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end up doing 和turn up有什么区别

turn up 是出现,发生的意思 end up doing 是以做什么什么为告终,和end up with doing 一样,举个例子,he turns up at last time in the wedding site 他最终在结婚现场出现了,things turn up according to its own clock 事物的发生遵循它自己的轨迹,these kinds of things will definitely end up (with) failing ,这种事情绝对会以失败告终

turn up 与turn down


英语中,turn on, turn off, turn down , turn up 区别

turn on 是打开turn off是关闭turn down是调下turn up 是调上

turn on什么意思?turn off. turn up. turn down各是什么意思?

turn on 意思是打开(电器等);turn off 意思是关闭(电器等);turn up 意思是调高(音量等);turn down 意思是调低(音量等)

fill with.cover with.spread with.dotted with区别

fill with用…充满,装满,用某物装满空间,比如说水装满杯子,空气充满房间等等; cover with用…覆盖,遮盖,比如说用布盖在箱子表面上,也可指抽象意义,知识或新闻覆盖面…;dotted with散布,点缀 spread with(谣言)蔓延



急求一首歌歌名 歌词里有we are the new 什么的 好像后面的词有一个什么clado 是

Halsey 唱的New Americana,歌词有一句we are the new Americana,high on legal marijuna

do you often watch documentary英语作文?

I think documentaries are boring, so I don"t often watch documentaries, but sometimes some documentaries are really interesting, so I enjoying watching themu3002


IRREVOCABLEDOCUMENTARYCREDIT不可撤销的跟单信用证 例:Anirrevocabledocumentarycreditisthemostgenerallyusedmethodofpaymentininternationaltrade.Itisreliableandsafeforbothsellersandbuyers.不可撤销跟单信用证是最普遍采用的付款方式在国际贸易中。这是可靠及安全的两个卖方和买方。Theonlytermofpaymentwecanacceptis100%irrevocabledocumentaryletterofcredit.我们能接受的付款条件只有100%不可撤销跟单信用证。

Issue of a Documentary Credit是什么意思?


We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight,on collection basis. 翻译

Documentary draft 单汇票 We will draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis. 我们将按托收办法向贵方开具即期跟单汇票.

document这句英语的形容词是什么 请帮

documentary记录的 ;纪实的望采纳

阐释型纪录片(解释型 Expository Documentary)的特点

Exositroy documentaryA shape contrast to peotic expositroy documentaries aim to imform and/or persude-often through ommipresent "Vocie of God" narration over footage devoid of ambiguous or poetic rhetoric.Expostory documentary is developed by an American documentary theorist Bill Nichols. It emphasiszes verbal commentary often use a narrator and addressses the spectator directly with titles or voices that propse a perspective, advance an argument or recount history. It has direct relationship between images and voice-over.Assumes a "right answer" or preferred meaning.-A commentator-Rhetorical questions-Facts opinions-Persuasive Techniques基本上大多数的纪录片都是expository documentary,舌尖上的中国这种都算吧。一般就是对电影内容(archival footage,pictures,music,A roll)进行阐述和解释,通常使用男性声音来增加影片的可信度和可靠度。

影片单词“action movie”“comedy”“documentary”“thriller”分别是什么意思?


bbc documentary什么意思

bbc documentary 全部释义和例句>>英国广播公司纪录片

documentary有几个音节 重读在第几个音节

documentary [,dɑkju0259"mu025bntu0259ru026a] 重音在men 五个音节


documentary的复数documentaries documentary n.纪录影片;纪实广播(或电视)节目 adj.文件的;文献的;由文件(或文献)组成的;记录的;纪实的 扩展资料   We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action.   我们有书面证据证明他们正在策划军事行动。   The documentary left me in a state of shock   那部纪录片使我大为震惊。   She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary   她花了两年时间在佛罗里达州南部做研究,拍摄纪录片。


document是文件的意思,可以记word文档后缀就是doc拉,与文件有关的就是各种纪录啊啥的,这个词有俩意思:1.纪录片 2.文件的、文书的. ary是常见形容词后缀拉~ 实在记不住就读它个40遍。。自然就记住了~







Documentary 和 Document 有什么区别?分别用在什么场合或情境中?

documentary [,d00kju"ment05ri] adj. 文件的;记实的;记录的n. 纪录片[ 复数documentaries ] documentary [,d00kju"ment05ri] adj. 1. (有关)文献(或文件)的;由文献(或文件)组成的;来源于文献(或文件)的,文件包含的;凭文件(或证件)证明的;书面(证明或证据)的 2. 【电影、电视】记录的;纪实的 3. 使用引证的[亦作documental] n. 1. 【电影、电视】记录(影)片,纪实性影片;记录(或纪实性)电视片;(广播、电视等的)纪实节目 2. 纪实文学作品,纪实小说[亦作doco] 变形: n.documentariesThis is a documentary.这是一个纪录片, The documentary was filmed with an underwater camera.这部记录片是用水下摄影机拍的。 Also keep in mind that NO film is entirely accurate in its depiction, not even a documentary.也必须注意“没有”一部电影在描述上是完全准确的,即使是记录片也不例外。document ["d00kjum05nt; "d00kjument] n. 1. (尤指官方的或法律的)公文,文件,文书;文献(如提供事实或信息的书、文章、信件等)[略作doc.] 2. 证件,证书,凭证(如护照、契约等) 3. 【商业】 凭证;证券;交单 [用复数]票据,单据,单证;船证 4. (藏于博物馆的)古织物;古图案 5. 铸币;(刻有符号或文字的)石碑 6. =documentary 7. [古语]证据;证明 8. [废语]告诫;教训;教育 9. 【计算机】文件,文档 10. 报文 vt. 1. 用纪实材料构成(小说、电影、电视等);(用电影、电视、报纸、文学等形式)作记述性报道,纪实性地描述: 例句: He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。 The film documented the development of our country during the 50 years.这部电影纪实性地描述了我国50年中的发展过程。 2. 为书(或文章等)引证或提供引证(材料),为(书、小册子等)提供参考书(或注明资料来源): 例句: The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.马克思的生平有极翔实可靠的文献作证。 This book is a carefully documented biography.这是一本文献佐证翔实可靠的传记。 3. 用文件(或文献、证书、证件等)证明,用参考资料证明(或证实);提供文献(或文件、证据等): 例句: He can document his theory with facts.他能为自己的理论提供事实证明。 The lawyer worked to document his case.那位律师为他的案件提供证据。 4. 为…提供官方文件(或证件): 例句: to document one"s passport提供护照 5. 【商业】为(船舶)提供船证(说明其国籍、所有权、吨位、容积等) 6. 【商业】把装运单据附于(汇票): 例句: to document the documents of carriage附运输单据于汇票 7. [废语]教,教育He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War.根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。 Choose File >Exit and Return to Document.选择文件“ >退出并返回到文档。 -We use these standards discussed in this document.我们使用该文件已讨论过的标准。


纪录片( documentary的名词复数

英文Documentary是 “记录片” 还是 “纪录片”




the next door,next the door和next door哪个正确

首先,先认识 next door 组合使用(不能拆开)表示 隔壁;邻居 next the door 这样的表达中 next 是 形容词,表示 “邻近的”“紧挨着的”the next door 就表示 the(定冠词) + next door (隔壁)指 邻居到底哪个正确,看你句子的意思:如:Who is in your next door? 你的隔壁(邻居)是谁?Please put the box on the side next the door. 请把箱子放在靠门的那一边。I heard the next door broke a glass. 我听到隔壁打破杯子的声音。




词目:纪实 拼音:jì shí 基本解释:对事情或事件所作的现场报道 古文中:1. 纪,通“ 记 ”。记述实况。2. 纪,通“ 记 ”。实况的记录。






documentary英 [u02ccdu0252kjuu02c8mentri]美 [u02ccdɑ:kjuu02c8mentri]n.纪录片adj.纪实的;记录的;文书的例句:The documentary premiered at the Jerusalem Film Festival.这部纪录片在耶路撒冷电影节首映。


1. __ook 2. __ar 3. __ed 4. __oor 5. __oot 6. __and 7. __ello 8. __icycle 9. __irl 10. __up 11. __esk 12. __ish 1. book 2. car 3. bed 4. door 5. foot 6. hand 7. hello 8. bicycle 9. girl 10. cup 11. desk 12. fish to do it next和how to do the next哪个对?为什么?

What to do next? How to do it next? 因为do是及物动词,what就可以做do的宾语,但how是个副词,所以在how to do it next中,do后面要加it做它的宾语.

what to do next 还是 what to do the next

应该是what to do next. next本身在这里就是一个副词,表示“然后”,所以不需加定冠词. 但当next是形容词时,前面一般要加定冠词,例如“the next person”.

木村カエラRing a Ding Dong歌词

なんで君(きみ)の天気(てんき)は雨(あめ)nande kimi no tenki wa ameこんなに仆(ぼく)の空晴(そらはれ)だよkonnani boku no sora hare dayoお気(き)に入(い)りの仆(ぼく)のかさを君(きみ)にo ki ni iri no boku no kasawo kimi ni"さしてあげるよ""sashiteagaruyo"涙(なみだ)も上(うえ)がれnamida mo ue gareRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3みんなわけあうよminnawakeauyoRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3ドレミファミレドdo re mi fa mi re doRing a Ding Dong君(きみ)がいつもくれる言叶(Iことば)kimi gaitsumokureru kotoba天使(てんし)も大好(だいす)きだtenji mo daisuki daありがとうarigadouだからママdakara mama仆(ぼく)もちゃんといえるよboku mochiyantoieruyoいつもありがとうitsumo arigadou幸(しあわ)せとまれshiawase tomareRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3かわりはないよkawarihanaiyoRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Ding Dong X3ドレミファミレドdo re mi fa mi re doむにゃーむにゃーと眠(ねむ)るmuniya-muniya-to nemu ru梦(ゆめ)のドア开(ひら)くyume no door hira ku関东(かんとう)で鸣り响でkantou de na ri nibi de谁(だれ)も彼(かれ)も踊(おど)りだすdare mo kare mo odo ridasu小鸟(ことり)や花(はな)や仆(ぼく)も歌(うた)いだすkotori ya hana ya boku mo uta idasuお日様(ひさま)颜出(かおで)してもwa hisamakaode shitsumo"おはよう""ohayou"one two Three Four Five Six !!Ring a Ding DongRing a Ding DongRing a Ding DongRing a Ding DongRing a Ding Dong.....

the one 后接定语能用doing吗?

the one 后面可以接doing作定语。

scope domain的区别是什么

scope n.(活动或观察的)范围, 眼界, 视 野, 地域; 见识力量, 能力; 发挥能力的机会(导弹)射程【航海】(抛出的)锚缆长度【数】分野, 辖域阴极射线管观测仪器(如显微镜, 望远镜, 示波器等)[美俚](潜艇中所用的)潜望镜(算命用的)星占图, 天宫图[古]目的, 意图an investigation of wide scope 大规模的调查give full scope to the initiative of the masses 充分发挥群众的积极性习惯用语beyond sb."s scope 非某人所能理解, 在某人的活动[观察]范围以外give free [full] scope to sth. (=give sth. free [full] scope) 给予某种行动以充分的自由 充分发挥某种能力、精神等give line and scope 欲擒故纵, 先给自由后压制give (sb.) scope for 给发挥...的机会have scope (for) 有施展的...余地; 有发挥的...机会of wide scope 广泛的, 广大的outside sb."s scope 越出某人力量范围之外seek scope for 寻求发挥...的机会within sb."s scope 为某人所能理解, 在某人活动[观察]范围内domain n.领土[地]; 版图田地, 产业; 房地产管区; 势力圈; (活动、学问、影响等的)范围, 领域【律】土地[产业] 所有权【数】域(尤指函数的定义域);【物】磁区; 畴the domain of the People"s Repubulic of China 中华人民共和国的领土the domain of medicine 医学领域in the domain of letters 在文学界Physics is within [out of] his domain. 物理是[不是]他的专长。习惯用语eminent domain 【律】(国家对一切产业的)征用权, 支配权Ptomain(e)D- [美][军俚]食堂public domain (美国政府的)公有土地 不受版权(或专利权)限制

competence 后面可以接of doing吗

不能,只能加in或者for。可参看competent的用法。如:competence in handling money理财的本领;competence for task对工作的胜任

我相信我有能力完成这件事,用英语怎么说,用上 be competent to do sth

I believe I am competent to finish this.

dj doc的run to you歌词(中文,韩文,英文)

歌手:houston whitney 专辑:the bodyguard soundtrack Hoo hoo hoo hoo I know that when you look at me There"s so much that you just don"t see But if you would only take the time I know in my heart you"ll find Oh, a girl who"s scared sometimes Who isn"t always strong, can"t you see the hurt in me? I feel so all alone Houston WhitneyChorus:I wanna run to you hoo hoo I wanna run to you hoo hoo hoo Won"t you hold me in your arms And keep me safe from harm? I wanna run to you hoo hoo But if I come to you hoo hoo hoo hoo Tell me will you stay or will you run awayEach day, each day I play the role Of someone always in control There"s nobody there, no-one cares for me Oh, what"s the sense Of trying hard to find your dreams without someone to share it with Tell me what does it meanRepeat Chorus:Run away no I need you here I need you here to wipe away my tears To kiss away my fears If you only knew, how much I wanna run to you Repeat Chorus: 杜德伟-脱掉专辑:脱掉外套脱掉脱掉外套脱掉上衣脱掉脱掉上衣脱掉面具脱掉脱掉龟毛脱掉脱掉通通脱掉脱掉脱!脱!脱!脱!hey yeah穿上保护色还以为自己有看头想要有点搞头怎么老是觉得很笨重再也看不下去别怪人口太多那是心事重重空气污浊有人太过臃肿了了吧就是想得太多又卡住头差点要本性流露就不要赢过头七情六欲仁义道德谁不是天生就有yeah baby yeah baby全脱掉换一套就地开窍我们穿了太多烦恼热到自己受不了脾气总会莫名其妙冒烟又傻笑你辛苦我辛苦何必那么苦yeah baby yeah baby规矩太多一起脱掉有搞头一起飙浑身上下清爽畅凉快活着多美好你知道你想要那样才翘this aln"t about sexit"s about loveand if you can feel itlet me hear you sayna na na na na~na na na~ na na na~na na na na na~通通脱掉na na na na na~na na na~ na na na~na na na na na~外套脱掉脱掉外套脱掉上衣脱掉脱掉上衣脱掉面具脱掉脱掉龟毛脱掉脱掉通通脱掉脱掉脱!脱!脱!脱!有冲动没行动那就什么都白搞没问题干脆我们来分工合作谁要点那把火谁要火上加油场子热了谁都不要躲干脆假戏真做跳进来搅和给你机会放纵拜讬大家不要败再没事穿太多123脱得精光锻炼身体有突破yeah baby ~ i went you ...(i need you)i went you ~ i need you我们穿了太多烦恼热到自己受不了脾气总会莫名其妙冒烟又傻笑你辛苦我辛苦何必那么苦yeah baby yeah baby规矩太多一起脱掉有搞头一起飙浑身上下清爽凉快活着多美好你知道你想要那样才翘ha~~~i don"t know about youbut i"m felling goodand if you can feel it toojust show me what you gotna na na na na~na na na~ na na na~na na na na na~通通脱掉脱掉na na na na na~na na na~ na na na~na na na na na~外套脱掉脱掉外套脱掉上衣脱掉脱掉上衣脱掉面具脱掉脱掉龟毛脱掉脱掉通通脱掉脱掉脱!脱!脱!脱!

be competent to do中文是什么意思

be competent to do是主管



有一首英文歌 歌词里有down down 歌词最后还有every every 或者是ever ever 女的唱的并且是快歌 跪求!!



the one and only唯一

歌词中有oh my my my baby don’t shy,还有一句woo lala,是什么歌






demand不能加双宾语嘛?比方说demand sb. to do sth.

demand 不加双宾语,demand to dodemand sth没有demand sb to do sth百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答,若帮了您,记得采纳哦-,0

Doug Wamble的《Gone Away》 歌词

Gone Away演唱:The OffspringMaybe in another lifeI could find you therePulled away before your timeI can"t deal it"s so unfairAnd it feelsAnd it feels likeHeaven"s so far awayAnd it feelsYeah it feels likeThe world has grown coldNow that you"ve gone awayLeaving flowers on your graveShow that I still careBut black roses and hail mary"sCan"t bring back what"s taken from meI reach to the skyAnd call out your nameAnd if I could tradeI wouldAnd it feelsAnd it feels likeHeaven"s so far awayAnd it stingsYeah it stings nowThe world is so coldNow that you"ve gone awayI reach to the skyAnd call out your nameAnd if I could tradeI wouldAnd it feelsAnd it feels likeHeaven"s so far awayAnd it stingsYeah it stings nowThe world is so coldNow that you"ve gone away---END---

My World (Il Mondo) 歌词

歌曲名:My World (Il Mondo)歌手:Engelbert Humperdinck专辑:Engelbert Humperdink - The Greatest Hits And MoreSR-71 - My WorldThe fastest man in the world, fast asleep at the wheelNobody wants to be alone, so how did I get, hereWhen I look at you, I see him staring throughAwake and a smile, cuz he"s been inside of youIs he all the things you, tried to change me into?Is he everything to you?Does he make you high, make you real?Does he make you cry? Does he know the way you feel?Love is all around you, your universe is fullBut in my world, there is only youI can still find the smellOn my clothes and skinI can still see your face, when youre sleeping next to himIs he all the things you, tried to change me into?Tell me …Does he make you high, make you real?Does he make you cry? Does he know the way you feel?Love is all around you, your universe is fullBut in my worldI"ve had enough of fears, you let them outNow I wrap myself around youLike a blanket full of doubtThe darkness burns!The sunlight stings!He"s your everythingDoes he make you high, make you real?Does he make you cry? Does he know the way you feel?Love is all around you, your universe is fullBut in my worldYou make me high! You make me real!You make me cry! Now you know the way I feelLove is all around you, your universe is fullBut in my world, there is only you

Grieves的《Lockdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Lockdown歌手:Grieves专辑:88 Keys & Counting [Clean Version]Testing one, two, threeYa Boy feat. Akon - Lock DownAkon and YB..Konvict!Lock down time to make my block proudCalifornia own twenty four I will watch nowTheres been a take over baby hostileYea the young cali convict got the rock nowI hear the rumors saying that Im just pop nowLike they never heard a hood nigga wit a hot styleI got the hills to burns and the block nowOld bitchs wanna holla at me cause im hot nowI gotta new bitch sitting in my drop nowSong on the radio album bout to drop nowMusic lives in california livin proofYa boy to rock a Konvict, what it doI been had with these other niggas gettin toTake ya girl home and make her earn all them gemmy jewelsI hope you like heat cause its hot in the kitchen booDo you have service, am I gettin throughHey, I know you heard we got the drop nowKonvicts supplyin niggas round the clock nowGettin money am I forced to put the glock downGlock Down, Glock DownWe expanded all the pipes nowAnd ima get accustomed to this lifestyleNo more spending all my cons tryin to fight trialsLock Down, Lock downCause victory is my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory all is my my my my my my my my my mineAnother watch, another chain, another charm cockedTime to wake these niggas up like alarm clocksI see em hatin so we gotta keep the arms cockedIm the reason CA on storm watchIts bout to get ugly no whoopie goldSuperstar still in the kitchen whippin OsToss it to my youngest call me when you get it goneFuck a rap nigga we about to get it onIm speaking fo california from the top downHolla at Ya Boy I got it locked downI tried to tell em this foreva like a diamondIm so hot shawty I could change the climateHey, I know you heard we got the drop nowKonvicts supplyin niggas round the clock nowGettin money am I forced to put the glock downGlock Down, Glock DownWe expanded all the pipes nowAnd ima get accustomed to this lifestyleNo more spending all my cons tryin to fight trialsLock Down, Lock downCause victory is my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my mineAnd as days pass by like a G7And all my hustlas on the corner of 7/11Po alert on the ground and i start reppinFor all the homies layin down restin up in heavenAnd I hope you watchin downAnd proud of how we just locked it downDont let nothin stop the cash or get caught upIn the streets thats how we brought upIm from a city where the fiends shoot up and sparkLoad up the ammo its time to shoot up the chartsGame cold baby you might need a scarfRockstar but im riddin like noahs arkLouis shades, dolce and gabana clothYour girl know I stay fly like santa clauseOn the road wit a trunk full of Asher RothWe gon pop rose when the package offI swear to god I went and got the bay crackin yallBut I couldnt do it without LA backin thoughNiggas say they gon get me, I laugh it offCause they know I keep shooters like basketballLock it down make Kon through away the keyReal nigga, record deal aint changin meIt took a while but we still got from a to zI put in work nigga what you gotta say to meHey, I know you heard we got the drop nowKonvicts supplyin niggas round the clock nowGettin money am I forced to put the glock downGlock Down, Glock DownWe expanded all the pipes nowAnd ima get accustomed to this lifestyleNo more spending all my cons tryin to fight trialsLock Down, Lock downCause victory is my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my mineCause victory is all my my my my my my my my my mine

The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than .....

这题应该选的是A“is necessary” than即可以做连词也可以做介词的than都是比较的含义,它居然也可以用在定语从句中。 例句: 1. Parents had better not give kids more money than is needed. 父母最好别给孩子们太多的钱,够用就可以了。 2. Don"t order more food than can be finished. 别点太多吃的,会吃不完的。 此处Than以主语的形式出现在定语从句中,其实省略了what,than也就等于than what。例句也可以写作:Parents had better not give kids more money than what is needed 例句2则可以转换为:Don"t order more food than what can be finished 不管是做介词、连词也好,在定语从句里做关系代词也罢,than都表示了一个比较的关系,从上述两个例句来看,句中都出现了比较级的形式。

给我翻译一下迈克学摇滚的 Shadow Side of Me的歌词,中文大意


David Archuleta 的who i am 和 other side of down 的歌词 最好带中文翻译~ 谢谢

GOOGLE搜索David Archuleta who i am 一定能找到英文歌词 中文就不好找了 你试试以后找英文歌词就这样基本都能找到

but whatever you do,keep moving forward.的中文意思

不管你做什么(whatever you do) 你都要向前进 (You have to keep moving forward)

The Other Side of the Door 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side of the Door歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:FearlessTaylor Swift - The Other Side Of The DoorIn the heat of the fight I walked awayIgnoring words that you were saying trying to make me stayI said this time I"ve had enoughAnd you"ve called a hundred times but I"m not picking upCause I"m so mad I might tell you that it"s overBut if you look a little closerI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorMe and my stupid pride are sitting here aloneGoing through the photographs, staring at the phoneI keep going back over things we both saidAnd I remember the slamming doorAnd all the things that I misreadSo baby, if you know everythingTell me why you couldn"t seeWhen I left I wanted you to chase after meI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorAnd I"ll scream out the windowI can"t even look at youI don"t need youBut I do, I do, I doI"ll say there"s nothing you can sayTo make this right againI mean it, I mean itWhat I mean isI said leave, but baby all I want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorWith your face and the beautiful eyesAnd the conversation with the little white liesAnd the faded picture of a beautiful nightYou carried me from your car up the stairsAnd I broke down crying, was she worth this messAfter everything and that little black dressAfter everything I must confessI need you

The Other Side Of The Door 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side Of The Door歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:FearlessTaylor Swift - The Other Side Of The DoorIn the heat of the fight I walked awayIgnoring words that you were saying trying to make me stayI said this time I"ve had enoughAnd you"ve called a hundred times but I"m not picking upCause I"m so mad I might tell you that it"s overBut if you look a little closerI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorMe and my stupid pride are sitting here aloneGoing through the photographs, staring at the phoneI keep going back over things we both saidAnd I remember the slamming doorAnd all the things that I misreadSo baby, if you know everythingTell me why you couldn"t seeWhen I left I wanted you to chase after meI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorAnd I"ll scream out the windowI can"t even look at youI don"t need youBut I do, I do, I doI"ll say there"s nothing you can sayTo make this right againI mean it, I mean itWhat I mean isI said leave, but baby all I want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorWith your face and the beautiful eyesAnd the conversation with the little white liesAnd the faded picture of a beautiful nightYou carried me from your car up the stairsAnd I broke down crying, was she worth this messAfter everything and that little black dressAfter everything I must confessI need you

Just do it as you like! Keep moving Here we go 请问有没有语法错误?

后面那句你之所以觉得怪只是少了个标点符号嘛keep moving!Here we go!把here前置了并不是语法错误就像here you are一样。

Keep moving!Just do it


the other side of the door 求翻译一下taylor swift 的the other side of the door

In the heat of the fight;我怒火中烧 选择离开I walked away.Ignoring words that you were saying,Trying make me stay.我听不进那些你想让我留下的话语I said,This time I had enough.我说 这次我受够了And you"ve called a hundred times,But I"m not pickin" up.你打了几百个电话给我我却一个也不想接Cause Im so madI might tell you that it"s over.因为我正在气头上 我可能会说我们之间结束吧But if you look a little closer但是要是你再仔细看I saidLeave,but all I really want is youTo stand outside my windowthrowing pebblesscreamingIm in love with you.我说离开 但是我想要的全部却是你站在我的窗前投掷小鹅卵石 叫喊我还爱着你Wait there in the pouring rain,Come back for more.一次又一次次回来 在暴雨中等着我 And don"t you leave,cause I know all I needis on the other side of the door.你真的想要离开吗因为我所需要的一切就是你出现在我的门口Me and my stupid prideSittin"here, alone.我孤单的带着我那愚蠢的自尊坐着Going through the photographs,Staring at the phone.看着一张张照片 盯着电话I keep going back overThe things we both said.我脑海中不断重现我们之前说的话And I remember the slamming door,And all the things that I misread.我记得我生气的摔门 还有那些我误解的一切So baby you know everything,Tell me why you couldn"t seeThat when I left I wanted you toChase after me?所以宝贝你知道这一切告诉我为什么你却看不清当我离开的那一刻 我其实想要你来追赶我I saidLeave,but all I really want is youTo stand outside my windowthrowing pebblesscreamingIm in love with you.Wait there in the pouring rain,Come back for more.And don"t you leave,cause I know all I needis on the other side of the door.And I scream out the window,I can"t even look at you,I don"t need you,But I do, I do, I do.当我向着窗外大喊我不需要你了 我甚至都不敢看你但是我真的真的需要你I say, there"s nothing you can sayTo make this right againI mean it,I mean itWhat I mean is当我说你说什么也不能弥补的时候我是认真的 我是认真的我真正的意思是I said, Leave,baby all I want is youTo stand outside my windowthrowing pebblesscreamingIm in love with you.Wait there in the pouring rain,Come back for more.And don"t you leave,cause I know all I needis on the other side of the door.你真的要离开吗?因为我想要的一切就是你能出现在我的门前With your faceand your beautiful eyes,And the conversation,With the little white lies.还有你的脸庞 你美丽的脸庞还有你的话语 和那些善意的谎言And the faded pictureOf a beautiful nightYou carry me from your carup the stairs我有那褪色的相片记录着那美丽的夜晚你拥着我走上台阶And I"m broke-down cryingWas she worth this mess?,我崩溃了 哭泣着她真的值得我们这样做吗After everything in that little black dress在这所有的关于那小黑裙一切之后 After everythingI must confess,I need you在所有这一切之后我必须承认我需要你

Keep moving!Just do it

(Keep moving!Just do it) 继续走!不要停止。

So do I和The same to you和Me,too.的区别?

so do i:赞同别人意见时用1. 我也一样2. 我也这么想3. 我也是4. 我也是这样The same to you:回应别人的祝福时用你也一样Me,too:可以用作有和别人相同方面的情况时用,我也是

You do too和the same to you的用法

do是对方句中动词的一个替代,而the same to you一般用于回答对方的关心,节日祝贺

求一篇以“what should we do to prntect wild animals?”为题的高中英语作文

First, the People"s Republic of China on the protection of wild animals "regulations which are rare or near extinction of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife and which are beneficial or of important economic or scientific value of terrestrial wildlife shall be protected by state laws, so binge eating wildlife is illegal behavior. Secondly, to protect the wild animals is to protect human oneself. Due to the deterioration of the environment, human disorderly catching the illegal hunting, survival of a diversity of wild animals are facing various threat. Nearly 100 years, extinction already exceeded the speed of natural extinction speed of 100 times, every day now there are more than 100 types of biological disappear from the earth. China also has a variety of 10 mammals extinct, and more than 20 kinds of rare animals face extinction. And they will lead to the extinction of many can be used to manufacture new drug molecules to disappear, can lead many bring on the crops of severe weather to overcome gene, even cause new plague disappear, thus caused loss is we will never recover. Moreover, edible wild animals highly infectious diseases. Wild animals and humans were suffering from the disease has a variety of 100, such as rabies, tuberculosis, the plague, armour liver etc. Their gut, blood and muscles all contains various virus, parasites, such as B virus, toxoplasma gondii and tapeworm, screw caterpillar, etc, and some even in the low temperature or ℃ -15 100 ℃ temperatures also cannot be killed or cleared. Have a bit inadvertent, would have been hemorrhagic fever, parrot heat, tularemia,, brain cysticercosis, lung trematode and schistosoma, intestinal parasitic diseases, etc. Such as one of the main monkey monkey has a 10% to 60% carry B viruses, and the possibility of the raw monkey head monkey brain infection is very big, once catchs B viruses, people would die. Get people eat the most serpents, it a high incidence of disease, such as cancer, hepatitis, parasite diseases almost what disease has, moreover, in guangdong area, because of food to eat fresh, raw food and feed raw, which makes food-borne parasitic incidence of increased year by year. According to a recent survey, in guangdong province this parasitic disease rates has reached 16.7%. On the other hand, all sorts of domesticated animals was able to give us enough nutrition, so that humans do not need to edible wild animals. Ten years ago had answered this question, I wrote an article "why we have to love wild animals?" Published in science and technology journal, many newspapers and books are reproduced across the article. Ten years later we thought in cognition and so big differences. The disagreement, not to say that want to protect animals, but why protect animals? Starting from the humanism, A from ecological start. Many people, including some do animal protection work of person, still insist on humanism viewpoint, still think animal protection is to one, so the benefit of mankind and development, protection is to use, or there will be no need to protect, they think it is perfectly justified, of course. In making this TV program, Mr. SiMaNa behaved most strongly. At that time I was worried, loudly shout: "humanism protection not only protect the ecological can protect!" He escaped said 1: "I disagree with you on this point." Then he 45-day, in three times speech repeated a words: "I still insist on humanism." Actually, explain this problem is not difficult. People or animals or plants all right, all life, living together in an organic unity of ecological is like a nest, we our green homes, our Noah"s ark. "Under the overburden nest, Ann finishing have eggs? Don"t protect ecology, which have animals, plants and all life, and which someone? Stress constantly, emphasizes man"s interests and development, only to protect and develop a species, this species can protect lived? You might argue said:" I to protecting, so I protected animal, ecological protection. "This term although took one step, after all, or put the cart before the horse. For example, the human invented pesticide, this is a great achievement, patrons can Nobel Prize, but from ecological perspective, it open ran an era of environmental pollution, not only harm animals, plants and hurt ecological, also hurt people. What is ecology and ecology point of view? In simple terms, according to the nature to original look and own rules and to comprehend nature, the study of natural, protect the nature. Earth was a organic unity, all creatures growth, reproduction, evolution in this unity among. The great poet li bai said: "there is a miracle." This may be express his own feelings, naturally I li bai, should be useful, Can say, naturally we humans, they should be useful, Can be extended once, natural plants, animals, born born all life, can be useful. They exist, elucidation useful. We have some people also said, "useful," a see a forest, thought of wood; See a river, an idea came to power; A see grassland, thought of grazing, become a mutton, beef, an idea came to see animals can eat, can use, can be used to heal. Not to say so, think to do wrong, but too narrow, too unilateral, from ecological perspective, the problem is much more complex, much deeper. Someone says, ecological wealth is top wealth, and many people see this. As the primeval forest ecological benefit, scientific benefits, social benefits and economic benefits, including its value is infinite, if you only the forest as wood, that"s just saw a few percent of the entire forests benefit, the forest cut down, only a few hundredths equals, and destroyed nine ten. So we should learn to use ecology view to observe problem, any component natural community species, are common evolution, the products of various biological flora of existence and the function, is by natural selection great treasure, each species and humans, humans also and each species and same, it is the nature of a link, in long evolutionary development process of common maintaining natural stable and harmonious and development. In this multifarious biosphere, who can adapt, who play advantage, who was eliminated, this is in nature the river of history survival, constantly evolution, the continuous optimization results, neither god, can"t even by human to dominate. This is why nature, with species diversity, genetic variability and ecological system"s complexity roots. "Respect history, still I nature", this words literally good comprehension, but to do but very, very difficult. The changjiang river is one history, primitive forest is one history, dongting lake is one history, the giant panda is one history, we respect the history? Looks like we don"t respect the history. "Also I nature" is to borrow yue fei"s words: "repertoire!" Actually nature were destroyed, it is difficult also, many is irreversible. The Yangtze river is broken, you can still a the Yangtze river? Primitive forests have been cut down, can you still a primeval forest? Dongting lake disappeared, can you still a dongting lake? The giant panda extinct, you can reproduce a panda? You even a hair also production does not come out. Maybe someone said: "I can clone a panda." Even if you can clone, that also is only copy an individual, can in no way to save a species. As the giant panda is the giant panda, zoo but it can not replace the wild pandas in the same. I said, "my natural" meaning, just warned us in dealing with the relationship between man and nature, we must be humble, cautious, some solemnly some, temperance some; Not stumble, tongue-twisting accounting-speak that runs roughshod over

在windows server 2008系统中有哪些注册表的经典安全策略

一、系统及程序1、屏幕保护与电源桌面右键--〉个性化--〉屏幕保护程序屏幕保护程序 选择无更改电源设置 选择高性能选择关闭显示器的时间 关闭显示器 选 从不 保存修改2、安装IIS管理工具--〉服务器管理器--〉添加服务器角色--〉勾选 Web服务器(IIS)勾选下列 角色服务ASPCGI(和PHP有关)ISAPI扩展ISAPI筛选器在服务器端包含文件(用于支持SSI shtml)也可以之后添加服务器管理器--〉角色--〉web 服务器(IIS)--〉角色服务 点击 添加角色服务如需安装SQL2005,则下列角色服务必须勾选1. 常见的 HTTP 功能静态内容 默认文档目录浏览HTTP 重定向2. 应用程序开发ASP.Net.NER 扩展ISAPI 扩展ISAPI 筛选器3. 安全性Windows 身份验证4. 管理工具 IIS6 管理兼容性IIS 6 元数据库兼容性IIS 6 WMI 兼容性设置日志、输出缓存的目录添加默认文档index.asp index.php Default.asp 等启用父路径ASP 启用父路径 False 改为 True增加IIS对MIME文件类型的支持MIME类型.rmvb application/vnd.rn-realmedia.iso application/octet-stream.rar application/octet-stream.7z application/octet-stream.mkv application/octet-streamWin2008或IIS7的文件上传大小限制解决方案默认情况下,IIS7的上传限制为200K。当上传文件小于30M时,可以通过如下方法设置:在iis7中找到asp设置,在“asp”的“限制属性”中最后一行“最大请求主体限制”,修改该值为你所想要的,如2G(2000000000,单位为B)。当上传文件要求大于30M时,继续如下修改:1. 停止IIS72. 找到“C:WindowsSystem32inetsrvconfigschemaIIS_schema.xml”文件。这个文件是只读的,即使用管理员权限也不能修改。要先修改文件的权限,然后去掉只读属性才可以。1) 右键文件->属性->安全,选中目标用户,点击高级,修改文件所有者;2) 确定后点击编辑,就可以修改当前用户的权限了,添加“写入”权限。至此,权限设置OK了。3) 将文件的只读属性去掉。用记事本打开该文件,找到“”,将“30000000”修改为你想要的值(如2000000000)保存。将“C:WindowsSystem32inetsrvconfigschemaIIS_schema.xml”文件加上只读属性。启动IIS7。本人上传120M视频文件通过。但是,win2008最大只能上传小于2G的文件。这个要注意。3、配置php把php安装包解压的一个目录下,C:php拷贝一个php.ini-development副本,把它重命名为php.ini。配置php.ini 文件,搜索如下配置并修改相应的配置值:extension_dir = "C:phpext"; date.timezone = 改为 date.timezone = Asia/Shanghai如果不改以上的date.timezone可能打开网页会提示500错误组件extension=php_mbstring.dllextension=php_gd2.dllextension=php_MySQL.dllextension=php_mysqli.dll phpMyAdmin使用PHP 5.3以上版本使用fastcgi模式,配置IIS 7需要在IIS添加一个处理程序映射处理程序映射--〉添加一个模块处理程序:*.phpFastCgiModuleC:phpphp-cgi.exePHP_vis_FastCGI默认文档中添加index.php 为默认文档PHP目录 Users 读取运行权限php测试<?php phpinfo();?>新版本的Windows版本PHP,在出现错误时,会将详细的错误信息自动存储到Windows系统的TEMP临时目录,文件名为:php-errors.log。在Windows2003系统中路径一般是:C:WINDOWSTempphp-errors.log。用记事本打开这个文件,就可以看到详细的php错误记录了。HTTP 错误 500.0 – Internal Server Error发生未知 FastCGI 错误发生此错误的关键原因在于没有安装VC9运行库 即VISUAL C++ 2008 (installer自动带上了Visual C++ 2008)Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)下载地址: Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64)下载地址:如果安装VC9运行库仍出现上面错误,多数是因为php安装目录没有给IIS_IUSRS用户读取和执行权限造成的。4、Mysql 5安装二、系统安全配置1、目录权限除系统所在分区之外的所有分区都赋予Administrators和SYSTEM有完全控制权,之后再对其下的子目录作单独的目录权限2、远程连接我的电脑属性--〉远程设置--〉远程--〉只允许运行带网络超级身份验证的远程桌面的计算机连接选择允许运行任意版本远程桌面的计算机连接(较不安全)。备注:方便多种版本Windows远程管理服务器。 server 2008的远程桌面连接,与2003相比,引入了网络级身份验证(NLA,network level authentication),XP SP3不支持这种网络级的身份验证,vista跟win7支持。然而在XP系统中修改一下注册表,即可让XP SP3支持网络级身份验证。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa在右窗口中双击Security Pakeages,添加一项“tspkg”。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProviders在右窗口中双击SecurityProviders,添加credssp.dll;请注意,在添加这项值时,一定要在原有的值后添加逗号后,别忘了要空一格(英文状态)。然后将XP系统重启一下即可。再查看一下,即可发现XP系统已经支持网络级身份验证3、修改远程访问服务端口更改远程连接端口方法,可用windows自带的计算器将10进制转为16进制。更改3389端口为8208,重启生效!Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWds dpwdTds cp]"PortNumber"=dword:0002010[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWinStationsRDP-Tcp]"PortNumber"=dword:000020101.在开始--运行菜单里,输入regedit,进入注册表编辑,按下面的路径进入修改端口的地方2.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWinStationsRDP-Tcp3.找到右侧的 "PortNumber",用十进制方式显示,默认为3389,改为(例如)6666端口4.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWds dpwdTds cp5.找到右侧的 "PortNumber",用十进制方式显示,默认为3389,改为同上的端口6.在控制面板--Windows 防火墙--高级设置--入站规则--新建规则7.选择端口--协议和端口--TCP/特定本地端口:同上的端口8.下一步,选择允许连接9.下一步,选择公用10.下一步,名称:远程桌面-新(TCP-In),描述:用于远程桌面服务的入站规则,以允许RDP通信。[TCP 同上的端口]11.删除远程桌面(TCP-In)规则12.重新启动计算机4、配置本地连接网络--〉属性--〉管理网络连接--〉本地连接打开“本地连接”界面,选择“属性”,左键点击“Microsoft网络客户端”,再点击“卸载”,在弹出的对话框中“是”确认卸载。点击“Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享”,再点击“卸载”,在弹出的对话框中选择“是”确认卸载。解除Netbios和TCP/IP协议的绑定 139端口打开“本地连接”界面,选择“属性”,在弹出的“属性”框中双击“Internet协议版本(TCP/IPV4)”,点击“属性”,再点击“高级”—“WINS”,选择“禁用TCP/IP上的NETBIOS”,点击“确认”并关闭本地连接属性。禁止默认共享点击“开始”—“运行”,输入“Regedit”,打开注册表编辑器,打开注册表项“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServiceslanmanserverparameters”,在右边的窗口中新建Dword值,名称设为AutoShareServer,值设为“0”。关闭 445端口HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNetBTParameters新建 Dword(32位)名称设为SMBDeviceEnabled 值设为“0”5、共享和发现右键“网络” 属性 网络和共享中心 共享和发现关闭网络共享文件共享公用文件共享打印机共享显示我正在共享的所有文件和文件夹显示这台计算机上所有共享的网络文件夹6、用防火墙限制Ping网上自己查吧,ping还是经常需要用到的7、防火墙的设置控制面板→Windows防火墙设置→更改设置→例外,勾选FTP、HTTP、远程桌面服务 核心网络HTTPS用不到可以不勾3306:Mysql1433:Mssql8、禁用不需要的和危险的服务,以下列出服务都需要禁用。控制面板 管理工具 服务Distributed linktracking client 用于局域网更新连接信息PrintSpooler 打印服务Remote Registry 远程修改注册表Server 计算机通过网络的文件、打印、和命名管道共享TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper 提供 TCP/IP (NetBT) 服务上的 NetBIOS 和网络上客户端的 NetBIOS 名称解析的支持Workstation 泄漏系统用户名列表 与Terminal Services Configuration 关联Computer Browser 维护网络计算机更新 默认已经禁用Net Logon 域控制器通道管理 默认已经手动Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator RpcNs*远程过程调用 (RPC) 默认已经手动删除服务sc delete MySql9、安全设置-->本地策略-->安全选项在运行中输入gpedit.msc回车,打开组策略编辑器,选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->本地策略-->安全选项交互式登陆:不显示最后的用户名       启用网络访问:不允许SAM帐户的匿名枚举      启用 已经启用网络访问:不允许SAM帐户和共享的匿名枚举   启用网络访问:不允许储存网络身份验证的凭据   启用网络访问:可匿名访问的共享         内容全部删除网络访问:可匿名访问的命名管道       内容全部删除网络访问:可远程访问的注册表路径      内容全部删除网络访问:可远程访问的注册表路径和子路径  内容全部删除帐户:重命名来宾帐户            这里可以更改guest帐号帐户:重命名系统管理员帐户         这里可以更改Administrator帐号10、安全设置-->账户策略-->账户锁定策略在运行中输入gpedit.msc回车,打开组策略编辑器,选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->账户策略-->账户锁定策略,将账户锁定阈值设为“三次登陆无效”,“锁定时间为30分钟”,“复位锁定计数设为30分钟”。11、本地安全设置选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->本地策略-->用户权限分配关闭系统:只有Administrators组、其它全部删除。通过终端服务拒绝登陆:加入Guests组、IUSR_*****、IWAM_*****、NETWORK SERVICE、SQLDebugger 通过终端服务允许登陆:加入Administrators、Remote Desktop Users组,其他全部删除12、更改Administrator,guest账户,新建一无任何权限的假Administrator账户管理工具→计算机管理→系统工具→本地用户和组→用户新建一个Administrator帐户作为陷阱帐户,设置超长密码,并去掉所有用户组更改描述:管理计算机(域)的内置帐户13、密码策略选择计算机配置-->Windows设置-->安全设置-->密码策略启动 密码必须符合复杂性要求最短密码长度14、禁用DCOM ("冲击波"病毒 RPC/DCOM 漏洞)运行Dcomcnfg.exe。控制台根节点→组件服务→计算机→右键单击“我的电脑”→属性”→默认属性”选项卡→清除“在这台计算机上启用分布式 COM”复选框。15、ASP漏洞主要是卸载WScript.Shell 和 Shell.application 组件,是否删除看是否必要。regsvr32/u C:WINDOWSSystem32wshom.ocxregsvr32/u C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll删除可能权限不够del C:WINDOWSSystem32wshom.ocxdel C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll如果确实要使用,或者也可以给它们改个名字。  WScript.Shell可以调用系统内核运行DOS基本命令  可以通过修改注册表,将此组件改名,来防止此类木马的危害。  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.Shell及HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.Shell.1  改名为其它的名字,如:改为WScript.Shell_ChangeName 或 WScript.Shell.1_ChangeName  自己以后调用的时候使用这个就可以正常调用此组件了  也要将clsid值也改一下  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.ShellCLSID项目的值  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTWScript.Shell.1CLSID项目的值  也可以将其删除,来防止此类木马的危害。  Shell.Application可以调用系统内核运行DOS基本命令  可以通过修改注册表,将此组件改名,来防止此类木马的危害。  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.Application  及  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.Application.1  改名为其它的名字,如:改为Shell.Application_ChangeName 或 Shell.Application.1_ChangeName  自己以后调用的时候使用这个就可以正常调用此组件了  也要将clsid值也改一下  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.ApplicationCLSID项目的值  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTShell.ApplicationCLSID项目的值  也可以将其删除,来防止此类木马的危害。  禁止Guest用户使用shell32.dll来防止调用此组件。  2000使用命令:cacls C:WINNTsystem32shell32.dll /e /d guests  2003使用命令:cacls C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll /e /d guests禁止使用FileSystemObject组件,FSO是使用率非常高的组件,要小心确定是否卸载。改名后调用就要改程序了,Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")。  FileSystemObject可以对文件进行常规操作,可以通过修改注册表,将此组件改名,来防止此类木马的危害。  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTScripting.FileSystemObject  改名为其它的名字,如:改为 FileSystemObject_ChangeName  自己以后调用的时候使用这个就可以正常调用此组件了  也要将clsid值也改一下  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTScripting.FileSystemObjectCLSID项目的值  也可以将其删除,来防止此类木马的危害。  2000注销此组件命令:RegSrv32 /u C:WINNTSYSTEMscrrun.dll  2003注销此组件命令:RegSrv32 /u C:WINDOWSSYSTEMscrrun.dll  如何禁止Guest用户使用scrrun.dll来防止调用此组件?  使用这个命令:cacls C:WINNTsystem32scrrun.dll /e /d guests15、打开UAC控制面板 用户账户 打开或关闭用户账户控制16、程序权限"net.exe","net1.exe","cmd.exe","tftp.exe","netstat.exe","regedit.exe","at.exe","attrib.exe","cacls.exe","","c.exe"或完全禁止上述命令的执行gpedit.msc-〉用户配置-〉管理模板-〉系统启用 阻止访问命令提示符 同时 也停用命令提示符脚本处理启用 阻止访问注册表编辑工具启用 不要运行指定的windows应用程序,添加下面的at.exe attrib.exe c.exe cacls.exe cmd.exe net.exe net1.exe netstat.exe regedit.exe tftp.exe17、Serv-u安全问题安装程序尽量采用最新版本,避免采用默认安装目录,设置好serv-u目录所在的权限,设置一个复杂的管理员密码。修改serv-u的banner信息,设置被动模式端口范围(4001—4003)在本地服务器中设置中做好相关安全设置:包括检查匿名密码,禁用反超时调度,拦截“FTP bounce”攻击和FXP,对于在30秒内连接超过3次的用户拦截10分钟。域中的设置为:要求复杂密码,目录只使用小写字母,高级中设置取消允许使用MDTM命令更改文件的日期。更改serv-u的启动用户:在系统中新建一个用户,设置一个复杂点的密码,不属于任何组。将servu的安装目录给予该用户完全控制权限。建立一个FTP根目录,需要给予这个用户该目录完全控制权限,因为所有的ftp用户上传,删除,更改文件都是继承了该用户的权限,否则无法操作文件。另外需要给该目录以上的上级目录给该用户的读取权限,否则会在连接的时候出现530 Not logged in, home directory does not exist。比如在测试的时候ftp根目录为d:soft,必须给d盘该用户的读取权限,为了安全取消d盘其他文件夹的继承权限。而一般的使用默认的system启动就没有这些问题,因为system一般都拥有这些权限的。如果FTP不是必须每天都用,不如就关了吧,要用再打开。

None of us knows how to open the door. 这句英语是从句还是不定式阿?为什么Know要第三人称单数?


windows 2003服务器各种服务如何设置

第一步:一、先关闭不需要的端口 我比较小心,先关了端口。只开了3389 21 80 1433(MYSQL)有些人一直说什么默认的3389不安全,对此我不否认,但是利用的途径也只能一个一个的穷举爆破,你把帐号改 了密码设置为十五六位,我估计他要破上好几年,哈哈!办法:本地连接--属性--Internet协议(TCP/IP)--高级--选项--TCP/IP筛选--属性--把勾打上 然后添加你需要的端口即可。PS一句:设置完端口需要重新启动! 当然大家也可以更改远程连接端口方法: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerWinStationsRDP-Tcp] "PortNumber"=dword:00002683 保存为.REG文件双击即可!更改为9859,当然大家也可以换别的端口, 直接打开以上注册表的地址,把值改为十进制的输入你想要的端口即可!重启生效! 还有一点,在2003系统里,用TCP/IP筛选里的端口过滤功能,使用FTP服务器的时候,只开放21端口,在进行FTP传输的时候,FTP 特有的Port模式和Passive模式,在进行数据传输的时候,需要动态的打开高端口,所以在使用TCP/IP过滤的情况下,经常会出现连接上后无法列出目录和数据传输的问题。所以在2003系统上增加的windows连接防火墙能很好的解决这个问题,所以都不推荐使用网卡的TCP/IP过滤功能。所做FTP下载的用户看仔细点,表怪俺说俺写文章是垃圾...如果要关闭不必要的端口,在\system32\drivers\etc\services中有列表,记事本就可以打开的。如果懒惰的话,最简单的方法是启用WIN2003的自身带的网络防火墙,并进行端口的改变。功能还可以!Internet 连接防火墙可以有效地拦截对Windows 2003服务器的非法入侵,防止非法远程主机对服务器的扫描,提高Windows 2003服务器的安全性。同时,也可以有效拦截利用操作系统漏洞进行端口攻击的病毒,如冲击波等蠕虫病毒。如果在用Windows 2003构造的虚拟路由器上启用此防火墙功能,能够对整个内部网络起到很好的保护作用。 二、关闭不需要的服务 打开相应的审核策略 我关闭了以下的服务Computer Browser 维护网络上计算机的最新列表以及提供这个列表Task scheduler 允许程序在指定时间运行Routing and Remote Access 在局域网以及广域网环境中为企业提供路由服务Removable storage 管理可移动媒体、驱动程序和库Remote Registry Service 允许远程注册表操作Print Spooler 将文件加载到内存中以便以后打印。要用打印机的朋友不能禁用这项IPSEC Policy Agent 管理IP安全策略以及启动ISAKMP/OakleyIKE)和IP安全驱动程序Distributed Link Tracking Client 当文件在网络域的NTFS卷中移动时发送通知Com+ Event System 提供事件的自动发布到订阅COM组件Alerter 通知选定的用户和计算机管理警报Error Reporting Service 收集、存储和向 Microsoft 报告异常应用程序Messenger 传输客户端和服务器之间的 NET SEND 和 警报器服务消息Telnet 允许远程用户登录到此计算机并运行程序 把不必要的服务都禁止掉,尽管这些不一定能被攻击者利用得上,但是按照安全规则和标准上来说,多余的东西就没必要开启,减少一份隐患。 在"网络连接"里,把不需要的协议和服务都删掉,这里只安装了基本的Internet协议(TCP/IP),由于要控制带宽流量服务,额外安装了Qos数据包计划程序。在高级tcp/ip设置里--"NetBIOS"设置"禁用tcp/IP上的NetBIOS(S)"。在高级选项里,使用"Internet连接防火墙",这是windows 2003 自带的防火墙,在2000系统里没有的功能,虽然没什么功能,但可以屏蔽端口,这样已经基本达到了一个IPSec的功能。 在运行中输入gpedit.msc回车,打开组策略编辑器,选择计算机配置-Windows设置-安全设置-审核策略在创建审核项目时需要注意的是如果审核的项目太多,生成的事件也就越多,那么要想发现严重的事件也越难当然如果审核的太少也会影响你发现严重的事件,你需要根据情况在这二者之间做出选择。 推荐的要审核的项目是: 登录事件 成功 失败 账户登录事件 成功 失败 系统事件 成功 失败 策略更改 成功 失败 对象访问 失败 目录服务访问 失败 特权使用 失败 三、磁盘权限设置1.系统盘权限设置C:分区部分:c:administrators 全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)CREATOR OWNER 全部(只有子文件来及文件)system 全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)IIS_WPG 创建文件/写入数据(只有该文件夹)IIS_WPG(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)遍历文件夹/运行文件列出文件夹/读取数据读取属性创建文件夹/附加数据读取权限c:Documents and Settingsadministrators 全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)Power Users (该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)读取和运行列出文件夹目录读取SYSTEM全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)C:Program Filesadministrators 全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)CREATOR OWNER全部(只有子文件来及文件)IIS_WPG (该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)读取和运行列出文件夹目录读取Power Users(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)修改权限SYSTEM全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)TERMINAL SERVER USER (该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)修改权限2.网站及虚拟机权限设置(比如网站在E盘)说明:我们假设网站全部在E盘wwwsite目录下,并且为每一个虚拟机创建了一个guest用户,用户名为vhost1...vhostn并且创建了一个webuser组,把所有的vhost用户全部加入这个webuser组里面方便管理。E: Administrators全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)E:wwwsite Administrators全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)system全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)service全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)E:wwwsitevhost1Administrators全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)system全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)vhost1全部(该文件夹,子文件夹及文件)3.数据备份盘数据备份盘最好只指定一个特定的用户对它有完全操作的权限。比如F盘为数据备份盘,我们只指定一个管理员对它有完全操作的权限。4.其它地方的权限设置请找到c盘的这些文件,把安全性设置只有特定的管理员有完全操作权限。下列这些文件只允许administrators访问net.exenet1.exetcmd.exetftp.exenetstat.exeregedit.exeat.exeattrib.execacls.exeformat.com5.删除c:inetpub目录,删除iis不必要的映射,建立陷阱帐号,更改描述。四、防火墙、杀毒软件的安装我见过的Win2000/Nt服务器从来没有见到有安装了防毒软件的,其实这一点非常重要。一些好的杀毒软件不仅能杀掉一些著名的病毒,还能查杀大量木马和后门程序。这样的话,“黑客”们使用的那些有名的木马就毫无用武之地了。不要忘了经常升级病毒库,我们推荐mcafree杀毒软件+blackice防火墙五、SQL2000 SERV-U FTP安全设置 SQL安全方面 1.System Administrators 角色最好不要超过两个 2.如果是在本机最好将身份验证配置为Win登陆 3.不要使用Sa账户,为其配置一个超级复杂的密码 4.删除以下的扩展存储过程格式为: use master sp_dropextendedproc "扩展存储过程名" xp_cmdshell:是进入操作系统的最佳捷径,删除 访问注册表的存储过程,删除 Xp_regaddmultistring Xp_regdeletekey Xp_regdeletevalue Xp_regenumvalues Xp_regread Xp_regwrite Xp_regremovemultistring OLE自动存储过程,不需要删除 Sp_OACreate Sp_OADestroy Sp_OAGetErrorInfo Sp_OAGetProperty Sp_OAMethod Sp_OASetProperty Sp_OAStop 5.隐藏 SQL Server、更改默认的1433端口 右击实例选属性-常规-网络配置中选择TCP/IP协议的属性,选择隐藏 SQL Server 实例,并改原默认的1433端口 serv-u的几点常规安全需要设置下: 选中"Block "FTP_bounce"attack and FXP"。什么是FXP呢?通常,当使用FTP协议进行文件传输时,客户端首先向FTP服务器发出一个"PORT"命令,该命令中包含此用户的IP地址和将被用来进行数据传输的端口号,服务器收到后,利用命令所提供的用户地址信息建立与用户的连接。大多数情况下,上述过程不会出现任何问题,但当客户端是一名恶意用户时,可能会通过在PORT命令中加入特定的地址信息,使FTP服务器与其它非客户端的机器建立连接。虽然这名恶意用户可能本身无权直接访问某一特定机器,但是如果FTP服务器有权访问该机器的话,那么恶意用户就可以通过FTP服务器作为中介,仍然能够最终实现与目标服务器的连接。这就是FXP,也称跨服务器攻击。选中后就可以防止发生此种情况。 六、IIS安全设置IIS的相关设置: 删除默认建立的站点的虚拟目录,停止默认web站点,删除对应的文件目录c:inetpub,配置所有站点的公共设置,设置好相关的连接数限制,带宽设置以及性能设置等其他设置。配置应用程序映射,删除所有不必要的应用程序扩展,只保留asp,php,cgi,pl,aspx应用程序扩展。对于php和cgi,推荐使用isapi方式解析,用exe解析对安全和性能有所影响。用户程序调试设置发送文本错误信息给户。对于数据库,尽量采用mdb后缀,不需要更改为asp,可在IIS中设置一个mdb的扩展映射,将这个映射使用一个无关的dll文件如C:WINNTsystem32inetsrvssinc.dll来防止数据库被下载。设置IIS的日志保存目录,调整日志记录信息。设置为发送文本错误信息。修改403错误页面,将其转向到其他页,可防止一些扫描器的探测。另外为隐藏系统信息,防止telnet到80端口所泄露的系统版本信息可修改IIS的banner信息,可以使用winhex手工修改或者使用相关软件如banneredit修改。 对于用户站点所在的目录,在此说明一下,用户的FTP根目录下对应三个文件佳,wwwroot,database,logfiles,分别存放站点文件,数据库备份和该站点的日志。如果一旦发生入侵事件可对该用户站点所在目录设置具体的权限,图片所在的目录只给予列目录的权限,程序所在目录如果不需要生成文件(如生成html的程序)不给予写入权限。因为是虚拟主机平常对脚本安全没办法做到细致入微的地步,更多的只能在方法用户从脚本提升权限: ASP的安全设置: 设置过权限和服务之后,防范asp木马还需要做以下工作,在cmd窗口运行以下命令: regsvr32/u C:WINNTSystem32wshom.ocx del C:WINNTSystem32wshom.ocx regsvr32/u C:WINNTsystem32shell32.dll del C:WINNTsystem32shell32.dll 即可将WScript.Shell, Shell.application, WScript.Network组件卸载,可有效防止asp木马通过wscript或shell.application执行命令以及使用木马查看一些系统敏感信息。另法:可取消以上文件的users用户的权限,重新启动IIS即可生效。但不推荐该方法。 另外,对于FSO由于用户程序需要使用,服务器上可以不注销掉该组件,这里只提一下FSO的防范,但并不需要在自动开通空间的虚拟商服务器上使用,只适合于手工开通的站点。可以针对需要FSO和不需要FSO的站点设置两个组,对于需要FSO的用户组给予c:winntsystem32scrrun.dll文件的执行权限,不需要的不给权限。重新启动服务器即可生效。 对于这样的设置结合上面的权限设置,你会发现海阳木马已经在这里失去了作用! PHP的安全设置: 默认安装的php需要有以下几个注意的问题: C:winntphp.ini只给予users读权限即可。在php.ini里需要做如下设置: Safe_mode=on register_globals = Off allow_url_fopen = Off display_errors = Off magic_quotes_gpc = On [默认是on,但需检查一遍] open_basedir =web目录 disable_functions =passthru,exec,shell_exec,system,phpinfo,get_cfg_var,popen,chmod 默认设置com.allow_dcom = true修改为false[修改前要取消掉前面的;] MySQL安全设置: 如果服务器上启用MySQL数据库,MySQL数据库需要注意的安全设置为: 删除mysql中的所有默认用户,只保留本地root帐户,为root用户加上一个复杂的密码。赋予普通用户updatedeletealertcreatedrop权限的时候,并限定到特定的数据库,尤其要避免普通客户拥有对mysql数据库操作的权限。检查mysql.user表,取消不必要用户的shutdown_priv,relo ad_priv,process_priv和File_priv权限,这些权限可能泄漏更多的服务器信息包括非mysql的其它信息出去。可以为mysql设置一个启动用户,该用户只对mysql目录有权限。设置安装目录的data数据库的权限(此目录存放了mysql数据库的数据信息)。对于mysql安装目录给users加上读取、列目录和执行权限。 Serv-u安全问题: 安装程序尽量采用最新版本,避免采用默认安装目录,设置好serv-u目录所在的权限,设置一个复杂的管理员密码。修改serv-u的banner信息,设置被动模式端口范围(4001—4003)在本地服务器中设置中做好相关安全设置:包括检查匿名密码,禁用反超时调度,拦截“FTP bounce”攻击和FXP,对于在30秒内连接超过3次的用户拦截10分钟。域中的设置为:要求复杂密码,目录只使用小写字母,高级中设置取消允许使用MDTM命令更改文件的日期。 更改serv-u的启动用户:在系统中新建一个用户,设置一个复杂点的密码,不属于任何组。将servu的安装目录给予该用户完全控制权限。建立一个FTP根目录,需要给予这个用户该目录完全控制权限,因为所有的ftp用户上传,删除,更改文件都是继承了该用户的权限,否则无法操作文件。另外需要给该目录以上的上级目录给该用户的读取权限,否则会在连接的时候出现530 Not logged in, home directory does not exist.比如在测试的时候ftp根目录为d:soft,必须给d盘该用户的读取权限,为了安全取消d盘其他文件夹的继承权限。而一般的使用默认的system启动就没有这些问题,因为system一般都拥有这些权限的。 七、其它1.隐藏重要文件/目录可以修改注册表实现完全隐藏:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows Current-VersionExplorerAdvancedFolderHi-ddenSHOWALL”,鼠标右击 “CheckedValue”,选择修改,把数值由1改为0 2.启动系统自带的Internet连接防火墙,在设置服务选项中勾选Web服务器; 3.防止SYN洪水攻击: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters 新建DWORD值,名为SynAttackProtect,值为2 EnablePMTUDiscovery REG_DWORD 0 NoNameReleaseOnDemand REG_DWORD 1 EnableDeadGWDetect REG_DWORD 0 KeepAliveTime REG_DWORD 300,000 PerformRouterDiscovery REG_DWORD 0 EnableICMPRedirects REG_DWORD 04. 禁止响应ICMP路由通告报文: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersInterfacesinterface 新建DWORD值,名为PerformRouterDiscovery 值为0 5. 防止ICMP重定向报文的攻击: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters 将EnableICMPRedirects 值设为0 6. 不支持IGMP协议: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters 新建DWORD值,名为IGMPLevel 值为07.修改终端服务端口:运行regedit,找到[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Terminal Server Wds rdpwd Tds tcp],看到右边的PortNumber了吗?在十进制状态下改成你想要的端口号吧,比如7126之类的,只要不与其它冲突即可。 第二处HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Terminal Server WinStations RDP-Tcp,方法同上,记得改的端口号和上面改的一样就行了。8.禁止IPC空连接:cracker可以利用net use命令建立空连接,进而入侵,还有net view,nbtstat这些都是基于空连接的,禁止空连接就好了。打开注册表,找到Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlLSA-RestrictAnonymous 把这个值改成”1”即可。9.更改TTL值:cracker可以根据ping回的TTL值来大致判断你的操作系统,如: TTL=107(WINNT); TTL=108(win2000); TTL=127或128(win9x); TTL=240或241(linux); TTL=252(solaris); TTL=240(Irix); 实际上你可以自己更改的:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters:DefaultTTL REG_DWORD 0-0xff(0-255 十进制,默认值128)改成一个莫名其妙的数字如258,起码让那些小菜鸟晕上半天,就此放弃入侵你也不一定哦。10. 删除默认共享:有人问过我一开机就共享所有盘,改回来以后,重启又变成了共享是怎么回事,这是2K为管理而设置的默认共享,必须通过修改注册表的方式取消它:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters:AutoShareServer类型是REG_DWORD把值改为0即可11. 禁止建立空连接: 默认情况下,任何用户通过通过空连接连上服务器,进而枚举出帐号,猜测密码。我们可以通过修改注册表来禁止建立空连接: Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlLSA-RestrictAnonymous 的值改成”1”即可。12.禁用TCP/IP上的NetBIOS网上邻居-属性-本地连接-属性-Internet协议(TCP/IP)属性-高级-WINS面板-NetBIOS设置-禁用TCP/IP上的NetBIOS。这样cracker就无法用nbtstat命令来读取你的NetBIOS信息和网卡MAC地址了。13. 账户安全首先禁止一切账户,除了你自己,呵呵。然后把Administrator改名。我呢就顺手又建了个Administrator账户,不过是什么权限都没有的那种,然后打开记事本,一阵乱敲,复制,粘贴到“密码”里去,呵呵,来破密码吧~!破完了才发现是个低级账户,看你崩溃不?创建2个管理员用帐号 虽然这点看上去和上面这点有些矛盾,但事实上是服从上面的规则的。 创建一个一般权限帐号用来收信以及处理一些日常事物,另一个拥有Administrators 权限的帐户只在需要的时候使用。可以让管理员使用 “ RunAS” 命令来执行一些需要特权才能作的一些工作,以方便管理14.更改C:WINDOWSHelpiisHelpcommon404b.htm内容改为这样,出错了自动转到首页。15.本地安全策略和组策略的设置,如果你在设置本地安全策略时设置错了,可以这样恢复成它的默认值打开 %SystemRoot%Security文件夹,创建一个 "OldSecurity"子目录,将%SystemRoot%Security下所有的.log文件移到这个新建的子文件夹中在%SystemRoot%Securitydatabase下找到"Secedit.sdb"安全数据库并将其改名,如改为"Secedit.old"启动"安全配置和分析"MMC管理单元:"开始"->"运行"->"MMC",启动管理控制台,"添加/删除管理单元",将"安全配置和分析"管理单元添加上右击"安全配置和分析"->"打开数据库",浏览"C:WINNTsecurityDatabase"文件夹,输入文件名"secedit.sdb",单击"打开"当系统提示输入一个模板时,选择"Setup Security.inf",单击"打开",如果系统提示"拒绝访问数据库",不管他,你会发现在"C:WINNTsecurityDatabase"子文件夹中重新生成了新的安全数据库,在"C:WINNTsecurity"子文件夹下重新生成了log文件,安全数据库重建成功。16.禁用DCOM:运行中输入 Dcomcnfg.exe。 回车, 单击“控制台根节点”下的“组件服务”。 打开“计算机”子文件夹。对于本地计算机,请以右键单击“我的电脑”,然后选择“属性”。选择“默认属性”选项卡。清除“在这台计算机上启用分布式 COM”复选框。第二步:尽管Windows 2003的功能在不断增强,但是由于先天性的原因,它还存在不少安全隐患,要是不将这些隐患“堵住”,可能会给整个系统带来不必要的麻烦;下面笔者就介绍Windows2003中不常见的安全隐患的防堵方法,希望能对各位带来帮助!堵住自动保存隐患 Windows 2003操作系统在调用应用程序出错时,系统中的Dr. Watson会自动将一些重要的调试信息保存起来,以便日后维护系统时查看,不过这些信息很有可能被黑客“瞄上”,一旦瞄上的话,各种重要的调试信息就会暴露无疑,为了堵住Dr. Watson自动保存调试信息的隐患,我们可以按如下步骤来实现: 1、打开开始菜单,选中“运行”命令,在随后打开的运行对话框中,输入注册表编辑命令“ergedit”命令,打开一个注册表编辑窗口; 2、在该窗口中,用鼠标依次展开HKEY_local_machine\software\Microsoft\WindowsdowsNT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug分支,在对应AeDebug键值的右边子窗口中,用鼠标双击Auto值,在弹出的参数设置窗口中,将其数值重新设置为“0”, 3、打开系统的Windows资源管理器窗口,并在其中依次展开Documents and Settings文件夹、All Users文件夹、Shared Documents文件夹、DrWatson文件夹,最后将对应DrWatson中的User.dmp文件、Drwtsn32.log文件删除掉。 完成上面的设置后,重新启动一下系统,就可以堵住自动保存隐患了。堵住资源共享隐患 为了给局域网用户相互之间传输信息带来方便,Windows Server 2003系统很是“善解人意”地为各位提供了文件和打印共享功能,不过我们在享受该功能带来便利的同时,共享功能也会“引狼入室”,“大度”地向黑客们敞开了不少漏洞,给服务器系统造成了很大的不安全性;所以,在用完文件或打印共享功能时,大家千万要随时将功能关闭哟,以便堵住资源共享隐患,下面就是关闭共享功能的具体步骤: 1、执行控制面板菜单项下面的“网络连接”命令,在随后出现的窗口中,用鼠标右键单击一下“本地连接”图标; 2、在打开的快捷菜单中,单击“属性”命令,这样就能打开一个“Internet协议(TCP/IP)”属性设置对话框; 3、在该界面中取消“Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享”这个选项; 4、如此一来,本地计算机就没有办法对外提供文件与打印共享服务了,这样黑客自然也就少了攻击系统的“通道”。堵住远程访问隐患 在Windows2003系统下,要进行远程网络访问连接时,该系统下的远程桌面功能可以将进行网络连接时输入的用户名以及密码,通过普通明文内容方式传输给对应连接端的客户端程序;在明文帐号传输过程中,实现“安插”在网络通道上的各种嗅探工具,会自动进入“嗅探”状态,这个明文帐号就很容易被“俘虏”了;明文帐号内容一旦被黑客或其他攻击者另谋他用的话,呵呵,小心自己的系统被“疯狂”攻击吧!为了杜绝这种安全隐患,我们可以按下面的方法来为系统“加固”: 1、点击系统桌面上的“开始”按钮,打开开始菜单; 2、从中执行控制面板命令,从弹出的下拉菜单中,选中“系统”命令,打开一个系统属性设置界面; 3、在该界面中,用鼠标单击“远程”标签; 4、在随后出现的标签页面中,将“允许用户远程连接到这台计算机”选项取消掉,这样就可以将远程访问连接功能屏蔽掉,从而堵住远程访问隐患了。堵住用户切换隐患 Windows 2003系统为我们提供了快速用户切换功能,利用该功能我们可以很轻松地登录到系统中;不过在享受这种轻松时,系统也存在安装隐患,例如我们要是执行系统“开始”菜单中的“注销”命令来,快速“切换用户”时,再用传统的方式来登录系统的话,系统很有可能会本次登录,错误地当作是对计算机系统的一次暴力“袭击”,这样Windows2003系统就可能将当前登录的帐号当作非法帐号,将它锁定起来,这显然不是我们所需要的;不过,我们可以按如下步骤来堵住用户切换时,产生的安全隐患: 在Windows 2003系统桌面中,打开开始菜单下面的控制面板命令,找到下面的“管理工具”命令,再执行下级菜单中的“计算机管理”命令,找到“用户帐户”图标,并在随后出现的窗口中单击“更改用户登录或注销的方式”;在打开的设置窗口中,将“使用快速用户切换”选项取消掉就可以了。



九年级上册英语,题目The Science Museum in London,翻译文章内容


catch the five ten to London.是什么意思?


复杂句还是简单句The boy scouts teach their member an "Outdoor Code" before they camp.

The boy scouts teach their members an "outdoor code"before they camp.members这是个复杂句。里面有一个before引导的状语从句。

八年级英语 根据短文内容完成下列句子。American Scouts like to do anything exciting。

1、a few days to several weeks2、sleeping bags3、Eagle Scout4、pick up trash in a neighborhood,visit old people to make sure they aren"t lonely


SDOUTSDOUT: 数据输出Scout SDOUT: 密探SDOUT Serial Data Output: 串行接口数据输出信号

The boy scouts teach their members an "Outdoor Code" before they camp.

直接宾语 their members ,间接宾语 an "Outdoor Code"这连着的区别就在于谁更接近动词,比较接近的就是直接宾语,动词的承受者


catch the five ten to london赶上5点10分区伦敦的

路由器被 Dos 攻击,该怎么解决


dominar是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉

tr. 1. 统治.(也用作不及物动词): ~(en) un país 统治—个国家. 2. 控制, 掌握, 支配:~la situación 控制形势.~ a una persona 控制一个人. ~(a) un caballo 管住一匹马. Es difícil ~la barca en las aguas turbulentas del torrente. 在湍急的河流里面掌好船是不容易的. Ocupado ese pico. podemos ~todo el valle. 占领了那个山头, 我们就能够控制整个山谷. 3. 制止, 阻止:~un incendio < una epidemia > 控制住火势 <传染病>

推荐几首类似于quando quando quando的爵士歌曲~

1.Misty(Carmen McRae and the Shirley Horn Trio) 伤感(卡门麦卡雷和赦莉·霍恩) 2.Almost Blue (Chet Baker) 蓝色迷情 (查特贝克) 3.I′m just a lucky so and so (Duke Ellington and his Orchestra) 幸运儿 (艾灵顿公爵和他的乐队) 4.Lady day and coltrane (Gil Scott Heron) 生活(吉尔史考特海伦) 5.Any old time (Artie Shaw and his Orchestra with Billie Holiday) 旧时光(阿蒂·萧、他的乐队和比莉哈乐黛) 6.I cried for you (John Pizzarelli) 为你哭泣(约翰 披萨瑞里) 7.I′m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter (Fats Waller) 写给自己的信(胖子沃勒) 8.Jeepers creepers (Ethel Waters with Edward Mallory and his Orchestra ) 神圣的爬行族(伊瑟.华特斯和他的乐队) 9.I′ve got the world on a string (Louis Armstrong and his Orchestra) 享有世界(路易丝阿姆斯特朗和他的乐队) 10.On the sunny side of the street (Lionel Hampton) 阳光大道(莱尼尔o汉普顿) 11.This love of mine(Tommy Dorsey and Frank Sinatra) 阳光爱情(汤米·道尔西和法兰克·幸那屈) 12.Georgia on my mind (Hoagy Carmichael) 我的乔治娅 (豪奇·卡迈克) 13.How long has this been going on(Lena Horne) 有多久(莉娜·霍恩) 14.A man ain′t a man (Louis Jordan) 真男人(路易斯·乔丹) 15.East of the sun (Lee Wiley) 日出东方(李.葳莉) 16.More than you know (Jimmy Rushing) 意料之外(吉米路辛) 17.It kon′t mean a thing (Cleo Laine) 不值一提(克莉欧莲恩) 18.So relax( Leon Redbone) 休闲时刻 (蓝蒙.瑞博) 19.Black,Nile (Vanessa Rubin) 黑色尼罗河(瓦妮莎·鲁宾) 20.I sing the blues (Helen Humes) 忧郁咏叹调(海伦*汉穆斯) 这些 你觉得咋样哈

帮忙看一个句子的语法,谢谢!一个英语句子是 All he needs to do is shell out 30 yua

一个英语句子是 All he needs to do is shell out 30 yuan for a testing kit,这里的shell为什么不用shelling? 答:qq965467723 说的对.语言以简洁为美.这句中的shell out前省略了to 因为前面有了动词do, 记作:有do 无to 为什么前面了个do,表语中的不定式就可可以省略这个符号to呢?因为不会起误会,不产生歧义. 主语是:他需要做的就是.后面肯定是一动词,表示要做的事.如没有这个do,则要表示是一个动作,而非一名词,则应有这个不定式符号to,否则可能会引起误会. 如: work一词既可以作名词,表示“活儿”,也可以作动词,表示“工作”,“干活儿”. 如他想要的是“活儿”,不是“乐子”,则说:What he wants is work, not entertainment. 如他想要的是“干活儿”,不是“看电视”,则说:What he wants is to work, not to watch TV. 从上面的例子可以看出,在前面没有do动词时,work前有没有to ,意思是不一样的.所以第二句中的不定式符号就不宜省略.因为省略了,会产生歧义(如1句). 而如果想表达的是:他想要做的事情就是干活儿.则说:What he wants to do is (to) work. 这个to就完全可以省略.(不省略也是正确的). 动名词尽管也可以作表语,但它表示一般的情况,这里是指未来的事,用不定式较好.所以不改为shelling 译:她只需要掏个30元就可以买一套试验工具了.

英文歌词是summer in the hills those hazy days i do rem

thefarrat monody
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