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credit multiplier是什么意思

credit multiplier 英[ˈkredit ˈmʌltəˌplaɪə] 美[ˈkrɛdɪt ˈmʌltəˌplaɪɚ] [释义] 信贷乘数; [例句]However, China did not suffer a liquidity shortage and credit crunch. Its monetarymultiplier has been more or less stable.然而,中国并未遭遇流动性不足和信贷危机,其货币乘数一直也基本稳定。求采纳


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为 强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜



民航英语的screen hight的中文术语是什么?

应该是:screen height意思是: 屏幕高度(从屏上看出来的高度)

fresh body cream是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你回答,fresh body cream的意思是“身体乳霜”。fresh 英 [freʃ] 美 [frɛʃ] adj. 新鲜的;清新的;淡水的;无经验的n. 开始;新生;泛滥adv. 刚刚,才;最新地cream 英 [kriːm] 美 [krim] n. 奶油,乳脂;精华;面霜;乳酪

Cats are creatures of habit. They like to go to sleep about the same time every day and for a c...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D小题4:B小题5:C 试题分析:本文叙述了打盹的好处。猫打盹能增加他们有规律的睡眠。打盹经常持续15-30分钟。一些专家认为打盹能改善人的情绪,让人变得更快乐。有一些名人经常在白天模仿猫打盹后,他们精力更充沛,工作效率更高。小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段的Cats increase their regular sleep with occasional cat naps.(打盹). 可知猫打盹能增加他们有规律的睡眠。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段的The naps would usually last from 15 to 30 minutes.可知打盹经常持续15-30分钟,因此是少于30分钟。故选B。小题3:细节理解题。根据第一段的Since cats have the same moods as humans,可知A项否和文章意思。细节理解题。根据第二段的A number of famous people have copied cats by taking cat naps during the day.可知B项否和文章意思。根据第二段的These famous men were known for their energy. 可知C项否和文章意思,故排除ABC三项。根据第二段的Napping was their secret.可知打盹只是一些名人的秘密,并不是要建议人们都秘密的打盹。所以D项与文章意思不符。故选D。小题4:细节理解题。根据第二段的Winston Churchill took cat naps. So did President Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson可知文章提到了温斯顿·丘吉尔,哈里·杜鲁门,约翰·肯尼迪和林顿·约翰逊这四位名人,故选B。小题5:细节理解题。根据第二段的some experts believe that people can improve their moods. People might become happier.可知打盹能使人变得更快乐。故选C。

growing increasely

这样改下 The situation has been increasingly growing difficult these years.

关于growing 和 increasing 的辨析?growing 与 increasing分别与什么搭配。


ice cream 可数吗?两份冰淇淋怎么说?先谢了~~~~

应该是不可数的吧two glassses of ice cream

Do you like ice cream for ______ dessert? A. a B. the C. / D. 选什么 为什么


请问 ice creame 与salad dessert是否可数? 请帮助翻译以下: 1份冰淇凌 2份冰琪淋 1份甜点 2份甜点

1 ice cream 2 copies of ice cream 1 dessert 2 copies of dessert 1 salad 2 salad You need some ice cream do? You do need some salad? You need some dessert?

you will then be prompted to create a new password中文是什么意思


miracle moisture cream是什么意思化妆品




growth growing increase 的不同点?

growth是名词 growing是grow的动名词形式 increase是动词



decreasing returns是什么意思

decreasing returns收益递减;报酬递减Result shows that corn production in main producing areas is mainly scale inefficiencyand is at the stage of decreasing returns to scale. 主产区玉米生产全要素生产率提高主要是由于技术进步速度大于技术效率下降的速度。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

gross Increase 和 net income 的区别

  gross income总收入;毛收入  net income净收入  1)毛收入=主营业务收入-折扣与折让-营业费用-主营业务成本-主营业务税金及附加  2)净收入=主营业务利润+其他业务利润-管理费用-财务费用+投资收益+补贴收入+营业外收入-营业外支出  gross income总收入;毛收入;总收益  Chinese farmers" property income is derived from their property and constitutes a gross income of farmers together with rural household business income, wages income and transfer income, etc.  财产性收入是由其财产带来的,我国农民的财产性收入与农民的家庭经营收入、工资性收入、转移性收入等,共同构成农民的总收入。  Property income of fanners makes up a comparatively small proportion of gross income, usually at 3% or lower.  农民的财产性收入在总收入中所占的份额相对较小,一般不超过总收入的3%。  As for Em$,the output,gross income,and net income of modeⅠwere respectively 50%,102.6%,and 136.4% higher than those of modeⅡ.  以能值-货币价值计算,模式Ⅰ的产投比、毛收入和净收入分别高于模式Ⅱ50%、102.6%和136.4%.  net income  [会计]净收入;收益净额  1.The second-quarter improvement in net income was the smallest gain in nearlytwo years, according to the FDIC.  据联邦存款保险公司数据,第二季度净收入增幅为接近两年来最低。 2.Net income climbed to 2.8 trillion yuan ($438 billion), the National Bureau of Statistics said on its website today.  国家统计局今天在其官网上说其净收入攀升至2.8万亿人民币(约合438亿美元)。

英语Roughly 2,224 acres怎么翻译?

“Roughly 2,224 acres”的英语翻译为“大约2,224英亩”。

英语Roughly 2,224 acres怎么翻译?

约2,224英亩列句1.Roughly 2,224 acres of the picturesque Danube Delta — home to 300 species of birds — have filled with wildlife.风景如画的多瑙河三角洲(约300种鸟类的栖息地)面积约有2224英亩,它也是三百多种鸟类的栖息地,处处是野生动植物。2.Among them, in 2018, creating new marine national parks covering roughly 25 million acres in the southern Atlantic Ocean.于是在 2018 年,我们又继续打造了新的海洋国家公园,覆盖了南大西洋海域约 2500 万英亩的面积。

Victoria"s Secret是什么意思

Victoria"s Secret维多利亚秘密;维多莉亚的秘密;秘密;内衣品牌双语例句1. You know what a man should never ask in a Victoria"s Secret? 你知道一个男人到内衣店不能问什么问题 吗 ?2. Victoria"s Secret is an American retailer of women"s wear, lingerie and products. 维多利亚的秘密[以下简称维密]是美国一家女性美体内衣服饰零售商.3. Has been working for high profile fashion labels including Victoria"s Secret, Guess, Sisley"s and Sports Illustrated. 一直高调的工作,包括时装品牌维多利亚的秘密, 猜猜, 西斯莱的和体育画报.4. Victoria"s Secret for its fashion shows and catalogues, which feature top fashion models. 维密以其邀请众多顶级时尚模特参展的时装秀和时尚杂志而闻名于世

Panic increased the number of casualties as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be

Panic increased the number of casualties 是主句。as people jumped into the icy water or fought to be among the few to board the lifeboats是时间状语从句,从句中people是主语jumped是谓语动词,or并列谓语fought,to be the few to board the lifeboats是目的状语, to board the lifeboats 定语修饰the few。the few指的不是船而是:登上船的少数几个人。 句意:当人们跳进冰冷的水中或是争夺者想成为进入救生艇的少数人之一时,恐惧增加了伤亡人数。

resulting credit


pouring concrete和casting concrete有啥区别

pour用于表示液体的涌流 cast是投 扔的意思

pouring concrete和casting concrete有啥区别

pour是“倾泻,倒出”的意思。而cast在这是浇筑的意思。所以casting concrete是“混凝土铸件”的意思。

poison secret 什么意思啊、


media=screen是什么意思 有什么用?

如果需要支持老版本的浏览器,那你就必须坚持使用css1的媒体描述符screen和print,到底是哪些老版本的浏览器,没有查。它们是相互排斥的,因此在为屏幕显示而生成页面的时候,浏览器会忽略掉打印样式表,反之亦然。所以,每个样式表都需要包含相同的样式选择器,但是有不同的规则声明,以便为不同的输出设备分别生成页面样式。<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=xker_com.css /screen (缺省值),提交到计算机屏幕;print, 输出到打印机;projection,提交到投影机;aural,扬声器;braille,提交到凸字触觉感知设备;tty,电传打字机 (使用固定的字体);all,所有输出设备

reviewing a documentary credit

根据我平时的经验,issue document isuue something 发放,给予的意思,颁发,比较正式的说法,比如说交通局给我issue了一个驾照. 还有一种意思就是说,比如说what"s the issue?issue 在这里是说 "事件 " 的意思.什么事,或者是麻烦. issuer 是指 公司啊,或者机构,他们发放证书,或者给予权利,或者给予通行的意思. 我中文不是很好,

A Creative Genius什么意思?


increasing returns to adoption 是什么意思

increasing returns to adoption 收养报酬增加adoption 英[əˈdɒpʃn]美[əˈdɑ:pʃn]n. 采用,收养;[例句]It makes nonsense of our own rules governing laws of adoption in this country.这使将我们自己的规定凌驾于该国收养法之上的做法显得十分荒谬。[其他] 复数:adoptions

creative refresh 什么意思


问beak,cream,deceive,eat,great,heat ,jewelry,rein,screw,seize,tea,threw,vein,weak的音标。

我今天终于有了自己的QQ空间,奇迹私服发布网,欢迎新老朋友为我的空间捧场! 固然我认识的GGMM都有QQ空间,不过我信任我的空间必定是唯一无二的! 我爱好交朋友,最新奇迹私服网,假如你想和我多聊一些,给我留言,新开奇迹,发小纸条或者直接加我好友吧,奇迹私服1.03h! 另外,最新奇迹,假如你在其他博客上有日记或者照片,可以用QQ空间搬家工具(把它们备份到QQ空间。让我们一起享受QQ空间的网络生涯新体验!:)



The New iPad tremendously increases the visual effects when you play games. 这里increases 加S 为?

The New iPad做主语,动词increase要用单三形式

secrecy bea什么意思


i"m an secret sdmirer of you是什么意思?





此处secret是形容词,当然作定语修饰admirer;用has是因为这里是现在完成时,has spoken!

peel back 和creep back什么意思

peel back脱壳creep back潜回,返回等意思。e.g.Why Lost Weight Can Creep Back On当然如果是学术用语可能意思不太一样。

高手帮帮忙sb. advocated decreased funding for basic research.其中的decreased是什么词性?谢谢


administrative secretary是什么意思


翻译“it could be argued that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding”

这个问题有可能引起“大坝有可能增加洪灾危险”的 争论


增量调整(Incremental Adjustment) == 什么是增量调整陶德清,徐云鹏主编.新编经济体制改革辞典[M] .ISBN:7-5351-1566-7/F121- 61湖北教育出版社,1995. == 增量调整是指根据国家的 产业政策 和技术政策,通过对 投资方向 的改 变,把资金投向重点建设项目和重点 技术改造 项目,促使 产业结构合 理化,达到 资源 的优化组合,提高 经济效益 。

adjustable screw pole 是什么意思

adjustable screw pole可调丝杆

attribute to与credit to 的区别

attribute to把某事归因于某人[某事];认为某作品出自某人之手;认为某事[物]属于某人[物]1.Use it along with an xlink: href attribute to establish a link.将标签与一个xlink:href属性结合使用便可以建立一个链接。2.This proposal uses the weight attribute to deal with OOV and the tag element to handle context.此提议使用weight属性来处理OOV和tag元素,以处理上下文。3.I"ve also applied an optional attribute to the edge label that names the edge on the graph.我还对边使用了一个可选的属性label,用它来表示边在图中的名称。credit to 1.归功于;把…归因于(某人或某物):例句:The shortage of rice was credited to lack of rain.水稻歉收是由于缺雨.2.把…记入贷方:例句:She credited $100 to my account.她把100美元记入了我的贷方.

the scientist the secret of it

第一题,注意主干是The scientist deserves to win the respect of the world.填进去的devoted to exposing the secret of nature是scientist的后置定语,不可用was devoted,因为这是作谓语的,而原句已有谓语deserves... 第二题,是被动语态,你用主动形式看看:somebody wiped the blackboard clean.可见这个clean是宾补,在原句里由于语态反了一下,自然是主补,你不懂的话,很可能是误认为是修饰动词wipe,所以选了副词cleanly吧?其实原句里是形容词做主语补足语

secret garden的英文介绍

The book tells the story of Mary Lennox, a spoiled, contrary orphan, who is sent to live in her uncle"s manor in Yorkshire. She is left to herself by her uncle, Mr. Craven, who travels trying to escape from being haunted by the death of his wife, and the only one who has any time for her is the chambermaid Martha. It is Martha who tells Mary about the walled garden, Mrs. Craven"s favourite garden, which nobody has seen the inside of since she died; Mr. Craven locked it and buried the key.Exploring the grounds, Mary discovers the key to the secret garden, which has been turned up by a robin digging for worms, then the door. When she is inside the garden, she discovers that although the roses seem lifeless some of the other flowers have survived; she decides to work on the garden herself, but to keep it a secret, in case her uncle should find out and fit another lock for it. Through Martha, she recruits the assistance of Martha"s brother Dickon, who is known for being good with plants and wild animals. Dickon begins by providing gardening implements, bought with money Mary gives him, and demonstrating that the roses, though neglected, are not dead. When Mary"s uncle visits the house briefly (for the first time since she arrived), Mary asks him if she may have a bit of earth to make a flower garden in, and he agrees.On several occasions, Mary hears the sound of someone crying in the night, although all the servants deny hearing it too. Shortly after her uncle"s visit, she goes exploring and discovers her uncle"s son, Colin, who has been a bedridden invalid all his life - shunned by his father as a reminder of his mother - and is as spoiled and as contrary as Mary. (Archibald Craven suffers from hunchback, and is convinced Colin will develop the same condition.) The servants have been keeping Mary and Colin a secret from one another because Colin doesn"t like strange people staring at him, and is prone to terrible tantrums. Colin decides he likes Mary, and insists on her visiting him often. Mary tells him about the secret garden (although not, initially, that she"s found the way in).As spring approaches, Colin becomes put out that Mary is spending more time in the garden with Dickon than with him, and flies into a tantrum after Mary refuses to give way to him. Mary stands up to him (to the horror of the servants, who have been afraid of his temper), and when Colin calms down he asks if he could go out into the garden with her. Mary agrees, as she and Dickon had been planning to suggest it themselves, feeling that it would do Colin good and that in the secret garden, he would not have to worry about anyone staring at him.Dickon comes to visit Colin in his room, bringing various moorland animals with him, and the three children make plans for taking Colin to see the secret garden. Colin"s doctor agrees that it might do him good to have Dickon and Mary taking him around the grounds in a wheelchair, and Colin gives instructions that the gardeners are to keep out of the way while they are outside. Colin is delighted with the garden, and goes out to it with Mary and Dickon whenever the weather allows. As the garden revives and flourishes, so does he.The first person to find out what the children are up to is the old gardener Ben Weatherstaff, who was a favourite of Colin"s mother, and has been secretly visiting her garden once or twice a year since it was locked up by scaling the wall with a ladder. When he visits the garden for the first time since Mary"s arrival (having had to miss several visits because his rheumatism wouldn"t let him go up and down ladders as easily as he used to), he is initially angry with the children until he sees what good they"ve done the garden, and what good they"ve done Colin. Colin orders him not to tell anybody, and he agrees.Colin becomes determined that not only will he get better, by the next time his father returns from abroad he will be able to walk and run like a normal boy. He apparently accomplishes this solely through positive thinking; he refuses to think of himself as crippled, and he invents a kind of mantra to keep himself in the right, or "magic", frame of mind. He makes great progress, but keeps it hidden from everyone but Mary and Dickon and Ben, wanting it to be a surprise.When Mr. Craven next returns home, he arrives while the children are outdoors. He goes out to see Colin for himself, and finds himself drawn to the secret garden, where he is astonished first to hear children"s voices and then to find Colin not only racing Mary and Dickon around the garden, but winning. They take Mr. Craven into the secret garden to tell him what has been going on, then walk back to the house, astonishing the servants (to the delight of Ben Weatherstaff) by how healthy Colin is and how much happier his father has suddenly become.

英语里面这些屠杀有语义上的区别吗?bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, massacre, bloodshed, holocaust


Secrer desire是啥意思?


BB Cream是不是什么年龄都可以用吖?




请介绍一下BB cream和CC cream

BB Cream就是 Blemish Balm Cream 的缩写,是为了保护,安定和舒缓肌肤而研发的新型纯天然粉底。BB Cream 让您拥有完美超轻透裸妆。2006年初,第一支BB CREAM在韩国推出,首创多效调养肌肤同时隔离和润色的功效,受到韩国女星们的追捧,一度成为镜头前完美裸妆的“秘密武器”。随后,BB Cream销售量急速上升,许多MM从试用者成为爱 BB Cream的使用重点   1.在肌肤做完基础保养后,上妆前直接擦上BB Cream,不能将粉底液混合成为万能化妆品,如此一来BB Cream会失去对皮肤的再生功能。  2.BB Cream因使用天然性成分,因此阻断紫外线时间较短,建议使用前还是擦上抗紫外线的防晒乳,才能有效抵抗紫外线。  3.BB Cream虽然具有遮瑕覆盖的功效,但如果需要较浓厚的底妆,还是需要擦上粉底类产品,达到长效持妆。用者,不但自己使用,并推荐给周遭的朋友们,宛如最佳代言人。

BB Cream是什么?


caring is creepy 歌词

歌曲名:caring is creepy歌手:shins专辑:oh inverted worldI think i"ll go home and mull this overBefore i cram it down my throatAt long last it"s crashed, the colossal massHas broken up into bits in my moat.Lift the mattress off the floorShinsWalk the cramps offGo meander in the coldHail to your dark skinHiding the fact you"re dead againUndeneath the power lines seeking shadeFar above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reasonIt"s a luscious mix of words and tricksThat let us bet when you know we should foldAnd the whole mess of roads we"re now on.Hold your glass up, hold it inNever betray the way you"ve always known it is.One day i"ll be wondering howI got so old just wondering howI never got cold wearing nothing in the snow.This is way beyond my remote concernOf being condescendingAll these squawking birds won"t quit.Building nothing, laying bricks.

请大神帮我剖析下这句“ creations and experiences to which others adhere.”

My definition revolves around the concept of “stickiness” – creations and experiences to which others adhere. to which... 定语从句修饰前面的creations and experiences, 也就是others adhere to the creations and experiences说的是上传分享的内容,包括个人创意(creations) 和个人经历(experiences),需要能吸引他人,或对他人有"粘性",才能被称为有意义的内容(meaningful uploading)


secretary读音:英["sekrətri]、美["sekrəteri]。释义:n. 部长;秘书;书记;大臣;写字台。例句:1、He was the then secretary of Defense.他是当时的国防部长。2、He buzzed for his secretary to come.他按蜂鸣器叫秘书进来。3、At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in.这时她注意到书记走了进来。4、Janet put several dictionaries on the shelf of her secretary.珍妮特在她的写字台架子上放了几本字典。用法1、secretary的基本意思是“秘书”,也可作“书记”“部长,大臣”解,是可数名词。2、当secretary表示唯一职务时,其前不加定冠词。3、secretary作“部长,大臣”解时,首字母大写。4、secretary常和介词to或of连用,表示“的秘书”。接人时常用to,接物时常用of。5、secretary作名词,特指某一职位时,前面不加冠词a,后跟介词to。

化妆品premium essential cream是什么意思


1.create(名词) 2.wisely(形容词) 3.speak过去式 4.hide



add(加)和 increase(增大,增加)的意思不同:add 将一物加到另一物上,使其数量、体积、重要性方面有所增大或增加increase 主要指在数量、财富、权力等方面的增加;作不及物动词时,表示“(自行)扩大”、“增长”表达方式不同:如:We have added one million to our population. million to our population. We have increased our population by one We have increased our population by one million两句都表示"我们的人口已经增加了一百万。"Add 通常与介词搭配Add up 加Please add up those numbers.请把那些数字加起来。add to 增加His absence adds to our difficulties.他的缺席增加了我们的困难。add up to 合计为Lincoln”s school education added up to no more than one year.林肯的在校教育加起来不超过一年。


credit card[英][ˈkredit kɑ:d][美][ˈkrɛdɪt kɑrd]n.信用卡,签账卡; 网络记帐卡; 信用; 信用证; 复数:credit cards1The serious problem of hire purchase and credit card debts分期付款和信用卡欠账的严重问题2Japanese digital wallets can be loaded with cash at stores or through an arrangement with a credit card company.日本的数字钱包可在商店或通过与信用卡公司的安排进行充值。

创意市集 用英语怎么说?GOOGLE翻译的是Creative Bazaar,还有其他说法吗?

Creativity fair 也是创意市集的意思 fair 作名词有市集的意思

碳信用额(Carbon Credit)是什么意思?


carbon credit是什么?

CDM用市场手段解决环境问题,变“减少排放的废气”为资产——“碳信用额(Carbon Credit)”,并使之成为政策性排放交易市场里的热门抢手的“大宗交易商品”。

碳信用额(Carbon Credit)是什么意思?

碳信用额才对啦。“碳信用”(carbon credit) 早在1997年12月,《联合国气候变化框架公约》通过的《京都议定书》——发达国家承诺对其温室气体排放进行限制的草案——就已经包含了允许对一种怪异而又新奇的商品进行交易的规定,这种商品就是“碳信用”(carbon credit)CDM用市场手段解决环境问题,变“减少排放的废气”为资产——“碳信用额(Carbon Credit)”,并使之成为政策性排放交易市场里的热门抢手的“大宗交易商品”。

additional credit是什么意思


单词 add 、plus、 increase 、的区别和用法说下

这三个词其实不是近义词,用法各不相同。由于每个词都有不同的词性和含义,特将其各自的近同义词分列如下,你可以从中看出它们的区别和用法:addvi.[数]加;增加;加起来;做加法improve, gain, acceleratevt.增加,添加;补充说;计算…总和enhance, boost, jack, mount, hotn.加法,加法运算additionplusn.正号,加号;好处;附加额 benefit, goodadj.[数]正的;附加的 additional, attached, positive, more, secondincreasen.增加,增长;提高enhancement, growth, gain, raising, advancevi.增加,增大;繁殖improve, gain, accelerate, breed, makevt.增加,加大enhance, boost, jack, mount, hot

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Stage crew翻译!

直升机机组在距离炼狱更高的上空仍感觉到了热浪。 7. They are the stage crews for the new play. 他们是这台新戏的舞台工作人员。

you have exceeded the number of crews that you can join.怎么办


请帮忙分析这个句子:the plentiful supply of food thrown overboard by the crews.


fairisle crew汉语什么意思

fairisle crewFairisle的船员crew[英][kru:][美][kru]n.全体船员; 全体乘务员; 一群,一帮; vt.当(尤指船上的)工作人员; 当(尤指船上的)工作人员; vi.当船员; 当机务人员; 第三人称单数:crews过去分词:crewed复数:crews现在进行时:crewing过去式:crewed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Photos showed hard-hatted crew, in ice-covered water, carrying out an evacuation in the north caspian sea. 照片显示,带着安全帽的船员正在北里海冰层覆盖的水下进行疏散工作。

crew做名词,什么时候加s?五个员工是five crew还是five crews?

集体名词作主语时,谓语的数要根据主语的意思来决定.如family, audience, crew, crowd, class, company, committee等词后用复数形式时,意为这个集体中的各个成员,用单数时表示该个集体. His family isn"t very large....


•crew的读音:美式读音 [kru]   ;  英式读音 [kruː]•crew释义:n.   全体船员;(轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员;(轮船、飞机等上面不包括高级职员的)全体乘务员;技术人员团队;专业团队;一群(或一帮、一伙)人;(赛船的)划船队员,划船队;赛艇运动v.   当(尤指船上的)工作人员•crew变形:复数形式 crews,现在进行时 crewing,第三人称单数 crews,过去式 crewed过去分词 crewed•crew相关例句1.The ship set sail after all the crew came on board.全体船员上船后,船就开了。2.We are a happy crew in our office.我们办公室的一伙人相处得很愉快。3.The winning crew rapidly forged ahead.领先的赛艇队员拼命往前划。

terry crews 的个人资料

明星:格里·克鲁斯 英文名:Terry Crews糊涂侦探 Get Smart 》 (2008) ...Agent 91《乒乓特种兵 Balls of Fury 》 (2007) ...Freddy《谁是你的球童 Who"s Your Caddy? 》 (2007) ...Tank《糯米正传/我老婆是巨无霸/诺比特 Norbit 》 (2007) ...Big Jack Latimore《 How to Rob a Bank 》 (2007) ...Officer Degepse《神奇遥控器 Click 》 (2006) ...Singing Guy in Car (uncredited)《板凳队员 The Benchwarmers 》 (2006) ...Poker Guy #1《内陆帝国 Inland Empire 》 (2006) ...Street Person #3《借口 The Alibi 》 (2006) ...Crazy Eight《仙人跳 Puff, Puff, Pass 》 (2006) ...Cold Crush《蠢蛋进化论 Idiocracy 》 (2006) ...President Camacho (as Terry Alan Crews)《 "Blowin" Up" 》 (2006) ...Himself (unknown episodes)《最长的一码 The Longest Yard 》 (2005) ...Cheeseburger Eddy《小姐好白/白净密探 White Chicks 》 (2004) ...Latrell Spencer《灵魂梦飞翔/冲上魂霄 Soul Plane 》 (2004) ...Thug (Flight Attendant)《警界双雄 Starsky & Hutch 》 (2004) ...Porter《 Behind the Smile 》 (2004) ...Big James《马里布绑票案 Malibu"s Most Wanted 》 (2003) ...8 Ball《爱娃的爱 Deliver Us from Eva 》 (2003) ...Big bartender《 How to Get the Man"s Foot Outta Your Ass 》 (2003) ...Big T《 "Platinum" 》 (2003) ...Baby《又是一个星期五 Friday After Next 》 (2002) ...Damon《为莎拉效劳 Serving Sara 》 (2002) ...Vernon《训练日/震撼教育/边缘特训 Training Day 》 (2001) ...Gang Member (uncredited)《第六日/魔鬼复制人 The 6th Day 》 (2000) ...Vincent《 "Battle Dome" 》 (1999) ...T-Money

harry crews怎么翻译啊




crew做名词,什么时候加s? 五个员工是five crew还是five crews?

crew 是集合名词 它的单复数都是crew当crew译作 全体时 当做单数名词 比如 The crew consists of five men.当crew译作 成员时 当做复数名词 比如 Ambulance crew do some of the most dangerous work.


world ocean race crew世界远洋船员


能的 虽然他本身就代表复数的意思下面的例子仅供参考crews 1.The rescue crews arrived within hours.救援人员在数小时内赶到了.2.highway crews soon had the roads travelable.高速公路的工作人员很快就使道路畅通...
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