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Tlc的《Damaged》 歌词

歌曲名:Damaged歌手:Tlc专辑:3DI know I"m kinda strange, to you sometimesDon"t always say, what"s on my mindYou know that I"ve been hurt, by some guyBut I don"t wanna mess up this timeAnd I really really really careAnd I really really really want youAnd I think I"m kinda scaredCuz I don"t want to lose youIf you really really really careThen maybe you can hang throughI hope you understandIt"s nothing to youMy heart"s at a lowI"m so much to manageI think you should know thatI"ve been damagedI"m falling in loveThere"s one disadvantageI think you should know that I"ve been damagedI might look through your stuff, for what I don"t wanna findOr I might just set you up, to see if you"re all mineI"m a little paranoid, from what I"ve been throughDon"t know what you got yourself intoAnd I really really really care (and I care about you so much)And I really really really want you (I really do want you)And I think I"m kinda scared (but I"m scared with every touch)Cuz I don"t want to lose you (cuz I don"t want to lose you)If you really really really care (if you care for me like you say)Then maybe you can hang through (then maybe you can hang through)I hope you understand (I hope you understand)It"s nothing to you (It"s nothing to you, you)My heart"s at a low (low)I"m so much to manageI think you should know that (I think you should know)I"ve been damagedI"m falling in love (I"m falling in love)There"s one disadvantageI think you should know that I"ve been damaged (I think you should know that)My heart"s at a lowI"m so much to manage (I"m so much to manage)I think you should know that (I think you should know that)I"ve been damaged (I"ve been damaged)I"m falling in love (I love you so)There"s one disadvantage (I love you so)I think you should know that I"ve been damagedAnd I really really really want youAnd I think I"m kinda scaredCuz I don"t want to lose youIf you really really really careThen maybe you can hang throughI hope you understandIt"s nothing to you (it"s nothing to you)My heart"s at a lowI"m so much to manageI think you should know that (Ooh I think you should know I"ve been damaged)I"ve been damaged (I"ve been damaged baby)I"m falling in love (falling in love with you baby, yeah)There"s one disadvantageI think you should know that I"ve been damagedMy heart"s at a lowI"m so much to manageI think you should know thatI"ve been damagedI"m falling in loveThere"s one disadvantageI think you should know that I"ve been damagedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1165392

severely damaged,people rebulilt the city有什么语法错误?

severely damaged 是过去分词短语作状语,它的逻辑主语应该是句子的主语people,people(人们)不是严重的损坏,而是city 城市严重的损坏。所以句子应该改写为the city作主语:Severely damaged, the city was rebuilt by people.



hurt damage does great harm to区别?


英语中几个伤害的区别!damage injury hurt harm


The all-engulfing advance of English threatens to damage local language.中的all-engulfing是什么意思

all-gulfing 吞噬一切的我觉得这里说的是,英语的发展或前进,吞噬了路上所有的一切。翻译成汉语有点难了,不妨这样吧:英语的发展威胁到了当地语言,因为英语试图同化当地语言。希望对你有用!

K文件提交ls-dyna求解器出现的错误 error reading *mat_enhanced_composite_damage card 请高手指点。



harm指有危害。比如:Smoking can do eat harm to your health.injury指受伤。比如:The soilder"s injury has healed.ruin指毁灭,完全的废墟。比如: The city of Pompeii is totally in a ruin.damage指造成损失。比如:The earthquake has caused great damage to the country.


destroy个人感觉是一个东西全部坏了,完全破坏的意思;damage应该是部分坏了;而ruin一般修饰抽象的事物,比如ruin my life,ruin the party,ruin the trip/journey


作动词时 damage侧重物理生理损伤 强调损坏的动作1 to cause physical harm to something or to part of someone"s body : insects that damage crops损害农作物 Smoking can severely damage your health. 损害身体健康另外2 to have a bad effect on something or someone in a way that makes them weaker or less successful : The changes in share values have damaged investor confidence. 打击信心ruin 的损害程度更大,程度深的损害。含义相对抽象,强调损坏的结果。常译作毁了……,毁灭……1 to spoil or destroy something completely : This illness has ruined my life. 毁了我一生His career would be ruined. 事业遭重创All this mud"s going to ruin my shoes. 这些泥毁了我的鞋子2 to make someone lose all their money : Jefferson was ruined by the lawsuit.



damage destroy和ruin的区别是什么?

damage destroy和ruin的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、damage:(有形的)损坏。2、destroy:毁灭。3、ruin:破坏。二、语法不同1、damage:damage的基本意思是“损害,伤害”,主要指自然力或人为地在价值、完整性、效能等方面造成损害,一般是局部地、非彻底地、可修复地,可以用于有形物,也可以用于无形物,还可表示对经济信心等造成坏的结果或影响。2、destroy:destroy的基本意思是用任何力量“破坏,毁坏”,用于物时,指破坏或毁坏有用的事物; 用于人时,指用武力或暴力“杀死”“毁灭”“消灭”敌人等。3、ruin:ruin的基本意思是“破坏,毁掉”,常指因暴力、自然灾害或疏忽等外部原因而造成毁坏,强调倒塌成碎片,也可指健康、声望、容貌、气节、价值等受到严重损坏。三、侧重点不同1、damage:damage一般指“部分的破坏”,通常作“损坏”解,意味着损坏后价值减少或作用减小,有时可用于借喻中。2、destroy:destroy强调“彻底性”。3、ruin:ruin强调不可修复。

ruin damage destroy有什么区别啊

1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉。Why, you may wonder,should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects,…你也许会觉得奇异,蜘蛛怎么竟是我们的朋友?因为它们毁灭那么多的昆虫。As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉。2. ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.牛津城已经被汽车工业毁掉了。The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物。3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的。The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。希望采纳哦!


break,destroy,ruin,wreck,damage,spoil 这些动词均有“破坏,损坏”之意. break〓普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏. destroy〓多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味. ruin〓多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义. wreck〓侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害. damage〓多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果. spoil〓强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭.






1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉. 2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思 3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的.

destroy damage和broken的区别是什么?

destroy强调伤害程度的不可恢复而damage就要轻一点了 ,break 只是一般的破坏,指打破,弄坏。


1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉.Why,you may wonder,should spiders be our friends?Because they destroy so many insects,…你也许会觉得奇异,蜘蛛怎么竟是我们的朋友?因为它们毁灭那么多的昆虫.As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉.2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.牛津城已经被汽车工业毁掉了.The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物.3.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的.The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失.

the roof of our house was badly damaged by a (falen/falling) tree.




用worked,side,they,by,side,the police,to,their,pull,out,of,the,neighbours,with,damaged,car.造句,

They worked with the police to pull out their neighbours of the damaged car side by side .如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可祝学习进步!

请教关于租车保险中的damage excess

车辆碰撞险补充保障:Damage Excess Refund 简称DER由第三方保险公司提供保障。选购此项服务后,租期内发生事故后您被租车公司要求赔偿车辆损坏的起赔额时,您预先向租车公司支付起赔额部分的金额,凭事故证 明和交费单,第三方保险公司可以事后为您办理这部分费用的返还。请注意,购买此项服务后,请不要再在租车公司柜台购买此类保险(也有用户理解为“全 险”),以免重复购买。通常是按天收取费用且须支付对应税费。

Man And Wife, The Latter (Damaged Goods) 歌词

歌曲名:Man And Wife, The Latter (Damaged Goods)歌手:desaparecidos专辑:Read Music/Speak SpanishI抦 growing out my hairlike it was when I was singleit was longer than I抎 know youI had no money thenI had no worries then at allsuch a high standard of livingI just feel like I抦 dyingI start an argumentbut you can barely even talkthere"s good reason for your silencehave to take care of some businessso I fix your plateand I stay out of the wayyou will stay like that foreverright in front of your computeryou抣l look up one daybut you won抰 recognize meso you wanna changeread a letter from a lawyerwant to take me out to dinnerwanna bury me under a mound of shopping bagslike it really make a differenceor make up for your disinterestI抦 a bill you payI抦 a contract you can抰 breakand it is like I抦 under wateror on an endless escalatorI just go up and upbut I don抰 ever reach the topand it reads just like the bibletwenty centuries of scandalyeah it all depends on how you interpret itthe word is lovethe word is lossthe words are damaged goods that I what I ama lifetime gets chalked up to an experience coincidencewe"re chained to the events that"s ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/14228399

Pink Floyd的Brain Damage歌词翻译

The lunatic is on the grass 疯子在草地上 The lunatic is on the grass 发疯的人在草地上 Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs 记忆中的游戏和延绵不绝的鲜花 还有笑声 Got to keep the loonies on the path 把精神失常的人推上他们的路途 The lunatic is in the hall 精神分裂者在大厅里 The lunatics are in my hall 精神分裂的人们在我的回廊上 The paper holds their folded faces to the floor 那讯息让他们的脸孔紧缩成一团掉落到地板上 And every day the paper boy brings more 每天 那男孩带来更多的报纸 And if the dam breaks open many years too soon 多年来未曾发生过 在极短的时间内 水坝决堤了 And if there is no room upon the hill 如果丘陵上的空间不足 And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too 如果那些黑夜的预兆让你的脑袋炸开 I"ll see you on the dark side of the moon 我和你 约定在月之暗面吧 The lunatic is in my head 疯子在我的大脑里 The lunatic is in my head 那疯子住在我的脑子里 You raise the blade, you make the change 你举起了刀 并做出了决定 you re-arrange me "till I"m sane 你用尽一切办法 想让我恢复理智 You lock the door 你锁上门 And throw away the key 然后丢掉钥匙 There"s someone in my head but it"s not me 有某个人住在我的脑子里 而那不是我 And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear 如果云层迸裂 耳中回荡着雷霆之声 You shout and no one seems to hear 你用尽全身的力气呐喊 但似乎没人听的见 And if the band you"re in starts playing different tunes 如果你在的乐团 开始演奏不同的曲调 I"ll see you on the dark side of the moon. 那么我们将在月之暗面相会

02 - Brain Damage 歌词

歌曲名:02 - Brain Damage歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:Us And ThemThe lunatic is on the grass The lunatic is on the grass Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs Got to keep the loonies on the path The lunatic is in the hall The lunatics are in my hall The paper holds their folded faces to the floor And every day the paper boy brings more And if the dam breaks open many years too soon And if there is no room upon the hill And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too Ill see you on the dark side of the moon The lunatic is in my head The lunatic is in my head You raise the blade, you make the change You re-arrange me till Im sane You lock the door And throw away the key Theres someone in my head but its not me. And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear And if the band youre in starts playing different tuneshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2202869


DESTROY是不可逆的损坏 EG:THE HOUSE WAS DESTROYED BY EARTHQUAKE. DAMAGE是可以修复的 即可逆的损坏 EG:MY BICYCLE WAS DAMAGED.CAN YOU HELP ME REPAIR IT? HARM范围比较广 两种情况都可以使用,9,damage是伤害,destroy是摧毁带有主动性,harm是有害的一般指对身体有害,2,damage can be repaired destroy cant be repaired harm can be both damage and destroy,1,damage指无法挽回的巨大毁坏,destroy 指可恢复的中,重度 毁坏 不可对人,harm指一般的伤害,对人对物均可,1,

injury ,damage.、harm 、ruin、hurt的区分

wound injury与hurtwound指用枪弹或刀剑等锐器故意施加的伤害。wound与injure在肉体受伤的程度上往往比hurt严重。hurt一词除指肉体的伤害外,也可指感情上的伤害,如hurt one"s feeling , hurt one"s pride。damage 损坏(程度较轻)harm有害于 injure受伤(多指身体)ruin毁灭

emotional damage是什么梗?

emotional damage的意思是情绪攻击,受到了精神伤害。是网络上一个主播的专用语。他经常翻拍游戏内无厘头死法的视频,最后再配上一句极具中文口音的吐槽,以此表达自己无法接受的心情,由于口音过于魔性而迅速出圈,当大家遇到难以接受的事情就可以喊:emotional damage!该梗出自爱尔兰华人小哥Steven He,由于拍摄的视频非常有意思,经常拍摄一些游戏里人物的死法,而且非常逼真,而受到了许多网友的关注和评价。引申含义:“梗”字的词义被不断扩大引申,大到某个时间段,小到情节插曲,乃至故事中发生的片段都可以叫“梗”,比如“身高梗”、“经典梗”、“撞脸梗”、“言情梗”、“创意梗”、“幽默梗”等。值得注意的是,这些用法多来自网络语言,所以“××梗”式的词语往往有一定的时效性,随着时间的推进,老梗会被新梗覆盖。

Damage Reduction是什么意思

Damage Reduction的中文翻译Damage Reduction损伤复位

damage 和compensation的区别



是网络上一个主播的专用语。emotional damage的意思是情绪攻击,受到了精神伤害。是网络上一个主播的专用语,他经常翻拍游戏内无厘头死法的视频,最后再配上一句极具中文口音的吐槽,以此表达自己无法接受的心情,由于口音过于魔性而迅速出圈,当大家遇到难以接受的事情就可以喊:emotional damage!该梗出自爱尔兰华人小哥Steven He,由于拍摄的视频非常有意思,经常拍摄一些游戏里人物的死法,而且非常逼真,而受到了许多网友的关注和评价。使用案例:最近,非常多的网友喜欢用“emotional damage”来形容自己的心情,根据语境来看,这个词的意思有点像“心灵受伤”、“原地爆炸”、“懵逼”的意思。具体案例比如:今日emotional damage:我妈说我走路像武大郎。第十个月直接因为疫情在网上度过了,可能第十一个月也要去掉大半,我直接Emotional damage。

emotional damage怎么用

emotional damage使用方法例句:They also claimed RMB100 compensation for emotional damage,意思是在媒体上公开道歉,并赔偿精神损失100元人民币。emotional damage意思为精神伤害。也是一种网络用语,是油管博主Steven He,他拍视频讽刺了游戏中各种奇奇怪怪的死法,到最后居然出现了精神伤害这一种类型。

inmotion no damage是什么梗

没有受到精神攻击。Emotional damage是指受到了精神攻击,也可以理解为“非常难过”或者“破防了”,加上no就是没有受到精神攻击。

emotional damage是谁说的

Emotional damage”意思为情绪攻击受到精神伤害。出自爱尔兰华人小哥斯蒂文,他经常翻拍游戏内无理由死法的视频,最后再配上一句极具中文口音的吐槽emotional damage, 因此表达自己无法接受的心情。让大家遇到难以接受的事情,就可以大喊emotional damage。

emotional damage是什么梗?

emotional damage是谐音梗,意思为精神伤害。这个梗出自油管博主Steven He的视频。Steven He拍视频讽刺了游戏中各种奇奇怪怪的死法,到最后居然出现了精神伤害这种死法,游戏中的NPC会嘲笑他太胖,个子不够高等,都会使角色受到精神伤害而死亡。此时,视频中的玩家就会以奇怪的口音大喊:Emotional Damage。配上小哥极具特色的口语,听起来就像是“一摸神侬单米吉”,喜剧效果直接拉满。后来被网友们发现了,这个“一摸神侬单米吉”真的非常上头,也变成大家口中经常说的话。使用案例有非常多的网友喜欢用“emotional damage”来形容自己的心情,根据语境来看,这个词的意思有点像“心灵受伤”、“原地爆炸”、“懵逼”的意思。具体案例比如:今日emotional damage:我妈说我走路像武大郎。第十个月直接因为疫情在网上度过了,可能第十一个月也要去掉大半,我直接emotional damage。

损失的英文loss 和damage的区别?

你好,这个很好理解Loss 损失一般指财产损失damage 损坏一般指客观事物的破坏,损伤还有一个是destroy指的是彻底的损坏百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

英语,Half of the building was damaged in the explosion in the explosion在句子里是什么成分?

You have worked hard and when you have time to marry me. I met with Jun, as if the old man had a sincere love in front of me, I did not cherish it, and when I lost it, I regretted it. The most painful thing in the world is this. - Westward Journey

Minimizing damage,harm reduction,Reduce damage,damage reduce 这四个词语分别用在什么语境里面呀?

1.Minimizing damage:尽量减少损失;其中Minimizing是v. 将…减到最少(minimize的ing形式)一般用于推测语气中。例:It was a new production technique aimed at minimizing wastage. 这是一项旨在使损耗减至最低的新生产技术。2.harm reduction:减少危害,harm 是 vt. 伤害;危害;损害的意思。用于强调性的陈述句中。例:He would never harm anyone. 他永远不会伤害任何人。3.Reduce damage: 降低/ 减少伤害; 其中Reduce是 减少(尺寸、数量等);(使)蒸发;减轻体重;(使)还原;(使)陷入。用于一般的陈述句中。例:The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods. 目的是缓解高峰期间的交通状况。4.damage reduce :我认为或许更类似于抵消伤害/物理伤害减少;其中damage是 n. 损害;损毁;赔偿金,一般用于主观认为的语气中。例:The damage to the car was minimal. 汽车受到的损坏很小。

injure hurt harm distory damage wound 的区别

1)hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。 2)injure比hurt正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康,成就,容貌等,强调功能的损失。 3)harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。4)damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值,用途,外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害所致,或因人为造成。 5)wound指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。

wound injury hurt damage的区别

hurt,injure,damage,wound的区别与用法1)hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。如:  The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.那位司机在那次事故中伤得很重。注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。2)injure比hurt正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康,成就,容貌等,强调功能的损失。如:A bullet injured his left eye.一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。3)damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值,用途,外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害所致,或因人为造成。如:He damaged my car with a stone.他用石头砸坏了我的汽车。4)wound指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。如; The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的一只胳膊。



injury,hurt, damage,wound的区别

1.injury: 指侵犯权利、自由或身心健康,导致失去部分或全部某种有价值的东西,该行为已达到起诉程度。2.hurt: 可用以指肉体的或精神的伤害,特指拌有痛苦的肉体伤害,用法不如injury正式。3.damage: 指部分性的损坏,意味着损坏后价值降低,有损于功能、吸引力及效率降低。4.wound是指用枪弹或刀、剑等锐器故意施加的伤害

wound injury hurt damage的区别是什么?


Somewhat Damaged 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhat Damaged歌手:Nine Inch Nails专辑:The FragileSo impressed with all you doTried so hard to be like youFlew too high and burnt the wingLost my faith in everythingLick around devine debrisTaste the wealth of hate in meShedding skin succumb defeatThis machine is obsoleteMade the choice to go awayDrink the fountain of decayTear a hole exquisite redFuck the rest and stab it deadBroken bruised forgotten soreToo fucked up to care any morePoisoned to my rotten coreToo fucked up to care any moreBroken bruised forgotten soreToo fucked up to care any morePoisoned to my rotten coreToo fucked up to care any moreIn the backoff the sidefar awayis a placewhere i hidewhere i staytried to saytried to aski needed toall aloneby myselfwhere were you?how could i ever thinkit"s funny how everythingthat swore it wouldn"t changeis different nowjust like youwould always saywe"d make it throughthen my headfell apartand where were you?how could i ever thinkit"s funny how everythingyou swore wouldnever changeis different nowlike you saidyou and memake it throughdidn"t quitefell apartwhere the fuck were you?http://music.baidu.com/song/8019111

求韩国女子组合KARA歌曲《Damaged lady》的歌词

不能成为淑女(Damaged Lady)Kara—Full Bloom[荷拉]倾盆大雨就下吧 nowbina kwak ssodajyeora now走着走着就摔倒吧 你gada kwak neomeojyeora neon下次也遭遇看看吧 uh~dame gyeokkeo bwara da uh~是啊 我做不到,我当不成淑女geurae na motdwae,sungnyeoga motdwae[智英]难怪大家都说今天的天空特别的湛蓝,是因为我这样吧? eojjeonji oneul haneuri yudok,paratago haesseo naega geureochi?还说好好的都化解了 还想说该不会吧,再怎么挑 原来今天是这样的日子啊neomu jal pullinda haesseo seolma haenneunde,gollado kkok neoneun ireon narini大家都说情人眼里出西施 但我的身体为什么会这样,是因为我吗? ontong da keopeul nene,kongkkeopul,jubyeoni wae irae naega geureochi?除了我之外都很幸福的样子,不过总有一天你们也都会遇上的naman ppaegon modu haengbokhan geot gateunde,eonjengan nideuldo gyekkge doelgeoda[奎利]是啊 我做不到,我当不成佛陀,我当不成淑女geurae na motdwae,bucheoga motdwae,sungnyeoga motdwae[合唱]我刚刚分手了,我也曾经觉得很好na bangeum ibyeol haetdan mariyaiya,nado cham johasseotdan mariyaiya我现在那么心痛,你们究竟哪里这么好?nan jigeum ireoke apeunde,nideureun mwoga joha我真的悲惨的要命啊,淑女又算什么chorahae jukgetdan mariya,sungnyeo ttawi mwo[妮可]Rap~[荷拉]我也试着要好好努力 试着隐藏我的性格,为了配合你 真的忍耐了很多jalhaeboryeogo seonggyeok gamchugo nege matchwoboryeo manhi chamasseo这样的我 连自己都觉得值得赞扬 觉得惊喜,现在却让我觉得受苦的我还真可怜geureon naega giteukhago singihaesseosseo,geugan gosaenghadeon naega bulssanghae[智英]是啊 我做不到,我当不成佛陀,我当不成淑女geurae na motdwae,bucheoga motdwae,sungnyeoga motdwae[合唱]我刚刚分手了,我也曾经觉得很好na bangeum ibyeol haetdan mariyaiya,nado cham johasseotdan mariyaiya我现在那么心痛,你们究竟哪里这么好?nan jigeum ireoke apeunde,nideureun mwoga joha我真的悲惨的要命啊,淑女又算什么chorahae jukgetdan mariya,sungnyeo ttawi mwo[胜妍]现在在哪里,已经到家了吗?越是想这些事 就越加的火大jigeum eodiya,jibe dawanni?saenggakhae bol surok hwaga neomu chimireo我因为你的话 无法变的成熟,也没办法用宽大的心胸大笑着naneun ni mal ttara seongsukhaji motaeseo,neotbeun maeumeuro suga eomneunaeol[奎利]我真的很可怜 我真的很凄凉,就连离别也被你玩弄naega bulssanghae naega cheotyanghae,ibyeol majeo nega japhigo hwidullyeo既然都要甩了我 那么气氛也要配合,今天结束时 冷静的谈谈吧eochapi chalgeomyeon bunwigina matchuji,haruga kkeutnal jjeum chabunhi yaegihaji[合唱]我刚刚分手了,我也曾经觉得很好na bangeum ibyeol haetdan mariyaiya,nado cham johasseotdan mariyaiya我现在那么心痛,你们究竟哪里这么好?nan jigeum ireoke apeunde,nideureun mwoga joha我真的悲惨的要命啊,淑女又算什么chorahae jukgetdan mariya,sungnyeo ttawi mwo[荷拉]真是荒唐的一天 我,眼泪哗啦啦 nowhwangdanghan harujanha nan,nunmuri ssodajyeoseo now[智英]天空是这么耀眼 我,却抬不起头haneuri nunbusyeo seo nan,gogaeteul deuteul suga eobseo

求韩国女子组合KARA歌曲《Damaged lady》的分配歌词

不能成为淑女(Damaged Lady)Kara—Full Bloom[荷拉]倾盆大雨就下吧 nowbina kwak ssodajyeora now走着走着就摔倒吧 你gada kwak neomeojyeora neon下次也遭遇看看吧 uh~dame gyeokkeo bwara da uh~是啊 我做不到,我当不成淑女geurae na motdwae,sungnyeoga motdwae[智英]难怪大家都说今天的天空特别的湛蓝,是因为我这样吧? eojjeonji oneul haneuri yudok,paratago haesseo naega geureochi?还说好好的都化解了 还想说该不会吧,再怎么挑 原来今天是这样的日子啊neomu jal pullinda haesseo seolma haenneunde,gollado kkok neoneun ireon narini[妮可]大家都说情人眼里出西施 但我的身体为什么会这样,是因为我吗? ontong da keopeul nene,kongkkeopul,jubyeoni wae irae naega geureochi?除了我之外都很幸福的样子,不过总有一天你们也都会遇上的naman ppaegon modu haengbokhan geot gateunde,eonjengan nideuldo gyekkge doelgeoda[奎利]是啊 我做不到,我当不成佛陀,我当不成淑女geurae na motdwae,bucheoga motdwae,sungnyeoga motdwae[合唱]我刚刚分手了,我也曾经觉得很好na bangeum ibyeol haetdan mariyaiya,nado cham johasseotdan mariyaiya我现在那么心痛,你们究竟哪里这么好?nan jigeum ireoke apeunde,nideureun mwoga joha我真的悲惨的要命啊,淑女又算什么chorahae jukgetdan mariya,sungnyeo ttawi mwo[妮可]Rap~[荷拉]我也试着要好好努力 试着隐藏我的性格,为了配合你 真的忍耐了很多jalhaeboryeogo seonggyeok gamchugo nege matchwoboryeo manhi chamasseo这样的我 连自己都觉得值得赞扬 觉得惊喜,现在却让我觉得受苦的我还真可怜geureon naega giteukhago singihaesseosseo,geugan gosaenghadeon naega bulssanghae[智英]是啊 我做不到,我当不成佛陀,我当不成淑女geurae na motdwae,bucheoga motdwae,sungnyeoga motdwae[合唱]我刚刚分手了,我也曾经觉得很好na bangeum ibyeol haetdan mariyaiya,nado cham johasseotdan mariyaiya我现在那么心痛,你们究竟哪里这么好?nan jigeum ireoke apeunde,nideureun mwoga joha我真的悲惨的要命啊,淑女又算什么chorahae jukgetdan mariya,sungnyeo ttawi mwo[胜妍]现在在哪里,已经到家了吗?越是想这些事 就越加的火大jigeum eodiya,jibe dawanni?saenggakhae bol surok hwaga neomu chimireo我因为你的话 无法变的成熟,也没办法用宽大的心胸大笑着naneun ni mal ttara seongsukhaji motaeseo,neotbeun maeumeuro suga eomneunaeol[奎利]我真的很可怜 我真的很凄凉,就连离别也被你玩弄naega bulssanghae naega cheotyanghae,ibyeol majeo nega japhigo hwidullyeo既然都要甩了我 那么气氛也要配合,今天结束时 冷静的谈谈吧eochapi chalgeomyeon bunwigina matchuji,haruga kkeutnal jjeum chabunhi yaegihaji[合唱]我刚刚分手了,我也曾经觉得很好na bangeum ibyeol haetdan mariyaiya,nado cham johasseotdan mariyaiya我现在那么心痛,你们究竟哪里这么好?nan jigeum ireoke apeunde,nideureun mwoga joha我真的悲惨的要命啊,淑女又算什么chorahae jukgetdan mariya,sungnyeo ttawi mwo[荷拉]真是荒唐的一天 我,眼泪哗啦啦 nowhwangdanghan harujanha nan,nunmuri ssodajyeoseo now[智英]天空是这么耀眼 我,却抬不起头haneuri nunbusyeo seo nan,gogaeteul deuteul suga eobseo

destruction damage injury ruin的区别

destruction damage ruin 是对物而言,destruction 是不可修复的破坏,ruin 是毁灭成废墟状态,damage 是可恢复的破坏!而injury 和harm 是对人而已,injury 是指身体上受到伤害,harm 既可指精神上也可指身体上的伤害!总算打完了


damage表示破坏,但是不一定造成destruction.同时,damage通常表示物理上的破坏损失,而destruction常用来表示抽象概念,如mentally destruction。

destruction devastation disaster damage 的区别

destruction 表示毁灭性的破坏、摧毁,如建筑的摧毁。devastation 表示大面积的破坏,比如用在森林的大面积破坏等。disaster 表示灾难,这个破坏是不可估计的。相对这几个单词的程度是最大的。damage 表示损坏,程度相对这几个单词是最小的。

请教 damage / destruction / destroy 这个单词的区别?简单明了且有例句最好,谢谢


求《damage inc》歌词的中文翻译


the noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged


英语give a glimpse of the damage怎么翻译?

glimpse 一瞥damage 损坏,破坏give a glimpse of the damage: 瞥了一眼破坏程度/瞥了一眼损坏程度也可译作粗略的看了一下损坏程度

do damage to中damage词性

do damage to sth:对某物造成损坏/破坏其中的damage 是名词。类短语:do harm to【名词,伤害】do good to【名词,好处;益处】祝你开心如意!

destroy .ruin .damage .injure 等“破坏”短语的区别



请提问者着重比较5个词的不同. damage:损坏 destroy:摧毁(程度比damage重很多) hurt:伤害(多指小伤,也可以是“伤自尊”的伤,hurt my feeling) Spoil:破坏,还可以解释,“宠坏” injure:受伤,大伤.(比如2 deaths,2 injuries.2人死亡,2人受伤.),6,damage,destroy,hurt,spoil,injure这几个词表示伤害时用法有什么区别? damage,destroy,hurt,spoil,injure这几个词表示"伤害"时用法有什么区别?


vt.损坏,毁坏 同义词:break 打破,击碎 destroy完全破坏,摧毁 ruin 毁灭,弄坏 spoil 毁坏,毁掉 injure 伤害,损伤



harm injury ruin damage 的区别?



hurt,injure,damage,wound的区别与用法1)hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。如:  The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.那位司机在那次事故中伤得很重。注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。2)injure比hurt正式,hurt多指伤痛,而injure则指损害健康,成就,容貌等,强调功能的损失。如:A bullet injured his left eye.一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。3)damage主要指对于物的损害,强调对于价值,用途,外观等所造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害所致,或因人为造成。如:He damaged my car with a stone.他用石头砸坏了我的汽车。4)wound指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。如; The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的一只胳膊。


不可数。"damage" 一般作为不可数名词,表示 "损害"、"伤害" 的概念。"damage" 更常用来表示不可数名词的概念,但在特定的语境中也可以作为可数名词使用。

damage destroy和ruin的区别

estroy 常指彻底的、不能或很难修复的“破坏”、“毁坏”,程度较深。例如: The earthquake destroyed almost the entire city.那次地震几乎毁灭了整个城市。 The forest was destroyed by fire.森林被火烧毁了。 另外,destroy也可用于损坏抽象的东西,比如名誉、计划、努力、契约等。例如: All his hopes were destroyed.他的全部希望破灭了。 That will destroy the reputation of our products.那要毁了我们产品的声誉。 damage 是程度较小的“破坏”、“损坏”,一般指被破坏的物品可以重新修复。例如: The storm damaged several houses in the village.暴风雨损坏了这个村子的几间房子。 The car was only slightly damaged in the accident.这辆车在事故中只受到轻微的损坏。





请教damage / destruction / destroy 这个单词的区别

damagen.损害;损失;毁坏vt.损害;毁坏damage的基本意思是“损害,伤害”,主要指自然力或人为地在价值、完整性、效能等方面造成损害,一般是局部地、非彻底地、可修复地,可以用于有形物,也可以用于无形物,还可表示对经济信心等造成坏的结果或影响。主要用作及物动词,可用于被动结构。destruction n.破坏;毁灭destroy  v.破坏;杀死;消灭;摧毁destroy的基本意思是用任何力量“破坏,毁坏”,用于物时,指破坏或毁坏有用的事物; 用于人时,指用武力或暴力“杀死”“毁灭”“消灭”敌人等。


vt.损坏,毁坏 同义词:break 打破,击碎 destroy完全破坏,摧毁 ruin 毁灭,弄坏 spoil 毁坏,毁掉 injure 伤害,损伤


词义和用法不同。undermine引申可作“损坏”解,这种损坏不是突然间的,而是有一个长期的过程,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。damage的基本意思是“损害,伤害”,主要指自然力或人为地在价值、完整性、效能等方面造成损害,一般是局部地、非彻底地、可修复地,可以用于有形物,也可以用于无形物,还可表示对经济信心等造成坏的结果或影响。主要用作及物动词,可用于被动结构。damage, destroy这两个词的共同意思是“损坏”“破坏”。其区别是:1、在程度上, destroy指十分彻底地破坏,而damage指并不彻底地破坏。2、在后果上, destroy指不能或很难修复了,而damage指不能发挥正常作用了。3、在对象上, destroy可接物,也可接人,而damage通常只用于非生物。4、在造成破坏的原因上, destroy多指不可抵抗的外界力量,而damage则常指因人的过失。


1.cause着重指产生或造成某事发生的原因,往往指造成不好的影响。2.makev. 做,制造,使 n. 牌子,型号1.destroy 强调把某物彻底毁掉。 2.damage是破坏,是局部的或可以修好的。1.follow vt.跟随, 追随, 沿...而行, 理解, 遵循, 从事, 追求, 注视 vi.跟随, 接着 n.跟随, 追随 2.accept vt.接受, 认可, 承担, 承兑 vi.同意, 承认 sorry 我英语不好,就只能回答到这了。你找个高手来吧~


1、Fire has caused severe damage to the contents of the building. 2、Were very sorry about the damage to your car. 3、Damage to the building was assessed at 40 000. 扩展资料   It was a large explosion and the resulting damage was extensive.   爆炸相当剧烈,造成的破坏范围很大。   The accident has not done any permanent damage.   那场事故没有造成什么永久性损伤。   Never mind your car ─ what about the damage to my fence?   先别管你的车——我的围栏撞坏了,怎么办?




destroy 表示彻底地摧毁,比如The flood detroyed the city。damage 表示损伤,不完全摧毁,比如A nail may damage the wall。hurt 表示心灵上,情感上的伤害,比如His departure hurt me。injure 指得是人或动物的肉体伤害,比如The athlete got injured in the race。


destroy, ruin, break, damage, devastate, destruct, blemish, hurt, injure, harm, smash, dent, scatch, crush, tear down, demolish...希望能帮到你.





destroy damage和broken的区别是什么?

destroy强调伤害程度的不可恢复而damage就要轻一点了 ,break 只是一般的破坏,指打破,弄坏。



1.cause着重指产生或造成某事发生的原因,往往指造成不好的影响。2.makev. 做,制造,使 n. 牌子,型号1.destroy 强调把某物彻底毁掉。 2.damage是破坏,是局部的或可以修好的。1.follow vt.跟随, 追随, 沿...而行, 理解, 遵循, 从事, 追求, 注视 vi.跟随, 接着 n.跟随, 追随 2.accept vt.接受, 认可, 承担, 承兑 vi.同意, 承认 sorry 我英语不好,就只能回答到这了。你找个高手来吧~


destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉.Why,you may wonder,should spiders be our friends?Because they destroy so many insects,… 你也许会觉得奇异,蜘蛛怎么竟是我们的朋友?因为它们毁灭那么多的昆虫.As long ago as the fourteenth century,an Englishman,Sir John Hawkood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉.2.damage是破坏,常常是局部的,或可以修好的.The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失.3.suffer ["su028cfu0259] vi.1.受痛苦,感到痛苦(或苦恼),受苦难;感到疼痛;患病:He is suffering from the loss of his old friend.他正遭受失去老朋友的痛苦.He is still suffering after medicine.吃过药后,他依然感到很难受.2.受损失,受害:You"ll suffer from smoking too much.吸烟过多你的健康会受到损害.to suffer from floods遭受水灾3.变差,变糟:One"s sight suffers for ages.年老后视力会变差.4.受惩罚,(尤指)被处死刑;殉难:You will suffer one day for your carelessness.你大大咧咧的早晚要受惩罚的.They have suffered for the country.他们已为国殉难了.5.处于不利地位,受到妨碍:His firm suffered when he wasn"t in.他不在期间,他的商号经营得十分惨淡.I don"t think our relations will suffer for such a small quarrel.我认为这样的小吵小闹不会妨碍我们之间的关系.6.作为动作(或作用)的对象,承受:to suffer from pressure承受压力7.[废语]忍受,忍耐,耐心地坚持vt.1.遭受,蒙受,经受(痛苦、烦恼、损失等):I can not tolerate to suffer the loss of 1% of the profit.我不能容忍把百分之一的利润损失掉.to suffer pain忍受疼痛2.经受,经历:to suffer change经历变迁You must suffer the test.你必须经受考验.3.宽恕,原谅,听任,容忍:No man could suffer his vulgarities.谁也无法容忍他的粗野言行.to be not able to suffer a little inconvenience受不了一点儿委屈4.允许,准许:Will you suffer me to go with you?我能跟你一起去吗?He could suffer himself to be persuaded by me.他倒是能听进我的劝告.


ruin指把某件东西损害到不能再修理或使用的程度。现在多用于借喻中。例如:Your plans for a party will be ruined if you get sick.如果你病了,你的聚会计划就毁了。1.在程度上, destroy指十分彻底地破坏,而damage指并不彻底地破坏。2.在后果上, destroy指不能或很难修复了,而damage指不能发挥正常作用了。3.在对象上, destroy可接物,也可接人,而damage通常只用于非生物。4.在造成破坏的原因上, destroy多指不可抵抗的外界力量,而damage则常指因人的过失。例如:Many lives were destroyed by the earth- quake.这次地震造成许多人死亡。An explosion destroyed the engine. 一声爆炸把发动机毁坏了。
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