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I hope you never Iack the courage to start over again.意思是:我希望你绝不要缺失从新开始的勇气。

If winter comes will spring be far away中文意思是什么???


一首歌,高潮部分结束是循环唱一句SO BE COME FOR YOU,是一首英文哥,男生唱的,有人知道么?


come in out of the rain 歌词

歌曲名:come in out of the rain歌手:Sheryn Regis专辑:star in a million albumYou said you believed that we"dfind love together happily.And after all the wrong I"ve doneyou feel that I"m still the oneto give you love intoso bring it home to you...CHORUS:Sheryn RegisYou told me that you"d love meif I"d ever change.Welcome me into your arms again.Come on in out of the rain. Hey hey hey.there"s a place in your heart to love me again.Happiness and joy you bring.When you call my namecome on in out of the rain.I loved no one but you.But I strayed. I know I made you blue.You spoke unto my very soul.Now I"m so glad to know. No no no.(REPEAT CHORUS)Some people spen a lifetime looking for love.And I have love right here all of the time.Why did I try to deny it?Deep inside I just couldn"e find it.You turn my life around.The love I"ve lost is let the rain come down.(REPEAT CHORUS)Baby Come out of the rain...


使用 DataCombo 和 DataList 控件     DataCombo 和 DataList 控件与标准列表框和组合框控件极为相似,但有一些重要的不同之处,这种不同使这两个控件在数据库应用程序中具有极大的适应性和用武之地。这两个控件都可以被这些控件所绑定的数据库字段自动填充。此外,它们还能有选择地将一个选定的字段传递给第二个数据控件,从而适合用于创建“查找表”应用程序。     可能的用法     1.在一个关系数据库中,使用一个表的数据来提供要输入给第二个(相关的)表值。例如,在一个存货清单数据库中,供应商的名称存储在一个表中,每个供应商都有一个的标识符。另一个显示产品的表则使用这些标识符来表明是哪个供应商供应的该产品。可以使用 DataList 控件来显示供应商的名称,而(不可见地)将供应商的标识符提供给产品表。     2.允许用户通过从一个下拉列表中选择一种标准来缩小搜索范围。例如,一个销售报告的数据库应用程序可以使用一个 DataList 控件让用户选择一个州 (State) 或一个销售区域。一旦作出选择,则该选择项将自动传递给第二个数据控件,这个控件负责查找选定区域的销售记录。     与它们对应的内在控件一样,DataList 和 DataCombo 控件之间的主要不同在于 DataCombo 控件提供了一个可以在其中我内容的文本框。     详细信息 有关 DataList 和 DataCombo 控件连接数据库表能力的说明,请参阅“使用 DataCombo 和 DataList 控件连接两个表”。 要创建一个简单的使用链接表的数据库应用程序,请参阅“创建一个简单的 DataCombo 应用程序”。     值得注意的控件属性     DataList 和 DataCombo 控件的一些重要属性包括:     注意 DataCombo 控件的 DataFormat 属性是一个 Extender 属性。因此在属性表上它总是可见的,并且可以在代码中设置。然而,DataCombo 控件仅对其列表中最上端的项格式化。对于看到已格式化的顶端项的最终用户来说,这一点可能不太重要,只要从未格式化的列表中选择即可。已格式化的项可能也会误导最终用户,使他们以为项目要在格式化之后再输入数据库。由于这些原因,建议在使用 DataCombo 控件时不要设置 DataFormat 属性。     详细信息 如果要使用一个演示 BoundText 属性用法的循序渐进教程,请参阅“创建一个连接 DataList 控件的 DataGrid”。关于这些控件的属性和方法的完整列表,请参阅“DataList 控件”和“DataCombo 控件”。     使用 DataCombo 和 DataList 控件连接两个表     DataCombo 和 DataList 控件与众不同的特性是具有访问两个不同的表,并且将第一个表的数据链接到第二个表的某个字段的能力。这是通过使用两个数据源完成的(诸如 ADO Data 控件或Data环境)。     关系表和“不友好的”值     在一个关系数据库中,对于重复使用的信息并不是在多个地方都保存其全部的信息。大多数这种信息都保存在由多个字段组成的一个记录集中;在这些字段中有一个“标识符”字段来地标识这个记录集。例如,VisualBasic 提供的 Biblio 数据库在一个名为 "Publishers" 的表中存储了若干个出版公司的名称。这个表包括很多字段,诸如地址、城市、邮政编码以及电话号码等。但是为了简单起见,只考虑这个表的两个本质字段 Name 和PubID 字段。Name 字段存储一个出版商的名称,而 PubID 字段则存储一个相对“不友好的”值,如一个数或代码。但这个不友好的值是很重要的,因为这个值地标识该出版商,并且可以作为一种链接整个记录集的手段。此外,这个值会存储在第二个表中的多个记录集中。     第二个表的名称为 "Titles",其每个记录集包含的信息包括标题、出版年份、国际标准书号 ISBN 等。在这些字段中有一个字段的名称就是 "PubID"。这个字段的名称与 Publishers 表中的相应字段的名称相同,因为这个字段存储了将该标题和一个特定的出版商链接在一起的值。     这种可行方案提出了一个小问题:给定一个允许用户插入新标题的数据库应用程序,用户必须用某种方法输入标识出版商的整数。如果用户能记住每个出版商的标识符,那么也还是可行的,不过如果一方面用户能看到出版商的名称,另一方面存入应用程序的又是数据库中相应的值,则会显得更加方便。而 DataList 和 DataCombo 控件就可以轻松地解决这个问题。     两个数据源、三个字段、无编码     DataList 和 DataCombo 控件使用两个数据源来解决这个问题。在只显示出版商的名称(来自 Publishers 表)的同时,DataList 或 DataCombo 控件只将 PubID 字段的值写入到 Titles 表。通过“属性”窗口,将 RowSource设置为提供要写入的数据的数据源(即 Publishers 表)。然后将 DataSource属性设置为要写入数据的数据源(即 Titles 表)。最后,设置 DataField、ListField以及 BoundColumn 属性。下图演示了如何将两个数据源(以两个Data 控件的形式)以及三个字段指定给一个 DataCombo 控件: 简要而言,ListField 属性决定该控件所显示的是哪一个字段。在本例中就是出版商的名称。另一方面,BoundColumn 属性则决定 Publishers 表中由哪一个字段向 Title 表供应实际所需的值。注意 Publishers 表中的 PubID字段不能(也不应该)被我。相反,在 PubID 字段中的值将写入到由DataField 属性所指定的字段。在本例中,这个属性就是 Titles 表中的 PubID字段。     下表概要地介绍这些属性及其使用方法。     注意 DataList 和 DataCombo 控件也可以与单个数据控件一起使用。要实现这一点,可以将 DataSource 和 RowSource 属性设置为同一个数据控件,并且将 DataField 和 BoundColumn 属性设置为该数据控件的记录集中的同一个字段。在这种情形下,将使用 ListField 的值来填充该列表,且这些值来自于被更新的同一个记录集。如果指定了一个 ListField 属性,但没有设置 BoundColumn 属性,则 BoundColumn将自动被设置为 ListField 字段。     详细信息 如果想使用 DataCombo 控件循序渐进地创建一个简单的数据库应用程序,请参阅“创建一个简单的 DataCombo 应用程序”。

Linux下编译出现这个bash:./configure:No such file or directory 怎么解决

尽快的熟悉一下编译源码包方式安装的一些知识,就很容易解决这些问题。很多时候 不要仅仅对单个问题来寻找答案,要找问题的本质,巩固知识的基础。希望可以帮到你,祝你早日解决问题。

寻找独角兽FINDING UNICORN在深圳文和友亮相了哪些大娃和盲盒?

文和友这个地方之前经常去,属于深圳很热的打卡街区了,最近寻找独角兽的盲盒在这里亮相,和朋友周末也有去逛展,说说我的感受吧:现场一共有5个打卡点,在0℃ SPACE中还是能找到惊喜的。打卡点1:FARMER BOB盲盒,外观是白色的,戴着一个橙色的眼镜,场景让人感觉到有点寒意又有纯洁的心灵。打卡点2:波塞冬BOB盲盒,蓝白相间,举起三叉戟,俯视众生,哈哈,很容易让我联想到斗罗大陆里面的波赛西。只不过波塞冬是男的,会比较受女孩子喜欢。打卡点3:科学家BOB盲盒,一身白色的大褂,带着眼镜一脸的认真,哈哈,是科学之路上寻找真理的精神吧。打卡点4:Agan阿感创作空间,黑、蓝、橙色交织在一起,颜色比较丰富、是我喜欢的画。打卡点5:包含了寻找独角兽5大IP:FARMER BOB、RiCO、卓大王、ShinWoo、Agan阿感,不过都是以冰雪的主题,和往日看到的形象不一样,这次展出让人眼前一亮,感觉有点新鲜感。

Our arrangements were thrown into complete turmoil.



1.validatebox可以用的用法:前两种适用于单个的validatebox; 第三种应用于整个form里面的输入框; <1>.$("#id").attr("readonly", true); ----- $("#id").removeAttr("readonly"); <2>.$("#id").attr("readonly", "readonly"); ----- $("#id").removeAttr("readonly"); <3>.$("#Form :input").attr("readonly", "readonly"); //对form里面的禁用 <4>.$("input").attr("readonly", "readonly"); //对所有的input标签禁用2.combobox禁用启用用法:<1>.$("#id").combobox({ disabled: true }); ----- $("#id").combobox({ disabled: false}); <2>.$("#id").attr("readonly", "readonly"); //对单个禁用 ----- $("#id").removeAttr("readonly"); <3>.$("#fm .easyui-combobox").combobox({ disabled: true }); //对form里面的下拉框禁用 <4>.$("#ID").combobox("disable"); ------ $("#ID").combobox("enable");3.datebox与datetimebox禁用启用方法:<1>.$("#fm .easyui-datebox").datebox({ disabled: true }); ----- $("#fm .easyui-datebox").datebox({ disabled: false}); <2>.$("#id").attr("readonly", "readonly"); ----- $("#id").removeAttr("readonly"); <3>.$("#fm .easyui-datetimebox").datetimebox({ disabled: true }); ----- $("#fm .easyui-datetimebox").datetimebox({ disabled: true });4.combogrid禁用启用方法: <1>.$("#FPayApplySupAccountID").combogrid("disable"); ----- $("#FPayApplySupAccountID").combogrid("enable");5.lable标签ID附加文字: <1>.$("#id").text("标题:"); //此方法可以屏蔽掉lable标签内的文字

in conclusion和to conclude有什么区别?

一、意思不同1、in conclusion意思:总而言之;最后;总而言之。例句:"He has been hurt already," said the old gentleman in conclusion.这位老先生总结说,他已经受伤了。2、to conclude意思:得出结论。例句:I want to conclude with a poem by Owen.我想以欧文的一首诗结束。二、用法不同1、in conclusion用法:正式用语,指用正式或特殊的方式来结束事情、活动或文章,如达成协议或作出决定后结束会议,得出结论后结束文章或讲演等。2、to conclude用法:作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或从句作宾语。三、侧重点不同1、in conclusion侧重点:由此引申可表示“作出决定”“得出结论”等。2、to conclude侧重点:可接以“(to be+) adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。

there was no way I could have slept是表语从句吗?

there was no way(that) I could have slept这个是省略了that的定语从句 先行词是way可以译意为 我根本睡不着觉


Comprehensive ExercisesI Close1. Text-related141)sponsored2)determination3) turned away4) assumed 5)capacity6)skilled7)loan8) character9) hunting10) for sale 11)send for2. Theme-related1)save2)recent3)modest4) grow5) dream6) immigrants 7)business8) engineering9)invest10) richIII Translation1)ItisreportedthatUNmediatorshaveworkedoutaplanwhich they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attackedby giant snakes.3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot beprevented,butactioncanbetakentoprotectlifeandproperty.4)Iboughtanewissueofmyfavoritesportsmagazineandhurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.5)Helen lacks confidence.I"ve never known anyone so unsure ofherself.2.After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his ownbusiness.Atthebeginning,manyabankturneddownhis15requestforaloan.Buthewasnotabitdiscouraged,andcontinuedtocallononebankerafteranotherseekinghelp.Impressedbyhisdeterminationandoptimism,onebankerfinallyagreedtoloanhimthemoney.Nowhehasbecomeawealthybusinessman.Talkingabouthisamazingachievement,Tonysaysthatitisimportanttocreateratherthanwaitforopportunities.

business contact是什么意思

business contactun.业务往来业务联系;商务接触;商业联系例句1.I hope to set up business contact with you.我希望能和你们建立业务关系。2.My main purpose to come here is to set a business contact with you.我来这的主要目的是想和你们建立业务关系。3.I sincerely welcome you to embrace unit Web site. or friendship business contact, call letters to discuss business.欢迎您诚揽我单位网站。或友情生意联系,来电来函商谈业务。4.The Customs shall intensify cooperation with enterprises, and conduct regular information exchange and business contact therewith.海关与企业应当加强合作,开展经常性信息交流和业务联系。5.Besides, the business contact between the company and the bank shall abide by related rules of the bank.另外,本公司与银行之间的业务往来,必须遵守银行的有关规定。

如何解决 you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this proj


They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. 翻译,解释out of fallen branches所做的成分及怎

他们用掉下来的树枝建了一个避难所。out of ..... 用…(材料);out of fallen branches 方式状语

我能做到的英语是i can do it 为啥不是i could do it




please comment if any

因为在这个句子中,advise 充当了一种实意动词,所以前加助动词do

if any information needed,please contactme前半句是什么句

if any information needed,please contact me 省略句,电邮中常常用。






先将对比度和亮度调到最高,再将亮度往下调,调整到你认为不是太亮为止,再往下调对比度,调整到你感觉暗处快要看不清为止。 亮度和对比度因外部光线不同、显示器老化程度不同,并没有一个标准的值,要看你自己感觉是否看着舒服


更新1: 今日测试... 换过另一部mon....无这问题出现 呢排每日既相对湿度都超过80% 相信系个mon 个contrast/brightness setting 按制因湿度过高而被误当是被按下 建议你试试用风筒既热风吹一吹个mon 按制的位置,如果情况没有改善,我想你可以决定换个新 mon 了 参考: mo-liu 个mon之电子零件出问题,可能与潮湿有关,事实所有电子器材都是在相对湿度80度以下工作,这几天却有90多度,出问题都是很正常

Cross Country 歌词

歌曲名:Cross Country歌手:Jackie Boyz专辑:Love And BeyondJackie Boyz - Cross Countryim tired of being stuck here with no way out.i think its time for me to hit the roadgot a car with a full tank of gas yehh.its just my love i guess runnin lowjust got out on the windy citygoing through the desertgettin away from your love, babyno more excuses im already on my way outi know that you never change babygot to get outta here, far away from younow im going, cross countryim not lookin back oh noall the miles in my car are keep movin on (cross country)im gettin away, im gettin away, im gettin away (cross country)leavin it all behind, cant carry you and i (cross country)im not expectin no traffic to make me slow downcuz with you i was always the last to comeim livin my life the way i planned itwithout your baggage on the roadjust got out on the windy citygoing through the desertgettin away from your love, babyno more excuses im already on my way outi know that you never change babygot to get outta here, far away from younow im going, cross countryim not lookin back oh noall the miles in my car are keep movin on (cross country)im gettin away, im gettin away, im gettin away (cross country)leavin it all behind, cant carry you and i (cross country)baby our love is ran its courseand i"d rather lose you than myselfgot to get outta here, far away from younow im going, cross countryim not lookin back oh noall the miles in my car are keep movin on (cross country)im gettin away, im gettin away, im gettin away (cross country)leavin it all behind, cant carry you and i (cross country)got to get outta here, far away from younow im going, cross countryim not lookin back oh noall the miles in my car are keep movin on (cross country)im gettin away, im gettin away, im gettin away (cross country)leavin it all behind, cant carry you and i (cross country)gotta get away.cross country.





Dell win7系统 brightness和contrast 调到多少最适宜,最保护眼睛




桌面上为何会出现brightness/contrast黑色 如何删除





They have a coat in green





you() very cool in green.怎么填


the man in green coat 这里in green coat是man的同位语吗?

不是介词短语作后置定语the man in green coat穿绿大衣的那个人。


填写:how Then+he+says+that+he+wants+to+learn how to+cook+from.意思是:然后他说他想学习如何烹饪。


《Simple Comforts》(Sur La Table)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:提取码:1234书名:Simple Comforts作者:Sur La Table出版年份:2010-9页数:136内容简介:Featuring recipes such as Cinnamon Streusel-Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Winter Vegetable Stew with Moroccan Flavors, Savory Meatloaf with Maple-Mustard Glaze and Rich Brown Gravy, Apple and Ginger Spiced Sweet Potatoes, and Old-Fashioned, Better-Than-Any-Box Butterscotch Pudding, Comfort Food from Sur La Table lives up to its title. Inside a giftable trim package, 50 recipes are presented alongside full-color photographs and detailed instructions. Savory and sweet recipes include everything from breads and muffins to soups and stews, sandwiches, main courses, side dishes, and desserts. Dish up a dose of comfy goodness with Comfort Food.

Brave [Acoustic] 歌词

歌曲名:Brave [Acoustic]歌手:Idina Menzel专辑:I StandIdina Menzel----BraveDon"t knowjust where I"m goingAnd tomorrow,it"s a little overwhelmingAnd the air is coldAnd I"m not the same anymoreI"ve been running in your directionFor to long nowlost my own reflectionAnd I can"t look downIf you"re not there to catch me when I fall.If this is the momentI stand here on my ownIf this is my rite of passagethat somehow leads me homeI might be afraidBut it"s my turn to be braveIf this is the last chancebefore we say goodbyeAt least it"s the first dayof the rest of my lifeI can"t be afraidCause it"s my turn to be braveAll along all I ever wanted,was to be the lightWhen your life was dauntingBut I can"t see mineWhen I feel as thoughyou"re pushing me awayWell who"s to blame,are we making the right choicesCause we can"t be sureif we"re hearing our own voicesAs we close the dooreven though we are so desperate to stayIf this is the momentI stand here on my ownIf this is my rite of passagethat somehow leads me homeI might be afraidBut it"s my turn to be braveIf this is the last chancebefore we say goodbyeAt least it"s the first dayof the rest of my lifeI can"t be afraidCause it"s my turn to be braveAnd I might still cryAnd I might still bleedThese thorns in my sideThis heart on my sleeveAnd lightening may strikeThis ground at my feetAnd I might still crashBut I still believeThis is the momentI stand here all aloneWith everything I have inside,everything I ownI might be afraidBut it"s my turn to be braveIf this is the last timebefore we say goodbyeAt least it"s the first dayof the rest of my lifeI can"t be afraidit"s my turn to be brave


应该是 they have coats in green他们有绿色的外套

Please color the picture in green.错在哪里?


command not found是什么意思

command not found意为命令未找到。重点词汇解释:1、commandv. 命令;统率(陆军、海军等);值得(同情、尊重等);俯瞰;控制(情感);掌握,拥有n. (给人或动物的)命令;指令;(尤指陆海空三军的)指挥(权);部队;指挥部;(尤指对语言的)掌握;(在一名指挥官管辖下的)军队(或地区)双语例句:He commanded his troops to attack.他命令他的部队进攻。2、foundvt. 创立,建立;创办v. 找到(find的过去分词)双语例句:The town was founded in 1610.该城镇兴建于1610年。command的用法:command的基本意思是具有指挥权的人或神等下令命令某人做某事,作指挥,统率的意思时,可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。作及物动词接人为宾语时,是下级和三军的下级军官以及全体士兵。command接物为宾语时,可以是船舶,舰艇,制空权,制海权等。此外,宾语还可以是人的自身控制,脾气与激情,金钱,服务的自由使用与支配等。command用作动词是正式用语,表示命令,要求时,一般不用作进行时;其后可接名词或代词作宾语,接带动词不定式的复合结构和that从句时,从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟式,即should+动词原形。

err_ connection_ not_ found什么意思?

ERR_CONNECTION_RESET的解释是:这个网站含有未知错误。网页可能暂时无法连接,或者它已永久性地移动到了新网址。提示用户所访问的网站已经更换域名或者存在死循环(无限制的重定向)。当然、你可以在不同时间尝试下能否打开、也可以尝试其它浏览器看下能不能、比如手机QQ浏览器就很不错、对网站兼容性很好。错误(error )是指人们在使用软、硬件的时候,软、硬件不能正常操作的一种现象。由于错误的类型很多,为了对错误进行区分,系统设定了错误代码(error code),软、硬件在运行中如果发生错误,将通过它内部的原有的设定判断、识别而通过错误代码的显示方式给操作者,操作者通过错误代码识别,快速找到软、硬件不能正常操作的具体原因。第一步:查看power灯是否正常,稳定亮转至第二步,不亮则可能是用户忘记打开MODEM电源开关,插电源线或电源稳压器松动所致。指导用户调整后,如仍不行,则是属于MODEM坏了;第二步:查看DSL灯是否正常亮。如稳定亮则转至第三步,如果DSL灯一直闪烁不停,表明ADSL线路正在连接或一直连接不上,此为线路问题,最常见的一种情况是用户的分离器进线与接电话的端口接错了,这时可指导用户检查一下分离器,调换接线端口,再检查室内的电话线接头是否接触不良,或者取消分离器,直接把入户线接入modem,再重启MODEM,如果仍不能解决问题出单检查外线。;第三步:查看LAN亮灯情况,如不亮则转至第四步,如是稳定亮,有可能是电脑的拨号软件出现问题,建议用户重装拨号软件,仍不能解决问题出单第四步:如LAN灯不亮,则是modem与电脑的连线问题,请从新拔插由modem到电脑之间的网线。如果仍不能解决问题出单检查。

how to cook hamburger作文,急急急急急急急急急急

Hamburger is one of the most versatile meats around. It can be formed into hamburger patties, meatloaf or made into a tasty sloppy joe or added to spaghetti sauce for a heartier Italian meal. Once considered a staple among American households, the hamburger steak has lost some of its popularity over the years. Too bad, since it offers a lot of versatility and can be a good choice for a quick, but tasty meal that everyone around the table will love. Easy to prepare, and relatively inexpensive to make, learning how to cook the best hamburger steak you"ve ever tasted only requires a few simple steps:Mix the following ingredients together: 2 pounds ground beef; 1/2 cup finely chopped onion; 1 egg, lightly beaten; 2 egg yolks; 2 tablespoons fine dry bread crumbs. Mold the mixture into ? inch patties Heat a skillet with 3 tablespoons butter over a medium heat Place the patties in the hot skillet, flipping several times during the cooking process to keep them from getting too brown or crunchy. Fry until the meat is longer pink inside Remove the steak patties from the skillet Add 3 more tablespoons of butter to the fry pan, along with 3 tablespoons of your favorite wine or brandy. Heat over a low-medium heat Once hot, pour the mixture over the patty steaks Serves 6As you can see learning how to make the best hamburger steaks you have ever tasted is not hard, or time consuming. As a matter of fact, it is a matter of fact it is probably one of the easiest recipes you will ever make that offers such a delicious meal.In today"s fast life, time is something which everybody is short of. Everybody is looking for quick and easy recipes that can not only satisfy the concealed chef within us but also save us the disadvantages of having canned food. Visit Quick Recipes to know more such time saving recipes.

command not found什么意思


急求:有几个commercial english不明白,请高手帮忙!拜谢!

competitiveness – 竞争力inflict damage on – 使危害到shift to – 搬移到valid – 有效inflawed – 没有错误/瑕疵exert(put) pressure on – 给..压力induce – 得到的结论in the years to come – 在未来的几年内 vicious circle - imported input – 进口的用品boost – 使大幅度增加loans at lower interest rates – 低利息的贷款devalue – 降低价值balance of payments surplus – 钱出公司的平衡run atrade deficit with – 遭到经营亏损in step with – 与..同步provide a cushiion for – 提供铺垫 (工作)implement – 实施interest rate cut – 降低利率saddle with -?a bull in the china shop – 在中国市场的一头牛(占领老大的地位)endgame – 结束volatility - ? in the long term – 长期in the short term – 短期capital intensive industries – 需要资金大量投入的产业(比如电脑软件研发业)(labour intensive-以人工为主的产业)comparative disadvantage – 相比的不利因素comparative advantage – 相比的有利因素heavy chamicals – heavy chemicals 重化学opt - ?sqeeze – squeeze 是挤的意思..商业好像没有吧 augment – argument 是争论Thailand – 泰国Philipines – 菲律宾

"command not found"问题的解决办法

" zsh: command not found: "这个错误相信大家都不陌生,以前每次遇到这个问题都是Google一下,然后告诉你在 xxx 文件添加 xxx 文字,或者在Terminal运行 xxx 命令即可,有些work,有些不行。 问题通常发生在局部安装了某个Terminal程序之后,此时程序可能在某个ruby gem的bin目录下,或者Application下(如:sublime),需要我们创建一个指向这个地址软链接,可以方便的访问它。例如: subl . or pod install Linux环境下通常我们将Terminal可访问的程序放在 /bin , /usr/bin , /usr/local/bin ,有时也会放在 ~/bin 目录下。 那么在Terminal页面打开(其实是shell login)的时候,程序是如何Load进来的呢?过程大致如下: 基于上面的过程,我们在Terminal中访问得到 command not found 的具体原因可能如下: 接下来以Mac下的zsh为例给出解决办法:

brave and courageous 都是勇敢的意思,用法有什么不同

braveandcourageous的区别:  1)brave表示“勇敢的”,强调在危险、困难、痛苦或压力等面前不畏惧、能够坚持、有胆识、非常镇静或果断。比如:  Theyoungmanwasbravetogointotheburninghouse.  (那个年轻人很勇敢,走进了正在燃烧的房子。)  2)courageous也表示“勇敢的”,但是,指在各种情况下,都有信心、有胆量、无所畏惧、坚毅顽强。强调行为者的道德、原则和责任感。比如:  Amanofspiritisacourageousmanofnoblecharacter.  (有气概的人就是品格高尚的无畏的人。)

《U. S. Competitiveness》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology》(Galama, Titus/ Hosek, James)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 5bum书名:U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology作者:Galama, Titus/ Hosek, James出版年份:2008-6页数:128内容简介:Is the United States in danger of losing its competitive edge in science and technology? This volume reviews the arguments surrounding this issue and contrasts them with relevant data, including trends in research and development investment; information on the size, composition, and pay of the U.S. science and engineering workforce; and domestic and international education statistics. The authors conclude with recommendations for policymakers.


competitiveness 是竞争能力,名词competition 是竞争,也是名词competiveness:没有这个单词~





我的生日是二号在六月英文为什么是My birthday is the second in June?

我的生日是二号在六月。正确翻译是:My birthday is on the second of June.


用 are ...这么多 and 了...但是最后的pursuit 也要变复数,变成pursuits。

command not found怎么办


No,the singingcom test is in June 的问句是什么

此题干有误, 原句应该是: The singing contest is in May,too. 分析:这是个主系表句型, 主语 The singing contest , 系动词 is ,表语是介词短语 in May 答案: Is the singing contest in May,too? 说明:一般问句得用部分倒装语序, 所以把系动词Is 置于句首即可。

competitiveness competition 区别

competitiveness n.竞争力 而competition 是n. 竞争, 竞赛 ..懂?






手动删除的微信记录借助recover是无法恢复的。利用recover恢复功能恢复的测试结果表明,recover功能并不适用于手动删除的微信聊天记录的恢复,反而还导致数据的丢失,对于删除的记录并没有真正的物理删除,只是打上了删除标记的逻辑删除。但是,借助于专业的数据恢复工具是可以恢复微信聊天记录的。Recovery是Android手机备份功能,指的是一种可以对安卓机内部的数据或系统进行修改的模式(类似于windows PE或DOS)。在这个模式下可以,对已有的系统进行备份或升级,也可以在此恢复出厂设置。刷入第三方的Recovery,将获得更多的功能,并且可以刷入第三方rom,官方自带则不行。扩展资料:由于微信版本更新至6.6.7以上后,用户已经无法通过recover指令搜索该工具了。若是用户需要修复微信,可以使用以下方式进行操作:1、在微信【我】页面点击【设置】。2、然后点击【帮助与反馈】。3、接着点击右上角【工具】图标。4、点击【聊天记录】。5、再点击【确定】。6、最后点击【重启微信】即可。

2009CAD RECOVER命令 是什么意思 怎么操作


AI conversion failed 求英译汉


command not found 是怎么回事

通常,command not found是系统不能找到执行命令的路径引起的,是怎么回事儿呢?拿命令ifconfig来说,如果没有把:/sbin追加到环境变量,直接输入ifconfig命令是不能执行的,输入/sbin/ifconfig才能执行。通过whereis ifconfig可得知ifconfig所在路径是/sbin/ifconfig,即在sbin目录下。如果环境变量中没有设置/sbin,则会显示command not found,如果不设置环境变量并企图先进入/sbin目录再执行ifconfig命令是不会成功的,因为系统不会主动搜索当前目录下的文件,它不关心你的当前目录在哪儿,只会搜索环境变量。不设置环境变量是否就意味不能使用ifconfig命令了呢?显然不是,如果不设置环境变量/sbin,你仍然可通过如下方法执行ifconfig命令:cd /sbin; ./ifconfig 。“./ ”告诉系统不用搜索环境变量,直接就在当前目录下执行命令,作用等同于/sbin/ifconfig。 总结起来,可通过两种方法解决command not found问题。第一种,设置环境变量,如果不知某个命令所属目录,whereis [command]可查看。第二种,不用设置环境变量,进入命令所属目录,./[command]亦可实现。






手机开机一直进入Recovery模式是没有双清刷机或者升级系统造成的,只需要双清即可。以安卓手机为例,双清的步骤如下:1、在recovery模式下,按音量+键向下选择“wipe data/factory reset”。2、按音量+键选择“Yes-delete all user data”。3、返回recovery首页,按音量+键向下选择“wipe cache partition”。4、选择“Yes-Wipe Cache”。5、返回recovery首页,选择“reboot system now”,即可重启进入系统了。




break 和continue的唯一区别是:break是直接结束循环, 而continue,他不是直接结束本次循环,而是跳过循环,继续执行下一次的循环。break和continue都是用来控制循环结构的,主要是停止循环,break有时候我们想在某种条件出现的时候终止循环而不是等到循环条件为false才终止。这时我们可以使用break来完成。break用于完全结束一个循环,跳出循环体执行循环后面的语句。continue只是终止本次循环,接着还执行后面的循环,break则完全终止循环。扩展资料:循环语句的种类:在C语言中,有三种类型的循环语句:for语句、while语句和do While语句。1、forfor循环小括号里第一个“;”号前为一个为不参与循环的单次表达式,其可作为某一变量的初始化赋值语句, 用来给循环控制变量赋初值; 也可用来计算其它与for循环无关但先于循环部分处理的一个表达式。2、whilewhile结构循环为当型循环(when type loop),一般用于不知道循环次数的情况。维持循环的是一个条件表达式,条件成立执行循环体,条件不成立退出循环。3、do whiledo…while语句结构为直到型循环(until type loop),也用于不知道循环次数的情况。do…while和while的区别在于do…while结构是执行完一遍循环体再判断条件。参考资料:百度百科-for循环




recover的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 及物动词 vt. 1. 重新获得;重新找到Jane recovered her lost wallet. 简寻回了丢失的钱包。 2. 恢复;使恢复原状Jennie made a great effort to recover herself. 珍妮努力使自己镇定下来。 She has recovered her health. 她已恢复了健康。 3. 挽回,弥补It"s hard to recover lost time. 弥补失去的时间并不容易。 4. 【律】取得(损害赔偿);取得...的所有权 5. (填海)造(地),围垦[(+from)]不及物动词 vi. 1. 恢复健康;恢复原状;恢复[(+from)]It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold. 他患重感冒,很长时间才康复。 I think she will recover. 我想她会痊愈的




recover 是一种恢复的机制,在数据传输的阶段往往可能出现各种不同的问题,如网络问题等等。当出现问题后我们需要恢复数据同步,那么recover是怎么保证数据正常传输不丢失呢?当recover开始的时候,获取目标文件在hdfs 上的租约,如果这时候需要读写的HDFS当前文件是被占用的,那我们需要等待它直到可以获取到租约。当我们获取到租约后就可以开始读之前写入时候的log,如果第一次会创建一个新的log,并标记一个begin,然后记录了当时的kafka offset。这时候需要清理之前遗留下来的临时数据,清理掉之后再重新开始同步直到同步结束会标记一个end。如果没有结束的话就相当于正在进行中,正在进行中每次都会提交当前同步的offset,来保证出现意外后会回滚到之前offset。回答者:DataPipeline

the second week in June为什么用In,用of又有什么区别?


break ,continue ,return 的区别及作用?


求You better not come home英文版歌词

You better not come home(Bro"Sis)试听:歌词:you better not come home歌手: Bro"SisU can"t be trusted, boy you got busted, got me angry and disgusted, what"s this, attitude no gratitude, what you doin" on the side boy, got me mad at you, but what I"m bout to do it tighten up, get rough, had enough, what"s up, times are about to get real tough, - cause your covers got blown, now you out on your own - so you know you better not come back home. Better not, better not, better not come home you better not come home It"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better not come home - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so u better not come home - it"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better not come home - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so u better not come home It"s like hot in the kitchen girl I see that you won"t listen, why you act"en like that, why you tripp"en and flippen it"s like I"m pippen on a underground mission, why you acten foul, girl you getten kinda loud, - with them accuasations, I can see you don"t under- stand what i"m facin" the aggravation unjustified retaliation, girl you better wake up and tecognize the facts, ain"t no need to act like that Now you playen out of bounds, better check your tags, recognize homegirl I don"t get down like that, I used to be a straight mack way back in the days, had my street fame now I changed my game, better educated, straight up better dedicated, playen" for real girl, never hesitated, so why you wanna go and leave your brotha alone, what you mean girl I better not come back home. Better not, better not, better not come home you better not come home It"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better not come home - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so u better not come home - it"s really gettin" hot tonight so u better not come home - uuuuh baby gotta treat me right so u better not come home So I better not come back home, girl why you wanna leave a brotha alone (ah), now what you talken bout (ah) - I don"t do a thang, but I know you probably thinken" that this brothas runnen games. No phone numbers, no addresses, tryen" to get them girls under them dresses, no not me girl, stop that, - ‘cuz my love is on the real and you can bet that



Coming To Get Me 歌词

歌曲名:Coming To Get Me歌手:Professor Green专辑:Jungle (Feat. Maverick Sabre)Coming to Get MeProfessor GreenThey"re coming to get mecoming to get meThey"re coming to get me for I was ready for the fame that I"ve gotThey"re coming to get me for I was ready for the fame but I"m notFrom whatever his name is, Mr errr name isTo A list I"m on every playlist, how quick things changesMan how quick it changes, ain"t itWho"d have thought that I"d be so famousDefinitely not me, but little old Prof be cockney"sGot lyrics so watch me I"m bad ya knowMmmmmmm M.. M... M...M .. M ...M ... mad ya knowMatters not cause I"m the man here nowNnnn... na na na ... got a couple fans here nowThen got a couple moreBefore I got "em I was sure it was what I wantedBut now it"s poppin" I"m not so sure, cause I get spottedEven when I"m popping out my doorWhats that mean?My face is painted unlike I"d like it to beBut this is what I signed on the dotted line forThey ain"t no way that I would want it to seeBut things are getting a little out of controlI"m frightened look at the tattoo"s on my neckHow can I hide them, their ain"t a disguise that worksI"ve tried them, aside for a turtle neck jumperWhich ain"t exactly practical with summer I"m stuckWhat can I do, I put myself in, I got myself in the stewGot myself in the charts then got myself in the newsHow long until they get a picture of myself in the nude, AhCause now people wanna sell a storyIt"s my life how can they tell it for meI"m sorry I"m just trying to find a way to manage the stressI can""t even get impressed without worrying & getting about being paranoidAt a chick I date to say ... a quick to the tabloid ahIt"s a lot different now it has happenedBut even though I had it, when I"m smlingBelieve I am annoyed cause ...


recover是可以恢复微信聊天记录的,其具体步骤为:工具/原料,手机(这里以iPhone7为例),微信。1、首先我们打开任意微信好友,可以观察手机时间 ,好友昵称 ,以及聊天记录 ;2、然后我们将该好友的聊天记录删除清空 ,该好友的聊天记录在本机上已经完全删除,可以注意手机时间 ;3、接着我们返回微信主界面,点击右上角的“+” 号,点击“添加朋友” 功能;4、然后我们点击查找“微信号/手机号” 输入框;5、再然后我们点击输入“:recover” ,用户可以直接复制双引号中的内容,是:recover;6、接下来就进入故障修复recover模式了,选择需要的功能,此时我们选择恢复聊天记录功能;7、然后我们点击确定 ,恢复在本机上的所有微信聊天内容;8、接着耐心等待,恢复完成后点击“强制关闭” ,然后关闭微信重新启动微信;9、可以查看手机时间 ,好友昵称 ,以及聊天记录 ,此时聊天内容已经完全恢复;10、最后我们可以看到,只要是聊过天有记录的,所有聊天记录都可以恢复 ,灰色的日期是那一天没有产生聊天记录;


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