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competent名词:形容词,作形容词时意为“胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的”。短语搭配:competent bed强硬岩层;competent sand致密砂层;Competent Teacher胜任的教师 ; 称职的教师;Unconsciously Competent无意识 ; 没有意识到足以胜任 ; 无所不能;Competent Employees有能力的员工;competent witness被告在成为法律上适格;competent agency主管机构;Membership competent会籍主管。双语例句:I have to my manager reflects your views, but do not agree with the competent.我已经向我的主管反映了你的意见,但是主管不同意…如下。So, when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show, people say the more competent person.因此,当他们问你,觉得谁应该去参加这个智力竞猜节目,你们会说更有能力的人应该去。You let women dictate your actions and they are not competent in this world, though certainly theywill be saints in heaven while we men burn in hell.你让女人指令你的行动,但她们在这个世界上不是有能力的,虽然,当然她们会是天堂里的天使,而我们男人在地狱里燃烧。




cows的意思是:n.母牛;奶牛;菜牛;肉牛;雌象,雌鲸(及某些大型雌性动物);婆娘;娘儿们;v.恐吓;吓唬;威胁;胁迫。[词典]cow的第三人称单数和复数;[例句]The cows" rumps were marked with a number。奶牛的臀部标着一个数字。OX、cattle、calf、bull、bovine、cow都有牛的意思,它们的区别如下:1、OX指阉割过的公牛,也可以表示一般的,不分性别的通称牛,引申含义是蛮小伙子不醒目,笨手笨脚的又大只的人。Oxen 是OX 的复数形式。2、cattle一般只奶牛或是农民养的黄牛,也泛指一般的肉牛牲口。cattle本身就是复数名词, 所以不存在one / a cattle 的说法。3、calf 指牛犊,一般说的小牛肉用veal,Beef牛肉是指cattle的肉,即成年牛肉。4、bull未阉割的公牛,亦指其他雄性动物,可引申为彪形大汉,也可用作动词“莽撞”。5、bovine也有牛的意思,不过范围较大,表示牛科动物,与牛相关的;延伸意思是“迟钝的”。6、cow是表示母牛,奶牛,肉牛。还可作动词表示“恐吓”。例如:have a cow暴跳如雷,焦虑不安;till the cows come home很长一段时间。


cow[英][kau028a] [美][kau028a] 生词本简明释义n.奶牛,乳牛;母兽;雌(象,鲸等);对女性的蔑称vt.恐吓;吓唬;威胁复数:cows第三人称单数:cows过去式:cowed过去分词:cowed现在分词:cowing易混淆的单词:COWCow以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNTSee also:cattle;母牛;奶牛;(有时统称)牛A cow is a large female animal that is kept on farms for its milk. People sometimes refer to male and female animals of this species as cows .He kept a few dairy cows...他养了几头奶牛。Dad went out to milk the cows.爸爸出去挤牛奶。...a herd of cows.


1.有能力的,能干的;胜任的,合格的2.相当的;适当的,足够而不过分的3.【法律】有法律能力的;有法定资格的4.【生物学】(胚胎)有反应能力的,胜任的;活性的,适合的;(对抗原决定因素产生抗体)有适应力的5.精神正常的,智力无缺陷的;6.有决定权的,活性的,(处于)感受态的短语搭配1. competent authorities主管部门;主管当局;主管机关2. competent authority主管机关;主管当局;主管机构3. be competent胜任;能胜任;能够胜任4. competent person称职人员;合格人士5. competent government能力型政府;有能力的政府6. competent jurisdiction管辖权;管辖资格7. be competent for可以胜任;能胜任;胜任8.competent manager能干的经理;有能力的管理者9. competent work胜任工作10. competent lawyer称职的律师例句He"s very competent in his work.他非常胜任自己的工作。2. Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。3. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman.我曾一直以为自己是个坚强能干的女人。4. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.他是一个忠诚、出色、很有能力的公务员。5. The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured,competent people.将要加入委员会的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。7. Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.我们的法务部门需要一名成熟能干的秘书,该秘书会向一名资深律师和一名助理律师报告。


competent主管双语对照词典结果:competent[英][u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259nt][美][u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259nt]adj.有能力的,能胜任的; 能干的,称职的; 足够的,充足的; 有决定权的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maybe they were more competent. 也许就是他们更有能力。


cow的读音是英 [kau028a],美 [kau028a]。n. 母牛,雌象,雌鲸,雌犀牛,<俚><贬>女人v. 恐吓例句:Do you know how to milk a cow?翻译:你知道怎么挤牛奶吗?短语:look after a cow 看护奶牛用法1、cow是可数名词,指“母牛”,尤指供产奶的乳牛或专门用来供食用的肉牛,其对应的阳性名词是bull。2、cow有时也可比喻作“女人”。3、a herd of cows表示“一群牛”。


mark :标记;分数;标签;痕迹;  The scandal left a mark on his reputation. 那件丑事玷污了他的名声。Score n.二十,分数(多指比赛得分)【音乐】 乐谱vt.刻痕于…划线于…;得分full score 完整的乐谱,全谱passing score 及格线failing score 不及格形近字 scare 惊恐 Are you scared ? 你害怕吗?Grade 成绩等级; 年级,班级perfect grade 优异成绩 low grade 低分point n.尖端;分数;小数点;要点 vt.指向, 指出, 瞄准I don"t see your point. 我不懂你的意思。point out意为“指出,使注意”。 point to意为“指向”,强调方向,并不是指着该物体。而 point at 表示“指着某一物体,指人时一般表不礼貌”。关于“分数” score是指得分(考试、测验),比如100分、59分等,也多指比赛得分.The TOEFL Test score is usually reported six to eight weeks after the test.托福考试成绩一般在考试后六至八周内寄到。The final score 决赛比分grade是指成绩等级,如A、B、C、优秀、良好等He got a grade A in physics.Mark 分数 常用来表示不同等级的学科成绩的一个数字、字母或符号full mark 满分 high mark 高分 got a mark of 95 instead of 100.Point 点数、分数,每一分即一个point。He scored 15000 points.他得了15000分。


score过去分词如下:scores的意思:得分;获胜。scores,英 [sku0254u02d0(r)],美 [sku0254u02d0]    vt. 得分;获胜;刻划;划线;批评;给 ... 谱曲n. 得分;刻痕;二十;乐谱vi. 得分;记分;得胜名词: scorer 过去式: scored 过去分词: scored 现在分词: scoring 第三人称单数: scoresscore的基本意思是“二十”,由古代牧羊人清点羊数时从手指数到脚趾,每数到二十在树上划一个记号得来,因此引申可指“划痕,刻痕”“得分,分数”等。score用作及物动词时,接名词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为for/to介词短语(转化为to的较少见),可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常跟副词out, up或介词for, over连用。例句1、Hughes scored two goals before half-time.休斯在上半场进了两个球。2、The army continued to score successes in the south.军队在南方不断取得胜利。3、I recorded the score in a notebook.我在笔记本上记下了分数。4、There are deep scores on the rock.岩石上有深深的刻痕。


score的用法与搭配:1、(游戏或比赛中的)得分,比分the number of points, goals, etc. scored by each player or team in a game or competitionWhat"s the score now?现在比分使多少?2、(考试中的)分数,成绩the number of points sb gets for correct answers in a testa perfect score满分3、总谱a written or printed version of a piece of music showing what each instrument is to play or what each voice is to singan orchestral score管弦乐总谱4、(电影或戏剧的)配乐the music written for a film/movie or playThe film picked up awards for best director and best original score.这部影片获最佳导演奖和最佳原创音乐奖。5、20*20个;约20个a set or group of 20 or approximatelySeveral cabs and a score of cars were parked outside.外边停着二十几辆汽车和几辆出租车。6、大量;很多very muchThere were scores of boxes and crates, all waiting to be checked and loaded.大批的箱子和板条箱等着检验后装运。


cow 英[kau028a] 美[kau028a]n. 奶牛,乳牛;母兽;雌(象,鲸等);<侮辱>对女性的蔑称vt. 恐吓;吓唬;威胁第三人称单数:cows;过去分词:cowed;名词复数:cows;现在分词:cowing...[例句]Penny : she looks like a big fat cow.裴妮:她真的很像大奶牛。





cow是什么意思 cow应该怎么读

1、COW是一个英文单词,读音:英[kau028a]美[kau028a]。动词、名词,作动词的翻译为“威胁,恐吓”,作名词的翻译为“奶牛,母牛;母兽”。 2、cow具体意义: (1)cow是可数名词,指“母牛”,尤指供产奶的乳牛或专门用来供食用的肉牛,其对应的阳性名词是bull。 (2)cow有时也可比喻作“女人”。 (3)a herd of?cows表示“一群牛”。

score与point同为 得分 之意时,有什么区别?谢谢!







cow [kau028a]n. 奶牛,乳牛; 母兽; 雌(象,鲸等); <侮辱>对女性的蔑称;vt. 恐吓; 吓唬; 威胁;


读音是:英[kau028a]释义:n.奶牛,母牛;母兽vt.威胁,恐吓[复数 cows或 kine]短语:Cow&Gate 英国牛栏;牛栏;恩贝儿;段奶粉扩展资料:词语使用变化:cown.(名词)1、cow尤指供产奶的乳牛或专门用来供食用的肉牛,其对应的阳性名词是bull。2、cow有时也可比喻作“女人”。3、a herd of cows表示“一群牛”。词源解说:直接源自古英语的cu,意为母牛,奶牛。


score的英文翻译:作名词时意为得分、二十、配乐、刻痕、人名;作及物动词时意为获得、评价、划线、刻划;作不及物动词时意为得分、记分、刻痕。一、短语搭配standard score标准分数;标准分;标准分散;标准得分。Credit score信用评分系统;信用分数;信用报告里找不到。raw score原始分。highest score最高分;最高得分;最高分数;无上患上分。factor score数因子得分;因素分数;因素得分。Music Score最佳配乐;乐谱;谱子;乐谱分享。Cutoff Score录用分数线;信用评分底线;划界分;划界分数。derived score导出分数;衍生分数;导出分;转换分数。二、双语例句1、Add up your score on each question.把每一个问题的分数加起来。2、Who will score for us?谁将为我们记分?3、Your score will be calculate by all the vote of user who vote for your picture with my otherapplication name "HOT BABES".你的分数将计算所有用户的投票,投票支持你与我的其他应用程序的名称“热宝贝”的图片。


牛年”用英语怎么说吗? 我们比较熟悉“牛”的英文名是 cow, 那“牛年”难道是 cow year? 当然不是啦! “牛年”英语怎么说? 除了cow,其实 bull, ox。


cow是奶牛的意思 。应该是复数加S




score,作名词时意为“得分;二十;配乐;刻痕,人名;(英)斯科尔”,作及物动词时意为“获得;评价;划线,刻划;把…记下”,作不及物动词时意为“得分;记分;刻痕”。standard score标准分数 ; 标准分 ; 标准分散 ; 标准得分Credit score信用评分系统 ; 信用分数 ; 信用报告里找不到raw score原始分highest score最高分 ; 最高得分 ; 最高分数 ; 无上患上分factor score[数]因子得分 ; 因素分数 ; 因素得分Music Score最佳配乐 ; 乐谱 ; 谱子 ; 乐谱分享Cutoff Score录用分数线 ; 信用评分底线 ; 划界分 ; 划界分数original score总谱制作 ; 最佳原创音乐 ; 最佳配乐 ; 原创作曲改编derived score导出分数 ; 衍生分数 ; 导出分 ; 转换分数Add up your score on each question.把每一个问题的分数加起来。Who will score for us?谁将为我们记分?Your score will be calculate by all the vote of user who vote for your picture with my otherapplication name "HOT BABES".你的分数将计算所有用户的投票,投票支持你与我的其他应用程序的名称“热宝贝”的图片。


score n. 分数;二十;配乐;刻痕;获得;评价;划线,刻划; 例句: The score was four all. 比分是四平。 Ill keep (the) score. 我来记分。 Whos going to score? 谁来记分呢? 扩展资料   Figo came infield from the left to score.   菲戈从左侧向场中心移动以求得分。   That score is going to take some beating.   这一得分将很难超过。   The game was closer than the score suggests.   双方实力比得分所显示的要更接近。   The young French midfielder has yet to score.   该法国中场的.年轻球员有待进球。   He bet $2 000 on the final score of the game.   他下2 000元赌比赛的最后比分。


  1、score,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“分数;二十;配乐;刻痕,人名;(英)斯科尔”,作及物动词时意为“获得;评价;划线,刻划;把…记下”,作不及物动词时意为“得分;记分;刻痕”。   2、短语搭配   standard score标准分数 ; 标准分 ; 标准分散 ; 标准得分;   Credit score信用评分系统 ; 信用分数 ; 信用报告里找不到;   raw score原始分;   highest score最高分 ; 最高得分 ; 最高分数 ; 无上患上分;   factor score[数]因子得分 ; 因素分数 ; 因素得分;   Music Score最佳配乐 ; 乐谱 ; 谱子 ; 乐谱分享;   Cutoff Score录用分数线 ; 信用评分底线 ; 划界分 ; 划界分数;   original score总谱制作 ; 最佳原创音乐 ; 最佳配乐 ; 原创作曲改编;   derived score导出分数 ; 衍生分数 ; 导出分 ; 转换分数。

朋友发短信来说wow cow,什么意思啊?cow不是英语“奶牛”的意思吗?



cow这个单词作为名词使用时,cow是可数名词,cow可以变形为cows复数形式。 扩展资料   cow同近义词解析   buffalo, cow, bull, ox这四个单词都有“牛”的意思,其区别是:   1、buffalo:这个单词指的是水牛,这个单词在美国英语中意思主要指野牛。   2、cow:这个单词指的是任何品种的`成年母牛或乳用的乳牛。   3、bull:主要指西班牙或美洲经专门饲料用作斗牛表演的公牛。   4、ox:可以泛指野生或驯养的牛类,系动物学的用词,通称,也指公牛。

cow怎么读 ???????

cow英 [kaʊ]美 [kaʊ]


当然是Krait 400架构强。。。Cortex-A53架构的单位性能是2300DMIPS/GHz,Krait 400架构是3510DMIPS/GHz,同频下K400是A53的1.5倍,且K400支持乱序处理,A53只能顺序处理,K400是A9和A15架构的改进版,A53只是A7架构的64位升级版,性能也就A12的水平,不如K400。

cow怎么读英语 cow如何读英语

1、cow英[kau028a]美[kau028a]。 2、n.母牛; 奶牛; 菜牛; 肉牛; 雌象,雌鲸(及某些大型雌性动物); 婆娘; 娘儿们; 3、vt.恐吓; 吓唬; 威胁; 胁迫; 4、[例句]The cows are artificially inseminated.这些母牛被人工授精。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:cows 复数:cows 现在分词:cowing 过去式:cowed 过去分词:cowed。


score v (to get points ,goals,etc)得分,取分 She scored the highest markes in the English exam.n (the number of points ,goals,etc)分数What"s the final score?point v 指出,指向 She is pointing to a big b...


cow常用词汇 英 [kau028a]     美 [kau028a]    n. 母牛;雌象;雌鲸;雌犀牛




先说mark.名词中有分数的意思,但是那是英式英语中,美式中没.做动词是,表示打分的意思.The teacher marked the examination papers.教师给试卷打了分数。 再说score,作名词,表示(比赛中的)得分,比数;(测验的)成绩,分数 His total score was one hundred and fifty-five. 他的总积分是一百五十五. 作动词时, 1.表示给...打分,给...评分 Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations. 亨特教授正忙于给考试评分. 2.体育比赛中或者考试中得(分),记(分);使得分 Mary scored the highest marks on the exam. 玛丽考试中得了个最高分。


bull 和 cow 有什么区别?

第一个是公牛 后者母的


cow是可数名词。 cow:n.母牛;奶牛;菜牛;肉牛;雌象; v.恐吓;吓唬;威胁; cow的过去式: cowed;过去分词: cowed 扩展资料   I hate her, the silly old cow!   我恨她,那个笨蛋老女人!   She watched the cow"s ponderous progress.   她看着牛迟缓地向前走着。   Holy cow! What was that?   天哪!那是什么?

cow怎么读 cow的意思

1、cow单词发音:英[kau028a]美[kau028a]。 2、cow是一个英文单词,动词、名词,作动词的翻译为“威胁,恐吓”,作名词的翻译为“奶牛,母牛;母兽”。 3、相关俗语 sacred cow:神圣不可侵犯 cash cow:摇钱树 Play the lute to a cow: 对牛弹琴 The cow eating grass:老牛啃嫩草


ow在单字里发合口双元音/au028a/的音,由两个音组合而成,第一个音是前元音/a/,第二个音是后元音/u028a/,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,牙床全开,由第一个音向第二个音滑动,舌位由舌前部抬高,滑向舌后部抬高,口形由大到小,音量由强到弱,由长到短,由清晰到含糊,两个音合而为一个合口双元音。如:cow 母牛towel 毛巾clown 小丑owl 猫头鹰crown 皇冠brown 棕色的flower 花(被子植物的繁殖器官)tower 宝塔希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。





,cow 是什么?∫




cow 音标是什么?

cow [kaʊ] 你念“靠”就行了呗




cow的意思是:母牛;(泛指)家牛;雌性(如母象、雌鲸等);讨厌的女人;婆娘;(象、鲸等)雌的,母的;吓唬;恐吓;吓住。例句:1、Switzerland isn"t all cow-bells and yodelling, you know。你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声。2、a cow that has never borne calves。一头从未产下过牛犊的母牛。3、 A mature cow has horns。成年奶牛有犄角。4、The Pacific route is a cash cow for Qantas。太平洋航线是澳洲航空的摇钱树。5、 a professional cow puncher。职业牛仔。




cow单词发音:英[kau028a]美[kau028a]。cow是英语单词,动词、名词,作动词的意思是威胁,恐吓,作名词的意思是奶牛,母牛;母兽。相关俗语:1、sacred cow:神圣不可侵犯。2、cash cow:摇钱树。3、Play the lute to a cow:对牛弹琴。4、The cow eating grass:老牛啃嫩草。例句:1、There was absolute mayhem when the cow got into the village hall.那牛闯进村会议厅,造成一片混乱。2、That cow is a good milker.那头母牛产奶多。奶牛造句:1、它是一只黑白相间的小奶牛,身材非常的胖,就像一只贪吃贪睡的小胖子一样。它黑色的身体有一朵一朵的粉色的小花,像是刚从花丛里出来一样。它还有一对黄色的小角和一双外黑里白的小耳朵。每当我想对它说心里话的时候就把它的耳朵翻起来,就当做它一直在听我说话。2、他系一条普通的白色围裙,腿上打着奶牛场挤奶工人打的绑腿,靴子上沾满了院子里的烂草污泥;不过所有这些装束都是本地的装束。3、不要把学问看做是用来装饰的王冠,也不要把学问看做是用来挤奶的奶牛。




cow的读音是:[kau028a]。COW是一个英文单词,动词、名词,作动词的翻译为“威胁,恐吓”,作名词的翻译为“奶牛,母牛;母兽”。第三人称单数:cows。复数:cows。现在分词:cowing。过去式:cowed。过去分词:cowed。短语搭配1、cash cow金牛。2、cow shark六鳃鲨科。3、Spherical Cow球形奶牛。双语例句1、I"m not kidding, Frank. There"s a cow out there, just standing around.我没有开玩笑,弗兰克。外面有一头母牛,就站在附近。2、He announced that it would henceforward be the custom to give him five rands each time a cow was slaughtered.他宣布今后每屠宰一头母牛就要按规矩给他5兰特。3、Some children develop a sensitivity to cow"s milk.有的孩子对牛奶过敏。4、Don"t have a cow ─ it"s no big deal.别发火,没什么大不了。


cow 英[kau028a] 美[kau028a] n. 奶牛,乳牛; 母兽; 雌(象,鲸等); <侮辱>对女性的蔑称; vt. 恐吓; 吓唬; 威胁; [例句]He kept a few dairy cows他养了几头奶牛。[其他] 第三人称单数:cows 复数:cows 现在分词:cowing 过去式:cowed过去分词:cowed


英 [kau] 美 [kaʊ] 希望你采纳。




Scots 形容词:苏格兰的,苏格兰人的,苏格兰语的Scotland 地名,苏格兰

English as a Second Language是什么意思呢?怎么读


Country Joe & The Fish的《Grace》 歌词

歌曲名:Grace歌手:Country Joe & The Fish专辑:The Life And Time Of Country Joe And The Fish (From Haight-Ashbury To Woodstock)GraceShe takes the blameShe covers the shameRemoves the stainIt could be her nameGraceIt"s a name for a girlIt"s also a thought thatChanged the worldAnd when she walks on the streetYou can hear the stringsGrace finds goodnessIn everythingGraceShe"s got the walkNot on a ramp or on chalkShe"s got the time to talkShe travels outsideOf karma, karmaShe travels outsideOf karmaWhen she goes to workYou can hear the stringsGrace finds beautyIn everythingGraceShe carries a world on her hipsNo champagne flute for her lipsNo twirls or skipsBetween her fingertipsShe carries a pearlIn perfect conditionWhat once was hurtWhat once was frictionWhat left a markNo longer stingsBecause grace makes beautyOut of ugly thingsGrace finds beautyIn everythingGrace finds goodnessIn everythingRedacted by Jerry

《Three Bedrooms, One Corpse》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Three Bedrooms, One Corpse (Aurora Teagarden Mysteries, Book 3)》(Charlaine Harris)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: rdg8书名:Three Bedrooms, One Corpse (Aurora Teagarden Mysteries, Book 3)作者:Charlaine Harris出版社:Berkley出版年份:2008-03-04页数:240内容简介:Third in the Aurora Teagarden series, one great new look.Deciding if she wants to go into real estate becomes a life-or-death choice for Aurora "Roe" Teagarden. A naked corpse is discovered at her first house showing. And when a second body is found in another house for sale, it becomes obvious that there is a very cool killer at large in Lawrenceton, one who knows a great deal about real estate-and maybe too much about Roe.

dispose,deal with,cope with,manage,address有什么区别?

address往往用于主观上觉得需要解决的问题,问题很有可能比较复杂,不容易定位,有点抽象。不像你说的那种问题简单明了。例句:Our products address the needs of real users.dispose更多是指把问题解决“掉”。Your idea at least disposes of the immediate problem.handle和deal with强调着手开始处理问题。对于你的问题应该是适合的。cope with : 指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。I don"t know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.(既要照顾家庭又要工作, 我不知道她是怎样应下来的。)dispose of与deal with同义,普通用法。He doesn"t know how to dispose of his spare time.(他不知如何打发空余时间。)manage : 指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。


音标["sku0254tlu0259nd] 拼音发音 si(第3声)go(第一声)te(轻声)len(第3声)de(轻声)词语意思是“苏格兰”

求love is color blind 英文翻译。


love is color blind歌词

Sarah Connor - Love Is Color-Blindyeah!what"s up?it"s TQ and Sarah againhaha, right back at ya(love is color blind)that"s rightthis time we got a serious situationand we"re tryna do our parts to helpand we need your helpyou know what I"m saying?(love is color blind)so come on!it don"t matter if you"re black (yeah)white, or yellow, if you"re brown or red (it don"t matter)let"s get down to thatlove is color blind (that"s right, give it to em baby)I remember whenI was a child and couldn"t understandpeople having fundiscriminating all the different onesmama just used to saywhen you grow up you maybe find a wayto make these people seethat everything I do comes back to meyou gotta live your lifethrough all the single ones to blameyou gotta live that lifejust play the game and let love reignit don"t matter if you"re blackwhite, or yellow, if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very end (yeah)it"s to understand (yeah){come on TQ}love is color blind (that"s right)I remember as a young boyI watch my neighborhood go up in flamesI saw the whole thing of tears and painand the situation"s wack in my brainI wish I could fly away and never come back againwe need some love ya"llwe need some real dip, help from above ya"llI mean the kids is watchingand I just can"t see ya stopI don"t understandI mean we all bleed the same blood, man(you gotta live your life)better than a father"s deadlet"s make some love babyhave some kids(you gotta live that life)and I don"t care what color they areor you are or we are, it"s all love baby!it don"t matter if you"re blackwhite, or yellow, if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endit"s to understandlove is color blindyou could have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you are my sisterif you are my fatheryou could have been my felleryou could have been my teacherbut if you are my friendit would be so nice to meet yayou could have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you are my sisterif you are my fatherI could have been your felleryou could have been my teacherbut if you are my friendit would be so nice to meet yatake it out to the worldtell every boy and every little girlbe proud of yourselfcause you"re as good as anybody elseput away your prejudiceopen your mind don"t need to stick to thistry to make this ofa better place without a racial curse(?)yeah time for some changes ya"ll(na na na na...)so come on!put your hands up!come on!put your hands up!come on!put your hands up!

Scotland 简写 是SC还是ST啊?



其实都是约定俗成的音译。苏格兰是更多采用的翻译,可被大部分人所理解。Scotland 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在大不列颠岛北部)。

Wales形容词是什么? Scotland形容词是什么?Ireland形容词是什么?

正常㤦用不是,都是名词:Wales 威尔士Scotland 苏格兰Ireland 爱尔兰



the other side of the coin是什么意思


Scottish Scotch Scotland 区别在哪?

Scottish [ "skɔtiʃ ] . . a. 苏格兰的 n. 苏格兰人 scotch [ skɔtʃ ] . . n. 苏格兰人,苏格兰语,伤口,刻痕 a. 苏格兰人的,苏格兰语的 vt. 弄伤,制止(车轮)转动,镇压,扑灭 Scotland [ "skɔtlənd ] . . n. 苏格兰


英文原文:Scotland英式音标:[u02c8sku0252tlu0259nd] 美式音标:[u02c8skɑu02d0tlu0259nd]


已发送 学校 青采纳

No dream could be as beautiful as you (are) 加are正


《无耻混蛋》结尾Col. Hans Landa死了没


Chinese tea or coffee 300字写作

  China, the Homeland of Tea  Chinese Tea: Detailed guide to the history and culture of the Chinese tea culture.  Chinese Food: Introduction to Chinese food and Chinese drink.  Of the three major beverages of the world-- tea, coffee and cocoa-- tea is consumed by the largest number of people.  China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China has tea-shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago, and human cultivation of teaplants dates back two thousand years. Tea from China, along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important Chinese export. At present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the world"s total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China. The word for tea leaves or tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives from the Chinese character "cha." The Russians call it "cha"i", which sounds like "chaye" (tea leaves) as it is pronounced in northern China, and the English word "tea" sounds similar to the pronunciation of its counterpart in Xiamen (Amoy). The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese, though pronounced with a slight difference. The habit of tea drinking spread to Japan in the 6th century, but it was not introduced to Europe and America till the 17th and 18th centuries. Now the number of tea drinkers in the world is legion and is still on the increase.  The Categories of Tea  Chinese tea may be classified into five categories according to the different methods by which it isprocessed.  1) Green tea: Green tea is the variety which keeps the original colour of the tea leaves without fermentation during processing. This category consists mainly of Longjing tea of Zhejiang Province,Maofeng of Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province and Biluochun produced in Jiangsu.  2) Black tea: Black tea, known as "red tea" (hong cha) in China, is the category which is fermented before baking; it is a later variety developed on the basis of the green tea. The best brands of black tea are Qihong of Anhui , Dianhong of Yunnan, Suhong of Jiangsu, Chuanhong of Sichuan and Huhong of Hunan.  3) Wulong tea: This represents a variety half way between the green and the black teas, being made after partial fermentation. It is a specialty from the provinces on China"s southeast coast: Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan.  4) Compressed tea: This is the kind of tea which is compressed and hardened into a certain shape. It is good for transport and storage and is mainly supplied to the ethnic minorities living in the border areas of the country. As compressed tea is black in colour in its commercial form, so it is also known in China as "black tea". Most of the compressed tea is in the form of bricks; it is, therefore, generally called "brick tea", though it is sometimes also in the form of cakes and bowls. It is mainly produced in Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces.  5) Scented tea: This kind of tea is made by mixing fragrant flowers in the tea leaves in the course of processing. The flowers commonly used for this purpose are jasmine and magnolia among others. Jasmine tea is a well-known favourite with the northerners of China and with a growing number of foreigners.  Chinese Culture: Chinese Arts, Chinese Tea, Chinese Food, Chinese Kungfu... Guide.  Tea Production  A new tea-plant must grow for five years before its leaves can be picked and, at 30 years of age, it will be too old to be productive. The trunk of the old plant must then be cut off to force new stems to grow out of the roots in the coming year. By repeated rehabilitation in this way, a plant may serve for about l00 years .  For the fertilization of tea gardens, soya-bean cakes or other varieties of organic manure are generally used, and seldom chemical fertilizers. When pests are discovered, the affected plants will be removed to prevent their spread, and also to avoid the use of pesticides.  The season of tea-picking depends on local climate and varies from area to area. On the shores of West Lake in Hangzhou, where the famous green tea Longjing (Dragon Well) comes from, picking starts from the end of March and lasts through October, altogether 20-30 times from the same plants at intervals of seven to ten days. With a longer interval, the quality of the tea will deteriorate.  A skilled woman picker can only gather 600 grams (a little over a pound) of green tea leaves in a day.  The new leaves must be parched in tea cauldrons. This work , which used to be done manually, has been largely mechanized. Top-grade Dragon Well tea, however, still has to be stir-parched by hand, doing only 250 grams every half hour. The tea-cauldrons are heated electrically to a temperature of about 25oC or 74oF. It takes four pounds of fresh leaves to produce one pound of parched tea.  The best Dragon Well tea is gathered several days before Qingming (Pure Brightness, 5th solar term) when new twigs have just begun to grow and carry "one leaf and a bud." To make one kilogram (2.2 lbs) of finished tea, 60, 000 tender leaves have to be plucked. In the old days Dragon Well tea of this grade was meant solely for the imperial household; it was, therefore, known as "tribute tea".  For the processes of grinding, parching, rolling, shaping and drying other grades of tea various machines have been developed and built, turning out about 100 kilograms of finished tea an hour and relieving the workers from much of their drudgery.  China"s Tea-Producing Areas  Tea is produced in vast areas of China from Hainan lsland down in the extreme south to Shandong Province in the north, from Tibet in the southwest to Taiwan across the Straits, totalling more than 20 provinces. These may be divided into four major areas:  1) The Jiangnan area: It lies south of the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, and is the most prolific of China"s tea-growing areas. Most of its output is the green variety; some black tea is also produced.  2) The Jiangbei area: This refers to a large area north of the same river, where the average temperature is 2-3 Centigrade degrees lower than in the Jiangnan area. Green tea is the principal variety turned out there, but Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, which are also parts of this area. produce compressed tea for supply to the minority areas in the Northwest.  3) The Southwest area: This embraces Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet, producing black, green as well as compressed teas. Pu"er tea of Yunnan Province enjoys a good sale in China and abroad.  4) The Lingnan area: This area , consisting of the southern provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and taiwan, produces Wulong tea, which is renowned both at home and abroad.  Advantages of Tea-Drinking  Tea has been one of the daily necessities in China since time immemorial. Countless numbers of people like to have their aftermeal cup of tea.  In summer or warm climate, tea seems to dispel the heat and bring on instant cool together with a feeling of relaxation. For this reason, tea-houses abound in towns and market villages in South China and provide elderly retirees with the locales to meet and chat over a cup of tea.  Medically, the tea leaf contains a number of chemicals, of which 20-30% is tannic acid, known for its anti-inflammatory and germicidal properties. It also contains an alkaloid (5%, mainly caffeine), a stimulant for the nerve centre and the process of metabolism. Tea with the aromatics in it may help resolve meat and fat and thus promote digestion. It is, therefore, of special importance to people who live mainly on meat, like many of the ethnic minorities in China. A popular proverb among them says, "Rather go without salt for three days than without tea for a single day."  Tea is also rich in various vitamins and, for smokers, it helps to discharge nicotine out of the system. After wining, strong tea may prove to be a sobering pick-me-up.  The above, however, does not go to say that the stronger the tea, the more advantages it will yield. Too much tannic acid will affect the secretion of the gastric juice, irritate the membrane of the stomach and cause indigestion or constipation. Strong tea taken just before bedtime will give rise to occasional insomnia. Constant drinking of over-strong tea may induce heart and blood-pressure disorders in some people, reduce the milk of a breast-feeding mother, and put a brown colour on the teeth of young people. But it is not difficult to ward off these undesirable effects: just don"t make your tea too strong.

commercial distribution是什么意思

commercial distribution 英[ku0259u02c8mu0259:u0283u0259l u02ccdistriu02c8bju:u0283u0259n] 美[ku0259u02c8mu025au0283u0259l u02ccdu026astru0259u02c8bjuu0283u0259n] [释义] 商业流通;

LaFee的《Come On》 歌词

歌曲名:Come On歌手:LaFee专辑:Shut UpLafee - Come OnHey you in the CornerYou"ve been startin at me all Night longCan you see I"m out to get me someI really really think you"re kinda cuteHey you in the cornerTime for you to make a moveCome on and get your hot ass over hereAre you watin for your movement in Time?Too bad it might have passed you bySay is your ass glued to the wall?Come on, Come on, pick up the callWhat"s all this about?I want this to go downYes I need your ass right here right nowCome over, babyYou"re stuck in the CornerHey something wrong with you?What else am I suposed to do?Come over baby I don"t biteCome on, Come on over babyHey you I want youHey don"t you see it"s Time to playWhy don"t you move,Why don"t you come my way?I need your ass right here right now...Hey what"s all this about?I"m losing interestI"m quickly losin interestin youI"m losin interestSay goodbye to the chance you just blewI"m going home without you nowAdios, game over, ciao!



all he could see was his underwear.两个动词是怎么回事?




go to cub scouts怎么读

译go to cub scouts去童子军以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 有道翻译 。双语例句This ceremony marks the transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts if they chooseto go on. 这个典礼标志着幼年童军如果愿意可以转变为童子军。

Cisco 交换机 spaning-tree portfast 什么意思

设置该端口为快速端口,即是说把一个port设置了portfast,就是让那个port不再使用STP的算法。在STP中,port有5个状态:disable、blocking、listening、learning、forwarding。只有forwarding状态,port才能发送用户数据。如果一个port一开始是没有接pc,一旦pc接上,就会经历blocking->listening->learing->forwarding,每个状态的变化要经历一段时间,这样总共会有3个阶段时间,缺省的配置要50秒钟。这样从pc接上网线,到能发送用户数据,需要等50秒的时间,但如果设置了portfast,那就不需要等待这50秒了。如果启用了Portfast特性的端口接收了BPDU。 (接了交换机) 此时这个端口。将进入 (err-disable) 这种特性。可以防止网络环路问题发生。扩展资料CISCO交换机默认端口CISCO交换机默认在端口上是起动 SPANNING-TREE 生成树协议 。以防止局域网中出现环路的现象,SPANNING-TREE一般需要端口50秒的时间启动完成。它共分为BLOCKING-LINSTINGING-LEARNING-FORWARDING四个步骤完成,如果你确信你的交换机的端口不接另外的交换机,不会造成网络中环路,那么就可以实现将SPANNING-TREE协议简化,交换机端口将BLOCKING直接到FORWARDING节省时间。现在Windows终端比较普及,而终端机的启动仅需40s,如果网络方面不配合,估计连获取DHCP分配的IP地址都有问题;另外为了方便用户(callcenter),一般要求设置开机之后,自动登陆终端服务器。所以在规划网络时最好选用支持端口portfast的交换机。参考资料来源:百度百科-portfast
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