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练习图像几何校正(Geometric Correction)

几何校正就是将图像数据投影到平面上,使其符合地图投影系统的过程。而将地图坐标系统赋予图像数据的过程,称为地理参考(Geo-referencing)。由于所有地图投影系统都遵从于一定的地图坐标系统,所以几何校正过程包含了地理参考过程。1.几何校正计算模型(Geometric Correction Model)ERDAS提供的图像几何校正计算模型有10种,具体功能如表5-1所列。表5-1 几何校正计算模型与功能注:DPPDB——Digital Point Positioning Data Base。以资源卫星图像校正为例,介绍的是以已经具有地理参考的SPOT图像为基础,进行Landsat TM图像校正过程。2.图像几何校正步骤(Geometric Correction Process)(1)显示图像文件在Viewer #1中打开需要校正的Landsat TM图像:tmAtlanta.img;在Viewer#2中打开作为地理参考的校正过的SPOT图像:panAtlanta.img,如图5-11所示。图5-11 打开两幅图像后的窗口图5-12 Set Geo Correction Input File对话框(2)启动校正模块(Geometric Correction Tool)在ERDASIMAGINE系统中进行图像几何校正,通常有两种途径启动几何校正模块。ERDAS图标面板菜单条:Main→Data Preparation→Image Geometric Correction,打开Set Geo Correction Input File对话框(图5-12);ERDAS图标面板工具条:点击DataPrep图标→Image Geometric Correction,打开SetGeo Correction Input File对话框(图5-12)。图5-13 Viewer Selection Instiuctions指示器点击Select Viewer,出现Viewer Selection Instiuctions指示器窗口(图5-13),左键点击Viewer #1窗口下打开的tmAtlanta.img文件,出现Set Geometric Model几何校正模型对话框(图5-14),选择Polynomial多项式变换(同时做投影变换)数学模型,同时出现Geo Correction Tools [图5-15(a)]和Polynomial Model Properties对话框[图5-15(b)],Polynomial Order改为2,定义投影参数(Projection)(略);点击Apply,close,出现GCPTool Reference Setup对话框(图5-16)。选择视窗采点模式:Existing Viewer,单击OK,自动打开Viewer Selection Instiuctions指示器(图5-13),在显示作为地理参考图像panAtlanta.img的Viewer#2中点击左键,打开Reference MapInformation提示框(图5-17)(显示参考图像的投影信息),点击 OK(关闭Reference Map Information提示框)。整个屏幕将自动变化为如图5-18所示的状态:其中包含两个主视窗、两个放大窗口、两个关联方框(分别位于两个视窗中,指示放大窗口与主视窗的关系)、控制点工具对话框、几何校正工具等。表明控制点工具被启动,进入控制点采集状态。图5-14 Set Geometric Model对话框图5-15 (a)Geo Correction tools对话框图5-15 (b)Polynomial Model Properties对话框图5-16 GCP Tool ReferenceSetup对话框图5-17 Reference Map Information对话框图5-18 Reference Map Information窗口说明:该实例是采用视窗采点模式,作为地理参考的SPOT图像已经含有投影信息,所以,这里不需要定义投影参数。如果不是采用视窗采点模式,或者参考图像没有包含投影信息,则必须在这里定义投影信息,包括投影类型及其对应的投影参数。其中,多项式模型(Polynomia1)属于一种近似校正方法,在卫星图像校正过程中应用较多。校正时先根据多项式的阶数,在影像中选取足够数量的控制点,建立影像坐标与地面坐标的关系式,再将整张影像进行转换。在调用多项式模型时,需要确定多项式的次方数(Polynomial 0rder),一般多用低阶多项式(三次以下),以避免高阶方程数值不稳定的状况。此外各阶多项式所需控制点的数量,除满足要求的最少控制点数外,一般还需额外选取一定数量的控制点,以使用最小二乘平差求出较为合理的多项式系数。最少控制点数计算公式为(t+1)×(t+2)/2,其中t为次方数,即1次方方程最少需要3个控制点,2次方最少需要6个控制点,3次方需要10个控制点,依次类推。此校正方式会受到影像面积及高程变化程度的影响,如果影像范围不大且高程起伏不明显,校正后的精度一般会满足需求,反之则精度会明显降低。因此多项式模型一般适用于平地或精度要求相对较低的校正处理。(3)采集地面控制点(Ground Control Point)在图像几何校正过程中,采集控制点是一项非常重要和相当繁重的工作,具体过程如下:1)在GCP工具对话框中点击Select GCP图标 ,进入GCP选择状态;2)在GCP数据表中将输入GCP的颜色(Color)设置为比较明显的红色;3)在Viewer#1中移动关联方框位置,寻找明显的地物特征点,作为输入GCP;4)在GCP工具对话框中点击Create GCP图标 ,在Viewer#1中点击左键定点,并在Viewer #2中点击左键定点,GCP数据表将记录一个输入GCP,包括其编号、标识码、X坐标、Y坐标:5)不断重复上述步骤,采集若干GCP,直到满足所选几何校正模型为止(图5-19)。关于GCP工具对话框,还需要说明几点:(a)输入控制点(Input GCP)是在原始文件视窗中采集的,具有原文件的坐标系统;而参考控制点(Reference GCP)是在参考文件视窗中采集的,具有已知的参考坐标系统,GCP工具将根据对应点的坐标值自动生成转换模型。(b)在GCP数据表中,残差(Residuals)、中误差(RMS)、贡献率(Contribution)及匹配程度(Match)等参数,是在编辑GCP的过程中自动计算更新的,用户是不可以任意改变的,但可以通过精确GCP位置来调整。图5-19 GCP Tool对话框与GCP数据表(c)每个IMG文件都可以有一个GCP数据集与之相关联,GCP数据集保存在一个栅格层数据文件中;如果IMG文件有一个GCP数据集存在的话,只要打开GCP工具,GCP点就会出现在视窗中。(d)所有的输入GCP都可以直接保存在图像文件中(Save Iiput),也可以保存在控制点文件中(Save InputAs)。如果是保存在文件中,调用的方法如(c)所述,如果是保存在GCP文件中,可以通过加载调用(Load Input)。(e)参考GCP也可以类似地保存在参考图像中(Save Reference)或 GCP文件中(Save Reference As),便于以后调用。(f)本实验所选的控制点为6个,实际实验的时候可以选择3个控制点,学生容易在一节课之内完成,更多控制点的实现可以安排在课下作业。(4)采集地面检查点以上所采集的GCP的类型为Control Point(控制点),用于控制计算、建立转换模型及多项式方程。下面所要采集的GCP的类型均是Check(检查点),用于检验所建立的转换方程的精度和实用性。依然在GCP Tool对话框状态下:1)在GCP Tool菜单条中确定GCP类型:Edit→Set Point Type→Check。2)在GCP Tool菜单条中确定 GCP匹配参数(Matching Parameter):Edit→Point Matching→打开GCP Matching对话框(图5-20)。图5-20 GCP Matching对话框在GCP Matching对话框中,需要定义下列参数:①匹配参数(Matching Parameters);②最大搜索半径(Max.Search Radius)为3;③搜索窗口大小(Search Window Size):X:5Y:5;④约束参数(Threshold Parameters):设相关阈值(Correlation Threshold):0.8;⑤删除不匹配的点(Discard Unmatched Point):Active。3)在匹配所有/选择点(Match All/Selected Point)选项组中设从输入到参考(Reference from Input)或从参考到输入(Input from Reference)。4)Close(关闭GCPMatching对话框)。5)确定地面检查点:在GCP Tool工具条中选择Create GCP图标,并将Lock图标打开,锁住Create GCP功能,如同选择控制点一样,分别在Viewer #l和Viewer #2中定义5个检查点,定义完毕后点击Unlock图标,解除Create GCP功能。6)计算检查点误差:在GCP Tool工具条中点击Compute Error图标,检查点的误差就会显示在GCP Tool的上方,只有所有检查点的误差均小于一个像元(Pixel),才能继续进行合理的重采样。一般来说,如果你的控制点(GCP)定位选择比较准确的话,检查点匹配会比较好,误差会在限差范围内。否则,若控制点定义不精确,检查点就无法匹配,误差会超标。(5)计算转换模型(Compute Transformation)在控制点采集过程中,一般是设置为自动转换计算模式,所以,随着控制点采集过程的完成,转换模型就自动计算生成,下面是转换模型的查阅过程:1)在Geo-Correction Tools对话框中点击Display Model Properties图标 ;2)打开Polynomial Model Properties(多项式模型参数)对话框见图5-15(b);3)在多项式模型参数对话框中查阅模型参数,并记录转换模型;4)Close(关闭模型特性对话框,进入图像重采样阶段)。(6)图像重采样(Resample the Image)图像重采样简介(Introduction to Image Resample)重采样过程就是依据未校正图像像元值计算生成一幅校正图像的过程,原图像中所有栅格数据层都将进行重采样。ERDAS IMAGINE提供3种最常用的重采样方法:1)Neatest Neighbor:邻近点插值法,将最邻近像元值直接赋予输出像元;2)Bilinear Interpolation:双线性插值法,用双线性方程和2×2窗口计算输出像元值;3)Cubic Convolution:立方卷积插值法,用立方方程和4×4窗口计算输出像元值;图像重采样过程(Process of Image Resample)1)首先,在Geo Correction Tool对话框中选择Image Resampl图标 。2)打开Image Resample(图像重采样)对话框。3)然后,在Image Resample对话框中,定义重采样参数:①输出图像文件名(Output File):rectify.img;②选择重采样方法(Resample Method):Nearest Neighbor;③定义输出图像范围(output Corners):ULX,ULY,LRX,LRY;④定义输出像元大小(Output CellSize):X:30.Y:30;⑤设置输出统计中忽略零值:Ignore Zero in Stats;⑥设置重新计算输出缺省值(Recalculate Output Default):SkipFactor.10。4)单击OK(关闭Image Resample对话框,启动重采样进程)。(7)保存几何校正模式(Save Rectification Mode)在Geo Correction Tools对话框中点击Exit按钮,退出图像几何校正过程,按照系统提示选择保存图像几何校正模式,并定义模式文件(*.gm),以便下次直接使用。(8)检验校正结果(Verify Rectification Result)检验校正结果的基本方法是:同时在两个视窗中打开两幅图像,其中一幅是校正以后的图像,一幅是当时的参考图像,通过视窗地理链接(Geo Link/Unlink)功能及查询光标(Inquirecursor)功能进行目视定性检验。具体过程如下:1)打开两个平铺视窗(Open and Tiletwo Viewer),视窗菜单条:File→Open→RasterOption→图像文件,ERDAS图标面板:Session→TileViewer→平铺视窗;2)建立视窗地理链接关系(Geo Link two Viewer),在Viewer #1中:按住右键→快捷菜单→GeoLink/Unlink,在Viewer #2中:点击左键,建立与Viewer #1的链接;3)通过查询光标进行检验(Check with Inquire Cursor),在Viewer #1中:按住右键→快捷菜单→InquireCursor→打开光标查询对话框,在Viewer #1中:移动查询光标,观测其在两屏幕中的位置及匹配程度,并注意光标查询对话框中数据的变化,如果满意的话,关闭光标查询对话框。

come on you spurs什么意思

你好。come on you spurs翻译成中文是:来吧,马刺。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

即使朝鲜半岛(Korean Peninsula)能实现和平,仍然有许多问题有待解决(come to)翻译标准点急

Even peace could be reached by both half of the Korean Peninsula, there"re still many issues to come

南极peninsula 和continental指哪些地方

1、南极半岛 ( Antarctic Peninsula )位于西南极洲,是南极大陆最大、向北伸入海洋最远(南纬63°)的大半岛,东西濒临威德尔海和别林斯高晋海,近海有宽广的大陆架,东侧有菲尔希纳陆缘冰。北隔970千米的德雷克海峡与南美洲相望,南接崎岖的山地和冰雪高原。南极半岛是南极大陆最温暖、降水最多的地方,年雨量可达500-600毫米,局部地方有时能达到900毫米,有“海洋性南极”之称。我国的第一个南极科考站“长城站”就在南极半岛旁的乔治王岛上。2、南极大陆(Antarctic continental)南极大陆是指南极洲除周围岛屿以外的陆地,,位于地球的最南端。面积为1239万平方千米。 南极大陆95%以上的面积为厚度惊人的冰雪所覆盖,素有“白色沙漠”之称。



come across 和meet with 有什么区别

come across means happen to meet,属于偶然遇见meet with是有准备的,安排好的


remark和comment的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、remark:评述。2、comment:议论,评论。二、用法不同1、remark:remark用作名词的意思是“话”,转化为动词表示“评论”。还可表示“注意”,有注意到某人某事物的含义。2、comment:comment的基本意思是“发表意见,提出看法”,一般是指有一定权威的人对某事或某人发表看法。comment一般用作不及物动词,后面常接介词on或upon,表示“就(某人〔某事〕)发表看法,评论(某人等)”,comment也可用作及物动词,这时后跟that从句。三、侧重点不同1、remark:更偏重于:提及,谈论,有些随意性。2、comment:仅表达 “评论、发表意见”。


remark和comment的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、remark:评述。2、comment:议论,评论。二、用法不同1、remark:remark用作名词的意思是“话”,转化为动词表示“评论”。还可表示“注意”,有注意到某人某事物的含义。2、comment:comment的基本意思是“发表意见,提出看法”,一般是指有一定权威的人对某事或某人发表看法。comment一般用作不及物动词,后面常接介词on或upon,表示“就(某人〔某事〕)发表看法,评论(某人等)”,comment也可用作及物动词,这时后跟that从句。三、侧重点不同1、remark:更偏重于:提及,谈论,有些随意性。2、comment:仅表达 “评论、发表意见”。

remark comment有什么区别

打个比方,胭脂斋点评《红楼梦》就是comment,是在读者的基础上加入到自己的理解跟想法,有点像现在的评论家对作品本身的评价;remark就相当于以前学古文的时候,文章下面的注脚,比如《论语》里面的”不亦说乎“的”说“都被解释为”通"悦‘“,这是客观的解释,古汉语的原意如此。——————————————综上所述,comment (评论)是主观的,remark(备注)是客观的。


remark和comment的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、remark:评述。2、comment:议论,评论。二、用法不同1、remark:remark用作名词的意思是“话”,转化为动词表示“评论”。还可表示“注意”,有注意到某人某事物的含义。2、comment:comment的基本意思是“发表意见,提出看法”,一般是指有一定权威的人对某事或某人发表看法。comment一般用作不及物动词,后面常接介词on或upon,表示“就(某人〔某事〕)发表看法,评论(某人等)”,comment也可用作及物动词,这时后跟that从句。三、侧重点不同1、remark:更偏重于:提及,谈论,有些随意性。2、comment:仅表达 “评论、发表意见”。

Shawn Colvin的《Tennessee》 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee歌手:Shawn Colvin专辑:Fat CityTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennessee

怎么解除三星手机开机时出现的recovery booting?

根据您的描述,该情况有可能是手机系统出现问题,建议您将手机送至就近的三星服务中心进行检测恢复。系统崩溃了,先试试硬启动:在关机状态下同时按住【音量上】、【HOME键】、【电源键】,等待屏幕亮起后即可放开,进入Recovery模式。进入recovery模式后,会出现英文选择界面,选取Wipe Data /Factory Reset确定-再选取中间一行YES--DELETE;确定。再选取Wipe Cache Partition确定一次。最后选择第一项reboot system now 重启手机即可。




重装需要的.NET framework

用友U8 V8.52破解补丁,报考会计 自学用,谢谢。

1:双击目录《用友851补丁》下的目录《ufsoft》,将目录《UFO》和目录《ZW》拷贝到C:UFSOFT目录下去(是覆盖拷贝)2:将ufcomsql目录下的kmreftbl.dll文件拷贝到C:WINDOWSsystem32UFCOMSQL中去3:点开始----运行,输入regsvr32 C:WINDOWSsystem32UFCOMSQLkmreftbl.dll,然后点”确定”,将显示” C:WINDOWSsystem32UFCOMSQLkmreftbl.dll中的DLLRegisterSERVER成功”4:点击开始---所有程序---MICROSOFT SQL SERVER下的“查询分析器”连接数据库,在对话框中输入你自己计算机的名字,在“连接使用”中选择“WINDOWS身份验证”,点“确定”。(如何知道自己计算机的名字呢?方法:在桌面上对准“我的电脑”弹右键,选择“属性”,再点“计算机名”,就可以看到“完整的计算机名称”)5:在屏幕上方的正中间有个黑箭头,点击选择“UFSYSTEM”,再点菜单“文件”下的“打开”,选择到目录《用友851补丁》下的目录《脚本》下的目录《ufsystem》下的“Sys_Data_GL_mix_94559_新会计制度”,点“打开”,再点”执行”(屏幕上方中间有个绿色的向右的三角形)6:关闭“SQL查询分析器”7:补丁打完,可以在用友建账中“行业性质”选项中选择“2007新会计制度科目”桌面有一快键方式,点击右键没有删除选项,用360修复IE不起作用,请高手帮忙解决

根据快捷方式 看看能找到目标地址吗 把源文件删除 快捷方式就可以删除了

Infostealer.Bancos 全部解释

Infostealer.BancosRisk Level 2: LowDiscovered: July 17, 2003Updated: July 19, 2003 5:15:34 PMAlso Known As: New Malware.j [McAfee], PWSteal.Bancos [Symantec]Infection Length: 911,962 bytes and 258,048 bytesSystems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows XPSUMMARYInfostealer.Bancos is a password-stealing Trojan horse. It mimics the interface of certain Brazilian banks in an attempt to collect passwords and other sensitive information from users of a compromised computer. The Trojan typically arrives as an e-mail attachment. ProtectionInitial Rapid Release version July 17, 2003 Latest Rapid Release version April 24, 2009 revision 040 Initial Daily Certified version July 17, 2003 revision 007 Latest Daily Certified version April 24, 2009 revision 032 Initial Weekly Certified release date July 23, 2003 Click here for a more detailed description of Rapid Release and Daily Certified virus definitions.Threat AssessmentWildWild Level: Low Number of Infections: 0 - 49 Number of Sites: 0 - 2 Geographical Distribution: Low Threat Containment: Easy Removal: Easy DamageDamage Level: Medium Payload: Steals sensitive information from the compromised computer. DistributionDistribution Level: Low TECHNICAL DETAILSUpon execution, the Trojan displays the following message box:Title: "BOOK COM AMOR"If the user clicks "Continuar" in the message box, the Trojan creates the following files: %System%Msvbvm60.dll %System%Winmaxy.exeAfter dropping the above files, the Trojan then executes itself. Next, the Trojan creates the following registry entry so that it executes whenever Windows starts:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun"WinMenssage" = "%System%winmaxy.exe"The Trojan then searches for the following file:C:BancoBrasilofficeIEofficeIE.CABIf the above file exists, the Trojan moves it to the following location:C:officeIE.CABThe Trojan monitors active Internet Explorer windows. When the user visits a Web site that matches the characteristics of certain Brazilian banking sites, the Trojan displays a login screen for the site. The Trojan may then send the collected information to an FTP site that is predefined by the author.REMOVALThe following instructions pertain to all current and recent Symantec antivirus products, including the Symantec AntiVirus and Norton AntiVirus product lines.Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP). Update the virus definitions. Run a full system scan. Delete any values added to the registry.For specific details on each of these steps, read the following instructions.1. To disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP)If you are running Windows Me or Windows XP, we recommend that you temporarily turn off System Restore. Windows Me/XP uses this feature, which is enabled by default, to restore the files on your computer in case they become damaged. If a virus, worm, or Trojan infects a computer, System Restore may back up the virus, worm, or Trojan on the computer.Windows prevents outside programs, including antivirus programs, from modifying System Restore. Therefore, antivirus programs or tools cannot remove threats in the System Restore folder. As a result, System Restore has the potential of restoring an infected file on your computer, even after you have cleaned the infected files from all the other locations.Also, a virus scan may detect a threat in the System Restore folder even though you have removed the threat.For instructions on how to turn off System Restore, read your Windows documentation, or one of the following articles:How to disable or enable Windows Me System RestoreHow to turn off or turn on Windows XP System RestoreNote: When you are completely finished with the removal procedure and are satisfied that the threat has been removed, reenable System Restore by following the instructions in the aforementioned documents.For additional information, and an alternative to disabling Windows Me System Restore, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Antivirus Tools Cannot Clean Infected Files in the _Restore Folder (Article ID: Q263455).2. To update the virus definitionsSymantec Security Response fully tests all the virus definitions for quality assurance before they are posted to our servers. There are two ways to obtain the most recent virus definitions:Running LiveUpdate, which is the easiest way to obtain virus definitions. If you use Norton AntiVirus 2006, Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.0, or newer products, LiveUpdate definitions are updated daily. These products include newer technology.If you use Norton AntiVirus 2005, Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 9.0, or earlier products, LiveUpdate definitions are updated weekly. The exception is major outbreaks, when definitions are updated more often.Downloading the definitions using the Intelligent Updater: The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are posted daily. You should download the definitions from the Symantec Security Response Web site and manually install them. The latest Intelligent Updater virus definitions can be obtained here: Intelligent Updater virus definitions. For detailed instructions read the document: How to update virus definition files using the Intelligent Updater.3. To run a full system scan Start your Symantec antivirus program and make sure that it is configured to scan all the files. For Norton AntiVirus consumer products: Read the document: How to configure Norton AntiVirus to scan all files.For Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise products: Read the document: How to verify that a Symantec Corporate antivirus product is set to scan all files.Run a full system scan. If any files are detected, follow the instructions displayed by your antivirus program.Important: If you are unable to start your Symantec antivirus product or the product reports that it cannot delete a detected file, you may need to stop the risk from running in order to remove it. To do this, run the scan in Safe mode. For instructions, read the document, How to start the computer in Safe Mode. Once you have restarted in Safe mode, run the scan again. After the files are deleted, restart the computer in Normal mode and proceed with the next section. Warning messages may be displayed when the computer is restarted, since the threat may not be fully removed at this point. You can ignore these messages and click OK. These messages will not appear when the computer is restarted after the removal instructions have been fully completed. The messages displayed may be similar to the following:Title: [FILE PATH]Message body: Windows cannot find [FILE NAME]. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.4. To delete the value from the registryImportant: Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before making any changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify the specified subkeys only. For instructions refer to the document: How to make a backup of the Windows registry.Click Start > Run. Type regedit Click OK.Note: If the registry editor fails to open the threat may have modified the registry to prevent access to the registry editor. Security Response has developed a tool to resolve this problem. Download and run this tool, and then continue with the removal.Navigate to and delete the following registry entry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun"WinMenssage" = "%System%winmaxy.exe"Exit the Registry Editor

be concern about和 care for的区别和用法 最好来两个例句 我是高一新生

concern about 对…表示担心/忧虑;使(自己)关心… be I concern about. 被我关注. care for 关心,照顾;喜欢 I don"t care for that colour. 我不喜欢那种颜色. I believe you must care for his educations. 我相信你肯定关心他的教育吧.




噢 我帮你找找


could/might have 可能有,语气较弱must have 必须有,语气很强should have 应该有,语气较强

一人一本刷机进入recovery模式了 Reboot system now 按哪个键确定啊?


must have come

只有must have done ,句子中的must have come 里的come是 过去分词 must have done,表示一定做了.对过去的事情进行推测 比如:He must have left.他一定已经离开了. You must have told him the secret.你一定告诉了他这个秘密.

could have/might have /must have/should have都有什么区别

1. must have done 表示对已经发生的事情的推测,意为“一定,想必”。这种结构一般只用于肯定句,其否定形式是can"t (couldn"t)have done ,表示“不可能,肯定不会”。例如: He didn"t hear the phone. He must have been asleep.2. can(could)have done表示对过去的时间内可能发生的事情的猜测,can have done 一般只用于否定句和疑问句。could have done 还可以用于肯定句,常用来表示本来可能完成而实际未完成的动作。例如: He can"t have finished the work so soon. 3may(might)have done 表示对已经发生的事情的不太肯定的推测,意为“可能已经,或许已经”。例如: If we had taken the other road , we might have arrived earlier.4needn”t have done 指实际上做了本来不必要做的事,意为“本来不必”。例如: There was plenty of time . She needn”t have hurried. 5. should (ought to )have done 指本该做而实际未做的事,意为“本来应该”。其否定式shouldn”t(oughtn”t)have done 则表示某种行为不该发生但却发生了。例如: You should have started earlier , but you didn”t.

进入手机recovery模式中reboot system now什么意思


电视机屏幕显示hdmi is removed 和hdmi is conneeted 是什么原


must i come tomorrow?的答语

答案:A;以must为首的提问句型,肯定回答用yes,you must.否定回答用no,you need not;根据上述问句Must I come before 6:30tomorrow明天我必须在6:30以前来到吗?结合给出的答案,可知答语应为:No,you needn"t,表不必;故选A.


meteor 朋友,这个答案如何?


compile:编译选定的目标,非增量编译make:编译选定的目标, 增量编译build:编译整个工程,非增量编译,往往是release版本

30 Seconds To Mars的《Hurricane》 歌词

歌曲名:Hurricane歌手:30 Seconds To Mars专辑:Hurricane 2.0 (Feat. Kanye West)30 Seconds To Mars - HurricaneAlbum∶This Is WarNo matter how many times thatyou told me you wanted to leaveNo matter how many breaths thatyou took you still couldn"t breatheNo matter how many nights did you lieWide awake to the sounds of the pausing rainWhere did you go? Where did you go?Where did you go?(Heartbeat, a heartbeat, I need a heartbeat...)Tell me would you kill to save a life?Tell me would you kill to prove you"re right?Crash, crash, burn, let it all burnThis sorry can"t change things, I so long to cryNo matter how many deaths I die, I will never forgetNo matter how many lies I live, I will never regretThere"s a fire inside, Of this heart,a riot about to explode into flamesWhere is your God? Where is your God?Where is your God?Do you really want?Do you really want me?Do you really want me deador alive to torture for myself?Do you really want?Do you really want me?Do you really want me dead or alive to live alone?Tell me would you kill to save your life?Tell me would you kill to prove you"re right?Crash, crash, burn, let it all burnThis hurricane"s chasing us all undergroundTell me would you kill to save a life?Tell me would you kill to prove you"re right?Crash, crash, burn, let it all burnThis sorry can"t change things, I so long to cryOh, oh, woahDo you really want?Do you really want me?Do you really want me dead or alive to tortue for myself?Do you really want?Do you really want me?Do you really want me dead or alive to live alone?

must i come here

B 考查:由must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答应用must,否定回答应用needn"t,句意:我必须在八点到这吗?不,你没有必要,你可以来晚一点。所以选B。

Panic! At The Disco的《Hurricane》 歌词

歌曲名:Hurricane歌手:Panic! At The Disco专辑:Vices & VirtuesAre you worth your weight in gold,Cause you"re behind my eyelids when I"m all alone.Hey! Stranger, I want ya to catch me like a cold,You and God both got the guns.When you shoot I think I "d duck.I led the revolution in my bedroomAnd I set all the zippers free.We said "no more war! no more clothes! give me peace!Oh kiss me!"Hey! Hey! we are a hurricaneDrop our anchors in a storm.HEY! they will never be the sameA fire in a flask to keep us warm.Cause they know, I knowthat they don"t look like me.Oh, they know I knowthat they don"t sound like me.You"ll dance to anything.You"ll dance to anything.Oh I"d confess, I"d confess in a room where I"m blessedBut he didn"t come and speak to meOr put my heart at easeAnd I believe that, half the timeI am a wolf among the sheepGnawing at the wool over my eyes.I led the revolution in my bedroomAnd I set all the zippers free,We said "no more war! no more clothes! give me peace!Oh kiss me!"Hey! Hey! we are a hurricaneDrop our anchors in a storm.HEY! they will never be the sameA fire in a flask to keep us warm.Cause they know, I knowthat they don"t look like me.Oh, they know I knowthat they don"t sound like me.You"ll dance to anything,You"ll dance to anything.You"ll dance to anything,You"ll dance to anything.Fix me, or conflict meI"ll take anythingFix me, or just conflict meCause I"ll take anythingHey! Hey! we are a hurricaneDrop our anchors in a storm.HEY! they will never be the sameA fire in a flask to keep us warm.Cause they know, I knowthat they don"t look like me.Oh, they know I knowthat they don"t sound like me.You"ll dance to anything,You"ll dance to anything.


construct修建路或者建筑Look at the road being constructedbuild建立Let"s build strong friendship

build up a company

build up a company是成立了一个公司 build a company是建造了一个建筑的意思

build up my confidence/build my confidence 分别?

Build up my confidence/build my confidence 分别? 你的问题又简单有难,我没依据,凭感觉说说看,你参考看看 纯就意思而言,Build my confidence = build up my confidence = build my confidence up. 这三句话感觉上第三句话最符合美式风,如 I"ll get my job done,其中第二句和第三句较有力量. 在某些场合(引伸字意不同) ”build” not = “build up”,例如: What"s the cheapest way to build(建筑) a house? Why does my freezer have frost build up(累积)? Build(建筑) + build + build = build up(累积) Build up:用上了 up之片语,大部分语都产生了正面意义, 这是单独一个build是作不到的。所以若查字典,可见Build up 大都会引伸了一些正面意义,不用去背,学习去猜,若能猜出一个,下次便能猜出三个。

Construction和built 的区别

1,construct --动词:建造,构造,创立,是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语. --名词:概念、模式或构念 例如: Something formed or constructed from parts. 用零件造型或者构建起来的东西. a theoretical construct of the atom. 原子的理论模型 2,build --建造,建筑,构造,建造,构筑;通过组合材料或部件而形成;可以是名词或者动词.当动词讲时,是及物动词,可以直接跟宾语. 比如: build a system; 构建一个系统; build a nation; 建立一个国家;

What is color? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue?Colors are...

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:A小题4:D小题5:B试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了为什么我们周围的东西看起来五颜六色?那是因为大部分物体能反射光线。通过光的反射我们就能看到不同的颜色。小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段Weseecolourbecausemostofthethingsreflectlight,我们能看到颜色因为大部分物体能反射光线。故选A小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段Ifsomethingreflectsalllight,itiswhite.如果某物反射了所有的光线那么它就是白色的。故选C小题3:推理判断题。根据第三段Themorelightistakenin,themoreheatwillbeabsorbed(吸收).Sodark-coloured clothesarewarmerinthesunthanlight–colouredclothes.描述,光线进入的多热量吸收的就多,故可以判断深颜色的衣服光线吸入更多,故选A小题4:推理判断题。根据第三段Sodark-coloured clothesarewarmerinthesunthanlight–colouredclothes.描述,深颜色的衣服在太阳底下比浅颜色的衣服热,所以夏天浅颜色的衣服凉快,故选D小题5:标题归纳题。根据短文大意可知,文章主要是围绕颜色来讲的,故选B。

What is color? Why do some ...


two,become,one 歌词

2 Become 1 歌手:Spice Girls Spice Girls2 Become 1Candle light and soul foreverA dream of you and me togetherSay you believe itSay you believe itFree your mind of doubt and dangerBe for real Don"t be a strangerWe can acheive itWe can acheive itCome a little bit closer babyGet it onGet it onCuz tonightIs the nightWhen 2 become 1I need some love like I never needed love beforeWanna make love to you babyHad a little loveNow I"m back for moreWanna make love to you babySet your spirit freeIts the only way to beSilly games that you were playing Empty words we both be sayingLets work it out boyLets work it out boyAny deal that we endevourBoys and girls go good togetherTake it or leave itTake it or leave itAre you as good as I remember babyGet it onGet it onCuz tonightIs the nightWhen 2 become 1I need some love like I never needed love beforeWanna make love to you babyHad a little loveNow I"m back for moreWanna make love to you babySet your spirit freeIts the only way to beBe a little bit wiser babyPut it onPut it onCuz tonightIs the nightWhen 2 become 1I need some love like I never needed love beforeWanna make love to you babyHad a little loveNow I"m back for moreWanna make love to you babyI need some love like I never needed love beforeWanna make love to you babyHad a little loveNow I"m back for moreWanna make love to you babySet your spirit freeIts the only way to beIts the only way to beIts the only way to be......

If the tap water were contaminated as some people think,a lot more of us would be getting sick.

a lot more== many more 加 名词复数a lot more==much more 加 不可数名词a lot more of 加 名词复数 或者不可数名词翻译:比- -- 更多的 - - - -。a lot of more (没有这样的结构)a lot of us more (没有这样的结构)more a lot of us没有这样的结构)

container-wise packing list 是什么单据?


多个柜子的订单,commercial invoice跟packing list是要一个集装箱做一份吗,还是一份总的就行了


求张天真的《作物育种学总论》和盖钧镒的《作物育种学各论》 pdf doc格式均可 邮箱


信用证 packing list contents of each package 是货物名称还是 数量


信用证上 有一条packing list in two copies 下面又一条 packing list in duplicate 怎么理解呀


在箱单(packing list)中有一个缩写英文:colli是什么意思,全拼是什么?



PACKING LIST,一般报关资料里有这个,给货代代理报关,CONTAINER LOAD是做集装箱门到门拖车司机在装好货后让工厂签字会留一份底单.

Onlyto obey nature in order to overcome nature 是什意思



PACKING LIST是装箱单,是货主出具的而CONTAINER LOAD PLAN是舱单是标明箱子中货物的运输时间、船舶、航次信息,是由船公司或者承运人出具的有的箱子是整箱货有的是拼箱货货主可能都不同,货物情况也不同。






PACKING LIST是装箱单,是货主出具的,而CONTAINER LOAD PLAN是舱单是标明箱子中货物的运输时间、船舶、航次信息,是由船公司或者承运人出具的,有的箱子是整箱货有的是拼箱货货主可能都不同,货物情况也不同。参考资料:船公司专业人员

station ,bureau,department,commission ,body ,agency 在作为机关部门讲时有什么不同?

station 是指“所” 例如 警察局 police station ,bureau是指局,办事处,分社,department是(政府、 企业、 商店、 大学等的)部, 司, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系,commission 是指公务员叙用委员会(遴选公务员的机构),body 是group of people working or acting as a unit 集体; 团体; 群体: a body of troops, supporters, people, etc 一支部队、 一群支持者、 一批人等 ,agency指 经销; 代办; 代理; 经销处; 代理处

请教改错 The news was spread throughout the country.


这 两个 英文 bureau 和 discover 怎么读 (要谐音的)


.NET中using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionStr))解释这种using用法什么意思


the colour of my love是什么意思?


the color of my llove 求翻译

我爱的颜色 i"ll paint my mood in shades of blue 用蓝色绘制我的心绪 paint my soul to be with you 画出我的灵魂伴随你 i"ll sketch your lips in shaded tones 用深色调抹出你的唇 draw your mouth to my own 将你的嘴描于我的口上 i"ll draw your arms abound my waist 画你的双臂围于我腰际 then all doubt i shall erase 于是擦去我所有烦恼 i"ll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind-blown hair 我将描绘那雨滴-轻柔的落于你风吹起的发间 i"ll trace a hand to wipe your tears 描绘一双手擦去你的泪滴 a look to calm your fears 一缕目光平定你的恐惧 a silhouette of dark and light 再画一个清浅模糊的轮廓 while we hold each other oh so tight 当我们紧紧拥在一起 i"ll paint a sun to warm your heart 绘一个太阳温暖你的心 swearing that we"ll never part 发誓我们永不分离 that"s the colour of my love 这即是我爱之色彩 i"ll paint the truth show how i feel 绘出我内心的真挚 try to make you completely real 尝试将你变为真的 i"ll use a brush so light and fine 我将用一支精美的画笔 to draw you close and make you mine 将你绘到我的跟前 i"ll paint a sun to warm your heart 绘一个太阳温暖你的心 swearing that we"ll never ever part 发誓我们永不分离 that"s the colour of my love 这即是我爱之色彩 i"ll draw the years all passing by 画出所有经历的岁月 so much to learn so much to try 得到多少 努力多少 and with this ring our lives will star 戴着这戒指 我们生命重始 swearing that we"ll never part 发誓你我永不分离 i offer what you cannot buy 我给了你无价的 devoted love untill we die 深爱——至死不渝

The Colour Of My Love 歌词

歌曲名:The Colour Of My Love歌手:Céline Dion专辑:The Colour Of My LoveThe colour of my loveI"ll paint my mood in shades of bluePaint my soul to be with youI"ll sketch your lips in shaded tonesDraw your mouth to my ownI"ll draw your arms around my waistThen all doubt I shall eraseI"ll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind-blown hairI"ll trace a hand to wipe out your tearsA look to calm your fearsA silhouette of dark and lightWhile we hold each other oh so tightI"ll paint a sun to warm your heartSwearing that we"ll never partThat"s the colour of my loveI"ll paint the truthShow how I feelTry to make you completely realI"ll use a brush so light and fineTo draw you close and make you mineI"ll paint a sun to warm your heartSwearing that we"ll never partThat"s the colour of my loveI"ll draw the years all passing bySo much to learn so much to tryAnd with this ring our lives will startSwearing that we"ll never partI offer what you cannot buyDevoted love until we die

the colour of my love 歌词

I"ll paint my mood in shades of bluePaint my soul to be with youI"ll sketch your lips in shaded tonesDraw your mouth to my ownI"ll draw your arms around my waistThen all doubt I shall eraseI"ll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind-blown hairI"ll trace a hand to wipe out your tearsA look to calm your fearsA silhouette of dark and lightWhile we hold each other oh so tightI"ll paint a sun to warm your heartSwearing that we"ll never partThat"s the colour of my loveI"ll paint the truthShow how I feelTry to make you completely realI"ll use a brush so light and fineTo draw you close and make you mineI"ll draw the years all passing bySo much to learn so much to tryAnd with this ring our lives will startI offer what you cannot buyDevoted love until we die

the color of my love的歌词翻译




the colour of my love 歌词

I"ll paint my mood in shades of bluePaint my soul to be with youI"ll sketch your lips in shaded tonesDraw your mouth to my ownI"ll draw your arms around my waistThen all doubt I shall eraseI"ll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind-blown hairI"ll trace a hand to wipe out your tearsA look to calm your fearsA silhouette of dark and lightWhile we hold each other oh so tightI"ll paint a sun to warm your heartSwearing that we"ll never partThat"s the colour of my loveI"ll paint the truthShow how I feelTry to make you completely realI"ll use a brush so light and fineTo draw you close and make you mineI"ll draw the years all passing bySo much to learn so much to tryAnd with this ring our lives will startI offer what you cannot buyDevoted love until we die

one off costs这个词组是什么意思啊?


meno mosso poco string在钢琴术语中是什么意思


meno mosso poco string在钢琴术语中是什么意思


poco meno mosso是什么意思


poco rit音乐术语是什么意思?

一点一点地渐慢的意思。速度术语:con moto——稍快的。Doppio movimento——加倍快。molto mosso——很快的。memo mosso——稍慢。molto rit——渐慢很多。molto allegro——很快的。molto adagio——很缓慢的。poco a poco rit——一点一点地渐慢。poco lento——稍慢。poco meno mosso——稍放慢的。piu Allegro——更快。piu Andante——更慢。piu moto——更快的。piu mosso——更快的。rapido——迅速的。ritardando——渐慢的。rit/ritard——渐慢的(ritardando的缩写)。

音乐术语《piu mosso con fuoco》是什么意思


找一首英文歌,高潮部分好像是 Come back 然后又什么什么away.... 是女歌手唱的。听声音是外国女歌手唱的

我听过一个男歌手唱的,有你说的那些,你也可以听听看run awawy



sourcetree中 reset master to this commit 是什么意思

reset master to this commit 重置主此提交reset master to this commit 重置主此提交


作文思路:开篇描写小草和树叶吐露了新芽,预示着春天的到来。接着描写了春雨已经万物沐浴春雨的喜悦,最后总结性的说明春天带来了希望和生机。清晨,金灿灿的太阳从东方升起,大地开出了粉红色的花朵,还发出了碧绿碧绿的小草,大树叶发出了新芽。In the early morning, the golden sun rises from the East. The earth has pink flowers, green grass and big leaves.过了一会儿,天空布满了乌云,突然,下起了淅淅沥沥的小雨,小雨落到树枝上,After a while, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Suddenly, it began to rain, and the rain fell on the branches,树枝笑弯了腰;小雨落到池塘里,小鱼乐开了花;小雨落到小溪里,小溪睁开了眼。The branch bent over with a smile; The light rain fell on the pond, and the little fish blossomed happily; The light rain fell into the stream and the stream opened its eyes.不过一会儿,小雨慢慢地停了下来,彩虹出来了,小鸟说:“彩虹五颜六色的可美了。But after a while, the light rain stopped slowly, and the rainbow came out. The bird said, "the rainbow is so colorful.”青蛙从河水里蹦到了岸上,所有的小动物们都开心极了,它们绷着跳着在嬉戏玩耍。大地也露出了美丽的笑容!”The frog jumped from the river to the bank, and all the little animals were very happy. They were playing and dancing. The earth also showed a beautiful smile!我喜欢春雨,她给我们带来了欢乐和希望!I like spring rain, she brings us joy and hope!

SourceTree正确配置SSH key之后仍然提示fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

如题,按照网上的配置SSHkey (不知道的可以百度搜索MAC Git SSH 配置)后,使用sourcetree 仍然出现如下问题: 最后总结一下, 常规配置完成后一定要执行 ssh-add id_rsa ,然后重新再试一下,妥了,下面附上完整配置SSH key流程

Poema的 Wool Coats歌词

verse 1wool coats, my mittens, and my scarvesused to be my favorite part of the winter timebut now i, oh i am far more fondof something that"s newto say this frosty weather could keep me coldwell, that"d be untrue when i"m with youchoruscause winter comes only once a yearlet"s make the most of it my dearwe"ll put up the lights, will you hold my hands? their cold as icesinging the songs we love to hearand when the night is drawing nearstay by my side and sip chocolate by the fire lightverse 2darling, oh if you ever loved mewould you dance me aroundwhat a love i"ve foundwatching it"s a wonderful life here with my best friendi could see this becoming tradition for usthis has begun the years to comechorus x2

Marco Antonio VáZquez的《Poema》 歌词

歌曲名:Poema歌手:Marco Antonio VáZquez专辑:AntologíA...Marco Antonio VazquezTrack15:Poem* (transcribed by Virgilius Sade)Teeponi yehulanyalayanlayan lanalanyala-la layanya lanlayaroua-haLara-lara lanberhnLa-la, la-la la-lanyaLalalalala-lanayaLanyaloHee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa lanvii(hee-yer-tii...)Hee-yer-tii yahaa...Hee-yaa lanvii...Hee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa yahaa...(nohaha, tiiren...)Hee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa lanviiHeyonlayani lanyaLayanrayan layan, layanLayanlalayan la-la dinan

sourceTree :报错error: RPC failed; curl 56 Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

网上很多方法都试了,但是不成功,最终这样处理。上面的这个 56 ,这个有时候是 18 ,处理方法都一样。 1、查看当前配置命令 2、 httpBuffer 加大 (即 http.postBuffer 的值,单位为 B , 1GB = 1024*1024*1000 B = 1048576000 B ): 或者 注: 4.497MB 的项目是clone成功啦,但 809MB 的项目克隆失败,设置成 2GB 后克隆成功,所以尽量设置大点。 3、压缩配置 4、修改配置文件 5、 cd 到目标文件夹下,那就先执行 6、再输入: 7、再重新终端 git clone ,就成功了。 关键点重中之重注意:为什么用终端 git clone ,不用 sourcetree ?以及具体步骤

Alberto Cortez的《Poema》 歌词

歌曲名:Poema歌手:Alberto Cortez专辑:ColeccióN Diamante: Alberto CortezTrack15:Poem* (transcribed by Virgilius Sade)Teeponi yehulanyalayanlayan lanalanyala-la layanya lanlayaroua-haLara-lara lanberhnLa-la, la-la la-lanyaLalalalala-lanayaLanyaloHee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa lanvii(hee-yer-tii...)Hee-yer-tii yahaa...Hee-yaa lanvii...Hee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa yahaa...(nohaha, tiiren...)Hee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa lanviiHeyonlayani lanyaLayanrayan layan, layanLayanlalayan la-la dinan

第一句是welcom to your life的英文歌叫什么名字?

everybody wants to rule the world.

The College of Journalism的原文 Joseph Pulitzer写的

The College of Journalismby Joseph PulitzerFrom "The College of Journalism," May 1904, North American Review.There are many political reformers among the clergy, but the pulpit as an institution is concerned with the Kingdom of Heaven, not with the Republic of America. There are many public-spirited lawyers, but the bar as a profession works for its retainers, and no law-defying trust ever came to grief from a dearth of legal talent to serve it. Physicians work for their patients and architects for their patrons. The press alone makes the public interests its own. "What is everybody"s business is nobody"s business" -- except the journalist"s; it is his by adoption. But for his care almost every reform would fall stillborn. He holds officials to their duty. He exposes secret schemes of plunder. . . . He brings all classes, all professions together, and teaches them to act in concert on the basis of their common citizenship. The Greeks thought that no republic could be successfully governed if it were too large for all the citizens to come together in one place. The Athenian democracy could all meet in the popular assembly. There public opinion was made, and accordingly as the people listened to a Pericles or to a Cleon the state flourished or declined. The orator that reaches the American democracy is the newspaper. It alone makes it possible to keep the political blood in healthful circulation in the veins of a continental republic. . . . Virtue, said Montesquieu, is the principle of a republic, and therefore a republic . . . is the hardest of all to preserve. For there is nothing more subject to decay than virtue. Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.
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