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英语中玉米复数加不加s? 比如two corn(s)

known in the arts of design as the cima-recta, or ogee.


cornstarch[英][u02c8ku0254:nstɑ:tu0283][美][u02c8ku0254:rnstɑ:rtu0283]n.玉米淀粉; 例句:1.You need to add more cornstarch. 你需要多加些玉米淀粉。2.Some say cornstarch is better because it is softer on the skin. 有人说,玉米淀粉是最好的,因为它放到皮肤上感觉很柔软。

以welcome toengling corner为题的英文作文

根据自己的情况改哟,hi, this is Mr XXX-the organizer of the XX English corner , welcome to join in our English , you can practice your English, make new friends, surf the internet with WI-FI and enjoy decent tea the members contribute here .Come and have a look, I bet your will never regret to do it,it"s convenient to get here since we are close to the subway, what"s more ,there are more than 30 bus routes available here, the best route is Bus 52 since it"s the terminal which starts at Best West Train Station John

by going to the english corner

to improve 动词不定式作目的状语

Do you always speak English ____ the English corner?

答案D这题考查介词的用法:在英语角,用at the English corner所以选D。in是“在…里”,on是“在…上面”,with是“和…一起”。

go to the english corner是什么意思

What do the classmates do after school?放学后,同学们都做些什么呢? They always go to the English Corner.他们常常去英语角. 是不是填空啊,我是这样理解的哈.

english corner是什么,英语角?英语角又是什么?


We go to the English corner ___ Friday afternoon.

a 周几前加on

请问江门在哪里有免费的英语角(English Corner)呀?


短文改错。只许改10处。 Today I attended in the English Corner had held in our school

attended in----attended (去掉in)//had held---held(去掉had)//included--including// a honored--an honored ,其它内容怎么看不到呢

I often go to the English corner to have a free talk with my classmates ________I am busy. ...


I think the English corner is very h___ to me 填什么?急急急!!!!!

hideous hilarious horrible...

There is an English corner at our school.哪个是主语?

English corner 是主语.

我想办个ENGLISH CORNER英语角(非盈利)大家献计献策!


English corner的c要不要大写?


( ) the English corner 介词用什么????


“本周六下午两点在学校大礼堂举行the English Corner” 用英语怎么讲?

The English Corner will be held at 2 pm, this Saturday in the School hall.


join in the English corner 去参加英语角

english corner用join还是不行

go to 就行了。take part in一般用于某种event,是那种比较大型的集会、仪式,比如什么游-行啊,节日庆典啊,比赛啊之类的。而英语角大多数是一周一次甚至几次的,算不上event。如果英语角某天有什么特殊活动,你可以用take part in那个活动。join是加入某团体,a group,the army, the navy, a league什么的,一般是有正式加入仪式或者正式挂名的团体,总之是加入一群人或一群人的某种活动中。英语角不是一群人,而是一个平台,当join的宾语不是特别合适。你可以说join them in the English Corner,也就是在英语角加入大家伙(的谈话、交流中)。非要在take part in和join里挑的话,join好一点点。

Do you speak English______English corner?填适当的介词


英语派对(English Corner)应该怎么进行?怎么组织?

首先来回答你的第一个问题 其实没有必要纯用英语 首先要让大家对你举办的活动感兴趣,而不是产生畏惧心理。我的建议是刚开始开展活动时气氛要活跃起来,不能太沉闷,可以搞一些活动,当然这些活动首先要和英语有关,再就是不要搞太久。要抓住办活动的宗旨,可以刚开始的时候选一些人唱个英文歌,一句都行。等到以后再慢慢走向正轨,慢慢的纯英文交流。 再就是场地的问题,如果真的人很多的时候,有两种选择。一就是分批展开,一天开始一批,以后再慢慢寻找适合的场地;二是在你资源足够的情况下,可以一起开始,分多个教室同时举行,这时就需要你找一些有能力的人帮你主持其他的场地。 还有就是你认为的要举行的活动要在内部统一一下思想,这很重要。好好干,相信你能做的很好。如果满意的话别忘记采纳啊,终于回答完了,睡觉咯,呵呵…

英语作文《english corner》

1)英语角一游(A Visit to an English Corner)One evening I visited the English corner of our university. It lies heside our university library where trees and flowers grow and there is a spacious ground. Every evening,large numbers of people go there to improve their English, but I had never been there before. When I arrived there, many people had already been there. I looked around and found that most of them were college students. Some of them were talking in English in twos and threes. From time to time they laughed joyfully. To my great surprise, I even fimnd three foreigners talking and smiling with stone students who were listening with great interest. Just then,a tall student came towards me and asked: "Shall we have a talk in English?" My heart beat very fast at that moment for this was the first time for me to visit the English corner. Anyway, I managed to say "Yes". Soon we were talking freely about our studies, our lives, our hobbies as well as our problems of learning English. Time went fast, and it was already 10 o‘clock before I realized it. I had a good time there and was glad to learn a lot at the corner. I understood the proverb better: "Practice makes perfect."2)A Description of an English Corner I am really delighted to write this report to you about the English Corner I have just attended. Generally speaking, this activity is both helpful and interesting. I do think that holding regular English corner is such a wise way for all students who can definitely benefit from it. As for the time and place for this activity, I believe we can make it happen twice a week. Students can meet every Wednesday and Sunday evening in the Student Center Activity Room One. By making them come twice, they can achieve more than before. With regard to the activities, my suggestion is that we invite at least one foreign teacher to come every time we meet so that students" interests and motivation will be kept. Moreover, if at least two teachers of English from China can participate in this activity every time, the English corner can be really a good place for students to improve their oral English.

校园口语第十一课:In the English corner在英语角

In the English corner 在英语角 一、Talk show【脱口而出】1、How about going to the English corner? 和我一起去英语角好吗? How about doing…… 向某人提议做某事2、I feel too nervous to speak even in English class, not to speak of in the English corner. 英语课上我都紧张的说不出话来,更不用说在英语角了。 not to speak of: 更不用说……3、What do people usually talk about in the English corner? 在英语角人们经常谈些什么?4、I am not sure if I can keep up with their speaking speed? 但我没有把握是否能跟上他们说话的速度。 keep up with: 赶得上;与……保持联系:keep up with your old friend 与好友保持联系 同义词:catch up with Eg: nowadays wages can not catch up with the rising prices. 如今工资总是跟不上上涨的物价。5、I don"t know what to say in English corner. 在英语角我真的不知道该说些什么。 what to say : what 引导的名词性从句 同样也有 how to do Eg: I don"t know how to say it in English. 我不知道它用英语应该如何表达。 二、Reply fluently 【对答如流】Conversation A: Where are all the people? It started half an hour ago. B: Relax. It"s just as well to have less people. A: In a word I feel free to talk because my mistakes won"t be so conspicuous. B: So are you feeling strained now? A: I am afraid so. I hope the organizers think up more tricks to attract people. B: I can"t see any organizers. You"d better use your own charm to attract those guys to be you company. relax: 放松点,淡定点 feel free to do sth: 随意、随便做某事。也经常用在书信的结尾eg: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 如果您有什么问题,请随时联系我们。 conspicuous:明显的,显而易见的。 strained:紧张的,勉强的。是strain(张力,拉紧)的过去分词 同义词有:intense、stressed 中文翻译 A:人都去哪了?已经开始半个钟头了呀 B:放松点,人少才好呢。 A:人多了好说话因为错误不明显。 B:这么说你现在觉得很难受吗? A:恐怕是吧,真希望组织者能够多弄点花招来吸引人 B:好像是没组织者吧,你还是利用自己的魅力来吸引人吧。


你好。English corner软件在手机自带的应用商城里就可以下载,如果部分手机商城不能下载的话,就打开百度APP,输入软件名称进行搜索,也可以下载。

English Corner意思


english corner是什么,英语角?英语角又是什么?

英语角的英语称谓是English corner,是指为提高英语口语,而进行的一种英语口语练习活动.举办时间多在周末,也有在晚上举行的.场所基本在室外(如公园,广场,校园等).英语角的参加者以学生居多,也有社会人士参加.这两年...

english corner是什么,英语角?英语角又是什么?


这句英语的mute是什么词性,位甚么和动词搭配呢? The children sat mute in the corner of the room




hell has no fury as a woman scorned 什么意思


corner solutions什么意思

  corner solutions:角点解  A corner solution is a special solution to an agent"s maximization problem in which the quantity of one of the arguments in the maximized function is zero. :  角点解是一个特殊的解决方案的代理的最大化问题,其中的参数的最大化函数的数量是零。  The two corner solutions:两角方案



rice, corn and wheat是单数还是复数?

尽管rice, corn 和wheat都是不可数名词,但用and把它们在一起作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。

The Golden Corner (Album) 歌词

歌曲名:The Golden Corner (Album)歌手:Ike Reilly专辑:Hard Luck StoriesThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo

please drive on and then turn left at the first corner什么意思

please drive on and then turn left at the first corner请继续驾驶然后在第一个拐角处左拐.

___(get)to the post office,turn left and cross the road at the corner.


请问 On the corner of与 In the corner of 该怎么用?

in the corner 在角落里。on the corner在转角处eg:He sits in the corner of the room. I met my mum on the corner of the street.

turn left at the first corner是什么意思中文

turn left at the first corner 在第一个拐角处向左拐corner 英[u02c8ku0254:nu0259(r)] 美[u02c8ku0254:rnu0259(r)] n. 拐角; 角落,角; 困境; [商] 囤积; vi. 驾车转弯; 聚于角落; vt. 垄断; 逼入困境;


Do not turn right at the corner 不要在转角处右拐

turn around the corner怎么翻译

turn around the corner=变为期不远我用电子词典翻译的,应该对的

转角遇到爱可以翻译成:Meet the love when I turn the corner?

赞同[Naes - 见习魔法师 二级]的建议

Turn left at the corner的中文意思是什么

对啊 不一样吗?

in the corner at the corner on the corner的区别?


我放弃 渡过难关是什么歌夏至未至41集英文插曲Turn The Corner歌词

Turn The Corner 演唱:Louise Dowd&Neil Pollard歌词:独一人伤口慢慢愈合独自一人抹不去痛苦回忆我放弃度过难关我放弃度过难关伤口慢慢愈合独自一人抹不去痛苦回忆

turn the corner louise dowd歌词

歌曲:Turn The Corner歌手:Louise Dowd;Neil Pollard专辑:空Turn The Corner - Louise Dowd/Neil PollardAll alone the hurt heals slowAll alone don"t give up on the ghostReaching up like a flower toward the lightLooking to to mor row heart open wideI surrenderTurn the co rnerI surrender Turn the corner Reaching up like a flower toward the lightLooking to tomorrow heart open wideI surrenderTurn the cornerI surrenderTurn the cornerTurn the cornerTurn the corner

渡过难关:Turn the corner

成语turn the corner在英美应用得十分广泛,它来自于人们的日常生活经历。 开车的人可能都有过这样的经历:当你在狭长的路上行进时,感到无比的压抑,亟欲离开这个令人不快的地方时,突然转过一个弯,眼前豁然开朗或者出现一片崭新的景象,顿时神清气爽。 这就像中国的一句古诗所说:山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 Turn the corner 也由此来表达“渡过难关,出现新局面”的含义。 例如: She was very ill but seems to have turned the corner now. 她曾病得很重,但现在看上去已好转了。 与turn the corner意思相对的成语有 force/drive into a corner,表示“处于困境,无法逃脱”。

turn the corner什么意思

turn the corner的意思是转危为安; 转弯; 出现转机; 度过难关; 拐弯;turn the corner的意思是“something starts to improve after a difficult period”,即“好转,渡过难关”。例句:After nine months of poor sales they"ve finally turned the corner.经历九个月的滞销后,他们的境况终于有好转。turn the clock backturn the clock back的意思是“ someone wants things to be the way they were in the past”,即“使时光倒流;使回到以前的状态”。In some ways we wish they could turn the clock back在某些方面,他们希望能回到以前。

cornea thickness是什么意思

cornea thickness角膜厚度双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 角膜厚度

英语谚语:Great oaks from little acorns grow 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Great oaks from little acorns grow 中文意思: 万丈高楼平地起。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: War makes thieves and peace hangs them 战争造成盗贼,和平把他们吊死。 Wash a dog b a dog Still a dog remains a dog 本性难移。 Waste not want not 俭以防匮。 Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses 浪费时间是一切花费中最奢侈豪华的费用。 Water afar quenches not fire 远水难救近火。 Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away 水滴天天滴不停,石头最坚也磨损。 Weak men wait for opportunity but the strong men make it 若者等待机会,强者创造机会。 We all do fade as a leaf 我们都要像树叶一样枯萎。 Wealth is not his who has it but his who enjoys it 财富并不属于拥有的人,而是属于享用的人。 Wealth makes worship 财富能使人拜倒。 英语谚语: Great oaks from little acorns grow 中文意思: 万丈高楼平地起。

Mikel Rouse的《The Corner》 歌词

歌曲名:The Corner歌手:Mikel Rouse专辑:Failing KansasRodney Atkins - The CornerFirst time I left homeHere"s the words that my dad said to meHe said sit down sonDon"t take curvesDoin" 90 miles an hourOr you will end up upside downIf you really like herDon"t forget the flowersThe first time and every time you take her outI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerChoose your words wiselyCause you can"t take "em backOnce they"ve broken someone"s heartJust because your friend doesDoesn"t mean you have toIt"s what sets the two of you apartI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerDon"t pretend to know it allWhen you don"t know a thingAnd know your way around itBefore you throw your hat into the rainAnd don"t commit to somethin"If you can"t follow throughAnd your past will always catch up with youI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerAlways call your mamaWhen you say you gonnaWhile she"s still here for you to callAnd don"t forget the man upstairsIn your darkest hourHe"s a pick me up every time you fallI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerI"ve been around the blockAnd I know what"s "round the cornerI"m in your cornerI"ve been around the blockEnough to know what"s "round the cornerWhat"s around the corner *2

scorn not his smiplicity 的歌词

Scorn not his simplicity- Sinead O"connerSee the childWith the golden hairYet eyes that show the emptiness insideDo we knowCan we understand just how he feelsOr have we really triedSee him nowAs he stands aloneAnd watches children play a children"s gameSimple childHe looks almost like the othersYet they know he"s not the sameScorn not his simplicityBut rather try to love him all the moreScorn not his simplicityOh noOh noSee him stareNot recognizing the kind faceThat only yesterday he lovedThe loving faceOf a mother who can"t understandwhat she"s been guilty ofHow she cried, tears of happinessthe day the doctor told her it"s a boyNow she cries tears of helplessnessand thinks of all the things he can"t enjoyScorn not his simplicityBut rather try to love him all the moreScorn not his simplicityOh noOh noOnly he knows how to face the future hopefullySurrounded by despairHe won"t ask for your pity or your sympathyBut surely you should careScorn not his simplicityBut rather try to love him all the moreScorn not his simplicityOh noOh noOh no


您好,非常荣幸能在此回答您的问题。以下是我对此问题的部分见解,若有错误,欢迎指出。Kiks昵称,Yoghurt酸奶,Hazelnuts榛子,Cornflakes玉米片,fine milk chocolate,优质牛奶巧克力praline果仁夹心,果仁巧克力非常感谢您的耐心观看,如有帮助请采纳,祝生活愉快!谢谢!



Corn Flakes的几种吃法?



cornflakes_百度翻译cornflakes [英]u02c8ku0254:nfleu026aks [美]u02c8ku0254:rnfleu026aks n. 脆玉米片 [例句]Alarmingly for , say , kellogg "s or heinz , lots have discovered that tesco "s cornflakes and wal-mart "s baked beans taste no worse.比方说,凯洛格和亨氏的情况令人担忧,人们还发现乐购的玉米片和沃尔玛的烤豆味道差不多。Alarmingly for, say, kellogg"s or heinz, lots have discovered that tesco"s cornflakes and wal-mart"s baked beans taste no worse. 比方说,凯洛格和亨氏的情况令人担忧,人们还发现乐购的玉米片和沃尔玛的烤豆味道差不多。2.At the other end of the scale are most fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetable soups, low-fat yoghurt, baked beans, baked potatoes and cornflakes. 膳食表最低端有很多水果和蔬菜,如蔬菜汤,低脂酸奶,烤豆,烤土豆和玉米片。3.Professor rennie said "we studied our subjects first-before breakfast-and then after givingthem a small amount of insulin to raise the hormone to what they would be if they had eatenbreakfast, of a bowl of cornflakes or a croissant." 兰尼教授表示:“我们首先在测试者吃早饭之前搜集了数据,然后给他们注入少量胰岛素以提升激素水平,达到吃一碗玉米片或者一个牛角面包的效果。”

Corn Flakes的几种吃法?



cornflakes 英[u02c8ku0254:nfleu026aks] 美["ku0254rnfleks] n.脆玉米片 [例句]You go into the kitchen and pour yourself a large bowl of cornflakes. 你走进厨房,并给自己盛了一大碗玉米片.



一首英文歌,男声see me waitting for you on the corner of the street


corner specialist是什么意思

corner specialist角落专家specialist[英][u02c8speu0283u0259lu026ast][美][u02c8spu025bu0283u0259lu026ast]n.专家; 专科医生; 行家; 网络专科医师; 专才; 专家。; 复数:specialists双语例句1I made an appointment to see a specialist.我约好去见一位专家。


In modern depiction, the cornucopia is typically a hollow, horn-shaped wicker basket typically filled with various kinds of festive fruit and vegetables. The cornucopia, literally "horn of plenty," comes to the Thanksgiving table thanks to Greek mythology. The horn may have originally been that of a goat which the infant Zeus used to drink from. In the story of Zeus" childhood, it is told that he was sent away to a cave for safe-keeping to prevent his father Cronus from eating him. Sometimes it is said that he was nursed by a goat named Amalthea and sometimes that he was fostered by a nymph of the same name who fed him on goat"s milk. While an infant, Zeus did what other babies do -- cry. To cover up the noise and keep Cronus from finding out his wife"s plot to protect her son, Amalthea asked the Kuretes or Korybantes to come to the cave in which Zeus was hidden and make lots of noise.There are various versions of the evolution of the cornucopia from a horn sitting on the head of the nurturing goat. One is that the goat tore it off herself to present it to Zeus; another that Zeus tore it off and gave it back to the Amalthea-goat promising her abundance; another, that it came from a river god"s head.The cornucopia is most frequently associated with the goddess of the harvest, Demeter, but is also associated with other gods, including the aspect of the Underworld god that is the god of wealth, Pluto, since the horn symbolizes abundance.

be just around the corner是什么意思


Cornflake Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Cornflake Girl歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Folk HeroesNever was a cornflake girlthought that was a good solutionhangin with the raisin girlsshe"s gone to the other sidegivin us a yo heave hothings are getting kind of grossand I go at sleepy timethis is not really happeningyou bet your life it isPeel out the watchword just peel out the watchwordShe knows what"s going onseems we got a cheaper feel nowall the sweeteaze are gonegone to the other sidewith my encyclopediathey musta paid her a nice priceshe"s puttin on her string bean lovethis is not really happeningyou bet your life it isNever was a cornflake girlthought that was a good solutionRabbit where"d you put the keys girland the man with the golden gunthinks he knows so muchthinks he knows so muchRabbit where"d you put the keys girl

—The store at the corner has an excellent ________ for fair dealing.

【答案】:A本题考查名词辨析A选项,句意为“我想买双鞋,你能给点建议吗?拐角处的鞋店以价格合理而著称。” reputation“名声,声誉”,have a reputation for“有……的声誉”,综上,A选项正确。B选项,expression“表达,表情”,故排除。C选项,involvement “参与,牵连”,故排除。D选项,condition“情况”,故排除。故正确答案为 A项。

cornny klay什么牌子

corneliani是太平鸟服饰旗下的一个子牌子。太平鸟服饰(PEACEBIRD)共有四个子牌子:Collection、Trendy、Jeans、乐町。太平鸟女装品牌成员——corneliani,知性是现代女性的成熟气质,性感是魅力女性本能的着装表达,优雅 是内心成熟女性自然流露的品位。corneliani正是专为具有优雅气质和充满女性魅力的顾客群体设计的品牌系列。


如果是需要了解项目管理工具的报价,可以了解多个牌子价格,进行比对价后再选择,8Manage PPM项目管理工具也是一个不错的管理工具,不仅可应用于任何小型项目,分布式项目管理(如团队分散在不同地区及时区)、大型项目管理以及多项目管理更加需要8Manage PM这样的项目管理软件。具体报价可以参考:8Manage网站报价。

求home in this corner 吉他谱

Home ~ in this corner lyrics: mpimusic: Hiroyuki Sawanovocal: LeinaYou can call my name【你能呼唤我的名字】Whenever you"re feeling down and blue【无论何时你感到失落和悲伤】You don"t know how to smile【你不知道如何去微笑】I know how hard it is【我知道这有多么的艰难】I"ll make you feel alright【我会让你觉得舒服】I remember the day I sat with you in this corner【我记得那一天我和你一起坐在这个角落】Alone in front of you【孤独在你的面前】Oh! I don"t know the words【哦! 我不知道用什么言语表达】Because anywhere is your home【因为哪里都是你的家】Your sweet home【你的甜蜜的家】No matter where you are【无论你在哪儿】This thing it"s home【这件事是家】It"s incredible【它难以置信】All my friends came home again【我的所有的朋友再次回到了家】Sometimes you can not avoid the heavy snow【有时候你不能避免暴雪】as long as you"re alive【只要你活着】You might lose your luck【你可能失去你的幸运】Whenever you"re feeling down and blue【无论何时你感到失落和悲伤】You don"t know how to smile【你不知道如何去微笑】I know how hard it is【我知道这有多么的艰难】I"ll make you feel alright【我会让你觉得舒服】I remember the day I sat with you in this corner【我记得那一天我和你一起坐在这个角落】I touched your feeling inside【我触碰你内心的感受】You"re shifting in my eyes【你移向我的眼睛】Drifting away【渐行渐远】Don"t get stuck in sorrow【不要被悲哀绊住】Get over the things from the past【克服过去的事情】I"ll watch your back【我将看着你回来】Alone in front of you【孤独在你的面前】Oh! I don"t know the words【哦! 我不知道用什么言语表达】Because anywhere is your home【因为哪里都是你的家】Your sweet home【你的甜蜜的家】No matter where you are【无论你在哪儿】This thing it"s home【这件事是家】It"s incredible【它难以置信】All my friends came home again【我的所有的朋友再次回到了家】Sometimes you can not avoid the heavy snow【有时候你不能避免暴雪】as long as you"re alive【只要你活着】<Music>Keyboards, Programming: Hiroyuki SawanoAcoustic Guitars: Tetsuro ToyamaElectric Guitars: Hiroshi limuro<End>

寻找独角兽FINDING UNICORN在深圳文和友亮相了哪些大娃和盲盒?

文和友这个地方之前经常去,属于深圳很热的打卡街区了,最近寻找独角兽的盲盒在这里亮相,和朋友周末也有去逛展,说说我的感受吧:现场一共有5个打卡点,在0℃ SPACE中还是能找到惊喜的。打卡点1:FARMER BOB盲盒,外观是白色的,戴着一个橙色的眼镜,场景让人感觉到有点寒意又有纯洁的心灵。打卡点2:波塞冬BOB盲盒,蓝白相间,举起三叉戟,俯视众生,哈哈,很容易让我联想到斗罗大陆里面的波赛西。只不过波塞冬是男的,会比较受女孩子喜欢。打卡点3:科学家BOB盲盒,一身白色的大褂,带着眼镜一脸的认真,哈哈,是科学之路上寻找真理的精神吧。打卡点4:Agan阿感创作空间,黑、蓝、橙色交织在一起,颜色比较丰富、是我喜欢的画。打卡点5:包含了寻找独角兽5大IP:FARMER BOB、RiCO、卓大王、ShinWoo、Agan阿感,不过都是以冰雪的主题,和往日看到的形象不一样,这次展出让人眼前一亮,感觉有点新鲜感。



为什么是on the street corner而不是on the cornerof the street


around the corner是什么意思


be just around the corner是什么意思

就在拐角处不久的将来 就在附近 be: vi. 1.有…存在,生存。 Can such thin ... just: n.,vi. =joust. around: adv. 1.周围,四面。 2.〔美口〕各处,四处。 3 ... the: 短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ... corner: n. 1.(桌等的)角,棱,隅。 2.天涯海角,僻远地方 ...

corner of的区别是什么?

at the corner of、in the corner of、on the corner of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the corner of意思:交叉角 the corner of意思:内角;在角落;在角落里3.on the corner of意思:在角上二、用法不同 the corner of用法:用作及物动词时,主语可以是人,也可以是物,宾语一定是人。可用于被动结构。 the corner of用法:corner接介词in,表示“在角落里”。3.on the corner of用法:基本意思是“角”,是可数名词,指两条线或两条路相交处; 也可作“遥远的地方,天涯海角”解,此时常用复数形式; 引申可指“困境,窘况”,此时可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。三、侧重点不同 the corner of侧重点:at the corner of 指在角上,就是边缘那个点上。 the corner of侧重点:指在没有屏蔽的地方,比如说马路的corner。3.on the corner of侧重点:它指的是在物体拐角上,强调在表面上。

at the corner, on the corner,in the corner和by the corner 的qubie


in the corner和on the corner有什么不同

in表示在某一范围内角落The blooms are in the corner of the room.on表示在拐角(外面)上 The box is on the corner of the desk.at表示在拐角周围 Be careful when you are at the corner of the street.Version 2都是拐角处的意思,但用法却不一样:in the corner:在里面的拐角处:比如说屋里面的拐角处有一张桌子 There is a table in the corner of the house on the corner:在拐角之上.如在桌子角上放着个杯子 There is a cup on the corner of the table at he corner:在拐角外面,如问路回答:请在前面的拐角处左拐 Please turn left at the corner of the house.希望对你有些帮助,还有不明白我们可以再讨论,一起提高Version 3in the corner 、on the corner 和at the corner 三个词均为“在……角”.in the corner 为“在……角里”;on the corner为“在……角上”“在……拐角上”; at the corner为“在……角边”.例如:The bank is on (at) the corner.银行就在拐角上.In the corner of the office stands a desk,on the corner of which lies a bag.在办公室的角落有一张桌子,在桌角上放着一个口袋.corner作“拐角”解,与之搭配的介词,美国英语多用on,英国英语通常用at;corner作角(即180o以内的角)解时与之搭配的介词用in,在……内部的“角”,习惯上用in the corner of….例如:误:The girl sat at the corner in the classroom 正:The girl sat in the corner in the classroom.那个女孩子坐在教室的角落里.字典例句:1.A big old chair stood in the corner of the room.2.The address is in the top-right corner of the letter.3.He hit his knee on the corner of the table.4.The TV station"s name appears in the corner of the screen.5.Jessie sat on the corner of her bed.6.Several women were standing at the corner,talking to two police officers.


"corner" 和 "word" 的读音是不同的。"Corner" 的读音是 /u02c8ku0254rnu0259r/,音节划分为 "cor" 和 "ner",发音时需要把舌头放在上下两颚之间,发出鼻音。"Word" 的读音是 /wu025crd/,音节划分为 "wor" 和 "d",发音时需要把舌头放在上下两颚之间,发出清辅音。

请问专家 corner前究竟用什么介词

in表示在某一范围内角落Thebloomsareinthecorneroftheroom.on表示在拐角(外面)上 表示在拐角周围Becarefulwhenyouareatthecornerofthestreet.引用自爱问知识人中的精彩回答回答者:TALENZZ-魔法师四级

ufc 里corner是什麼意思

直译就是角落的意思,选手比赛前都会站在八角笼的两端,一端叫blue corner,一端叫red corner,也就是俗称的蓝角和红角。各自的团队就在笼外靠近角落的位置指挥选手,局间休息时每位选手也会回到自己的角落。这个估计是直接从拳击比赛里照搬过来的。


1)in the corner of ...,在...的(内部)角上;一般是室内. 2)at the corner of ...,在...的(外部)拐角处;一般是室外. 3)on[at] the corner,在转角处 4)around[round] the corner,在拐角处

In the corner,on the corner,at the corner怎么区别

都是拐角处的意思,但用法却不一样: in the corner:在里面的拐角处:比如说屋里面的拐角处有一张桌子 There is a table in the corner of the house on the corner:在拐角之上.如在桌子角上放着个杯子 There is a cup on the corner of the table at he corner:在拐角外面,如问路回答:请在前面的拐角处左拐 Please turn left at the corner of the house. 希望对你有些帮助,还有不明白我们可以再讨论,一起提高
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