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decode意思:分析及译解电子信号英 [u02ccdi:u02c8ku0259u028ad] 美 [u02ccdi:u02c8kou028ad]vt.译(码),解(码); 分析及译解电子信号解码;译码;指令解码;译解过去式: decoded 过去分词: decoded 现在分词: decoding 第三人称单数: decodes派生词:decodable双语例句1. About 60,000 subscribers have special adapters to receive and decode the signals.大约6万用户拥有特殊的适配器来接收和转换信号。2. DeCODE has one further piece of evidence in its favor.DeCODE拥有另外一项对其有利的证据.3. On top of this, Dr Brennan and Dr Amos both used a different method from deCODE"s.除此之外, 布伦南和阿莫斯教授均采用了和deCODE公司不同的研究方法.4. DeCode"s rivals are medical researchers based at universities in the United States and Europe.DeCode的对手是美国和欧洲各大学的医学研究者.


decode[英][u02ccdi:u02c8ku0259u028ad][美][u02ccdi:u02c8kou028ad]vt.译(码),解(码); 分析及译解电子信号; 第三人称单数:decodes现在分词:decoding过去式:decoded过去分词:decoded双语例句1All he had to do was decode it and pass it over.他需要做的就是将它破译然后转给他人




  可能是AUSTRALIA,CANADA等国家需要的包装的DECLEARATION  如下:  1. Has straw packing  been used in this shipment. No  2. Has Timber packing been used in this  shipment. Yes ( timber packing includes palletts , skids,crates etc.)  3.If timber packing has been used is it free from bark. Yes  4.No sealed plastic has been used in the container above  5.plastic has been holed /penetrated or left open for quarantine purposesCleanliness DeclerationI declare that the contents are clean and are free from material of plant or animal  origin.





开机提示:"Failed to decompress data!"错误.怎么解决?

一个是你的C盘在用PQ软件分区的时候 没有设为作用! 还有一个就是你的分区表有问题! 如果是第一个好解决。再用PQ进去设个作用就可以了! 如果是第二个你得用DESKGEN这个软件来做一个分区表的修复!



in pairs,decide who alice


ida decompiler怎么安装

java反编译工具Jode Decompiler的Eclipse插件安装与使用Jode Decompiler的安装:安装非常的简单,在ECLIPSE上的help => Software Updates => Find and Install... => Search for new features to install,单击"New Remote Site..."

请教高手:java 反编工具 Decafe 有些CLASS文件无法反编

汗 现在的编程工具都有特殊功能和插件 你换个高级点的吧

There_____no hope, she decided to give it up.

there be 句型 表示“有”


我觉得是这样的:reduce是一种主观的减少、降低,主语是使减少的外力,to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price;decrese是一种客观的减少、下降,主语是减少的东西(size, amount, or price etc.),to go down to a lower level, or to make something do this.

php 中 date("Ymd",strtotime("24 Dec, 2014"))

  strtotime函数在php中是可以把日志转换成时间戳,他可以方便的让我们对日期时间分秒的计算,下面我来给各位介绍时strtotime函数用法。    1.获取当前的时间的时间戳!  a.实用strtotime("now");来获取当前的时间戳!(因为PHP当前时间和真是时间相差8小时)  代码如下   ate("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("now")+8*60*60);  结果:2013-04-05 03:15:02  


回答:它们意义不同:decide决定,断定,选定,决心等;separate(使)分开、分隔、分离等。 它们用法不同:decide that … / to do / on sth; separate (…)from…。如:They want to separate teaching from research. 他们想把教学和研究分开。He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec"s threat to separate from Canada. 他宣布成立一个新部门,专门处理He decided (that)Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold. 他断定富兰克林一定是得了重感冒。Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future. 越南正在努力确定其未来发展的方向。If the Conservatives got in they might decide to change it. 如果保守党赢得选举,他们可能会决定改变这一现状。

decide to do 和 doing的区别是什么?

一、意思不同1、decide to do:待办事项。2、doing:所做的事,发生的事。二、用法不同1、decide to do:动词不定式,为非谓语动词。在英语语法中,动词不定式是指动词中的一种不带词形变化从而不指示人称、数量、时态的一种形式。它之所以被称做不定式,是因为动词不被限定,或者说不被词形变化所局限。不定式属于非谓语动词形式。2、doing:动名词,指的是动词ing形式的一种,兼有动词和名词特征的非限定动词。它可以支配宾语,也能被副词修饰。动名词有时态和语态的变化。英语中的动名词是由动词变化而来。三、侧重点不同1、decide to do:侧重于表示想做但是还没做的事。2、doing:侧重于表示正在做的事。

IEEE TAC 状态变为Decision Pending,多久会出结果

一审 变为Decision Pending 当天就出了结果,给了Conditionally accepted 二审Decision Pending都一天多了,还没动静

IEEE TAC 状态变为Decision Pending,多久会出结果

一审 变为Decision Pending 当天就出了结果,给了Conditionally accepted 二审Decision Pending都一天多了,还没动静

迅雷下载好电影后,XVID VIDEO DECODER自动运行,这是个什么玩意,怎么禁止

XVID VIDEO DECODER是一个视频解码器,你是不是在迅雷中设置了下载完成自动运行,禁止了应该就没事了。

declare open the 2010 Asian Games.为什么declare后可以用open这不是动词原型吗?

open在这里不是一个动词 ,是一个形容词

哪位大神能帮忙翻译翻译这国际电子机票 ISSUED: 16DEC15 FOP:CASH PSEU


Sep、Oct、Nov、Dec 中文意思是?月份英文缩写教学

英文里面的 Sep.、Oct.、Nov.、Dec. 中文意思 分别是什么呢?其实这四个单字都是 英文月份缩写 唷,分别是九月、十月、十一月跟十二月的英文缩写。通常月份会用缩写形式出现会比较常出现在写作或是书信里面,因为这样表达比较方便。 如果你还不知道 Sep.、Oct.、Nov.、Dec. 分别代表什么意思,别担心,本篇文章会有完整教学,下次看到这几个月份英文缩写就不会不知道意思罗。 文章目录 月份 Sep.、Oct.、Nov.、Dec. 中文意思 1.月份缩写 Sep. 中文意思 2.月份缩写 Oct. 中文意思 3.月份缩写 Nov. 中文意思 4.月份缩写 Dec. 中文意思 英文月份缩写常见问题 英文缩写后面一定要加上「.」吗? 月份缩写常用在哪? 英文月份缩写整理 月份 Sep.、Oct.、Nov.、Dec. 中文意思 下面分别教学英文月份缩写 May、Jun.、Jul.、Aug. 的中文意思。 1.月份缩写 Sep. 中文意思 Sep. 的中文意思是指九月的,全部的英文名称叫做 September。 例: Jenny"s birthday is 25 September. 珍妮的生日是五月25日。 例: My birthday is in Sep. 我生日在九月。 2.月份缩写 Oct. 中文意思 Oct. 是 October 的英文缩写,中文意思是指「十月份」的意思。当你要将 October 缩写成 Oct. 的时候,别忘记加上「.」号,代表它是缩写的意思。 例: He was born in October. 他出生于十月。 例: Oct. is the 10th month of the year. 十月是一年的第十个月。 3.月份缩写 Nov. 中文意思 Nov. 是 November 的英文缩写,中文意思是指「十一月份」的意思。当你要将 November 缩写成 Nov. 的时候,别忘记加上「.」,这样别人才知道这是一个英文缩写。 例: My birthday is in November. 我生日在七月。 例: Nov. 12 is the date of her death. 十一月 12 日是她去世的日子。 4.月份缩写 Dec. 中文意思 Dec. 是 December 的英文缩写,中文意思是指「十二月份」的意思。当你要将 December 缩写成 Dec. 的时候,一样要加上「.」。 例: Dec. is the 12th month of the year. 十二月是一年中的第十二个月。 例: I"m going to Japan next Dec. 我明年十二月要去日本。 上面就是月份英文缩写 Sep.、Oct.、Nov.、Dec. 的中文意思啦,其实十二个英文月份单字很常在写作里面用缩写表达,所以一定要知道唷。 完整的十二个月的月份英文缩写,也可以参考下面文章。 月份与星期英文缩写 英文月份缩写常见问题 英文缩写后面一定要加上「.」吗? 是的,「.」代表是缩写的意思,姓名缩写一样要加上逗号,英文日期缩写也是要加上逗号。 月份缩写常用在哪? 月份缩写比较常用在写作或是书信,所以看到的时候一定要知道是哪个月份唷。 英文月份缩写整理 下面除了 Sep.、Oct.、Nov.、Dec. 的中文意思之外,整理英文里面的十二个月份的英文缩写。 月份缩写与星期英文缩写是?十二月份与星期的缩写跟例句! 超过100个常用英文缩写大全,含网路流行用语、口语聊天、商业书信! Abbreviations 英文缩写查询网站,线上查询任何英文缩写单字 May、Jun、Jul、Aug 中文意思是?月份英文缩写教学 Jan、Feb、Mar、Apr 中文意思是?月份英文缩写教学 英文简写略缩词!aren"t/hasn"t/mustn"t/weren"t..中文意思是? 【英文缩写规则】英文单字、名字、组织单位名称缩写规则!教学 【英文缩写】月份、日期、网路用语…各类英文缩写汇整(必知)

假面骑士DECADE 之前那部是什么?


假面骑士decade里的龙崎和剑 的变身人是不是同一个?


假面骑士 Decade变身时说的英文是什么

Kamen Rider D dd Decade



假面骑士decade 变身时的腰带音效


假面骑士 Decade变身时说的英文是什么

Kamen Rider Decade (变身 假面骑士Decade) Kamen Rider Kuuga (变身 假面骑士Kuuga) 在第四话中,与Kiva战斗时使用。 Form Rider Kuuga Titan (变身 假面骑士Kuuga 泰坦型态) 在第四话中,与Kiva战斗时使用。 Form Rider Kuuga Dragon (变身 假面骑士Kuuga 青龙型态) 在第四话中,与Kiva战斗时使用。 Form Rider Kuuga Pegasus(变身 假面骑士Kuuga 飞马形态)在第十六话中,与Worm战斗时使用。 Kamen Rider Kiva (变身 假面骑士Kiva) 在第六话中,与Knight战斗时使用。 Form Rider Kiva Garulu (变身 假面骑士Kiva 加鲁鲁型态) 在第六话中,与Knight战斗时使用。 在第十二话中,与假面骑士Gills战斗时使用。 Form Rider Kiva Basshaa (变身 假面骑士Kiva 巴夏型态) 在第六话中,与Knight战斗时使用。 Form Rider Kiva Dogga (变身 假面骑士Kiva 德迦型态) 在第六话中,与Knight战斗时使用。 Kamen Rider Ryuki (变身 假面骑士龙骑) 在第八话中,与Undead战斗时使用。 在第九话中,与Undead战斗时使用。 在第十八话中,与Makamou战斗时使用。 在第二十七话中,与阿波罗·盖斯特战斗时使用 Kamen Rider Blade (变身 假面骑士剑) 在第十话中,与Orphnoch战斗时使用。 Kamen Rider Faiz (变身 假面骑士Faiz) 在第一话中,与Orphnoch战斗时使用。 在第二十八话中,与十面鬼战斗时使用 Form Rider Faiz Accel (变身 假面骑士Faiz超加速形态)在第十六话中,与The Bee战斗时使用。 在第二十七话中,与Imagine和Fangire战斗时使用。 Kamen Rider Kabuto (变身 假面骑士Kabuto) 在第一话中,与Worm战斗时使用。 在第十八话中,与Makamou战斗时使用。 剧场版《假面骑士decade-All Rider对大修卡》中和RX对战时使用。 Kamen Rider Hibiki (变身 假面骑士响鬼) 在第一话中,与Makamou战斗时使用,《假面骑士decade ALL RIDER VS 大修卡》中与亚马逊战斗时使用 Kamen Rider Agito (变身 假面骑士Agito)在第十四话中,与电王战斗时使用。 在第二十六话中,与Imagine和Fangire战斗时使用。 Form Rider Agito Flame(变身 假面骑士Agito火焰形态)在第十四话中,与电王战斗时使用。 Form Rider Agito Storm (变身 假面骑士Agito暴风形态)在第十四话中,与电王战斗时使用。 KamenRider Den-O (变身 假面骑士Den-O圣剑形态)在第十六话中,与Gattack和Zabee战斗时使用。 Form Rider Den-O AX (变身 假面骑士Den-O圣斧形态)在第十九话中,与牛鬼战斗时使用。 【攻击卡片】 Attack Rider Slash 假面骑士Decade型态之攻击卡片。 在第二话中,与假面骑士Kuuga战斗时使用。 在第四话中,击败Fangire时使用。 Attack Rider Blast 假面骑士Decade型态之攻击卡片。 在第二话中,与假面骑士Kuuga战斗时使用。 在第三话中,与Kick Hopper和Punch Hopper战斗时使用。 在第三话中,与Grongi战斗时使用。 在第五话中,与假面骑士Kiva(Beetle Fangire)战斗时使用。 在第十话中,与假面骑士Diend战斗时使用。 在第十二话中,与Imagine战斗时使用。 在第十九话中,与Makamou战斗时使用。 Attack Rider Illusion 假面骑士Decade型态之攻击卡片。 在第五话中,与假面骑士Kaixa战斗时使用。 在第六话中,与Knight战斗时使用。 在第十七话中,与Worm战斗时使用 在《假面骑士Decade All Rider VS 大修卡》中与V3,Black,超1号战斗时使用。 Attack Rider Invisible 假面骑士Decade型态之攻击卡片。 此卡在TV版内,未曾出现,而在《假面骑士Decade完结篇》中出现,在开场与甲斗战斗时使用。还有《假面骑士Decade All Rider VS 大修卡》中也出现了 Final Attack Rider De..Decade 假面骑士Decade型态之必杀技卡片。 在第二话中,击败未确认生命体九号时使用。(飞踢) 在第五话中,击败Fangire时使用。(斩) 在第五话中,击败Beetle Fangire时使用。(飞踢) 在第六话中,击败Impere时使用。(飞踢) 在第八话中,击败Undead时使用。(飞踢) 在第十二话中,击败Unknown时使用(枪) 在第二十话中,与假面骑士Dark Kiva战斗中使用(飞踢),但发动失败。 在第二十八话中,与Worm战斗时使用 在第三十一话中,击败未确认生命体与Orphnoch战斗时使用。 在《假面骑士Decade All Rider VS 大修卡》开场中使用与与假面骑士Amazon战斗时使用 在《假面骑士Decade All Rider VS 大修卡》中与假面骑士V3,假面骑士Black,假面骑士超1号战斗时使用 在《假面骑士x假面骑士W&Decade Movie 大战2010》中使用,击破天空骑士(在空中跟踪在飞行的假面骑士Sky然后飞踢把假面骑士Sky变成卡片)及假面骑士超一号、假面骑士Kabuto、假面骑士Blade等人 Attack Rider Clock Up (超速模式) 假面骑士Kabuto型态之攻击卡片。 在第一话中,与Worm战斗时使用。 在第十八话中,与Makamou战斗时使用 剧场版《假面骑士decade-All Rider对大修卡》中和RX对战时使用。 大战2010中开场使用 Attack Ride Auto Vajin (自动马人) 假面骑士Faiz型态之攻击卡片。 在第一话中,拯救夏海时使用。

假面骑士decade变身声音???最好是全部的~求跪!!!给个网址或发来 谢谢~~~~


Moreover, __________you may hardly believe, the examiners had decided in advance to fail half t...

A which所引导的定语从句的先行词是题干的后半分句。要注意先行词的后置,不要被迷惑。

-Are you ?-No, I&39;m serious.A.deceivingB.cheatingC.foolingD.kidding


management decision problem 和marketing research problem具体区别到底在哪里?求高人指点!


英语专业的衰落——The Decline and Fall of the English Major

近几年来,我在哈佛、耶鲁和哥伦比亚大学新闻学院给本科生和研究生讲授非文学写作。每个学期我都希望、但同时也担心没有东西可以传授给学生,想着他们应该已经知道如何写作了。而每个学期我都一再发现,他们仍然不知道如何写作。 他们能用专业术语串起来,组成有耍嘴皮子句式特征的东西。他们可以把写的东西关联到自己凑巧感兴趣的任何主题或意识XingTai层面的概念上去。他们在这方面干得很好。但是他们做不到清晰而简单地写作、做不到专注、开放地对待自己的思想、情感和周围的世界。 写作和阅读风格清晰、直接,仁爱的作品是人文精神的根源,是语言媒介的一套标准,我们最终企图用它来检查和理解人类这个物种的文化、社会、历史活动。 人文学科的教学已经陷入困境。美国文理科学院最近发表的关于人文学科现状的报告得出了上述结论,而几乎所有学院或大学教师的教学经历也与此结论不谋而合。本科生会对你说,他们面临来自父母的压力、来自负债的压力,以及来自己社会的压力,去选择他们所认为的最有助于找到好工作的专业。在大多数情况下,这实际上意味着不选择人文学科的课程。 换言之,现在学生和家长们在考虑上大学要学什么课程时,有一种越来越窄的、偏重职业技能的新倾向。美国文理科学院的报告指出,这种新倾向由很多事情导致,包括人们对文化体验的降级:人们平时吸收的东西,例如父母是否给孩子们朗读儿童读物。结果就是人文学科的毕业生数量急剧下降。在我的母校波莫纳大学,今年春季的1560名毕业生中,只有16名英语专业的毕业生,这是一个非常小的数字。 耶鲁大学在1991年有165名英语文学学士学位的毕业生,2012年有62名。耶鲁大学在1991年最顶尖的两个专业分别是历史和英语,到了2013年,变成了经济学和政治学。波莫纳大学今年最顶尖的两个专业分别是经济学和数学。 当孩子们成了英语专业的学生,父母们总是忧心仲仲。英语专业对什么好呢? 在某种程度上,最好的答案总是“等着瞧吧”——这么回答没人满意。然而,这是一个真实的答案,它反映了学习英语文学带来的思想和语言的多样性。以前,英语专业的学生几乎出现在任何地方从事任何职业,他们几乎总有对于语言、文学或其他方面有着丰富的感觉和无限可能。 过去,我们对于哪些是值得研究的书籍和作家,似乎有一种既定的,不言而喻的共识。 但是经典一直在变化,现在比40年前更具包容性,这是件好事。 现在我们没有过去清楚的是,研究经典的目的是什么,以及,为什么我们选择一些工具来研究经典。 有一种可能从研究生课程发现的技术狭隘性,已经渗透到本科生课程——强调那种专业分工,强调理论。这种狭隘有时是因为教授紧迫的研究课题导致的,但也反映了人们对人文学科一直以来的困惑。这经常让本科生们疑惑,就像我从与他们的谈话中了解到的:他们一直在想自己在学习什么,为什么学习。 研究学习人文学科,应该就像在一艘沿着无边无际的人类体验之海岸线航行的轮船甲板上,站在其他同事和同学中间。相反,现在研究人文学科的人,已经退缩到了船舱中的小格子间去了,从那里,他们只能管窥蠡测到海岸线的一小部分、雾堤,或喷涌而出的鲸鱼的背部。 当人们将注意力逐渐从人文学科转移开来的时候,这是在考虑专业选择的某种实用性。这揭示了一系列的事情。第一,急于使教育产生回报,这是因为人们事先就认为,只有适用性最强的技能才值得学习。第二,人文学科自身往往不善于说明其重要性。第三,人文学科教学本身存在问题。你不必从以上三条选其一,它们同时存在。 人文学科最基本的馈赠中究竟蕴含着多大的价值,这点本科生一无所知,而老师也从没告诉过他们。这种馈赠就是清晰的思路、流畅的文笔、以及对文学的终身兴趣。 个中道理,也许需要有一定的生活阅历之后才能领悟。我发现,我教的年纪较大的学生,无论是本科生、研究生还是年轻教师,都深感需要掌握这种没能早一点学到的技能。这种技能,他们既不称之为人文学科,也不称之为文学。他们称之为写作,即可以将自己的思考用句子表达出来的能力,这些句子有其自身的价值,乃至文学价值。 良好的写作能力曾是人文学科最基本的一项要求,其重要性不亚于数学和统计学知识对自然科学的重要性。然而较强的写作能力也不仅仅是一种实用技能。它能让你在与人交流时,展现个人的理性优雅和活力。 没人能找到为这种读写能力贴上金钱标签的方法,我怀疑任何人都不会这么做。但每一个拥有它的人——无论如何或何时获得它——都知道它是一种稀有而珍贵的传承。 By Verlyn Klinkenborg, June 22, 2013 In the past few years, I"ve taught nonfiction writing to undergraduates and graduate students at Harvard, Yale, Bard, Pomona, Sarah Lawrence and Columbia"s Graduate School of Journalism. Each semester I hope, and fear, that I will have nothing to teach my students because they already know how to write. And each semester I discover, again, that they don"t. They can assemble strings of jargon and generate clots of ventriloquistic syntax. They can meta-metastasize any thematic or ideological notion they happen upon. And they get good grades for doing just that. But as for writing clearly, simply, with attention and openness to their own thoughts and emotions and the world around them — no. That kind of writing — clear, direct, humane — and the reading on which it is based are the very root of the humanities, a set of disciplines that is ultimately an attempt to examine and comprehend the cultural, social and historical activity of our species through the medium of language. The teaching of the humanities has fallen on hard times. So says a new report on the state of the humanities by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and so says the experience of nearly everyone who teaches at a college or university. Undergraduates will tell you that they"re under pressure — from their parents, from the burden of debt they incur, from society at large — to choose majors they believe will lead as directly as possible to good jobs. Too often, that means skipping the humanities. In other words, there is a new and narrowing vocational emphasis in the way students and their parents think about what to study in college. As the American Academy report notes, this is the consequence of a number of things, including an overall decline in the experience of literacy, the kind of thing you absorbed, for instance, if your parents read aloud to you as a child. The result is that the number of students graduating in the humanities has fallen sharply. At Pomona College (my alma mater) this spring, 16 students graduated with an English major out of a student body of 1,560, a terribly small number. In 1991, 165 students graduated from Yale with a B.A. in English literature. By 2012, that number was 62. In 1991, the top two majors at Yale were history and English. In 2013, they were economics and political science. At Pomona this year, they were economics and mathematics. Parents have always worried when their children become English majors. What is an English major good for? In a way, the best answer has always been, wait and see — an answer that satisfies no one. And yet it is a real answer, one that reflects the versatility of thought and language that comes from studying literature. Former English majors turn up almost anywhere, in almost any career, and they nearly always bring with them a rich sense of the possibilities of language, literary and otherwise. The canon — the books and writers we agree are worth studying — used to seem like a given, an unspoken consensus of sorts. But the canon has always been shifting, and it is now vastly more inclusive than it was 40 years ago. That"s a good thing. What"s less clear now is what we study the canon for and why we choose the tools we employ in doing so. A technical narrowness, the kind of specialization and theoretical emphasis you might find in a graduate course, has crept into the undergraduate curriculum. That narrowness sometimes reflects the tight focus of a professor"s research, but it can also reflect a persistent doubt about the humanistic enterprise. It often leaves undergraduates wondering, as I know from my conversations with them, just what they"ve been studying and why. STUDYING the humanities should be like standing among colleagues and students on the open deck of a ship moving along the endless coastline of human experience. Instead, now it feels as though people have retreated to tiny cabins in the bowels of the ship, from which they peep out on a small fragment of what may be a coastline or a fog bank or the back of a spouting whale. There is a certain literal-mindedness in the recent shift away from the humanities. It suggests a number of things. One, the rush to make education pay off presupposes that only the most immediately applicable skills are worth acquiring (though that doesn"t explain the current popularity of political science). Two, the humanities often do a bad job of explaining why the humanities matter. And three, the humanities often do a bad job of teaching the humanities. You don"t have to choose only one of these explanations. All three apply. What many undergraduates do not know — and what so many of their professors have been unable to tell them — is how valuable the most fundamental gift of the humanities will turn out to be. That gift is clear thinking, clear writing and a lifelong engagement with literature. Maybe it takes some living to find out this truth. Whenever I teach older students, whether they"re undergraduates, graduate students or junior faculty, I find a vivid, pressing sense of how much they need the skill they didn"t acquire earlier in life. They don"t call that skill the humanities. They don"t call it literature. They call it writing — the ability to distribute their thinking in the kinds of sentences that have a merit, even a literary merit, of their own. Writing well used to be a fundamental principle of the humanities, as essential as the knowledge of mathematics and statistics in the sciences. But writing well isn"t merely a utilitarian skill. It is about developing a rational grace and energy in your conversation with the world around you. No one has found a way to put a dollar sign on this kind of literacy, and I doubt anyone ever will. But everyone who possesses it — no matter how or when it was acquired — knows that it is a rare and precious inheritance.

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ABEF面积为11 EFD与DEC在边EF、EC上有相同的高,设为h S(EFD)=1/2*h*EF=4 S(DEC)=1/2*h*EC=6 相除得EF/EC=2:3 DEF相似于BEC DF/BC=EF/EC=2:3----------------1 过E点作与CD平行的线分别交AD、BC与I、G 则, EI/EG=EF/EC=2:3--------------2 1/2*EI*DF=4-----------3 S(BEC)=1/2*EG*BC 结合1、2、3可得:S(BEC)=9 所以,S(ABD)=S(BCD)=15 S(ABEF)=S(ABD)-S(DEF)=15-4=11


ABEF面积为11 EFD与DEC在边EF、EC上有相同的高,设为h S(EFD)=1/2*h*EF=4 S(DEC)=1/2*h*EC=6 相除得EF/EC=2:3 DEF相似于BEC DF/BC=EF/EC=2:3----------------1 过E点作与CD平行的线分别交AD、BC与I、G 则, EI/EG=EF/EC=2:3--------------2 1/2*EI*DF=4-----------3 S(BEC)=1/2*EG*BC 结合1、2、3可得:S(BEC)=9 所以,S(ABD)=S(BCD)=15 S(ABEF)=S(ABD)-S(DEF)=15-4=11

The island where these rare birds nest has been declared a _____.

答案Dconservation 保存(自然资源等) the conservation of soil and water 水土保持; the law of conservation of energy 能量守恒定律。observation观察; reservation (旅馆房间、戏院座位等的) 预定; 保留 (意见) ; [美]保留地:1) Have you make your reservations? (你预定了没有?) 2) I will accept the suggestion without reservation. (我将毫无保留地接受这项建议。) 3) The government has set apart Indian reservations. (政府已经划出印地安人保留地。) preservation保存 We must strive for the preservation of our natural resources. (我们必须努力保护自然资源)conservation, preservation, reservation从汉语概念出发时很容易混淆。Conservation是动词conserve派生的名词, 与原来动词的意义相同, 表示"保持、保存”时, 强调“珍惜、节用。 Preservation是动词preserve派生的名词, 强调“收藏、保存”使之完好无损或质量不变; 常与食品、博物馆收藏的展品等词搭配。Reservation主要指意见、看法等的“保留”; 作“保留地”解时, 尤指美国印地安人保留地或澳大利亚土著民族保留地。本题指自然生态的保持, 用conservation最切题。本题译文:这个珍禽巢居的岛已宣布为自然保护区。


就是dec(x) X会-1嘛



decompose...into 是什么意思?



在Scala中存在case class,它其实就是一个普通的class。但是它又和普通的class略有区别,如下:  1、初始化的时候可以不用new,当然你也可以加上,普通类一定需要加new;scala> case class Iteblog(name:String)defined class Iteblogscala> val iteblog = Iteblog("iteblog_hadoop")iteblog: Iteblog = Iteblog(iteblog_hadoop)scala> val iteblog = new Iteblog("iteblog_hadoop")iteblog: Iteblog = Iteblog(iteblog_hadoop)  2、toString的实现更漂亮;scala> iteblogres5: Iteblog = Iteblog(iteblog_hadoop)  3、默认实现了equals 和hashCode;scala> val iteblog2 = Iteblog("iteblog_hadoop")iteblog2: Iteblog = Iteblog(iteblog_hadoop)scala> iteblog == iteblog2res6: Boolean = truescala> iteblog.hashCoderes7: Int = 57880342  4、默认是可以序列化的,也就是实现了Serializable ;scala> class Adefined class Ascala> import> val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream bos: = scala> val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos)oos: => oos.writeObject(iteblog)scala> val a = new Aa: A = $iwC$$iwC$A@71687b10scala> oos.writeObject(a) $iwC$$iwC$A  5、自动从scala.Product中继承一些函数;  6、case class构造函数的参数是public级别的,我们可以直接访问;scala> iteblog.nameres11: String = iteblog_hadoop



安装K-Lite Codec Pack后Windows Movie Maker还是不能导入其他格式的文件

安装K-Lite Codec Pack只能使电脑中的播放器能解码视频并播放Windows Movie Maker导入文件的格式是一定的只能将文件转换格式后导入

python3 decode()和encode()默认是什么编码格式?


http通讯中,对Response body的encode是什么意思,如何decode

1 2 问: 使用post时数据会放到http报文中间传输过去,你是不需要做任何操作的。你可以认为自动encode了然后你读取的时候自动decode了。 3 问:当你使用get方法传输数据时,而且传输的数据中包含中文、符号等字符时,就需要用encode进行编码。


matlab用encode和decode函数答:1. decode:其它码–>unicode decode 的作用是将其他编码的字符串转换成 unicode 编码,如 str1.decode(‘gb2312"),表 示将gb2312 编码的2. encode:unicode–>其它码 encode 的作用是将 unicode 编码转换成其他编码的字符串,如 str2.encode(‘gb2312"),表 示将unicode 编码的字符CSDN编程社encode() decode() 编码解码函数 - wendy587436的博客 - CSDN博客 - matlab...2018年8月30日print(bs) s1 = bs.decode("utf-8")# 解码成unicode编码print(s1)

ffmpeg decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter的区别

1)windows平台static library/shared library, 编译工具:mingw-gcc或者在linux平台下交叉编译(推荐) 2)linux平台static library/shared library, 编译工具:gcc 模块: libavcodec - 编码解码器 libavdevice - 输入输出设备的支持 libavfilter - 视音频滤镜支持 libavformat - 视音频等格式的解析 libavutil - 工具库 libpostproc - 后期效果处理 libswscale - 图像颜色、尺寸转换

perl中的Encode模块的问题:perl程序中什么时候用Encode::encode什么时候用decode? 输出到屏幕上是字节流?

你输入的字符是编码好的 GB2312 --> decode --> bit stream --> encode(utf8) --> 使用utf8编码好的字符串

sql语句 encode和decode的作用与区别。 求大佬解答_(:з」∠)_?

ENCODE(str,pass_str) 使用pass_str作为口令加密str。为了解密结果,使用DECODE()。结果是一个二进制字符串,如果你想要在列中保存它,使用一个BLOB列类型。 DECODE(crypt_str,pass_str) 使用pass_str作为口令解密加密的字符串crypt_str。crypt_str应该是一个由ENCODE()返回的字符串。 祝好运,望采纳


1、意义区别:decode的作用是将二进制数据解码成unicode编码,如str1.decode("utf-8"),表示将utf-8的编码字符串解码成unicode编码。简单的来说:decode就是把二进制数据(bytes)转化成人看的懂得英文或者汉字(decode用的比较多)encode的作用是将unicode编码的字符串编码成二进制数据,如str2.encode("utf-8"),表示将unicode编码的字符串编码成utf-8。2、拼写区别:encode由6个英文组成。decode开头是d英文。扩展资料:DECODE(value, if1, then1, if2,then2, if3,then3, . . . else )Value 代表某个表的任何类型的任意列或一个通过计算所得的任何结果。当每个value值被测试,如果value的值为if1,Decode 函数的结果是then1;如果value等于if2,Decode函数结果是then2;等等。事实上,可以给出多个if/then 配对。如果value结果不等于给出的任何配对时,Decode 结果就返回else 。需要注意的是,这里的if、then及else 都可以是函数或计算表达式。

如何decline offer

Dear Ms.XXX,I am very fortunate that you give me offerand I am truly appreciate the opportunity the work with you.Use this instead:"Thank you for your offer,and I truly appreciate the opportunity to work with you."Since declination letters usually do start off with a "thank you".unfortunately,now I must say sorry...that I have to decline the offer.due to my present job have not taken over to the suitable one till now.the boss talked to me many many times to stay...even today he persuaded me all day..."Unfortunately,I am sorry to say that I must decline due to my present job obligations."It"s up to you if you want to put something more like:"My boss as persuaded me to stay with the company many times."After careful thought and with great reget that I have to say sorry to be frank,I think I am not doing the right thing,just am doing the good thing,Sincerely hope my foolish decision will not hurt you...I believe you can understand and forgive me..."After careful thought,and with great regret,I decided to stay with the company.To be frank,I"m not sure if I"m making the best decision,but it feels like the right one.I sincerely hope this will not cause any complications for you,and I believe you would understand and forgive me."I still want express again my deep gratefulness to your offer and warm welcome.I hope and am sure we will have opportunity to cooperate in the future."I would like to express again,my deep gratefulness to your offer.I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."All best wished to you and your family for the Coming New Year!"All the best wishes to you and your family for the coming new year!"Sincerely,xxx(Date)




在设置true and false 的时候 然后把 window 系统的 外观改一改 然后再去看看 true 和 false 的效果

excess-3 coded decimal system是什么意思

excess-3 coded decimal system[计] 余3码的十进制; 1. 超3码的十进制系统2. 余3码的十进制.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

请高手来讨论下这道题: (?)he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from bank.


parse error:decrypt error


Hands On Deck 歌词

歌曲名:Hands On Deck歌手:Waking Ashland专辑:ComposureAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownA step to the right To your own rhythmAnd what comes next Is up to youAnd I need a miracleTo save me from thisAnd i need the angelsTo all pray for meI cant believe youAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownAnother dayAnother worryBreaks right throughAnd indecision bleeds me dryAnd shes painting picturesI"m not making for herAnd she"s got a vision Without me in mindI can"t believe youAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownthe long walks on moon light beachthe promises you could not keepYour so contagiousYour so contagiousfor all the world we did not seefor all the smiles you gave to metheyre so contagious so very fakeAll Hands on deckdont abandon the shipyoull never know what it could have beenall hands on deckmy ship is sinkingdont let me godont let me drowngoodbye to yougoodbye to you yougoodbye to yougoodbye to you you

求:Declan Galbraith的歌“Tell Me Why”和“An Angel”的中文歌词!

 An angel 天使 I wish I had your pair of wings我希望拥有你的一双翅膀  Had them last night in my dreams昨夜在梦中实现   I was chasing butterflies我追逐着蝴蝶   Till the sunrise broke my eyes直到黎明的光芒照亮我的眼睛   Tonight the sky has glued my eyes今晚的天空吸引了我的双眼   Cause what they see"s an angel hive因为它们看到了一片天使的领域   I"ve got to touch that magic sky我触摸到了那神奇的天空    And greet the angels in their hive(我飞到那片)天使的领域里向她们问候   Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是个天使   Sometimes I wish I were you有时我希望自己就是你   Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是个天使   Sometimes I wish I were you一个像你一样的天使   All the sweet honey from above所有上天赐予的甜蜜   Pour it all over me sweet love倾注给我最美妙的爱   And while you"re flying around my head当你在我的脑海中萦绕   Your honey kisses keep me fed你甜蜜的吻让我感到满足   I wish I had your pair of wings我希望拥有你的一双翅膀   Just like last night in my dreams就像昨夜梦中一样   I was lost in paradise我迷失在天堂   Wish I"d never opened my eyes希望再也不要醒来   Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是天使   Sometimes I wish I were you有时我希望自己就是你   Sometimes I Wish I were an angel有时我希望自己是个天使   Sometimes I wish I were you一个像你一样的天使   But there"s danger in the air但是天空中又隐藏着危险   Tryin" so hard to be unfair它正竭力变得不公正   Danger"s in the air那天空中的危险啊   Tryin" so hard to give us a scare正试图带给我们惊恐   But we are not afraid但我们却决不胆怯   Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是天使   Sometimes I wish I were you有时我希望自己就是你   Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是个天使   Sometimes I wish I were you像你一样的天使   Wish I were you就像你那样   Oh I wish I were you像你一样的天使 tell me why  In my dream,   在我梦中   children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .   孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌.   The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.   蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言.   Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.   然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人.   Tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   does it have to be like this?   真的只能是这样吗?   Tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   is there something I have missed?   是不是我错过了什么?   Tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   cos" I don"t understand,   因为我实在是无法理解   when so many need somebody,   有那么多需要帮助的人   we don"t give a helping hand.   我们却不伸出援助之手   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   Every day, I ask myself,   每天我都在问自己   what will I have to do to be a man?   做为一个人我该做些什么   Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?   我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值   Is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war?   而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界?   Tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   does it have to be like this?   真的只能是这样吗?   Tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   is there something I have missed?   是不是我错过了什么?   Tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   cos" I don"t understand,   因为我实在是无法理解   when so many need somebody,   有那么多需要帮助的人   we don"t give a helping hand.   我们却不伸出援助之手   tell me why (tell me why)   告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么)   tell me why (tell me why)   告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么)   tell me why (tell me why)   告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么)   just tell me why!   仅仅告诉我为什么!   tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   does it have to be like this?   真的只能是这样吗?   tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   is there something I have missed?   有什么我错过了?   tell me why(why),   告诉我为什么(为什么)   cos" I don"t understand,   因为我实在是无法理解   when so many need somebody   有那么多需要帮助的人   we don"t give a helping hand   我们不伸出援助之手   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   (Why,why,does the tiger run)   (为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑)   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   (Why,why,do we shoot the gun)   (为什么,为什么,我们让子弹射出枪膛)   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   (Why,why,do we never learn)   (为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训)   Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?   谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林   (Why,why,do we said we care)   (为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎)   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   (Why,why,do we stand and stare)   (为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观)   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   (why, why, do the dolphins cry)   (为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣)   Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?   谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去   (Why,why,if we"re all the same)   (为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的)   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   (Why,why,do we pass and blame)   (为什么,为什么,我们却在互相谴责)   Tell me why?   告诉我为什么   (Why,why,does it never end)   (为什么,为什么,这些永无休止)   Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?   谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处   Why,why,(do we close our eyes)   为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛)   Why,why,(do the greedy life)   为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪)   Why,why,(do we fight for land)   为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗)   Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand?   谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法理解?   Why,why??   为什么,为什么?

claim,declare,apply for 表示“申请”时有什么区别么

说英语的国家喜欢用Claim,中国人喜欢用apply for。 做申请意思来讲两个都可以。 可是此处申请津贴用claim更好 。



have you decided what you ___ on sunday?---Not yet,but i___ of going to my hometown.?

因为第一个空是表示将来时,“你决定周日干什么了吗?”所以用will do第二个空,是说,“还没有,我正在考虑回老家”,表示我正在考虑,用现在进行时


cw 是战队对战的意思,一般5v5,规则一般由双方提前商定好,没什么太具体的规则一般比赛前双方都会ban掉一些英雄,而且ban 的都很有针对ZMR=掌门人竞技平台IDEC:International DotA Elite Community,国际DOTA精英玩家联盟,简称IDEC。  2008年11月IHCS寿终正寝退出历史舞台 崭新IDEC取而代之.  IDEC其实是IHCS的精简版本,今年IHCS由于人数太多了, 比赛质量下降, 把其取消并建立新的. 现在全球只有大约120名选手可以打IDEC.ENC:电子竞技欧洲杯DH是某个线下比赛,不太熟悉 谢谢

Decode - Paramore的歌词,要中英的

How can I decide what"s right 怎样才是对的 我已无法判断When you"re clouding up my mind? 当你模糊着我的心神 I can"t win 我无法获胜You"re losing sight 你失去踪影All the time 总是这样Not gonna ever own what"s mine 从来无法拥有本属于我的东西 When you"re always taking sides 当你总是站在与我相对立的一方 But you won"t take away my pride 但你无法带走我的尊严 No, not this time 至少 这一次不会 Not this time 这一次不会 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?I used to know you so well 我曾经那么地了解你 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?Well, I think I know 好吧 我想我明白The truth is hiding in your eyes 真相就藏在你眼中 And it"s hanging on your tongue 呼之欲出 Just boiling in my blood 我愤恨难忍But you think that I can"t see 但你却还以为我什么都看不到 What kind of man that you are 你到底是什么样的人If you"re a man at all 又或者男人本身就是像你这样 Well, I will figure this one out 好吧 我会自己去寻找真相 On my own 自己去寻找(I"m screaming, "I love you so") (我尖叫着“我如此地爱你”) On my own 自己去寻找 (My thoughts you can"t decode) 你却无法理解我的内心How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经那么地了解你 是啊那么地了解How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样? Well, I think I know 好吧 我想我明白了 Do you see what we"ve done? 你看我们都做了些什么?We"ve gone and made such fools 我们结束了Of ourselves 然而却仍在愚弄着自己 Do you see what we"ve done? 你看我们都做了些什么?We"ve gone and made such fools 我们结束了Of ourselves 然而却仍在愚弄着自己 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样? I used to know you so well, yeah 我曾经那么地了解你 是啊那么地了解 How did we get here? 我们怎么会变成这样?Well, I used to know you so well 是啊 曾经那么地了解 I think I know 我想我明白了I think I know 我想我明白了There is something I see in you 我看见了你内心深处隐藏的一些东西 It might kill me 虽然可能是致命的 I want it to be true但我希望那能是真的

decoy paramore 歌词和翻译哦 。。

Paramore - Decoy lyricsClose your eyes and make believethis is where you wanna beforgetting all the memoriestry to forget love cause love"sforgotten me.Well hey,hey baby it"s never too latepretty soon you won"t remember a thingand i"ll be distant as stars reminiscingyour hearts been wasted on me.oh oh oh oh oh oh ohYou"ve never been so used as I"m using youabusing you, my little decoydon"t look so blueyou should have seen right throughi"m using you, my little decoy.Living life inside a dreamtime is changing everythingforgeting all the memoriesand i"m forced into you justcause your into me.Well hey, hey babyits never too latewhen i"m gone you won"t remember a thingbut i can"t stay and you know i won"t waiti was gone from the very first day.oh oh oh oh oh oh ohYou"ve never been so used as I"m using youabusing you, my little decoydon"t look so blueyou should have seen right throughi"m using you, my little decoy.oh ohI"m not sorry at all(not sorry at all,not sorry)noi won"t be sorry at all(not sorry at all,not sorry)noi"d do it over agian.Don"t look so blue, my little decoyyou should have seen right through, my little decoyyou"ve never been so used, my little decoyAs I"m using you, my little decoy.闭上眼睛,假装 这是你想要 忘记所有的回忆 试着忘记爱事业爱的 忘记了我。 嘿,嘿宝贝它永远不会太晚 很快你会不记得的事 我会在遥远的星星回忆 你的心已被浪费在我身上。 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦哦哦 你从未如此作为我用你 骂你,我的小圈套 别看那么蓝 你应该看到的权利,通过 我利用你,我的小圈套。 生活在一个梦想的生活 时间是改变一切 忘却所有的回忆 而我只是强迫你 你到我的事业。 嘿,嘿宝贝 它永远不会太晚 当我走了你会不记得的事 但我不能留下来,你知道我不会等待 我走了,从第一天起。 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦哦哦 你从未如此作为我用你 骂你,我的小圈套 别看那么蓝 你应该看到的权利,通过 我利用你,我的小圈套。 哦,哦 我不后悔在所有 (并非在所有对不起,不是对不起)无 我不会后悔在所有 (并非在所有对不起,不是对不起)无 我愿意做一遍。 别看那么蓝,我的小圈套 你应该看穿,我的小圈套 你从未被如此使用,我的小圈套 因为我利用你,我的小圈套。


Decode - Paramore How can I decide what"s right? When you"re clouding up my mind Can"t win your losing fight all the time Not gonna ever own what"s mine When you"re always taking sides You wont take away my pride No not this time Not this time How did we get here? I use to know you so well How did we get here? Well, I think I know The truth is hiding in your eyes And its hanging on your tongue Just boiling in my blood, But you think that I can"t see What kind of man that you are If you"re a man at all Well, I will figure this one out on my own(I"m screaming "I love you so..." But my thoughts you can"t decode) How did we get here? I use to know you so well How did we get here? Well, I think I know Do you see what we"ve done? We"re gonna make such fools of ourselves Do you see what we"ve done? We"re gonna make such fools of ourselves How did we get here? I use to know you so well How did we get here? Well, I use to know you so well I think I know I think I know There is something that I see in you It might kill me I want it to be true

Paramore的《Decode》 歌词

歌曲名:Decode歌手:Paramore专辑:Twilight (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Paramore - DecodeHow can I decide what"s rightWhen you"re clouding up my mind?I can"t winYou"re losing fightAll the timeNot gonna ever own what"s mineWhen you"re always taking sidesBut you won"t take away my prideNo, not this timeNot this timeHow did we get here?I used to know you so wellHow did we get here?Well, I think I knowThe truth is hiding in your eyesAnd it"s hanging on your tongueJust boiling in my bloodBut you think that I can"t seeWhat kind of man that you areIf you"re a man at allWell, I will figure this one outOn my own(I"m screaming, "I love you so")(My thoughts you can"t decode)How did we get here?I used to know you so well, yeahHow did we get here?Well, I think I knowDo you see what we"ve done?We"ve gone and made such foolsOf ourselvesDo you see what we"ve done?We"ve gone and made such foolsOf ourselvesHow did we get here?I used to know you so well, yeahHow did we get here?Well, I used to know you so wellI think I knowI think I knowThere is something I see in youIt might kill meI want it to be true

Paramore的《Decoy》 歌词

歌曲名:Decoy歌手:Paramore专辑:The Final Riot!-Fueled By RamenParamore - DecoyLyric by JewelClose your eyes and make believe this is where you want to beForgetting all the memories, try to forget love cause love"s forgotten meWell hey, hey baby, it"s never too late pretty soon you won"t remember a thingAnd I"ll be distant, the stars reminiscingYour heart"s been wasted on meOh, oh.You"ve never been so used as I"m using you, abusing youMy little decoyDon"t look so blue, you should"ve seen right throughI"m using you, my little decoyMy little decoyLive your life inside a dreamTime is changing everythingForgetting all the memoriesAnd I"m forced into you just cause you"re into meWell hey, hey baby, it"s never too lateWhen I"m gone you won"t remember a thingBut I can"t stay and you know I won"t waitI was gone from the very first dayOh, oh.You"ve never been so used as I"m using you, abusing youMy little decoyDon"t look so blue, you should"ve seen right throughI"m using you, my little decoyOh, oh.I"m not sorry at all(not sorry at all, not sorry. no.)I won"t be sorry at all(not sorry at all, not sorry. no.)I"d do it over againDon"t look so blue, my little decoyYou should"ve seen right through, my little decoyYou"ve never been so used, my little decoyAnd so I"m using you, my little decoy

DEDEcms TAGS标签空白

楼主你好首页dedecms的TAG标签需要在后台添加文章的时候添加上才会有,其次你说的404的问题可能是你没生成页面,如果全部都生成还是404的话,找到TAG标签的模板页面看看,这样的调用是不是正确,<a href="[field:link/]" class="tagc[field:highlight /]">[field:tag /]希望可以帮到你。 林羽凡


  下面是修改tags长度的方法。  1.修改数据库中表dede_tagindex 和dede_taglist的tag字段属性:varchar(12)修改为varchar(255) 。  这个步骤需要直接操作数据库,建议在主机管理面板用phpmyadmin管理。  2.修改文件:/include/helpers/archive.helper.php  查找:if(isset($tag[12]) 修改为:if(isset($tag[255]) ;  再将if(isset($tag[20]) 修改为:if(isset($tag[255]) 。




1.找到文章模板在{dede:field.body/}后面加入{dede:field.tags/}这个标签即可。但是织梦dedecms默认的Tag标签是没有链接的;接下来进行第二步。2.给Tag标签加超链接找到网站跟目录下的/include/helpers/archive.helper.php,找到如下代码:if ( ! function_exists("GetTags")){function GetTags($aid){global $dsql;$tags = "";$query = "SELECT tag FROM `dede_taglist` WHERE aid="$aid" ";$dsql->Execute("tag",$query);while($row = $dsql->GetArray("tag")){$tags .= ($tags=="" ? $row["tag"] : ",".$row["tag"]);}return $tags;}}替换成以下代码:if ( ! function_exists("GetTags")){function GetTags($aid){global $dsql;$tags = "";$query = "SELECT tag FROM `dede_taglist` WHERE aid="$aid" ";$dsql->Execute("tag",$query);while($row = $dsql->GetArray("tag")){$tags .= ($tags=="" ? "".$row["tag"]."": ","."".$row["tag"].""); }return $tags;}}希望可以帮到你

____an important decision more on emotion than on reason ,you will regret it sooner or later.A.Bas


Basing an important decision more on emotion than one reason, you will regret it sooner or later.





英语缩略词“ENC”经常作为“Exploring New Concepts”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“探索新概念”。本文将详细介绍英语缩写词ENC所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度。此外,还有关于缩略词ENC的分类、应用领域及相关应用示例等。dec为英文December的简写,中文译十二月。其他十一个月为:January一月、February二月、March三月、April四月、May五月、June六月、July七月、August八月、September九月、October十月、November十一月。

It is our daily decisions, rather than our abilities,      show what we truly are. A.whic

D 选D。考查强调句型。分析句子结构可知, 此处强调句子的主语our daily decisions, rather than our abilities。

我要declan 的An Angle 全歌

Declan Galbraith - Angel 8.6Mb下载地址:视频观看地址:歌词:I wish I had your pair of wingshad them last night in my dreamsI was chasing butterfliestill the sunrise broke my eyesTonight the sky has glued my eyescause what they sees an angel hiveIve got to touch that magic skyand greet the angels in their hiveSometimes I wish I were an angelSometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelSometimes I wish I were youAll the sweet honey from abovepour it all over me sweet loveAnd while youre flying around my headyour honey kisses keep me fedI wish I had your pair of wingsjust like last night in my dreamsI was lost in paradisewish Id never opened my eyesSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youBut theres danger in the airtryinso hard to be unfairDangers in the airtryin so hard to give us a scarebut were not afraidSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youWish I were you Oh I wish I were you

an angle是dec几岁唱的,他现在多大了啊?

An Angel ,是 Declan 在他的第三张专辑《Thank You》 (2006年12月发行)收录的主打歌曲,当时他15岁。Declan Galbraith(迪克兰·加尔布雷思,1991年12月19日-)是一名英国歌手。他具有双重血统,父亲是苏格兰人,母亲则是爱尔兰人。他和家人一起住在英国肯特郡罗彻斯特附近的一个村庄。他的祖父曾参加过乐队,会几种乐器。他曾带年幼的迪克兰去观看自己参与的“Fleadhs”(音乐会)。苏格兰、爱尔兰音乐传统的融合给予了迪克兰灵感,并最终成为他早期的音乐启蒙。迪克兰以他的嗓音和对嗓音的控制能力而闻明于世,而他结交朋友的能力也名声在外。An Angel的原唱其实是Kelly Family。 Kelly Family是德国非常有名的家庭组合,这首An Angel是Paddy十几岁时,为了纪念在他五岁那年去世的母亲所创作的。

TPO 25 听力Lecture第3篇 第5题According to the professor, what led to the decoding of the Rosetta .

Professor: Thomas Young focused his attention on one set of hieroglyphs that he thought would probably spell out a single word, the name of a king or queen. Champollion built on Young"s work … Was this, Champollion wondered, the name Rameses? He was eventually able to confirm that it was. So, he had figured it out. A lot of work remained, but Champollion had cracked the code. Young 专注研究一组象形文字,他认为可能是一个国王或王后的名字。Champollion 基于 Yang 的研究,最终确定那是一个 Rameses 名字,破译了罗塞塔石碑。由此可知是 Young 破译出象形文字代表人名奠定了罗塞塔石碑破译的基础,所以 A 选项正确。
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