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加勒比海盗2里Jack Sparrow 究竟还得是什么债?还有开头那个军官为什么想要那个compass,让Will去偷?


用compass编译sass,进入目录后执行compass watch 后然后书写scss文件却没有进行编译,这是怎么回事呢?

您好,这样的:Sass的安装:1.安装:SASS是Ruby语言写的,但是两者的语法没有关系。不懂Ruby,照样使用。只是必须先安装Ruby,然后再安装SASS。假定你已经安装好了Ruby,接着在命令行输入下面的命令:gem install sass然后,就可以使用了。2:使用:SASS文件就是普通的文本文件,里面可以直接使用CSS语法。文件后缀名是.scss,意思为Sassy CSS。SASS提供两种编译方式,一种是手动编译,一种是监视编译(–watch),手动编译就是当你撰写好CSS时下指令去做编译,监视编译则是你指令一个目录,当此目录里面的*.scss档案有改变时(新增、覆写等等),就会自动去做编译的动作。先来讲手动编译方式:下面的命令,可以在屏幕上显示.scss文件转化的css代码。(假设文件名为test。)  sass test.scss如果要将显示结果保存成文件,后面再跟一个.css文件名。  sass test.scss test.cssSASS提供四个编译风格的选项:* nested:嵌套缩进的css代码,它是默认值。* expanded:没有缩进的、扩展的css代码。* compact:简洁格式的css代码。* compressed:压缩后的css代码。生产环境当中,一般使用最后一个选项。  sass –style compressed test.sass test.css还有一种监视的方式做编译,在命令行中切换到当前sass或者scss文件所在的目录,然后运行sass –watch scss:cssSASS的官方网站,提供了一个在线转换器。你可以在那里,试运行下面的各种例子。Compass的安装:1.安装:安装ruby之后,输入命令gem install compass2.使用:创建一个 COMPASS 项目在命令行中切换到你需要创建项目的目录,运行:compass create "projectname"这个命令会创建一个包含一系列文件的目录,其中最重要的是配置文件 config.rb,其他文件如果你不需要都可以删除。在 config.rb 中你可以修改 SASS 和 CSS 的目录及其它一些基础设置。实时编译 SASS 文件COMPASS 提供的默认方法是:在命令行下切换到项目目录,运行compass watchCOMPASS 将会实时监控 SASS 目录的文件变化,只要你一保存文件,立即将相应文件编译为 CSS 文件。

Ⅴ.The use of the geological compass

The geologic compass,along with the rock hammer and hand len S,is one of the traditional geological tool S.The compass is used to determine direction,measure topographical slopes and to determine strike and dip of beds,structures and other geological features.There are many kinds of compasses,but most have essentially the same design and usage.Chinese geologists generally use an octagonal brunton-style compass.Following is an introduction for the usage of the DQY-1 geological compass,produced by the Harbin optical instrument factory,(Fig.2-5).Fig.2-5 DQY-1 Geological Compass1.The structure of the oompas SFig.2-6 Chart for DQY-1 geological compass1—short arm;2—cover; 3—ellipticalmirrorhole; 4—hinge connection; 5—compass shell; 6—long arm; 7—mirror and sub-line ; 8—magnetic needle ; 9—level bubble; 10—dial; 11—inclinometer level bubbl ; 12—inolinometer dial ; 13—brake screw ; 14—dial screws correctionThe compass is composed of housing,hinge connection,mirrors,folding arms,magnetic needle,dial,inclinometer scale,inclinometer plate,needle damper and screw dial for correotion of the declination(Fig.2-6).The hinge connects the compass with its cover and the mirror with a graduation line is loaded in the cover.The magnetic needle points to the magnetic North and South Pole-the white end of the needle points north and the blaok end south.The south needle is wrapped in a copper wire because China is in the northern hemisphere.The dial is divided into 360 degrees with the 1 80-degree mark at the hinge.The short and long arms are hinged to the body of the compass.The tips of the arms are aligned with the dial on the face of the oompass.The arms,magnetic needle,and dial can be used to determine the direction of a feature.A bubble level is used to keep the compass level and the second bubble in the inclinometer,can be rotated from the back of the compass to measure dip angles.The needle damper clamps the compass needle when the compass is closed in order to reduce wear and tear.The dial screw on the side is used to set the looal magnetic declination.2.Calibration of the compa SsThe magnetic needle points to the magnetio North and South poles,which are noti n the same location as the geographic poles.Thus,the compass needle must be adjusted so that it aligns with the geographic poles.The difference between the two is called the magnetic declination and it varies from place to place on the globe and changes with time.It is crucial that the needle should be adjusted before the compass is used or all of the measured data will be incorreot.Fig.2-7 Setting the magnetic declination of the compass(a)magnetic declination with 5°to the west;(b)magnetic declination with 5°to the east;(c)an example of magnetic declination in the Beidaihe area,Hebei ProvinceThe angle and direction of the magnetic declination for specific areas are generally given on topographic maps of the region.The declination on a map is for the date at which the map was published,so the declination needs to be calculated for the current date.In most parts of China magnetic north is located to the west of the meridian,and thus one must make a western declination.The procedure for calibration of the magnetic declination is shown in Fig.2-7.If the magnetic declination is to the west,use the screw on the side to rotate the surface plate in a counter-clockwise direction to the proper position(Fig.2-7(a).If the magnetic declination is to the east,make a clockwise rotation(Fig.2-7(b).It is always advisable to check your setting after the adjustment by aligning the compass with some feature whose geographic coordinates are known,e.g.a road running N-S or E-W.If the compass is set properly,it will line up with this feature.3.Use of the compas S for fieldworkIn field work,the compass is used to measure the direction of various features,the dip angle of hill slopes and the strike,dip direction and dip angle of various structural elements.(1)Azimuth measurementTo determine one"s location on a topographic map iti s useful to measure the azimuth to some fixed point of reference,e.g.,a hill top,stream junction or other feature shown on the map(Fig.2-8).By measuring the azimuth of two or more fixed points,one can draw lines from those points and where the lines intersect is the point at which you are located.Fig.2-8 Azimuth measurementsBefore taking a measurement make sure that the needle can move freely.Place the compass at a convenient height(waist or chest level)and align the long arm with the feature to be measured by using the mirror.Make sure that the compass is level by centering the round level bubble.When the needle stops swinging,you can read directly the azimuth of the feature.An azimuth reading can be either north or south,so one needs to know the direction of the reference point in relation to your position.Thus,in Fig.2-8,point A lies to the south of the feature at point B and one must draw a line southward(at the correct angle)from point B to determine the location of point A.The correct angle can be read from the south end of the magnetic needle.When the feature to be measured is low,the l Ong arm should point t O the Observer and the mirr Or should be adjusted until one can see the feature and the compass face with the level bubble.Keep the c Ompass level until the needle st Ops swinging and then press the brake to h Old the needle in p Ositi On.HOlding the brake d Own,turn the c Ompass until you can read the dial and record the angle as before.(2)Measurement of hill slopesHill slopes form an angle between the inclined plane oft he slope and the h Oriz Ontal.The meth Od for measuring this angle is shown in(Fig.2-9).One person stands at the top of the slope and the other One at the b Ott Om makes the measurement.Turn the c Ompass On its side,align the l Ong arm and sh Ort arm with the head of the person at the t Op and r Otate the inclinometer until the bubble is level.Then read the angle.The slope can also be measured from top to bottom,even without a second person if necessary.Fig.2-9 M easurement of a hills lope(3)Measurements for planar features such as bedding orf oliationFor planar feature S,one must measure the strike,dip direction and dip angle.The strike is the direction of an imaginary line formed by the intersection of the plane with the horizontal and the dip direction is perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).The dip is the downward angle between the plane and the horizontal,measured perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).To measure the strike,open the compass and place the long edge against the plane and then rotate the compass until the level bubble is centered.Now read the angle of the compass needle from north.The angle measured by the north and south end of the needle i S the same but,by convention,strike is usually referred to the north direction(e.g.N30°E)or recorded as an azimuth(e.g.120°),which is the same.With practice you will be able to measure the strike without having to place the compass on the rock.This is important because some rocks are magnetic and thi S can cause an incorrect reading.To measure the dip direction,place the compass as shown in Fig.2-10 with the hinge along the line of strike,centering the level bubble and read the angle between the needle and north.Fig.2-10 Diagram showing how to measure the strike and dip of a planar featureTo measure the dip angle,align the edge of the compass with the dipping plane parallel to the dip direction(Fig.2-10),rotate the inclinometer until the bubble is centered and then read the angle.Actually,only the dip direction and dip angle need to be measured,because the strike can be calculated by adding or subtracting 90°from the dip direction.It is important to first measure the dip direction and then the dip angle,not vice versa.If the rock surface is uneven,one can place the field book on the surface and make the measurement on the book.Alternatively,one can estimate the slope and make the measurements without placing the compass on the rock.If the outcrop is incomplete,the dip angle and direction can be measured by the 3-point method.Find two points on the layer at the same level(this is the strike)and one point up or down on the surface perpendicular to the strike.Align the field book with these three points to make a plane and to make the measurements as described above.The section above describes the way to measure any plane and it can be used for rock layers,foliation,cleavage,schistosity,joints or faults.The measured data are usually recorded as follows.For a plane with a dip direction of 30°,and dip angle of 50°,the information would be recorded as 30°∠50°.This shows that the measurement refers to a planar feature.In North America,it would be recorded as Strike N60°W and Dip 50°NE.

Jeep Compass七座版最新谍照 预计将于2022年内亮相

易车讯 近日,我们从相关渠道获得了Jeep Compass七座版最新谍照,该车预计最快会在上半年内亮相,新车基于指南者打造,采用了更具实用性的7座设计,针对全球不同的市场,也会有不同的名字,在巴西市场它被称为“Commander”。相较于此前曝光的谍照,Jeep Compass七座版最新谍照的伪装更少,也可以更加清晰的看到头灯和尾灯点亮的样式,预计该车的外观和内饰设计与已经在巴西市场发布的Jeep Commander不会有本质的区别,但是可能会针对细节进行细微的调整。动力系统方面,Jeep Compass七座版预计将会继续搭载1.3T发动机,功率136千瓦,扭矩270牛·米,匹配6挡自动变速箱,与巴西市场的Commander相同,不过根据销售地区的不同,动力系统的选择可能也会有所变动。至于广汽菲克Jeep是否未来会国产该车,目前还没有准确的消息。


偏爱电动车的朋友都知道,电动车最重要的性能就是“续航”。而好的续航能力不仅仅体现在电池容量,一款坚实可靠的车胎也是必不可少的。最近万达轮胎在电动车胎系列中引进了一项全新的黑科技:钢丝结构技术(STEEL CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY),简称SCT。该技术有效地解决了传统电动车胎易变形、易被扎破的问题,在抓地力、续航力、舒适性、稳定性、磨耗性、操控性方面实现了全面提升。钢丝胎横向对比测试结果胎面破坏能试验:COMPASS(SCT)比传统结构防刺性提升了50%径刚性试验:在高负载情况下COMPASS(SCT)比传统结构变形量明显减少。实车性能评价:COMPASS(SCT)在抓地力、续航力、舒适性、稳定性、磨耗性、操控性方面实现了全面提升。万达精神钢丝结构技术的成功引进和天津万达轮胎集团的创新意识以及拼搏进取的精神是分不开的。万达轮胎集团创建于1988年,经过了三十年的发展,其主导产品力车胎已占有国内28%的市场份额。万达集团目前已经成为国内力车胎行业目前规模最大,产量最高,规格品种最齐全,经济效益最好的企业之一。相信未来万达轮胎将以COMPASS钢丝胎为基点,打造更多具备前沿科技的高品质轮胎,为更多的电动车车主带来福音。

Aimless life is like sailing without compass、翻译中文


compassion和sympathy意思相同 用法有什么不同

首先,来源不同compassion 来自拉丁语 sympathy 来自希腊语sympatheia 其次,用法 compassion 同情 Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children. 她对于没有母亲的孩子们充满了怜悯心. I have been a prisoner,so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison. 我曾经是个犯人,因此我对其他在监狱里的人深表同情. 对比一下这两个句子! 还有,一般sympathy比compassion更常用!

关于Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.的英语作文

A man does not have a clear goal, is like a ship without a compassThe success of a Harvard famous: "the goal is not everything, but like a ship sailing to compass, if a ship sailing ship without a compass, it will not know in what direction, do not know what time of arrival......"As interest and preference can induce talent, diligence and will be able to cultivate the talents, the ideal and the goal to encourage talents."The goal of life is sober agent, planning is the life of the accelerator." Objective the meaning and purpose of human life.A foreign, devoted to the study of "success" research institutions, in one hundred young subjects of the investigation. The study lasted for decades, until the year be in high and vigorous spirits of young people to become fifty or sixty years old frail old man. The results showed that: only one of them is very rich, in addition to the five individual economic security, the remaining ninety-four people are not very good, can be said to be the loser. And that the vast majority of people encounter later in reduced circumstances reasons, not when they were young don"t work hard, but their young when not set clear goals.With the goal, people will concentrate on the pursuit of happiness, not to avoid pain. Objective to let everyone morning get up in the morning, there is the passion of the struggle.Clear goals in life is a matter of importance, in other words, is your life ambition, but ambition sounds as a controllable beyond the scope of personal things, and life goals are, if willing to devote energy to do, it may be. Therefore, for individuals, this is what life really want? What do you really want to do? This is your goal, to each of these goals in one sentence. If some of these goals is reaching another step, then remove it from the list, because it is not your goal in life. The target is your life ship compass, grasp it can not detours.Dendrolimus punctatus in pine netting to the nest, this is their common form of collective spin. When dusk, they sally forth in full strength to climb trees, lined up, to eat those juicy pine needle. The caterpillars in the walk, there is a kind of follow each other"s instinct, head of walking in front, followed by a caterpillar, orderly, serpentine. Walk in front of the head, while crawling, while continuing to spit out a silk. Wherever it went, silk spit where. To go in front of the pine caterpillar is laying on the road, no matter how far out to the troops, how long does it go, are able to return along the paved road, and not lose the direction.French entomologist Farber, according to the characteristics of Dendrolimus did an experiment. He put a team caterpillar into a large pot, forming a circle, the caterpillar climbed up the pot edge, Farber a pot around the wire off, leaving only the flower pots on the edge of the wire, and put some pine flower pot in central. The pine caterpillar began around the pot edge, receive only blindly go, another circle repeatedly, they think that as long as the Silk Road in, will not lose the. So repeatedly gone days night, pine caterpillars are simply did not know can help food from his a few steps away, eventually because of hunger, fatigue and die.Many people like the pine caterpillar, blindly machinery to spend every day. They are in accordance with the established pattern, every unsuspectingly to live. If asked them why, they might say: "everyone is not the way to live?"This is no goal state of human existence, their life is like losing compass ships, confused, fluttering, not only would never reach the other shore, dangerous and always have a dead, buried in the bottom of the sea.Are important objectives for each person"s success, clear goals is like life, the ship"s compass. The ship out to sea, with the compass is the first requirement, so the life goal is the first element, and a first step on the road of life. Because the goal is the motive, goal is the direction, only towards the goals set forward, in order to achieve rich, successful life大热天写一篇英文不容易,求采纳!

怎么区分campus 和 compass读音

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