sth down in shorthand用速记记下某事 take photographs拍照 take one"s time不匆忙, 不急于, 慢慢来; 浪费时间, 拖延, 磨洋工 take a lot of doing费事, 费力; 需要努力[技巧]等 take things coolly [calmly]处之泰然, 不激动 take sth. ill [amiss]对某事表示不高兴 take the blame担负过失[责任] take the throne接受王位 take steps采取步骤 take socialist road走社会主义道路 take office就职 take a train take against反对; 不喜欢 take amiss因...而见怪; 误会, 误解 take apart使分开, 拆开 严厉批评; 猛烈抨击 严格剖析 粗暴对待; 严厉惩罚; 彻底打败 take as read认为不必宣读(会议记录等); 认为不必谈论或听取(某事) 宣称对...满意; 声称对...没有意见 take back 收回(前言), 承认说错了话; 取消(诺言) 同意退回, 收回(商品); 接回, 带回 使回到某一起点; 使回想起 take down拿下, 取下 记[录]下来 挫其气焰 拆掉 吞下, 咽下 病倒 [口]欺骗(某人) take five[美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩 take ten[美口]休息五分钟[十分钟], 小憩 take ... for ...以为(某人或某物)是... take from减去; 减损; 降低 take home to oneself充分理解, 深刻领会 take in收进, 接受; 装入, 收容, 接待 领(活)到家里做 take it all in注意倾听; 全部听进 take it and like it[美俚]不太甘心 地 忍受批评(嘲笑等) take it or leave it要么接受, 要么拉倒; 要不要 随你的便 take it out in接受...作为抵偿 take it out of sb.使 某人虚弱, 使某人精疲力竭 (=takeit out on sb.)找某人出气[泄愤] take me not up before I fall[苏口]在你回答我以前, 先听我说完 take off after (=take after)追赶, 追捕 take on具有,呈现(某种性质、特征等) 担任(工作), 承担(责任) 雇用 接受...的挑战; 同...较量 [口]伤心; 激动 装出某种样子 [口]流行, 风行; 受欢迎 接受(乘客); 装载取出, 除去; 要赔偿; 报仇 take over接收[管, 任] 把...载送到 仿效, 采用 把...移入下一行 take sb. unawares使 某人出其不意, 攻其不备 take sb. up on接受某人的(邀请, 挑战等) 要求某人兑现... take sb. short突然袭击某人; 使 某人大吃一惊 唐突地打断某人的话 take sb. wrong误解[曲解]某人的意思 take sth. up with sb.(口头或书面)向某人反映某事; 就某事向某人提意见 take to爱, 喜欢 嗜好, 沉迷于, 养成...的习惯 逃到..., 借助...逃 走 开始从事 take too much[口]喝过多(酒), 喝 醉 take up举[拿, 捡, 拔]起 占(地方); 费(时间); 占据 接纳(乘客); (船)承装(货物) 吸收(水 分); 溶解 打断某人的话; 责备, 申斥 开始; 着手处理 对...发生兴趣; 开始从事, 开始学 把(某人)置于自己的庇护之下; 收于(门下), 提携 继续, 接下去 说 逮捕 扎紧, 绕紧; 改短(衣服) 接受(建议, 挑战等) (学校)开学; 上课 定居, 安家 付清, 认购(公债); 募(捐) [口](天气)变晴, 变好 take up with和...交往[鬼混] 一心一意想, 醉心于 信以为真; 采用, 接受 [常用被动态]对...很喜爱 甘受, 忍 受 take upon oneself以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 擅自; 毅然, 大胆 take on oneself以...为己任; 主动承担(责任等); 把(过错)归咎自己 擅自; 毅然, 大胆 take us as you find us我们就是 这样, 请你将就些吧 take seize grasp clutch grab snatch 都含“抓、握、取"的意思。 take sb."s hand握住某人的手。 1. bring about 带来,造成;使(船等)掉过头来The open policy has brought about great changes. 开放政策带来了巨大变革。 What has brought about his illness? 他是怎么患病的? The driver brought about his taxi and picked up three passengers. 那司机把的士掉过头来载了三个旅客。 2.bring back 带回来,拿回来;使回忆起来;使恢复 Please bring me back the key to the bicycle. 请单车钥匙带回来(给我)。 His story brought back to them the days when they were in Jinggangshan Mountain. 他的故事使他们回忆起在井冈山的日子。 The doctor brought the patient back to health soon. 不久医生就使这位病人恢复了健康。 Mrs. Webb, 6, is said to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing brought back by acupuncture. 二十六岁的魏伯夫人据说是英国第一个通过针灸恢复听力的妇女。 3.bring down降低,使下降,使倒下 They have already brought down the price of computers of this type. 他们已经把这种型号计算机的价格降了下来。 The company decided to bring down some of the old workshops.公司决定拆掉一些旧厂房。 4.bring in 收割(庄稼等);生产,产出;挣得;引进/来 They have brought in a good cotton harvest this year. 他们今年获得了棉花丰收。 The workers brought in a wage of 800 Yuan per month. 工人们每月八百余元工资。 5. bring out 出版,生产;拿出,取出;说出;使显出,使(意义)明白表达出来 They professor brought out three bottles, and filled them with oil, castor oil and vinegar. 教授拿出了三个瓶子,并装上油、蓖麻油和醋。 The factory brought out a new type of tractor.这家工厂生产一种新型拖拉机。 He was so excited that he could hardly brought out a thank-you.他激动得连一声“谢谢你”都说不出口。 When are you bringing out your daughter? 你什么时候带女儿出来社交? 6. bring up抚养,培养,教育,使成长;呕吐;提出 Jackie has brought up by his beloved uncle. 杰克是由他那敬爱的叔叔抚养成人的。 This is the place where I was born and brought up.这就是生我养我的地方。 The woman suddenly fell ill and brought up what he ate. 那妇女突然病例并呕吐不止。 The chairman brought up a problem for discussion/consideration. 主席提出一个问题供大家论/考虑。 7.bring……to a stop使停止,使停住 The driver brought the Audi car to a sudden stop. 那司机把他的奥迪车突然停下来。 8.bring……to a close/ an end 结束,使完结 At last they brought the Marathon meeting to a close. 他们终于结束了马拉松式的会议。

delay to do还是doing?

delay doing something


前导:S11世界赛后,FPX战队选手纷纷离队,核心队员金咕咕都不打算留下。刘青松去了BLG,小天加入TES,金咕咕早就看好LNG,牛宝可能休息,春季赛加入老东家DK。算来算去,只有ad林炜翔留队了。 林炜翔很念旧情,其他人都走了,他守着FPX战队重建。幸好管理层没“摆烂”,找了clid、gori等知名韩援加入战队,提上二队选手北川,FPX阵容可圈可点。最近他们正努力打训练赛,为德杯做准备。 离队后金咕咕突然找上门,跟林炜翔“要说法” FPX剩下的老选手只有一个林炜翔,韩援入队后很尊重他。一直以来,林炜翔被调侃为“大聪明”,意思是他看起来不聪明,粉丝都没那么尊重他,整天调侃林炜翔。韩援选手gori却不那么想,最近他说林炜翔很有“气场”。 gori说:林炜翔选手打职业很久,在战队待的时间也很长,感觉他等级比较高,随便搭话会被教训。林炜翔选手好像有点沉默寡言,坐在我旁边时感觉有点 搞笑 。比起其他队友,跟林炜翔选手变亲近好像需要更长时间。来之前知道林炜翔选手养了木木,但还没有见过。现在和denny住在一起,打算偷偷去看木木。 木木的确很可爱,gori的预想没错。但他为什么会觉得林炜翔“等级很高”?或许gori习惯于LCK的辈分,林炜翔是打了很多年的老选手,在FPX也是前辈,新人自然对他打怵。在gori的影响下,林炜翔真比之前更有气场了。最近金咕咕找上门要说法,跟林炜翔说“有事”。 为什么不叫我硬币哥了?问完被他喷得直说sorry 金咕咕已经离队,有什么事需要找林炜翔?他说:最近遇到北川,他直接叫我金咕咕,不叫硬币哥呢,这是什么情况?金咕咕也有辈分意识,北川直呼其名没说硬币哥,金咕咕找上门要说法。林炜翔很不耐烦:你是什么xx玩意? 问完直接就被喷,金咕咕连说对不起:sorry,你先忙吧。看到两人对话绷不住了,金咕咕找上门来吐槽老选手,结果林炜翔已经“变了”,直接给老队友甩脸色。金咕咕意识到自己不再是队长,只能诚恳认错让他先忙。 林炜翔不愧是gori认证“等级很高”的前辈,当然,这个前辈不好当。其他人离开后林炜翔是FPX唯一的老队员,其他的要么是韩援,要么是新人。想带着这支FPX取得好成绩,林炜翔要撑得起来。可他性格温吞没有队长气质,更不能跟金咕咕一样开导队员、鼓励选手、缓和气氛。 总结 林炜翔有自己独特的交流方式,他性格有趣又 搞笑 ,深受粉丝喜爱。但这支种沟通方法能不能支撑起FPX?新的韩援加入后,FPX选手如何交流?希望下个赛季林炜翔扛起责任,交上让人满意的答卷吧。



普华永道与德勤的英文介绍(history value brief introductionwhat they doin Chinaaudit ax ...超急

普华永道的中国官网,可以去这里找找: 德勤的官方网站:

demand后接to do 还是doing?

to do.

demand doing ,to do

老师是被告诉 所以用过去分词表被动

demand to do与demand doing有什么区别?


demand to do 还是doing

二者都可以。demand to do sth意为“要求去做...”。例:He demanded to be sent to Tibet.他要求被派往西藏。demand doing sth意为“sth需要被...”。例:The flowers demand watering.这些花需要浇水。demand和need区别 demand和need都有名词和动词的性质。若作动词,demand只能做实意动词,而need既可以做实意动词,也可以做情态动词。 如: 1、The bike needs/demands repairing.这辆自行车需要修理。 (此时都为实意动词,译作“需要”,此时有时态、人称数的变化) 2、Need I finish the homework now?我需要现在完成作业吗? (此时不可用demand替换,可译作“必须、一定”,此时无时态、人称数的变化) 用法不同。 1、demand v.(动词) 1)demand用作及物动词,作“要求”解时,其主语通常为人,宾语可以是名词、代词、带to的动词不定式或that从句;作“需要”解时,其主语通常为事〔物〕,宾语一般是“时间”“耐心”等抽象名词。 作“查问”解时,可接名词、从句,也可引出直接引语。demand用作不及物动词时常与介词for连用,表示“要求”。 2)demand后用作宾语的that从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气。 2、need v.(动词) 1)need用作实义动词的基本意思是缺少急切需要的东西,强调急需。 2)need是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。 3)need用作实义动词时,可用于肯定句、否定句、疑问句等各种句式,有动词的全部变化形式。

get close to doing还是do

be close to doing的意思是接近,做某事(此处to为介词);be close to的意思是接近、靠近、亲近、临近,后面加宾语,一般是名词。宾语是指一个动作(动词)的接受者。宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语两大类,其中直接宾语指动作的直接对象,间接宾语说明动作的非直接,但受动作影响的对象。get close to 单语例句1. Ordinary people were forbidden to get close to the palace during the imperial eras.2. She will accept food only from men and has been known to bite or push women who try to get close.3. Both hit big shots to keep the Mavericks close in the final minutes, but didn"t get enough help.4. The two guards used their own bodies to fend off her fans, demanding them not to get too close.5. Police blocked off roads and warned those without tickets to stay away because they would not be able to get close to the Staples Center.6. Get yourself on booksellers"mailing lists and try and get close to a couple of knowledgeable booksellers.7. I also had opportunities to get close to many companies and study their management.8. There is also a petting zoo that is usually a hit with the kids, allowing them to get up close with the wildlife.9. Meanwhile, fans were required not to get too close with Yan.10. We are all determined now to get to Rome and win the trophy because we have come close before.

you’re doing right英语翻译

laopo w anitou youdiantong

There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing.

There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people有一种错误的精密的人散布claiming they are doing ancestry testing声称自己在做家谱测试。

the key to do和the key to doing的意思和区别

the key (e.g.factor) do sth.: 做... 事的关键(因素) the key to doing: 解决……的关键demand to do...: 要求做某事demand sth. / doing sth.:需要/需求...

deserve doing

搭 配deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义 deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:deserve well of 有功于 他有功于国家。 They didn"t deserve to win. 他们不该赢。 IDM: get what you deserve / deserve all you get 罪有应得 derservely . adv. 应得地,理所当然地 He has just been chosen for the top job ,and deservedly so. deserving. adj. 值得的,应得的. ~ of sth .OPP : undeserving . to give money to a deserving cause; an issue deserving of attention. 注意这里be deserving of sth = deserve sth, deserving +n 往往就定语用不表达动作概念,所以尽量少用动词deserve 的ing 分词短语表达伴随概念,改用形容词deserving of sth 来表示。

deserve doingdeserve doing等于 deserve to do 还是 deserve to be?

deserve doing等于deserve to be done ,表示被动意义; deserve to do 用于特殊动词,如he deserve to succeed. worthy 常用于worthy of 后加褒义形容词或者形容词组. worthwhile 例如:this is worthwhile. it is worthwhile to bee a poet.也就是说直接用作表语吧,或者加to do 以上全为手打啊.辛苦.,5,derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth,2,搭 配deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义 deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:dese...,0,deserve doing deserve doing等于 deserve to do 还是 deserve to be done 还有worthy 和 worthwhile 的区别是什么?能否具体一点

deserve to do 和deserve doing 的区别

Deserve to do 是要去做 而 deserve doing是正在做

deserve doing的中文意思是什么?

deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:deserve well of 有功于 他有功于国家。 They didn"t deserve to win. 他们不该赢。 IDM: get what you deserve / deserve all you get 罪有应得 derservely . adv. 应得地,理所当然地 He has just been chosen for the top job ,and deservedly so.deserving. adj. 值得的,应得的. ~ of sth .OPP : undeserving . to give money to a deserving cause; an issue deserving of attention. 注意这里be deserving of sth = deserve sth, deserving +n 往往就定语用不表达动作概念,所以尽量少用动词deserve 的ing 分词短语表达伴随概念,改用形容词deserving of sth 来表示

deserve to do和doing的区别

意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。deserve to do意思:值得做的事;deserve doing意思:值得做;值得被做;deserve to do用法:后可跟that从句,从句中用should。deserve doing用法:指某人因行为,品行,才干而应受,应得。 deserve to do和doing的区别 用法不同 1.deserve to do用法:后可跟that从句,从句中用should。后可跟名词,但中间不加介词of。 例句: Youdeservetobehappyforallthegoodthingsyoudo. 你做的这些好事定会给你带来幸福。 2.deserve doing用法:指某人因行为,品行,才干而“应受,应得”,其宾语常是奖赏、批评、惩罚等词,也可指某物因具有某些特点而“值得…”,其宾语常是关注、研究、考虑等词。 例句: Americansdeservebetter, inthiscitytoday,therearepeople want doing better. 美国人理应得到更好的回报。在这个城市里,今天有人想把事情办得更好一些。 侧重点不同 1.deserve to do侧重点:用于一般现在时。 2.deserve doing侧重点:用于现在进行时。 deserve有关短语 vi应收报答,值得奖赏或惩罚 两种皆可按语境判断搭 配 deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:deserve well of 有功于 他有功于国家。

deserve to do sth还是deserve doing?

deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country. 短语:deserve well of 有功于 他有功于国家。 They didn"t deserve to win. 他们不该赢。 IDM: get what you deserve / deserve all you get 罪有应得 derservely . adv. 应得地,理所当然地 He has just been chosen for the top job ,and deservedly so.deserving. adj. 值得的,应得的. ~ of sth .OPP : undeserving . to give money to a deserving cause; an issue deserving of attention. 注意这里be deserving of sth = deserve sth, deserving +n 往往就定语用不表达动作概念,所以尽量少用动词deserve 的ing 分词短语表达伴随概念,改用形容词deserving of sth 来表示

deserve后加doing还是to do?

摘抄原来有人解释过的答案,两种皆可按语境判断 搭 配 deserve doing = deserve to be done 动名词的主动形式表示被动意义 deserve.v.值得的,应得,应受 搭配:derserve sth; deserve doing(主动表被动) ; deserve to do sth He has deserved well of his country.短语:deserve well of 有功于 他有功于国家. They didn"t deserve to win.他们不该赢. IDM:get what you deserve / deserve all you get 罪有应得 derservely .adv.应得地,理所当然地 He has just been chosen for the top job ,and deservedly so. deserving.adj.值得的,应得的.of sth .OPP :undeserving . to give money to a deserving cause; an issue deserving of attention. 注意这里be deserving of sth = deserve sth,deserving +n 往往就定语用不表达动作概念,所以尽量少用动词deserve 的ing 分词短语表达伴随概念,改用形容词deserving of sth 来表示.

类似deserve用法的动词还有哪些(deserve to do=deserve doing)

deserve doing=deserve to be done ,表示被动意义; deserve to do 用于特殊动词,如he deserve to succeed. deserve to do≠deserve doing

急!!!带例句分析一下deserve to do和deserve doing的用法与区别,拜托详细点

deserve doing等于deserve to be done ,表示被动意义; deserve to do 用于特殊动词,如he deserve to succeed.

deserve doing可以和deserve to do替换吗?

deserve doing 和 deserve to do 这两个短语在某些情况下可以互换使用,但它们的用法有一定的区别。deserve doing:这个短语中,doing 是动词的现在分词形式,表示一个值得做的行为或事情。这种用法相对较少见,更多用于非正式场合。例如:a. This book deserves reading.(这本书值得一读。)deserve to do:这个短语中,to do 是不定式形式,表示某人理应采取某种行动或得到某种待遇。这种用法更常见,更符合标准英语表达。例如:a. She deserves to be promoted.(她理应得到晋升。)b. He deserves to win the award.(他理应赢得这个奖项。)总的来说,deserve doing 和 deserve to do 的主要区别在于动词形式的不同。deserve doing 的动词为现在分词形式,更多用于非正式场合,而 deserve to do 的动词为不定式形式,更符合标准英语表达。虽然在某些情况下它们可以互换使用,但建议在正式场合使用 deserve to do 结构。

deserve doing,deserve to do怎么用

deserve doing=deserve to be done ,表示被动意义; deserve to do 用于特殊动词,如he deserve to succeed.deserve to do≠deserve doing

deserve doing,deserve to do怎么用


deserve doing,deserve to do


deserve to do和deserve doing有何不同?

deserve doing 和 deserve to do 都表示“值得做某事”,但用法有略微不同:1. deserve doing 强调主语值得受到某种动作或经历。doing 是动名词,相当于被动语态。例:The problem deserves discussing. 这个问题值得讨论。His behavior deserves punishing. 他的行为值得惩罚。2. deserve to do 则强调主语值得自己去做某事。to do是不定式,表示主动语态。 例:You deserve to know the truth. 你值得知道真相。He deserves to win the prize. 他值得获得这个奖项。 3. deserve doing着重结果,deserve to do着重行为本身。 例:The city deserves rebuilding after the war. (城市值得重建,强调结果)They deserve to rebuild their lives. (他们值得重建生活,强调主动行为)4. deserve doing可以表示被动意义,deserve to do通常没有被动意义。例:The prisoners deserved punishing. (值得被惩罚)The students deserve to participate fully in college life. (主动意义)5. deserve to do 可以用在以that引导的从句中,deserve doing则不行。 例:They deserve to win whatever prizes that are offered.*They deserve winning whatever prizes that are offered. (不正确)所以总体来说,deserve doing与deserve to do有一定的重叠,但在强调结果还是行为,主动还是被动,引入从句等方面有细微的区别。掌握了这些用法差异可以更好地在写作和翻译中选择合适的表达。

deserve doing,deserve to do

This work deserves doingthis job deserves to dotheir meanings are the same.

请有经验的高中教师指点:既然deserve to be done等于deserve doing.

楼上提到的结构没问题,两者均表示“值得被 .....,”,但如果后接 by 短语,则 deserve 的宾语通常用 to be done,楼主未提供上下文,故难以判断。


一般情况:谓语动词+doing。 后面只用doing的有: enjoy doing sth.“享受做某事”; finish doing sth.“完成做某事”; keep doing sth.“保持做某事”。 扩展资料   例句:   What on earth are you doing?   你究竟在干什么?   She"s doing a terrific job.   她活儿干得真棒。   What the deuce is he doing?   他到底在干什么?   Good heavens, what are you doing?   天哪,你在干什么?

devote to后面跟do还是doing?为什么

devote to是一个动词,后面接动名词,也就是doing的意思。如: I devote to learning every day.我每天都学习。 He devote to doing his homework.他专心致志地做功课。 I do n"t devote to doing homework.我不专心致志做功课。 He devote to doing his homework.他认真完成了功课。 I devote to doing my lesons.我认真完成了课程。 He devote to doing his homework.他专心致志地做功课。 I dedicate to doing my lesons.我认真完成了课程。 He dedicates to doing his homework.他认真完成了功课。 I dedicate to learning.我致力于学习。 He dedicates to doing his homework.他认真完成了功课。 I dedicate to learning.我致力于学习。 He dedicates to doing his homework.他认真完成了功课。 I dedicate to doing his homework.我认真完成了功课。 He dedicates to doing his homework.他认真完成了功课。 I dedicate to learning.

devote sth. to doing什么意思?

通常devote oneself to sth,全身心投入到...中。

devote to do和doing的区别

是devote to doing sth.这里的to不是不定式,而是介词,后面要跟名词或动名词

devote oneself into doing 介词用in 还是into?

the heavy key from his pocket again, f

devote doing

1.没有devote to doing sth的短语,只有devote sb/sth to doing sth的短语. 2.该短语如果变成被动,即:sb/sth be devoted to doing sth. 3.如:He devoted himself to teaching English. = He was devoted to teaching English. 再如:He devoted all his life to teaching English. = All his life was devoted to teachinig English.

be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别?

这。。没有be devoted to ,只有be devoted to doing

be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别



How are you doing中文意思是,你好吗例句Hi, guys. How are you doing?嗨,伙计们,大家还好吧?

narrowly miss doing

1.首先从搭配上分析:miss doing sth.是个固定的搭配.因此后面的动词collide 应当为ing形式. 2.从分词角度来做分析:主语WE 和collide 之间的关系是主动关系,不是被动关系,因此,采用主动的分词形式即ing形式无疑.


eing是成为...我老师和becaming用法一样(初二) doing是做...表示动作,构成现在进行时,如:I‘m doing my homework我正在做作业,5,being 是be动词的ing形式 doing是do的ing形式 eg:She is being beaten.(正在进行时的被动) 句意:她正在被打。 I am doing my homework.(正在进行时) 句意:我正在做作业。,2,




汉语翻译: 迪诺,你在干嘛呢?

disdain to do /distain doing sth区别

意思差不多 区别不大 与 like 的用法 一样 前者是不屑做某事 或 讨厌做某事 一般 不定式的逻辑主语 是句子主语后者 动名词 的逻辑主语 包括其他人 再一个 就是 根据不定式 和动名词 的特征 决定的 不定式 特定性 阶段性 具体性 将来性动名词 经常性 普遍性 如 i disdain answering such questions but yesterday i didn"t disdain to answer a question like that.

dislike的用法 是doing 还是to do

从语法上讲,都是正确的.只不过适用的情景不同. 先看dislike doing: Western people dislike talking about their age. 西方人不喜欢讨论他们的年龄. 可见,dislike doing 用于描述一种习惯性的情况,或者说一个比较common的性质. 再看 dislike to do: I dislike to eat that apple right now. 我现在不想吃那个苹果. 可见 dislike to do 是对一种暂时性的情况的描述,而不是一个惯常的描述. 如果写成 I dislike eating apple. 那么意思就是,我一直都不怎么喜欢吃苹果. 我想非常清楚了.

dislike的用法是doing 还是to do

dislike的用法是:dislike+doing,I really dislike doing grammar and tense related english fill - in questions. 我很讨厌做关于语法和时态转换的英语填空题.dislike to do表示不喜欢做某事I hope that your problem is solveing

dislike的用法是doing不是to do。

dislike的用法是doing不是to do。1、dislike用作名词通常不接不定式,而接 to doing sth。如:我非常讨厌打牌赌钱误:I have a strong dislike to play cards for money.正:I have a strong dislike to playing cards for money.2、用作动词,其后通常接名词或动名词作宾语,在现代英语中通常不接不定式(这与其反义词 like 不同)。如:We dislike cold weather. 我们不喜欢寒冷的天气。He dislikes being spoken like that. 他讨厌那样跟他讲话。通常不说:He dislikes to be spoken like that.扩展资料“不喜欢”,除了“dislike”和“don"t like”,还可以这么说1、If you don"t like something例句"She doesn"t like cooking very much."她不太喜欢做饭。2、If you really dislike something例句"I don"t like sport at all."我很不喜欢运动。虽然这些词都代表“不喜欢”,但是不同程度的“不喜欢”,用不同的词语就会更形象和地道,而这些通过自己背单词我们往往体会不到。


dislike的用法是doing不是to do。1、dislike用作名词通常不接不定式,而接 to doing sth。如:我非常讨厌打牌赌钱误:I have a strong dislike to play cards for money.正:I have a strong dislike to playing cards for money.2、用作动词,其后通常接名词或动名词作宾语,在现代英语中通常不接不定式(这与其反义词 like 不同)。如:We dislike cold weather. 我们不喜欢寒冷的天气。He dislikes being spoken like that. 他讨厌那样跟他讲话。通常不说:He dislikes to be spoken like that.扩展资料“不喜欢”,除了“dislike”和“don"t like”,还可以这么说1、If you don"t like something例句"She doesn"t like cooking very much."她不太喜欢做饭。2、If you really dislike something例句"I don"t like sport at all."我很不喜欢运动。虽然这些词都代表“不喜欢”,但是不同程度的“不喜欢”,用不同的词语就会更形象和地道,而这些通过自己背单词我们往往体会不到。

是dislike to doing还是dislike to do?

dislike to do

dislike的用法是doing 还是to do?

dislike的用法是doing不是to do。1、dislike用作名词通常不接不定式,而接 to doing sth。如:我非常讨厌打牌赌钱误:I have a strong dislike to play cards for money.正:I have a strong dislike to playing cards for money.2、用作动词,其后通常接名词或动名词作宾语,在现代英语中通常不接不定式(这与其反义词 like 不同)。如:We dislike cold weather. 我们不喜欢寒冷的天气。He dislikes being spoken like that. 他讨厌那样跟他讲话。通常不说:He dislikes to be spoken like that.扩展资料“不喜欢”,除了“dislike”和“don"t like”,还可以这么说1、If you don"t like something例句"She doesn"t like cooking very much."她不太喜欢做饭。2、If you really dislike something例句"I don"t like sport at all."我很不喜欢运动。虽然这些词都代表“不喜欢”,但是不同程度的“不喜欢”,用不同的词语就会更形象和地道,而这些通过自己背单词我们往往体会不到。

dislike的用法是doing 还是to do?

dislike的用法是:dislike+doing,I really dislike doing grammar and tense related english fill - in questions. 我很讨厌做关于语法和时态转换的英语填空题.dislike to do表示不喜欢做某事I hope that your problem is solveing

complain to do sth? 还是 complain doing sth?

是前者complain vi. 1. 抱怨,发牢骚;诉说(病痛等)[(+to/about/of)] I"ve really got nothing to complain of. 我确实没有什么可抱怨的。 He complained to me about the food. 他向我抱怨伙食不佳。 2. 控诉,投诉[(+to/about/of)] He complained to the police of the boys stealing his apples. 他向警方控告那些男孩偷他的苹果。 vt. 1. 抱怨;控诉[Y][+that] He complained that the exam was too hard. 他抱怨考试太难了。

concert后面跟to do还是doing


concert+to do 还是doing

+to do。动词后的不定式往往表示:你打算做的具体的活动 ;而动名词往往表示:你经历了的经验。"to do --"叫不定式,"doing --"叫动名词,它们都是非谓语动词的一种,要知道如何正确地使用非谓语动词,你首先得弄清楚:非谓语动词是怎么来的。concert,英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意思是“音乐会;一致;和谐”,作动词时意思是“使协调;协同安排;协调;协力”,作形容词时意思是“音乐会用的;在音乐会上演出的”。

bother to do和doing可替换吗

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