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Collapse 插件用于折叠或展开内容块。该插件本身不带任何样式,你需要自行编写样式、或者与其他组件配合使用。调用方式通过自定义属性调用通过 JavaScript 调用HTML 结构这是一个最基础的 HTML 结构:<div class="mdui-collapse"><div class="mdui-collapse-item"><div class="mdui-collapse-item-header"></div><div class="mdui-collapse-item-body"></div></div></div>添加类 .mdui-collapse-item-open 可以使内容块处于默认展开状态:<div class="mdui-collapse"><div class="mdui-collapse-item mdui-collapse-item-open"><div class="mdui-collapse-item-header"></div><div class="mdui-collapse-item-body"></div></div></div>含类 .mdui-collapse-item-arrow 的元素会在内容块展开时翻转 180 度:<div class="mdui-collapse"><div class="mdui-collapse-item"><div class="mdui-collapse-item-header"><div class="mdui-collapse-item-arrow"></div></div><div class="mdui-collapse-item-body"></div></div></div>调用方式通过自定义属性调用使用该方式无需编写 JavaScript 代码。只需在 <div class="mdui-collapse"></div> 元素上添加 mdui-collapse="options" 属性即可激活该插件。在线运行通过 JavaScript 调用实例化插件:// selector 为元素的 CSS 选择器或 DOM 元素// options 为插件的参数,见下面的参数列表var inst = new mdui.Collapse(selector, options);


完全可以。你的用法很正确。例句还有If the God you believe in exists, why did He turn His back on me when I was collapsed on my bedroom floor sobbing and begging Him for more

hypermesh 的collapse是什么意思




Ant Design中折叠面板Collapse

这段时间做react项目遇到一些平常并不会去在意的问题,但解决的时候又需要思考一番。这次开发用到了蚂蚁金服的UI框架Ant Design。项目中有一个模块的样式和功能用到了折叠面板Collapse组件来实现。但是开发完成后有一个问题被产品提到了。 问题是这样的,因为我们有一个公告展示的列表,是分页展示的,当用户在第某一页面打开一个或多个面板并且没有关闭就去点击其他的页码,当他再次返回到当前页面时折叠面板仍然是展开的。产品的要求是当用户在某一页打开折叠面板,从别的页面再次回来的时候要求折叠面板都关闭。我感觉这个并不影响什么,既然产品提出来了我们就要着手解决他。 翻看了官方文档提供的API动手实践了一下发现可以通过activeKey(数字数组/字符串数组)属性和事件onChange来实现。接下来我们来看看实现的方法(可能还有很多更好的方法,我目前只想到了这一种,有更好实现的大佬希望可以指教,感谢!)。在这个项目中用的react的新特性hooks,而且由于消息分类页面有好几个所以是把Collapse抽离出来一个组件,所以涉及到了组件之间的传值。 抽离的Collapse(子组件)组件: 引用Collapse的组件(父组件)



collapse是什么意思 解释collapse的含义和用法?

Collapse一词源自拉丁语“collapsus”,意为“崩溃、倒塌”。在英语中,collapse通常指物体的崩塌或崩溃,也可用于形容人的身体或精神状态的崩溃。5. Collapse into bed:倒在床上3. Collapse in tears:痛哭流涕除了以上的基本用法,collapse还有一些常见的短语和表达方式:4. Collapse under pressure:在压力下崩溃

collapse是什么意思 解析collapse一词的含义?



Colony Collapse Disorder (or CCD) is a little-understood phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or Western honey bee colony abruptly disappear. CCD was originally found in Western honey bee colonies in North America in late 2006.[1] European beekeepers observed a similar phenomenon in Belgium France the Netherlands Poland Greece Italy Portugal and Spain[2] and initial reports have also e in from Switzerland and Germany albeit to a lesser degree.[3] Possible cases of CCD have also been reported in Taiwan since April 2007.[4] The cause (or causes) of the syndrome is not yet well understood. Theories include environmental change-related stresses [5] malnutrition pathogens (i.e. disease[6] including Israeli acute paralysis virus)[7][8]) mites pesticides such as neonicotinoids or imidacloprid radiation from cellular phones or other man-made devices [9] and geically modified (GM) crops with pest control characteristics such as trgenic maize.[10] That the disappearances have almost exclusively been reported from a subset of the mercial beekeepers in affected areas (i.e. not feral colonies or anic beekeepers) suggests to some that beekeeping practices can be a primary factor.[11][12] From 1971 through 2006 there was a dramatic reduction in the number of feral (wild) honeybees in the US (now almost absent;[13]) and a significant though somewhat gradual decline in the number of colonies maintained by beekeepers. This decline includes the cumulative losses from all factors such as urbanization pesticide use tracheal and Varroa mites and mercial beekeepers retiring and going out of business. However late in the year 2006 and in early 2007 the rate of attrition was alleged to have reached new proportions and the term "Colony Collapse Disorder" was proposed to describe this sudden rash of disappearances.[1] Limited occurrences resembling CCD have been documented as early as 1896 [6][14] and this set of symptoms has in the past several decades been given many different names (disappearing disease spring dwindle May disease autumn collapse and fall dwindle disease[15]. Most recently a similar phenomenon in the winter of 2004/2005 occurred and was attributed to Varroa mites (the "Vampire Mite" scare) though this was never ultimately confirmed. In none of the past appearances of this syndrome has anyone been able to determine its cause(s). Upon recognition that the syndrome does not seem to be seasonally-restricted and that it may not be a "disease" in the standard sense—that there may not be a specific causative agent—the syndrome was renamed.[16] For more details pls click en. *** /wiki/Colony_Collapse_Disorder


collapse [简明英汉词典]n.倒塌, 崩溃, 失败, 虚脱vi.倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解, 失败, 病倒多数用于公司倒闭,精神崩溃等,组织瓦解,革命失败等。crumble [简明英汉词典]v.弄碎, 粉碎, 崩溃n.面包屑多数用于把……弄成粉碎。

crush 和collapse的区别

crushTo press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure.压破,压伤:在两个对向的物质间挤压并使其破碎或受伤To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.压碎:把(石头或矿石等)挤压、捣碎或碾成小碎块或粉末collapseTo fall down or inward suddenly; cave in.倒塌:突然倒下或塌陷;塌陷To break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function:崩溃:力量或健康突然停顿并因此陷于瘫痪: 一根管子被夹扁了,也就是被夹的变形了,应该用crushed

填表时expands all和collapse all 什么意思

expands all释义扩展所有collapse all释义全部折叠
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