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帕加尼ZONDA R是不是就是风之子 总共两款差不多 怎么价钱相差那么大

R是R,风之子是风之子,风之子之后推出的R 你可以看看Top Gear 第16季第4集



帕加尼Zonda R多少速,属性怎样?

帕加尼Zonda R: 外观: 锐利、明显的车身空力套件,让整部Zonda R俨然就是一部GT厂车。从车头拥有尖锐线条开始、大型进气口、深刻的侧裙,以及最为夸张的车尾大型尾翼、集中排气管、底部分流器等设计,整部Zonda R早已超脱了帅劲超跑的等级.非常吸引眼球,回头率很高的一款车.耐久度:300.,维修一次2000金币.加速: 对比了F1-法拉利战队,发现起步速度不相上下,但是提速却在法拉利之下.速度:原速度177,+3码油和3码人物,最高可达184,能很好保持在最高速!过弯:非常灵活,无论是雪邦的弯道还是秋名的五连弯,都有良好的过弯表现,但是过弯掉速偏严重,而且碰撞后提速很慢. 抓地:该车总体偏轻,刚上手的时候很不习惯, 有些地图在跑的时候感觉在飞,很难控制!弹跳:超强的弹跳,无论是西部矿洞的无油还是山谷要赛的大飞,都是轻而易举,这点可以跟最近的劳斯莱斯富豪相媲美!

帕加尼Zonda R超级跑车系列中那款0~100km/h加速只要2.7s最高时速跑进400+km/h的跑车是叫什么名字的?

被楼主问住了,, 2楼正解.



帕加尼的Zonda R、Zonda Cinque、Zonda Tricolore、Zonda HH哪个最贵?

HH是全球一辆的特别订制车,样子酷似ZONDA F跑车;Tricolore是为纪念意大利空军空难50年,全球一辆且车型性能只小于R系,并且100公里加速竟然仅2.1sec;cinque属于ZONDA末期,但全球有5辆;R是为赛道设计,性能为全系中综合最棒的,全球35辆。最贵的应属Tricolore,因其性能和限量度。


大家好,又见面了,由于我这段时间开学,一直没有时间打开之家进入论坛,趁着今天忙里抽闲,上岸给大家露个面哈今天的主角,AA巅峰之作就在两个月前,我有幸得到了这款梦寐以求的车模,在此感谢一下低价出车的广州老哥,这一次穿越中国南北的交易(广州---内蒙古),使我圆了多年的梦[嘻嘻]刚刚开箱,就是无比的惊喜,奇妙的1F,前后盖静静地躺在那,打开黑泡沫盒,富有机械感的车体裸露在眼前,车况就像老哥说的一样,几乎完美话不多说介绍书,全车由707个零件构成切入正题,大家一起看看车模吧富有攻击感的前头,夸张的风刀暗示着强大的性能侧面线条优美,这张图中前盖没有盖紧(太松了卡不住)""性感""的车尾,巨大号的尾翼与车头风刀互相呼应,使整车看起来前卫夸 内饰部分,毕竟是赛道用,便没有什么太大的亮点,值得一提的是,车内防滚架是完整的,AA不会在巅峰之作上偷懒斜侧面45度,来势汹汹这回前盖盖紧了[调皮]换个角度感受下我们拉近镜头,可以直接通过尾部散热口看见排气管和内部一些结构,如同寻宝般趣味看一下真的nb哈哈哈个人最喜欢的一部分拉花,大小位置x恰到好处这里是AA做错的一部分,这里底盘要贴地了,而真车是有弧度、上翘的姿态完美,轮毂刹车盘、钳,胎,都刻画了了这台车的重头戏------引擎部分,机械感满满,使人眼前一亮,如果大家拿到实物的话,就会发现实物比看图爽太多了,看图就这么爽,那么大家可以理解我的心情了吧[偷笑],可动悬架完全还原了真车的复杂结构前面的细节大多被导流管挡住了,还是那句话,实物比这图片爽太多,而且还会发现一堆拍摄不到的细节可动悬架完全还原了真车结构个人最喜欢的形态-----打开前盖摆放,不知为何,一个字帅下面放点开盖图片看看吧再来些细节图可以看到五点式安全带上的文字以及卡扣的刻画,非常用心也可以用牙签支撑来个帕加尼式全开[调皮]来点外拍哎呀,帖子最多只能上传四十张图片,可是我还有好多想要和大家分享呢[嘻嘻][害羞]那么帖子只好到这里结束了 总结:AA巅峰之作就是不同于其他,细节不会有偷懒,重要的是合金全开合金全开合金全开(重要的事说三遍)当时发售价格也挺低,到现在的均价2k5也都是炒狗倒爷的功劳[发怒][微笑][微笑](倒爷去死)现在的AA已经逐渐走向衰落,再加上lcd这个新兴的搅局者,真的是。。。。。AA你的良心啊,快找回来吧,不要让利润冲昏了头脑,这方面话不多说,因为谁也不知道以后会怎么样,我只希望良心厂家保持住,这不只是我的心声,我想千千万万的模友也会这样想。这辆车总体我很满意,""zonda之后再无AA""的说法也是有道理的。 在这里感谢大家的浏览,谢谢大家[害羞]

Zonda F与Zonda R的区别是什么?


zonda f和zonda s

这么说吧,Zonda F是Zonda S的下一代,只是外观几乎保留原状而已,因此F更新……Zonda F最大功率650马力,最大扭矩1057牛米,Zonda S最大功率是555马力,最大扭矩750牛米,而且Zonda F重量1274千克,比Zonda S的1350千克还要轻,因此加速和急速都快了不少。图片……Zonda C12 S:http://www.speedycars.net/c/wallpaper.asp?id=804Zonda F:http://www.speedycars.net/c/wallpaper.asp?id=3206



Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada怎么翻译?



帕加尼Zonda这一车系下包含多款车型,有:1999年 Pagani Zonda C122000年 Pagani Zonda C12 S2002年 Pagani Zonda C12 S 7.32003年 Pagani Zonda GR2004年 Pagani Zonda C12 S Monza2005年 Pagani Zonda F (C12 F)2006年 Pagani Zonda Roadster F2007年 Pagani Zonda R2009年 Pagani Zonda Cinque2010年 Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster2011年 Pagani Zonda Tricolore





帕加尼 Zonda R 市场价是多少钱?


敞篷版zonda r有什么配置,带你了解这款帕加尼的hypercar

在hypercar世界中,最出名的品牌恐怕就是布加迪了。其实布加迪旗下的车型不是hypercar中最强的,布加迪出名只是因为营销手段比较高。在hypercar的世界中,还有一位隐藏的高手,它就是帕加尼。在2020年3月,帕加尼官方曾在社交媒体上发布了一张关于Huayra R的预告图,就当所有车迷等待着它的时候,Zonda R敞篷版被曝光了。理论上Zonda车型已经在2019年停产,但从此次曝光的实车图来看,该型号还在生产,或将成为“最后的Zonda”。据悉,新车或仅限量3台,售价很可能过亿。Zonda R敞篷版采用了蓝、红、黑、灰四色相间的车漆拉花,前包围的空气动力学套件相比硬顶版的Zonda R更加激进,在两侧增加了更大更多的复翼。而前包围中间与前机舱盖的空气桥,以及两侧标志性的矩形进气口得以保留。新车采用了敞篷式设计,与硬顶版最大的不同是,新车柳叶式的后视镜被安装在了A柱上;此外,新车还在座椅后方配备了防滚架,其上方巨大的发动机进气口也是Zonda的标志性配饰。车尾部,巨大的扰流板和扩散器也将会继续使用。动力方面,新车理论上应该会继续搭载由AMG提供的代号为M120的6.0升自然吸气V12发动机,最大功率750马力,最大扭矩710牛·米,并匹配6速序列式变速箱,0-100km/h加速时间仅为2.7秒。有意思的是,Zonda R Barchetta其实属于帕加尼尚未正式宣布的隐藏车型,理论上该车型也将会与硬顶版一样属于赛道用车,并不能开上公路。Zonda车型自1999年推出,至2019年停产,在此期间,已经经历了多次“停产”,但每一次停产之后,就会迎来一个全新的车型推出。似乎这已经是帕加尼为了秘密制造新车型而使用的一种手段了。随着Huayra车型的推出,帕加尼也将推出基于该车型的R版本,或许帕加尼会给车迷们一次意外惊喜。

《Memoria Da Noite》中文歌词是什么

黎明,海港在沉睡,爱 Madrugada, o porto adormeceu, amor, 月光轻抚著海浪 a lúa abanea sobre as ondas 犹如晚霞散尽 piso espellos antes de que saia o sol 在夜裏,守望的是她的记忆 na noite gardei a túa memoria. 又一次失去了生命 Perderei outra vez a vida 破晓时分 cando rompa a luz nos cons, 小鸟失去了生命 perderei o día que aprendín a bicar 睁大著双眼,向大海诉说 palabras dos teus ollos sobre o mar, 噩耗,从远方传来,悲伤 Veu o loito antes de vir o rumor, 潮水退去后剩下了阴影 levouno a marea baixo a sombra. 漆黑的小船无声无息 Barcos negros sulcan a ma09á sen voz, 空空的渔网,连海鸟都不见 as redes baleiras, sen gaivotas. 虚伪的人啊 E dirán, contarán mentiras 你们 para ofrecerllas ao Patrón: 或许只是为了一点浅薄的利益 quererán pechar cunhas moedas, quizais, 就将目光投向了大海 os teus ollos abertos sobre o mar. 黎明,海港苏醒了,爱 Madrugada, o porto despertou, amor, 地上的时钟纹丝不动 o reloxo do bar quedou varado 酒馆却依旧颓垣 na costeira muda da desolación. 我们不会忘记,不会原谅 Non imos esquecer, nin perdoalo. 回归,回归生命 Volverei, volverei á vida 破晓时分 cando rompa a luz nos cons 大海已失去了往日的自豪 porque nós arrancamos todo o orgullo do mar 我们还要怎样 non nos afundiremos nunca máis 她的记忆已经回不了从前 que na túa memoria xa non hai volta atrás: 我们的谦卑早已不再 non nos humillaredes NUNCA M09IS.


  帕加尼Zonda是中置引擎跑车,由意大利超级跑车制造商帕加尼(Pagani)生产,并于1999年首次亮相,2011年停产。截至2009年6月,包括测试版本在内,已经生产出106部Zonda跑车。Zonda车系包括硬顶版和敞篷版2种,均大量采用碳纤维制造,跑车速度惊人,且数量极少,因而售价非常高昂。Zonda的替代车型为帕加尼Huayra,于2011年在日内瓦车展上推出。  车型简介  帕加尼Zonda堪称特立独行的超级跑车,帕加尼Zonda F敢与法拉利、保时捷、兰博基尼等跑车界大腕一比高下,其完美的做工足以让法拉利汗颜。每一辆交付客户的Zonda皆具有款型,皆具有独特的上空魅力、超强的动力性能,以及承袭自帕加尼手工制作的尊荣质感,使得限量生产的帕加尼Zonda超级跑车,身价益发不凡。   帕加尼Zonda的造型经过风洞测试,其深下颔进气坝、车尾扰流板和气流扩散器,可以在297公里/小时的高速时对车身产生500公斤的下压力,加上车身比重均匀,Zonda即使在超过300公里/小时的超高时速下,仍然可以四平八稳。   Zonda造型的优美程度,令众多跑车制造商相形见绌。整体车型设计最令人叹为观止的是:楔形的车鼻和水滴状的玻璃车厢,还与参加GT耐力赛的车型极为神似。中央一分为二的车尾扰流板,设计极为特别,而且散发出与众不同的美感;有如喷气式飞机的车尾排气管已成为这辆Super car的注册商标。[1]   一些早期Zonda车型的设计由F1冠军范吉奥(Juan Manuel Fangio)完成,这款车最初被命名为“Fangio F1”,但在1995年范吉奥去世后,被重命名为Zonda,意为“安第斯山脉之风”。  Pagani汽车公司帕加尼汽车公司(Pagani Automobili S.p.A.),帕加尼Zonda F是一家意大利的跑车及碳纤维制造商,公司由Horacio Pagani创立于1992年,总部位于摩德纳(Modena)附近的San Cesario sul Panaro。Horacio Pagani曾做过兰博基尼公司的组装工人,后于1988年成立帕加尼复合材料研究公司(Pagani Composite Research),公司与兰博基尼在许多项目上有过合作,包括兰博基尼Countach(25周年版)、P140 Concept、兰博基尼Diablo。在20世纪80年代末,帕加尼开始设计自己的汽车,即“C8项目”,帕加尼计划借获得5次F1冠军的Juan Manuel Fangio之名,将C8命名为“Fangio F1”。[2]   关于帕加尼的历史、车型和其他相关信息,百科词条“帕加尼”有详尽的描述,本词条便不再赘述。请点击扩展阅读2(扩展阅读1为帕加尼全球官方网站)。编辑本段Zonda车型列表  帕加尼Zonda这一车系下包含多款车型,有:帕加尼Zonda R 1999年 Pagani Zonda C12   2000年 Pagani Zonda C12 S   2002年 Pagani Zonda C12 S 7.3   2003年 Pagani Zonda GR   2004年 Pagani Zonda C12 S Monza   2005年 Pagani Zonda F (C12 F)   2006年 Pagani Zonda Roadster F   2007年 Pagani Zonda R Clubsport   2008年 Pagani Zonda R   2009年 Pagani Zonda Cinque   2010年 Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster   2011年 Pagani Zonda Tricolore[2]编辑本段Zonda车系详解  1999 Pagani Zonda C12  帕加尼Zonda C12可以说是面向全球的第一款帕加尼,1999年在日内瓦车展亮相。它使用奔驰的M120 V12发动机,最高时速达到340km/h。在5200转每分时产生402匹马力(300KW),在3800转每分时扭矩达到571牛米。6.0升排量的原型车只生产了5辆,直到2002年C12还是可以订购的,虽然那时新的C12 S早就推出了。5台原型车中,有一辆是用来搞碰撞试验的,而另外一辆用作展览用车,剩下的就卖给客户,价格不菲,每辆32万美元。C12能在4.2秒内从0加速到97km/h,用8.2秒加速到160km/h。然后从97km/h开始刹车至静止,制动距离为34米。  2000 Pagani Zonda C12 S  帕加尼Zonda C12 S搭载奔驰AMG的7.0L V12发动机,能输出542匹最大马力,从0加速到97KM/H缩短到惊人的3.7秒,加速到160KM/H只用7.5秒。最高时速达到350KM/H。C12 S是C12的改进版,车身有些细节已经过重新设计,并换上新的更轻的离合器和更优良的排放系统,车重比C12轻了10千克。它的标价是35万美元,C12 S总计只生产了15台。  2002 Pagani Zonda C12 S 7.3  帕加尼Zonda C12 S 7.3顾名思义,AMG的V12引擎再次获得升级,排量上升至7.3升,最大马力555匹,峰值扭矩750牛米。加速性能也再次提升,从0加速到97KM/H缩短为3.5秒,能在7.3秒内完成从0加速到160KM/H。最高时速达到360KM/H,似乎已经超越了法拉利恩佐。帕加尼原计划生产40辆C12 S 7.3,其中有9辆是敞篷版的。事实上,因为需求量的增加,到2005年C12 S 7.3再次生产,并于2004年的日内瓦国际车展发布了敞篷版本的Zonda C12 S Roadster,限量生产40台。根据《Motor Trend》汽车杂志的报道,截止到2006年一月共生产了60辆。  2003 Zonda GR  帕加尼Zonda GR的研发是从2002年十二月开始的。尽管帕加尼跑车性能很出色,可是四年过去了还没涉足重要的汽车运动赛事。于是有几位赛车运动公司的持股人共同成立了一家新公司,名称是Carsport Zonda,创建目的是专门加工制造帕加尼赛车。他们获得了帕加尼公司的授权,专门负责研发和销售独家改版的帕加尼跑车,第一辆GR就是在Modena的Carsport厂房花几个月时间打造出来。GR是建立在C12 S的平台上的,共享同样的碳纤维底盘和前后管状框架结构。为了提升空气动力学性能,车子的前后都加了空力装置,还有改良过的车顶。根据国际汽联的规则,车子的宽度是两米。车重减轻到1100千克。悬挂系统已全新设计,还有车轮和制动盘也经过专业升级。发动机前的水箱散热器变得更大,并增加了新的变速箱冷却系统。经过加工的风之子的确要比原厂车性能好了一些,从0加速到97KM/H再次被缩短了,变成3.3秒。在转速为5800转每分时功率输出为592匹马力。只是最高时速仅为346KM/H,不过经过调校后还可以增加。整车的售价是32.5万美元。  2004 Zonda C12 S Monza  2004年,新的帕加尼C12 S Monza在巴黎车展上首发,C12 S Monza可以理解为C12 S GR的街版。Monza版的C12 S是按赛车标准打造的,但可用作日常使用。Monza版的车身线条很大程度是来自GR的,毕竟GR是最能反映高调的赛车运动特征。Monza版的改动如下:发动机功率输出超过440KW,冷却系统也经过改进。空气动力变得更完善,前后扩散器、尾翼都有所不同,这些都使得速度有所提高。另外变速比得到了优化,因为车子应用了大量新材料零件,使得整车“体重”变轻了,包括聚碳酸酯侧面车窗;排气管加了消声器。内饰也有点改动,踏板不同,还有方向盘、座椅也更新了,并在驾驶舱内加防滚架。加大尺寸的制动盘和调得更硬的悬挂都属于追求极致性能的装备。  2005 Pagani Zonda F (C12 F)  目前帕加尼最知名的车型可以说是C12 F了,它的硬顶版最初是在2005年的日内瓦车展亮相。它同样使用前作庞大的7.3L V12发动机,但性能有所提高,功率输出增加到443KW。Zonda F还有个赛车运动版,功率输出更大,为502KW。从0加速到100KM/H仅需3.5秒,最高速超过346KM/H,稍加调校后极速还可以到达更高。另外,它从300KM/H开始制动到静止的成绩也是所有车中最好的。Zonda F赛车运动版的动力/车重比率为384瓦/千克,相比之下,法拉利恩佐就要逊色点了,仅为356瓦/千克。Zonda F是真真正正跑得快的超级跑车,之所以这么说,是因为不仅它有极高的时速,而且有极高的过弯速率。它的赛车运动版曾在著名的德国Nürburgring赛道上跑出最好的单圈成绩(7分27秒82),打破了保时捷Carrera GT独占宝座的记录。ZONDA F的产量极低,只限量生产25台,它的规格不符合美国环保局的要求。因此,这代ZONDA F并没有公开在美国销售,不过它无与伦比的性能和外表依然赢得了美国年轻人的青睐,通过非法手段得到它的美国性能车迷也大有人在。帕加尼计划在2009年推出下一代车型(内部编号C9)以适应美国市场。  2006 Zonda Roadster F  很多人认为像Zonda F那么漂亮的车若是没有敞篷版那就可惜了,的确,不仅是没钱一族这么想,富贵一族也这么认为。“客户就是上帝”,因而帕加尼为了迎合客户口味就推出了更拉风的Zonda Roadster F。不过那又不是传统的Roadster,既不是软顶也不是硬顶,而是软硬顶!即后部分是帆布的,前部分是碳纤维的。Zonda Roadster F采用全碳素纤维打造车身,这在跑车领域都是比较少见的。这样设计虽然折篷麻烦了些但却能减轻车重从而提高性能,而且也保障了乘客安全。由于Zonda Roadster F采纳了专业赛车的设计思路,故一切都变得简洁,它采用赛车的车身框架和结构,采用赛车的轻量化材料。Zonda Roadster F重量仅有1230千克。不过高科技和优质的工艺决定了它仍旧远远地偏离大众化道路,价格太高了,以至于它的产量仍被限制在25辆左右。  2007 Zonda R Clubsport  如果你认为前文介绍的几辆简直贵得太离谱,那么Zonda R ClubSport更是贵得天方夜谭。估价为120万美元。Zonda ClubSport(下文简称CS)2007才在日内瓦车展亮相。它仍旧采用奔驰AMG的发动机,加上特殊的设计使得它动力更大。以至于它的地位提升了一个等级,竞争对手不再是法拉利恩佐之类的级别,而是法拉利FXX和玛莎拉蒂MC12。虽然这些车都有酷似专业赛车的造型,但实际上并不符合国际正式比赛的要求,那么它们定位的客户群都是些什么人?就是那些有N多金钱但又热爱汽车运动的人,他们常常有财力自己组建各自的私人比赛,可以自己租场地自己定规则,而无需受国际赛事规则的影响。像这类车,有钱都不一定能买到,就如法拉利FXX。虽然CS的造型和帕加尼车系家族的其他成员很相似,但事实上整车只有10%的部分是和前作相同的,其他都是全新的。   碳纤维打造的底盘中心架上一个带防滚罩的驾驶舱和集成四个油箱,和GT赛车类似。轴距被伸长了47毫米以利于提高车子稳定性。前后框架使用阿维昂铝合金材料全新设计,用于与新设计的交叉悬挂搭配。四个车轮可以方便拆卸,类似专业F1。车子分布了许多传感器,用于收集四个车轮行驶过程中产生的空气下压力信息,这套系统能允许车主根据路况调节设置还有提高弯道技术。除了轴距增加了,车身长度也增长了394毫米。车身和空气动力改进原件都为了提供最大的空气下压力。它那又宽又扁又尖的前脸,它那硕大无比的尾翼,车底盘完全封闭,不突出一点零件,以免行驶过程中过低的底盘与地面相擦那就会车毁人亡了。车身采用了碳纤维,由于跑得快就得需要呼吸更多的空气(其实更多是为了散热),因此车身上长了不少“鼻孔”,包括车顶的、车身侧面的……终极版本的Zonda拥有750匹的惊人马力,峰值扭力达到了709牛米,此外碳纤维高性能进气系统,比赛专用多片式离合器,带有陶瓷散热涂层的F1赛车排气系统都为巅峰装备,传动系为六速顺序式波箱。和很多超级跑车一样,CS的内饰也是不图奢华刺眼,实用才是最根本的。这样一来,内饰就变得简洁多了,没有GPS和车载电视、电脑,只有一些必要的仪表和显示行驶参数、传感器反馈数据的设备。座椅也是为车主量身定做的。[3]2010 Zonda Tricolore  帕加尼于2010年9月11、12日在Rivolto机场庆祝50周年生日时,  帕加尼Zonda Tricolore  推出一款新车Zonda Tricolore。“Tricolore”来自于意大利语,原意是三色箭,是速度与魅力的象征。预计此车售价将为176万美元(约合人名币1200万元)。[4]   帕加尼Zonda Tricolore是基于Zonda Cinque的理念而设计的,相比之下Zonda Tricolore有许多特别之处。车身前后都装载了LED车灯,其设计风格与飞机灯组相似。   Tricolore的进气口也不同于Cinque,在Tricolore上使用的是小型的垂直型进气口,位于发动机罩的上方,并配以法式三色条带。车身侧面使用了蓝色抛光装饰,给人极深的印象。据了解,Zonda Tricolore将在2011年的日内瓦车展上正式展出。  2010 Zonda HH  意大利的著名汽车制造商帕加尼在2010年一直都是新闻头条的对象,因为帕加尼风之子R在纽博格林赛道上创下了最快的速度。而就在8月份,帕加尼再次发布了一款全球限量一辆的车型,新车命名为Zonda HH。[5]   一位不知名的美国买家拿到了这款特别版本,同时也是全球唯一的一辆帕加尼Zonda HH,同时该车的第一批照片也被曝光。这款车有着Zonda Cinque以及Zonda F Roadster的影子,并且在2010年秋天的法国巴黎国际车展上面,有幸会第一次亲眼见到这款车。     帕加尼Zonda HH  对于这样一家专门制造超级跑车的车厂来说,在制造与开发成本的考虑基础上,如何扩充产品线,绝对不是其首要目标,但是为了避免过于单调的产品线,推出各式的限量版车型,则会是一个比较理想的做法。帕加尼也不想把这款车型投产,而是作为一款实验测试用车推出,当然其车身上均是帕加尼最好的零件及技术。   至于车子的发动机部分则应该是来自于梅赛德斯-奔驰的7.3升V-12汽缸版本,最大输出功率达到680马力,扭矩峰值也十分的惊人,为576磅·英尺。估计Zonda HH的重量也会控制在1210公斤左右。车子可以在3.4秒之内从静止加速到一百公里每小时的速度,极速更是超过了217英里每小时。这样的表现对于一款敞篷车来说,的确是非常不错的。   售价方面,厂方目前还是对Zonda HH保持高度神秘。至于车子的价格则有着和任意一款Zonda都差不多的特征,那就是贵,尤其是对于一款特别版本来说,不贵才更奇怪,估计售价在7位数美元以上。不过可以了解的是,就算有充足的资金,这款车也是一车难求。   目前帕加尼官方仅发布了这款神秘超跑的预热图片,Zonda HH将会采用蓝色传统涂装,大量碳纤维材料、陶瓷制动系统、蓝色制动卡钳、赛车专用轮圈及Pirelli P Zero高性能轮胎。但是却对车子没有任何的评论与发言。


zonda760一共5台。在外观上为了与其他定制化车型区分,车主选用了许多自己的想法让这辆Zonda 760彻底跳脱原先的框架,成为绝世罕见的顶级客制化车型。与一般顶级车型相同,在全车外观能见到的部分都采用了碳纤维复合材质打造,然而为了充分表现客制化身份,因此车主在与Pagani官方详细讨论后决定在引擎盖正中间位置采用了碳纤维暗红色线条将引擎盖一分为二,更在头灯组下方搭载一组极光蓝日间型车灯,让这辆绝美的车型充分展现其尊荣身份。Zonda 760系列:Zonda 760系列,顾名思义,这个系列的Zonda拥有760马力,扭矩则高达780牛米。这么高的扭矩对于一台7.3升自吸发动机来说有点高的不可思议,因为自吸发动机通常注重功率而非扭矩。和特殊版本不同的是,760系列是专门为了特殊客户而特别开出的生产线,又或是车主在Zonda原有的基础上进行定制升级。760系列通常也是one-off version built,也就是说每款只有一辆。

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until now , to date , as yet , so far分别用于什么时态 再给几个例句,谢谢.

until now 1.Until now this seemed to be working. 直到现在,这个策略似乎仍在运作. 2.By this reckoning,they have done well until now. 在这一点上,直至今日他们一直做的很好. to date 1.To date,all patients under investigation have received treatment with this drug.到目前为止,接受调查的所有病人都使用这种药物进行治疗. 2.The problem at this point was not with the dating method; the problem was finding the right thing to date.. 该问题在这一点上并不符合测定日期的方法,问题是找到要测日期的事物. as yet 1.There was to be a fourth thing,but as yet he knew nothing of it. 2.How this might pertain to choices that people might make is,as yet,unclear. 这些方式怎样附属于人们可能做出的选择至今仍未明了. so far 1.So far I have no regrets. 到目前为止,我并不后悔. 2.So far,they appear to be up to the task 到目前为止,他们表现出承担了这一任务.

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如果未购买国行版本的Just Dance游戏,请确保使用的控制器兼容游戏,并下载包含相应曲目的区域版本。其次,您需要在国行游戏中解锁“Dojo”模式。 解锁方式是在游戏中完成50场比赛。完成比赛后,您将获得一个道场的解锁码,然后您就可以输入解锁码解锁道场。输入解锁码后,道场就会在您的游戏中解锁,并且您就可以享受极乐净土这首歌曲了。当然,如果您想体验更多的精彩内容,建议购买国行版本,更加便捷且有效的使自己的游戏体验达到更好的高度。



just dance评分等级

just dance评分等级是根据玩家在游戏内的动作表现来评级的。《舞力全开》是由UBISOFT育碧开发的体感音乐游戏,在游玩时借助Joy-Con的动作感应功能跟随角色动作与音乐节拍一起舞蹈。游戏最多支持6人本地同玩,既能独自一人随节拍舞动,也可唤上家人一起多人“尬舞”。《舞力全开》游戏本体包含49首歌曲,其中包括了《怪美的》《王妃》《彩虹节拍》《火锅爽》《我的新衣》共6首中文流行歌曲以及《Kill This Love》(BLACKPINK),《Bad Guy》(Billie Eilish)等众多热门外文歌曲。《舞力全开》其他情况简介。游戏玩法上和近年推出的“舞力全开”系列如出一辙,但却通过高性价比“舞力无限”服务内,每月甚至每周更新的曲库,成功拥有打动系列玩家购入一台国行主机的冲动。它是一款极为标准,也极其优秀的聚会游戏。

just dance加载慢

just dance加载慢如下:加载不出来是因为没有网络或者损坏了

just dance asia有正版吗


just dance 男生rap歌词 我要歌词。 那个just dance 后有三个音节

  just dance  A red one  Colby  Gaga  I"ve had a little bit too much  All of the people start to rush  Start to rush babe  How does he twist the dance  Can"t find my drink or man  Where are my keys I lost my phone  What"s go-ing out on the floor  I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymore  Keep it cool what"s the name of this club  I can"t remember but it"s alright alright  Just dance Gunna be okay  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Spin that record babe  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Gunna be okay  Duh-duh-duh-duh  Dance Dance Dance Ju-just dance  Wish I could shut my playboy mouth  How"d I turn my shirt inside out Inside out babe  Control your poison babe  Roses with thorns they say  And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight  What"s go-ing out on the floor  I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymore  Keep it cool what"s the name of this club  I can"t remember but it"s alright alright  Just dance Gunna be okay  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Spin that record babe  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Gunna be okay  Duh-duh-duh-duh  Dance Dance Dance Ju-just dance  When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue  Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw  And I ain"t gonn" give it up steady tryna pick it up like the car  I"ma hit it I"ma hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr" yeah  Show me I can see that you got so much in the jean  The way you twirling up them hips round and round  There"s no reason I know why you can"t leave here with me  In the meantime stand let me watch you break it down  Just dance Gunna be okay  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Spin that record babe  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Gunna be okay  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Spin that record babe  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Gunna be okay  Duh-duh-duh-duh  Dance Dance Dance Ju-just dance  I got my blue burners and phonic  I"m psychotic synchypnotic  I got my brand electronic  I"m psychotic synchypnotic  I got my blue burners and phonic  I"m psychotic synchypnotic  I got my brand electronic  Go Use your muscle comin out work and hustle  I got it just stay close enough to get it  Go slow Drive it clean it like so clean it"s been molesto I got it and your popped coll"  Just dance Gunna be okay  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Spin that record babe  Da-doo-doo-doo  Just dance Gunna be okay  Duh-duh-duh-duh  Repeat To the End  不是就唱了 oh yeah  i"ll be ok  let"s go  ...吗?

lady gaga的just dance ft deewaan的歌词。。不是just dance 的歌词。。求歌词

Just Dance (Deewaan Remix feat. Ashking, Wedis, Lush and Young)Red WineKonvictGagaOh ehIve had a little bit too much, muchAll of the people start to rush, start to rush bycaught in a twisted danceCant find my drink oh man,where are my keys I lost my phoneWhats going on, on the floorI love this record baby but I cant see straight anymoreKeep it cool, whats the name of this clubI cant remember but its alright, I"m alrightJust dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okayDa da daDance, dance, danceJust, just, just, just danceWish I could shut my playboy mouthHowd i turn my shirt inside outControl your poison babeRoses have thorns they sayAnd were all getting hosed tonightWhats going on, on the floorI love this record baby but I cant see straight anymoreKeep it cool, whats the name of this clubI cant remember but its alright, I"m alrightJust dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okayDa Da DaDance Dance DanceJust, just, just, just dance(Colby Odonis)When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogueCant believe my eyes, so many women without a flawAnd I aint gonna give it up, steady try to pick it up like a carIma hit it, Ima hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr yeah.Show me I can see that you got so much energyThe way your twirlin up them hips round and roundTheres no reason, I know why you cant leave here with meIn the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down and(Gaga)Dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okayDa da daDance, dance, danceJust, just, just, just danceIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my blue burners and phonicIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my brand electronicIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my blue burners and phonicIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my brand electronicGo. Use your muscle comin out work and hustleI got it, just stay close enough to get itGo slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean its been molesto, I got it, and your popped collJust dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okay (Babeee)Da da daDance, dance, danceJust, just, just, just dance




switch游戏just dance解锁兑换码免费解锁隐藏歌曲左下角-个人中心 设置 兑换码02018°"dance"u2022 解锁 Sugar Dance020195"dancepgw” 解锁 Fire On The DanceFloor020205"" 10yearsofdance99解锁Get Busy&-“happy10years” 解锁High Hopes如果只准备购入1款just dance,推荐2020版2021和2022末发现隐藏歌曲每张游戏卡激活后,有1个月免费unlimited育碧权限,免费畅玩500首歌曲30天。

just dance是镜面动作吗

just dance是镜面动作,左对右。



just dance 脱机连不上

just dance 脱机连不上的解决方法如下:使用加速器就可以解决问题。just dance是:自2009育碧海外首款《舞力全开》游戏在Wii上发行,直至今日共售出六千万份主机游戏拷贝,全球拥有超过一亿四千万用户,其仍旧是Kinect、Wii、PS 等体感平台上线的舞蹈游戏中全球第一,而且热度经久而不衰。《舞力全开》开创了一个新的娱乐流派,更是逐渐成为红极一时的文化现象,成为全民都爱的流行文化。它能释放每个人心中的跳舞热情,人们因此欢聚!这款游戏甚至树立了一种:无时无刻都可以跳舞的品牌文化体验。

求Lady gaga歌曲中《just dance》谐音中文或拼音歌词?

这个。。。1、全部翻译需要较长时间2、空格不够3、分太少了。。。但是出于人道主义,我决定友好地提供原文歌词:Lady GaGa - Just Dance I"ve had a little bit too much (much) (oh oh oh oh) All of the people start to rush (start to rush by) How does he twist this dance" can"t find my drink or man Where are my keys" I lost my phone (phone) (oh oh oh oh) What"s go-ing-on on the floor? I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymore Keep it cool" what"s the name of this club? I can"t remember but it"s alright" a-alright Just dance" gonna be okay (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" spin that record babe (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" gonna be okay (duh-duh-duh) Dance" dance" dance" just ju-ju-just dance Wish I could shut my playboy mouth (oh oh oh oh) How"d I turn my shirt inside out? (inside out right) Control your poison babe" roses have thorns they say And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight (oh oh oh oh) What"s go-ing-on on the floor? I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymore Keep it cool" what"s the name of this club? I can"t remember but it"s alright" a-alright Just dance" gonna be okay (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" spin that record babe (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" gonna be okay (duh-duh-duh) Dance" dance" dance" just ju-ju-just dance When I come through on the dance floor checkin" out that catalogue Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw And I ain"t gon" give it up" steady tryna pick it up like the car I"ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeah Shawty I can see that you got so much energy The way you twirlin" up them hips round and round And there is no reason at all why you can"t leave here with me In the meantime stay" let me watch you break it down and Dance" gonna be okay (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" spin that record babe (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" gonna be okay (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" spin that record babe (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" gonna be okay (duh-duh-duh) Dance" dance" dance" just ju-ju-just dance I"m psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonic I"m psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronic I"m psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonic I"m psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronic Go" use your muscle carve it out work and hustle I got it" just stay close enough to get it Go slow" drive it" clean it " lyso" bleed it Spend the last doe(i got it) In your pocko(i got it) Just dance" gonna be okay (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" spin that record babe (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" gonna be okay (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" spin that record babe (da-da-doo-doo) Just dance" gonna be okay (duh-duh-duh) Dance" dance" dance" just ju-ju-just dance

just dance的中英文歌词,谢谢

在网上查找的歌词,发现有很多处是错误的..这里我就在别处编辑过来的,省略了一部分重复的歌词. 大致如下: A red one 红色的人(指Gaga) Colby Gaga(人名就不用翻译了吧?)I"ve had a little bit too much 我喝酒有点喝多了 All of the people start to rush 大家开始变得冲动 Start to rush babe 开始变得冲动 宝贝 How does he twist the dance? 他怎么跳得如何疯狂? Can"t find my drink oh man 我找不到我的酒了 老天 Where are my keys, I lost my phone 我的钥匙和手机被弄丢了 What"s go-ing out on the floor? 舞池上发生什么事了? I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore 我喜欢这个唱片 宝贝 但我已经双眼模糊 Keep it cool what"s the name of this club? 冷静下来 这个俱乐部叫什么名字? I can"t remember but it"s alright, alright 我想不起来了 但这都无所谓 无所谓 Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Da-doo-doo-dooJust dance. Spin that record babe 跳舞就好 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 Wish I could shut my playboy mouth 希望能闭上我那放荡的嘴 How"d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe 我的内衣怎么都暴露在外面了? 暴露在外面了 宝贝 Control your poison babe 控制住你的毒液 宝贝 Roses with thorns they say 人们都说玫瑰有刺 And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight 今晚我们一起疯狂畅饮 When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue 我经过舞池 打量着起舞的人群 Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw 不敢相信 在我眼前竟然有那么多美女 And I ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car 我可不会放过这个机会 我要像买车一样精挑细选 I"ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorr" 我要跟她狂欢玩闹知道明天 Shorty I can see that you got so much in the jean 小妞 看得出来你精力如此旺盛 The way you twirling up them hips round and round 尤其是你多次扭动臂部的样子 There"s no reason, I know why you can"t leave here with me 没有理由 我知道你为什么不离开我 In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down 所以留下来 让我看到你尽情释放自己 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 Go. Use your muscle carve it out work and hustle 来 用一点力气 开始 来跳哈梭 I got it, just stay close enough to get it 我知道 快靠近我们一起跳 Don"t slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean bleed it 不要放慢速度 摆动 关灯 尽情摆动 Spend the last doe(I got it) 用尽你身体里的(我知道) In your poco(I got it) 最后一点力气



Just dance中文歌词

I"ve had a little bit too much 我喝酒有点喝多了 All of the people start to rush 大家开始变得冲动 Start to rush babe 开始变得冲动 宝贝 How does he twist the dance? 他怎么跳得如何疯狂? Can"t find my drink oh man 我找不到我的酒了 老天 Where are my keys, I lost my phone 我的钥匙和手机被弄丢了 What"s go-ing out on the floor? 舞池上发生什么事了? I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore 我喜欢这个唱片 宝贝 但我已经双眼模糊 Keep it cool what"s the name of this club? 冷静下来 这个俱乐部叫什么名字? I can"t remember but it"s alright, alright 我想不起来了 但这都无所谓 无所谓 Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Da-doo-doo-dooJust dance. Spin that record babe 跳舞就好 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 Wish I could shut my playboy mouth 希望能闭上我那放荡的嘴 How"d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe 我的内衣怎么都暴露在外面了? 暴露在外面了 宝贝 Control your poison babe 控制住你的毒液 宝贝 Roses with thorns they say 人们都说玫瑰有刺 And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight 今晚我们一起疯狂畅饮 When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue 我经过舞池 打量着起舞的人群 Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw 不敢相信 在我眼前竟然有那么多美女 And I ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car 我可不会放过这个机会 我要像买车一样精挑细选 I"ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorr" 我要跟她狂欢玩闹知道明天 Shorty I can see that you got so much in the jean 小妞 看得出来你精力如此旺盛 The way you twirling up them hips round and round 尤其是你多次扭动臂部的样子 There"s no reason, I know why you can"t leave here with me 没有理由 我知道你为什么不离开我 In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down 所以留下来 让我看到你尽情释放自己 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 Go. Use your muscle carve it out work and hustle 来 用一点力气 开始 来跳哈梭 I got it, just stay close enough to get it 我知道 快靠近我们一起跳 Don"t slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean bleed it 不要放慢速度 摆动 关灯 尽情摆动 Spend the last doe(I got it) 用尽你身体里的(我知道) In your poco(I got it) 最后一点力气



Just dance歌词

just dancelady gaga ft colby o donisby;akanea red oneconvictgagai"ve had a little bit too muchall of the people start to rush.start to rush babe.how does he twist the dance?can"t find my drink or man.where are my keys, i lost my phone.what"s go-ing out on the floor?i love this record baby, but i can"t see straight anymore.keep it cool what"s the name of this club?i can"t remember but it"s alright, alright.just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhdance. dance. dance. ju-just dance.wish i could shut my playboy mouth.how"d i turn my shirt inside out? inside out babe.control your poison baberoses with thorns they say.and we"re all gettin" hosed tonight.what"s go-ing out on the floor?i love this record baby, but i can"t see straight anymore.keep it cool what"s the name of this club?i can"t remember but it"s alright, alright.just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhdance. dance. dance. ju-just dance.when i come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue.can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw.and i ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the cari"ma hit it, i"ma hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr" yeah.show me i can see that you got so much in the jeanthe way you twirling up them hips round and roundthere"s no reason, i know why you can"t leave here with mein the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down.just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay..da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhdance. dance. dance. ju-just dance.i got my blue burners and phonici"m psychotic synchypnotici got my brand electronici"m psychotic synchypnotici got my blue burners and phonici"m psychotic synchypnotici got my brand electronicgo. use your muscle comin out work and hustlei got it, just stay close enough to get itgo slow. drive it, clean it like so clean it"s been molesto, i got it, and your popped coll"just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhrepeat to the end

just dance终极版区别

《Just Dance舞力全开2022》终极版免费包含13个月的「Just Dance Unlimited」订阅服务。u200eu200e透过Just Dance Unlimited这项「随选跳舞」在线串流服务来游玩《Just Dance舞力全开》的精华。《Just Dance舞力全开2022》豪华版内含4个月的免费“Just Dance Unlimited”。透过“Just Dance Unlimited”这项随选跳舞线上串流服务来游玩《Just Dance舞力全开》的精华。“Just Dance Unlimited”能让你在订阅期间畅玩超过700首歌曲。just dance《Just Dance》是美国流行女歌手Lady Gaga与Colby O"Donis合作的一首流行舞曲,词曲由Lady GaGa和RedOne、Akon共同撰写,音乐由RedOne负责制作完成。该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2008年4月8日通过新视镜唱片公司发布,收录在Lady GaGa于2008年8月19日发行的的首张录音室专辑《The Fame》。创作背景Lady Gaga表示,她在十分钟之内就写完了这首让她感到快乐的歌曲,并表示《Just Dance》给了她生活的希望,因为当时的她正处于纽约这种黑暗的空间里,这令她十分沮丧。然而当她坐飞机去洛杉矶去做属于她自己的音乐后,便得到机会写这首歌,于是这就改变了她的的生活,令她忘掉了自己在纽约的公寓和她的男朋友。同时,Lady Gaga还将《Just Dance》称为自己“心灵的主题曲”。





just dance2021曲目是什么?

育碧在 8 月末的时候宣布,《JUST DANCE 舞力全开2021》将在 11 月 12 日于 Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One 平台发售。为了对游戏进行预热,育碧也推出了游戏的首个预告视频,当中更是公布了首波收录的新歌曲以及新玩法。据 POPPUR 了解,《舞力全开 2021》收录超过 40 首新歌,第一波新增歌曲已经在 8 月公布。如今,育碧也带来了第二波新增曲目。「Blinding Lights」─The Weeknd「Without Me」─Eminem「Till The World Ends」 ─ The Girly Team「The Weekend」─Michael Gray「Samba de Janeiro」 ─ Ultraclub 90「Runaway (U & I) 」─ Galantis「Bailando」 ─ Paradisio Ft. Dj Patrick Samoy「Dibby Dibby Sound」 ─ DJ Fresh & Jay Fay Ft. Ms Dynamite「Boy , You Can Keep It」 ─ Alex Newell扩展资料:第四季「好秀登场」揭开了一个灵感来自音乐剧和百老汇的壮观新世界。而 POPPUR 了解到,「好秀登场」将带来两个新玩啊:「表演派对」(9 月10 日至24 日)和「表演庆典」(10 月15 日至11 月5 日)。这些活动将提供给 Nintendo Switch、Xbox One、PlayStation 4 平台上的所有《Just Dance 舞力全开2020》玩家参与。



just dance中文歌词????详细的解释!!!!

A red one 红色的人(指Gaga) Colby GagaI"ve had a little bit too much 我喝酒有点喝多了 All of the people start to rush 大家开始变得冲动 Start to rush babe 开始变得冲动 宝贝 How does he twist the dance? 他怎么跳得如何疯狂? Can"t find my drink oh man 我找不到我的酒了 老天 Where are my keys, I lost my phone 我的钥匙和手机被弄丢了 What"s go-ing out on the floor? 舞池上发生什么事了? I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore 我喜欢这个唱片 宝贝 但我已经双眼模糊 Keep it cool what"s the name of this club? 冷静下来 这个俱乐部叫什么名字? I can"t remember but it"s alright, alright 我想不起来了 但这都无所谓 无所谓 Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Da-doo-doo-dooJust dance. Spin that record babe 跳舞就好 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 Wish I could shut my playboy mouth 希望能闭上我那放荡的嘴 How"d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe 我的内衣怎么都暴露在外面了? 暴露在外面了 宝贝 Control your poison babe 控制住你的毒液 宝贝 Roses with thorns they say 人们都说玫瑰有刺 And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight 今晚我们一起疯狂畅饮 When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue 我经过舞池 打量着起舞的人群 Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw 不敢相信 在我眼前竟然有那么多美女 And I ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car 我可不会放过这个机会 我要像买车一样精挑细选 I"ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorr" 我要跟她狂欢玩闹知道明天 Shorty I can see that you got so much in the jean 小妞 看得出来你精力如此旺盛 The way you twirling up them hips round and round 尤其是你多次扭动臂部的样子 There"s no reason, I know why you can"t leave here with me 没有理由 我知道你为什么不离开我 In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down 所以留下来 让我看到你尽情释放自己 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 Go. Use your muscle carve it out work and hustle 来 用一点力气 开始 来跳哈梭 I got it, just stay close enough to get it 我知道 快靠近我们一起跳 Don"t slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean bleed it 不要放慢速度 摆动 关灯 尽情摆动 Spend the last doe(I got it) 用尽你身体里的(我知道) In your poco(I got it) 最后一点力气

Lady Gaga的《Just Dance》的中文歌词

A red one 红色的人(指Gaga) Colby GagaI"ve had a little bit too much 我喝酒有点喝多了 All of the people start to rush 大家开始变得冲动 Start to rush babe 开始变得冲动 宝贝 How does he twist the dance? 他怎么跳得如何疯狂? Can"t find my drink oh man 我找不到我的酒了 老天 Where are my keys, I lost my phone 我的钥匙和手机被弄丢了 What"s go-ing out on the floor? 舞池上发生什么事了? I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore 我喜欢这个唱片 宝贝 但我已经双眼模糊 Keep it cool what"s the name of this club? 冷静下来 这个俱乐部叫什么名字? I can"t remember but it"s alright, alright 我想不起来了 但这都无所谓 无所谓 Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Da-doo-doo-dooJust dance. Spin that record babe 跳舞就好 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 Wish I could shut my playboy mouth 希望能闭上我那放荡的嘴 How"d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe 我的内衣怎么都暴露在外面了? 暴露在外面了 宝贝 Control your poison babe 控制住你的毒液 宝贝 Roses with thorns they say 人们都说玫瑰有刺 And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight 今晚我们一起疯狂畅饮 When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue 我经过舞池 打量着起舞的人群 Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw 不敢相信 在我眼前竟然有那么多美女 And I ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car 我可不会放过这个机会 我要像买车一样精挑细选 I"ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorr" 我要跟她狂欢玩闹知道明天 Shorty I can see that you got so much in the jean 小妞 看得出来你精力如此旺盛 The way you twirling up them hips round and round 尤其是你多次扭动臂部的样子 There"s no reason, I know why you can"t leave here with me 没有理由 我知道你为什么不离开我 In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down 所以留下来 让我看到你尽情释放自己 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 Go. Use your muscle carve it out work and hustle 来 用一点力气 开始 来跳哈梭 I got it, just stay close enough to get it 我知道 快靠近我们一起跳 Don"t slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean bleed it 不要放慢速度 摆动 关灯 尽情摆动 Spend the last doe(I got it) 用尽你身体里的(我知道) In your poco(I got it) 最后一点力气

Lady Gaga的《Just Dance》 歌词

歌曲名:Just Dance歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:The Fame MonsterJust DanceLady GaGaA Red OneKonvictGaGaOh-oh, ehI"ve had a little bit too muchAll of the people start to rush (start to rush by)A dizzy twister danceCan"t find my drink or manWhere are my keys? I lost my phoneWhat"s goin" on, on the floor?I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymoreKeep it cool What"s the name of this club?I can"t remember but its alright, a-alrightJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE! Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay D-d-d dance, dance, dance, justJ-J-JUST DANCE!Wish I could shut my playboy mouthHow"d I turn my shirt inside out (inside out right)Control your poison babeRoses have thorns they say,And we"re all getting" hosed tonight!What"s goin" on, on the floor?I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymorekeep it cool What"s the name of this club?I can"t remember but its alright, a-alrightJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayD-d-d dance, dance, dance, just J-J-JUST DANCE!When I come through on the dance floor checkin" out that catalogueCan"t believe my eyes so many women without a flawAnd I ain"t gonna give it up, steady trying to pick it up like a callI"m a hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeahShorty I can see that you got so much energyThe way you twirlin" up them hips round and roundAnd there is no reason that at all why you can"t leave here with meIn the mean time stay let me watch you break it down andJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayD-d-d dance, dance, dance, just J-J-JUST DANCE!I"m easyMusicWoo, let"s go!Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronicGo! Use your muscle car-ve it out work it, hustle!I got it, just stay close enough to get itDon"t slow! drive it clean it lysol bleed itSpend the last doe(I got it)In your pocko! (I got it)JUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Spin that record babeD-d-d dance, dance, dance, just J-J-JUST DANCE!http://music.baidu.com/song/7571376

Lady Gaga的《Just Dance》 歌词

歌曲名:Just Dance歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:Hits 3Just DanceLady GaGaA Red OneKonvictGaGaOh-oh, ehI"ve had a little bit too muchAll of the people start to rush (start to rush by)A dizzy twister danceCan"t find my drink or manWhere are my keys? I lost my phoneWhat"s goin" on, on the floor?I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymoreKeep it cool What"s the name of this club?I can"t remember but its alright, a-alrightJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE! Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay D-d-d dance, dance, dance, justJ-J-JUST DANCE!Wish I could shut my playboy mouthHow"d I turn my shirt inside out (inside out right)Control your poison babeRoses have thorns they say,And we"re all getting" hosed tonight!What"s goin" on, on the floor?I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymorekeep it cool What"s the name of this club?I can"t remember but its alright, a-alrightJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayD-d-d dance, dance, dance, just J-J-JUST DANCE!When I come through on the dance floor checkin" out that catalogueCan"t believe my eyes so many women without a flawAnd I ain"t gonna give it up, steady trying to pick it up like a callI"m a hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeahShorty I can see that you got so much energyThe way you twirlin" up them hips round and roundAnd there is no reason that at all why you can"t leave here with meIn the mean time stay let me watch you break it down andJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayD-d-d dance, dance, dance, just J-J-JUST DANCE!I"m easyMusicWoo, let"s go!Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronicGo! Use your muscle car-ve it out work it, hustle!I got it, just stay close enough to get itDon"t slow! drive it clean it lysol bleed itSpend the last doe(I got it)In your pocko! (I got it)JUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babe Da da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okay Spin that record babeD-d-d dance, dance, dance, just J-J-JUST DANCE!http://music.baidu.com/song/8223896

Lady Gaga的《Just Dance》 歌词

歌曲名:Just Dance歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:I Am PopLady GaGa - Just Dance (Featuring Colby O"Donis)A Red OneKonvictGaGaOh-oh, ehI"ve had a little bit too muchAll of the people start to rush (start to rush by)A dizzy twister danceCan"t find my drink or manWhere are my keys?I lost my phoneWhat"s goin" on, on the floor?I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymoreKeep it cool What"s the name of this club?I can"t remember but its alright, a-alrightJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babeDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayD-d-d dance, dance, dance, justJ-J-JUST DANCE!Wish I could shut my playboy mouthHow"d I turn my shirt inside out (inside out right)Control your poison babeRoses have thorns they say,And we"re all getting" hosed tonight!What"s goin" on, on the floor?I love this record baby but I can"t see straight anymorekeep it cool What"s the name of this club?I can"t remember but its alright, a-alrightJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babeDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayD-d-d dance, dance, dance, justJ-J-JUST DANCE!When I come through on the dance floor checkin" out that catalogueCan"t believe my eyes so many women without a flawAnd I ain"t gonna give it up, steady trying to pick it up like a callI"m a hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeahShorty I can see that you got so much energyThe way you twirlin" up them hips round and roundAnd there is no reason that at all why you can"t leave here with meIn the mean time stay let me watch you break it down andJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babeDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babeDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayD-d-d dance, dance, dance, justJ-J-JUST DANCE!I"m easyMusicWoo, let"s go!Half psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint its symphonicHalf psychotic sick hypnotic got my blueprint electronicGo! Use your muscle car-ve it out work it, hustle!I got it, just stay close enough to get itDon"t slow! drive it clean it lysol bleed itSpend the last doe(I got it)In your pocko! (I got it)JUST DANCE!Gonna be okayDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babeDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okayDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Spin that record babeDa da doo doot-nJUST DANCE!Gonna be okaySpin that record babeD-d-d dance, dance, dance, justJ-J-JUST DANCE!http://music.baidu.com/song/7351796

just dance怎么看卡路里

在Just Dance游戏中,玩家可以通过以下步骤来查看卡路里:1. 跳舞时直接按X键,开启Sweat Mode。2. 屏幕上会显示实时燃卡路里数。希望以上信息能帮到你。

Just Dance是什么意思?




just dance 左手还是右手


just dance2个版本歌词



Ive had a little bit too much, muchAll of the people start to rush, start to rush bycaught in a twisted danceCant find my drink oh man,where are my keys I lost my phoneWhats going on, on the floorI love this record baby but I cant see straight anymoreKeep it cool, whats the name of this clubI cant remember but its alright, I"m alrightJust dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okayDa da daDance, dance, danceJust, just, just, just danceWish I could shut my playboy mouthHowd i turn my shirt inside outControl your poison babeRoses have thorns they sayAnd were all getting hosed tonightWhats going on, on the floorI love this record baby but I cant see straight anymoreKeep it cool, whats the name of this clubI cant remember but its alright, I"m alrightJust dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okayDa Da DaDance Dance DanceJust, just, just, just dance(Colby Odonis)When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogueCant believe my eyes, so many women without a flawAnd I aint gonna give it up, steady try to pick it up like a carIma hit it, Ima hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr yeah.Show me I can see that you got so much energyThe way your twirlin up them hips round and roundTheres no reason, I know why you cant leave here with meIn the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down and(Gaga)Dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okayDa da daDance, dance, danceJust, just, just, just danceIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my blue burners and phonicIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my brand electronicIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my blue burners and phonicIm psychotic synchypnoticI got my brand electronicGo. Use your muscle comin out work and hustleI got it, just stay close enough to get itGo slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean its been molesto, I got it, and your popped collJust dance, its gonna be okay da da doo-doomJust dance, spin that record babe da da doo-doomJust dance, its gonna be okay (Babeee)Da da daDance, dance, danceJust, just, just, just dance



Just Dance 中英对应的歌词

I"ve had a little bit too much 我喝酒有点喝多了 All of the people start to rush 大家开始变得冲动 Start to rush babe 开始变得冲动 宝贝 How does he twist the dance? 他怎么跳得如何疯狂? Can"t find my drink oh man 我找不到我的酒了 老天 Where are my keys, I lost my phone 我的钥匙和手机被弄丢了 What"s go-ing out on the floor? 舞池上发生什么事了? I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore 我喜欢这个唱片 宝贝 但我已经双眼模糊 Keep it cool what"s the name of this club? 冷静下来 这个俱乐部叫什么名字? I can"t remember but it"s alright, alright 我想不起来了 但这都无所谓 无所谓 Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Spin that record babe 跳舞就好 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Gunna be okay 跳舞就好 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 Wish I could shut my playboy mouth 希望能闭上我那放荡的嘴 How"d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe 我的内衣怎么都暴露在外面了? 暴露在外面了 宝贝 Control your poison babe 控制住你的毒液 宝贝 Roses with thorns they say 人们都说玫瑰有刺 And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight 今晚我们一起疯狂畅饮 When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue 我经过舞池 打量着起舞的人群 Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw 不敢相信 在我眼前竟然有那么多美女 And I ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car 我可不会放过这个机会 我要像买车一样精挑细选 I"ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorr" 我要跟她狂欢玩闹知道明天 Shorty I can see that you got so much in the jean 小妞 看得出来你精力如此旺盛 The way you twirling up them hips round and round 尤其是你多次扭动臂部的样子 There"s no reason, I know why you can"t leave here with me 没有理由 我知道你为什么不离开我 In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down 所以留下来 让我看到你尽情释放自己 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint and phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 I got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 Go. Use your muscle carve it out work and hustle 来 用一点力气 开始 来跳哈梭 I got it, just stay close enough to get it 我知道 快靠近我们一起跳 Don"t slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean bleed it 不要放慢速度 摆动 关灯 尽情摆动 Spend the last doe(I got it) 用尽你身体里的(我知道) In your poco(I got it) 最后一点力气

just dance的歌词

a red oneconvictgagai"ve had a little bit too muchall of the people start to rush.start to rush babe.how does he twist the dance?can"t find my drink or man.where are my keys, i lost my phone.what"s go-ing out on the floor?i love this record baby, but i can"t see straight anymore.keep it cool what"s the name of this club?i can"t remember but it"s alright, alright.just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhdance. dance. dance. ju-just dance.wish i could shut my playboy mouth.how"d i turn my shirt inside out? inside out babe.control your poison baberoses with thorns they say.and we"re all gettin" hosed tonight.what"s go-ing out on the floor?i love this record baby, but i can"t see straight anymore.keep it cool what"s the name of this club?i can"t remember but it"s alright, alright.just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhdance. dance. dance. ju-just dance.when i come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue.can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw.and i ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the cari"ma hit it, i"ma hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr" yeah.show me i can see that you got so much in the jeanthe way you twirling up them hips round and roundthere"s no reason, i know why you can"t leave here with mein the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down.just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay..da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhdance. dance. dance. ju-just dance.i got my blue burners and phonici"m psychotic synchypnotici got my brand electronici"m psychotic synchypnotici got my blue burners and phonici"m psychotic synchypnotici got my brand electronicgo. use your muscle comin out work and hustlei got it, just stay close enough to get itgo slow. drive it, clean it like so clean it"s been molesto, i got it, and your popped coll"just dance. gunna be okay.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. spin that record babe.da-doo-doo-doojust dance. gunna be okay.duh-duh-duh-duhrepeat to the end

just dance 的歌词



百度知道手机就能玩,没有Switch也能轻松Just Dance查看全部1个回答枝其3052TA获得超过1091个赞关注成为第44位粉丝疫情期间,几乎全世界的朋友都在玩Just Dance。年初芒果台的某良心综艺里,更是有易烊千玺拿着Switch跳女团舞的名场面。上手容易,轻松嗨爆,Just Dance可以说是宅家玩耍和锻炼的神器。之前我跟大家一样,以为Just Dance跟健身环大冒险一样,必须要有Switch才能玩。但就在前几天!!!我发现,App Store里妥妥可以搜到Just Dance,手机就能当手柄,1秒免费玩Just Dance。以下是攻略——手机+可以投影的设备(iPad、投影仪或者电脑)中国大陆之外的App Store都能搜到1.用大陆之外的Apple ID登录App Store。我自己在HK上学,用的是我港区的账号。(没有的话淘宝可以买到)2.等手机跟iPad上都下好Just Dance Now,在手机上输入显示屏上左上角的房间号进入房间选择歌曲就可以玩了。3.右手握住手机,就可以尽情跳舞啦。1.每天可以免费玩的歌是两首。如果想多跳几首曲子的话可以买会员。2.关于如何买会员,如果你的App Store账号不能直接绑visa或者MasterCard账号,可以某宝买Apple的充值卡。充值成功之后就可以买会员啦。

just dance 2022哪个平台好玩



just dance 脱机连不上的解决方法如下:使用加速器就可以解决问题。just dance是:自2009育碧海外首款《舞力全开》游戏在Wii上发行,直至今日共售出六千万份主机游戏拷贝,全球拥有超过一亿四千万用户,其仍旧是Kinect、Wii、PS 等体感平台上线的舞蹈游戏中全球第一,而且热度经久而不衰。《舞力全开》开创了一个新的娱乐流派,更是逐渐成为红极一时的文化现象,成为全民都爱的流行文化。

lady gaga的Just Dance中文歌词

A red one Convict Gaga I"ve had a little bit too much All of the people start to rush. Start to rush babe. How does he twist the dance? Can"t find my drink or man. Where are my keys, I lost my phone. What"s go-ing out on the floor? I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore. Keep it cool what"s the name of this club? I can"t remember but it"s alright, alright. [Chorus:] Just dance. Gunna be okay. Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Spin that record babe. Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance. Gunna be okay. Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance. Dance. Dance. Ju-just dance. Wish I could shut my playboy mouth. How"d I turn my shirt inside out? Inside out babe. Control your poison babe Roses with thorns they say. And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight. What"s go-ing out on the floor? I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore. Keep it cool what"s the name of this club? I can"t remember but it"s alright, alright. [Chorus] When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue. Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw. And I ain"t gonn" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car I"ma hit it, I"ma hit it and flex until the til done until tomorr" yeah. Show me I can see that you got so much in the jean The way you twirling up them hips round and round There"s no reason, I know why you can"t leave here with me In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down. [Chorus] I"m psychotic synchypnotic I got my blue burners and phonic I"m psychotic synchypnotic I got my brand electronic I"m psychotic synchypnotic I got my blue burners and phonic I"m psychotic synchypnotic I got my brand electronic Go. Use your muscle comin out work and hustle I got it, just stay close enough to get it Go slow. Drive it, clean it like so clean it"s been molesto, I got it, and your popped coll"

just dance中文歌词????详细的解释!!!!

这是Lady Gaga 首张专辑首张主打promo单曲 just dance,这张单曲CD是专辑先行歌曲宣传的US Promo Remix CD,收录许多不同版本的remix,充满节奏感的电子舞池曲风 瞬间让无数人倾倒,顺势登上billboard冠军宝座!之后的第二张单曲poker face更是风光,在除美国外 英国 德国 法国 澳大利亚等13个国家摘顶,瞬间成为世界女王!MV中“闪电眼妆”的造型也瞬间风靡全球,众人争相模仿。A red one Colby Gaga I"ve had a little bit too much(much)(oh oh oh oh) 我喝酒有点喝多了 All of the people start to rush (start to rush by) 大家开始变得冲动(开始变得冲动) How does he twist the dance 他怎么跳得如何疯狂 Can"t find my drink or man 我找不到我的酒了 Where are my keys, I lost my phone (phone)(oh oh oh oh) 我的钥匙和手机被弄丢了 What"s go-ing on on the floor? 舞池上发生什么事了 I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore 我喜欢这个唱片 宝贝 但我已经双眼模糊 Keep it cool, what"s the name of this club 冷静下来 这个俱乐部叫什么名字 I can"t remember but it"s alright, a-alright 我想不起来了 但这都无所谓 无所谓 Just dance, gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance, spin that record babe 只是跳舞 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance,gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance,dance, dance, just ju-ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 Wish I could shut my playboy mouth (oh oh oh oh) 希望能闭上我那放荡的嘴 How"d I turn my shirt inside out (inside out right ) 我的内衣怎么都暴露在外面了 Control your poison babe 控制住你的毒液 宝贝 Roses with thorns they say 人们都说玫瑰有刺 And we"re all gettin" hosed tonight (oh oh oh oh) 今晚我们一起疯狂畅饮 What"s go-ing on on the floor 舞池上发生什么事了 I love this record baby, but I can"t see straight anymore 我喜欢这个唱片 宝贝 但我已经双眼模糊 Keep it cool, what"s the name of this club 冷静下来 这个俱乐部叫什么名字 I can"t remember but it"s alright, a-alright 我想不起来了 但这都无所谓 无所谓 Just dance,gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance., spin that record babe 只是跳舞 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-doo-doo-doo Just dance, gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh-duh Dance, dance,dance, just ju-ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 When I come through on the dance floor checkin out that catalogue 我经过舞池 打量着起舞的人群 Can"t believe my eyes so many women without a flaw 不敢相信 在我眼前竟然有那么多美女 And I ain"t gon" give it up, steady tryna pick it up like the car 我可不会放过这个机会 我要像买车一样精挑细选 I"ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeah 我要跟她狂欢玩闹直到明天 Shawty I can see that you got so much energy 小妞 看得出来你精力如此旺盛 The way you twirling up them hips round and round 尤其是你多次扭动臂部的样子 And there"s no reason, I know why you can"t leave here with me 没有理由 我知道你为什么不离开我 In the meantime stand, let me watch you break it down 所以留下来 让我看到你尽情释放自己 Just dance,gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, spin that record babe 只是跳舞 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, spin that record babe 只是跳舞 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh Dance, dance, dance, just ju-ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 Got my blueprint phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 Got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 Got my blueprint phonic 我有我的蓝图 它是交响乐 I"m psychotic sick hypnotic 我已经精神错乱 陷入癫狂 Got my blueprint electronic 我有我的蓝图 它是电子乐 Go, use your muscle carve it out work and hustle 来 用一点力气 开始 来跳哈梭 I got it, just stay close enough to get it 我知道 快靠近我们一起跳 Don"t slow,drive it, clean it, lyso, bleed it 不要放慢速度 摆动 关灯 尽情摆动 Spend the last doe(I got it) 用尽你身体里的(我知道) In your pocko(I got it) 最后一点力气(我知道) Just dance, gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, spin that record baby 只是跳舞 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, spin that record babe 只是跳舞 继续播放唱片 宝贝 Da-da-doo-doo Just dance, gonna be okay 只是跳舞 什么事都没有 Duh-duh-duh Dance,dance,dance,just ju-ju-just dance 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞 跳舞就好嘿,我也很喜欢这首歌呐。。
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