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"Today"表示“今天”,是一个独立的单词,而"today"s"表示“今天的”,其中"s是指所有格后缀,通常用于描述某个事物的归属或所属时期。"Today"是指整个当天,例如:- Today is Monday.(今天是星期一。)- I am going to the mall today.(我今天要去购物中心。)而"today"s"是指某个当天的特定时间或事件,例如:- Today"s lunch special is a sandwich and a salad.(今天的午餐特价是三明治和沙拉。)- I finished today"s work early, so I can go home now.(我今天的工作做完了,所以现在可以回家了。)总的来说,"today"是表示时间,可以单独使用,而"today"s"则是表示事物的所有权或描述特定的时间点或事件,通常要根据具体的语境来使用。


today的音标——|tu0259"dei|today是一个英语单词,意思为今天。【名词】1.今天。2.现在,当今。1.the present time or agethe world of today ; today we have computers2.the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow)Did you see today"s newspaper?adv.【副词】今天。1.in these timestoday almost every home has television同义词:nowadays/now2.on this day as distinct from yesterday or tomorrowI can"t meet with you today


today翻译:n.今天;今日;现在;当今;当代;adv.现在;当今;在今天;在今日;当代;例句:1.I haven"t been able to get much work done today.我今天未能干多少工作。2.Today we learnt how to use the new software. 今天我们学习了怎样使用这个新软件。3.Young people today face a very difficult future at work. 如今的年轻人面临着充满困难的工作前景。4.The industry today is nothing to what it once was. 这一行业的现状与昔日的盛况相比微不足道。5.I have a number of things to do today. 我今天有许多事情要做。6.The review is in today"s paper. 这篇评论刊登在今天的报纸上。7.Did you see her piece about the Internet in the paper today? 你看了今天报纸上她写的关于互联网的文章没有?8.Many young people today are too heavy. 现今许多青年人都过于肥胖。9.I just can"t face work today. 我今天就是没法工作。10.The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today. 底线是,我们今天必须作出决定。英英释义:1.the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow)Today is beautiful 2.the present time or agethe world of today




|tu0259"dei|today是一个英语单词,意思为今天。n.【名词】1.今天。2.现在,当今。1.the present time or agethe world of today ; today we have computers2.the day that includes the present moment (as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow)Did you see today"s newspaper?adv.【副词】1.今天。today[tu0259"dei]1.in these timestoday almost every home has television同义词:nowadays/now2.on this day as distinct from yesterday or tomorrowI can"t meet with you today

today什么意思 英语today什么意思

1、today,英语单词,副词、名词,作副词时译为“今天,今日,现今,当代 ”;作名词时译为“今天,今日,现今,当代,(印度、美国、俄罗斯)托迪(人名)”。2、例句:I have nothing to do today.我今天没什么要做的。


today[英][tu0259"deu026a][美][tu0259u02c8de]adv.(在)今天; 现在; 现今; 现代,当代; n.今天,今日; 现代,当代; 现今; 例句:1.Today he employs 1300 people. 现在他雇佣着1300人。2.Political developments lag today"s reality. 政治发展落后于当今现实。3.So it is with today"s election. 现今的大选充斥着这些问题。4.The new regime begins today. 新禁令今日开始生效。5.You look very sick today. 你今天看起来不大舒服。


意思为今天的穿搭。是一种网络流行语,出现于ins上,是英文“Outfit of the Day”的缩写。多出现于ins,是英文「Outfit of the Day」的缩写,意思为今天的穿搭,是人们发自拍中常用的一个流行语,让别人多关注今日的穿戴。作为一种网络流行语出现于ins上,让别人关注穿搭。随着社交网站的增多,很多人都会在上面分享自己的用心穿搭照片,可以用一些名词的缩写,让用户可以更容易搜索到照片。扩展资料网上有很多类似的流行语,网络语言是指产生并运用于网络的语言。网络语言从网络中产生或应用于网络交流的一种语言,包括中英文字母、标点、符号、拼音、图标(图片)和文字等多种组合。这种组合,往往在特定的网络媒介传播中表达特殊的意义。流行语互联网的语言是互联网文化的一部分,这些鲜活的语言文字不仅传播于互联网世界,还深深影响着流行文化的趋势。


Today 作主语和宾语时是名词。如:Today is Sunday.today 作状语时是副词,如:I am very happy today.望采纳

What day is it today?和What day is today?的意思有什么不同?



  today有今天;当今等意思,那么你知道today的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    today的用法大全:   today的用法1:today用作不可数名词时,意思是“今天”,只指白天,不指黑夜。一般用作主语,用作定语时多用其所有格。today还可作“现在,当代”解。   today的用法2:today等于on this day,故其前不可再加介词on。   today的用法3:today用作副词时,表示“在今天,在今日”,只指白天,不指晚上,没有比较级和最高级。today还可表示“现今,在当代”。   today的用法4:today用在间接引语中,应改为that day。   today的用法5:today next week〔month,year〕表示“一周,一月或一年后的今天”。    today的常用短语:   用作名词 (n.)   here today and gone tomorrow   (指人)飘浮不定; 短暂 ephemeral〔present〕 for only a short time   It"s difficult to find a window cleaner who will call regularly—they all seem to be here today and gone tomorrow. 要找一个能定期上门来擦窗户的人很难——他们似乎都是些行踪不定的人。   today的用法例句:   1. As a group, today"s old people are still relatively deprived.   总的来说,当今的老年人依然相对贫困。   2. There has been a busy start to polling in today"s local elections.   今天地方选举的投票一开始就人头攒动。   3. Today I might hesitate to turn in a burglar.   现在让我把入室窃贼送交警方,我可能会有所顾虑。   4. Return the enclosed Donation Form today in the prepaid envelope provided.   请于今日将随函附上的捐款表格用所提供的邮资预付的信封寄回。   5. Today"s Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.   今天的安理会决议对于美国外交而言是一次重大的成功。   6. Today was really a bit of a write-off for me.   今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。   7. The French government today called for an end to the violence.   如今法国政府呼吁结束暴力行为。   8. Today he is formally announcing his candidacy for President.   今天他将正式宣布参加总统竞选。   9. Meetings held today produced little in the way of an agreement.   今天举行的会议基本没有达成什么协议。   10. A bomb planted in a garbage can exploded early today.   今天早些时候,安放在垃圾箱里的一枚炸弹爆炸了。   11. Today"s organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern.   现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业.   12. A convoy of United Nations trucks rolled into Sarajevo today.   今天一支联合国卡车车队开进了萨拉热窝。   13. The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.   英国工党的年度会议今天在布赖顿闭幕。   14. The government have not been able to turn today"sdemonstration to their advantage.   政府未能把今天的游行示威转为己用。   15. The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.   现在的生活水平几乎快要无法维持生计。


意思为今天的穿搭。是一种网络流行语,出现于ins上,是英文“Outfit of the Day”的缩写。多出现于ins,是英文「Outfit of the Day」的缩写,意思为今天的穿搭,是人们发自拍中常用的一个流行语,让别人多关注今日的穿戴。作为一种网络流行语出现于ins上,让别人关注穿搭。随着社交网站的增多,很多人都会在上面分享自己的用心穿搭照片,可以用一些名词的缩写,让用户可以更容易搜索到照片。扩展资料网上有很多类似的流行语,网络语言是指产生并运用于网络的语言。网络语言从网络中产生或应用于网络交流的一种语言,包括中英文字母、标点、符号、拼音、图标(图片)和文字等多种组合。这种组合,往往在特定的网络媒介传播中表达特殊的意义。流行语互联网的语言是互联网文化的一部分,这些鲜活的语言文字不仅传播于互联网世界,还深深影响着流行文化的趋势。


today 英[tu0259u02c8deu026a] 美[tu0259u02c8deu026a]n. 今天; 今日; 现在; 当今; 当代; adv. 现在; 当今; 在今天; 在今日; 当代; eg:(1)I have nothing to do today.我今天没什么要做的。 在这个句子中,today是副词(2)Mail Today今天邮报 在这个短语中,today是名词today有两个词性一个是名词词性,另一个是副词词性,并没有动词词性。

派对种类 英文说 例brithday party 越多越好,谢谢

BBQ Party 烤肉聚会at-home party 家庭宴会tea party 茶会dinner party 晚餐会garden party 游园会dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会reading party 读书会fishing party 钓鱼会sketching party 观剧会birthday party 生日宴会Christmas party 圣诞晚会luncheon party 午餐会fancy ball 化妆舞会commemorative party 纪念宴会wedding dinner, a wedding reception结婚宴会banquet 酒宴pajama party 睡衣派对buffet party 立食宴会cocktail party 鸡尾酒会welcome meeting 欢迎会farewell party 惜别会


today英 [tu0259u02c8deu026a] 美 [tu0259u02c8deu026a] adv. 今天,今日;现今,在当代n. 今天,今日;现在,当代【名】 (Today)(印度、美、俄)托迪(人名)双语例句:I"m revising Geography today. 我今天复习地理。It"s flipping cold today! 今天冷得要命!She"s much better today. 她今天好多了。




如果是做状语,不用介词如 What day is it today?今天星期几? Homework for today.今天的作业。


读音:ai pài de,是苹果发布的平板电脑,现在已有:iPad 1,iPad 2,iPad 3,iPad 4,iPad air,iPad air 2,iPad mini,iPad mini 2,iPad mini 3,iPad mini 4 iPad是由苹果公司于2010年开始发布的平板电脑系列,定位介于苹果的智能手机iPhone和笔记本电脑产品之间,(屏幕中有4个虚拟程序固定栏)与iPhone布局一样,提供浏览网站、收发电子邮件、观看电子书、播放音频或视频、玩游戏等功能。


阿迪达斯(adidas)是德国运动用品制造商,阿迪达斯AG的成员公司。以其创办人阿道夫·达斯勒(Adolf Adi Dassler)命名,在1920年于接近纽伦堡的黑措根奥拉赫开始生产鞋类产品。1949年8月18日以adidas AG名字登记。阿迪达斯原本由两兄弟共同开设,在分道扬镳后,阿道夫的哥哥鲁道夫·达斯勒(Rudolf Dassler)开设了运动品牌PUMA。

求写一篇关于你家的daily routine 要用到时间介词。可以参考一下图片60词即可。

Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人 New words and expression 生词和短语 lovable adj. 可爱的 lovable=worthy of love 惹人爱的 lovely=beautiful 可爱的 What he does is lovable. 他的所作所为很惹人爱。 I like the lovely boy/girl. 我喜欢这个可爱的孩子。 A large number of eccentrics are lovable. 许多怪人惹人喜爱。 eccentric n. (行为)古怪人: eccentric n. =a person whose behavior is peculiar ,unusual,rather strange.; adj: peculiar,unusual,strange strange 因为陌生而奇怪 The modern building looks strange to the villagers. eccentric a.行为举止古怪 I can"t get on well with him, because he is eccentric. odd 强调指出因为少见而多怪 Look, he is wearing an odd hat. peculiar 奇异的,不同寻常的 The house is peculiar. I feel peculiar today.=I feel uncomfortable/ill.=I"m not myself today. eccentricity n.怪癖 disregard v. 不顾,漠视 disregard v.=ignore ,pay no attention to Disregard noise and keep working. disregard n. have a disregard of/for He has complete disregard of/for my feelings.他对我的感情漠然不顾。 in disregard of 不顾,忽视,漠视 He did the work in disregard of my instructions.他不顾我的指示而继续做这项工作。 treat sb. with disregard 怠慢某人 Anyway, don"t treat your friends with disregard.无论如何不能怠慢自己的朋友。 convention n. 习俗,风俗 convention n.: generally accepted practice 被普遍接受的行为准则、常规、惯例,可受时间影响 Shaking hands when meeting people is normal convention in China. custom 历史悠久的社会习俗,不受时间影响 It is a custom of giving presents at Christmas. He always does exactly what he wants and does not care about convention. practice 某团体的传统做法或令他人无法接受的习俗 The normal practice in the company is to send bill as soon as the job is done.这个公司的通常做 法是工作一做完就记帐单。 a normally accepted practice 普遍接受的做法 见 23 课 tradition 传统,比 custom 有更悠久的历史 Spending Christmas day is a tradition for western people. habit 个人习惯 I have a habit of reading aloud in the morning. Conscious adj. 感觉到的,意识到的 conscious a.感觉到的=aware be conscious of/that=be aware of/that He is quite unaware of the danger.他丝毫没有意识到这个危险。 He is not conscious of the danger. class conscious 有阶级意识的 family conscious 有家庭观念的 clothes conscious 注重衣着的 stairs conscious 注重地位的 aware ;conscious 的反义词直接加 un-----unaware unconscious subconscious 下意识的 consciousness n.意识、知觉、个人思想 routine n.常规,惯例 routine=the regular fixed way of sth./doing things follow the routine 墨守成规 break the routine 打破常规 start the daily routine 开始每天的日常生活 shrewd adj.精明的,狡猾的,敏锐的,机灵的 shrewd=showing good practical judgement He is a shrewd observer. We have got shrewd common sense. Sb. is shrewd. = He has good judgement. shrewd brained 头脑机灵的 shrewd headed 头脑机灵的 shrewd looking 看起来机灵的 shrewd a.精明的 cunning :clever at deceiving 善于欺骗的 sly 用更隐秘的办法来达到目的 强于 cunning a sly old fox 非常狡猾的老狐狸 intensely adj.强烈地 intense adj.=very strong ;violent; extreme ;sharp ; central intense cold 严寒 intense heat 酷暑 intense discussion 激烈的讨论 intensify vt.使u201eu201e增强 You must intensify your sense of responsibility.你必须加强责任感。


dad this is my jones

《happy birthday》阿信 简介


tsukada shiori是谁

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Dave Pike的《Aphrodite》 歌词

歌曲名:Aphrodite歌手:Dave Pike专辑:Present Latin Verve SoundsAphroditekylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神Can you feel me in stereo (x 4)Oh Oh...This song lets you ingonna get back down and up againI got you on my sideit"s just a roller-ride.It"s the truth, it"s a factI was gone, now I"m back ..yeah!Can you feel me in stereo (x2)I got soul, you can checkin my heart, in my headi got spirit, you can feel itdid you think I wasn"t real?I"m going back and forth and forth and backohohCan you feel me in stereo (x2)Oh oh..I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,don"t mess with me, you"re the one to fight butAlright! alright!Here"s what I do,when I know what I can do,I let you in, into my world.With mouth to mouthand kiss to kissCan you feel me in stereo (x2)You sure you can take me in?cause this is where the fun beginsI"m gonna feel your heart stopin my hands..I"m going back and forth and forth and backohohCan you feel me in stereo (x2)Oh oh..I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,don"t mess with me, you"re the one to fight butAlright! alright!You know that I"m magicalI am the originalI am the only oneto make you feel this way.The moment that you kiss meyou know that you"ll miss meI am the only oneCan you feel me in stereo (x4)Oh oh..I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!You know that I"m magicalI am the originalI am the only oneto make you feel this way.The moment that you kiss meyou know that you"ll miss meI am the only onekylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神http://music.baidu.com/song/8347665

Dave Pike的《Aphrodite》 歌词

歌曲名:Aphrodite歌手:Dave Pike专辑:Manhattan LatinAphroditekylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神Can you feel me in stereo (x 4)Oh Oh...This song lets you ingonna get back down and up againI got you on my sideit"s just a roller-ride.It"s the truth, it"s a factI was gone, now I"m back ..yeah!Can you feel me in stereo (x2)I got soul, you can checkin my heart, in my headi got spirit, you can feel itdid you think I wasn"t real?I"m going back and forth and forth and backohohCan you feel me in stereo (x2)Oh oh..I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,don"t mess with me, you"re the one to fight butAlright! alright!Here"s what I do,when I know what I can do,I let you in, into my world.With mouth to mouthand kiss to kissCan you feel me in stereo (x2)You sure you can take me in?cause this is where the fun beginsI"m gonna feel your heart stopin my hands..I"m going back and forth and forth and backohohCan you feel me in stereo (x2)Oh oh..I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,don"t mess with me, you"re the one to fight butAlright! alright!You know that I"m magicalI am the originalI am the only oneto make you feel this way.The moment that you kiss meyou know that you"ll miss meI am the only oneCan you feel me in stereo (x4)Oh oh..I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!I"m fierce and I"m feeling mighty,I"m a golden girl, I"m an AphroditeAlright.. alright! Yeah!You know that I"m magicalI am the originalI am the only oneto make you feel this way.The moment that you kiss meyou know that you"ll miss meI am the only onekylie Minogue 凯莉米诺2010全新大碟 Aphrodite-爱神http://music.baidu.com/song/8552510

用avast时,它把这个东东UledaVideostudio.EXE 放到隔离区 我想问下这个是什么?是病毒吗?




英语中:Monday,July 15th 应当怎么读?大神们帮帮忙

写法可以采用基数词和序数词两种形式。例如: March 1也可以写成March 1st;May 29也可以写成May 29th。 但是,日期的读法只能用序数词的形式。例如: July 15(July 15th)读作July(the)fifteenth the可以省略



英语新梦想day six 补全对话《参观北海公园》答案

我们两家是邻居,所以我和她从小就是好朋友。志同道合,无话不谈。  我们都有一个共同的爱好,那就是唱歌。我们从小学一直读到初三,由于学习成绩不理想,我被迫蹲级了,只留下了孤单的她在三年级。就这样,我们在一起的时间变少了,说话的时间变少了,一切都在变,可我们的梦想不会改变。我们约定共同考上大学,然后出国,尽我们最大的努力,把我们喜欢唱歌的情感表达出来。  日子一天、一天的过去,直到有一天,她突然间像变了一个人似的出现在我面前。我正在班级上课,她来找我。我看到她在哭,看到了她看我时眼神里的无助。我没有等,立刻向老师请假,出去找她。我们走出教学楼后,她抱着我哭了好一阵,我没有说什么,只是比她更用力的去抱紧她,然后出于心疼,我默默的掉下了眼泪。很长时间后,她开口说:“你说我们的梦想会实现吧?”我说:“会的,一定会的。”她笑了。我虽然不知道她为什么哭,但是我不会去问,因为那能让她哭的原因,对她来说一定是一道伤口。每次她都会主动的和我说,然而这次,却例外了……她又接着说:“如果有一天我不在了,我不在你身边了,请你一定要完成我们的梦想,连同我那份一起努力,好吗?”我看到她的眼睛里,充满着乞求,我虽然不明白她为什么会这么说,但我还是答应了。  那天,我听她的同学说,她在上课的时候晕倒了,现在正在医院。我去了医院,看到躺在病床上的她,是那么的无助。从医生口中,我知道了她的病情,我也明白了那天她为什么会说。我走到病床前,看到她由于生病而发白的脸,我的心很痛,但我忍住不哭。她用微弱的声音说:“能不能,35能不能再陪我唱一首歌?”我说:“当然啊!”我们不约而同的唱起了我们最喜欢唱的一首歌。渐渐的,她的声音越来越弱……最后病房中只剩下了我哽咽歌声和她父母的哭泣声。我的眼泪流了下来,我把歌唱完了……  我小心翼翼的守护着我们的梦想。从那以后,我更加努力的学习了,只为了实现那梦想,连同她那份……

June 20th, Saturday Cloudy怎么读?

Junetwentieth 的读音:英 [d_u:n] [_twenti_θ] 、美 [d_u:n] n. [_twenti_θ]_aturday 读音 [英]["s_t_di] [美]["s_t_dei] n_loudy有两种读法,分别是:英 [_kla_di] 美 [_kla_di]

an up-to-date news 冠词对么

不对吧,news是不可数名词,一般冠词用a piece of

谁来告诉我 拳皇十周年里的dat文件应该重命名成什么名字 我下载了一个代码 可是放在cheats里不能用


Das Spiel这首歌歌词的意思

Das du nicht mehr bist, was du einmal warst,你不再像你/曾经的那样,seit du dich für mich ausgezogen hast.自从你因我而离开。Das du alles schmei?t wegen einer nacht 你将一切抛弃/因为那一个夜晚und alles verlierst, war so nicht gedacht.一切都失去/以前从未想到竟然会这样。Du willst mich für dich und du willst mich ganz,你需要我/你需要完全的我,doch auf dem Niveau macht"s mir keinen Spa?. 然而这使我郁郁寡欢。Das füllt mich nicht aus, ich fühl mich wie zu Haus,我无法使自己满足于/回家的感觉nur zwischen den Stühln.仅仅是穿行于椅子之间。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Das du wegen mir irgendwen verl?sst,你因为我离开了所有人,das du manchmal weinst, weil es dich verletzt. 你有时会流泪/因为你被伤害。Das es immer mal jemand anderes gibt,总会有另一些人,der sich eben da in mein leben schiebt.为我的生活带来平静。Das du dich verliebst, weil du′s mit mir tust.你陷入爱里/因为你和我一起演戏。Das es dich so trifft, hab ich nicht gewusst.这让你受伤/而我并不知道。Es war nicht geplant, das du dich jetzt fühlst,这完全是意外之外/你会有现在的感觉,wie einer von vieln.如同众人之一。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Das du nicht mehr schl?fst, weil es dich erregt,你不能入睡/因为你很激动,wenn ich mich beweg, wie ich mich beweg.如果我让步/像这样让步。Das du fast verbrennst, unter meiner Hand,你几乎在我的手掌下燃烧wenn ich dich berühr, hab ich nicht geahnt.如果我触碰你/这我毫不怀疑Ich steh nur so da, tu nur dies und das, 我仅仅是这样/仅仅做了这些, fahr mir durch das haar und schon willste was.穿过你的头发/像是要得到些什么Lass mal lieber sein hab zu viel Respekt 想要爱停步/却又碍于自尊vor dein Gefühln.顾忌你的感觉。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen, ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich tu doch nichts.我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen,ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich will doch nur spielen,ich tu doch nichts.然而我只是想游戏/我什么都没做。Ich tu doch nichts.我什么都没做。

For optimum freshness and flawour,consume within 14days from roasted date.


how did you feel when you arrive at bcidaihe是什么意思?


Danzel的《Undercover》 歌词

歌曲名:Undercover歌手:Danzel专辑:UnlockedDJ Drama Feat. Chris Brown & J.Cole - UndercoverChris Brown - Verse 1I aint gonna lie, I"m fiendin" cause I need itAnd I"m diggin you a lot, now you still catching feelingsBut I"m feeling on your spot, no kidding when I hit itI be leaking on your spine, playing with your mindI aint gonna stop when I finish, I be in itI be fucking with the lights on, thats the shit that I"m onGive it all I got, your body and my bodyWe be feelin", scratchin", screamin"Hook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverJ. Cole: Verse 2One thing you should know about me is I never play to loseAlways aim high and rarely obey the rulesNever tell my business, if I did, it"d make the newsThey say time is like money, you should come here pay your duesAnd come and kick, can I get a minute, maybe an hourWould you let me peek my head in for a second while you showerI bet you got some real good power if you feel meI"m on some Marvin Gaye shit, you know just whats gon heal me, babyHook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverChris Brown - Verse 3I said excuse me, Mrs Officer can you go undercover for meAint enough liquor in your cup, let the waitress in then let her pour it, upI"m tryna get you drunk as fuck, take her to my crib then I lock her in them handcuffsPanties off, stupid booty, ready for war: Call Of DutyShe said I got the right to remain silentAnd I gotta give it to her rough but I better not get violent, hahGirl my chain feel like an anchorAnd when I told you to use your head I aint want you to be no thinkerAnd we aint gon" waist this drink up, these haters all like hankersWhile I"m countin" all this paper, and my ears shine like twinkleBig star, get my car, I valet thatYou"re weak nigga, pussy in the street cause you"re alley catAnd I"m loyal to my fans cause I love "emSo girl if you a fan, you can meet me undercover likeHook:(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover cover(Hey shawty)Here we go in (Ay)Nobody doesn"t know but youAint nobody gon" see youUndercover cover cover coverEndDJ Drama Feat. Chris Brown & J.Cole - Undercoverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1499849


kinda的发音是/u02c8kau026andu0259/。其中,/k/音是清辅音,发音时不震动声带;/au026a/音是合口音,舌头后缩,嘴唇微微张开,发出短促的“艾”的音;最后的/d/音是塞音,与/t/音类似,舌头抵住上齿龈,然后突然放松出气;/u0259/音是短元音,口型呈开合状态,舌头放松,发出短促的“啊”的音。kinda是kind of的缩写,意为“有点儿、有几分、有些”。这个缩写通常用于美式英语中口语表达,表示说话人对某个事物或情况的描述或看法不是非常确定或确切。例如:I kinda like this song, but it"s not my favorite.(我有点儿喜欢这首歌,但它不是我最喜欢的。)The new restaurant is kinda expensive, but the food is really good.(这家新餐厅有点儿贵,但食物真的很好吃。)I"m kinda tired today, so I don"t want to go out.(我今天有点儿累,所以不想出去。)

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daemon tools怎么用啊?

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朱瑟里诺(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose音译)真有这个人吗

朱瑟里诺先生(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose音译)他是巴西人,出生於1960年,今年47岁,目前的职业是学校的教师,现在与妻子儿女4人过著很清贫的日子,他是位极平实的市民。他所预言的事件与大灾祸发生之年、月、日,均有明确的指示,其次为了以后若有第三者想确认他预言的真假性,朱瑟里诺都会将他预言的事故之日期与内容,登录在公证事务所或国营邮局里,以方便对方查证 这是他的语言: ◎2008年   ●治疗AIDS爱死病与Dengue登热病之有效药开发成功。   ●7月18日菲律宾会发生8.1级大地震,将有数千人死亡。   ●美国纽约Empire State Building帝国大厦,9月会发生KB事件。   ●9月13日中国发生超强烈9.1级大地震,其震源地在南宁与海南岛,同时也会引发30米以上的大海啸,造成数百万以上的人遇难死亡,如此强烈的地震所引发的海啸很可能冲到对岸的日本。 大多数是一种炒作啊,无聊的很

Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose的人物生平

朱瑟里诺先生(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose音译)他是巴西人,出生于1960年,今年47岁,目前的职业是学校的教师有人问他从几岁开始梦到“预知梦”,他回答说九岁,1969年的时候开始,一天有时梦三件,也曾梦过九件,每天所梦到的次数不一样。他说见到的预知梦都是不知不觉的很自然地出现在他的梦境里,决不是他自己选择的。朱瑟里诺十九岁时,遇到巴西很有名的预言圣人Mr.Franciscoshabiz,以后世界性的灾害与事件在他的预知梦中逐渐增加。Mr.Franciscoshabiz曾经两次被提名为诺贝尔和平奖的候选人,他是位很有名的特异功能者(通灵者),同时也是位慈善事业家。因为这个因缘,朱瑟里诺所预言的事件已超过8万件,首先从他的预言中挑选出几件已经发生的世界性大事件与巨大灾害,让我们一起来回顾以下之事件。

Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell专辑:Center Stage: Broadway 1947-1958She said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8371142

Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell专辑:Wonderful TownShe said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10250981

《Not a day goes by Lonestar》 歌词

Got a picture of you I carry in my heartClose my eyes to see it when the world gets darkGot a memory of you I carry in my soulI wrap it close around me when the nights get coldIf you asked me how I"m doin" I"d say just fineBut the truth is baby, if you could read my mindNot a day goes by that I don"t think of youAfter all this time you"re still with me it"s trueSomehow you remain locked so deep insideBaby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes byI still wait for the phone in the middle of the nightThinkin" you might call me if your dreams don"t turn out rightAnd it still amazes me that I lie here in the darkWishin" you were next to me, your head against my heartIf you asked me how I"m doing I"d say just fineBut the truth is baby, if you could read my mindNot a day goes by that I don"t think of youAfter all this time you"re still with me it"s trueSomehow you remain locked so deep insideBaby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes byMinutes turn to hours, and the hours to daysSeems it"s been forever that I"ve felt this wayNot a day goes by that I don"t think of youAfter all this time you"re still with me it"s trueSomehow you remain locked so deep insideBaby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes byThat I don"t think of you

Dan Seals的《Lonestar》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonestar歌手:Dan Seals专辑:On ArrivalNorah Jones - LonestarLonestar where are you out tonight?This feeling I"m trying to fightIt"s dark and I think thatI would give anythingFor you to shine down on meHow far you are I just don"t knowThe distance I"m willing to goI pick up a stone that I cast to the skyHoping for some kind of signhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2805364


Laura 音标:英[u02c8lu0254u02d0ru0259]美[u02c8lu0254ru0259]n.劳拉。[例句]Laura lost out to Tom劳拉输给了汤姆。

分享一下歌曲one day的百度云资源,歌手是matis yahu


David Gray的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:David Gray专辑:Shine: The Best Of The Early YearsLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~http://music.baidu.com/song/2804710

Dapp Theory的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Dapp Theory专辑:Y"All Just Don"T KnowLullyou stop the crowdi cried out to break the spellyou wake and smilei just snapped and lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensionthe stress and the tensioni"m in a lullthere"s nothing more dullthen talking about yourselfbut what i meant to sayi"m sorry that i lost controldistracted by irrelevancethe stress and the tensioncrawling through the keyholei"m in a lullhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8584427

求Mandah-Lullaby 的英文歌词和大意

She put him out like the burnin" end of a midnight cigarette She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin" to forget We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind Until the night He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away her memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength he had to get up off his knees We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said I"ll love her till I die And when we buried him beneath the willow The angels sang a whiskey lullaby The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath She finally drank her pain away a little at a time But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind Until the night She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away his memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength she had to get up off her knees We found her with her face down in the pillow Clinging to his picture for dear life We laid her next to him beneath the willow While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby 翻译:CANIGGIA 她离开了他,如同一支在午夜燃尽的香烟 她伤透了他的心,他将要用他的余生去忘记 在很短的时间里我们望见他喝完了他心中的痛 可他却从未喝到足以让她从他的心中离去 直到那晚 他把酒瓶放在了头上并扣动了手枪的扳机 最终他喝完了所有关于她的记忆 生命是短暂的,但这一刻它却如此强大, 甚至大过了他再次站起来回到生活中的力量 我们发现他倒在枕头上 而在枕边的一个便笺上写着:“我爱她直至我生命终结的那一刻。” 当我们把他安葬在低垂的柳树下时 天使们唱起了威士忌安魂曲 谣言四起,可却无人知晓她是多么的自责 年复一年她沉溺于酗酒 最终在很短的时间里她喝完了她心中的苦 可她却从未喝到足以让他从她的心中离去 直到那晚 她把酒瓶放在了头上并扣动了手枪的扳机 最终她喝完了所有关于他的记忆 生命是短暂的,但这一刻它却如此强大, 甚至大过了她重新站起来回到生活中的力量 我们发现她倒在枕头上 紧紧握着亲爱的他的相片 我们把她安葬在低垂的柳树下,紧靠在他的身旁 那刻天使们唱起了威士忌安魂曲


I will go to Shenyang next Tuesday.



英语星期的由来Thursday 星期四?



Thursday的缩写形式是什么 Thursday是周四的意思,缩写形式为Thu.正确记得采纳哦~


植物大战僵尸 全秘籍【要在“冒险模式”玩游戏的时候直接输入,不要暂停,(游戏中)输入不分大小写】 注意:有些秘籍必须在智慧树足够高时才能使用。 输入法要切换到原始状态,也就是输入字母的状态 这四个没有智慧树也能使用: future - 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜 mustache - 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 trickedout - 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 sukhbir -切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声以下需要智慧树有一定高度: (100)是100米的意思 (100)daisies - 当僵尸被杀后掉下一些雏菊 (500)dance - 让僵尸跳舞 (1000)pinata - 僵尸死后散落一地的糖果


pagoda 名词 宝塔,塔(是一种在亚洲及佛教中常见的,有着特定的形式和风格的东方传统建筑,塔起源于佛教(浮屠)) tower 名词 塔,楼塔 扩展资料   区别:   pagoda 指佛教或印度的塔.塔的每层都有装饰顶部.   例句:   The ancient pagoda is undergoing repairs.   那座古塔正在修缮中。   tower   n.塔;建筑物的塔形部分;(尤指教堂或城堡的`)塔楼;(电视或无线电信号的)发射塔;高柜;高架子   v.远远高于,远远超过;高耸,超越   Each corner had a guard tower, each of which was exactly ten meters in height   每个角落都有一座警戒塔,每座警戒塔正好10米高。


pagoda 指佛教或印度的塔.塔的每层都有装饰顶部.tower指孤零零的一个.尤其指城堡或教堂

Strada Facendo 歌词

歌曲名:Strada Facendo歌手:Laura Pausini专辑:Io CantoLaura Pausini - Strada Facendoio ed i miei occhi scurisiamo diventati grandi insiemecon l"anima smaniosaa chiedere di un posto che non c"e"tra mille mattini freschi di biciclettee mille e piu" tramontidietro i fili del tramed una fame di sorrisi e bracciaintorno a meio ed i cassetti di ricordi e d"indirizziche ho perdutoho visto visi e voci di chi ho amatoprima o poi andar viae ho respirato un mare sconosciutonelle ore larghe e vuote di un" estatedi citta"accanto alla mia ombra lunga di malinconiaio e le mie tante sere chiusecome chiudere un ombrellocol viso sopra il dito a leggere i doloried i miei guaiho camminato per le vie che curvanoseguendo il vento e dentro un sensod"inutilita"e fragile e violento mi son detto tu vedraivedraivedraistrada facendo vedrai-che non sei piu" da solostrada facendo troverai-un gancio in mezzo al cieloe sentirai la stradafar battere il tuo cuorevedrai piu" amorevedraiio che ero piccolo fra tuttaquesta gente che c"e" al mondoio che ho sognato sopra un trenoche non è partito maie ho corso in mezzo a prati bianchidi luna per strappare ancora un giornoalla mia ingenuita"e giovane e invecchiatomi son detto tu vedraivedrai vedraistrada facendo vedrai-che non sei piu" da solostrada facendo troverai-anche tu un gancio in mezzo al cieloe sentirai la stradafar battere il tuo cuorevedrai piu" amorevedraie una canzone neanche questapotra" mai cambiar la vitama che cos è che ci fa andare avantie dire che non è finitacos è che ci spezza il cuore fra canzonie amoreche ci fa cantare e amare sempre piu"perche" domani sia miglioreperche" domanistrada facendo vedraiperche" domani sia miglioreperche" domanistrada facendo vedraiperche" domani sia miglioreperche" domanistrada facendo vedrai....http://music.baidu.com/song/7870734


拼写错误: pagodapagoda 名词 宝塔,塔(是一种在亚洲及佛教中常见的,有着特定的形式和风格的东方传统建筑,塔起源于佛教(浮屠))tower 名词 塔,楼塔


How many days are there in a week,Mary?Mary 一周有几天?

英文的秘密怎么说 好像是D打头的一个单词 读音是DAIMEIZHI

secret 秘密 business secret 业务秘密; 商业秘密 dead secret 没泄露的秘密;未经道破的秘密;绝对的秘密,绝密

Daubechies 怎么读



Mike"s DayMike is a college student. On weekdays, he gets up at 7 am and has breakfast at 7:30 am. Then he goes to his classes. In the afternoon, he usually studies in the library or plays basketball with his friends. He has dinner at 6 pm and then spends some time watching TV or playing video games. Before going to bed, he brushes his teeth and reads for half an hour.重点词汇:1. college student - 大学生2. breakfast - 早餐3. classes - 上课4. studies - 学习5. library - 图书馆6. basketball - 篮球7. dinner - 晚餐8. video games - 视频游戏9. brushing teeth - 刷牙10. reads - 阅读

Racing through daytime meals is part of the "American pace"of life

与一日三餐赛跑是”美国节奏“生活的一部分一般来说,美国的食品是相当bland(刺激性小的)和unspiced。沙拉是多喜欢和全年服务。许多美国人正在努力控制自己的体重,所以它们是“calorie”(卡路里)conscious(有意识的)。这是明显的在菜单提供“低卡路里”或“减肥中心”的套餐。在市场可以找到“没有Cal”饮料(意味着没有卡路里)比如ginger ale(姜汁无酒精饮料)或可乐。“饮食”食品不加糖或盐,也可在食品商店。在美国餐馆服务员往往assume(假想),每个人都喝咖啡。如果一个服务员突然问“现在或以后吗?“他的意思是“你想要咖啡或晚用餐吗?“许多美国人喝咖啡或茶与他们的餐。当外出就餐在美国我们可以要求茶、牛奶、可乐、啤酒等等,如果我们喜欢这些咖啡。美国餐馆不能供应啤酒,葡萄酒,或liquor(酒精饮料),除非他们被licensed(授权)这样做。大多数美国人在白天吃的很快——是,早餐和午餐,除非它是一个社会、商业、或家庭场合。晚上吃饭,但是,通常是leisurely(从容不迫)和家庭时间。赛车通过白天膳食的一部分美国步伐”的生活,对于工作时间被认为是宝贵的。还有另一个原因,别人在公共餐馆正在等待你去完成,这样他们也可以用于服务和回去工作在allotted(分配的)时间。每一个早上腾出地方来下一个人。

什么叫训练数据(training data)?

我在国外学Data Mining时学过这个,应该是Build models(Training Date)u27a1ufe0fEvaluate models(Validation data)u27a1ufe0fReevaluate modules(Test data-optional)u27a1ufe0fPredict/classify using final model(New data)。

The most Exiciting day英语作文

Well to start off the day I got a call from one of the local tour guide?companies to do tours guiding this summer on the city bus?tours.I talked with her for a bit and accepted the offer.have to say thanks to a few people for the references.last year i did tour guiding on the local train tours and got paid $12 an hour, well after talking to this one she is offering $15 an hour plus tips... I am so excited! ? Had a really slow day at the store and had all these computers in to be fixed..well all at the same time, like in 20 minutes time, all the owners came and picked them up, so money in our pockets for that after thinking it was such a slow day On the morning of the Spring Festival,I got up earlier and had breakfast fast.Then,I went to the nearest bathhouse with my father. On the way back home,we bought plenty of fireworks and firecrackers. What I liked most was a set of fireworks called Xingguangcuican in Chinese.I was told that It was beautiful enough to compete with any other kinds of fireworks. At three o"clock in the afternoon, we had a big meal. All the family members got togerther around the table.Beside my parents and me, there were my grandparents,my cousins and their parents.There were elven people altogether. During the dinner, we talked and laughed happily. At eight in the evening, we began to watch annual gala on CCTV. Needless to say ,everyone gave their comments on TV program. The most exciting time came when it was half hour ahead of the middle night----the beginning of the new year. we all went out and lit the fireworks and fire crackers,which were exploding and lighting in the sky. It would bring us good luck and fortune in the new year. What an unforgettable day! It will stay with me all of my life.

there are riverboat tours everyday

1、There are (5) boats on the river.(对划线部分提问) How many boats are there on the river? 河上有几条船? 2、Danny drinks (lots of water) every day.(对划线部分提问) What does Danny drink every day? Danny每天喝什么? 3、(The children) read English loudly.(对划线部分提问) Who read English loudly? 谁大声读英语? 4、The boy often (swims) in the river.(对划线部分提问) What does the boy often do in the river? 这个男孩经常在河里做什么?

三星T220G显示器,进工厂模式显示是 CAB屏幕,CAB是什么意思啊?和CAA CDA有什么区别。。

屏幕的等级(大众说法)以前三星的屏幕分级是A+ A B CA+是显示器上市的第1批货采用的是三星制造的A+级面板为什么第1批上市的东西会那么贵?而几个礼拜后又降价那就是因为面版更换成代工厂商的面版了~代工厂商的面版制作工艺也分等级,毕竟一分价钱一分货面版的制作工艺就可以从漏光,色彩方面可以看出~~现在三星貌似把面版代工厂商的级别代号更换了~集体哪个号是哪家代工厂商 就不知道了但从基本的字母来看 越往前的越好这个你可以去ZOL==一些硬件网站的LCD页面和论坛搜索下!

英语语法求助:I have been wanting to talk to someone regarding my daughter.

regarding prep.关于,比较正式。是作状语

是on the calendar还是in the calendar

on the calendar1.在日历上software engineering part of the report of the experimental source. on the calendar1.关于万年历的divide and conquer algorithm on the calendar problems of the round robin1.赛程问题分治算法in fact, the date of new year"s day depends on the calendar1.日历and the last cycle on the calendar is this year, december 21st1.而且这个历法上最后一个周期 单独的in the calendar是错误用法fill in the calendar--填写日程表或填写日历



daughter in law是什么意思






求dynamic black《yesterday》的中文/拼音的音译歌词

Beoreutcheoreom eojereul geurimyeo heotdoen siganira myeot beoneul doe noeyeodoJeomureo ganeun oneuri tto aswiun eojega doegetjiYesterday huimihaejyeogandaNi eolgureun deo seonmyeonghaejigoOntong nunmul ppunin niga nal dora seoneundeNan eotteokhae nonoBalgeoreumi deo ppallajyeo gandaHarujongil neol chajadanindaEojewa gateunde modu geudaerondeWae neoman dallajyeosseo(gwalhoneun koreoseu)Geuriunnal jinabeorin yesterdayNaegeseo meoreojineun neo eo(ijen neowa nawa ui gieogeun modu) yesterday o yesterday(gwalhoneun koreoseu)Ije dasi ojianheul yesterdayJebal deoneun meoreojijinma(ijen neowa nawa ui gieogeun modu) yesterday neon beolsseo jiwonaebeorinYesterday geudaen deo meoreojyeoGalsurok nan deo eoduwojyeo gyesok eomuljjeong daemyeo muneojyeoEorinai cheoreom tto ureosseoBarkge doragadeon nae sesangi neo tteonan dwi modeunge jejarieseoDotong umjigijil anha ne jansang, ichyeojijil anhaGieokdeuri nareul tteonagandaOn jongil seoseo neoman gidarindaNeoman omyeondwae jeonbu da beorilgeDaeche neon eodiisseo (gwalhoneun koreoseu)Geuriunnal jinabeorin yesterdayNaegeseo meoreojineun neo eo(ijen neowa nawa ui gieogeun modu) yesterday o yesterday (gwalhoneun koreoseu)Ije dasi ojianheul yesterdayJebal deoneun meoreojijinma(ijen neowa nawa ui gieogeun modu) yesterday neon beolsseo jiwonaebeorinSiganeun neomuna ppareuge heulleoseo naegeseo tto (meoreojigo) (gwalho-jinun)Gieogeun tto neomuna do swipgeman negeseo (ichyeojigo) (gwalho-hoya)Neoegeneun geunyang jinagan haruui kkeutNaegen gamdanghal su eomneun apeumui sijag(aedeurip jinun)Geuriun nal jinabeorin yesterdayNaegeseo meoreojineun neo eoIjen neowa nawa ui gieogeun modu yesterday o yesterday(aedeurip jinun)Ije dasi oji anheul yesterdayJebal deoneun meoreojijin maIjen neowa nawa ui gieogeun modu yesterday neon beolsseo jiwonaebeorin惯性回忆昨天虚度时光无论几度说服自己这是虚耗时光夜色低垂的今日 又将成为惋惜的昨日Yesterday 渐趋模糊而你的脸孔却更加鲜明悲伤哭泣的你离开了我我该怎麼办 No No脚步渐渐加快成天四处找寻你一如往昔 不曾改变为何只有你不同怀念往日是消逝的 Yesterday不断远离我的你如今你与我的回忆全都已是Yesterday 喔 Yesterday此刻已不再回头的 Yesterday请不要再更加疏远如今你与我的回忆全都已是Yesterday 你早已遗忘一切Yesterday 你渐行渐远我越走越是消沉 只是继续蒙混颓废又像个孩子一般哭泣我原来明亮转动的世界 在你离开之後一切都偏离正轨 你的残影 我忘不了回忆离开了我我成天呆站著盼望你只要你回来就好 一切我都能放手你究竟在哪里怀念往日是消逝的 Yesterday不断远离我的你如今你与我的回忆全都已是Yesterday 喔 Yesterday此刻已不再回头的 Yesterday请不要再更加疏远如今你与我的回忆全都已是Yesterday 你早已遗忘一切时间流动的太快 又再次从我身旁远离回忆又再次过於轻易地将我遗忘对你而言仅是一闪而逝的一日终结对我而言却是难以承受的悲伤起始怀念往日是消逝的 Yesterday不断远离我的你如今你与我的回忆全都已是Yesterday 喔 Yesterday此刻已不再回头的 Yesterday请不要再更加疏远如今你与我的回忆全都已是Yesterday 你早已遗忘一切Yesterday


这个字正确拼写为oboe,意思是双簧管。西洋木木管类乐器。双簧管最初形成于17世纪中叶,18世纪时得到广泛使用。双簧管在乐队中常担任主旋律,是出色的独奏乐器,此外它还是交响乐队里的调音基准乐器。双簧管音色带有鼻音似的芦片声,善于演奏徐缓如歌的曲调,柴科夫斯基的《天鹅湖》中的忧郁而优美的白天鹅主题就是由双簧管吹奏的。双簧管是较难演奏的乐器之一。双簧管像大多数高音管乐器一样,有它的基础音域,但有能力者可以向高处扩展一定音域。特别需要注意的是,双簧管(oboe)与单簧管(clarinet)这两种乐器虽然名称相似,但实际上它们在吹奏方法、按键系统、音色、外形以及价格等方面均有较大区别,双簧管是非移调乐器,而单簧管是移调乐器。它们是两种完全不同的木管乐器,不是学会一种就会另一种的。乐器名称:双簧管乐器本调:C调。应用谱号:高音谱号,不移调记谱。实用音域:小字组bB-小字三组A。结构组成:哨片(双簧片),管体(包括上下节和喇叭口)和音键。使用材质:管体用经过特殊处理的硬木制成。乐器特色:音色柔和软丽,有芦笛声,适于表现田园风光和忧郁抒情的情绪,在乐器界素有“抒情女高音”的称号。双簧气鸣乐器。普遍用于现代管弦乐队和管乐队的木管乐器。双簧管为双簧管族(包括有英国管、大管、低音大管)中的高音乐器,也是该族的代表乐器。双簧管体为圆锥形,管长约60~70厘米;吹嘴为一双芦竹片对合而成的双簧,装在管的上端。在6个指孔接续开放时,吹出的是D大调自然音阶(如同长笛),记谱与实音相同,不作为移调乐器。音域为降b~g3,可再高数音到c4,但较难吹出。前16音为基础音。用高音谱表。双簧管的□音,常作为管弦乐队调音时的标准音。双簧管的音色富于田园风味,具有民间牧笛或芦笛特色。音响穿透力强,渐强与渐弱易于控制;演奏的持续性胜过其他木管乐器,常担任独奏性的旋律部分,尤以表达连绵性歌唱音调为其所长。吹奏时由于芦片含于嘴内,一般只采用单吐奏法,吹奏双吐较难,故快速的同音反复,非其所长。但技术高者,也可以使用“花舌”(振舌法)吹奏。双簧管的定型约有300年,17世纪末成为乐队编制中的固定乐器。1805年,L.van贝多芬在《菲德里奥》中所用的双簧管仅有2键,1820年有6键,1839年增加到10键。到19世纪中叶,参照伯姆式长笛的指孔排列与指键的机械装置,对其作了几次重要的改进,才更趋完善。双簧管曾是军乐队中最重要的乐器之一,可独奏、重奏。早期,J.-P.拉莫和J.S.巴赫等都很重视它,但真正具有技巧性的发展,则始自G.F.亨德尔的作品。亨德尔为它写过6首协奏曲、12首奏鸣曲。L.van贝多芬《英雄交响曲》中的“葬礼进行曲”、《田园交响曲》中的谐谑曲,П.И.柴科夫斯基《第四交响曲》中的第 2乐章,E.格里格的《挪威舞曲》等,都有双簧管的著名片段。管身双簧管的管身由三部分组成,其上有大约20个不同大小的气孔,气孔上装有镀金或镀银的音键,用以覆盖气孔调节音高。整套音键以复杂的杠杆结构组成,吹奏按键时,杠杆组合会按所吹奏的音高,自动打开或关闭所需的气孔。按键系统双簧管的按键方式正不断改良,现时的按键系统有:半自动按键系统:控制较困难,吹奏A5~C6时需按左手的2nd Octave键;杠杆结构较简单,价钱较便宜。全自动按键系统:简化了半自动按键系统的操作方式;杠杆结构较精密,价钱较高。八度音键(Octave Keys)新式的双簧管有三个八度音键,第一个用以打开E5至G#5等音的气孔;第二个打开A5至C6的气孔;第三个则提供另一套高音的按键指法。颤音键(Trill Keys)旧式的双簧管碍于杠杆结构的不足,个别的音高很难甚至无法产生颤音(trill)效果,如C4-C#4、B3-C4等。新式的双簧管附加不同的颤音键,令差不多所有音都能发出颤音。左手F键(Left-handed F)旧式的双簧管,吹奏D-F或F-D两个音时必须使用叉状F(Forked-F)的指法,在和E音一起吹的时候变得很困难。新式的双簧管附有左手F键,大大减低指法的复杂性。叉状F共鸣键(Forked-F resonance key)另一个为简化吹奏D-F或F-D指法所用的音键。旧式双簧管的叉状F指法需配合右手的Eb键;新式双簧管配合了叉状F共鸣键,使用叉状F指法时便无需按Eb键。簧片(Reed)双簧管用簧片(Rico -- Medium Soft)双簧管吹奏出来的音质,除取决于乐器本身的质量及演奏者的技巧外,簧片亦是一个重要的影响因素。簧片通常以芦苇的茎部制作,亦有使用竹蔗、竹片等材料制成。簧片使用前,必须先用清水泡数分钟,待变软后,簧片才能充分震动,发出圆润的音色。簧片的厚薄长短,亦会直接影响吹奏时的音质:薄身的簧片较容易发声,适合初学者使用,但出来的音质欠圆润;厚身簧片能吹出响亮而甜美的声音,但难以控制,需要较大的气压才会发声;过长的簧片声音偏低,过短的则声音偏高。由于不同乐曲对双簧管的音质有不同的要求,专业的演奏者通常会自制簧片以配合所需;初学者亦可选择购买现成的簧片以便练习。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

欧洲除了craig david,还有那些实力不俗的R&B歌手? 推荐5首欧洲现下比较流行的歌曲,我比较喜欢R&B

美洲的行吗??,也有欧洲的呵呵B.o.B(唱歌巨好听)UsherNe-Yo(R&B很牛的)eminem(这个R&B可以说是最牛的了)Akon3OH!3(这个知道的人不多~)哈哈我比较喜欢黑人~~歌:airplanes - B.o.B(说唱部分是他唱的,歌曲部分就母鸡了嘿嘿)Nothin"on you - B.o.B(本人最爱的一首R&B歌呵)My first kiss - 3OH!3Eenie meenie - sean kingston & Justin bieber(超好听的,特别是高潮部分)DJ got us fallin in love - usherthere goes my baby - ushernever say never - justin bieber & jaden smith(功夫梦主题曲)baby - justin bieber(中间有一段rap说唱,很不错的!)不管被不被评为最佳,,你一定要听听我推荐的歌,很好听的嘿嘿,,
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