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cannot 是主观上不能做,比如 I cannot shoot him .是我不能向他射击的意思,而 I could not shoot him,则是我射不到他,我不能够射到他,这样明白点么,could not 是指客观上做不到某事,你可以简单的理解为汉语的 我不做 和 我做不到 . 我们常听到的 I cannot do it 是说我不能这样做,是主观意识下的不能这样做,做了就犯错了,而I could not do it ,是我做不了这个,是没能力做的而不是主观下不去做. 当然在虚拟语气中 cannot 就会表示为 could not 讲的有点乱,你就安不做 和做不到 来记吧

did not和could not怎么用


could not 和can not有什么区别怎么用

语法上来讲的话COULD是CAN的过去时(但是一般过去时用CAN的特别少). 而语气上来讲,COULD要表现的委婉一些,不确保,但是可以的几率很大,CAN的意思很坚决,很肯定.


用Could(一般疑问句)提问,肯定回答用can。1、委婉地请求别人做某事。常用句型:Could you (please) do sth?“你可以做什么吗?”肯定回答:Yes,sure/Yes, I can./Of course,I can./No problem/With pleasure乐意效劳。2、委婉地表示请求别人允许自己做某事。常用句型:Could I do sth?“我可以做某事吗?”肯定回答——Yes, you can./Yes, please.等等。词语用法could为助动词can的过去式,其后可接不带to的动词不定式。could有两种否定形式,即couldnot和could not,其缩写形式为couldn"t。这两种否定形式英美均通用,当使用could not时,特别强调not。could用于疑问句中并不表示过去时,而是表示现在时,此时语气比较委婉,有时表示把握不大或犹豫;could用于特殊疑问句常含有惊讶、迷惑等感情色彩。


could的四种用法为:1、could有两种否定形式,couldnot和could not,其缩写形式为couldn"t。这两种否定形式英美均通用,当使用could not时,特别强调not。2、could用于疑问句中并不表示过去时,而是表示现在时,有时表示把握不大或犹豫。could用于特殊疑问句常含有惊讶,迷惑等感情色彩。3、could表示允许,可用于人,也可表示环境,条件,法律的允许。could在表示允许时,只能指过去泛指的一般许可,而不能表示过去具体的许可。表示过去的具体许可时,可与实义动词搭配使用。4、could也可用于表示可能性,即环境或其他因素产生的可能性。这种可能性可以是将来存在的,也可以是现在存在的实际可能,还可用来对过去的可能性进行推测。扩展资料:重点词汇解释:couldaux. 能够, 可以;可能;差点就,本来有可能;很想v. 能(can 的过去式)双语例句:The consequences could be serious. 后果可能是严重的。


英语could not等于什么


couldn"t=could not怎么读


could not是什么意思?



couldn"t 读音:英 [_k_dnt]美 [_k_dnt]v.不能。could not 的常用口语形式They couldn"t give me any more information. 他们不可能给我提供更多的信息。could有两种否定形式,即couldnot和could not,其缩写形式为couldn"t。这两种否定形式英美均通用,当使用could not时,特别强调not。

the computer shut off是主动语态表被动吗?

对相当于 the computer wae shut off.因为shut的过去式和过去分词都是其本身,所以可以主动表被动

crash clash collision的区别

意思不同crash [kræʃ] n. 碰撞;崩溃;坠落vt. 坠落;破碎;撞碎vi. 碰撞;坠毁;闯;突然倒台adj. 速成的[ 第三人称单数crashes 过去式crashed 过去分词crashed 现在分词crashing clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突,不协调;碰撞声,铿锵声vi. 冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声vt. 使碰撞作声collisionn. (意见,看法)的抵触,冲突

如何让Oracle DB安装后有oracore/include,public之类的目录

I ask this question for I have read a post from Oracle Forums as below. 我想这个问题有可能和Pro*c/C++开发有些关系。 The file pcscfg.cfg: sys_include=(/usr/include/libguile,/usr/include,/usr/include/linux,/opt/gcc33/lib64/gcc-lib/x86_64-suse-linux/ 3.3/include,/usr/lib/gcc-lib/x86_64-redhat-linux/3.2.3/include) include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/hdrs include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/tpcc2x_2/src include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/precomp/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/oracore/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/oracore/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/nlsrtl/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/nlsrtl/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network_src/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network_src/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network/include include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/network/public include=$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/public

This can lead to engine corruption and weird crashes.这种crash 提示怎么解决,求指教?

this can lead to engine corruption and weird crashes._有道翻译翻译结果:这可能导致引擎腐败和奇怪的崩溃this application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread af_有道翻译翻译结果:此应用程序修改后台线程af的自动布局引擎


“日本晚樱”。 (蔷薇科樱属植物)形态特征:  落叶乔木,少数为常绿或灌木。树皮带银灰色。叶片椭圆状卵形、长椭圆形至倒卵形,长5—12厘米,宽3—6厘米,边缘有尖锐的单或重锯齿,多少带刺芒状,表面无毛,背面沿叶脉有短柔毛。花3—6朵成伞房状总状花序,花序梗短;花先于叶开放,初放时淡红色,后白色,直径2—3厘米;花柄长约2厘米,有短柔毛;萼筒管状,带紫红色,外有短柔毛,萼片边缘有细齿;花瓣顶端内凹;花柱近基部有柔毛。核果近球形,熟时由红色变紫褐色,直径约1厘米。花期3月底或4月初。


在调试程序的时候,总是碰到crash的bug,而且一追踪就是一些汇编的代码,让人特别疑惑。一般情况下可以通过增加两天断点来解决此问题,方法介绍如下:基本上有错误分为以下几种类型:signal(SIGABRT, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGILL, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGSEGV, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGFPE, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGBUS, MySignalHandler);signal(SIGPIPE, MySignalHandler);SIGABRT和EXC_BAD_ACCESS较为特殊,算是比较好跟进。SIGABRT是系统报错,在memery warning之后,系统会把程序强制退出,报的就是这个错误。EXC_BAD_ACCESS 大多数时候是内存提前释放而引起的问题,或者访问的方法不存在引起的。追踪程序的调用stacktrace的方法,跟踪问题:一般出错了之后出现的常见界面,再熟悉不过了。。切换到breakpoint界面,拖动底端的slider按钮,显示调用堆栈虽然调用堆栈已经出来了,但是都是一堆的汇编代码,无法给予明确的信息。。剩下的就是今天要讲的问题:添加Symbol breakpoint Exception breakpointException breakpoint添加 的添加步骤一、Exception breakpoint 的添加。1、切换到breakpoint 视图界面2、点击最底端的"+"按钮,添加Add Exception BreakPoint,这个就是捕获所有的exception, 貌似stackoverflow上说,bad_access那种错误无法捕获的,这个用于捕获那些SIGSEGV 的错误。3、添加完成之后的界面。二、Symbolic breakpoint的添加前两步和一 基本是一样的,不截图了,只是在第二步选择的时候选 Add Symbolic BreakPoint 第三步截图;添加完成之后添加上objc_exception_throw完成,添加完成只两个断点之后,程序中很多异常也可以捕获了,直接定位到出问题的位置。当然程序中最好也加上异常处理的代码,可以参考这个处理,一般都是这个方式处理的




scour 英[ˈskaʊə(r)] 美[skaʊr] v. 冲刷; 擦亮; 四处搜索; (用泻药) 泻; n. 冲刷; 洗涤剂; 擦; [例句]Rescue crews had scoured an area of 30 square miles救援人员已经搜遍了30平方英里的范围。[其他] 第三人称单数:scours 现在分词:scouring 过去式:scoured过去分词:scoured



collaboration n. 合作,协作;通敌,勾结 [例句]How can china and india enhance collaboration in multilateral forums?中国和印度应该如何在多边论坛上加强合作呢?


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join the community是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:join the community加入社区You are also invited to join the community and discuss ideas and specificationsyou would like to see developed within the foundation. 同样,我们更加欢迎您参与到我们的社区里,群策群力,一起讨论你希望看到的这一基金制定的规范。 In Europe, only one nation and those it controls refuse to join the community of freedom. 在欧洲, 只有一个国家可以支配这些废物来结合自由的国家.很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

code for forums什么意思


Carar Weight:0.60carat Color Grade:H Clarity Grade:VVS2



英[kən"sɪstənsɪ]美[kənˈsɪstənsi]意思:n. 连贯;符合;前后一致;浓度拓展如下:参考例子:1.Good pedigree is all about consistency.好的血统是与一致性有关。2.Mix flour and liquid to the right consistency .把面粉和液体混合到适当的浓度。3.This is a sign we give to ourselves of consistency and optimism.这是一个我们给予自己的一致和乐观的信号。英文解释n.:1.the property of holding together and retaining its shape2.a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts3.logical coherence and accordance with the facts4.(logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deduci网络释义:1:consistency一致性; 稠度; 一贯原则; 稠厚度;2:consistency strategy应变策略;3:consistency condition相容条件; 一致性条件; 一致性条件;4:initial consistency初始稠度;5:normal consistency标准稠度; 正常稠度; 标准稠度,正常调度; 释义:标准稠度;


癌基因成瘾oncogene-addiction**************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!If you have some doubts about the answer, please ask me.Also,if you think my answer is helpful to you, please don"t forget to adopt it!***************************************************************

carat weight 0.30carat color grade 1 clarity grade vs2 cut grade excellent 请懂的人帮我鉴定,谢谢

carat weight 0.30 0.30克拉 是钻石的重量等级carat color grade 1 1级钻石色彩 是钻石的色彩等级 clarity grade vs2 vs2清晰等级 是钻石的清晰度等级cut grade excellent 优质切工 是钻石的切工等级兄的?买钻石啊,,,,送老婆吗?希望采纳!

alcohol-addiction is dangerous.是什么意思

对应的中文意思:酗酒是很危险的:alcohol-addiction: 对酒上瘾(即酗酒)。

conformity是什么意思 心理学

conformity英 [kənˈfɔ:məti] 美 [kənˈfɔ:rməti] n.符合; 一致; 遵从; 依照网络从众; 一致性; 整合复数: conformities 形近词: biformity comformity deformity uniformity difformity数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道1Assuranceof conformity activity resulting in a statement giving confidence that a product, process or service fulfils specified requirements. 符合性保证其结果是对产品,过程或服务满足规定要求的置信程度给予说明的活

uniformity coefficient是什么意思

uniformity coefficient 均匀性系数均匀度均匀系数均匀度系数不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

it isreally difficult to overcome an addiction to alcohlo,so it is better to keep away from it.翻译


content uniformity是什么意思


uniformity coefficient是什么意思

uniformity coefficient均匀系数;均匀性系数;均匀系统不均匀系数;均匀度;均质系数例句筛选1.Influence of the Combination Distance, Work Pressure and LayoutForm of Sprinkler Head on Uniformity Coefficient in Irrigation喷头组合间距、工作压力和布置形式对喷灌均匀系数的影响2.A soil having a uniformity coefficient smaller than 2 is considereduniform.均匀系数小于2的土壤可视为均质土。





caffe confuso caramella


怎么看待comic cune这本杂志


The best makeup is Smile.The best jewelry is Modesty. Thebest clothing is Confidence 神马意思


Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit


how to become an internet addict什么意思



code 法典; 行为准则; 代码,密码; 信号principle 原则,原理; 准则,道义; 道德标准; 本能; 两个意思都差不多,在使用的时候code 偏向程序和现实;principle 偏向与情理和道义。举例一:At Nortel, I never would have opened the source code to anyone, especially not the U.S. government.如果是北电,我绝不会向任何人,尤其是美国政府公开源代码。举例二:The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.该报违反了保护隐私的行为准则。举例三:Homeopathic treatment is based on the "like cures like" principle.顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。举例四:The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror.等级制度在原则上并不等同于极权主义恐怖。



Caramel Corn是什么意思?

Caramel Corn玉米糖双语例句1Can we get some caramel corn?可以买点玉米糖么?2Only hours before, as she was chomping happily on some caramel corn, one of her front teeth had snapped off, right at the gum line!才数小时前当她愉快地大嚼焦糖玉米时一颗前牙从牙床断裂!

Her hand was completely cured. 和Her hand has already healed. 区别

completely cured.完全治愈already healed 已经恢复



converse addict和普通匡威外观一样么


addict 和consider区别

addict 建议和consider考虑


caramel英 [ˈkærəmel] 美 [ˈkærəməl, -ˌmɛl, ˈkɑrməl] n.焦糖; 焦糖色; (含焦糖味的)太妃糖corn英 [kɔ:n] 美 [kɔ:rn] n.鸡眼; <英>谷物; <美>玉米

过去式:bite enjoy pass put hide complain


Cara Dillon的black is the colour歌词翻译


Turtles的《COME ON》里面的歌词

歌曲名:Come On 歌手: Turtles如果有麻烦你马上落跑先闪那你今后就别指望哥儿们帮忙睁著眼说谎是绝对不会有好下场一样的土壤一样的豾阳在街道在车站年轻正在炫耀力量这样的一个地方懦弱被晒伤痛快淋漓的流汗我们放肆的成长hey~ come onenergy在释放你太慢有话就直讲hey~ come on像一个男子汉你太慢直接了当~music~在镜子前对自己欣赏还算自信满满反正那山不转路转没命中耙心的子弹当练习无妨试试看没那黱困难坚定的信仰坚定的主张都不管都去闯是与生俱来的力量超越了想像谁能拿我们怎样痛快淋漓的流汗我们放肆的成长年轻的故事都一样真正精彩都写在最后一行对失败认真的欣赏房子要盖得漂亮就狠狠的打下木桩alright hey~ come on (hey~ come on)放下你的高傲姿态(energy在释放)这一次我不是随便(你太慢)说一说玩一玩(有话就直讲)alright hey~ come on (hey~ come on)就是要你学会如何承担(像一个男子汉)(能不能做到能不能办到)(这一次就看你表现)


竞争,角逐competition                                                                       英 [kɒmpɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n]美 [ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃ(ə)n]n.                                    the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others engaged in the same attempt竞争,角逐(1)there is fierce competition between banks.银行之间有着激烈的竞争(2)the competition for university places is greater than ever this year.今年大学职位的竞争比以往更激烈。count  noun]an event or contest in which people take part in order to establish superiority or supremacy in a particular area竞赛,比赛(1)a beauty competition.选美比赛。the action of participating in such an event or contest参与竞赛(1)the team was banned from European competition.这支球队被禁止参加欧洲联赛。[in sing.]the person or people over whom one is attempting to establish one"s supremacy or superiority, especially in a commercial or sporting arena; the opposition(尤指商业或体育运动中的)竞争对手,角逐者;比赛对手(1)I walked round to check out the competition.我四处走动,了解竞争对手的情况。Ecology  interaction between animal or plant species, or individual organisms, in which their population levels, reproductive success, etc. depend upon their gaining a share of a limited environmental resource【生态】 竞争。

Fab cost mat"l adder market basket 4 extend value 都是什么意思


battleground state of Colorado是什么意思?

battleground state of Colorado英文:战场科罗拉多州

where did the name adder come from


请问color-superiority是什么 意思呀?


superiority complex是什么意思

优越情结 。

module h_adder(a,b,so,co); input a,b; output so,co; assign {co,so} = a + b; endmodule Info: Command


图中的 f_adder是一位全加器,cin 是输入进位,cout 是输出进位。试给出此电路的VHDL描述。




battlefield 1 communitytest environment 什么意思

1 communitytest战场环境

怎么写sci correction


请问一下有没有人知道在录屏工具里面,capture 和 record 的区别

也许可以理解为 capture 是捕捉屏幕效果,record 是不仅捕获效果,还记录操作,即 capture 不包含鼠标、键盘操作等但 record 包含?


就是建立作战连线的意思,它游戏的意图就是将你这个指挥官模拟在沙盘上作战,在连线之前,战场不归你控制,而是会出现过场或者剧情,过了以后就会battlefield online 这以后指挥权交给玩家了,就是这意思而已。。 谢谢求采纳



Corel CAPTURE 中文意思是什么?这软件有什么用呢。


addendum modification coefficient是什么意思

addendum modification coefficient齿轮的变位系数双语对照词典结果:addendum modification coefficient[英][əˈdendəm ˌmɔdəfɪˈkeɪʃən ˌkəʊəˈfɪʃənt][美][əˈdɛndəm mɒdɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə) ˌkoəˈfɪʃənt]齿顶修正系数;

Corel CAPTURE 中文意思是什么?这软件有什么用呢。


Corel CAPTURE 中文意思是什么?这软件有什么用呢。

COREL PHOTO PAINT是COREL DRAW套件中功能与PHOTOSHOP类似的工具,也很好用,功能比PHOTOSHOP 5要强大不少,缺点是速度稍慢。 其实CORELDRAW是一个套件来的,里面有很多很有用的东西,例如TRACE、CAPTURE、BARCODE等等,不过如果中文版的就没有了。我一直都是用E文版的,对中文支持非常好。这里有教程

写出下列单词的复数形式: dress book coat blouse tourist



  I. OVERVIEW  Two of the more recognized areas of study within the study of social influence are the study of conformity and obedience. Each of these topics typically receives considerable attention in most General Psychology and Social Psychology textbooks. Given this level of attention, two of the psychologists associated with these areas of study (Stanley Milgram and Solomon Asch) have become two of the more recognized names in social psychology. This module will provide various content and resources to assist in preparing a classroom presentation on these topics.  Additional information, comments or questions can be obtained from the author of this module:  II. LEARNING OBJECTIVES  The primary objectives for this module include:  Defining conformity and obedience  Identifying key studies related to conformity and obedience  Identifying various factors related to conformity and obedience  Providing various activities that can be used to illustrate these concepts  Listing various resources (both print & internet) that can be used to supplement the teaching of these concepts  III. CONTENT  CONFORMITY  The tendency to change our perceptions, opinions, or behavior in ways that are consistent with group norms (Brehm, Kassin & Fein, 1999, p 213)  KEY STUDIES  Sherif (1936) - demonstrated that individual perceptions that intially varied considerably, converged once placed in a group.  Asch (1951) - arguably the classic study in this area. Using a line judgment task, the author found that when individuals wer placed in a group of confederates who made an obvious incorrect decision, they went along with the incorrect choice about 37 % of the time. This finding has been confirmed in more recent studies as well.  Fein, Goethals & Kassin (1998) - when participants were asked to view a political debate among George Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, it was found the presence of a confederate who cheered for one of the candidates influenced the participant"s evaluation of that candidate in a positive manner.  FACTORS RELATED TO CONFORMITY  Informational influence - when you conform because you believe that others are correct in their judgments. Sherif"s (1936) study illustrates this concept.  Normative influence - when you conform because you fear the possible negative social consequences of not going along. Asch"s (1951) study illustrates this concept.  Size of group - conformity tends to increase as the size of the group increases, however, there is little change in conformity once the group size reaches 4-5.  Awareness of norms - the more aware someone is of the prevailing norm, the more likely one is to conform.  Presence of an ally - Asch (1951) found that even the presence of just one confederate that goes against the majority choice can reduce conformity as much as 80%.  Age differences - there is some evidence that age may play a factor. For example, during adolescence there is an increased tendency to "conform" to peers.  Gender differences - there is some indication that there are some gender differences but the findings are not clearly established yet.  Cultural influences - many instances of cultural influences leading to differences in conformity.  OBEDIENCE  Behavior change produced by the commands of authority (Brehm, Kassin & Fein, 1999, p 232)  KEY STUDIES  Bickman (1974) - had research assistants "order" people passing by on the street to do something. When they wore security guards uniforms, almost 9 out of 10 people obeyed.  Milgram (1963) - the classic study in this area. A participant was paired with a confederate in a study of "the effects of punishment on learning." The participant served as the "teacher" and the confederate was the "learner." The teacher was to provide an progressive level of shock (though no shock was actually given) to the learner every time the learner gave an incorrect response. The question was how strong of a shock would the "teacher" provide. A group of psychiatrists estimated that only 1 % of the population would provide the maximum level of shock (450 volts) and most predicted that most participants would stop around 135 volts. Overall 65 % of the participants provided the maximum "shock" of 450 volts despite the pleas of the "learner". Though the original study consisted of all men, the study has produced similar findings with women and in other countries.  FACTORS RELATED TO OBEDIENCE  Authority figure - the prestige of the authority figure and the physical presence of the figure influence the degree of obedience. The higher the perceived prestige, the more the confomity and the physical presence of the authority figure increases the level of obedience. However, Hofling, Brotzman, Dalrymple, Graves & Pierce (1966) demostrated that powerful authority figures (in this case a physcian) can produce high levels of obedience without being physically present. The authors studied how nurses would respond to a phone request from a physician to administer an uncommon drug at a high dosage with the potential for harm to the patient. They found that 21 of 22 nurses were willing to complete these phone orders (though the nurses were stopped from actually administring the drug).  Proximity of victim - evidence indicates a person is more likely to obey an order that may produce harm if that person is physically separated from the potential victim. Milgram observed a drop to 40% full obedience when he placed both the participant and confederate in the same room and had a drop to 30% full obedience when the participant had to physically place the confederates hand on a metal shock plate.  Personal responsibility - in Milgram"s study the experimenter assumed the responsibility for any harm that could have occurred. When a person has to assume personal responsibility for any harm that can come from obedience, the level of obedience tends to drop.  Escalation of harm - Milgram"s study involved a gradual escalation of potential harm to the confederate as the "teacher" increased the levels of shock. The evidence suggests that situations that led to gradual escalation of harm tend to produce more conformity, that is, once a person starts the process it becomes more difficult to not obey.  IV. ACTIVITIES/ASSIGNMENTS  CONFORMITY  Replication of Asch"s experiment - with a little work it is possible to produce a good classroom version of Asch"s classic experiment on conformity. The details of the activity can be found in many General Psychology Instructor"s manuals [e.g., Garrison (1995) ].  The Candid Camera segment "Face the rear" - is an excellent tool for generating discussion and illustrating conformity. These classic clips from the original show consist of a group of confederates and one participant on a simulated elevator. The confederates change directions, as well remove and put on their hats on cue as the participant responds to the pressure to conform. Several different participants illustrate the differences between the ones that conform easily and at least one guy that does somewhat reluctantly. A sure hit with students and instructors. It is available from McGraw-Hill publishers on both video and CD.  The Discovering Psychology video segment (produced by Annenberg/CPB) "The Power of the Situation" includes a clip from Asch"s experiment, as well as Milgram"s obedience study, Zimbardo"s prison study, etc. This video provides an excellent tool for introducing social influence including conformity and obedience.  OBEDIENCE  The classroom authority - Hunter (1981) suggest an activity where you bring someone into your class before you arrive(e.g., another instructor) and have the students fulfill a series of requests (e.g., move them around, place hands on desk, etc.) including some "strange" requests (e.g., everyone with blond hair stand). Use your imagination. Then you can arrive at your classroom and lead a discussion on why people "obeyed" or "didn"t obey" this person"s orders. Excellent way to illustrate how easily people obey orders of an assumed "authority figure."  Student"s prediction - Just as Milgram had a group of psychiatrists predict the level of shock that participants would administer in his study before he conducted it, you can ask your students to do the same thing before you start your discussion. Bolt (1999) describes this exercise as well as provides a handout that can be used to facilitate the activity.  The film Obedience - Penn State has a 45 minute film/video available of the original Milgram study that puts the student there while the experiment is being conducted. It also includes interviews with various participants.  V. RESOURCES  References  Asch, S.E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgments. In H. Guetzkow (Ed.), Groups, leadership and men. Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Press.  Bickman, L. (1974). The social power of a uniform. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 4, 47-61.  Bolt, M. (1999). Instructor"s resources to accompany D.G. Myers, Exploring psychology (4th ed.). New York: Worth.  Brehm, S.S., Kassin, S.M. & Fein, S. (1999). Social psychology (4th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.  Fein, S., Goethals, G.R. & Kassin, S.M. (1998). Social influence and presidential debates. Manuscript under review, Williams College.  Garrison, M. (1995). Instructor"s resource manual to accompany S. Kassin Psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.  Hofling, C.K., Brotzman, E., Dalrymple, S., Graves, N. & Bierce, C. (1966). An experimental study of nurse-physician relations. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 143, 171-180.  Hunter, W.J. (1981). Obedience to authority. In L.T. Benjamin, Jr. & K.D. Lowman, Activities handbook for hte teaching of psychology. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.  Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 371-378.  Sherif, M. (1936). The psychology of social norms. New York: Harper.

there is considerable debate about这句话中为什么不加冠词a

你的提问很好。我觉得这不是语法,而是习惯的问题,我网上可以查到不少文献有用 "a considerable debate" 的说法,比如: "...there has been a considerable debate in contemporary analytic metaphysics in connection with the notion of truthmaker as attempting to capture a basic insight into the way truths depend on reality. ""There have been three kinds of cases, which have generated considerable debates in recent years: indeterminacy, meta-metaphysics, and contextualism/relativism, particularly in connection with practically significant issues regarding gender, race, and sexuality."上面这两段来自同一篇论文。如果你谷歌搜索 concern , 你会同样找到has been considerable concernhas been a considerable concern的两个说法。对我来说(英语是我第一语言),对抽象不可数名词如 concern, anger, consternation, 等等,比如there has been considerable angerthere has been considerable consternation个人偏好是 不用 冠词 a ,但这仅是个人看法。

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What colour is your dress. 你的裙子是什么颜色的?单数句子变复数句子,需要把句子中能变复数的词都变成复数形式,所以这个句子的复数形式是What colours are your dresses ?你们的裙子都是什么颜色的?在这里 colour 是可数名词,所以应该用复数形式。

contemporary issues and debates是什么意思

contemporary issues and debates当代议题与辩论

the British parliament conducts debate

conduct这里是动词debate 可数指the British parliament单指这一次国会谈话 conduct进行

debate competition是什么意思

debate competition辩论赛; debate[英][dɪˈbeɪt][美][ dɪˈbet]n.讨论; 辩论; 争论; 辩论; vt.& vi.辩论; 仔细考虑; 思考; 盘算; 第三人称单数:debates复数:debates现在进行时:debating过去式:debated过去分词:debated
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