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一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。



Protocol, Agreement, Contract, Draft几个词有何区别?

Protocol: 一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案。比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”。Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法。大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名。比如:Security Agreement (担保协议), Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议)。Contract: 指法律上“合同”的概念。比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties。 商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉。Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利。而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方。国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的。正确的翻译是Credit Agreement。Draft: 一般指草稿。例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿。


一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。




一、正式程度contract要比agreement更加正式,更具有法律效应。1、to win/be awarded a contract to build a new school获得承建一所新学校的合同2、An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.劳资双方终于达成了协议。二、含义不同在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreemen。1、a contract for the supply of vehicles车辆供应合约2、They had made a verbal agreement to sell.他们达成了口头售货协定。三、读音不同agreement:英 [əˈgri:mənt]   美 [əˈɡrimənt] contract:英 [ˈkɒntrækt]   美 [ˈkɑ:ntrækt] 扩展资料同义词:一、pact英 [pækt]   美 [pækt]  n.公约;条约,公约They have made a pact with each other not to speak about their differences in public.他们彼此达成协议,不公开谈论他们的歧见。二、treaty英 [ˈtri:ti]   美 [ˈtriti]  n.条约;协议,协商;谈判Under the terms of the treaty , La Rochelle was ceded to the English.根据这个条约的条款,拉罗谢尔割让给了英国人。百度翻译对原文进行调整,例句发音部分来自牛津。

encourage the belief 什么意思?


Protocol, Agreement, Contract, Draft几个词有何区别?

首先,Agreement这个词一般不用作正式的书面合同这种说法,很大程度上是用于描述那种非书面的“合同”如 He has an agreement with me.Contract和前者最大的区别就是该词是个非常正式的词汇正式翻译为契约,合同(书面),具有法律意义的证明文件,正式性是三者中最高的.以下是详细对比Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”.Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议).Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement.Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.


区别:agreement[英][əˈgri:mənt][美][əˈɡrimənt]n.协定,协议; 同意,一致; 合同书; (词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致;例句:Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.政治领导人已就下个月举行预备会议达成初步协定。contract[英][ˈkɒntrækt][美][ˈkɑ:ntrækt]n.合同; 契约; 协议; contract[英][kənˈtrækt]v.签合同; 缩小; 感染; 例句:The contract would give unionized workers a 12 percent pay raise over three years.合同将给加入工会的工人今后3年12%的加薪。Draft草案例句:So be on the lookout for common trouble spots when studying your final draft.当检查最后的草稿时,请注意那些容易出错的地方。


n. 合同;婚约;合约;契约v. 缩小;订合同;缩短;感染(疾病);招致一、读音:英 ["kɒntrækt],美 ["kɑːntrækt]二、例句:The heat contracted the woollen garment.高温让羊毛衣缩小了。三、词汇用法:1、contract作“订契约”解时,指双方为共同利益所吸引。用作及物动词时可接名词或动词不定式作宾语; 用作不及物动词接for可表示“承包”“录入”; 接in可表示“承诺加入”; 接with可表示“与…订合约”。2、contract作“缩小”解时,指由于内部的力量,使物体的范围和结构收缩集中,多用作不及物动词,引申可表示缩写,这时常接介词to。也可用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾语。3、contract用作不及物动词时,可表示“订合同,订约”,后面常接介词with; 与介词for连用表示原因或目的。扩展资料:近义词:agreement一、意思:n. 同意;一致;协议二、读音:英 [ə"ɡriːmənt],美 [ə"ɡriːmənt] 三、例句:I am in entire agreement with you.我完全同意你。四、词汇用法:1、agreement的基本意思是“协议”,指国家、政党、团体、个人之间双方或多方经过协商、谈判取得一致意见后所签订的合约,引申可表示“达成协议”,是可数名词。2、agreement的另一个意思是“同意”,指一方同另一方的观点、看法或者与另一方的建议、条件、计划等意见相符,也指双方或多方就某事经协商后取得的一致意见或对某事看法一致,是不可数名词。3、在agreement的同位语从句或表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。

economic belief是什么意思

belief [bi"li:f] n.相信;信以为真(尤指宗教)信仰信心;信任,依赖被信仰之物;尤指信条;主义;教义信念;意见,看法;期望;期待;判断[复数]【市场】对事物(特别是广告创意)存在的个人观点[古语] = Apostles" Greedeconomic [,i:kə"nɔmik] adj.(有关)经济的,经济上的经济学的(有关)产供销的有实用价值的,实用的;关系国计民生的[英国英语]有利可图的,合算的节俭的,节约的,节省的,省俭的(=economical)(租金)足以补偿建房者(或屋主)的[口语]廉价的,便宜的所以有可能是廉价的信仰,廉价的理念,或是拜金主义




Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”. Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议). Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement. Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.


agreement 与 concurrence 只能算得上是近义词。前者是两方或多方就某事(目的)达成“协议”(各方有进有退,求同存异),关键是在“共同目的”上达成“一致”,因而成为合作的前提条件。而后者则说的是某两个或几个意见、观点相一致,但不一定是为了某一目的。后者还有“同时出现”的意思。


Agreement仅仅是“共识”,也就是说如果一句话说, "we have an agreement"意思就只是“我们有共识”。Contract却是“合同”,也就是官方合法需要签名的那份合同!Draft纯粹就只是“草稿”而已,没有盖章也无效。-此答案来自玛丽英语写作


他们很相似,但是仍然是有区别的,简单的来说,‘contract" 要比 ‘agreement"更加正式,更具有法律效应.下面这些解释可以供你参考:A contract is an agreement between parties that will legally enforceable.A simple "agreement" is an arrangement between the parties which may or may not contain the necessary elements to be enforceable before a court of law.A valid contract must contain the seven valid elements which are:· Offer · Acceptance · Consideration · Intention · Form · Genuine consent · Legality 再加一些:The terms are sometimes used interchangeably.Quite often the word "contract" can mean the document containing the agreement,but "agreement" can be used in that sense too.Contract also tends to be used to mean a binding or formal agreement.Law students study the law of contract,rather than the law of你肯定可以看懂的吧,我就偷懒不翻译了,

请问agreement,compact, pact, deal,treaty,accord的异同?

agreement 是协议,有的时候是比较被动的. contract 是合同,规定双方各有那些义务等. covenant 一般是法律,和很正式的合约. treaty 两国之间签定的的优惠政策,条约等. deal : 交易,谈判的结果. compact 合作协议,行动计划. accord 两国之间(通过协商和让步)达成的协议.拓展资料:这几个词都有协议、条约的意思。但他们的用法和意义有细微差别。①agreement 是协议,有的时候是比较被动的,比如离婚协议,两国之间就什么事达成的协议。【an arrangement, a promise or a contract】 ②contract 是合同,规定双方各有那些义务等,商业合同,雇佣合同等等。【an official written agreement】 ③covenant 一般是法律,和很正式的合约。【a promise to sb, or a legal agreement, especially one to pay a regular amount of money to sb/sth】 ④treaty 两国之间签定的的优惠政策,条约等【a formal agreement between two or more countries 】⑤ deal : 协议;(尤指)交易。【an agreement, especially in business, on particular conditions for buying or doing sth】⑥compact 协定;协议;契约;合约【(formal) a formal agreement between two or more people or countries】⑦ accord 协议;条约 【a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc.】

选择填空??1. Franklin"s writings contain many _________ to the reader. (admonish)

admonishs agreeable ambitiously anticipation casualing clinicalcollide comfortings conversationals deride

With regard to Contract NO.1236 ,we are agreeable___D/P terms of payment.

With regard to Contract NO.1236 ,we are agreeable_to__D/P terms of agreeable to 同意至于第1236号合同,我们同意采用托收的付款方式。

particular company是什么意思

particular company:特定公司particularadj.特别的; 详细的; 独有的; 挑剔的; n.特色,特点; (可分类,列举的)项目; 详细情节,细情,细目; 某一事项;,商号; 作伴,伴侣,客人; 连队,中队; (社交)集会,聚会;

. particular 和concrete都有具体的意思,它们的区别

虽然都可以做形容词 P表示特殊的,特别的,C表示实在的,实际的,具体的,意思不同。前一个是进一步强调突出,后一个是退一步道明事情原委。

be left out in the cold用法和例句

be left out in thecold 是遭…冷落,吃闭门羹的意思。例句有:People in this industry say that their business can survive, although with reduced profits, but the workers in these factories may be left out in the cold by job losses. 从业人员表示,即使利润有所下降,他们的企业仍然能够存活下去,但是工厂的工人就会因为失业而遭到冷落。用法:主语+be left out in the cold+(状语)


coach的汉语意思如下:n.(体育运动的)教练;私人教师,(多指)考前辅导教师;人生教练, 生涯顾问(受雇帮助他人实现人生和工作目标);长途汽车,长途客车;火车车厢;(旧时载客的)四轮大马车;(客机的)经济舱;(火车的)普通旅客车厢;(汽车拖的)活动房屋,起居挂车;(体育队的)教练,领队;<棒>跑垒指挥员。vt.(对体育运动、工作或技能进行)训练,培养,指导;辅导(尤指为让学员参加考试);当教练(或指导等);指示;特殊指导,专门传授;用马车(或客车等)载运;乘马车(或客车等);向…提供专业意见以实现个人目标。coach的读音是:英 [kəʊtʃ]   美 [koʊtʃ]。coach的造句如下:1、While that continues Assistant Coach Ray Wilkins will take charge of the team on a temporary basis.与此同时,助理教练雷-威尔金斯将临时接管球队。2、His turn came up to what to coach expected of him.他的转身符合教练的要求。3、The coach tried to get his charges motivated.该教练设法激励他的队员们。4、"The bigness of this game affected both teams in the first half," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said.“此役之重对双方上半场都有很大影响,”里弗斯教练说。5、The buff guy is my friend Jimmy He is a coach of a fitness club.那个壮汉是我的朋友吉米。他是一家健身俱乐部的教练。6、Is this Coach No. 4?外宾: 这是4号车厢吗?改成复数句?

这句话的意思是我可以自己做饭做菜,改为复数,那么我I 要变成 我们we,我自己myself变为ourself,所以复数句型为: We can cook by ourself


有 加标回收实验 的意思

controlled experiment是什么意思

controlled experiment_百度翻译controlled experiment [英]kənˈtrəuld iksˈperimənt [美]kənˈtrold ɪkˈspɛrəmənt n. 核对实验 [例句]So , we can rule out a randomized controlled experiment.因此,我们可以将随机对照实验排除在外。



写discover myself的作文

I discovered partially of myself just this summer while I was on summer vacation. I tried different things, thought positively of the people that I know and how they mad my life better. Adventure, try new things, and think through your life about what you"ve gone through.I also wrote a list of who I wanted to be like. THAT"S THE KEY QUESTION HERE!I wrote the qualities of what i wanted in my personality to form my future basis and how i would use my time in this world. I worte that I wanted to be a spunky, lively girl who"s stubborn and never listens to anyone, but herself. So far I"ve accomplished that. What you need to do is to watch things that cheer you up and laugh. You pick up after that. Like, if i watched MoonPhase on youtube. I"d pick up and act sort of like that the next few days. It depends on what you do with your life, how you want to live it, and who you want to be. Just give it a shot. It worked for me and to be honest, this felt natural. You should have seen me last year. It was a complete waste of life=1 year of my life wasted because I was in redemption and all i did was watch people while they had a life and i didn"t now i do.After this process, you should feel like it"s coming naturally to you. If it doesn"t then that just sucks. I guess you"ll have to keep trying personalities. Google的,字数太多了,懒得写


everything in control一切都在掌握之中 望采纳,谢谢

高中英语作文conduct myself

MyselfMy name is XXXX.I am in NO.xx middle school.I am a good school student.And I have mang good classmate.They are XXX, XXX, XXX. So I like playing basketball with their. My favourite subjectis Music. I think it is relax myself. I like eating fish. There are very good. My favourite colour isblue.My favourite movies are action movies.Beacuse it is exciting .So My favourite actor isJet Li.This is me a happy boy/girl!望采纳

agony column什么意思

agony column 英[ˈæɡəni ˈkɔləm] 美[ˈæɡəni ˈkɑləm] n. <主英口>(报刊上登载的寻人、寻物、离婚等启事的)私事广告栏; [例句]The question to the dear Lucy agony column ( right) this week set me thinking about the overlooked function of personal assistants and their value.问答专栏《亲爱的露西》(dear lucy)的问题,让我想到了私人助理被人们忽视的职能及价值。[其他] 复数:agony columns

interest income是什么意思






conversational poem 是什么意思?


ancient continent nucleus是什么意思

ancient continent nucleus古陆核

become a tour guide怎么读

英文原文:become a tour guide英式音标:[bɪˈkʌm] [ə; eɪ] [tʊə] [gaɪd] 美式音标:[bɪˈkʌm] [e] [tʊr] [ɡaɪd]



become a tour guide怎么读

【become a tour guide】【bɪˈkʌm ə "tʊə(r) "gaid】===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

tour conductor和tour guide 区别


tour guide、resort representative 和 courier有啥区别?请高手赐教,并详细解释,谢谢了!

tour guide 向导courier 旅行团的导游resort representative 负责旅游咨询的

foreign country是什么意思


foreign country是什么意思

foreign country 外国


foreign countries 外邦;[例句]They are held in various accounts in foreign countries.这些资金放在多个外国账户里。

foreign community是什么意思

foreign community[英][ˈfɔrin kəˈmju:niti][美][ˈfɔrɪn kəˈmjunɪti]侨团; 双语例句1We will continue to encourage the contribution of the foreign community and maintain the characteristics of a leading international city.我们会继续鼓励外籍人士对香港的发展作出贡献,并保持香港作为主要国际城市的特色。2The foreign community in Hong Kong in the early1970s was dominated by people from the British Isles, many of whose accents I found very difficult to understand.上世纪70年代初,香港外籍人士中的大多数都来自不列颠群岛,而很多人的口音我很难听懂。

How to Become Pope 如何成为教皇 中英字幕

给你英文的‘script":Script:Let"s say you want to become pope, head of the Catholic Church and shepherd to over 1 billion faithful.What requirements must you have for this lofty position:1) Be a catholic and2) Be a man.Which seems a little thin… and, while it"s technically possible for a regular Sunday Catholic to become pope, the last time this happened was essentially never because becoming pope isn"t like becoming president, you can"t just run for office. Selecting the pope is an inside job and the men who do it are the cardinals, and while in theory they can select any catholic man to become pope, in practice they prefer to elevate one of their own.The last time a non-cardinal become pope was more than 600 years ago. So, while it isn"t an official requirement, it"s an unofficial, official requirement.Thus in order to be pope you"ll first need to be a cardinal and to do that you"ll need to start climbing the catholic corporate ladder.*Step 1: Become A Priest.Unlike some churches where you can fill out a form online and -- poof -- ordained. The Catholic Church treats becoming a priest as a real, you-need-training profession. So you"re going to require a lot of education: usually a college degree in Catholic Philosophy and then a masters in divinity.In addition to your educational qualifications, you must also be:A manUnmarried,Willing to remain celibate forever.�6�9If you meet these requirements, and have been working with the church, then you can be officially ordained as a priest. Which basically means you get to run a Catholic Church, or work with another priest who does.But, you want onward and to do that you need to take the job of the man who just made you a priest.Step 2: Become A BishopBishops are a much more select group: while there are about 400,000 catholic priests world wide, there are only about 5,000 bishops.While priests get churches, bishops get cathedrals, from which they oversee a number of local churches.To advance your career you must wait for a bishop in your area to be forced into retirement at age 75 or die sooner than that -- freeing up space for you.But you can"t just apply, because there"s already a secret list of potential bishops that"s updated every three years based on who the current bishops in your area think would make a good replacement for one of their own.To be on that list, in addition to the obvious requirement of being a pious person, you should also:Be least 35 years oldHave been priest for at least five yearsHave a doctorate in theology (or equivalent)Assuming you"re all these things, your name may, or may not be on the secret list. The local bishops then give that list to the pope"s ambassador for your country, known as the Apostolic Nuncio.The Nuncio picks three priests from the list, does in-depth research on them, conducts interviews and selects the one he thinks is best.But it"s not over, because the Nuncio sends his report to Vatican City and the congress of bishops who work there reviewing potential appointments from around the world.If the congress of bishops doesn"t like any of the three candidates, they can tell the Nuncio to start over: returning to the list, picking another three candidates -- doing more research, more interviews and sending off the results.When the congress of bishops is happy with one of the Nuncio"s candidates that name is given to the pope, who can reject the candidate and start the whole process over.It shouldn"t be a surprise that from a vacancy to a bishop"s replacement can take months and, on occasion, years.But assuming that a bishop in your area retired (or died) at the right time and you were on the secret list of good priestsand the Nuncio picked you and you made it through his interview and the congress of bishops approved you and the pope didn"t veto you -- poof now you"re now a bishop.But you"re still not on top. The penultimate promotion is...Step 3: Become A Cardinal.Despite the fancy name and snazzy red outfits to match cardinals are not the bosses of bishops, they are bishops, just with an additional title and additional responsibilities -- the most notable of which is electing the new pope.�6�0The only way to become a cardinal is to get to current pope to appoint you as one -- and of the 5,000 bishops, only about 200 are ever cardinals.But let"s say your ambition doesn"t go unnoticed by the pope and he makes you a cardinal -- now it"s time to play the waiting game for his death or retirement -- and with popes death is vastly more likely.When either happens the cardinals under the age of 80 are brought to Vatican City where they are isolated from the outside world -- presumably by taking away their cell phones and tablets and carrier pigeons. Once sequestered, the election of a new pope can begin.These elections are never exactly the same because the ex-pope leaves instructions on how he wants his replacement to be picked, but in general it works like this: four times a day the cardinals go to the Sistine Chapel to vote -- to become pope one of them must get a 2/3rds majority.There"s a big dose of mustn"t-be-too-hasty here as the cardinals don"t just raise their hands, or use a modern preferential voting system, but instead write down one name on a piece of paper stand before the alter and say a long latin phrase, before officially casting the ballot.Once all the cardinals have done this, the votes are counted and then burned.This why TV news stations covering the election of the pope use super-modern-hd-livestreaming cameras to look at a chimney. If the smoke is black, no new pope.The high victory threshold, and tediously slow voting process, is why it takes so long to elect a new pope. It"s usually at least two weeks of voting four times a day six days a week (with one day a week for prayer) but the record length is three years.Assuming you, eventually, win the support of your fellow cardinals, you have one final thing to do before becoming pope: pick yourself a new name.There is no formal rule, you can name yourself anything you like but it"s tradition to take the name of a previous pope.Upon your acceptance of the job, the final ballots are burned clean to make the smoke white and announce to the world that a new pope has been selected.So that"s the career path: be born into the right half of the population, become one of a billion catholics, then one of 400,000 priests, then one of 5,000 bishops, then one of 200 cardinals, wait for the current pope to die or retire, and convince 2/3rds of your fellow cardinals to select you as the one, the only pope.

foreign countries是什么意思


究竟是”convenient for sb”还是”convenient to sb”

对某人便利的话应该用to,离某处近的话应该用for.比如它对我很方便是It is convenient to me.再比如我们的房子离商店很近就是Our house is very convenient for the shop.


is-it-convenient-for-you这对你方便吗.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!



at your convenient是什么意思

at your convenient在你方便的

Convenient Service翻译成中文是什么意思?


comenient什么意思it"s comenient for

没有comenient这个词啊。。。不过应该是convenient:方便例:transportation is convenient around here 这附近交通很方便it"s not convenient to talk here在这里说话不方便

convenient yield的意思

这是经济类的词汇短语 convenient yield 便利收益

logistically convenient 是什么意思


究竟是"convenient for sb"还是"convenient to sb"啊? convenient for sb./sth. it is convenient to sb. 例如, The house is very convenient for several schools. (这座房子离几所学校都很近,很方便。) If it is convenient to you,please go for my party this Sunday. (方便的话,请来我的周末party聚一聚。) 当然,还可以这样用。 It is convenient to do sth. 例如, It is very convenient to pay by credit card. (用信用卡付款非常方便。) 仅作参考~~



be convenient to的中文意思

安装简便-宽敞的外壳使得现场安装简便易行。 The most convenient and generally used device is a simple hand-held smoke puffer 最方便和被广泛采用的装置是一种简单的手提发烟器。 A convenient variation upon the process of superposition thus described is a mathematical operation designated as convolution 对于上面描述的叠加过程,有一种方便的变形,它就是称为褶积的一种数学运算。 The soldiers disposed of the weapons in convenient quickly accessible places 士兵们把武器放在便于迅速拿到手的地方。 Suggest a convenient way to determine the rate of hydrolysis of sucrose by an enzyme preparation extracted from the lining of the small intestine. 提出一种简便的方法,测定从小肠绒毛提取的蔗糖酶制备物对蔗糖的水解速度。



convenient constant什么意思


convenient 是可数名词还是不可数名词?

额 这是个形容词 它的名词是convenience


convenient的名词形式是:convenience n.方便;适宜;便利;便利的事物(或设施);方便的用具 复数: conveniences 记忆技巧:con 共同 + ven 来 + ience 表状态 → 全部能来没有障碍 → 方便 扩展资料   Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.   冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。   He was happy to make a detour for her convenience.   为了她方便,他很乐意绕道。   A new general store has been built for the convenience of the residents.   为便利居民,新建了一个百货商店。   Please send her the book at your convenience.   这本书,请你得便捎给她。

at one"s convenient 是什么意思?


能把英语单词前后缀总结发给我吗 谢谢你谢谢你..











convenient英音:[kən"vi:njənt]美音:[kən"vinjənt] 形容词1.合宜的;方便的;便利的[(+for/to)]Please come whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的时候,请随时来。 2.近而方便的[(+for/to)]




adj. 方便的;[废语]适当的;[口语]近便的;实用的




convenient英 [kən"viːnɪənt]美 [kən"vinɪənt]adj. 方便的;[废语]适当的;[口语]近便的;实用的


convenient形容词,方便的The traffic in our country is very convenient.


convenient[英][kənˈvi:niənt][美][kənˈvinjənt]adj.方便的; [废语]适当的; [口语]近便的; 实用的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Is it convenient to go to work from your place? 从你住的地方去上班很方便吗?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


convenient的名词形式:convenience n.方便;适宜;便利;便利的事物(或设施);方便的用具 复数: conveniences 记忆技巧:con 共同 + ven 来 + ience 表状态 → 全部能来没有障碍 → 方便 扩展资料   Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.   冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。   He was happy to make a detour for her convenience.   为了她方便,他很乐意绕道。   A new general store has been built for the convenience of the residents.   为便利居民,新建了一个百货商店。   Please send her the book at your convenience.   这本书,请你得便捎给她。


convenient    英[kənˈviːniənt]           美[kənˈviːniənt]    adj.    实用的; 便利的; 方便的; 省事的; 附近的; 近便的; 容易到达的;    [例句]The family thought it was more convenient to eat in the kitchen.这家人认为在厨房吃饭更方便。


适合需要的; 方便的; 省心的; 省事的; 合适的;近便的; 容易到达的。


方便的 便利的 便捷的 方便快捷的


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