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英语派对(English Corner)应该怎么进行?怎么组织?

2023-07-21 09:13:42

首先来回答你的第一个问题 其实没有必要纯用英语 首先要让大家对你举办的活动感兴趣,而不是产生畏惧心理。我的建议是刚开始开展活动时气氛要活跃起来,不能太沉闷,可以搞一些活动,当然这些活动首先要和英语有关,再就是不要搞太久。要抓住办活动的宗旨,可以刚开始的时候选一些人唱个英文歌,一句都行。等到以后再慢慢走向正轨,慢慢的纯英文交流。





问题一:“在英语角”用英语怎么说 In the English corner 问题二:英语角用英文怎么说 english corner! 你可以去大学里面最好是以外语为主的大学,里面有很好的老师,外教,课程你也可以免费听,我觉得对你英语学习会有显著提升! 问题三:英语角的英语怎么说 英语角 [名]English corner; ( 为提高英语口语水平而组成的,采用英... [网络]English Corner; english er; [例句]社区英语角属于大家。 Neighbourhood english corner belongs to everyone. 双语例句 百度百科求采纳 祝您新春快乐 问题四:“在英语角”用英语怎么说? 在英语角 at the English corner 问题五:参加英语角用英语怎么说? take part in English Corner 或: join English Corner 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! 问题六:哪里有英语角英语怎么说? where can be find the English corner? 问题七:英语角主持人的开场白和结束语都该怎么说? Start: thanks for ing. let"s free talk顶at the topic about.... End: Thanks every one in here today again. see you next time. 问题八:英语角主持词应该怎么说? 我主持过,,刚开始的台词: Good evening Ladies and gentelmen ,can I have everyone`s attention ,please! It is good to see you all here and we are pleased to wele you to jion us. i hope you can enjoy your time tonight. first ,let me intrucduce myself,I a恭 ... Ok now ,let`s wele our foreign teachers....with a big applause! well ,let`s get down to business.,,接下来你就介绍今晚的流程(prosedure) 。。。 (Good luck) 问题九:大概用英文怎么说? 泼汉s 问题十:“在英语角”用英语怎么说 In the English corner
2023-07-21 03:06:481


问题一:英语角的“角”是什么意思 corner你认识不?就是角落的意思。English Corner 中的corner,角落意思不局限于学校的的东南西北四个角落。而是只要有一堆人经常聚集在一个区域进行英语口语交流,或交流学习经验,或任何与英语有关的东西。我们就把这个地方叫英语角。 问题二:英语角是干什么的 手机应用 - 比邻365 ,提供了线上高校英语角,现在已经开通清华,北大,复旦等高校,可以免费自由加入,是个练习英语口语的好东西,你可以看看。 问题三:英语角 是什么 英语角English corner 一群英语爱好者聚在一起学英语的地方。 问题四:什么是英语角活动 英语角的英语称谓是English corner,是指为提高英语口语,而进行的一种英语口语练习活动。举办时间多在周末,也有在晚上举行的。场所基本在室外(如公园,广场,校园等)。 英语角的参加者以学生居多,也有社会人士参加。这两年由奥运会、世博会掀起的英语热,带动了全民学英语、说英语的 *** 。但由于传统英语角在时间、地点、形式上的局限,限制了一部分人学习英语的热情。随着社会需求的不断增加,各地纷纷推出了电话英语角这种服务模式,通过电话聊天室或电话一对一英语对话等形式,将全国或者省内的英语爱好者聚集在一起练习口语。 问题五:我要加入英语角来练习口语的翻译是:什么意思 I want to join the English Corner to practise my oral English. 问题六:哪里有什么英语角啥的 一般公园里会有, 问题七:英语角是外国人聚集的地方吗请问英语角到底是什么意 英语角是English Corner, 一般中国人会更多,有时候会有外国人来参加。主要是大家联系口语,交流英语学习经验的地方。各个城市一般都有吧。 问题八:英语角活动有些什么,要好几个的 我们学校也有英语角的,虽然没有这么多节目,但每个星期也有不少同学参加的,挺热闹的. 每周五晚在俱乐部外一块草坪上用一些带子系在树上围成一个圈子,尤其在过节的时候会在边上点上蜡烛.很多外教会参加,和同学们聊天. 你这样的活动我也有点经验的.仅供参考的: 首先可以将俱乐部成员分成几组来搞活动,组织内部可以表演节目带动气氛.人多了可以分成小组来参加活动. 比如,在分完小组后,每组人数控制在十人以内,要给大家时间互相认识,当然要用英语交流,第一个节目就可以是说名字,先把气氛调动起来.然后在外教的带领下进行其他活动.通过外教的参与,再加上各小组成员间的荣誉感,使同学们无论在交流上还是各个活动的参与上都能有所得. 在紧张的游戏过后,可以以外教带领大家学唱些好听的外文歌曲. 小游戏可以象用肢体语言表达猜英语句子含义.放英文歌曲让大家猜歌名.还可以通过提问题来教授一些常识. 当然我也同意楼上的回答.
2023-07-21 03:06:541

english corner是什么,英语角?英语角又是什么?

2023-07-21 03:07:041

english corner是什么,英语角?英语角又是什么?

英语角的英语称谓是English corner,是指为提高英语口语,而进行的一种英语口语练习活动.举办时间多在周末,也有在晚上举行的.场所基本在室外(如公园,广场,校园等).英语角的参加者以学生居多,也有社会人士参加.这两年...
2023-07-21 03:07:101

English Corner意思

2023-07-21 03:07:1910


2023-07-21 03:07:425


你好。English corner软件在手机自带的应用商城里就可以下载,如果部分手机商城不能下载的话,就打开百度APP,输入软件名称进行搜索,也可以下载。
2023-07-21 03:07:571

校园口语第十一课:In the English corner在英语角

In the English corner 在英语角 一、Talk show【脱口而出】1、How about going to the English corner? 和我一起去英语角好吗? How about doing…… 向某人提议做某事2、I feel too nervous to speak even in English class, not to speak of in the English corner. 英语课上我都紧张的说不出话来,更不用说在英语角了。 not to speak of: 更不用说……3、What do people usually talk about in the English corner? 在英语角人们经常谈些什么?4、I am not sure if I can keep up with their speaking speed? 但我没有把握是否能跟上他们说话的速度。 keep up with: 赶得上;与……保持联系:keep up with your old friend 与好友保持联系 同义词:catch up with Eg: nowadays wages can not catch up with the rising prices. 如今工资总是跟不上上涨的物价。5、I don"t know what to say in English corner. 在英语角我真的不知道该说些什么。 what to say : what 引导的名词性从句 同样也有 how to do Eg: I don"t know how to say it in English. 我不知道它用英语应该如何表达。 二、Reply fluently 【对答如流】Conversation A: Where are all the people? It started half an hour ago. B: Relax. It"s just as well to have less people. A: In a word I feel free to talk because my mistakes won"t be so conspicuous. B: So are you feeling strained now? A: I am afraid so. I hope the organizers think up more tricks to attract people. B: I can"t see any organizers. You"d better use your own charm to attract those guys to be you company. relax: 放松点,淡定点 feel free to do sth: 随意、随便做某事。也经常用在书信的结尾eg: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 如果您有什么问题,请随时联系我们。 conspicuous:明显的,显而易见的。 strained:紧张的,勉强的。是strain(张力,拉紧)的过去分词 同义词有:intense、stressed 中文翻译 A:人都去哪了?已经开始半个钟头了呀 B:放松点,人少才好呢。 A:人多了好说话因为错误不明显。 B:这么说你现在觉得很难受吗? A:恐怕是吧,真希望组织者能够多弄点花招来吸引人 B:好像是没组织者吧,你还是利用自己的魅力来吸引人吧。
2023-07-21 03:08:041

英语作文《english corner》

1)英语角一游(A Visit to an English Corner)One evening I visited the English corner of our university. It lies heside our university library where trees and flowers grow and there is a spacious ground. Every evening,large numbers of people go there to improve their English, but I had never been there before. When I arrived there, many people had already been there. I looked around and found that most of them were college students. Some of them were talking in English in twos and threes. From time to time they laughed joyfully. To my great surprise, I even fimnd three foreigners talking and smiling with stone students who were listening with great interest. Just then,a tall student came towards me and asked: "Shall we have a talk in English?" My heart beat very fast at that moment for this was the first time for me to visit the English corner. Anyway, I managed to say "Yes". Soon we were talking freely about our studies, our lives, our hobbies as well as our problems of learning English. Time went fast, and it was already 10 o‘clock before I realized it. I had a good time there and was glad to learn a lot at the corner. I understood the proverb better: "Practice makes perfect."2)A Description of an English Corner I am really delighted to write this report to you about the English Corner I have just attended. Generally speaking, this activity is both helpful and interesting. I do think that holding regular English corner is such a wise way for all students who can definitely benefit from it. As for the time and place for this activity, I believe we can make it happen twice a week. Students can meet every Wednesday and Sunday evening in the Student Center Activity Room One. By making them come twice, they can achieve more than before. With regard to the activities, my suggestion is that we invite at least one foreign teacher to come every time we meet so that students" interests and motivation will be kept. Moreover, if at least two teachers of English from China can participate in this activity every time, the English corner can be really a good place for students to improve their oral English.
2023-07-21 03:08:311

Do you speak English______English corner?填适当的介词

2023-07-21 03:08:527

english corner用join还是不行

go to 就行了。take part in一般用于某种event,是那种比较大型的集会、仪式,比如什么游-行啊,节日庆典啊,比赛啊之类的。而英语角大多数是一周一次甚至几次的,算不上event。如果英语角某天有什么特殊活动,你可以用take part in那个活动。join是加入某团体,a group,the army, the navy, a league什么的,一般是有正式加入仪式或者正式挂名的团体,总之是加入一群人或一群人的某种活动中。英语角不是一群人,而是一个平台,当join的宾语不是特别合适。你可以说join them in the English Corner,也就是在英语角加入大家伙(的谈话、交流中)。非要在take part in和join里挑的话,join好一点点。
2023-07-21 03:09:071


join in the English corner 去参加英语角
2023-07-21 03:09:162


  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是我为大家整理的英语话题作文7篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语话题作文 篇1   家庭、朋友与周围的人Family, Friends and the People around You   假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情,他或她为你做了什么,你又将怎样回报他或她的付出。请结合上文内容,以“Thank you, my…”为题写一篇发言稿。   要求:   1.句子通顺,语意连贯。   2.包括所有提示内容。   3.不少于80词。   Thank You, My Mother   Wherever we are today, whatever we are, we owe it to our parents who have given and taught us so much, so we should thank them, especially, thank our mother. I think my mother is one of the best mothers in the world.   She is the busiest one in my family. She does chores for the family and cares about my study. She has taught me a lot. She does lots of things for me. But she never wants anythings in return.   How will I show my thanks to my mother? First, this year, I am going to give her a surprise birthday party and buy her a special present. Second, I"ll do well in school. Third, I"ll help her do housework when I"m free. I want to make her happy. In a word, I love my mother. 英语话题作文 篇2    网上购物的缺点 The Disadvantages of Shopping Online   Nowadays, as the development of high technology, people like to use computer, they use computer to read the news, to play the game and so on. Now more and more computer functions have been developed, people like to do business on the computer, it saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient. Shopping online is most people"s choice today, but it has disadvantages. First, the products will be not in good quality, people can"t touch the products, they only can see the pictures, so they can"t figure out the real products" quality. Second, when people pay the money online, they will have the chance to leak out their message, their online account will be attacked by the hackers and thus to lose the money. Of course, shopping online is more and more popular, we must take care of personal message when shopping online.   如今,随着高科技的发展,人们喜欢使用电脑,他们使用电脑来阅读信息,玩游戏等等。现在越来越多的电脑功能被开发了出来,人们喜欢在电脑上进行交易,这节省了很多时间,很方便。网上购物如今是很多人的选择,但是也存在缺点。第一,产品的质量可能质量不好,人们不能接触到产品,只能看图片,因此他们不能分辨出真正的产品的质量。第二,当人们在网上付款时,他们有可能会泄露信息,网上的账号会遭到黑客的攻击,导致失去金钱。当然,网上购物越来越受欢迎,我们必须在购物时注意个人信息。    减肥的正确方法 The Right Way to Lose Weight   People around me are talking about their weight, they always worry about their body shapes, they show me how hard they have been struggling with their appetites, when they want to eat, they just refuse to the delicious food. In my opinion, people should not depress their appetites, they need to eat when they are hungry. The right way to lose weight is not to refuse the food, on the contrary, people should eat it, but not eat over what they can bear. The person who doesn"t take in food when they are hungry will hurt their stomach, in the long run, when they eat food, they will get fat soon, what"s more, their bodies become weeker. Besides eating the appropriate food, people also need to take exercise, they need to do the regular exercise so that they can keep fit. The right way to lose weight can help people stay healthy.   在我周围的人总是谈论他们的体重,他们很担忧自己的体型,向我展示了他们是如何艰苦地和他们的胃口做斗争,当他们想要吃东西的时候,拒绝美味的食物。在我看来,人们不应该压抑胃口,他们饿的时候需要吃东西,但是不应该吃到撑。那些在饥饿的时候不吃东西的人会伤害了他们的胃,长此下去,他们一吃东西就会很快变胖,而且,他们的身体也变得更弱。除了适当的吃些东西,他们也要锻炼,人们需要定时做一些运动,这样才能保持健美。正确减肥的方法能帮助人们保持健康。    军训日子 The Days of Military Training   The first day of my high school, I was told that the freshmen would need to join the military training. I felt so scared, because in the summer days, the sun was so hot and I would be burned like a black man. But there was no way for the freshman to refuse to join the military training. The training lasted for a week, in the first two days, we stood under the hot sun, moving around the playground and song. It was tough, but in the coming days, we got used to it and started to enjoy the free time. All the students were like a group, we trained together, we sweated and played. In the evening, we would song in the playground. Now when I think of these days, I will smile and treat these military training days as the unforgettable memory in my life.   在我上高中的第一天,我被告知将需要参加军训。我觉得很害怕,因为在夏天里,太阳很大,我会被晒成一个黑人。但是对于新生来讲,他们不能拒绝参加军训。训练维持了一周,在开始的两天里,我们站在炎热的太阳下,在操场移动并且唱歌。虽然艰苦,但是在接下来的日子里,我们习惯了,开始享受这自由的时光。所有的学生就像一个团体,我们一起训练,一起流汗和玩耍。在晚上,我们会在操场上唱歌。现在当我回想起这些日子,我会笑,把这些军训的日子当成人生中难忘的记忆。    伦敦塔 Tower of London   Have you ever been to the tower of London? I feel very curious about it. I hope I can have a chance to have a look. It is said that it is the symbol of British Royalty and built in 1087. It has been the World Cultural Heritage. It was the palace of ruler. James I is the last owner. But it was used for many purposes after no rulers living in it, such as, fort, armory, treasury, observatory, prison and so on. Now it is one of the most popular historical cite in British. The yeoman warders manage it now. There are seven ravens in it as lucky mascot. No one is allowed to come in or go out at night because of the Ancient legend. Every night they will hold the old lock ceremony. How am I not interested in such place?   你去过伦敦塔吗?我对它很好奇。我希望能有机会去看一看。据说伦敦塔是英国皇室的象征,建于1087年。它已成为世界文化遗产。它是统治者们的宫殿。詹姆士一世是最后一位住在里面的.统治者。在没有统治者在里面住后,伦敦塔就被用于多方面,比如:堡垒,军械库,库房,天文台,监狱等。现在它是大不列颠群岛最受欢迎的历史景点之一。如今是御用侍从卫士在管理。里面有七只乌鸦,被誉为吉祥物。因为古老的传说,所以没有人可以在晚上进出。他们每天晚上都会进行古老的锁门仪式。我怎么能对这样的地方不感兴趣呢?    疯狂购物Shopping Without Limitation   It has been admitted that shopping is every girl"s nature, I am one of them. Since I take the part-time job, I have little money to support me to buy something. The first time I got my salary, I thought of buying clothes, so that I could have a new look. But when I went to many shops, there were so many beautiful clothes, I had no idea which to buy, I wished I could buy them all. So I told myself I could buy it next time when I got my salary. So when the boss pays for me, I use the money to buy the clothes. I have tried to tell myself to stop buying clothes, because I have enough, but when I see the fashionable styles, I will buy it without hesitation. Shopping without limitation makes me spend so much money, I must stop, I hope I can do it.   据说购物是女人的天性,我就是爱购物的一员。打从我有了一份兼职,我开始有点小钱买东西。第一次拿到工资,我就想到了买衣服,这样我就能看起来不一样。但是当我去了很多家商店,我看到了很多漂亮的衣服,我不知道买哪一件好,我希望我能买下所有的衣服。所以我告诉自己下次发薪水的时候就可以买了。因此当老板发工资给我的时候,我用这些来买衣服。我已经尝试着告诉自己不要再买衣服了,因为我已经有很多了,但是当我看到新潮的款式时,我会毫不犹豫就买。疯狂购物让我花费了很多钱,我必须停下来,我希望我能做到。    参加英语角的好处 The Advantages of Going to English Corner   Since we go to school, English is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the English education. In the class, we have learned the grammar and sentence structure for a long time, some students are no more satisfied with what we learn in the class, they want to speak English fluently, so they can take advantage of what they learn in the class. Nowadays, English corner has be the main symbol for the English learners, most people join the corner in the weekends. Joining the English corner can enhance people"s ability of speaking English. Students have less chance to speaking in the class, but in the English corner, they can speak what they want. As there are people from all classes in the English corner, people can share their experience for each other, they can learn more from each other. If you have time, I suggest you to join the English corner.   打从我们上学,英语就成为了我们的主要科目之一,政府也格外注重英语教育。在课上,我们在很长一段时间里学习了语法和句子结构,一些学生不再满足于在课上学习到的,他们想要讲一口流利的英语,因此他们可以充分利用在课上学习到的。现在,英语角已经成为了英语学习者的主要象征,大部分人在周末参加英语角。参加英语角可以增强他们讲英语的能力。学生在课上很少有机会讲英语,但是在英语角,他们可以讲自由发话。英语角里有来自社会各界的人士,人们可以彼此交流经验,互相学习。如果你有时间,我建议你来参加英语角。 英语话题作文 篇3   How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they"d like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They"d maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there"s probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.So why don"t they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules!   Just as surely as there"s no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people"s sunday lunches and leftovers), there"s no "well let"s give it to the beggars!".Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case. 英语话题作文 篇4   I love me to be full of joyous sound to laugh at the home town of language then. Spring, willow elder sister took off white dress, changed green marriage outfit. Smell of piquant little careless little brother cerebella bag, floret little sister showed white cheek. In farmer uncle afield arduous cultivated, sow. Our dot is on lawn amuse oneself. Birdie ases if to be attracted, also put sound to sing. Good echo stayed in that beautiful country. Summer, brook water clang clang flowing. Our children plays in river side amuse oneself. Old people talks of everything below shade. Cicada is crying, seem to saying: "Heat died to be heated up dead! " birdie is footloose on the sky the ground is happy fly.   Good memory kept in that beautiful open country. The autumn, maple elder sister waves falling red autumnal leaves, as if one year when receiving a bumper harvest. Floret preparation goes and its brother elder sisters left. Farmer uncle goes up in the field of the hope, reaping oneself labor gain. We work in help farmer uncle. Birdie gang ground is in and everything here leaves. Leave in what happiness stayed in the field that is full of mirth then sound. In the winter, heavy snow swirls underground rise. We are happy on alley ground amuse oneself. All plants succumbed, only that evergreen tree is in wind snow loftily stand erect. Animal people mostly hibernant. In this quiet winter, kept the track of wintry elder sister. 英语话题作文 篇5   In recent years,more and more lectures are being given on campus. They are organized either by the departments or by the students" unions with an aim to improve the students" quality both mentally and academically. These lectures are usually in series and on different topics, such as arts, life, economy, psychology, world issues, etc.   Generally speaking, the advantages of good lectures are various. First, they broaden the students" horizon and cultivate interests in different fields. Second,they make the life of the students colorful and enjoyable. With these merits, lectures are just complementary and subordinate to our school work. If students spend too much time attending lectures, their regular study will be affected and disturbed.   So,in my opinion, the students should, on the one hand, do their class work and homework well first, on the other hand, make good use of their spare time to attend instructive lectures so as to eich their knowledge. 英语话题作文 篇6   大学英语六级作文热点话题预测:假日经济   1.“假日经济”对人们来说,已不再陌生   2. 面对“假日经济”的热潮,人们态度各异   3. 在我看来…    英语六级作文范文:   Holiday Economy   Holiday economy is not new to people all around the world. In China, it stands for the nationwide one-week holiday starting from October 1st (the National Day).The government established the week-long holiday back in 1999 to stimulate domestic spending.Tour operators, retailers, and wedding halls have been cashing in ever since.   However, there are shifting perspectives about holiday economy. Many people,including some economists,think positively about holiday economy.They believe that tourism-based holiday economy has increased consumption and helped to spur the domestic demands.While others,who worry about the negative effect of holiday economy,argue that holiday economy do more harm than good.For example,during the extended holiday, scenic spots are overloaded with tourists,and it not only spoils the relaxing mood of the tourists,but also overburdens the tourist attractions.   In my opinion, both sides are reasonable.We should take good advantages of the holiday to develop economy while trying to tackle the problems existed with practical measures.Only in this way can we not only enjoy the pleasure golden week endows us,but also promote the development of holiday economy soundly. 英语话题作文 篇7   People always believe that study and recreations are like water and fire and that they can not be combined together. But in my opinion, they can and even on the contrary, they are relatives.   There is a popular saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The saying tells us a very simple meaning, but how to master the deep meaning need a clear aim. If someone has too much pressure, the side effect will come into being.   For example, if you have lots of things to do and they all will meet the deadline soon,what you need to do is to improve your efficiency.   A clear mind is essential. So what we should do is to make our minds work steadily. You can take a break after one or two hours" work and try to do something else like chatting with your friends. Doing so, you can improve your working efficiency.   Try to balance work and play, and you will get an unexpected harvest.
2023-07-21 03:09:251

“本周六下午两点在学校大礼堂举行the English Corner” 用英语怎么讲?

The English Corner will be held at 2 pm, this Saturday in the School hall.
2023-07-21 03:09:333

( ) the English corner 介词用什么????

2023-07-21 03:09:424


2023-07-21 03:10:071

English corner的c要不要大写?

2023-07-21 03:10:142

我想办个ENGLISH CORNER英语角(非盈利)大家献计献策!

2023-07-21 03:10:242

There is an English corner at our school.哪个是主语?

English corner 是主语.
2023-07-21 03:10:344

I think the English corner is very h___ to me 填什么?急急急!!!!!

hideous hilarious horrible...
2023-07-21 03:10:437

I often go to the English corner to have a free talk with my classmates ________I am busy. ...

2023-07-21 03:10:571

短文改错。只许改10处。 Today I attended in the English Corner had held in our school

attended in----attended (去掉in)//had held---held(去掉had)//included--including// a honored--an honored ,其它内容怎么看不到呢
2023-07-21 03:11:404

请问江门在哪里有免费的英语角(English Corner)呀?

2023-07-21 03:11:493

We go to the English corner ___ Friday afternoon.

a 周几前加on
2023-07-21 03:11:573


如何才能说流利的英语   说外语时,我们主要应做到四件事:理解--回答--提问--口头表达。你只要自我训练这四项基本技能,就会说一口流利的英语。   在与讲英语的外国人谈话时,我的舌头经常变得笨起来。如何克服?   在陌生人面前你觉得胆怯,对自己的英语没有自信。为什么呢?因为你怕被人嘲笑。这种情况尤其会影响讲外语的成年人。(越年轻就越没有顾忌!)你该怎么办呢?你可以先 说服自己讲别人的语言出了错误并不是件丢人的事。设想将情景反过来,外国人在努力与你讲中文。你会怎么办?你会嘲笑他们的语病,还是会去帮助他们呢?许多以英语为母语的人,尤其是那些长期在国外的,了解学英语的人努力讲英语的情形,一般都会有耐心、宽容地提供帮助。了解到这一点,你就可以试着与外国人交谈。仔细听,大体弄懂他们谈的是什么。"轮到"你说话的时候你可以发表自己的意见。 你认为自己可能误解的地方,可以请与你交谈的人解释,你 也可以请他们纠正一两个关键的错误。这样你会慢慢建立起信心。   老师用英语给我们讲故事时,我不记得中文意思了。我该怎么办?   你的头脑中不要想中文。在听英语时,你应该带着英语思维听,不要试图给你听到的每个英语单词都找到一个中文的对等词。如果你顽固坚持,就会完全听不懂意思,也就听不到什么英语。不要拘泥于单个的词,应集中精力努力弄懂整个词组、句子和段落的意思。听到不理解的地方,努力从上下文中推导含义。听完一篇英语后,(用英语)回忆一下它讲的是什么,考考自己。   您能给我们推荐一些更生动、非虚拟的英语口语书吗?   费解的问题!"虚拟"是英语中很少使用的一个语法形式。可能你是要我推荐那些听起来像真正的英语,而不像语法书的英语录音。如果这样,我建议你查阅出版社的英语语言教学目录,找到"读物"部分,选择有声读物(即磁带里的故事书)。选择自己认为适合的等级,然后选择你喜欢的题目订购。如果你的英语水平较高,你可以买或借"有声图书",这是由演员朗读的原版小说。   讲英语时对于我们犯的错该怎么处理?   错误只有在严重影响交流的时候才构成问题。如果与你交谈的人理解你所说的大部分,那你做得很好,犯了多少错误没有多大关系。如果你愿意,可以请英语水平比你高的人替你纠正,但这样通常很乏味,而且干扰交流。如果与你交谈的人能理解你说的意思,那就很好,完全不应该担心错误。   如何 避免“中国式英语”?   你之所以老是把中文译成英语,是因为你的口语技巧尚未达到让你自信的水平。你在参加交谈前需掌握四项技巧.它们是:--理解--回答--问--说因此你要集中提高这些技巧:训练自己理解英语口语,训练自己问问题,训练自己回答问题,最终说英语。你在掌握了前三项技巧后,就可以水到渠成地掌握最后(也是最难的)一项:说。   在书中见到我能理解,但我想表达自己的思想时又记不住了。   你说得对:理解口语或文章要比让别人理解你说或写的东西容易。这是因为理解是一种接受性的技巧,而说和写是创造性的技巧。我们能理解的远远多于我们能表达的,我们在使用母语时也是这样。你接受了这个现实之后,应该训练自己使用那些你能马上回想起的语言表达思想。你找不到恰当的词汇的时候(见到或听到时可能能理解,但需要时却用不上),你不得不用别的词来表达你的意思。坚持听英语,尽量多地阅读。长此以往,这将提高你说和写的水平。   我从网络上收集并翻译整理了一些英语口语学习的方法,以供大家参考学习。但是,请记住,方法就是方法,它最终无法取代刻苦的学习。所以,要想练就一口纯正地道流利的英语,请用适合自己的有效学习法,循序渐进地坚持操练吧!   (1) We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.   我们学习英语口语的目的是为了与别人进行交流,所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为:流利,准确,和恰当。 也就是说,我们必须更加重视实际交流能力而不仅仅是单纯强调语法的正确性。   (2) Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.   寻找学伴一起练习口语。英语角是个不错的地方,在那里我们不但可以练习口语,还可以交流英语学习经验,开拓视野,提高英语学习兴趣。   (3) If it"s not easy to get English partners or having little chance to attend an English corner, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. For example, you can talk to yourself about what you have seen or what you have done.   如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的"机会很少,那么我们就必须通过自己对自己说英语来创造英语环境。例如,你可以对自己描述所看到的景物,英语口述自己正在作的事情。   (4) This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First of all, we read the Chinese parts and try to interpret them into English sentence by sentence, and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books after finishing one small paragraph"s interpretation, so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.   有种方法非常有效且很容易坚持,那就是:口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物。首先,我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分,并与我们的口译进行比较。这样,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步。   请注意:刚开始选择口译法进行英语口语训练时,在选材上先尽量选择较简单的英语读物,生词量应控制在20%以内,且应大量做,只做一两篇效果是不明显的。推荐读物有:《新东方英语》、《英语世界》、《英语文摘》等。   一开始进行口译训练时,可能口译速度较慢,费时较多,但请坚持,从整体的训练上来看,这是一个加速的过程。进入到高级阶段训练时,请做计时练习,以便加快反应速度和口语流利度。   成人学英语普遍存在的问题是记忆力差,作复述练习或背诵课文时,往往力不从心;或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难,那么推荐一种解决这个问题有效方法:先学习英文部分,通篇理解透彻后,再来看汉语译文, 这时,再把汉语译文口译回英文。这样做等于既作复述练习又作口译(语)练习,可谓一箭双雕,一石二鸟!这样训练的好处体现在以下七个方面:   1. 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久。   2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误——英文原文。   3. 训练的题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如,我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了。   4. 选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去。   5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来。   6. 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻。这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻,这比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多。   7. 经过大量的练习,你会有这样的感觉:没有什么东西你不能翻译,你的翻译水平大大加强了,你的口语表达力大大提高了!   其实,口语并不是很难。学好口语的方法是:   1,大量的读背,多背诵经典范文,各种英语好的文章,背的越多,表达能力越强,   2.口语我认为是死去活来,懂得九个W和一个H,采用多问的方式,还有别人一种表达方式,你要多种。   3.多听英语材料或磁带,模仿地道的语音和语调,文章一定要读、背;   4.多做一些类似句型转换的题型,懂得外国人的思维方式 ;   5.常去英语角,多看外文小说和电影,扩大阅读量 ;
2023-07-21 03:12:051

— Would you like to join in the English corner?—___________. What time is it? A.I hope...

C 试题分析:I hope so希望如此;I"m afraid not恐怕不;I"d love to我乐意;I agree我同意。句意:你愿意加入英语角吗?根据下文,什么时间?可知选C。点评:情景交际的考查是英语考试的重点,做此类题型首先要理解各个选项中句子的含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语。回答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯。平时应注意积累各种习惯用语,了解英美文化的区别,尤其注意不能以中式思维思考英语问题。平时应加强英语阅读,增强语感,多了解一些英语文化方面的知识。
2023-07-21 03:12:181

We can _______in English and make ________at the English Corner.

选 A 。后面的at the English Corner在英语角,所以是交谈不是说,用talk不用speak, say。在英语角交朋友,当然是可以交很多,不是一个,用复数new friends.。
2023-07-21 03:12:334


English newspaper~~~
2023-07-21 03:12:437

english corner是什么,英语角?英语角又是什么?

2023-07-21 03:13:147

go to the english corner是什么意思

What do the classmates do after school?放学后,同学们都做些什么呢? They always go to the English Corner.他们常常去英语角. 是不是填空啊,我是这样理解的哈.
2023-07-21 03:13:291

I.句型转换.1.I like to speak English at the English corner.(变为一般?

Do you like to speak English at the English corner? Yes,I do. Mike doesn"t like dogs at all. She has a pet. Who is the letter from? Where does she live? How does your pet look like? She doesn"t like Japanese at all.,3,, like no, don"t 2.doesn"t, like, at, all 3.She has a pet. 4.Where 5.Where, does, live 6.What, does, look, like 7.She doesn"t like Japanese at all.,2,1、Do like Yes do 2、doesn"t like at all 3. She has a pet. 4.Whom 5.Where does live 6.What does look like 7.She doesn"t like Japanese at all.,2,I.句型转换。 1.I like to speak English at the English corner.(变为一般疑问句并做否定回答) 问:(Do)you(like)to speak English at the English corner? 答:(No),I(don"t). 2.Mike likes dogs very much.(变为否定句) ...,0,I.句型转换. 1.I like to speak English at the English corner.(变为一般疑问句并做否定回答) 问:()you()to speak English at the English corner? 答:(),I(). 2.Mike likes dogs very much.(变为否定句) Mike()()dogs()(). 3.Does she have a pet?(变为陈述句) 4.The letter is from(my sister).(对括号部分提问) ()is the letter from? 5.She lives(in New York).(对括号部分提问) ()()she()? 6.My pet has(big eyes and *** all ears).(对括号部分提问) ()()your pet()()? 7.she,Japanese,at,like,all,doesn"t(连词成句)
2023-07-21 03:13:361


  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是我为大家整理的话题英语作文7篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 话题英语作文 篇1   I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn"t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers but also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. There is no litter around the campus.I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there.   我梦想中的学校   每天八节课后,我总是感到很累,所以我的梦想学校是在上午8:30开始上课和下午3:30结束。有三节课在早上和下午两节。我们可以选择我们喜欢的课程学习。我们可以花更多的时间做一些课外读物。学生做课外活动每天一个半小时。我们不需要做大量的作业。我们都乐意呆在学校。除此之外,我的梦想学校看起来像一个大花园。有各种各样的花在现代建筑。甜蜜的香水是四处扩散。如果我想休息,我可以躺在草地上,听音乐在湖边或在花从教室的窗户。这里的老师是亲切和有用的。他们不仅是我们的老师,而且还是我们的好朋友。学生是礼貌和友好。我们都知道如何保持我们的学校干净和整洁。没有垃圾在校园。我爱我的梦想学校。我们将更快乐地成长。 话题英语作文 篇2   Topic one:Environment Protection环境保护   Water Pollution   With the development of industry, water pollution is becoming more serious now. The polluted water not only kills fish, it is also harmful to our health. Many people get sick because they drink the polluted water. In some rivers the water is so dirty that they can even kill plants.   We should fight against the pollution. We should stop using harmful things. I wish it is not a dream that in the near future we can have clean rivers again.   Environment Protection   Nowadays, peoples life has changed a lot with the development of modern technology and economy, which has put lots of negative effects on the environment.   Why this? Because, firstly, some factories are pouring wastes into rivers, lakes, seas and so forth; secondly, because of human activities, a great number of plants and animals are losing their lives; thirdly, using modern machines and chemicals is bad for the environment. Besides these, there are a lot of human activities which have done or are doing harm to our surroundings.   For this, I think, first, our government should make drastic measures to regulate human activities; second, we human beings should take pains-taking work to stop ourselves destroying the environment and try our best to protect our living space more.   Forest Pretention保护森林 话题英语作文 篇3   我想告诉你一些关于我的童年。当我六岁的时候,我是一个可爱的女孩!   一天,爸爸在河里看见了一些鱼,他问我:“为什么鱼只能活在水里?“我想了一下,我就给了他答案,”银行里有一些猫,“我爸爸听到那个时候就笑了。”。然后他说:“你是聪明的!“我很高兴听到这个。   也许你会说,“这是一个有趣的"答案。”现在,我想,它是非常有趣的。现在我很聪明。我的父母非常爱我。我很高兴能有这样的童年。 话题英语作文 篇4    1. Directions:   Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In you writing, you should   1) describe the picture briefly,   2) interpret its intended meaning, and   3) give your comments.   You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)    范文   Here is a picture, interesting but with profound implication. As is vividly depicted in the photo, a cute little boy and an old man are talking about a book, which successfully captures our eyes. After a close watch, it is not difficult to find that they disagree with the so called purified traditional book. Apparently, what the drawing has subtly conveyed is supposed to be given further analysis.   Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the interaction and confrontation between tradition end modern society, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance. On the top of list is that tradition culture is our root and we have attached much importance to our traditional culture. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that modern society needs the reinterpretation to our tradition, which directly leads to the phenomenon in the picture.   According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to make our tradition and modern society coexist harmoniously. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the work. Only in this way can we make the best of the value of ancient culture and let it contribute to our life. 话题英语作文 篇5    网上购物的缺点 The Disadvantages of Shopping Online   Nowadays, as the development of high technology, people like to use computer, they use computer to read the news, to play the game and so on. Now more and more computer functions have been developed, people like to do business on the computer, it saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient. Shopping online is most people"s choice today, but it has disadvantages. First, the products will be not in good quality, people can"t touch the products, they only can see the pictures, so they can"t figure out the real products" quality. Second, when people pay the money online, they will have the chance to leak out their message, their online account will be attacked by the hackers and thus to lose the money. Of course, shopping online is more and more popular, we must take care of personal message when shopping online.   如今,随着高科技的发展,人们喜欢使用电脑,他们使用电脑来阅读信息,玩游戏等等。现在越来越多的电脑功能被开发了出来,人们喜欢在电脑上进行交易,这节省了很多时间,很方便。网上购物如今是很多人的选择,但是也存在缺点。第一,产品的质量可能质量不好,人们不能接触到产品,只能看图片,因此他们不能分辨出真正的产品的质量。第二,当人们在网上付款时,他们有可能会泄露信息,网上的账号会遭到黑客的攻击,导致失去金钱。当然,网上购物越来越受欢迎,我们必须在购物时注意个人信息。    减肥的正确方法 The Right Way to Lose Weight   People around me are talking about their weight, they always worry about their body shapes, they show me how hard they have been struggling with their appetites, when they want to eat, they just refuse to the delicious food. In my opinion, people should not depress their appetites, they need to eat when they are hungry. The right way to lose weight is not to refuse the food, on the contrary, people should eat it, but not eat over what they can bear. The person who doesn"t take in food when they are hungry will hurt their stomach, in the long run, when they eat food, they will get fat soon, what"s more, their bodies become weeker. Besides eating the appropriate food, people also need to take exercise, they need to do the regular exercise so that they can keep fit. The right way to lose weight can help people stay healthy.   在我周围的人总是谈论他们的体重,他们很担忧自己的体型,向我展示了他们是如何艰苦地和他们的胃口做斗争,当他们想要吃东西的时候,拒绝美味的食物。在我看来,人们不应该压抑胃口,他们饿的时候需要吃东西,但是不应该吃到撑。那些在饥饿的时候不吃东西的人会伤害了他们的胃,长此下去,他们一吃东西就会很快变胖,而且,他们的身体也变得更弱。除了适当的吃些东西,他们也要锻炼,人们需要定时做一些运动,这样才能保持健美。正确减肥的方法能帮助人们保持健康。    军训日子 The Days of Military Training   The first day of my high school, I was told that the freshmen would need to join the military training. I felt so scared, because in the summer days, the sun was so hot and I would be burned like a black man. But there was no way for the freshman to refuse to join the military training. The training lasted for a week, in the first two days, we stood under the hot sun, moving around the playground and song. It was tough, but in the coming days, we got used to it and started to enjoy the free time. All the students were like a group, we trained together, we sweated and played. In the evening, we would song in the playground. Now when I think of these days, I will smile and treat these military training days as the unforgettable memory in my life.   在我上高中的第一天,我被告知将需要参加军训。我觉得很害怕,因为在夏天里,太阳很大,我会被晒成一个黑人。但是对于新生来讲,他们不能拒绝参加军训。训练维持了一周,在开始的两天里,我们站在炎热的太阳下,在操场移动并且唱歌。虽然艰苦,但是在接下来的日子里,我们习惯了,开始享受这自由的时光。所有的学生就像一个团体,我们一起训练,一起流汗和玩耍。在晚上,我们会在操场上唱歌。现在当我回想起这些日子,我会笑,把这些军训的日子当成人生中难忘的记忆。    伦敦塔 Tower of London   Have you ever been to the tower of London? I feel very curious about it. I hope I can have a chance to have a look. It is said that it is the symbol of British Royalty and built in 1087. It has been the World Cultural Heritage. It was the palace of ruler. James I is the last owner. But it was used for many purposes after no rulers living in it, such as, fort, armory, treasury, observatory, prison and so on. Now it is one of the most popular historical cite in British. The yeoman warders manage it now. There are seven ravens in it as lucky mascot. No one is allowed to come in or go out at night because of the Ancient legend. Every night they will hold the old lock ceremony. How am I not interested in such place?   你去过伦敦塔吗?我对它很好奇。我希望能有机会去看一看。据说伦敦塔是英国皇室的象征,建于1087年。它已成为世界文化遗产。它是统治者们的宫殿。詹姆士一世是最后一位住在里面的统治者。在没有统治者在里面住后,伦敦塔就被用于多方面,比如:堡垒,军械库,库房,天文台,监狱等。现在它是大不列颠群岛最受欢迎的历史景点之一。如今是御用侍从卫士在管理。里面有七只乌鸦,被誉为吉祥物。因为古老的传说,所以没有人可以在晚上进出。他们每天晚上都会进行古老的锁门仪式。我怎么能对这样的地方不感兴趣呢?    疯狂购物Shopping Without Limitation   It has been admitted that shopping is every girl"s nature, I am one of them. Since I take the part-time job, I have little money to support me to buy something. The first time I got my salary, I thought of buying clothes, so that I could have a new look. But when I went to many shops, there were so many beautiful clothes, I had no idea which to buy, I wished I could buy them all. So I told myself I could buy it next time when I got my salary. So when the boss pays for me, I use the money to buy the clothes. I have tried to tell myself to stop buying clothes, because I have enough, but when I see the fashionable styles, I will buy it without hesitation. Shopping without limitation makes me spend so much money, I must stop, I hope I can do it.   据说购物是女人的天性,我就是爱购物的一员。打从我有了一份兼职,我开始有点小钱买东西。第一次拿到工资,我就想到了买衣服,这样我就能看起来不一样。但是当我去了很多家商店,我看到了很多漂亮的衣服,我不知道买哪一件好,我希望我能买下所有的衣服。所以我告诉自己下次发薪水的时候就可以买了。因此当老板发工资给我的时候,我用这些来买衣服。我已经尝试着告诉自己不要再买衣服了,因为我已经有很多了,但是当我看到新潮的款式时,我会毫不犹豫就买。疯狂购物让我花费了很多钱,我必须停下来,我希望我能做到。    参加英语角的好处 The Advantages of Going to English Corner   Since we go to school, English is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the English education. In the class, we have learned the grammar and sentence structure for a long time, some students are no more satisfied with what we learn in the class, they want to speak English fluently, so they can take advantage of what they learn in the class. Nowadays, English corner has be the main symbol for the English learners, most people join the corner in the weekends. Joining the English corner can enhance people"s ability of speaking English. Students have less chance to speaking in the class, but in the English corner, they can speak what they want. As there are people from all classes in the English corner, people can share their experience for each other, they can learn more from each other. If you have time, I suggest you to join the English corner.   打从我们上学,英语就成为了我们的主要科目之一,政府也格外注重英语教育。在课上,我们在很长一段时间里学习了语法和句子结构,一些学生不再满足于在课上学习到的,他们想要讲一口流利的英语,因此他们可以充分利用在课上学习到的。现在,英语角已经成为了英语学习者的主要象征,大部分人在周末参加英语角。参加英语角可以增强他们讲英语的能力。学生在课上很少有机会讲英语,但是在英语角,他们可以讲自由发话。英语角里有来自社会各界的人士,人们可以彼此交流经验,互相学习。如果你有时间,我建议你来参加英语角。 话题英语作文 篇6   This cartoon displays a very soothing scene. An old lady bought some stuff from a convenience store, and just at the moment when she was about to leave, the store keeper ran out to her because she had paid an extra two yuan. Though that is not a big amount of money, I believe the old lady must be greatly impressed by the keeper"s honesty.   It is without doubt that the cartoon aims at addressing a serious problem prevailing in today"s society, that is, the lack honesty in the field of business. For instance, many businessmen are so obsessed with making profit that they simply forget that they are supposed to serve the people with best products and services. Therefore, there emerge fake products, cheating services and unfulfilled promises. In contrast, the kind-hearted keeper of this drawing practices honesty in every detail of her work. Her attitude gives customer the sense that her product and service are of first-class quality, which would guarantee her more customersand credit.   The store keeper"s practice is exactly what we should advocate among all businesses. That is because, honesty not only renders clients temporary satisfaction, but can also build long-term customer trust. The latter is one of the key factors for market expansion and business success. 话题英语作文 篇7   There was an earthquake in Ya"an at about 8 o"clock on April 20, 20xx. Many houses fell down. 192 people were killed and more than10,000 people were hurt. After the earthquake, the doctors, nurses, firemen and volunteers from all over the country hurried to the scene and tried to cure the survivors. Some businesses donated many things such as clothes, food, water and medicine to the local people. Some pop stars organized charity shows to raise money. The local government took action actively to search for more lost people and helped them out of sadness. I hope the people there can cheer up and rebuild their homes as soon as possible. We must try our best to help them.   20xx年4月20日八点,雅安发生了地震。许多房屋倒塌。192人死亡,超过10000人受伤。地震后,各地的医生、护士、消防队员和志愿者赶到现场,试图治愈幸存者。有些企业捐赠了许多东西,比如衣服、食品、水和药品等,给当地人民。一些流行歌星举办慈善演出,以筹集资金。当地政府积极采取行动寻找更多失去的人,并帮助他们走出悲伤。我希望那里的人们能尽快振作起来,尽快重建家园。我们必须尽力帮助他们。
2023-07-21 03:13:451

Do you always speak English ____ the English corner?

答案D这题考查介词的用法:在英语角,用at the English corner所以选D。in是“在…里”,on是“在…上面”,with是“和…一起”。
2023-07-21 03:13:521

九年级的完形填空 We have an English Corner in our classroom. Every morn……

2023-07-21 03:14:032

by going to the english corner

to improve 动词不定式作目的状语
2023-07-21 03:14:101

以welcome toengling corner为题的英文作文

根据自己的情况改哟,hi, this is Mr XXX-the organizer of the XX English corner , welcome to join in our English , you can practice your English, make new friends, surf the internet with WI-FI and enjoy decent tea the members contribute here .Come and have a look, I bet your will never regret to do it,it"s convenient to get here since we are close to the subway, what"s more ,there are more than 30 bus routes available here, the best route is Bus 52 since it"s the terminal which starts at Best West Train Station John
2023-07-21 03:14:171


2023-07-21 03:14:363


音乐角Music Angle绘画角Painting corner反思角Reflection Angle图书角Book angle建构角Construction Angle植物区Flora饮水区 Water District
2023-07-21 03:14:455

有什么在线学习英语口语的学习网站 (英语口语学习资源)
2023-07-21 03:15:025


2023-07-21 03:15:192


我们英语俱乐部为大家提供以下活动:  Our English club provides us with the following activities:  1、早读班:每天早晨40分钟的早读,让你感受阅读的快乐。  1, early reading class: 40 minutes a day early reading, let you feel the joy of reading.  2、听力培训班:每天的听力训练,提高你的听力水平。  2, hearing training class: every day of hearing training, improve your listening level.  3、英语角:与外教、留学生交流感受,体会不同点的口味,体验异国风情,同时提升会员们的英语交流水平。  3, English corner: with foreign teachers, students to exchange feelings, experience different points of taste, experience exotic, and enhance the level of English communication members.  4、话剧班:这里有风趣、诙谐的表演,提升你的舞台表现力,感受英语话剧的魅力  4, drama class: there are funny, witty performances, enhance your stage performance, feel the charm of English Drama  5、周末电影院:我们会定期为会员们播放电影。在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。  5, weekend movie theater: we will regularly play the film for the members. Learn English in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.  6、四级模拟:体验四级的难易程度,提前为你做好考英语四级的准备。  6, four level simulation: experience four levels of difficulty, in advance for you to do a good job in the preparation of the English test four.  7、演讲比赛:给你提供展现自我的舞台。  7, speech contest: to provide you with a stage to show yourself.  8、英语知识竞赛:让你了解异国风情,感受文化差异。 ……  8, English knowledge contest: let you understand exotic, feel the cultural difference.......
2023-07-21 03:15:281

we can put on a short play, just as we do at the english corner.是什么从句

2023-07-21 03:15:361


英语口语学习方法总汇 (1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. 我们学习口语目的是为了与别人进行交流 , 所以英语口语中的几个要素的重要次序应为 : 流利 - 准确 - 恰当 .(2).Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. 寻找学伴一起练习口语 . 英语角是个不错的地方 , 在那我们不但可以练习口语 , 还可以交流英语学习经验 , 开拓视野 , 提高英语学习兴趣 .(3).If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves. 如果找不到学伴或参加英语角的机会很少 , 那么也没有关系 , 有很多种方法可以自己练习口语 . 比如通过自己对自己将英语来创造英语环境 . 可以对自己描述所看到的景物 , 英语口述自己正在作的事情 .*(4).This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation. * 这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持 --- 口译汉英对照 ( 或英汉对照 ) 的小说或其它读物 . 首先我们先读汉语部分 , 然后逐句直接口译成英文 , 完成一小段后 , 去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较 , 我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误 , 缺点和进步 . 请注意 : 开始要选择较简单的读物 , 且应大量做 , 只做一两篇效果是不明显的 . 开始可能较慢 , 费时较多 , 但请坚持 , 整体上这是一个加速的过程 . 高级阶段请计时练习 , 以加快反应速度和口语流利度 .* 作为成人学英语 , 记忆力差是个拦路虎 , 作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心 , 或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难 , 那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题 : :先学习英文课文 , 通篇理解透彻后 , 再来看汉语译文 , 把汉语译文口译回英文 . 这样等于既作复述练习又作口译 ( 语 ) 练习 , 可谓一石双鸟 !* 这样作的好处 :1. 自己就可以练习口语 , 想练多久 , 就练多久 .2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误 --- 英文原文 .3. 题材范围极广 , 可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢 , 比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题 , 所以我们总是在练习相同的语言 , 进步当然就缓慢了 .4. 选择小说 , 幽默故事或好的短文阅读 , 使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去 .5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来
2023-07-21 03:15:462


hello i am good at English i want to be a ENGLISH program host
2023-07-21 03:16:054


Everybody are expressing themselves.We have our own opions so we share it together.Well,that is our English corner in our school. It dose not matter if you can not speak perfect English in front of your whole class.Just make your mistakes,and the teacher will tell you your mistakes,and I am sure you will never ever make the same mistake again .Talking about the first English corner in our school .The most important thing that I have learned is not about the gramma rules or vocabulary,it is about how to be confident and how to do public speaking .This English corner in our school for the very first time is impressive...
2023-07-21 03:16:152


假如你叫李华,下面是你班班会上以“中学生是否能佩带手机”为题进行讨论的情况。请你写一封信给China Daily说明该情况,并附带表明你自己的观点。 比例 40% 学生赞同 60% 学生不赞同 理由 1.便于同亲友联系; 2.可以上网查资料; 3.空余时间玩玩游戏调节大脑; 4.储存有用信息。 1.手机辐射对人健康有害; 2.响铃影响自己和他人学习; 3.属奢侈品; 4.容易引起相互攀比。 Dear Sir, I"m writing to tell you something about our discussion on the topic“Whether Middle School Students Can Carry Mobile phones (Cell-phones)" at the class meeting. Forty percent students agreed, for they thought it was convenient for them to communicate with their relatives and friends. They also thought they could surf the Internet to search for some information and store some useful information in the m. Besides, they could play games for rest if they feel tired after a long time"s study. However, sixty percent of us were against it. They said the radiation of cell-phones was harmful to health, and the ringing sound did somewhat affect the cell-phone holders and others. Also, cell-phones were luxurious things for middle school students and it was easy to lead them to compare with each other. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the majority. It is not suitable for middle school students to have cell-phones. We can get in touch with others by other means and we can read more books to enrich ourselves. Best wishes. Yours, Kate 近几年,某些旅行社组织中学生在寒暑假期间赴著名大学旅游,人们对此褒贬不一。请用英语写一篇论说文, 1. 介绍问题; 2.讨论利弊;3.表明自己的观点。 字数:120-150。参考词汇:旅行社 travel agency 校园 campus In recent years, there exists a clear trend for various tourism agencies to organize high school students to visit campuses of famous universities around the country during their summer and winter holidays. People"s opinion vary a lot over this issue. On the one hand, many people, including some students concerned, hold the opinion that university tours provide them with precious opportunities to see and experience university life. And hopefully, this experience might inspire them to work harder to fulfill their dreams. On the other hand, some other people firmly advocate that it is no use just walking around a university. This kind of understanding is only skin-deep and it can be nothing but a waste of money and time. In my opinion, since tourism will inevitably affect the normal life of the university students who stay on campus to study during the holidays, such tours make little sense to me. (150 words) 假设你是李华,山东某中学高中学生,今年暑假将前往澳大利亚参加主题为WATER FOR LIFE的交流活动。请你以参访代表的身份,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。 内容提示: 1.水资源短缺的原因:环境污染,气候变化,人口增加; 2. 解决办法:节省水资源,利用现有的水资源; 3. 词数:120---150左右。 4. 参考词汇:短缺 shortage 资源 resource Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I"m Li Hua from Shandong, China. It"s my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it. As we know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. Therefore, it"s high time we did something about it. Firstly, an effective way, I think, is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use. Secondly, new methods need to be developed to use the existing water resources, for example, turning sea water into fresh water. Thirdly, we must stop water pollution by law. Last but not least, it"s everyone"s responsibility to make good use of water, such as recycling and saving water in our daily life. In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage, protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically. That"s all. Thank you. 假如你是中学生李华,你的外籍老师Tracy 已于上个月回到了美国。请用英语给她写一封电子邮件,内容如下: 1.表达对她的思念;2. 对她给予你的帮助表示感谢;3. 邀请她在方便时再来中国。 注意:可适当添加细节使文章连贯,信的开头和结尾已给出。字数:120-150 Dear Tracy, How are you doing recently? It"s almost a month since I saw you off in the airport. I miss you a lot. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for all that you have done to help me with my learning obstacles. Whenever I got into trouble, you were always there, reaching out a hand for me to hold. It was your help and encouragement that helped me through all the difficulties and made me what I am today. I couldn"t have made it without your timely help. Thanks a million. By the way, please come back to China for a visit whenever it is convenient for you. Anyway, you told me once that you enjoy your travels across China. I will be looking forward to seeing you again. Forget me not! Best wishes, Yours sincerely, Li Hua 实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于言表,更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为 “Being a Good Listener” 的英文演讲稿。 为何倾听 表示尊重,增进理解,建立良好的人际关系 谁来倾听 家长倾听孩子 理解孩子,消除代沟,„„ 老师倾听学生 了解学生,满足需求,„„ 同学相互倾听 增进友谊,互帮互学,„„ 怎样倾听 (请考生联系自己拟定内容,列举两只三点。) 注意: 1. 对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2. 词数120—150。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。 3. 演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。 Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed. What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don"t like them. In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other. Unit3,Module10 写作(共1题,满分30分) 你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的英语文章,你打算以“Post-90"s Generation”为题,用第一人称给《二十一世纪英文报》写一篇文章,内容包括: “九零后”的缺点 “九零后”的优点 你自己的感受 1. 自私; 2… 3… 1. 渴望了解世界; 2„ 3… …… 注意:1.必须包括表格中的所有内容; 2.为了使文章通顺完整,可以适当增加内容; 3.词数:120-150左右。 one possible version: Post-90"s Generation We, post-90"s generation, are living in a society full of fiercer competition, and developing our special manners and values, which has raised people"s concern. It"s true that the post-90"s generation have some weaknesses.Some of us, for example, rely on our parents too much and tend to live comfortable lives.Some are even selfish and care little for others. At the same time, the post-90"s generation desire to learn more about the world around us, and we are independent in thinking.We always keep up with modern science and technology and have many new ideas. I think the post-90"s generation should carry forward our strong points and overcome the weaknesses, and try to tell the world that we are a hopeful generation. Unit 4,Module10 书面表达 假如你是李明,在市英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖, 后来收到一封来自王英同学的来信,向你请教如何学好高中英语。请你给她写一封回信,介绍自己学习英语的经验。 词数:150左右。 参考范文: Dear Wang Ying, I"m glad to have received your letter and I"d be happy to share some ways to study English with you. Firstly, you should pay attention in every English class. It"s essential that you focus on your English in class as your teachers will tell you some good ways to improve your English. Secondly, you should recite new words as often as possible because words are what make up the language. Once you grasp enough words, you can express more ideas more clearly. Lastly, since English is a language like Chinese, we must speak it as much as possible if we are to become fluent. Don"t be afraid of speaking English in public. It"s also a good idea to join an English corner. You can talk with foreigners and learn about foreign cultures. Then your English will improve rapidly. I hope you can develop your own way to study English. Believe in yourself. Yours, Li Ming U4M9 书面表达(30分) 假如你叫李华,下面是你班班会上以“中学生是否能佩带手机”为题进行讨论的情况。请你写一封信给China Daily说明该情况,并附带表明你自己的观点。 比例 40% 学生赞同 60% 学生不赞同 理由 1.便于同亲友联系; 2.可以上网查资料; 3.空余时间玩玩游戏调节大脑; 4.储存有用信息。 1.手机辐射对人健康有害; 2.响铃影响自己和他人学习; 3.属奢侈品; 4.容易引起相互攀比。 注意:1.要包含所有的要点,但不要逐条翻译;2.字数120—150。3.信的开头和结尾已写好 Dear Sir, I"m writing to tell you something about our discussion on the topic“Whether Middle School Students Can Carry Mobile phones (Cell-phones)" at the class meeting. Forty percent students agreed, for they thought it was convenient for them to communicate with their relatives and friends. They also thought they could surf the Internet to search for some information and store some useful information in the m. Besides, they could play games for rest if they feel tired after a long time"s study. However, sixty percent of us were against it. They said the radiation of cell-phones was harmful to health, and the ringing sound did somewhat affect the cell-phone holders and others. Also, cell-phones were luxurious things for middle school students and it was easy to lead them to compare with each other. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the majority. It is not suitable for middle school students to have cell-phones. We can get in touch with others by other means and we can read more books to enrich ourselves. Best wishes. Yours Kate
2023-07-21 03:16:241

2023-07-21 03:16:423

how to study English口语对话

- May I ask you a question?-- Sure. Go ahead.- Do you know how to study English?-- mmm... Good question. Firstly, tell me which you want to study, oral English or writen English?- Oral English.-- OK. Going to English Corner is a good way, that"s what I believe.- English Corner? Are you serious?-- Definitely- I can"t agree.-- Why not?- Because people in English Corner are usually beginers. Their pronunciation is not good.-- That"s only one side of the coin.- What do you mean.-- You should know you can practice your oral English a lot in a English Corner. Practic is the most important thing for learning oral English.- OK. You"re right. Do you go to English Corner very often?-- Yes.- Would you recommend one for me?-- The one in our university is quite good.- Will you go there tonight?-- Yes. You may go with me.- That"s great! Thank you!-- You"re welcome.
2023-07-21 03:16:521


不知道你那什么情况 参考一下吧 In the first semester in college,I didn"t relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school.I usually spent two hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities.For example,I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night,in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with mon interests. 大学第一个学期,我没有放松,仍然像在高中一样努力学习.晚上我经常花两个小时学习,我会到教室自习.但是不同的是我有很多课外活动.比如,我每周二晚上都去英语角,在那我可以练习我的口语,和有共同兴趣的人交朋友. Besides,I join the Student Union of my department.In the Student Union,I have a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other.Actually,it looks like a big,warm family that we can share our lives together.During various activities,I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us go further. 此外,我参加了系里的学生会.在学生会里,我有一群同事,我们一起努力工作并且互相支持.在各种各样的活动中我意识到团队精神的重要性,它能帮助我们走得更远. Finally,college is great stage to improve a student and show one"s abilities.In college,I know more about our society and get more channels to explore the outside world.I realize that I am not only a student but also an *** who is preparing to step into the society. 最后,大学是提高学生和展现一个人能力的大舞台.在大学里,我对社会有了更多的认识,同时获得了更多探索外面世界的渠道.我意识到我不仅是一个学生也是一个即将踏入社会的成年人. In short,I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to make it colorful as well as meaningful. 总之,我珍惜我的大学校园生活,而且我会努力使之丰富且富有意义.
2023-07-21 03:16:581


  大一新生开学的时候可以选择用英文来个新同学们来个有趣的自我介绍,给大家留个好的印象。下面是我精心为大家准备的大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍范文 ,希望大家喜欢。   大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍范文篇一   I am . I was born in . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. Thatu2019s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.   In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.   I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.   大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍范文篇二   good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is xxx. it is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself.   generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. furthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the colledge-entrance examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.   well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. and english is my favorate subject.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying hard.   ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.   大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍范文篇三   My name is xxxx yangjiang Yang west county from guangdong. This year, 20 years old, though, read the study in college, but not both outside and indignities! This year, learn the freshman year is architecture.   Half semester, I remember seem listen carefully to several classes, everything else is playing phone! I"m kinda sick of my professional! I became more and more interested in economics, is one of the reasons it can let me soon. I have time to take the business model of study.   I now is guangzhou tianhe longdong fishing losartan guangdong engineering institute, just as its name implies, college. I don"t imagine the school so beautiful, so the lifeless around! But here you also want to pack me back? Slowly accustomed to.   I this person is more like that is lively outgoing boy, but not very sunshine is eventually I not handsome. I like playing basketball, table tennis, running. In this special that basketball to say: I have one meter tall, thin eight, jumped up also can grab boards, so there are people that evening to play, but I don"t technology is a problem, so I didn"t win that brings pride! Each back always sweat! The sweat stream into his forehead, very afflictive. This is almost every time I play basketball.   I talk about my character. I was the stronger, can endure hardships. But my mind is that enough capacious, other mistakes. And I find myself light will say won"t do, in many, but not always go out! I don"t like the human who owe anybody, so I don"t like others owe me one. QianZhaiHaiQian, help you help me back to you next time I won"t help otherwise, I think so.   大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍范文篇四   I"m XXX class of XXX, common household"s daughter, my parents is assistant, life is general, also because of this, there may be little genetic relationship, my personality is quite introverted.   This year in September, I come to guangzhou college, this is my first time to leave my parents give far door. See side come and go, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, cheerful talkative classmates,   I am deeply into his own character of pressure, although I didn"t think that my character to have what not good.   Because introverted, I introduce myself in class sound when very small, so that his classmates don"t know me, Because introverted, I dare not and not too familiar classmate say hello, so I often come alone walking alone, Because introverted, I dared not participate in those who have an interview activity that I"ve lost self-exercise opportunities. I even worried, I later how to obtain employment? How to recommend myself?   There is no matter that can"t be solved, also did not cross over the candy. The formation of character is accumulated, to solve it is never happen overnight, I must be patient. The university is a self-training, improve your own platform, there is a lot of classmates, for me an outside resident students, now turned into inside the resident students, should be a very good character training opportunities.   Let the past be the past, let now compose the future. University is the life of another a start, wish all of us as a freshman students can round their beautiful university dream, fulfillment metamorphosis.   大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍范文篇五   Good morning, my name is jack, which is indeed a great honor to have the opportunity to interview, I would like to answer you may increase and I hope I can become a good performance today, the final register for the prestigious The University in September. Now I will briefly introduce myself, I am 21 years old, born in Heilongjiang Province, northeast of China, I curruently senior students in Beijing are mainly two packaging engineering.and I received my bachelor"s degree, I graduated the past four years, I spent most of my time to learn, I have been through CET4 / 6, so as to alleviate. I have a basic knowledge of the packaging and publication in the theory and practice.   In addition, I also took part in some of the packaging exhibition held in Beijing, which is our advantage here to learn, I have taken to visit a number of large factories and companies. Through these I have a profound understanding of the domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed countries, such as us, unfortunately, although we have made remarkable progress since 1978, China"s packaging industry is still underdeveloped, chaos and instability, which the staff in this regard The awkard. But I have full confidence in a brighter future, if only we can maintain the economic growth pace still.   I think you might be interested in the reasons for itch in accordance with the law, what is my plan during graduate study life, I have to tell you that my life-long pursuit of legal pursuit of the goal, I think I have a major packaging and I won t give up If I can continue my master"s degree, I will combine law with my education predecessor. I will work hard in the thesefields, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and on that basis I have many years of research department of p & P, my character ? I can not describe, but I know that I am very optimistic and self-confidence. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I do not lonely, I like to chat with my fellow students, almost all the talking, my favorite Pastime is valleyball, playing cards or surf the Web. University through life, I learned how to balance learning and entertainment. By the way, I am an actor of our amazing drama club. I have a few glorious memory on stage. This is my pride.   大一新生开学有趣英文自我介绍范文篇六   My name is xxx from beautiful jiangbei city-liaocheng. Now study in hometown of Confucius-qufu normal university. My personality stable, also do not break again cheerful. Good at making friends, make more friends. My hobby is widespread: listen to music, photography, playing computer, of course, the most like or physical exercise,basketball, ping pong, football, and so on, this is why I choose the cause of professional sports.   Now in college, I want to in the university study hard, and actively participate in school activities and occasionally to doa part-time job. As for the future, after four years I may continue my professional, use professional knowledge to find work,perhaps I will choose my own business. In a word, I will use my hands and ability to create life without regret.
2023-07-21 03:17:251