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JQuery 的jquery.barcode怎么使用

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! <html><head><title> New Document </title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.g********.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://b***********.com/download/jquery-barcode-2.0.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#create").click(function(){ $("#bcTarget").barcode("1234567890128", "ean13"); }); }); </script></head><body> <button id="create">Create</button> <div id="bcTarget"></div></body></html>


BALE BARCODE 是外包装条形码比如一箱酒有24瓶,BALE BARCODE就是酒香的条码BARCODE就是每瓶酒上的条码


n.x05(大学)校园;学校范围内;大学或其分校;大学生活 名词复数:campuses [例句]Do you want to get reenergized and back on campus " 你是否希望在充电之后再回到校园?”


university area








barcode[英][bɑ:"kəʊd][美][bɑ:"koʊd]条形码; 形近词:narcosesarcode双语例句 1Design and Usage of Mobile Doctor-Nurse Workstation In Medical Treatment Team Based On 2D Barcode基于二维条码的医疗救护分队移动医护工作站设计【医】(颔)侧移动




barcode---即条形码 的意思! EAN-13通用商品条形码一般由前缀部分、制造厂商代码、商品代码和校验码组成。商品条形码中的前缀码是用来标识国家或地区的代码,赋码权在国际物品编码协会,如00-09代表美国、加拿大。45-49代表日本。690-692代...

求iLike就业SolidWorks 2010中文版多功能教材的视频,那个打不开,下不了视频?



barcode和index是同一段核苷酸序列的称呼。 微生物测序量很少,一般4M reads就就可以了,但是对于高通量测序仪来说一条lane能出几十G甚至上百G的数据,所以不可能一条lane只测一个样品,因此会给不同的样品加上不同的index或者barcode,进行混库测序;最后数据出来了,就可以根据不同的index信息把reads拆分成不同的样品。


条形码(barcode)是将宽度不等的多个黑条和空白,按照一定的编码规则排列,用以表达一组信息的图形标识符。常见的条形码是由反射率相差很大的黑条(简称条)和白条(简称空)排成的平行线图案。条形码可以标出物品的生产国、制造厂家、商品名称、生产日期、图书分类号、邮件起止地点、类别、日期等许多信息,因而在商品流通、图书管理、邮政管理、银行系统等许多领域都得到广泛的应用。最早被打上条形码的产品是箭牌口香糖。条形码技术最早产生在风声鹤唳的二十世纪二十年代,诞生于威斯汀豪斯(Westinghouse)的实验室里。一位名叫约翰·科芒德(John Kermode) 性格古怪的发明家“异想天开”地想对邮政单据实现自动分检,那时候对电子技术应用方面的每一个设想都使人感到非常新奇。

mediascoder for iphone输出路径找不到文件



barcode英 [bɑː"kəʊd]     美 [bɑː"kəʊd]    条码


barcode在英语中代表"条形码"的意思。barcode的释义:1.条形码:例句:However, our factory workers were neglectful and did not use the stickers with barcode on。翻译:但是厂里疏忽了,没有用上有条形码的那种卡头。来源:在线英语词典;用法及短语示例:barcode一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多。英语例句:1. Two core elements of this thesis are OMR information card and barcode identification。翻译:条形码的识别和OMR信息卡的识别是本文的两个核心内容。 2. Two approaches that look as if they can help are OCR and barcode scanning。翻译:有两种方式看上去会有所帮助,它们是OCR和条形码扫描。 3. When you open Barcode Scanner, you will see a rectangular area with a flashing red line displayed on the screen of your phone。4. This is part of a $50 bill like Billy"s with the hidden barcode。翻译:这是50元钞票的一角 跟比利的新钞票一样有密码。5. Barcode generation APis can be used to generate barcodes with the data provided。翻译:可以使用条形码生成API利用提供的数据生成条形码。6. And so it is not any one stripe or something that tells me i have a virus of a particular type here; it"s the barcode that in bulk represents the whole thing。

懂得进! 请问以下预装软件哪款能删除?谢谢!最好再解释一下它们的用途。非常感谢。

如果你的手机是品牌机不应该会出现这种情况阿,可能是你下载了游戏导致的吧,像开心连连消就会在屏幕中间弹出一个广告窗口,一般品牌机不会出这种问题,国产品牌机就更不会了,国产品牌机除了系统必要的应用外,一个预装应用都木有,我有个 至尊宝L82就是,获取不了权限,不能刷机,也没有预装应用

Social Medias Connect是什么


become come keep sleep sweep leave make meet feel pay 它们的汉译 过去式 过去分词?速度 急用!

0成为became1来came2保持kept3睡觉slept4打扫swept5离开left6做 made7遇见met8感觉felt9付款paid


校园 compus

If I can ease one life the aching,or cool one pain,or help one fainting robin.Ishall not live


university .college .campus 有什么区别?


怎么区分campus 和 compass读音





campus主要指大学校园,固定搭配on campusschool主要学校,中、小学university主要是指综合性大学,较偏重于本科college主要指学院,较偏重于专科学院

英国巴克莱银行在纽卡斯尔市的Swift Code是什么?



campus主要指大学校园,固定搭配on campusschool主要学校,中、小学university主要是指综合性大学,较偏重于本科college主要指学院,较偏重于专科学院参考资料360问答:

英国巴克莱银行在纽卡斯尔市的Swift Code是什么?


英国巴克莱swift code



visited ,arrived,tried,preferred,cost ,left,saw-seen,drove-driven,helped,saved,stopped,gave-given,held,knew-known,fed,wrote-written 写一个的是过去式和分词相同rains-raining,writes-writing,prefers-preferring, tries-trying,goes-going, stops-stopping, sees-seeing, runs-running

contrany to popular belief that classical music is too complex,it achieves a simplicity that only a


By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage

中文意义2楼解答精准,结构解析1楼解答可用。本文是一个系表结构+破折号引出的对前句解释。By definition,介词结构做状语,表方式 heroes and heroines 主语are 系动词 men and women 宾语distinguished by (后接三个名词词组做介词By 的宾语)分词短语做后置定语,修饰前面的宾语。uncommon courage, (第一个名词)achievements(第二个 名词)and self-sacrifice(第三个名词) made most often for the benefit of others 过去分词后置做定语,修饰self-sacrifice。 made.......for......过去分词短语 most often 频度副词做过去分词短语之状语 the benefit of others 名词结构, 做 for的宾语—they are people against whom we measure others.全句相当于一个解释性的句子,对前句进行意义的补充。同样是系表结构。 they 主语are 系动词谓语people 宾语against whom we measure others 介词+关系词引导的定语从句

英语填空The achievements of the greatest minds in science could never have been reached

CA和C付合句意,如果怎样怎样就怎样,B不应该用because, 语意不通,D的最后缺少for.因此只能从AC中选,而从句子的意思认为是虚拟语气,且从前句看是完成时态,因此选C最合适

completely forgotten

I have completely forgotten your look. 我根本记不起你长啥样. 我彻底忘了你的样子. 我把你的模样忘个一干二净. 1.completely,程度副词,修饰谓语动词中心语forgotten(forget现在完成时) 2.此句系现在完成时 供参

Miss quietly in a quiet corner quietly forgotten 是什么意思


moulds and yeasts count是什么意思

moulds and yeasts count 指 “霉菌和酵母菌的总计”,不过这是不规范的说法,应该改为 the count of moulds and yeasts。

come true和achieve的区别

含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。come true:(梦想等)实现;(预言等)成真;应验;达到;achieve v. 完成;达到;实现。come true的主语通常为物;achieve的主语通常指人。 come true和achieve的区别 come true come true 是不及物动词词组,通常用来表示“理想、愿望等”的名词作句子的主语。 Her wish to become a doctor has come true. 她想当医生的愿望实现了。 achieve achieve常用作及物动词,基本意思是“取得”“获得”,如取得成就、成果或获得胜利、成功等; 也可以表示经长期努力而“实现”“达到”“完成”,如实现目标、愿望,达到目的,完成计划等。achieve多用于美好的事物,一经获得便永远受益且不易丧失,一般不与贬义词连用。 Many managers are driven by a desire to achieve. 许多经理是受成功欲望所驱使的。 achieve用法归纳 1.achieve一般只用作及物动词,其宾语可以是“实现”的目标、目的等,也可以是“取得”的胜利、成功、名誉、地位等。 Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their aims. 要让每个人都有机会实现自己的目标。 She achieved no success. 她有没获得成功。 偶尔用作不及物动词 (表示“获得成功”或“如愿以偿”),但很少见。 He achieved because he worked hard. 他因为工作努力获得了成功。 2.achieve有时与 this,that,what,all,much,anything,nothing,a little 等代词连用,表示“获得 (成功)”或“取得 (成就)”等。 No one can achieve anything without effort. 谁也不可能不努力而有所作为。 All this cannot be achieved overnight. 这一切不是朝夕之间可做到的。 I"ve achieved only half of what I hoped to do. 我只完成了我原想完成的一半。 3.因achieve一般与令人愉快的事 (如:成功、成就等)连用,所以不要受汉语的影响滥用此词表示一般意义的“达到”。

怎么样区别achieve和come true


come true和achieve的区别

1、含义不同。achieve:实现成绩、目标。come true:实现,多指梦想、蓝图、计划。2、主语不同。achieve:主语是人。come true:主语是梦想蓝图计划。意思有区别的,可以根据上下文意思区分。常以dream、wish等作主语。3、强调内容不同。achieve:多指克服困难后取得胜利,成功,强调“得到”这一结果。come true:强调“得到”这一过程。扩展资料:realize:实现,意识到,多指意识到某种道理、规律什么的,主语是人。realise 觉悟、 I have achieved my goal 我已经实现我的目标、 My dream come true 我梦想成真、 I realised this is wrong 我意识到这是错误的。

come true和achieve的区别是什么?

1、含义不同:achieve:实现成绩、目标。come true:实现,多指梦想、蓝图、计划。2、主语不同:achieve:主语是人。come true:主语是梦想蓝图计划。意思有区别的,可以根据上下文意思区分。常以dream、wish等作主语。3、强调内容不同:achieve:多指克服困难后取得胜利,成功,强调得到这一结果。come true:强调得到这一过程。重点词语解释:1、achievevt. 取得;获得;实现;成功vi. 达到预期的目的,实现预期的结果,如愿以偿2、comevi. 来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达vt. 做;假装;将满多多少岁扩展资料:come的用法:1、come的基本意思是“朝某中心点接近、到达某地点或达到某种状态”。 2、come可以表示“来临,降临”,常用以指时间或事件按规律或自然法则等“顺理成章”地到来,也可指和他人在一起来参加某活动。



come true和achieve的区别


achieve,come true,realize区别

achieve 是指经过一番努力付出或取得较大的成就或贡献come true 强调某种猜测和预知的计划、梦想等最终实现了realize则指某人实现了自己非常想去完成的某事

achieve ,realize, come true的区别



I have lots of comic about Munich.意思是我有很多关于慕尼黑的笑话。



Munich, then, is a city of fascinating contrasts 中的then的语法 意思


Munich,Germany,Alaska,ferry,Papa Westray,Scotland的

Munich 谬尼克Germany 这门尼Alaska 阿拉斯卡ferry 傅爱瑞Papa Westray 帕帕 歪斯捶Scotland 斯高特兰得

accommodation and catering industry是什么意思

accommodation and catering industry住宿和餐饮业双语对照例句:1.Campaigners and industry lobbies are livid. 竞选者和产业游说团体气得脸都白了。2.Endow these people with industry and ambition. 这个岛赋予了这些人产业和雄心。

the scientific community is in almost total agre

Today the scientific community is in almost total agreement that the earth"s climate is changing as a result of human activity, and that this represents a huge threat to the planet and to us. According to a Pew survey conducted in March, however, public opinion lags behind the scientific conclusion, with only 69% of those surveyed accepting the view that the earth is warming — and only 1 in 4 Americans see global warming as a major threat. Still, 69% is a solid majority, which begs the question, Why aren"t we doing anything about it?This political inertia in the face of unprecedented threat is the most fundamental challenge to tackling climate change. Climate scientists and campaigners have long debated how to better communicate the message to nonexperts so that climate science can be translated into action. According to Christopher Rapley, professor of climate science at University College London, the usual tactic of climate experts to provide the public with information isn"t enough because “it does not address key underlying causes.” We are all bombarded with the evidence of climate change on an almost a daily basis, from new studies and data to direct experiences of freakish weather events like last year"s epic drought in the U.S. The information is almost unavoidable.If it"s not a data deficit that"s preventing people from doing more on global warming, what is it? Blame our brains. Renee Lertzman, an applied researcher who focuses on the psychological dimensions of sustainability, explains that the kind of systemic threat that climate change poses to humans is “unique both psychologically and socially.” We face a minefield of mental barriers and issues that prevent us from confronting the threat.(MORE: As Temperatures Rise, Empires Fall: Heat and Human Behavior)For some, the answer lies in cognitive science. Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard, has written about why our inability to deal with climate change is due in part to the way our mind is wired. Gilbert describes four key reasons ranging from the fact that global warming doesn"t take a human form — making it difficult for us to think of it as an enemy — to our brains" failure to accurately perceive gradual change as opposed to rapid shifts. Climate change has occurred slowly enough for our minds to normalize it, which is precisely what makes it a deadly threat, as Gilbert writes, “because it fails to trip the brain"s alarm, leaving us soundly asleep in a burning bed.”Robert Gifford, a professor of psychology and environmental studies at the University of Victoria in Canada, also picks up on the point about our brains" difficulty in grasping climate change as a threat. Gifford refers to this and other psychological barriers to mitigating climate change as “dragons of inaction.” Since authoring a paper on the subject in 2011 in which he outlined seven main barriers, or dragons, he has found many more. “We"re up to around 30,” he notes. “Now it"s time to think about how we can slay these dragons.” Gifford lists factors such as limited cognition or ignorance of the problem, ideologies or worldviews that may prevent action, social comparisons with other people and perceived inequity (the “Why should we change if X corporation or Y country won"t?”) and the perceived risks of changing our behavior.Gifford is reluctant to pick out one barrier as being more powerful or limiting than another. “If I had to name one, I would nominate the lack of perceived behavioral control; ‘I"m only one person, what can I do?" is certainly a big one.” For many, the first challenge will be in recognizing which dragons they have to deal with before they can overcome them. “If you don"t know what your problem is, you don"t know what the solution is,” says Gifford.Yet this approach can only work if people are prepared to acknowledge that they have a problem. But for those of us who understand that climate change is a problem yet make little effort to cut the number of overseas trips we make or the amount of meat we consume, neither apathy nor denial really explains the dissonance between our actions and beliefs. Lertzman has come to the conclusion that this is not because of apathy — a lack of feeling — but because of the simple fact that we care an overwhelming amount about both the planet and our way of life, and we find that conflict too painful to bear. Our apparent apathy is just a defense mechanism in the face of this psychic pain.(MORE: The Evil Brain: What Lurks Inside a Killer"s Mind)“We"re reluctant to come to terms with the fact that what we love and enjoy and what gives us a sense of who we are is also now bound up with the most unimaginable devastation,” says Lertzman. “When we don"t process the pain of that, that"s when we get stuck and can"t move forward.” Lertzman refers to this inability to mourn as “environmental melancholia,” and points to South Africa"s postapartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an example of how to effectively deal with this collective pain. “I"m not saying there should be one for climate or carbon, but there"s a lot to be said for providing a means for people to talk together about climate change, to make it socially acceptable to talk about it.”Rosemary Randall, a trained psychotherapist, has organized something close to this. She runs the U.K.-basedCarbon Conversations, a program that brings people together to talk in a group setting about ways of halving their personal carbon footprint. Writing in Aeon, an online magazine, Randall suggests that climate change is such a disturbing subject, that “like death, it can raise fears and anxieties that people feel have no place in polite conversation.” Randall acknowledges that while psychology and psychoanalysis aren"t the sole solutions to tackling climate change, “they do offer an important way of thinking about the problem.”Lertzman says the mainstream climate-change community has been slow to register the value of psychology and social analysis in addressing global warming. “I think there"s a spark of some interest, but also a wariness of what this means, what it might look like,” she notes. Gifford says otherwise, however, explaining that he has never collaborated with other disciplines as much as he does now. “I may be a little biased because I"m invested in working in it, but in my view, climate change, and not mental health, is the biggest psychological problem we face today because it affects 100% of the global population.”Despite the pain, shame, difficulty and minefield of other psychological barriers that we face in fully addressing climate change, both Lertzman and Gifford are still upbeat about our ability to face up to the challenge. “It"s patronizing to say that climate change is too big or abstract an issue for people to deal with,” says Lertzman. “There can"t be something about the human mind that stops us grappling with these issues given that so many people already are — maybe that"s what we should be focusing on instead.”MORE: The Psychology of Environmentalism: How the Mind Can Save the Planet

munich germany america scotland哪一项不同?


Edith Cowan

百度百科澳大利亚元里有各种面值人物的详尽介绍。50面值的EDITH COWAN是澳大利亚第一位女议员艾蒂丝·科恩。左边是西澳州首府佩斯市议会大厦,科恩曾于1920年在此担当澳大利亚历史上的第一位女议员。右方是科恩为了争取妇女和儿童的权益在演讲,在她的背后是一位监护人和她收养的四个孩子

英语求教 continued 和continuous 的区别?

continued 是动词的被动形式 用于to be continued continuous是形容词 接连不断的 连续的 形容的是一种状态

eclipse中select existing configuration 有什么用?




preexisting condition是什么意思

preexisting adj 早已存在的 应该是早已存在的情况的意思I will never forget watching my own mother, as she fought cancer in her finaldays, worrying about whether her insurer would claim her illness was a preexistingcondition. 跟读我从未忘记在我母亲和癌症抗争的最后的那些日子,她总是担心保险公司会认定她的病是以前就有的而拒绝付费。

campaign contest 区别

campaign 战役,(政治)运动,竞选活动。contest 竞赛,比赛。区别很大。

updater is waiting for an existing operation to complete是什么毛病

updater is waiting for an existing operation to complete_有道翻译翻译结果:更新程序正在等待一个现有的操作完成existing英 [ɪɡ"zɪstɪŋ]美 [ɪɡ"zɪstɪŋ]adj. 目前的;现存的v. 存在(exist的现在分词)Existing 现有,现存的,既有的existing problems 存在问题,存在的问题,现有问题existing building 现有建筑物,

existent与existing有什么不同 还有score与scoring 有什么不同

existent 表示 :n. 生存者;存在的事物 adj. 存在的;生存的existing 表示:adj. 目前的;现存的 v. 存在(exist的现在分词)score 表示:n. 分数;二十;配乐;刻痕 vt. 获得;评价;划线,刻划;把…记下 vi. 得分;记分;刻痕scoring 表示:n. 得分;刻痕;总谱 adj. 得分的 v. 得分(score的ing形式);刻痕;记下

the existing table is not compatible with the import spec是什么错误

codec和handler比较 以下只是个人实践。可能会有其它办法解决。 1、Codec比较mina编码解码器(codec)创建实例可有以下选择:1) 每一次接收到的数据创建一次codec实例2) 为所有client链接创建一次codec实例netty编码解码器创建实例可有以下选择:1) 每一次链接创建一次codec实例2) 为所有client链接创建一次codec实例2、Handler比较Mina的handler创建实例可有以下选择:1) 为所有client链接创建一次codec实例Netty编码解码器创建实例可有以下选择:1) 每一次链接创建一次handler实例2) 为所有client链接创建一次handler实例

existing accounts


速联RED顶级套件和campagnolo Super Record 意大利套件。哪个好?公路车的.


Nature communications 是个什么杂志

nature communications是英国nature集团旗下的子刊,Nature Communications 是一个仅在网上出版的多学科杂志,专门发表生物学、物理学和化学等各领域的高质量研究论文。Nature子刊包括:Nature Biotechnology、Nature Cell Biology、Nature Chemical Biology、Nature Chemistry、Nature Climate Change、Nature Communications、Nature Genetics、Nature Geoscience、Nature Immunology、Nature Materials、Nature Medicine、Nature Methods、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Neuroscience、Nature Photonics、Nature Physics、Nature Structural and Molecular Biology

Campagnolo Scirocco 35 轮组轴承是什么型号?

Campagnolo 的顶尖科技实验室通过各种途径去提升 BORA,他们的最大的成果体现在 BORA 和其他新产品的辐条编法上。在行业内,同时提升性能和耐用性是一个公认的难题,工程师们必须要保持当前 BORA 的可靠性的同时...


有人用过新出的CAMPAGNOLO SCIROCCO 35mm 铝刀吗出过的吧,好像一出来就被抢光了由于一直跑的都是大直道,一直想弄对高框轮组。原来打算自编,但是高框铝刀好点的不好找,心也就慢慢的下去了。无意之中看到了shimano的RS31轮组,30MM框高,1100元能够拿下。今天上淘宝无意之中又看到了两款高框铝刀,Campagnolo Scirocco 35和Fulcrum r4,都是35MM的框高,价钱都在1700多点。目前车子依然是RX300,铝合金架子、Sora套件,算是自编的轮组吧(网上买的原来的捷安特的轮组,后来自己进行了矫正。久欲直拉花鼓,24MM铝圈,标是捷安特的)。准备把这辆车骑到报废然后换车(原则上考虑是2016年开始换车,最早2015年),初步打算是捷安特TCR C碳架+105套件(11速,估计到时候11速的105怎么也得下来了吧)轮组打算用2300左右的。


con- 是拉丁语前缀, 有 with, together 的意思.con- 和 com- 一样的. 只是因为 在 b p m 前发 m 音更方便, 所以这些音前的 con- 变为 com- (例 combine, comprise, command). 类似的 l 前要变为 col- (例 collide); r 前要变为 cor- (例 correct).所以你自己总结的规律确实有一部分是对的



Chianti Classico 750ml瓶装红葡萄酒。颈标上的“黑色公鸡“为Classico协会的标志。 ②DOC葡萄酒(1)


failedt tocon nect是什么意思?

空格应该错了吧,你想打得是 failed to connect吧? 意思是“连接失败”

英语connection timed out怎么翻译?

英语 connec tion timed out 的中文翻译是:连接定时




区分英语单词前缀是com,还是con一般取决于后续词根的首字母,1.如果后续根的前缀是b、p、m,则使用com;2.如果随后的开根菌手不是b、p、m,而是r,则先用手除l。前缀con-con是一个拉丁语前缀,意思是“一起”,而在汉语中,它的意思是“在一起”。例如,结束语;结论(con+clude关闭所有封闭的结束)confirm坚定证实(con+firm坚定)condense凝结;浓缩(con+dense浓密的)consolidate巩固,加强(con+solid坚固+ate-成为大家的财产-没收)conflict冲突(con+flict打-一起打斗一冲突)com-和com-com的意思和con-是一样的,只是在b、p和m之前发m更方便,所以在这些音之前的con-变成了com。把com-看作con-的变体。例如:combine(com+bineplugtogether-combine;爱国者是同胞。其他常见的变化con com公司的常见变化。选择哪一种变体形式取决于其后根的第一个字母,都是为了方便拼写和拼法,意义也没有区别。扩展资料:一个英语单词可以分为三个部分:前缀(prefix),词根(stem)及后缀(suffix)。单词中位于词根前面的部分就是前缀。前缀,可以改变单词的意思。常见的前缀有如下几类:第一种类:是肯定的或否定的,如un-in-im-il-ir-non-mi-mal-dis-anti-under-re-over等。第二种类:表示大小,如半等-微型-微型-宏观-兆-等。第三个类:表示位置关系。例如:inter-super-trans-ex-extra-sub-peri-;第四类:是指时间和顺序,如前-前-素-后-复古等。第五类:半单-bi-三-四-五-十六进制-恢复(em)-oct-dec-multi-等。其他类别,如pro-auto-co-con等。


connect [con·nect || kə"nekt]v. 连接, 连结; 给...接通电话; 联想; 联系; 连接, 连结; 衔接, 联运contact [con·tact || "kɒntækt]n. 接触; 联系v. 接触; 联系; 接触, 交际, 会晤

Support Componnect是什么意思怎么卸载



DISCONNECTEDdisconnected[7diskE5nektid]adj.分离的, 不连贯的disconnecteddis.con.nect.edAHD:[d¹s”k…-nµk“t¹d] D.J.[7disk*6nektid]K.K.[7d!sk*6nWkt!d]adj.(形容词)Not connected; separate or detached.分离的,断开的,不相连的Marked by unrelated parts; incoherent:各个部分不连贯的,无条理的:described the accident in a disconnected way.无条理地描述了那场车祸dis”connect“edlyadv.(副词)dis”connect“ednessn.(名词)disconnected[7diskE5nektid]adj.断了联络的, 分离的, 不连续的支离破碎的, 无系统的a disconnected speech零乱的讲演a disconnected thoughts断续的思绪disconnectedlyadv.extremelly disconnected极不连通的totally disconnected【数】全不连通的totally pathwise disconnected完全轨态不连通的以上是我从“金山词霸2006”中查询所得,以下是我自己对此问题的看法。个人认为:提问者的电脑上一定是安装了需要网络支持的软件,且是支持托盘隐藏的,当鼠标移至该软件的托盘图标处时显示“DISCONNECTED”,即是指该软件没有成功连接到网络,常规分析应该是因为防火墙阻止的缘故。当然,请先确定该软件是否为你自己安装的应用软件,如果是木马或其它恶意程序,你让它联网就麻烦了!一般来说,可以通过查找可疑进程的执行文件藏身处来区分是否是恶意程序,这一点可以通过一款名叫“ECQ-PS超级进程王”的免费软件来实现。

connect和switch on用法和区别



connect [con·nect || kə"nekt]v. 连接, 连结; 给...接通电话; 联想; 联系; 连接, 连结; 衔接, 联运contact [con·tact || "kɒntækt]n. 接触; 联系v. 接触; 联系; 接触, 交际, 会晤



谁知道这款红酒的价格?costa di bussia2010 还有一款依澜雅铂金级2010西拉

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