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cos1等于多少 sin1等于多少




三角函数 sin 1 cos 1等于多少


cos1等于多少 sin1等于多少

cos1=0.54030230586813971740093660744298 sin1=0.8414709848078965066525023216303 (1为弧度)1(rad)=57.30度 用泰勒定理: sin x = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! - ... (-1)^(k-1) * x^(2k-1) / (2k-1)! + ... 这里面x为弧度,1度 = π / 180 = 0.01753………… 如果你这里的1是一度的话: 1、sin30度已知,利用2倍角公式,求出sin15度 2、利用3倍角公式,求出sin5度 sin(5x)= sin(4x + x) =sin(4x)cos(x) + cos(4x)sin(x)…………(1) 而 sin(4x)= 2sin(2x)cos(2x) = 4sin(x)cos(x)( 2cos(x)cos(x) - 1) 同理,将cos(4x)化成用sin(x)和cos(x)表达的函数 最后,令sin(x) = t,cos(x)= sqrt(1 - t^2) 全部代入(1)中,解得sin1度


1表示的是弧度,表示一度,π=180度,1弧度=180/π。所以sin1=sin(180/π ) ;cos1=cos(180/π。在数学和物理中,弧度是角的度量单位。它是由国际单位制导出的单位,单位缩写是rad。定义:弧长等于半径的弧,其所对的圆心角为1弧度。(即两条射线从圆心向圆周射出,形成一个夹角和夹角正对的一段弧。当这段弧长正好等于圆的半径时,两条射线的夹角的弧度为1)。弧度定义:根据定义,一周的弧度数为2πr/r=2π,360°角=2π弧度,因此,1弧度约为57.3°,即57°17"44.806"",1°为π/180弧度,近似值为0.01745弧度,周角为2π弧度,平角(即180°角)为π弧度,直角为π/2弧度。在具体计算中,角度以弧度给出时,通常不写弧度单位,直接写值。最典型的例子是三角函数,如sin 8π、tan (3π/2)。在初中数学中,我们学过圆弧长公式:弧长=nπr/180,在这里n就是角度数,即圆心角n所对应的弧长。但如果我们利用弧度的话,以上的式子将会变得更简单:(注意,弧度有正负之分)l=|α| r,即α的大小与半径之积。同样,我们可以简化扇形面积公式:S=|α| r^2/2(二分之一倍的α角的大小,与半径的平方之积,从中我们可以看出,当|α|=2π,即周角时,公式变成了S=πr^2,圆面积的公式!)

三角函数 sin 1 cos 1等于多少




cos1等于多少 sin1等于多少

cos1=0.54030230586813971740093660744298 sin1=0.8414709848078965066525023216303 (1为弧度)1(rad)=57.30度 用泰勒定理: sin x = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! - ... (-1)^(k-1) * x^(2k-1) / (2k-1)! + ... 这里面x为弧度,1度 = π / 180 = 0.01753………… 如果你这里的1是一度的话: 1、sin30度已知,利用2倍角公式,求出sin15度 2、利用3倍角公式,求出sin5度 sin(5x)= sin(4x + x) =sin(4x)cos(x) + cos(4x)sin(x)…………(1) 而 sin(4x)= 2sin(2x)cos(2x) = 4sin(x)cos(x)( 2cos(x)cos(x) - 1) 同理,将cos(4x)化成用sin(x)和cos(x)表达的函数 最后,令sin(x) = t,cos(x)= sqrt(1 - t^2) 全部代入(1)中,解得sin1度



sin180度为一个π 其他的有谁知道吗 45度 60度 0度 90度 120度135度 150度 180度 还有cos 与 tan的

其实π指的是弧度,因为180度角所对应的弧度等于π,所以我们常常有:π=180°,所以π/2=90°,依次类推,SINX 指的是正弦,等于直角三角形中X角的对边长度除以斜边的长度;高中学习时老师会具体的讲解。 SIN45°=根号2除以2;sin60°=根号3除以2;sin0°=0;sin90°=1;sin120°=根号3除以2;sin135°=根号2除以2;sin150°=1/2;sin180°=0.COSX指余弦,等于直角三角形中X角的邻长度除以斜边的长度;cos45°=根号2除以2,cos60°=1/2,cos0°=1,cos90°=0,cos120°=-1/2,cos134°=负根号2除以2,cos150°=负根号3除以2,cos180°=-1.tanX=sinX/cosX,自己求后面的吧,注意分母不能为0.


计算机一按就有了 sin90=1;cos90=0;tan90=+∞;sin120=√3/2;cos120=-1/2,tan120=-√3;sin135=√2/2;cos120=-√2/2,tan120=-1;sin150=1/2;cos150=-√3/2,tan150=-√3/3;sin180=0;cos180=-1,tan180=0;


0 30° 45° 60° 90° 120° 135° 150° 180°sinx 0 1/2 √2/2 √3/2 1 √3/2 √2/2 1/2 0cosx 1 √3/2 √2/2 1/2 0 -1/2 -√2/2 -√3/2 -1tanx 0 √3/3 1 √3 不存在 -√3 -1 -√3/3 0

西班牙语busco amigo意思

找朋友 的意思

lose control的翻译

胖男人铲子男人铲子男人铲子[少女 Elliott]我已经得到一个可爱的脸*圆胖的腰部厚的腿在外形上臀部 shakin 两者的 wayz使 u 做一个加倍拿行星 Rocka 表示 stopaFlo froppa 领导 knocka打 stalla 附于其后 droppa做妈 thang muthafukas妈上升了 royce lamborghiniBlu madina alwayz beaminRagtop 铬以管输送Blu 点燃船搬运 outta 视力长的编法缝纫在再说它缝纫在使 dat 成为钱 tho 它 n战利品 bouncin gon 击中 *[少女 Elliott&Ciara]每个人在这里拿 outta 控制给它使 yo 背面远离 tha 墙壁Cuz 恶行这么说每个人每个人每个人[少女 Elliott]每个人[Ciara]好的妈名字是 ciara4 所有的 u 飞 fellaz没有 1 办得到搏鱼[少女 Elliott]她将会在 acapella 上唱[Ciara]男孩 tha 音乐使我失去控制[少女 Elliott]我们 gon 使 u 失去控制而且让它去 4 u knoU gon 击中 tha flo*我 rok 2 da 直到 im 打疲累的 (疲累的)散步 n da 联合行动它是 fiya(fiya)拿 krunk 给它和以线加强的波 ya 手尖叫 louda如果 u 吸烟兽穴 fiya 它增加把 da 屋顶带来下来兽穴 holla如果 u 微醉的站起来Dj 转它 louda拿 da 的 sumbody 腰部兽穴 uh现在 tho 它在像 uh 一样的 dey 脸中催眠的机器人的这这里将会摇动 yo 身体拿 da 的 sumbody 腰部兽穴 uh现在 tho 它在像 uh 一样的 dey 脸中Systematica 静电这击中是自动的*工作等候工作工作工作等候工作工作工作等候工作工作工作等候正确地做它[Fatman 铲子]击中 tha 地板击中 tha 地板击中 tha 地板击中 tha 地板击中 tha 地板击中 tha 地板击中 tha 地板[少女 Elliott&Ciara]每个人在这里拿 outta 控制给它使 yo 背面远离 tha 墙壁Cuz 恶行这么说每个人每个人每个人[少女 Elliott]每个人[Fatman 铲子]让去[少女 Elliott]每个人在这里拿 outta 控制给它[Ciara]使 yo 背面远离 da 墙壁)[少女 Elliott]Cuz 恶行说[Ciara]因此每个人每个人每个人[少女 Elliott]每个人拿解放[Fatman 铲子]*在 tha 墙壁上把 yo 放回原处 **我们在 fiya 上 *现在 tho 它 gurl*Tho 它 gurl*Tho 它 gurlTho 它 gurl是的*现在动作 yo 手臂 2 tha 左边 gurl**现在 iam 做它的 ima 像 c 做 *现在摇动它 gurlCum 在和之上 jus 摇动它 gurl*Cum 在而且之上让它取出正确的 gurl*现在它提高 gurl 的 bak*它提高 gurl 的 Bak*

comments on Hamlet

**HAMLET** 1 [73] This is that Hamlet the Dane whom we read of in our youth, and whom we may be said almost to remember in [74] our after years; he who made that famous soliloquy on life, who gave the advice to the players, who thought "this goodly frame, the earth," a sterile promontory, and "this brave o"er-hanging firmament, the air, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire," "a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours;" whom "man delighted not, nor woman neither;" he who talked with the grave-diggers, and moralised on Yorrick"s skull; the school-fellow of Rosencraus and Guildenstern at Wittenburg; the friend of Horatio; the lover of Ophelia; he that was mad and sent to England; the slow avenger of his father"s death; who lived at the court of Horwendillus five hundred years before we were born, but all whose thoughts we seem to know as well as we do our own, because we have read them in Shakespear. Hamlet is a name; his speeches and sayings but the idle coinage of the poet"s brain. What then, are they not real? They are as real as our own thoughts. Their reality is in the reader"s mind. It is we who are Hamlet. This play has a prophetic truth, which is above that of history. Whoever has become thoughtful and melancholy through his own mishaps or those of others; whoever has borne about with him the clouded brow of reflection, and thought himself "too much i" th" sun;" whoever has seen the golden lamp of day dimmed by envious mists rising in his own breast, and could find in the world before him only a dull blank with nothing left remarkable in it; whoever has known "the pangs of despised love, the insolence of office, or the spurns which patient merit of the unworthy takes;" he who has felt his mind sink within him, and sadness cling to his heart like a malady, who has had his hopes blighted and his youth staggered by the apparitions of strange things; who cannot well be at ease, while he sees evil hovering near him like a spectre; whose powers of action have been eaten up by thought, he to whom the universe seems infinite, and himself nothing; whose bitterness [75] of soul makes him careless of consequences, and who goes to a play as his best resource is to shove off, to a second remove, the evils of life by a mock representation of them - this is the true Hamlet. We have been so used to this tragedy that we hardly know how to criticise it any more than we should know how to describe our own faces. But we must make such observations as we can. It is the one of Shakespear"s plays that we think of the oftenest, because it abounds most in striking reflections on human life, and because the distresses of Hamlet are transferred, by the turn of his mind, to the general account of humanity. Whatever happens to him we apply to ourselves, because he applies it so himself as a means of general reasoning. He is a great moraliser; and what makes him worth attending to is, that he moralises on his own feelings and experience. He is not a common-place pedant. If "Lear" is distinguished by the greatest depths of passion, "Hamlet" is the most remarkable for the ingenuity, originality, and unstudied development of character. Shakespear had more magnanimity than any other poet, and he has shown more of it in this play than in any other. There is no attempt to force an interest: everything is left for time and circumstances to unfold. The attention is excited without effort, the incidents succeed each other as matters of course, the characters think and speak and act just as they might do if left entirely to themselves. There is no set purpose, no straining at a point. The observations are suggested by the passing scene - the gusts of passion come and go like sounds of music borne on the wind. The whole play is an exact transcript of what might be supposed to have taken place at the court of Denmark, at the remote period of time fixed upon, before the modern refinements in morals and manners were heard of. It would have been interesting enough to have been admitted as a bystander in such a scene, at such a time, to have heard and witnessed [76] something of what was going on. But here we are more than spectators. We have not only "the outward pageants and the signs of grief;" but "we have that within which passes show." We read the thoughts of the heart, we catch the passions living as they rise. Other dramatic writers give us very fine versions and paraphrases of nature; but Shakespear, together with his own comments, gives us the original text, that we may judge for ourselves. This is a very great advantage. The character of Hamlet stands quite by itself. It is not a character marked by strength of will or even of passion, but by refinement of thought and sentiment. Hamlet is as little of the hero as a man can well be : but he is a young and princely novice, full of high enthusiasm and quick sensibility - the sport of circumstances, questioning with fortune and refining on his own feelings, and forced from the natural bias of his disposition by the strangeness of his situation. He seems incapable of deliberate action, and is only hurried into extremities on the spur of the occasion, when he has no time to reflect, as in the scene where he kills Polonius, and again, where he alters the letters which Rosencraus and Guildenstern are taking with them to England, purporting his death. At other times, when he is most bound to act, he remains puzzled, undecided, and sceptical, dallies with his purposes, till the occasion is lost, and finds out some pretence to relapse into indolence and thoughtfulness again. For this reason he refuses to kill the King when he is at his prayers, and by a refinement in malice, which is in truth only an excuse for his own want of resolution, defers his revenge to a more fatal opportunity, when he shall be engaged in some act "that has no relish of salvation in it." "Now might I do it pat now he is praying; And now I"ll do "t; - and so he goes to heaven; And so am I reveng"d? - that would be scanned: A villain kills my father; and for that [77] I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven. O, this is hire and salary, not revenge ... Up sword; and know thou a more horrid hent, When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage." 2 He is the prince of philosophical speculators; and because he cannot have his revenge perfect, according to the most refined idea his wish can form, he declines it altogether. So he scruples to trust the suggestions of the ghost, contrives the scene of the play to have surer proof of his uncle"s guilt, and then rests satisfied with this confirmation of his suspicions, and the success of his experiment, instead of acting upon it. Yet he is sensible of his own weakness, taxes himself with it, and tries to reason himself out of it: "How all occasions do inform against me, And spur my dull revenge! What is a man, If his chief good and market of his time Be but to sleep and feed? A beast; no more. Sure he that made us with such a large discourse, Looking before and after, gave us not That capability and god-like reason To fust in us unus"d. Now whether it be Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple Of thinking too precisely on th" event, - A thought which, quarter"d, hath but one part wisdom, And ever three parts coward, - I do not know Why yet I live to say, This thing"s to do; Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means To do "t. Examples, gross as earth, exhort me: Witness this army of such mass and charge, Led by a delicate and tender prince, Whose spirit with divine ambition puff"d, Makes mouths at the invisible event, Exposing what is mortal and unsure To all that fortune, death, and danger dare, Even for an egg-shell. Rightly to be great Is not to stir without great argument; But greatly to find quarrel in a straw, [78] When honour"s at the stake. How stand I, then, That have a father kill"d, a mother stain"d, Excitements of my reason and my blood, And let all sleep? while, to my shame, I see The imminent death of twenty thousand men, That for a fantasy and trick of fame, Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause, Which is not tomb enough and continent To hide the slain? - O, from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth. "3 Still he does nothing; and this very speculation on his own infirmity only affords him another occasion for indulging it. It is not from any want of attachment to his father or of abhorrence of his murder that Hamlet is thus dilatory; but it is more to his taste to indulge his imagination in reflecting upon the enormity of the crime and refining on his schemes of vengeance, than to put them into immediate practice. His ruling passion is to think, not to act: and any vague pretext that flatters this propensity instantly diverts him from his previous purposes. The moral perfection of this character has been called in question, we think, by those who do not understand it. It is more interesting than according to rules; amiable, though not faultless. The ethical delineations of that "noble and liberal casuist" (as Shakespear has been well called) do not exhibit the drab-coloured quakerism of morality. His plays are not copied either from the "Whole Duty of Man," or from "The Academy of Compliments!" 4 We confess we are a little shocked at the want of refinement in Hamlet. The neglect of punctilious exactness in his behaviour either partakes of the "licence of the time," or else belongs to the very excess of intellectual [79] refinement in the character, which makes the common rules of life, as well as his own purposes, sit loose upon him. He may be said to be amenable only to the tribunal of his own thoughts, and is too much taken up with the airy world of contemplation to lay as much stress as he ought on the practical consequences of things. His habitual principles of action are unhinged and out of joint with the time. His conduct to Ophelia is quite natural in the circumstances. It is that of assumed severity only. It is the effect of disappointed hope, of bitter regrets, of affections suspended, not obliterated, by the distractions of the scene around him! Amidst the natural and preternatural horrors of his situation, he might be excused in delicacy from carrying on his regular courtship. When "his father"s spirit was in arms," it was not a time for the son to make love in. He could neither marry Ophelia, nor wound her mind by explaining the cause of his alienation, which he durst hardly trust himself to think of. It would have taken him years to have come to a direct explanation on the point. In the harassed state of his mind, he could not have done much otherwise than he did. His conduct does not contradict what he says when he sees her funeral, "I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers Could not with all their quantity of love Make up my sum" - 5 Nothing can be more affecting or beautiful than the Queen"s apostrophe to Ophelia on throwing flowers into the grave. "Sweets to the sweet farewell [Scattering flowers] I hop"d thou should"st have been my Hamlet"s wife I thought thy bride-bed to have deck"d, sweet maid, And not to have strew"d thy grave. "6 Shakespear was thoroughly a master of the mixed motives of human character, and he here shows us the Queen, who was so criminal in some respects, not without sensibility [80] and affection in other relations of life. - Ophelia is a character almost too exquisitely touching to be dwelt upon. Oh rose of May, oh flower too soon faded! Her love, her madness, her death, are described with the truest touches of tenderness and pathos. it is a character which nobody but Shakespear could have drawn in the way that he has done, and to the conception of which there is not even the smallest approach, except in some of the old romantic ballads. Her brother, Laertes, is a character we do not like so well: he is too hot and choleric, and somewhat rhodomontade. Polonius is a perfect character in its kind; nor is there any foundation for the objections which have been made to the consistency of this part. It is said that he acts very foolishly, and talks very sensibly. There is no inconsistency in that. Again, that he talks wisely at one time and foolishly at another; that his advice to Laertes is very excellent, and his advice to the King and Queen on the subject of Hamlet"s madness very ridiculous. But he gives the one as a father, and is sincere in it; he gives the other as mere courtier, a busy-body, and is accordingly officious, garrulous, and impertinent. In short, Shakespear has been accused of inconsistency in this and other characters, only because he has kept up the distinction which there is in nature, between the understandings and the moral habits of men, between the absurdity of their ideas and the absurdity of their motives. Polonius is not a fool, but he makes himself so. His folly, whether in his actions or speeches, comes under the head of impropriety of intention. We do not like to see our author"s plays acted, and least [81] of all "Hamlet". There is no play that suffers so much in being transferred to the stage. Hamlet himself seems hardly capable of being acted. Mr. Kemble unavoidably fails in this character from a want of ease and variety. The character of Hamlet is made up of undulating lines; it has the yielding flexibility of "a wave o" th" sea." Mr. Kemble plays it like a man in armour, with a determined inveteracy of purpose, in one undeviating straight line, which is as remote from the natural grace and refined susceptibility of t


y"=(1/x+cosx)" =(1)"*(x+cosx)-1*(x+cosx)" =-(1-sinx)/(x+cosx)^2 =sinx-1/(x+cosx)^2


0 11 0这个具体为什么,只能根据他的定义来了


SIN0=0 sin90=1 sin180=0.sin270=-1,sin360=0 con0=1,cos90=0 con180=-1 cos270=0 con360=1 tan0=0,tan90不存在,tan180=0 tan270不存在 tan360=0



Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day Daydream,

Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day Daydream, I dreamed of you amid the flowers for a couple of hours, such a beautiful day! I dreamed of the places I"ve been with you how we sat with the stream flowing by And then when I kissed you and held you So near tell me why, tell me why you"re so shy? Daydream, I fell asleep amid the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day Daydream, come share a dream amid the flowers For a couple of hours on a beautiful day I dreamed of the places I"ve been with you how we sat with the stream flowing by And then when I kissed you and held you so near tell me why, tell me why you"re so shy? Daydream, I sing with you amid the flowers for a couple of hours, singing all of the day翻译为:我博士,做白日梦,我睡着之际,花几个小时在一个美丽的日子做白日梦白日梦的花几个小时之际,我梦见了你,多么美好的一天!我梦见我和你在一起的地方我们坐在那里,由流流动然后当我吻着你,你附近举行时,告诉我为什么,告诉我你为什么这么害羞?梦中,我睡着了,在花几个小时在一个美丽的日子白日梦,来分享一个梦想,在花几个小时在一个美丽的日子我梦见我和你在一起的地方我们坐在那里,由流流动然后当我吻着你,你附近举行时,告诉我为什么,告诉我你为什么这么害羞?白日梦的花几个小时之际,我和你一起唱,唱所有的一天

comes amid是什么意思啊

【正式】食物,食品。同义:formal food

It comes amid concerns about 如何翻译?

能给前后文吗?我觉得It应该指的是一个问题,担忧之类的吧。它来自于对30年的硬币很容易被伪造,并且估计已有4500万的伪造品在流通中的问题的担忧中。It comes amid concerns about the 30-year old coin"s vulnerability to counterfeiting, with an estimated 45 million forgeries in circulation. It comes.直译就是它来了amid concerns 在 一些关注 中这个关注concerns 是about (the 30-year old coin"s vulnerability to counterfeiting)即关注的主题是30年的硬币很容易被伪造承接上面的about 的内容with an estimated 45 million forgeries in circulation估计已有4500万的伪造品在流通中

The announcement comes amid new reports of chemical attacks .

amid是个介词,意思是:在…期间整个句子的意思是:在化学袭击新报告期间,这个公告出来了。come amid 不是个短语。要分开理解。

cos180度 sin180度等于多少



cos180°=-1。再具体点就是cos180°x(2n-1)=-1。例如:120°±2π(π=180°)的cos都可以是负的二分之一。cos是x/r r总是正的,那x就是负的,所以在90度到270度之间,cos60=1/2 -x/r 关于y轴对称,cos120=-1/2,r可以关于x轴对称,还有一个角是240度。角边判别法1、当a>bsinA时:①当b>a且cosA>0(即A为锐角)时,则有两解。②当b>a且cosA≤0(即A为直角或钝角)时,则有零解(即无解)。③当b=a且cosA>0(即A为锐角)时,则有一解。④当b=a且cosA≤0(即A为直角或钝角)时,则有零解(即无解)。⑤当b2、当a=bsinA时:①当cosA>0(即A为锐角)时,则有一解。②当cosA≤0(即A为直角或钝角)时,则有零解(即无解)。




cos180°=-1再具体点就是cos180°x(2n-1)=-1例如:120°±2π(π=180°)的cos都可以是负的二分之一cos是x/r r总是正的那x就是负的所以在90度到270度之间cos60=1/2 -x/r 关于y轴对称cos120=-1/2r可以关于x轴对称还有一个角是240度扩展资料:余弦定理亦称第二余弦定理。关于三角形边角关系的重要定理之一。该定理断言:三角形任一边的平方等于其他两边平方和减去这两边与它们夹角的余弦的积的两倍。若a、b、c分别表示∆ABC中A、B、C的对边,若记m(c1,c2)为c的两值为正根的个数,c1为c的表达式中根号前取加号的值,c2为c的表达式中根号前取减号的值:①若m(c1,c2)=2,则有两解;②若m(c1,c2)=1,则有一解;③若m(c1,c2)=0,则有零解(即无解)。注意:若c1等于c2且c1或c2大于0,此种情况算到第二种情况,即一解。



0 45 60 90 180 270 360的sin cos tg ctg 分别是多少啊


cos90度cos180度sin90度sin180度等于多少?我怎么想不来呢 高2咧还是这有缺陷

cos90度=0 cos180度=-1 sin90度=1 sin180度=0


cos90度=0 cos180度= -1 sin90度=1 sin180=0

cosa等于-1 a多少度


SIN COS TAN的角度值问题 它们的0 30 45 60 90 180度的值分别是多少?

sin0°=0 cos0°=1 tan0°=0 sin30°=1/2 cos30°=√3/2 tan30°=√3/3 sin45°=√2/2 cos45°=√2/2 tan45°=1 sin60°=√3/2 cos60°=1/2 tan60°=√3 sin90°=1 cos90°=0 tan90°=+∞ sin180°=0 cos180°=-1 tan180°=0




sin0=0 sin90=1 sin180=0 sin270=-1 cos0=1 cos90=0 cos180=-1 cos270=0 tan0=0 tan90不存在 tan180=0 tan270不存在

Un Amico-morricone什么意思

Un Amico-morricone 联合国达米科-克奈

Un Amico E Cos 请高手帮我翻译一下歌词大意 谢谢 啦

Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此facile allontanarsi, sai 离开你很容易,你知道Se come te, anche lui ha i suoi guai就像你一样,他也有自己的烦恼Ma quando avrai bisogno sara qui 但是当你需要的时候,他将会在这里Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此Non chiedera ne il come ne il perche 不去问为什么Ti ascoltera e si battera per te 对你聆听,为你尽力E poi tranquillo, ti sorridera 然后平静的,对你微笑Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此E ricordati che finche tu vivrai 请记住,在你生活中Se un amico con te non ti perderai 如果有个朋友和你在一起,你就不会失去自我In strade sbagliate percorse da chi 在错误的道路行走的人Non ha nella vita un amico cosi 在生活中不会有这么一个朋友Non ha bisogno di parole mai, 他并不需要说什么Con uno sguardo solo capirai 一个眼神你就懂Che dopo "un no", lui ti dire di se 在一个“不”之后,他会告诉你如果?????Un amico è così 一个朋友应该如此E ricordati che finche tu vorrai 请记住,只要你还想Per sempre al tuo fianco lo troverai你始终能找到我Vicino a te, mai stanco perche在你身边,我永远不会厌倦,因为Un amico la cosa piu bella che c"e 有这么一个朋友真好come un grande amore, solo mascherato un po" 就像一个亲密的爱人,很少隐藏什么Ma che si sente che c"e 但当感觉到有事情藏在心里Nascosto tra le pieghe di un cuore che si daiE non si chiede perche 不要去问为什么Ma ricordati che finche tu vivrai 但请记住,在你生活中Se un amico con te, non tradirlo mai如果有个朋友和你在一起,就永远不会出卖你Solo così scoprirai che只有这样,你才能发现Un amico la cosa piu bella che c"e有这么一个朋友真好E ricordati che finche tu vivrai 请记住,在你生活中Un amico la cosa piu vera que hai 有这么一个朋友真实的存在这里il compagno del viaggio piu grande che fai 能够在一起旅行是件很好的事Un amico qualcosa che non moure mai. 这样一个朋友永远不会消逝





SIN COS TAN的角度值问题 它们的0 30 45 60 90 180度的值分别是多少?

sin0°=0 cos0°=1 tan0°=0sin30°=1/2 cos30°=√3/2 tan30°=√3/3sin45°=√2/2 cos45°=√2/2 tan45°=1sin60°=√3/2 cos60°=1/2 tan60°=√3sin90°=1 cos90°=0 tan90°=+∞sin180°=0 cos180°=-1 tan180...


-1 余玄角为临边比上斜边的值 当余玄角等于180时 临边和斜边的长相等 所以比出来结果为1 但此时临边在X轴的负半轴 所以比出来的值为负的


cosπ等于负一。在三角函数的弧度上计算上,π对应的就是180度,所以cosπ等于cos180度等于负一,而sinπ等于sin180度等于零。由cos(π-α)=-cos α,故cosπ=-cos(π-π)=-cos0°=-1;在三角函数中,有一些特殊角,例如30°、45°、60°,这些角的三角函数值为简单单项式,计算中可以直接求出具体的值。三角函数计算时常用的公式:1、sin(2kπ+α)=sin α2、cos(2kπ+α)=cos α3、tan(2kπ+α)=tan α4、cot(2kπ+α)=cot α5、sec(2kπ+α)=sec α6、csc(2kπ+α)=csc α7、sin(π+α)=-sin α8、cos(π+α)=-cos α9、tan(π+α)=tan α10、cot(π+α)=cot α

格莫拉第一季第1集开头车中那歌senti amico quello che ti dico叫什么

A Storia E Maria - Alexandre Desplat试听下载



三角函数sin cos tan分别在120 135 150 180度的值是多少

sin120=√3/2 cos120=-1/2 tan120=-√3 sin135 =√2/2 cos135 =-√2/2 tan135=-1 sin150=1/2 cos150=-√3/2 tan150 =-√3/3 sin 180=0 cos 180=1 tan 180=0


cosπ等于负一。在三角函数的弧度上计算上,π对应的就是180度,所以cosπ等于cos180度等于负一,而sinπ等于sin180度等于零。由cos(π-α)=-cos α,故cosπ=-cos(π-π)=-cos0°=-1;在三角函数中,有一些特殊角,例如30°、45°、60°,这些角的三角函数值为简单单项式,计算中可以直接求出具体的值。三角函数计算时常用的公式:1、sin(2kπ+α)=sin α2、cos(2kπ+α)=cos α3、tan(2kπ+α)=tan α4、cot(2kπ+α)=cot α5、sec(2kπ+α)=sec α6、csc(2kπ+α)=csc α7、sin(π+α)=-sin α8、cos(π+α)=-cos α9、tan(π+α)=tan α10、cot(π+α)=cot α




余玄角为临边比上斜边的值当余玄角等于180时 临边和斜边的长相等 所以比出来结果为1但此时临边在X轴的负半轴 所以比出来的值为负的


cosπ等于负一。在三角函数的弧度上计算上,π对应的就是180度,所以cosπ等于cos180度等于负一,而sinπ等于sin180度等于零。由cos(π-α)=-cos α,故cosπ=-cos(π-π)=-cos0°=-1;在三角函数中,有一些特殊角,例如30°、45°、60°,这些角的三角函数值为简单单项式,计算中可以直接求出具体的值。三角函数计算时常用的公式:1、sin(2kπ+α)=sin α2、cos(2kπ+α)=cos α3、tan(2kπ+α)=tan α4、cot(2kπ+α)=cot α5、sec(2kπ+α)=sec α6、csc(2kπ+α)=csc α7、sin(π+α)=-sin α8、cos(π+α)=-cos α9、tan(π+α)=tan α10、cot(π+α)=cot α






  cos180=-1。建立直角坐标,画单位圆,180°角在x负半轴上,所以cos180°=-1/1=-1,sin180°=0/1=0,tan180°=0/(-1)=0。   三角函数的定义   三角函数是基本初等函数之一,是以角度为自变量,角度对应任意角终边与单位圆交点坐标或其比值为因变量的函数。   三角函数通常定义为包含这个角的直角三角形的两个边的比率,也可以等价的定义为单位圆上的各种线段的长度。更现代的定义把它们表达为无穷级数或特定微分方程的解,允许它们扩展到任意正数和负数值,甚至是复数值。    三角函数180度的函数值是多少   sin0=0、sin90=1、sin180=0   cos0=1、cos90=0、cos180=-1   tan0=0、tan90=不存在、tan180=0   cot0=不存在、cot90=0、cot180=不存在

sin ,cos,tan0度180度270度360度各等于多少?

sin 0=0, sin 180=0,sin270=-1,sin360=0 cos0=1,cos180=-1,cos270=0,cos360=1 tan0=0,tan180=0,tan270无意义,tan360=0


cos180°=-1。再具体点就是cos180°x(2n-1)=-1。例如:120°±2π(π=180°)的cos都可以是负的二分之一。cos是x/r r总是正的,那x就是负的,所以在90度到270度之间,cos60=1/2 -x/r 关于y轴对称,cos120=-1/2,r可以关于x轴对称,还有一个角是240度。角边判别法1、当a>bsinA时:①当b>a且cosA>0(即A为锐角)时,则有两解。②当b>a且cosA≤0(即A为直角或钝角)时,则有零解(即无解)。③当b=a且cosA>0(即A为锐角)时,则有一解。④当b=a且cosA≤0(即A为直角或钝角)时,则有零解(即无解)。⑤当b2、当a=bsinA时:①当cosA>0(即A为锐角)时,则有一解。②当cosA≤0(即A为直角或钝角)时,则有零解(即无解)。




sin30°=1/2, cos30°=√3/2, tan30°=√3/3, cot30°=√3;sin45°=√2/2, cos45°=√2/2, tan45°=1, cot45°=1;sin60°=√3/2, cos60°=1/2, tan60°=√3, cot60°=√3/3;sin90°=1, cos90°=0, tan90°不存在, cot90°=0;sin135°=√2/2, cos135°=-√2/2, tan135°=-1, cot135°=-1;sin150°=1/2, cos150°=-√3/2, tan150°=-√3/3, cot150°=-√3;sin180°=0, cos180°=-1, tan180°=0, cot180°不存在。






cos180°=-1所以就是-12想不明白就想像一个单位圆以原点为圆心,那么就是在(-1,0)这角度就是180° 角度的判定是从X轴正方向开始逆时针转过的角度而纵坐标就是sin值,横坐标就是cos值,很有用谢谢采纳,如有疑问请追问


0 30° 45° 60° 90° 120° 135° 150° 180° sinx 0 1/2 √2/2 √3/2 1 √3/2 √2/2 1/2 0 cosx 1 √3/2 √2/2 1/2 0 -1/2 -√2/2 -√3/2 -1 tanx 0 √3/3 1 √3 不存在 -√3 -1 -√3/3 0




cosπ等于负一。在三角函数的弧度上计算上,π对应的就是180度,所以cosπ等于cos180度等于负一,而sinπ等于sin180度等于零。由cos(π-α)=-cos α,故cosπ=-cos(π-π)=-cos0°=-1;在三角函数中,有一些特殊角,例如30°、45°、60°,这些角的三角函数值为简单单项式,计算中可以直接求出具体的值。三角函数计算时常用的公式:1、sin(2kπ+α)=sin α2、cos(2kπ+α)=cos α3、tan(2kπ+α)=tan α4、cot(2kπ+α)=cot α5、sec(2kπ+α)=sec α6、csc(2kπ+α)=csc α7、sin(π+α)=-sin α8、cos(π+α)=-cos α9、tan(π+α)=tan α10、cot(π+α)=cot α


cosπ等于负一。在三角函数的弧度上计算上,π对应的就是180度,所以cosπ等于cos180度等于负一,而sinπ等于sin180度等于零。本题也可以用诱导公式计算,cosπ等于负的cos0度,即等于负一。诱导公式是指三角函数中将角度比较大的三角函数利用角的周期性,转换为角度比较小的三角函数的公式。和角公式:cos(α+β)=cosα·cosβ-sinα·sinβ 。cos(α-β)=cosα·cosβ+sinα·sinβ 。sin(α±β)=sinα·cosβ±cosα·sinβ 。tan(α+β)=(tanα+tanβ)/(1-tanα·tanβ) 。tan(α-β)=(tanα-tanβ)/(1+tanα·tanβ)。积化和差公式:sinα·cosβ=(1/2)[sin(α+β)+sin(α-β)]。cosα·sinβ=(1/2)[sin(α+β)-sin(α-β)]。cosα·cosβ=(1/2)[cos(α+β)+cos(α-β)]。sinα·sinβ=-(1/2)[cos(α+β)-cos(α-β)]。

开机启动项里的AmIcoSinglun 是什么进程



0 -1 0




















AmIcoSinglun64 安全文件.EXE你电脑估计是用的时间久了,乱起八的东西较多!!1开机按CTRL+ALT+DEL键看CPU占用怎么样?如果%比很大就必须清理!2用卡卡或系统优化专家清理临时文件3用正版杀毒看是不是有木马4以上都还不行,确定你的网是正常的话,只要再装机器了,重装前请做好备份!

win7 开机出现 AmIcoSinglun64 Failed to lauch help.是怎么回事?

显示的应该是AmIcoSinglun64 Failed to launch help吧(launch而非lauch)。意思大概是说AmIcoSinglun64无法启动辅助项。AmIcoSinglun64是一个与读卡器有关的应用程序,用于检查是否插入内存卡。出现这种情况,我想应是你的读卡器驱动程序出了问题

开机启动项里的AmIcoSinglun 是什么进程



因该是这样的:如果结尾的co前一个字母是元音(a,e,i,o,u)的话,复数就是ci结尾例如tecnico - tecniciamico - amicimedico - medici如果前一个字母是辅音的话,复数就是chi结尾例如arco - architrucco - trucchibanco - banchi大部分是这样,也有一些不一样的,例如:porco - porci,而非porchi




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