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一.平滑异同平均线(Moving Average Convergence Divergence)原理:MACD(Moving Average Convergence Divergence)中文名称:平滑异同移动平均线,是由Gerald Appel首先在Systems And Forecasts一书中发表,主要是利用长短期的二条平滑平均线,计算两者之间的差离值,作为研判行情买卖之依据。算法:DIFF线 收盘价短期、长期指数平滑移动平均线间的差DEA线  DIFF线的M日指数平滑移动平均线MACD线 DIFF线与DEA线的差,彩色柱状线参数:SHORT(短期)、LONG(长期)、M 天数,一般为12、26、9用法:1.DIFF、DEA均为正,DIFF向上突破DEA,买入信号。2.DIFF、DEA均为负,DIFF向下跌破DEA,卖出信号。3.DEA线与K线发生背离,行情反转信号。4.分析MACD柱状线,由正变负,卖出信号;由负变正,买入信号。


  diff线是指收盘价短期、长期指数平滑移动平均线间的差。  股票期货是指以单只股票作为标准的期货,属于股票衍生品的一种。在股票衍生品中,股票指数期货与期权诞生于80年代初;而股票期货则是80年代后期才开始出现,至今成交量不大,市场影响力较小。

DIFF(白线)DEA(黄线) 在股票中代表什么意思?

这两条线都属于平滑异同平均线指标——MACD,颜色可以根据个人喜好设置。MACD指标又叫指数平滑异同移动平均线,是由查拉尔·阿佩尔(Gerald Apple)所创造的,是一种研判股票买卖时机、跟踪股价运行趋势的技术分析工具。一、MACD指标的原理 MACD指标是根据均线的构造原理,对股票价格的收盘价进行平滑处理,求出算术平均值以后再进行计算,是一种趋向类指标。 MACD指标是运用快速(短期)和慢速(长期)移动平均线及其聚合与分离的征兆,加以双重平滑运算。而根据移动平均线原理发展出来的MACD,一则去除了移动平均线频繁发出假信号的缺陷,二则保留了移动平均线的效果,因此,MACD指标具有均线趋势性、稳重性、安定性等特点,是用来研判买卖股票的时机,预测股票价格涨跌的技术分析指标。 MACD指标主要是通过EMA、DIF和DEA(或叫MACD、DEM)这三值之间关系的研判,DIF和DEA连接起来的移动平均线的研判以及DIF减去DEM值而绘制成的柱状图(BAR)的研判等来分析判断行情,预测股价中短期趋势的主要的股市技术分析指标。其中,DIF是核心,DEA是辅助。DIF是快速平滑移动平均线(EMA1)和慢速平滑移动平均线(EMA2)的差。BAR柱状图在股市技术软件上是用红柱和绿柱的收缩来研判行情。 二、MACD指标的计算方法 MACD在应用上,首先计算出快速移动平均线(即EMA1)和慢速移动平均线(即EMA2),以此两个数值,来作为测量两者(快慢速线)间的离差值(DIF)的依据,然后再求DIF的N周期的平滑移动平均线DEA(也叫MACD、DEM)线。



3S压力开关上RANGE和 DIFF是什么意思?

DIFF就是pressure difference,指的是切换差,也就是死区,是一个切换区域。 RANGE就是压力的量程范围。 DIFF就是pressure difference,指的是切换差,也就是死区,是一个切换区域。 每个压力开关都有这个参数,只不过有些压力开关的死区是可调的,而更多的压力开关死区是不可调的。 根据压力开关的不同,其设定值可能是上切换值或下切换值或上下都不是,因此都压力开关需要调节。你可以试一下,当设定值为16bar,切换值为2bar时,如果压力由0升到17bar时动作,那么设定值就是上切换值;当设定值为16bar,切换值为2bar时,如果压力由17bar以上降到15bar时断开,那么设定值就是下切换值;当设定值为16bar,切换值为2bar时,如果压力开关不在15bar或17bar时动作,那么上下都不是。其实,设定值是什么切换值不要紧,下面介绍一个通用的设定方法。 切换差不可调控制器设定值调整步骤,举例说明如下: 举例:选用设定范围在0.05-2.5MPa的控制器,要求压力升至2.0MPa(此值为上切换值)发出触点信号。 1. 松锁紧器,将控制器旋入校验台的螺纹接口上;打开盖板,将电缆穿过电缆接口接入端子板,电缆另一头接上万用表; 2. 加压至2.0MPa,此值可由标准压力表读出;顺时针转动设定值调节镙杆,使设定值由大变小,直至微动开关在2.0MPa处切换。 3. 旋动锁紧器,调节校验台压力,使其在2.0MPa上下来回变化,校验压力上升时,切换值是否为2.0MPa,此值即为要求设定的上切换值,此值减去切换差(约0.085MPa)即为下切换值。 举例:同样选用设定范围在0.05-2.5的控制器,但要求压力下降至1.8MPa(此值为下切换值)发出触点信号。 1. 松锁紧器,将控制器旋入校验台的螺纹接口上;打开盖板,将电缆穿过电缆接口接入端子板,电缆另一头接上万用表; 2. 加压至1.8MPa,此值可由标准压力表读出;逆时针转动设定值调节镙杆,使设定值由小变大,直至微动开关在1。8MPa处切换。 3. 旋动锁紧器,调节校验台压力,使其在1.8MPa处上下来回变化,校验压力下降时,切换值是否为1.8MPa,此值即为要求设定的下切换值,此值加上切换差(约0.85MPa)即为上切换值。3S压力开关使用说明


diff为差分函数例如x=[1 2 2 3 9 4 2]diff(x)=[1 0 1 6 -5 -2].前后位做差。具体用法help diff




就是 difference 的意思。 这个东西是 diff 命令生成的“区别”数据,也就是两个源代码目录他会识别出有什么不同点并且输出为 diff 文件特有的格式。这个输出的文件可以用 patch 命令打在旧版本的源代码上来实现变成新版本的源代码。 这种升级源代码版本的办法,可以很好的解决每次下载源代码都要重头全部下载导致数据量很大的问题。 如果你下载源代码包只有 .diff ,那么证明你下载错了,因为只有旧的特定版本才能用 diff 升级为特定的新版本。diff 文件是前后两个版本关联的,不是随便可以用的。


1>Diff命令的功能Linux中Diff命令的功能为逐行比较两个文本文件,列出其不同之处。它对给出的文件进行系统的检查,并显示出两个文件中所有不同的行,不要求事先对文件进行排序。2>语法diff[options]file1file2该命令告诉用户,为了使两个文件file1和file2一致,需要修改它们的哪些行。如果用”-”表示file1或file2,则表示标准输入。如果file1或file2是目录,那么diff将使用该目录中的同名文件进行比较。3>[options]主要参数-a:将所有文件当作文本文件来处理。-b或–ignore-space-change 忽略空格造成的不同。-B或–ignore-blank-lines 忽略空行造成的不同。-c:使用纲要输出格式。-H:利用试探法加速对大文件的搜索。-I:忽略大小写的变化。-n–rcs:输出RCS格式。-N或–new-file 在比较目录时,若文件A仅出现在某个目录中,会显示:Onlyin目录;文件A若使用-N参数,则diff会将文件A与一个空白的文件比较。-r或–recursive 比较子目录中的文件。-u,-U<列数>或–unified=<列数> 以合并的方式来显示文件内容的不同。4>使用方法的实例说明例如:diff/usr/xumine把目录/usr/xu中名为mine的文件与当前目录中的mine文件进行比较。通常输出由下述形式的行组成:n1an3,n4n1,n2dn3n1,n2cn3,n4这些行类似ed命令把filel转换成file2。字母(a、d和c)之前的行号(n1,n2)是针对file1的,其后面的行号(n3,n4)是针对file2的。字母a、d和c分别表示附加、删除和修改操作。在上述形式的每一行的后面跟随受到影响的若干行,以”<”打头的行属于第一个文件,以”>”打头的行属于第二个文件。diff能区别块和字符设备文件以及FIFO(管道文件),不会把它们与普通文件进行比较。如果file1和file2都是目录,则diff会产生很多信息。5>diff最常用的功能diff有很多功能平时我们不常用到,最常用的功能莫过于生成patch文件了:diff-urNold/new/>mysoft.patch参数-u表示使用unified格式,-r表示比较目录,-N表示将不存在的文件当作空文件处理,这样新添加的文件也会出现在patch文件中。然后在需要应用patch的地方使用下述命令即可:patch-p0<mysoft.patchdiff的-y命令(长格式为–side-by-side)可以将屏幕分成左右两部分,来比较两个文件之间的差异。许多图形化的比较工具都有这个功能,但如果只能使用命令行,这个参数就相当有用了。如果要改变左右各部分的宽度,可以通过-W(–width)参数来指定。–ignore-blank-lines参数可以不检查空白行。这样DOS格式和Unix格式的文件互相比较时,就不至于因为换行符不一致而出现大量的差异。




diff 命令比较文本文件。它能比较单个文件或者目录内容。   注:   diff 命令只有当输入为文本文件时才有效。   如果指定了 Directory1 和 Directory2 参数,diff 命令比较两个目录下名字相同的文本文件。列出不同的二进制文件、公共子目录和只在一个目录出现的文件。   当 diff 命令运行于常规文件时,且当目录比较期间比较不同的文本文件时,diff 命令显示文件中哪些行必须更改以保持它们一致。如果 File1 和 File2 参数都不是目录,其中之一可能给定负号“-”,以采用标准输入。如果 File1 参数是目录,则使用目录中与 File2 参数指定的文件名一致的那个文件。


就是 difference 的意思。这个东西是 diff 命令生成的“区别”数据,也就是两个源代码目录他会识别出有什么不同点并且输出为 diff 文件特有的格式。这个输出的文件可以用 patch 命令打在旧版本的源代码上来实现变成新版本的源代码。这种升级源代码版本的办法,可以很好的解决每次下载源代码都要重头全部下载导致数据量很大的问题。如果你下载源代码包只有 .diff ,那么证明你下载错了,因为只有旧的特定版本才能用 diff 升级为特定的新版本。diff 文件是前后两个版本关联的,不是随便可以用的。


diff指diff算法。虚拟DOM中采用的算法;把树形结构按照层级分解,只比较同级元素。不同层级的节点只有创建和删除操作;给列表结构的每个单元添加唯一的 key 属性,方便比较。相关信息:React 只会匹配相同 class 的 component(这里面的 class 指的是组件的名字)合并操作,调用 component 的 setState 方法的时候, React 将其标记为 dirty.到每一个事件循环结束, React 检查所有标记 dirty 的 component 重新绘制。选择性子树渲染。开发人员可以重写 shouldComponentUpdate 提高 diff 的性能。


  股票技术分析中DIFF是一种指标线,即DIFF线表示收盘价短期、长期指数平滑移动平均线间的差。  DIFF线的用法:  1.DIFF向上突破DEA,买入信号;  2.DIFF向下跌破DEA,卖出信号;  3.DEA线与K线发生背离,行情反转信号;  4.分析MACD柱状线,由红变绿(正变负),卖出信号;由绿变红,买入信号。


1.在matlab中,diff函数用于求导数或者向量和矩阵的比较。在matlab的命令窗口中输入docdiff或者helpdiff即可获得该函数的帮助信息。2.调用格式及说明:  y=diff(x)  这里求函数x的一阶导数  y=diff(x,n)  求函数x的n阶导数  y=diff(x,dim)  求函数x关于变量dim的偏导数  y=diff(x,n,dim)  求函数x关于dim的n阶偏导数  若x为向量,  y=diff(x)=[x(2)-x(1),x(3)-x(2),...,x(n)-x(n-1)]  求前后两项之差  若x为矩阵,  y=diff(x)=[x(2:n,:)-x(1:n-1,:)]  求每列前后两项之差


就是 difference 的意思。这个东西是 diff 命令生成的“区别”数据,也就是两个源代码目录他会识别出有什么不同点并且输出为 diff 文件特有的格式。这个输出的文件可以用 patch 命令打在旧版本的源代码上来实现变成新版本的源代码。这种升级源代码版本的办法,可以很好的解决每次下载源代码都要重头全部下载导致数据量很大的问题。如果你下载源代码包只有 .diff ,那么证明你下载错了,因为只有旧的特定版本才能用 diff 升级为特定的新版本。diff 文件是前后两个版本关联的,不是随便可以用的。


股票技术分析中DIFF是一种指标线,即DIFF线表示收盘价短期、长期指数平滑移动平均线间的差。DIFF线的用法,DIFF向上突破DEA,买入信号DIFF向下跌破DEA,卖出信号,DEA线与K线发生背离,行情反转信号,分析MACD柱状线,由红变绿(正变负),卖出信号;由绿变红,买入信号。拓展资料:一、MACD指标实战用法:1.DIFF线的买入形态海底电缆海底电缆是指,MACD指标在零轴下方运行较长一段时间(一般要超过1个月),DIFF线金叉DEA线之后,两条线不是强劲上升,而是逐渐黏合成一条直线,数值几乎相等,最后伴随着股价的上涨,黏合的DIFF线和DEA线开始向上发散,即为海底电缆形态。2.海底电缆形态表明,市场经过较长时间的下跌后,上涨动能逐渐开始积聚。特别是经过DIFF线和DEA线的粘合之后,一旦出现多头发散,就表明上涨动能经过蓄势之后,已经占据主动地位,接下来股价将持续一波上涨走势。投资者可以在DIFF线、DEA线开始向上发散时积极买入。2011年6月3日,南山铝业(600219)在经过一段较长时间的下跌趋势后,MACD指标在零轴下方出现金叉。之后DIFF线和DEA线并没有大幅向上,而是逐渐粘合在一起。 6月23日,DIFF线和DEA线经过黏合之后开始向上发散,形成海底电缆形态,表明上涨动能已经占据主动地位。此时投资者可以积极买入。二、在实战中,投资者要注意以下几个方面: 1.该形态与天鹅展翅形态的市场意义相似。但上涨动能不及天鹅展翅形态。 2.DIFF线和DEA线经过黏合之后再次向上,股价将出现一波上涨走势。但趋势是否就此彻底反转,还不能最终确定。 3.DIFF线和DEA线的黏合,持续时间越久,之后的上涨动能就越强。




外国人说diff的意思:英语缩略词“diff”经常作为“DIFFerence”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“差异”。difference可以用作名词difference作“差异,区别”解时,指一事物区别于另一事物的不同之处,可指事物之间的本质差别,也可指事物之间的非本质的差别,可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词。difference还可作“差距,差额”解,指的是事物之间存在的一个差额值,作不可数名词。difference引申还可作“分歧,争执”解,这时常用作复数形式。difference后常接介词between of短语作定语。difference用作名词的用法例句1、How do you account for the difference between them?你怎样来解释它们之间的差异呢?2、Flowers make no difference to this room.这房间有没有花没什么区别。


DIFF线 收盘价短期、长期指数平滑移动平均线间的差 DEA线 DIFF线的M日指数平滑移动平均线 MACD线 DIFF线与DEA线的差,彩色柱状线 参数:SHORT(短期)、LONG(长期)、M 天数,一般为12、26、9 公式如下所示: 加权平均指数(DI)=(当日最高指数+当日收盘指数+2倍的当日最低指数) 十二日平滑系数(L12)=2/(12+1)=0.1538 二十六日平滑系数(L26)=2/(26+1)=0.0741 十二日指数平均值(12日EMA)=L12×当日收盘指数+11/(12+1)×昨日的12日EMA 二十六日指数平均值(26日EMA)=L26×当日收盘指数+25/(26+1)×昨日的26日EMA 差离率(DIF)=12日EMA-26日EMA 九日DIF平均值(DEA) =最近9日的DIF之和/9 柱状值(BAR)=DIF-DEA MACD=(当日的DIF-昨日的DIF)×0.2+昨日的MACD 应用原则 [编辑本段] 1.当DIF由下向上突破DEA,形成黄金交叉,既白色的DIF上穿黄色的DEA形成的交叉。同时BAR(绿柱线)缩短,为买入信号。 2.当DIF由上向下突破DEA,形成死亡交叉,既白色的DIF下穿黄色的DEA形成的交叉。同时BAR(红柱线)缩短,为卖出信号。 3.顶背离:当股价指数逐波升高,而DIF及DEA不是同步上升,而是逐波下降,与股价走势形成顶背离。预示股价即将下跌。如果此时出现DIF两次由上向下穿过DEA,形成两次死亡交叉,则股价将大幅下跌。 4.底背离:当股价指数逐波下行,而DIF及DEA不是同步下降,而是逐波上升,与股价走势形成底背离,预示着股价即将上涨。如果此时出现DIF两次由下向上穿过DEA,形成两次黄金交叉,则股价即将大幅度上涨。 MACD指标主要用于对大势中长期的上涨或下跌趋势进行判断,当股价处于盘局或指数波动不明显时,MACD买卖信号较不明显。当股价在短时间内上下波动较大时,因MACD的移动相当缓慢,所以不会立即对股价的变动产生买卖信号。MACD主要是利用长短期的二条平滑平均线,计算两者之间的差离值,作为研判行情买卖之依据。MACD指标是基于均线的构造原理,对价格收盘价进行平滑处理(求出算术平均值)后的一种趋向类指标。它主要由两部分组成,即正负差(DIF)、异同平均数(DEA),其中,正负差是核心,DEA是辅助。DIF是快速平滑移动平均线(EMA1)和慢速平滑移动平均线(EMA2)的差。在现有的技术分析软件中,MACD常用参数是快速平滑移动平均线为12,慢速平滑移动平均线参数为26。此外,MACD还有一个辅助指标——柱状线(BAR)。在大多数技术分析软件中,柱状线是有颜色的,在低于0轴以下是绿色,高于0轴以上是红色,前者代表趋势较弱,后者代表趋势较强。 下面我们来说一下使用MACD指标所应当遵循的基本原则: 1.当DIF和DEA处于0轴以上时,属于多头市场,DIF线自下而上穿越DEA线时是买入信号。DIF线自上而下穿越DEA线时,如果两线值还处于0轴以上运行,仅仅只能视为一次短暂的回落,而不能确定趋势转折,此时是否卖出还需要借助其他指标来综合判断。 2.当DIF和DEA处于0轴以下时,属于空头市场。DIF线自上而下穿越DEA线时是卖出信号,DIF线自下而上穿越DEA线时,如果两线值还处于0轴以下运行,仅仅只能视为一次短暂的反弹,而不能确定趋势转折,此时是否买入还需要借助其他指标来综合判断。 3.柱状线收缩和放大。一般来说,柱状线的持续收缩表明趋势运行的强度正在逐渐减弱,当柱状线颜色发生改变时,趋势确定转折。但在一些时间周期不长的MACD指标使用过程中,这一观点并不能完全成立。 4.形态和背离情况。MACD指标也强调形态和背离现象。当形态上MACD指标的DIF线与MACD线形成高位看跌形态,如头肩顶、双头等,应当保持警惕;而当形态上MACD指标DIF线与MACD线形成低位看涨形态时,应考虑进行买入。在判断形态时以DIF线为主,MACD线为辅。当价格持续升高,而MACD指标走出一波比一波低的走势时,意味着顶背离出现,预示着价格将可能在不久之后出现转头下行,当价格持续降低,而MACD指标却走出一波高于一波的走势时,意味着底背离现象的出现,预示着价格将很快结束下跌,转头上涨。 5.牛皮市道中指标将失真。当价格并不是自上而下或者自下而上运行,而是保持水平方向的移动时,我们称之为牛皮市道,此时虚假信号将在MACD指标中产生,指标DIF线与MACD线的交叉将会十分频繁,同时柱状线的收放也将频频出现,颜色也会常常由绿转红或者由红转绿,此时MACD指标处于失真状态,使用价值相应降低。 用DIF的曲线形状进行分析,主要是利用指标相背离的原则。具体为:如果DIF的走向与股价走向相背离,则是采取具体行动的时间。但是,根据以上原则来指导实际操作,准确性并不能令人满意。经过实践、摸索和总结,综合运用5日、10日均价线,5日、10日均量线和MACD,其准确性大为提高。

diff是什么意思 diff翻译

1、英语缩略词“diff”经常作为“DIFFerence”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“差异”。本文将详细介绍英语缩写词diff所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度。 2、此外,还有关于缩略词diff的分类、应用领域及相关应用示例等。 3、diff:英[du026af]、美[du026af]


U0001f590U0001f3fbU0001f590U0001f3fbU0001f590U0001f3fb首先我们来看下diff的大致意思diff:词性为名词,diff是difference的缩写,常用于口语中。表示两个事物或概念之间的差异或不同之处。通过下面的表格我们了解下diff的含义、发音和用法接下来我们讲解几个用例,希望这些用例可以加深您的理解U0001f680U0001f680U0001f680diff:There is a big diff between these two versions.(这两个版本之间有很大的diff。)Please tell me the diff between them.(请你告诉我他们之间的diff。)We need to analyze the diff of the data.(我们需要分析数据的diff。)I noticed the diff between the two proposals.(我注意到了两个方案的diff。)The boss emphasized the diff of the product.(老板强调了产品的diff。)We need to address the diff of this issue.(我们需要解决这个问题的diff。)

急求英语口语考试中三人对话,主题分别是traveling .dormitory life.gender difference.college life.

college life(自己把两个人的对话分下,就可以三个人了,以下都一样)Todd: Miki, you went to UC Berkeley, a very famous university in the U.S. What is your university like? Why is it famous?Miki: Why is it famous? Well, I suppose historically it"s kind of famous, recent history, because it was a center for the freedom of speech movement in the 1960"s and the civil rights movement, and it"s pretty much where multi-culturalism, feminist studies and those sorts of so called liberal political movements were born and they"re still quite strong today on campus and so students kind of get drawn to that, the political aspect of it I suppose, also the, it"s a research university and it attracts nobel laureates, very famous professors, at the top of their field, it"s also quite a beautiful campus, I love the campus, it"s not, it"s not, how do you say?Todd: It"s not like maybe a college town, or?Miki: Ah, no, it"s not really a college town, of course, because it"s right smack in the middle of a metropolitan area which is the Bay Area, and just right across the bay from San Francisco. The natural scenery is quite beautiful. There"s the ocean to the west. There are mountains to the east and just beautiful gorgeous sunsets going down into the Golden Gate. The natural scenery is just beautiful, and the architecture of the campus is quite beautiful too, and apparently during the war, World War II, a number of tests were done on campus in terms of integrating floral species with each other, and so you have firs next to cedar which is a strange combination. The idea was would they kill each other.Todd: Oh, Wow! That"s awful!Miki: Yeah, no, so there"s some scientific engineering going on on campus.Todd: But the trees survived?Miki: Yes, as a matter of fact.Todd: Well, that"s good. You can"t fool nature.Miki: No. no, but it is a beautiful campus, and I went there for four years as an undergrad. I lived in the dormitory for the first year and I lived in the co-ops from the second through the fourth year and the co-ops are kind of a housing community that"s owned by students, it"s run by students and is there for quite cheap so it attracts poor students who work, while they go to school at the same time, and that"s who I was. I worked at a restaurant, I worked at a sandwich shop, I worked at a toy store, I worked as a secretary to put myself through school and lived quite cheaply in these co-ops which incidentally also had marvelous parties and almost every weekend there was some party somewhere that one of these co-ops was putting on, and it was really wonderful.Todd: Wow! Sounds like a good time.Miki: Yeah!TRAVELINGTodd: So, Jeyong, you were telling me that you like to travel.Jeyong: Yes, very much.Todd: Now, this is interesting. Who do you normally travel with?Jeyong: You would be kind of surprised to hear this, but then, I normally travel with my dad.Todd: Wow. That"s so cool. Why is that?Jeyong: That will be first of all because my dad goes on a business trip very often and I ask him if I can follow him most of the time and he would say yes, and I would just have time with him on his business trip and traveling around.Todd: That"s really cool. What kind of business does your father do?Jeyong: He"s in apparel.Todd: Apparel.Jeyong: ExportTodd: Oh, really.Jeyong: Yes.Todd: So does he teach you the secrets about business?Jeyong: Not that much about business, but then traveling around he teaches me about differences between all the cultures of countries.Todd: That"s fantastic.Jeyong: How importat that is.Todd: So what countries have you been to with your father?Jeyong: A lot to name, actually. Do you want me to name all those?Todd: Well, how about which ones do you remember the most?Jeyong: I remember the most about Europe. I went to France, England, Switzerland and Roma so those four places were very interesting for me, and other than that, I went to Cambodia, Vietnam, Guam, and so on.Todd: What was Cambodia like?Jeyong: Cambodia is a really memorable trip for me with my dad because it was really interesting how many people in boats on the water. There"s a society in Cambodia like that and then it was really sad looking at them how they own much money and they have to spend their day using a dollar.Todd: So not very much, but did the people seem happy in Cambodia?Jeyong: They did look happy, happier than the people where I come from.Todd: That"s kind of interesting. Yeah, I used to live in Thailand and I kind of felt the same way to, although Thailand is very developed. Any other places that you"ve been to?Jeyong: Other places? Maybe in The States.Todd: Oh, really. Where did you live in the States? Or what did you do in the States?Jeyong: When I was in elementary school, I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for five years but after that I also went travelling around the other states, such as San Francisco in California, Los Angeles and New York City, where I like the most and Florida. All the beaches.Todd: Now, I"m from San Francisco and you said you like New York better that San Francisco, so I have to ask why.Jeyong: Why? Because the people in New York, how they live their life, it looks cool.Todd: Yeah, New Yorkers are pretty cool. OK, well thanks Jeyong. Thanks a lot.Jeyong: No problem. Thank you.gender differenceTodd: So, Kadi, you are from Estonia. Can you talk about gender roles for the new generation compared to the older generation?Kadi: Yes, in Estonia, we have this kind of Western type of family, a woman doesn"t have to be a housewife. She can work. She can do whatever she likes. Even maybe the tendency right now is that women are becoming more masculine. Often it happens that women make more money than men do and they"re the ones who bring the bread in the house. Yeah, compared to Eastern society where usually women are considered as housewives, they just have to clean and cook and raise the kids, and in my country ... no ... there"s not such a thing and I think it always has been like that. I"m not quite sure but...Todd: Who does the chores like cooking and cleaning?Kadi: Yeah, I think we all do it. We don"t have that kind of rule that women only have to clean and cook. Of course in some families, it is like that because women are better cleaning especially, rather than men are, but yeah, men are quite good cooks.Todd: What do people do for childcare? Like who takes care of the children?Kadi: Nannies. Yeah. We have nannies for working mothers, they usually like hire people to watch over their children and just they play with them and also like kindergarten, like children start going to kindergarten in Estonia when they"re really, really young, maybe from three months I think even, yeah, you can go to work when your child is like half-a-year old. Just go to work. Take a child there, and people are going to care about her.Todd: Is the nanny expected to cook and clean as well?Kadi: It depends of on the contract. It depends on the contract. Yeah, if you hire a person who that you say you"re gonna pay him or her, usually her, like for cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, whatever, it depends on the contract.dormitory lifeTodd: Miki, when you were in college where did you live?Miki: My first year I lived in the dormitory that was quite close to the campus. It was about a five minute walks so it was very convenient but I"m not sure that that many people actually enjoyed living in the dormitory because there were so many of us packed into such a small space that one did not get a sense of privacy at all. I shared a room with two other girls and 24 hours a day there was always someone near you, next door, down the hall if not in your own room, and a very small space. In Japan perhaps this wouldn"t have been such a large problem because the sense of personal space and privacy perhaps isn"t as strong growing up, but really in the United States if you grow up with you own room, it you grow up with your own sense of self and if, you know, you have personal space that you define just instinctively which, you know, maybe three feet in front of you, a meter, or if you have your own personal room itself, it"s very difficult to move from that sort of sense of individuality and personal private space, to move into the dorms, and to have to share, all of that, and then always have a smile on your face, if you don"t want to be considered a bitch.Todd: Yeah, so what about food? What did you eat for food? Did you have a kitchen? Did you cook?Miki: In the dormitories, no! We had a dining hall. I don"t quite remember what it was called, but it was a common area where everyone went downstairs at the same time. It was only open, three hours in the morning, 3 hours in the evening, and we all shared our time together, kind of like a family, I suppose, and we must have eaten just normal American food. I don"t remember.Todd: Yeah! Yeah! How about your laundry? How would you wash your clothes?Miki: That I forget! I think we had laundry machines every other floor in the dorm building. But I actually don"t remember. Sorry!Todd: And what would students do for fun? for socializing?Miki: Oh, I think the bigger question is whether students did anything besides socialize, you know, right, I mean, if you"re a freshman the chances of you actually doing work are actually quite small, especially in that sort of a social setting where,Todd: Even at Beckley?Miki: Oh, are you kidding me? Yes! Berkley is highly competitive but it"s also highly, it"s a highly social atmosphere, especially in the dorms, well, and then once you move into a communal area, if you"re there with your friend, then I don"t think a whole lot of studying goes on.Todd: Wow! That"s funny! Oh, thanks!Miki: Surely!


假设一个人A写了main.c程序之后,把代码发给另外一个人B,B写了程序之后,再把代码合入到自己的当中,但是A只想把B的差异部分合入到自己的代码当中,在这种情况之下可以通过diff命令生成差异文件,在合入到自己的代码当中。 代码结构: A编写的test1/main.c B编写的test2/main.c diff 命令生成差异文件:diff -ruNa test1/main.c test2/main.c > diff.patch diff.patch内容如下 使用如下命令即可把patch合入,合入之后,test1/main.c的内容跟test2/main.c的一样

different from 同义词

[同义词] different diverse divergent distinct various 意思都含“不同的”. different 系普通用语,指“事物间的区别或本质上的不同”,侧重“相异的”,如: The two boys are different in their tastes. 这两个男孩的兴趣是相异的. diverse指“性质、种类十分不同的”,如: The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning. 在某种意义上说,此词现在的含义与最初的含义完全不同. divergent指“分歧的”、“差异的”,强调“不相容的”,如: divergent schools of thought 不同的思想流派. distinct指“两个或更多个东西各自有其特点,不容混淆”,含有“明显”和“性质上不同”的意思,如: things similar in form but distinct in nature 形式相似,实质不同的东西. various 强调“种类或性质的不同与多样”,而不强调“其本质的差别”,如: representatives from various parts of the country 全国各地的代表.


unlike diverse another distinct dissimilar disparate a lot of u3001lots ofu3001 large quantity ofu3001plenty of u3001large number of


表示不同:(1)Varied [u02c8verid]a wide and varied selection (2)Distinct:gold is distinct from iron(3)Diverse people from diverse cultures (4)Various(5)Unlike

different from的用法区别是什么

"different from"和"different than"都表示不同于,但它们的使用情景略有区别。"use different from":用在两个事物之间做比较时,用来表达它们之间的不同之处。例如:"The new model is different from the old one.""use different than":一般用于表达不同的程度或者数量。例如:"I have a different opinion than you do." 或者 "She has a different number of books than I do."总的来说,“different from”用得更普遍,而“different than”则相对较少使用。

different with 和 different from的区别能举个例句最好

I am different with him 两者并重I am different from him 强调后者是主流


divers (形容词)adj. 不同种类的,各式各样的differ (动词)vt. 使…相异;使…不同vi. 相异。

diverse different的区别



diverse和different这两个词都有"不同"的意思,但它们的用法略有不同。diverse指的是"多样的,不同的",常用来描述一群人或物的组成成分,强调的是它们的多样性。例如:This class is made up of a diverse group of students from different backgrounds and cultures.The region is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna.different指的是"不同的,相异的",常用来描述两个或两个以上的人或物,强调它们之间的差异。例如:The two brothers are very different from each other.The two solutions to the problem are different, but both are valid.因此,diverse和different可以同时用,但它们的用法不完全相同。在使用这两个词时,需要注意它们的含义和用法,以避免混淆。

中国和朝鲜的异同 Differences and similarities between China and North Korea.

经济方面的差异,因为建国初期,实行公社制度,打消了农民的积极性,因为大家不用种地国家也给饭菜吃,所以土地都荒芜了。所以现在经济产值很低。中国临近朝鲜的辽宁省年经济产值都比朝鲜全国的都高人文方面的差异,朝鲜大概是全世界目前最死板的国家了,不接受新鲜事物,自我封闭,思想保守,连古巴都开始改革了历史方面的差异,朝鲜半岛1000多年前处于三国分裂状态,其中一个国家叫做高句丽,一个叫新罗,一个叫百济后来在唐帝国的扶持下,新罗最终统一朝鲜半岛,然后又分裂,新的统一的国家叫做高丽然后高丽王朝又覆灭,新的国家又统一朝鲜半岛,名字叫朝鲜。朝鲜其实最初的读音并不是这样的,而是读zhao xian,朝阳的朝,鲜明的鲜。是明帝国的皇帝给命名的,取朝日鲜明之意,翻译成白话文就是清晨的国度。其实对于人民来说,都差不多,不过朝鲜半岛古代的最高统治者一直叫大王,而不叫皇帝,这是因为朝鲜离中国很近,而国家实力却远不如中国,以至于多次被中国征服,所以朝鲜半岛有记录以来的大部分时间是作为附属国存在的(指没有独立主权的国家实体)而皇帝在中国人心中的概念与西方人不同。西方人认为皇帝就是王,国王也是王,都是一样的。然而在东方,皇帝是至高无上的,人没有人能与皇帝平等,皇帝只能有一个。一般来讲,皇帝的儿子都叫做王,比如临淄王,定陶王,中山王,恭亲王,等等等等···所以王国要比帝国低一个等级。所以朝鲜的统治者不能称帝,因为宗主国不允许。所以他们的统治者常常叫国主,或者大王。现在南北朝鲜的英文名字多被称为korea,其实是朝鲜语词汇“高丽”的音译。我所了解的朝鲜大概就这些了,也许用谷歌翻译能翻译成英文

git配置使用beyond compare作为git difftool失败问题请教

命令行应该写成这样吧:""f:/program files/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE""甚至这样:""f:/program files/beyond compare 3/bcomp.exe" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE""你试试,再讨论。

Le francais est difficile,mais il ne faut pas parler et écrire____.


Le francais est difficile,mais il ne faut pas parler et écrire____.

B和D首先排除,一个是无论何时,一个是无论谁,和这句话的意思不符A和C之间比较有点难度。主要是受中文思维的影响。抛开意思不想,仅从词性和语法来分析,comment 是如何的意思,是副词,quoi是什么,是不定代词。所以从语法角度说,n"importe comment 作状语,而n"importe quoi作主语或宾语。parler是不及物动词,如果说parler的话,要写成 parler de n"importe quoi, 所以不用看écrire ,就可判断应该选A. n"importe comment 。B和D首先排除,一个是无论何时,一个是无论谁,和这句话的意思不符A和C之间比较有点难度。主要是受中文思维的影响。抛开意思不想,仅从词性和语法来分析,comment 是如何的意思,是副词,quoi是什么,是不定代词。所以从语法角度说,n"importe comment 作状语,而n"importe quoi作主语或宾语。parler是不及物动词,如果说parler的话,要写成 parler de n"importe quoi, 所以不用看écrire ,就可判断应该选A. n"importe comment 。法语很难,但是不要想怎么写就怎么写,想怎么说就怎么说。


stablediffusion保姆级安装教程1安装软件环境先把三个软件按上图步骤安装完以后( 建议不安装到C盘里)2正式安装stable先解压安装包,再启动依赖,点击sd启动输入(我已阅读并同意)左上角点击文件-保存,然后等待运行出现网址自动跳转到浏览器里3导入模型没有模型,就把安装包里的模型按上图所示导入到D: ovelai-webuimodelsStable-diffusion 里

If you come across some difficulty, donu2019t ______ to tell me.


急求一篇初二英语作文 Think of yourself two years ago.Write about how you are different now.

Two years, there were many things large and small.National disaster and our growth also will be here.In the turbulent world, we are growing.Two years ago, I was ignorant of the child, apparently has matured a lot after two years.For two years, I have done a lot of thought I can not do. So I grew up.Growing up, I have to take responsibility.The future depends on his way.不理解的可以问我,这是我写的。

There are different kinds of animals in the zoo开头的短文填空

There are different (kinds) of animals in the zoo.We see the zoo keepers give them food to u3000u3000(eat).They donu2019t have to find food by (themselves).They just eat,walk and sleep (all) day.So many of us may think that the animals there are (happy) and lucky.But most of them are sad.Whyuff1fTheyu2019re no longer (free)!Animals like elephants,monkeys and tigers usually live freely and happily in forests or mountains.Tigers,for (example) ,run,jump,play with their children and catch small animals for food.But now they have to stay in small rooms in the zoo.Their life in the zoo is quite (different) from their life in the forests.Now many of us think more animals should go (back) to forests and mountains so that the earth will (become) better.

In what ways do people think women and men are different?

1 the voice are different 2 the images and outlook are different 3 the body structure and figure are different 4 the ability and character are different 5 some hobby and interest are different Etc..

what does friendship mean to you?what do you think is the different between friendship and love?

Today , I"m giving a speech about Differences between Love and Friendship. Friendship is like a plant while love is the flower it grows. Friendship is very pure , a friend may ask nothing from you while a lover does. Having a friend is a small matter , but when you have a true friend , you may have a sense of happiness in your own mind . Having a lover is a wonderful thing , just like lying in the sun . You can get protections and encourages from your lover . Friendship and love may have many differences , but one thing for sure , friendship and love are both selfless. That"s all , thank you.

I think ().I have a () answer .(different )




Different people think about it[ ](different).

你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题:填写 differently 修饰动词,所以用副词differently不同的人对它的考虑也不一样。***************************************************^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************

应该是but i think a bit differently 还是but i think a bit different,从语法构成、词性方面说说为什么

but i think a bit differently,正确的用来表达自己的观点我有点自己不同的见解differently用来修饰think,即副词修饰动词,与a bit 无关刚刚我错了,sorry【数学之美】很高兴为你解答,不懂请追问!满意请采纳,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O~

Think different Do different.中间是句号还是逗号?

Think different. Do different. (中间是句号,谷歌一下就能找到)

Apple think different 广告词

长达一分钟的广告涵盖多个历史人物: 广告片以一个年轻女孩Shaan Sahota睁开眼睛为结尾。 原文: Here"s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They"re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can"t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that"s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? We make tools for these kinds of people. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. 原文翻译: 向那些疯狂的家伙们致敬, 他们特立独行, 他们桀骜不驯, 他们惹是生非, 他们格格不入, 他们用与众不同的眼光看待事物, 他们不喜欢墨守成规, 他们也不愿安于现状。 你可以赞美他们, 引用他们, 反对他们, 质疑他们, 颂扬或是诋毁他们, 但唯独不能漠视他们。 因为他们改变了世界。 他们发明, 他们想象, 他们治愈, 他们探索, 他们创造, 他们启迪, 他们推动人类向前发展。 也许,他们必需要疯狂。 你能盯着白纸,就看到美妙的画作么? 你能 静静坐着 ,就谱出动听的歌曲么? 你能凝视火星,就想到神奇的太空轮么? 我们为这些家伙制造良机。 或许他们是别人眼里的疯子, 但他们却是我们眼中的天才。 因为只有那些疯狂到以为自己能够改变世界的人, 才能真正地改变世界。

苹果的广告语为什么是 Think Different 而不是 Think Differently?


think different是什么意思


think different是什么意思

think different不同凡想; 另类思考;

I like to find out what different people think about a subject.这句话是什么从句,分析下句子结构?


how do you think technology will be different 100

how do you think technology will be different 100意思是你怎么认为科技会和100不同 different意思是不同 technology意思是科技

Western people think ____(different) from Chinese


My father likes to eat many different kinds of food还是foods 呢


说different foods对吗?为什么不用food啊?讲一下food吧

首先是对的 food一般情况下都是单数 因为他是一类物质的总称 像sheep 当他做复数时 只有一种情况 就是句子要表达的 食物的种类 很多 所以有复数 比如 Many sweet foods are on sale in the store. 这家商店在廉价出售多种甜食.

kill,it is,difficult,out,who,the,is,find,to

it is difficult to find out who is the kill

是be difficult to sb 还是be difficult for sb

be difficult for sb 对某人来说很困难 固定词组希望可以帮到你哦。呵呵

8. a heavy traffic jam on the highway the taxi driver had to take a different route.

D. There being因为没连词, 不可选B. C等于As there was a heavy traffic jam on the highway, the taxi driver had to take a different route.独立主格结构做原因状语【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

in trouble in danger和in difficulties有什么区别

in trouble:陷入困境in danger:处于险境,濒危 形容动物濒临灭绝in difficulties:遇到困难

This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.这句话算错吗?

This exercise is too difficult for (anyone of us )to do it. 括号里的不对啊 any of us

求一篇英语演讲稿 主题是How to get along with people from different cult

In this world of different cultures,customs and backgrounds,it"s no wonder why so many people can"t get along with each other.If you"re ever in this situation,whether it"s as a bystander,or first-hand,it can create unnecessary tension in your life. To get along well with people from different cultures,you need to do at least three things as follows. First of all,you need to get ready for your self.If you live in the different country,you must have had some culture shock.Some people hide in the shell,which means keep yourslf in your munity.But what I remend to do is to accept a lot of difference and absorb or learn form these things rather than get yourself stronger because you don"t know how big the sea is while you"re swimming the sea.In addition,accept that nobody is perfect,including you,and that there will periodically throughout your life be somebody who rubs you the wrong way. Second of all,respect.In each country,there are different ways to show respect.Yet,respect starts in every relationship.Even to your family members,you need to show respect.Friends are same things in a lot of stuations.If you respect your friends,your colleagues and also yourself,what"s around you will respect you in return. Third of all, *** ile.If you can accept and respect people no matter where they e from,you can *** ile from your heart.Being proud of your culture is a great thing to live.But unnecessary pride can make you not intersted in other people and not bring *** ile for each person. Therefore,getting along with people from different cultures are not so difficult if you accept other clutures,respect other cultuers and swallow your pride a little bit.

法语 etre difficile a 和 etre difficile de 的区别

à 后一般加动作性动词de 后一般加习惯性动词

求翻译engage in 和differing


翻译,So, clearly, there are marked differences between regions.


boys and girls,i want you to welcome the parents in different places.怎么翻译


You must not be______at feeling the difficulities.

put out“put out”是个多义词,它可以指扑灭, 出产, 灭, 熄。 这里应该是 后退或者是,胆怯。

react 多节点 diff 简易实现

react 是一个数据驱动的框架,通过将数据与 UI 关联起来达到数据更新时同时更新 UI 更新的目的。对于 react web app 来说,数据的变动最终会转化为 dom 的变化。当然 react 并不会对 dom 进行直接比较,而是对比变化前的 fiber。对 fiber 的 diff 最终会反映到 dom 上。 先假设在 fiber 变化时不使用 diff 算法,即一旦 fiber 改变则删除变化前的所有 fiber 并插入变化后的 fiber 。这种方法虽然简便,但存在性能问题,因为 dom 的删除和创建都需要耗费时间。例如,fiber 从 a, b, c 变为 a, c, b。只需要将 b 插入到 c 之后即可,无需创建任何 fiber 。因此,需要一种方法来标记元素的变更,这就是 diff 算法。 如果变化后都存在多个元素,则属于多节点的 diff。多节点的 fiber diff 对于每一个 fiber 实际只存在两种情况: 为什么移动或新增 dom 都属于同一种情况,因为 react 实际上最终会调用 Node.insertBefore() 来进行 placement 操作,其定义如下: 因此 react 并不关心该 fiber 是移动(已经存在)还是新增(不存在需要创建)。例如 fiber 从 a, b, c, d 变为 a, c, b,d,那么 react 会将 b 这个 fiber 标记为 Placement。其余 fiber 不变。在最终进行 dom 变化时调用 parent.insertBefore(d, b) 。因此 diff 的目的并不是要 严格的找出 fiber 从哪个位置移动到哪个位置,只需要得出哪些需要删除,哪些需要 Placement 即可。 假设存在 now 以及 before 两个 fiber 集合。为了简化场景,认为 now 中的 fiber 在 before 中都存在。这时候问题可以转换为 如何移动 before 中的元素将其转换为 now 。react处理办法为 右移 before 中的部分 fiber 将其转换为 now 。例如,before 以及 after 中 key 的顺序为: 那么标记 b 为 Placement 即可。对于这个任务,我们将 上一个位置不变的元素在 now 中的位置记为 lastKeepIndex ,当遍历 now 数组中的每个 fiber 时,如果该 fiber 在 before 数组中存在,且 。则说明当前所遍历到得 fiber 在: 这就意味这这个 fiber 是需要移动的。如果不满足这个条件,则需要该 fiber 相对 lastKeepIndex 所标记的 fiber 位置没有变动,无需改变。 当然,实际上不可能 now 中的 fiber 在 before 中都能找到。但这种同样直接标记为 Placement 即可。同时在 before 中却不在 now 中的需要元素标记为 Deletion。为了方便这里我们定义 4 种类型的 Diff: 整个 diff 的逻辑为: 在得到 diff 的结果后,react 通过两个 dom 操作函数来将 diff 应用到真实的 dom: 第一个函数对应于变化后需要进行 Placement 有兄弟节点的情况,例如 fiber 从 a,b,c,d 变化为 a,c,b,d。此时 b 被标记为 Placement。react 会找到变化后它的第一个不需要变动的兄弟节点即为 d,并调用 parent.insertBefore(d, b) 。完成后真实的 dom 就从 a,b,c,d 变成 a,c,b,d。 第二个函数对应于变化后需要进行 Placement 不存在兄弟节点的情况,例如 fiber 从 a,b,c 变化为 a,c,b 此时 b 被标记为 Placement,但其不存在兄弟节点。react 会调用 parent.appendChild(b) 。完成后真实的 dom 就从 a,b,c 变成 a,c,b。 当然,真实的情况比这要更复杂。因此插入 dom 必定要先找到 fiber 树中真正的 dom 节点。而 fiber 树实际上是用户自定义组件 fiber 以及真实 dom fiber 组合在一起的,如何找到真实的兄弟 dom 节点对应的 fiber 也是一个比较复杂的任务。 react 通过 diff 算法来进行性能优化,减少 dom 的创建和删除。那么 react 采用的优化是否为 最优化 呢?答案是:否。例如存在这样一个特殊的例子: 由于 react diff 算法的局限,这里需要将 1 从 998 移动到 999 之后,但实际上我们一眼就能看出最简单的方法是将 999 移动到 1 之前。这也就是最近很多框架开始使用 最长上升子序列 来优化 diff 算法的原因。那么问题来了,你知道为什么这里 react 需要移动 998 个元素,或者说为什么最长上升子序列可以解决整个问题吗?

“不同类型的角色”是different type of roles还是different types of roles?即type要不要用复数?

different types of roles

Rarely__________so difficult a problem.


EU study tour provides a great chance to see a differente way of life.中文意思


求各位英语高手帮忙翻译这句四字谚语:It is difficult as sugar and salt.


the latter is more difficult for me than the former.

loveandbelovedinbetween,ishouldchoosetheformerorthelatter?这个句子有问题;你大概想表达toloveandtobeloved,shouldi choosetheformerorthelatter?爱或被爱,我应该选择前者还是后者?这样英语与汉语就一致无误了。

variant different 区别


求dr.dre的一首歌whats the different的歌词和翻译!!!

[Dr. Dre]Back when Cube - was rollin wit Lorenzo in a BenzoI was bangin wit a gang of instrumentalsGot the pens and pencils, got down to business; but sometimesthe business end of this shit can turn your friends against youBut you was a real nigga, I could sense it in youI still remember the window of the car that you went throughThat"s fucked up, but I"ll never forget the shit we been throughAnd I"ma do whatever it takes to convince youCuz you my nigga Doc, and Eazy I"m still wit youFuck the beef, nigga I miss you, and that"s just bein real wit youYou see the truth isEverybody wanna know how close me and Snoop isAnd who I"m still cool witThen I got these fake-ass niggaz I first drew withClaimin that they non-violent, talkin like they RuthlessSpit venom in interviews, speakin on reunionsMove units, then talk shit and we can do thisUntil then - I ain"t even speakin your nameJust keep my name outta yo" mouth and we can keep it the sameNigga, it ain"t that I"m too big to listen to the rumorsIt"s just that I"m too damn big to pay attention to "emThat"s the differenceWhat"s the difference between me and you?You talk a good one - but you don"t do what you supposed to doI act on what I feel and never deal wit emotionsI"m used to livin big dog style and straight coastin[Xzibit]Yo I stay wit itWhile you try to perpetrate, play wit it Never knew about the next level until Dre did it (YEAH)I stay committed while you motherfuckers baby-sittedI smash you critics like a overhand right from Riddick(Yeah!) Come and get it, shitted on villians by the millionsI be catchin bitches while bitches be catchin feelingsSo what the fuck am I supposed to do?I pop bottles and hot hollow-points at each and all of you (Come on!)A heartless bastard, high and plasteredMy style is like the reaction from too much acid - never cooled downPass it around if you can"t handle itHang Hollywood niggaz by they Soul Train laminatesWhat"s the difference between me and you? (What?)About five bank accounts, three houses and two vehiclesUntil my death, I"m BangladeshI suggest you hold yo" breath til ain"t none leftYo that"s the differenceChorus[Eminem]Aight, hold up hold up!STOP THE BEAT A MINUTE!! I got somethin to sayDre; I wanna tell you this shit right now while this fuckin weed is in me(The fuck?!) I don"t know if I ever told you this, but I love you dawgI got your motherfuckin back, just know this shit[Dre] Riiight? .. Slim, I don"t know if you noticed itBut I"ve had your back from day one, nigga let"s blow this bitch[Em] I mean it dawg, you ever need somebody offed - who"s throat is it?[Dre] Well if you ever kill that Kim bitch, I"ll show you where the ocean is(immitates ocean sound)[Eminem]Well that"s cool, and I appreciate the offerBut if I do decide to really murder my daughter"s mommaI"ma sit her up in the front seat and put sunglasses on herAnd cruise around wit her for seven hours through CaliforniaAnd have her wavin at people (Hi!) Then drop her off on the cornerat the police station and drive off honkin the horn for her(makes horn noise)Raw dawg, get your arm gnawed offDrop the sawed off and beat you wit the piece it was sawed off ofFuck blood, I wanna see some lungs coughed upGet shot up in the hot tub til the bubbles pop upand they nose and cough snot up, mucus in hot waterThat"s for tryin to talk like The Chronic was lost productThat"s for even THINKIN of havin them thoughts thought up!You better show some respect whenever the Doc"s brought up!!So what"s the difference between us? We can start at the penisOr we can scream, "I Just Don"t Give a Fuck," and see who means it! 分这么少,翻译太累勒,太长!

If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,however great it is.


If we work with a strong will,we can overcomeany difficulty( )great it is

D的意思是不论什么 而C是不管怎么样 题意就是说不管多大的困难我们都能克服

If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty, &nb...


If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulties ,_____great it is.

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