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在hypermesh中新建一个component用来放单独的铆钉,并在Import optipns菜单中选择Import即可将component中的部件分开。Hypermesh的特点是它所具有的强大的有限元网格划分前处理功能。采用一个功能强大,使用方便灵活,并能够与众多CAD系统进行方便的数据交换的有限元前后处理工具,对于提高分析工作的质量和效率具有重要意义。HyperMesh能让CAE分析工程师在高度交互及可视化的环境下进行仿真分析工作。与其他的有限元前后处理器比较,HyperMesh的图形用户界面易于学习。特别是它支持直接输入已有的三维CAD几何模型已有的有限元模型,并且导入的效率和模型质量都很高,可以大大减少很多重复性的工作,使得CAE分析工程师能够投入更多的精力和时间到分析计算工作上去。扩展资料:HyperMesh的优点:1、建立和编辑模型方面在建立和编辑模型方面,HyperMesh提供用户一整套高度先进、完善的、易于使用的工具包。对于2D和3D建模,用户可以使用各种网格生成模板以及强大的自动网格划分模块。2、提供完备后处理功能HyperMesh提供完备的后处理功能组件,让您轻松、准确地理解并表达复杂的仿真结果,它具有完善的可视化功能,使用等值面、变形、云图、瞬变、矢量图和截面云图等表现结果。3、支持多种求解器接口HyperMesh支持很多不同的求解器输入输出格式,这样在利用Hypermesh划分好模型的有限元网格后,可以直接把计算模型转化成不同的求解器文件格式,从而利用相应的求解器进行计算。参考资料来源:百度百科—hypermesh




  Component接口是色差分量接口,它采用了YPbPr和YCbCr两种标识,YPbPr用来表示逐行扫描色差输出,YCbCr则表示隔行扫描色差输出。Y是绿色接口,PB是蓝色接口,而PR是红色接口。   这种接口在电视中最常见,当电视需要连接机顶盒或者其它音频输出设备时,那么用户们需要使用专门的连接线按照颜色对应进行连接。   电视使用技巧:1.电视连接有线电视机顶盒--您可以通过HDMI线连接机顶盒,将HDMI线连接电视与机顶盒并保证两个设备均处于通电状态,然后通过电视遥控器选择电视主页的信号源入口,接着点击“确认”按钮。   或者您还可以通过AV音视频复合线连接机顶盒,将AV复合线一端连接机顶盒输出接口,然后把另外一端分出的三个接头连接电视对应颜色的AV接口中,接着在信号源入口处点击“确认”按钮。   2、配对蓝牙遥控器--打开电视的“设置”应用,然后点击“连接”选项,接着点击“蓝牙”选项,进入后打开蓝牙功能并搜索附近可连接的设备,之后与遥控器进行配对即可。


piece强调整体的破碎,break into piece1.Then It"started to break into pieces. These pieces started to move apart.然后它开始分为很多块. 这些分开的板块开始移动,分开.2.The best items are small toys or toys break into pieces.最好的材料就是旧的玩具.3.For example, there are many ways a glass can break into pieces.比方说, 杯子摔成碎片有很多方式.component指一个整体的组成部分.constituent常可与component换用,指某一整体不可少的部分或成分.但两者之间又有一定区别,怎么解释区别呢,还不好说,我举个例子吧:比如西瓜由瓜瓤和瓜子组成,那么瓜子和瓜瓤就是COMPONENT,但是瓜瓤和瓜子又各占一定的分量,这个分量是constituent.不知道说清楚了没?而composition做构成成分意思的时候,与component有区别,我也去问了一圈,有一种看法个人觉得还是挺有道理的,component指组成部件,例如瓶子,架子等,composition指具体的内容物和成分,例如We examined the rock to find out its composition.我们检验了这一石块,想弄清它的构成成分.




component,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“组成部分;成分;组件,元件”,作形容词时意为“ 组成的;构成的”。短语搭配:component diagram 组件图 ; 构件图 ; 元件图 ; 组件框图active component [电] 有功分量 ; [电子] 有效元件 ; 有效分量inductive component 感性分量 ; 电感性分量 ; 无功分量 ; 电感分量Component Gallery 什么是 ; 组件库 ; 组件画廊 ; 组件展示廊tangential component [数] 切向分量 ; 切线分量 ; [数] 切分量 ; 圆周分量resistive component 电阻分量 ; 有功部分 ; [电] 有功分量 ; 电阻成分real component 实份量 ; 实部 ; [数] 实数部分 ; 电阻部分service component 服务组件 ; 服务构件 ; 服务组合 ; 业务部件双语例句:1、But what if none of them contain the component that you need?但是如果它们都不包含您所需要的组件该怎么办呢?2、In this example, the component itself provides the measurement.在这个例子中,组件本身提供了度量。3、Or what happens if we have to build that component rather than buy it?或者“如果我们必须构建而不是买这个部件时会发生什么”?





component 和 accessory的区别是什么?



1、打开html开发工具,新建一个html代码页面,然后在页面上创建一个<div>标签,同时给这个<div>设置id为app。2、引入vue.js库。在<body>标签结束前面使用<sctipt>引入vue.js文件。3、创建vue挂载点。在vue.js引入文件后面新建一个<sctipt>标签,用于创建vue的挂载点。4、创建组件。在new Vue()方法前面使用component创建一个组件名为todo-item。5、使用todo-item组件。在<div>标签内添加一个标签为<todo-item>。6、保存html代码后使用浏览器打开,即可看到页面上显示使用component组件创建的内容。


复合视频接口:复合视频(Composite Video)信号定义为包括亮度和色度的单路模拟信号,也即从全电视信号中分离出伴音后的视频信号,这时的色度信号还是间插在亮度信号的高端。由于复合视频的亮度和色度是间插在一起的,在信号重放时很难恢复完全一致的色彩。这种信号一般可通过电缆输入或输出到家用录像机上,其信号带宽较窄,一般只有水平240线左右的分解率。早期的电视机都只有天线输入端口,较新型的电视机才备有复合视频输入和输出端(Video In,Video Out),也即可以直接输入和输出解调后的视频信号。视频信号已不包含高频分量,处理起来相对简单一些,因此计算机的视频卡一般都采用视频输入端获取视频信号。由于视频信号中已不包含伴音,故一般与视频输入、输出端口配套的还有音频输入、输出端口(Audio In、Audio Out),以便同步传输伴音。因此,有时复合式视频接口也称为AV(Audio Video)口。






1、打开html开发工具,新建一个html代码页面,然后在页面上创建一个<div>标签,同时给这个<div>设置id为app。2、引入vue.js库。在<body>标签结束前面使用<sctipt>引入vue.js文件。3、创建vue挂载点。在vue.js引入文件后面新建一个<sctipt>标签,用于创建vue的挂载点。4、创建组件。在new Vue()方法前面使用component创建一个组件名为todo-item。5、使用todo-item组件。在<div>标签内添加一个标签为<todo-item>。6、保存html代码后使用浏览器打开,即可看到页面上显示使用component组件创建的内容。

React createClass 和 Component 有什么区别

React createClass 和 Component 的区别:react create class是创建一个类,而component是控件的意思。一、类。在Visual Basic中每个对象都由一个类来定义。类和对象相当于模子和铸件的关系。Visual Basic的工具箱中的控件代表的是类。在建立一个控件的时候,实际上是建立的控件类的一个实例,这个实例才是应用程序中要控制的对象。在设计时处理的窗体也是一个类,在运行时Visual Basic才产生窗体的类实例。二、控件。控件是包含在窗体对象中的对象。每种类型的控件都有自己的一组属性、方法和事件,用于相应的特定目的。在Visual Basic中使用的控件分为标准控件、ActiveX控件和可插入对象。工具箱中包含了标准控件,可用于在窗体中绘制控件。工具箱里的每一个按钮代表一种控件,包括指针、图片框、标签、文本框、框架、命令按钮、复选框、单选框、组合框、列表框、水平滚动条、垂直滚动条、计时器、驱动器列表框、目录列表框、文件列表框、几何图形、直线、图像框和数据控件。单击工具箱中想要添加的控件,把鼠标指针移动到窗体上,指针会变化为十字形,把十字形指针放置在控件的左上角所在的位置,拖动到右下角,这样就会在窗体上绘制出一个矩形,表明控件的实际大小和位置。控件被正确地防治之后,释放鼠标,控件就会进入窗体中的位置。控件添加到窗体中之后,它还可以被重新摆放位置或缩放大小。要重新设置控件的位置,可以单击选中它,然后拖动到希望的位置。要缩放控件,直接拖动缩放手柄,调整到合适的大小就可以了。希望对你有帮助


是不是商标呀,不清楚呀 问一下计算就专业的




组件 零件 部件product就是装配,由一个和几个part组成的。part就是零件,是组成product的基本单位component不常用,一般我就是用part画图,然后开product装配进去就可以了不知道回答的你满意不,




COMPONENT logic PORT(a,b,c :IN std_logic; x :OUT std_logic);END COMPONENT;COMPONENT,END COMPONENT之间是元件引脚的定义.像上面一句是四个引脚的元件,a,b,c是输入,x是输出COMPONENT是已有元件在别的文件中已经定义,在此声明之后,你的程序里就可以用了



ingredient 和component区别

ingredient指的是原料,通常用来说食品,你可以说the ingredients of cocacolacomponent指的是元件,通常用来指机械,或者是一些组装物,你可以说 CPU is the key component of a computer




  component有成分; 零件; [数]要素; 组分等意思,那么你知道component的 近义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来component的近义词及辨析,欢迎大家学习!   component近义词:   component, constituent, element, ingredient   component近义词辨析:   这些名词均含"组成,成分,部分"之意。   component 指一个整体的组成部分。   constituent 常可与component换用,指某一整体不可少的部分或成分。   element 指一个整体必不可少或固有的部分,强调一个复杂整体中最基本、最简单的元件、元素或成分等。   ingredient 普通用词,含义笼统。既可指混在一起而本身没有变化的物质,如配料,又可指与别的物质混在一起,发生了变化的成分。   component的英语例句:   1. The menu is all-important. Every component of every meal should create contrasts.   饭菜的安排至关重要。每一顿饭的每一道菜都应该有所不同。   2. Polish workers will now be making component parts for Boeing 757s.   现在波音757飞机的组成部件将由波兰工人制造。   3. Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.   戈尔巴乔夫没能把苏联各成员国团结在一起。   4. Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.   浓缩铀是核武器的关键组成部分。   5. Wallerstein"s work can be separated into three main component themes.   沃勒斯坦的作品可以细分成3个主要的主题。   6. They were automotive component suppliers to motor manufacturers.   他们为汽车制造商供应汽车零件。   7. Blade and handle are the component parts of a knife.   刀身和刀柄是一把刀的组成部分.   8. Each component is carefully checked before assembly.   每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查.   9. He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.   他要表述一个无可争议的观点:我们的欲望和喜好都掺杂着社会因素。   10. Revenues from oil are the biggest single component part in the country"s income.   来自石油的收益是这个国家收入中最高的一项.   11. The apparatus thus described, however, records only the horizontal component of the wave movement.   然而, 仪器的如此描画只记录下波的运动的水平组成部分, 但是事实上波的运动要复杂得多(指不易解释).   12. After that he applies the last component of his secret formula.   然后他使用秘密配方里的最后一种元素.   13. Actions like these ( with only a procedure component ) are procedural actions.   这样的操作 ( 只有一个过程部件 ) 称为“过程操作”.   14. The component having a more localized source is referred to as residual.   由局部源产生的分量称为区域异常.   15. The component we collapsed had at least two vertices.




component,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“组成部分;成分;组件,元件”,作形容词时意为“ 组成的;构成的”。短语搭配:component diagram 组件图 ; 构件图 ; 元件图 ; 组件框图active component [电] 有功分量 ; [电子] 有效元件 ; 有效分量inductive component 感性分量 ; 电感性分量 ; 无功分量 ; 电感分量Component Gallery 什么是 ; 组件库 ; 组件画廊 ; 组件展示廊tangential component [数] 切向分量 ; 切线分量 ; [数] 切分量 ; 圆周分量resistive component 电阻分量 ; 有功部分 ; [电] 有功分量 ; 电阻成分real component 实份量 ; 实部 ; [数] 实数部分 ; 电阻部分service component 服务组件 ; 服务构件 ; 服务组合 ; 业务部件双语例句:1、But what if none of them contain the component that you need?但是如果它们都不包含您所需要的组件该怎么办呢?2、In this example, the component itself provides the measurement.在这个例子中,组件本身提供了度量。3、Or what happens if we have to build that component rather than buy it?或者“如果我们必须构建而不是买这个部件时会发生什么”?




n.公共;共性;老百姓1.Low birth weight infant is a primary commonality health problem in the world.低出生体质量儿是世界上一个主要的公共健康问题。2.I found that it did not have any commonality with the immortal.我没发现它与仙人有什么共性。3.This needs to be explained to the commonality so that they will not be confused either.这种情形,还要对老百姓讲清楚,不要把他们弄糊涂了。

求一英语听译高手,听译一首歌。这首歌有点特别。。只有编号(capcom BGM 3000)。在百度搜索就有得下载了

Won"t you let me save youDon"t seem to remember是否还记得When I left the cold behind me当我把寒冷抛在身後The snow reminds me of the world I"ve left outside雪让我想起,我迈出的世界So when you found me当你发现我的时候I glimpsed some hope through the fit我抓住了一线希望And is this what I"ve missed?这就是我所错过的么?And is this how it feels to believe?这就是相信的感觉么?You believed in my heart"s desire你相信我的内心所愿You believed I could walk through fire你相信我可以跨过火焰You showed me just how strong I was at my very weakest在我最虚弱之时你告诉我我有多强壮You believed I could overcome all你相信我可以克服一切艰险You believed I could save the world你相信我可以拯救世界You saved me, oh so won"t you let me save you?你拯救了我,所以可不可以让我拯救你How cold is winter?冬天有多冷I walk the path all alone我独自走过这条小路Just another stranger in a world that passed me by世界上另一个陌生人路过我Each day each night, I fight每日每夜,我抗争Fight to keep my feelings locked tight抗争来锁紧我的感觉Till you opened the door and you showed me their not alone直到你打开一扇门,告诉我一切不再孤单I believe in my heart"s desire我相信我的内心所愿I believe I can walk through fire我相信我可以跨过火焰I know how very strong I am when I"m at my weakest在我最虚弱之时我知道了我有多强壮I believe I can overcome all我相信我可以克服一切艰险I believe I can save the world我相信我可以拯救世界You saved me, oh so won"t you let me save you?你拯救了我,所以可不可以让我拯救你When it seems like hope is gone当看上去希望逝去No way to tell if I"m dreaming没有办法说出我的梦想But I can tell that we"ll make it through this但是我能感到我们可以度过这一切I believe flames can"t burn us我相信火焰不能灼伤我们I believe ice can"t break us我相信冰不能碎裂我们I believe we can be so much more now that we"re together既然我们在一起就有更广阔世界I believe we can over come all我相信我们会克服一切I believe we can save the world 我相信我们可以拯救世界You saved me, oh so won"t you let me save you?你拯救了我,所以可不可以让我拯救你You saved me, oh so won"t you let me save you?你拯救了我,所以可不可以让我拯救你


长城防火墙升级、、、要么就是直接在长城防火墙的控制列表中 就像facebook、、、


首先系统肯定有问题,最好修复或者重新安装。看截图打开的是flash,这一些软件最好安装完整版本,而不是绿色版,另外软件安装一般不会对系统造成影响。也可能是电脑配置太低了。扩展资料win10系统下adobe premiere打不开的解决办法:   1、打开:我的文档-adobe文件夹-premiere pro文件夹,如图所示:小编教你解决Win10系统电脑无法打开adobe premiere的问题  2、删除目录下9.0文件夹(为防止意外可剪切到桌面),如图所示:小编教你解决Win10系统电脑无法打开adobe premiere的问题  3、打开adobe premiere 成功了。如图所示:小编教你解决Win10系统电脑无法打开adobe premiere的问题  以上就是今天小 编给大家分享的Win10系统电脑无法打开adobe premiere的解决方法了,按照以上方法操作后,我们就可以正常打开adobe premiere了,有需要的小伙伴就赶紧试一试吧,希望可以帮到大家。

Come on Judd 是什么意思?



不会有事儿的 这是两个不同的网页 服务器主机都不一样能有什么事儿? 你是不是要改自己群的相关信息

commit to do 和 commit doing 的区别

"commit to do"和"commit doing"是两个表达方式,用以表示承诺或决心。尽管它们传达的意思相似,它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象等方面存在区别。1. 释义区别:- "commit to do"表示承诺或决心去完成某件事情,强调的是对未来行动的承诺。例句:I commit to do my best in this project.(我承诺尽力完成这个项目。)- "commit doing"表示承诺或决心正在进行的行动,强调的是对当前行动的承诺。例句:I commit doing my daily exercises.(我承诺坚持进行每天的锻炼。)2. 用法区别:- "commit to do"通常跟随一个动词不定式,表示承诺将来要做某事。例句:She committed to do the task by the end of the week.(她承诺在本周末完成这项任务。)- "commit doing"通常跟随一个动名词(-ing形式的动词),表示承诺正在进行的行为。例句:He committed doing his homework every day.(他承诺每天做家庭作业。)3. 使用环境区别:- "commit to do"常用于正式场合或较为严肃的承诺或决心。例句:The company committed to reduce its carbon emissions by 20% in the next five years.(该公司承诺在未来五年内将碳排放减少20%。)- "commit doing"常用于日常口语或非正式场合的承诺或决心。例句:I commit doing my best to support you in any way I can.(我承诺以我所能的方式全力支持你。)4. 影响范围区别:- "commit to do"更加强调对整个行动的承诺,包括其完成和结果。例句:She committed to do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.(她承诺不惜一切代价实现她的目标。)- "commit doing"更加强调对正在进行的行为的承诺,不一定涉及到行动的结果。例句:He committed doing his part to make the event successful.(他承诺尽自己的一份力使活动成功。)5. 形象区别:- "commit to do"显得更加明确和具体,强调承诺的目标和结果。例句:I commit to do the research and provide a detailed report.(我承诺进行研究并提供详细的报告。)- "commit doing"显得更加连续和持久,强调承诺的行动和坚持。例句:She committed doing yoga every morning to improve her flexibility.(她承诺每天早上练习瑜伽以提高灵活性。)




1, Travie McCoy(feat. Bruno Mars)----《Billionaire》2,iyaz---------replay3,rihanna-------rude boy4,gwen stefani-----rich girl5,gwen stefani----black girl6,justin bieber-----somebody to love7,jay sean----down8,justin bieber----baby9,britney spears----three10,britney spears----i love rock and roll11,justin bieber----eenie meenie听不下去了,就些吧 ,哈哈另外推荐几个给你吧the ting thing----great dj小猫咪-----when i grow upusher----i need a girldeep side----booty musicblack eyed peas----boom boom pow

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已发送,注意查收,下载后把NaviOne放到内存卡的根目录,在安装里面的主程序就好了 这首歌的英语歌词是什么?这首英文歌叫什么?

  歌名 B R Right 歌手 Trina & Ludacris  完整歌词  (Trina)I got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina)Keep me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yup everything gon" be all right  (Trina) I got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina) Keep me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yep everything gon" be all right  (Trina)  Wait chicks let me blow my kisses  Get --- and throw my dishes  everybody know just who this is (whoop whoop)  and this thing so vicious  with me, this game gon cost  You short  Then that"s your loss  you know this body"s soft  make boy go be breakin" off  Tell me that you love me baby  get blowed and touch me crazy  get a towel and wipe me off  you want a girl with no type of flaws  My girls be shopping hard  im talkin" buyin cars  in the club buyin" bars  shirts open, designer bras  for the g"s who are touching cheese  throw back in the crispy g"s  Moet , cris on freeze  You laugh at the tab cuz it"s on me  Me and Luda in the cuts supreme  Doin" things just to touch the creme  So many cats wanna touch the queen  I"m livin" life like it"s just a dream  (Trina) I got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina) Keep me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yep everything gon" be all right  (Trina) I got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina) Keep me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yep everything gon" be all right  (Ludacris)  Get it right ..........Jump  Give me the beat then I"ma make it bump  Tell me what you wanna hear  Damn" let"s get canned  Trouble with your man?  I"ma pop my trunk  You ain"t seen no tricks like mine  You ain"t seen no flicks like mine  Gonna make to the subwoofers and my 6 by 9"s  Tell me that you like it raw  Tell me that my ---- is.....  I might make you famous  And buy you watches by Maurice McCraw  Tell me if it"s new or old  Tell me if it"s hot or cold  Let me know if it"s black and bold  Say, Ludacris, six million sold  See I ain"t got no time for games  I ain"t got no time for lames  How you lovin" my southern slang?  Oo Ee Walla Walla Bing Bang  So anytime you need me call  When it"s summer, spring, or fall  It doesn"t matter, come one, come all  Either get dropped or drop your drawers  (Trina) I got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina) Keep me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yep everything gon" be all right  (Trina) I got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina) Keep me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yep everything gon" be all right  (Woman beside the pool)  Damn!  See thats why i don"t get in the water  I look fine from the sideline  (Trina)  Diamond princess  Just mind your business  These rumors are senseless  Your whispers are endless  We livin" ghetto fab  We spendin" hella cash  This girl is hella bad  Your choice is trailer trash  Too much taste for whores  You saw me grace the Source  You watched me work the Vibe  Bitches I works for mine  One time for these divas  Two times for these visas  Third time I come on breezin"  The ice just keeps on freezin"  Hold up, I"ma keep it goin"  Back to back, I"m gonna keep on blowin"  Platinum Plaques, keepin it hood  --- ---, keepin" it good  Look girl, you don"t know my angle  a hundred thou" with a platinum bank roll  My ----- is slow your roll  ----- power  We in control  (Trina) I got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina) Keep me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yep everything gon" be all right  Round 2 motha f"ers  (TrinaI got ma money right  (Ludacris) Legs wide  (Trina) Front, back  (Ludacris) Side to side  (Trina) Kepp me ---  (Ludacris) Slip ‘n" slide  yep everything gon" be all right

peter is rather crazy__the computer games. D.about

Peter is rather crazy about computer games.orPeter is rather crazy about the computer game.

Come out 和Come Forth的区别是什么?


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hello darknenss my old friend,i ve come to see you again是哪首歌的歌词 mp3

根据你的歌词,我想你是不是弄错了点地方,下面的歌词不能和你的完全对上,但我觉得可能是这首歌,仅供参考歌名 Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel Hello darkness, my old friend, I"ve come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping, And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence. In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone, "Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence. And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence. "Fools" said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows. Hear my words that I might teach you, Take my arms that I might reach you." But my words like silent raindrops fell, And echoed In the wells of silence. And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning, In the words that it was forming. And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls." And whisper"d in the sounds of silence.啥意思意思是:我来找你时你准备做什么?whacha 是what"re you 的非标准写法(你试试快速发音就会得到类似的拼写)gonna 是美式going to的一种说法u = you

帮忙翻译“A Complaint free world .org. SPIRIT"


A Complaint Free 这段英文是什么意思?


implement accomplish achievement 有什么不同








英语翻译,大学社团活动用society 还是 community?


英语作文 my community

My community There are many builds in my community. The community is big. There many trees in it and many beautiful flowers in it. I like my community, the many bards also like my community. The bard often rest in it. Look! This is pavilion in my community. I like rest in it. There are some hairdresser、restaurant、newspaper stand、bakery and bank around my community. I like play basketball in my community. My home is in my community and my father"s office is in my community too. I very like my community. Because it"s big and beautiful. I reside in it, I think is very convenience!

以Our Community为题写一篇英语作文

I live in a harmonious community. My home is a beautiful house. There are a lot of people in my community. The word "community" has three meanings. The first meaning is blood community, the second meaning is geopolitical community, and the third meaning is called the spiritual community. Whichever meaning it is, our community is very harmonious. And my neighbors are very friendly to me.

community 几个音节?mu 是元音吗?


英语中neighbourhood 和 community怎样使用,意思差不多呀

邻里关系 社区

community college是什么意思?



n. 1 [可数](social, cultural grouping)团体 ethnic communities 种族团体 the academic/business/scientific community 学术界/商业界/科学界 the gay/student community 同性恋/学生团体 a virtual community 虚拟社团 2 [可数](geographical grouping)(at local level)社区(at national level)社会 the village had a close-knit community 这个村子的村民关系很密切 the international community 国际社会 the local community was or were shocked 当地社会感到震惊 before n(locally funded)地方出资的?library,park,health service? 3 [不可数/可数](sharing)共享 a sense of community 团体意识 a community of interest 利益的一致 4 [可数](of plants, animals)群落

初一英语作文our community带翻译

Our CommunityI live in a beautiful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in my home .There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and tidy. And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful. And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community.I love living in this community. Welcome to our community.翻译: 我们的社区我生活在一个美丽又安静的社区。我的家是一个公寓在第三楼住我的家庭。有3间卧室,一个客厅,一个厨房,一个餐厅在我的家里。有许多人生活在我的社区。我们的社区是非常干净和整洁。我的邻居非常友好和乐于助人。和我们社区有许多漂亮的花和树。我喜欢住在这个社区。欢迎到我们的社区。

my community作文(大约30个词)

My community Hi,I am Alan.Welcome to my community. My community is in Foshan. It is a very big and clean community.There are 3areas in this community.They are A,B and C area.You can see many modern buildings here.There are many beautiful flowers and trees in this community. I love living in my community.

英语作文《my community》

bu has always


community 核心词汇 英 [ku0259"mjuu02d0nu0259ti]     美 [ku0259"mjuu02d0nu0259ti]    n.社区;社会;公众;共同体;团体;共享;共有;[生]群落community 核心词汇 英 [ku0259"mjuu02d0nu0259ti]     美 [ku0259"mjuu02d0nu0259ti]    n.社区;社会;公众;共同体;团体;共享;共有;[生]群落


看community这个词包含的词根吧, com-是”共同的,到一起“, 例如 common, company,unit-是”团结,聚集“,一群人有共同利益,聚集到一起,就是”社区“这个概念呀。 结合起来应该很好理解了吧?



our community英语作文

你好: Our Community I live in a beautiful and quiet community. My home is an apartment and my families live on the third floor. There are 3 bedrooms, a big living room ,a kitchen, a dining room in my home .There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and tidy. And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful. And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community. I love living in this community. Welcome to our community. 希望对您有帮助! 满意请采纳!


community的范围较小,更适合用来指社区。 society则是我们普通意义上的社会 community的英文解释如下: 1. all the people living in one district 2. a group of people with shared origins or interests: the local Jewish community 3. a group of countries with certain interests in common 4. the public; society 5. a group of interdependent plants and animals inhabiting the same region [Latin communis common] society 的英文解释如下: 1. human beings considered as a group 2. a group of people forming a single community with its own distinctive culture and institutions 3. the structure, culture, and institutions of such a group 4. an organized group of people sharing a common aim or interest: a dramatic society 5. the rich and fashionable class of society collectively 6. Old-fashioned companionship: I enjoy her society [Latin societas]


翻译分2种,一种是直译,一种是意译。根据不同的使用场合,可以选择主要使用的方式。例如技术性文档、法律文档等务求准确的地方,应以直译为主。而对于一些生活中的,例如公司名称、小区名称等,则建议以意译为主,以求表达更好的意境。community直译是社区,可以涵盖**家园、**新城、**社区、**花园、**家属院等类似的小区名称,可以都用这个词。当然了,如果要有创意地表达特别的意思,则可以根据自己的全名,参考使用其它单词,例如Garden, new city, home,等,没有统一的、固定的规定,可以依照自己的意思来灵活处理。




①club表示俱乐部、社团,相同爱好的人聚集在一起参加或举行活动。 ②community则表示社会、生物群落 例如:The new arts centre will serve the whole community.这个新的美术中心将为整个社区提供服务。


community既是可数又是不可数名词。 community: n.社区;社会;团体;社团;界;共享;共有; 复数: communities 扩展资料   It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community.   也许需要多年方能被当地居民完全接纳。   There"s not much community spirit around here.   这里集体精神比较薄弱。   It is the business of the police to protect the community.   警察的职责是保护社会。   The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival.   这个地区靠航运业维持生活。


社区的英语叫做community。社区是若干社会群体或社会组织聚集在某一个领域里所形成的一个生活上相互关联的大集体,是社会有机体最基本的内容,是宏观社会的缩影。社会学家给社区下出的定义有140多种。尽管社会学家对社区下的定义各不相同,在构成社区的基本要素上认识还是基本一致的,普遍认为一个社区应该包括一定数量的人口、一定范围的地域、一定规模的设施、一定特征的文化、一定类型的组织。社区就是这样一个“聚居在一定地域范围内的人们所组成的社会生活共同体”。社区的特点:有一定的地理区域;有一定数量的人口;居民之间有共同的意识和利益;有着较密切的社会交往。而英文community一词含有公社、团体、社会、公众,以及共同体、共同性等多种含义。因此有的社会学者有时又在团体或非地域共同体这种意义上使用 community一词。而中文“社区”一词是中国社会学者在20世纪30年代自英文意译而来,因与区域相联系,所以社区有了地域的含义,意在强调这种社会群体生活是建立在一定地理区域之内的。这一术语一直沿用至今。由于社会学者研究角度的差异,社会学界对于社区这个概念尚无统一的定义。但许多学者认为,社区概念是以一定的地理区域为前提的。1955年美国学者G.A.希莱里对已有的94个关于社区定义的表述作了比较研究。他发现,其中69个有关定义的表述都包括地域、共同的纽带以及社会交往三方面的含义,并认为这三者是构成社区必不可少的共同要素。因此,人们至少可以从地理要素(区域)、经济要素(经济生活)、社会要素(社会交往)以及社会心理要素(共同纽带中的认同意识和相同价值观念)的结合上来把握社区这一概念,即把社区视为生活在同一地理区域内、具有共同意识和共同利益的社会群体。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


community用英语说法:英式发音【ku0259"mjuu02d0nu0259ti】。一、释义:社区、社会、公众、共同体、团体、共享、共有、群落。二、词汇搭配:1、establish【rule】a community:建立【管理】一个社团。2、serve the community:为社会服务。3、academic【economic】community:学术【经济】团体。4、farming【industrial】community:农业【工业】区。5、international community:国际社会。6、middle class community:中产阶级的社区。7、rural【civilized】community:农村【文明】社会。8、thriving community:繁荣区。例句:1、Here is a local Jewish community.这是当地犹太人的一个社区。2、Everyone should invest some time in community service.每个人都应该花些时间在社区服务上。3、Community colleges have become popular and their enrollments have increased rapidly.社区大学日渐增多,报名人数迅速增长。4、The international community forbids use of any chemical weapons.国际社会禁止使用一切化学武器。5、The welfare of the community is the same as the welfare of its members.社会的福利就等于其成员的福利。


community[英][ku0259"mju:nu0259tu026a] [美][ku0259u02c8mjunu026ati] 生词本简明释义n.社区;社会团体;共同体;[生态] 群落复数:communities以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-SING-COLL(同住一地的人所构成的)社区The community is all the people who live in a particular area or place. He"s well liked by people in the community...社区的人都非常喜欢他。"The community are getting impatient," said a representative of the Residents" Association...“社区居民开始不耐烦了,”居民协会的一位代表说。


community[英][ku0259"mju:nu0259tu026a] [美][ku0259u02c8mjunu026ati] 生词本简明释义n.社区;社会团体;共同体;[生态] 群落复数:communities以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-SING-COLL(同住一地的人所构成的)社区The community is all the people who live in a particular area or place. He"s well liked by people in the community...社区的人都非常喜欢他。"The community are getting impatient," said a representative of the Residents" Association...“社区居民开始不耐烦了,”居民协会的一位代表说。The growth of such vigilante gangs has worried community leaders, police and politicians.这类治安维持会成员组成的帮派的壮大让社区领袖、警察和政界人士十分担心。2.N-COUNT-COLL群体;团体A particular community is a group of people who are similar in some way. The police haven"t really done anything for the black community in particular.


community 后可以跟:动词:mang communities face budget problems.副词:If you treat your community well, they will be there for you.名词: community centre

community 能组什么词组或句子

virtual community虚拟社区;虚拟社群;虚拟共同体;久游社区European Community欧共体;欧洲共同体;欧体Community Medicine[医] 社区医学部;[医] 社会医学;[医] 社区医学;[Each year on that day the National Education Association calls for every child and every community in America to celebrate reading.VOA: special.2010.05.02So this is the experiment we were doing in refining and developing our ability to provide a learning community platform.我们做这些实验是为了,改善和发展自身能力,提供一个群体学习平台。In which case, I can start at the beginning.Um, the dartmouth "principles of community" Highlight integrity, Responsibility and consideration.如果你觉得混淆的话,我也可以从第一部分讲起。达特茅斯的校训“,强调诚实,责任和关怀。求采纳了,不明白就追问了,谢谢

Community 是宾语吗?

Community 是社区的意思,要看整个句子才可以判断句子成分哦


community 同义词有哪些?



这个会多吗,多了我帮你删点:   I live in a quiet community. My home is an apartment. There are 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room and so on. There are many people living in my community. Our community is very clean and beautiful. And my neighbors are very friendly and helpful. And there are many beautiful flowers and trees in our community.   I love living in this community. 译文:   我住在一个安静的社区.我的家是一间公寓.有3间卧室,一间厨房,一间餐厅等等.有许多人生活在我的社区.我们的社区非常干净漂亮.和我的邻居都非常友好和乐于助人.并有许多美丽的花草树木在我们的社会.   我喜欢住在这个社区.



社区的英语是community 问下可以缩写吗?有更简短的吗?能够代表社区意思的!

community 没有缩写。community 社区 (people living in the same area; group of people that live together)==society, colony, social
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