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网络对人际交往的影响 The Impact of Internet on Interpersonal Communication

WhenI first set my eyes on a father and his daughter I heard the father ask abouthis daughter"s school life. To my surprise the girl told his father to readher blog so that he can get what he wants. 在我第一次看到一对父女的时候,我听到父亲在问女儿的学校生活。令我吃惊的是,女儿告诉父亲去看她的博客就可以知道他想了解的东西。 Now the Inter has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day has influenced us a lot especially on our interpersonal munication. 现在互联网在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的作用。它对我们的影响很大,特别是在我们的人际交往中。 Forone thing the Inter makes the interpersonal munication more can contact with each other no matter when and where. The Inter makesfull use of time and space. What"s more we can also share our daily life andknowledge through QQ MSN and blog with others. For another thing theInter speeds up our interpersonal munication. We can save time to do ourwork. However the Inter also brings about many problems such as safety problems cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Inter and theydon"t have time to interact with person in real life which result in theabsence of ability in munication in reality. 一方面,互联网使人与人之间的交流更方便。不管何时何地我们都可以互相联系。互联网都是充分利用时间和空间的。更重要的是,我们也可以通过QQ,MSN和博客分享我们的生活。另一方面,互联网有助于我们的人际沟通。我们可以节省时间来工作。然而,互联网也带来了很多问题,如安全问题,作弊等等。很多人花太多时间在互联网上,他们没有时间和现实生活中的人交流,这导致在现实生活中交际能力的缺失。 Ithas both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Inter. We canget to the problem in our work and study. Last but not lest we have to talkwith people and develop our ability to municate in reality. 通过互联网交流既有优点也有缺点。我们可以在我们的工作和研究的问题。最后但并非最不重要的,我们必须在现实生活中与别人交流并培养我们的沟通能力。


composition 是倩碧品牌。 倩碧黄油分为三种类型:有油黄油、无油黄油、嗜喱黄油,为一款保湿乳液润肤乳。安全而且更有效,据说已经通过了专家的检测,对于普遍大众都是适应的,敏感的肌肤、痘痘肌的人都可以安心的使用。水油非常的平衡,根本上会帮助皮肤的吸收。


In ancient times when there were no spoken language, human still had to try their best to communicate in sign language, this proves that communication is really the essence of life. However, with the advance technologies, we are beginging to go in the reversed circle in communication. Through the telephone, now we can only hear each other"s voice without seeing our faces, now with messaging and the internet, we don"t even hear each other voice. So, what next, are we soon going to fall into the situation when we don"t even communicate with each other ?


这两个词的词性、用法分野明显,具具体可以结合短语等体会:compoundvt. 合成;混合;和解妥协;搀合vi. 和解;妥协n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词adj. 复合的;混合的compound fertilizer 复合肥料 organic compound n. 有机化合物 chemical compound [化]化合物 compound die 复式压模 complex compound 络合物 compound interest 复利 composition n. 作文,作曲;[材] 构成;合成物chemical composition 化学成分;化学组成 mineral composition 矿物组成,矿物成分



传播学intrapersonal communication和interpersonal communication有什么区别?

Intrapersonal communication┈┈┈内向传播 自我传播 interpersonal communication人际沟通;人际传播;人际交流传播的对象,范围不一样


component:指一个整体必不可少或固有的部分,强调一个复杂整体中最基本、最简单的元件、元素或成分等。 composition也可作“构成,成分”解,既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词。composition还有“混合物,合成物”的意思,是可数名词。 扩展资料   He theorizes that it is the emotional component of these intangible prizes that make them effective.   他认为从理论上来讲,这些无形奖励中的`情感成分使它们起了作用。   Trust is a vital component in any relationship.   在任何关系中,信任都是一个至关重要的因素。   The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.   设置这门课程是为了指导学生如何运用色彩和构图。   These plays are arranged in their order of composition.   这些剧作是按照其创作的先后顺序安排的。


compose 组成 构成








composition 英[u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]美[u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]均为8音节

composition 可数么? 如题,当composition做“作文”义译时,可数还是不可数?

U代表不可数,C可数,不同含义可不可数不同,作作文来说可数 1.写作;作曲[U] The composition of the report took two months. 写这份报告花了两个月时间. 2.作品;作文;(大型)乐曲[C] There are many spelling mistakes in your compositions. 你的作文有许多拼写错误. 3.构成;构图;成分[C][U] We examined the rock to find out its composition. 我们检验了这一石块,想弄清它的构成成分. 4.气质,脾性[U] He has a touch of stubbornness in his composition. 他脾气有点倔. 5.合成物,仿造物[C] a chemical composition 化合物 6.【印】排字[U] 7.和解协议[C] make a composition with one"s creditors 和债主达成和解协议


composition动词是compose。动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。 扩展资料 动词通常充当句子的谓语或后接描述性补语充当谓语中心,表示主语的.动作、存在、变化,或主语对宾语的动作,态度。如“他来了。”("He arrived")(不及物,表示主语的动态)“我们热爱祖国”("We love our motherland")(主语跟着宾语,表示主语对宾语的态度)。


  composition有成分;作品;组织;作文;合成物等意思,那么你知道composition的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    composition的用法:   composition的用法1:composition的意思是“作曲,创作,写作”,表示抽象的行为,是不可数名词。引申可表示具体的成果,即“作文,作品”,是可数名词。   composition的用法2:composition也可作“构成,成分”解,既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词。   composition的用法3:composition还有“混合物,合成物”的意思,是可数名词。    composition的常用短语:   用作名词 (n.)   in composition with   与u2026一并 together with sb/sthmake a composition with   和u2026妥协 compromise with sb/sth   composition的用法例句:   1. The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.   设置这门课程是为了指导学生如何运用色彩和构图。   2. the chemical composition of the soil   土壤的化学成分   3. He played a piece of music of his own composition.   他演奏了一首自己创作的曲子.   4. They decided to make a composition with their rivals.   他们决定和他们的对手妥协.   5. The majority always turn an unfavorable attitude towards atonal composition.   大多数人对无调性作品的态度往往是不能接受的.   6. The prelude to the musical composition is very long.   这首乐曲的序曲很长.   7. Have you finished your composition already? You are very speedy.   你已经写完作文了 吧 ?你动作真快.   8. Make an outline before trying to write a composition.   写作文之前先写个提纲.   9. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.   他的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误.   10. This point will be taken in composition with other points.   这一点将与其余各点一并考虑.   11. He merits a grade of B on his composition.   他的作文分数应该得B.   12. Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor.   她的画有功力, 但布局欠佳.   13. Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.   除了一些拼写错误, 这篇文章写得很不错.   14. The composition is all right, but there is room for improvement.   这篇作文还不错, 不过还可以改进.   15. The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion.   教师挑选出一篇作文来供课堂上讨论.




,kom pe‘zei xing 拼音啊,不知道你看不看的明白


composition意为作品时是可数名词,复数形式是compositions. 例句: Mozarts compositions are undoubtedly among the worlds greatest. 莫扎特的作品无疑位列于世界上最伟大的作品之一。 扩展资料   I have never heard prettier compositions!   我从来没听过这么动听的曲子!   A close study of his compositions reveals that Beethoven overturned no fundamental rules.   仔细研究贝多芬的作品就会发现,贝多芬并没有颠覆任何基本规则。   And we have compositions.   我们还有组分含量。   Instead try some more complex or natural compositions.   相反,可以尝试一下更复杂的`或是更自然的方式。

composition 的意思



composition 英[u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n] 美[u02cckɑmpu0259u02c8zu026au0283u0259n] n. 作文,作曲;创作;构图,布置;妥协,和解 名词复数:compositions [例句]India changed the composition of its reserves by buying 200 tonnes of gold from the imf.印度通过向国际货币基金组织购买200吨黄金来改变其储备的组成。


composition 英[u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]美[u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]n. 作文,作曲; 创作; 构图,布置; 妥协,和解;


composition组成双语对照词典结果:composition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]n.作文,作曲; 创作; 构图,布置; 妥协,和解; 复数:compositions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But there are real concerns with the composition of output. 然而产出的构成也引发了实质的担忧。


composition 英[u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n] 美[u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n] n. 作文,作曲; 创作; 构图,布置; 妥协,和解; [例句]Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions电视改变了重大体育赛事观众的规模和其社会阶层构成结构。[其他] 复数:compositions




作文 !!!!!!!!!!!!

composition 是什么意思

组成双语对照词典结果:composition[英][u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]n.作文,作曲; 创作; 构图,布置; 妥协,和解; 复数:compositions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.India changed the composition of its reserves by buying 200 tonnes of goldfrom the imf. 印度通过向国际货币基金组织购买200吨黄金来改变其储备的组成.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

求帮写一篇英文作文 the inportance of interpersonal communication 120字左右 RT

Currently,many people come to realise that interpersonal communication plays an indispensible role in our society. It is a well known fact that everyone need to communicate with each other,including students,teachers as well as business men.In the course of communication,scientist will find a good way to solve a problem which we are faced with.And it is the communicating that helps peoples" ideas be shared. In conlusion,it always benificial for people to have interpersonal communictaion,which is of great importance.

how to improve interpersonal communication?(用英语回答)

The problem is diffecult enough to say in chinese for me. I prefer you explianing the answer to me in chinese.

interpersonal communication是什么意思

人际交流的意思 新网址是什么?哪位大侠告诉我吧!

求艾薇儿could this be love的伴奏,急用!请发邮箱,在线等!

1.To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world对于世界而言,你可能只是一个人;但是对于某个人,你确是他的整个世界。2.i love you not because of who you are , but because of who i am when i am with you我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢和你在一起的感觉 God send you down from heaven above.You make me pant and rock my world.All through the day I feel your love.It feels my heart and soul. You are my destiny, I want to stay with you forever, till the end of the world, and sun don"t shine. I will bring you the spring flower, summer breeze, autumn fruits and winter warms. To share both the happiness and tears is the greatest wish in my life. Precious things are very few——That must be why there"s just one for you.可贵的东西世间稀少——这正是为什么属于你的只有我一个。I love you more than I can say.我真不知该如何表达我对你的爱。Thinking of you still makes my heart beat fastest!想到你依然叫我心跳骤然加快!You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dream every hour of the night.白天,每分每秒我都在想念你,夜晚,每时每刻我都在梦见你。Think of me sometimes while Alps and ocean divide us, but they ever will, unless you wish it. (Byron)长相思,天涯海角;情不断,山水难隔。(——拜伦)You"re everything to me.你是我的一切。12星座英文情话__________________________火象星座__________________________牡羊座(3.21-4.20)Baby, will you be my valentine ? I will make you the happiest girl on earth.宝贝,当我的情人吧?我将使你成为世上最快乐的女孩。狮子座(7.24-8.23)That"s the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me or said tome…你所为我作的事与对我说的话都是我经历过最浪漫的…射手座(11.23-12.22)If you need me, I am here for you. I am on your side.如果你需要我,我会在这等候,我跟你是一国的。__________________________水象星座__________________________巨蟹座(6.22-7.23)I will wait for you to come home to eat.等你回家吃饭哦!天蝎座(10.24-11.22)To me, you are irreplaceable, because you are one of a kind.对我而言你是无法代替的,因为你是独一无二的。双鱼座(2.20-3.20)Okay. Let us try to be the luckiest couple on earth.好!让我们试著成为世上最幸运的一对。__________________________土象星座__________________________金牛座(4.21-5.21)Would you like to go to movies, KTV, or just have a chat over a good meal ata nice restaurant ?你喜欢去看电影、唱KTV或是去餐厅聊聊天吃美食呢?处女座(8.24-9.23)I love everything about you, especially the way you made me feel how specialI am.我喜欢所有的你,尤其是你如何让我觉得我自己是多麼特别的。魔羯座(12.23-1.20)Oh, dear. I want you to know that being with you, it"s as good as it gets.亲爱的,世上没有比跟你在一起更幸福的了。__________________________风象星座__________________________双子座(5.22-6.21)I can think of nothing else but your dazzling smile.我的脑海中除了你那迷人的微笑甚麼都没有。天秤座(9.24-10.23)I love your tender kisses and charming smiles.我爱上你那温柔的吻和迷人的微笑。水瓶座(1.21-2.19)You are the one I have been looking for.你就是我一直在追寻的幸福。 我喜欢你我想永远和你在一起陪你到天涯海角I like that feeling when I miss of you, you always emotive me when I saw your eyes. In your eyes, I could see your pulsatiled heart ,and also I could see my heart in your heart pulsatiled together. I saw a piece hope of sky in you r eyes. I would love to stay with you under that piece hope of sky with my whole life. I would love stay with you forever ,walk around the ends of the earth never leave you alone我喜欢那种感觉--当我想你的时候,当我看你的眼睛时,你总是让我感动。在你的眼睛中,我看到了你跳动的心,也看到了我的心在和你的心一起跳动。在那里我看到了一片希望的天空,我愿用我的一生和你一起呆在那天空下共享未来,我愿和你一起,走遍天涯海角永不分离。 My life has become a sunny dawn because of you n.e.p.a.l. 尼泊尔never ever part as lovers.像情人一样永不分开i.n.d.i.a. 印度i nearly died in adoration.我差点在狂爱中死去h.o.l.l.a.n.d.荷兰hope our love lasts and never dies.愿我们的爱永远不变1.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 爱一个人不是因为他(她)是谁,重要的是和他(她)在一起有感觉。 2. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can"t have him. 思念的痛苦在于他就在你身边,你却不能拥有他。 3. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 即使情绪很低落,也不要皱眉,想想爱你的人是如何着迷与你的笑容。 4. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界来说,你是渺小的;但他(她)却把你视为独一无二的珍宝。 5. Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为爱而伤心落泪,曾经拥有才是最重要的。 I want to stay with you forever whenever what happen.我想和你在一起无论发生什么。嗬嗬!本人英语能力有限帮不了许多。我认为简洁易懂才是最重要的,不要咬文嚼字哦! I want to be with you for the rest of my life.我想与你共度余生All I want is to be your life-long partner.我只想成为你的伴侣.I want to share my life with you.我想和你在一起.I will follow and love you no matter what happened.无论发生什麽我都将爱你并与你在一起.I will love you to the end of my life.我会爱你直到死. 自己选吧! Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。 I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。 Love is the greatest refreshment in life. 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 Love never dies. 爱情永不死。 The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us. 如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 There is no remedy for love but to love more. 治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 A heart that loves is always young. 有爱的心永远年轻。 Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。 Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases. 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。 The soul cannot live without love. 灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 Brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。 Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one. 在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。 Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak. 爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 Take away love, and our earth is a tomb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 My heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在。 I miss you so much already and I haven‘t even left yet! 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! I‘ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 Passionate love is a quenchless thirst. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。 The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman‘s heart. 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。 One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love. 有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是"爱情"。 Every day without you is like a book without pages. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 Love is a light that never dims. 爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。 May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight. 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。 She who has never loved, has never lived. 人活着总要爱一回。 Life is the flower for which love is the honey. 生命如花,爱情是蜜。 No words are necessary between two loving hearts. 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。 Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you. 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。 You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑。 The road to a lover‘s house is never long. 通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。 Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys? 为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩? Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning. 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。 It is never too late to fall in love. 爱永远不会嫌晚。 To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world. 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 Where there is love, there are always wishes. 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。 You don‘t love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. 你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。 Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 Love is not a matter of counting the days. It‘s making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines. 拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered. 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。 First love is unforgettable all one‘s life. 初恋是永生难忘的。 In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair. 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。 Love without end hath no end. 情绵绵,爱无边。 Love‘s tongue is in the eyes. 爱情的话语全在双眼之中。 In love folly is always sweet. 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。 There is no hiding from lover‘s eyes. 什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。 The only present love demands is love. 爱所祈求的唯一礼物就是爱。 The heart that once truly loves never forgets. 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。 Love warms more than a thousand fires. 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic. 你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。 Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful. 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 Love understands love; it needs no talk. 相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。 Love me little and love me long. 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 First impression of you is most lasting. 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms. 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。 Tell me you are mine. I‘ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time. 请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。 Love is a fire which burns unseen. 爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。 I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away. 我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。 You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too. 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end. 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散.

求艾薇儿婚礼的背景音乐Could This Be love的简谱,发到



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structuren.结构, 构造, 建筑物vt.建筑, 构成, 组织compositionn.写作, 作文, 成分, 合成物 两词没多大关系.!



怎样在LinkedIn中将本公司Company Page的logo和链接加在自己的profile上


Thus, how we see ourselves reflects the views of us that others communicate. thus是副词还是连词?

thus 是副词 因此连词是用来引导从句的,后面要加句子

community 和 association

community 公社association协会


n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落 communityassociation n.协会, 联合, 结交, 联想

帮忙解释一下“College is a comma of a sentence of life”这句话


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Glory-Common&John Legend的中文歌词

One day when the glory comes有一天,当荣耀到来It will be ours, it will be ours它将是我们的,它将是我们的One day when the war is won有一天,当战争胜利We will be sure, we will be sure我们将确信,我们将确信Oh glory哦荣耀Hands to the Heavens, no man, no weapon双手交给天堂,没有人类,就没有伤害的Formed against, yes glory is destined武器,是的,荣耀必将到来Every day women and men become legends每一天女人和男人们成为传奇Sins that go against our skin become blessings我们的罪行将化作祝福The movement is a rhythm to us这场运动是我们的节奏Freedom is like religion to us自由是我们的宗教Justice is juxtapositionin" us公正与我们并存Justice for all just ain"t specific enough对所有人的公正还不够One son died, his spirit is revisitin" us一个儿子死了,他的精神还在Truant livin" livin" in us, resistance is us忤逆就是我们,我们就是反抗That"s why Rosa sat on the bus那就是为什么罗莎要坐在公共汽车上That"s why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up那就是为什么我们高举双手要走过弗格森When it go down we woman and man up要我们东,我们就要西They say, “Stay down”, and we stand up他们说,“蹲下去”,我们就站起来Shots, we on the grown, the camera panned up子弹射出,我们的队伍在壮大,摄影机向上平移King pointed to the mountain top and we ran up金指向山顶,我们就向上跑One day when the glory comes有一天,当荣耀到来It will be ours, it will be ours它将是我们的,它将是我们的One day when the war is won有一天,当战争胜利We will be sure, we will be sure我们将确信,我们将确信Oh glory哦荣耀Now the war is not over, victory isn"t won现在战争还没结束,胜利还未取得And we"ll fight on to the finish, then when it"s all done而我们将一直战斗下去,直接结束,直接完成了所有使命We"ll cry glory, oh glory我们将为荣耀呼喊,哦荣耀We"ll cry glory, oh glory我们将为荣耀呼喊,哦荣耀Selma"s now for every man, woman and child塞尔玛现在是每个男人、每个女人和每个孩子的Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd就连耶稣也在人群面前有一枚皇冠They marched with the torch, we gon" run with it now他们手持火炬前进,我们现在必须奔跑Never look back, we done gone hundreds of miles永不回头,我们已经走完了几百英里From dark roads he rose, to become a hero他从黑暗的道路走来,荣升为英雄Facin" the league of justice, his power was the people在公正的同盟面前,他的力量就是人民Enemy is lethal, a king became regal敌人是致命的,国王是庄严的Saw the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle在秃鹰下看见了黑鬼的脸The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful最好的武器是保持平静We sing, our music is the cuts that we bleed through我们歌唱,音乐是我们流血的伤口Somewhere in the dream we had an epiphany在梦中我们顿悟Now we right the wrongs in history现在我们改正了历史的错误No one can win the war individually没有人都独自赢得战争It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people"s energy它需要年长者的智慧和年轻人的精力Welcome to the story we call victory欢迎来到我们称为胜利的故事Comin" of the Lord, my eyes have seen the glory从耶和华而来,我的眼睛看到了荣耀One day when the glory comes有一天,当荣耀到来It will be ours, it will be ours它将是我们的,它将是我们的One day when the war is won有一天,当战争胜利We will be sure, we will be sure我们将确信,我们将确信Oh glory哦荣耀When the war is done, when it"s all said and done当战争结束,当所有的事都说完都做完We"ll cry glory, oh glory我们将呼喊荣耀,哦荣耀

common court and civil court有什么区别?

Common law和civil law主要有以下区别:1,归属的法系不同:Common law 属于英美法系,是一种“判例法”;Civil law 属于大陆法系,是一种“成文法”。2,判决方式和特点不同:Common law 的判决特点是根据以往的案例判决结果来对未来的诉讼进行判决,对已存在的法律条文依赖较少,属于一种约定俗成的判决方法;Civil law 的判决特点是根据已经制定成文的法律条文对案件进行判决,对以前的判例依赖较少或者根本不依赖。3,起源和使用的国家不同:Common law的来源可以追溯到英格兰,是当时出现法律条文不够完善的情况时,法官会依据其他地区类似案例的判决进行判断。目前主要使用common law的国家是美国,加拿大,新西兰等。Civil law的来源是古罗马帝国。目前使用civil law的是大部分欧洲大陆国家以及日本。扩展资料:律师和法官在common law和civil law中的不同作用:在使用common law的国家,主要由律师收集,检查证据。然后向法官进行展示和呈现,法官根据律师提供的证据进行判决,灵活性相对较高。而在civil law的国家里,法官需要主导整个案件的进展,包括证据收集和检查等等。律师的中心地位不如common law体系。参考资料来源:百度百科-英美法系参考资料来源:百度百科-大陆法系



电路板上的com公共端和GND 地有什么区别?求高人给解释下


comparative adjective中文翻译

A parative adjective that pares o things 对两个事物进行比较的比较级形容词。 Comparative adjectives are used to pare people orthings 形容词的比较级用于比较人物或事物。 Remember the parative adjective form toronto is *** aller than beijing 记住形容词的比较级形式多伦多比北京小。 Remember you can use parative adjectives and opposites to pare things more fewer less , e . g . more buses and trains means fewer cars fewer cars means fewer traffic jams 记住你怎样用形容词比较级和反义词来比较不同的事物,例如: more更多的, fewer更少的和less更少的,例如

P.Diddy 唱的 come to me 的中文歌词

It"s Bad Boy bitch 那是坏男孩,婊子Do it do it do it do it 做它Do it do it do it do it (It feels good to be back, I missed ya) 回来感觉很还不错,我想你Relax your mind, let"s the concepts be free 放松,让想法自由You"re now rollin with the sounds of BBE 你现在正在和坏男孩把戏的声音摇摆Do it do it do it do it 做它Do it do it do it do it (You know what time it is) 你知道现在是什么时间(Report to the dance floor) 舞池的现场报道It"s bad boy bitch 那是坏男孩,婊子(Talk to "em) 和他们讲[Nicole] See you out corner of my eye看你离开了我的视线 Leanin on the wall lookin fly 靠在墙上看着I want you to come be with me 我想要你和我一起You"re the only one I wanna talk to 你是唯一的我想要和你讲话的人But I don"t wanna rush 但是我不着急I"m here when will you make your move?我在这儿,什么时候你想要移动[Chorus - Nicole] I see you, eyein" me, I want cha, why don"t cha 我看见你,看着我,我想是的,为什么不想Come to me, I can be, what you need, oh baby 跟我来,我能是你想要的,OH 宝贝I"m standin, here waitin, I"m yearnin, ooh I"m burnin 我站着,在这儿等着,我渴望着,OOH我在燃烧Come to know me, come and get to know me过来了解我,过来开始 了解我Come to show me, that you wanna know me 过来像我展现,那样你将会了解我[Diddy] You know who it is, I"m back in the building 你知道那是谁,我回到这幢楼Security strapped, still stackin a million 保安手头紧,仍堆积了一百万I stunt with the stallion, somethin" Italian 我和那个性欲很强的人演对手戏,在意大利Or maybe Puerto Rican, you can catch me in Paris 或者是波多黎各,你可以找到我在巴黎I"m in it to win it I"m willin to carry 我仍沉迷于它并最终获胜,我乐意疯狂The game, if you think I"m not look at the carats 游戏,如果你认为我看上去性能力不那么好I pop up clean out of the Phantom 我能弹击把鬼魂清除The people go screamin like an opera anthem 人们喊叫着像歌剧赞歌I did it before, do it again 我以前做过,在做一次I got it to blow, gotta it to spin 我搞的它要爆炸,搞的它将要旋转Flies before, cool as the wind 以前的日子,和风一样酷Got hits go back like Juice and Gin, yeah 得到成功在回来,像Juice and Gin一样Shine the best and diamond necklace 闪耀最好的和钻石项链My extravagant taste and style perplexes 我夸张的品味和像谜一样的风格They know I"m the sh**, they wanna get next 他们知道我是屎,他们想要下一个That"s why she havin a fit cause she want to get next to him 那就是为什么她还没有找到合适,因为她总想要得到下一个他(Nicole)I"m here when will you make your move?我在这儿了,什么时候你想要移动[Chorus] [Diddy (Nicole)]Anywhere I appear, they all stop and stare 我出现的任何地方,他们都停下来盯着我看Admire your body language speakin loud and clear like 欣赏你的身体语音说得响亮清楚(I want you to come be with me) 我想要你和我一起来She be waitin anticipatin for oh so long 她对这一切期待得太久了Fantasizing wild thoughts of me comin on like 我那令人着迷狂野的想法(I"m here when will you make your move) 我在这儿了,什么时候你将移动She diggin my style, my swag, my suede, my swirve 她抄袭我的风格,我的饰品,我的小羊皮外套,我的swirve My way with words, the Boys absurd for sure 我讲话的方式,男孩肯定是荒谬的You can"t fall til my aura called 你不能摔下去直到我的 摩托罗拉呼叫你了I make miracles like I walk on water我创造奇迹就像我如履薄冰 What you want mama (what you order) it"s on my tab你想要什么MAMA(你点了什么什么)这是我的桌子 I"m so bad with the cash, I dropped a whole bag 我对现金太反感了,我扔了一整个包Where you at girl? 你在女孩的哪儿?(Nicole)I"m here when will you make your move?我在这儿了什么时候你将要移动[Chorus] [Nicole] I"m here (i"m here), can"t wait no longer 我在这儿了(我在这儿了)不能在等待了You were the one who stole my heart 你是唯一的那个偷走我的心得人Can"t you see the wait is over难道你不能看见等待已经结束了I need you to come closer 我需要你靠得更近点This feeling is getting strong我感觉更加强烈了You really got me hot 你真的使我发热[Chorus] [Diddy and Nicole] Do it do it do it do it 做它Do it do it do it do it Why don"t cha come to me 为什么你不靠近我I can be, what you need ooh baby 我能成为你想要的 OOH 宝贝I"m here, you"re here, let"s make it happen 我在这儿,你也在这儿,让我们使它发生Do it do it do it do it 做它Do it do it do it do it Relax your mind, let"s the concepts be free 放松,让思想自由And I roll with the sounds of BPE 我将和你的坏男孩的把戏的声音摇摆Do it, do it 做它You know what this is 你知道这是什么It"s Bad Boy bitch 这是坏男孩 婊子Press Play! 新闻表演



电路板上的com公共端和GND 地有什么区别?求高人给解释下


come and have a pie , tao中文是什么意思?

thanks dad but i"m not hungry i"m thirsty




VGH and VGL for the Gate Driver or the Level Shifter。The P-Vcom is powered by the boost converter。please refer to the TPS65178 Spec.




Thin Film Transistor 薄膜场效应晶体管,是指液晶显示器上的每一液晶象素点都是由集成在其后的薄膜晶体管来驱动。从而可以做到高速度高亮度高对比度显示屏膜信息。TFT属于有源矩阵液晶显示器。TFT(Thin Film Transistor)即薄膜场效应晶体管,属于有源矩阵液晶显示器中的一种。它可以“主动地”对屏幕上的各个独立的像素进行控制,这样可以大大提高反应时间。一般TFT的反应时间比较快,约80毫秒,而且可视角度大,一般可达到130度左右,主要运用在高端产品。所谓薄膜场效应晶体管,是指液晶显示器上的每一液晶象素点都是由集成在其后的薄膜晶体管来驱动。从而可以做到高速度、高亮度、高对比度显示屏幕信息。TFT属于有源矩阵液晶显示器,在技术上采用了“主动式矩阵”的方式来驱动,方法是利用薄膜技术所作成的电晶体电极,利用扫描的方法“主动拉”控制任意一个显示点的开与关,光源照射时先通过下偏光板向上透出,借助液晶分子传导光线,通过遮光和透光来达到显示的目的。 TFT-LCD液晶显示屏是薄膜晶体管型液晶显示屏,也就是“真彩”(TFT)。TFT液晶为每个像素都设有一个半导体开关,每个像素都可以通过点脉冲直接控制,因而每个节点都相对独立,并可以连续控制,不仅提高了显示屏的反应速度,同时可以精确控制显示色阶,所以TFT液晶的色彩更真。TFT液晶显示屏的特点是亮度好、对比度高、层次感强、颜色鲜艳,但也存在着比较耗电和成本较高的不足。TFT液晶技术加快了手机彩屏的发展。新一代的彩屏手机中很多都支持65536色显示,有的甚至支持16万色显示,这时TFT的高对比度,色彩丰富的优势就非常重要了。 TFT型的液晶显示器主要的构成包括:萤光管、导光板、偏光板、滤光板、玻璃基板、配向膜、液晶材料、薄模式晶体管等等。




正常情况下VGH=25V VCOM=5V VGL= -10 查看原帖>>求采纳


①、向这VGH为TFT的开启电压,其值在20Ⅴ~35V 之间。②、向这VGL为TFT的关断电压,其值为负值, 通常在 –6.5V~–5Ⅴ之 间。③、向这 VC0M电压为屏公共电极电压,约为ⅤDA电压的一半。

为什么是when it comes to making decision 而不是when faced with maki

when it es to 是习惯用语 当提到. 具体分析 it es是表示某事来到的时刻 意思是当做决定的时刻来临的时候 所以这个状语从句是when引导的 而主语是it代表时间 例句: When it es to dancing, I"m all thumbs. 谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通. When it es to politics I know nothing. 说到政治,我是一窍不通. When it es to art, I almost know nothing. 一谈到艺术,我几乎一无所知. 你那后面那句感觉有重复 face和make两个动作在一起 可以改为: when faced with choices 或者: when faced with a decision

Massive Attack的《Karmacoma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karmacoma歌手:Massive Attack专辑:ProtectionMassive Attack - Karmacoma(vowles, del naja, marshall, thaws, norfolk, locke)You sure you want to be with meI"ve nothing to giveWon"t lie and say this lovin"s bestWell leave us in emotional paceTake a walk, taste the restNo, take a restI see you digging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazyI need to live and I need toYour troubles must be seen to see throughMoney like it"s paper with faces i rememberI drink on a daily basisThough it subtle cools my temperIt never cools my temperWalking through the suburbs though not exactly loversYou"re a couple, "specially when your body"s doubledDuplicate, then you wait for the next kuwaitKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restYou sure you want to be with me i"ve nothing to giveTake a walk take a rest taste the restTake a walk take a rest a taste of restDon"t want to be on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedWe overcome in sixty secondsWith the strength we have to togetherBut for now, emotional ties they stay severedWhen there"s trust there"ll be treatsAnd when we funk we"ll hear beatsKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaKarmacoma, jamaica" aromaDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, see i"m swazyDigging a hole in your neighborhoodYou"re crazy but you"re lazy, must be lazyDon"t wanna on top of your listMonopoly and properly kissedDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meMy babyDeflowering my baby, aiyee my baby meI must be crazy, you must be lazyKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aromaKarmacoma, what?, jamaica aroma

快!!!Come on

要什么关于什么内容的嘛...Mutual help is the law of nature互助是公理

definition of communication?

1 : an act or instance of transmitting2 a) : information communicated b ): a verbal or written message3 a) : a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior *the function of pheromones in insect communication*; also : exchange of information b) : personal rapport *a lack of communication between old and young persons*4 plural a): a system (as of telephones) for communicating b) : a system of routes for moving troops, supplies, and vehicles c : personnel engaged in communicating5 plural but singular or plural in construction a) : a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech) b) : the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or telecommunication)


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法国女歌手Zaho 的 Hey Papi (feat. Soprano) 、 Incomprise 中文法语歌词

是人工直译的,不太准,自己理解下Hey Papi (remix) lyricsQue pourrais-tu bien me dire, Si j"te disais que je l09chais tout?Que cette semaine pas de bizJ"te promets qu"t"auras moi un point c"est toutPas de mails et pas de photos ouh ! Pas d"interview, 04a m"étouffe ! Incomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je diseJ"essaye encore et encore mais je suisIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je dise IncomprisePlus j"avance plus je vois ma vie qui défileMa mémoire fait le tri j"ignore qui je suisEtrangère parmi tous ces gens immobilesQue je croise et qui n"entendent pas mes crisTout ce qu"on m"a donné on me l"a reprisJe suis seule abandonnée à mon 06lePlus j"ai mal plus je suis celle qu"on éviteJe n"ai plus envie Rendez-vous au paradisD"ici je m"en vais, je laisse tout tomberPourtant je n"ai jamais voulu vous décevoirJe me suis trompée, moi qui attendaisJ"n" aurais pas dus tol omri Ana derte lniyaIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je diseJ"essaye encore et encore mais je suisIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je dise IncompriseJe suis l09che parce qu"on m"a poussé dans le videJ"ai déployée mes ailes vers un avenirIci la vue est belle mais je réalise queSans parachute la peur paralyseVous me traités d"infidèle facile à direQuant aucun de vous n"essaye de m" retenirQuand vous saurez ma peine tout sera finiJe n"ai plus envie Rendez-vous au paradisD"ici je m"en vais, je laisse tout tomberPourtant je n"ai jamais voulu vous décevoirJe me suis trompée, moi qui attendaisJ"n" aurais pas dus tol omriAna derte lniya[Refrain] x2 :Incomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je diseJ"essaye encore et encore mais je suisIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je dise IncompriseRespire, respire, respire, respire x3N"hésitez pas à vous inscrire pour corriger les paroles ou effectuer une autre opération ;-)Pas de meeting et pas de rendez-vous !Baby, cette fois j"éteins tout !Refrain :Je veux m"en aller de là, (ah ah) Avec toi très loin de là, (ah ah) Si tu ne te lasses pas de moi, (ah ah)Je te chanterais la, la, la, la !Je veux m"en aller de là, (ah ah) Avec toi très loin de là, (ah ah) Oh baby, t"as ce je ne sais quoiQui me rend dingue, dingue, dingue de toi !Hey papy !Je veux être avec toi, Ce soir et toute la nuitDanser sur tes pas !Hey papi !Toute ma vie je veux la passer dans tes bras,Suis le son de ma voix J"aurais du voir venir cette douleur derrière tes mots doux,Et non je n"ai pas su prévenir quand je donnais mes notes jusqu"au bout,Pardonne-moi oh, baby-boo ! Moi qui n"ai que toi après tout,Dis-moi quand ? Et dis-moi où ? Et je ferais le détour ;Refrain.Soprano:Hé! J"collectionne t promesses comme des fleurs fanées.C"est marqué dans le gynez qu"on est le couple le plus éloigné. J"en n"ai mare d"attendre seul dans ce lit douil lier 08 force d"attendre mon alliance est entrain de rouillerC"est une vie sa ??Je me lève, quand tu tend dors On ce perd de vu a cause de ta vie de STAR Ou son passé c yeux rouge était ta priorité Si tu veut tout arrangé va falloir me le prouvéRefrain Incomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je diseJ"essaye encore et encore mais je suisIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je dise IncomprisePlus j"avance plus je vois ma vie qui défileMa mémoire fait le tri j"ignore qui je suisEtrangère parmi tous ces gens immobilesQue je croise et qui n"entendent pas mes crisTout ce qu"on m"a donné on me l"a reprisJe suis seule abandonnée à mon 06lePlus j"ai mal plus je suis celle qu"on éviteJe n"ai plus envie Rendez-vous au paradisD"ici je m"en vais, je laisse tout tomberPourtant je n"ai jamais voulu vous décevoirJe me suis trompée, moi qui attendaisJ"n" aurais pas dus tol omri Ana derte lniyaIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je diseJ"essaye encore et encore mais je suisIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je dise IncompriseJe suis l09che parce qu"on m"a poussé dans le videJ"ai déployée mes ailes vers un avenirIci la vue est belle mais je réalise queSans parachute la peur paralyseVous me traités d"infidèle facile à direQuant aucun de vous n"essaye de m" retenirQuand vous saurez ma peine tout sera finiJe n"ai plus envie Rendez-vous au paradisD"ici je m"en vais, je laisse tout tomberPourtant je n"ai jamais voulu vous décevoirJe me suis trompée, moi qui attendaisJ"n" aurais pas dus tol omriAna derte lniya[Refrain] x2 :Incomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je diseJ"essaye encore et encore mais je suisIncomprise quoi que je diseLes mots m"échappent et je me sens si…Incomprise quoi que je dise IncompriseRespire, respire, respire, respire x3 误解了我说词逃避我,我觉得很...误解了我说我一次又一次地尝试,但我误解了我说词逃避我,我觉得很...Incomprise美贵济说, Incomprise进一步我走,我越发现我的生活,条幅我的记忆是那种我不知道我是谁外国在所有这些人仍然我满足,谁不能听到我的呼喊所有我得到了我已经采取了我只留给我的岛屿加上它比我更痛,避免我不觉得自己在天堂交会在这里,我去,我放弃一切但我从来不想让你失望我很失望,我期望J"n “ aurais只有这样收费奥马里 主要的问题lniya误解了我说词逃避我,我觉得很...误解了我说我一次又一次地尝试,但我误解了我说词逃避我,我觉得很...Incomprise美贵济说, Incomprise我是一个懦夫,因为我是推入空我部署到将来我的翅膀这里的观点是好的,但我知道降落伞没有恐惧瘫痪你对我说来容易,异教徒留住你要我任何当你知道我的痛苦是各地我不觉得自己在天堂交会在这里,我去,我放弃一切但我从来不想让你失望我很失望,我期望J"n “ aurais只有这样收费奥马里主要的问题lniya[副歌] x2 :误解了我说词逃避我,我觉得很...误解了我说我一次又一次地尝试,但我误解了我说词逃避我,我觉得很...Incomprise美贵济说, Incomprise呼吸,呼吸,呼吸,呼吸的X3

The temporary comprise means a new start.是否是错句,没有错的话怎么翻译?这是书上的句子

查一下是不是打错了,应该是The temporary comprOMise means a new start.暂时的妥协意味着新的开始

【A comprise B 】可以翻译为:A由B组成。但是,存不存在“A组成(构成)B”的情况 ???请举个例子

不存在啊。comprise 包含,包括,由...组成 ,咋能倒过来呢。

Putting in a new window will ______ cutting away part of the roof. Auff0econtain Buff0ecomprise Cuff0e


Putting in a new window will ______ cutting away part of the roof. A.contain B.comprise C.

D 本题考查动词辨义。句意:安装一个新窗户需要把屋顶的一部分切掉。include 包括,包含;involve 卷入,涉及;contain 容纳,牵制;comprise 构成。be/get involved with sb. 与……人混在一起

黑执事里的那个人偶歌 一定要人偶唱的那个~~~我的邮箱是 谢啦


be comprised of 和 consist of 有什么区别

回答和翻译如下 :be comprised of 由…组成 。 consist of 包括;由…组成;由 ... 组成 。

consist of, contain, include, involve和comprise的区别

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: consist of [简明英汉词典] v.由...组成 contain [简明英汉词典] vt.包含, 容纳, 容忍vi.自制 v.[军]牵制(敌军) v.[数]可被...除尽 include [简明英汉词典] vt.包括, 包含 involve [简明英汉词典] vt.包括, 笼罩, 潜心于, 使陷于 prise [简明英汉词典] v.包含, 由...组成


compose 在表示“由……材料构成”时,见于被动语态;在用于主动语态时,一般它所表示的“构成”或“组成”总包含着融合为一,而且主语或者是复数名词或者是集体名词。Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water.混凝土由水泥、砂、石子与水掺和而构成。England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士构成大不列颠岛。Mere facts, badlly stated, do not compose a good book.仅仅有资料,如果陈述得很糟糕,并不能组成一本好书;consist of 的含义与被动语态的 compose 相同Though the costume consists only of a sheet, it was very effective.虽然那件化装服装仅由一条床单组成,但效果很好。comprise 在表示“构成”时,其内涵是“包括”或“覆盖”These houses do not comprises all his property.这些房产并没有构成他的全部财产。The committee comprises men of widely different views.这个委员会由见解甚为悬殊的人组成。constitute 的主语可以是复数名词也可以是单数名词,所“构成”的事物在属性和特征上,亦或在组织上,与组成成分是一致的This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace.在这种不断增长的贫困中正在增长着的贫困,构成了对和平的永久的威胁。七天构成一个星期。


COMPOSE -writing/creating sth e.g. posing a poem music -sth posed of sth e.g. greenhouse gases are posed of carbon dioxide water vapour e CONSIST -consist in: similar to "to be determined by" e.g. The beauty of the city consists in the unique scenery of sea. The beauty of this city is determined by the unique scenery. -consist of: same as sth is posed of sth. similar to "include" e.g. greenhouse gases consist of carbon dioxide and water vapour. COMPRISE - similar to "include/contain" e.g. The medical group prises three doctors and seven nurses. CONSTITUTE -similar to "anize form" e.g. The ICAC was constitued to strike corruption. INCLUDE -similar to "contain/prise" e.g. The price includes both house and furniture. CONTAIN -similar to "include" e.g. A packed lunch contains a bread banana and a bottle of water. I could not contain (similar to control) my laughter to the joke. 参考: me xp pose ·pose /ku0259mu02c8pu0259uz US -u02c8pouz/ v [Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: poser from Latin ponere; COMPOUND2] a) be posed of sth to be formed from a number of substances parts or people  Water is posed of hydrogen and oxygen.  The legal system is posed of people and people make mistakes. b) [T not in progressive] formal to bine together to form something = make up  More than 17.6 million firms pose the business sector of our economy. [I and T] to write a piece of music  Barrington has posed the music for a new production of "A Midsummer Night"s Dream". pose a letter/poem/speech etc to write a letter poem etc thinking very carefully about it as you write it  Compose a letter to your local paper stating your views on an issue of your choice. a) pose yourself to try hard to bee calm after feeling very angry upset or excited  Lynn sat at the desk taking several deep breaths to pose herself. b) pose your face/features/thoughts to make yourself look or feel calm When asked a question give yourself a second or o to pose your thoughts. [T] to arrange the parts of a painting photograph or scene in a way that achieves a particular result I like the way he poses his photographs. consist con·sist W3 /ku0259nu02c8su026ast/ v consist in [consist in sth] phr v [Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: consistere "to stand still or firm exist" from - ( COM-) + sistere "to stand"] to be based on or depend on something  Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own. consist of [consist of sth] phr v to be formed from o or more things or people  The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes. consist mainly/largely/primarily of *** /sth  The audience consisted mainly of teenagers. consist entirely/solely of *** /sth  The area does not consist entirely of rich people despite popular belief. 参考: longman dictionary

consist of和comprise的区别

consist of be made up of;be composed of 由…组成;包括*Carbon dioxide consistsof carbon and oxygen.二氧化碳由碳和氧组成。*Man consists of souland body.人由灵魂和肉体组成。*The society consists of30 members.这个协会有30个会员组成。*One year consists of365 days.一年有365天。comprise [com·prise || ku0259m"prau026az]v. 包含, 构成


不是,因为他是:由…组成,包含,构成.要看它在句中的用法: Women comprise 51 percent of the population of France.(构成) Their country is comprised of 50 states.(组成) The committee comprises men of widely different views.(包含)

comprise constitute

这四个词都有组成构成的意思. consist是不及物动词,得加介词用 consist of,例如The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. compose既是及物动词也是不及物动词,作为构成的意思的时候是及物动词,而且要用被动语态be composed of,例如Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.另外compose还有创作的意思,是作为不及物动词使用的,例如He was composing at the piano at the age of seven. comprise是及物动词,当作组成构成的意思时候,可以用be comprised of,等同于be composed of,例如A football team is comprised of eleven players. 也可以直接coomprise加名词或代词,不需要加介词,等同于constitute,例如Fifteen separate republics comprised the Soviet Union. 另外它还有包括包含的意思,等同于include,contain,incorporate,例如This month"s figures are comprised in the total. constitute 是及物动词,不需要加介词of,例如 Twelve months constitute one year.而且constitute一般多用于机构 ,组织的构成 希望对你有所帮助!


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