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《Gotham-Edwin G. Burrows》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Gotham》(Edwin G. Burrows)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1agssqJ96vrrYOz1nxeYk2w 提取码: 88y8书名:Gotham作者:Edwin G. Burrows出版社:Oxford University Press, USA出版年份:2000页数:1424内容简介:To European explorers, it was Eden, a paradise of waist-high grasses, towering stands of walnut, maple, chestnut, and oak, and forests that teemed with bears, wolves, racoons, beavers, otters, and foxes. Today it is the city of Broadway and Wall Street, the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty, and the home of millions of people, who have come from every corner of the nation and the globe. In "Gotham", Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace have produced a monumental work of history,on ethat ranges from the Indian tribes that settled in and around the island of Manna-hata, to the consolidation of the five boroughs into Greater New York in 1898. Readers will relive the tumultuous early years of New Amsterdam under the Dutch West India Company, Peter Stuyvesant"s despotic regime, Indian wars, slave resistance and revolt, the Revolutionary War and the defeat of Washington"s army on Brooklyn Heoghts, the destructive seven years of British occupation, New York as the nation"s first capital, the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, the Erie Canal and the coming of the railroads, the growth of the city as a port and financial centre, the infamous draft riots of the Civil War, the great flood of immigrants, the rise of mass entertainment such as vaudeville and Coney Island, the building of the Brooklyn Bridge and the birth of the skyscraper. Here too is a cast of thousands - the rebel Jacob Leisler and the reformer Joanna Bethune; Clement Moore, who saved Greenwich village from the city"s grid street plan; Herman Melville, who painted disillusioned portraits of city life; and Walt Whitman, who hapily celebrated that same life. We meet Boss Tweed and his nemesis, cartoonist Thomas Nast; Emma Goldman and Nellie Bly; Jacob Riis and Horace Greely; police commissioner Theodore Roosevelt; Colonel Waring and his "white angels"(who revolutionised the sanitation department); millionaires John Jacob Astor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, August Belmont and William Randolph Hearst; and hundreds more who left their mark on this great city. The events and people who crowd these pages guarantee that this is no mere local history. It is in fact a portrait of the heart and soul of America, and a book that will mesmerise everyone interested in the peaks and valleys of American life as found in the greatest city on earth.

trigant burrow 翻译成中文是什么



爆破剪 楼主我只记得这个名字 是最厉害的剪刀 好象内地没有

英文翻译:皮带打洞!我觉得自己的翻译(burrow my strap)有误!

Leather belt perforation


burrow的读音如下:英式读音[ u02c8bu028cru0259u028a ],美式读音[ u02c8bu025cu02d0rou028a ]。burrow可以用作动词(v),其意思为:掘地洞,挖地道 ;偎依,钻到……下面;(在……里)搜寻;挖穿。也可以用作名词(n),其意思为:(兔子等动物掘的)地洞,地道。burrow还可以用作人名:(Burrow)(美)伯罗。该单词可以这样用:They go back to their own burrow.他们回到自己的洞穴;I come out of my burrow only at night to find food.我只在夜间从洞穴中出来寻找食物;The trip to the burrow prevents the squirrel from getting too hot.回到地洞可以防止松鼠变得太热。


burrow的意思是: (兔子等)所掘的地洞,或动词表挖掘(洞穴);钻进;翻寻;挖洞。以下例句帮助更好地理解其意思:The ideal riverbank is crumbly enough for the birds to excavate a nesting burrow with their beaks.理想的河岸边土壤很松软,这些鸟可以很轻松的用自己喙去凿出适合做窝的地洞。You burrow and rankle in his heart!你挖掘并折磨他的心灵!


cave 洞,一般比较大,不一定在地里。比如熊的洞burrow 一般比较小,一般在地面里。比如兔子钻的洞


burrow显示所有例句v.1.[i][t]挖掘(洞或洞穴通道);挖洞tomakeaholeoratunnelinthegroundbydigging。Aburrowisatunnelorholeinthegroundthatisdugbyananimalsuchasarabbit.Ifananimalburrowsintothegroundorintoasurface,itmovesthroughitbymakingatunnelorhole.Ifyouburrowinacontainerorpileofthings,yousearchthereforsomethingusingyourhands.一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com