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creek, stream, rivulet 都有小溪/小流的意思,请问这三者之间有什么区别

分类: 外语/出国 解析: 2. Stream 从使用范围来讲,stream的含义最广,它一方面指比river小的小溪、小河,另一方面又可以指凡是流动或流淌的东西,一连串的东西(包括思想意识等)。;例如: The stream is full of trout. 河里有很多鳟鱼。 A stream of water ran off the roof. 雨水顺着房顶往下淌。 The music evoked a stream of associated ideas. 这段音乐使人浮想联翩。Streams of people were ing out of the railway station. 人群从火车站涌出。 stream of consciousness 意识流 4. creek 小河,支流。窄小且流速较慢的stream,一般比brook大。但在通俗用法中,stream,brook和creek 可以互换使用。例如: A creek winds through the woods. 一条小河从树林里蜿蜒流过。 rivulet 小溪。即一条很小的brook或者stream, 也可以叫做streamlet。该词由river加后缀 -let(小)构成。例如: Tadpoles can be found in this rivulet. 这条小溪里能见到蝌蚪。

up a creek without a paddle是什么意思



进入Coyote Creek(狼溪)高尔夫球俱乐部,我们两个一下瘫坐在椅子上,先享用免费wifi上网查路线,同时点菜。本来阿顿担心俱乐部里餐食的消费高,看了一下十几元一个三明治,价格合理。我一点胃口没有,点了份沙拉,给阿顿点了汤和面包,量很大,味道还不错。阿顿匆匆吃完,到户外去打盹了,我则请服务小姐给我在地图上指路。要说美国大妞真是可爱,看起来面无表情,还跟熟客抱怨一两句,可是你问路她仔仔细细给你描述。她给我们查了蒙特利水族馆的地址,告诉我们在哪里拐上加州一号公路。搞定了路线的我轻松了起来,趁着阿顿打盹在球场拍了很多照片。加州现在正是旱季,山上的草都是黄的,只有山下的球场是碧绿一片,荒草、绿地、蓝天、白云,纯度极高的色彩反差给视觉巨大的冲击。

美国Mill creek,力士,资生堂,潘婷和施华蔻洗发露哪个好?


美国加州walnut creek城市的介绍


walnut creek是哪里

必应词典为您提供walnut creek的释义,网络释义: 核桃溪;核桃溪市;加州胡桃溪请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

nickel creek的《Helena》 歌词

歌曲名:Helena歌手:nickel creek专辑:Reasons Why (The Very Best)Nickel Creek - HelenaHelena, don"t walk awayBefore you give me back my heartIf it were mine, it would be yours to takeI"m sorry I"ve let down my guard, oh HelenaYou looked so sweetI should have seenWhile I was playing for funYou were playing for keepsYou win, I lose, is there some wayYou can leave me in your debtSo my girl and I can live to die another dayOn that day I won"t forget you, HelenaYou look so sweet waiting for meWhile I wait for her to give me any reason to leaveDon"t waste your pretty sympathyShe"s gonna be just fineAnd Helena, so will weSo will everything in time, mmmHelena, don"t walk awayDid you hear one word I saidOh well, I never really liked her anywayAnd I forgot her, I"ll forget you, HelenaYou"re not that sweetAnd neither is sheGo ahead and tell her anythingYou walk, cause HelenaGuys like me never sleep alone at nightI don"t need your sympathyCause I"ll always be just fineYeah, I"ll always be just fineYeah, I"ll always be just fineLa la la, la la la, la la la

Boulder creek 的电贝司谁了解



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马修连恩的《Flying Squirrel Creek》都用什么乐器演奏的?



你是不是打错了?如果是rochester creek,意思是罗切斯特河

Creek Marys Blood 歌词

歌曲名:Creek Marys Blood歌手:Nightwish专辑:End Of An Era-Nuclear BlastCreek Mary"s BloodNightwishOnceSoon I will be here no moreYou"ll hear my taleThrough my bloodThrough my peopleAnd the eagle"s cryThe bear within will never lay to restWandering on Horizon RoadFollowing the trail of tearsWhite man cameSaw the blessed landWe cared, you tookYou fought, we lostNot the war but an unfair fightSceneries painted beautiful in bloodWandering on Horizon RoadFollowing the trail of tearsOnce we were hereWhere we have lived since the world beganSince time itself gave us this landOur souls will join again the wildOur home in peace "n war "n deathWandering on Horizon RoadFollowing the trail of tearsOnce we were hereWhere we have lived since the world beganSince time itself gave us this landWandering on Horizon RoadFollowing the trail of tearsOnce we were hereWhere we have lived since the world beganSince time itself gave us this land"Hanhepi iyuho mi ihanbla ohinni yeloO sunkmanitutankapi hena,sunkawakanpi watogha hena,oblaye t"ankapi oihankesni henaT"at"epi kin asni kiyasni heakatanhanpi iwankalOblaye t"anka kinosicesni mitakuyepi ònMakoce kin wakanWakanTanka kin ònMiwicala ohinni - Hanhepi iyuhakici - Anpetu iyuha kici yeloMi yececa hehaka kin yelo, nani yececa sunkmanitutankapikin ka mikaga wowasaka isomUncipi tuweni nitaku keyas ta k"uUnwakupi e"cela e wiconiwanji unmakainapi ta yeloAnpetu waste e wan olowanle talowan winyan ta yeloUnwanagi pi lel e nita it"okab o"ta yeUntapi it"okab o"taNa e kte ena òn hanska ohakapni itansni a"u nita ihanke yelo"

suzhou creek前有the么

1.Living in Shanghai, Song Wei possesses a studio on Suzhou Creek bank.宋微生活在上海,在苏州河边有一个自己的画室。2.The Suzhou Creek is originated from Taihu Lake of Jiangshu Province and connecting with Huangpu River near Waibaidu Bridege.苏州河是太湖的分支之一,横贯上海市区,在外白渡桥附近与黄浦江交汇。从例句中可以看出有时候加,有时候不加,要看语境。

逸客Eagle Creek箱包的特色是什么?

Eagle Creek面料是防水的,终身保修,部分使用环保材料

be up the creek什么意思

be up the creek站在小溪边双语例句be up the creek无计可施

coldwater creek的意思是什么?


auswan creek什么意思


eagle creek和inuk背包哪个好

加拿大原创品牌Inuk 。始创于2005年的加拿大,灵感于生活在北极地区的原住民因纽特人 ( INUIT ) 。其崇尚户外,爱好自然,坚持原创,希望通过原住民与北美现代生活方式的碰撞,演绎出新的时尚表达方式,致力于做一个有文化的旅行装备品牌。加拿大品牌Inuk,是一个小众文化品牌,非常适合学生使用,拥有独特文化元素的双肩包,轻快活泼的款式和颜色设计,合理的区域分隔,防泼水,在小几百的同类书包中性价比高质量好!

2022纽约车展 日产Pathfinder新增Rock Creek越野版本

易车讯 日产汽车表示,2023款日产Pathfinder新增Rock Creek版本,它将与2023款车型一同于今年夏天在海外上市。全新日产Pathfinder已上市一年,Rock Creek版本更加偏向户外表现及越野性能,标配四轮驱动系统。同时,车辆配备了特殊调校的升高越野悬架、18英寸防脱轮圈、AT越野轮胎、车顶行李架等配置,外观和内饰也进行了相应的升级。动力方面,VQ35发动机与9挡变速箱匹配,如果使用高标号汽油,最大功率295马力(常规动力284马力),最大拖拽质量6000磅。作为参考,Pathfinder在海外市场是日产重要的SUV产品,定位和英菲尼迪QX60相仿,后者已在国内实现本土化生产销售。根据易车App数据,2016款日产Pathfinder国内指导价38.8万元,如需更多数据,请到易车App查看。




处于困境的,不正确的,进退两难be up the creek 无有舟辑

怎么翻译Creek Indian language



A stream runs a little faster, may have little falls and pools. A brook runs on the flattest ground of all these waterways you mention, it kind of meanders. A creek is very like a stream but even faster, though less reliable as it can dry"s often run-off from the snow. A river is the culmination of all these waterways...they all eventually flow into the river, which usually flows (slow and/or fast) to a lake, sea, or ocean.

creek, stream, rivulet 都有小溪/小流的意思,请问这三者之间有什么区别

2. Stream 从使用范围来讲,stream的含义最广,它一方面指比river小的小溪、小河,另一方面又可以指凡是流动或流淌的东西,一连串的东西(包括思想意识等)。;例如: The stream is full of trout. 河里有很多鳟鱼。 A stream of water ran off the roof. 雨水顺着房顶往下淌。 The music evoked a stream of associated ideas. 这段音乐使人浮想联翩。 Streams of people were coming out of the railway station. 人群从火车站涌出。 stream of consciousness 意识流4. creek 小河,支流。窄小且流速较慢的stream,一般比brook大。但在通俗用法中,stream,brook和creek 可以互换使用。例如: A creek winds through the woods. 一条小河从树林里蜿蜒流过。 rivulet 小溪。即一条很小的brook或者stream, 也可以叫做streamlet。该词由river加后缀 -let(小)构成。例如: Tadpoles can be found in this rivulet. 这条小溪里能见到蝌蚪。

river 和creek的区别

creek英文解释:A creek is very like a stream but even faster,though less reliable as it can dry"s often run-off from the snow.river英文解释:A river is the culmination of all these waterways...they all eventually flow into the river,which usually flows (slow and/or fast) to a lake,sea,or ocean.


creek [英]kri:k [美]krik, kru026ak n. 英小湾;美小河,小溪;〈废〉弯曲狭窄的通路;克里克人,克里克语 [例句]Willow creek has two very different services. 柳树溪有两种截然不同的服务。n.(名词)词组搭配:用作名词 (n.) 介词+~ up the creek 处于困境词义辨析: creek, branch, brook, canal, river, stream, torrent这组词的共同意思是“流水的通道”。其区别是:1.除canal指人工开挖的河流或渠道外,其余各词均指自然形成的水道。2.river和torrent均指流量较大的河流,river可泛指(自然形成的)江河;torrent则特指急流、湍流。这两个词还常用于比喻。3.stream可指大河,也可指小河或小溪,指小溪时与brook,creek同义。creek侧重其狭长蜿蜒,缓缓流动,且多流入大河或湖泊。brook侧重发源于山泉。creek和stream都比brook大。stream还可引申表示事物连绵不断。4.branch指江河的支流。望采纳!

creek 是什么意思

creek 英[kri:k] 美[krik, krɪk] n. <英>小湾;<美>小河,小溪;〈废〉弯曲狭窄的通路;克里克人,克里克语 名词复数:creeks


creek的读音:英 /kriu02d0k;美 /[kriu02d0k]。1、The sun had gone behind the trees, and the creek was in shadow. 太阳落到树林背后,小港湾上暮色四合。2、The creek, still and soundless, is closed in by trees, hidden from the eyes of men. 这条小港湾,静寂无声,树木环绕,简直是个世外桃源。3、I was really up the creek without my car. 离了我那辆汽车真是不方便。4、They"ll spend some time floating boats in the creek. 他们打算花些时间在溪流里放船模。5、One evening, crossing a small creek, he pulled the car off the road. 一天傍晚,他驶过一条小溪后把车停在了路边。6、He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period. 他被转到了肖尔溪精神病院,要在那里无限期地呆下去。7、I can hardly believe it"s been over eight years since you used to go camping at Cedar Creek. 我几乎无法相信现在距离你过去常常去松溪露营的日子已经有8年多了。8、It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek. 我们到达拉隆溪时天还没黑。

Cricket Creek是哪里


ancient creeks昰什么意思

ancient Greeks古希腊人the Ancient greeks started fire with concentrated sunlight. 古希腊人聚焦太阳光来点火。满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】




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