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Built To Spill的《get a life》 歌词

歌曲名:get a life歌手:Built To Spill专辑:ultimate alternative waversyou can"t tell me that you don"t know who you areit"s there from the startit comes with the packageany attempt that you make to escape thisBuilt To Spilluseless and unnecessary make up your mindmake it up as you gomake it the truthmake it what you already know she said that"s not what she saidunthink the things in your headit"s justa white that you redChris went right over their heads you can"t be anythingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anything if you can"t be nothinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/14177699

少儿英语歌曲:The House That Jack Built

 This is the house that Jack built.   This is the cat   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the   crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the priest all shaven and shorn,   That married the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the cock that crowed in the morn,   That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,   That married the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.   This is the farmer sowing the corn,   That kept the the cock that crowed in the morn,   That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,   That married the man all tattered and torn,   That kissed the maiden all forlorn,   That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,   That tossed the dog,   That worried the cat,   That killed the rat,   That ate the malt   That lay in the house that Jack built.

高中英语 第一个空为什么直接built? 第五个空为什么不能是slower? 最后一个空内句是啥意


ships are built for

答案:A.“____ships are built for”是从句,跟在is not 后作表语,表语从句中for后缺宾语,须要连接代词,而why和when是连接副词,所以排除C、D.what与for连用,表示目的,符合句意,故选A.

she was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built

定语从句 that has ever been built 修饰前面的 one。你的判断是对的,不是修饰 the fastest sailing ships。

built in daybed是什么意思?什么坐卧两用沙发?希望多提供点建筑学和装饰工程的专业英语术语!

橱柜专业术语柜体:按空间结构包括吊柜、地柜、装饰柜、中高立柜等;按材料组成又包括木类门、铝合金门、卷帘门等;装饰板件:包括隔板、顶板、顶线板、背墙饰等;台面:包括人造石、防火板、人造石英石、不锈钢台面,天然石台面等;地脚:包括地脚板、调整地脚和连接件。调整地脚常用地有塑料和铝合金地脚板;五金配件:包括门铰、导轨、拉手、吊码、其他结构配件、装饰配件等;功能配件:包括星盆(人造石盆和不锈钢盆)、龙头、上下水器、皂液器、各种拉篮、拉架、置物架、米箱、垃圾桶等;灯具:层板灯、顶板灯、各种内置,外置式橱柜专用灯。不同类别橱柜的特点介绍门板1、防火板防火板的标准名称是耐火板,防火板只是人们的习惯说法,但它可不是真的不怕火,只是具有一定的耐火性能。防火板是用防火板做贴面,刨花板做基材(也有用密度板的),经过橱柜工厂压贴后制成。与三聚氰氨板比起来,防火板加工更麻烦一些。许多装修队、橱柜厂,没有专门的机器压板,就用一些土办法压板,质量很难保证。防火板贴面是三层,而三聚氰氨板的贴面只有一层,所以,一般防火板的耐磨、耐划、耐高温等性能要好于三聚氰氨板。防火板色泽鲜艳,给人以焕然一新的感觉。但防火板台面易被水和潮湿侵蚀,使用不当,会导致脱胶、变形、基材膨胀等后果。2、三聚氰氨板三聚氰氨板是用三聚氢胺在刨花板或密度板表面贴耐火板,其延伸品种在边缘包金属边框。与防火板相似,具有耐摩擦、抗冲击、耐高温、防热酸热碱等性能。耐火板有仿天然的各种颜色和纹路,但没有立体造型,加金属封边、铝合金槽式拉手只是增加其装饰性,从实用效果看没有太大效果。3、油漆板油漆板分为烤漆类和聚酯漆类。烤漆是树脂和添加剂组成的,可以打磨抛光。聚酯漆类采用的是喷漆工艺,无需烤制,表面是亚光效果不用抛光,讲究的是牢固度和附着力。好的聚酯漆呈粉末状脱落,而普通的成片脱落。4、实木板实木板分为纯实木板、实木复合板、实木贴面板。纯实木板对木种的一致性要求较高,整体自然,华贵经典,效果好;实木复合板以实木拼接料为基材,表面贴实木皮,能达到实木的视觉效果;实木贴面板是在密度板的表面双贴实木皮。实木复合板、实木贴面板能避免表面原材料的色差和缺陷,达到纹理颜色效果一致,且不易变形。5、pvc板(吸塑板)pvc板是用pvc靠真空抽压在基材表面,可以有立体造型,由于整体包覆,防水防潮性能较好,有多种颜色和纹路可选择。但表面容易划伤、磕伤,不耐高温。而且,pvc由于在涂胶过程中胶的水分会浸入基材中,板材容易变形。6、水晶板(有机玻璃)水晶板是在板材表面刷油漆后贴有机玻璃板,由于其包贴、封边、修边等工艺完全靠手工操作,加上有机玻璃本身的特性,缺点较多。7、塑料边框板塑料边框板是用一些塑料装饰面包贴在基材表面,这种材料大都靠手工操作,刚开始做时很漂亮,有着丰富的色泽和色彩,久后容易变形、脱落、扭曲、褪色,并存在许多清洁死角。柜体1、贴面板贴面板的基材一般是刨花板或密度板,耐高温,质地坚硬,耐压,耐酸碱,大部分橱柜柜体采用贴面板。2、不锈钢板不锈钢板耐高温,防酸碱,有管道时无法开孔,色调冷硬,缝隙易藏污纳垢。卫浴产品术语Terminologies for Bathroom Hardware一、 水龙头(Faucet)1.1 水龙头种类1.1.1 Cleaner Faucet 净身器龙头1.1.2 Concealed Faucet 暗式龙1.1.3 Double Handle Faucet 双把龙头1.1.4 Fast On Faucet 快开龙头1.1.5 Kitchen Faucet 厨房龙头1.1.6 Lavatory Faucet 脸盆龙头1.1.7 Pedaled Faucet 脚踏式龙头1.1.8 Shower Faucet 淋浴龙头1.1.9 Shower Nozzle 淋浴喷头1.1.10 Single Handle Faucet 单把龙头1.1.11 Thermostat Faucet 恒温龙头1.1.12 Time-lapse Faucet 延时龙头1.1.13 Versatility Faucet 多功能龙头1.1.14 single hole basin mixer 单孔脸盆龙头1.1.15 double hole basin mixer 双孔脸盆龙头1.1.16 bathtub mixer with shower head 挂墙式浴缸龙头1.1.17 wall-in bathtub mixer 入墙式沐浴龙头1.1.18 Automatic Faucet 感应龙头1.1.19 Basin Faucet 台式龙头1.2 水龙头配件1.2.1 Angle Valve 角阀1.2.2 Cold-water tap 水嘴1.2.3 Shower mixer 淋浴水龙头1.2.4 faucet, mixer tap 明三联式浴缸水嘴1.2.5 shower 淋浴喷头1.2.6 shower curtain 浴盆帘二、 化妆镜(Cosmetic Mirror)2.1 安装情况2.1.1 bathroom cabinet 卫生间镜箱2.1.2 round front model 圆形设计2.1.3 oval shape design 椭圆形设计2.1.4 countertop installation 圆台面上安装2.1.5 fixing with back to wall 背靠墙式安装2.1.6 above counter mounting 台上安装2.1.7 under counter mounting 台下安装2.1.8 fixing above table board 柜上安装2.1.9 玻璃门合页(Glass Door Hinge)三、 卫浴配件(Bathroom accessory)3.1 挂式配件3.1.1 Fix Clamp 固定夹3.1.2 Support Bar 浴室支撑杆3.1.3 Glass Clamp玻璃夹3.1.4 Connector连接件3.1.5 Mounting 固定座3.1.6 Rail Connecting Block 导轨支撑件3.1.7 Handle 拉手3.1.8 Robber Hook 衣钩3.1.9 towel ring毛巾环3.1.10 towel bar毛巾杆3.1.11 robe hook衣勾3.1.12 paper holder卫生纸架3.1.13 toilet brush holder马桶刷架3.1.14 double towel bar 双档毛巾架3.1.15 soap dish & bath lotion rack 皂碟和洗剂架3.1.16 towel shelf浴巾架3.2 其他配件3.2.1 Position Block 限位器3.2.2 Wheel 导轮3.2.3 Guide Rail 导轨3.2.4 Mounting 固定座3.2.5 Guide track 导槽3.2.6 Mounting Bracket 支撑脚3.2.7 Mount Header Bracket 吊码3.2.8 Hinge 合页3.2.9 Header Corner 角码3.2.10 Indicator Lock 指示锁3.2.11 Grab Bar For the Disabled 残弱人扶手3.2.12 Strip胶条3.2.13 Sink地漏3.2.14 Indicator指示牌3.2.15 crystal水晶3.2.16 shelf架子3.2.17 lamp灯3.2.18 metal grid金属网3.2.19 soap dispenser皂液器3.2.20 glass shelf玻璃平台3.2.21 tumbler holder 牙刷杯架3.2.22 soap holder肥皂架3.2.23 wall mount shower caddy挂墙式花洒3.2.24 shower caddy花洒3.2.25 soap dish皂碟3.2.26 paper towel storage container3.2.27 Paper handkerchief box纸巾盒3.2.28 safety grab bar 安全扶杆3.2.29 tooth brush holder 牙刷架3.2.30 mirror镜子3.2.31 corner shelf 转角架3.2.32 stainless steel push down3.2.33 bin 不锈钢脚踩垃圾桶3.2.34 column basin立柱盆3.2.35 desk basin台盆3.2.36 bathtub浴缸Butt joint对接接头四、 马桶(toilet)4.1 按种类分4.1.1w.c. pan大便器4.1.2 squatting w.c.pan蹲式便器4.1.3 sitting w.c.pan坐式便器4.1.4 wash down w.c.pan 冲落式便器4.1.5 siphonic w.c.pan虹吸式便器4.1.6 siphon jet w.c.pan喷射虹吸式便器4.1.7 siphon vortex w.c.pan旋涡虹吸式便器4.1.8 integral sitting w.c.pan连体式坐便器4.1.9 urinal小便器4.1.10 wall hung urinal壁挂式小便器4.1.11 stall urinal落地式小便器4.1.12 One-Piece Toilet 连体座便器4.1.13 Two-piece toilet 分体座便器4.2 相关配件4.2.1 toilet, lavatory 恭桶4.2.2 toilet paper, toilet roll 卫生纸4.2.3 toilet paper holder 卫生纸架4.2.4 toilet cover 恭桶盖4.2.5 toilet seat 恭桶座圈4.2.6 tank 低水箱4.2.7 tiles 瓷砖4.2.8 sink drain 落水管4.2.9 trap 存水弯4.2.10 ball-float toilet 浮球阀式恭桶4.2.11 tank lid 水箱盖4.2.12flush handle低水箱扳手4.2.13 float ball 浮球4.2.14 ball-cock assembly 浮球阀4.2.15 inlet tube 进水管4.2.16 cistern水箱4.2.17 upper cistern高位水箱4.2.18 lower cistern低位水箱4.2.19 S-trap 地排污4.2.20 Outlet O,D. 排污口外径4.2.21 Roughing in 排污口中心离墙4.2.22 Wash down 直冲式4.2.23 P-trap 横排式五、 材质(Material)5.1 材质分类5.1.1 stainless steel不锈钢5.1.2 chrome-gold铬金5.1.3 satin砂丁5.1.4 alloy合金5.1.5 zinc alloy锌合金5.1.6 chrome铬5.1.7 satin chrome锻纹铬5.1.8 chrome-walnut wood 松木5.1.9 nickel镍5.1.10 satin nickel锻纹镍5.1.11 machoney-leather皮革5.1.12 sliver-oxide银5.1.13 cherry wood樱桃木5.1.14 beech wood 山毛榉木

英语Built for developers怎么翻译?


the thanksgiving the jacks built怎么翻译

the thanksgiving the jacks built杰克建的感恩节

The Heavy乐队 专辑《The House That Dirt Built》中歌曲 Stuck,歌词中文翻译?


alexa built-in是什么?

Alexa Built-in devices(AVS)是指使用Alexa语音服务构建语音转发设备,客户可以与之交谈并启用对基于云的功能的访问,包括音乐、信息、智能家居控制和成千上万的Alexa技能。希望以上对您有帮助,如果回答对您或其他路过的朋友有帮助,望采纳和点赞呦,十分感谢~

亲子阅读U0001f4d6《The Kids Built It》孩子们建造了它

适读年龄:3-5岁孩子们建造了一条路,又造了汽车,房子,商店,最后一座城市建成了。The kids built a road.孩子们建造了一条路。 The kids built a car.孩子们造了一辆小汽车。 The kids built a bus.孩子们建了一辆公共汽车。 The kids built a house.孩子们修建了一所房子。 The kids built a store.孩子们建了一家商店。 Look at what the kids built!看看孩子们建了些什么!The kids built a city.孩子们建造了一座城市。u2022 END u2022


大概摸出来前几个一因该是C C Am F G

求三星手机(杰仕人生) 广告曲 Built To Last 吉他谱.


【BUILT TO LAST】 【butterfly】电吉他谱


求谱Melee - Built To Last!!!100分重奖悬赏!!!

三星的广告歌嘛 谱子估计没有 你自己听吧

求built to fall的歌词中文翻译!!!!

Built To Last 直到永远 I"ve looked for love in stranger places, 我曾在陌生的地方寻找爱 but never found someone like you. 但从未找到向你一样的人 Someone whose smile makes me feel I"ve been holding back, 你的笑容让我魂牵梦绕 and now there"s nothing I can"t do. 我现在没有什么不能做的 "Cause this is real, and this is good. 这一切是多么真实,多么美好 It warms the inside just like it should, 正如我期待温暖我心怀 but most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 All of our friends saw from the start. 所有的朋友从一开始就坚信 So why didn"t we believe it too? 我们也这样相信 Whoa yeah, now look where you are. 看看你现在在哪里 You"re in my heart now. 就在我的心里 And there"s no escaping it for you. 并且无法逃离 "Cause this is real, and this is good. 这一切是这么真实,这么美好 It warms the inside just like it should, 正如我期待 温暖我心怀 but most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight 焰火和烛光灿烂的夜晚 行走在山间 You and I were made to get love right 我们注定要收获真爱 "Cause this is real, and this is good. 这一切是这么真实,这么美好 It warms the inside just like it should, 正如我期待 温暖我心怀 but most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 "Cause you are the sun in my universe, 你就是我世界里的太阳 considered the best when we"ve felt the worst 最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对 and most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 considered the best when we"ve felt the worst 最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对

Not Built To Last (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Built To Last (Live)歌手:Dark Tranquillity专辑:Exposures - In Retrospect And Denial (Double Album)Dark TranquillityNot Built To Lastmusic: Jivarp, Henriksson, Brandstromby fyongcuWhat comes as no surpriseTo a jaded mind no lessInsight comes from soothing graceLeft to waiting daysAnother chord unstrummedOur secret"s safe and soundSolid now, unless it breaks in twoFaithfully unboundAnd none of this was ever built to lastWith the paleness of a less than lifeFrom a corner watching old paint dryNever once a breakInto the self againAn endeavor that will flat or failWhat maturity comes to endNever one to faceAnother beat undoneOur secret"s safe and soundSolid now, unless it breaks in twoFaithfully unboundAnd none of this was ever built to lastOnce againAnother instant saved todayLeft a print that leads nowhereNever built to lastWhat makes it workA part of life that"ll make a weak heart growTake it if you"re willing to pay, willing to killPrepared to lay it downJust know that(The prayer, the lord, the weaker, the prey)Was never ever built to lastNever ever built to lasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/35232622

Not Built to Last 歌词

歌曲名:Not Built to Last歌手:Dark Tranquillity专辑:100 Hits MetalDark TranquillityNot Built To Lastmusic: Jivarp, Henriksson, Brandstromby fyongcuWhat comes as no surpriseTo a jaded mind no lessInsight comes from soothing graceLeft to waiting daysAnother chord unstrummedOur secret"s safe and soundSolid now, unless it breaks in twoFaithfully unboundAnd none of this was ever built to lastWith the paleness of a less than lifeFrom a corner watching old paint dryNever once a breakInto the self againAn endeavor that will flat or failWhat maturity comes to endNever one to faceAnother beat undoneOur secret"s safe and soundSolid now, unless it breaks in twoFaithfully unboundAnd none of this was ever built to lastOnce againAnother instant saved todayLeft a print that leads nowhereNever built to lastWhat makes it workA part of life that"ll make a weak heart growTake it if you"re willing to pay, willing to killPrepared to lay it downJust know that(The prayer, the lord, the weaker, the prey)Was never ever built to lastNever ever built to lasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/59736727

Have you ever been to the museum_________ was built last year?


Nothing‘s ever built to last.什么意思?


哪位英语高手翻译下MELEE乐队《built to last》的歌词要翻得准确点..谢谢

considered the best when we"ve felt the worst在我们感觉最不好时仍抱着最好的希望

built to last歌词翻译

成功长青 ; 乐成长青

求MELEE《built to last》的歌词。

Built To Last 直到永远 I"ve looked for love in stranger places, 我曾在陌生的地方寻找爱 but never found someone like you. 但从未找到向你一样的人 Someone whose smile makes me feel I"ve been holding back, 你的笑容让我魂牵梦绕 and now there"s nothing I can"t do. 我现在没有什么不能做的 "Cause this is real, and this is good. 这一切是多么真实,多么美好 It warms the inside just like it should, 正如我期待温暖我心怀 but most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 All of our friends saw from the start. 所有的朋友从一开始就坚信 So why didn"t we believe it too? 我们也这样相信 Whoa yeah, now look where you are. 看看你现在在哪里 You"re in my heart now. 就在我的心里 And there"s no escaping it for you. 并且无法逃离 "Cause this is real, and this is good. 这一切是这么真实,这么美好 It warms the inside just like it should, 正如我期待 温暖我心怀 but most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight 焰火和烛光灿烂的夜晚 行走在山间 You and I were made to get love right 我们注定要收获真爱 "Cause this is real, and this is good. 这一切是这么真实,这么美好 It warms the inside just like it should, 正如我期待 温暖我心怀 but most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 "Cause you are the sun in my universe, 你就是我世界里的太阳 considered the best when we"ve felt the worst 最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对 and most of all it"s built to last. 而且会直到永远 considered the best when we"ve felt the worst 最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对

Built To Last 歌词

歌名:Built To Last演唱:MeleeLRC :Angel_SureI"ve looked for love in stranger places我曾在陌生的地方寻找爱but never found someone like you但从未找到像你一样的人Someone whose smile makes me feel I"ve been holding back你的笑容让我魂牵梦绕and now there"s nothing I can"t do我现在没有什么不能做的"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是多么真实,多么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远it"s built to last直到永远All of our friends saw from the start所有的朋友从一开始就坚信So why didn"t we believe it too看看你现在在哪里Whoa yeah, now look where you are就在我的心里You"re in my heart now就在我的心里And there"s no escaping it for you并且无法逃离"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是这么真实,这么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待 温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight焰火和烛光灿烂的夜晚 行走在山间You and I were made to get love right我们注定要收获真爱"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是这么真实,这么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待 温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远"Cause you are the sun in my universe你就是我世界里的太阳considered the best when we"ve felt the worst最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对and most of all most of all 而且会直到永远most of all most of all 一直,一直most of all most of all it"s built to last直到永远huihttp://music.baidu.com/song/2584480

Built To Last 歌词

歌名:Built To Last演唱:MeleeLRC :Angel_SureI"ve looked for love in stranger places我曾在陌生的地方寻找爱but never found someone like you但从未找到像你一样的人Someone whose smile makes me feel I"ve been holding back你的笑容让我魂牵梦绕and now there"s nothing I can"t do我现在没有什么不能做的"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是多么真实,多么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远it"s built to last直到永远All of our friends saw from the start所有的朋友从一开始就坚信So why didn"t we believe it too看看你现在在哪里Whoa yeah, now look where you are就在我的心里You"re in my heart now就在我的心里And there"s no escaping it for you并且无法逃离"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是这么真实,这么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待 温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight焰火和烛光灿烂的夜晚 行走在山间You and I were made to get love right我们注定要收获真爱"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是这么真实,这么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待 温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远"Cause you are the sun in my universe你就是我世界里的太阳considered the best when we"ve felt the worst最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对and most of all most of all 而且会直到永远most of all most of all 一直,一直most of all most of all it"s built to last直到永远huihttp://music.baidu.com/song/11283707

《Built to last》的中文翻译


The house ______ last year belongs to Mr.White. A.built B.building C.to be built D.buids

选 built , 过去分词修饰THE HOUSE ,房子是被建的所以用被动语态,且有时间状语last year,说明动作完成了,其他选项不符合。building 表示此时的状态,to be built 表示动作还没开始,是将来要做的,buids应该是builds吧而它是动词,但句子中已经给了动词。

built to last中文什么意思

直到永远 的意思

Built To Last 歌词

歌名:Built To Last演唱:MeleeLRC :Angel_SureI"ve looked for love in stranger places我曾在陌生的地方寻找爱but never found someone like you但从未找到像你一样的人Someone whose smile makes me feel I"ve been holding back你的笑容让我魂牵梦绕and now there"s nothing I can"t do我现在没有什么不能做的"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是多么真实,多么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远it"s built to last直到永远All of our friends saw from the start所有的朋友从一开始就坚信So why didn"t we believe it too看看你现在在哪里Whoa yeah, now look where you are就在我的心里You"re in my heart now就在我的心里And there"s no escaping it for you并且无法逃离"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是这么真实,这么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待 温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight焰火和烛光灿烂的夜晚 行走在山间You and I were made to get love right我们注定要收获真爱"Cause this is real, and this is good这一切是这么真实,这么美好It warms the inside just like it should正如我期待 温暖我心怀but most of all most of all it"s built to last而且会直到永远"Cause you are the sun in my universe你就是我世界里的太阳considered the best when we"ve felt the worst最坏的时刻 我们也能乐观面对and most of all most of all 而且会直到永远most of all most of all 一直,一直most of all most of all it"s built to last直到永远huihttp://music.baidu.com/song/7567603


Built To Last 爱你到永远1. Buck knives are built to last.巴克刀是为持续使用制造的。2. The pyramids were really built to last.建造金字塔为的是要与日月齐光.3. GAUGE DIAMOND PLATE STEEL BODY, built to last.全部14级菱形盘钢制成的车身:经久耐用。4. Rolls-Royce cars and Steinway pianos are built to last for generations.劳斯莱斯汽车和斯坦威钢琴的生产制造已延续数代人。5. In these cultures friendships develop slowly, since they are built to last.在有些文化中,友谊意味着维系两个人的牢固的持续终生的纽带。6. In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long bond between two people. In these cultures friendships develop slowly, since they are built to last.在一些文化里,友谊意即两人之间一种强烈的,一世之久的情感。在这些文化里,友谊发展得慢,因为要持久。7. In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long bond between two people. In these cultures friendship develops slowly, since they are built to last.在某些文化当中,友谊意味着两个人之间一生的坚固结合。在这些文化中,由于需要持久的友谊,所以要慢慢发展。8. No longer will the plaque of 601-1, 601-2,... accrue, necessitating periodic renumbering as the city grows. We achieve permanent addresses "built to last 1000 years".不再长很多601之1、601之2…了,导致必须屡次重编,如孩童成长,裤子又太小了。今立「千年门牌」!9. Zhan Park covering sand, the park owner Huang much new President personally design, and from Jervois employ hundreds of garden skilled craftsman and built to last five years, Zhan Park master mind, for parents to build a quietly elegant refined, the old age care homes, and therefore earliest Zhan Park, now the courtyard and garden. is particularly Zhan Zhan Park on the old personal diet.詹园占地百亩,是由园主黄远新先生亲自设计,并从苏杭聘请数百名园林能工巧匠历时五年而建成的,詹园主人的初衷,出于为父母建造一处淡雅精致、颐养天年的静心居所,因此最早的詹园,即现在的四合院和后花园,是詹园上下尤其是詹老太的饮食起居之地。

Built for the kill. Now on National Geographic Channel.翻译?


最近的英雄联盟官网上有一个MV那里有一句歌词:We are the warriors that built this town请问这是什么歌


she built herself out of rubbish

she是主语 lives是谓语 in a house 是状语 后面是定语从句修饰 a house that是关系代词 引导定语从句 并作定从中的宾语 she 是定从中的主语 built是定从中的谓语 herself是定从中的状语 out of trash.是定从中的状语 句子意思 她住在她自己用废料搭建的房子里. make sth out of 这里的意思 是"用什么制成" 例如:He made a box out of old planks. 他用旧木版做了一只箱子.

His cofidence built up gradually 为什么不用被动语态?

His cofidence built up gradually 能够用主动的, 就可以 不用被动语态。他的自信心是 自己 建立起来的, 而不是 被他人 建立的。勤学好问 天天进步!

Beihai Park is one of the most beautiful parks ___ built about 300 years ago in Beijing.


established,founded,built up ,set up 的区别

表示“建立、建设”中:build最普通用词,主要指“修建、建筑”,常带house, road, bridge, socialism, hope等;如:The house is built of wood.这房子是用木头建造的。establish主要指建立机构、组织或联系,有稳固建成的意思;如:Our hospital was established in 1950. 我们的医院建于一九五○年。She established her fame as an actress. 她已成为大名鼎鼎的演员。 found主要用于创立机构、组织或理论;如:They founded a college.他们创办了一所大学。His theory is founded on facts.他的理论建立在事实的基础上。set up是口语用词,同establish;着重表示开始,草创。如:A new government was set up after the war.新政府于战后成立。 希望对你有用。。祝学习进步~O(∩_∩)O~

( )1._____ a new library _____ in our school last year? A. Is; built B. Was; built C. Does; build D


they built a highway

选D. leading into the mountains是现在分词短语(注意:不是形容词短语)作后置定语,修饰highway. 这个短语可以转化为定语从句which/that leads to the mountains. 这题不选B.因为to do表示目的,是目的状语.状语修饰的是动词;但这里leading into the mountains是定语,修饰名词highway. 如果把后面一部分改成to benefit the people in the two cities(以利于这两座城市的人民)就是目的状语了. leading前面不可加上which或that作为先行词,因为which或that引导的是定语从句,而所有的从句都要有谓语动词.但leading不是谓语动词. 我本不想回答的,今后我也将不太上百度了,这里是看到前面楼主的回答并没有说清问题,所以还是答一下.

In the past twenty years, many tall buildings have been built in our city.Look!This is a _______.


water power station are built in which there are big water falls.


built-in obsolescence是什么意思


Built in China与Made in China有什么区别?

Made in China 比较通用,中国制造。Buidt in China 主要指建筑之类的吧~~

The hospital being built now will be the best one in the city.为什么用being built

作定语,用来修饰前面的主语“ hospital”,因为时态是现在进行时“now”,所以完整的应该是 "the hospital that is being built "

be built out 与be built on区别用法?

它们的最根本区别就是意义不同,be built out的意思是:被增建,built out是增建的意思,而be built on的意思是被建在......上。它们意义不同所以用法也不一样。

词组built-in为什么不是build-in呢?为什么要用过去式? 如题 本人高一水平


"built...out of"是什么 意思 ?

打个比方: the house is built out of plant - 屋子是木板建的the table is built out of wood - 桌子是木做的

was built和was being built的区别?

was built只是一般过去式,表达过去某个建筑物被建造了was being built是过去进行时,表达过去某个时间点某个建筑物正在被建造

have benn built 和 have be built 哪个是被动的 怎么区分

第一个是被动 第二个是语法错误 have后面只能跟BEEN 不能是be老师垃圾 别听他的

built where

eg.The building is built where it used to be a theatre. 问:built后无 at,直接加一状从,是不是所有不及物动词都是如此? 那么及物动词呢?请举例说明. eg.I will go where we used to go. 问:是否等于I will go to what we used to go to.?为什么? 1. built这里并不是不及物,只是在被动句里,它的宾语前置,变成主语了.(build a house.- The house is built.) where 引导的地点状语从句 都不用加介词的.Put the things where it was. 把东西放回原来的位置. 2. where 不等同于to what (what 是什么 不表地点).可以改成定语从句 I will go to the place which we used to go to.

will be built与is being built的区别

will be built 是一般将来时的被动语态。is being built 是现在进行时的被动语态。

are built

选D.从句computers are built的主语是computers 是主语, are built 是谓语,一个句子只要有了主谓就是完整的句子,不缺成分,所以用关系词用关系副词when where why,然后因为看句子意思是电脑生产的地方,所以要用地点副词,where,因为没有where,所以就要用in which.就是这样,这是定语从句,你应该好好;-)学一下定语从句,系统的学,整体的学,才能没有遗漏,真正掌握.


区别是:built in意思是内置的,固有的,嵌入的,建设在里面。built under意思是建设在......下面。例句:built in1、We"re going to have built-in cupboards in the bedrooms. 我们将在卧室安装嵌入式衣橱。2、The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure. 该内置式安全装置在水压下降时能提供保护。3、The camera has a built-in failsafe device which prevents it from working if the rightsignals aren"t received. 照相机有内置自动防故障装置,该装置确保相机在未接到正确信号时不会启动。4、The unit includes built-in digital effects like reverb. 这个设备具有诸如混响之类的内置数码音效。built under1、I think cities will someday be built under the sea. 我想有一天城市会建在海底。2、In effect, the project team is appointed to understand what can be reasonably built under these circumstances. 事实上,项目团队被任命了解在这些情况下可以合理地构建出什么。3、They decided to have it built under licence in switzerland. 他们决定要在瑞士获特许建造它。4、The school now boasts new classrooms built under funding from Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project. 这个学校目前自豪地夸耀着它在北部山区减贫项目的资助下修建的新教室。

who had it built是什么意思


will be built和to be built有区别吗?

"will be built" 和 "to be built" 都表示将要建造或正在建造的意思,但它们在语法上略有不同。"will be built" 是一个将来时态的被动语态,强调在未来某个时间会完成建造。例如:The new hospital will be built next year.(新医院将于明年建成。)"to be built" 是一个不定式的被动语态,表示正在进行的建造活动。例如:The bridge is going to be built across the river.(这座桥正在河上建造。)

built变被动语态怎样变? build变被动语态是用building还是built?

be built.be+done结构是被动语态 be+doing是现在进行时


founded 强调建完的状态 built强调的是建筑的过程

为什么身材的单词是Build,但是体格健美的英文是Well built?

build 表示人的体格或身材,属于名词,而 built 属于形容词性,表示体格健壮的。



第四空的build为什么不能填to be built不是the first todo.的么??

Grouard yelled, instinct telling him something

build 和built的区别


Construction和built 的区别

1,construct --动词:建造,构造,创立,是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语. --名词:概念、模式或构念 例如: Something formed or constructed from parts. 用零件造型或者构建起来的东西. a theoretical construct of the atom. 原子的理论模型 2,build --建造,建筑,构造,建造,构筑;通过组合材料或部件而形成;可以是名词或者动词.当动词讲时,是及物动词,可以直接跟宾语. 比如: build a system; 构建一个系统; build a nation; 建立一个国家;




They bulit a new building here. 他们在这建了一个新楼房.


as-built为建立词典结果:built[英][bu026alt][美][bu026alt]v.build的过去式和过去分词; adj.…建成的; 身段优美的; 有特定体格的; 易混淆单词:Built以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Facebook has built a multibillion-dollar ad business because of such data. facebook因这类数据而建立了规模达数十亿美元的广告业务。


built和build的区别:build是动词原形,而built是build的过去式或过去分词形式。英语单词build有两种词性,作动词时意为“建筑;建造;创建;开发;逐渐增强”,作名词时意为“体形;体格;身材”。 扩展资料   词性转换   第三人称单数: builds   现在分词: building   过去式: built   过去分词: built   词汇搭配   【作动词】   build+名词   build a bookcase 做一个书橱   build a bridge 建桥   build a chemical plant 建起化工厂   build a dam 修筑水坝   build+副词   build expressly 快速地建造   build healthily 体格健壮   build irrevocably 不可改变地形成   build variously 不同地建造   build+介词   build after 根据…建成   build for 适合于…   build from 根据…而建   build into 把…建设成,使成为…不可分割的一部分   build of 用…建造   build upon 以…为基础   【作名词】   形容词+build   heavy build 体形粗壮   large build 身材魁梧   modern build 摩登结构   nice build 体形不错   same build 体形一样   slight build 体形精瘦   slim build 修长的身材   介词+build   in general build 总体结构   with build 有…样的.身材   build+介词   the build of a passenger ship 一艘客轮的构造   the build of a spaceship vehicle 宇宙飞船的结构   双语例句   1.The building project will be financed by the government.   这个建筑项目将由政府出资。   2.This is for anyone building a user interface.   她是针对所有用户界面开发人员的。   3.My father is a man of strong build.   我的爸爸是一个体格健壮的人。


build - built 建筑


built 英[bu026alt] 美[bu026alt] comb. …建成的; …造的; v. 建筑; 建造; 创建; 开发; 逐渐增强; [词典] build的过去分词和过去式; [例句]All the Trollope boys were heavily built and quite tall.特罗洛普家的所有男孩都是体格强壮、身材高大。[其他] 原型: build

built怎么读 英语built怎么读

1、built 英[bu026alt]美[bu026alt]comb.…建成的; …造的;v.建筑; 建造; 创建; 开发; 逐渐增强;adj.建造成的;〈俚〉体型美的;build的过去分词和过去式。 2、[例句]The house was built using salvaged materials.这栋房子是用回收的废旧材料建成的。


built 英[bu026alt] 美[bu026alt] v. build的过去式和过去分词 adj. …建成的;身段优美的;有特定体格的 [例句]So we have built research centers where the scientists are.所以我们给科学家们建立了研究中心。


built 英[bu026alt] 美[bu026alt] v.build的过去式和过去分词 adj.…建成的;身段优美的;有特定体格的 [例句]So we have built research centers where the scientists are. 所以我们给科学家们建立了研究中心.



was built被动?


第一行的it was built中的built是什么词性,是形容词吗,为什么?


built 的同义词是什么



It was built . 中的 built 是动词 build 的 过去分词形式,动词 be + vt. 过去分词, 组成被动语态。 It was built. ( 过去时被动语态)


I built my house yesterday.

Rome is not built in a day .是什么意思?

[谚]罗马城非朝夕建成; 伟业非一日之功






built up是过去式;build up是一般现在式原型. 他的分析帮他们建立的信心. 这里是指某一个特定的分析.也就是说在过去的某一时间完成并被阅读的分析.所以用过去式built. 即便是什么不朽制作总是无时无刻不在给他们建立信心,那么用一般现在式时也要加s成为builds. 所以作为一般现在式原型build up对于一个第三人称单数的analysis是永远也不能用的.
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