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weather condition英 [ˈweðə kənˈdiʃən] 美 [ˈwɛðɚ kənˈdɪʃən] 释义:气候条件,天气条件The pilot inquired about the weather condition. 这飞行员查问天气情况.


condition症状disease 疾病

condition 与 situation有什么区别?(在用法上)求大神帮助

on condition 在什么条件下 in situation 在什么形势中





condition work什么意思?



两个差别很大,意思大不相同,criteria 不是标准,是条件或因素。standards 单纯讲“标准”


conditions条件双语对照词典结果:conditions[英][kən"dɪʃnz][美][kən"dɪʃnz]n.(居住、工作或做事情的)环境; (影响某事发生的)物质环境; <保险>承保险别; 条件( condition的名词复数 ); 状况; 健康状况; 环境; 以上结果来自金山词霸展开更多词典例句:1.Extreme economic conditions tend to accelerate trends that were alreadyunderway. 极端的经济条件往往会加速现有的变革趋势。2.Right now the macro economic conditions are comparatively calm. 当前宏观经济状况相对平稳。3.Students are put in real-life conditions. 学生置身于实战的环境。4.Their conditions are close to intolerable. 他们的环境几乎难以忍受。5.Material conditions do not drive history. 婚嫁状况并不能驱动历史。很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。你的采纳是我前进的动力记得好评和采纳,互相帮助如果满意记得采纳哦·




condition 英[kənˈdɪʃn] 美[kənˈdɪʃən] n. 状态; 环境; 健康状况; 条款; vt. 制约; 限制; 使习惯于; 使适应; vt. 对…具有重要影响; 影响(某事发生的方式) 保持(头发或皮肤等的)健康; 养护; [例句]You can"t drive in that condition.你这种状态不能开车。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!



condition[kənˈdɪʃən]n.1.情况,状况,状态 e.g.1、 D. H. Lawrence said: "Life was a condition of savage freedom." D·H·劳伦斯说过:“生活应是野蛮自由的状态。” 2、The knee is in pristine condition. 膝盖已经恢复到正常的状态。 2.疾病,健康问题e.g.It is clear that obesity is a fantastically complicated condition. 十分清楚的是,肥胖是一种极为复杂的病症。3.身份,地位 e.g.The special geographical condition of Mount Wutai gained its high position in Chinese revolutionary history. 五台山独特的地理条件使它在中国革命史上具有崇高的地位。4.前提e.g.Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。5.条款e.g.We hoped that you will strictly observe all the terms and condition of the agency agreement. 我们希望贵方能严格遵守代理协议中的所有条款和限制。6.环境,条件 e.g.The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease. 这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。7.生活状况,境况,处境 [U] e.g.The government has encouraged its people to better their condition. 政府鼓励人民改善生活状况。v.1.影响;使适应,使习惯于 e.g.She had to condition herself to long hours of hard work. 她必须让自己适应长时间的艰苦工作。2.由…决定,以…为条件;制约,限制e.g.The amount of money I spend is conditioned by the amount I earn. 我花多少钱是由我挣多少钱决定的。3.保养,护理;使健康 [T] e.g.I condition my hair every tree weeks. 我每三周做一次头发。




conditions[英][kən"dɪʃnz][美][kən"dɪʃnz]n.状况; 环境; (居住、工作或做事情的)环境; (影响某事发生的)物质环境; <保险>承保险别; 条件( condition的名词复数 ); 健康状况; 例句:1.We sometimes hear news of people who have survived extreme conditions. 我们有时会听到有人在极端条件下幸存。


condition [con·di·tion || kən"dɪʃn]n. 情况; 环境; 状态; 形势v. 以...为条件, 支配, 决定


  condition 英 [kənˈdɪʃn] 美 [kənˈdɪʃən]  n. 状态; 环境; 健康状况; 条款;  vt. 制约; 限制; 使习惯于; 使适应;  vt.& vi. 对…具有重要影响; 影响(某事发生的方式); 保持(头发或皮肤等的)健康; 养护;  过去分词: conditioned 复数: conditions 过去式: conditioned 现在分词: conditioning 第三人称单数: conditions  例句:  1. He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition.  他关心人类生存环境的改善。  2. Rust and flaking paint mean the metalwork is in poor condition.  生锈和掉漆说明金属配件损毁严重。  3. You"ll also get expert advice on keeping your hair in good condition.  你还会获得有关如何保持良好发质的专家建议。

condition是什么意思 condition解释

1、condition,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词的意思是“条件;情况;环境;身份”,作动词的意思是“决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件”。 2、Edward: I have one condition if you want me to do it myself. 爱德华:如果你想让我亲自来,我有一个条件。 Edward: I have one condition, if you want me to do it myself. 爱德华:我有一个条件,若是你要我来改造你的话。

aerobic conditions是什么意思

应该是有氧健身的条件, 没有上下文,大概是这个意思吧,或者是需氧的条件,如果是化学方面的话

Knowing that Helen"s condition was hopeless,是什么从句?

Knowing that Helen"s condition was hopeless,Lisa"s heart sank.知道Helen的情况希望渺茫,莉莎的心里拔凉拔凉的。这是个状语从句,说明了原因

Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead , now usua


Admitted和Conditionally Admitted的区别


conditional admission是什么意思啊??

conditional admission 条件式入学;试读;有条件录取==========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

申请香港学生签证firm admission offer和conditional admission有什么区别

firm admission offer,就是已经满足了offer的所有条件,包括语言条件、学术条件。而conditional admission,则是还有部分的条件申请人还没有满足。如应届生申请到了香港院校的conditional admission,就是还没有满足学术条件。一般来说,学术条件就是毕业证、最终成绩,等等。

conditional admission是什么意思?

conditional admission条件录取conditional[英][kənˈdɪʃənl][美][kənˈdɪʃənəl]adj.视…而定的; [语]条件的,假定的; [心]有条件的,由一定条件诱发的; n.条件(从句),条件语; 复数:conditionals

Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead , now usua


on condition that / under the condition 只要… 求例句,求原创,求给力。谢谢

i will lend you the money on condition that you give it back to me in a week.

Warning: The use of axis boundary conditions is not appropriate for


condition 什么时候用复数什么时候用单数,作身体状况的话要用单数还是复数

condition大概适用于10种情况,如下:1【situation】情况,条件2【weather】天气3【things affecting situation】影响4【state】说明,陈诉5【health/fitness】身体情况6【agreement/contract】7【for something to happen】8【illness】9【situation of group】10【never】【SITUATION】conditions [plural] the situation in which people live or work, especially the physical things that affect the quality of their lives Conditions in the prison were conditions an attempt to improve living conditions for the working classes Poor working conditions lead to demoralized and unproductive appalling/overcrowded/dreadful etc conditions These children work 70 metres below ground in appalling conditions. In May, staff went on strike, demanding better pay and conditions .【WEATHER】conditions [plural] the weather at a particular time, especially when you are considering how this affects people The conditions during the first half of the match were appalling.cold/windy/icy etc conditions In cold conditions you"ll need a sleeping bag with a hood. the worsening weather conditions【THINGS AFFECTING SITUATION】conditions [plural] all the things that affect the way something happensunder ... conditions Under normal conditions, people will usually do what requires least effort. Under these conditions, the fire can be rapidly controlled. Profits increased by £1.5m, despite the difficult economic conditions. The combination of rain and greasy surfaces made driving conditions treacherous.【STATE】 [singular, U]the state that something is in, especially how good or bad its physical state isin (a) good/poor/excellent/terrible etc condition The car has been well maintained and is in excellent condition. The house was in a terrible condition.condition of The condition of nuclear plants is a matter of great concern.【HEALTH/FITNESS】 [singular, U]how healthy or fit you are She is being treated at Walton Hospital, where her condition is described as "satisfactory".in (a) critical/stable/satisfactory condition One of the victims was in a critical condition after suffering severe burns.physical/mental condition If you are uncertain about your physical condition, check with your doctor before trying these exercises. "I"m so out of condition (=unfit) ," she panted. an athlete in peak condition in no condition to do sth(=too drunk, ill, or upset to be able to do something) I was in no condition to cope with a train journey. Mark can"t possibly drive home in that condition (=when he is so drunk, ill, or upset) .【AGREEMENT/CONTRACT】 [C] something that you must agree to in order for something to happen, especially when this is included in a contract She laid down only one condition : that her name not be revealed.condition for There were strict conditions for letting us use their information. The bank agreed to extend the loan if certain conditions were met . A statement of your terms and conditions of employment can be found in the Personnel Handbook. He was released on bail on condition that he did not go within half a mile of his mother"s address. The application was approved, subject to certain conditions .【FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN】 [C] something that must exist or happen first, before something else can happencondition for/of Our goal is to create the conditions for a lasting peace. Investment is a necessary condition of economic growth.【ILLNESS】 [C] an illness or health problem that affects you permanently or for a very long time People suffering from this condition should not smoke.heart/lung etc condition She has a serious heart condition. Was he being treated for any medical condition ?【SITUATION OF GROUP】 [singular] formalthe situation or state of a particular group of people, especially when they have problems and difficulties Few people can really appreciate the condition of the poor in our cities. All my paintings are ultimately about the human condition .【NEVER】on no conditionnever On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.

信用证下additional condition 要求,如何填写?


when pressed about an apology as a condition,he twice declined to say it was still a requireme

when pressed about an apology as a condition,he twice declined to say it was still a requirement当被要求道歉时,他两次拒绝说这是一个要求。


Condition = 情况based = 基于Condition based = 根据情况而定的 Condition based 是用于一个名词之前的。例如: Condition based maintenance = 快坏了才维修的保养方法 (另一种做法就是定时更新维修).


Condition = 情况based = 基于Condition based = 根据情况而定的 Condition based 是用于一个名词之前的。例如: Condition based maintenance = 快坏了才维修的保养方法 (另一种做法就是定时更新维修).

Newly-developed materials for spaceships can____extreme weather conditions.




preexisting condition是什么意思

preexisting adj 早已存在的 应该是早已存在的情况的意思I will never forget watching my own mother, as she fought cancer in her finaldays, worrying about whether her insurer would claim her illness was a preexistingcondition. 跟读我从未忘记在我母亲和癌症抗争的最后的那些日子,她总是担心保险公司会认定她的病是以前就有的而拒绝付费。

请教Be be used to /be conditioned to /be accustomed to /be adapted to 的区别?请尽量详细。谢谢

be used to 分为2种 ,第一种是be used to do sth,表示被用来做某事。 用于被动语态= be used for doing sth 第二种是 be或get used to doing sth 表示已习惯做某事=be accustomed to doing sth be conditioned to经过加工后用来适合要求供应人们使用,be adapted to do sth 表示被调整校对后做某事=be adjusted to do sth be动词后加及物动词加动词不定式表示被动语态。例如be alllowed to do sth ,be requested to do sth ,be made to do sth 使役动词变被动后to不可省略

in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions of this agreement


abnormal condition是什么意思

abnormal condition英[æbˈnɔ:məl kənˈdiʃən]美[æbˈnɔrməl kənˈdɪʃən][释义] 异常情况;

abnormal condition是什么意思


abnormal condition是什么意思

abnormal condition异常情况异常条件Results No sequela was left in the cases of the abnormal condition after treatment. 结果出现异常情况者经治疗后没有任何后遗症。

abnormal condition是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答!abnormal condition是什么意思_百度翻译[[英]]æbˈnɔ:məl kənˈdiʃən[[美]]æbˈnɔrməl kənˈdɪʃən异常情况[例句]An abnormal condition in which an older child or adult retains infantile characteristics. 成年人或年龄较大的孩子带有幼儿的特征的不正常的状态。 更多例句百度翻译如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助。

abnormal condition是什么意思



recommend condition的中文翻译recommend condition 推荐条件condition 英[kənˈdɪʃn] 美[kənˈdɪʃən] n. 状态; 环境; 健康状况; 条款; vt. 制约; 限制; 使习惯于; 使适应; vt. 对…具有重要影响; 影响(某事发生的方式); 保持(头发或皮肤等的)健康; 养护; [例句]He remains in a critical condition in a California hospital他在加州的一家医院里,病情仍然十分危急。[其他] 第三人称单数:conditions 复数:conditions 现在分词:conditioning过去式:conditioned 过去分词:conditioned形近词: rendition extradition addition

condition, conference可不可数

看 看 是 什 么 意 思conference[美国] [ˈkɑnfərəns] [英国] [ˈkɔnfərəns] 名词:(正式)会议;讨论会,协商会[可数名词][(+on)]I attended a conference on disarmament last week. 我上周参加了一个裁军会议。成人补习班[可数名词](学校,教会,体育队等的)联盟[可数名词]讨论,会谈[不可数名词][S1][(+with)]The teacher was in conference with parents after school. 放学后教师和家长进行了商谈。convention[美国] [kənˈvɛnʃən] [英国] [kənˈvenʃən] 名词:会议,大会;全体与会者[可数名词]The Republican national convention was held in Houston. 共和党全国代表大会在休斯顿举行。(艺术上的)传统手法[可数名词]惯例,习俗;常规[可数名词][不可数名词]It is silly to be a slave to social conventions. 对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。公约,协定[可数名词]The two countries are reported to have concluded a military convention. 据报导,这两个国家已缔结军事协定。召集,集合[不可数名词]
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