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  1、电子设计自动化   电子设计自动化(英语:Electronic design automation,缩写:EDA)是指利用计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件,来完成超大规模集成电路(VLSI)芯片的功能设计、综合、验证、物理设计(包括布局、布线、版图、设计规则检查等)等流程的设计方式。   2、EDA技术就是以计算机为工具,设计者在EDA软件平台上,用硬件描述语言VHDL完成设计文件,然后由计算机自动地完成逻辑编译、化简、分割、综合、优化、布局、布线和仿真,直至对于特定目标芯片的适配编译、逻辑映射和编程下载等工作。EDA技术的出现,极大地提高了电路设计的效率和可操作性,减轻了设计者的劳动强度   3、在电子产业中,由于半导体产业的规模日益扩大,EDA 扮演越来越重要的角色。使用这项技术的厂商多是从事半导体器件制造的代工制造商,以及使用 EDA 模拟软件以评估生产情况的设计服务公司。EDA 工具也应用在现场可编程逻辑门阵列的程序设计上。   4、eda的历史发展   在电子设计自动化出现之前,设计人员必须手工完成集成电路的设计、布线等工作,这是因为当时所谓集成电路的复杂程度远不及现在。工业界开始使用几何学方法来制造用于电路光绘(photoplotter)的胶带。到了1970年代中期,开发人应尝试将整个设计过程自动化,而不仅仅满足于自动完成掩膜草图。第一个电路布局、布线工具研发成功。设计自动化研讨会(Design Automation Conference)在这一时期被创立,旨在促进电子设计自动化的发展。


  EDA是电子设计自动化(Electronic Design Automation)的缩写,在20世纪60年代中期从计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制造(CAM)、计算机辅助测试(CAT)和计算机辅助工程(CAE)的概念发展而来的。  EDA技术就是以计算机为工具,设计者在EDA软件平台上,用硬件描述语言VHDL完成设计文件,然后由计算机自动地完成逻辑编译、化简、分割、综合、优化、布局、布线和仿真,直至对于特定目标芯片的适配编译、逻辑映射和编程下载等工作。  EDA技术的出现,极大地提高了电路设计的效率和可操作性,减轻了设计者的劳动强度。


1. shane被三个女人追 第五季第二集 最后一点了2. 霹雳娇娃 第五季第三集片头3. dana疯狂一晚 第一季11集4. 打篮球 第四季第四集5. 姐妹团试探记 第一季第二集.......

___if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?




黑暗的暴君英文是The Dark Tyrant 还是The dark tyrant 。大小写问题。









需要,最好是贴膜。如果书写比较多的话,非常建议贴那种类纸膜,反之就贴钢化膜。类纸膜 类纸膜,顾名思...华为matepadair和ipadair5华为小新pad11英寸的大屏幕分辨率很不错,6+128G用起来速度很快,孩子平时上网课用手机时间长了对眼睛不好,这个平板很护眼睛,不用怕近视眼了,价格也不贵,京东售后有保障,还用了钢化膜,很贴心。外观材质:苹果平...需要,最好是贴膜。如果书写比较多的话,非常建议贴那种类纸膜,反之就贴钢化膜。类纸膜 类纸膜,顾名思...华为matepadair和ipadair5华为小新pad11英寸的大屏幕分辨率很不错,6+128G用起来速度很快,孩子平时上网课用手机时间长了对眼睛不好,这个平板很护眼睛,不用怕近视眼了,价格也不贵,京东售后有保障,还用了钢化膜,很贴心。外观材质:苹果平...《zhhs.org.cn/rebo/ask/07310544188.80iq》《hnwxjd.cn/rebo/ask/07310544335.szgp》《fajiao.org/rebo/ask/07310544632.mnyd》《yaochubing.cn/rebo/ask/07310544081.ygnw》《wzlg.cn/rebo/ask/07310544937.4nwe》《nbwy.top/rebo/ask/07310544234.ybl3》《hnwxjd.cn/rebo/ask/07310544447.egtc》《cbzl.cn/rebo/ask/07310544623.uc1k》《haohaokeji.cn/rebo/ask/07310544786.00ao》《cbzl.cn/rebo/ask/07310544667.m91j》




















题主是否想询问“matepad10.4和ipadair2哪个好 ”?MatePad10.4好。1、华为平板MatePad10.4拥有一块视野开阔的10.4英寸2K全面屏,边框窄至7.9mm,这是极为抢眼的一项优势。2、华为MatePad 10.4采用7nm工艺制程、八核心麒麟820处理器,6加128GB内存组合不必为存储容量担忧,四扬声器加四声道音响,哈曼卡顿3D立体声支持,影音体验出色,支持WiFi6,上网不卡,网速更快,可与华为手机进行多屏协同,轻松分身,高效管理编辑文件和信息,开阔的大屏幕支持多重护眼模式,还支持智慧分屏功能。













































上古卷轴5 MOD放到DATA文件下后,选择载入MOD后什么都没有,怎么办啊?


Skidamarink 歌词 急需啊!

歌名:Skidamarink(爱之歌 )歌词:Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Faster,Skidamarink a dink a dink更快点,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Skidamarink a dink a dink史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,I love you in the morring史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,我爱你在早上And in the afternoon,I love you in the evening在下午,我爱你在晚上And underneath the moon,Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,月亮之下,噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克Skidamarind a doo i love you,Faster faster史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,更快点更快点Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你Skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你I love you in the morring,And in the afternoon我爱你在早上,在下午I love you in the evening,And underneath the moon我爱你在晚上,月亮之下Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,Skidamarind a doo i love you噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你。扩展资料:这首童谣在1978年由组合“Sharon, Lois & Bram”首次收录在他们第一张专辑中,并在电视节目“The Elephant Show”中作为标志性歌曲传唱并风靡北美。这首歌起源于1910年的百老汇,最早的曲名叫做Skiddy-Mer-Rink-A-Doo,后来衍生出很多版本,比如这里的Skidamarink。实际上,Skidamarink没有任何含义,它是作者自己编造的一个词语,唱起来真是朗朗上口呢。


Skidamarink的发音:英语[en]。歌词:Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you。史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,I love you in the morring,我爱你在早上,And in the afternoon在下午,I love you in the evening,我爱你在晚上,And underneath the moon,月亮之下,Oh skidamarink a dink a dink,噢史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you。史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你,Skidamarink a dink a dink,史科达马瑞一个丁克一个丁克,Skidamarind a doo i love you,史科达马瑞一只鸽子我爱你。

为什么比利亚的球衣上写的是David Villa?


David roth的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲Vincent歌手dana winnerStarry, starry nightPaint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer"s dayWith eyes that knowthe darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the treesand the daffodilsCatch the breezeand the winter chillsIn colors on thesnowy linen landNow I understandwhat you tried to say to meHow you sufferedfor your sanityHow you triedto set them freeThey would not listenthey did not know howPerhaps they"ll listen nowStarry, starry nightFlaming flowers thatbrightly blazeSwirlingclouds in violet hazeReflect in Vincent"s eyes of China blueColors changing huemorning field of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre soothed beneath the artist"s loving handNow I understandHow you suffered for your sanity How you triedto set them freeFor they could not love youBut still your love was true And when nohope was left in sightOn that starry, starry nightYou took your lifeas lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meantfor oneAs beautiful as youStarry, starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless head on nameless wallsWith eyes that watchthe world and can"t forgetLike the strangers that you"ve metThe ragged menin the ragged clothesThe silver thorn of bloody roseLie crushed and brokenon the virgin snowNow I think I knowHow you suffered for your sanity How youtried to set them freeThey would not listenthey"re not listening stillPerhaps they never will这首歌是美国民谣歌手Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特183梵高而作歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)旋律流畅得浑如天成词作也是如画般的唯美整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他http://music.baidu.com/song/20774114

Dana Winner的《Vincent》 歌词

歌曲名:Vincent歌手:Dana Winner专辑:UnforgettableVincentDana WinnerUnforgettable TOOStarry, starry night.Paint your palette blue and grey,Look out on a summer"s day,With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.Shadows on the hills,Sketch the trees and the daffodils,Catch the breeze and the winter chills,In colors on the snowy linen land.Now i understand what you tried to say to me,How you suffered for your sanity,How you tried to set them free.They would not listen, they did not know how.Perhaps they"ll listen now.Starry, starry night.Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,Swirling clouds in violet haze,Reflect in vincent"s eyes of china blue.Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,Weathered faces lined in pain,Are soothed beneath the artist"s loving hand.Now i understand what you tried to say to me,How you suffered for your sanity,How you tried to set them free.They would not listen, they did not know how.Perhaps they"ll listen now.For they could not love you,But still your love was true.And when no hope was left in sightOn that starry, starry night,You took your life, as lovers often do.But i could have told you, vincent,This world was never meant for oneAs beautiful as you.Starry, starry night.Portraits hung in empty halls,Frameless head on nameless walls,With eyes that watch the world and can"t forget.Like the strangers that you"ve met,The ragged men in the ragged clothes,The silver thorn of bloody rose,Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.Now i think i know what you tried to say to me,How you suffered for your sanity,How you tried to set them free.They would not listen, they"re not listening still.Perhaps they never will.http://music.baidu.com/song/3457372


seaweed 英[ˈsiːwiːd]美[ˈsiːwiːd]n. 海草; 海藻;[例句]We now know that about one fourth of all the kinds of seaweed are animals.我们现在知道了在各种的海草当中约有四分之一是动物。[其他] 复数:seaweeds

怎样彻底清除 virus.win32.madang.c 病毒



下载卡巴斯基杀毒软件,来杀毒吧,一般 virus.win32.Madang.C病毒很难清除,愿上帝耶稣、佛祖如来 、玉皇大帝、各路神仙保佑您吧 !

Dancing in the velvet moon的歌词


Visa与First Data结合三星Knox安全技术 Galaxy手机变身便利行动收款装置

SoftPOS交易系统原则上是透过手机NFC感应信用卡资讯,因此目前仅支援搭载NFC感应晶片的新式信用卡,另外也能接受以NFC感应完成交易的手机支付方式,未来也会陆续加入支援更多以NFC感应支付的手表、手环等穿戴装置,同时在支付过程也能要求消费者输入PIN码,或是以触控萤幕完成签名,借此确认个人身分。 借由软体定义方式,提供支付与金融应用服务的FirstData,携手Visa、三星打造名为SoftPOS的交易系统,将搭载Knox安全防护技术、NFC感应功能的Galaxy手机变成行动收银装置,让店面能透过多组收款装置消化排队结帐的顾客人潮,甚至可以实现临桌结帐,让消费者在店内结帐可以省去排队麻烦,同时也能加快店内人潮流通。 其实目前将手机当做行动收银装置的应用模式越来越多,包含苹果在内厂商都将手机作为结帐工具,相比传统以分机形式使用的手持收银装置功能、连接装置数量有所限制,借由手机作为结帐工具不仅方便店员随身携带,甚至也能当做店内资讯查询工具,未来也能因应店内销售活动进行客制化服务调整,例如整合QRC扫描付款、获取折扣等应用。 不过,要将一般手机当做行动收银装置,基本上还是需要外挂加密传输配件,借此确保收银过程资讯不会受到外部影响。但在FirstData、Visa与三星的合作中,则可借由Galaxy手机搭载Knox安全防护机制,确保手机能以硬体等级安全加密防护,避免交易资料与交易过程遭受攻击。 SoftPOS交易系统原则上是透过手机NFC感应信用卡资讯,因此目前仅支援搭载NFC感应晶片的新式信用卡,另外也能接受以NFC感应完成交易的手机支付方式,未来也会陆续加入支援更多以NFC感应支付的手表、手环等穿戴装置,同时在支付过程也能要求消费者输入PIN码,或是以触控萤幕完成签名,借此确认个人身分。 至于使用者希望以现金付款的话,SoftPOS交易系统理论上也能接受,但可能就要变成负责收款的店员必须在系统上建立一笔消费记录,并且完成后续开立收据、找零等流程,可能会让整个交易流程变慢,因此导入SoftPOS交易系统的店家,多半应该会倾向以信用卡、行动支付等形式完成交易。 目前SoftPOS预计会在今年底于波兰测试,预计会扩展到更多欧洲市场,以及中东市场应用,接下来也会持续推广至非洲、亚洲地区。 [embedcontent]

u200dWindows update更新变成英文蓝屏,怎么回事


win7 64位 英文版 update 字体 更新失败

说是找到错误代码80070643,windows update遇到未知错误,请大虾们帮忙多多指点,如何解决?在此多谢了。

keep you update 和keep you updated哪个正确

keep you updated正确I will keep you updated.我会及时更新给你I have added a new category for energy management in this blog as I hope to keep you updated on what I find. 在这个博客我加入了一个精力管理的新类别,因为我希望你能随着我的发现不断更新。

求量产工具:芯片厂商: Sunplus(凌阳) 芯片型号: SPCA7550/SPDA2000A


我将会每个月更新一次。用英文怎么说 I will update 还是i will be update

用 I will update.被你更新的东西比如documents,information等等做主语的时候才需要使用被动语态的will be updated



飞机中economy flex和economy standard都是什么意思麻烦解释一下

分别是:经济弹性和经济性标准 还有机票的类别您了解一下。。 普通机票和特别机票以有效期时间的长短又可分为一年、半年、3个月、一个月、十四天有效票等不同种类,除此而外,因航空公司有不同的促销措施,因而会有不同天数的限制,也就是说,航空公司会根据市场情况而产生不同的机票种类,以适应不同的旅客需求和消费能力。 普通一年期机票(NORMAL FARE),主要分头等票(First Class),商务票(BUSINESS CLASS)及经济票Economy Class or Coach)三种,有效期为一年,可换乘其它航空公司的航班,票价较高,但灵活方便,没有太多时间上的限制,适合途中可能改变线路、时间的旅客,购买此种机票,旅客须持有相关有效证件(身份证或军官证、护照、出国证明及目的地的签证等)。特别机票又可分为旅游机票、团体机票、包机机票、学生机票、优惠机票等,价格较为优惠,但限制较多。 1.旅游机票(EXCURSION FARE),其票价一般比普通一年期机票较为低廉,但限制相对来说较多,只能购买来回票,不能购买单程票,可分为中途停站及不停站两种,中途容许停站的票价较贵,持票人一定可在目的地停留一段时间后,在机票规定的有效期内回程,否则机票就会失效,因此,购买此种机票时,应该详细了解有效期,以免机票因过期失效,回程要另行买票,招致损失。 2.团体机票(GROUP FARE/GROUP INCLUSIVE TOUR/GV FARE),由航空公司委托的旅行社作为指定代理,事先向航空公司订下若干数目的机位,作为举办团体旅行之用。按规定这种团体机票不能出售与个别旅游人士,旅客在购买时应该注意其的有效及能否退回程票等情况,因为某些团体票在机票上注明不能退款,如因签证或其他原因延误,引致不能出发或回程,则损失很大,必须小心注意。 3.包机机票(CHARTERED FLIGHT FARE),包机公司或旅行社向航空公司包下整架或部分飞机座位,以供旅客乘搭。这类机票的票价及营运限制,均由包机公司或旅行社自行订购。 4.学生机票,需持有国际学生证ISIC卡或GO25青年证才可购买,票价较为低廉,限制相对来说较为宽松,可享有较高的行李托运公斤数,停留有效期可长达半年、甚至一年之久。 5.优惠机票,是指航空公司淡季不定期推出促销活动的促销票,限制标准因航空公司而异,差别较大。教师机票是指航空公司为响应国家“尊师重教”的方针政策而退出的在特定时期内,旨在为从事教育工作的人士提供的优惠机票。革命残废军人机票,票面价值是成人适用的正常票价的80%,须出具《革命残废军人抚恤证》。 希望能帮到你~~






Stylenanda,是韩国一线网络服装品牌,其独特的造型,完美的搭配,优良的材质,流畅的裁剪,深受着韩国少女们的宠爱。Stylenanda成立于2004年。可谓是众多韩装品牌中独树一帜的韩系品牌。Stylenanda,以“自由风格”著称。服装类型层出不穷,款式多样,适合各种场合各种人们的需求,是现在年轻人张扬个性的最佳选择。 1、模特资料:英文名:SO RA  职业:模特国籍:韩国  身高:166Cm  胸围:75A  上衣:44~55size下衣:25~26  2、模特资料:英文名:J-MIN-HEE  职业:模特国籍:韩国  身高:162Cm  胸围:75A  上衣:55size  下衣:25~26  3、模特资料:英文名:Jun  职业:模特国籍:韩国  身高:167Cm  胸围:75A  上衣:55size  下衣:26主要种类  衣服 服饰 鞋子 配饰/包袋  化妆品:清洁 面部 脸颊 眼部 唇部 甲部 身体护理 工具基本简介  Stylenanda,是专注于女性服饰的专门购物网站,并通过互联网渠道进行生产和销售。其品质卓越的设计理念更引领服饰界。品牌的男装、女装在本土有一定知名度,是网络热销的人气品牌,其知名度已蔓延至中日两国,其品牌名stylenanda含义为有型,stylenanda是以时尚个性的服装设计为主,致力于展现现代人独特个性的品牌。  年轻的型男型女是stylenanda的主要客户,品牌以精致的细节设计,贵族气息的服装风格在韩国及中日闻名热销。stylenanda以其独树一帜、自由个性的品牌形象迅速在韩国服装界占有一席之位,设计风格多样的stylenanda,适合各场合多人群的需求,更是年轻人张扬个性的最佳选择。

renegade dances

《renegade dances》。这个曲子应该叫作《另类舞曲》吧,网上的在线翻译是《叛逆舞》(?),但看来我一向对舞曲没有太大感觉,以至于这首叛逆另类的舞曲对处于叛逆期的我没有产生任何共鸣……然而在紧张之中,会突然觉得,貌似《另类》其实也是个很好听的曲子,十分有气势,毕竟是首叛逆的曲子,而我正处于叛逆期。 大哥你好有才啊

Renegade Five Seven Days歌词

自己帮你听的,98%是对的,打问号的部分没全听对,对照一下I hope you"ll find A little busy in your heartCause you will need it since we went apartsI can sleep but hardCan"t find an endingAs long as you a better than my broken heart (I"ll be survied baby)Cause no one has ever touched me the way that you didI"m deep in my frustrationSeven days and seven nightsThe weakest moment I can takeI"m losing it all I"ll fool without you babySeven days and seven nightsI don"t understand how to make it mineI"ll be constanly away of you for seven daysSeven nightsI have hoping my heart at some kind of days (Forgot to ? back)I ask the days go by I"m losing my faith (I"m going down now)The eye is beacuse the thing I said that make you leave (Do you made the ?)The wasted of life is what I have foundI"m deep in my frustrationSeven days and seven nightsthe weakest moment I can takeI"m losing it all I"ll fool without you babySeven days and seven nightsI don"t understand how to make it mineI"ll be constantly away of you for seven daysSeven nightsKeep on waiting for the answerSven if I know the truthes deep inside my heartSeven days and seven nightsThe weakest moment I can takeI"m losing it all I"ll fool without you babySeven days and seven nightsI don"t understand how to make it mineI"ll be constantly away of you for seven daysseven nights



Daughtry的《Renegade》 歌词

歌曲名:Renegade歌手:Daughtry专辑:Break The SpellRenegadedaughtryDon"t you want to feel like a rebelA Renegade on the runA Real live wire in the cross fire ridin" shotgunNot talking "bout a deal with the devilI said nothing about sellin" your soulBut call it what you willIf you start to feel out of controlHERE WE GO!Can you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!Don"t you want to feel like a rebelRenegade on the runReal live wire in the cross fire ridin" shotgunOne-hundred miles an hour with the top rolled downRacin" the wind breakin" out this townTryin" to get lost but don"t want to be found, yeahHERE WE GO!HERE WE GO!Can you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!Gonna ride tonight,Ride tonight yeah...Gonna ride tonight (gonna ride tonight),Gonna ride tonight (gonna ride tonight).Gonna ride tonight,HEY! Gonna ride tonightCan you hear the sound of the turnin" wheelsBurnin" the road like it"s never been doneI"m breakin" out of this town like a renegadeSo baby get ready to runDon"t have any time here left to killDon"t want to go down like the settin" sunSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!Don"t want to go downSo let"s break out of this town like a renegadeCan"t wait another minuteI"m right here ready to run!!http://music.baidu.com/song/12486101


1.darling 亲爱的;宝贝darling 的中文意思是指「达令」,算是对自己的爱人相当亲密的称呼,一般你不会用这个词来称呼你的朋友,只会用这个词来称呼跟你交往的对象,或是另一半。例:Oh darling, I love you. 哦,亲爱的,我真的爱你。例:My darling! 我的亲爱的2. dear 「亲爱的」英文dear 用来表达亲爱的,dear很常见于书信的开头。例:She was a very dear friend. 她是一位非常亲密的朋友。例:Would you like a drink, dear? 亲爱的,你想喝一杯吗?3. sweetheart 甜心、宝贝sweetheart 是指甜心、宝贝,通常用来称呼自己喜爱的人,或是儿童、恋人等等。例:Oh sweetheart, I love you. 哦,亲爱的,我爱你。4. honey 哈尼、亲爱的honey 中文意思同样是亲爱的,也是对另一半的称呼。例:Hi, honey, I"m home! 嗨,亲爱的,我回来了!5. sweetie 亲爱的sweetie的中文意思也是亲爱的。例: It"s time for bed, sweetie. 该睡觉了,亲爱的。英文 亲爱的, 亲爱的 英文, 亲爱的 英文例句, 亲爱的 英文怎么说, 亲爱的 英文说法

英语翻译 愚人节快乐是“happy Fools’day”还是“happy Fool’s day

愚人节快乐 网络释义 愚人节快乐:Happy April Fools" Day

作文 My holiday 5句

范文一:In my holiday,I would like to go Australia.It"s a very good place to visit.And it"s very beautiful place. Australia is big country.It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers.It has a population of over 10 million.It is one of the famous Oceanian country.The country is famous for its wool production and seashore tour and many other things.Many people spend their holiday there.Australia is on the south coast of the Pacific.So Beijing is far from Australia .It would take more than 10 hours to get there. First,I would go to The Opera House.It is in the Sydney.It is very famous in the world.It is known by many people in the world.So I would go to The Opera House. I would go to see the Kandaroos too.They live in the Australia.And they are very famous.And there are lots of others animals too.They all are known by many people. I am looking forward to going to Australia. 范文二:I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you?Can you tell me somthing about it? 范文三: My name is WinnyKang.I went to Yunnan last winter holiday.There are very fun! First,I went to Stoye Forest.There are many stores.The stores are beautiful,then I went to Tianyahaijiao with my parents,there"re very very hot!The sun shine us,the sea and the sky were blue,there are hot,but there are very beautiful,too. The people are kind,they are teach us dances,we are play at there happy! 范文四: Oh!It was winter holiday.I was very happy.I read my favourite books.I have many wonderful books.But I could not read these books too much.I also had a lot of homework to do.I like playing computer games,too.It"s very interesting.But I could not play it too much.I wear glasses,I"m very sad.It"s not good for my eyes to play computer games too much. Oh!It was the Spring Festival.It"s Chinese traditional festival.People were very happy.They went shopping,cleaned their houses,had supper together……I went to my grandparents" home with my parents.My grandparents were very happy to see us.They prepared many kinds of nice food,such as fish,meat,vegetables and fruit.In the evening,we watched TV and lighted fireworks.We also knocked on people"s doors and gave some presents to them.After the Spring Festival,we went to Shanghai to go shopping.We bought clothes,shoes and some delicious food. I had a good holiday,I think.I also have very nice school life now.

说出以下xbox360软件的功用: FreeStyleDash Dash Launch dashlaunch NXE2GOD mexmenu

1,FSD替代官方游戏界面的程序,功能比较多,文件管理,更新游戏封面 下载游戏TU更新文件,联机对战。2,可以给FSD引导开机直接启动FSD,可设置自动换盘,禁止连接LIVE 设置解锁游戏DLC 解锁XBLA。3,同上4,XEXMENU 主要功能就是传输游戏文件



 Many people believe the glare(炫目的光)from snow causes snowblindness. Yet, with dark glasses

 小题1:B小题2:C小题3:D 小题1:第一段提到戴不戴眼镜都会产生“雪盲”的症状,如头疼,流泪甚至雪盲。小题2: 第二段结尾部分说此时泪水流出来充满眼眶,眼睛看不清,导致雪盲。小题3:第三段提到的侦察兵的做法告诉我们,雪盲的产生是因为在雪地里眼睛找不到具体目标,由于寻找不到看的物体才产生雪盲。人们就将灌木上的雪去掉,扔一些深色物体,其目的是D。


TDA1517、TDA1517P是飞利浦公司生产的B类双声道音频功率放大集成电路,广泛应用于家用音响、电视音响、汽车音响、多媒体音响及计算机音响中(原文)· Requires very few external components· High output power· Fixed gain· Good ripple rejection· Mute/standby switch· AC and DC short-circuit safe to ground and VP· Thermally protected· Reverse polarity safe· Capability to handle high energy on outputs (VP =0V)· No switch-on/switch-off plop· Electrostatic discharge protection.注:YG1517P是友冠微采用荷兰原装进口芯片,并由指定封装厂封装的一款可完美替代TDA1517P的音频功率放大器.





tomcat reloadable 问题.

1.可以在test/META-INF目录下面放置一个context.xml文件,内容如下:<Context reloadable="true"/>2.也可以在conf/Catalina/localhost目录下放置一个test.xml文件,内容如下:<Context reloadable="true"/>3.如果想让localhost下的所有web应用都自动reload,那么可以在conf/Catalina/localhost目录下放置一个context.xml.default文件,内容如下:<Context reloadable="true"/>4.如果希望tomcat下的所有web应用都自动reload,还有一种方法。方法如下:随便修改一下test/WEB-INF/web.xml文件,比如加个空行,然后保存,这样tomcat会自动监测到web.xml被修改了,然后就重新加载test应用。这个自动监测的配置属于tomcat的默认配置,配置信息如下:conf/context.xml文件中<WatchedResource>WEB-INF/web.xml</WatchedResource>这个文件中的配置适用于所有的web应用,不过这种方法有些局限性,就是WatchedResource中只能指定一个具体的文件,不支持WEB-INF/*等模式匹配,所以无法做到监测整个web应用。5.还可以修改server.xml文件,在<host>下面配置<Context>信息:<Context path="/test" docBase="test" reloadable="true"/>不过这种方法不建议使用,因为修改server.xml文件需要重启tomcat,而且不便于管理,因为server.xml里面的配置信息比较重要,所以最好把web应用自身的配置信息放在单独的文件中管理比较好。


ni记错歌词了吧,是love game i can see you staring there吧,这首歌是lidygaga 的,歌名叫 love game

求darkness my sorrow 的罗马音谢谢各位了,最好断一下句子,非常感谢QAQ

Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Hontō gaki no koro kara itsumo arigatō na.Korekara mata, yoroshiku na.AH sukoshi inaka de umarete.Sō, muchu na asobi mo shitakedo.Kudaranai koto ga yokatta.OH Genjitsu wa kurushii yume bakari oenai.Hayaku otona ni narou to shita.Oya ni datte sukoshi wa raku o sa setakatta.Tsuyoku narou to tsuyogatte itanda…‘Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Mushakusha shite kizutsuketa go demo mata sugu ni yurushi au.Donna tsurai toki mo kimi ga waraukara waraeta.OH-OOHTōmawari shita-bun dake wakari aeru jikan mo attakara.Bokura wa machigatte inai ima wa sō omou.‘Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru‘Ashita mata." Sorezore no michi o aruite mo hanarenai my friend.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Arinomama ikite yuku tsuyosa to ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru.Ushinatcha ikenai mono ga koko ni aru~

extern volatile unsigned char idata 这算是什么定义?

extern volatile是用来进行线程间变量引用的定义。这个和const、static是平行的或者说同类的(功能不同)是一个类型修饰符unsigned char无符号字符变量idata 变量名。
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