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modify correct 有什么区别

前面一个是更改,修改的意思列如We had to modify the original design. 我们不得不修改原来的设计后面一个是改正,批改的意思列如The teacher is correcting students" papers.

concert ended

不用被动 ended

confirm ,substantiate ,corroborate 有什么区别?

词性及解释 Part of speech and definition vt. 证实, 确定, 批准, 使巩固【计】 确认【经】 证实例句 Sentences Confirm letter of credit确认信用证,保兑信用证irrevocable and confirm credit保兑不可撤销的信用证To confirm an appointment确定约会confirm the truth of.确定事情的真实情况。Our observations confirm that...我们的观察证实...substantiate: [ s�0�5bs"t�0�3n�0�6ieit ] v. 实体化,证实词形变化: 名词:substantiation 动词过去式:substantiated 过去分词:substantiated 现在分词:substantiating 第三人称单数:substantiates 例句与用法: 1. Can you substantiateyour accusations against him? 你指责他, 能提出事实根据吗? 英英解释: 动词substantiate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, corroborate, sustain, support, affirm2. represent in bodily form同义词:incarnate, body forth, embody3. make real or concrete; give reality or substance to同义词:realize, realise, actualize, actualise4. solidify, firm, or strengthencorroborate: [ k�0�5"r�0�0b�0�5reit ] v. 使坚固,确证,给确证与...词形变化: 形容词:corroborative 名词:corroboration 动词过去式:corroborated 过去分词:corroborated 现在分词:corroborating 第三人称单数:corroborates 例句与用法: 1. His friend corroborated his guilt. 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。 2. Experiments have corroborated her predictions. 实验证实了她的预言。 英英解释: 动词corroborate:1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts同义词:confirm, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm2. give evidence for同义词:validate3. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm同义词:underpin, bear out, support


comment modify意见修改双语对照例句:1.Modify or delete the comment in your code. 修改或删除代码中的注释。希望得到你的采纳如果你认可我的回答,请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助,谢谢。


"Select-Modify-Contract是一个组合键,效果是选择-修改-收缩;Modify修改键下主要有以下几种效果;Select-Modify-(修改) -(1) Border-(扩边) 扩大边缘选取范围;-(2) Smooth-(平滑) 使选取变得平滑光整;-(3) Expand-(扩展) 扩大选取范围;-(4) Contract-(收缩) 收缩选取范围,加羽化效果更不错。


1. After you. 你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车的场合你都可以表现一下。2.Dont take it to heart. 别往心里去,VIPABC,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例: This test isnt that important. Dont take it to heart.3.Lets face it. 面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 参考例句:I know its a difficult situation. Lets face it, OK?4. Im really dead. 我真要累死了,专业全球外教。坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, Im really dead.5. Ive done my best. 我已尽力了。6. Is that so? 真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。7. Thats something. 太好了,太棒了。A: Im granted a full scholarship for this semester.B: Congratulations. Thats something.8. You are a great help.你帮了大忙9. I couldnt be more sure. 我再也肯定不过。10. I am behind you.我支持你。A: Whatever decision youre going to make, I am behind you.11. Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。) 模范例句:Mind you,麦奇教育集团! Hes a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.12. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party?B: You can count on it.13. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh, dont worry. Im thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway.14. That depends.看情况再说。例:I may go to the airport to meet her. But that depends.Congratulations.恭喜你,精准追踪成效,祝贺你,tutorabc。15. Its a deal.一言为定Harry: Havent seen you for ages. Lets have a get-together next week.Jenny: Its a deal


当笼统的提到警察、警方时用police男警员是policeman 女警员是policewomana police officer是比较正式的说一位警官cop原意是英国警察的老式制服的扣子,现在引申在口语中指代警察。类似于我们中国口语中的“条子”。当然cop比“条子”感情色彩上要中性很多,警察自己也经常说:I"m a cop.

cop for是什么意思?




Colourful wolf是什么意思?



cop的读音为英[kɒp]美 [kɑp]近来快速发展之光学材料COP,最有机会取代TAC保护膜之角色,因其光学特性不输TAC,而机械性、耐温性及耐候性远超过TAC,问题在于价格约为TAC三倍而未能普及,但是值得期待。在TS16949质量管理体系中,COP又指顾客导向过程。经过COP分析,明确顾客价值创造过程,有哪些要求,如何满足这些要求,对提高质量管理水平有决定性的意义。COP是指这样一些过程,也就是他们开始于顾客的输入,并产生输出交给客户,是与客户相互作用的基本过程。学英语的人都知道police是警察的意思,可在美国人们说警察普遍用cop这个词。对英文有些研究的人会说,cop是police的俚语,不是警察的正式用语。那可真是太学究了,因为连美国总统、美国国会说警察也常常用cop这个词。其实cop和police或“原指警察制服上的铜扣子,慢慢人们就以扣子代警察了”都没什么关系,但是cop可以说是从copper而来的。根据下面的英文,我们可以看到cop是1700左右进入英语词汇(原本属于法语中的caper及后来的拉丁语capere,其实是今天capture的意思),是“抓捕、抓获”的意思。1846年,有报刊在cop后面加上了“er”的后缀,表示“抓捕或逮捕犯罪的人”。在1859年,cop作为copper的缩写开始流行起来。

the match ended at four o`colck,动词是哪个?ended是过去式动词?对吗


the research ended in failure ,reaching no conclusion.这句话中ended为什么不用was ended


写出下面的过去式及过去分词 take,see,lend,leave,go,fly,sit,teach,come,have,bring,make,get,spend,pay


在线西班牙语翻译HECHO EN CHINA Imp:PAZOS SRL Capellada:Sintetico Suela:Goma

应该是某产品的标签吧中国制造,进口:PAZOS(本意是井的意思) SRL,鞋面:合成鞋底:橡胶


configuration[英][kənˌfɪgəˈreɪʃn][美][kənˌfɪgjəˈreɪʃn]n.布局,构造; 配置; [化](分子中原子的)组态,排列; [物]位形,组态;


configurationn.结构; 构造; 图〔外〕形组合, 布置【天】(行星等的)相对位置, 方位;【化】(分子中原子的)构型, 排列;【物】位形; 组态

Sailor的《Copacabana》 歌词

歌曲名:Copacabana歌手:Sailor专辑:Legacy (Greatest & Latest)Artist: Barry ManilowAlbum: Ultimate ManilowTitle: Copacabana (at The Copa)Her name was Lola, she was a showgirlwith yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to thereshe would merengue and do the cha-chaand while she tried to be a starTony always tended baracross the crowded floor, they worked from 8 til 4they were young and they had each otherwho could ask for more?CHORUS:At the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa.... they fell in love~~wss~~His name was Ricohe wore a diamondhe was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing thereand when she finished,he called her overbut Rico went a bit to farTony sailed across the barand then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in twothere was blood and a single gun shotbut just who shot who?REPEAT CHORUSAt the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa.... she lost her love~~wss~~Her name is Lola, she was a showgirl,but that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a shownow it"s a disco, but not for Lola,still in dress she used to wear,faded feathers in her hairshe sits there so refined,and drinks herself half-blindshe lost her youth and she lost her Tonynow she"s lost her mindREPEAT CHORUSAt the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa... don"t fall in lovedon"t fall in love~~end~~

security coat是什么意思

security coat安全外套双语例句1Set up after the luggage and a black security from a pull-out blue metal cabinets in a dark coat color of the light tall dog-proof, Baggage will be repeatedly sniffed it twice.行李摆好后,又是一个黑人保安从一个蓝色铁皮柜子中牵出了一条毛色黝黑发亮的高大防爆犬,将行李来来回回嗅了两遍。2A24-year-old mom wearing pajamas under her coat was recently escorted, by security, out of the store 。最近,有一名在外套里面穿睡衣的24岁妈妈被保安“请”出了乐购店。

escort 和 convoy的区别

Escort指出于保护或礼节的需要而陪同:e.g.He was escorted safely into his car.他被安全地护送到他的车子那里。Convoy指武装护卫,如护航等:e.g.The aim was to convoy a group of mine sweepers.目的就是为一组扫雷艇护航。

求歌词:游戏堡垒Bastion的片尾曲Setting Sail, Coming Home。歌词在右下方

求escorted tour的英文翻译,急

company sb. to travel

capella concert是什么音乐会

无伴奏多声部合唱,所有的人声、乐器,包括打击乐器等全部用人声来演唱,通常写作A Capella,比较有名的组合有国王合唱团、Naturally7等(PS:仅供参考哦)希望能够帮到您,感谢您对永乐票务的支持。欢迎关注永乐票务官网获取最新演出信息。^ ^演唱会相关问题欢迎咨询百度知道永乐票务企业平台


Accompany suggests going with another on an equal basis: Accompany 指在平等的基础上伴随他人Escort stresses protective guidance: Escort 强调保护性的护随


cuisine名词 n. 1.烹饪;烹调法2.菜肴escorted[ escort ]的过去式n. 护送者,护卫者,护航舰vt. 护卫,护送

英文中,call girl 和 escort 有什么区别

call girl 英[kɔ:l ɡə:l] 美[kɔl ɡɚl] n. 应召女郎; [例句]I"m no theater-checker. I"m a call girl.我不是剧院检查员,我是应召女郎。[其他] 复数:call girls escort 英[ˈeskɔ:t] 美[ˈeskɔ:rt] n. 护送者; 护航舰; 陪同某人参加社交活动的人(尤指男人); 受雇陪同某人外出社交的人(尤指女人); vt. 护送,护卫; [例句]He arrived with a police escort shortly before half past nine.快到9点半的时候,他在一名警察的护送下到达了。[其他] 第三人称单数:escorts 复数:escorts 现在分词:escorting过去式:escorted 过去分词:escorted

escorted tours什么意思

escorted tours陪同参观escortedv.护送,护卫( escort的过去式和过去分词 ); 例句:1.I will have you escorted out. 我会盯着你们的。toursn.旅行,观光( tour的名词复数 ); 巡回比赛[演出等]; 例句:1.Give tours of the center, answer phones? 为中心做巡回宣传接接电话吗?

escort service是什么意思



我这边也是 网址的问题 换备用网址就可以了

网站现在打不开了,显示Error establishing a database connection。我什么都不懂,求高手详细解答。

出现这种情况 一般是数据库中的某个表出现了问题解决方法:进入数据库的"phpMyAdmin" 修复出现问题的数据表(显示“使用中”)即可。

京考ERP软件登录时,提示:An error has occurred while establishing a connection…


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.

default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connectionsSQL Server的设置问题,允许远程连接就可以了。

重新装系统后wordpress就提示Error establishing a database connection


fluid thioglycollate medium是什么意思


请介绍一下加纳的university of cape coast

参考:The University of Cape Coast (UCC) was inaugurated on December 15, 1962 as a University College and placed in a special relationship with the University of Ghana. On October 1, 1971, the University attained the status of a full and independent University with the authority to confer its own degrees, diplomas and certificates by an Act of Parliament – the University of Cape Coast Act 1971 (Act 390) and subsequently the University of Cape Coast Law, 1992 (PNDC Law 278).成立于1962年,和加纳大学有特殊的关系。It was established out of a dire need for highly qualified and skilled manpower that would, in turn, train and develop the nation"s human capital. Thus, it was established to train graduates teachers for second cycle institutions, teacher training colleges and technical institutions - a mission the two Universities existing at the time were ill-equipped to fulfill. The University was also given the mandate “to serve the needs of the whole country” and “to play a unique role in national development by identifying national needs and addressing them.”(主要写起办学宗旨,服务加纳国内个行业)From an initial intake of 155 students in 1962, the University now boasts of a student population of about 17,000 regular students, 4,000 sandwich (summer) students and 20,000 distant learners. (1962年时,只有155个学生,现在发展成17000,其中20000是外来着)While remaining loyal to its original mandate of training high caliber graduate teachers, UCC has successfully diversified its programme offerings to include educational planning and administration, business administration, tourism, commerce, agriculture, actuarial science, optometry, labour studies, governance and democracy, music and theatre studies, computer science and information technology. A proposed School of Medical Sciences takes off in August, 2007 to be followed by the establishment of a Faculty of Law at a later date. (主要是为国内的初高中学校培养教师)With judicious planning and careful execution, we have grown from a fledgling University College to a giant institution of excellence and choice in Africa and the world. We have produced over 30,000 highly trained graduates in several fields. Our products are found in all socio-economic and political sectors in and outside Ghana. Indeed, 45 years of commitment to its core values of excellence and service as well as vision to have a University that is strongly positioned with a worldwide acclaim has turned the University of Cape Coast into an academic institution of envy in Ghana. The University has succeeded in establishing itself as a centre of excellence where quality teaching, research and outreach programmes are consistently undertaken. Since attaining autonomy, the University has fostered and continues to foster other tertiary institutions to grow and attain autonomy.The University is a member of the Association of African Universities (AAU) and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) the Council of which was once chaired by the Vice Chancellor of the University (2000)(以上几段都是在说学校的先进事迹)总体感觉,学校不怎么样,就相当于中国的师范类院校,全日制留学生很少!!还不清楚,看看他们的网站:

我的wordpress提示 Error establishing a database connection。求解决办法!

在 wp-config.php文件里面看 你填写的数据库名 密码 是一样?

Error establishing a database connection 我用wordpress创建网站,打开时出现上面的问题,是怎么回事

首先就要查看数据库连接的文件,WordPress配置数据库的文件是wp-config.php,就在WordPress的根目录下面。找到下面这些:/** WordPress数据库的名称,替换掉 “putyourdbnamehere” */define("DB_NAME", "wordpress");/** MySQL数据库用户名,替换掉 “usernamehere” */define("DB_USER", "root");/** MySQL数据库密码,替换掉 “yourpasswordhere” */define("DB_PASSWORD", "123");/** MySQL主机名 */define("DB_HOST", "localhost");DB_NAME为WordPress数据库的名称DB_USER为MySQL数据库用户名DB_PASSWORD为MySQL数据库密码DB_HOST为MySQL主机名,一般默认localhost不用修改,特殊的可以修改成 localhost:3306/wordpress 这种形式。按照你重新部署的WordPress的数据库连接方式修改以上内容,保存。重新连接WordPress发现一切ok了。

Supplementary reading material:Methods of Establishing Paleocontinental Configurations

1. PaleomagnetismAs the tool that led to the confirmation of the theory of continental drift,paleomagnetic studies have formed the core of paleocontinental reconstructions. The basic principle of this approach utilizes the paleomagnetic determination of the location of the rotational axis of the Earth with respect to a continent at the time at which the rocks acquired their magnetic fabric, the Geocentric Axial Dipole hypothesis ( GAD ) . Such information is acquired by collecting oriented rock samples and then measuring the orientation of aligned remanent magnetic fields of mineral particles within the samples. It is accepted as a working hypothesis that the orientation of the remanent magnetic fields within the sample reflects the GAD at the time at which the rock formed,for example,the time at which an igneous or metamorphic rock cooled or the time at which a sediment became lithified to form a rock. The determination of the significance of a magnetization with respect to the crystallization and / or depositional age of a rock is one of the sources of potential uncertainty in the paleomagnetic technique and paleomagneticists have established a host of criteria and tests that are used to evaluate the viability of a particular set of measurements and the significance of the magnetization. These tests are particularly important as overprints and alteration of the original magnetizations can result in spurious and misleading results,particularly in regions that have been affected by superposed tectonic events such as convergent plate margins. An important component of the magnetic fabric is the tilt or inclination of the magnetization relative to a horizontal datum. This is used to infer the paleolatitudinal position of the rock sample at the time of acquisition of magnetization. This too is subject to some uncertainty as a consequence of uncertainties in assignment of proper hemisphere ( northern or southern) and in correcting for paleohorizontal,which generally is not an issue in sedimentary or layered igneous rocks such as lava flows,but becomes problematic in paleomagnetic studies of rocks from plutonic complexes. Recent approaches have attempted to use barometry of the metamorphic aureoles developed around plutons as a means of determining tilt. When,well- defined,chronologically constrained magnetizations can be measured,paleomagnetic data are used to construct the paleopole positions for continents through time and define apparent polar wander paths which allow for comparison of the positions of different continents through time with respect to a common rotational axis. The latter technique places continental motions in a reference frame that allows for quick comparison of relative motions and determination of drift histories. For example,continents that were separate and then collided should have different APWs ( apparent polar wander paths) prior to collision and similarly,continents that were formerly together and have rifted apart should have similar pre-rift APWs. Such a technique allows for the determination of the timing of paleocontinental drift through time and the generation of paleogeographic maps that are well-advanced for most of the Phanerozoic. Such maps are becoming better constrained as the sensitivity of laboratory techniques has increased such that even very weak magnetizations can be measured,making a much wider range of rock types available for magnetic analysis and study. This has lead to a much expanded and improved database from which to test plate reconstructions. The paleomagnetic determination of paleolatitude through time also offers an important framework constraint on climate and climate change. Paleomagnetic studies offer control on recognizing climactic forcing as a consequence of latitudinal drift as distinct from global cooling climate events that may be relatively independent of latitude.There are drawbacks in the paleomagnetic determination of continental configurations that result both from inherent limitations in the resolving power of the data as well as complications introduced by secondary magnetizations. For example, paleomagnetic data are incapable of determining longitude so that an iterative process that evaluates continental reconstructions from the perspective of continental overlap and the assumption of minimum movement are used to resolve the most likely plate configurations. Ambiguity of primary magnetic inclination ( paleolatitude) can arise when the inclination of the original magnetization is changed by tectonic tilting. Consequently,such ambiguities in the paleomagnetic analysis of rocks have led to some of the most enduring ( and evolving) controversies in the geosciences. An additional complication in paleomagnetic analysis arises from overprinting, whereby a rock acquires a secondary magnetization related to a younger magnetization event. This can be a result of metamorphism ( regional or burial) ,proximity to an igneous intrusion,or the passage of fluids at elevated temperatures. The latter process is now widely recognized as an important agent of remagnetization,particularly in sedimentary strata within or adjacent to orogenic belts. While such remagnetizations tend to obliterate or complicate the recognition of primary magnetizations, they are an important means of mapping the distribution and timing of regional fluid events. Determining reliable primary paleopoles and magnetizations in older rocks,particularly those that are Precambrian in age,is difficult due to the longer time available for secondary magnetization events and deformation, as well as the limited chronologic resolution in nonfossiliferous sedimentary rocks. Resolving the absolute age of a magnetic imprint in a rock is a problem that is not limited to the Precambrian. It also becomes an issue in regions in which the rocks may have been remagnetized due to processes that affected them after their formation.2. Biogeography and faunal linksOne of the data sets that first suggested former proximity of now widely separated continental terranes resulted from recognition of faunal similarities between fossil assemblages on disparate continental blocks. Such studies are classic examples that were noted well before paleomagnetic techniques had been developed to confirm these ideas. Geographic restriction of reproductive communication leads to evolutionary isolation within a population of organisms and generates a biogeographic province. The isolation of distinct populations may be by geographic or other physical barriers to faunal dispersal and communication as well as by oceanic circulation,which controls sea water temperature and nutrient levels,and by climate. Although there is a fair bit of imprecision in the biogeographic approach,it is an essential element of determining and testing paleogeographic linkages between continental blocks. Statistical approaches that evaluate faunal similarities / dissimilarities offer one means of a more quantitative evaluation of the degree of faunal endemism. Biogeographic associations can provide control not only on potentially contiguous or adjacent continental masses,but has also been used to constrain the affinities of tracts of accreted crust in mountain belts,which can be characterized by faunal assemblages that are quite distinct relative to the adjacent continent. Changes in the degree of faunal isolation ( endemism) as a function of time are produced by changing continental configurations that bring formerly separated populations within the range of reproductive communication and colonization leading to the change from endemic to more cosmopolitan assemblages. One example is the faunal provinces of eastern Laurentia that maintained a high degree of endemism in the Early Paleozoic when Laurentia was an isolated landmass,but began to develop more cosmopolitan faunas as Iapetus collapsed and barriers between European and Laurentian faunas were removed by tectonic reconfiguration. Improved understanding of the controls on the limits of dispersion and development of unique faunas ( endemism) as well as longitudinal control,may help resolve some of the ambiguity and uncertainty in biogeographic studies. Geochemical analysis,for example,the isotope chemistry of planktonic species such as conodonts and foraminifera,of biogeographic realms can be used as a proxy for mapping distinct water masses and reconstructing ancient circulation patterns and water mass characteristics.3. Abiotic linksThe distribution of climatically and tectonically sensitive rocks of the same or similar age offer a first-order framework for constraining paleomagnetic data and commonly are an excellent approximation of paleogeographic patterns. Examples of climatically sensitive sedimentary strata that are latitudinally restricted in their occurrence include deposits of saline evaporites which can, in association with terrestrial red bed deposits,be used to reconstruct arid continental climate zones. Other deposit types include glaciogenic facies,phosphatic facies ( sensitive indicators of zones of climatic upwelling) ,reef ( coral) bearing carbonates and aeolian sandstones. Recent advances in understanding the details of depositional environments have led to refinement of the paleolatitudinal significance of carbonate rocks with the development of the concept of“cool-water carbonates”.Increasingly,new approaches have been employed in attempts to establish continental configurations,particularly in time intervals where the paleomagnetic data have been strongly affected by younger overprints or where the sensitivity of faunal assemblages is lacking,for example, in the unfossiliferous Precambrian. This is the case for the latest Proterozoic supercontinent Rodinia,which,like its younger analogue Pangea,broke up to form many of the Paleozoic continental landmasses and ocean basins of the Phanerozoic. Paleomagnetic data from this time period ( ca. 800—540 Ma) have been controversial and resulted in a range of different plate reconstructions. Thus reconstruction of this supercontinent has had to rely on alternative techniques,some of which are described below.Orogenic belts commonly have a distinct polarity,restricted range of ages of plutonic and metamorphic activity and linear strike length measured in the hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Orogenic belts,particularly those that formed during continental collisions,can be used as intracontinental piercing points. In the case of Rodinia,a series of contemporaneous papers used the ca. 1. 1-1. 0 Ga Grenville orogenic belt of eastern and southern North America as a piercing point to stitch together many of the constituent Neoproterozoic continental fragments of Rodinia. Like any technique,this one is not without certain caveats and impediments such as poor geochronologic control and the problem that the edges of post-Rodinia continents ( and hence their basement) are obscured beneath the orogenic cover of younger tectonic processes and plate margins.An additional approach is to examine the rock record on different continents for evidence of contemporaneous processes and products that would have occurred at a scale beyond that of the individual continental blocks and could therefore be used to reassemble the now dispersed continental fragments. One example is magmatism associated with continental rifting and break- up. Magmatic rocks such as flood basalts and related mafic igneous rocks form above large asthenospheric plumes,with plume head diameters in excess of 2000 km,are chronologically restricted and really widespread. A classic example from the Phanerozoic is the reconstruction of the pre break-up configuration of Gondwanaland on the basis of the distribution of Jurassic mafic rocks in southern Africa,South America,Antarctica and Australia. In recent years,the improved ability to tightly constrain the age of emplacement or eruption of such igneous rocks using U—Pb geochronology has opened possibilities for Precambrian continental reconstructions. The magmatic rocks that formed during the break up of the western Laurentian component of Rodinia are one possible example. At about 723 Ma and 779 Ma dykes,sills and associated flood basalts of northwestern North America appear to have counterparts in Australia,the conjugate margin to western North America. A recent reconstruction using ca. 2. 45 Ga dykes and mafic magmatic provinces,suggest that this approach will help unravel the older Precambrian continental configurations.A different type of continental overlap offered by magmatic rocks is the presence and isotopic signature of widespread and chronologically restricted ash beds formed by the eruption of silica- rich magmatic centers. A spectacular example is the Ordovician bentonites of northwestern Europe and eastern North America which appear to link these continents in a general way prior to the closure of Iapetus and may also tie western Argentina in at this time interval. Such linkages are smeared somewhat by uncertainties in ash dispersal patterns and the well-known linear continuity of magmatic arcs that could conceivably produce nearly contemporaneous eruptions from a broad line source rather than point source region.Sedimentary provenance can be used in much the same way as faunal assemblages to link now separate continental blocks. A recent example that is germane to the reconstruction of Rodinia comes for the sedimentary strata of the Mesoproterozoic Belt basin of western North America. This tremendous thickness of clastic sedimentary rocks was derived from a source area that presently lies to the west of the plate edge of North America. The identity of that source can be constrained by geochronologic analysis of detrital minerals contained in the sediment fill which is essentially an inventory of the crystallization

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Cape Cod 鳕鱼角,是美国东北部马萨诸塞州伸入大西洋的一个半岛,面积1033平方公里。1914年,美国在该半岛与大陆连接处开掘鳕鱼角运河,使鳕鱼角实际上成为了一个岛屿。

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证券英语翻译:plain-vanilla common stock是什么意思?


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Error establishing a database connection=无法连接到数据库,请检查用户名、密码觉得问题可能在数据库的用户权限限制上,因为这问题出的最明显的时候是在试用了主题atahualpa后,这个主题功能强大,但是有个说法说他对数据库的读取量大(几十倍???)于是用默认主题。问题出现的时间段对于在美国的主机在北京时间的晚上刚好是人家大兵早上工作上网的高峰时间(服务器负荷大)。先在自己空间中控制数据库的访问量,可删除文章访问数统计插件WP-PostViews(因为每有一个人去访问WordPress它就需要访问一个数据库去更新数据)。总结:Error establishing a database connection问题的出现不一定真是数据库有了错误,而可能是同一时间内数据库的访问量大耳出现主机的暂时限制(无法访问),所以要停用一些增加数据库读取的插件或主题。PS:网上找的,不知有否帮助?

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-Hopefully,any concerns about a dramatic slowdown in Europe are misplaced(see Outlook,pages 22-23),


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这个任务有点艰巨…… 不过可以告诉楼主 一开始说的是establishing battle field control,stand by 意思是 正在建立战场控制,请准备


met copied tidied finished有用就采纳哦~~~~~~~

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hope fully next time wecome back,it will be sunny 全部释义和例句>> 希望下次我们回来了,它将是晴朗的fully 英[ˈfʊli] 美[ˈfʊli] adv. 充分地; 完全地; 足足; 彻底地; [网络] 完全地,彻底地; 十分; 十分,完全; [例句]Most people think that power and authority are what make a boss fully effective.大多数人认为,老板充分行使职权的根本在于权力和威望。

hopefully when my cousin that I meet quite regularly,had her open house,also in Tropicana.求翻译!

1.希望当我的表哥,我经常碰面,她打开了房子,康纳也。2.我希望当我的表弟经常见面,她的家庭招待会,也是在纯品康纳。3. 有希望地,当我相当通常遇见的我的表兄弟,有她的家庭招待会,也在Tropicana。

适当形式填空 Zhang Ziyi is one of_______(famous)_______(act) in our country.

the most famous actorson 改为fora改anfell改为felfwith改to









hopefully,you could什么

hopefully修饰 you can get a better idea 得到一个更好的想法 希望你能从这个城堡和他周围美丽的景色中得到一个更好的想法

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  真豪鬼:左上上右上下下右左左上下+ABCD  真天狗:上左上下右右下左上左右右+ABCD  雅典娜:下左下下右右上下左右下下+D。A。C。B(两次)输入完后开始键必须放开后狂按。(8之前秒一顶要按完次顺序否则不可选择)  地狱魔:上右左上下上右右左下上右左下上+C。A。B。D(两次)输入完后必须放开开始狂按。(8之前秒一顶要按完次顺序否则不可选择)  出招表  八神  投掷技  逆剥接近AB时押  逆逆剥接近CD时押  特殊技  外式·梦弹→+A·A  外式·轰斧阴“死神”→+B  外式·百合折空中←+B  必杀技  百式·鬼烧→↓↘+AorC  百贰拾七式·葵花↓↙←+AorC(3回入力)  百八式·暗扩↓↘→+AorC  贰百拾贰式·琴月阴→↘↓↙←+BorD  屑风接近→↘↓↙←→+AorC  参百拾壹式˙爪栉→↓↘+BorD  超必杀技  禁千贰百拾壹式·八稚女↓↘→↘↓↙←+AorC  →里参百拾六式·豺华八稚女后(↓↘→)*4+AC  参百拾壹式·析爪栉↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  EXCEED  血暴走→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+AC同时押  草剃京  投掷技  金八铁接近AB时押  一刹背负投接近CD时押  特殊技  外式·轰斧阳→+B  八拾八式↘+D  外式·奈落落空中↓+C  必杀技  百式·鬼烧→↓↘+AorC  七拾五式·改↓↘→+BBorDD  百拾四式·荒咬?↓↘→+A  百贰拾八式·九伤荒咬中↓↘→+AorC  百贰拾伍式·七濑荒咬→九伤中BorD  百贰拾七式·八靖荒咬中→↘↓↙←+AorC  荒咬→九伤中AorC  外式·砌穿?荒咬→八靖中AorC  贰百拾贰式·琴月阳→↘↓↙←+BorD  荒咬?→八靖中→↘↓↙←+BorD  百拾伍式·毒咬↓↘→+C  四百壹式·罪咏毒咬 中→↘↓↙←+AorC  四百贰式·罚咏罪咏 中→+AorC  百式·鬼烧→↓↘+AorC  罚咏中→↓↘+AorC  R·E·D←↓↙+BorD  超必杀技  里百八式·大蛇剃↓↙←↙↓↘→+AorC  百八拾贰式↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  EXCEED  最终决战奥义.无式↓↘→↓↘→+AC  版崎良  投掷技  谷落接近AB同时押  巴投接近CD同时押  特殊技  冰柱割→+A  上段受→+B  下段受↓+B  必杀技  虎煌拳↓↘→+AorC  虎炮→↓↘+AorC  飞燕疾风脚→↘↓↙←+BorD  暂烈拳→←→+AorC  猛虎雷神刹↓↘→+BorD  虎咆疾风拳↓↙←+AorC  超必杀技  霸王翔吼拳→←↙↓↘→+AorC  龙虎乱舞↓↘→↘↓↙←+AorC  EXCEED  天地霸煌拳↓↘→↓↘→+AC同时押  特瑞  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  特殊技  ↘+C  必杀技  火炎冲拳↓↙←+AorC  能量波↓↘→+A  环形波↓↘→+C  倒跃踢↓集气↑+AorC  灌蓝击→↓↘+BorD  碎石踢↓↙←+BorD  超必杀技  能量喷泉↓↙←↙→+AorC  →2重喷泉(能量喷泉中)↓↘→+AorC  →3重喷泉(2重喷泉中)↓↘→+AorC  高轨喷泉↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  愤怒之狼↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  EXCEED  ↓↙←→+BC同时押后,  A.A.B.B.C.C.D.D.↓↙←→+CD同时押  不知火舞  投掷技  不知火刚临接近AB同时押  风车崩接近CD同时押  梦樱空中接近AB or CD同时押  特殊技  红鹤舞↘+B  黑燕舞→+B  大轮风车落空中↓+A  浮羽空中↓+B  山樱桃空中↓+D  必杀技  花蝶扇↓↘→+AorC  龙炎舞↓↙←+AorC  小夜千鸟↓↙←+BorD  白鹭?舞→↓↘+AorC  必杀忍蜂←↙↓↘→+BorD  孤鹫?舞→↓↘+BorD  →追加攻击?之中→↓↘+BorD  ?????舞·空中空中↓↙←+AorC  ??????舞·地上↓集气↑+AorC(按住)  →追加舞?之中按住且三角跳后↓↙←+AorC  →追加浮羽之中按住且三角跳后↓+BorD  →追加山樱桃之中按住且三角跳后↓+AorC  →追加桃花鸟之中按住且三角跳后,接近↓+D  超必杀技  水鸟?舞↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  凤凰?舞↓↙←↓↙←+AorC  EXCEED  超必杀忍蜂↓↙←↙↓↘→+BD同时押  藤堂香澄  投掷技  卷?上接近AB同时押  合气投接近CD同时押  特殊技  肘当→+A  必杀技  重?当↓↘→+AorC(空中可)  白山桃↓↙←+BorD  灭身无投←↙↓↘→+B  杀掌阴蹴←↙↓↘→+D  半身·诸手返↓↓+BorD  龙卷枪打接近→↘↓↙←→+AorC  扇沟流↓↙←+AorC(3回入力)  超必杀技  超重?当↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  不知火接近→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+BorD  EXCEED  心眼·葛落↓↘→↘↓↙←+AC同时押  金家藩  投掷技  首极?落接近AB同时押  作者: 59.107.103.* 2006-8-3 21:51 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  13 回复:拳皇对街霸隐藏人物  杀脚投接近CD同时押  特殊技  →+B  必杀技  半月斩↓↙←+BorD  飞翔脚空中↓↘→+BorD  飞燕斩↓集气↑+BorD  →追加天升斩强飞燕斩中↓+D  霸气脚↓↓+BorD  三连击(↓↙←+AorC)*3  三空击↓↙←+AorC.↗+BorD.↓+BorD  超必杀技  凤凰脚↓↙←↙→+BorD(空中可)  凤凰飞天脚↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  EXCEED  凤凰脚↓↙←↙→+BD同时押(空中可)  蔡宝健  投掷技  头乘刺接近AB同时押  下血突接近CD同时押  特殊技  通?魔蹴←or→+B  必杀技  龙卷疾风斩↓集气↑+AorC  飞翔空裂斩↓集气↑+BorD  旋风飞猿刺突←集气→+AorC  回转飞猿斩↓↙←+AorC  奇袭飞猿突回转飞猿斩中AorC  飞翔脚空中↓↘→+BorD  悲猿忏→↓↘+BorD  超必杀技  真!超绝龙卷真空斩(→↘↓↙←)*2+AorC  凤凰脚↓↘→↘↓↙←+BorD  EXCEED  杓死空中(←↙↓↘→)*2+AC  牙神幻十郎  投掷技  突飞接近AB同时押  足蹴接近CD同时押  特殊技  逆风↘+C  据擦→+D  必杀技  樱华斩↓↙←+AorC  桐霸?光翼刃→↓↘+AorC  百鬼杀↓↙←→+AorC  月华斩(接近)→↓↘+BorD  三连杀↓↘→+AorC(三回)  牙神突↓↙←+BorD  超必杀技  里五光↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  EXCEED  怒爆发ABC同时押  一闪怒爆发状态中BCD同押  色  投掷技  是无接近AB同时押  虚空近CD同时押  必杀技  连斩.轮回→+A.A.A.A  连斩.转生→+B.B.B.B  无明接近→↘↓↙←+BorD  天咆轮→↓↘+AorC(空中可)  露钹↓↘→+AorC  →追加攻击之中BorD  冥华↓↘→+BorD  降临空中↓↘→+BorD  刹那↓↓+AorBorCorD  超必杀技  天魔波旬↓↙←↙↓↘→+AorC  EXCEED  色咒↓↙←↙↓↘→+BC同时押  空手先生  投掷技  大外割接近AB同时押  一本背负接近CD同时押  特殊技  鬼车→+A  飞车落←+A  瓦割→+B  必杀技  虎煌拳↓↘→+AorC  虎炮→↓↘+AorC  飞燕疾风脚↙集气→+BorD  翔乱脚→↘↓↙←+BorD  猛虎无赖岩↓↙←+AorC  暂烈拳→←→+AorC  超必杀技  霸王至高拳→←↙↓↘→+AorC  极限虎炮↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  EXCEED  超霸王至高拳→←↙↓↘→+AC同时押  地震  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  必杀技  →↓↘+AorC  空中↓+BorD  →↘↓↙←+B  →↘↓↙←+D  空中↓↘→+AorC  ↓↘→+AorC  →↘↓↙←→+AorC  超必杀技  ↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  ↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  EXCEED  ↓↘→↘↓↙←+AC同时押  隆  投掷技  背负投接近AB同时押  巴投接近CD同时押  特殊技  锁骨割→+A  肘打←+A  旋风脚→+B  ↙+D  必杀技  波动拳↓↘→+AorC  升龙拳→↓↘+AorC  龙卷旋风脚↓↙←+BorD  灼热波动拳←↙↓↘→+AorC  超必杀技  真空波动拳↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  真空龙卷旋风脚↓↙←↓↙←+BorD  EXCEED  真.升龙拳↓↘→↓↘→+BD同时押  肯  投掷技  背负投接近AB同时押  地狱车接近CD同时押  地狱风车空中接近CD同时押  特殊技  稻妻割→+B  ↙+D  必杀技  波动拳↓↘→+A or C  升龙拳→↓↘+A or C  龙卷旋风脚↓↙←+B or D  铊落蹴←↙↓↘→+B  镰扩蹴←↙↓↘→+D  大外回蹴←↙↓↘→+BD同时押  →稻妻割A or C or D按钮押住不放  超必杀技  升龙裂破↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  疾风迅雷脚↓↙←↓↙←+BorD  EXCEED  神龙拳↓↘→↓↘→+BD同时押(连打)  古烈  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  空中接近ABorCD同时押  特殊技  ↘+B  →+C  ←or→+B  ←or→+D  必杀技  ←集气→+A or C  ↓集气↑+B or D  超必杀技  ↙集气↘↙↗+B or D  ←集气→←→+B or D  ↙集气↘↙↗+A or C  EXCEED  ←集气→←→+AC同时押  拜森  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  必杀技  AC or BD押住再放开  ←集气→+AorC  ←集气→+BorD  ←集气↘+AorC  作者: 59.107.103.* 2006-8-3 21:51 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  14 回复:拳皇对街霸隐藏人物  ←集气↘+BorD  ↓集气↑+AorC  ↓集气↑+BorD  超必杀技  ←集气→←→+AorC  ←集气→←→+BorD  EXCEED  ↙集气↘↙↗+BD同时押  维加  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  必杀技  ←集气→+AorC  ←集气→+BorD  ↓集气↑+AorC  ↓集气↑+BorD  追加↓集气↑+BorD之后空中AorC  →↓↘or←↓↙+AC or BD同时押  超必杀技  ←集气→←→+AorC  ←集气→←→+BorD  EXCEED  ←集气→←→+AC同时押  豪鬼  投掷技  背负投接近AB同时押  巴投接近CD同时押  特殊技  天魔空刃脚前跳跃中↓+B  头盖破杀→+C  膝蹴→+D  ↙+D  必杀技  豪波动拳↓↘→+AorC  斩空波动拳空中↓↘→+AorC  灼热波动拳←↙↓↘→+AorC  豪升龙拳→↓↘+AorC  龙卷斩空脚↓↙←+BorD  阿修罗闪空→↓↘or←↓↙+ACorBD同时押  百鬼袭→↓↘+BorD  →百鬼豪斩之中入力无  →百鬼豪碎之中接近AB同时押  →百鬼豪冲之中AorC  →百鬼豪刃之中BorD  超必杀技  灭杀豪波动→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+AorC  天魔豪斩空空中↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  灭杀豪升龙↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  EXCEED  瞬狱杀A.A.→.B.C  雨果  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  特殊技  →+A  →+B  空中↓+C  移动←or→+D  必杀技  ↓↙←+AorC  接近摇杆一回转+AorC  →↓↘+BorD  ↓↘→+BorD  摇杆一回转+BorD  接近→↘↓↙←+BorD  上段→+AC同时押  下段↓+BD同时押  超必杀技  ↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  ↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  EXCEED  接近摇杆一回转+AC同时押  沙盖特  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  特殊技  →+A  ↙+D  必杀技  ↓↘→+AorC  ↓↘→+BorD  →↓↘+AorC  →↓↘+BorD  超必杀技  ↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  ↓↙←↓↙←+AorC  ↓↙←↓↙←+BorD  EXCEED  ↓↘→↓↘→+BD同时押  巴洛克  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  空中接近ABorCD同时押  特殊技  →+B  →+D  ↘+D  必杀技  AC同时押  BD同时押  ↓集气↑+BorD,触壁后AorC  ↓集气↑+BorD,接近后AorC  ←集气→+AorC  ↓集气↑+AorC  ↙集气→+BorD  超必杀技  ↙集气↘↙↗+BorD,触壁后AorC  ↙集气↘↙↗+BorD,接近后AorC  ←集气→←→+BorD  EXCEED  ←集气→←→+C  达尔希姆  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  特殊技  手刀←+A  ←+B  ←+C  ←+D  防御取消→→orBC之中D  ↘+AorC  ↘+BorD  空中←+A  前蹴空中+BorD  空中+C  空中↓+D  头突空中↓+C  必杀技  ↓↘→+AorC  →↘↓↙←→+AorC  →↘↓↙←→+BorD  →↓↘or←↓↙+ACorBD同时押(空中可)  超必杀技  ↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  空中↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  EXCEED  ↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  春丽  投掷技  麒麟袭接近AB同时押  虎袭倒接近CD同时押  流星落空中接近AB同时押  特殊技  鹤旋脚→+B  前扫旋腿↘+B  鹰爪脚空中↓+B  鹰嘴拳斜跳跃中C.C  鹤旋落蹴→+D  鹤脚落↘+D  必杀技  气功拳↓↘→+AorC  百裂脚B orD连打  集气↑+BorD  天升脚→↓↘+BorD  旋圆蹴→↘↓↙←+BorD  转身圆舞接近→↘↓↙←+AorC  超必杀技  气功掌↓↘→↓↘→+AorC  凤扇翼↓↘→↓↘→+BorD  EXCEED  霸山天升脚↙集气↘↙↗+BD同时押  塔芭莎  投掷技  接近AB同时押  接近CD同时押  特殊技  ↘+B  ↘+D  →+C(按钮押住距离变化)  ↘+C(按钮押住距离变化)  空中↓+D(按钮押住待机动作)  必杀技  ↓↘→+AorC(空中可)  →↓↘+AorC  →↓↘+BorD  接近→↘↓↙←+AorC  ↓↘→+BorD  之中↓↘→+BorD  超必杀技  ↓↘→↓↘→+AorC(按钮押住距离变化)  →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+BorD  EXCEED  接近→↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+AC同时押  杰斯  使用方法:于选人画面中,按实Start掣,顺序输入←、←、←、↓、←、↑、→、↑后按掣便可。  作者: 59.107.103.* 2006-8-3 21:51 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  15 回复:拳皇对街霸隐藏人物  CPU出现条件:第一至第三回战中不落败任何一回合,使用一回究极奥义击倒对手。  投技  虎杀 接近对手时AB同时按  真空投 接近对手时CD同时按  特殊技  不动活杀里拳 → + C  雷光回蹴 → + D  必杀技  烈风拳 ↓↘→ + A  Double 烈风拳 ↓↘→ + C  疾风拳 空中 ↓↙← + A or C  飞翔日轮斩 →↓↘ + A or C  邪影拳 ←↙↓↘→ + B or D  上段当身投 →↘↓↙← + B  中段当身投 →↘↓↙← + D  下段当身投 →↘↓↙← + A  雷鸣豪波投 对手Down中↓ + C  超必杀技  Rising Storm ↙→↘↓↙←↘ + A or C  罗生门 近距离 →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + C  Exceed  Deadly Rave →↘↓↙←→ + BCD同时按 A、A、B、B、C、C、D、D、↓↙← + CD同时按。  暴风(盖里兹)  使用方法:于选人画面中,按实Start掣,顺序输入↓、↓、↓、→、↓、←、←、←后按掣便可。  CPU出现条件:第四回战中随机出现。  投技  冥府之门 接近对手时AB同时按  爽活杀 接近对手时CD同时按  必杀技  夜之风 ←↙↓↘→ + A or B or C or D  真蓝花 青岚晴 ↓↙← + A or C * 3  腕雹 磨灭 →↓↘ + A  腕雹 常伏 →↓↘ + C  冰河 ↓↙← + B or D  超必杀技  风神 伊吹 ↓↘→↓↘→ + AC同时按  暗恸哭 →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + C  Exceed  真八稚女 实相克 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C  月之夜大蛇之血狂疯庵出招表(暴走八神)  使用方法:于选人画面中,按实Start掣,顺序输入↑、↑、↑、↓、←、→、↓、←后按掣便可。  CPU出现条件:第七回战中随机出现。  投技  燧杵 接近对手时AB同时按  逆剥 接近对手时CD同时按  特殊技  外式 梦弹 → + A。A  外式 轰斧阴 “死神” → + B  外式 百合折 空中← + B  必杀技  百式 鬼烧 →↓↘ + A or C  百八式 暗拂 ↓↘→ + A or C  百贰拾七式 葵花 ↓↙← + A or C * 3  贰百拾贰式 琴月阴 →↘↓↙← + B or D  屑风 近距离 →↘↓↙←→ + A or C  超必杀技  禁千贰百拾壹式 八稚女 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + A or C  里百八式 八酒杯 ↓↙←↙↓↘→ + A or C  Exceed  梦月之洗礼 近距离 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + BD同时按  本气 空手先生  投技  大外刈 接近对手时AB同时按  一本背负 接近对手时CD同时按  特殊技  回避攻击 ← + A  Ducking 攻击 ← + B  Body Blow ↘ + C  Low Kick ↘ + D  必杀技  虎煌拳 ↓↘→ + A or C  虎咆 →↓↘ + A or C  飞燕疾风脚 ↙储→ + B or D  暂烈拳 →←→ + A or C  气力溜 ABC同时按  鬼神击 近距离↓↙←↓↙← + A or C  霸王至高拳 →←↙↓↘→ + A or C  极限虎咆 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D  超霸王至高拳 →←↙↓↘→ + AC同时按  Exceed  超龙虎乱舞 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC同时按  火星人  使用方法:于选人画面中,按实Start掣,顺序输入↑、↓、→、→、→、↑、↓、←、←、↓后按掣便可。  CPU出现条件:第一至第三回战中不落败任何一回合,于每第二回合中究极奥义击倒对手。  投技  Mars Hug 接近对手时AB同时按  Million Leg Lariat 接近对手时CD同时按  特殊技  Sliding Head ← + C  Hopping Knee ← + D  Mars Slider ↘ + D  必杀技  Mars Shot ↓↘→ + A or C  Area 801 ↓↘→ + B or D  Plasma Spin →↓↘ + B or D  Plasma Abduction 近距离→↘↓↙← + A or C  Roswell Disappearance →↘↓↙← + B or D  超必杀技  Independence Day In Bleem! ←↙↓↘→←↙↓↘→ + A or C  MP12 →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + B or D  Exceed  Tungus Incident ↓↓↓ + A or C  真 豪鬼  投技  背负投 接近对手时AB同时按  巴投 接近对手时CD同时按  特殊技  天魔空刃脚 前方跳跃中↓ + B  头盖破杀 → + C  膝蹴 → + D  踝Kick ↙ + D  必杀技  豪波动拳 ↓↘→ + A or C  作者: 59.107.103.* 2006-8-3 21:51 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  16 回复:拳皇对街霸隐藏人物  斩空波动拳 空中↓↘→ + A or C  灼热波动拳 →↘↓↙← + A or C  豪升龙拳 →↓↘ + A or C  龙卷斩空脚 ↓↙← + B or D(空中可)  阿修罗闪空 →↓↘ or ←↓↙ + AC同时按 or BD同时按  灭杀豪波动 →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + A or C  天魔豪斩空 空中↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C  灭杀豪升龙 ↓↘→↓↘→ + A or C  超必杀技  瞬狱杀 A、A、→、B、C  Exceed  禊 →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙← + BD同时按  洗脑KEN  使用方法:于选人画面中,按实Start掣,顺序输入↑、↑、↓、←、←、→、←、↑后按掣便可。  CPU出现条件:第七回战中随机出现。  投技  背负投 接近对手时AB同时按  地狱车 接近对手时CD同时按  地狱风车 空中接近对手时CD同时按  特殊技  稻妻踵割 → + B  踝Kick ↙ + D  必杀技  波动拳 ↓↘→ + A or C  升龙拳 →↓↘ + A or C  龙卷旋风脚 ↓↙← + B or D(空中可)  铊落蹴 ←↙↓↘→ + B  镰拂蹴 ←↙↓↘→ + D  大外回蹴 ←↙↓↘→ + BD同时按  稻妻踵割 铊落蹴、镰拂蹴、大外回蹴入力后按实B or D  罗杀脚 →↓↘ + B or D  超必杀技  神龙拳 ↓↘→↓↘→ + B or D  九头龙裂破 ↓↙←↓↙← + B or D  Exceed  神武灭杀 ↓↘→↘↓↙← + AC同时按  洛克人 零  使用方法:于选人画面中,按实Start掣,顺序输入↑、→、→、←、←、↓、↑、↑、↑、→后按掣便可。  CPU出现条件:第一至三回战中不落败任何一回合,使用三回究极奥义击倒对手。  投技  Upper 接近对手时AB同时按  Teleport Buster Shot 接近对手时CD同时按  特殊技  三段突 → + B、B、B  上方突







and hopefully we can continue that的hopefully的用法


业界常说的游戏三巨头是哪三个? capcom?sony?任天堂?腾讯?EA? 维旺迪(动势+暴雪)





卡普空,有很多,《Beat Down》、《神之手》《VULGUS》 《SON SON》《街头霸王STREET FIGHTERS》《洛克人ROCKMAN》《快打旋风》《街头霸王II》《1941》《Legenddary Wings》《名将》 《飞龙》《龙战士》等






《街头霸王5》——新细节公开,新游戏演示展示,以及还将会举办一次对战舞台。  《洛克人遗产收藏版》——提供试玩。  《生化危机0:高清重制版》——提供试玩。  《鬼泣4:特别版》——新游戏实机演示,为参与的玩家发放试玩DEMO。  总而言之,今年的Capcom阵容的确没有什么吸引力,曾经表示要开启狂炒冷饭状态现在也得到了兑现,期待今后Capcom能够有所改变。



CAPCOM 跟暴雪哪个牛逼













PS2版《生化危机4》公布之后,诞生于PS家族的《生化危机》系列似乎开始与任天堂脱离关系。CAPCOM日前在其官方网站上发表新闻稿,宣布将会推出PS3和Xbox 360版《生化危机5》。而最新一期的《FAMI通》独家获得了这款超级大作的猛料,并有该作的首批画面公开。 ■制作人再度更换 《生化危机》系列一直由三上真司开发,其后的《生化危机4》则是由小林裕幸担任制作人,而如今小林裕幸似乎正忙于制作PS2版《生化危机4》,这款面向次世代平台的《生化危机5》的开发工作就落到了CAPCOM另外一位制作人竹内润的身上。 之前小林裕幸曾经透露《生化危机5》的开发方向将会延续第四代的设定,不过从目前得到的消息来看,《生化危机5》与第四代似乎又是没有多大关联。竹内润并没有透露《生化危机5》的太多消息,他表示《生化危机4》的巨大变革受到了肯定,而《生化危机5》仍然会是一款保留“生化”精髓的基础上,进行游戏系统大幅变革的作品。 ■舞台为沙漠小镇 《FAMI通》揭载的画面来自《生化危机4》两分钟高清晰度视频片断的截图。在这段影像中,主角身处沙漠城市的小巷中,被一群神秘的敌人所追踪。 为了描述本作的背景和内容设定,竹内润以经典电影《黑鹰降落》中的一个片断做比较,在这个片断中,美军直升机被击坠落地,立即就被一群当地人围攻。逃离紧要关头的主题是《生化危机》第一作的一个重点,也是制作团队想要在《生化危机5》中表达出来的。另外,根据之前《Hollywood R恶orter》的报道,《生化危机》电影版第三部也将会以沙漠小镇为舞台,不知道这两部作品是否会有一定关联呢? ■敌人数量将非常庞大 这样一款大作的首次公布当然不会透露太多消息,在影像中甚至没有追逐主角的公开敌人的形象,到底是丧尸还是《生化4》中的狂暴村民目前未能确定。敌人的类型将会是本作的重要元素,也是CAPCOM目前极力保守的秘密。 本作中玩家将会碰到的敌人数量将会非常庞大,就像《黑鹰降落》中的索马里当地武装力量一样。目前看来,敌人应该与《生化4》较为接近,并且竹内润表示将会使得敌人的表现形式更为多样化。 ■游戏主题之一——灼热感 《生化危机5》的开发团队对于游戏环境的刻画非常注重,竹内润认为以往《生化危机》系列的一大特征就是让玩家在黑暗而潮湿的环境中缓慢移动,而本作的环境则是更为光明、更为开阔的世界,将会有很多烈日当空的场景。当然,作为一款次世代游戏,《生化危机5》自然是采用高解析度图形,制作团队希望通过增强的画面效果向玩家传达游戏的氛围。来自影像片断的截图也能看出一种天气灼热的感觉。而实际上,“热量”将会是本作的主题。竹内润表示,在游戏中当温度高到一定程度的时候,最好要到洞穴里降降温。 关于主角与背景设定,竹内润表示,本作开发团队的人员构成就暗示了游戏将会有哪些主要角色。本作的开发人员主要来自《生化危机》系列第一作,并且根据竹内润的种种暗示来看,目前公布的画面中的男子可能就是克里斯。 竹内润并未透露本作的发售时间,不过他确定CAPCOM所有的次世代游戏中,本作是最受重视的,因此开发周期可能也会更长。CAPCOM方面已经确定将会在9月的东京电玩展上展出本作,至于是影像还是试玩版就不得而知了。目前有关《生化危机5》的谜团还有很多,并且经历了《生化危机2》和《生化危机4》开发中途的突变之后,谁也不敢保证我们现在看到的是否会成为《生化危机4.5》……




搞清楚暴雪是PC游戏领域的,CAPCOM是TV GAME领域的,拿来一起比较有意思?CAPCOM可以说是ACT领域的至尊,所出的游戏都是经典,从以前街机上的圆桌骑士,名将,吞食天地,到现在的怪物猎人,鬼泣3,生化系列,哪样不经典?


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