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不会呀 ,真的

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.Mr Nihilism gave it a7:Not bad.Wally S. gave it a9:A true family film, technically masterfull, brilliantly directed, and Depp once more prooves himself an excellent actor. The art direction, fantastic. The score, superb...and the fun never stops.CA ENT gave it a5:It was a decent movie, but if your like me, and have watched the original, this comes nowhere even close. The oompa loompas were horrible, Johnny Depp, didnt do a bad job, but his character (willy wonka) was annoying, silly, and sometimes boring. The one cool thing about this movie, was that we got to see into Wonka"s past and how he became a chocolate maker. The young kid, playing Charlie, did an excellent job, but overall, this movie was a huge letdown. Alot of the humor fell short, and Gene Wilder is a much better fit for Willy Wonka, both as an actor and in the script. This was definately a remake of sorts, mainly aimed towards the younger audience. I was hoping it was like the original, but with Tim Burton"s amazing talent. But it wasnt.DV8 gave it a3:Oh my god... I hate Tim Burton"s visions of, well, just about everything. I realize that this movie stays closer to the book than Willy Wonka does, but all the symbolism, all the mystery about Willy Wonka are completely obviated, and the movie withers as it becomes sentimental and preachy.Marcela D. gave it a9:Was a good movie. The actors were well chosen. It certainly got me laughing. I think it was better and funnier than the old one.Tom H gave it a7:First off I did not like the first one all that much. second this movie would have gotton a much better score from everybody if it had tried to be less child like and just stick to the adult references.Filmgirl gave it a3:What a disappointment! What"s with those stupid Oompaloompas???? What"s with Johnny Depp? He is one creepy dude.... Miss this one, trust me!Spiro A. gave it a2:If you love Tim Burton flicks and haven"t read the book or seen the Wilder movie, you will probably like or even love this movie. If you"ve read the Dahl book, seen the original movie with Wilder, and or dislike Burton flicks (as I do), you will probably be disappointed or outright disgusted. Burton"s perverse rendition is a disjointed freak show that relies on quirkiness and cinematography over character development and plot. The movie does nothing to distinguish itself and pales in comparison to the original. It also assininely changes important storylines from the book and the Wilder flick to it"s detriment. The movie left me thinking, "Hmmmm... some of the lines were funny, the sets were neat, and some of the acting was okay, but overall this really sucks". I gave a 2 rating only because of the quirkiness and cinematography (both Burton staples). If you dislike Burton, love Wilder, and/or Dahl, this movie will piss you off and leave you puzzled and empty. Otherwise, rent it and it may amuse you.Captan S. gave it a4:One of the least inspiring movies of the last few years. Uncolorful, not charming and definitely not funny. Johnny Depp has to be one of the worst picks for this character, but honestly, why mess with "Willy Wonka" to begin with? Gene Wilder was amazing in the roll, charming and funny, but this ain"t "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", mores the pity! Lifeless, uninspiring and bland! I give this one a 4 for the effects, but there"s not much else to be excited about. Do yourselves a favor, go buy the original and let this one die a slow death. This review"ll save 2 hrs. of your life that you will never get back!Tim D. gave it an8:I went to se this with low expectations, having heard and read very mixed reviews by critics and friends, and wound up laughing all the way through. It"s not a remake of the earlier film -- it"s an different take, equally valid. Johnny Depp does great work and the film"s sense of humor is sly and goofy. Is it perfect? No. But it"s plenty good enough,and it left me PIE gave it a10:This moovie was pretty damn awesome. george a. gave it a5:Johnny depp amazing as always however i think that he"s version of willy wonka is ott. My favourite scene in the old film is where he pretends to fall over and does a forward roll which isen"t in the film instead it"s replaced by a very tacky song that lets u know wat the rest of the film is going to be like. A dissapointing film and should only be seen by those who haven"t read the book or seen the original film.Kumar R. gave it a9:Tim Burton has done a great job in adapting Roald Dahl"s classic BOOK. "Wily Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" is not a concern here. This is not a remake of the movie. It"s an adaptation of the book. Johnny Depp and Freddie Highmore play a wonderful Wily Wonka and Charlie respectively. A must see for all.Dan H. gave it a5:Enchanting until the singing starts....Depp brilliant again.Eric S. gave it a3:Not a very good rendetion. too off base from the orginal. too Tim burtonEY for this show.Blake T. gave it a2:If you have always wanted to see Jack Sparrow try to do Willy Wonka, this is the movie for you. Otherwise, you"d be better off spending you money at the dentist.lala poloza gave it a10:Pros: Stunnningly original, great acting done by Depp, dark humor. Cons: Some things from the original were taken out. Overview: One of the best most orignila comedies in years. Gets us thinking, where would the world be without Tim Burton.Mike G. gave it a9:With a lot of pressure to live up to, Burton"s version of "Charlie" stakes out its own ground and soars on its own merits. This isn"t the hippy-trippy early 70s colorful world of Willy Wonka, but instead a postmodern dark version of the tale, and probably far closer to what Dahl initially intended. The film works, entertaining as well as leaving you a little unsettled.Rev. Gomez gave it a7:Not a great movie, but not horrible. It was entertaining enough. I just need to post in response to the resident genius "Pooch". Okay, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory probably should have been left pristine. The idea here was to make it more similar to the book. And, this is for you Pooch, the book was titled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Get a clue!Scott J gave it a9:Hey geniuses, the ones bashing the film as a "remake of a classic," or as one person put it, gave it a "new name" and "tried to make it a little darker," here"s a newsflash: this was originally a BOOK. The name isn"t new, it"s the original title of the book, the "classic" Diz-nee film changed the title, and actually made Dahl"s story sappy and LESS dark. Burton"s film isn"t perfect, but he comes close to getting it right while the Diz-nee film got most of it wrong. The new music ain"t great, but it"s a lot better than the syrupy show-tunes wedged into the Diz-nee film.Trent S. gave it a4:Could have done without the musical numbers.Tonya T. gave it a10:I loved this movie! Tim Burton is my favorite director and this was wonderfully creepy and fun!Shane J. gave it a3:It just didn"t have the same fun factor as the first one. Also, Depp seemed like he was just trying way to hard to be wierd. The movie was just not as good as the orginal.[Anonymous] gave it a9:Depp and Burton have done it again. This is a magical tale that will live on forever. Pure magic.Pooch gave it a2:This movie was possibly the worst idea to come out of Tim Burtons hatfull of worst ideas. Remaking the classic movie, WIlly Wonka and the Chocolate Facotry, and giving it a new name, trying to knock it off as being different, what a horrible idea. They tried to make it a little darker by including Wonka"s childhood, but that ended up sucking a big one. It was a bad idea to make this movie. Period. The classic movie has now been ruined for me, since I have seen these new cheap knock-offs for Oompa Loompas. The Oompa Loompas used to be my favorite part, and now I just want to slice my wrists open everytime I hear their name mentioned. The music sucked too.Katherine B gave it a2:This movie is still horrendous. I would call it "scum," but I"m too nice of a person. In my earlier review, I pointed out positive aspects of the movie. Well, really, I pointed out aspects of the movie that weren"t as devastatingly horrible as Depp"s performance. The Oompa Loompas are bad, the writing is bad, the acting is bad, and the aesthetic elements are only enough to entertain those who aren"t yet old enough to understand that movies aren"t all about pretty pictures and sing alongs. The only reason I give it a 2 now is to appease Nick R. And I do **think about [my] score**.Bman gave it a3:Depp aint no Gene Wilder. What a pile of tripe.Crystal S. gave it a10:I loved this movie. Tim Burton is the best no matter whta people think. The movie was NOT a remake or a sequel..It was what tim thought it should be so he expressed it how he saw it, U go tim burton. Work ur magic!!!Malcom M. gave it a4:Not as good as they say. Quite dissapointing really, coming from Burton, and Depp"s character lacks, well, "Depth". What can I say? Most might find it sweet, yes, to some extend. Colorful, oh yes, that comes with the territory. But in all this kiddy delight and muse, the approach Tim took felt more creepy and pretty disturbing, more than anything. I mean, c"mon, no matter how bad and spoilt or rotten a kid"s attitude, he or she shouldn"t be punished to the extend that Mr Burton deemed justifiable to teach these kids a lesson. Coz, as it turns out, the lesson was extreme and for life! And heck, the kid"s were still rotten, and worst off. Maybe he"s right, i dunno, but it was more a nightmare than a sweet chocolate to me. And please, the oompa loompas or whatever heck those midgets were, they"re so freakingly irritating what with their crazy dance routines and forgettable songs! Man, bring me back Planet of The Apes, Tim! At least that was more watchable than this bash of brownish nonsense. Or better still, let us just go watch the original Charlie with Gene Wilder, now that was a classic.Luke L gave it a6:"What do you get with a bad Oopma-Loopa....a lot of bad singing, Oopma Loompa dipity doo Burton"s new Oompa-Loompa is just a fool." A 10+ movie if Burton would have stuck to the old Oopma-Loopma theme.alice w. gave it a9:Delightfully creepy.marshall m. gave it a10:It"s great entertainment! for younger kids and adults. go see it!jenny h. gave it a10:This was the best movie of many i sawe this summer...IT ROX MY SOX. I just love those oopa loompas. I coould listen to that Agustus Gloop song over and over again!!!Linea K. gave it a10:It was soooooooo funny! Depp adds a whole new twist to the story.Fabio C. gave it a10:Wonderful movie. Great acting (Depp plays an intriguing Wonka, Highmore is a truly expressive Charlie), stunning visuals, usual great music by Elfman, great humour, the Oompa-Loompas... Highly recommended.Sebastien gave it a5:I first didn"t want to see that movie cos" of the story (It come from a book for kids I read it when i was young), but I saw Tim Burton"s name written with it so i decided to go with friends anyway... The result is that you may clearly recognize a Tim Burton"s movie by the landscape features and the ambient but Tim Burton seems to have been really restrained to the story without making it getting really "burtonian". Even Johnny Depp hardly get to make it a good movie... Entertaining yes but not that good.Greg L. gave it a9:Nothing against Gene Wilder, but this is light years ahead of the treacly original in terms of visuals, overall acting, and sticking to the original intent of Roald Dahl"s book. It"s also worth noting that this version is officially sanctioned by the Dahl family. And why do some critics bash Depp"s portrayal? Perhaps they were expecting the second coming of Gene Wilder... I think he did a great job.Austin G. gave it a10:I really loved this movie. In the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory, the producers captured all of Roald Dahl"s goofiness but did not reallly have a point or a plot. To be frank, the book was one of my least favorites of Dahl"s for these exact reasons. However, in this new movie, Tim Burton gave life to a formerly dull and uninspiring movie. Also, he did something that I have onlly ever seen before in I, Robot. I liked this movie in spite of all its flaws because the director, instead of following the lead of countless other book-inspired producers, took the general spirit of the book, and then built the sory around this, leaving much of the original story behind. Though Burton stuck more to the original plot, he changed it just enough to make it better. This truly is a masterpiece of a movie.Lucy-Ann Smith gave it a10:Very entertaining and full of comedy. The energy and special effects are amazing.Harvey C. gave it a7:Has much of the fun-house entertaining quality of "Beetlejuice". Depp"s edgy, ambiguous, emotionally alienated character is well done, and the awful children are very well played. Is it for children or adults? The reviewers" manifold disagreements are amusing. Certainly it won"t be played over and over on the VCR, as the Wilder version is. But it"s more dramatically satisfying.Donaa B. gave it a1:This movie was disgusting!!! A shameful attempt of a remake! This movie has nothing catchy about and no interesting songs. The old movie is a million times better. This movie was just plain stupid. Don"t waste your money.

can be,could be的用法是什么?

谈谈can与be able to 用法上的区别语中, can 与be able to在用法上既有相同的一方面, 又有不同的地方,这是应该引起注意的。当它们表示能力的时候,是同义的。如:He can speak two foreign languages.He is able to speak two foreign languages.它们用法上的不同主要体现在以下几方面:1. can只有两种时态, 即can 和could, 而be able to 有多种时态, 如was/were able to, will/shall be able to, have/has been able to等:I"ll be able to drive the car in a week.Through his diligent work, the deaf-mute has been able to read and write in a sign language.2.表示过去通过努力终于做成了某事要用be able to,而不能用can。如: I was able to swim to the bank after the boat turned over.can 和be able to 都可以表示能力.can泛指一般的能力,而且只有两种形式,即:can, able to 则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,其形式主要是靠be 发生变化,所以形式比can 多.可以说:I can swim. I am able to swim. 但是不能说:All the people could escape from the big fire in time. 只能说:All the people were able to escape from the fire in time.3.can能表猜测,be able to不能。can的这种用法主要用于疑问句和否定句。Somebody is knocking at the door. Who can it be?It can"t be our teacher who is knocking at the door.其肯定形式是must be。如:It must be our teacher who is knocking at the door.must have done something 表示对现在完成或过去动作的猜测,其否定形式是can"t have done。如:“His parents must have gone abroad.” “No, I don"t think so. They can"t have gone, for I saw them only this morning.”要特别注意它们的反意问句形式:He must be a good teacher,mustn"t /isn"t he?The students must have gone to bed, haven"t they?They must have finished their lessons yesterday, didn"t they?could既可以用肯定形式,又可以用疑问或否定形式。如果用could表示现在“可能”,比can语气更加委婉。如:If you don"t spend enough time on your studies, you could fail in the final examination.It could be our teacher who turned off the light last night.与It must be our teacher. 相比,这句话表示的可能性更小, 因为它表示了两种可能性, 既 “可能是”也可能“不是”,而 must be 只表示了一种猜测。could have done 这个句型有它的特殊含意,表示“本来可能做到而未做到的事”。如: Our class team could have won the game.再看以下例句:He cannot be over praised for what he has done for all of us.可能有同学会理解为 “不能因为他为我们大家做了这些事情而过分表扬。”其实这样理解是错的, 因为这里的cannot be不是表 “不能”,而是表 “不可能是” 的意思, 因此这句话的意思是“他为我们大家做了这些事, 应该受到大大的表扬。” 即 “再怎么表扬也不过分”。4.can 可以表 “允许”, 与may可以互换, 此时不能用be able to 代替。如: “Can / May I sit here?” “Yes, please.”由于may not 有两个意思, 即 “不可能” 和 “不许可”, 因此使用时要特别注意。如: He may not go home this weekend.此句既可以表示 He will probably not go home this weekend.也可以表示 I don"t permit him to go home this weekend. 在口语中,表达这两种不同的含义是通过句重音来解决的。如:He may `not go home this weekend. (I don"t permit him to go home this weekend.)He `may not go home this weekend. (He will probably not go home this weekend.)而在书面表达时不可能使用句重音的手段, 所以最好用can"t代替may not来表示 “不可能”:He can"t go home this weekend.5. can 是情态动词,只能用作谓语成分,be able to是普通动词短语,既可以作谓语,也可以作非谓语。如:Being able to speak English fluently, he has no difficulty in communicating with the Americans at the party.How I long to be able to communicate with the foreigners in fluent English!6. be able to 后边接动词不定式表示一种实际情况时,其否定形式不是be not able to,而是cannot。如:Were you able to catch the first bus yesterday morning?No, I couldn"t.7. 一般说来, be able to 后边的动词不定式没有被动语态。如:I"m sure he is able to correct his mistakes in grammar.不说: *I"m sure his mistakes are able to be corrected by him.但是美国近来也出现了Being able to be hurt by things这种结构, 美国专家解释为English is becoming looser. (英语变得越来越不严谨了), 中学生不宜模仿。


can与could的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、can:(表示有能力做或能够发生)能,会。2、could:用于can的过去时,(询问是否可做某事)能。二、用法不同1、can:can用作情态动词的基本意思是“能,能够”“可以”“可能,会”,可表示体力、智力能够完成一件事情或环境赋予的能力,也可表示由于环境或其他因素而产生的可能性,用于疑问句或否定句中,还可表示环境、条件或法律的许可。2、could:could为助动词can的过去式,其后可接不带to的动词不定式。could有两种否定形式,即couldnot和could not,其缩写形式为couldn"t。这两种否定形式英美均通用,当使用could not时,特别强调not。三、侧重点不同1、can:can是动词原形比较直接,不留余地。2、could:could比较委婉,含有一定的感情色彩。

---A number of foreigners come to see the Great Wall every year. ----Yes. It"s not only famous ..

C 试题分析:句意:每年有许多外国人来参观长城。是的。它不仅是著名、美丽,也是中国的象征。notice        通知;mark记号;symbol象征;sign标志。所以选C。

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can 和 could 的区别

一、情态动词can的用法 1.表示能力,意思是:能,会.如:I can"t swim.我不会游泳.Can you drive?你会开车吗? 2.表示客观可能性,意思是:可以,可能.如: That big cinema can seats 2,000 people.那家大电影院能坐2000人.He can be very friendly at times.有时他会很友好.3.表示允许(和may意思相近),意思是:可以,能够.如: You can have the book when I have finished it.书我看完了可以给你.Can I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗? 4.表示惊异、不相信等(用于疑问句、否定句或感叹句中),意思是:会,可能.如: This can"t be true.这不可能是真的.Can it be true?这可能是真的吗?二、情态动词could的用法 1.表示“能力”或“可能性”,作为can的过去形式.如:Could you speak English then?那时你能讲英语吗?He said he couldn"t follow me.他说他跟不上我.2.表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等情绪.如: Who could have taken them?谁会把它们拿走了呢?She couldn"t have left so soon.她不可能这么快就走了. 在这种情况下,could和can是可以换用的,用could时口气较缓和,用can时不相信的程度更强一些,两者在时间上没有差别.3.比较委婉客气地提出问题或陈述看法.如:/P> —Could you let me have your passport?—Yes,here it is.—看看你的护照好吗?—行,这就是. I could come earlier,if necessary.如果必要我可以早点来.这时could和can没有时间上的差别.4.在虚拟条件句中构成谓语.如: I would certainly do it for you if I could.要是我能做得到,我一定会为你们做这事儿. How I wish I could go with you!我多么希望和你们一道去!区别:can的过去式是could,但could 除了可作can的过去式外,还可表比can更委婉的语气,因此在回答由could 表示请求的问句中,不能用could,但可用can.

there are some foreigners coming from five different countries,为什么用comin

coming from five different countries是定语修饰foreigners


can和could的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同一、读音不同1.can读音:英 ["eniθɪŋ]     美 ["eniθɪŋ]    2.could读音:英 [kəd]     美 [kəd]  二、意思不同1.can意思:pron. 任何事;任何东西;重要事物adv. 在任何程度上2.could意思:aux. 可以;能;可能三、用法不同1.can用法:can用作情态动词的基本意思是“能,能够”“可以”“可能,会”,可表示体力、智力能够完成一件事情或环境赋予的能力; 也可表示由于环境或其他因素而产生的可能性,用于疑问句或否定句中; 还可表示环境、条件或法律的许可。例句:You can count on me.你可以指望我。2.could用法:为助动词can的过去式,其后可接不带to的动词不定式。could用于疑问句中并不表示过去时,而是表示现在时,此时语气比较委婉,有时表示把握不大或犹豫; could用于特殊疑问句常含有惊讶、迷惑等感情色彩。例句:We could relax the procedure slightly in your case.我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。

The foreigner has cought the frisby的复数形式

The foreigners have cought the frisby

every year many foreigners____to china to learn chinese. A come B comes C came D is coming




TCP之Nagle、Cork、Delay ACK(延迟确认)

[TOC] TCP协议中的Nagle算法 TCP中的Nagle算法 Linux下TCP延迟确认(Delayed Ack)机制导致的时延问题分析 TCP-IP详解:Delay ACK Nagle算法为了避免网络中存在太多的小数据包,尽可能发送大的数据包。定义为在任意时刻,最多只有一个未被确认的小段。小段为小于MSS尺寸的数据块,未被确认是指数据发出去后未收到对端的ack。 Nagle算法是在网速较慢的时代的产物,目前的网络环境已经不太需要该机制,该算法在linux系统中默认关闭。 1)如果包长度达到MSS,则允许发送; 2)如果该包含有FIN,则允许发送; 3)设置了TCP_NODELAY选项,则允许发送; 4)未设置TCP_CORK选项时,若所有发出去的包均被确认,或所有发出去的小数据包(包长度小于MSS)均被确认,则允许发送。 对于规则4),就是说要求一个TCP连接上最多只能有一个未被确认的小数据包,在该分组的确认到达之前,不能发送其他的小数据包。如果某个小分组的确认被延迟了(案例中的40ms),那么后续小分组的发送就会相应的延迟。也就是说延迟确认影响的并不是被延迟确认的那个数据包,而是后续的应答包。 tcp默认使用nagle算法,最大限度的进行缓存。 优点 :避免网络中充斥着许多小数据块,降低网络负载,减少网络拥塞,提高网络吞吐 缺点 :客户端的延迟会增加,实时性降低,不适合延时要求尽量小的场景;且对于大文件传输这种场景,会降低传输速度。 用TCP_NODELAY选项可以禁止Negale 算法。此时,应用程序向内核递交的每个数据包都会立即发送出去。需要注意的是,虽然禁止了Negale 算法,但网络的传输仍然受到TCP确认延迟机制的影响。 TCP在接收到对端的报文后,并不会立即发送ack,而是等待一段时间发送ack,以便将ack和要发送的数据一块发送。当然ack不能无限延长,否则对端会认为包超时而造成报文重传。linux采用动态调节算法来确定延时的时间。 TCP在何时发送ACK的时候有如下规定: 优点 :减少了数据段的个数,提高了发送效率 缺点 :过多的delay会拉长RTT(往返时延) 可以通过TCP_QUICKACK这个选项来启动快速ACK: 所谓的CORK就是塞子的意思,形象地理解就是用CORK将连接塞住,使得数据先不发出去,等到拔去塞子后再发出去。Cork算法与Nagle算法类似,也有人把Cork算法称呼为super-Nagle。Nagle算法提出的背景是网络因为大量小包小包而导致利用率低下产生网络拥塞,网络发生拥塞的时候性能还会进一步下降,因此Nagle算法通过ACK确认包来触发新数据包的发送(ACK确认包意味着对端已经接收到了一个数据包,即有一个数据包已经离开中间网络,此时可以在向中间网络注入一个数据包块,这称呼为self-clocking)。Cork算法则更为激进,一旦打开Cork算法,TCP不关注是否有收到ACK报文,只要当前缓存中累积的数据量不足以组成一个full-sized数据包就不会将数据包发出,直到一个RTO超时后才会把不满足一个full-sized的数据包发出去(实际上是通过一个persist timer来设置的这个RTO定时时间,persist timer超时的时候就会强制发送)。 linux中可以通过TCP_CORK选项来设置socket打开Cork算法。TCP_NODELAY选项和TCP_CORK选项在linux早期版本是互斥的,但目前最新的linux版本已经可以同时打开这两个选项了,但是TCP_CORK选项的优先级要比TCP_NODELAY选项的优先级要高。 Nagle算法和CORK算法非常类似,但是它们的着眼点不一样,Nagle算法主要避免网络因为太多的小包(协议头的比例非常之大)而拥塞,而CORK算法则是为了提高网络的利用率,使得总体上协议头占用的比例尽可能的小.如此看来这二者在避免发送小包上是一致的,在用户控制的层面上,Nagle算法完全不受用户socket的控制,你只能简单的设置TCP_NODELAY而禁用它,CORK算法同样也是通过设置或者清除TCP_CORK使能或者禁用之,然而Nagle算法关心的是网络拥塞问题,只要所有的ACK回来则发包,而CORK算法却只关心内容,在前后数据包发送间隔很短的前提下(很重要,否则内核会帮你将分散的包发出),即使你是分散发送多个小数据包,你也可以通过使能CORK算法将这些内容拼接在一个包内,如果此时用Nagle算法的话,则可能做不到这一点. 优点 :提高网络的利用率 缺点 :对实时性有影响 使用TCP_CORK参数进行配置

What Country Is 歌词

歌曲名:What Country Is歌手:Luke Bryan专辑:Doin My ThingLuke Bryan - What Country IsTheres a house fly swimmin in my sweet teaHey darling pass another Kerr jar to meButter drippin off a biscuit, baby better take a biteCantaloupe thumps like its finally ripeBox fan on a lawn chair suckin in swamp air200 mile marker signs from nowhereThats what country isIt ain"t a rebel flag you bought at the mallIts a hideaway bed in an old horse stallTwo kids gettin caught stealin a first farm kissIt ain"t a John Deere cap thats never fell in the cottonIts a Jimmy Rodgers song that was long forgottenIts homemade peach ice cream on sun burnt lipsWhen the sun starts slippin from the Delta skyAnd the last scare crow tucks in for the nightMake a fire throw a blanket on the sandy bankBout an hour til we fill the first cat fish yankBarefoot cane poll wavin at the river boatsAnd when their gone take a dip in the moon glowIt ain"t a jacked up truck thats never seen a pastureIts car pullin over for an old camp tractorIts home made peach ice cream on sun burnt lipsNo it can"t be bought, its something your born with


世界顶级意式咖啡机品牌La Marzocco工厂座落在意大利佛罗伦萨北方,但CEO却是美国人;熟知La Marzocco的人,最印象深刻的就是它和星巴克有一段渊源。究竟故事是怎么发展的呢? La Marzocco创始于1927年,由Bambi家族创立于意大利的佛罗伦萨(Florence),这里是当时文艺复兴的发源地。 公司的商标Marzocco代表一只守护着佛罗伦萨的狮子,代表胜利与克服困难(如下图)。 毕业于西雅图Pacific College 的Kent Bakke在Prioneer Square买下一间餐厅,偶然间发现餐厅里有一台意式咖啡机,燃起他研究意式机的兴趣。当时意式咖啡在美国并不盛行,没什么人懂,Bakke便自学,修理机器找零件慢慢变成半个意式机专家! 然而Bakke经营的餐厅生意不如预期,于是决定改行做进口咖啡机的生意。1978年秋天,Bakke与友人到意大利的咖啡机制造商拜访,那一次他遇见了La Marzocco的创办人。当时的La Marzocco规模还很小,专精于品质手工制造,Bakke非常欣赏他们的产品,下了决心把La Marzocco带进美国。70年代的美国,咖啡的主流是滤泡咖啡,推动意式浓缩咖啡相较困难。星巴克从1984年开始贩售意式咖啡,1987年星巴克的大老板Howard Schulz买下星巴克并积极地推动意式咖啡文化,意式咖啡渐渐地打入美国的主流市场当中。 巧的是,有一次星巴克原本使用的咖啡机故障,紧急调了La Marzocco支援,没想到一试成雇主,星巴克的吧台手发现La Marzocco咖啡机可以更完整地萃取出一杯完美的浓缩咖啡,风味更令人惊艳! La Marzocco因此获得星巴克的青睐,在1990年星巴克全面引进了La Marzocco新发明的咖啡机款Linea Classic,双锅炉的设计搭上强大的蒸气,足以供应美国这群喜爱喝加奶咖啡的消费者。 时至今日,La Marzocco仍然秉持手工制造组装的传统,2005年以后推出的GB5、Strada、纪念星巴克大规模使用的Linea之新版Linea PB,以及为家用市场设计的GS3,每ㄧ款咖啡机推出都持续地为咖啡界带来惊喜。 ##lamarzoccoinnanchang

dye content是什么意思

dye content染料含量双语对照例句:The measured dye content was compared with the theoretical value from the formulation. 测定的染料含量与配方设计的理论值相比较。

请问~有一瓶Camus cognacXR 的酒~ 不知道是什么酒,为什么是XR呢?


家里有一瓶放了块20年的洋酒,那位行家帮看看值多少钱!CAMUS COGNAC GRANG V.S.O.P.


CAMUS COGNAC extraordinaire 700ml 价格大概多少


有谁知道这种是什么酒camus cognac josephine 35cl


color acid是什么意思

color acid色酸双语对照词典结果:color acid[英][ˈkʌlə ˈæsid][美][ˈkʌlɚ ˈæsɪd]色酸;




colour 英[ˈkʌlə(r)] 美[ˈkʌlɚ] n. 颜色;肤色;彩色;(用于服装、旗帜等代表团队、学校、政党或国家的... vt. (用颜料、彩色笔等)为…着色;粉饰;歪曲;使脸红 vi. 变色 [例句]What colour is her sweater?她的毛线衫是什么颜色的?

alcohol 120%里的ACID是什么

  ACID,指数据库事务正确执行的四个基本要素的缩写.包含:原子性(Atomicity)、一致性(Consistency)、隔离性(Isolation)、持久性(Durability)。一个支持事务(Transaction)的数据库系统,必需要具有这四种特性,否则在事务过程(Transaction processing)当中无法保证数据的正确性,交易过程极可能达不到交易方的要求.  原子性  整个事务中的所有操作,要么全部完成,要么全部不完成,不可能停滞在中间某个环节。事务在执行过程中发生错误,会被回滚(Rollback)到事务开始前的状态,就像这个事务从来没有执行过一样。  一致性  在事务开始之前和事务结束以后,数据库的完整性约束没有被破坏。  隔离性  两个事务的执行是互不干扰的,一个事务不可能看到其他事务运行时,中间某一时刻的数据。  持久性  在事务完成以后,该事务所对数据库所作的更改便持久的保存在数据库之中,并不会被回滚。 [编辑本段]实现  由于一项操作通常会包含许多子操作,而这些子操作可能会因为硬件的损坏或其他因素产生问题,要正确实现ACID并不容易。ACID建议数据库将所有需要更新 以及修改的资料一次操作完毕,但实际上并不可行。  目前主要有两种方式实现ACID:第一种是Write ahead logging,也就是日志式的方式。第二种是Shadow paging。  ACID PRO 音频编辑软件  Acid 是一套由Sonic Foundry 公司所研发的背景音乐制作软件,他是一套以重复播放为基础的音乐制作工具。其特色有无限制的循环音轨(视你系统内存大小),自动控制重复的节奏及音调,及时的节奏控制,16位元及24位元的音乐支援,DirectX音乐外加的及时效果支援,及支援不能重复的音乐等等。音乐能直接输出成WAV档案或是汇出成为数位音轨格式。Acid也相容於Sonic Foundry的CD Architect及direct-to-digital音乐CD程式。Acid包含了程式库的能力及MP3、 WMA、RealMedia G2档案的输出等等。演示试用版本,所有存档、输出、混音功能已被关闭,录放功能一次只能执行一分钟,且一次只能使用这套软件15分钟。   ACID 允许使用者在每一音轨上,快速简易地做特效变化,如调动震幅、编合唱曲、将音调延缓、变音、修饰、回音、结巴等音乐特效,这些技巧可让您在最后修饰阶段中,让您的音乐创作更具独特性。内含各种乐器及音乐型态所组合成的上百种音乐素材,从鼓乐到管乐器;从摇滚风到电子乐等,皆是为您方便编曲入门而设计,另外还有多种的ACID 音乐素材 CD 集可供选购,丰富您的创作,让您的音乐迈向另一层次。

CAMUS cognac 不懂洋酒,请行家看下大概价钱是多少。现把酒瓶上标示都打上


酒瓶上写有cognac CAMUS XO SUPERIOR酒的价格

中文名:金花XO 英文名:Campus CognacXO 国家:法国 规格:700ML 市场价:890元/瓶



ascorbic acid是什么意思

ascorbic acid美 [-ˌkɔ:rb-]英 [əsˌkɔ:bɪk "æsɪd]na.(=vitamin C)抗坏血酸;维他命C;维生素C例句1.Vitamin C Bioflavonoids (not ascorbic acid) strengthen the walls of the small blood vessels. It may be a helpful supplement for you.维生素C生物类黄酮(不是抗坏血酸)可以加强小血管壁。这可能对你有益。2.Organic Pears, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Citric Acid.有机梨,抗坏血酸(维生素C),柠檬酸。3.Such a method includes fermentation of a genetically modified microorganism or plant to produce L-ascorbic acid.这类方法包括发酵经遗传修饰的微生物或植物来产生L-抗坏血酸。4.Vitamin C, which is also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants.维他命C,也叫抗坏血酸,就是最好的抗氧化剂之一。5.Determining the Diffusion Coefficients of Aqueous L-Ascorbic Acid SolutionsL-抗坏血酸水溶液扩散系数的测定





手表面上有camus cognac是什么意思?

CAMUS COGNAC是卡慕干邑,也被称金花干邑 3-STAR三星干邑:蕴藏期不少于两年 V.S.O.P干邑:蕴藏期不少于四年 NAPOLEON干邑:蕴藏期不少于六年 X.O.干邑:蕴藏期多在八年以上 E代表ESPECIAL (特别的) F代表FINE (好) V代表VERY (很好) O代表OLD (老的) S代表SUPERIOR (上好的) P代表PALE (淡色而苍老) X代表EXTRA (格外的)


COGNAC 干邑(法国白兰地最佳产区) CAMUS 翻译过来叫做“金花”商标 NAPOLEON 是等级 白兰地的一种,比较有名气的。 700ml的几百元一瓶

be used for either bare or coated floor


What should be taken into account in overseas marketing campaign in the perspective of culture

Unrestricted globalization - boon or hazard?In 1998, the BJP had led the NDA"s electoral campaign with a "swadeshi" propaganda thrust. Many of the NDA"s voters had truly believed that unlike the previous regimes, the BJP-led government would not succumb to international pressures - particularly US machinations, and protect the nation"s economic and national security interests. Finance ministers closely associated with neo-liberal economic programs - like Manmohan Singh and P. Chidambaram were defeated in the polls and there was an expectation that there would be a noticeable shift in direction. But long-time critics of the BJP had already warned that the BJP was insincere in it"s commitment to "swadeshi" and it"s turnaround in the ENRON case was more likely to serve as a model for it"s future actions. Although neo-liberal forces were kept somewhat at bay in the BJP-led NDA"s first term, a more comfortable majority in the second round has given the promoters of neo-liberalism in the coalition more confidence that they can get away with unpopular policies without much concern about political stability. That every successive administration in the last decade has eventually succumbed to the pressures of globalization suggests that regardless of how different political formations package their policies in advance of the elections, there is a powerful and very vocal lobby for globalization in India. This is because for some sections of Indian society and the Indian diaspora, globalization has come as something of a bonanza. NRIs look forward to new business opportunities in a globalized India. English-language (or even local language) media outlets who expect globalization to increase advertizing revenues have also been eager supporters of globalization. (A recent Economic Times survey of the nation"s top CEO"s indicated that most major India businesses anticipated considerably higher allocations for marketing and advertizing campaigns in order to survive in the globalized Indian economy. Some estimate that the advertizing industry has been one of the fastest growing industries in India - growing as much as 25-30% in some years.) Another outcome of globalization has been a huge increase in salaries of senior managers, accountants, lawyers and public-relations personnel working for MNCs or their local competitors. For the IT-literate, job opportunities have been plentiful, and there are also opportunities to live and earn abroad. For the English-speaking upper middle-class, this has come as a boon. With greater access to disposable income, the seduction of consumerism becomes hard to resist, and the demand for unrestricted globalization inevitably follows the attraction for new and ever more advanced consumer goods. This new and more prosperous class of Indian consumers associates India"s progress with the availability of the latest automobile models and consumer goods. The local availability of imported European cosmetics and fashions, imported drinks and confectioneries - these have all become important to those who have sufficient disposable income to purchase such items. Globalization has other champions too. Importers have a strong financial interest in a globalized economy. But so do exporters dependent on imported parts and machinery. Industrialists with interests in ports, shipping, international warehousing and other aspects of international trade and commerce may also see globalization as beneficial to their sectors of the economy. Indian industrialists who have so far failed to invest in research and development and are losing the battle for market share are also becoming amenable to globalization in the fond hope of partnering with an MNC that will enable them to stabilize or expand their sinking business ventures. Although these sections of society are in numerical terms a very small minority in the country, they are able to wield considerable authority on account of their financial clout. Their voices are far more likely to be heard in the Indian media, and they are much more likely to be able to influence important political decisions in the country. Because of their familiarity with English, and privileged access to major media outlets and institutions of higher learning, they are taken to be more credible, and are thus able to exercise tremendous influence on public policy. But it should be noted that the interests of a particular section of Indians need not match the real interests of all other sections of Indian society. Other sections of society may benefit only to the extent that a fraction of this new prosperity trickles down to them. Some may not benefit at all, while some may even be adversely affected. In addition, globalization may have hidden consequences that may negatively impact the quality of life even of those prospering through globalization. But the greatest danger posed by unrestricted globalization is that it may exacerbate the problems of nagging poverty and uneven development, and create grave infra-structural mismatches. It is already evident that the Indian economy has become more dependent on imports which has brought with it constant pressure on the value of the Rupee, leading to recursive bouts of high inflation. And rather than expand India"s manufacturing strength and develop new capabilities and technological development in India, globalization may in fact put India at a global disadvantage in key sectors of modern industry leading to an economy that is always chasing scientific and technological advances that occur in other nations. Globalization and Technology Transfers Take the argument that globalization brings in new technology. On a selective basis, globalization indeed brings in new technology and opposition to globalization is not tantamount to becoming technologically isolated from the rest of the world. But today, almost no advocate of globalization is calling for selectivity. For instance, Coca-Cola and Pepsi were welcomed into the country even though they offered little in terms of new technology. Cosmetic manufacturers and manufacturers of designer label clothes have also brought in little new technology of any consequence. The same can be said of advertising companies and manufacturers of consumer non-durable goods like soap, detergent, toothpaste, cereals etc. And although there has been significant investment in the manufacture of automobiles and consumer goods, the capital equipment and the assembly lines for their production is imported. Little of the design and development work takes place in India. And in many instances, all that happens is the local assembly of knocked-down kits. So far, globalization in India has not been tantamount to an all-around technological upgradation of Indian design and manufacturing. Some offer a counter-argument for unrestricted globalization arguing that only if India liberalizes unconditionally will India be able to attract high technology and capital investment in the areas it really wants. In other words, if we let the Cokes and Pepsis of the world to come in, the INTELs, the AMDs, and the CISCOs will follow. But the experience of the last decade belies such claims. While it is true that INTEL, AMD and CISCO have all invested in India, the sum total of their investments has been minuscule in relation to their other investments abroad. And rather than bring in new technology to India, they are actually sucking out technology from India. All their investment has been on divisions that either develop software on demand, or provide research assistance to their US counterparts. None of them has set up any manufacturing plants in India or signed any technology transfer agreements with any Indian company. All the technology that is developed is owned and marketed by the parent company, and other than the slightly higher than average salaries that accrue to a small minority of Indians working in the sector, few benefits accrue to India as a nation. What is worse is that these companies are provided all manner of perks and privileges to exploit India"s intellectual capital. They are given tax breaks and tax write-offs. They are given preferential treatment in the allocation of scarce resources like land, and round-the-clock electricity supply. In a July 20 Times of India report titled "IT expert warns against digital divide in country" the author wrote: A leading information technology (IT) expert has cautioned against a "digital divide" in the country and creation of disparities between the IT haves and have-nots. The report quoted M. Anandakrishnan (vice-chairman of the information technology task force of the Tamil Nadu government and the vice-chairman of the Tamil Nadu state council for higher education) as saying: "You cannot have a high-tech facility and have 50,000 people within a few kilometres who don"t have any access to computers. Availability of computers in every village did not mean accessibility and accessibility does not mean assimilation. Unless there is "localisation of content" this technology could not be used by 97 per cent of the population." The article goes on to question the euphoria surrounding the growth of the IT sector and again quotes M. Anandkrishnan: "We speak of 57 per cent growth of the software sector and 100 per cent growth of the hardware sector. We must take into consideration that the figures include hardware and equipment imports. We are talking of someone else"s products. We are still dependent on imports, and even now we have to use servers abroad to get to the Net". (Although there are some companies that assemble personal computers in India, India"s share of world hardware manufacturing is less than that of Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, China, or Singapore - even lower than Thailand or the Philippines). M. Anandkrishnan was also quoted as saying that the productivity of Indian labour was very low - that Indian workers earned one thirtieth of what a Japanese worker took home, concluding that the burgeoning of IT could be termed a "revolution" only if a "high intensity of growth," was indicated. The absence of any significant investment in the local design and manufacture of advanced electronic components, computer chips or telecommunication hardware must be seen as a significant failure of this decade of rapid globalization. Advocates of globalization have often made the claim that globalization rather than destroy Indian industry would instead accelerate the growth of new industry and cause India"s economy to grow faster. But a detailed analysis of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the last few years indicates that a sizeable portion of this investment has not gone into the creation of new productive capacities. Much of the investment has simply gone into into takeovers of existing Indian enterprises or towards speculative investments in the Indian stock market. Moreover, other than India"s "hot" IT companies and select MNCs - the vast majority of Indian stocks have not benefited from such highly volatile FDI flows. In addition, several MNCs have deliberately launched new 100% owned ventures that consciously undercut already existing partnerships with Indian manufacturers. Ironically many of these predatory ventures are funded by Indian banks and financial institutions! An Economic Times report (Dec 25 1999) cited Gouri Prasad Goenka, who took over as the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) president last month as complaining that MNCs were using Indian capital to take over Indian industry! He had said that the grant of approvals for 100 per cent subsidiaries in areas where the multinational already had a venture with a local partner was a danger signal for shareholders as well as industry. Amit Mitra, Ficci secretary, supplemented Goenka"s objection by saying that in the United States, an agreement between joint-venture partners had a conflict of contract clause. Goenka also complained that MNCs were able to get loans from Indian financial institutions at interest rates lower than those offered to domestic industrialists and pointed out that nowhere in the world was a 100 per cent subsidiary allowed in non-technical areas. A report in the Hindustan Times by Nitya Chakroborty pointed to the case of Pfizer - the US pharmaceutical major lobbying to set up a 100% subsidy in direct competition with it"s existing Indian venture that was partially Indian-owned. She also mentioned the tobacco giants as lobbying hard for permission to set up 100% subsidies. MNCs and "transparency" and "ethical practices" Arguments favoring globalization have often centered on how multinationals practice "transparency" in their business dealings and are more "ethical" than their Indian counterparts. Although rarely substantiated with any thing other than anecdotal testimonies, such praise for the MNCs is common in the Indian media. Yet, there are numerous instances where multinationals have not only displayed a lack of ethics and "transparency" but have actually broken the law. Consider an October 2, 1998 report in the Hindu titled: Large-scale tax evasion by MNCs unearthed. The author of that report, Sujay Mehdudia wrote: "Income-Tax officials have alleged that these companies evade taxes with impunity as the tax laws of the country are "inadequate and ineffective" to deal with such cases." He wrote of multinational giants flouting tax laws knowing very well that they could not be arrested or criminally prosecuted against under the Indian legal system and could get away by paying the tax dues when caught. Violations were neither rare nor exceptional, since all the companies surveyed or scrutinized by the Income-Tax authorities in the recent past had shown a tendency to violate the



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1.bare naked 都 是光的 的意思 但是 bare还有 简单的 光秃秃的(比如头)的意思2.race compete match都是竞争的意思 但是race经常指赛车 赛马 船之类的 compete竞争都可以用 match 是 个名词 比赛的意思 3.fear是动词或名字,而affraid是形容词,但是 两个有时候可以替换着用 比如 affraid of 和fear of一个意思 建议买个好的字典 就可以了

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小鼠亦称小白鼠,属于脊椎动物门,哺乳纲、啮齿目、鼠科动物。小鼠体小,饲养管理方便,易于控制;生产繁殖快;出生后3周即可断乳。已拥有大量的具有不同特点的近交系、突变系和封闭群,并已形成多种国际公认的标准品系,被广泛应用于各种营养学实验研究中。[1]在分类上属于啮齿 目(Rodentia)、鼠科(Muridae)、鼠属 (Mus)。实验小鼠由野生小鼠经过长期选择培育而成。早在17世纪,小鼠已做为实验动物。小鼠是应用最广泛,研究最详尽的实验动物,已成功地培养出很多近交系、突变系。小鼠个体小,体表面积相对较大,温顺、胆小、喜群居于光线较暗的环境,昼伏夜动。杂食,喜啃咬,无汗腺,对环境适应性差,辨色能力弱,听觉嗅觉敏锐。有多种毛色,如: 白、鼠灰、黑、棕、黄、巧克力色、肉桂等色泽。成年雄性体重20~40g,雌性18~35g,寿命一般1.5~3年,染色体数2n=40,性周期4~5天,全年可有性活动、妊娠期19~21天,哺乳期20~22天,窝仔数4~12只。


barcode : n. 条形码;条码技术

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4.-What are you majoring in? -_________________. A.Medicine B.At a college C.In a university D.It"s



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excel没有barcode控件 你学会了吗?

1、excel没有barcode控件需要安装Microsoft BarCode Control控件,请参照以下步骤:首先在网上搜索MSBCODE9.OCX,下载一个MSBCODE9.OCX文件。 2、下载好后,再把这个文件移动到system32文件夹目录下。 3、然后在电脑的运行窗口中,用regsvr32命令注册一下。 4、完成以上设置后,即可在EXCEL中插入条码控件了。

二代测序中barcodes index的介绍

当今二代测序仪器中应用最为广泛的当属illumina公司的测序仪,以Hiseq-2000测序仪为例,其有2个流动槽(flowcell),每个flowcell有8条lane(通道),而单就其一条lane的测序数据量就可达44G。 然而对于目前的外显子组测序来说,测序区域大约64M,测序深度200X,总数据量也才13G,Hiseq-2000的一个lane就足以测定3个外显子组样品。以转录组来说,一个样品测序量不会超过4G,一个lane可以同时测定10个转录组样品。大体而言,外显子组测序、转录组测序、miRNA测序、lncRNA测序、ChIP测序等组数据,每个样品所需的数据量通常都比较少。 测序数据的单位 核酸序列数据是以“A、T、G、C”碱基顺序表示,而其数量的大小可以使用k、M、G等单位来表示,k代表10 3 、M代表10 6 、G代表10 9 ,例如,人全基因组大小为3G(或3Gb),也就是3X10 9 b。 此外,计算机的存储单位也是使用k、M、G等单位来表示的,不过计算机的存储单位的换算为1024进位,不同于碱基序列的1000进位。考虑到一个字母在计算机内存储为1Byte,因此粗略使用时,测序数据量可以近似等于其占用计算机的大小。 由于测序仪器的测序能力远大于测试样本序列量,为避免仪器浪费,因此一个lane同时测定多个样品成为很自然的思路。然而为了区分多种样品的序列,就必须要给不同样品加上特定的“标签”,从而可以在后续数据分析时将不同样品数据分开,而这个“标签”就是barcode。 简言之,barcode就是测序中混合样品的”身份证“,用于区分不同样品。 下图来自文献《 Multiplexed Illumina sequencing libraries from picogram quantities of DNA 》 对于illumina的hiseq平台而言,测序前,我们需要建库。 barcode的选择有两个原则:碱基平衡和激光平衡。 碱基平衡是指的需要兼顾barcode序列的平衡度与复杂度,平衡度是指的碱基的比例是均衡的(1:1是最均衡的),而复杂度是指的碱基的种类是多样的(四种碱基同时存在是最多样的)。 所以最好的barcode序列应该是同时有A、T、G、C四种碱基,且各碱基所占比例近似均为25%。 此处所说的碱基平衡是指的多个barcode之间的平衡,并非一个barcode内部的碱基平衡。举例来说,有12个转录组样品需要测定,那么就需要12个barcode(假定每个barcode长度为6位),根据碱基平衡原则,第一位barcode碱基应该尽量同时存在A、T、G、C四种碱基,且各碱基所占比例近似均为25%,也就是这12个barcode序列最佳情况应该是以A、T、G、C开头各3个。剩余5个碱基位的barcode以此类推。 在illumina测序仪中,A和C两种碱基共用一种激光,由波长660nm的红激光激发;G和T共用一种激光,由波长532 nm的绿激光激发。因此假使不能满足碱基平衡的情况下,可以退而求其次,尽量满足激光平衡。 简单来说,激光平衡就是尽量在使用的一组barcode中满足每个碱基位都是A+C=G+T。 既不满足碱基平衡,又不满足激光平衡的barcode将会有很大的数据分离隐患,或者无法分离开样品,或者无法识别某些测序片段。 Illumina推荐的12个barcode序列详列如下。 以其中的第一个位置为例(纵列),A:G:C:T=3:3:3:3=1:1:1:1。实际上,该barcode组合每个位置的碱基比例都接近1:1(具体见下表),碱基平衡度接近完美。 位置 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th A 3 3 4 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 4 3 C 3 3 3 3 2 3 G 3 3 2 3 3 3 样本数少于4种,必然无法满足碱基平衡,怎么办 如果样本数少于4种,则barcode每一个位置的碱基最多只有3种,不可能做到碱基平衡,怎么办呢?这时一定要尽量保证激光平衡,切不可在同一barcode位放置同一种荧光碱基,甚至是同一种碱基。 当然Illumina也提供了这种情况的解决方案,他们推荐的low-level pooling的barcode组合有3种,序列如下: 2重组合 3重组合 6重组合 这3种barcode组合包含有一个共同的内核:6号barcode和12号barcode。6号和12号组合是百分百激光平衡的,其每一个位置(纵列,即GC、CT、CT、AG、AT和TA)都分别属于不同的激光。也就是说,只要barcode组合中包含6号和12号,就能满足最基本的de-multiplexing要求,不至于数据完全失误。 除了illumina推荐的12个barcode,还有康奈尔大学的96个针对ApekⅠ酶建库的barcode,华中农业大学的96个针对MseⅠ酶和SacⅠ酶的barcode,美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的丹尼尔还发表了设计barcode的软件。


条形码(barcode)   国际上,包括中国,现在统称为条码!是将宽度不等的多个黑条和空白,按照一定的编码规则排列,用以表达一组信息的图形标识符。常见的条形码是由反射率相差很大的黑条(简称条)和白条(简称空)排成的平行线图案。条形码可以标出物品的生产国、制造厂家、商品名称、生产日期、图书分类号、邮件起止地点、类别、日期等许多信息,因而在商品流通、图书管理、邮政管理、银行系统等许多领域都得到了广泛的应用。   通用商品条形码一般由前缀部分、制造厂商代码、商品代码和校验码组成。商品条形码中的前缀码是用来标识国家或地区的代码,赋码权在国际物品编码协会,如00-09代表美国、加拿大。45-49代表日本。690-695代表中国大陆,471代表中国台湾地区,489代表香港特区。制造厂商代码的赋权在各个国家或地区的物品编码组织,中国由国家物品编码中心赋予制造厂商代码。商品代码是用来标识商品的代码,赋码权由产品生产企业自己行使,生产企业按照规定条件自己决定在自己的何种商品上使用哪些阿拉伯数字为商品条形码。商品条形码最后用1位校验码来校验商品条形码中左起第1-12数字代码的正确性。商品条形码是指由一组规则排列的条、空及其对应字符组成的标识,用以表示一定的商品信息的符号。其中条为深色、空为纳色,用于条形码识读设备的扫描识读。其对应字符由一组阿拉伯数字组成,供人们直接识读或通过键盘向计算机输入数据使用。这一组条空和相应的字符所表示的信息是相同的。

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外贸中barcode label 是什么意思

barcode label 网络 条码标签; 条形码标签; 磁带库条形码; 条码贴纸; 条码标贴; [例句]We don"t need a special machine to create or print a barcode label.我们不需要特殊的机器创建或打印条形码标签。


它是一款强大、专业、易用的条码打印、标签设计制作、数据批量导入与一体的专业条码标签打印软件,目前,条码打印软件最新版已更新到。其功能及特性与之前相比都有很大的改进及增强。那么如何在条码打印软件官网下载试用呢?请按照以下步骤进行操作。首先进入条码标签打印软件下载专区,点击软件免费下载试用, 点击下载之后,弹出一个新建下载任务对话框,可以在对话框中自定义设置下载到(可以下载到C盘、D盘、F盘),默认下载的是C盘,如果想要下载到其他盘,可以点击“下载到”后面的“浏览”,选择要下载的盘。设置好之后,点击下载。 下载完成后,找到你下载的软件安装包解压。解压之后,找到软件的图标,双击即可执行安装。 安装好之后,可以正常打开软件。打开软件之后,就可以使用的。 全功能试用版,有三个版本,简体版、繁体版、英文版等,可以根据自己的需求下载合适的版本。软件默认下载的是简体版。

jquery-barcode 生成条形码

一、引入SCRIPT文件<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-barcode.js"></script>JQuery 版本无所谓、只要在1.3.2以上就ok二、使用这个插件,定义一个 DIV 容器显示条形码<div id="bcTarget"></div>三、JAVASCRIPT事例代码$("#bcTarget").barcode("1234567890128", "ean13");



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excel没有barcode控件 你学会了吗?

1、excel没有barcode控件需要安装Microsoft BarCode Control控件,请参照以下步骤:首先在网上搜索MSBCODE9.OCX,下载一个MSBCODE9.OCX文件。 2、下载好后,再把这个文件移动到system32文件夹目录下。 3、然后在电脑的运行窗口中,用regsvr32命令注册一下。 4、完成以上设置后,即可在EXCEL中插入条码控件了。

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打开Excel表格:1、新建一个空白的excel鼠标左键点击菜单栏的“office”图标,选择“excel选项”。点击小窗口的常用,找到“在功能区显示“开发工具”选项卡(D)”把它勾选上。再点击“确定”。2、excel表格中,点击添加的“开发工具”选项,在开发工具的组合点击“插入”,在ActiveX控件选项栏里选择“其他控件”点击并打开它。选择“Microsoft BarCode 控件 9.0”选项,再点击确定。3、在Excel中拖动鼠标划出一片区域显示的条形码。接着在表格输入需要的条形码,再鼠标右键点击条形码,选项栏点击“属性”,在弹出的属性框中找到“linkcell”输入表格所在的区域。鼠标右键点击条形码,选项栏中选择“Microsoft BarCode 控件 9.0对象(O)”的“属性”。4、在弹出的“Microsoft BarCode 控件 9.0属性”窗口中,在样式栏中选择自己的需要条形码样式。点击确定,点击确定以后,回到我们的表格中,就可以了。



Microsoft BarCode Control控件下载


barcode 的问题

条形码是指由一组规则排列的条、空及其对应字符组成的标识,用以表示一定的商品信息的符号。 目前世界上常用的码制有ENA条形码、UPC条形码、25条形码、交叉25五条形码、库德巴条形码、39条形码和128条形码等,而商品上最常使用的就是EAN商品条形码。 1、 按码制分类 1) UPC码 1973年,美国率先在国内的商业系统中应用于UPC码之后加拿大也在商业系统中采用UPC码。UPC码是一种长度固定的连续型数字式码制,其字符集为数字0~9。它采用四种元素宽度,每个条或空是1、2、3或4倍单位元素宽度。IPC码有两种类型,即UPC-A码和UPC-E码。 2) EAN码 1977年,欧洲经济共同体各国按照UPC码的标准制定了欧洲物品编码EAN码,与UPC码兼容,而且两者具有相同的符号体系。EAN码的字符编号结构与UPC码相同,也是长度固定的、连续型的数字式码制,其字符集是数字0~9。它采用四种元素宽度,每个条或空是1、2、3或4倍单位元素宽度。EAN码有两种类型,即EAN-13码和EAN-8码。 3)交叉25码 交叉25码是一种长度可变的连续型自校验数字式码制,其字符集为数字0~9。采用两种元素宽度,每个条和空是宽或窄元素。编码字符个数为偶数,所有奇数位置上的数据以条编码,偶数位置上的数据以空编码。如果为奇数个数据编码,则在数据前补一位0,以使数据为偶数个数位。 4)39码 39码是第一个字母数字式码制。1974年由Intermec公司推出。它是长度可比的离散型自校险字母数字式码制。其字符集为数字0—9,26个大写字母和7特殊字符(-、。、Space、/、%、¥),共43个字符。每个字符由9个元素组成,其中有5个条(2个宽条,3个窄条)和4个空(1个宽空,3个窄空),是一种离散码。 5)库德巴码 库德巴码(Code Bar)出现于1972年,是一种长度可变的连续型自校验数字式码制。其字符集为数字0—9和6个特殊字符(-、:、/、。、+、¥),共16个字符。常用于仓库、血库和航空快递包裹中。 6)128码 128码出现于1981年,是一种长度可变的连续型自校验数字式码制。它采用四种元素宽度,每个字符由3个条和3个空,共11个单元元素宽度, 又称(11,3)码。它由106个不,同条形码字符,每个条形码字符有三种含义不同的字符集,分别为A、B、C。它使用这3个交替的字符集可将128个ASCII码编码。 7)93码 93码是一种长度可变的连续型字母数字式码制。其字符集成为数字。0-9,26个大写字母和7个特殊字符(-、。、Space、/、+、%、¥)以及4个控制字符。每个字符由3个条和3个罕,共9个元素宽度。 8)49码 49码是一种多行的连续型、长度可变的字母数字式码制。出现于1987年,主要用于小物品标签上的符号。采用多种元素宽度。其字符集为数字0-9,26个大写字母和7个特殊字符(-、。、Space、%、/、+、%、¥)、3个功能键(F1、 陀、F3)和3个变换字符,共49个字符。 9)其他码制 除上述码外,还有其他的码制,例如25码出现于1977年,主要用于电子元器件标签;矩阵25码是11码的变形;Nixdorf码已被EAN码所取代Plessey码出现于1971年5月主要用于图书馆等。 2、按维数分类 1) 普通的一维条码 普通的一维条码自本问世以来,很快得到了普及并广泛应用。但是由于一维条码的信息容量很小,如商品上的条码仅能容13位的阿拉伯数字,更多的描述商品的信息只能依赖数据库的支持,离开了预先建立的数据库,这种条码就变成了无源之水,无本之木,因而条码的应用范围受到了一定的限制。 2) 二维条码 除具有普通条码的优点外,二维条码还具有信息容量大、可靠性高、保密防伪性强、易于制作、成本低等优点。<BR>美国Symbol公司于1991年正式推出名为PDF417的二维条码,简称为PDF417条码,即“便携式数据文件”。FDF417条码是一种高密度、高信息含量的便携式数据文件,是实现证件及卡片等大容量、高可靠性信息自动存储、携带并可用机器自动识读的理想手段。 3) 多维条码 进入20世纪80年代以来,人们围绕如何提高条形码符号的信息密度,进行了研究工作。多维条形码和集装箱条形码成为研究、以展与应用的方向。信息密度是描述条形码符号的一个重要参数据,即单位长度中可能编写的字母个数,通常记作:字母个数/cm。影响信息密度的主要因素是条、空结构和窄元系的宽度。128码和93码就是人们为提高密度而进行的成功的尝试。128码城1981年被推荐应用;而93码于1982年投入使用。这两种码的符号密度均比39码高将近30%。随着条形码技术的发展和条形码三制的种类不断增加,条形码的标准化显得愈来愈重要。为此,曾先后制定了军用标准1189;交叉25码、39码和Coda Bar码ANSI标准MH10.8M等。同时,一些行业也开始建立行业标准,以适应发展的需要。此后,戴维·阿利尔又研制出49码。这是一种非传统的条形码符号,它比以往的条形码符号具有更高的密度。特德·威廉姆斯(Ted Williams)GFI988推出16K码,该码的结构类似于49码,是一种比较新型的码制,适用于激光系统。

Mount Scopus Memorial College学校的简介

Mount Scopus Memorial College opened on St Kilda Road in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in 1949, taking its name from Mount Scopus in Jerusalem, which remained under Israeli control after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Mount Scopus was the first co-educational Jewish day school in Melbourne, originally serving a student population of 143. It was established to meet the educational needs of the influx of Holocaust survivors to the Melbourne community. The college moved to a larger campus in Burwood in 1953. There are also campuses in East St Kilda and South Caulfield. Until 1996 there was a branch in Kew. Scopus is known for outstanding VCE (matriculation) results, not just compared with other Jewish schools, but throughout Victoria. It is routinely listed as one of the top schools in the state and indeed was the highest performing school in Victoria in 2009. The principal of Mount Scopus Memorial College is Rabbi James Kennard, who replaced Hilton Rubin in 2007. Previous principals have included Abraham Feiglin, Alexsander Ranoschy, Dr. Steven Lorch and Rabbi William Altshul.


BarCodeCtrl1.Style = 0 BarCodeCtrl1.Value =Sheet1.cells(i,j)

如何用Barcode Professional SDK for NET打印条形码图像

如何使用PrintDocument类打印条形码图像这是最简单的条形码打印方案。例如,假设您已经为PrintDocument"s PrintPage事件设置了一个事件处理程序,在下列的代码中,文档/页面中处理器程序将会创建一个Barcode Professional对象并打印在指定位置生成的条形码图像。

compared with your achoeve,mine is nothing

第一题是遵循前后一致的原则的问题.compare with后面接的应该是宾语.又如:“The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.”理解一下. 第二题就是as...as的固定搭配的问题了.as...as表示“像...一样”,由于后面有一个as,如果按你的写法,那后面的as不就没意义了?如果后面没有as,大多数人恐怕和你的写法是一样的.



Are We More Connected or More Alone写英语作文一篇

200字也叫essay?200字都不够写个introduction的,我看人家引入都要100字呢。Technology provides us with more convience than ever before. We can shop online, talk online, read online, and we can also do things like go on facebook or instagram and "like" each other, which is something that we cannot do before, but there are negative sides of technology and social medias.The negative affect of technologies and social medias is that is, like Dr. Turkle said, "We are getting used to a new way of being alone together". Faces are now behind screens, heads are lowered on the street, and people across the dinner table are typing to communicate. There have been reports about car accidents because the person was not paying attention to the traffic light. This is all negative sides of technologies.Another problem with social medias and the internet is that the user does not know who is behind the other screen. This leads to fraud and tricks, which we can sometimes see on the news about people"s bank account lossing money. Sometimes you could think that you are talking to an eight years old girl but actually, it is a fifty years old man that you are talking to, which is not something people want because there are certain information that you can tell a eight years old child but not a fifty years old man.The third problem with social medias and internet is that looking at the computer screen for too long is not good for people"s eye sight. (这里自己找一个关于近年来人们平均视力下降的例子)Even though the positive side of technologies, internet, and social medias are very clear, the negative sides are also obvious. People who are in the same room are not looking up, people are lossing money from their bank account, which is supposed to be safe, and people"s eye sight is getting worst.共320字,第2,3,4段里选一个删了吧,这道题我回答过三次,一摸一样




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