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请问公线接头和母线接头应该怎么翻译正规些?female cable connector和male cable connector翻译OK吗?



BUS=总线Socket在这里应该择时插座型连接器, 例如装CPU的 CPU socket。Slot在这里应该指插槽型连接器。Connector连接器。

speaker connector什么意思

speaker connector扬声器连接器双语例句1Left rear quarter speaker connector 左后四分扬声器接头2Lower the speaker from the headliner far enough to access and unplug the speaker wire harness connector. 把扬声器从车顶衬向下降低一段能够达到的足够长的距离,拔出扬声器电线束接头。

oracle big data connectors需要破解吗

Oracle的收费是一种软件服务费,产品你可以直接官网或者迅雷上下载,随便装,随便用。 无破解与正版之分。 但是你要是企业用,就得购买授权,如果被发现了,或者出了毛病,问题会很大。因为有时候数据是无价的。 个人就随便用啦。

求:逻辑连接词(logical connectors)

1) 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next; previously; simultaneously; eventually; last but not least; to begin with; to start with; to end with; finally; seeing...; since then; first of all; afterwards; following this; preceding this. 2) 因果关系:because; because of this; being that; another important factor/reason of... ; since; as; for; in that...; owing to; due to; for the reason that...; in view of; the reason seems to be obvious; there are about... ; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and so...; consequently; as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence; as a consequence; accordingly; inevitably; under these conditions; thereupon. 3) 转折关系:but; even so; however; though; even though; independent of; reckless of ; despite that; in spite of that; regardless of; yet...; and yet; but unless. 4) 并列关系: and; also; too; as well as; either...,or...; both...and... 5) (补充)递进关系: furthermore; moreover; further; In this way ; still; not only...but also...; not...but...; in addition (to); additionally, much more interesting, more specifically, next, besides; as far as... is concerned; moreover; in other words; along this line of consideration; on the one hand...,on the other hand...; even; as a poplar saying goes...; in order to do it...; meanwhile; at the same time; accordingly; In the first place..., in the second place...; equally important; of even greater appeal. 6) 比较关系: similarly; in like manner, in comparison with; when compared with; compared with; when in fact...; like...; likewise; similarly important; apart from (doing)...; ... rather than...,by doing so ; both…and...; in the same way; not only...but (also). 7) 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around; yet; conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast (to); by way of; on the contrary; different from this; as opposed to this; nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while; but on the other hand. 8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case; namely; as you know; you may as/say; as he explains; like; such as; a case in point is...; consider...; in particular; including...; for one thing...,for another...; put it simply; stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say...; a good example (of...)would be...; to detail this,I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...; in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something); as for; as regards; as to; according to; on this occasion. 9) 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally; what is more important; in reality; certainly; of course; indeed; in particular; not to mention...; believe it or not; undeniably; other thing being equal; it is certain/sure that...; to be strict; to be true; by definition; definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously, not only.. but(also...), both... and... 10) 条件关系: if; unless; lest; provided that; if it is the case; in this sense; once...; if possible; if necessary; if so; if not all; if anything. 11) 归纳总结类: in other words; on the whole; in sum; therefore; hence; in short; in brief; to sum up; in conclusion; in summary; to conclude; the conclusion can be drawn that...; for this reason; in short. 12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent to; at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; between; on this side. 13) 目的关系:with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on that account; in case; with a view to; for the same reason. 14) 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once again. 15) 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; hence; therefore; thereupon; inevitably; under these conditions; as a result; as a consequence; because; because of; so that; not only...but (also...); so... as to. 16) 顺序关系:first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this point; after; afterward; after this; subsequently; lastly; finally; consequently; before this; previously; preceding this; simultaneously; concurrently(同时). 17) 时间关系:at once; immediately; at length; in the mean time; meanwhile; at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of a sudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once; since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly; whereupon; previously.

求:逻辑连接词(logical connectors)

1) 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next; previously; simultaneously; eventually; last but not least; to begin with; to start with; to end with; finally; seeing...; since then; first of all; afterwards; following this; preceding this. 2) 因果关系:because; because of this; being that; another important factor/reason of... ; since; as; for; in that...; owing to; due to; for the reason that...; in view of; the reason seems to be obvious; there are about... ; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; ...and so...; consequently; as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...; in consequence; as a consequence; accordingly; inevitably; under these conditions; thereupon. 3) 转折关系:but; even so; however; though; even though; independent of; reckless of ; despite that; in spite of that; regardless of; yet...; and yet; but unless. 4) 并列关系: and; also; too; as well as; either...,or...; both...and... 5) (补充)递进关系: furthermore; moreover; further; In this way ; still; not only...but also...; not...but...; in addition (to); additionally, much more interesting, more specifically, next, besides; as far as... is concerned; moreover; in other words; along this line of consideration; on the one hand...,on the other hand...; even; as a poplar saying goes...; in order to do it...; meanwhile; at the same time; accordingly; In the first place..., in the second place...; equally important; of even greater appeal. 6) 比较关系: similarly; in like manner, in comparison with; when compared with; compared with; when in fact...; like...; likewise; similarly important; apart from (doing)...; ... rather than...,by doing so ; both…and...; in the same way; not only...but (also). 7) 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around; yet; conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast (to); by way of; on the contrary; different from this; as opposed to this; nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while; but on the other hand. 8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case; namely; as you know; you may as/say; as he explains; like; such as; a case in point is...; consider...; in particular; including...; for one thing...,for another...; put it simply; stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say...; a good example (of...)would be...; to detail this,I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...; in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something); as for; as regards; as to; according to; on this occasion. 9) 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally; what is more important; in reality; certainly; of course; indeed; in particular; not to mention...; believe it or not; undeniably; other thing being equal; it is certain/sure that...; to be strict; to be true; by definition; definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously, not only.. but(also...), both... and... 10) 条件关系: if; unless; lest; provided that; if it is the case; in this sense; once...; if possible; if necessary; if so; if not all; if anything. 11) 归纳总结类: in other words; on the whole; in sum; therefore; hence; in short; in brief; to sum up; in conclusion; in summary; to conclude; the conclusion can be drawn that...; for this reason; in short. 12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent to; at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; between; on this side. 13) 目的关系:with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on that account; in case; with a view to; for the same reason. 14) 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once again. 15) 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; hence; therefore; thereupon; inevitably; under these conditions; as a result; as a consequence; because; because of; so that; not only...but (also...); so... as to. 16) 顺序关系:first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this point; after; afterward; after this; subsequently; lastly; finally; consequently; before this; previously; preceding this; simultaneously; concurrently(同时). 17) 时间关系:at once; immediately; at length; in the mean time; meanwhile; at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of a sudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once; since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly; whereupon; previously.

在LabVIEW 的前面板界面右 键单击右上角图标,选择Show Connector

使用注册机激活。你需要生成两个License文件。1.使用‘Full Development System with MathScript"生成。安装注册文件后就有了“Show Connector”。2.使用‘Application Builder for LabVIEW Base/Full/Student"生成。安装该注册文件后,就有了Build Application or Shared Library。安装注册文件使用开始菜单中的‘NI许可证管理器"。over!



straight connector 什么意思




connector/c++ mysql++ 哪个好

一般来说,VC下采用微软自身的SQL Server是比较常见的做法。但是我总觉得SQL Server只适合学习,不适合真正应用。再加上像我们这样一个算小也不小,算大也不大的项目来说,网上推荐的总是MySQL。基于这样的考虑,我们就选择了MySQL作为后台数据库。

请问有谁知道USB connector的海关编码是多少?

USB连接器 8536900000 其他≤1000伏电路开关等电气装置 出口退税:17.0%进口关税最惠国:0.0%进口关税普通:50.0%出口关税税率:0.0%进口增值税:17.0%消费税:0.0%申报要素:1、品名;2、用途;3、品牌;4、型号;5、额定电压监督条件:AB

diagnostic connector是什么意思

diagnostic connector 诊断讯号连接器,诊断连接器 ;The diagnostic connector located on the side panel. 增益控制连接器上的侧面板。

主板上的Serial port connector有什么作用?

Serial port connector,串口连接器,接串口的硬盘、串口光驱之类的设备用。现在用的硬盘、光驱都是串口的了,连接这些东西用到这些接口。


应该是没用的,看了一下Z97-A/USB 3.1,它的插针是这样的,和微星、技嘉的完全不一样。微星的和技嘉的倒是一样的。

power connector是什么意思

power connector的意思是电源连接器。

mysql-connector-java 是干什么用的


Ferrule Connector是什么意思

Ferrule Connector金属环连接器ferrule[英][u02c8feru:l][美][u02c8feru0259l]n.(棍棒顶端等的)金属箍,金属环,套圈; vt.装以金属铁; 第三人称单数:ferrules过去分词:ferruled复数:ferrules现在进行时:ferruling过去式:ferruled

battery connector是什么意思

battery connector网络池连接器双语例句1Battery connector receptacle manual connection手动连接电池插座连接器

英文cable gland与cable connector中文意思有什么不同


lighting connector是什么意思

光速连接者 《厚学网》

为什么MySQL Connector Net 8.0.11卸载不了?需要怎么卸载?

我们在卸载MySQL的时候,会发现有一个名为“Connector Net X.X.X”(如:Connector Net 6.9.8)软件总是卸载不成功,下面我们来看看解决方法:在C盘的目录下,有一个隐藏文件——ProgramData,进入C:ProgramDataMySQL,删除里面所有文件及文件夹。进入注册表(win7:开始-运行-regedit;win8:Ctrl+R,输入regedit)。Ctrl+F,输入Connector Net X.X.X,查找相关文件,并删除,循环此步骤,直到注册表中再也查不到Connector Net X.X.X;。

bulkhead connector是什么意思

bulkhead connector穿板式连接器; .很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

FFC/FPC connector,什么是FFC/FPC connector

FFC是柔性扁平线缆 FPC是柔性电路板排线 两者是有区别的,FFC价值偏低,FPC相对价格高一些。精密度也高很多 很高兴回答您的问题,有问题可主页查看联络我

mysql-connector-net 6.3.4 安装出错


Male Connector是什么意思

male connector [释义] 外螺纹管接头

AC connector是什么意思


小白求助.启动 MATLAB Connector 时出错

这个个程序无法运行的问题在于这是一个函数程序,是不能直接运行的.需要输入参数调用.首先保存这个函数文件.然后在命令窗口输入:plotsin(10); %这里的10可以随意修改为任何数值.x=linspace(0,2*pi,f1*16+1)表示在0到2π之间等分取f1*16+1个点.f1是调用函数时需要我们自己给出的一个数值.

我的cadence place--off-page connector只有向左的,没有向右的,请问怎麼解决?


dock connector是什么?

* Dock * Dock Connector to USB Cable * USB Power Adapter * Documentation *... o 81-pin dock connector o 8.8-mm stereo headphone minijack * iPhone Dock ...




JUNCTION CONNECTOR 接线接头junction[英][u02c8du0292u028cu014bku0283n][美][u02c8du0292u028cu014bku0283u0259n]n.连接,接合; 会合点,接合点; (公路或铁路的)交叉路口; (电缆等的)主结点; connector[英][ku0259u02c8nektu0259(r)][美][ku0259u02c8nektu0259r]n.连接器,连接体;

copper connector,copper strip,busbar strip ,EAU分别是什么意思,光伏行业术语,非常急,请大家帮忙~

copper connector 铜接头copper strip 铜带busbar strip 母线条EAU 用到的

mysql Connector/ODBC Connector/net 哪个更高效 ,要求有详细介绍,不要太多


backplane connector(背板连接器),求推荐一些品牌

背板连接器(backplane connector)是大型通讯设备、超高性能服务器和巨型计算机、工业计算机、高端存储设备常用的一类连接器。我们用的是赫联电子的,各方面都很不错,楼主可以试试。

lightning connector是什么意思

lightning connector闪电连接器

mysql ODBC connector我安装了,怎么就不成功了

步骤/方法:在网上百度下载一个是MYSQL数据库的ODBC驱动程序:mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.20-win32.exe,以默认选项安装该文件。打开数据源:开始->设置->控制面板->找到数据源。打开数据源(ODBC),在用户DSN选项卡中点击“添加”按钮,弹出“创建新数据源”窗口。选中“MYSQL ODBC 5.1 Driver”,点击“完成”按钮。弹出新窗口,在login选项卡中填写数据源信息。Data Source Name 数据原名称;Discription 描述(选填);Server 数据源计算机的IP;User 数据库用户名;Password 数据库密码;DataBase 数据源所要连接的数据库;配置完后,点击“test”按钮,配置成功。点击“OK”返回用户DSN选项卡,增加一条记录,名为所配置的数据源名称即可。

jumper connector是什么意思

jumper connector跳线连接器connector[英][ku0259u02c8nektu0259(r)][美][ku0259u02c8nektu0259r]n.连接器,连接体; 复数:connectors以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Apple"s ipod connector, however, continues to be used for a host of accessories. 然而,苹果的ipod连接器,仍然是只为一个主机使用的配件。



mysql connector 需要先安装mysql吗

mysql connector是用来连接mysql的驱动,你需要mysql的数据库服务(这个可以安装在本机也可以是安装在远程主机上),否则的话mysql connector就没有什么意义了;


select_user = r"select * from person where name = %s"select_data = (newName, )

terminal connector是什么意思




tia portal cloud connector做什么用

场景一: 工程师携带未安装博图软件的PG/PC在现场,通过RDP远程桌面共享软件操作私有云服务器上的的博图软件;博图软件通过Cloud Connector软件借助PG/PC实现与现场PLC的连接,进行程序下载与调试。场景二: 工程师携带未安装博图软件的PG/PC在现场或第三地,通过RDP远程桌面共享软件操作私有云服务器上的的博图软件;私有云服务器、PG/PC、现场的PLC、工控机IPC共在一个内网中,博图软件通过Cloud Connector软件借助IPC实现与现场PLC的连接,进行程序下载与调试。场景三: 工程师携带未安装博图软件的PG/PC在现场或第三地,通过RDP远程桌面共享软件操作私有云服务器上的的博图软件;私有云服务器和PG/PC与在现场的PLC、工控机IPC分别在两个不同的网段中,博图软件通过Cloud Connector软件借助不同网段的IPC实现与现场PLC的连接,进行程序下载与调试。这是西门子官方的解决方案 私有云部署 TIA Portal V14以上版本才支持 控制现场必须要有PC或IPC,并且安装有TIA Portal Cloud Connector及SIMATIC PG/PC驱动 TIA Portal CloudConnector不支持32位操作系统 如果安装有SIMATIC NET,则TIA Portal Cloud Connector 将无法启动 不支持异地调试 只支持点对点PG功能,不支持1对多的通讯,亦不支持数据通讯采集功能(比如OPC通讯)

手机connector reset是怎么回事?

手机connectionreset101,这是网络问题,建议重新登录你的网站,或者换个时间段在登陆,就可以解决。导致“Connection reset”的原因是服务器端因为某种原因关闭了Connection**,而客户端依然在读写数据,此时服务器会返回复位标志“RST”,然后此时客户端就会提示“ Connection reset”。可能有同学对复位标志“RST”还不太了解,这里简单解释一下:TCP建立连接时需要三次握手,在释放连接需要四次挥手;例如三次握手的过程如下:第一次握手:客户端发送syn包(syn=j)到服务器,并进入SYN_SENT状态,等待服务器确认。第二次握手:服务器收到syn包,并会确认客户的SYN(ack=j+1),同时自己也发送一个SYN包(syn=k),即SYN+ACK包,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态。第三次握手:客户端收到服务器的SYN+ACK包,向服务器发送确认包ACK(ack=k+1),此包发送完毕,客户端和服务器进入ESTABLISHED(TCP连接成功)状态,完成三次握手。总结如下:可以看到握手时会在客户端和服务器之间传递一些TCP头信息,比如ACK标志、SYN标志以及挥手时FIN标志等。

为什么MySQL Connector Net 8.0.11卸载不了?需要怎么卸载?


Matlab connector不连接可以吗







  connecter连结物;连结者;电连接器  例句:  1.In SOAP connecter port number, make sure to enter the value, as notedpreviously.  在SOAP连结端口号,确认输入先前提到的值。  2.connecting technology for cable and special connecter  电缆与特种插头连接工艺  3.Application of periodical structure in millimeter waveguide coaxial connecter  周期性结构在毫米波波导同轴转换中应用  connector接头;接插件;接头型号  例句:  1.This parameter specifies the domain names to which the Foreign connectorsends messages.  该参数指定外部连接器向其发送邮件的域名。  2.In such a scenario, the connector executes a SELECT statement with aWHERE clause.  在这种场景中,连接器执行带有WHERE子句的SELECT语句。  3.or two ends are all used for connecting the double-head connector of thetwisted line.  或是两端均用于连接绞线的双头连接器。


连接器,即CONNECTOR。国内亦称作接插件、插头和插座。一般是指电器连接器。即连接两个有源器件的器件,传输电流或信号。泰威电子解答连接器是我们电子工程技术人员经常接触的一种部件。它的作用非常单纯:在电路内被阻断处或孤立不通的电路之间,架起沟通的桥梁,从而使电流流通,使电路实现预定的功能。连接器是电子设备中不可缺少的部件,顺着电流流通的通路观察,你总会发现有一个或多个连接器。连接器形式和结构是千变万化的,随着应用对象、频率、功率、应用环境等不同,有各种不同形式的连接器。例如,球场上点灯用的连接器和硬盘驱动器的连接器,以及点燃火箭的连接器是大不相同的。但是无论什么样的连接器,都要保证电流顺畅连续和可靠地流通。 就泛指而言,连接器所接通的不仅仅限于电流,在光电子技术迅猛发展的今天,光纤系统中,传递信号的载体是光,玻璃和塑料代替了普通电路中的导线,但是光信号通路中也使用连接器,它们的作用与电路连接器相同。

iPad Pro 上的 Smart Connector 可以拿来做什么

16年9 月 12 寸版的 iPad Pro 发布时,也搭配了一块称作 Smart Keyboard 的专用键盘盖。虽然这副键盘盖除了价钱长相引起议论(阖盖时会让 iPad 看起来很不对称),并拿到 iFixit 史上第一次的零分(意指“无法维修”)之外,就没有什么太大的声浪。不过首次亮相、与 Smart Keyboard 搭配的 Smart Connector,倒是引发了一些好奇。下一个 MFi 认证?Smart Connector 这个造型干净的接头,在苹果的官网说明仅仅提到一个用途:让 iPad Pro 与 Smart Keyboard 之间可以传输数据与电力。构造上表象地说,它有点类似磁吸点,可以让 Smart Keyboard 吸附。不需要蓝牙,不用配对,不用电线与开关,只要“吸”上去就能打字使用。不过,苹果不太可能只因为键盘,就特地设计一组全新的接头放进产品,就像是 Apple Watch 上神秘的四个小洞一样,显然也指向能连接新的数码 Apple Watch 表带。因此比较可能的情况是,苹果除了想在商业上建立一组新的、类似 MFi 的第三方配件生态圈,技术与产品体验上,更是看上它的方便美观,想藉此来分担蓝牙与 Lightning 接孔的工作,甚至不排除在之后的未来取代它们。有待改进的 Smart Connector有鉴于此,罗技(Logitech)日前便推出了称作 CREATE Backlit 的第三方键盘盖,用来与 iPad Pro 连接。此外,罗技还推出一款 LOGI Base Dock,用来当作 iPad Pro 的支架,同时经由 Smart Connector 为 iPad Pro 充电。奇特的是,这两款产品不但是全球唯二经由 Smart Connector 连接 iPad Pro 的第三方配件,罗技还透露,其实这两款产品是他们与苹果密切合作下研发的。很显然,苹果仍然在谨慎地推展这种接头,这或许是因为还有一些开发工具与硬件技术还没堆出来,使得苹果希望晚一点再建构第三方生态圈──毕竟 iPad Pro 的使命与口号一直是取代 PC,Smart Connector 也得为了这个目的服务才行。而为了小心地往这个目标前进,苹果似乎打算先以自家认可的配备为主,包括苹果自己生产的官方配件──换言之,等于苹果暗示了 Smart Connector 的不成熟。二代 Smart Connector 现身不过,今年三月底时,苹果递交的一份专利,便说明了 Smart Connector 的技术未来。目前来说,有许多接头都具有传输电力与资料的功能,例如常见的 USB,或是苹果自己的 Lightning。这些接头虽然方便普及,但普遍来说都有一个缺点:占空间且不便。这对于物联网产品,或是体积空间愈益珍贵的手机,都是沉重的负担,也会局限外观的创新。即使改用无线传输,例如极普遍的蓝牙,也有着耗能的缺点。而目前的 Smart Connector,虽然能解决这些问题,但却有着充电与传输资料效率缓慢的问题(因此用 LOGI Base Dock 充电,还不如直接用 Lightning)。而苹果专利上的新技术,是一种以“光通讯”(Optic Communication)为基础改进的二代 Smart Connector。光通讯除了改善目前 Smart Connector 的缺点,对执着于外观的苹果来说,它最大的好处,是可以做出外观几乎不可见的接头,类似目前 MacBook 上藏得十分巧妙的 FaceTime 镜头。因此,将来的 iPad,可能会得益于新版 Smart Connector,变成真正的一体成型,没有任何接孔。此外,专利里的新版 Smart Connector 还有一项重要的功能:无线充电。而根据专利的结尾,苹果打算在推出具有这种新接头的 iPad 后,再逐步推展到 iPhone 与 Mac 上。或许之后传输资料,只要把随身碟或 iPhone 拿到 Mac 上碰一下就行。(首图来源:苹果官方网站)

connector holder是什么意思


Flink SQL实战演练之自定义Clickhouse Connector

简介:实时数仓目前的架构是flink+clickhouse,社区目前jdbc connector不支持clickhouse的方言,所以决定自定义clickhouse connector实现flink sql写入数据到clickhouse。 目前想要实现flink sql数据落地到ck,可以修改jdbc connector的源码,增加ck方言,或者采用阿里提供的ck connector包,为了更好的理解flink connector的原理,这里自定义connector实现。 目前支持Flink写入Clickhouse的依赖哭比较多,如果数据格式固定,可以CSV的方式写入,如果不固定,可采用Json的方式写入。


  MySQLConnector/NET是一款数据库的连接类,包含数个类,这些类可用于连接到数据库,执行查询和语句,并管理查询结果。  软件名称:mysql-connector-net-1.0.7  运行环境:Win98/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003  授权方式:免费  软件大小:600K

connector closed什么意思?

Connection closed的意思是连接关闭了,停止传输的意思。是指你和服务器的连接关闭了,你进入不到服务器。解决的的方法是: 1 下载游戏客户端,注意别把补丁当客户端了! 2 解压。比如解压到D/游戏。这时出现DAT和MAP两个文件。 3 下载你玩的SF补丁,解压到D/。这时也出现DAT和MAP两个文件。 4 把“3”里面(也就是你的补丁)里的DAT和MAP里面的文件复制到D/传奇(也就是你玩的游戏的文件DAT和MAP)里面,结果出来“文件已存在,要全部代替吗?”你选“全部先是”。 5 把你SF的登陆器就放在D/传奇。 6 进去试试,行不?? 注意 D/游戏 是自己创建的一个文件,名字随你怎么写都行,这里是为了你方便自己记住地方。

connector wire是什么意思

connector wire连接线; 双语例句1Electric components: This series include various kinds of terminal, fuse box, connector, wire bundle connection cables cigarette plug and socket for automobile, etc.电子元件:生产各种系列的接线柱、险丝座、插件、频连接线、车点烟插头及插座等。2Repair connector terminal or wire splice.维修接头端子或电线熔接处。

请问protel中的原件 DIN、connector、CON、header之间有什么不同


CONNECTOR B2B 连接器什么意思呀?连接器还有其他类型吗,比如C2C??

B2B=board to board板到板连接器connector to connector

mysql connector 需要安装吗


什么是 molex connector




wire connector是什么意思

wire connector [词典] 接线器; [例句]If equipped, disconnect mirror harness wire connector.如果配备,断开镜子线束接头。

diagnostic connector是什么意思



usb connector接头小的那头接手机,大的那头接usb口是需要反过来的呢其实朋友看了usb connector接头就知道怎么使用了,很方便的呢这个一点都不复杂的

手机connector reset什么意思?

手机connectionreset101,这是网络问题,建议重新登录你的网站,或者换个时间段在登陆,就可以解决。导致“Connection reset”的原因是服务器端因为某种原因关闭了Connection**,而客户端依然在读写数据,此时服务器会返回复位标志“RST”,然后此时客户端就会提示“ Connection reset”。可能有同学对复位标志“RST”还不太了解,这里简单解释一下:TCP建立连接时需要三次握手,在释放连接需要四次挥手;例如三次握手的过程如下:第一次握手:客户端发送syn包(syn=j)到服务器,并进入SYN_SENT状态,等待服务器确认。第二次握手:服务器收到syn包,并会确认客户的SYN(ack=j+1),同时自己也发送一个SYN包(syn=k),即SYN+ACK包,此时服务器进入SYN_RECV状态。第三次握手:客户端收到服务器的SYN+ACK包,向服务器发送确认包ACK(ack=k+1),此包发送完毕,客户端和服务器进入ESTABLISHED(TCP连接成功)状态,完成三次握手。总结如下:可以看到握手时会在客户端和服务器之间传递一些TCP头信息,比如ACK标志、SYN标志以及挥手时FIN标志等。


用COUPLING时,选择的点可以用参考点来定义(reference point)。实际上COUPLING本来就是刚性定义。

hypermesh connector和contact的区别



The connector is used to pnk the throat and stomach tubes . 连接器用来连接咽喉和胃管。 A bulb at the connector end provides a reservoir of filpng gas which is necessary to give a reasonable working pfe . 在连接体的末端有一个小球,用以贮存所充的气体,其目的是为了使计数器具有适当的工作寿命。 Cell connectors and terminal post burning must be done in such a manner that there is plete fusion of the post strap top and the cover lead bushing with the connector ring or terminal post . 连接条和接线柱的焊接必须使极柱顶部和盖子的铅衬套与连接条环口或接线柱完全熔焊牢固。 Respiratory therapy equipment - tubing and connectors 呼吸治疗设备.管道和连接件 Flared type tube fittings - straight thread connector - assembly 扩口式端直通管接头 The electrical connector of an active circuit ponent 有源电路元件的电接头。 Option uj1 8mm screw connector for test systems 配件uj1 8mm螺丝连接器为测试系统 Flared type tube fittings - connector for pressure gauge - body 扩口式压力表管接头体 C02 type connectors for radio frequency coaxial cables 射频同轴电缆用c02型连接器 Lift bop stack and replace wellhead connector ax ring 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器 C01 type connectors for radio frequency coaxial cables 射频同轴电缆用c01型连接器 Measurement of fiber pushback in optical connectors 光纤连接器的纤维回推力测量 Durabipty test procedure for electrical connectors 电连接器的耐久性的试验程序 C05 type connectors for radio frequency coaxial cables 射频同轴电缆用c05型连接器 C04 type connectors for radio frequency coaxial cables 射频同轴电缆用c04型连接器 Stz3 type connector for electronic measurement instrument 型电子测量仪器用连接器 Lightning strike test procedure for electrical connectors 电连接器的雷击试验程序 Fiber optic connector intermateabipty standard 光纤连接器相互配合标准.第4部分 Connector , circular , miniature , high temperature , type 1 型高温小型圆形连接器 Measurement of connector ferrule hole inside diameter 连接器套管孔内直径的测量 C03 type connectors for radio frequency coaxial cables 射频同轴电缆用c03型连接器 Dust fine sand test procedure for electrical connectors 电连接器的沙尘试验程序 2mm connector practice for euroboard systems 欧洲交易所系统2mm连接器的实施规程 C11 type connectors for radio frequency coaxial cables 射频同轴电缆用c11型连接器 Electric connectors - maintenance aging test procedure 电连接器.维修老化试验程序 Connector of global websites for enterprises 规模最大的全球企业网站互通系统! Electric connectors - insert retention test procedure 电连接器.插入保持力测试程序 Test method for axial pull connector drop cable 轴拉连接器用户引入电缆的试验方法 The oracle connector has been changed and updated 更改和更新了oracle连接器。 Fibre optic connector interfaces - general and guidance 光纤连接器接口.总则和导则 Estimation of the repabipty of electrical connectors 电气接触点可靠度的评估 First , the example connector sets the ii ce metadata for the 首先,示例连接器设置 Whenever a connector apppcation passes a message 只要连接器应用程序传递了消息。 Accordingly , the omnifind connector uses 因此, omnifind连接器在这些属性上使用 Shackle type connector units for mining round pnk chain 矿用圆环链用开口式连接环 Chain connectors - part 1 : flat type connectors 链式连接件.第1部分:扁形连接件 Pigtails and flexible hose connectors for lp - gas 液化石油气用引线和挠性软管连接器 Ozone exposure test procedure for electrical connectors 电连接器.臭氧暴露试验程序 Connectors for movable gas apppances same as csa 6 . 16 移动式燃气器具用连接器 Stage and studio luminaires and connector strips 舞台和演播室照明设备和联结带 Electric connectors - ozone exposure test procedure 电连接器.臭氧暴露试验程序 4 . added an exit button to connector prompt 4接头提示处增加了一个退出按钮。 Electric connectors - altitude immersion test procedure 电连接器.高处浸没试验程序 Plug and receptacle connectors for airport pghting cables 助航灯光电缆插头和插座 Hydraupc fluid power . staple connector . dimensions 液压流体动力.扒钉连接器.尺寸 Electric connectors - contact resistance test procedure 电连接器.接触电阻试验程序 Electric connectors - withstanding voltage test procedure 电连接器.耐电压试验程序 Aircraft - electrical connectors - design requirements 飞行器.电气连接器.设计要求

Connector和linking words间的区别



usb connector接头,小的那头接手机,大的那头接usb口。是需要反过来的。拓展资料三星Galaxy S7是三星公司2016年2月22日在巴塞罗那发布的新产品,配置Exynos 8890处理器版本和骁龙820版本,搭载4GB运行内存以及32/64GB UFS2.0机身存储空间,支持存储卡扩展,摄像头像素缩水至1200万像素,最大光圈能够达到F1.7,单个像素面积从S6的 1.2μm提升到1.4μm,从而在弱光环境下具备更大的画质优势,并能够快速对焦。Galaxy S7将会采用无边框设计,是真正意义上的无边框设计,看起来非常的惊艳。在机身材质上,会和Galaxy S6保持一样,采用金属和玻璃材质。(双面玻璃金属中框)三星Galaxy S7配4GB的RAM、Exynos8890或高通骁龙820处理器、2K屏、1200万像素摄像头。功能配置1.搭载安卓6.0操作系统2.维持5.1英寸2K屏3.增加microSD扩展槽,最大支持200G的储存卡4.1200万像素摄像头(S6为1600万)5.防水机身(达到IP68标准)6.3000毫安内置电池(S6为2550毫安)7.加入了“Always On”技术的屏幕,可以在锁屏状态下实时显示时间,日历等信息8.最新的高通骁龙820处理器9.颜色:黑色、白色、金色、银色




连接器,即CONNECTOR。国内亦称作接插件、插头和插座。一般是指电器连接器。即连接两个有源器件的器件,传输电流或信号。连接器,即CONNECTOR。国内亦称作接插件、插头和插座。一般是指电器连接器。即连接两个有源器件的器件,传输电流或信号。连接器的品牌有加奈美、纽崔克、东芝、Molex等。连接器是我们电子工程技术人员经常接触的一种部件。它的作用非常单纯:在电路内被阻断处或孤立不通的电路之间,架起沟通的桥梁,从而使电流流通,使电路实现预定的功能。连接器是电子设备中不可缺少的部件,顺着电流流通的通路观察,你总会发现有一个或多个连接器。连接器形式和结构是千变万化的,随着应用对象、频率、功率、应用环境等不同,有各种不同形式的连接器。例如,球场上点灯用的连接器和硬盘驱动器的连接器,以及点燃火箭的连接器是大不相同的。但是无论什么样的连接器,都要保证电流顺畅连续和可靠地流通。 就泛指而言,连接器所接通的不仅仅限于电流,在光电子技术迅猛发展的今天,光纤系统中,传递信号的载体是光,玻璃和塑料代替了普通电路中的导线,但是光信号通路中也使用连接器,它们的作用与电路连接器相同。河南盛泰科技专业连接器、继电器等电子元器件供应商 泰科代理商

connector 和 container什么意思

connect 链接contain 包含再弄明白er/or后缀的意思你就明白这俩词啥意思了

connector 是什么意思

  connector英 [ku0259u02c8nektu0259(r)] 美 [ku0259u02c8nektu0259r]  n.连接器,连接体;  [网络]电连接器; 接口; 输入连接器;  [例句]With this, you have built the source mappings and configuration for the connector.  至此,您已经为这个连接器构建了源映射和配置。  [其他]复数:connectors 形近词: connecter connected connectin

Barrel connector是什么意思

barrel connector桶形连插件双语例句1It is barrel shaped, similar to a BNC connector. 这是每桶形,类似于一个高电流连接器。2The floating weighing barrel is connected with the material discharging opening of the non-axle spiral conveyor main body through a flexible connector. 所述浮动称重筒与无轴螺旋机本体的出料口通过软接头连接。

mating connector是什么意思

mating connector配对的零件A mating connector and a strain relief clamp for screwing into the head is provided for convenient mating with the terminal head. 一个配合的连接器,一个应变消除夹用于使车削螺纹进入头部,为方便和终端头部紧密配合作准备。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

英文cable gland与cable connector中文意思有什么不同
