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heated debates are right on the way


contemporary issues and debates是什么意思

contemporary issues and debates当代议题与辩论

Debates on how the vase survived went on and on.什么句型?是定语从句?请大神们分析,感激不尽!

Debates(主语) on how the vase survived (介词短语作定语)went on and on(谓语).关于花瓶是如何幸存下来的辩论一直在持续。 how the vase survived 是介词on 的宾语从句.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

A series of debates tetween the lectures was scheduled for the next week


求帮忙写一篇英语作文 120字左右 有关网上冲浪的辩论 题为“Debates on surfing the internet”

In my opinion, surfing on the internet is a double-edged sword.On the one hand, people can figure out the useful imformation more quickly than other tools. People also entertain by chatting and playing games that help you relax. In addtion, surfing is necessary for people have business online.On the other hand, surfing on the internet brings negetive effects to teenagers. Some young people cannot resist the temptation of playing games. Some youths are even additicted to the obsence videos and pitcures because of their weak self-control. Moreover, too much information always confuses the old.我用心写的,不是翻译软件上翻译的,从正反两方面论证,希望给分。


《Debates in Geography Education》(Lambert, David; Jones, Mark;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: by1b书名:Debates in Geography Education作者:Lambert, David; Jones, Mark;出版年份:2013-1页数:336内容简介:Debates in Geography Education encourages student and practising teachers to engage with and reflect on key issues, concepts and debates in their specialist subject teaching. It aims to enable geography teachers to reach their own informed judgements and argue their point of view with deeper theoretical knowledge and understanding. Expert editors and contributors provide a balance of experience and perspectives and offer international, historical and policy contexts, evidence informed classroom debates and a glimpse of the subject"s expanding horizons. Debates considered include: what constitutes knowledge in geography? constructing the curriculum; how do we link assessment to making progress in geography? the contribution of fieldwork and outdoor experiences; technology and media; how we use Geographical Information; how geography contributes to "global learning"; sustainable development and geography education. The comprehensive, rigorous coverage of these key issues, together with carefully annotated selected further reading, reflective questions and a range of specific web-based resources, will help support shape your own research and writing. Debates in Geography Education is a source of knowledge, experience and debate that will be essential reading for all students studying at Masters level, practising teachers who want to develop a better understanding of the issues that shape their practice, and Education Studies students considering in-depth subject teaching.

debates on how the vase_(survive) went on and on.

Debates(主语) (on how the vase survive(修饰主语)) went(谓语)on and on.Debates went on and on.为原句on how the vase survive用来修饰主语Debateshow the vase survive类似于how time flies。其中the vase为主语,survive为谓语,谓语部分只能是动词结构,不能用名词。希望采纳


debate : 争论, 辩论在媒体上和议会里的争论使菲律宾人清楚地知道tax issues.


debatesn.辩论; 辩论; 讨论( debate的名词复数 ); (各自发表不同意见的)争论; v.辩论( debate的第三人称单数 ); 仔细考虑; 思考; 盘算; 形近词:probatesrebatesabates双语例句 1One of the conference"s most keenly anticipated debates这次大会中受到最热烈期待的辩论之一2The program at Davos is packed with worthy-sounding economic debates between CEOs, heads of state, and central bankers.在达沃斯论坛上,CEO、国家元首和各国央行行长将上演一场场精彩纷呈的经济辩论,非常值得一听。


debatesn.辩论; 辩论; 讨论( debate的名词复数 ); (各自发表不同意见的)争论; v.辩论( debate的第三人称单数 ); 仔细考虑; 思考; 盘算; 形近词:probatesrebatesabates双语例句 1One of the conference"s most keenly anticipated debates这次大会中受到最热烈期待的辩论之一2The program at Davos is packed with worthy-sounding economic debates between CEOs, heads of state, and central bankers.在达沃斯论坛上,CEO、国家元首和各国央行行长将上演一场场精彩纷呈的经济辩论,非常值得一听。