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foundation与 fund区别

foundation n.1. 建立,设立,创立,创建,创办2. (建筑物天然的或人工的)基础,根基,地基3. (思想、学说等的)基地,基本原则;根据4. (维持医院、慈善团体或资助研究项目、教育等的)基金,捐款基金会,靠基金建立(或维持)的机构(或组织)5. (建筑物、墙等的)最下部,下部结构,底座6. 妇女紧身胸衣(= foundation garment)7. (面部化妆打底用的)粉底(霜)(= foundation cream)8. (衣服等的)衬底;贴身衣9. 【单人纸牌】底牌found v. 建立,创立, 创办vbl. (find的过去分词)找到

Some diseases are not at all dangerous if ___________ (treat) in time.为啥填treated?



基础 来自百度翻译。。。。。。。。。


foundation的中文意思是基础、根本、地基、基金会、根据、创立。读音:英[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]、美[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]。一、foundation的短语搭配1、on the foundation [英国英语]领取基金会提供奖学金(或津贴)的;属于由基金维持的机构的。2、theoretical foundation 理论基础。3、solid foundation 基础雄厚;实体基础。4、foundation pit 基坑。foundation的双语例句1.The organization attracts the attention of the public since its foundation.该组织自成立以来就引起了公众的关注。2.I have laid the wealth foundation for my son.我已经为我的儿子奠定了财富基础。3.The house collapsed because of its weak foundation.房子倒塌的原因是地基薄弱。


foundation 英 [fau028an"deu026au0283(u0259)n] 美 [fau028an"deu0283u0259n] n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立








Cocoa是苹果公司为Mac OS X所创建的原生面向对象的编程环境,是Mac OS X上五大API之一(其它四个是Carbon、POSIX、X11和Java)。Cocoa 应用程序一般在苹果公司的开发工具Xcode(前身为Project Builder)和Interface Builder上用 Objective-C写成。不过,通过Java bridge、PasCocoa、PyObjC、CamelBones以及RubyCocoa等桥接技术,Java、Clozure CL、LispWorks、Object Pascal、Python、Perl、Ruby等其它工具或者语言也可以用来开发 Cocoa 应用。也有一些其它语言的Cocoa实现无须桥接,比如苹果公司开发的MacRuby和类似Lisp的Nu语言。不使用Xcode和Interface Builder,仅仅通过文本编辑器、GCC和GNU make工具也可以用Objective-C语言开发Cocoa应用。对最终用户来说,使用Cocoa编程环境开发的应用程序即为Cocoa 应用。这类应用有独特的外观,因为Cocoa编程环境让程序在多方面自动遵循苹果公司的人机界面守则。Cocoa包含两个主要的Objective-C对象库,称为“框架”。框架的功能类似于动态库,即可以在运行时动态的载入应用程序的地址空间,但框架作为一个捆绑 (计算机)而非独立文件,其中除了可执行代码外,也包含了资源,头文件和文档。“Foundation 工具包”,或简称为“Foundation”,首先出现在OpenStep中。在Mac OS X中,它是基于Core Foundation的。作为通用的面向对象的函数库,Foundation提供了字符串,数值的管理,容器及其枚举,分布式计算,事件循环,以及一些其它的与图形用户界面没有直接关系的功能。其中用于类和常数的“NS”前缀来自于Cocoa的来源,NeXTSTEP。它可以在Mac OS X和iOS中使用。 “应用程序工具包”,或称AppKit(Application Kit)是直接衍生自NeXTSTEP的AppKit的。它包含了程序与图形用户界面交互所需的代码。它是基于Foundation建立的,也使用“NS”前缀。它只能在Mac OS X中使用。 “用户界面工具包”,或称UIKit(User Interface Kit),是用于iOS的图形用户界面工具包。与AppKit不同,它使用“UI”的前缀。 Cocoa 构架的一个关键部分是其多样的视图模型。总体而言,它是基于由Quartz提供的PDF绘制模型的,该特性允许使用PostScript绘制自定义图形内容,同时也自动的支持了打印机以及类似设备。由于Cocoa框架管理了全部的绘图操作,例如裁剪,滚动,缩放等,程序员可以不再重复实现基础的功能,而可以集中于提供程序的关键功能上。

M.O.P.的《Foundation》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Foundation歌手:M.O.P.专辑:WarriorzUnique - FoundationFeels like I just bought a million dollar home on the beachAnd a wave just came and washed it awayFeels like I just bought a Maybach with cream leather seatsOnly to watch another dude drive it awayIt"s like at halftime watching meJust before the buzzer goes offAnd the ref just says it don"t count at allI know it"s my faultIf I coulda rewind and do it all over againHey, you"d still be my ladyYou that real is they talk about (this is it)When you"re real youngAnd you eavesdrop on the grown folks convoYou know that regret that got me down (this is it, deal with it)Imma try but it"s hard without my shawty aroundYou are my strong foundation (yes)C.E.O. of my heart foundation (yes)Without you, don"t think I"m gon make it (yes)Here I am, here I standBaby, now I got a planJust be my strong foundation (yes)President of my heart"s foundation (yes)Without you, don"t think I"m gon make it (yes)Here I am, with these handsWanna build a strong foundationNow that you see I"m sincereBaby, will you give me a chance?(These are my true colors)(Nothing else another color)Nothing but honesty, babyThat"s what you got standing here, yeah (yes)From now on it"s 50/50 (famous keep before )Don"t gotta worry bout a thingWhen you"re with me, no (girl, just put your feet up)Cuz I, I get it nowIf I don"t put it downSome guy might come aroundAnd take my crown nowOh, I"ve tried without you but I can"t let you goI"m better off with you next to meI"m do the part of love is learning to let it goBut without you here, now all I can see isOh, oh (5x)All I can see isOh, oh (5x)Won"t you be my strong foundation (yes)(Yes) (6x)http://music.b***.com/song/8720317





fund 和 foundation 作为基金有什么区别?

一个是基金,一个是基金会。 基金就是一种专家代客理财的方式,普通投资者老百姓不懂专业的投资知识和技巧,因此就需要委托专家代为理财。通过专业人士的投资行为,可以充分规避投资风险,使得投资收益更为稳健。基金在欧美也叫信托,顾名思义,信托就是信任托付。托付是建立在信任的基础上。但是通过信托基金代客理财的模式也存在一个致命的弱点,就是普通投资者和基金经理处在信息完全不对称的地位,基金经理完全有可能利用他们绝对的信息优势侵害投资者利益,而投资者则处于绝对的弱势地位。 因此信托基金要想长久持续的发展下去,达到各方利益共赢的局面,必然少不了严格的法律监管。没有严格的法律监管,投资者作为绝对的弱势群体,其利益无法得到保障。投资者赚不到钱,信托基金行业也就不可能长久健康发展下去。 而目前国内的基金业还很不成熟,法律监管形同虚设,侵害投资者利益的事件比比皆是,人们早已习以为常、见怪不怪了。据统计,去年国内基金业又亏损了5000多亿,仅次于2008年8000多亿的亏损额。而于此形成鲜明对比的则是,基金公司收费仍高达288亿,基金经理年薪动辄数百万。说白了投资者的钱就是让基金经理给自己理财的。国内基金经理为了自己的收入频繁跳槽,完全不顾会给自己管理的基金带来什么影响,也就是完全不顾及投资人的利益,而只知道自己的利益。这些都是由于国内政府和法律监管极度落后,金融市场完全没有形成保护投资者的法律体系。 相反你看看欧美和香港的法律监管,他们都是很重视保护投资者利益,尤其是中小投资者。不仅基金经理水平高、国际视野,而且他们有信托责任,就是因为他们的法律监管极其严格,在中国完全被忽视的每天都在发生的违规行为在香港和欧美肯定要坐牢的。所以投资者不要把自己的辛苦钱拿出来拱手相送给国内这些贪婪的鹰,去香港那种有着严格法律监管的地方,而且又是国际金融中心,有很多国际大牌的基金公司和资产管理公司,不知要放心多少倍。还记得曾荫权跟香港富豪有一点点亲近的关系就被香港立法会质询吗?还记得新鸿基地产和前政府高管被香港廉政公署拘捕的事吗?只有香港这种严格的法律才能充分保证投资者的利益,建议投资者不要再买大陆理财产品了,股市也不要碰,黑幕太多,这些都是机构投资者里的顶级机构才敢参与的,因为他们足够专业,有能力保护自己。除此之外的投资者最好直接购买香港的理财产品,香港法律会严格保护所有世界公民在香港投资的合法利益。详情可加扣要把二流依旧八五刘思详谈

foundation和base有什么区别吗?谢谢 能给几个例子吗

1.base:(基础,底部)多指露出地面的,有形的具体基础底部及支架. eg:The base of the column is quite firm. 这柱子的基础是牢固的. 2.foundation (根本,基础) 与basis大致同义,但更具体,通常指建筑物的地基,也可引申为"根据". eg:The story has no foundation . 这个故事没有根据

foundation 和 endowment 到底本质有何区别

foundation 英[faunu02c8deiu0283u0259n] 美[fau028anu02c8deu0283u0259n] n.地基;基础;基金(会);粉底endowment 英[u026anu02c8dau028amu0259nt] 美[u025bnu02c8dau028amu0259nt] n.捐赠;基金;天赋;养老保险endowment给出的英语解释是 money that is given to a college or hospital,etc.in order to provide it with an income,or the giving of this money也就是说,这个词只要指的是这笔捐赠的“钱”,或者“捐赠”这个行动,比如 an endowment of 3,000 dollarsfoundation 在词典里的意思是 an organization that has been established in order to provide money for a particular group of people in need of help or for a particular type of study也就是说,这个词用来指“基金会”这个组织的时候使用,比如例子 the Environmental Research Foundation---------------------------------------------------这是这两个词在一般用法上的差异.当然有些机构的名字也有使用endowment的,在google上可以查到,但这不是一般规律.

英语 为啥BASE 和 FOUNDATION 都表示“基 ”的意思(基础)









foundation_百度翻译foundation [英]faunu02c8deiu0283u0259n [美]fau028anu02c8deu0283u0259n n. 地基;基础;基金(会);粉底 [例句]u2022 Current title : ceo , clintonfoundationu2022目前头衔:克林顿基金会CEO请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


1.base:(基础,底部)多指露出地面的,有形的具体基础底部及支架.eg:The base of the column is quite firm.这柱子的基础是牢固的.2.basis (基础,根据)主要用于比喻,也制信念,议论等的根据.eg:The basis of his opinion is something he read in the paper .他的意见的根据是从报纸上看来的.3.foundation (根本,基础)与basis大致同义,但更具体,通常指建筑物的地基,也可引申为"根据".eg:The story has no foundation .这个故事没有根据.






foundation的动词:fund。foundation的详细释义:n.(作为某事的)基本原则、思想或事实;基础。foundation用于具体意义时,侧重指坚固结实的建筑物的基础或地基;用作比喻意义时,与basis基本相同。相关短语:foundation stone(特指建筑物等开工典礼上放置的)基石,基础,根源;raft foundation筏基,筏式基础,满堂基础。


foundation 英[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n] 美[fau028anu02c8deu0283u0259n] n. 基础; 地基; 粉底; 基金(会) [例句]I am determined to build on this solid foundation.我决定在这个坚实的基础之上继续努力。


foundation读音是:[fau028an'deu026au0283n]重点词汇:foundation。英[fau028an'deu026au0283n]释义:n.地基,基础;基本原理,根据;基金会;建立,创办;(化妆打底用的)粉底霜。[复数:foundations]短语:Heritage Foundation传统基金会;美国传统基金会;遗产基金会;传统基金。词语辨析:base,basis,foundation,ground。这些名词均含有“基础”之意。1、base侧重指构成或支撑某一具体物体的基础,也可指军事基地或用作比喻意义。2、basis主要用作抽象或引申意义。3、foundation用于具体意义时,侧重指坚固结实的建筑物的基础或地基;用作比喻意义时,与basis基本相同。4、ground含义与basis和foundation接近。一般指某种决定、论点或关系的基础,也可指某种原因的基础。


foundation - 翻译基础常见译义美 [faʊnˈdeɪʃn]英 [faʊnˈdeɪʃn]释义:n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立


foundation的中文意思是基础、根本、地基、基金会、根据、创立。读音:英[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]、美[fau028anu02c8deu026au0283n]。一、foundation的短语搭配1、on the foundation [英国英语]领取基金会提供奖学金(或津贴)的;属于由基金维持的机构的。2、theoretical foundation 理论基础。3、solid foundation 基础雄厚;实体基础。4、foundation pit 基坑。foundation的双语例句1.The organization attracts the attention of the public since its foundation.该组织自成立以来就引起了公众的关注。2.I have laid the wealth foundation for my son.我已经为我的儿子奠定了财富基础。3.The house collapsed because of its weak foundation.房子倒塌的原因是地基薄弱。






GDN表示的是接地,是LED控制器用于接地的串口。DAT表示数据,是LED控制器用于数据传递的串口。CLK表示的是时钟信号,用于时钟信号的控制。STB即Strobe,一般是选通信号,用于控制是否选通的串口。OE即Output Enable,一般是输出使能信号。扩展资料:LED控制器主要特点:1、采用RF 2.4GHZ无线传输技术,该频段在国际上免许可证、免专利费使用。2、内核升级为双核驱动,带来快达10倍的处理速度,能处理复杂的多层次无线数据传输。3、领先的RF无线同步控制技术,控制器之间无需同步信号线,同步性能稳定可靠。4、实现无限个接受控制器同步灯光变化,解决控制器之间无法拉线但需要同步控制的场所问题。5、遥控器采用电容式全彩色环触控方式,LED色彩选择更人性化,理论上能产生十亿种颜色。6、操作遥控器或任一台控制器都可以命令所有控制器无线同步工作,唯雷特产品具备这项功能。7、色彩与灯光变化情景模式预设储存功能。

求个 日语翻译 只有发音 naobuta dayihaizao! taomatao dakai aiyixtairu !ganbalai !

aiyixtairu 我爱你ganbalai 加油

naobuta dayihaizao! taomatao dakai aiyixtairu !ganbalai ! 这个日语发音的翻译是什么 谢谢

菜绪 盖、大廃材お!田尾又郎、高い 爱している。顽张って!女名, 废物!男名,我很爱你!加油!这是我猜的,不晓得是你没听清,还是打错了,总之有问题。

dao mao a li a tao,这是一句日语的日常用语,不知道什么意思,读音大概是这样的。请网友们告诉我什么意


求又黑人ice cube 主演的电影《next Friday》资源



1. a Wonderful day作文 I had a wonderful day at the Spring Festival! And it"s also a noisy day. Many people, my uncles and aunties and their children, came to my home. We had delicious food, but mum was so tired. We were very happy. Dad was also busy, he was cleaning the rooms. Though my parents were busy and tired, they were *** iling! Everybody was excited. I"m happy i"m only a child, i dont need to do housework, i was playing with my brothers and sisters. It was really a wonderful day!。 2. 英语作文:A wonderfui day in the beijing World Park A wonderful day in the Beijing World Park On a clear Sunday morning,Millie together with her friends took a bus to the Beijing World Park ,which is highly spoken by lots of people. However,Millie felt a little sick all along the way.But she was pletely attracted by over 100 man-made places of interest around the world at the moment she entered the park .The splendid buildings were totally a visual feast .They had a good time there and took many photos.It"s a really wonderful day. 3. 以“a wonderful day”写一篇大约一百字的英语作文 I had a wonderful day last weekend. In the morning, i got up early and play badminton with my father. Then my parents took me to the zoo. I saw many kinds of animals there, such as tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes and so on. They ate the food that I gave them. At noon, we had lunch in KFC, which is my favorite place. I had a sandwich and some potatoes for lunch while my parents had hamburgers. In the afternoon, i went shopping with my best friend. We had a good time. In the evening, i watch TV with my parents and l like the program very much. At eleven o"clock I went to bed. I had a wonderful day。 4. 以"a wonderful day" 为题写一篇短文5句话6年级 I had a wonderful day last weekend. In the morning, i got up early and play badminton with my father. Then my parents took me to the zoo. I saw many kinds of animals there, such as tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes and so on. They ate the food that I gave them. At noon, we had lunch in KFC, which is my favorite place. I had a sandwich and some potatoes for lunch while my parents had hamburgers. In the afternoon, i went shopping with my best friend. We had a good time. In the evening, i watch TV with my parents and l like the program very much. At eleven o"clock I went to bed. I had a wonderful day.。 5. a wonderful day 作文 三分钟左右 had a wonderful day at the Spring Festival! And it"s also a noisy day. Many people, my uncles and aunties and their children, came to my home. We had delicious food, but mum was so tired. We were very happy. Dad was also busy, he was cleaning the rooms. Though my parents were busy and tired, they were *** iling! Everybody was excited. I"m happy i"m only a child, i dont need to do housework, i was playing with my brothers and sisters. It was really a wonderful day!过年。 6. 英语7年级下册A wonderful shopping day作文怎么写 An Interesting Shopping Experience This morning , I went shopping for my mother, my pen friend Mary wanted to go with me, she though it was a good chance to learn Chinese , so we went together. There are many kinds of goods in the markets, Marry was very happy to talk to the sellers, so were they. we wanted to buy some chicken for lunch, I encoraged Mary to ask for price, Marry was a little nevous, she ask the seller:" How much is the cock?" ,the seller said:" yeah。 , I am not sure whether it is a cock or a hen" .Mary didn"t know what to do, she looked at me, I laughed " How much is the chicken?" " Yes , yes, I see. " All of the people laughed. Then we went to buy some eggs, I asked Mary :" Do you want to buy hens" sons or daughters?" Mary shouted:" I can say eggs". We laughed again, the people looked at us in surprie, Mary stopped me " Be quiet, please". Then we bought some fruit and went home happily. What an interesting shopping experience!--------------------During my vacation last month, I had been to the biggest mall in south India with my family.It was a great experience, as it"s the leading shopping mall. However, the price of the items were heavy for a typical Indian. One best thing that I noticied, is the collection of fancy ornaments, because, the price of ornaments is really good as pared with other stores. overall experience had been memorable for me.----------------------Shopping malls are the important part of lives of some people in today"s era. An essay on shopping mall all the benefits of a shopping mall. The shopping malls are the places that are packed in weekends. The malls of today"s world are huge and provide all the products that a man desires as a source of entertainment. During weekends people e with the families for shopping and fun in the shopping malls. There are large in size with hundreds of shops. If one enters a shopping mall, he/she can get each and everything from household products to eatables in the same mall. These shopping malls attracts huge youngster crowd towards themMany people just e for window shopping to the shopping malls. These days the malls have bee a good source of entertainment for everyone. There are many branded showrooms in the malls. Shopping malls have made the shopping of people very convenient as they get almost everything from one same roof. These shopping malls are constructed beautifully to attract more and more customers. They have huge infrastructure. Descriptive essay on shopping malls explains the various aspects shopping malls whereas in opinion essay on shopping malls people/writer expresses his views on the shopping malls. Opinion essay on shopping malls explains the general view of the people regarding these malls. If the writer wants to write about the negative views about the shopping malls than he/she has tell about some particular aspects that he don"t like. If it"s so hard for you to write the descriptive essay on shopping, or if you haven"t a lot of time, you can buy essays at our custom writing service – Essays Lab. Opinion essay on shopping mall can describe the negative and positive aspects of the malls. Some people find the shopping malls as highest achievements of our civilization and some people are totally against this view and are very much irritated about few things related to the malls.The writer who has neutral views about the shopping malls。READ FULL DOCUMENT。 7. 英语作文a wonder fulactivity A Wonderful , Enjoyable and Treasured Experience!Last Sunday , ourclass hosted a party–barbecue or picnic--which is our first class activity inFubo Hill . Both picnics and barbeques are friendly, informal social eventsthat offer an opportunity to enjoy a meal outside in pleasant surroundings . Beforethe day , we were all looking forward to having a amused experience and memory.At 8:30 , we ,morethan 40 students got on the No.10 bus with happy *** ile. On the way to ourdestination , all of us had a good time talking and joking together . After onehour , we reached the entertainment village named the first household. As soonas we got to that place, we。 Last Sunday A Wonderful . Both picnics and barbeques are friendly. As soonas we got to that place. It was filled with conversation and laughter.10 bus with happy *** ile. Justat that moment grill-worthy foods also were cooked, we , good-tasting and cooked dumplingswere exposed in front of us. On the way to ourdestination . During the period . We began to gather and light the materialsfor a fire, informal social eventsthat offer an opportunity to enjoy a meal outside in pleasant surroundings ,such as playing cards and mahjong . Twohours later.As the day worealong we came back to the school with joy and pleasure , everything was ready, all of us had a good time talking and joking together . Beforethe day . Less than no time, we started work actively .A moment later we cleaned all the dumplings, we were all looking forward to having a amused experience and memory, the sweet- *** elling . Some cut vegetables . After onehour . It was a wonderful meal.At 8, Enjoyable and Treasured Experience,morethan 40 students got on the No, fullof fun. And some washed and scraped dishes, we reached the entertainment village named the first household,and we all ploughed into it, ourclass hosted a party–barbecue or picnic--which is our first class activity inFubo Hill .Some clas *** ates cleanedvegetables and meat. We all could not keep from eating them because wewere all hungry at that time . The class divided into several *** aller groups to barbecue and boildumplings, played games , singing songs anddabbling in water:30 , we took lots of beautiful pictures near the LiRiver。 8. a wonderful holiday这个作文怎么写 小学6年级水平 用自己学过的一些简单句子写就可以啊。首先要确定这个假期你是去了哪里还是做了什么有意思的事情。然后再写这件事。注意时态,用一般过去式,给你一些句子参考,希望对你有帮助: I went to。.with my friends last weekend. It was sunny and warm. We went there by。.. There were。 We saw。。。 They were 。. We had a good time. What a wonderful holiday! 9. 以A wonderful trip to I had a very pleasant trip climbing the Cuihua Hill last month. There were 20 of us. We took the bus and start climbing at about 10AM. It was a long way up to the summit of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before. We were talking and laughing all along the road, people sharing their food and drink, taking pictures. We spent 4hours up and down. Before we left, we went to the "peasant"s restaurant" and enjoyed a wonderful "peasant meal". It was really a pleasant trip 不用谢!给点分就成!

Ice Cube的《Friday》 歌词

歌曲名:Friday歌手:Ice Cube专辑:At Tha MoviesDaniel Bedingfield LyricsFriday LyricsI live in an Ice house aI never do dance salsaI"m living in JamacaI live in an Ice BreakerI"m living in AfricaI never do Know where aWhere I"m living but I"m living in a free fallWhenever she goes awayMight as well be in San Jose"Cause I never can tell where myWhere my heart"s gonna spend it"s timeHalf of me"s missingI miss her KissingI don"t know nothing but I knowShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayMy head is a hurricaneMy heart is a touch insaneand my body can"t sleep to dreamAnd my Eyes open up to screamAnd my mouth is a thin straight lineAs I"m struggling to pass the timeAnd my crime is that I"m living life without herAnd the morning soon will comeAnd the days nearly almost doneAnd the clock says it"s half past fiveBut the sun is still in the skyDisorientatedInsatiatedHow long I"ve waited but I knowShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayMy head is a hurricaneMy heart is a touch insaneand my body can"t sleep to dreamAnd my Eyes open up to screamAnd my mouth is a thin straight lineAs I"m struggling to pass the timeAnd my crime is that I"m living life without herAnd the morning soon will comeAnd the days nearly almost doneAnd the clock says it"s half past fiveBut the sun is still in the skyDisorientatedInsatiatedHow long I"ve waited but I knowShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on FridayShe"s coming back on Fridayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2695273

英语作文:A wonderfui day in the beijing World Park

It was a Sunday that Millie went to the Beijing World Park on a 2-hour bus-ride. Millie was feeling sick all along the way there, but once she entered the Park. When they saw the replicas of more than a hundred famous places, sceneries, and monuments in the world they were immediately attracted by it. They had a lot of fun and also took a lot of pictures. 60多字而已。。。不过水平绝对达到大学水平。。。

一首日文歌开头是钢琴曲,男声独唱。第一句是 a mei long ,xi la bai ,tata…… 高潮是no ba xi so dai no

BLUE 死神的主题曲 你去看看应该是。

求动漫Love live中的歌Start Dash的歌词分配

I say hey hey hey start dashHey hey hey start dash小鸟:wu bu gei da gou to li da ji ka凛:yi ci ga so la ni ha ba da ku绘理:o gi na cu you yi cu bas a dei tou bu海未:a ki la mei jia da mei na en da希:so no hi ga ze dai ku lu真姬:ki mi mo kan qi dei lu you nei ha qi ma li no gou dou花阳:a xi da yo ka wa lei妮可:ki bo o ni ka wa lei穗乃果:ma bu xi hi ka li nit a la sa lei dei ka wa lei全员:start!Ka na xi mi ni tou za sa lei deiNa ku da gei no ki mi jia na yiA cu yi mu nei gi do mi lai oKi li hi la ku ha cu saKa na xi mi ni tou za sa lei deiNa ku da gei jia cu ma la na yiGi dou (gi dou) ki mi no (you mei no)Qi ka la (yi ma mo) wu dou gas u qi ka laXin ji dei lu you…da ga la start!Hey hey hey start dash!Hey hey hey start dash!凛:a mei a ga li no ki bun dei希:ta ka ma lu ki dai yi no na ka花阳:cu ma cu yi da gou dou sa e mo全员:o mo yi dei ni xi you绘理:a xi dag a sa ku you真姬:ki bo o ga sa ku you穗乃果:ta no xi me lo di(这个词就是把英文单词melody用日文的方法说出来了,所以有些怪异) yi ku qi cu sa mi sa yi da全员:Dash!You lo gou bi o wu gei to mei deiKi mi dou wo ku cu na ga lou wuMa you yi mi qi ya dou so dou eWu gei da xi da ha cu saYou lo gou bi o wu gei to mei deiKi mi dou wo ku su su mu da lou (wu)So lei wa (so lei wa) tou o yi (you mei no)Ka kei la (da gei dou) yi tou xi yi ka keilaKa na ta e dou…wo ku wa Dash!穗乃果:ma da hi tou cu you mei ga wu ma lei… 间奏….绘理: ka na xi mi ni tou za sa lei dei真姬: na ku da gei no ki mi jia na yi穗乃果: a cu yi mu nei gi do mi lai yi o ki li hi la ku ha cu sa全员:You lo gou bi o wu gei to mei deiKi mi dou wo ku cu na ga lou wuMa you yi mi qi ya dou so dou eWu gei da xi da ha cu saYou lo gou bi o wu gei to mei deiKi mi dou wo ku su su mu da lou (wu)So lei wa (so lei wa) tou o yi (you mei no)Ka kei la (da gei dou) yi tou xi yi ka keilaKa na ta e dou…wo ku wa Dash!Hey hey hey start dash!Hey hey hey start dash!

New Moon Day 歌词

歌曲名:New Moon Day歌手:栗山千明专辑:CIRCUS(Deluxe Edition)「New Moon Day」作词∶ヒダカトオル作曲∶ヒダカトオル歌∶栗山千明记忆から消せないリズム见せかけの平和な景色消えぬパラサイト 蹴散らせ駆け抜けてく End of the NightI"m Always Free, and Looking forI"m Always Free, and Looking for a New DayI"m Always Free, and Looking forI"m Always Free, and Looking for a New Moon Day闭ざされた世界のヴィジョン裏切りに映る真実燃えるサテライト すり抜け踵鸣らす End of the WorldI"m Always Free, and Looking forI"m Always Free, and Looking for a New DayI"m Always Free, and Looking forI"m Always Free, and Looking for a New Moon DaySomeone"s Watching You 街の中Someone"s Watching You 马鹿らしい でもSomeone"s Waiting You 手を伸ばせSomeone"s Waiting You 手を离すなI"m Always Free and Looking forI"m Always Free and Looking for a New DayI"m Always Free and Looking forI"m Always Free and Looking for a New DayI"m Always Free, and Looking forI"m Always Free, and Looking for a New DayI"m Always Free, and Looking forI"m Always Free, and Looking for a New Moon Day【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/20462407

纪录曲折人生:专属前自行车王者Lance Armstrong的Rolex Daytona

瑞士高级腕表改装品牌Artisans de Geneve替许多名人改装过心爱的Rolex,包含2018年哥伦比亚前F1一级方程式赛车手Juan Pablo Montoya的Daytona;今年将海洋守护者协会(Sea Shepherd Conservation)创办人Paul Watson的替Rolex Submariner加入月相功能。如今则是为美国前职业公路自由车赛车手阿姆斯壮(Lance Armstrong)打造专属的镂空Daytona,将他的概念与想法融于腕表,反映了他曲折的抗癌之路与车手生涯。 Lance Armstrong这位美国职业自行车选手自从青少年时期就参与铁人三项活动,开始崭露对自行车的天赋和潜能,往后获奖无数,没想到却在1996年被诊断出患有恶性睾丸癌,几乎宣判了他的人生死刑。然而Armstrong没有向命运低头,透过治疗努力对抗病魔,并创办蓝斯.阿姆斯壮基金会(2012年改名为Livestrong基金会),提供资源挹注与他一样的癌症病患,而最终也成功对抗病魔。 经历一年左右的复健与休养,Armstrong重返自行车赛道,加入美国邮政自行车队(USPS Pro Cycling Team),并连续于1998到2005年连续获得七届环法自由车赛(Le Tour de France)冠军,奠定他在自行车领域的「车神」地位。不过他在2012年遭美国反禁药组织(USADA)公布长期使用促红血球生成素EPO这项禁药,因此没收包含他的环法冠军与雪梨奥运铜牌等奖项,跌落神坛。 从罹癌到战胜病魔,从被封为车神再到名誉扫地,Lance Armstrong描述自己有着复杂的过去,而目前只希望能以充满意义和荣耀的方式活在当下,并选择将收藏已久的Daytona Ref.116520拿给Artisans de Geneve改造,希望能随时看到腕表内部的样貌。 为此,Artisans de Geneve拿掉Daytona表盘,并镂空处理内载4130自动上链机芯的部分机板、桥板,进行黑色喷砂与倒角,加上蓝宝石水晶玻璃底盖的设计,让Armstrong能尽情地于表面和表背欣赏劲酷有型的卓越质感;同时以黑色框架呈现3点钟的30分计时盘与6点钟小秒盘、移除9点钟位置的计时累积盘,让正面呈现更大范围的镂空样貌。 另一方面,Artisans de Geneve 根据一款结合脉搏计(Pulsation)的Daytona Ref. 6239为灵感,将脉搏计刻度以鲜黄色显示于外框上,Armstrong表示自己很喜欢这种「老派」测量心律的方式,能在操作计时与读取脉搏刻度的过程,与腕表产生更多互动。 这只Daytona维持40毫米的尺寸,至于镀黑的不锈钢表壳、重新设计的表圈与表冠样式,以及提升运动风格的橡胶表带,外观更显前卫。特别的是,中央计时秒针设末端设计成类似Rolex Milgauss的闪电指针,仿佛呼应着Armstrong过去于环法赛道上的风驰电掣。


baget是电子元件Oyster perpetual蚝式恒动男式表DAY-DATE双历BAGET OYSTER PERPETUAL DAY-DATE 是“劳力士电子蚝式恒动双历男式表”的意思 以下是劳力士各种型号及代码: Rolex的型号代码(前两位或三位) Oyster Perpetual(蚝式):10 140 142 AirKing(空霸):55 140 Date(单历):15 150 Datejust(快跳单历):16 162 Daytona Manual Wind(手动迪通纳):62 Daytona Cosmograph(宇宙计型迪通纳):165 Explorer II(探险者II):165 Sea Dweller(海使):16 166 Submariner(潜航者):16 166 168 Submariner (no date):55 140 GMT Master(格林威治):16 65 167 GMT Master II(格林威治II):167 Oysterquartz Datejust(蚝式石英单历):170 Oysterquartz Day-Date(蚝式石英双历):190 Day-Date (President)(双历王):65 66 18 180 182 183 Yachtmaster(游艇名士):166 686 696 Midsize Oyster Perp DJ(中号蚝式):68 682 Ladies Oyster Perpetual(小号女式蚝式):67 671 672 Ladies Date(女式单历):65 69 691 692 Ladies Datejust(女式快跳单历):65 69 691 692 流水编号第一个字母为英文字母,每1000000更换一次 型号末一字代表成分 0:全钢 2:铂金及钢 3:18K黄金及钢 4:白金及钢 5:玫瑰金 8:18K黄金 9:18K白金 型号后的英文字母 A:表面镶有8颗钻石及2颗长方钻石 CR:表面镶有10颗钻石配罗马数字 C11:表面镶有11颗钻石 DP:表面镶满钻石(满天星) G:表面镶有10颗钻石 J:纪念纹表面镶有10颗钻石 LB:表面镶有钻石环及10颗钻石 LR:表面镶有钻石环及10颗红宝石 NA:珍珠母表面配阿拉伯数字 NC8DI:珍珠母表面镶有8颗钻石 NC11DI:珍珠母表面镶有11颗钻石配罗马数字 NG:珍珠母表面镶有10颗钻石 NGR:珍珠母表面镶有10颗红宝石 NGS:珍珠母表面镶有10颗蓝宝石 P:满天星表面 PB:满天星表面镶有10颗钻石 PLAT:铂金表面 WOOD:木纹表面 XL:表面密镶特大钻石(大满天星) XS11:表面密镶特大钻石镶有11颗蓝宝石 XS8:表面密镶特大钻石镶有8颗蓝宝石 ZR:表面密镶钻石镶有11颗红宝石 ZS-R:表面密镶钻石镶有11颗蓝宝石 ZSA-R:表面密镶钻石镶有8圆2长方钻石 11DI:表面镶有11颗钻石 3DI:表面镶有3颗钻石 8DI:表面镶有8颗钻石 8D3R:表面镶有8颗钻石1颗三角2颗长方红宝石 8D3S:表面镶有8颗钻石1颗三角2颗长方蓝宝石 表圈的类型(倒数第二位数字) 0:Polished 光表圈 1:Finely Engine Turned 旋转表圈,字是平面的(gmtmaster用的) 2:Engine Turned 旋转表圈,凸起的字 3:Fluted 牙花表圈 4:Hand-Crafted 手工表圈 5:Pyramid 牙花表圈 6:Rotating Bezel 旋转表圈(潜水表专用) Rolex历代机芯型号 Cal.A260 A296:1940年代(单向上弦) Cal.1030:1950年代(全新双向自动上弦结构) Cal.1520:1960年代~1980年代(向19800摆频进化) Cal.1530:1960年代左右(大量用于Submariner等款式) Cal.1560:1960年代(从快慢针向螺丝调节过渡,微调整简化,并提升了精度) Cal.1570:1970年代~1980年代(钟表史上著名的双向上弦自动结构,26石) Cal.3000:1990年代(向28800摆频进化) Cal.3035:Cal.3000的日历版本 Cal.3130:当代主力机种 Cal.3135:当代(从Cal.3000改进为横跨桥板,有日历,当代主力机种) Cal.3085:1980年代(Cal.3000的GMT版本,有日历) Cal.3185:1983年代~当代(31石) Cal.1120:直径20mm的Automatic,19800摆频 Cal.1160:直径20mm的Automatic,19800摆频 Cal.2130 2135:当代(28800摆频,29石) 手卷机芯型号 Cal.1130:19800摆频,直径20.00mm Cal.1166:19800摆频,直径20.00mm Cal.1210:18000摆频,直径23.80mm Cal.1225:中3针,18石,18000摆频,直径23.80mm Cal.1600 1601:2针,19800摆频,直径20.80mm Cal.2316:Rolex手卷中的最高杰作 计时码表机芯型号(手卷) Cal.72B:1960年代(基于Valjoux72,18000摆频,17石) Cal.722-1:1960年代(基于Valjoux72,18000摆频,17石) Cal.727:1960年代~1987年(基于Valjoux727,21600摆频,被使用了20年的稳定机芯) 计时码表机芯型号(自动) Cal.4030:1988年~2000年(由Zenith机芯改进,28800摆频,31石) Cal.4130:2000年~现在(将动力储存提升到72小时,完全自行开发的计时码表机芯)

Definition Updates这个文件夹里的能删除么

Windows在更新的时候产生临时的文件。这只是更新临时文件,不是病毒,所以用杀毒软件扫描没有用,如果你删不掉就用WIN PE登录可以删掉。 下面是网上看到的方法,本人没试过,你可以试试:“在E盘再新建个文件夹(切记名称不能是“新建文件夹”也不能名称相同),将含有该文件的原文件夹拖入你新建的文件夹内,现在你可以试一下删除你新建的文件夹了。“

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◎谁知道7 days歌词的翻译?◎


PAUL DAVIS的《I Go Crazy》 歌词

歌曲名:I Go Crazy歌手:PAUL DAVIS专辑:Paul Davis Greatest HitsHuey Ft. Colby O"Donis - I Go CrazyWooa little more power in this one we need itey yo BANG!!!we bout to have fun on this onelets go!hello?ya knownew over unonetthelloi ment theleroi see how ya move and shakin" that jelloya take drop epics back to that troubleevery guy in here likes how she movesso seriously that she got off her damn shoesno clue how she moves she just doright, left, up, and down im like oohif she gotta man and idceverythings done from nails to her hairusually chicks with beauty dont phase mebut this ones crazyi"m bout to make her my ladyi i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apartnow why would you wanna do thatif i was to ever leavei"d be coming right backand infactya love me too muchto just pack ya clothesand shoes and you whathey nowi"m done with play nowi"ve don" had hoessaint louis to eight towni"m ready for you and meyou ready for me and youyou want me to cop a ringfuck it i"m getting twoand together we will beforever we will feellayed up pillow case layedfrom fella seduce youmy M-A-I and layayup say ityou drive me crazyits too late for these gameswisdom hearts too much paini see pictures with frameswhen i think of youi need physic and physco physomaticdrama i know you can"t stand itmy world is big you can"t grasp itshes my number one mistress listeni i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apartso how do ya feel nowya wanna throw it awayor ya wanna live proudand smile the next dayyou forget that i seeframes from me and yougrew back memoriesi see from me and youwe"re stuck togetherlike lips school gluewhile we gotta think smartas students who doregardless who dois not what i amman i gotta planand as a man i promiseis she with another manis she with her girlfriendwhy she answeringwhats really happeningbaby i don"t go give her offmaybe i should find a friendmaybe take her to the cribmaybe show her the businessits too late for these gameswisdom hearts too much paini see pictures with frameswhen i think of youi need physic and physco physomaticdrama i know you can"t stand itmy world is big you can"t grasp itshes my number one mistress listeni i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apart (2X)http://music.baidu.com/song/8783362


天下腰带一大抄——DarkSide腰带美国的战术装备和服装制造商Nordenoutdoors,很流行的两件式魔术贴粘合腰带系统,推出了一款糅合了市场上最受欢迎的射击腰带诸多设计要素的集大成之作.他们已经推出的DarkSide Elite和DarkSide尼龙系列的新款腰带采用了最流行的设计方案,将内腰带(APOGEE)与外腰带(DarkSide Elite或尼龙)连接在一起,内腰带穿在裤子的腰带环里,外腰带由铝制扣具固定。解脱锁紧机构位于腰带的中间和两端,工作方式和原理与传统的ALICE系统相似,但尺寸更大,也更容易操作。将外腰带覆盖在内腰带外侧之后,只需简单调整即可确保整个腰部承载系统的正确定位并锁紧。这种设计优点很值得说道,那就是安静,与最流行的同类竞品的设计相比——例如Ronin Senshi、Ferro Concepts Bison或Raptor Tactical Dunbar等等当红炸子鸡,这款新锐产品在穿脱外腰带时产生的噪音要小得多,可以说算得上是高度优化了。DarkSide系列腰带有两种版本。Elite款由覆盖TPU的材料制成——即热塑性聚氨酯。与传统的尼龙产品相比,大大减轻了腰带的重量。由于MOLLE织带采用激光切割技术制成,因此腰带也更加扁平,不容易产生钩挂。Elite系列腰带有黑色和灰色版本可选。腰带宽度为2英寸,可用尺寸范围从S (21英寸)到XL (30英寸)。尼龙款,顾名思义,是一款经典结构的腰带,带有尼龙材料制成的MOLLE织带。该型号有黑色和MultiCAM色。尼龙腰带宽1.75英寸,尺寸从S (21英寸)到XL (30英寸)不等。当然,要选配全套时,你还应该选择一个名为APOGEE的内带,有黑色,CB色,猎人橙,OD色和狼灰色可供选择。此外,用户可以选择内腰带扣的颜色:黑色、哑光黑色或绿色。整套的DarkSide Elite套装价格为212.50美元,尼龙版套餐的价格也相同。Elite外腰带价格为175美元,尼龙款外腰带价格则为160美元。

英语the day you went a way怎么翻译?

英语The day you went a way.这个英文句子的翻译是:你离开的那天。go a way.走一条路大概就是这样希望可以帮到你加油!

女生打鼓,有句歌词含to be yesterday,开头是a什么什么,是什么歌

家.我 new206

Mandatory Suicide 歌词

歌曲名:Mandatory Suicide歌手:Slayer专辑:Live: Decade Of AggressionMurder at your every foot step.A child"s toy sudden death.Sniper blazes you thru your kneesFalling down can you feel the heat,Burn!Ambushed by the spray of leadCount the bullet holes in your head.Offspring sent out to cry,Living mandatory suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Holes burn deep in your chest,Raked by machine gun fire.Screaming soul sent out to die,Living mandatory suicide.Suicide. Suicide.Suicide.Suicide.Lying, dying, screaming in pain.Begging, pleading, bullets drop like rain.Mines explode, pain sheers through your brain,Radical amputation, this is insane.Fly swatter stakes drive through your chest.Spikes impale you as you"re forced off the crest.Soldier of misfortuneHunting with bated breath.A vile smell, like tasting death.Dead bodies, dying and woundedLitter the city streetsShattered glass, bits of clothing and human deceit.Dying in terror,Blood"s cheap, it"s everywhere.Mandatory suicide, massacre on the front line.http://music.baidu.com/song/8302662



dancing king 歌词分配

Hey hey hey hey【全体】嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿Hey hey hey hey嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿Hey hey hey hey嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿ub728uac70uc6b4 ub9acub4ecuc5d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f0uc796uc544【边伯贤】内心正随着火热的节奏跳动ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774现在我的心脏在狂跳Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc【金钟仁】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能uc774 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uac00uae30 uc804uc5d0在这段时间过去之前A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【金珉锡】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【张艺兴】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【金俊勉】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Oh uc9c0ub8e8ud588ub358 ud558ub8f0 ubc97uc5b4 ub358uc838 ubc84ub9acuace0【金钟大】噢 从那无聊的一天中逃离ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uc7a0ub4e4uc5b4 uc788ub358 ud765uc740 ucc59uae30uace0将我心中沉睡的兴奋激起uc62cub77cud0c0 ubd10 uc5ecuae30 ub9acub4ecuc774ub780 ub9c8ubc95uc5d0【都暻秀】坐上来吧 随着这里名为节奏的魔法Senorita! uae5cuc9dd ub180ub784 ubc24uc744 uc120ubb3cud574 uc904uac8c女士!我要把这让人大吃一惊的夜晚赠与你uc11cud230 ubab8uc9d3uc5d0 ub108ub97c ub9e1uaca8 uadf8ub0e5 ubbf8uccd0【边伯贤】就把自己交给这不熟练的动作 尽情疯狂(Ooh ah ah ah ah ah)(【吴世勋】喔 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊)uc9c0uce5c uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubd88uc744 ub2f9uaca8 ud568uaed8 ucda4uc744 ucdb0【金钟大】点燃疲惫的心 一同跳起来Cuz tonight因为今夜ub728uac70uc6b4 ub9acub4ecuc5d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f0uc796uc544【张艺兴】内心正随着火热的节奏跳动ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774现在我的心脏在狂跳Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc【朴灿烈】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能uc774 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uac00uae30 uc804uc5d0在这段时间过去之前A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【都暻秀】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【金钟仁】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【张艺兴】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Ah uc9dcuc99dub098ub294 uc77cub4e4 ubaa8ub450 uc78auace0 uc2f6uc744 ub54c【刘在石】啊 想把糟心的事情全都忘掉的时候uace0ubbfc ub9d0uace0 uadf8ub0e5 ub098ub97c ucc3euc544uc624uba74 ub3fc不要烦恼 只要来找我就好Yeah ub9d8ubcf4 ud0f1uace0 ub8f8ubc14 uc0bcubc14 ubb50ub4e0 ub9d0ub9cc ud574耶 曼波 探戈 伦巴 桑巴 无论什么只要说句话Buona sera! uba4buc9c4 uc138uc0c1uc73cub85c ucd08ub300ud574 uc904uac8c晚上好!我会邀你去往精彩世界uc11cud230 ubab8uc9d3uc5d0 ub108ub97c ub9e1uaca8 uadf8ub0e5 ubbf8uccd0【金钟大】就把自己交给这不熟练的动作 尽情疯狂Ooh ah ah ah ah ah【刘在石】喔 啊 啊 啊 啊 啊uc774 uc2dcuac04ub9ccuc740 ubaa8ub450 uc78auc5b4 ud568uaed8 ucda4uc744 ucdb0【都暻秀】就在这一刻 忘掉一切 一起跳起来Cuz tonight因为今夜ub728uac70uc6b4 ub9acub4ecuc5d0 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f0uc796uc544 (ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0ub9c8)【金俊勉】内心正随着火热的节奏跳动(【都暻秀】不要犹豫)ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 (ub2ecuc544uc62cub77c)现在我的心脏在狂跳(【都暻秀】狂跳起来)Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc (ud568uaed8 ud754ub4e4uc5b4)【刘在石】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能(【都暻秀】一起摇摆)uc774 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc9c0ub098uac00uae30 uc804uc5d0 (Oh yeah)在这段时间过去之前(【都暻秀】噢 耶)A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【金钟仁】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【边伯贤】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【金珉锡】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Shake it to the left【朴灿烈】先往左边扭Now shake it to the right现在再扭到右边ub2ecuc774 uc9c8 ub54cuae4cuc9c0 ub110 uba48ucd94uc9c0ub294 ub9c8【在月亮降下之前你都不要停下来】Shake your body oh my【吴世勋】舞动你的身体 噢 我的天Dancing all night彻夜舞动ub124uac8c ub208uc774 uba3c ub09c ub110 ubcf4ub0bc uc218 uc5c6uc5b4为你而奋不顾身的我 无法将你送别Awoooo~~~【全体】Awoooo~~~uc5b4ucc28ud53c ud55c ubc88 uc0acub294 uc778uc0dduc774uc796uc544【金俊勉】反正人生只能活一次ub2ecub824 ubcfcuae4c uc624ub298 uc800 ub05duae4cuc9c0今天一起嗨到最后吧Come on shake it ub108uc758 ubcf8ub2a5uc744 uae68uc6cc【金钟大】来吧 摇摆 唤醒你的本能uc9c0uae08 uc6b0ub9b0 uc774ub300ub85c ud589ubcf5ud574现在我们就这样好幸福A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098ub294 Dancing King【刘在石】啊呀呀 今夜我就是舞王ub098uc5d0uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4【金珉锡】为我深深着迷吧A-ya-ya uc624ub298 ubc24 ub098uc640 Dance all night【边伯贤】啊呀呀 今夜与我彻夜舞动吧Hey hey【全体】嘿 嘿Hey hey嘿 嘿Hey hey嘿 嘿Hey嘿每个人的part都标出来了满意请采纳哦~

dancing king exo歌词音译

DancingKing(音译歌词)  音译来源:音译歌词吧@Choii_  演唱:EXO、刘在石  [刘在石/ALL]Heyheyheyhey  Heyheyheyhey  Heyheyheyhey  [伯贤]的够问瑞的没噶死米对加那  她啦哦r啦几根内心讲一  [KAI]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  一喜感一几那卡gi叫内  [XIUMIN]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [LAY]那诶给吧就得咯  [SUHO]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [CHEN]Oh几录诶等哈路宝搜等就报里够  内啊内加m的咯一等哼恩清gi够  [D.O.]哦r啦她把哟gi瑞的米兰吧报贝  Senorita噶m加耨r啦r吧么r森木r嘿住r给  [伯贤]搜吞莫m几sei耨了r吗Q可娘米求  [世勋]Oohahahahahah  [CHEN]几亲卡死没不了r当Q哈m给去么r求  Cuztonight  [LAY]的够问瑞的没噶死米对加那  大啦哦r啦几根内心讲一  [灿烈]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  一喜感一几那卡gi叫内  [D.O.]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [KAI]那诶给吧就得咯  [LAY]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [刘在石]Ah加曾那嫩一r的r某读一够西破r带  够民吗r够可娘那了r恰加哦谬n对  YeahMamboTangoRumbaSamba莫等吗r吗内  Buonasera么近sei桑额咯凑带黑住r给  [CHEN]搜吞莫m几sei耨了r吗Q可娘米求  [刘在石]Oohahahahahah  [D.O.]一喜感吗嫩某读一叫哈m给去么r求Cuztonight  [SUHO]的够问瑞的没噶死米对加那  [D.O.]忙搜里几吗  [SUHO]大啦哦r啦几根内心讲一  [D.O.]大啦哦r啦  [刘在石]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  [D.O.]哈m给很的咯  [刘在石]一喜感一几那卡gi叫内  [D.O.]Ohyeah  [KAI]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [伯贤]那诶给吧就得咯  [XIUMIN]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [灿烈]Shakeittotheleft  Nowshakeittotheright  大里几r带噶几耨r么m去几嫩吗  [世勋]Shakeyourbodyohmy  Dancingallnight  内给怒你门男耨r播内r苏奥b搜  [ALL]Awoooo~~~  [SUHO]奥恰皮韩本撒嫩音sing一加那  大r留波r噶哦呢r叫个噶几  [CHEN]Comeonshakeit耨诶本能额r给我  几个木林一代咯hing波尅  [刘在石]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那嫩DancingKing  [XIUMIN]那诶给吧就得咯  [伯贤]A-ya-ya哦呢r班那哇Danceallnight  [ALL]Heyhey  Heyhey  Heyh


  date measurement的中文翻译  date measurement  日期测量  双语例句  1  Date measurement and analysis of material testing machine  材料试验机数据测量与分析  2  Order dates changed ahead of time by customer shift the orginal customer request date for measurement.  命令日期由顾客转移提早改变了原始的顾客请求日期为测量。

registration date是什么意思

注册日期 股权登记日 登记日期Such a request shall be made within one year as of the marriage registration date. 受胁迫的一方撤销婚姻的请求,应当自结婚登记之日起一年内提出。

求一首英文歌这首歌一开始就唱了是高潮 第一句好像是oh/now my friend……男的独唱 不是 7 days

Stereo Hearts 是这个么

需要一片英语演讲稿 题目是 a special day of China 着急 在线等 谢谢 最好有翻译

87 years ago in July, the Communist Party of China was born in South Lake boat fire spread revolution. A short span of 28 years has made the 9.6 million square kilometers in width, 4 Long live the people of the state power of the public. From a divided, being at the mercy of the "sick man" to the prosperous and strong, and proud of a democratic country, to rise from the humiliation, to take off from a standstill, from bitterness to glory. This is the kind of huge energy release, this is simply how that of the great feats! This is because the Communist Party of China has advanced the theory of guidance, is different from the previous peasant uprising, is not a simple change of government; This is because the Communist Party of China is rooted in the history of China"s most advanced productive forces, and embodied the essence of the best of the Chinese nation. I have a huge party for our proud achievements. In 1949, the eve of the founding of New China, Chairman Mao wrote excitedly rub: "The fate of the Chinese-speaking people by their own hands, such as China will be as the sun rises in the east, with their brilliant flame illuminated the earth, quickly and cleaned up the reactionary left government, heal the wounds of war, has built a strong brand-new People"s Republic of true. " History has given the important task of national rejuvenation of the Chinese Communist Party, and the Chinese Communist Party did not live up to the great trust of history, and lead people of all nationalities in the wind and rain in the 59-year history, do not yield to pressure undaunted by repeated setbacks, smashed the imperialist blockade and challenges, to defend the national sovereignty and dignity, one after another to overcome unimaginable difficulties and achieved a series of socialist construction achievements. Especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party, the party has learned from three decades of experience in money and lessons out of a socialism with Chinese characteristics and the road to success. From the "Rise of Fantasy Monster" long-term poor and weak to " Yutian music played there," the initial prosperity can say that the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the backbone of the core, in the long history of the Chinese nation to write has a . If it is said that the development of human society is a lengthy drama, then 59 years of New China, the miracle of economic development, without a doubt is one of the most glorious, most glorious, the most touching scene. From China leap from an agricultural country to industrial countries in the vertical tracks, from many countries in the world in the horizontal comparison, but also shows the glory of the Communist Party of China, the great and correct. to listen to a knowledge-based economy, the Communist Party of China recalled the glorious footsteps of felt that the carol, indomitable spirit, vowed to the ideals and unshakeable conviction. I am proud for the honor to be a member of the Communist Party of China; I am proud to have the honor to bring the body"s own weak, modest contribution to mankind"s most magnificent, the greatest cause of communism. At the same time, I deeply know that as a Communist Party member, the proud but also a mission, a responsibility, a driving force.  The days to come, I should be proud as a member of the Communist Party of the situation into forward momentum, and strive to practice the "Three Represents" in the journey towards a better future, with more confidence and more high enthusiasm, and more hard work, strong will to fight more and more scientific attitude, extraordinary in their own positions Expressing the communist cause, loyalty and persistence. "Party members and cadres to stay, to enable students to take the lead!" This is not just a slogan, it is also a basic requirement. Officials do? Why join the party? With the right to do? This is what we should always ask ourselves topic. The official, to join the party is at a crucial moment, the people most in need can be excluded when obtained, were on red to open a peace for the masses of living space. For each party member, it requires not only clarity of vision, but also down-to-earth dedication! It requires not only the world"s most ambitious vision, but also the livelihood of the people need to pay attention to detail! It is not only the need for strict integrity and the need to undergo supervision by the masses of the magnanimous! This is the sentiment of a member of the Communist Party.  87年前的7月,中国共产党在南湖小船上诞生播撒革命的火种。短短的28年取得了960万平方公里之阔,4万万人民之众的国家政权。从一个四分五裂、任人宰割的“病夫”到繁荣富强、扬眉吐气的民主国家,从屈辱到奋起,从停滞到腾飞,从苦涩到辉煌。这是怎样的巨大能量的释放,这是怎样的惊天地、泣鬼神的伟绩!这是因为中国共产党有先进的理论指导,不同于历次农民起义,不是简单的改朝换代;这是因为中国共产党根植于中国历史上最先进的生产力,并凝聚着中华民族最优秀的精华。我为我们党巨大的建设成就而自豪。1949年,在新中国成立的前夕,毛主席蹭激动地写道:“中国的命运一经操在人民自己手中,中国就将如太阳升起在东方那样,以自己辉煌的火焰普照大地,迅速地荡涤反动政府留下的污泥浊水,治好战争的创伤,建设起一个崭新的强盛的名副其实的人民共和国”。历史把民族复兴的重任赋予了中国共产党,而中国共产党也没有辜负历史的重托,带领全国各族人民在59年的风雨历程中,不信邪,不怕压,披荆斩棘,百折不挠,粉碎了帝国主义的封锁和挑战,捍卫了国家的主权和尊严,战胜了一个又一个难以想象的困难,取得了社会主义建设的一系列巨大成就。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,党吸取了钱三十年的经验和教训,走出了一条有中国特色社会主义的成功之路。从“百年魔怪舞翩跹”的长期积贫积弱到“万方乐奏有于阗”的初步繁荣昌盛,可以理直气壮地说,是中国共产党的领导核心和中流砥柱,在中华民族的历史长卷上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。如果说人类社会的发展是一出漫长的话剧,那么,新中国59年经济建设的奇迹,无疑就是其中最壮丽、最辉煌、最动人的一幕。从中国由一个农业国飞跃为工业国的纵向轨迹中,从与世界上许多国家的横向比较中,更显示了中国共产党的光荣、伟大和正确。聆听着知识经济的潮声,回顾着中国共产党八十七年的光辉足迹,油然而生的是荡气回肠的颂歌,一往无前的气概,矢志不渝的理想和坚定不移的信念。我自豪,为有幸成为中国共产党的一员;我自豪,为有幸能把自己的微弱之躯,微薄之力奉献到人类最壮丽、最伟大的共产主义事业中去。同时,我也深深地知道,对于一名共产党员来说,自豪更是一种使命,一份责任,一个动力。  未来的日子里,我要把作为一名共产党员的自豪之情化作前进的动力,努力践行“三个代表”重要思想,在迈向美好未来的征程上,以更加坚定的信心,更加高昂的热情,更加勤奋的工作,更加旺盛的斗志,更加科学的态度,在自己平凡的岗位上抒写对共产主义事业的忠诚与执着。 “党员干部留下来,让学生先走!”这不仅是一个口号,更是一种基本要求。当官干什么?入党为什么?用权做什么?这是我们应该经常扪心自问的话题。而当官、入党,就是在关键时刻、在群众最需要的时候能够豁得出、冲得上、挺得住,能够为群众撑开一片安宁的生存空间。对每一个共产党员来说,它不仅需要远大的理想,更需要脚踏实地的奉献!它不仅需要胸怀世界的豪情,更需要关注民生的细腻!它不仅需要严于律己的品格,更需要接受群众监督的坦荡!这就是一个共产党员的情怀。

以a three-day holiday为题写一篇70词的英语作文

i am overwhlmed to have a three-day holiday though it means i finally can free myself from day-to-day tedious schoolwork, which, also means, nobody will watch over my shoulder and tell me what to do. Maybe it"s time to have a break.If i had a three-day holiday,i would let myself just relax and think nothing about homework and endless exams. I would get close to nature and call on several of friends and plan a picnic or a barbecue. Of course, i wouldn"t miss my fishpole, you would never know how fishing can smooth my mood. Back when I was young , my grandpa used to take me to go fishing.It really gives me a peace of mind.The second day, i would go to the mall and buy myself some nice clothes. I didn"t remember when was the last time i got a new suit. So i would make myself look smart and give myself a nice mood.I would take my family to a movie recommended by the internet.The last day i would just stay at home ,get myself ready and prepare for the opening-day.如果收到答案请通知我

急需一篇英语作文题目是多么糟糕的一天!(Wate a bad day!)

what a bad day i was so unlucky today!oh ,my god,too bad!today is my first day to work,this afternoon,i went to work with a happy mood.everything was ok in the afternoon and i sold many things.then,things became bad in the evening,the first bad things was that i got a peace of 100 yuan,but later i found it was fake money,our firm require us hand in all turnover every next morning.That means i must use my own money to make up the turnover.i just can earn fouteen yuan everyday,100,too much for me!there was another thing happened out of my expected.our dustbin was put outside our shop,when i took something to throw,i found the dustbin was missing!oh my god,i must pay for it by my own money again.i was very sad ,i was thinking are there any other bad things will happen on me.really,i was very unlucky today,as a result ,i met the same thing,the acountant was wrong.some money was missing.god,what a bad day today!

改错:I head a peace of interesting information today.


一道英语题There Was an oil painting____ in the corner.It _____ there for several days.

第一个空应该是填lying,第二个是had lain 第二个空不能用HAD BEEN LAIN 因为HAD LAIN 已经发生了。。代表过去。。



请问产品的data sheet和specification sheet有什么区别

这个说法基本正确。按照英文的意思,Data 意为资料,数据,信息。翻译过来也就是Specification 英文为规格说明,明细规范的意思。所以Date sheet翻译成典型值信息表,Specification sheet 可以翻译成控制范围。


简单一点:1、买块arm9 开发板,s3c2410/s3c2440都可,资源异常丰富,上手快。2、编裸机程序,学arm汇编,用MDK3.5开发环境。3、有一定基础后,学习c语言,再学习linux。

一文读懂sensor的data sheet

副标题:《[Sunny]IMX258-0APH5-C_2.0.0_DataSheet.pdf》翻译 型号:IMX258-0APH5-C IMX258是尺寸为5.867mm*5.867mm(1/3.06"")、具有1300万方形像素、用于彩色camera的CMOS图像传感器。一般说明及应用 IMX258是一个5.867mm对角线(1/3.06英寸)、1300万像素、具有方形像素阵列的CMOS有源像素型像素堆叠图像传感器。它采用了Exmor RSu2122技术,通过列并行A/D转换器电路和高灵敏度、低噪声图像(与常规的CMOS图像传感器相比)来实现高速图像捕获的背照式成像像素结构,采用R、G、B三基色镶嵌滤光片,配备可变积分时间的电子快门。输入/输出接口采用模拟2.7V、数字1.2V、数字1.87V三种电源电压,来实现低功耗。 另外,本产品适用于手机及平板电脑,当将其用于另一个应用程序时,sony不能保证产品的质量及可靠性。因此,不用再手机和平板电脑以外的产品中使用它。如果您有任何问题,请咨询您索尼的销售代表。 功能及特性 1)背照式堆叠CMOS图像传感器Exmor RSu2122 2)相位检测像素数据输出用于相位检测自动对焦 3)高信噪比(SNR) 4)完全分辨率@30fps(正常),4K2K @30fps(正常) 1080p @60fps(正常) 5)输出视频格式为RAW 10/8 6)像素合并读出和V子采样函数 7)独立的翻转和镜像 8)CSI-2串数据读出(MIPI 2通道/4通道,最大速率1.3Gbps/通道,D-PHY规格,1.1兼容版本) 9)双线串行通信 10)两个独立的锁相环时钟生成器用于像素控制和数据输出接口 11)动态缺陷像素矫正 12)快速模式转换(动态) 13)双传感器同步操作 14)4K字节的OTP ROM供用户使用 15)内置式温度传感器器件结构 CMOS图像传感器 图像尺寸:对角线5.867mm(1/3.06"") 像素总数:4224(H)*3192(V) 大约1348万像素 有效像素数:4224(H)*3144(V) 大约1328万像素 活动像素数:4208(H)*3120(V) 大约1313万像素 芯片尺寸:5.990(H)*3.908mm(V) 单位像素尺寸:1.12um*1.12um 衬底材料:硅(Si)目录 1、芯片中心和光学中心 2、管脚坐标 3、管脚描述 4、输入/输出等效电路 5、外围电路图 6、功能描述 1)系统概述 2)串行通信控制器的设置 3)时钟脉冲振荡和锁相环(PLL) 4)操作时钟描述 5)图像读取操作 6)图像输出格式 7)增益设置(Gain) 8)图像补偿函数 9)杂项功能 10)图像信号接口 7、如何运行IMX258 1)上电复位 2)上电顺序(通电顺序) 3)下电顺序(掉电顺序) 4)寄存器映射 8、电气特性 9、光灵敏度特性 10、图像传感器特性 11、图像传感器特性的测量方法 12、点像素规范 13、推荐镜头的CRA特性 14、处理注意事项 15、处理注意事项(关于堆叠式CMOS图像传感器裸片制作的附加事项) 16、商标标识和定义声明一览表1、芯片中心和光学中心*1、芯片的实际尺寸将小于划线(划线)时所表示的尺寸; *2、一些焊接盘位于图像圆圈中。管脚坐标(略)--如上图 管脚描述输入/输出等效电路VIF:1.8V电源电压 DGND:VDIG接地


STC系列单片机,可以设置成强推挽模式,或者高阻模式、准双向模式。电默认为高电平。没有电默认低电平的功能。一般推动继电器 可以加下拉电阻,然后 上电 先置低电平,再设置成强推挽模式,就不会产生上电时 继电器 的 跳动 一下的 误动作。




电路里三极管大部分用途是作为开关用因为三极管的参数受温度频率影响比较严重 你选择β=100 温度不同也会体现不同的β建议你用运放搭个放大电路 要稳定的多





单片机datasheet 中 IO逻辑图中 梯形符号 的确切含义 求大神解答


Datasheet里面的曲线图一般是用什么软件生成的? Excel我也会,不用讲

绘制曲线图可用Excel软件,具体步骤如下:1、首先在excel表格中添加数据,如下图所示。2、选中要使用的绘制曲线的数据,如下图所示。3、选中数据后单击菜单栏的插入菜单,然后选择折线按钮,选择一个需要的折线类型,然后就生成了如图四所示的折线图。此时的折线图没有标题,图例不对,没有x,y坐标。4、点击布局选项卡,击图标标题选项卡出现标题选项。本例选择是在图片上方添加标题,双击可以对标题文字进行编辑。5、点击坐标轴标题选项卡,弹出横坐标、纵坐标标题选项如图所示。添加后点击主要纵坐标标题选项选择纵坐标标题,添加纵坐标标题后想修改图例名,选中图表—右键选择数据—选中图例1的行—点击编辑按钮-在输入开中输入图例名称即可,输入后要点击确定才能生效,多个图例需要重复修改图例名。6、若想修改横纵坐标的起始刻度、间距,选中纵坐标——右键设置坐标轴格式,弹出修改坐标轴的对话框。还可以修改其他东西,如 颜色等。7、如果生成的图标横纵坐标反了,点击设计-切换行列选项即可进行简单的切换。https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/149611826.html

N沟道MOS管的datasheet,VGS(th) Min:0.6V Max:1.2V 请问什么意思?栅极电压多少管子能正常工作?



bp 和lp就是图三中对应的宽长 我画的原则是尽量比datasheet中的稍微大点长点但是间距e一定都是相同的,。








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