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买英语怎么读bought:美[bɔ:t];英[bɔ:t]一、基本释义bought英[bɔːt],美[bɔːt]。v.买;购买;够支付;收买;贿赂,bought是buy的过去分词和过去式。二、词组bought deal全数包销;购买承销;Over Bought超买;超买或买超bought journal进货日记帐;购贷日记帐;进货薄;bought scrap外购废金属;外购废钢铁is bought电吉他;immediately bought马上买;bought gifts买礼物三、例句1、I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent shirt.我去布鲁克斯兄弟专卖店给自己买了一件体面的衬衫。2、Harry had carefully bought and wrapped presents for Mark to give them.哈里精心购置了礼物又仔细包好,让马克交给他们。3、He bought an investment property for $100,000 and put down $20,000.他以10万美元买下一处投资性地产,并支付了2万美元的定金。4、I once bought a thingummy out of one of those catalogues.我曾经买过那些目录里的一样东西。5、Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap.德娜买了几卷看起来非常次的丝绸。6、I bought them for a pound apiece, near enough.我几乎是以一英镑一件的价钱买下了它们。7、This is fearfully expensive compared with the last one I bought.这和我上次买的相比贵得吓人。8、He gestured at the shelves. "I"ve bought many books from him."他指着书架说,我已经从他那里买了不少书了。9、She tipped the barmen 10 dollars and bought drinks all round.她给了吧台服务员10美元小费,还请在场的所有人喝了酒。

I bought the ring as a s of Greece


bought the farm in the World War II为什么会翻译成阵亡?

buy the farm[美俚]阵亡;买下农场(死了);突如其来的不正常死亡 关于来源,因为是美国的俚语,只有美国人比较清楚,下面是几个外国人的解释,我翻译了认为最可能的. 1.Buy the farm was originated with pilots.Mostly military. If something from the government crashes on to a farm - like a military plane,the government "buy the farm".as in the land that it destroyed.The pilot is dead because of the impact... “Buy the farm”的起源来自于飞行员.主要指军方的飞行员.如果政府部门的某件东西撞毁在农场里——例如军用飞机,政府部门就会“买下那个农场”,因为那块地已经被破坏了,而飞行员也在撞击的过程中死了……. 所以“Buy the farm”就比喻突如其来的不正常死亡,也就是阵亡了,特别是在战争中的,像第二次世界大战等. 2.To die,espescially in combat; most likely from the idea that a dead soldier"s death benifit would serve to pay off his family"s morgtage.Often shortened to "bought it." 3.This term was used during World War 2 whenever a Allied Pilot would have to make a crash landing into a European farm/house.WW2 pilots who did this were actually charged for the damages they caused and actually in a sense:"bought the farm"

bought the farm in the World War II为什么会翻译成阵亡?


This is the island ----was bought by a millionaire A it B that C this D/

B、that 在这里引导定语从句(修饰island),在定语从句中做主语,可以省略。B、D都正确

if I had the moneyuff0cI would have bought the DVD player.


I bought a pair of shoes was made in America还made

正确的是I bought a pair of shoes made in America.made 过去分词作后置定语修饰shoes

外国歌手莎拉布莱曼唱的“Scarbough Fair”是什么意思


英语冠词的一些问题I bought (a) big fish at (the) only market near my?

是不是名字前面有形容词就能用不定冠词啊 不是这样理解的 首先,用用不用冠词,需要看中心词是可数还是不可数,如果是可数名词,就要加冠词,不能零冠词使用,至于是加a,不定冠词,还是加the 定冠词,得具体情况具体对待 I bought (a) big fish,这里,fish 做为一条鱼,两条鱼,是可数的(作为鱼肉不可数),因此,需要加冠词,这里的 a 就是指一条鱼 如果,下文,再继续说,这条鱼死了,那就是特指,用the at (the) only market near my office 这里的the 是特指,因为有only 所限定,因此用定冠词 如果,是泛指,不知道是哪个市场,则也是用a 比如,our village is on a river (新概念一册的原句,我们的村庄靠近一条小河,因为不知道是那一条河,因此,用泛指的a) 在如,fly a kite 这个a ,就是泛指所有的这类风筝 fly the kite 就是只是放这个风筝 really like (the) scarf you gave me yeterday,怎么样判断名词后面是否有定语从句修饰名词 就要用定冠词 因为这个围巾,已经被定语从句you gave me yeterday所限定,因此用定冠词the 定冠词的定,就是限定的意思 如果你只是喜欢围巾,而没有特指,就是 i like a scaf (a ,不是一条,而是泛指这类围巾) We can have a bluer sky if we create a less polluted world,我知道sky world 都是独一无二的东西怎么不用the 这是涉及到抽象名词具体化的语法 比如,a heavy rain a long walk a long history 为了行文生动,把抽象的具体化 (也有具体名词抽象化的语法),1,孩子,你要知道a,an,the的区别呀,首先a,an的意思是“一个”无论哪一个,而the是特指。举例说,a apple与the apple的区别就是:Give me a apple.这里的苹果是,你给我一个苹果,随便哪一个都可以,而在句中,如:Look at the apple就是特指说话人看到的那个苹果,别的都不行。所以,你需要翻一下语法书,什么是特指什么是泛指要懂呀...,0,一、不定冠词在不可数名词前的使用 通常,英语可数名词可以与不定冠词a(或an)连用,不可数名词不能与不定冠词连用。像英语的news, bread, soap, clothing, advice, 等。虽然在汉语中,我们可以说:一则新闻,一块面包,一块肥皂,一件衣服,一次忠告,但这些表达成英语时,决不能说:a news, a bread,a soap, a water,an advice, ...,0,英语冠词的一些问题 I bought (a) big fish at (the) only market near my office. 是不是名字前面有形容词就能用不定冠词啊 那像第二空前面是副词 是不是就加定冠词呢? I really like (the) scarf you gave me yeterday,怎么样判断名词后面是否有定语从句修饰名词 就要用定冠词 We can have a bluer sky if we create a less polluted world, 我知道sky world 都是独一无二的东西怎么不用the呢?


ought 是buy 的过去式, 我给他买了一本书 是过去发生的事情,所以用过去式bought. buy 用于一般现在时态 表示经常发生的动作或者习惯性动作. I buy a bottle of milk everyday. 我每天买一瓶牛奶这里有everyday 这就是经常发生的动作 所以用buy不用bought,8, yangwengru 举报 你好,请问,是不是所有发生过的动作 都用过去分词? 这里的bought不是过去分词,是过去式,过去分词用于完成时态,不一定的,比如自然定律 要用一般现在时 过去的时态也有很多种,要具体语境具体分析,现在初中的话,估计一般过去时多一点,也会有完成时态,bought是buy的过去式兼过去分词形式,过去式用于一般过去时做谓语动词。过去分词形式用于现在完成时(have bought)和过去完成时(had bought),有时也可在句子中作为非谓语动词,起到定语等作用。,3,buy适用于一般地句子,bought用于过去式,1,bought是buy的过去式,“我买了一本书给他”,都给他了,肯定过去的事情了,所以动词就要用过去式了,就不能用buy原形了,OK? 希望能帮到你啊!,1,因为你已经买了,你这个动作已经过去了,所以用buy的过去式bought,0,请问buy与bought,区别用法? Ibought him abook.我买了一本书给他.为什么不用buy?而用bought?

所有不规则动词的过去式与过去分词 要像我这样写 列如:buy-bought-bougth 还要在动词原形下面加中文意思

小妞,那么点分,还不够哥换Q币呢,按种类:I、A----B----B式1.babysit-babysat-babysat 临时照顾2. bring-----brought-----brought 带来3. think-----thought----thought 思考4. buy-------bought------bought 买5. fight-------fought-----fought 打架,战斗6. teach-----taught-------taught 教书7. feel------felt------------felt 感觉8. find------found---------found 发现9. get-------got------------got 得到10. hang-----hanged-------hanged 绞死11. hang-----hung----------hung 悬挂12. have/has-----had----------had 有13. hear-----heard-------- heard 听见14. hold-----held----------held 举行15. keep-----kept----------kept 保存16.lay-------laid-----------laid 产蛋17.lie-------lied--------lied 撒谎18. learn----learned-------learned 学会 learn-----learnt---------learnt 学会19. leave----left------------left 离开20. lose-----lost------------lost 丢失21. make---made----------made 制造22. mean---meant---------meant 意思23. meet---met-------------met 遇见24. pay-----paid------------paid 付款25. say-----said------------said 说26. sell-----sold------------sold 卖27. tell------told-----------told 告诉28. send----sent------------sent 派,寄 出示,给…..看30. sit-------sat--------------sat 坐31. sleep----slept-----------slept 入睡32. sweep----swept----------swept 打扫33. spend---spent-----------spent 花费34. build-----built-----------built 修建35. stand-----stood----------stood 站立36. win---------won-----------won 胜、赢37. spell--------spelt----------spelt 拼写38. feed----------fed------------fed 喂39. forget----------forgot--------forgot 忘记II、A----B-----C式1. am/is---------was------------been 是2. are------------were------------been 是3.bear--------bore--------born/borne 出生4. drive----------drove---------driven 驾驶5. speak----------spoke--------spoken 说话6.break------------broke------------broken 打破7. write----------wrote----------written 写8. forget----------forgot--------forgotten 忘记9.get------------got------------gotten 得到10. freeze-----------froze----------frozen 结冰11.choose----------chose------------chosen 选择12.ride-------------rode-----------ridden 骑13. eat--------------ate------------- eaten 吃14. give------------gave-----------given 给15.fall------------fell------------fallen 落下,跌倒16.take------------took------------taken 拿走17.lie------------lay------------lain 躺,位于18. begin----------began----------begun 开始19. drink-----------drank----------drunk 喝、饮20. sing-----------sang------------sung 唱歌21. swim----------swam----------swum 游泳22.ring------------rang------------rung 铃响 出示,给…看24. draw----------drew-----------drawn 画25. grow---------grew-----------grown 种植 飞,放27. know--------knew-----------known 知道28. show--------showed-------shown 给…看29. wear---------wore-----------worn 穿30. do/does------------did-------------done 做31. go-----------went------------gone 去32.see----------saw-------------seen 看见III、A----B----A式 1. come--------came-----------come 来2. become-----became--------become 变成3. run----------ran--------------run 跑IV、A----A-----A式1. let-----------let--------------let 让2. put----------put-------------put 放3. read--------read------------read 读书4. cut--------cut-----------cut 切,砍5. beat--------beat------------beat 打败6.cost-------cost------------cost 花钱,价值V、A-----A-----B式1. beat---------beat-----------beaten 打败VI、A-B式(只有过去式)1. can----------could 能2. may-------might 可以3. shall--------should 将4. will---------would 将5. must---------must 必须初中英语常用不规则动词分类表(人教版) 为了帮助同学们记住不规则动词,现在把教材中出现的不规则动词分为几个类型,每个类型中又分若干组,尽量找出每组中各词变化形式的共同点,以帮助记忆。 1. A---A---A型(现在式、过去式和过去分词同形)动词原形(现在式) 过去式 过去分词cost cost cost 花费cut cut cut 割,切hit hit hit 打let let let 让put put put 放下read read read 读 hurt hurt hurt 伤2. A---A---B型(现在式和过去式同形)beat beat beaten 打3. A---B---A型(现在式和过去分词同形)come came come 来become became become 变run ran run 跑4. A ---B ---B型(1)在动词原形后加一个辅音字母d或t构成过去式或过去分词。burn burnt burnt 燃烧learn learned/learnt learned/learnt 学习mean meant meant 意思hear heard heard 听见(2)把动词原形的最后一个辅音字母“d”改为“t” 构成过去式或过去分词。build built built 建筑lend lent lent 借给lose lost lost 失去send sent sent 送spend spent spent 花费(3)其他pay paid paid 付lay laid laid 下蛋say said said 说bring brought brought 带来buy bought bought 买think thought thought 想 sleep slept slept 睡keep kept kept 保持sweep swept swept 扫stand stood stood 站understand understood understood 明白win won won 得胜shine shone/shined shone/shined 发光catch caught caught 抓住teach taught taught 教feel felt felt 觉得fight fought fought 战斗find found found 发现get got got 得到hang hanged/ hung hanged/ hung 绞死,挂have had had 有hold held held 盛,握leave left left 离开make made made 制造meet met met 遇见sell sold sold 卖shoot shot shot 射击tell told told 告诉smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled 嗅,闻sit sat sat 坐dig dug dug 挖5. A---B---C型(现在式、过去式和过去分词都不相同)(1)在动词原形后加-n或-en构成过去分词。eat ate eaten 吃fall fell fallen 落下steal stole stolen 偷give gave given 给freeze froze frozen 冻结take took taken 拿see saw seen 看见write wrote written 写ride rode ridden 骑drive drove driven 驾驶throw threw thrown 抛,扔blow blew blown 吹grow grew grown 生长know knew known 知道fly flew flown 飞draw drew drawn 拉,绘画show showed shown 展示(2)过去式加-n或-en构成过去分词。speak spoke spoken 说话break broke broken 破碎,折断wake waked/ woke waked/ waken 醒choose chose chosen 选择forget forgot forgotten 忘记(3)变单词在重读音节中的元音字母“i”分别为“a”(过去式)和“u”(过去分词)。begin began begun 开始ring rang rung 按铃sing sang sung 唱sink sank sunk 沉swim swam swum 游泳drink drank drunk 饮(4)其他不规则动词的变化。be(am, is) was/ were been 是be(are) were been 是do did done 做go went gone 去lie lay lain 躺wear wore worn 穿满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

He has bought the bike for over 3 months. 错在哪儿?


More new machines will be bought to __________ the old ones. A.replace with B.take place .

D 试题分析:考查词组:A. replace with用…代替,B. take place发生C. make place for让位于,为…挪出地方,D. take the place of代替,句意:更多的机器会购置代替旧的。选D。点评:要把一些经常考查的动词短语进行归类总结,特别是同一个短语有多种意思,要在语境中进行区别。

求翻译a golden age for mankind dawned as ancient knowledge was bought into the light



Yes,I bought something for my father.是啊,我给我爸买了点东西. No,I bought nothing.没,我什么都没买. How was the good? Everything tasted really good.

完形填空正确答案 A miser(守财奴)sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, 21 he buried in a

填写:which解析: 1. which he burried in a ... 是非限制性定语从句,which 指代 a lump of gold; 2. 句子的意思是:一个守财奴卖掉了他的所有一切,买来了一块金子,他把这块金子埋到了...

英语base on deception you bought怎么翻译?

base on deception you bought根据您购买的欺骗

mule gift bought basket中那个不一样

bought 不一样,它是动词buy的过去式其他三个是名词。

求电影:we bought a zoo 我家买了动物园 百度云

有的哦 刚刚看了一下,帮你找到了这个电影,点我主页,!试试,,,?

我想下载电影We Bought a Zoo《我家买了动物园》。。。


Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,___was very reasonable.

Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,___was very reasonable答案应该是B。如果是A,后半句的意思是“花瓶很合理”。其实应该是“花瓶的价格很合理”。Which当然指代vase,如果用whose,就必须说【whose price】。

Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ________was very reasonable.

whose price或the price of which都对,定语从句意思是这个花瓶的价钱合理。which price本身就错误。which和price之间没有任何连接词,所以没有从属关系。而定语从句中price价钱,明显要从属于which取代的vase花瓶。即price价钱是vase花瓶的价钱。所以一定要用whose price或the price of which。表明price价钱,明显要从属于vase花瓶。

1.l bought you a book 2.i bought a book for you.


I got this bicycle for____; my friend gave it to me when she bought a new one


bought, bring与buy的区别?



bought,bring与buy的区别为意思不同、用法不同、词性不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1.bought意思:买;购买;够支付;买通;收买;贿赂2.bring意思:带…到某处;带来;取来;提供;供给;导致;引起3.buy意思:合算的商品;买进(或出售)的东西;购买二、用法不同1.bought用法:表示“在某商店买”可接介词at; 表示“从某处买”可接介词from, of, off; 表示“花多少钱买”可接介词for, at;表示“给某人买”可说buy sb sth,也可说buy sth for sb,不能说buy sth to sb。2.bring用法:基本的意思是“将人或物带至讲话人或听话人所在之处”,是及物动词,可接表示人、物或抽象事物的名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以由介词to引出,但不能用for,用for时表示“为某人带来…”。3.buy用法:buy在句中主要用作及物动词,偶尔用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。三、词性不同1.bought词性:bought是buy的过去式,用在过去时句子中2.bring词性:作使役动词,表示“促使,说服”,常跟反身代词作宾语。3.buy词性:buy是动词原形,用于一般现在时。


bought,bring与buy的区别为意思不同、用法不同、词性不同,用法如下:一、意思不同1.bought意思:买;购买;够支付;买通;收买;贿赂2.bring意思:带…到某处;带来;取来;提供;供给;导致;引起3.buy意思:合算的商品;买进(或出售)的东西;购买二、用法不同1.bought用法:表示“在某商店买”可接介词at; 表示“从某处买”可接介词from, of, off; 表示“花多少钱买”可接介词for, at;表示“给某人买”可说buy sb sth,也可说buy sth for sb,不能说buy sth to sb。2.bring用法:基本的意思是“将人或物带至讲话人或听话人所在之处”,是及物动词,可接表示人、物或抽象事物的名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以由介词to引出,但不能用for,用for时表示“为某人带来…”。3.buy用法:buy在句中主要用作及物动词,偶尔用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。三、词性不同1.bought词性:bought是buy的过去式,用在过去时句子中2.bring词性:作使役动词,表示“促使,说服”,常跟反身代词作宾语。3.buy词性:buy是动词原形,用于一般现在时。



新概念英语中多次出现I have bought a house.现在完成时,不是不能使用非延续性动词吗,若能用,何时用?

非延续性动词可用来表示某一动作完成,因此可用于现在完成时。如: The train has arrived.火车到了。 Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗? 但因非延续性动词表示的动作极其短暂,不能持续,因此非延续性动词不可与表示一段时间的状语连用(只限肯定句)。如:他死了三年了。错误的表达:He has died for three years. die是终止性动词,不能延续,可改用表示状态的dead :He has been dead for three years. 因此,楼主说的不能使用的情况是和一段时间连用时。





have/has+动词过去式表示什么?是什么时态? eg.I have bought this book


英语句子判断对错,并说明理由 1.He just has bought another garage. 2.Have burnt you

He just has bought another garage. 去掉has,bought是过去发生的动作Have burnt you those old papers yet? 主语you移到burnt前更多专业问题可咨询文教未来

He just has bought another garage.文中一共就两个车库但这里为什么用的是another而不是other?



I bought some vegetables at grocery store.我在杂货店买了一些蔬菜。

she bought a box of groceries为什么要用groceries?

因为grocery是可数名词,前面a box of修饰可数名词,要将可数名词变为复数形式。grocery变复数是把y变为i再加es。

The dress her mother bought ___ her.A did not fit for B.was not fit C.fits very fit为什么选C




修改病句He has bought the house for ten years?

He has had

I bought a shirt for ten yuan 这句话对吗?为何用介词for

for 后面可以跟价钱,也可以跟人物表示为谁卖 意思是我用十元买了一件衬衫或我买了一件十元的衬衫;另外一个是我为某人买了一件衬衫

请写出以下非延续性动词的延续性动词变式 bought______ borrowed_______ put on_____

ought______had borrowed_______kept put on______worn died______been dead arrived in sp_____been in sp left___been away joined____been in / been a member of came here____been here went____ been started to do____done got to know_____known got married_____ been married

jimbought youaopen 改为否定句?

否定句是:Jim didn"t buy you a pen.


my father

同义句转换器I bought him a present同义句I ( ) a present ( )him

I bought a present for himbuy sb sth = buy sth for sb

1.Is this book ( )you bough? 2.Is this the book ( )you bought?A.that B.the one

第一个选 the one 第二个选 that 有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

请问 【When have you bought it?】和【When did you bough

请问 【When have you bought it?】和...

David Beatenbough做什么行业的?柳工副总裁


brianna bought a bracelet 怎么读

英文原文:brianna bought a bracelet英式音标:brianna [bu0254u02d0t] [u0259; eu026a] [u02c8breu026aslu0259t] 美式音标:brianna [bu0254t] [e] [u02c8breslu026at]

新概念2 A Village well which was said to be cursed was bought by a man

一眼据说被诅咒了的村井被一个男人买下了。A Village well是主语 which was said to be cursed 修饰A Village well was 是系动词,在此处同时也是被动态“be done”中的be,was bought 是谓语a man是执行动作者

After Jack bought a piece of meat. The butcher(屠夫)told him how to cook it. "But I can’t re

36.C 别的选项没有提及37.D 别的选项没有提及38.B With the meat in his hand and the note in his pocket 推断是写在纸条上然后收在钱夹里39.C 别的选项和原文不符40.C 按照故事情节发展时间顺序排列故事大意是 Jack从屠夫那买了一块肉 屠夫教了不会烹饪的Jack Jack担心自己忘了就让屠夫写下来 屠夫照做了 Jack开心地回家的路上 有一只狗抢了Jack的那块肉 Jack想到因为烹饪方法的纸条在自己手里 他认为狗会因为没有烹饪方法而没法吃肉

he bought too much 用beef写 怎么写我不会,你可以给我写吗如你能写我会谢谢你

he bought too much 用beef写 怎么写我不会He bought too much beef.直接用beef就可以了beef是不可数名词

I bought it in a supermarket是什么意思


carpet blanket rug 翻译的时候都可不可以翻译成毯子 He bought a carpet /rug /blanket都可以翻译成


bought 【buy过去式】 taught【teach过去式]thought【think过去式造句

I bought a new radioI taught them EnglishI thought shame to be so careless

the equipment must be bought from a supplier approved by the company 什么意思


请问怎么分辨though,thought,bought 等等这几个类似的单词,他们各自的意思是什么?



bought (buy的过去式) 买night 晚上yeah 是,好,对dumplings 饺子

our university has bought a new piece of equipment中为什么不能用a new equipment用了piece有什么含义


I have bought such a watch ( ) was advertised on

句中有such...所以后面的定语从句用as, 句子的意思是:我已经买了电视广告中的手表。as引导的定语从句可以用在, the same .. as,, as..as的结构中。 如:He is not the same guide as showed the foreigners around our city a few days ago.他不是前天带领外宾参观我们城市的那个导游。This is not so easy a problem as everyone can work out.这题目并不容易, 不是人人都能解出的。

new-bought还是newly bought
