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course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)s] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)s] n.科目;进程;课程;方针 vt.快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐 vi.沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动 [例句]The war continued to run its course. 战争,还在按其进程发展着

class 和 course lesson 做课讲时的区别?请用最简单的方法说明,

class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have class 而course是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用course 而lesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是 前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容.比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容. currilum则侧重于总体学科,是一个概括性的词汇

Corn originated in the New World and thus was


documentary collection是什么意思


curriculum lesson class course subject lecture program 区别

区别如下:class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have classcourse是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用courselesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容.比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容.lecturen 侧重于“演讲,讲座:program:程序,大纲、节目


course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)s] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)s] n. 科目;进程;课程;方针 vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐 vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动 [例句]The war continued to run its course.战争,还在按其进程发展着






course指全部课程curriculum暗指纲内课程比如课外课程就是extra-curriculum class


区别在于Curriculum Design 一般是教育系统统一制定的,属于指导性的大纲,中小学的教学大纲,属于这一类。 Course Design 指具体的某一门学科的设计,或者某一个特别的培训项目的设计,比如给企业做特别人事培训,这个培训的构架和设计可以说course design。 扩展资料   Spanish is on the curriculum.   西班牙语已纳入课程内容。   Spanish is in the curriculum.   西班牙语已纳入课程内容。   There were only three of us on the advanced course.   只有我们三人学高级课程。   This unit is now an established part of the course.   这个单元现在为本课程既定的一部分。


course D.J.[ku0254:s]K.K.[ku0254rs, kors]n.课程The college course was then cut to three years.大学学制那时缩短到三年。进程, 过程航向, 航线The ship has altered its course.这艘船改变了航线。一道菜There is an elaborate five-course meal.这儿有五道菜的美餐。


subject : 学科;科目 : 是一个抽象概念 class : 班, 班级; (一节)课; : 是具体的(一节/某门)课. We are attending a English class.我们正上英语课. 不能说: 我们正上英语科目/学科__English subject 比较: class of post-graduates 研究生班 subject of post-graduates 研究生科目 attend classes at a college 在一所大学上课 不能说 : attend subjects at a college Training Class of Environmental Protection 环境保护训练班 Training subject of Environmental Protection 环境保护训练科目 English is one of our school subjects. 英语是我们学校的学习科目之一。 不能说: English is one of our school classes.


course是一门课程。比如说语文,数学。 lesson是一节课,更准确的说,是一节课的内容。program是只表演的节目


class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have class而course是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用course而lesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容。比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容。curriculum则侧重于总体学科,是一个概括性的词汇

curriculum和 course的区别是什么?

curriculum 不是很常用,在特定环境下用,例如 curriculum vitaecourse一般指特定的可能,如take the financial coursecourse指全部课程curriculum暗指纲内课程


course:课程,学科subject:学科,科目subject,当有实际的科目时用例如:Besides Chinese,math and English,we also study some other__(科目)at school.除了语文,数学和英语,我们也学习一些其他的学科在学校。这时,就要用到suject

in 1492,Columbus and his crew arrived ___was so called the New World by the westerners.

不能,答案是:in what.解释:1. 根据句意和结构可知,what was so called the New World by the westerners为介词in的宾语,即宾语从句。arrive是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语(从句),所以必须先加一个介词in(the New World为大地方,所以用in最合适)。2. 该宾语从句明显缺少表示事物sth的主语,所以用what代替并引导此从句。which一般用于定语从句,但是此时从句前面没有表示地方的名词/代词即没有先行词,排除;which如果引导宾语从句,则其意思是“哪一个/些”,则该从句前后必须有限定的范围方可,排除。如:I wonder which you like best of all these colors. 其中of all these colors即为限定范围。

My Summer English Courses的英语作文

My Summer English CoursesEnglish is my favorite subject and I like to look for some extra books to read. In order to improve my English to a higher level, I had decided to take part in a summer English course, which took part of my summer holiday time. The main subject of the summer English course was British and American literature, introducing us a varity of Brithsh and American writers along with their selected readings. It"s no doubt that in British literature William Shakespeare enjoys the highest reputation. He wrote many classical works and imposed great influence upon writers of later generations. His famous sad love story Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite. Moved by their pure love, I feel very soory for them for not living together happily ever after.There were also many other interesting works, and I thought there were still a lot that I need to learn. The summer English courses helped me very much in improving my English.

liberal arts courses是什么意思

liberal arts courses 全部释义和例句>>文科课程liberal arts courses 全部释义和例句>>文科课程

英文成绩单里有个Course Item项目,这一项是什么意思?


将take courses翻译成中文意思

take courses 上课


1. 请以reading online为题写一篇作文 Reading online As the fast development of the technology, people use puter every day, it has bee part of their life. With puter, people can do a lot of things, such as reading news, making friends and so on. The online-reading is more and more popular, because it has many advantages. First, online-reading is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry about the location. Second, online-reading can save a lot of money. When people want to take the course, they have to hand in a lot of money, buying books, paying for the teachers. While study online can skip over these unnecessary stuff, people can listen to the course immediately, they just need to click on the button. How fast it is, people can save money and also gain knowledge. Online-reading is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study will bee more popular in the future. 2. 请以 Going Online 为题写一篇英文作文 Recently going online has bee more and more popular with middle school students . In my opinion , there are some merits for the students to go online . First , it can broaden our knowledge and make us know the latest news at home and abroad . Second , there are many learning material on the Inter which are useful for us to learn English . Also , we can make many online friends . However , there are some drawbacks . Most students play conputer games instead of studying their lessons , which will affect their study . What`s worse , going online too often can do harm to our eyes . Besides , without much experience , it`s easy for us to make bad friends and be influenced to do stupid things . So I think as students , we can go online properly . We shuold choose things which are valuable to our study and life . What`s more , we shuold have a time limit . We must place study , health and safety before other things . 3. 以The Advantages of Taking English Courses为题写一篇100词左右的 The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world,and it is the official language of many countries. 英语是全世界使用范围最广的语言之一,也是很多国家的官方语言. English is used almost everywhere. 几乎全世界任何地方都使用英语. The ability to fluently speak the English language in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you"re seeking job opportunities with international panies. 如果你能流利使用英语和你的母语,这会提高你被国际公司录用的可能性. Major Hollywood movies have dialogue in English.The plot of these movies is easier to follow if the person watching the movie speaks English. 大部分好莱坞电影讲的都是英语.如果看电影的人会讲英语,那么他就能很容易跟着剧情. The English language is predominantly spoken throughout the world,so international travelers may find that speaking English can make their travels a little easier.Most hotel and restaurant employees,as well as store merchants,probably speak English to some degree. 现在英语是世界上使用的主流语言,所以你会讲英语,出国旅游讲会变的很容易.大多数的旅馆、饭店等都是用英语进行交流的. 4. 以shopping online为主题写一篇文章 您好,以下为本人按题目要求写的英语作文供参考,希望对您有所帮助: Shopping Online It is known that with the rapid development of information technology, inter and electronic merce is getting more and more popular in our daily lives. Currently there is an ongoing discussion about whether we should go shopping online. Personally I believe that by making good use of online shopping, we can get various products that are possibly not available in a traditional store. By browsing the products online, we can easily and conveniently choose the ones we like and get them paid and delivered without going out of room. In addition, the products are always cheaper than the ones in a traditional store. However, the disadvantage of online shopping is that sometimes we may not actually see the products until we receive them, which I think we may have the chance to buy something inferior. Although sometimes there may be potential risks for online shopping, there is no doubt that it is of great benefit and convenience for us to go shopping online. 5. 以“travelling online”为题写一篇字数80~90词的作文,急 "People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot possibly have. Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. They would argue that travelling means a considerable amount of money and energy. For example, traffic and acmodation require money walking while seeing sights often tires you. In practice, travelling does more good than harm. If you finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time. It will at least enable you to get familiar with people and thing that you will probably grow to like and love." 6. 请教关于online courses的问题 请跟你的目标读研大学确认他们是否承认远程教育的学分online credits(或者让他们直接推荐提供在线课程学校),社区大学不一定会有distance course, 你可以找专业提供这类课程的机构。 这个学校Harvard Extension School你可以看看(对英语要求比较高,雅思7.0 托福100).:(Harvard Extension School courses are accepted toward degrees at most colleges and universities. Because transfer policies and degree requirements vary among schools, students should confirm their home or prospective schools" policy about transfer credit before enrolling in courses。成绩单上不注明是远程教育The transcript does not specify if a course is pleted via distance education or not。 外国学生可以申请,用visa卡付款即可。 考核方式可能有 每周作业,测验exam, 报告paper等,视频通常会在一个学期内有效,可以凭账号登陆后无限次观看。作业和考试根据学校的时间安排进行,各个学校的补考政策不一样,基本补考都要收费,能补考多少次就得看学校了,如果补考超过规定次数还是不及格,就只能全额交费重读。 授课模式大致有两种video 和 web conference, 对电脑的操作系统,使用的浏览器或者播放器,还有视频软件会有一定要求。 Video courses 视频(有的时候可以同步观看-可参与,有的时候是24小时内放上网) Most of our distance education courses feature videos of faculty lecturing on campus. You watch each week"s online lecture at your convenience, submitting assignments as scheduled. In some cases, classes meeting on campus are broadcast live; check course syllabi or websites to see if you can watch videos live during class meeting times and to learn if live participation is required. Live web-conference courses 在线会议模式(可参与,定时举行) These courses are conducted live at a scheduled time each week. Instead of watching videos, you log in to a virtual classroom to participate. 7. 以Shopping online为题写一篇英语作文 Shopping online As a result of the increased inter munication, online shopping has been an indispensable part in the modern life today. However some people hold disapproval attitudes towards this thing. In my opinion, it both has positive and negative aspects, just as the proverb goes like this: every coin has o sides. When it es to positive aspects, it"s very convenient and time-saving pared with traditional shopping. What you need to do is just clicking your mouse and waiting instead of going out by foot or driving. Moreover, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. However, in spite of convenience and more choices of online shopping, we cannot turn a blind eye to its advantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first advantage. It"s mon that articles aren"t so good just as they are described online that customers always buy fake modities. What"s more, it"s troublesome and annoying for many customers to make a change when they are not satisfied with what they bought online. To make a better environment for shopping on-line, effective measures should be taken to make it better. Specifically speaking, government should work out strict regulations and rules to prevent unfaithful and unlawful activities of online shopping owners. Only by this way can online shopping bee really safe and attract an increasing number of customers 8. 谁现在能帮我写篇作文~~ "online learning" ~~字数100 The Inter as a Beneficial Learning Tool for Students The Inter, monly referred to as the “information superhighway,” is a tool that has been introduced to classrooms around the world because of its popularity, which has been gaining steadily in the past years. The Inter is a neork of puters in which users can share files and plete many other tasks. Many people and groups have voiced concerns of whether the Inter"s benefits in classroom and educational use oueigh the negative effects. From recent studies and personal experiences, I have e to the decision that the benefits certainly oueigh the negative effects. I believe that the students who use information technology such as the Inter regularly in their schoolwork are benefiting greatly rather than losing out。

Graduate Courses和 Undergraduate Courses分别是什么意思,有区别吗?

graduate courses:研究生课程undergraduate courses:大学课程

关于国外课程的series course

8000series courses可以翻译为:1、“8000系列的课程(8000是课程系列代号)”2、“8000套系列课程” 英语里讲究语境,主要是看“2000series courses”是使用在哪些句子。一般你在网上搜索的“8000series courses”这个翻译应该采用上面第一个标准译法!


up-to-date courses最新课程双语例句However, how to construct an up-to-date system of undergraduatecourses is a complicated project.构建全新的小学教育专业本科课程体系是一个复杂的课题。


简单造句(10句)我正在参加一门摄影课程,以提高我的技能。I"m taking a course on photography to improve my skills.上学期我选修的化学课程非常具有挑战性。The chemistry course I took last semester was quite challenging.她正在参加一门在线课程,学习编程。She is enrolled in an online course to learn programming.高尔夫球场被翠绿的草坪精美地打造而成。The golf course is beautifully landscaped with lush green grass.我报名参加烹饪课程,以扩展我对烹饪的知识。I signed up for a cooking course to expand my culinary knowledge.这门历史课程涵盖了不同的时期和文明。The history course covers different time periods and civilizations.冬季月份高尔夫球场因维护而关闭。The golf course is closed for maintenance during the winter months.这位教授本学期正在教授一门关于环境可持续性的课程。The professor is teaching a course on environmental sustainability this semester.在开始新工作之前,我需要完成一门安全培训课程。I need to complete a safety training course before starting my new job.他决定放弃数学课程,因为他觉得太难了。He decided to drop the math course because he found it too difficult.下面对单词course做一个简单的解释:词组翻译:course(名词)- 课程,过程,路线;course(动词)- 快速流动,迅速通过单词形式:course(名词,不可数),courses(名词,可数),coursed(过去式和过去分词)词组短语(5个):online course - 在线课程course of action - 行动方案main course - 主菜golf course - 高尔夫球场crash course - 基础课程,速成班含义解释:作为名词,“course” 可指一门学习的课程、进程或路线。作为动词,“course” 指快速流动或迅速通过的动作。语法详解:“course” 作为名词可作主语、宾语、定语、表语或宾语补足语。作为动词 “course” 可用作不及物动词,没有宾语。举例句子(5个中英文):I"m enrolled in a Chinese language course this semester.(这个学期我报名参加了一门中文课程。)The river coursed through the valley with great speed.(河水迅速流过山谷。)The main course consists of grilled chicken with mashed potatoes.(主菜包括烤鸡和土豆泥。)The crash course in computer programming helped me learn the basics in a short period of time.(计算机编程的速成班帮助我在短时间内学会了基础知识。)The hiking course takes you through breathtaking mountain scenery.(这条徒步路线让你经历令人叹为观止的山景。)

美国中学的advanced courses和AP课有什么不同?

AP课程可以算作大学课程。假设你学了一年的AP微积分,在年末的时候去考试,如果你考了4分或5分(满分5分),你上大学的话可以抵微积分的学分。不过这是因大学而异。有的大学只接受5分的成绩,有的是4分5分都可以,还有个别大学不承认部分AP成绩。Advanced course只是一种高中课程。假设你去学Advanced Algebra 2,自然要比普通的algebra 2要学得快一些、学得多一些,要更难一些,但是比不上荣誉课程。希望可以帮到你。


course[英][ku0254:s][美][ku0254:rs]n.课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜; vt.快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐; vi.沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动; 第三人称单数:courses复数:courses现在进行时:coursing过去式:coursed例句:1.To win a football game of course. 当然是赢一场足球赛。curriculum[英][ku0259u02c8ru026akju0259lu0259m][美][ku0259u02c8ru026akju0259lu0259m]n.全部课程,课程; 复数:curriculacurriculums例句:1.May I know something about the curriculum for this major? 我可以了解一下这个专业的课程安排吗?

美国留学网申的current year courses要怎么填?

current year courses = 你今年的课程course level = 课程程度(不一定是大一就100或1000,看具体学校)credit value = 学分

校园口语第二课:Select courses

1、I have made up my mind what courses I am taking. 我已经决定选什么课了。 make up my mind 决定做某事,可以跟从句,也可以跟动词不定式。 E.g.:I have made up my mind to get the first prize of the marathon competition. 我已经下定决心要赢得这次马拉松比赛的第一名。 2、most of the students are still shopping around, looking at various courses. 部分学生还在观望,先了解一下各门课的情况。 shopping around:观望 此外还有逛商店的意思 Some housewives make a habit of shopping around to get the best buy. 购物时货比三家,是家庭主妇的好习惯。 3、well, I have put off doing my science requirement till now. I haven"t learned any science courses for three years 是这样的,我已经拖了三年没选理科课程了。 science 理科 liberal arts: 文科 college of arts文学院 4、because you are major in MBA. I figure that you know more about the MBA 因为你主修MBA.我想你对MBA的课都比较熟悉。 major in 修……专业 专攻…… major in computer 主修计算机课程 figure 数字 体型 这里是“认为”接近于think 5、I took that class last year but I flunked it, so this year I have to take it again 我去年修了这门课,但是考试没通过,所以今年我还得再修一年。 flunk 不及格,挂科 也可以说 fail a class/course retake:重修 I failed this class last semester, so I have to retake it. 我上学期没通过这门课的考试,我要重修这门课 6、There are final exams and the students, if they pass, are given three full credits for these subjects 期末会有考试,如果学生通过了考试,他们会得到三门课的全部的学分 Credit:学分 two-credit course 两学分的课程 Credit system:学分制 7、conversation Lihue: I"m coming to see you about selecting courses. 我来是为了选课的事情 Professor: yep. What are you thinking about then? 好的,你是怎么想的呢? Lihue: I am planning to do three elective courses besides the three required ones 我打算选三门必修课和三门选修课。 Professor: how many credits in all? 总共多少学分?


course和curriculum都有课程的意思,但它们的范围是不一样的。course的范围较小,curriculum则相反。举个例子来说,教育学和教育心理学都同属于一组主题相关的课程(curriculum),但它们各自又分别是独立的一门课程(course),由各种不同类型的教学内容组成(如视频,文档,展示等)。总而言之,a curriculum是由各种courses组成的。希望你能满意,谢谢!



course表达 问题: course的复数形式是什么?

course 的复数是 courses



open courses可以翻译为讲座吗

open courses英 [u02c8u0259u028apu0259n u02c8ku0254u02d0su026az]美 [u02c8ou028apu0259n u02c8ku0254u02d0rsu026az]释义:开放课程;公开课举例:1.These open courses cover a wide range of subjects, from history to politics and from science to ethics.这些网络公开课内容广泛,从历史、政治、科学到伦理道德,无所不有。2.Lack of interaction: One of the disadvantages of open courses is that you cannot communicate with the professor.缺乏互动与交流:网络公开课的一大缺点便是无法与教授直接交流。3.MOOC, or Massive Online Open Courses, is one of the platforms where people can register for free and have access to all online courses provided by universities worldwide.慕课,即大规模开放的在线课程,是人们可以免费注册的平台之一。通过它,人们可以试听全球大学提供的所有线上课程。


course [英]ku0254:s[美]ku0254:rsn. 课程;航线;行动方向;一道菜vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动


course即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。当用作“路线,方向;课程,科目;方针,做法”等时,为可数名词。当用作“过程,进程”时,为不可数名词。第三人称单数: courses复数: courses现在分词: coursing过去式: coursed 扩展资料   例句:   The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study.   课程的`内容取决于学生愿意学什么。   What is the best course of action in the circumstances?   在这种情况下最佳行动方针是什么?   This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed.   这门课的设计思路是让学生自己掌握进度。


course是一门课程。比如说语文,数学。 session是一段时间,可以是一节课,也可以不是。 lesson是一节课,更准确的说,是一节课的内容。 this term i"m taking five courses->这学期我上五门课, today"s lesson will be on grammar. the session will take place in room 101今天的课讲的是语法。这堂课将在101室上。


curriculum 不是很常用,在特定环境下用,例如 curriculum vitaecourse一般指特定的可能,如take the financial coursecourse指全部课程curriculum暗指纲内课程course 英[ku0254:s] 美[ku0254:rs] n. 课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜; vt. 快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐; vi. 沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动; [例句]Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。[其他] 第三人称单数:courses 复数:courses 现在分词:coursing过去式:coursed curriculum 英[ku0259u02c8ru026akju0259lu0259m] 美[ku0259u02c8ru026akju0259lu0259m] n. 全部课程,课程; [例句]There should be a broader curriculum in schools for post-16-year-old pupils学校对16岁以上的学生开设的课程,范围应该更广一些。[其他] 复数:curricula

fenner school courses 什么意思





Of course he was a plain pro-nazi . 当然,他是个不折不扣的亲纳粹派。 Of course i knew them both directly . 我当然一下子就认出了他们两个。 Of course it concerns neither of them . 双方自然都没有把自己摆进去。 It was , of course , within my right to do so . 我当然有权利这样做。 Lassitude occurs early in the course of the disease . 病初出现疲倦。 Each course created only a partial man . 每种道路产生的只是片面的人。 Our course must thwart those designs . 我们的方针是必须挫败那种企图。 The ship is holding a southeasterly course . 船只继续朝东南方向航行。 This is of course still the essential method . 这当然仍是本质的方法。 Can i sign up for this course in advance ? 我能事先申请上这一课程吗? What is the best course of action we can take ? 我们采取什么办法最好? It was pke a course in bull-fighting . 好象是一场斗牛的示范教程。 The checks are all good, of course . 当然,这些支票是完全有效的。 The continental drama ran its course . 欧洲大陆的形势继续演变著。 The garden neighbors on a golf course . 那花园与高尔夫球场相邻。 Gasopne , of course , must be saved in consumption . 汽油还是省著用吧。 Berenice had taken a nurse"s course . 白丽莱茜参加了一个护士班。 We have three courses of action to take . 我们从三方面著手行动。 What would be mr. carson"s course ? 卡逊先生会要采取什么行动呢? Winterborne pursued his own course homeward . 维恩特波恩踏上了回家的路。 What is the future course of the earth ? 地球将来的去向是什么? Regular procedures would take their course . 程序将按常规进行。 The best course is to let them alone . 最好的办法就是让他们一意孤行去吧。 Of course he chanted with the rest . 当然,他也和大家一起高喊。 They train technical cardres in short course . 他们办短训班培养技术干部。 The courses and topsails are set . 下桁大横帆和中桅帆均已扬起。 This is a normal course of exit out of the lung . 这是排出肺外的正常过程。 Of course his parents became terribly worried . 不用说,他的双亲万分忧虑。 The fever must run its course . 这种热病要经过一定过程才会好。 "of course the man"s a pedant. " “没错,他是个迂腐的家伙。” Of course she"ll fprt with anybody . 当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。 We of course wanted to recapture burma . 我们当然想收复缅甸。 The course of true love never did run *** ooth . 真正的爱情总不是一帆风顺的。 The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course . 船队开始顺风向北航行。 I"m as old as the hills, of course . 当然啦,我早已老态龙钟。 He shaved every day, of course . 他每天都刮胡子,这毫无疑问。 It is designed as a textbook for a one-term course . 它可用作一学期的教材。 The college offers courses in a variety of trades . 该学院开设多种职业课程。 No doubt nature took its course . 毫无疑问,事情就按照自然发展的规律发生了。 Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics . 第一种课程大量应用量子力学。


course的意思有:1、作为n:课程;(有关某学科的系列)讲座;过程,进程,经过;(船或飞机的)航向;所经之路,道路,航线;河道;方针,总方向;行动方式,处理方式;一道菜;比赛场地;高尔夫球场,跑马场;江河流向;疗程;系列,连续;(砖、石等墙的)层;月经,月经期;追踪狩猎;(大)横帆2、作为v:奔流,快速地流动;(感情、思想)涌动;沿特定路线行进;(用猎犬)追猎(兔子);迅速越过(或穿过);(使)追;砌(砖)成层,铺(石子、木条)成层第三人称单数: courses复数: courses现在分词: coursing过去式: coursed例句:1、He radioed the pilot to change course .他用无线电通知飞行员改变航向。2、There are various courses open to us.我们有多种处理方法可采取。3、The college runs specialist language courses .这所学院开设有专门语言课程。4、She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course.她在最后一个直道上被超过。


course [英] [k__ (r)s] [美] [k__ (r)s]。1.We often follow the savoury course with a sweet course.我们常常吃了开胃的菜,接着就吃甜的菜。2.The course of the argument suddenly changed.辩论的方向忽然改变了。3.Richard chucked in his cultural studies course.理查德放弃了文化研究课程。4.We offer accounting as a subsidiary course.我们开设会计课,作为副修课程。5.Schools are piloting the new maths course.学校正试用新的数学教程。6.The country club has a golf course.该地区俱乐部拥有高尔夫球场。7.This college individualizes its course of study.这所学院设有特殊的课程。8.He lapped the course in three minutes.他用三分钟跑完全程。9.What courses are most students opting for?多数学生选什么课程?10.Yesterday, Rimula experienced a solid start-up course.昨天,劲霸经历了坚实的创业历程。11.Originality outcrops in the course of planning.创造能力在拟定计划的过程中显露出来。


coursen.课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜vt.快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐vi.沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动复数: courses过去式: coursed现在分词: coursing第三人称单数: courses


course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)siz] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)siz] n. 科目;进程;课程;方针 vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐 vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动 [例句]The war continued to run its course.战争,还在按其进程发展着。


course 英[ku0254:s] 美[ku0254:rs] n. 课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜; vt. 快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐; vi. 沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动; [例句]Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。[其他] 第三人称单数:courses 复数:courses 现在分词:coursing过去式:coursed


course[英][ku0254:s][美][ku0254:rs]n.课程; 航线; 行动方向; 一道菜; vt.快速地流动; 奔流; 跑过; 追逐; vi.沿…(方向)前进; 指引航线; 快跑; 迅速移动; 第三人称单数:courses复数:courses现在进行时:coursing过去式:coursed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Pickard"s largest course had 120,000 students. 皮卡德参加的最大规模课程足有120,000名学生。


course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)s] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)s] n. 科目;进程;课程;方针 vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐 vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动 [例句]The war continued to run its course.战争,还在按其进程发展着。2.Find a summer course. 参加一个夏日课程。3.We must chart a more centered course. 我们必须保持更为中间的路线。4.Forgives me for encouraging the full course of treatment. 会不会原谅我在整个治疗过程中的推波助澜。5.Certainly enough for a full management course! 这些问题简直够上一整套的管理课了!


course 英[ku0254u02d0(r)s] 美[ku0254u02d0(r)s]n. 科目;进程;课程;方针vt. 快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐vi. 沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动短语搭配offer courses 开设课程 ; 开课Culture Courses 文化课 ; 文化课程optional courses 进修课 ; 选修课程 ; 选修课 ; 选项课short courses 短期课程 ; 短课程 ; 短期班 ; 短训班Issue Courses 专题课程advanced courses 高级课程 ; 国家精品课程 ; 成长课程Chinese Courses 中文课程 ; 语文课 ; 语文课程taking courses 修读 ; 上课[例句]1.The war continued to run its course.战争,还在按其进程发展着。2.Find a summer course.参加一个夏日课程。3.We must chart a more centered course.我们必须保持更为中间的路线。4.Forgives me for encouraging the full course of treatment.会不会原谅我在整个治疗过程中的推波助澜。5.Certainly enough for a full management course!这些问题简直够上一整套的管理课了!

汉译英:1这个学期她选修了英语、计算机、和驾驶三门课程(take a course)

she take three optional courses this term namely English ;computer and driving!


下载一个随身译 将单词输入进去 就有发音 记得黑好评哟

attend lessons 和 take courses的区别

区别是:attend lessons比take courses更为正式,attend lessons强调上课的过程,take courses强调选课和听课。例句辨析:attend lessons1、We are obliged to attend all lessons. 我们必须出勤所有的课。2、Membership to the school is open to all those who attend the lessons and support school activities. 学校的人事乐意为那些来上课及支持学校活动的人服务。3、Hence, I would recommend for those of our students who have not had the chanceto attend their lessons, to enlist in the next course. 所以,我推荐我们的同学们,如果你们还没有这个机会上他们的课,应该去报名,参加下个短训班。take courses1、This fall, Quinlan will begin asking international students to take courses onbusiness communication and U.S. classroom customs. 今年秋季,昆兰商学院将开始要求外国留学生修商务沟通和美国课堂惯例方面的课程。2、So a lot of students in Princeton take courses in engineering school under the aegisof the Keller Center. 普林斯顿的很多学生都选了,工程学院的课程,而工程学院正是由Keller中心赞助的。3、Students from one institution may take courses at the others. 来自其中一个机构的学生可以参加另外两个机构的课程。

英语中course 是什么意思



りんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai刑务所で食べたら さらにうまいkeimushode tabetara sarani umai野良犬は噛む どうせまた噛むnorainuwa kamu douse mata kamu腕まくりして こっちから噛ますude makuri shite kocchi kara kamasuバイトの面接 准备万端baito no mensetsu junbi bantan准备だけやって応募してないjunbi dake yatte oubo shite nai若手の顷の自分を见てるようでwakate no korono jibunwo miteru youde可爱がりつつ出る杭打つkawaigari tsutsuderu kuiutsuほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai「あいつ本当にめっちゃいい奴。」とaitsu hontou ni meccha ii yatsu to言ってる奴がめっちゃ嫌な奴itteru yatsuga meccha iya na yatsuこの世界を救ったヒーローもkono sekaiwo sukutta hi-ro-mo一部の人には好かれてないichibu no hito niwa sukarete naiネットで検索 携帯プランを贤く选んでnettode kensaku keitai puranwo kashikoku erandeソシャゲ课金で月200万soshage kakinde tsuki nihyakuman平身低头 诚心诚意 谢りながらheishinteitou seishinseii ayamari nagara巨大な斧を担いでるカスkyodai na onowo katsuideru kasuほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai深夜头上にたまってるガスshinya zujou ni tamatteru gasuまったりムードで重罪科すmattari mu-dode juuzaikasu天竺着いても なんにもないtenjiku tsuitemo nannimo naiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no mirai.comりんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai刑务所で食べたら さらにうまいkeimushode tabetara sarani umaiりんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai死刑の前なのに やはりうまいshikei no mae nanoni yahari umaiほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai深夜头上にたまってるガスshinya zujou ni tamatteru gasuまったりムードで重罪科すmattari mu-dode juuzaikasu天竺着いても なんにもないtenjiku tsuitemo nannimo naiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no miraiほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai元気はないけど生きていますgenkiwa naikedo ikite imasuほんのり うすら笑っていますhonnori usura waratte imasu何にもないけど ちょっと期待nannimo naikedo chotto kitaiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no



Courses/cm 、Wales/cm 是什么意思





courses可以当"菜"的意思? 可以的 ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点选【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步! 悲歌可以当泣,远望可以当归的意思 悲歌可以当泣:唱一支哀歌用来当作哭泣 远望可以当归:眺望着远方用来当作回还。 译文: 悲歌一曲代替思家的哭泣, 登高望远权当回到了故乡。 get和make都可以当"使.变得"的意思,但它们有区别吗? get+形容词 make *** sth + 形容词 apples可以当成苹果汁的意思吗? 不可以 apples 是苹果的复数 apple juice 苹果汁 严格意义来讲,oranges 也不是橙汁的意思 是橙子的复数 orange juice 是橙汁 如果别人问你 what kind of juice you wanna drink? 你可以回答 oranges 作契以代绳,造纸以当策"的意思? 古代在龟甲、兽骨上灼刻文字和灼刻文字用的刀具,皆称契中国古代用竹片或木片记事著书,成编的叫做策 这样就好解释了:制作龟甲在上面刻字来代替结绳记事,发明纸张来代替竹简。 法语问题:clair可以当"聪明"的意思讲吗? 没有这个意思的,但是avoir l"esprit clair 是头脑清楚思路敏捷的意思 聪明的可以用intelligent 信手捻来可以当不在乎的意思吗 信手拈来可以这么想,但主要是褒义居多。必要时可以褒词贬用 "宁可以急相弃邪"的意思? 怎么可以因为(事态)的紧急而抛弃(他们)呢? 三国时,名士华歆、王朗曾经一起乘船避贼。王朗不顾华歆反对,多载一人逃难,后来,贼人眼看要追到了,王朗就想把那人甩了,不料华歆却反对说:“既已纳其自托,宁可以急相弃邪?”(《世说新语·德行》) "允许"是不是“可以”的意思? 允许——可以当及物动词用,也就是说允许后面可以跟宾语,如:允许学生犯错误。而可以就不能跟宾语,也就是说它是个不及物动词。本来可以是一个复合型的词,也就是说可以(之),这里的可就是允许的意思,以是对允许的一个补充。 第二点,允许可当名词用,如,这事得到了他的允许。 从结构说,允许作动词时,后面一般是要跟一个兼语式的句型。如:我不允许他侮辱我的人格。允许后面的他就是个兼语,即是允许的承受者,也是侮辱的发出者 来源网路。 什么字可以代表"你"的意思 若 汝 尔 乃 彼 伊 君


course和curriculum都有课程的意思,但它们的范围是不一样的。course的范围较小,curriculum则相反。举个例子来说,教育学和教育心理学都同属于一组主题相关的课程(curriculum),但它们各自又分别是独立的一门课程(course),由各种不同类型的教学内容组成(如视频,文档,展示等)。总而言之,a curriculum是由各种courses组成的。

courses 的汉语翻译


美国留学网申的current year courses要怎么填?

current year courses = 你今年的课程course level = 课程程度(不一定是大一就100或1000,看具体学校)credit value = 学分



courses怎么读 英语courses怎么读

1、courses英[u02c8ku0254u02d0su026az]美[u02c8ku0254u02d0rsu026az],n.(有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座; (大学中要进行考试或取得资格的)课程; (船或飞机的)航向,航线;v.快速地流动; 奔流。 2、[例句]There were only three of us on the advanced course.只有我们三人学高级课程。


n.课程;(有关某学科的系列)讲座;过程,进程,经过;(船或飞机的)航向;所经之路,道路,航线;河道;方针,总方向;行动方式,处理方式;一道菜;比赛场地;高尔夫球场,跑马场;江河流向;疗程;系列,连续;(砖、石等墙的)层;月经,月经期;追踪狩猎;(大)横帆v.奔流,快速地流动;(感情、思想)涌动;沿特定路线行进;(用猎犬)追猎(兔子);迅速越过(或穿过);(使)追;砌(砖)成层,铺(石子、木条)成层第三人称单数: courses复数: courses现在分词: coursing过去式: coursed





女生开,奥迪A3,奔驰ACLASS,mini countryman,甲壳虫各自优点,哪个性价比更高

开这种车反正有钱,,建议MINI MINI最适合女性开


course[英][ku0254u02d0(r)s][美][ku0254u02d0(r)s]n.课程;航线;行动方向;一道菜vt.快速地流动;奔流;跑过;追逐vi.沿…(方向)前进;指引航线;快跑;迅速移动复数: courses双语例句1.There were only three of us on the advanced course.只有我们三人学高级课程。2.For this course, you need two GCE Advanced Level passes.要学这个学程,就须要通过普通教育证书两门学科的高级证书考试。3.You need three A levels to get onto this university course.你要参加这个大学教程,就需要通过三科高级证书考试。4.a two-year diploma course二年制的文凭课程5.You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your universitycourse.读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。


cover是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。例子:Snow covered the ground.积雪覆盖了大地。The talks are expected to cover other topics too.会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。The dictionary"s articles cover a wide range of topics.这本字典的文章包含各种各样的话题。 扩展资料 cover是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。例子:Snow covered the ground.积雪覆盖了大地。The talks are expected to cover other topics too.会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。


cover的八种意思:n.封面;盖子;套子;表面v.覆盖;涉及;包含;掩护;给…保险。基本字义:cover;英["ku028cvu0259] 美["ku028cvu025a]。vt.包括;采访,报导;涉及。n.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物;幌子,借口。vi.覆盖;代替。n.(Cover)人名;(英)科弗;(意)科韦尔。双语例句:1.Cover the casserole with a tight-fitting lid.用大小合适的盖子盖住砂锅。2.His finger went up to touch the black patch which covered his left eye.他伸手去触摸遮住左眼的黑眼罩。3.The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky.云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。4.The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears or plums.你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。5.It would not be easy to cover ten miles on that amount of petrol.就那么点儿汽油很难开10英里。


听音乐是不少人休闲时刻的一大爱好,而网易云音乐是原创音乐爱好者们的汇聚地。在网易云里,很多歌曲都有多个版本,每个版本的歌曲都是由不同的歌手演唱。在很多歌曲名字后面,经常会出现一个叫cover”的英文单词。不论是热门歌曲还是冷门歌曲,统统都有cover”。那究竟cover是什么意思呢? 歌曲cover什么意思? 英文里的cover”作为名词时,可翻译为覆盖物、 躲避处、封面”。而在网易云歌曲里,cover”的意思是自翻唱”cover”后面的人名,是歌曲原唱者,或者是翻唱的底稿模型。 音乐上最早的翻唱仅仅是对歌曲的重复演唱,并未有编曲和歌词上的更改。不过最近几年里,不少歌手乐于在翻唱上突破自己,将歌曲在原版的基础上更具个人风格的改编。还有的翻唱歌手会在保留部分音轨的基础上,抠掉一些弹奏或演唱,用自己演奏或演唱的部分覆盖上去。 在翻唱里,也有一些丝毫不逊于原版歌曲的新作品。比如王嘉尔版的《该死的温柔》,在引用了了马天宇版本的副歌旋律的基础上,使用了新的编曲,还加入了新地rap歌词,演绎出了和原版完全不同的情感。如今,网易云上很多歌手cover的都是王嘉尔的版本。 盘点cover率超高的热门歌曲: 1、《渡我不渡她》:由孤独诗人演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的副歌以及独白格外动人,曾被孟颖、王玖、李三词、陈浩南等歌手翻唱过。 2、《沙漠骆驼》:由展展与罗罗演唱,是被抖音带红的一首网络神曲,曾被澪恩、赵大雄、黑崎子、熙兮兮兮等人翻唱过。 3、《来自天堂的魔鬼》,由邓紫棋发表的一首老歌,在2019年通过抖音走红后,先后曾被萧忆情Alex、黑崎子、魏子傲、王若伊等人翻唱过。 4、《小了白了兔》歌曲由叶洛洛担任原唱,因为歌词和旋律朗朗上口,传唱度高,短时间里获得了很多翻唱次数。江小白、朱博文、将军、青橙、萱萱、曲画鸢都曾翻唱过这首歌。

cover怎么读 英语cover怎么读

1、cover英[u02c8ku028cvu0259(r)]美[u02c8ku028cvu0259r],v.掩蔽; 遮盖; 盖; 覆盖; 撒上,洒上,溅上(一层液体、尘土等);n.覆盖物; 掩蔽物; 套子; 罩子; 躲避处; 避难所; 庇护所; (书刊的)封面,封皮。 2、例句:Water covers a large proportion of the earths surface. 水覆盖了地球表面的大部分。


cover charge ph. (夜总会等处)附加费,服务费cover crop 护田,肥田的农作物,覆盖作物cover girl 封面女郎 cover ground 旅行,涉及=cover the groundcover in 完全盖住cover letter 附信cover note 临时保单,保险证书,暂保书,承保单cover story 封面故事,表面理由,(杂志)封面报道cover up v.(完全)盖住;遮住;裹住,掩盖,包庇,掩饰,掩护cover-up n.掩饰;掩盖;掩饰手段,罩衫


cover作为庇护所是不可数的。cover是英语单词,词性为动词和名词,意为“遮盖,掩蔽,涉及,包含,洒土;覆盖物,避难所,掩护,封面”。不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西。 cover的用法 动词: cover的基本意思是“覆盖,遮盖”,既可表示无意地将某物放在某一物的上面,也可表示有意地隐藏、遮掩。有时还可表示包含、包括、概括。 cover可引申表示“走完(一段路程)”“够付(费用)”“(大炮、堡垒等的)射程能达到”“能控制”“用枪对准(某人)”。 cover是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 名词: cover作名词时,其基本意思是“盖子”“套子”“覆盖物”,指某具体事物的掩蔽物或外套,引申还可指书等的“封皮”“封面”,是可数名词。 cover也可作“隐藏物”“躲避处”解,是把事物隐藏起来以确保安全的保护物,它既可指野生动物找到的树丛等天然的躲避处,也可指阻挡袭击的物体、房屋等,引申可表示“幌子”“伪装”,指隐瞒非法事物、秘密等的手段或指虚假的身份;也可表示为“掩蔽”“掩护”,作此解时只用作单数形式。 cover还可作“(一副)餐具,餐席(位)”解,cover用复数形式,其前加定冠词the,特指“毯子”“被子”。

cover是什么意思 解析cover一词的含义?

The snow covered the ground. (雪覆盖了地面。)Cover还可以作为动词,表示“掩护、包庇”。例如:I love the cover of this album. (我喜欢这张唱片的封面。)Cover还可以指代“封面、封皮”,表示一本书、杂志、唱片等物品的表面。例如:2. 封面、封皮1. 覆盖、遮盖




cover 的八种意思及用法参考如下:cover 的八种意思:n.封面;盖子;套子;表面v.掩蔽;遮盖;盖;覆盖;撒上,洒上,溅上一层液体、尘土等n.覆盖物;掩蔽物;套子;罩子;躲避处;避难所;庇护所;书刊的封面,封皮第三人称单数:covers;复数:covers;现在分词:covering;过去式:covered;过去分词:covered cover的用法 。v.动词cover 的基本意思是“覆盖,遮盖”,既可表示无意地将某物放在某一物的上面,也可表示有意地隐藏、遮掩。有时还可表示包含、包括、概括。cover可引申表示“走完一段路程”“够付费用”“大炮、堡垒等的射程能达到”“能控制”“用枪对准某人”。cover 是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。n.名词 cover 作名词时,其基本意思是“盖子”“套子”“覆盖物”,指某具体事物的掩蔽物或外套,引申还可指书等的“封皮”“封面”,是可数名词。cover 也可作“隐藏物”“躲避处”解,是把事物隐藏起来以确保安全的保护物,它既可指野生动物找到的树丛等天然的躲避处,也可指阻挡袭击的物体、房屋等,引申可表示“幌子”“伪装”,指隐瞒非法事物、秘密等的手段或指虚假的身份;也可表示为“掩蔽”“掩护”,作此解时只用作单数形式。cover 还可作“一副餐具,餐席位”解,cover 用复数形式,其前加定冠词 the,特指“毯子”“被子”。




【 #英语资源# 导语】cover有封面;盖子;套子;表面等意思,那么你知道cover的用法吗?下面跟着 考 网一起来学习关于cover的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】cover的用法   cover的用法1:cover的基本意思是“覆盖,遮盖”,既可表示无意地将某物放在某一物的上面,也可表示有意地隐藏、遮掩。有时还可表示包含、包括、概括。   cover的用法2:cover可引申表示“走完(一段路程)”“够付(费用)”“(大炮、堡垒等的)射程能达到”“能控制”“用枪对准(某人)”。   cover的用法3:cover是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   cover的用法4:cover作名词时,其基本意思是“盖子”“套子”“覆盖物”,指某具体事物的掩蔽物或外套,引申还可指书等的“封皮”“封面”,是可数名词。   cover的用法5:cover也可作“隐藏物”“躲避处”解,是把事物隐藏起来以确保安全的保护物,它既可指野生动物找到的树丛等天然的躲避处,也可指阻挡袭击的物体、房屋等,引申可表示“幌子”“伪装”,指隐瞒非法事物、秘密等的手段或指虚假的身份; 也可表示为“掩蔽”“掩护”,作此解时只用作单数形式。   cover的用法6:cover还可作“(一副)餐具,餐席(位)”解, cover用复数形式,其前加定冠词the,特指“毯子”“被子”。 【篇二】cover的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   cover against (v.+prep.)   cover for (v.+prep.)   cover in1 (v.+adv.)   cover in2 (v.+prep.)   cover over (v.+adv.)   cover up (v.+adv.)   cover with (v.+prep.)   用作名词 (n.)   break cover   cover girl   read from cover to cover   take cover   under cover   under (the) cover of 【篇三】cover的用法例句   Just play it safe, cover your ass, keep your head down.   要谨慎行事,保护好自己并保持低调。   2. Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy.   把水果和坚果放进罐子里,用白兰地酒浸泡。   3. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.   我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。   4. The cashier dived for cover when a gunman opened fire.   出纳员在持枪歹徒开枪时冲向藏身处。   5. A cheap table can be transformed by an interesting cover.   一块趣味盎然的桌布就能使一张廉价桌子面目一新。   6. Shoppers took cover behind cars as police marksmen returned fire.   警方的射击手开火回击时,购物者们躲在汽车后面。   7. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside.   高速公路的实际覆盖面积还不到农村地区的0.1%。   8. He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.   他戴帽以遮斑秃。   9. Lean the plants against a wall and cover the roots with peat.   把植物靠墙摆放,用泥煤盖住根部。   10. Those figures might not even cover the cost of breakages.   那笔钱甚至都不够赔偿破损费。   11. The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry.   《牛津化学初级读本》丛书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。   12. Robinson was sent to Italy to cover the 1990 World Cup.   鲁宾逊被派到意大利报道1990年的世界杯比赛。   13. Cover with plastic film and refrigerate for 24 hours.   覆上保鲜膜,冷藏24小时。   14. Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover.   查尔斯点燃了导火索,他们便赶紧四处躲避。   15. Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her?   她为什么要包庇想要杀她的人呢?
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