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Hello! My name is David. I am a student in a school.








david的中文名是大卫或者戴维。david含义是亲爱的,“被爱”的意思是大卫是一个很容易亲近的名字,在匈牙利和斯洛伐克形式的大卫。亲爱的来自希伯来语的名字“心爱的”(Dawid),这可能是来自希伯来语的“心爱的”(dwd)的意思是“心爱的”。david寓意有爱心,独立,有上进心,有领导能力,略喜新厌旧,想象力丰富,目标明确,知道自己想要什么。踏实,认真,有条理。有耐心,坚持追求自己的目标。英文名是David的名人:1、大卫·修蒙(David Schwimmer),1966年11月2日出生在美国纽约,因主演著名美剧《老友记》(Friends)里的Ross,一举成名而获得1995年艾美奖最佳喜剧类男演员提名,还参与出演了《兄弟连》(Band of brothers)、《纽约重案组》等多部影视作品。2、大卫·鲍威(David Bowie),英国著名摇滚音乐家,60年代后期出道,是70年代华丽摇滚宗师,1947年出生于英国伦敦的布里克顿。David Bowie是英国代表性的音乐家,其音乐影响现今众多西方乐坛歌手,与披头士(The Beatles)、皇后乐队并列为英国20世纪最重要的摇滚明星。

david什么意思 david解释

1、英文名,大卫或者戴维的意思。 2、名字性别:男孩英文名。 3、来源语种:美式英语、英语。 4、名字寓意:挚爱的,独立,上进,具备领导性。 5、名字含义:亲爱的,被爱的意思,David是一个很容易让人亲近的名字 匈牙利和斯洛伐克形式的DAVID。亲爱的 从希伯来文名称(Dawid),这可能是从希伯来语(dwd)意思是心爱。大卫是以色列的第二位,也是最伟大的,在公元前10世纪统治。



david什么意思 david解释

1、英文名,大卫或者戴维的意思。 2、名字性别:男孩英文名。 3、来源语种:美式英语、英语。 4、名字寓意:挚爱的,独立,上进,具备领导性。 5、名字含义:亲爱的,被爱的意思,David是一个很容易让人亲近的名字 匈牙利和斯洛伐克形式的DAVID。亲爱的 从希伯来文名称(Dawid),这可能是从希伯来语(dwd)意思是心爱。大卫是以色列的第二位,也是最伟大的,在公元前10世纪统治。


个人档案 克雷格大卫(Craig David) 全名:克雷格 艾斯里 大卫 生日:1981/5/5 星座:金牛座 身高:约187公分 出生地:英国 南汉普敦 最喜欢的艺人:Terence Trent D"arby、天命真女、唐尼尔琼斯、布莱恩麦肯奈特、锯齿边缘、亚瑟小子 最喜欢的食物:鸡肉 最喜欢的演员:基奴李维 最喜欢的专辑:唐尼尔琼斯「Where I Wanna Be」 第一次买的单曲:麦可杰克森"Leave me alone" 第一次得奖纪录:15岁时荣获全国性词曲创作比赛大奖 求学时最喜欢的课程:历史 NME杂志赞誉为『英国R&B乐坛最完美、杰出的歌手』、英国权威音乐杂志Q誉为『本世纪首位英国流行乐坛巨星』,并受到U2、Jennifer Lopez、Sisqo、Usher等共事过之乐坛巨星推崇;年仅18岁以首支单曲Fill Me In勇夺全英单曲榜冠军,成为英国乐坛首位最年轻便夺下英国金榜冠军的Craig David俨然成为英国流行乐坛最佳代名词。 这位1981年5月5日出生于英国Southampton的年轻小伙子,自小于PCRS 106.5FM电台担任DJ并于Club播放歌曲,直至遇上了Artful Dodger之中的Mark Hill后改变了他一生的命运。在名制作人Mark Hill的制作与护航下,首张专辑『Born To Do It』中首支单曲Fill Me In于2000年3月,成功的夺下英国金榜冠军,顺势推出的第二支单曲7 Days也顺利的登上英国单曲榜冠军宝座。专辑于2000年夏天同时夺下英国专辑榜冠军,推出至今已缔造全球5百万张销量与全球7个国家的冠军宝座。 在『Born To Do It』专辑中,Craig David融合2-Step/UK Garage?AR&B、拉丁、摇滚、爵士等多样音乐元素,以其充满磁性、性感诱人的嗓音征服全球乐迷。无怪乎英国流行乐坛龙头老大Elton John更大胆诙谐的以『如果在英国有比Craig David更好的歌手的话,那么我就是英国首相撒切尔夫人』来赞誉这位未来英国流行乐坛炙手可热的天皇接班人


david会变成COBRA,意思是眼镜蛇。21世纪初的日本,原因不明的地壳变动使以横滨为中心,半径30公里的区域突然隆起,它从此以后被称为“Lost Ground”。由于日本政府在此地实行的街道复兴计划,使这个地方成为特殊的二层社会,这里的人被划分为住在复兴地区的“inner”和住在崩坏地区的“outer”,而不久之后在Lost Ground出生的人开始拥有一种叫“Alter”的超能力,人们都称他们为“Alter能力者”。登场人物保志总一朗本作主角之一,为从小在失落国度成长的天生超能力者,个性潇洒不拘、随心所欲,与刘凤是宿敌般的存在。阿尔达超能力是融合型,即右手的强化,能力发动时右肩会出现三个红色的棘,每发动一次绝招棘便会消失一个。绝招有招式名称,依序是“冲击的第一拳”、“歼灭的第二拳”、“抹杀的最后一拳”,招式名称由来是受到前辈库卡的影响。之后提升能力可以变成第二型态,此时型态为背上出现一个圆钩,可以旋转推进,发动绝招时右手会发出金光,招式名称变为:”超级神拳“。


变身战士david会变成COBRA,意思是眼镜蛇。其实游戏中也是有提示的,玩家走到图书馆柜台前的River附近点击她的话就会给答案的,中文版的话COBBRA这个单词还会加括号的。这是一款使用RPG制作大师制作的视觉小说。本作于2012年9月8日发布在Steam上,2014年1月7日加入Humble Indie BundleX游戏包均提供OSX与Linux的版本。去月球游戏设定特点在去月球的世界里,存在着借由改变记忆为弥留之际的人们完成愿望的服务。由于这种人工记忆是永久的,在病人醒来的时候会与病人的真实记忆产生冲突,也因此这种技术只能对临死的人实施。故事开始于提供这项服务的西格蒙德公司的两位职员伊娃罗莎莉恩博士与尼尔沃茨博士准备为垂死的约翰尼威尔士实现一生的梦想:登陆月球,虽然约翰尼并不知道自己想前往月球的理由。两位博士为了完成这项任务进入约翰尼的记忆中,借由一个个约翰尼生命中的重要物品回溯时间。他们随着见证了约翰尼记忆中的一些重要时刻,渐渐地了解成就约翰尼当前惨状的缘由。在两位博士终于到达约翰尼的童年的之际,他们试图为约翰尼注入去月球的愿望,让约翰尼的内心制造基于这个愿望的新的人生与记忆,以求约翰尼死时没有任何遗憾。然而,并非一切都照计划进行,两位医生发现约翰尼的愿望、过去和他已故的妻子莉娃都藏着巨大的玄机。随着时间的一分一秒的流失,罗莎莉恩博士和瓦茨博士必须在约翰尼辞世前解开他过去的秘密,并不惜一切代价将他送往月球。

英语作文: 给David的一封信

Dear David:Oh,dear,I`m going to tell you a bad news.I have a cold.I`m not feeling good at that moment.But all was OK,don`t worry about me.oh,how is going? ohw yeah,I`ll tell you my awesome holidays.first day,I went to a park with my friends and classmates,and we had a picnic there.Second day,I didn`t doing anything in the morning,but at night,I go to a KTV with my old friends .Also there is my girl friend.Last day ,I just stay at home and finish my god daimd homework.it`s suck!Oh,Ijust can tell you this,Keep contect! yours:XXX


[deivid] 戴维:姓或男名





介绍一下Craig David 并推荐一些他的歌

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 解析: 我就是CD迷啊~~~~建议听听他的you don"t miss your water, don"t love you no more,7 days,all the way time to party,fill me in, johnny 这些歌曲都是相当经典! 克雷格大卫(Craig David) 全名:克雷格 艾斯里 大卫 生日:1981/5/5 星座:金牛座 身高:约187公分 出生地:英国 南汉普敦 最喜欢的艺人:Terence Trent D"arby、天命真女、唐尼尔琼斯、布莱恩麦肯奈特、锯齿边缘、亚瑟小子 最喜欢的食物:鸡肉 最喜欢的演员:基奴李维 最喜欢的专辑:唐尼尔琼斯「Where I Wanna Be」 第一次买的单曲:麦可杰克森"Leave me alone" 第一次得奖纪录:15岁时荣获全国性词曲创作比赛大奖 求学时最喜欢的课程:历史 「天生好手」专辑里最喜欢一首歌:Follow me Craig Daivd大事记 2000 MOBO Music Award 年度新人、年度单曲、年度R&B艺人 Silver Clef Award 年度新人奖 TV Hits 年度新人奖 2001 British Music Award 最佳唱片、男歌手、新进艺人、单曲、音乐录影带及舞曲艺人等六项提名 Capital Music Award 最受欢迎单曲、最受欢迎男歌手 Ivor Novello Award 最佳当代歌曲、最佳舞曲、年度创作 MTV Music Award, MTV2 最佳年度新人提名 Europe Music Award 音乐奖最佳R&B艺人、最佳英国与爱尔兰艺人 2002 Grammy Award 年度流行男歌手提名 MTV Music Award 最佳男歌手提名 Teen Choice Awards 最佳男歌手提名 BET Music Award 最佳男歌手、最佳新人提名 British Music Award 最佳英国男歌手、最佳英国专辑、最佳英国舞曲艺人提名 近来不少新人相继涌现英美乐坛,一众偶像派新星故然备受瞩目,但创作派的新秀亦看头十足!23岁的Craig David,一出道便被誉为英国R&B新星,不但囊括了英国乐坛六项大奖,首张大碟"Born To Do It"亦获得白金销量,四张Singles(包括"Seven Days"及"Fill Me In")高据其它欧美国家流行榜,Craig David更成为首位夺得英国细碟及大碟榜冠军的最年轻歌手。 现为白金销量歌手的Craig David出生于英国南安普敦,童年时已发挥出其音乐才华。十五岁时,年纪轻轻的Craig David受到母亲的鼓励下,参加了作曲比赛。他只用了两天时间来完成的参赛歌曲"I"m Ready",更令他在比赛中脱颖而出。胜出比赛除了令他的作品被流行乐队Damage采用外,更为Craig David打开其歌唱事业。 事实上,Craig David、Robbie Williams、Ronan Keating三人在英国歌坛似乎有彼此较劲抢占头号男歌手的目的,但Craig不仅没成为Robbie和Ronan的眼中钉,俩人更不止一次表示欣赏Craig,希望彼此有合作机会,Ronan甚至呼吁三人公开合作为公益抛砖引玉,传为歌坛佳话。而自从“英国小天王”窜红来,歌坛也掀起一阵“Craig David旋风”,从艾尔顿强、U2、Jamiroquai、Sisqo、Usher等都对他的音乐深深着迷,不停在访问中提及对Craig的喜爱,就连“全球性感女神”珍妮佛洛佩兹也情不自禁点名要和他飙歌,更巧的是珍妮佛前男友吹牛老爹还曾力邀克Craig加入自己的唱片公司。美国媒体则比喻Craig David是继乔治迈可后最令人期待的英国男歌手,七月Craig David在洛杉矶的表演引来布兰妮和贾斯汀情人档的热情捧场,而他在纽约中央公园的现场演出更造成轰动。 *英国史上最年轻冠军男歌手纪录保持人 *首张专辑「Born To Do It」全球销量超过700万张、全球7个国家冠军宝座 *荣获全英音乐奖6项提名历史纪录、MTV音乐奖最佳男歌手提名 *备受爱尔顿强、U2主唱Bono推崇 *珍妮佛洛佩兹、蜜西艾莉特、吹牛老爹、天命真女争相邀约 *英国冠桂诗人史汀爱才跨刀合唱强劲单曲"Rise & Fall" *开创「两步∕Garage」曲风,掀起全球音乐新浪潮 当99年首度亮相于Artful Dodger的年度2-Step Garage国歌单曲Rewind中时,年仅18岁的Craig David那温文尔雅的美妙嗓音早已让人过耳不忘,也理所当然成为当时锐不可挡之UK Garage风潮的最受瞩目新星。然而事实证明Craig David这位来自英国南汉普敦的大男孩远远超过大家期待,尽管单曲Fill Me In依旧包含流畅2-Step Garage元素(此曲让Craig David成为英国流行音乐史上最年轻的冠军男歌手),但事实上他所带来以家乡生活为题材的首张专辑Born To Do It (天生好手)却是一张以Urban Soul、R&B、Hip Hop为主干的作品,写下的是英国近代Urban Music重要的一页。 也正因如此,Born To Do It不仅得以横扫英国与全球流行乐坛―曾获六项英国MOBO音乐大奖提名并累积超过七百万张的全球销售量,也在美国市场上取得极大的回响。更让乐迷所津津乐道的是单曲7 Days在美国发行时,还收录了金牌Hip Hop监制兼Guru亲密合作搭档DJ Premier操刀Remix、东岸Underground Rap名将Mos Def献声Rap的全新Hip Hop Ballad版本。 成功进军美国市场的甜美果实似乎进一步反映在新专辑的首发单曲What"s Your Flava?中,清晰浓郁的西岸G-Funk韵味突显了Craig David意欲再度攻陷美国市场的强烈野心,是以这张睽违两年多的全新Follow-Up专辑Slicker Than Your Average中除了有当年慧眼识英雄提拔Craig David的前Artful Dodger成员Mark Hill与二人制作团体Ignorants(Shola Ama、Pet Shop Boys)操刀制作外,还有美国当红金牌制作单位Soulshock(Mary J Blige、Destiny"s Child、Whitney Houston、2 Pac)坐镇,自然为整张专辑流畅讨喜的英国R&B风格凭添不少美式Urban Soul气息。即将作为下首单曲发行的Hidden Agenda流泄Funky轻快的民谣乐音,颇为有趣的是2 Step Back曲如其名送上轻盈的2-Step节拍,彷佛提醒大家不要忘了他是崛起于2-Step Gage圈。 至于感伤Moody的Rise & Fall不但拥有绝对足以媲美7 Days的商业潜质,最让人瞩目的是此曲竟得到前The Police乐团主唱、英国知性男歌手Sting的跨刀。加入93年单曲Shape Of My Heart的动人旋律之馀,Sting本身更重新填词并献声合唱,以前辈姿态教导新人演艺生涯的危机与陷阱,促成了两代英国流行音乐巨星难得的一次合作交流。 这位被NME杂志誉为「英国R&B乐坛最完美、杰出歌手」、英国权威Q杂志誉为「本世纪首位英国乐坛巨星」的乐坛小天皇— 克雷格大卫,2年后的现在回到歌坛带给我们的登机之作是全新专辑Slicker Than Your Average (暗藏玄机)案惊喜和震撼!这是2002年最令人屏息以待的专辑! Craig David顶着2000年横扫欧陆年度销售新人、单曲专辑三冠王超人气,开创“两步/Garage”曲风,让乐评一面倒为其开拓音乐新格局喝彩,2001年2月又创下全英音乐奖六项提名历史纪录,却在颁奖典礼成为空手而返的失意小帅哥,眼睁睁看着奖项落入罗比威廉斯手中,两人互有心结甚嚣尘上,但Craig David并未因此意志消沉,除了得到许多大小音乐奖肯定,马上前往美国进行宣传,最后天从人愿,Craig David的单曲《Fill Me In》夺得销售榜第三名,首张专辑《Born To Do It(天生好手)》七月一举打入全美排行11名! 事实上,Craig David、Robbie Williams、Ronan Keating三人在英国歌坛似乎有彼此较劲抢占头号男歌手的目的,但Craig不仅没成为Robbie和Ronan的眼中钉,俩人更不止一次表示欣赏Craig,希望彼此有合作机会,Ronan甚至呼吁三人公开合作为公益抛砖引玉,传为歌坛佳话。而自从“英国小天王”窜红来,歌坛也掀起一阵“Craig David旋风”,从艾尔顿强、U2、Jamiroquai、Sisqo、Usher等都对他的音乐深深着迷,不停在访问中提及对Craig的喜爱,就连“全球性感女神”珍妮佛洛佩兹也情不自禁点名要和他飙歌,更巧的是珍妮佛前男友吹牛老爹还曾力邀克Craig加入自己的唱片公司。美国媒体则比喻Craig David是继乔治迈可后最令人期待的英国男歌手,七月Craig David在洛杉矶的表演引来布兰妮和贾斯汀情人档的热情捧场,而他在纽约中央公园的现场演出更造成轰动。 事业一帆风顺,Craig David自然逃不过狗仔队的注意,成为“绯闻男女”,拍拖的对像更是赫赫有名的“全美少男杀手”Willa Ford。Willa是后街男孩Nick Carter的前任女友,不但拥有相当的知名度,她大胆穿着和敢说敢做的个性更电倒无数少男,而Willa最近发行的个人专辑也有不俗的成绩,但这对“同门好友”最终为了彼此事业,结束了只维持了三个月感情。 专辑:2001:《Born To Do It》 2003:《Slicker Than Your Average》 2005:《The Story Goes》


【David】大卫 发音:["deivid]

请问David 是什么意思啊?(我不是问人名的意思!)

David David的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.戴维(男子名)2.(圣经)大卫(以色列第二位国王)以下结果来自互联网网络释义David1.大卫,希伯来所爱的人。男生英文名字的含义 - 新乡大学生门户|新...David,大卫,希伯来所爱的人。 2.戴维 希伯来 所爱的人。maomao的共享空间: 英文名的含义David 戴维 希伯来 所爱的人。 3.戴维,含义:挚爱[英语人名的含义]– [大话校园]– [校...David戴维,含义:挚爱


DAVID (希伯来)挚爱的意思。人们形容DAVID是强壮,英俊,聪明的男人,善良,幽默又独立。


DAVID (希伯来)挚爱的意思。人们形容DAVID是强壮,英俊,聪明的男人,善良,幽默又独立。


David,读音:英 ["deu026avu026ad],美 ["devu026ad]。david是英文名,大卫或者戴维的意思。david含义是亲爱的,“被爱”的意思是大卫是一个很容易亲近的名字,在匈牙利和斯洛伐克形式的大卫。亲爱的来自希伯来语的名字“心爱的”(Dawid),这可能是来自希伯来语的“心爱的”(dwd)的意思是“心爱的”。david寓意有爱心,独立,有上进心,有领导能力,略喜新厌旧,想象力丰富,目标明确,知道自己想要什么。踏实,认真,有条理。有耐心,坚持追求自己的目标。英文名是David的名人1、大卫·修蒙(David Schwimmer),1966年11月2日出生在美国纽约,因主演著名美剧《老友记》(Friends)里的Ross,一举成名而获得1995年艾美奖最佳喜剧类男演员提名,还参与出演了《兄弟连》(Band of brothers)、《纽约重案组》等多部影视作品。2、大卫·鲍威(David Bowie),英国著名摇滚音乐家,60年代后期出道,是70年代华丽摇滚宗师,1947年出生于英国伦敦的布里克顿。David Bowie是英国代表性的音乐家,其音乐影响现今众多西方乐坛歌手,与披头士(The Beatles)、皇后乐队并列为英国20世纪最重要的摇滚明星。




1、David - 英,美[?de?v?d]。2、释义:n. 大卫;戴维(男子名)。3、例句:Ive known David for 20 years.我认识戴维已有20年了。David attributed his companys success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。



Craig David的失眠症歌曲下载




David Usher的《White Flag》 歌词

歌曲名:White Flag歌手:David Usher专辑:Strange Birds"White Flag"AcekillerI love You BeaTook the acid in the afternoonJust to be part of the scenery with all the lonely People there we areTook a trip out to the galaxyI"m not looking for salvation just a taste of liberationI said my friendsLike to sit all day and watch the stars bendI can see your white flag flying in the distanceI know that it"s lonely there where you areIf everything is perfect tell me why you"re hurtingIt won"t be longTook a trip out to the girly showIt was there i talked to jesus he said christ Don"t you believe it oh noAnother drink and we talked all nightI asked does it hurt to be you he said boy it hurts like hellHe said my friendsI know that is lonely there where you areIf everything"s so perfect tell me why you"re hurtingI can see your white flagThree am and the light"s so strangeLittle rosa"s started dancing now with all the lonely people there we areLeans to me asks for a cigaretteI asked does it hurt to be youShe said boy it hurts like hellShe said my friends like to sit all day and watch the stars bendI know that you"re lonely there where you areI let you lonely there where you arehttp://music.baidu.com/song/410620

One day, many years ago, when I was working as a psychologist(心理学家)in England, I brought David

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D小题5:A 小题1:根据文章内容I brought David into my office. His face was pale and he looked at his own feet.可知答案为C小题2:根据文章内容. But when he was 13 ,his grandfather died and his mother was killed in a car accident.可知答案为B小题3:根据文章内容After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon—in complete silence. Usually, he arrived earlier than we agreed.,可知答案为A小题4:根据文章内容. He finally got friends in school and he even joined a bicycle club. Now he started his new life.可知答案为D小题5:根据文章内容可知答案为A

David Archuleta 唱的Forevermore歌词

oh, god, in your perfection your love confounds the wisesinners are made heroes, and the humble lifted highunchained hearts are singing outsongs that reach the skylift up your eyes to the one who reignslift up your hands, oh sweet surrender it bringsforevermore, you are holyforevermore, you are worthyin your light we see light, in your eyes we shineyou give strength and justice, and the broken are made rightsinners, saints, and angels singall my life, all that i hopeit rests inside your planyour love, your grace, your truth aloneforevermore will standyou have called me your redeemedand hidden me in the shadow of your wingspeace like a riverjoy like a fountain flows wherever you go

Craig David档案

克雷格大卫(Craig David) 全名:克雷格 艾斯里 大卫 生日:1981/5/5 星座:金牛座 身高:约187公分 出生地:英国 南汉普敦 最喜欢的艺人:Terence Trent D"arby、天命真女、唐尼尔琼斯、布莱恩麦肯奈特、锯齿边缘、亚瑟小子 最喜欢的食物:鸡肉 最喜欢的演员:基奴李维 最喜欢的专辑:唐尼尔琼斯「Where I Wanna Be」 第一次买的单曲:麦可杰克森"Leave me alone" 第一次得奖纪录:15岁时荣获全国性词曲创作比赛大奖 求学时最喜欢的课程:历史 「天生好手」专辑里最喜欢一首歌:Follow me

电影“盗梦空间”国语版下载,有的话请给个连接或网址,发到我邮箱最好了david3411@126.com 谢了先...


Craig David的jonny的中文歌词

歌曲:johnny 歌手:craig david 专辑:the story goes 翻译:又是要上学的一天他走出这扇门背起书包脚依然在地板上拖延被质问总是迟到的原因他无法思考该说些什么只是隐藏自己的青淤希望他们快点走开即使他的父母有他们自己的问题要处理真是令人左右为难但他宁可呆在家里放任自己,睡觉祈祷希望醒来时一切会有所改变但是一切照旧但你不是说你总是说我该大声说出来而且似乎你总能未卜先知因为我一直都告诉你Johnny欺负我才是我常迟到的原因(但你从来没有听)反而总是无休止的责备我为我从未做过的事情(为值得的事情)我甚至不想告诉你任何事以防变得更糟(正是如此你知道)每一次我说Johnny欺负我嗨,妈妈爸爸很伤心每一天都在重复像录音机的重放慢慢的下车Johnny等在门口像一个朋友微笑着招手 喊出他的名字胳膊揽住他的脖子小声说“现在把所有的零用钱给我”害怕大声吵闹请求他放过他只是承受着到来的一切每一次被殴感觉到痛尽管徒劳,他仍试着求救一回到家,不再害怕如果我要倾诉,就会告诉你(只要我需要,yeh)我不明白爱的方式朋友,你总是能在未晚之时提醒我所有的事情

Dark Night Of The Soul (Feat. David Lynch) 歌词

歌曲名:Dark Night Of The Soul (Feat. David Lynch)歌手:Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse专辑:Dark Night Of The SoulDanger Mouse & Sparklehorse - Dark Night of the SoulDark dream worldAll aloneShadows movin"Shadows have long gone byDark night of the soulOur soulsTime slippin" byI call out your painIf you had only liked my faceWhere are you babyDistant bell ringingBut steps echoNo one on these streetsCallin" out your nameIt"s a dream worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2966408

David Archuleta的《Wait》 歌词

歌曲名:Wait歌手:David Archuleta专辑:The Other Side of DownDavid Archuleta - WaitI can"t sleep, I"m feeling wide awakeTonight is taking it"s timeHow much more before the morning breaksAnd I can leave it all behind"Cause every time I try to close my eyesI only end up seeing memories of youAnd it"s never enough, I"m waitingEven though you"re gone I can hear your heartIt"s calling out my name like a flash in the darkIf this is just a dreamI won"t give it backI"ll find a way to make it lastOne more minute, wait, wait, wait, don"t goJust one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don"t goDavid Archuleta Wait video lyricI am keeping every word you sayBut how much longer can I hold onCause whispers echoing until they fadeRemind me that you"re already gone"Cause every time I try to chase your voiceI end up getting lost and running in circlesAnd it"s never enough, I"m waitingEven though you"re gone I can hear your heartIt"s calling out my name like a flash in the darkIf this is just a dreamI won"t give it backI"ll find a way to make it lastOne more minute wait, wait, wait, don"t goJust one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don"t goWait, wait, wait, don"t goJust one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don"t goOooh yeah, don"t goEven though you"re gone I can hear your heartIt"s calling out my name like a flash in the darkIf this is just a dreamI won"t give it backI"ll find a way to make it lastOne more minute, wait, wait, wait, don"t goJust one more minute, wait, wait, wait, don"t goSing by love, David Archuletahttp://music.baidu.com/song/52400394

David Bowie的《Blackout》 歌词

歌曲名:Blackout歌手:David Bowie专辑:HeroesBlackoutMuseAbsolutionBlackoutMuseAbsolutiondon"t kid yourselfand don"t fool yourselfthis love"s too good to lastand I"m too old to dreamdon"t grow up too fastand don"t embrace the pastthis life"s too good to lastand I"m too young to caredon"t kid yourselfand don"t fool yourselfthis life could be the lastand we"re too young to see(END)http://music.baidu.com/song/699864

高分求抒情R&B欧美男歌手的旋律性强类似于BobbyTinsley DavidArchuleta R-kelly Babyface akon Ne-yo的歌

talking to the moon -Bruno Mars

阿凡达诺曼扮演者乔·大卫·摩尔(Joel David Moore)演过什么美剧

乔·大卫·摩尔演过《躲避球》、《美女与丑姑》乔·大卫·摩尔(Joel David Moore)——诺姆·斯贝尔曼(Norm Spellman)诺姆·斯贝尔曼:生物学家,研究植物和自然生态,也是“阿凡达”计划的科学家。乔·大卫·摩尔演过《躲避球》、《美女与丑姑》、《艺校的秘密》等影片,近年来开始尝试自编自导电影。

David Grant的《Big Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Big Love歌手:David Grant专辑:Anxious EdgeFleetwood Mac - Big LoveWritten by lindsey buckingham.Looking out for loveIn the night so stillOh Ill build you a kingdomIn that house on the hillLooking out for loveBig, big loveYou said that you love meAnd that you always willOh you begged me to keep youIn that house on the hillLooking out for loveBig, big loveI wake up aloneWith it allI wake upBut only to fallLooking out for loveBig, big loveJust looking out for loveBig, big lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8249459

seven days的中文翻译歌词Craig David


谁能帮我介绍一下欧美漫画家漫画家DAVID FINCH 啊?

喂鸡去吧 外文不好就不要怪我了

I Will Wait For You (feat. David Davidson) 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Wait For You (feat. David Davidson)歌手:Beegie Adair and David Davidson专辑:Parisian CafeI Will Wait For You-Andy WilliamsIf it takes forever I will wait for youFor a thousand summers I will wait for youTill you"re back beside me, till I"m holding youTill I hear you sigh here in my armsAnywhere you wander, anywhere you goEvery day remember how I love you soIn your heart believe what in my heart I knowThat forevermore I"ll wait for youThe clock will tick away the hours one by oneThen the time will come when all the waiting"s doneThe time when you return and find me here and runStraight to my waiting armsIf it takes forever I will wait for youFor a thousand summers I will wait for youTill you"re here beside me, till I"m touching youAnd forevermore sharing your loveMm......http://music.baidu.com/song/2559665

Tension组合已经解散了吗?他们唱过David Tao 的哪些歌?

亚洲A级特优男孩团体 - - TENSION秘密档案 - - 团名: Tension 团员: 5名 成军: 1998 .10 成军地: L.A. 平均年龄: 26 平均身高: 176 个性: 美国小孩的easy-going、阳光特质、好动活泼 、高学历的气质内涵 专长: 美声, 美国西岸舞蹈, 音乐创作, 运动, 语言(英,国,粤,法,日,韩) 发掘者: R&B音乐教父 陶吉吉 擅长曲风: R&B/Hip-Hop/Ballad 演艺经历: 2001.5发行首张国语专辑“Smart ”销售量达20万张 2003.5发行第二张国语专辑“Gotta Be Your Man” 2003.9发行首本文字写真书“VERY TENSION” 2004.1发行第三张国语专辑“爱。星球” 2004.2发行第二本成长记录书“当我们炫在一起” 经营方向: 唱片、演唱会、音乐创作、戏剧、主持全能型演艺团体 TENSION大事纪 1998 年10月成军。 2001年5月 第12届金曲奖首度曝光。 2001年5月 发行首张专辑「聪明」。 2001年6月 担任「联合国儿童基金会」代言人。 2001年6月「IGTA第一届台湾?游戏软体锦标赛」活动代言。 2001年6月「2001CSIO*马术锦标赛」活动代言人。 2001年7月 担任「捐血大使」。 2001年8月 担任麦当劳「朋友万万岁」活动代言人。 2001年8月 「Hinet 2001网路游戏大赛」广告及活动代言。 2001年8月 担任「用爱弥补 关怀小耳症」公益广告拍摄及活动代言。 帅公子Andy 姓名:李涵之 昵称:Smokinglala 生日日期:1977年8月6日 星座:狮子座 国籍:USA 出生地:台北 身高:178cm 体重:64kg 口头禅:Oh what !? 嗜好:阅读、打球、打电动玩具、煮义大利面 擅长的乐器:钢琴、鼓 喜爱的运动:排球、美式足球 喜爱的食物:意大利菜、寿司 喜爱的颜色:蓝、黑、白 秘密小档案:腰33、长40、T-恤XL、衬衫42、鞋10 白书生Brian 姓名:方冠中 昵称:Bri. 生日日期:1978年11月7日 星座:天蝎座 国籍:USA 出生地:洛杉矶 Los Angeles 身高:173cm 体重:70kg 口头禅:What the Gung Hell ?! 嗜好:舞狮、钓鱼、玩赛车、直排轮 擅长的乐器:钢琴、萨克斯风 喜爱的运动:滑雪板、街上曲棍 喜爱的食物:牛排、生鱼片、波霸奶茶 喜爱的穿着:Sweaters、long sleeve shirts 喜爱的颜色:红、蓝、橙 秘密小档案:腰33、长42、T-恤XL、衬衫42、鞋10 坏痞子Jimmy 姓名:洪天祥 昵称:Jimbo 生日日期:1976年8月5日 星座:狮子座 国籍:Canada 加拿大 出生地:香港 身高:180cm 体重:68kg 口头禅:NO !! 嗜好:任何的运动我都喜欢 擅长的乐器:吉他 喜爱的运动:任何球类 喜爱的食物:意大利菜、日本料理、韩国豆腐锅 喜爱的颜色:Baby Blue 秘密小档案:腰31、长41、T-恤XL、衬衫42、鞋9 酷小孩John 姓名:白仁汉 昵称:Da Bass 生日日期:1980年6月18日 星座:双子座 国籍:USA 出生地:阿根廷 Argentina 身高:182cm 体重:66kg 口头禅:Did I just say that out loud ? 嗜好:写 歌、玩电脑、打桌球、健身 擅长的乐器:Keyboard、萨克斯风 喜爱的运动:篮球、网球、桌球 喜爱的食物:意大利菜、韩国料理、寿司 喜爱的颜色:蓝 秘密小档案:腰31、长41、T-恤M、衬衫40、鞋9 耍宝弟Raymond 姓名:胡恩瑞 昵称:old man 生日日期:1978年3月20日 星座:双鱼座 国籍:R.O.C 台湾 出生地:台北 身高:173cm 体重:58kg 口头禅:Oh yeah?,Man ! 嗜好:打球、听音乐、健身、去海边 擅长的乐器:Learning bass、CD Player 喜爱的运动:篮球、乒乓球 喜爱的食物:都喜欢、能吃饱就好! 喜爱的颜色:蓝 秘密小档案:腰30、长39、T-恤M、衬衫40、鞋8.5

Craig David的《Rendezvous》 歌词

歌曲名:Rendezvous歌手:Craig David专辑:Born To Do ItArtist: Craig DavidAlbum: Born To Do ItTitle: RendezvousEditor:Janrenfairy/RLT 03/11/2004craig david this is how we do (this is how we do)yeah well come on check it out(watcha doing cos we"ll be rendevousing &<br>you know we"ll getting some getting jiggy just for fun)(4x)six o"clock in the morning wipe the sleep from my eyes(yeah)felt just like an ordinary dayjust around the corner, such a surprise, a beautiful angel materialisedtime stood still, face to faceI"m sure we"d met in another time and place(met in another time and place)our eyes met as you passed me by (passed me by)two souls entwined in the blink of an eye(yeah)and I had to figure out what I"d be missingso I turned to you and asked you if you wanted to(you know we"ll be getting some getting jiggy just for fun)rendevous where to my place, say 2 & we can anything you wanna dohey, tonight is your night yeahwhen you close your eyes, take a minute, take a moment, realisedo you see me when you fantasisetonight"ll be your nightI"m just sitting here daydreaming about you and all the things you dogirl feels so rightand all I know ist you"re the one for me, that special kinda"ladyin my life, in my lifewell here I am writing you a lover songholding back those years, it"s been so longand I can"t deny the way I"m asking you, can we ...darling tell me, what"s on your mind? what you thinking?hey what you thinking? hey what you thinking?darling tell me what"s on your mindwhat"s on your mind yeah?darlign what you are thinking?now darling what are you thinking?I"m just sitting here daydreaming about you and all the things you dogirl feels so rightand all I know ist you"re the one for me, that special kinda"ladyin my life, in my life yeahwatcha doing cos we"ll be rendevousing & you knowwe"ll be getting some getting jiggy just for fun(x4)http://music.baidu.com/song/1280000

谁能帮我找找Craig David的“Rendezvous ”的歌词?


David Gates的《Watch Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Watch Out歌手:David Gates专辑:Never Let Her Go泳儿 - Watch Out作曲 : SS : Tiger作词 : 林若宁监制 : 陈永明By Robin :D不乖巧 不等於不会释放温柔不挑剔 不等於可以忍你荒谬明白我吗不要堆砌笑话有否看清楚我吧容纳你吗一次一次够吗惯就你越爱越变越差现在就记住 Watch Out我要变坏大气侯Watch Out如发恶 似舞后Watch Out来抗议策动做领袖过去我太脆弱向水晶的木偶挥手By Robin :D不多出声 不多追逼不过总有要求不担心 不心息知你手法一流原谅你吗不要花费送花不满我不肯放下承受你吗一个一个上画纪录已越界越刮越花oh...o..i dont feel it alrightoh..o..oh..o..i dont feel it alrightoh..o..就望著我吧 Watch Out爱会破裂像折旧Watch Out来看你似太后Watch Out来放弃我暂别听候信我有我态度要翻天覆地有出口Watch OutBy Robin :Dhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8470048

david donald doo怎么读

英文原文:david donald doo英式音标:[u02c8deu026avu026ad] donald [duu02d0] 美式音标:[u02c8deu026avu026ad] donald [du]

完形填空:My name is David.I live in a big house with my __1__.Our house__2_

1 parents2 is 3 six (注: parents , two sisters , brother and I ) 4 is5 with ( share ... with 与……分享)6( 在哪)7 playing 8 sister9 If10 fun ( have fun 玩得开心,过得愉快)如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

完形填空:My name is David.I live in a big house with my __1__.Our house__2_

答案:ADCAB BDBCA题目:完型填空 My name is David.I live in a big house with my 1.Our house 2 not near a city.It is twenty kilometres(公里)from the nearest city.There are 3 people in my family.I live with my parents,my two sisters and my brother.Our house has two floors.Where 4 a living room,four bedrooms,a dining room,a kitchen and:two bathrooms.I share a bedroom 5 my brother,Simon.Each of my two sisters 6 a bedroom.Our house has a big garden with lots of flowers.I like 7 in the garden with my brother and 8 .At weekends my school friends come to visit me.We play in the garden.9 it rains,we play in the room.Our house is a nice place to live in.I have 10 with my friends and family in our house.( )1.A.family B.families C.parents D.parent ( )2.A.be B.are C.has D.is ( )3.A.four B.five C. six D.seven ( )4.A.is B.are C.has D.have ( )5.A.for B.with C.on D.in ( )6.A.have B.has C.1ive D.with ( )7.A.play B.work C.to playing D.playing ( )8.A.sister B.sisters C.parent D.friend ( )9.A.But B.And C.When D.Then ( )10.A.fun B.funs C.funny D.time

有没有介绍David Bowie的英文文章

David Robert Jones (born 8 January 1947), known professionally by his stage name David Bowie, is an English singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, arranger, and actor. He is also a painter and collector of fine art. Bowie has been a major figure in the world of popular music for over four decades, and is renowned as an innovator, particularly for his work in the 1970s. He is known for his distinctive voice as well as the intellectual depth and eclecticism of his work. Aside from his musical abilities, he is recognised for his androgynous beauty, which was an iconic element to his image, particularly in the 1970s and 1980s.Bowie first caught the eye and ear of the public in July 1969 when his song "Space Oddity" reached the top five of the UK Singles Chart. After a three-year period of experimentation he re-emerged in 1972 during the glam rock era with the flamboyant, androgynous alter ego Ziggy Stardust, spearheaded by the hit single "Starman" and the album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. Bowie"s impact at that time, as described by biographer David Buckley, "challenged the core belief of the rock music of its day" and "created perhaps the biggest cult in popular culture." The relatively short-lived Ziggy persona proved merely one facet of a career marked by continual reinvention, musical innovation and striking visual presentation. In 1975, Bowie achieved his first major American crossover success with the number-one single "Fame" and the hit album Young Americans, which the singer characterised as "plastic soul". The sound constituted a radical shift in style that initially alienated many of his UK devotees. He then confounded the expectations of both his record label and his American audiences by recording the minimalist album Low (1977)—the first of three collaborations with Brian Eno over the next two years. Low, "Heroes", and Lodger, the so-called "Berlin Trilogy" albums, all reached the UK top five and received lasting critical praise. After uneven commercial success in the late 1970s, Bowie had UK number ones with the 1980 single "Ashes to Ashes", its parent album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and "Under Pressure", a 1981 collaboration with Queen. He then reached a new commercial peak in 1983 with Let"s Dance, which yielded several hit singles. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bowie continued to experiment with musical styles, including blue-eyed soul,industrial, adult contemporary, and jungle. He has not toured since the 2003–04 Reality Tour and has not performed live since 2006. Bowie"s latest studio album The Next Day was released in March 2013. David Buckley says of Bowie: "His influence has been unique in popular culture—he has permeated and altered more lives than any comparable figure."In the BBC"s 2002 poll of the 100 Greatest Britons, Bowie was placed at number 29. Throughout his career, he has sold an estimated 140 million albums. In the UK, he has been awarded nine Platinum album certifications, 11 Gold and eight Silver, and in the US, five Platinum and seven Gold certifications. In 2004,Rolling Stone ranked him 39th on their list of the "100 Greatest Artists of All Time", and 23rd on their list of the best singers of all time.


0.0是OFFICIALLY MISSING YOU……正式地想念你……(好怪……)

求david choi by my side 中英文歌词

这首歌很好听英文歌词:I"m just listening to the clock go ticking, lying waiting as the time goes by.I think of you with every breath I take, I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine.You"re all I see, in everything.I just wanna hold you, I just wanna kiss you, I just wanna love you all my life.I normally wouldn"t say this, but I just can"t contain it.I want you here forever, right here by my side.All the fears you feel inside, and all the tears you cry, they"re ending right here.I"ll heal your heart and soul; I"ll keep you *oh* so close.Don"t worry; I"ll never let you go.You"re all I need, you"re everything.I just wanna hold you, I just wanna kiss you, I just wanna love you all my life.I normally wouldn"t say this, but I just can"t contain it.I want you here forever, right here by my side.No one else will ever do.I got a stubborn heart for you.Call me crazy, but its true; I love you.I didn"t think that it would be, you have made it clear to me.You"re all I need.I just wanna hold you, I just wanna kiss you, I just wanna love you all my life.I normally wouldn"t say this, but I just can"t contain it.I want you here forever, right here by my side.可是中文歌词我没找到,又不能给你瞎翻译...

求《By my side 》 David Choi 的歌词

  By my side - David Choi  编辑by米兰童话  I"m just listening to the clock go ticking,  lying waiting as the time goes by.  I think of you with every breath I take,  I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine.  You"re all I see, in everything.  I just wanna hold you,  I just wanna kiss you,  I just wanna love you all my life.  I normally wouldn"t say this,  but I just can"t contain it.  I want you here forever,  right here by my side.  All the fears you feel inside,  and all the tears you cry,  they"re ending right here.  I"ll heal your heart and soul;  I"ll keep you *oh* so close.  Don"t worry; I"ll never let you go.  You"re all I need, you"re everything.  I just wanna hold you,  I just wanna kiss you,  I just wanna love you all my life.  I normally wouldn"t say this,  but I just can"t contain it.  I want you here forever,  right here by my side.  No one else will ever do.  I got a stubborn heart for you.  Call me crazy, but its true; I love you.  I didn"t think that it would be,  you have made it clear to me.  You"re all I need.  I just wanna hold you,  I just wanna kiss you,  I just wanna love you all my life.  I normally wouldn"t say this,  but I just can"t contain it.  I want you here forever,  right here by my side.  网上查的 希望你喜欢  下面是中文  宝贝,你知道我爱你,  我需要拥抱你,亲吻你,因为我想你  我从没想过嘲笑与欺骗。  尽管我喜欢这样干,  因为你永远是我的情人。  你握着我的手,使我感到安全,  我们从不错失生命的每一分钟。  当我凝视你的脸庞,  爱上你嘴唇的温暖,  晚上我辗转反侧只为想你,  有时你伤害我,  最终我们总用亲吻结束这些。  告诉我是否这真的能使一个女孩爱上他,  只是街上的偶遇,一块奶酪,  这可真搞笑亲爱的,只是三个字就改变了这男人,  让以前那个男孩远去,  开始学会成长为一个男人。  你总能让我微笑,  让我回到你温暖的怀里,  像抚摸婴儿般抚摸我吧,  把头拯在我的胸膛,  回到当初。  我是你的你是我的,  竭尽所能为了让我整夜拥抱着你,  我需要醒来时你在我的身边,  像我们第一次相遇,我在你眼中看到的未来,  你就是我的梦中情人。  我是你的你是我的,  紧握双手,紧紧相拥,躺在星空下。  你凝视我的双眼,仿佛最亮的星星,  你将永远是我的,因为爱情本该如此。  一个女孩的全部愿望,  被她所爱的人呵护,用无数热吻包围,  成为他的妻子,直到白发苍苍,直到生命尽头,他依然在身边。  我走向她的房子,  带着在山上摘的鲜花,  希望我的呼吸就像薄荷般清新。  她打开房门,她穿着的裙子在轻轻飘扬,  我对她说,你真迷人。  我不敢相信她是我的,我渴望着美好的结局。  她轻轻的走过一如往常,  我告诉自己别像个傻瓜,  于是我说,  OH,好的。你是我的,如此美丽,在我心中,远超过钻石和珍珠。  你知道我有多开心如果你呆在我身边,,  我们的爱情如此真实,我们永不分别,没有你我无法呼吸,我感谢上天给了我眼睛,让我能凝视她柔软的头发,她的身体和肌肤,我爱死她走路和呻宁的样子,我要告诉她我的爱!



David Guetta的《If We Ever》 歌词

歌曲名:If We Ever歌手:David Guetta专辑:One Love-EMI RepeatIf We EverDavid GuettaI"ve been fragile for a long timeA big old hole inside my heartAnd I was searching through the valleyStumbled on love in the darkWas afraid to try but afraid to never knowWhat it feels like to be lovedHad a hill to climbbut the places we could goOh, I gotta knowSo if we ever, fell in loveWould the wind know, would the pain go, ohSo if we ever, fell in loveOh, oh, ohI was empty it was all goneThe birds would sing but made no soundTill I met you, found I was all wrongYou picked me up right off the groundWas afraid to try, and afraid i"d fall againcrashing down from the sky, you knowHad a hill to climb, but with you I my heart will mendThat"s the one thing, we all wanna knowSo if we ever, fell in loveWould the wind blow, would the pain go, ohSo if we ever fell in loveOh, oh, ohI just wanna know, I just wanna knowtell me tell me so, baby I just wanna knowI just wanna know, I just wanna knowtell me tell me so, baby I just wanna knowI just wanna know, I just wanna knowtell me tell me so, baby I just wanna knowI just wanna know, I just wanna knowtell me tell me so, baby I just wanna knowSo if we ever fell in lovewould the wind know, would the pain go, oh(yeah) so if we ever fell in loveOh, oh, ohSo if we ever fell in loveoh, I wanna know what it feels like to be lovedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/426507

David Essex的《If I Could》 歌词

歌曲名:If I Could歌手:David Essex专辑:The CollectionsIf I could turn back timeIf I could turn back timeTitle: If I CouldArtist:Yvonne CatterfeldEverytime I think that I"m over youI see people doing things that we used to doEvery season any time of the yearsomething reminds me of youbut you"re naughty had no clueI was true instead of telling you liesthat was wrongnow you"re gone with a stronger byeIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyI close my eyes and it"s you that I seeI fantasize what you used to do to mesince you"re gone my whole world is on firejust can"t go on cause it"s you I desireanother dance another chanceto put my hands on the wheelto get you back I want backI would go wrong I would stealIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyTurn back, back timeyou"d still be mineTurn back, back timeyou"d still be mineIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayYou"re still on my mindand I know it was never meant to be this way, babyIf I could turn back timeI would tell you it was never meant to be this wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8871693

David A. Stewart的《Helios》 歌词

歌曲名:Helios歌手:David A. Stewart专辑:Cookie"S Fortune「Helios」作词∶苑作曲∶彩雨歌∶摩天楼オペラもう祈る神も见当たらない今ここに仆らは立っているどうしようもなく今を感じてる憎むべきことじゃないこと憎むべき相手がいないことわかっている前に进むべき道は见えてる 恐れないで地表を打つ雨を见上げ 遮るように腕伸ばし心が望んだ温かさを この声に変え歌った冻えるような冷たさで その心まで埋めないでどうかこの声に耳を倾けて笑颜は残ってる 仆の中にあなたの中に泣きたいように泣いたほうがいい笑颜は待っているから地表を打つ雨を见上げ 遮るように腕伸ばし心が望んだ温かさ覆い尽くせ 希望の阳よ 何よりも天高くあれこの空の全て 大地の果て 生きる呼吸を照らして弾けるように歌いだす 辉く生命の叫びこの身の全てを响かせて爱せる 慈爱をこの胸は知ってる热を上げ 声枯らし仆达は同じ命を燃やして【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/8222927

craig david所有歌名.最好有中文翻译过来。..翻译的只要歌名.


Craig David 的歌《rise and fall》的大意?

[00:00.00]Craig David - Rise And Fall[00:00.30](feat. Sting)[00:00.50][00:23.36][00:01.05]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[00:28.92][00:06.02]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[00:34.27][00:11.52]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[00:37.09][00:14.32]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面有了瑕疵[00:39.94][00:17.11]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[00:42.76][00:19.94]The rise and fall人生起浮[00:46.09][00:47.32]I always said that I was gonna make it,过去我常说我要努力[00:50.25]Now it"s plain for everyone to see,现在大家都看到了[00:53.02]But this game I"m in don"t take no prisoners,但是这场游戏没有失败者[00:55.65]Just casualties,只有死亡[00:58.71]I know that everything is gonna change,我知道所有的是都会改变[01:01.49]Even the friends I knew before me go,甚至我的朋友也将离我而去[01:03.80]But this dream is the life I"ve been searching for,但是这个梦想正是我的生活所追求的[01:10.08]Started believing that I was the greatest,开始相信我是最伟大的[01:12.87]My life was never gonna be the same,我的生活就不会重蹈覆辙[01:15.81]Cause with the money came a different status,如果金钱能让我拥有不同的地位[01:18.44]That"s when things change,那这就是转变的时候[01:21.09]Now I"m too concerned with all the things I own,现在我太专注于我所拥有的[01:24.31]Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,美女使我变的盲目[01:26.60]I"m beginning to lose my integrity开始丧失我的正直[01:31.57]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[01:37.23]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[01:42.49]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[01:45.33]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面却有了瑕疵[01:48.21]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[01:50.91]The rise and fall人生起浮[01:54.43][01:55.59]I never used to be a troublemaker,我不曾惹祸上身[01:58.50]Now I don"t even wanna please the fans,现在也不会去取悦我的歌迷[02:01.27]No autographs,不签名[02:02.15]No interviews,不采访[02:02.99]No pictures,不拍照[02:03.93]And less demands,渐渐的要求少了[02:06.95]Given advice that was clearly wrong给予的建议明显是错的,[02:09.84]The type that seems to make me feel so right但是这样让我感觉很舒服[02:12.11]But some things you may find can take over your life,但是你会发现一些事情会摧毁的你的生活时[02:18.30]Burnt all my bridges now I"ve run out of places,烧毁所有的未来现在我开始逃跑[02:21.31]And there"s nowhere left for me to turn,这里也没有能让我回头的路[02:24.00]Been caught in comprimising situations,我变的进退两难[02:26.64]I should have learnt,我必须学会[02:29.69]From all those times I didn"t walk away,所有的这些,我不会再回去[02:32.55]When I knew that it was best to go,当我知道这是对于我最好的出路[02:34.94]Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,是不是因为太迟了导致我表演失去了唯美[02:39.96]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[02:45.40]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[02:50.73]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[02:53.94]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面却出现了瑕疵[02:56.42]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[02:59.21]The rise and fall人生起浮[03:02.52][03:03.52]Now I know,现在我知道了[03:06.02]I made mistakes,我做错了[03:08.96]Think I don"t care,思考的不够细心[03:11.12]But you don"t realise what this means to me,但是你无法知道这个对我以为着什么[03:14.64]So let me have,那么再给我[03:16.60]Just one more chance,哪怕是一次机会[03:19.71]I"m not the man I used to be,我不是成功的人。我曾经是[03:23.83]Used to beeeeeeeeeee曾经是[04:11.44][03:48.17][03:25.61]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时候你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[04:15.92][03:53.80][03:30.91]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然后它好象是不祥之兆[04:21.82][03:58.97][03:36.17]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[04:24.55][04:01.88][03:39.08]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你却有了瑕疵[04:27.37][04:04.75][03:42.04]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[04:30.40][04:07.49][03:44.79]The rise and fall人生起浮[04:34.55][04:38.68][04:40.24]END

求craig david的rise and fall歌词中英对照

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall   I always said that I was gonna make it,   Now it"s plain for everyone to see,   But this game I"m in don"t take no prisoners,   Just casualties,   I know that everything is gonna change,   Even the friends I knew before me go,   But this dream is the life I"ve been searching for,   Started believing that I was the greatest,   My life was never gonna be the same,   Cause with the money came a different status,   That"s when things change,   Now I"m too concerned with all the things I own,   Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,   I"m beginning to lose my integrity   Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall   I never used to be a troublemaker,   Now I don"t even wanna please the fans,   No autographs,   No interviews,   No pictures,   And less demands,   Given advice that was clearly wrong,   The type that seems to make me feel so right,   But some things you may find can take over your life,   Burnt all my bridges now I"ve run out of places,   And there"s nowhere left for me to turn,   Been caught in comprimising situations,   I should have learnt,   From all those times I didn"t walk away,   When I knew that it was best to go,   Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,   Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall   Now I know,   I made mistakes,   Think I don"t care,   But you don"t realise what this means to me,   So let me have,   Just one more chance,   I"m not the man I used to be,   Used to beeeeeeeeeee   Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落) 我常说你会成功的 现在大家都有目共睹了吧 但是这个我所参与的游戏没有俘虏 有的只是伤亡 我知道所有的事情都会改变 即使是我所认识的在我之前很红的朋友 但是这是我一生所追寻的梦想 一开始就相信自己是最棒的 我的人生曾经与众不同 伴随着钱达到一种不同的状态 这就是事情变化的开端 现在我太关心所拥有的事情 被美女迷惑的双眼 开始失去自我 一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落) 我向来不是爱捣蛋的家伙 现在我甚至不想取悦歌迷们 没有签名 没有见面会 没有造型 (歌曲/唱片)销售量也下降了 所给的建议都是明摆着错的(制作人开始瞎糊弄了) 这个角色看起来使我感觉很对 但是你会发现有些事情能够改变你的一生 我现在可以毫无保留地告诉你江郎才已尽 咸鱼没有了返生的余地了 被困在了进退两难的状况中 从那些我不曾走开日子中,我应该学到了什么 当我知道那就是曾经最走红的时候, 一切告白已经太迟 一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落) 现在我知道 我犯过错误 以为自己并不在意 如果你不是不知道这对我于的意义 那么让我拥有(一次机会),仅仅一次 我不再是以前的那个我了 一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落)

Craig David 的 Rise and Fall 歌词中文翻译

Craig David - Rise And Fall(feat. Sting)Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你会觉得一切的争斗都已经离你远去And it seems as though the writings on the wall,就如同墙上的涂鸦般,再不会打扰你的生活Superstar you finally made it,经历千辛万苦,终被万众瞩目But once your picture becomes tainted,但很快就会有名声扫地的那一天It"s what they call,这恐怕就是他们所说的The rise and fall像潮汐般的起起落落Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你会觉得一切的争斗都已经离你远去And it seems as though the writings on the wall,就如同墙上的涂鸦般,再不会打扰你的生活Superstar you finally made it,经历千辛万苦,终被万众瞩目But once your picture becomes tainted,但很快就会有名声扫地的那一天It"s what they call,这恐怕就是他们所说的The rise and fall像潮汐般的起起落落I always said that I was gonna make it,我总在对所有人说我一定能够成功Now it"s plain for everyone to see,现在大家都看得很清楚了But this game I"m in don"t take no prisoners,但在这场游戏中没有任何人身陷囹圄Just casualties,却有血肉横飞I know that everything is gonna change,我在此之前本知道一切都会变得不同Even the friends I knew before me go,甚至是莫逆之交的朋友But this dream is the life I"ve been searching for,但为了这个值得用一生去实现的梦想,我不顾一切Started believing that I was the greatest,当我开始沾沾自喜,认为自己已无人能敌My life was never gonna be the same,我的人生将是独一无二Cause with the money came a different status,当金钱登上了我生命的舞台That"s when things change,一切都开始变得不一样了Now I"m too concerned with all the things I own,现在的我,过分担心失去自己所拥有的一切的我Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,被无数的漂亮的脸孔所迷惑的我I"m beginning to lose my integrity开始失去那最不该失去的美德Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你会觉得一切的争斗都已经离你远去And it seems as though the writings on the wall,就如同墙上的涂鸦般,再不会打扰你的生活Superstar you finally made it,经历千辛万苦,终被万众瞩目But once your picture becomes tainted,但很快就会有名声扫地的那一天It"s what they call,这恐怕就是他们所说的The rise and fall像潮汐般的起起落落I never used to be a troublemaker,我自认从来不会带来任何麻烦Now I don"t even wanna please the fans,但我现在完全不敢投歌迷所好No autographs, No interviews, No pictures,镁光灯、麦克风、封面照,我在远离它们And less demands,需求也少了许多Given advice that was clearly wrong,循着完全错误的建议走下去The type that seems to make me feel so right,我却认为那些错误会让我感觉更好一些But some things you may find can take over your life,但是我忘了有些你偶然发现的事情可以主宰你的一生Burnt all my bridges now I"ve run out of places,所有退路都已经堵死,我已经无处可逃And there"s nowhere left for me to turn,甚至连栖身之地也难以寻觅Been caught in comprimising situations,走到这步需要不断妥协才能继续的田地I should have learnt,我早就该明了这一切From all those times I didn"t walk away,从那许多次我没有及时脱身的教训中When I knew that it was best to go,我明白自己是时候该离开了Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,也许这时向你们袒露胸襟已经为时太晚Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你会觉得一切的争斗都已经离你远去And it seems as though the writings on the wall,就如同墙上的涂鸦般,再不会打扰你的生活Superstar you finally made it,经历千辛万苦,终被万众瞩目But once your picture becomes tainted,但很快就会有名声扫地的那一天It"s what they call,这恐怕就是他们所说的The rise and fall像潮汐般的起起落落Now I know,现在我终于明白I made mistakes,我做错了那么多Think I don"t care,也许你认为我不会在意But you don"t realise what this means to me,但你根本无法了解这一切对于我的意义So let me have,所以就让我从头再来Just one more chance,只需要一次机会I"m not the man I used to be,我绝不会回到那个原来的我Used to beeeeeeeeeee绝对不会……Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你会觉得一切的争斗都已经离你远去And it seems as though the writings on the wall,就如同墙上的涂鸦般,再不会打扰你的生活Superstar you finally made it,经历千辛万苦,终被万众瞩目But once your picture becomes tainted,但很快就会有名声扫地的那一天It"s what they call,这恐怕就是他们所说的The rise and fall像潮汐般的起起落落Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你会觉得一切的争斗都已经离你远去And it seems as though the writings on the wall,就如同墙上的涂鸦般,再不会打扰你的生活Superstar you finally made it,经历千辛万苦,终被万众瞩目But once your picture becomes tainted,但很快就会有名声扫地的那一天It"s what they call,这恐怕就是他们所说的The rise and fall像潮汐般的起起落落Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你会觉得一切的争斗都已经离你远去And it seems as though the writings on the wall,就如同墙上的涂鸦般,再不会打扰你的生活Superstar you finally made it,经历千辛万苦,终被万众瞩目But once your picture becomes tainted,但很快就会有名声扫地的那一天It"s what they call,这恐怕就是他们所说的The rise and fall像潮汐般的起起落落

D.N.Hall=David Hall。N代表什么意思?

没有查到这个人名。D.N.Hall=David Hall这种写法,可以肯定是一个人名。姓: Hall (哈尔)名: David (戴维),D.N代表什么意思?===============>N. 是名字的一部分,往往和经常是某个祖先的名字有关,翻译时可以不翻译出来的例如 David Robert Hall (1874–1945), Australian politician就可以简写成 D.R. HallDavid Hall (1752–1817), American politicianDavid Hall (born 1916), American sound archivistDavid Hall (born 1930), American politicianDavid Hall (born 1937), British artistDavid Hall (born 1963), Australian horse trainerDavid Hall, Australian rugby playerDavid C. Hall (1875–1972), American athleteDavid George Hall (born 1980), New Zealand rugby playerDavid McKee Hall (1918–1960), American politicianDavid Robert Hall (1874–1945), Australian politician如果觉得满意的话,请选一下那个【满意】哦。谢谢……

DAVID YANDRIN到底是不是当年进口土嗨一词和进口DJ一词的土嗨创始人、中国DJ创始人黄柏钧DY,DY黄柏钧?


哪位能告诉我David Guetta的 Titanium的中文歌词

David Guetta《Titanium》中英文对照歌词:歌名:Titanium演唱:David Guetta & Sia You shout it out你大声呐喊 But I can"t hear a word you say 但我什么都听不见 I"m talking loud not saying much 我大声但寡言 I"m criticized but all your bullets ricochet 我虽遭受到了批评,但是你的子弹却四处乱飞 You shoot me down, but I get up 你击落我,但是我又重新站起来 I"m bulletproof, nothing to lose 我身穿防弹武装什么都不怕 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,开火吧 Ricochet, you take your aim 层层的羞愧,接受洗礼 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,开火吧 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我,但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我,但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 Cut me down 我就算倒地也不求饶 But it"s you who"ll have further to fall 你才是那个懦弱的人 Ghost town and haunted love 鬼之城镇,诅咒之爱 Raise your voice提高声量 Sticks and stones may break my bones 就算树枝和石头打断我的骨头 I"m talking loud not saying much 我大声但寡言 I"m bulletproof, nothing to lose 我身穿防弹武装什么都不怕 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,开火吧 Ricochet, you take your aim 层层的羞愧,接受洗礼 Fire away, fire away 开火吧,开火吧 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我,但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我,但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 Stone-hard, machine gun 石头般强硬的机关枪 Firing at the ones who run 向那些站起的人射击 Stone-hard as bulletproof glass 我身穿防弹,有着石头般的强硬 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我 但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我 但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我 但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我 但我不会倒 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强 I am titanium 我如钛合金般刚强

请告诉我David Guetta的 Titanium的中文歌词

You shout it loud 你大声呐喊But I can"t hear a word you say 但我什麼都听不见I"m talking loud not saying much 我大声但寡言I"m criticized but all your bull is brick of shame我虽遭受批评但你的狗屁是层层的羞愧You shoot me down, but I get up 你击落我 但我又重新站起I"m bulletproof nothing to lose 我防弹武装 什麼都不怕Fire away, fire away 开火吧 开火吧Brick of shame, take your rain 层层的羞愧 接受洗礼Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium 我是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium 我是钛合金I am titanium... 我是钛合金Cut me down 削减我But is you who had offered there to fall 但是是你提出那堕落之地Ghost town, haunted love 鬼之城镇 诅咒之爱Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones 提高声量 就算树枝和石头打断我的骨头I"m talking loud not saying much 我也要大声但寡言I"m bulletproof nothing to lose我防弹武装 什麼都不怕Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧Brick of shame, take your rain层层的羞愧 接受洗礼Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium我是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium我是钛合金I am titanium... 我是钛合金Stone-hard, machine gun 石头般的强硬 机关枪Firing at the ones who rise 向那些站起的射击Stone-hard, thus bulletproof石头般的强硬 所以是防弹You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金

听说巴黎世家Triple S设计师David加入了Stella Luna,是不是老爹鞋设计更时尚了?

David设计的老爹鞋一直都是很受认可和追捧的,时尚感就毋庸置疑了,现在加入了Stella Luna,自然是会更上一层楼的。

David Gray的《Flesh》 歌词

歌曲名:Flesh歌手:David Gray专辑:Shine: The Best Of The Early YearsFlesh - The Indelicates - Songs For Swinging LoversReady?Hey girls let"s see if we can bring out the rapists in the new men.Hey girls it"s the comfort of the only halfway human.The power bought for the clawing self in the serpents subtle deals.It may be fleeting but my god, the way it feels.And I love youWhoever you areYeahI love you.And I love youWhoever you areYeahI love youHey girls we"re almost there so we might as well stop swimming.Hey girls, ain"t you heard we"re more concerned about the hegemony, than the women.Hey girls pull it down, there"s money,c"mon babe, just a little.Pull it down, stick it out, open upjust a little babejust a little babyHey doc take your knife to me, scar my snatch into a smileStrip me and dissect me, milk my tears and tap my bileHey doc can you take my skin and melt it into plasticBeauty isn"t truth, it"s just youth, and it"s adaptive and it"s elastic…And I love youwhoever you areYeahI love youAnd I love youwhoever you areYeahI love youHey girlsWe"re all the sameAren"t weHey girlsWe"re all the sameAren"t weHey girlsWe"re all the sameAren"t weHey girlsWe"re all the sameAren"t weHey girlsWe"re all the sameAren"t weHey girlsWe"re all the sameAren"t weFleshend thanks.http://music.baidu.com/song/2804840

David Bowie的《Slip Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Slip Away歌手:David Bowie专辑:A Reality Tour刘德华 - Slip Away (电影《我知女人心》主题曲)作曲: Justin Maurice Kearin, Christopher O"Young填词: Justin Maurice Kearin, Christopher O"Young编曲: Adam Lee监制: 陈德建,李安修Every time I look into the mirror of my mindI barely recognize the man I seeHe used to be a dreamerHe used to be like meBut I can see the sadness in his eyesAnd he"s no longer who I want to beIf I could I would change my yesterdayI would listen to my heart and then todayI"d see What true love could beand I won"t let tomorrowI won"t let tomorrow ship awayI feel the tide is turning and I"m stranded out at seaHoping for my rescue to arriveThe coulds have all turned greyAnd now the waves are crashing inI thought I could survivebut reality has got the better part of meIf I could I would change my yesterdayI would listen to my heart and then todayI"d see What true love could beAnd I won"t let tomorrowI won"t let tomorrowI won"t let tomorrow Ship awayI"ll make the promise to myselfThat I will live each day just like it was the last timeI"ll ever see your face againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2163345

David Beckham 的国籍和出生年月?

David Beckham 名字: 戴维·贝克汉姆(David Beckham) 身高: 180cm 体重: 67kg 生日: 1975-5-2 出生国家: 英格兰

david beckham是谁

David Beckham释义[人名]大卫·贝克汉姆双语例句You can have your picture taken with a cutout of David Beckham.你可以和戴维·贝克汉姆的纸板模型合影。

David Beckham踢什么位置的,他最有威力的任意球距球门大概几米,罚任意球是用左脚还是右脚。


David Beckham 的国籍和出生年月?

全名:大卫-罗伯特-约瑟夫-贝克汉姆 David Robert Joseph Beckham 出生时间:1975年5月2日 出生地点:伦敦雷顿斯通 婚姻状况 已婚 身高:1.80米 体重:67千克 星座:金牛座 血型:O型 头发:浅棕色 眼睛:深蓝色 衣服尺码:XL 场上位置:中场 鞋子尺码:UK9(相当于我国的43码) 现效力俱乐部:西甲皇家马德里(23号) 家庭成员:维多利亚(31岁)、布鲁克林(大儿子6岁)、 罗密欧(二儿子3岁)、 克鲁兹(三儿子未满1岁)、父亲特德-贝克汉姆、 母亲桑德拉-贝克汉姆、姐姐丽妮-贝克汉姆、妹妹乔安妮-贝克汉姆、岳父托尼-亚当斯、岳母杰妮-亚当斯 父亲职业:厨房技工 母亲职业:美容师 经纪人:特里-拜恩 初恋情人:克莱尔 最喜欢的美食:泡面、意大利菜、印度菜、中国菜、炸鱼、 薯片 最喜欢的早餐:燕麦粥 最喜欢的中餐和晚餐:豌豆番茄汁涂面包和奶酪 家里的厨师:两名英国王室御厨 最喜欢的水果:香焦 最喜欢的球星:霍德尔、赖恩-罗布森、坎通纳 最喜欢的设计师:Gucci、Armani 最喜欢的颜色:红色 最喜欢的电视节目:运动类 最喜欢的运动(除足球外):板球、橄榄球、拳击 最喜欢的音乐类型:流行音乐、House音乐、意大利歌剧 最讨厌的音乐类型:乡村音乐、民歌 最喜欢的饮品:香摈、红酒、矿泉水 最喜欢的夜生活:和维多利亚依偎在家中看电视,吃着中餐外卖 最喜欢的文身工作室:密德勒顿(位于曼彻斯特) 坐骑: 福特Escort,Ranger Rover,Bentliey, 美洲豹XK8,保时捷911Turbo, 法拉利F550 Maranello,悍马H2,兰博基尼,TV跑车等,一共26辆。 喜欢的书:克雷斯的书 喜欢的杂志:《曼联》,《光荣的曼联》 喜欢的车:Porsche 911 和 Carrera 2S 贝克汉姆如何形容自己: 有礼、沉默、外向、 购物狂 汉姆历程: 1988年,在英格兰前著名球星查尔顿主办的足球学校中脱颖而出,被评为该校最有发展前途的学生。 1991年7月8日加入曼联青年队开始训练。 1995年4月2日,首次代表曼彻斯特联队上场参赛,对手是利兹联队。 1996年,在英国足总杯半决赛对切尔西队的比赛中,为曼联队攻入制胜的一球,从此确立了他在曼联队中的主力位置。 1996—1997赛季,他首次参加英格兰足球超级联赛,并与队友合作,使曼彻斯特联队获得英格兰足球超级联赛冠军。 1996年8月17日,他在曼联队对温布尔登队的比赛中,从中场附近一记60米开外的超远距离远射成功,技惊四座。他的这一入球在1998年被资深足球明星评选出的有史以来最精彩的3个入球中列第3位。 此后不久,他入选英格兰国家足球队,并成为中场主力队员。 1998年,在法国世界杯八分之一决赛英格兰对阿根廷一战中,他在下半场因踢人被红牌罚下,致使英格兰队以10人应战11人,最终点球失利。赛后,他受到了国内舆论的强烈谴责。 1999年4月25日,入选由英格兰职业运动员协会评选的98—99赛季英格兰超级联赛最佳阵容 1999年5月16日,与队友合作,使曼联队获得98-99赛季英格兰超级联赛冠军。 1999年5月23日,与队友合作,使曼联队获得99年英格兰足总杯冠军。 1999年5月26日,做为中场主将,用自己的出色表现帮助曼联队在巴塞罗那战胜了劲旅拜仁慕尼黑队,获得1999年欧洲俱乐部冠军杯赛冠军。 1999年11月30日,与队友一起使曼联队获得了丰田杯比赛的冠军。 1999年12月,入选了99年欧洲全明星阵容。 技术特点:射门力量大,传球脚法准确,擅长发角球和任意球,进攻和防守技术俱佳。贝克汉姆在世界杯后迅速成长为曼联队的中场主力,他在大禁区线右路斜传成为曼联队得分的主要手段。

谁知道David Beckham(大卫-贝克汉姆) 的详细个人资料(如:血型 之类的)


David Beckham的详细资料?

【基本资料】姓名: 贝克汉姆(Beckham)英文名:David Robert Joseph Beckham全名:大卫·罗伯特·约瑟夫·贝克汉姆 港译名:碧咸出生日期:1975年5月2日 出生地点:伦敦雷顿斯通 身高:1.83米 体重:74公斤星座:金牛座血型:O型衣服尺码:XL鞋子尺码:UK9(相当于我国的43码)称号:“万人迷”、“小贝”、“Becks”场上位置:中场(右前卫)效力过的俱乐部:曼彻斯特联(7号),普雷斯顿北区,皇家马德里(23号) 现效力俱乐部: 美国职业大联盟洛杉矶银河队(23号) 合同信息:5年 总价值:2.5亿美元国家队:英格兰队-前英格兰国家队队长(7号) 英格兰队出场记录:102场 (以上数据更新截至2008年6月2日) 主要荣誉:●英格兰青年足总杯1次 (1991-1992)●英超联赛冠军6次 (1995-1996、1996-1997、1998-1999、1999-2000、2000-2001、2002-2003)●英格兰足总杯冠军2次 (1995-1996、1998-1999)●英格兰慈善盾冠军1次 (1997)●欧洲冠军杯冠军1次 (1998-1999)●丰田杯冠军1次 (1999)●西班牙甲级联赛冠军1次 (2006-2007)●西班牙超级杯 1次 (2003)婚姻状况:已婚妻子:维多利亚·亚当斯·贝克汉姆(Victoria.Adams.Beckham) 生日:1974年4月17日大儿子:布鲁克林(Brooklyn) 生日:1999年3月4日 二儿子:罗密欧(Romeo) 生日:2002年9月1日三儿子:克鲁兹(Cruz) 生日:2005年2月20日 家庭成员:父亲:特德-贝克汉姆、 母亲:桑德拉-贝克汉姆、姐姐:丽妮-贝克汉姆、妹妹:乔安妮-贝克汉姆、岳父:托尼-亚当斯、岳母:杰妮-亚当斯 拥有坐架: 福特Escort,Ranger Rover,Bentliey, 美洲豹XK8,保时捷911Turbo, 法拉利F550 Maranello 喜爱的设计师是:Gucci,Armani 最喜欢的球星:霍德尔、赖恩-罗布森、坎通纳 喜欢的颜色是: 白色 红色喜欢的水果是:香蕉 最喜欢的美食:泡面、意大利菜、印度菜、中国菜、炸鱼、 薯片 最喜欢的早餐:燕麦粥 最喜欢的中餐和晚餐:豌豆番茄汁涂面包和奶酪 最喜欢的饮品:香槟、红酒、矿泉水家里的厨师:两名英国王室御厨 最喜欢的电视节目:运动类 最喜欢的音乐类型:流行音乐、House音乐、意大利歌剧、黑人音乐 精彩消息:在某年情人节,他竟收到2,000多封女球迷的示爱信 !!!贝克汉姆如何形容自己: 有礼、沉默、外向、 购物狂、一点强迫症



David W.Johnson(1998)

(美)David W.Johnson,Roger T.Johnson著,伍新春、郑秋、张洁译:《合作学习》北京师范大学出版社2004年7月第一版 [3]刘吉林、王坦:《合作学习的基本理念》北京:人民教育2004(2) 出版日期:2006年3月6日



David Davidson & Russell Davis的《Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Lady歌手:David Davidson & Russell Davis专辑:Beautiful Strings: 24 Timeless Melodies Featuring ViolinLadyKenny RogersLadyOn your night the shining harberAnd I love youYou have made me what I amAnd I am yoursMy love,there"s so many waysI want to say I love youLet me hold you in my arms forever moreYou have gone and made me such a foolI am so lost in your loveAnd all we belong togetherWon"t you believe in my soulLadyFor so many years I thoughtI"d never find youYou have come into my life and made me wholeForever let me wake to see youEach and every morningLet me hear you whisper softly in my earIn my eyes I see no one else but youThere"s no other love like our loveAnd yes,oh yesI"ll always want you need meI"ve waited for you for so longLadyYour love is the only love I needAnd beside me is where I want you to be"Cause my love, there is something I want you to knowYou"re the love of my lifeYou"re my ladyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24575428

Davidson & Davis的《Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Lady歌手:Davidson & Davis专辑:HeartstringsLADY(hear me tonight)ModjoLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightAs we dance by the moonlightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindI feel loved for the first timeAnd I know that it"s true I can tell by the look in your eyesLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightAs we dance by the moonlightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindI feel loved for the first timeAnd I know that it"s true I can tell by the look in your eyesLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightAs we dance by the moonlightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindI feel loved for the first timeAnd I know that it"s true I can tell by the look in your eyesLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so rightLady I just feel likeI feel loved for the first timeLady hear me tonightCan"t you see you"re my delightLady I just feel likeI won"t get you out of my mindLady hear me tonight"Cos my feeling is just so right......http://music.baidu.com/song/2670920

天才大导演大卫芬奇David Fincher

作品: 1985年 《敲击生命之鼓》 The Beat of the Live Drum 1992年《异形3》Alien3 1995年《七宗罪》Seven 1997年《心理游戏》The Game 1999年《搏击俱乐部》 2001年《惊恐屋》The Panic Room 2007年 《十二宫杀手》Zodiac 2008年 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
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