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正确的型号为A6-4400M,属于双核处理器。介绍下该处理器参数信息:1,CPU系列 AMD A6系列;2,CPU型号AMD Trinity APU A6-4400M;3,CPU主频2.7GHz;4,最高睿频3200MHz;5,三级缓存2MB;6,核心架构Trinity;7,核心/线程数双核心;8,制程工艺32nm;9,功耗35W。扩展资料:CPU部分是打桩机的最新架构,一个模块双核心,GPU部分采用了VLIW4架构。总体说来性能相比第一代APU(代号为Llano)提高一些:CPU部分由于架构完全不同了,不好对比,保守估计提高15%;GPU部分提高了大约50%。那么针对这款A6-4400M来讲,是一个模块下的双核心,其实不是那种完整的双核心,只有一个浮点计算单元,不过配置了双128位数据控制器,可以结合起来等同于256位,另外就是两个整形计算单元了,需要注意的是,这两个整型和一个浮点单元共用了一个一级指令缓存器,构成了一个模块。之前的APU是完全独立的两个核心,每个核心一个浮点计算单元加一个整型计算单元,独立的一级缓存(指令+数据)。

英语完形填空 on a saturday morning,my left arm

On a Saturday morning.Detective Sara was called in for an investigation.Mr.Gooding had 41 suddenly from his home. Sara"s assistant answered the phone and got the 42 of Mr.Gooding"s house.The assistant told Sara that Mrs.Glen was expecting 43 in half an hour at 232 Parker Avenue.Mrs.Glen was the woman who helped Mr.Gooding to look after the house. Sara drove there.Right away she was 44 inside by Mrs.Glen.“Detective,I"m so 45 you come.The last place I saw Mr.Gooding was in his room 46 that would be your first question,”Mrs.Glen said a little bit nervously.She then wanted to lead Sara into the room.“Up here,”Mrs.Glen called from a stair lift.Just as Sara started 47 the stairs,the front door suddenly shut.“Oh,I left the 48 open,maybe.And then the wind 49 it,”Mrs.Glen said.Again they started up the stairs. Sara 50 a weathervane(风向标)through the window then.She 5l the wind was blowing west.But it should be blowing east 52 the door was shut by the wind.Then Sara noticed for the first 53 that there was a third set of footsteps on the stairs.She 54 knew she had walked into a trap. Do you know 55 Sara knew she had walked into a trap? 41.A.showed B.slept C.disappeared D.played 42.A.address B.size C.date D.height 43.A.him B.her C.you D.it 44.A.pulled B.forced C.1ed D.thrown 45.A.glad B.1ucky C.angry D.sad 46.A.told B.asked C.supposed D.heard 47.A.beside B.in C.down D.up 48.A.window B.door C.1ift D.stair 49.A.cheated B.opened C.closed D.broke 50.A.bought B.noticed C.put D.stole 51.A.argued B.changed, C.found D.told 52.A.although B.if C.or D.unless 53.A.time B.note C.chance D.step 54.A.1uckily B.happily C.hardly D.suddenly 55.A.what B.how C.who D.where



vissim4.3打不开,系统时间改到2008年后软件显示this version is not valid for the current date .

缺少一个修改时间的注册表,没有的话 我发给你

date not valid for month specified是什么意思啊


valid thru和expiry date是什么意思

valid thru有效日期;有效期至;有效年月expiry date到期日;有效期限

用网上支付时.要求填信用卡的Valid from date,这是什么意思?


jquery-ui datepicker 设置开始结束时间选择范围

这个只需设置minDate 和maxDate 就行了吧

Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么


Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么 急


is not a valid date and time是什么意思

is not a valid date and time不是有效的日期和时间

PLSQL提示 is not a valid date and time怎么办

工具/原料PLSQL DeveloperWIN7方法/步骤右击右下角的日期和时间,选择【更改日期和时间设置】右击【更改日期和时间设置(D)...】右击【更改日历设置】日期格式中的短日期从yyyy/M/d修改成yyyy-M-d,确定后,重新打开PLSQL Developer,插入日期数据时,就不会出现这样的报错。END注意事项不只是Oracle会出现这种情况,当其他软件出现类似的提示时,也可以使用这个办法

我在退出”管家婆财贸双全单机网络版“时弹出提示:”--“is not a valid date。退不出去,怎么办?

这个是清空backup.ini 文件内容就行



管家婆普及版在过帐时出现'--'is not a valid date 是什么样意思?怎么才能解决让他不出来


关闭财务系统时提示·--·is not a valid date是什么意思?应该怎样解决


私服架设时间报错是怎么弄啊?启动M2SERVER时显示 2012-5-22 19:46:37is not a valid date and time


W7玩传奇单机耍不起,提示框M2server 内容是 `2011-7-23 14:23:38` is not a valid date and time 求解


Please enter a valid date of birth中文意思是什么 急


怎样解决传奇报错is not a valid date and time

  两种解决办法,  第一,修改电脑时间格式,细节可以百度下传奇架设时间格式错误报错解决办法。  第二,在服务端里找到一个文件,好像是!setup.txt文件,查找DAY,有个后面有一串时间的,和你报错的时间是一样的,删除时间即可。

is not a valid date and time


PLSQL提示 is not a valid date and time怎么办

工具/原料 PLSQL Developer WIN7 方法/步骤 右击右下角的日期和时间,选择【更改日期和时间设置】 右击【更改日期和时间设置(D)...】 右击【更改日历设置】 日期格式中的短日期从yyyy/M/d修改成yyyy-M-d

PLSQL提示 is not a valid date and time怎么办

首选项 SQL窗口 勾选date_to_char

执行存储过程的时候 oracle 已经改了时间设置还是is not a valid date and time 这个错


美萍软件出现2011-05-17 is not valid date and time 这种错误怎么弄,麻烦知道的解释下

不知道楼主用的是美萍的哪个软件 .建议楼主联系自己的供货商或者是直接咨询美萍软件公司的技术支持人员,相信他们会帮你解决这个问题的

广联达保存时提示is not valid date and time是什么意思?


总提示“is not a valid date"怎么解决


速达5000工业版的服务器不能打开,显示is not a valid date


我的U盾到不管到谁的电脑上,登录后都是提示 is not a valid date and time

您好,这个情况有2种:1.可能是您电脑上设置的时间不对,请您查看电脑右下方的时间(年/月/日)是否为当前时间。或者打开电脑左下方“开始”-“控制面板”-“区域及语言选项”,把当前位置设置为“中国”2.专业版读取时间文件错误,请重启电脑再操作,如果不行,需要重安装专业版程序。 若您仍有疑问和意见,欢迎登录在线客服https://forum.cmbchina.com/cmu/icslogin.aspx?from=B&logincmu=0进行咨询,我们将竭诚为您服务!感谢您对招商银行的关注与支持!

2009.03 30 is not a valid date是什么意思怎么解决

意思:2009.03 30不是有效的日期和时间。 估计你的格式有错。一般格式有yyyy-mm-dd;mm-dd-yy等等 如果是在电脑上的话,可能是系统的问题,如果不是病毒篡改了时间,就是软件过期了。

美萍仓库软件出现2013-06-01 is not a valid date这种错误怎么解决。


PLSQL提示 is not a valid date and time怎么办

PLSQL提示 is not a valid date and time怎么办工具/原料PLSQL DeveloperWIN7方法/步骤右击右下角的日期和时间,选择【更改日期和时间设置】右击【更改日期和时间设置(D)...】右击【更改日历设置】日期格式中的短日期从yyyy/M/d修改成yyyy-M-d,确定后,重新打开PLSQL Developer,插入日期数据时,就不会出现这样的报错。END注意事项不只是Oracle会出现这种情况,当其他软件出现类似的提示时,也可以使用这个办法

请问管家婆关机时出现 错误:一一 is not a valid date是什么意思,要怎么做


Led屏出现2009-05-05is not a valid date是什么意思

意思:2009.05 05不是有效的日期和时间。估计你的格式有错。一般格式有yyyy-mm-dd;操作方法:进入系统的控制面板-->区域和语言 修改设置如果图格式:



license valid date 什么意思

license valid date许可证有效期拼音双语对照双语例句1Except suspended or revoked, this license remains valid until the expiry date whilst in CCAR-66.18.除暂停或吊销,本执照在CCAR-66第十八条规定的期限内有效。

管家婆普及版在过帐时出现'--'is not a valid date 是什么样意思?怎么才能解决让他不出来


怎样解决oracle报错is not a valid date and time

方法/步骤 1. 第一步,右击任务栏上的时间,选调整日期和时间(A),然后再点“更改日期和时间”进入日期和时间设置。 2. 第二步,点左下角的“更改日历设置”,然后进入区域选项。3. 第三步,将短日期和长日期的格式改为yyyy/m/d的格式,也就是说去掉星期,经过这样一改以后。再运行程序,OK!

请问:" is not a valid date "是什么意思?


关闭财务系统时提示·--·is not a valid date是什么意思?应该怎样解决


significance of national day(国庆节的意义) 用英文回答~~~

it is birthday of our country,it reminds us not to forget history of our country.

Daddy Pop (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy Pop (Lp Version)歌手:PRINCE & THE NEW POWER GENERATION专辑:Sexy M.F.Mother please forgive meI just had to get out all my pain and sufferingNow that I am done, remember I will always love youI"m your sonLittle child, looking so prettyCome out and play, I"ll be your daddyInnocent child, looking so sweetA rape in my eyes and on your flesh I"ll eatYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childLittle child, looking so prettyCome out and play, I"ll be your daddyYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!It"s alrightYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own child(&4)I didn"t touch you thereMama said she didn"t careI didn"t touch you thereThat"s why mama stopped and staredInnocent child, looking so sweetA rape in my eyes and on your flesh I"ll eatYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own child(&3)I fucking hate you! Mother fucker!Mother Fucker! I fucking hate you! Fuck You!You son of a bitch, you fucking ruined my life!I wanted to die!I"m sick of it, mother fucker . . . oh ohWhy"d you fuck"n do it to me?I Hate You!I Fuck"n Hate You!I Hate You!Why?!I Hate You!http://music.baidu.com/song/8446717

Korn的《Daddy》 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy歌手:Korn专辑:Neidermeyers MindMother please forgive meI just had to get out all my pain and sufferingNow that I am done, remember I will always love youI"m your sonLittle child, looking so prettyCome out and play, I"ll be your daddyInnocent child, looking so sweetA rape in my eyes and on your flesh I"ll eatYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childLittle child, looking so prettyCome out and play, I"ll be your daddyYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!It"s alrightYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own child(&4)I didn"t touch you thereMama said she didn"t careI didn"t touch you thereThat"s why mama stopped and staredInnocent child, looking so sweetA rape in my eyes and on your flesh I"ll eatYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own child(&3)I fucking hate you! Mother fucker!Mother Fucker! I fucking hate you! Fuck You!You son of a bitch, you fucking ruined my life!I wanted to die!I"m sick of it, mother fucker . . . oh ohWhy"d you fuck"n do it to me?I Hate You!I Fuck"n Hate You!I Hate You!Why?!I Hate You!http://music.baidu.com/song/56710542

每年农历(Chinese lunai calendar)八月十五是我国的传统节日--中秋节(th

每年农历八月十五是我国的传统节日--中秋节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。中秋节的一项重要活动是赏月。夜晚, 人们赏明月,吃月饼,共庆中秋佳节。中秋节也是家庭团圆的时刻,远在他乡的游子,会借此寄托自己对故乡和亲人的思念之情。中秋节的习俗很多,都寄托着人们对美好生活的热爱和向往。自2008年起,中秋节成为中国的法定节日。翻译:Lunar calendar August 15 is China"s traditional holiday -- the Mid-Autumn festival. At this time a year autumn, in the middle of the so called Mid-Autumn festival. The Mid-Autumn festival moon gazing is an important event. At night, people admire the moon and eat moon cakes, celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. The Mid-Autumn festival is family reunion moment, and that consigns the will to make their hometown and relatives thoughts of love. The custom of the Mid-Autumn festival a lot, with people"s love and yearning for a better life. Since 2008, has become China"s Mid-Autumn festival legal holidays.

attendant service在电梯里的意思


i am flight attendant 什么意思




Service Attendant是什么意思

服务助理attendant[英] [u0259u02c8tendu0259nt] [美] [u0259u02c8tu025bndu0259nt] n. 服务人员,侍者;随从,随员;伴随物;

a flight attendant是什么意思

a flight attendant空中服务员飞机乘务员双语例句1What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flightattendant?不好意思,你是说你是飞机乘务员吗?2I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.我决定实现它的最好的办法就是去成为一名空中服务员。


porter = 搬运工;attendand = 服务人员 我觉得这句中用porter比较好些。 供参考!


attendant英 [u0259u02c8tendu0259nt] 美 [u0259u02c8tu025bndu0259nt] n.服务人员,侍者;随从,随员;伴随物adj.伴随的,随之而产生的;出席的;护理的复数: attendants




一般过去时的句子疑问句要用助动词did+动词原形Did John go to Japan last saturday?


答:我们认为turpan的读音与另外的三个词hurt, nurse和Thursday的读音是不相同的。

Happy father's day !是什么意思?


rafael nadal 怎么念啊,要音标。


有关父亲节英语作文范文带翻译:Fathers Day

Yesterday was Father"s Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn"t remember it until in the morning.It was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store. I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him.   Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. Then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. Then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.   What a wonderful surprise!   翻译:昨天是父亲节,我原计划给我父亲一个礼物。但是我忘记了直到早晨。贴一张卡片给爸爸已经为时已晚。所以我决定买东西。当我在百货商店。我发现对我来说,给爸爸选礼物并不是一件容易的事情。   突然,我有了一个主意。我跑回家,打开我的电脑。我做了一个漂亮的卡片,邮寄给爸爸。然后,我开始做晚饭。当父亲回家时,他会很高兴能吃到大餐。然后我问他检查他的电子邮件。他会在他邮箱里惊奇的发现一个漂亮的卡片。   这是一个多么美妙的惊喜!

乒乓球运动员 Rafael Nadal 是哪个国家的?



曌,音zhào,同“照”,是宗秦客在武则天称帝前一年多选的字,意指日月当空,普照大地。u4dae (龑)音 yǎn,意思即为:①飞龙在天。②喻权势。③坚强。④有我无敌,唯吾独尊。等等 连起来大概是说一个人时机到了,他将会天下无敌!!!






NOPLAT=EBIT(1- tax rate)EBITDA= EBIT+depreciation+tax现金流和EBITDA不一样,应该是EBITDA-Interest-Tax-其他现金支出+其他现金流入

Scramble day trouble down 的意思谢谢了,大神帮忙啊


高中妇女节英语作文: Women’s Day

Today is Women"s Day, early in the morning, I opened the computer and read the news. I found most people planned to give their mothers the surprise, until then did I realize that I should do something to my mom, she took care of us all the time, now she deserved to have a rest. So my father and I planned something for her. 今天是妇女节,一大早,我打开电脑看新闻。我发现大部分人打算给他们的母亲惊喜,直到那个时候,我才发现我应该为母亲做一些事情,她一直在照顾着我们,现在她应该要休息一下。因此爸爸和我计划为她做一些事情。 My father and I told my mother she should take a rest in this day, so my mother went to find her friends and went to shopping. My father and I decided to buy her a necklace, my mother wanted to have a necklace for a long time, but she thought it would spend a lot of money, so she gave up. My father and I went to the jewelry shop, we chose a necklace for my mother and she would be very happy. 爸爸和我对妈妈说她今天应该休息一下,因此妈妈去找她的朋友购物。爸爸和我决定给她买一条项链,妈妈一直以来都想买一条项链,但是她觉得会花很多钱,所以她放弃了。爸爸和我去到珠宝店,我们为妈妈选择了一条项链,她肯定会很开心的。 When we went back home, we started to cook the dinner, after a while, my mother came back. When she saw the dishes, she laughed, then my father took out the necklace, my mother was very surprised, she couldn"t say a word. I wish my mother happy all the time. 当我们回家的时候,开始做完饭,过了一回,妈妈回来了。她看到菜的时候,大笑起来,然后爸爸拿出项链,她很吃惊,无法说出话来。我希望妈妈一直都这么开心。

妇女节英语作文:On Womens Day

  On Women"s Day   Tomorrow is March 8th. It is Women"s Day, so I want to give my mother a surprise. First I am going to the supermarket and buy something , such as vegetables , fruits and some beautiful flowers. Then I will e back home to clean the house and do some cooking. When Mum es back from work, she will be really excited. She will say that I am a nice boy and have grown up. I will be happy, too. I think I"ll help my mother more in the future.   作文地带评价:这是七年级英语外研版小学起点下Modules 3-4的语法要求,作者能正确运用一般将来进行描述;文笔流畅,语言精练,有真情实感;用词准确,没有语法错误,是篇相当不错的小学生佳作。

Slut的《Cloudy Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Cloudy Day歌手:Slut专辑:Staggered And TornCloudy / Simon & GarfunkelCloudyThe sky is gray and white and cloudySometimes I think it"s hanging down on meAnd it"s a hitchhike a hundred milesI"m a raga-muffin childPointed finger-painted smileI left my shadow waiting down the road for me a whileCloudyMy thoughts are scattered and they"re cloudyThey have no boreders, no boundariesThey echo and they swellFrom Tolstoi to TinkerbellDown from Berkeley to CarmelGot some pictures in my pocket and a lot of time to killHey sunshineI haven"t seen you in a long timeWhy don"t you show your face and bend my mind?These clouds stick to the skyLike a floating question whyAnd they linger there to dieThey don"t know where they are going, and, my friend, neither do ICloudyCloudyCloudyCloudyCloudyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2541198


Why does Sunny love Saturdays?森你为什么喜欢星期六?Because there"s no class on Daturdays.


Stuffed dates英文翻译如下酿枣子

stuffed pandas 什么意思

get stuffed 是什么意思? 有人烦你,你受够了,就说 : get stuffed, 或是 stuff it! 意思是:你够了没?滚吧。 get stuffed 得到充实.

The Sundays的《Medicine》 歌词

歌曲名:Medicine歌手:The Sundays专辑:BlindPlies Ft Keri Hilson - Medicine (Prod. by Polow Da Don)Baby if you don"t feel good right nowAnd yo body hurting You right nowYou just need a shot of meI"m just like medicineShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineOne teaspoon of me is somethin like a pack of blowToo much of me too fast and you"ll overdoseTreat you like a new born baby i"ll feed ya slowI"m ya lil? Double stack pop me you"ll really rollNighttime daytime i can give it to ya bothAnytime you want it, i can give it to ya that"s fa shoKeep ya up all night i can be you nodozNeed ya prescription filled holla at me let me knowCall me or text me baby when you need some moI give you becky baby when ya body soreThis is exclusive you cant buy this in the storeShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineI can shoot you anywhere aint gotta put it in ya veinsWithin the first two seconds you will feel the changeOnly discomfort that you might feel is good painOne side affect of this medicine is butt gainA half a dose of me and i promise you wont be the sameAddiction to this medicine is common don t be ashamedAnd if you feel a lil woozy after this just hold my handAnd i can numb yo whole body just like novocainI can make you come back you can call me cocaineAnd if you take this first dose good imma up ya rangeOn yo prescription it will read plies nameThe rest of yo life you will not accept no lamesShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicineCall me when you feel bad call me on ya sick dayAnd i"ll swing through and make sure ya fever go awayI can make you sweat it out, sweat on me its okDont worry bout ya hair getting messed up its okI"ll get it redone for you baby i"ll payAnd if its top notch and it feel good i"ll stayI drink straight "nac me no rosayYou want it say i need my medicine that"s all you gotta sayShawty i"m your insulinBaby i"m your insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineBaby i"m ya insulinShawty i"m ya insulinI think ya needI think ya needI think ya need your medicineI"ll be your prescriptionCome and take a dose of meOnce you get a dose of meYou"ll think that i"m your medicineShawty you my medicine ya medicineI think i needI think i needI think i need my medicinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2778345

翻译 You feel emotionally stretched today and something in a relationship may have to give.


past days 和old days

past翻译成过去的 old翻译成旧的 老的 remember用引申义 翻译成留住了 或者记忆了 整句译为这张老照片记忆了过去的旧岁月

pgi cuda收费标准

意法计费折算PAI-Studio提供的常规机器学习组件仅支持后付费(按量计费),深度学习组件支持后付费(按量计费)和预付费(包年包月)。后付费(按量计费)系统将1个小时消耗了1个CPU Core和4 GB内存,折算为1个计算时。计算时的数量如下。计算时数量=max(Core数量×时长,内存×时长/4)半导体旗下全资子公司Portland Group(PGI)近日联合NVIDIA共同推出了新版Fortran编译器,可支持CUDA架构,在高性能计算技术方面的应用主要体现在充分利用NVIDIA GPU在CUDA架构下的处理能力上。CUDA架构允许开发者将大运算量任务从CPU转移到并行运算的GPU上运行,从而减轻CPU的负担。其实CUDA C编译器的开发人员已经采用了这种处理方式,新版Fortran编译器当然也会沿用这种技术。Portland Group主管Douglas Miles称,Fortran编译器对CUDA架构的支持是对现有的PGI Fortran编译器和C编译器的一大补充,它将促进PGI Fortran编译器和CUDA C编译器之间的协作性,为用户优化Fortran应用程序时提供更多选择。Portland Group和NVIDIA打算在本周德国汉堡举行的国际超级计算会议上介绍新版Fortran编译器,从11月开始消费者就可以在市场上买到该软件。

my headache has been relieved.是什么意思




Panda:an animal,eats shoots and leaves是什么意思?

熊猫:一种动物,吃竹子和叶子。- -




(美)中央时区(Central Standard Time)

Best regards and have a good day 两个祝福的短语可以同时用吗?

Best wishes言简意赅
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