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friendship 是友谊companionship 指的是有人陪伴你




score是可数的复数:scoresscores的意思:n. 大量,众多;二十( score的名词复数 );(游戏或比赛中的)得分;大量;百分数




Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. There"s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celerity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of risqué discussions. So, I like connect to the Internet.






score [skɔr /skɔː]n. 得分, 比数; 总谱, 乐谱; 成绩, 分数; 配乐v. 得, 记; 使得分; 给...打分, 给...评分; 记分; 得胜, 成功; 得分; 刻痕


差数值。其实就是计算数值的意思例如:standard score 标准差数值、标准值

电视机屏幕显示SCORE 是什么意思

score是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和动词,意思是:分数、得分,获胜;刻划;划线;批评;给 ... 谱曲等等。电视机显示score一般是系统故障。

This message was created automatically by the mail system (ecelerity). A message that you sent coul




C语言 score的意思



得分 分数 差不多一个意思




分数 成绩



C语言 score的意思



scored的意思为(在游戏或比赛中)得分;(在游戏或比赛中)记分;score的过去分词和过去式。例句:1、The German team scored a combined total of 652 points. 德国队综合得分为652分。2、Each time we scored we were pegged back minutes later. 每次我们得分,几分钟后便被追上。3、He scored two goals and had another two near misses. 他攻进两球,另有两球也险些破门。4、Score each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5. 按1到5分给每一种标准打分。5、A score of 70 or above will get you an "A". 70分或以上就可以得“优”。





score 是什么意思。

score名词 n. [C]1.(比赛中的)得分,比数;(测验的)成绩,分数His total score was one hundred and fifty-five. 他的总积分是一百五十五。 What is the score now? 现在比数多少? Jack got a low score on the test. 杰克测验得了个低分。2.【音】总谱,乐谱;(电影,歌舞等的)配乐3.方面;理由,根据4.(赛跑等的)起跑线;终点线5.欠帐;宿怨They forgot old scores and became friends. 他们忘却旧仇,成了朋友。6.真相[the S]7.刻痕;伤痕I noticed scores of sorrow on her face. 我注意到她脸上悲痛的痕迹。8.二十,二十人,二十个[M]9.大量,许多[P][(+of)]He"s been to Hong Kong scores of times. 他曾多次去过香港。10.【俚】(毒品的)买到手;(抢劫的)得手;(性伴侣的)搭上及物动词 vt. 1.(体育比赛中)得(分),记(分);使得分He only scored nine hundred marks. 他只得九百分。2.(考试等中)得(分)Mary scored the highest marks on the exam. 玛丽考试中得了个最高分。3.给...打分,给...评分[O1]Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations. 亨特教授正忙于给考试评分。4.赢得;取得He has scored a great success with his new play. 他的那出新戏获得了极大的成功。5.把...写成总谱;为(影片等)配乐[(+for)]He scored many a film. 他曾为多部影片配乐。6.刻痕于;做记号于He scored the tree with a nail. 他用钉子在树上刻痕。7.严厉批评,训斥8.【俚】非法弄到(毒品等)不及物动词 vi. 1.(在比赛中)记分Who is going to score for both sides? 谁来为双方记分?2.得分;得胜,成功She scored well on the history test. 她在历史测验中得了高分。3.刻痕;划线;做记号4.【俚】非法弄到毒品等5.【俚】(男子)与...性交;勾搭上性伴侣[(+with)]


score美 [skɔr];英 [skɔː(r)]n.成绩;比分;总谱;伤痕。v.评分;(在游戏或比赛中)得分;(在游戏或比赛中)记分。例句1.Grouping is often indicated in the score either directly or indirectly .群组常在乐谱中直接或间接的显示。2.Money is not always the bottom line: It can be a scoreboard, not the final score.钱不永远是底线:它是一个记分板,而且不是最后的分数。


名词,得分,分数 动词,评分,得分,获得胜利






score作动词有打分,评分的意思这里应该是用户评价great deals应该就是对卖家的好的评价terrible deals应该就是坏的了吧




scores的意思:得分;获胜。scores,英 [skɔː(r)],美 [skɔː]    vt. 得分;获胜;刻划;划线;批评;给 ... 谱曲n. 得分;刻痕;二十;乐谱vi. 得分;记分;得胜名词: scorer 过去式: scored 过去分词: scored 现在分词: scoring 第三人称单数: scoresscore的基本意思是“二十”,由古代牧羊人清点羊数时从手指数到脚趾,每数到二十在树上划一个记号得来,因此引申可指“划痕,刻痕”“得分,分数”等。score用作及物动词时,接名词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为for/to介词短语(转化为to的较少见),可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常跟副词out, up或介词for, over连用。例句1、Hughes scored two goals before half-time.休斯在上半场进了两个球。2、The army continued to score successes in the south.军队在南方不断取得胜利。3、I recorded the score in a notebook.我在笔记本上记下了分数。4、There are deep scores on the rock.岩石上有深深的刻痕。

score 是什么意思?

单词: score [skO:]<n.>刻痕;抓痕;伤痕;划线 scores on a rock 岩石上的痕迹 The scores of the whip showed on the serf"s back. 那农奴背上鞭痕累累。<n.>帐目;欠帐(源于旧时旅店用粉笔划线记录顾客欠帐);〔喻〕宿怨,旧仇 pay one"s score 付清帐目 run up a score 欠债<n.>点,方面;现由,根据 Nobody has any doubt on that score. 对那一点没人怀疑。 retire on the score of age 因年老退休<n.>(比赛中的)得分(记录),比数;(测验的)成绩,评分 A: What is the score? B: The score is 2 to 1. 甲:比分怎样?乙:(比分是)二比一。 win by a score of 10 to 9 以十比九得胜 level the score 把比分拉平,打平 make a good score 得分多,成绩好;成功<n.>总谱,乐谱;(电影、戏剧、歌舞等的)配乐<n.>(赛跑等的)起跑线,起步线;终点线<n.>〔单复同〕二十;(指称猪、牛等用的重量单位)二十(或二十一)磅 a (three) score of people 二十(六十)人<n.>〔复〕许多,大量 scores of visitors 一大批来访者 scores of years ago 许多年前 I have been there scores of times. 我曾多次去那里。<n.>赤裸裸的事实,现实情况;真相 know the score (或 know what the score is) 知道真相<n.>〔英俚〕占上风的一着(或一名话);好运气 What a score! 真走运!<n.>(滑车的)带槽<vt.>刻痕于;划线于,打记号于 score timber 在木材上刻记号 The flood has scored out a deep channel through the valley. 洪水在山谷里冲刷出一条很深的水道。<vt.>把...记入帐内;把...记下 (up)<vt.>获得(成绩、胜利等);(体育比赛中)得(分),使(某人)得分 score a great victory (success) 取得很大胜利(成功) score a goal 踢进一球 score a point 赢得一分 score a game 胜一盘<vt.>给...评分;评价 score a test (an examinee) 给测验(应试者)评分<vt.>将...写成总谱;把...谱成管弦乐曲;为(影片等)配乐<vt.>〔美〕严厉批评;责备<vi.>刻痕;划线<vi.>(在比赛中)记分 Will you score? 你来记分好吗?<vi.>得分;得胜;成功 Team A scored against (或 over) Team B. 甲队胜了乙队。 That"s where he scores. 那一点就是他占上风(或走运)之处。<MS>计分


vt. 得分;获胜;刻划;划线;批评;给 ... 谱曲n. 得分;刻痕;二十;乐谱vi. 得分;记分;得胜一、读音:英 [skɔː(r)],美 [skɔː] 二、例句:The army continued to score successes in the south.军队在南方不断取得胜利。三、词汇用法:1、score的基本意思是“二十”,由古代牧羊人清点羊数时从手指数到脚趾,每数到二十在树上划一个记号得来,因此引申可指“划痕,刻痕”“得分,分数”等。、2、score还可作“欠账; 宿怨; 乐曲,配乐; 真相”等解。3、score作“二十”解时,有两个复数形式,即score或scores; scores of后接可数名词的复数形式,表示数量之多,而不表示具体的数目。扩展资料:近义词:account一、意思:n. 账户;帐目;赊账;老主顾;报告;描述;解释;说明;估计;理由;利益;好处;根据v. 解释;导致;报账;把 ... 视为;归咎(于)二、读音:英 [ə"kaʊnt],美 [ə"kaʊnt] 三、例句:We have accounts with most of our suppliers.我们与大多数供应商都是实行赊购制。四、词汇用法:1、account可表示“对事件、人物等的叙述、报告、描写”或“对思想、理论、过程等的(尤指对上级的)解释、说明”,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。2、account引申可作“重要性,价值,评价,考虑”解,也可作“好处,用处,利益”“理由,缘故”解,是不可数名词。

score什么意思 score是啥意思

1、score,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“分数;二十;配乐;刻痕,人名;(英)斯科尔”,作及物动词时意为“获得;评价;划线,刻划;把…记下”,作不及物动词时意为“得分;记分;刻痕”。 2、短语搭配 standard score标准分数 ; 标准分 ; 标准分散 ; 标准得分; Credit score信用评分系统 ; 信用分数 ; 信用报告里找不到; raw score原始分; highest score最高分 ; 最高得分 ; 最高分数 ; 无上患上分; factor score[数]因子得分 ; 因素分数 ; 因素得分; Music Score最佳配乐 ; 乐谱 ; 谱子 ; 乐谱分享; Cutoff Score录用分数线 ; 信用评分底线 ; 划界分 ; 划界分数; original score总谱制作 ; 最佳原创音乐 ; 最佳配乐 ; 原创作曲改编; derived score导出分数 ; 衍生分数 ; 导出分 ; 转换分数。


score,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意思为“分数;二十;配乐;刻痕,人名;(英)斯科尔”,作及物动词时意为“获得;评价;划线,刻划;把…记下”,作不及物动词时意为“得分;记分;刻痕”。双语例句:1、Add up your score on each question.把每一个问题的分数加起来。2、Who will score for us?谁将为我们记分?3、Your score will be calculate by all the vote of user who vote for your picture with my otherapplication name "HOT BABES".你的分数将计算所有用户的投票,投票支持你与我的其他应用程序的名称“热宝贝”的图片。

a celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to avo



television[英][ˈtelɪvɪʒn][美][ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən]n.电视节目; 电视,电视机; 电视业; 网络电视网; 电视,电视机; 电视剧; 复数:televisions

英语become a network celebrity怎么翻译?

翻译为“成为网络名人”。celebrity 意思是“名人,名声”。network 作为名词,意思是“广播网,电视网;网络;联络网”。


其他能力都不重要了吧?我觉得HP是最重要的,其次是ATK,再次MAG,其他能力可以无视了,如果都是靠吃人的,那只有HP是关键的了。 [s:93] 查看原帖>>






意思不一样啊congratulation是指祝贺,如你考试过了,我就可以对你说congratulations,u made it;celebration是指庆祝的仪式,如你可以说we offered our congratulations in the celebration of his promotion

可以说become an important event celebrated吗?

应该这样表达:become an important celebrated event


经济学人下载:Robocops How America"s police armed itself to the teeth Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarisation of America"s Police Forces. By Radley Balko. PublicAffairs; 382 pages; $27.99. Buy from Amazon RADLEY BALKO"S writing has long been read by people who care about civil liberties. First for the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank, then for his own blog, “The Agitator”, now part of the Huffington Post, he has written about criminal-justice policy, with a focus on police abuses: not corruption so much as the excesses that have bee inherent in ordinary policing.    mp3下载 Mr Balko manages to avoid the clichés of both right and left, and provokes genuine outrage at the misuse of state power in its most brutal and unaccountable form: heavily armed police raiding the homes of unarmed, non-violent suspects on the flimsiest of pretexts, and behaving more like an occupying army in hostile territory than guardians of public safety. “Rise of the Warrior Cop”, Mr Balko"s interesting first book, explains what policies led to the militarisation of America"s police. To his credit, he focuses his outrage not on the police themselves, but on politicians and the phoney, wasteful drug war they created. After the obligatory backward glances to the colonial era—in which the sort of social shaming possible only in *** all, homogeneous munities obviated the need for standing police forces—and the American civil war, Mr Balko"s story really begins with the Supreme Court"s 1963 ruling in Ker v California, which allowed the police to enter someone"s home without a warrant and without knocking or announcing themselves. That was the first in a long series of rulings that gutted the Fourth Amendment"s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. The social upheaval of the 1960s caught the attention of ambitious politicians and led them to focus on crime. Daryl Gates, then a rising star in the Los Angeles Police Department, created America"s first SWAT team in 1965 (he would eventually bee the LAPD"s chief in 1978, call drug use “treason” and state that casual drug users “ought to be taken out and shot”). Richard Nixon ran successfully for president on a law-and-order ticket in 1968, bolstered by a “Silent Majority” which, in Mr Balko"s view, “began to see a link between drugs, crime, the counter-culture and race”. Ronald Reagan made Nixon"s drug policies tougher. He dramatically increased both federal involvement in bating drugs and asset forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize goods and property believed to be used in crime or, more controversially, purchased with the proceeds of crime. This gave the police an incentive to find connections between property and drug activity, often at the expense of more serious crimes. As Mr Balko notes, “Closing a rape or murder case didn"t e with a potential kickback to the police department. Knocking off a mid- or low-level drug dealer did.” Financial incentives also came through drug-war grants and, after the attacks of September 11th 2001, homeland-security grants that allowed police departments to buy surplus military hardware of dubious utility. Fargo, North Dakota, has received $8m in grants to buy goodies such as an armoured truck with a rotating turret—used “mostly for show, including at the annual city piic, where police parked it near the children"s bouncy castle”. Mr Balko is adept, in “Rise of the Warrior Cop”, at finding outrageous examples of SWAT-team misuse, such as deploying heavily armed police to break up *** all-stakes poker games, raid fraternity parties suspected of serving alcohol to underage patrons and arrest barbers for operating without licences. But he is too di *** issive of arguments that stricter policing may have helped produce the remarkable drop in America"s crime rate. Thanks to his book, Americans will be more aware of the costs of those methods. But they—and he—should also consider possible benefits.


经济态度短语economic course learning attitude 经济学课程学习态度双语例句 原声例句 权威例句1.In terms of economic attitude, what is the most important thing is the capability for acquiring resources and the level of allocating resources. 跟读从经济学的角度看,维系一所高等学校正常运转最重要的是争取资源的能力和配置资源的水平。

Congratulate /celebrate 区别

congratulate 是对别人的祝贺celebrate 是大家对某些事的庆祝活动。

Combustion burn 区别是?



celebrate和congratulate的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.celebrate意思:v. 庆祝; 庆贺; 主持宗教仪式(尤指圣餐); 赞美; 颂扬; 歌颂;2.congratulate意思:v. 向(某人)道贺; 祝贺; (为成就或成功)感到高兴,感到自豪;二、用法不同1.celebrate用法:表示动作或状态。例句:Let"s celebrate!让我们好好庆祝一下吧!2.congratulate用法:常用作谓语。例句:Let me congratulate you.请允许我向您表示祝贺。三、侧重点不同1.celebrate侧重点:celebrate指庆祝,用于庆祝某节日或仪式。。2.congratulate侧重点:congratulate指庆祝,但用于庆祝某人的成功。


celebrate和congratulate均有“庆祝、祝贺”的意思,两者都是动词.区别在于: 1、celebrate:通常指庆祝有意义的日子或事件,常常伴有盛大的庆典仪式,多指庆祝节日. 例如:How do people celebrate new year in your country? 你们国家的人怎样庆贺新年? The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. 这个协会今年将举办成立10周年庆典. 2、congratulate:指对他人祝贺为目的,希望他人幸福或走运或表达对某人的表扬.有以下三种用法: (1)congratulate sb.for sth.为某事向某人表扬、庆贺 I really must congratulate the organizers for a well run and enjoyable event. 活动安排得有条不紊,充满乐趣,我必须要称赞一下组织者. (2)congratulate sb.on...就…向某人表示祝贺 Congratulate him on following up your leads. 如果他听从你的建议,就向他表示祝贺. (3)congratulate that+从句 We congratulate that he is accepted to join the Party. 我们祝贺他被接受入党. 因此celebrate常用于庆祝某事,而congratulate则多用于祝贺某人.根据题意,his daughter"s being admitted to Qing Hua University 是一件值得庆贺的事情,因此用celebrate.若用congratulate,则可写成:congratulate on him that his daughter has admitted to Qing Hua Universit


celebrate v. 庆祝,祝贺,表扬,赞美,举行 celebrate v.(动词) cel.e.brat.ed,,cel.e.brates及物动词) To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect,festivity,or rejoicing.See Synonyms at observe 庆祝:用荣誉、节日或欢乐的庆典庆祝(一天或一个事件)参见 observe To perform (a religious ceremony): 举行(宗教庆典): celebrate Mass. 举行弥撒 To extol or praise: 歌颂或赞扬: a sonnet that celebrates love. 歌颂爱情的十四行诗 To make widely known; display: 公布;展示: “a determination on the author"s part to celebrate ...the offenses of another”(William H.Pritchard) “这个作家决心要表现出其他作家的不合理之处”(威廉H.普里查德) v.intr.(不及物动词) To observe an occasion with appropriate ceremony or festivity. 庆祝:以适当的庆祝或节日纪念某一事件 To perform a religious ceremony. 举行宗教庆典 To engage in festivities: 参与节日庆祝: went out and celebrated after the victory. 走出去庆祝胜利 celebrate vt. -brated,-brating 庆祝;庆贺 We celebrated the New Year with a dance party. 我们举行跳舞晚会庆祝新年. 纪念(节日) 褒扬;颂扬 Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement. 鲁迅将永远作为中国新文化运动的光辉先驱受人歌颂. 举行(宗教仪式) celebrate [5selibreit] vt. 举行(仪式); 庆祝(胜利等); 祝贺 赞美,颂扬 公布,发表 celebrate a marriage 举行婚礼 He celebrated his birthday with a banquet. 他举行宴会庆祝自己的生日. The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets. 许多英雄的名字为诗人所歌颂. celebrate vi. 举行宗教仪式[庆典]; 庆祝 [口]欢宴作乐 celebrar,celebrator n. 庆祝的人; 祝贺者 congratulate vt. 祝贺,庆贺,恭喜 congratulate Congratulate means to tells someone about job well done. For example:We congratulate him for taking the first play of competition. 祝贺 congratulate及物动词),,con.grat.u..lates To express joy or acknowledgment,as for the achievement or good fortune of (another). 祝贺:对于(别人的)成绩或好运表示高兴或肯定 congratulate vt. -lated,-lating 恭喜;道贺;向…致祝词 I congratulated my friend on her birthday. 我向女友祝贺生日. Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter. 我祝贺你喜获千金. 庆幸(自己) You really should congratulate yourself on your appearance. 你真该为自己的外表而庆幸. congratulate vt. 向...祝贺,向...道贺(on) We congratulated him on having passed the examination. 我们祝贺他通过了考核. He is to be congratulated for his success. 他的成功是该受到庆贺的. congratulator n. 祝贺者 congratulate oneself on 庆幸,感到幸运

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Color the balloon orange是什么意思




element control是什么意思

element control 电子控制; 元件控制;成份控制例句筛选1.Air source treatment unit , solenoid control element, actuation element andtube fitting .气源处理元件、电磁控制元件、执行元件、管接头等。2.It is a one-way directional control element and can discharge thecompressed air in the system rapidly.单向型方向控制元件,可将系统中工作过压缩空气快速排放。

Chocolate和balloon和basketball 和toyplane在汉语中是什么意思?


become famous 是什么意思?

be famous for 是因……而出名be famous as 是作为……而有名eg:YAO MING is famous as a player.

agitate ;allergic; compulsory这英语用谐音怎么读?


agitate ;allergic; compulsory这英语用谐音怎么读?

agitate 英[ˈædʒɪteɪt] 谐音:哎这忒特allergic 英[əˈlɜːdʒɪk] 谐音:鹅乐这课compulsory 英[kəmˈpʌlsəri] 谐音:克木泡瑟瑞

法语 Cela m"a fait plaisir de voir Nicole hier. 这句话语法不太懂。Cela m"a 是怎么个语法?

That makes me happy to see Nicole yestoday.

a famous,是什么意思? the president of your country 又是什么意思?

Famous著名的意思,后面是你们国家的总统 president是总统的意思希望能帮到您哈

ceiling cassette fan coil是什么意思

ceiling cassette fan coil 吸顶式风机盘管coil 英[kɔɪl] 美[kɔɪl] n. 线圈; (一) 卷,(一)盘; 盘卷之物; 纷乱,纠缠不清; vt. 盘绕; 卷成一圈; vi. 绕成盘状; 卷绕成圈; [例句]Tod shook his head angrily and slung the coil of rope over his shoulder托德气愤地摇了摇头,然后把那卷绳子往肩上一搭。[其他] 第三人称单数:coils 复数:coils 现在分词:coiling 过去式:coiled过去分词:coiled

not yet completely用英文解释


请问corner length是什么意思?


happy corner是什么意思

开心一角 跟英语角的作用几乎相当



one of you in each corner of the room 中的"each"和"corner"是什么意思?


Corner, crying什么意思








In the corner,on the corner,at the corner怎么区别

都是拐角处的意思,但用法却不一样: in the corner:在里面的拐角处:比如说屋里面的拐角处有一张桌子 There is a table in the corner of the house on the corner:在拐角之上.如在桌子角上放着个杯子 There is a cup on the corner of the table at he corner:在拐角外面,如问路回答:请在前面的拐角处左拐 Please turn left at the corner of the house.

around the corner什么意思

around the corner在拐角处双语对照词典结果:around the corner[英][əˈraund ðə ˈkɔ:nə][美][əˈraʊnd ði ˈkɔrnɚ]adv.在拐角处; adj.迫在眉睫的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A handful of us will pop out for tea at a place around the corner. 我们中的一小撮人会到街角的一个地方喝杯茶。


Speakers" Corner演讲者之角双语对照词典结果:Speakers" Corner演说者之角; 易混淆单词:speakers" corner例句:1.Depending on energy levels, we might run to Speakers "Corner.

english corner是什么意思



◆你问的是不是【corner 】?意思是:【角落】

In the corner,on the corner,at the corner怎么区别?

这三个词组的意思主要是意思上的分别,没有什么具体固定搭配,也就是只要了解它们的意思,在解题时根据题意选出相符合的就可以。1. in the corner (of)意思:(室内)在......角落There is a chair in the corner of the house。在屋子的角落里有一把椅子。意思强调的是在室内。2. on the corner (of)意思:在......角落上There is a cup on the corner of the table.有一只杯子放在桌子的角落上。它强调的是在表面上,一个平面内,而不是立体范围,比如墙角就是立体范围。 the corner (of)意思:(室外)在......角落Please turn to right at the corner of the street.请在街角处转弯,右边。强调的是室外,不是室内,街角就是室外。还有个关于corner的词组around/round the corner在转弯处;即将来临There"s a great restaurant just around the corner.在拐角处就有一家非常好的餐馆。Happiness is around the corner.幸福即将来临。再稍稍说一下in,on,at在表示地点位置上各自的侧重点表示某一点位置,用 atWe live at No 87 Beijing Road. 我们住在北京路 87 号。与名词所有格连用表示地点,也用 atI am at my sister"s  now.我现在在我姐姐家。表示空间或范围,用 inWhat"s in the box? 这盒子里有什么?He lives in Paris with his wife. 他同他妻子住在巴黎。at 与 in 的另一个区别是:at 用于指较小的地方,而 in 用于指较大的地方。in Shanghai 在上海    at the station 在车站介词 on 用于地点,主要指在某物的表面。如:What"s on the table? 桌上有什么?在少数搭配中,也用介词 on。He works on a farm. 他在农场工作



englishi corner是什么意思

english corner英语角满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】



around the corner是什么意思



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