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cross和across区别是什么 怎样分辨二者

cross和across只差一个字母,经常被人混淆,其实二者的词性是不同的。Cross是用作动词的,across是用作介词的,下面就让我们一起来看看二者的区别和用法吧! cross和across的区别 across和cross的区别是词性不同。cross作动词用,通常可以直接放在句子中,是“穿过、越过”的意思,主要表示在物体表面上横穿;cross作名词用,是“十字架、十字形饰物”的意思。across是介词,有“横跨、横穿、穿越”之意,通常用go、run、swim等搭配。 例如:Be careful when you cross the street. 过马路时要小心。 The Great Green Wall is across the northwest of China. 绿色长城横跨中国西北。 cross和across的用法 Cross: cross用作名词时的意思是“十字形”,转化为动词后可表示“画十字,划叉删去”,还可表示“交叉”“横穿,跨越”。引申可表示“反对,阻挠”。 cross既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。cross与oneself连用常指某些基督徒“用手在胸前画十字”。 cross用作形容词的基本意思是“坏脾气的,易怒的”,一般用于非正式文体。常与介词with〔at〕连用表示“对某人生气”,与about连用表示“对某事感到生气”。cross还可表示“相反的,反向的”,常用于指风的方向;与介词to连用时,则往往表示与某一抽象事物的方向相反,如思想、观念等。 Across: 1.无论用作介词还是用作副词,均可表示动态意义或静态意义: (1)表示动态意义,意为“横过”“到…的另一边”。 (2)表示静态意义,意为“在…的另一边”。 2.across from与from across都可以说,但含义稍有区别: (1)acrossfrom表静态意义,意为“在对面”,与opposite同义,此时也可省略from只说across。 (2)fromacross则表动态意义,意为“从……的对面”。 3.注意不要与动词cross弄混: (1)表示“穿过”时的用法比较: (2)表示“交叉”时的用法比较: 4.用于习语come across,主要用法有: (1)偶然遇见,碰见(=runacross) (2)被理解,被传达(=comeover) (3)使人产生某种印象(=comeover)


across 介词cross 动词( cross = go/walk across )如 Go across the bridge .= corss the bridge.*********************************************************************************************May you be happy every day and make great progress ! 本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请及时采纳,谢谢!**********************************************************************************************


cross 交叉,十字;十字架,十字形物, vt. 杂交;渡过;使相交 adj. 交叉的,相反的;乖戾的;生气的across 穿过;横穿


across和cross这两个词都是表示“横越”、“渡过”之意,它们的区别在于词性和使用场合有所不同。across是介词,而cross是动词。我们来看一些例句:across [ə"krɔs]prep.(表示位置)在…对面[另一边]; 横在[披在]…上; 掠过…; 透过;(表示方向)横越, 横跨; 横穿, 穿越; 从…的另一面[边];(表示状态)与…交叉着; 触及, 波及, 影响到adv.从这一边到另一边;在对面, 向对面;跨度;成十字形, 成交叉状;传达过来My house is across the harbour, in the vicinity of the Kowloon Park.我家在海港的对岸,九龙公园附近。They live across the Central Plaza.他们住在中央广场的对面。Everyone shouts “kill it!” when a rat is seen to run across the street.老鼠过街,人人喊打。cross [krɔs]n.十字架;十字形饰物;画十字的动作;杂交品种; 混合物;痛苦, 苦难vt. & vi.穿过, 越过, 渡过;交叉, 相交; 错过vt.反对, 阻挠; 使受挫折adj.坏脾气的, 易怒的;相反的, 反向的He has crossed the border into another territory.他已越过边界进入别国的领土。Many steel arch bridges cross the Mississippi in its lower reaches.在密西西比河的下游许多拱形铁桥横跨河面。They have crossed over to Japan.他们已东渡去日本了。cross除了作动词外,还可作名词。作名词时,它有较强的构词能力,它所构成的词的某些词义和用法是值得注意的。比如crossroads是“十字路”或“十字路口”的意思,它的前面可以用a,但-s是不能丢掉的。The accident took place at a crossroads.车祸发生在十字路口。因为crossroad是基督教的用语,指“十字架的道路”,不是十字路口。《十字架的道路》表示基督徒在信奉基督时要愿意为宗教牺牲,对信徒而言,这是一条很难走的道路。另外,crossing是“渡口”、“横道线”或“(铁路与公路的)交叉点”。The Star Ferry Pier is a ferry crossing in central.天星码头是在中环的一个渡口。All cars should stop at the zebra crossing.所有车辆都要在斑马线前停下。A bus ran into a train at the level/grade crossing.一辆公共汽车在平交点与火车相撞。

across和cross的区别 across和cross区别在哪呢

1、across和cross的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、词性不同。 2、意思不同:across:从一边到另一边,横过,宽,从…的一边向…,在对面,在对过。cross:穿越,越过,横过,渡过,交叉,相交,使交叉,使交叠。 3、用法不同:across:across用作副词时基本意思是“在〔到〕对面”。与静态动词连用多表示位置“在对面”,与动态动词连用多表示位置“向对面”“从这一边到另一边”。across与数量短语连用,置于单位名词之后,意为“…宽”,表示跨度。cross:cross用作名词时的意思是“十字形”,转化为动词后可表示“画十字,划叉删去”,还可表示“交叉”“横穿,跨越”。引申可表示“反对,阻挠”。cross既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。cross与oneself连用常指某些基督徒“用手在胸前画十字”。 4、词性不同:across:across用作介词或副词。cross:cross用作动词。


across from与across 有何区别

表示“在......的对面,在......的另一边”时,可以互换。如:The suppermarket is across (from) the post office.


一、释义不同1、across 英 [ə"krɒs]     美 [ə"krɔːs]    adv. 横过;穿过;朝向特定的方向;在对面;横写地prep. 横过;穿过;在对面;在(身体某部位)上;在…各处2、cross 英 [krɒs]     美 [krɔːs]    v. 穿过;交叉;杂交;反对;勾掉;碰见;阻挠n. 十字架;十字形;杂交动植物;苦难adj. 交叉的;相反的;生气的;杂交的二、词性不同1、across:形容词、介词词性。2、cross:动词、名词、形容词。三、侧重不同1、across:表示一个穿越动作时要与一个实义动词连用。2、cross:可单独表示穿越动作。


有不少的同学在学习across这个英文单词时,不知道怎么正确去使用,因为across这个英文单词有多种用法,下面让我们一起去了解这个英文单词的正确使用方法吧。 简要回答 across作副词使用时意思是:“从……的一边到另一边,穿过,越过;在对面,作介词使用意思是:从……的一边到另一边,在各处,遍及;在……里”。 详细内容 across the board 全面地;包括一切地;以三等分的钱数赌同一匹马赢得前三名; across from 在…对面。 go across 穿过,横过;走过; back across 后背宽 。 She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed 她走过地板躺在了床上。 He scrawled his name across the bill 他在账单上草草地签了名。 She found her clothes lying across the chair 她发现自己的衣服堆放在椅子上。 Anyone from the houses across the road could see him 马路对面房子里的任何一个人都能看见他。 He glanced across at his sleeping wife 他朝熟睡的妻子看了一眼。 An enormous grin spread across his face 他咧着大嘴笑了。 raham hit him across the face with the gun. 格雷厄姆用枪击打他的脸部。 The film "Hook" opens across America on December 11 电影《铁钩船长》12月11日在美国全线上映。 We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier. 我们想推销各种肤色的人都喜欢的化妆品。


cross=go across穿过,穿cross your heart画十字,发誓保证get across柯林斯英汉双解大词典 get across ( getting, got, gotten, gets ) 1. PHRASAL VERB When an idea gets across or when you get it across, you succeed in making other people understand it. 被理解; 把…讲清楚 例: Officers felt their point of view was not getting across to the generals. 军官们觉得将军们还没有理解他们的观点。以下是21世纪英汉词典中对get across的解释get across (使)越过,(使)渡过;(使)横穿马路: It"s so much safer to get across the road at the traffic lights. 在有交通红绿灯的地方横穿马路要安全得多。 2、(使)被了解;讲清楚,让…听懂: He taught me how to get my ideas across. 他教我如何把自己的观点表达清楚。【使。。。。理解】这个词组常用的。【get sth. across使。。理解】或者还有一种说法是【sth.get across to somebody】这个用法我觉得很难记住。我总是记不住呢 [英国口语]触犯,冒犯;使生气,使恼火: Take care not to get across the director,he could have you dismissed. 小心别惹经理生气,他会把你开除。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》



cross 和 across 的区别


across作副词表示从一边到另一边,作介词表示在…对面。across的用法有across from,go across,come across等。 across有哪些用法 1.作介词或作副词,均可表示动态意义或静态意义: (1) 表示动态意义,意为“横过”“到…的另一边”。如: Can you swim across? 你能游过去吗? (副词用法) I cam swim across the river in 10 minutes. 我可以在10分钟之内游过河去。(介词用法) (2) 表示静态意义,意为“在…的另一边”。如: My house is just across the street. 我家就在街道对面。(介词用法) We leave Dover at ten and we should be across in France by midnight. 我们10点钟离开多佛,午夜时应能抵达法国那边。(副词用法) 2.across from与from across都可以说,但含义稍有区别: (1) across from 表静态意义,意为“在对面”,与opposite同义,此时也可省略from只说across。如: Just across from our house there"s a school. 就在我们房子的对面有一所学校。 I"m staying at a little hotel just across from the Libyan Embassy. 我住在利比亚大使馆正对面的一所小旅馆里。 (2) from across 则表动态意义,意为“从……的对面”。如: He shouted to me from across the room. 他从房间的另一边向我喊。 They waved at us from across the room. 他们从房间那一头向我们招手。 across与cross的区别 go across=cross across前要加一个动词,如:walk across run across cross只需要单独使用,前面不需加动词 例句:He runs across the field. 他跑过田野 He cross the field. 他穿过田野 一般有时候更多分不清的是across与through的使用,across与cross的使用只要看前面有没有动词就行了。


横越,穿过 在...那边


英 [ə"krɒs]     美 [ə"krɔːs]    adv. 横过;穿过;朝向特定的方向;在对面;横写地;prep. 横过;穿过;在对面;在(身体某部位)上;在…各处。The drunk man staggered across the room.那个醉汉摇摇晃晃地穿过房间。用法:1、across用作副词时基本意思是“在〔到〕对面”。与静态动词连用多表示位置“在对面”,与动态动词连用多表示位置“向对面”“从这一边到另一边”。2、across与数量短语连用,置于单位名词之后,意为“…宽”,表示跨度。3、across还可表示状态,意为“成十字形交叉状”。4、across在句中主要用作状语,也可用作表语或宾语补足语。


意思如下:作adv解时,它的意思:从一边到另一边;在对面;朝,向;宽;横向字谜答案。作prep解时,它的意思:从一边到另一边;横过,穿过;在对面;遍及;在上;跨越(政治、宗教、社会隔阂等)。across主要是作介词,意思是从平面上穿过,与on有关,常有短语:across the street穿过大街,across the road穿过马路。例句赏析:The drunk man staggered across the room那个醉汉摇摇晃晃地穿过房间。Can you swim across the river? 你能游到河的对岸吗?The two lines cut across each other两条线相交。


across英 [əˈkrɒs]美 [əˈkrɔːs]穿过across高考 / 考研情景对话0:22adv.从一边到另一边;横过;宽;从…的一边向…;在对面;在对过prep.从…一边到另一边;横过;在…对面;在…对过;在(身体某部位)上例句英英释义例句全部穿过横穿横过与…交叉在…对面越过在对面交叉斜对面1.If the street is busy, don"t walk across. 如果马路拥挤,不要横穿。百度翻译例句库以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考2.We have built a new Great Green Wall across the north of our country. 横穿我国北部我们已建成了一座新的绿色长城。provided by jukuu查看更多英英释义adv1.transverselythe marble slabs were cut across synonym: crosswise; crossways; the opposite sidethe football field was 300 feet across



across:[əˈkrɔs] prep. 穿过;横穿,横过;与…交叉;在…对面 adv. 横过,越过;在对面;交叉;斜对面


across作副词使用时意思是:“从……的一边到另一边,穿过,越过;在对面,作介词使用意思是:从……的一边到另一边,在各处,遍及;在……里”。 有不少的同学在学习across这个英文单词时,不知道怎么正确去使用,因为across这个英文单词有多种用法,下面让我们一起去了解这个英文单词的正确使用方法吧。 详细内容 01 across the board 全面地;包括一切地;以三等分的钱数赌同一匹马赢得前三名; across from 在…对面。 02 go across 穿过,横过;走过; back across 后背宽 。 03 She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed 她走过地板躺在了床上。 He scrawled his name across the bill 他在账单上草草地签了名。 She found her clothes lying across the chair 她发现自己的衣服堆放在椅子上。 04 Anyone from the houses across the road could see him 马路对面房子里的任何一个人都能看见他。 He glanced across at his sleeping wife 他朝熟睡的妻子看了一眼。 An enormous grin spread across his face 他咧着大嘴笑了。 05 raham hit him across the face with the gun. 格雷厄姆用枪击打他的脸部。 The film "Hook" opens across America on December 11 电影《铁钩船长》12月11日在美国全线上映。 We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier. 我们想推销各种肤色的人都喜欢的化妆品。


across的意思是横切,横断,越过,横过;(走)过。The cart creaked across the green .大车咯吱咯吱地从青草地上走过去。A wisp of hair straggled across her ear .一束头发散落在她的耳朵上。The others struggled across the river .其他的人也都死挨活撑过了河。Did you ever run across the word "camp" ?你曾见过“camp”这个词吗?He is not very good at getting his ideas across .他不善于表达思想。Tall trees arched across the river .高大的树木成拱形横跨过那条河。Your meaning did not really get across .你的意思别人并未真正理解。Roll deposits cut across sandstone bedding .卷型矿床切穿砂岩的层理。She is very good at putting her ideas across .她非常善于表达思想。A fresh breeze puffed across the river .凉爽的微风一阵阵吹过河面。


in the river


across,读音:英[əˈkrɒs],美[əˈkrɔːs]。释义:adv.横过;穿过;朝向特定的方向;在对面;横写地。prep.横过;穿过;在对面;在(身体某部位)上;在…各处。词源:14世纪进入英语,直接源自古法语的an acros,意为从一头到另一头,处于跨越的位置。短语:across lots穿越地界。across one"s knee脸朝下放在膝盖上。across the board包括一切地,全面。across the way在对面。across的例句1、Clouds drifted across the sky.朵朵浮云在空中飘过。2、A shadow fell across her face.一片阴影掠过她的脸庞。3、They fled across the border.他们越过边界逃走了。4、There"s a way across the fields.有一条路穿过田地。5、He stepped across the threshold.他迈过门槛。

across through那个是从内部穿过去?



1、词性不同across用作介词或副词,表示一个穿越动作时要与一个实义动词连用。cross用作动词,可单独表示穿越动作。2、用法不同cross用作名词时的意思是“十字形”,转化为动词后可表示“画十字,划叉删去”,还可表示“交叉”“横穿,跨越”。cross既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。cross与oneself连用常指某些基督徒“用手在胸前画十字”。across与数量短语连用,置于单位名词之后,意为“…宽”,表示跨度。across还可表示状态,意为“成十字形交叉状”。across后常加from。3、词源不同across:14世纪进入英语,直接源自古法语的an acros,意为从一头到另一头,处于跨越的位置。cross:直接源自古英语的cros;最初源自古典拉丁语的crux,意为高而圆的柱子。


across,读音:英[əˈkrɒs],美[əˈkrɔːs]。释义:adv.横过;穿过;朝向特定的方向;在对面;横写地。prep.横过;穿过;在对面;在(身体某部位)上;在…各处。词源:14世纪进入英语,直接源自古法语的an acros,意为从一头到另一头,处于跨越的位置。短语:across lots穿越地界。across one"s knee脸朝下放在膝盖上。across the board包括一切地,全面。across the way在对面。across的例句1、Clouds drifted across the sky.朵朵浮云在空中飘过。2、A shadow fell across her face.一片阴影掠过她的脸庞。3、They fled across the border.他们越过边界逃走了。4、There"s a way across the fields.有一条路穿过田地。5、He stepped across the threshold.他迈过门槛。

Across the river lies a __A__ built bridge. A.newly B. new 为什么选A


cross the barrier和 clear the barrier的区别?

跨越障碍是cross the barrier,清除,扫清移除障碍是clear the barrier.



Cross The Fader 歌词

歌曲名:Cross The Fader歌手:Poney Poney专辑:Ever BetterCross The Fader -- jamaicaDon"t hesitateShe"s just a girlTrying to give you a handJob all day longShe"s just a girlWhy don"t you call her on the phone ?Cause you"re a manYou"re just a man indeedDon"t try to fly your needsAin"t got the timeThe clock is tickingGotta hurry to make a sceneShow confidenceShe"s just a girlTrying to give you a handJob all day longShe"s just a girlWhy don"t you call her on the phone ?Cause you"re a manAnd she"s a girl in needYou gotta pack and leaveAin"t got the timeThe clock is tickingGotta hurry to blow a kiss In a studioShe"s a lie in a miniskirtPlease cross the faderStudio , in a studioShe"s a lie in a miniskirtPlease cross the faderStudio , in a studioShe"s a lie in a miniskirtPlease cross the faderStudio , in a studioIt"s about to come outBecause she"s on meDon"t hesitateShe"s just a girlTrying to give you a handJob all day longShe"s just a girlWhy don"t you call her on the phone ?Cause you"re a manYou"re just a man indeedDon"t try to fly your needsAin"t got the timeThe clock is tickingGotta hurry to make a scene In a studioShe"s a lie in a miniskirtPlease cross the faderStudio , in a studioShe"s a lie in a miniskirtPlease cross the faderStudio , in a studioShe"s a lie in a miniskirtPlease cross the faderStudio , in a studioIt"s about to come outBecause she"s on me

crossing barrier是什么意思

crossing barrier道口栏木barrier 常用词汇 英 ["bæriə(r)]     美 ["bæriər]    n. 栅栏;障碍物;屏障

The residents, all ___ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.


The residents, _______ had been damaged by the earthquake, were given help by the Red Cross. ...

C 试题分析:考查定语从句。本句定语从句的先行词是the residents,后面的短语从句中,whose指代先行词在句中放在名词的前面做定语。居民的家,用whose homes; “所有居民的家”,语序排列用all of whose homes;句意:那些家在地震中被毁坏的居民,接受了红十字会的帮助。故C正确。点评:解答定语从句的关键是分析句子成分,如果定语从句的句子成分很完整就使用关系副词;如果句子缺少主语,宾语,表语或者定语的时候就使用关系代词。同时也要注意一些关系词的特殊用法,尤其是that的特殊用法,既要注意普遍性,也要注意特殊性。特别关注:Whose是关系词中唯一的一个可以放在名词前面做定语的关系代词,如果缺少定语,用whose引导定语从句,或是of which the+名词/the+名词+of which。要特别注意which引导非限制性短语从句的用法。

the residents ,______had been damaged by the fire,were given help by the red cross.

但可以说all of whose homes,不能说all whose homes。所以选C 哎,B、C纠结啊。 C 从句原来是all of the residents" homes had

The residents, _________ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.

答案应为A, 逗号之间是一定语从句,选项C,D无连接词,可排除,选项B中whose修饰限定all,而非the residents。

The Erie canal(运河) was the first important national waterway built in the US. It crossed New Yo

伊利运河是第一个重要的国家航道建在美国。穿越纽约布法罗伊利湖边上特洛伊奥尔巴尼经哈得逊河。它参加了五大湖和大西洋。这条运河担任过路线,工业产品可能流入西、材料可以涌入东方。伊利运河帮助了洋基发展成为全国最大的城市。建造这条运河是全部由支付纽约州的。它值$ 7 143 789,但很快就取得了它的价格多倍。1825年之间,当这条运河是开了,1882年,当人数指控是停止,国家121美元收集了4.61 891。一百万年以前的伊利建成了,人被谈论运河可以加入大湖和大西洋。计划的人伊利运河并把那个计划通过在德德威特克林顿。那些恨运河戏称之为“克林顿的沟”。克林顿没有说话,写了一篇关于运河,并制造了计划。他和州长莫里斯去了华盛顿在1812年寻求帮助的运河,但他们是不成功的。克林顿成了纽约州州长在1817年,不久,7月4日1817年,打破了地在罗马:运河与运河的第一部分已于1820年发明的。了运河长了,城镇迅速发展沿着它的课程。管的长度363名英里


你问的应该是:through,pass和across吧? through和across类似,都是“通过”的意思,区别在于through是通过一个狭长的通道,比如通过一条繁忙的街道,是纵向通过,是顺着这条街道向前走通过。而across是横向通过,是过马路,从街道的这边横跨到另一边。 而pass的意思是“经过,通过关口”,比如passby.就是偶然路过的意思。另外,还有passtheexam,是通过考试的意思。 哪里还不懂,你可以继续补充。





la crosse是美国什么城市

408 - California (San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale).美国全部区号:201 - New Jersey (Bayonne, Hackensack, Jersey City).202 - District of Columbia (Statewide).203 - Connecticut (Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury).204 - Manitoba (Province Wide).205 - Alabama (Birmingham, Hoover, Tuscaloosa).206 - Washington (Mercer Island, Richmond Beach, Seattle).207 - Maine (Statewide).208 - Idaho (Statewide).209 - California (Merced, Modesto, Stockton).210 - Texas (Alamo Heights, San Antonio, Universal City).212 - New York (New York City - Manhattan).213 - California (Los Angeles - Downtown).214 - Texas (Dallas, Irving, Plano).215 - Pennsylvania (Lansdale, Levittown, Philadelphia).216 - Ohio (Cleveland, Euclid, Lakewood).217 - Illinois (Champaign, Quincy, Springfield).218 - Minnesota (Brainerd, Duluth, Moorhead).219 - Indiana (Gary, La Porte, Rensselaer).225 - Louisiana (Baton Rouge, Donaldsonville, New Roads).226 - Ontario (Effective 02/19/05).228 - Mississippi (Biloxi, Gulfport, Pascagoula).229 - Georgia (Albany, Americus, Valdosta).231 - Michigan (Cheboygan, Muskegon, Traverse City).234 - Ohio (Overlay Area Code 330).239 - Florida (Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples).240 - Maryland (Overlay Area Code 301).242 - Bahamas.246 - Barbados.248 - Michigan (Farmington Hills, Pontiac, Troy).250 - British Columbia (Victoria).251 - Alabama (Bay Minette, Mobile, Monroeville).252 - North Carolina (Greenville, New Bern, Rocky Mount).253 - Washington (Auburn, Kent, Tacoma).254 - Texas (Killeen, Temple, Waco).256 - Alabama (Anniston, Florence, Huntsville).260 - Indiana (Angola, Fort Wayne, Wabash).262 - Wisconsin (Kenosha, Racine, West Bend).264 - Anguilla.267 - Pennsylvania (Overlay Area Code 215).268 - Antigua & Barbuda.269 - Michigan (Battle Creek, Benton Harbor, Kalamazoo).270 - Kentucky (Bowling Green, Owensboro, Paducah).276 - Virginia (Bluefield, Bristol, Martinsville).281 - Texas (Same as Area Code 713).284 - British Virgin Islands.289 - Ontario (Overlay Area Code 905).301 - Maryland (Bowie, Frederick, Hagerstown).302 - Delaware (Statewide).303 - Colorado (Boulder, Denver, Littleton).304 - West Virginia (Statewide).305 - Florida (Hialeah, Key West, Miami).306 - Saskatchewan (Province Wide).307 - Wyoming (Statewide).308 - Nebraska (Grand Island, North Platte, Scottsbluff).309 - Illinois (Bloomington, Moline, Peoria).310 - California (Inglewood, Santa Monica, Torrance).311 - Non-Emergency Access.312 - Illinois (Chicago - Inside Loop).313 - Michigan (Dearborn, Detroit, Grosse Pointe).314 - Missouri (Florissant, Kirkwood, Saint Louis).315 - New York (Syracuse, Utica, Watertown).316 - Kansas (El Dorado, Newton, Wichita).317 - Indiana (Franklin, Indianapolis, Noblesville).318 - Louisiana (Alexandria, Monroe, Shreveport).319 - Iowa (Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo).320 - Minnesota (Hutchinson, Saint Cloud, Willmar).321 - Florida (Cocoa, Melbourne, Titusville - Overlay Area Code 407).323 - California (Hollywood, Huntington Park, Montebello).325 - Texas (Abilene, Brownwood, San Angelo).330 - Ohio (Akron, Canton, Youngstown).334 - Alabama (Dothan, Mobile, Montgomery)336 - North Carolina (Greensboro, Lexington, Winston-Salem).337 - Louisiana (Lafayette, Lake Charles, New Iberia).339 - Massachusetts (Overlay Area Code 781).340 - U.S. Virgin Islands.345 - Cayman Islands.347 - New York (Overlay Area Code 718).351 - Massachusetts (Overlay Area Code 978).352 - Florida (Gainesville, Leesburg, Ocala).360 - Washington (Bellingham, Olympia, Vancouver).361 - Texas (Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Victoria).385 - Utah (Effective 03/30/05).386 - Florida (Daytona Beach, Deltona, Lake City).401 - Rhode Island (Statewide).402 - Nebraska (Lincoln, Norfolk, Omaha).403 - Alberta (Calgary).404 - Georgia (Atlanta, Decatur, East Point).405 - Oklahoma (Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater).406 - Montana (Statewide).407 - Florida (Kissimmee, Orlando, Sanford).408 - California (San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale).409 - Texas (Beaumont, Galveston, Jasper).410 - Maryland (Annapolis, Baltimore, Salisbury).411 - Local Directory Assistance.412 - Pennsylvania (Bethel Park, McKeesport,, Pittsburgh).413 - Massachusetts (Amherst, Pittsfield, Springfield).414 - Wisconsin (Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, West Allis).415 - California (Novato, San Francisco, San Rafael).416 - Ontario (Toronto).417 - Missouri (Branson, Joplin, Springfield).418 - Quebec (Quebec City).419 - Ohio (Lima, Mansfield, Toledo).423 - Tennessee (Chattanooga, Johnson City, Morristown).425 - Washington (Bellevue, Everett, Renton).430 - Texas (Overlay Area Code 903).432 - Texas (Alpine, Midland, Odessa).434 - Virginia (Charlottesville, Danville, Lynchburg). 435 - Utah (Logan, Saint George, Vernal).438 - Quebec (Effective 09/24/05).440 - Ohio (Lorain, Mentor, Parma).441 - Bermuda.443 - Maryland (Overlay Area Code 410).450 - Quebec (Laval).456 - International Inbound.469 - Texas (Overlay Area Codes 214 & 972).470 - Georgia (Overlay Area Codes 404, 678, and 770).478 - Georgia (Macon, Milledgeville, Swainsboro).479 - Arkansas (Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Russellville).480 - Arizona (Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale).484 - Pennsylvania (Overlay Area Code 610).500 - Personal Communication Services.501 - Arkansas (Hot Springs, Little Rock, Searcy).502 - Kentucky (Bardstown, Frankfort, Louisville).503 - Oregon (Astoria, Portland, Salem).504 - Louisiana (Gretna, Kenner, New Orleans).505 - New Mexico (Statewide).506 - New Brunswick (Province Wide).507 - Minnesota (Mankato, Rochester, Worthington).508 - Massachusetts (Brockton, New Bedford, Worcester).509 - Washington (Kennewick, Spokane, Yakima).510 - California (Fremont, Hayward, Oakland).512 - Texas (Austin, Georgetown, San Marcos).513 - Ohio (Cincinnati, Hamilton, Middletown).514 - Quebec (Montreal).515 - Iowa (Ames, Des Moines, Fort Dodge).516 - New York (Long Island - Nassau - Hempstead, Levittown, Valley Stream). 517 - Michigan (Coldwater, Jackson, Lansing).518 - New York (Albany, Glens Falls, Plattsburgh).519 - Ontario (London).520 - Arizona (Flagstaff, Tucson, Yuma).530 - California (Davis, Redding, South Lake Tahoe).540 - Virginia (Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Roanoke).541 - Oregon (Eugene, Medford, Pendleton).551 - New Jersey (Overlay Area Code 201).559 - California (Fresno, Madera, Visalia).561 - Florida (Boca Raton, Jupiter, West Palm Beach).562 - California (Downey, Long Beach, Whittier).563 - Iowa (Davenport, Decorah, Dubuque).567 - Ohio (Overlay Area Code 419).570 - Pennsylvania (Pottsville, Scranton, Williamsport).571 - Virginia (Overlay Area Code 703).573 - Missouri (Cape Girardeau, Columbia, Jefferson City).574 - Indiana (Elkhart, Logansport, South Bend).580 - Oklahoma (Ada, Enid, Lawton).585 - New York (Batavia, Geneva, Rochester).586 - Michigan (Mount Clemens, Sterling Heights, Warren).600 - Services in Canada.601 - Mississippi (Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian).602 - Arizona (Phoenix - City).603 - New Hampshire (Statewide).604 - British Columbia (Vancouver). 605 - South Dakota (Statewide).606 - Kentucky (Ashland, Pikeville, Somerset).607 - New York (Binghamton, Elmira, Oneonta).608 - Wisconsin (Janesville, La Crosse, Madison).609 - New Jersey (Atlantic City, Trenton, Willingboro).610 - Pennsylvania (Allentown, Reading, West Chester).611 - Repair Services.612 - Minnesota (Minneapolis, Richfield, Saint Anthony).613 - Ontario (Ottawa).614 - Ohio (Columbus, Reynoldsburg, Westerville).615 - Tennessee (Franklin, Murfreesboro, Nashville).616 - Michigan (Grand Rapids, Holland, Ionia).617 - Massachusetts (Boston, Cambridge, Quincy).618 - Illinois (Belleville, Carbondale, Mount Vernon).619 - California (Chula Vista, El Cajon, San Diego).620 - Kansas (Emporia, Garden City, Hutchinson).623 - Arizona (Avondale, Glendale, Peoria).626 - California (Alhambra, Pasadena, West Covina).630 - Illinois (Aurora, Naperville, Wheaton).631 - New York (Long Island - Suffolk - Commmack, Islip, Southampton).636 - Missouri (Chesterfield, Festus, Saint Charles).641 - Iowa (Marshalltown, Mason City, Ottumwa).646 - New York (Overlay Area Code 212).647 - Ontario (Overlay Area Code 416).649 - Turks & Caicos.650 - California (Daly City, Palo Alto, San Mateo).651 - Minnesota (Eagan, Red Wing, Saint Paul).660 - Missouri (Kirksville, Maryville, Sedalia).661 - California (Bakersfield, Lancaster, Santa Clarita).662 - Mississippi (Columbus, Greenville, Tupelo).664 - Montserrat.670 - Northern Marianas.671 - Guam.678 - Georgia (Overlay Area Codes 404 & 770).680 - Palau.682 - Texas (Overlay Area Code 817).684 - American Samoa.700 - IC Services.701 - North Dakota (Statewide).702 - Nevada (Henderson, Las Vegas, Laughlin).703 - Virginia (Alexandria, Arlington, Manassas).704 - North Carolina (Charlotte, Concord, Gastonia).705 - Ontario (North Bay).706 - Georgia (Athens, Augusta, Columbus).707 - California (Eureka, Santa Rosa, Vallejo).708 - Illinois (Calumet City, Cicero, Tinley Park).709 - Newfoundland (Province Wide).710 - U.S. Government711 - TRS Access.712 - Iowa (Council Bluffs, Sioux City, Spencer).713 - Texas (Houston, Pasadena, Sugar Land).714 - California (Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana).715 - Wisconsin (Eau Claire, Superior, Wausau).716 - New York (Buffalo, Jamestown, Niagara Falls).717 - Pennsylvania (Harrisburg, Lancaster, York).718 - New York (Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island).719 - Colorado (Alamosa, Colorado Springs, Pueblo).720 - Colorado (Overlay Area Code 303).724 - Pennsylvania (Indiana, New Castle, Washington).727 - Florida (Clearwater, New Port Richey, Saint Petersburg).731 - Tennessee (Dyersburg, Humboldt, Jackson).732 - New Jersey (Long Branch, New Brunswick, Toms River).734 - Michigan (Ann Arbor, Livonia, Monroe).740 - Ohio (Marion, Portsmouth, Steubenville).754 - Florida (Overlay Area Code 954).757 - Virginia (Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg).758 - Saint Lucia.760 - California (Oceanside, Palm Springs, Victorville).763 - Minnesota (Coon Rapids, Elk River, Plymouth).765 - Indiana (Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie).767 - Dominica.770 - Georgia (Gainesville, Griffin, Marietta).772 - Florida (Fort Pierce, Stuart, Vero Beach).773 - Illinois (Chicago - Outside Loop).774 - Massachusetts (Overlay Area Code 508).775 - Nevada (Carson City, Elko, Reno). 778 - British Columbia (Effective 11/03/01).781 - Massachusetts (Lynn, Waltham, Weymouth).784 - Saint Vincent & Grenadines.785 - Kansas (Lawrence, Salina, Topeka). 786 - Florida (Overlay Area Code 305).787 - Puerto Rico.800 - Toll Free Calling.801 - Utah (Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City).802 - Vermont (Statewide).803 - South Carolina (Aiken, Columbia, Rock Hill).804 - Virginia (Petersburg, Richmond, Tappahannock).805 - California (Oxnard, Saint Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara).806 - Texas (Amarillo, Lubbock, Plainview).807 - Ontario (Thunder Bay).808 - Hawaii (Statewide).809 - Dominican Republic.810 - Michigan (Flint, Lapeer, Port Huron).812 - Indiana (Evansville, New Albany, Terre Haute).813 - Florida (Plant City, Tampa, Zephyrhills).814 - Pennsylvania (Altoona, Erie, Johnstown).815 - Illinois (Joliet, Kankakee, Rockford).816 - Missouri (Independence, Kansas City, Saint Joseph).817 - Texas (Arlington, Cleburne, Fort Worth).818 - California (Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando).819 - Quebec (Sherbrooke).828 - North Carolina (Asheville, Boone, Hickory).830 - Texas (Eagle Pass, Kerrville, New Braunfels).831 - California (Monterey, Salinas, Santa Cruz).832 - Texas (Overlay Area Codes 281 & 713).843 - South Carolina (Charleston, Florence, Hilton Head Island).845 - New York (Middletown, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie).847 - Illinois (Elgin, Evanston, Waukegan).848 - New Jersey (Overlay Area Code 732).850 - Florida (Panama City, Pensacola, Tallahassee).855 - Toll Free Calling.856 - New Jersey (Camden, Cherry Hill, Vineland).857 - Massachusetts (Overlay Area Code 617).858 - California (La Jolla, Linda Vista, Poway).859 - Kentucky (Covington, Lexington, Richmond).860 - Connecticut (Hartford, New London, Torrington).862 - New Jersey (Overlay Area Code 973).863 - Florida (Clewiston, Lakeland, Sebring).864 - South Carolina (Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburg).865 - Tennessee (Knoxville, Oak Ridge, Sevierville).866 - Toll Free Calling.867 - Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon Territory.868 - Trinidad & Tobago.869 - Saint Kitts & Nevis.870 - Arkansas (Jonesboro, Pine Bluff, Texarkana).876 - Jamaica.877 - Toll Free Calling.878 - Pennsylvania (Overlay Areas Code 412 & 724).880 - Toll Free Calling (Paid 800 Service).881 - Toll Free Calling (Paid 888 Service).882 - Toll Free Calling (Pai

Whitecross的《Shakedown》 歌词

歌曲名:Shakedown歌手:Whitecross专辑:Triumphant ReturnKonvictStand upSaluteDevon StephensUp front is in the buildingIt"s the konvict albumYeahYall done fucked up nowI got money now niggaI got enough money to free all the starsHe ain"t lyinIf you sellin we ain"t buyinIf you got it on ya blockYou best believe we supplyin"From a key to a half a poundA quarter to a dimeTryin" to own a piece of BrooklynLike my niggas John KleinHeyYa know me I"m known to rock wit itRoll through your spot wit itPost up block wit itHey ya know me I"m on the block with itNon-stop wit itViolate and get popped wit itSo I suggest ya keep steppin on meCause you will rarely find meWithout my weapon on meGot the whole konvict squad bettin on meAnd now the dots around the worldAre now connectin" on meHey nowA bunch of gangstas strappedSo make a wish nowWhen they come wavin" them ghatsYa know to lay downAnd give em all ya gotCause it"s a shake downOh oh ohDo I make myself clearOh oh oh hey hey heyA fleet of European cars in my drivewayFerarriMy shortie ridin" shotgunBumpin sadieToes hangin" out the windowLoadin" up my armyYou know I keep a bad bitch breathin" on meAlso known to have no business with no beefin on meAnd won"t hesitate to cock itWhen them people on meSo guess whatNo exceptions to ya neither homieYa know I got that African connectionLocked up in a facility correctionI"m a star, style changedHangin" like blowBlack royals in the frontWe in the place nowNow Ima show ya how to break this downHe"ll show ya how to shake this downFirst nigga to create this soundCan"t believe it took a konvict to shake this townDippin" European linen with the v-netDiamond studded vvsNo lessKunta kinte braceletLit up the whole setMy nigga we on deckBelieve it"s no sweatNeed street credibility who you go getI give you that credibility for the right checkKeep your future on the shelfQuiet where it"s best keptDon"t want them upfront shootersBringin" red light

accidentally across warm什么意思


振动方向的英文(尤其是auto and cross power spectrum专业名词)怎么翻译?

然后,利用频域信号F(w)和X(w)来计算自功率谱和交叉功率谱。 这是通过将等式(3.4)和(3.5)乘以输入频谱的共轭F *(w)来实现的。 计算得出的输入自动频谱称为Sff(w),而计算得出的输入和输出的交叉功率频谱称为Sfx(w)。 自功率谱和互功率谱分别由方程(3. 8)和(3.9)表示。


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bridge across

the train ran ___across__a bridge 在桥的表面通过用across through在事物内部通过 over 在上方

河上有一座桥的英语翻译是什么? 是there is a bridge over the river 还是cross the river。


There is a bridge across the river.改为一般疑问句

Is there a bridge across the river



There is a bridge across the river.为什莫用across?


A bridge is (a way to go across a river.)划线部分提问为什么用what?

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