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您好,非常荣幸能在此回答您的问题。以下是我对此问题的部分见解,若有错误,欢迎指出。Kiks昵称,Yoghurt酸奶,Hazelnuts榛子,Cornflakes玉米片,fine milk chocolate,优质牛奶巧克力praline果仁夹心,果仁巧克力非常感谢您的耐心观看,如有帮助请采纳,祝生活愉快!谢谢!

Kiks,Yoghurt,Hazelnuts,Cornflakes,fine milk chocolate,praline,分别什么意思。

哈哈 楼主肯定买了一堆 ritter sport 巧克力



Corn Flakes的几种吃法?





cornflakes["ku0254:nfleiks】 n.脆玉米片 名词cornflake的复数形式


cornflakes_百度翻译cornflakes [英]u02c8ku0254:nfleu026aks [美]u02c8ku0254:rnfleu026aks n. 脆玉米片 [例句]Alarmingly for , say , kellogg "s or heinz , lots have discovered that tesco "s cornflakes and wal-mart "s baked beans taste no worse.比方说,凯洛格和亨氏的情况令人担忧,人们还发现乐购的玉米片和沃尔玛的烤豆味道差不多。Alarmingly for, say, kellogg"s or heinz, lots have discovered that tesco"s cornflakes and wal-mart"s baked beans taste no worse. 比方说,凯洛格和亨氏的情况令人担忧,人们还发现乐购的玉米片和沃尔玛的烤豆味道差不多。2.At the other end of the scale are most fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetable soups, low-fat yoghurt, baked beans, baked potatoes and cornflakes. 膳食表最低端有很多水果和蔬菜,如蔬菜汤,低脂酸奶,烤豆,烤土豆和玉米片。3.Professor rennie said "we studied our subjects first-before breakfast-and then after givingthem a small amount of insulin to raise the hormone to what they would be if they had eatenbreakfast, of a bowl of cornflakes or a croissant." 兰尼教授表示:“我们首先在测试者吃早饭之前搜集了数据,然后给他们注入少量胰岛素以提升激素水平,达到吃一碗玉米片或者一个牛角面包的效果。”

Corn Flakes的几种吃法?


zico上过哪几季show me the money

第四季 第六季


介词短语 介词和动词的固定搭配: 同一动词和不同介词的搭配: look at (看) look for (寻找) look after (照顾) look over (检查) look (a)round (环视) arrive in +大地方 (到达) arrive at+小地方 (到达) hear of (听说) hear from (收到……的来信) spend +钱+on sth (花钱做某事) spend+时间+(in) doing sth. (花时间做某事) 同一介词和不同动词的搭配: ask for (要求) leave for (动身去) send for (派人去请) pay for (付钱) wait for (等待) agree with *** (同意某人) begin with (以……开始) help with (在……方面帮助) catch up with (赶上) get on / along with (与……相处) make friends with (与……交朋友) play with (玩……) 其它的介词和动词的搭配: listen to (听) e from (来自……) fall off (从……上摔下) try out (试验) knock at / on (敲) prefer…to… (比起……来还是……好) learn by oneself (自学) take care of (照顾) stop…(from) doing (阻止……做某事) help oneself to+食物 (随便吃……) fill…with… (在……里装满/充满) laugh at (嘲笑) worry about (为……担心) write to (写信给……) try on (试穿,试戴) 介词和形容词的常见搭配: be good at =do well in (在……方面好) be weak in (在……方面差) be good for (对…有益) be bad for (对……有害) be late for (迟到) be sorry for (为……遗憾,抱歉) be full of (充满) be busy with (忙于……) be angry with *** . (对某人生气) be angry at/about (for doing) sth. (对某事生气) be afraid of (害怕) be interested in (对……感兴趣) be different from (与……不同) be strict with *** . (对某人严格) be strict in sth.(对某事严格) be famous for (因……而闻名) be/ get ready for (为……作好准备) 许多介词和名词的固定搭配中不用"the"等限定词: by bike/car/bus/train/plane/air/land/road etc. on foot (步行) at night (在晚上) at work (在工作) at breakfast/lunch/supper (在吃早,午,晚饭) day after day (一天又一天) at times (有时) in surprise (惊奇地) on fire (着火) 1)at once 立刻 2)at last 最后 3)at first 起先,首先 4)at the age of… 在……岁时 5)at the end of… 在……之末 6)at the beginning of… 在……之初 7)at the foot of… 在……脚下 8)at the same time 同时 9)at night/noon 在夜里/中午 10)with one"s help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助 11)with the help of … 在……的帮助下 12)with a *** ile 面带笑容 13)with one"s own eyes 亲眼看见 14)after a while 过了一会儿 15)from now on 从现在起 16)from then on 从那时起 17)far example 例如 18)far away from 远离 19)from morning till night 从早到晚 20)by and by 不久 21)by air mail 寄航空邮件 22)by bike/air/train/bus 骑自行车/乘飞机/火车/汽车 23)by ordinary mail 寄平信 24)by the way 顺便说 25)by the window 在窗边 26)by the end of… 到……底为止 27)little by little 逐渐地 28)in all 总共 29)in fact 事实上 30)in one"s twenties 在某人二十几岁时 31)in a hurry 匆忙 32)in the middle of 在……中间 33)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快 34)in time (on time) 及时 35)in public 公众,公开地 36)in order to 为了…… 37)in front of 在……前面 38)in the sun 在阳光下 39)in the end 最后,终于 40)in surprise 惊奇地 41)in turn 依次 42)of course 当然 43)a bit (of) 有一点儿 44)a lot of 许多 45)a little 一点儿 46)on one"s way to 某人在去……的路上 47)on foot 步行,走路 48)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告 49)on the other hand 另一方面 50)at/on the weekend 在周末 51)on the left (right) 在左(右)边 52)on the other side of 在……另一边 53)on the radio 通过收音机(无线电广播) 54)to one"s joy 使……高兴的是 55)to one"s surprise 使……惊讶的是 1.表示时间的介词及介词短语ue004 in, at, on, before,after,till,since,for, fromto, until, by,in the middle of,at the beginning of, at the end of,at half past five,at night,in a week,in the morning,in class,at sunrise, in spring/summer/autumn/winter,on Sunday,on Saturday afternoon,on a winter evening,for a long time,for two months,after school,since liberation,before lunch,at the time of,at the age of. 2.表示地点的介词及介词短语ue004 in,at,into,to,on,beside,before,behind,above,under,outside,inside,up,from,far,from,near,across, off, down, among, past,between,out of,around,in the front of, in the middle of, at the back of,at the foot of,at home,at the gate,at the table,in the sky, on the ground,in a tree, in the south,in the sun,in the bed,on one"s way home,by the side of.ue004 3.介词和各类词搭配构成的介词短语ue004 1).介词与动词搭配ue004 arrive in/at到达 ask for要,请求ue004do well in在……方面做得好ue004give in投降go on继续ue004 hear from收到……来信 hear of听说ue004help"s B.with sth.帮助……做ue004 laugh at嘲笑 learn from向……学习ue004leave for离开一地去另一地ue004 talk to与……谈话 go in for从事,致力于ue004 put up穿上,挂上 take down拿下,取了ue004look at(有意识地)看 speak to对某人说ue004 send for派人去请ue004shout at大声叫喊,吼叫ue004take away拿走,带走think of考虑,关心ue004 turninto把……变成 wait for等候,等待ue004take off脱下,起飞ue004 turn on/off打开(关上)ue004listen to听 look after照顾,照看ue004 look for寻找 look like 看上去像ue004get to 到达 point to 指着……ue004 fill with充满,装满 begin with以……开始ue004deal/do with处置,对待ue004 meet with偶尔遇见,遭遇ue004 pass on传递 belong to属于ue004write to写信给……ue004call on号召,访问,邀请ue004die of死于…… depend on依靠,依赖ue004 *** ile at向……微笑 believe in信任ue004look out向四下看,到处看ue004 2).介词与名词搭配ue004 in time及时 in bed卧床ue004in life一生中 on time准时,按时ue004 in front of在……前面 on foot步行ue004by bus乘公共汽车 at home在家ue004in English用英语 in the middle在中间ue004 at night在晚上 at noon在中午ue004at hospital在医院 with a *** ile带着微笑ue004 of course当然(可以) in a hurry匆忙,急忙ue004in a minute一会儿ue004by the way顺便说说/问问ue004 at first首先,起初 at last最后,终于ue004at the meeting在会上 at least至少ue004on one"s way to在……的路上ue004 in the sun在阳光下in a tree在树上ue004in surprise惊奇地 at once立刻,马上ue004at the foot of在……脚下 at all压根儿ue004at dinner在吃正餐 at the table在桌子旁ue004at work在工作 at school在学校ue004at the back of在……后面ue004 at the beginning of在……开始 at the end of在……结尾ue004at the same time同时,然而ue004by hand用手,手工,亲手ue004 by the end of到……结束时ue004by train乘火车day by day日复一日ue004one by one一个接一个ue004 by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船ue004in a low voice大声地ue004in a word总而言之,一句话ue004in trouble处于困境 in fact事实上ue004in the street在街上in the end最后,终于ue004in space在空间 in no time立刻,很快ue004in order按顺序,整齐,正常ue004in order to为了,以便 in the day在白天ue004 in line成一直线in a short while不久ue004in all总共,总计 in town在城里ue004in silence不作声ue004 out of breath上气不接下气ue004out of sight消失,看不见ue004on duty值日ue004on the left/right在左/右边ue004 on the one handon the other hand一方面……另一方面ue004on the other side of在……的另一边ue004 on top of在……顶上 in the distance在远处ue004in public当众,公开地 out of work失业ue004 on the radio通过无线电广播 ue004to this day直到今天ue004to one"s surprise/joy使某人吃惊/高兴ue004 3)介词与形容词、过去分词和动词等搭配ue004 be born in出生于……be good at擅长……ue004be made of由……制成ue004 be angry with s B. 对某人生气ue004be angry at sth. 为某事生气ue004be pleased with s B. 对某人感到满意ue004 be satisfied with sth.对某事感到满意ue004be surprised at对……感到惊奇/诧异ue004be tired of讨厌……/厌倦……ue004 be interested in对……感兴趣ue004be proud of以……为自豪/骄傲ue004be full of充满…… take/catch hold of抓住ue004be sure of确信…… take part in参加ue004 break into 闯入ue004take care of照顾,关心,保管ue004 be busy with忙于……ue004be strict with对……严格要求ue004 catch up with跟上,赶上ue004 have nothing to do with与……无关ue004 go to school上学 go to bed/sleep睡觉ue004give a lesson to给……上课ue004 go to the cinema 去看电影ue004be kind to s B.对某人友好ue004say hello to向……问好ue004look forward to盼望,期待ue004 keep out of不让进入 go on strike *** ue004be used to习惯于……ue004 4.看似相同,但意义有别的词组ue004 英语中有一些介词词组和动词词组,它们从形式上看似乎基本相同,但在意义上却截然不同.要是我们在记忆上对这类词组不加以重视,使用时就很容易望文生义,甚至张冠李戴.为此,把这类词组归纳如下:ue004 1).介词词组ue004 (1) at table在进餐ue003at the table在桌子旁(=beside the desk) ue004 (2) at desk在读书或做作业ue003at the desk在书桌旁 ue004 (3) at school在校上学(指学生)ue003at the school在学校(指教职工) ue004 (4) in front of the bus在公共汽车的前面(不在车上)ue003in the front of the bus在公共汽车的前部(在车上) ue004 (5) at sea在航海中ue003at the sea在海边 ue004 (6) by day白天ue003by the day按日,论日 ue004 (7) behind time误期ue003behind the time落后于时代 ue004 (8) in class在上课,在课内ue003in the class在这个班 ue004 (9) in bed 卧床,在睡觉ue003in the bed在床上 ue004 (10) in prison坐牢ue003in the prison在监狱 ue004 (11) in red穿着红色的衣服ue003in the red负债,亏损 ue004 (12) in hospital住院(指病人)ue003in the hospital(因事)在医院 ue004 (13) in office在办公,执政ue003in the office在办公室 ue004 (14) in secret秘密,私下ue003in the secret参入秘密,参入阴谋 ue004 (15) in place of 代替,而不是ue003in the place of在……地方 ue004 (16) in case of万一,如果ue003in the case of就……来说,至于 ue004 (17) of age成年人ue003of an age同龄人 ue004 (18) out of office离职ue003out of the office离开办公室 ue004 (19) out of prison(因犯罪)出狱ue003out of the prison(因事)从监狱出来 ue004 (20) out of question毫无疑问ue003out of the question不可能,办不到 ue004 2).含有介词的动词词组ue004 (1) e out of hospital(病好)出院ue003e out of the hospital(因事)从医院里出来 ue004 (2) e out of prison(刑满)释放ue003e out of the prison(因事)从监狱里出来 ue004 (3) go to school去上学ue003go to the school(因事)去学校 ue004 (4) go to college上大学ue003go to the/a college去一所学校(办事) ue004 (5) go to bed上床睡觉ue003go to the bed去床边 ue004 (6) go to hospital去住院ue003go to the hospital(因事)去医院 ue004 (7) go to prison去坐牢ue003go to the prison(因事)去监狱 ue004 (8) go to sea当海员ue003go to the sea去海边 ue004 (9) go to court起诉ue003go to the court(因事)去法庭 ue004 (10) go to church做礼拜ue003go to the church(因事)去教堂 ue004 (11) keep house管理家务ue003keep the house守在家里 ue004 (12) take place发生ue003take the place代替 ue004 3).有无冠词,意义无多大区别的介词词组ue004 (1)at(the)most至多ue004 (2)at(the)first起初ue004 (3)all(the)day 整天ue004 (4)catch(a)cold感冒ue004 (5)in(the)future 将来ue004 (6)in(the)memory of纪念ue004 (7)go to(the)office 上班,去办公室ue004 (8)go to(the)market 赶集,去市场ue004 (9)on(a)holiday 在度假ue004 (10)(the)day before yesterday 前天ue004 (11)(the)most of 大多数ue004 (12)with(a) *** iling face 面带微笑


cornflakes 英[u02c8ku0254:nfleu026aks] 美["ku0254rnfleks] n.脆玉米片 [例句]You go into the kitchen and pour yourself a large bowl of cornflakes. 你走进厨房,并给自己盛了一大碗玉米片.



sco unix、aix、hp unix、solaris之间的区别、异同


Constellations 歌词

歌曲名:Constellations歌手:Jack Johnson专辑:Jack Johnson & Friends: Best Of Kokua FestivalThe light was leavingin the west it was blueThe children"s laughter sangand skipping just like the stones they threwthe voices echoed across the wayits getting lateIt was just another nightwith the sun setand the moon rise not so far behindto give us just enough lightto lay down underneath the starslisten to papas translationsof the stories across the skywe drew our own constellationsThe west winds often last too longthe wind may calm downnothing ever feels the sameSheltered under the Kamani treewaiting for the passing rainclouds keep moving to uncover the scenestars above are chasing the day awayto find the stories that we sometimes needListen close enoughall else fadesfades awayIt was just another nightwith the sun setand the moon rise not so far behindto give us just enough lightto lay down underneath the starslisten to all the translationsof the stories across the skywe drew our own constellations

Daryl Coley的《We Are One》 歌词

歌曲名:We Are One歌手:Daryl Coley专辑:Beyond The Veil: Live At Bobby Jones Gospel Explosion XiiiI"ve followed my dreams as long as I remember.No matter the pain, no matter the rain-fall.hoo-ooo-oohThe road has been so long. So uncertain.Looking back at what we"ve done,Chasing devils on the run,It"s a kind of emotion, second to none.Reaching for the sun.This is love! This is life!This is good! This is great!This is all that we"ve believed in!All this time, all the tears,All the prayers, all these years,We"ve waited on this feeling…Together! Together! We"re coming undone.Together! Together! Baby, We R One!Ooo-oh-ooohLife can be so hard, when you feel lonely. yeh!Hiding the ache, you don"t want to break-down.No, no. No, noo-oh-oooh.You can change it all, if you believe it.Yeh, yeh-eyeh.Looking back at what we"ve done,We"re reaching for the sun.This is love! This is life!This is good! This is great!This is all that we"ve believed in!All this time, all the tears,All the prayers, all these years,We"ve waited on this feeling…Together! Together! We"re coming undone.Together! Together! It"s only begun.Together! Together! Baby, We R 1!Hold me now and never let me go.Hold me now and let the whole world know.We R OneGot to let this feeling grow, Got to let thisfeeling grow.Looking back at what we"ve done,Chasing devils on the run,It"s a kind of emotion, second to none,It"s a kind of emotion,Reaching for the sun.ohhh - oooh - yeh yeh yeh. ooohooohh woohooo.This is love! This is life!This is good! This is great!This is all that we"ve believed in!All this time, all the tears,All the prayers, all these years,We"ve waited on this feeling…Together! Together! We"re coming undone.Together! Together! We"ve only begun.Together! Together! Baby, We R 1!ohhh - oooh - Baby, We R One.

林绫的《Come with me》歌词


when ideas fail,words come in very handy什么意思

When ideas fail, words come in very handy.当想法失败时,词语就会变得非常有用。

2%rdg 2counts 什么意思

rdg:reading的缩写,就是读数的意思,1.3%RDG,即读数的1.3%Counts函数COUNT在计数时,将把数字、空值、逻辑值、日期或以文字代表的数计算进去;但是错误值或其他无法转化成数字的文字则被忽略。 如果参数是一个数组或引用,那么只统计数组或引用中的数字;数组中或引用的空单元格、逻辑值、文字或错误值都将忽略。如果要统计逻辑值、文字或错误值,请使用函数 COUNTA。 示例: 如果A1为1,A5为3,A7为2,其他均为空,则: COUNT(A1:A7) 等于 3 COUNT(A4:A7) 等于 2 COUNT(A1:A7, 2) 等于 4 特殊例子: COUNT(A1:A7, ,TRUE,FALSE) 等于6 原因:TRUE和FALSE计算机会转换为1与0所以也是数字。注意两个逗号间的空白,也默认为数字。 ‍ 公式 说明(结果) =COUNT(A2:A8) 计算上列数据中包含数字的单元格的个数 (3) =COUNT(A5:A8) 计算上列数据的最后 4 行中包含数字的单元格的个数 (2) =COUNT(A2:A8,2) 计算上列数据中包含数字的单元格以及包含数值 2 的单元格的个数 (4)

求高中英语作文全文 Words fail to convey my gratitude to th

Failure is the mother of success. Sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to reach the successful finals. While others might succumb to failure, they tend to retreat and give in their efforts. Success often provides confidence and satisfaction, nevertheless failure companies with bitter, saddness, and suffering. It seems people have to learn through each experience, as success doesn"t always falls from heaven. I remembered I used to fail on my vocabury test when I was in high school. I had problem to memorize new words which got lloose each day. I almost decided to give up English, but was obliged to one of my neighbour classmates who kept on sending small sheet for me. In the end of the semester, I found I had finished my vocabulary book which became a work force in reading English. I then realized that a new word came and left our brains for several times. Nobody is born as genius for success. Success tends to arrive after a serial of trials and failures. Of course, success brings confidence and victory. But, life is not always easy and comfortable. There are more difficulties than eases in the real life. It is likely that we have to face some failures ahead. Therefore, those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually.

卫星菌落(satellite colony)


2】Mycorrhizal networks

一、 菌丝和植物的亲和性强弱决定了网络的结构,决定有哪些植物/真菌可以参与到这个网络中。因此了解亲和性、专一性这些问题对于解构和预测菌丝网络至关重要 一、 两方面:真菌的寄主范围,和植物的菌根范围 二、 亲和性的连续谱 1. 从低亲和到高亲和,真菌所能形成关系的植物种类越来越少——最特异的菌根共生只和少数植物形成 2. 术语 ① Host specialist寄主专性菌: 只和少数植物(一般是同属)能有效共生的菌 ② Generalist 寄主广性菌:几乎没有限制,或者能和很多不同分类单元植物共生 ③ Ecological specificity:生态特异性。类比生态位中的基础生态位和实际生态位那样,实验室条件下测量的特异性和实际生态环境中表现出的特异性不一定一样。一般的,由于环境因素和寄主选择偏好等因素,生态特异性要低于实验室结果 ④ Host preference:寄主偏好。一些菌根受到环境的影响相对较小,总是只和少数植物建立共生关系。在外生和丛枝菌根中均存在这样的情况 ⑤ Functional specificity功能特异性:真菌对于不同的植物呈现不同程度的帮助。指真菌响应不同的植物的动态变化的偏好性 3. 动态变化的真菌-植物-环境三角 ① 实验的证据 A. 具有明显孢子果的外生菌根,和容易取得纯孢子内生菌根,这些素材的孢子实验对于共生性问题提供了好的依据 B. 然而难点在于,很多菌根不产生明显的孢子体或容易分离辨别的繁殖结构,因此数据只能来自野外采集的植物材料鉴定,这样得出的菌根关系只是“生态特异性”的结果,不够有代表性 ② 新的分子时代 A. 除了让真菌-植物共生关系的连续谱更精密解析了,分子证据还揭示了一类新的共生多态性:一个真菌物种能与不同植物类群形成不同类型的菌根:比如EM真菌的物种可以形成草莓树菌根、兰科菌根、菌生植物菌根,甚至杜鹃花科菌根 a. 来自对菌生植物的研究也确立了寄生性植物存在,以及非常专性亲和的共生系统 B. 至此,新分子证据的积累提供了网络形成的不同基础: a. 植物中心:一个植物形成多个同类或者跨类菌根(比如杨树,可以同时形成外生菌根和丛枝菌根) b. 真菌中心 uf0a7 一株真菌同时共生多个同类群的植物,形成一种菌根(类群内网络) uf0a7 一株真菌同时共生不同类群的植物,形成多样的菌根(跨类网络) c. Many ecological and management implications flow from our understanding of CMNs as structured by mycorrhiza specificity processes and phenomena. Molina and Trappe (1982) first used “common mycelial networks” in a discussion of mycorrhiza specificity expressed by the arbutoid mycorrhizal plants Arbutus menziesii and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi; the authors hypothesized that these plants maintain EM fungus diversity in forest ecosystems following disturbance and benefit seedling establishment of later-seral Pinaceae because seedlings can exploit the mycorrhizal networks supported by these arbutoid plants 三、 本章结构 1. 主要目的是介绍菌根特异性如何影响网络的建立 2. 介绍有关菌根特异性相关的词库lexicon 3. 以EM为主体介绍特意性的结构 4. 特异性如何影响群落结构的例子 一、 菌根相容性compatibility 1. 这里指的是真菌和植物能否形成菌根 2. 判别标准是形态学上的结构 ① 丛枝菌根:丛枝arbuscule ② 外生菌根:哈蒂氏网 Hartig net ③ 杜鹃科/草莓树菌根:卷须 coil ④ 兰花菌根:菌丝团peloton ⑤ 菌生植物菌根:菌丝钉hyphal peg 3. 注意这里的形态学标准只能确定真菌和植物可以建立共生关系(symbiosis),但是不能保证是互惠共生(mutualism),因为寄生状态的菌根也需要这些结构。因此这个标准更注重的是生理学上的相容性,而不是“功能相容性(暗指互惠共生的相容性建立,因为植物有能力抵制和惩罚寄生性的菌根)” 二、 特异性的程度degree of specificity 1. 真菌的寄主范围,分为三类 ① “狭域寄主种”:只能和单一或者单属物种建立关系 ② “中域寄主种”:一个科,或者一个分类单元(该分类单元小于种子植物) ③ “广域寄主种”:寄主包括多个科、多个类群 Species in the hypogeous EM genus Rhizopogon are classic examples that express primarily narrow specificity, associating with single genera within Pinaceae (e.g., R. vinicolor and Pseudotsuga); some Rhizopogon species, however, are intermediate and associate with several host genera within Pinaceae (e.g., R. salebrosus) (Molina et al. 1999). Cenococcum geophilum, with its cosmopolitan range and association with most EM hosts, exemplifies a broad host range EM fungus. 2. 物种复合体:一类真菌,其实不是单一物种。这个复合体表现出整体很广的寄主选择,但是每一个遗传单体的选择性很高(什么叫复合物种?) 三、 菌根类型的忠诚度fidelity 1. 忠诚度一词在以往的植物生态学研究中指一个植物在不同的群落组成中所表现的“稳定性”。在这里我们借用这个概念来描述植物形成的菌根类型的稳定性,也即植物能形成多少种菌根 2. 这个概念帮助我们预测一个菌丝网络结构。很重要的是,具有低忠诚度的植物(能形成两种以上菌根)具有联系不同菌根网络的枢纽作用(比如把AM网络和EM网络关联) 3. 大部分的植物都只能和真菌形成一种菌根 4. 一些例外: ① 壳斗科Fag-aceae的一些属,比如eucalyptus桉树,populus 杨属,Salix柳属,兼容EM和AM A. 但是这些树大部分是幼年依赖AM成年后转为EM ② AM也在一些典型的非AM植物(松属)中报道出现。但一些也许只是偶然定植,不过也有实验表示这些菌根也能促进养分的吸收 ③ 更常见的例外:参与草莓树菌根、杜鹃菌根、兰科菌根、菌生植物菌根的EM真菌 A. 森林的菌生植物主要依赖的菌都是EM菌——菌生植物通常具有很狭窄的特异性,只能和少数菌共生 B. 杜鹃花科菌根和EM菌根的普遍共存让科学家考虑上林冠层的松树和林下的杜鹃花科植物是不是建立一种群落关系 C. 一些EM真菌或者杜鹃花科菌还能和原始植物比如地钱形成共生 D. 一个特殊的真菌类群Sebeniales能同时形成EM/兰科/杜鹃花。 ④ 这种忠诚度的破缺提出了一个有趣的机理研究问题:在共生结构上,植物和真菌哪一方掌控这个过程?是哪些过程指导了的特殊共生结构的形成? 四、 生态特异性 ecological specificity 1. 类比病理学上的致病三角形,并不是只要能侵害植物的病原菌在野外就一定能侵害成功。实验室结果和野外结果显示的菌根数量不一致指出,在野外真菌植物之间的选择还有其他因素的影响。这种环境导致的特异性变化称之为生态特异性 2. 最常讨论的影响因素是其他植物的存在使得菌根关系“易主” 五、 寄主偏好和选择 host preference and selectivity 1. 在固定的群落中,植物和真菌能稳定住他们的共生模式,无论随机因素如何变化。同时,多植物共存的时候,一些真菌总会更多地和特定植物建立共生。这种现象被叫做“寄主偏好”或“寄主选择” 2. 造成这种选择的原因是多样的。缺乏研究 In field studies with experimental designs that allow researchers to rule out random affects, consistent patterns of associations between plant and fungal species are observed more or less frequently than expected by chance, despite an absence of compatibility limitations between the symbionts 在实验设计的田野研究中,研究人员可以排除随机影响,尽管共生体之间不存在相容性的限制,但植物和真菌物种之间一致的关联模式比预期的偶然性更多或更少被观察到。 六、 寄主转移 host shift 1. 寄主转移是说演化历史上一个真菌由于当地原始寄主的消亡,而开始侵染新的植物,或者植物入侵到新环境之后,真菌开始接纳新植物。寄主转移这个概念强调的是时间上的关系演化,而不是空间上的“新能力构建” ① 这里文中描述比较模糊。重点在于,我们假设真菌在和新植物建立关系的过程中“新获得了识别新寄主的能力”,而不是“本来有这个能力,只是因为源生地没有这样的寄主,所以没有表现出来” 2. 但是这样两种细微的时间先后差别非常难以区分。书中给出的寄主转移的例子都是基于入侵植物和入侵地本土菌根开始建立关系为例子来说明菌根的寄主转移能力的(还需重读) 一、 混合丛林中不同寄主的存在使得真菌的寄主范围、特异性程度都会改变 1. 典型案例:“共培养” ① 在松树存在的情况下,EM菌根(Rhizopogon species (Pinaceae specialists) 也能和草莓树arbutus形成菌根,但是在草莓树单作田则不会形成菌根 二、 生态特异性和寄主偏好的区分 三、 广泛存在的寄主偏好 1. 寄主偏好广泛存在 ① 常见的偏好范围是科级别的,而属或者物种层面偏好表现不明显 ② 似乎热带地区、硬叶林地区偏好性表现更多,而萨瓦纳稀树草原的群落偏好性不明显。但是暂时没有全球性的数据 2. 寄主偏好不只出现于那些本身就比较狭域寄主的物种上,即使是广域寄主种,也表现出偏好性 3. 野外实验上的困难:采样如何保证全面?如何设计更稳健的方式来监测不同环境中(也就是不同环境偏好性体系下)体系表现的偏好性? It is critically important that future field studies use robust sampling methods that provide strong statistical inferences regarding the interpretation of host preference patterns. 4. 和其他偏好性一样,寄主偏好也是受到环境影响的 ① 物种入侵事件中表现出来的寄主偏好 A. Wolfe and Pringle 2011:一个奇怪的案例,介绍一种毒伞菌属的真菌在欧洲源生地主要和栎属以及其他壳斗科共生,但是在新入侵的北美地区东海岸主要和松科共生,而西海岸则和欧洲源生地一样,依然是栎属。相反作者不认为这表现出毒伞菌是广域寄主,而只是认为它们定植栋数的能力是适应东海岸入侵环境的一种“生态特异性”:也许是因为和松属植物共生使得植物有了更好的适合度,于是在群落中传播更广 They conclude by stating: specificity in local habitats can influence the success of introduced mutualist species even when the species otherwise appears a generalist. 5. 寄主偏好中的重要影响因素:寄主的响应 ① Tedersoo 提出几个重要的造成寄主偏好的因素:历史成因,特化的生境,部分自养生活史,系统发生差异 ② 在不考虑遗传因素的情况下,学者认为偏好性是“实际生态位”的体现,推测偏好性要么形成于真菌之间的相互竞争,或者源于寄主植物对真菌的特殊回馈 A. 来自AM的一些实验更支持后一种观点:寄主植物的特殊关照造成了偏好性 a. Bever的实验表明葱属植物同时接种两种菌根后,植物只会给有益真菌提供光合产物,并且这种合作增加益生菌的孢子产生数量(一种适合度的体现);而有害真菌啧不能享受C分配 b. Kiers的实验验证了三种菌根参与形成的共侵染中,苜蓿寄主会分配更多的C给提供P最多的菌;并且菌做出同样的事情:提供更多的P给C供应充足的根 B. EM真菌体系中寄主的特殊恩惠研究较少。一些研究主要集中在揭示了广域寄主菌种给寄主的好处比不上那些和寄主狭域共生的菌。这种更强的合作关系解释了狭域关系的演化 a. 实验证据:15N/14N同位素配比差异揭示了更强的N供应;另外一个实验显示狭域种能提供更强的抗旱性 四、 总结:生态特异性和寄主偏好的研究意义 1. 寄主选择能预测群落中会形成什么样的菌丝网络,并且能显著影响菌丝网络的结构。CNM的差异对于生态意义影响很大(演替、系统恢复) 2. 寄主特异性也能解释物种共存机制(生态位分化,同域物种形成,多样性促进) 3. 最后,寄主特异性是菌根共生关系演化史的一个重要依据,可以用来研究寄主转移和真菌物种形成 4. 物种名录(均需要斜体) ① 植物 A. Larix 落叶松属 B. Picea 云杉属 C. Abies 冷杉属 D. Betula 桦木属 birch E. Arctostaphylos 熊果属 F. Vaccinium 越橘属 G. Quercus 栎属 ② 菌 A. Thelephora革菌属 B. Rhizopogon 须腹菌属 C. Boletus 牛肝菌属 (formal) to come or result from sth 来自;由…引起 Many ecological and management implications flow from our understanding of CMNs as structured by mycorrhiza specificity processes and phenomena. Molina and Trappe (1982) first used “common mycelial networks” in a discussion of mycorrhiza specificity expressed by the arbutoid mycorrhizal plants Arbutus menziesii and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ; the authors hypothesized that these plants maintain EM fungus diversity in forest ecosystems following disturbance and benefit seedling establishment of later-seral Pinaceae because seedlings can exploit the mycorrhizal networks supported by these arbutoid plants N-COUNT A reservoir of something is a large quantity of it that is available for use when needed. 大量储备 有水库,也有大量储备的意思。这个词很常用,比如原文这里用来表示“种质资源库”这样的意思。化学实验里的“母液”也是这个词。 Arbutoid hosts have a broad receptivity towards a diversity of EM fungi (Zak 1976a, b), leading Molina and Trappe (1982) to hypothesize that the plants maintain a reservoir of diverse EM fungi through disturbance events that support the establishment of later successional Pinaceae.


  core satellite的中文翻译  core satellite  核心卫星  双语例句  1  The core satellite is designed like a trmm spacecraft.  人造卫星核心部分被设定好,就像一个太空船一样。  2  As a core of satellite communications, Space Traveling-Wave Tubes ( STWTs) must be high efficiency and well linear.  作为卫星通讯的核心部件,空间行波管要有很高的效率和良好的线性。

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mutualism 和 commensalism 在解释为共栖上有什么区别

共栖(commensalism)两种生物在一起生活,其中一方受益。另一方既不受益,也不受害,称为共栖。例如,67鱼(Echeneis naucrates)用其背鳍演化成的吸盘吸附在大型鱼类的体表被带到各处,觅食时暂时离开。这对67鱼有利,对大鱼无利也无害。   2.互利共生(mutualism)两种生物在一起生活,在营养上互相依赖,长期共生,双方有利,称为互利共生。例如,牛、马胃内有以植物纤维为食物的纤毛虫定居,纤毛虫能分泌消化酶类,以分解植物纤维,获得营养物质,有利于牛、马消化植物,其自身的迅速繁殖和死亡可为牛、马提供蛋白质;而牛、马的胃为纤维虫提供了生存、繁殖所需的环境条件。   我搜索到的


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介绍几首经典的country music

The Kinslayer--- Nightwish(夜愿乐队) 开场曲,我想都没想请来了极具震撼力的Nightwish。这支芬兰交响哥特金属乐团,北欧淳厚的古典积淀和新金属的浓烈氛围,造就天籁之音。融合了古典与金属乐各自的特点,曲风凌厉,气势逼人,古典段落流光溢彩,金属节奏泼辣奔放,令人有热血沸腾之感,,此为甜咖啡CS作品的插曲,喜欢CS的朋友错过可是太遗憾了!爽死掉了,我第一次听到的时候也是大呼过瘾阿! 2 suerte(幸运)---Shakira 拥有天使般美丽无邪的脸孔加上魔鬼好身材,来自哥伦比亚的Shakira全身上下散发拉丁美女的独特质感,而内在的感性慧黠使她年纪轻轻就展现出音乐上的才能,奔放、野性十足的动感情歌,以安地斯山脉排笛、巴西鼓等传统乐器调味,那天带着偶的MP3 去车站买回家的票,听到这首歌心情巨爽,要不是在人来人往的大街上,真有那种想跳起来的冲动,嘿嘿~~ 3 They--- Jem 被誉为dido第二的jem可谓是大器晚成,这首创下全英点播亚军单曲They更是世界风靡,相比于dido的飘渺, jem的音乐多了一种尘世味道,她也许并不算是一个美丽的女子, 不过听着她的音乐时, 却能感受到她纯净的心灵。 无论是节奏还是旋律都太不可抗拒了,带着你的MP3,边走边听,那个享受啊~~~感谢左倾45度的推荐。 4 I Hate Myself For Loving You(我恨我痴心)--- Joan Jett 什么是摇滚,什么是经典---这首歌足以告诉你答案!!她玩的是简单而纯粹的摇滚乐,她从不把自己的性别当一回事,她是几代摇滚女性的偶像----琼.杰特。雪崩一样的音量和无法抵抗的钩子(指音乐中引人入胜的细节),精力充沛的形象和节奏,强大的和弦演奏。她坚持摇滚乐的传统,但也不断有所突破,并创造了无法超越的一代摇滚礼赞“I Love Rock-n-Roll”。刘天王也曾经翻唱过此歌,就是那首《我恨我痴心》,足以证明了此歌的分量!嘿嘿,音量你自己要把握好噢~~~~5 Breaking The Habit(打破惯例)---- Linkin Park 就不用多说了,很是火暴,他们的歌很容易被大多数人接受,这也是我喜欢他们的理由,音乐要是失去了好听这最基本的条件的话也就没什么意思了.他们的音乐确实在旋律上很好听,而且也没有忘记生活...比起那些成天叫唤着玩ROCK&ROLL的人,Linkin park要真实的多... 我不知道为什么我主动的 ,说出非我本义的话,我不知道我为什么会是这样,我只知道这是不对的 ,所以我要 打破惯例!厌倦了假模假式随声附和的生活,现在我要说的是,我的那些口不对心的朋友们,sorry, 我和你们不一样6 Anything but ordinary(决不平凡)--- Avril Lavign 没办法了,偶对小艾的崇拜真的有如黄河泛滥一发不可收拾,连封面都选她了,还能少得了她的歌?这首歌相当有节奏感,更让我喜欢的不仅是旋律,还有小艾嘶声力竭表达的个性主张---有时我把车开的超快,只是为了体验危险,我想大声尖叫,这可以让我觉着自己还活着---太棒了!偶的心声啊!我觉得也是一首很劲道的励志歌,现在就要大声地告诉你们---我就是不甘平凡!小艾四月发新碟啦,很期待哦~~~ 7Moonlight Shadow(月光之影)---Kokia(吉田亚纪子 ) 有过N多次的版本了,像现在很红的Groove Coverage, 原唱Maggie Reilly,个人觉得最好听的要数Kokia演绎的摇滚版了,轻快跳跃的感觉很清爽。Kokia歌声就像恩雅一般空灵,爱写歌作词的她,编织了迪士尼的美丽童话,她以歌声及想象所构筑的飘渺仙境,吸引着许多乐迷。清澈透明的声音来诠释这首歌是再合适不过了。另外,Kokia一首天籁《风潮?current》(感谢丸子是坦克的推荐)也是相当空灵,洁净的感觉,有兴趣的你可以在百度搜到。 8 Breathless-- The Corrs 爱尔兰一支名副其实的家庭组合乐队,音乐风格既不像Enya那样带有纯爱尔兰民族音乐特点,也不同于U2那样的摇滚乐队,而是将两者巧妙地糅合在一起:流行中带着爱尔兰民谣的纯朴、干净,同时融入了现代流行音乐元素,这使The Corrs在爱尔兰乃至全世界的流行音乐组合中独树一帜。NBA宣传单曲,很喜欢这种爽快的风格,就像是开胃小菜一样,虽不是大餐,却是让人心情愉悦的必需品,值得一赞! 9 Two worlds --phil Collins 震撼推荐!!请将音量调大哦!迪斯尼经典动画片Tarzan片尾曲,phil Collins就不用多介绍了,摇滚乐队出身的老将了,还有一首就是大家熟悉的.You"ll Be In My Heart。 phil collins的风格真是没的说,周华建在提到唱泰山中文版时也说phil collins是他偶像。这张电影原声大碟炫得实在是没话说阿!超喜欢里面纯乐,狂爱那个打击乐部分,那个鼓点太有力量了!!你一定能感受到置身于非洲热带雨林的感觉,什么叫自然的力量---你听过就知道!! 10Hurricane 2000---Scorpions(蝎子乐队) 强烈震撼推荐!!同样请调大音量。什么叫震撼---这就叫震撼阿!!节奏强劲、旋律煽情有力、主唱高音直窜云霄的Scorpions式摇滚乐搭配由福特万格勒等历代着名指挥大师雕塑出来风格沉稳、节拍精准、气势磅礴的柏林交响乐团正是让千万摇滚乐迷俯首称臣、古典乐迷惊叹两者结合后的魅力火花。作为2000年德国世博会经典演唱会的开场曲,真正感受到摇滚乐和交响乐结合的音符和音响震撼感,建议你要搜一下他们的现场演奏---像飓风一样摇滚你!太帅了!

电脑C盘有个文件夹:AS-SSD-COPY-TEST6 挺大的,是什么文件 可以删吗?


英文作文A country you are inte

更新1: 帮手作埋好呙 Use the "from general to specific" writing sequence. 1. Name the country first state which continent it is in briefly mention the population the capital and the language spoken. 2. Introduce the culture of the country and concretely explain the reasons for your interest in the country"s culture. Culture includes the festivals traditions value set lifestyle language food and norms shared by a specific group of people. 范文: I love Korea because of their healthy food. The Kore eat with very less soy sauce and salt in their meals which is beneficial to our health. They also eat more vegetables than Hongkongers as they have kimchi (seasoned vegetables) in every meal. This is good for our digestion too. They like to drink fruit juice after lunch and dinner. This habit can help to ensure we have vitamin which keeps us healthy. I also appreciate their culture of respecting the elderly. They greet the elder people before having meals. They let the elderly start eating first before they eat. I think we can adopt this culture to our daily life. For instance we can give up our seat to the elderly when we ride public trport. 3. Introduce some tourist spots and architectures that you admire. Emphasise that it is a good place to live because of its nice environment. 范文: The urban setting in Korea is not as conjested as in Hong Kong. High-rise buildings cluster together in Hong Kong and this makes heat and polluted air difficult to disperse. In Korea the urban area is less crowded than Hong Kong. For their residence a number of apartments are only 9-storey high. Beside high-rise buildings and apartments the other settlements are in house form. Due to less high buildings the air flows more freely than that of Hong Kong. The streets are also very clean. In my trip to Korea almost no litter can be found in the streets there. On the contrary I frequently found some trash on the streets near the place I live. 参考: 本人的英文知识 1. Introduce the country: * Population * Location * Language etc 2. Why you are interested: * Beatiful places? * Better education? * Better work opportunities? * Culture - eg. a slower pace more relaxed environments? * Food? 3. You would like to.. * Visit the country- eg. vacation * Work at that country? * Study at that country? * Immigrate to that country after your retirement? GOOD LUCK! 参考: A


the world"s greatest

在英语中college和 university 和 institute哪个表示更高的的学校

University 大学college 学院institute 研究所自己看着办吧!

dream catcher comeand save me这句歌词是那首歌里的

歌手 [Kara] 歌曲 [Dream Catcher] 歌词 Sweaty palms, racing heartCan"t seem to catch my breathI toss and turn with every wordThat you never even saidOver and over [2x]Dream catcher, dream catcherDream catcher come and save meAnd take all of my dreams[2x]My dreams [3x]"Cause I know they"ll never be realityReality [7x]In the dark, I rest my headI see fire, I see redBut your face is so clearI can"t help that I want you hereOver and over [2x]Dream catcher, dream catcherDream catcher come and save meAnd take all of my dreams[2x]And if I were to choose, I would choose to see youIn the dark there"s a spark, and it burns from the truthAnd if I could control what my mind would foreseeI"d be spared from the hope, and I"d be set free

o-ring cord是什么意思

nivfsxyfsbygdfvb gdfhcgfcgfvhgdcbagbachgfuscufgu

什么是VCO VCR卡套接头

VCO=voltage-controlled oscillator 电压控制震荡器

wound 与cound的区别?


请教信用证高手:请帮忙看看47A ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS这个条款中有没有什么软条款?如能翻一下更好,谢谢








找一首韩国歌曲 挺新的 有节奏感 歌词有 Dance 哦哦哦 i wanna dance....hey come on girl come on boy~~

Fantastic baby

bowl shaft of concrete mixer 是混凝土搅拌机的什么部分

你说的应该是强制式搅拌机的 搅拌轴。

求李夏怡在kpop star里唱的所有歌 无比感谢


大学英语作文:The Virtues of Being College Students

During my time as an undergrad I always embraced being a student but there were moments when I couldn"t wait to graduate and get a jump start on my career and start making money. My older peers always told me to stay in school as long as you can. Now that I am out on my own, I realized what they meant. I am truly starting to appreciate things I took for granted while I was in school. Therefore, it has inspired me to jot down a few things I miss about college since I"ve entered the real world.First, being a student equals free things and discounts. My first few weeks out of college I realized how often I took advantage of my student status. I am no longer eligible for discounts at local food markets, on electronics, etc. Not to mention having to pay for things like a gym-membership.In addition to freebies I never knew the student health center was the cheapest hospital I"d ever visit. Although it is just a doctor"s office, it was nice to have a place to go when I was feeling a little under the weather... and for free. Now if I want to have a doctor check me for a sinus infection or cold, it will cost me. I also didn"t realize how much I took my parent"s health insurance for granted. Searching for my health insurance has been a true eye-opener. I"ve learned a lot about how things work and what terms like "deductible" and "co-pay" mean as well as how expensive things can get.Yes, health insurance from the parents is something I didn"t calculate into my cost of college, as well as parent"s money in general. Even if some students don"t get an allowance, parents often pay for car insurance, cell phone bills, taxes and things like that. These are things I never even thought about... until I had to start paying for them.Health insurance, taxes, bills etc. will become more manageable once I get comfortable financially. But one thing that I simply can"t put a price tag on are winter, spring and fall break. Besides a day or two off for Christmas, these glorious weeks don"t exist in the real world. I never realized how precious these days were until I didn"t have them anymore.Although I could ramble on about a few other luxuries I miss about being a student, all in all, my transition from student to a young professional as been an appreciative one. No one could convince me how great being in college was; I only truly valued it after I was no longer there. And since I am not in a full-time position yet, I know how incredible things like paid-vacation time and health insurance are when it comes to accepting a job; it isn"t all about the salary. Thus, my journey from college to real-world has been a necessary step into what will be a successful and grateful career.2llege students are a special brand of species. You can pick college students out of a crowd by the way they look, what they are wearing, how they walk around in the morning, what they eat and the amount of hygiene they deem acceptable. The weirdest experience I can remember was coming home from college after my freshman year and taking a shower without wearing flip flops, without the fear of getting some kind of fungus on my feet. Yes, college students are another type of species where even the lowest attempt at maintaining hygiene is tolerated. Everyone who is a student understands that people wear sweats to class. They?re comfortable to sit in for long periods of time and easy to put on in the morning. However, wearing sweats does not replace showering. Yes, in most cases sweats will cover up your two-days-without-showering smell, and a hoodie, to some, has become the best invention ever to hide your scary bed head. But sweats are not a substitute for showering at least once a day. There is also the issue of wearing the same sweat suit day after day after day. Sweats are miraculous inventions, but even they can?t withstand the smell of a college student for more than two days without being washed. To all of you who do wear the same sweats day after day, you?re not fooling anyone, we can smell you, but something tells me that if you?re doing it, you don?t really care what anyone thinks in the first place. Just don?t expect to get any phone numbers in class. Worse than wearing the same sweats day after day, is getting decked out in nice clothing to go to class when you haven?t showered. Unless you?re of a special smell-less, sweat-less class, there is no reason why you are an exception to the showering rule. What I don?t get is why you would waste a perfectly good outfit you could wear over the weekend, to throw on your un-showered bodies in order to sit in class all day. God gave college students sweats for a reason; it is a shame that some of you still wear short skirts and high heels to class. When I see people decked out in class, squirming around uncomfortably in their seats for an hour and 45 minutes, it makes me want to throw a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie at them.Another thing that some students who are above and beyond hygiene think is that they can get away without brushing their teeth, and that gum, Listerine and Tic Tacs are right up there with the invention of the sweatsuit. But once again, I?m going to have to give you all some bad news: gum doesn?t cover up the yellow stains on your teeth. Even the longest lasting gum, which lasts about four minutes before you?re chewing on what tastes like your own breath, won?t hide your morning breath. I?m not sure whether these people just don?t care that when they speak, others always stand a couple of feet away from them or turn their head, or if they really just don?t have three extra minutes in the morning and night to get the job done. The last hygiene cover-up attempt, and probably the easiest to pick out is the cologne shower. Guys think that if they just give themselves one spray?or 10?of cologne it will substitute for a shower. As a girl, I can understand a girl waking up late and has to get to class in 15 minutes has no time for a shower. She would have to wash her hair, dry her hair, etc., etc., etc., but all a guy has to do is jump in the shower, lather up, some even wash their hair with a bar of soap I hear, and jump out in five minutes or less. There is no excuse other than laziness for a guy not showering in the morning, and the cologne showers do not count. When a guy who has taken a cologne shower walks by, you will know, and a certain disgusted expression will appear on your face; guys, it?s not an expression to be proud of. So to conclude, college students get away with enough stuff as it is: waking up at noon, skipping classes, not having jobs and eating pizza for breakfast. If you add not showering, not brushing your teeth and wearing the same clothing more than a day at a time, you?ve gone too far.



一首叫Con... star的歌 中间忘了,求回答,有悬赏

是Kpop star吧的两首歌曲分别叫什么名字?

Lloyd Banks的《on fire》 第二首《hands on you》new york cityyou are now rockin with the bestlloyd banksg-unit[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fire[verse 1- lloyd banks]now i aint putting nothing out, i smoke when i wanna26-inch chrome spokes on the hummerthis heat gon last for the whole summerrunning your bitch faster then the road runnerrocks on my wrist, rolls gold underglocks on my hip, those throw thunderim buying diamond by the pierbut when you stop, the only thing still spinning is your earyeah, im riding with that all black snubraiders cap back, all black glovesim 80s man, but the boy smack thugsthese record sales equal more back rubsnot to mention i bought a pack of clubshis impacts about as raw as crack wasnow all these new artists getting raw dealsim only 21, sitting on mills[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fire[verse 2- lloyd banks]if you know anything about me, then you know im a ballerif i aint hit the first night, i aint gon call herim trying to play, you trying to have my daughterbut i can"t blame her for what her momma taught herand i don"t care bout what the next nigga bought hercause i aint putting no baguettes in her abuelai got a diamond about as clear as waterand i got bread, but i aint spendin a quarterso cut the games ma, lets go in the backmatter fact, turn your ass round, back a nigga downand i aint bias when im riding through the townlike em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brownshe gotta be able to cum when i need hertight ass pants, little wife beaterregular chick or r&b divabitch say something, i aint a mind reader[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fireHands On You feat Eminem歌词Hands On You feat Eminem歌词babe uh, yeah!girl, you my only one though aight, hahayou my baby, fuck all that shityou"re the one for mecheck it out.[verse - obie trice]baby i"m feeling the feelings you giving, i"m feelin your styleand i"m willing to let my guard down to figure you outi"m picturing your figure in a swimsuit wilingsomewhere in the caribbean islandscause the vibe you giving me nowfeels like i"m an innocent childsinning is never tempting when other womens aroundhands down, this is my vowi never heard a moan sound so profoundwhen a nigga"s digging you out, phone ringsyou cuss them motherfuckers out, quit calling the house!if i call, you"re in routethere"s a drought, you look outi"m on edge, you put the palm of your hand on my head and squeezeplease believe i ain"t scared of commitmentfuck head from them bitches!when you could do the same, but that respect is givenour intimacy is significantly different[chorus - eminem (obie trice)]you gon ride for me (you gon ride?)then i"m gon ride for you (i"m gon ride)if you put your mouth on me (put it on me)i"m a put my mouth on youtogether there ain"t nothing we can"t do (there"s nothing)any problem we can see it through (we see it through)baby if you promise to be true (you promise?)i will never put my hands on youcome on and think about it[verse - obie trice]we ain"t even got to talk when we see each otherwe got it all chalked out when we see each other under them coversyou my lover, i"m your friend, i"m your man, but i"m sayinwho needs a label, we roll hand in handvisions of you having my little manwe joke, you call me george foremancause i"m namin him o number four, me i"m threeplus the ol" g like the personality, she say it"s meant to bei"m in the bathroom when you peeshe in the bathroom too when a nigga doo doo, you my boo boothere"s nothing in this world that a nigga wouldn"t do tosatisfy - this my bitch that ridemy bitch wit the pistol in the ridea nigga act up she busting, she ain"t got to decideno discussion, she"ll put a slug in a tough niggaz muffinyou"re fucking wit her husband[chorus][verse - obie trice]come on and think about ityou got a ring about itnothing could ever come between or intervene our bondagedrama we overcome it if we out numberedi promise it"ll be us against a hundredrushing to your side when you vomit eating pickles and peanutbuttereight months later obie rubbing your stomachpaying homage to your momma for raising a girl properenough to call o her baby fatheryou ain"t gotta bother bout a deal, i swear i keep it realraise young o trill and cook a decent mealit"s signed and sealed, you the only femalehail, my one and only pal come to get me outta jailpost bail and post up for salei swore, i swear we will always live welllong as i got my bombshell from the hood to the hillswho"s gon stop up? nobody! we"s that deal[chorus][bridge - eminem (obie trice)]if you gon stand by me (if you gon stand by me)then i"m gon stand by you (then i"m gon stand by you)if you promise you"ll be truethen i"ll never put my hands on you (hands down)but! don"t you play me for no fool (no fool) bitch!cause if i put my mouth on you (on you)after you put your mouth on someone elsebetter find someone else newcome on and think about it[outro - obie trice]yeah.. obie triceshady!


suggest advise recommend request believe 等等..



急求forwarder;intermodal company;consolidator;agent;carrier;freight broker的区别~~谢谢!


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Not everybody has the competence to finish the task within three days.


pte考试是如何考察communicative competence

PTE的评分机制是交叉评分制。 我们都知道雅思托福是单项评分,比如,口语就是测口语,写作就是测写作。但是PTE却相反,PTE的一道题可能同时会对不同的项目都有影响。 比如说,口语考试中的Repeat Sentence题型, 同时考察口语和听力,流利度和发音。Answer short question题型也是同时在测听力和口语,以及词汇技能。 听、说、读、写四个大项的最终得分会由六个小分来决定。 PTE的最终得分(Communicative Skills)也就是考试最后的听、说、读、写得分,主要来源于该考生的语言运用技能分(Enabling Skills Scores),语言运用技能分分别来自于,语法grammar,口语流利程度oral fluency,发音pronunciation,拼写spelling,词汇vocabulary和语篇编写written discourse六个部分。


Linguistic competence refers to the knowledge of a language system. The term first emerged in the work of Noam Chomsky, where it referred specifically to syntactic competence, and was specifically opposed to linguistic performance. The term was used more broadly by Dell Hymes in formulating the concept of communicative competence. Like communicative competence, language competence is often divided into various subcompetences, such as syntactic competence and lexical competence.

linguistic competence communitive competence

Linguistic competence refers to something about language. Communicative competence have something to do with the ability of the communication with people.One man can have a good linguistic competence,however his communicative competence is pool.

cultural competence是什么意思

你好 中文意思文化能力,希望能帮到你,望采纳

How can we enhance our listening competence?

How can we enhance our listening competence?我们如何提高听力能力?

langue parole和competence

用The differences between langue and parole or between langue competence and its performance 较好.供参考哈

discourse competence名词解释

discourse competence名词解释:1、话语能力;2、篇章能力;3、语篇能力;4、言谈能力。 扩展资料 例句:By means of fast reading and intensive reading practice, students will be trained proficiently in information comprehension based on terminology recognition and discourse analysis.使用快速阅读及精读相结合的训回练方式,学生答将在专业术语任知和篇章分析的基础上,形成熟练获取信息的能力。

language competence是什么意思

语言能力competence 能力

the difference between competence and performance! 语言学方面的问题!



communicativecompetence的读音是:。communicativecompetence的读音是:。communicativecompetence的例句是用作名词(n.)Stylisticcompetenceisregardedasoneofthecomponentcompetencesofcommunicativecompetence.语体能力被看作是交际能力的一个重要组成部分。communicativecompetence的意思是n.交际能力;沟通能力。一、网络释义点此查看communicativecompetence的详细内容 交际能力交际法认为,培养交际能力(CommunicativeCompetence)是语言教学的根本目的。它反对传统教学法重语言知识讲授、轻应用能力培养的方式。 沟通能力「沟通能力(communicativecompetence)除了与「文法规则有关外,也通常会受到当事人违反「语用规则(黄越钦,1992)指用语的时机、场合是否适当得体? 语言交际能力...秘籍网关键词语篇教学语言交际能力课堂教学模式课堂实践[gap=871]Keywordsdiscourseteaching;communicativecompetence;classroomteachingmode;classroompractice... 交际能力理论2交际能力理论(communicativecompetence)英国教学法家Widdowson(2000)提出语言用法(usage)与语言使用(use)的一组概念,指出语言教学应更强调语言的使用,即注重培...二、例句Stylisticcompetenceisregardedasoneofthecomponentcompetencesofcommunicativecompetence.语体能力被看作是交际能力的一个重要组成部分。Alsomycommunicativeabilityandorganizationskillshavebeengreatlyimprovedthroughtheinternship.同时我的交际能力和组织能力也得到锻炼和提高。Communicativecompetenceincludestheabilitytoapplytheserulestouselanguageappropriately.沟通能力包括应用这些规则以适当使用语言的能力。Therefore,inordertoimprovethestudents"communicativecompetence,collegeinstructorsshouldteachEnglishgrammarinacommunicativeframework.因此,为了增进学生的英语沟通能力,大学英语教师应该给予学生以沟通为架构之英文文法教学。communicativecompetence的相关临近词communicative、communicativenorm点此查看更多关于communicativecompetence的详细信息

competence net worth是什么意思 财务报表中的 谢谢




生物当中的competence development什么意思

areas of competence 专长领域area n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英国〕地下室前 ...competence n. 1.资格,能力 (for; to do); 反应能力,胜任(性);相当 ...例句:Mr longman insists that big drugs firms must move towards a “ disaggregated ” model to focus on a few core areas of competence , such as drug discovery , development or marketing朗曼认为,大型制药公司必须寻求分散经营,把精力集中在小部分核心领域内,比如药物的发现,研究,市场运作。

competence ;detriment ;eventual 这英语用谐音怎么读?





competence 是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思。例如:His performance today does not reflect his competence at all.他今天的表现没有体现出他的能力。希望你能够满意!

skill competence区别

skill是技能的意思,而competence则是能力的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: During interview, from the knowledge, experience and skill you showed, I believe that you have competence to take this role. 面试时,从你所展示的知识、经验和技能来看,我相信你有能力胜任这个角色。

compentence 反义词是什么


footlocker 这个网站则么变成中文? 急求……


discourse competence是什么意思

discourse competence 语篇能力网络释义 专业释义 语篇能力 话语能力 言谈能力 谈话能力短语discourse and sociolinguistic competence 言能力双语例句1.Then Canale and Swain developed it further and summarized it in four aspects:grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence andstrategic competence. 跟读进而,卡纳斯和斯温将该理论进一步扩展,并将它概括为语法能力、社会语言能力、语篇能力和策略能力。dict.cnki.net2.Reasons are given to account for this seemingly strange phenomenon, and atentative suggestion is forwarded toward the teaching of English writing and thecultivation of discourse competence. 跟读本文最后对这一看似奇怪的现象的成因加以分析,并对英语语篇写作教学和学生语篇能力的培养提出一点设想。

跪求Charles Lamb的The Convalescent的译文

一个美丽的严重适合身体不适,其中的名义下,一紧张,出现发烧,取得了一名囚犯对我的几个星期过去,只不过是慢慢地离开我,减少了,我一丧失工作能力的反映后,任何主题的外国本身。 Expect no healthy conclusions from me this month, reader; I can offer you only sick men"s dreams. 预料没有健康的结论,从我这一个月,读者,我可以为您提供只有病夫的梦想。 And truly the whole state of sickness is such; for what else is it but a magnificent dream for a man to lie a-bed, and draw day-light curtains about him; and, shutting out the sun, to induce a total oblivion of all the works which are going on under it?真正和整个国家的疾病是如此;又是什么,但一个宏伟的梦想,一名男子躺在一床,借鉴天灯拉开帷幕,约他,关闭了太阳,诱使共遗忘所有的工程仍在进行下它? To become insensible to all the operations of life, except the beatings of one feeble pulse?成为insensible的所有行动的生活,除了殴打一微弱的脉冲? If there be a regal solitude, it is a sick bed.如果有一个富豪的孤独,这是一个病榻上。 How the patient lords, it there!如何病人上议院,它有! what caprices he acts without controul!什么首随想曲,他的行为没有controul ! how king like he sways his pillow tumbling, and tossing, and shifting, and lowering, and thumping, and flatting, and moulding it, to the ever varying requisitions of his throbbing temples.如何国王一样,他sways他的枕头下挫,并抛出,并转移,以及降低, thumping ,扁平化,并塑造它,到任何时候都不同的请购单,他throbbing庙宇。 He changes sides oftener than a politician.他的变化,双方oftener比一个政治家。 Now he lies full length, then halflength, obliquely, transversely, head and feet quite across the bed; and none accuses him of tergiversation.现在,他是充分的长度,然后halflength ,斜,横向,头部及双脚相当全国床;没有指控他tergiversation 。 Within the four curtains he is absolute.与四拉开帷幕,他是绝对的。 They are his Mare Clausum.他们是他的图马雷clausum 。 How sickness enlarges the dimensions of a man"s self to himself!如何疾病扩大尺寸的一名男子的自我自己! he is his own exclusive object.他是他自己的专用对象。 Supreme selfishness is inculcated upon him as his only duty.最高人民法院的自私是灌输后,他作为他唯一的职责。 `Tis the Two Tables of the Law to him. `运输资讯系统的两个表的法律给他。 He has nothing to think of but how to get well.他没有想到的,但如何获得良好。 What passes out of doors, or within them, so he hear not the jarring of them, affects him not.什么通行证走出门,或在他们,所以他听到的不是他们的经历,影响他不要。 A little while ago he was greatly concerned in the event of a law-suit, which was to be the making or the marring of his dearest friend.一会儿前,他十分关注,在发生法律反诉,这是必须作出,或marring他最亲近的朋友。 He was to be seen trudging about upon this man"s errand to fifty quarters of the town at once, jogging this witness, refreshing that solicitor.他是看到trudging约后,这名男子的差事,以四分之五十零的城市在一次,慢跑,这个证人,令人耳目一新的律师。 The cause was to come on yesterday.原因是来对昨天。 He is absolutely as indifferent to the decision, as if it were a question to be tried at Pekin.他是绝对作为漠不关心的决定,好像它是一个问题,交由在北京。 Peradventure from some whispering, going on about the house, not intended for his hearing, he picks up enough to make him understand, that things went cross-grained in the Court yesterday, and his friend is ruined. peradventure从一些耳语,持续了约内务,不打算为他的听证会,他拿起足以使他明白,事情到两岸晶在法庭昨天,和他的朋友是破坏殆尽。 But the word "friend," and the word "ruin," disturb him no more than so much jargon.但这个词的“朋友”和“破坏” ,扰乱他不超过这么多的术语。 He is not to think of any thing but how to get better.他不认为任何事情,但如何取得更好的。 What a world of foreign cares are merged in that absorbing consideration!什么是世界的外国关心合并在这方面吸收考虑! He has put on the strong armour of sickness, he is wrapped in the callous hide of suffering; he keeps his sympathy, like some curious vintage, under trusty lock and key, for his own use only.他已提上了强烈的盔甲的疾病,他是包裹在无情隐藏的痛苦,他不断他的同情,像有些好奇的经典,根据可靠的锁和关键,因为他自己只使用。 He lies pitying himself, honing and moaning to himself; he yearneth over himself; his bowels are even melted within him, to think what he suffers; he is not ashamed to weep over himself.他所在pitying自己,珩磨和呻吟自己; yearneth超过他自己,他的排便,甚至融化在他,认为他患有;他不惭愧落泪超过自己。 He is for ever plotting how to do some good to himself; studying little stratagems and artificial alleviations.他是为以往任何时候都策划如何做一些好自己;学习小谋略和人工alleviations 。 He makes the most of himself; dividing himself, by an allowable fiction, into as many distinct individuals, as he hath sore and sorrowing members.他最自己;除以自己,由一所允许的小说,到作为许多鲜明的个人,因为他他所喉咙痛和sorrowing成员。 Sometimes he meditates -- as of a thing apart from him -- upon his poor aching head, and that dull pain which, dozing or waking, lay in it all the past night like a log, or palpable substance of pain, not to he removed without opening the very scull, as it seemed, to take it thence.有时候,他meditates -作为一个事,除了他-他的穷人ac hing头部,并呆板的痛苦,d o zing或觉醒,奠定在它的所有过去夜想的日志,或明显的实质疼痛,而不是他取消开放非常scull ,因为它似乎是,是否可以再。 Or he pities his long, clammy, attenuated fingers.或他pities他的长期, clammy ,衰减的手指。 He compassionates himself all over; and his bed is a very discipline of humanity, and tender heart.他compassionates自己所有;和他的床是一个很人性的纪律,投标和心脏病。 He is his own sympathiser; and instinctively feels that none can so well perform that office for him.他是他自己的sympathiser ;本能地认为,没有人能够这么好执行该办事处为他。 He cares for few spectators to his tragedy.他关心少数观众向他的悲剧。 Only that punctual face of the old nurse pleases him, that announces his broths, and his cordials.只是准时面对老护士取悦他,宣布他的broths ,和他的cordials 。 He likes it because it is so unmoved, and because he can pour forth his feverish ejaculations before it as unreservedly as to his bed-post.他喜欢它,因为它是如此无动于衷,因为他可以倾诉,提出了他的狂热ejaculations之前,它作为毫无保留地以他的床后。 To the world"s business he is dead.向世界的业务他已经死了。 He understands not what the callings and occupations of mortals are; only he has a glimmering conceit of some such thing, when the doctor makes his daily call: and even in the lines of that busy face he reads no multiplicity of patients, but solely conceives of himself as the sick man.他明白没有什么召唤和职业的凡人;只是他有一个荧自负一些这样的事,当医生让他每天电话:甚至在线条表示,面对繁忙的内容,他并没有繁多的病人,但只构思自己作为病夫。 To what other uneasy couch the good man is hastening, when he slips out of his chamber, folding up his thin douceur so carefully for fear of rustling -- is no speculation which he can at present entertain.以什么其他不安的沙发上的好人,是催生,当他缆出他的商会,折叠起来,他薄douceur ,所以仔细的恐惧偷-是没有投机,他可以在目前的娱乐节目。 He thinks only of the regular return of the same phenomenon at the same hour to-morrow.他认为,只有经常返回同一现象在同一小时至明天。 Household rumours touch him not.家庭谣言触摸他不要。 Some faint murmur, indicative of life going on within the house, soothes him, while he knows not distinctly what it is.一些微弱的杂音,指示性的生活持续了内部的内务,舒缓他,而他知道没有明显的是什么。 He is not to know any thing, not to think of any thing.他是不知道任何事,不要以为任何事。 Servants gliding up or down the distant staircase, treading as upon velvet, gently keep his ear awake, so long as he troubles not himself further than with some feeble guess at their errands.公务员滑翔向上或向下遥远的楼梯,踏作为后,丝绒,轻轻地保住自己的耳朵醒来,只要他的麻烦不是自己进一步比一些薄弱猜测他们前去。 Exacter knowledge would be a burthen to him: he can just endure the pressure of conjecture. exacter知识将是一个负荷他:他可以忍受的压力猜想。 He opens his eye faintly at the dull stroke of the muffled knocker, and closes it again without asking "who was it?"他打开他的眼睛依稀在平淡中风的muffled knocker ,并关闭它再次问: “谁是它” ? He is flattered by a general notion that inquiries are making after him, but he cares not to know the name of the inquirer.他是受宠若惊由一个一般概念,即查询决策后,他,但他关心,不知道的名称,该询问者。 In the general stillness, and awful hush of the house, he lies in state, and feels his sovereignty.在一般静,和可怕的hush的内务,他是在国家,并且觉得他的主权。 To be sick is to enjoy monarchal prerogatives.以生病是享受monarchal的特权。 Compare the silent tread, and quiet ministry, almost by the eye only, with which he is served -- with the careless demeanour, the unceremonious goings in and out (slapping of doors, or leaving them open) of the very same attendants, when he is getting a little better -- and you will confess, that from the bed of sickness (throne let me rather call it) to the elbow chair of convalescence, is a fall from dignity, amounting to a deposition.比较沉默的胎面,和安静的部,几乎是由眼睛只,与他是-与不小心的风范, u nceremoniousg oings在和列(掌掴的门,或让他们打开)非常相同的服务员,当他是慢慢变得更好-你会招供,从床的疾病(宝座,让我,而不是要求它)肘关节主席疗养,是一个秋天,从尊严,金额为1沉积。 How convalescence shrinks a man back to his pristine stature!如何疗养萎缩,一名男子回到他原始的地位! where is now the space, which he occupied so lately, in his own, in the family"s eye?如果是现在的空间,这是他被占领,所以最近,在他自己,在家庭中的眼睛? The scene of his regalities, his sick room, which was his presence chamber, where he lay and acted his despotic fancies -- how is it reduced to a common bed-room!现场他regalities ,他的病室,这是他出席会议厅,在那里他奠定充当他的专制中意-如何是它减少到一个共同的床室! The trimness of the very bed has something petty and unmeaning about it.该trimness的非常床有一定的零用和unmeaning约。 It is mad, every day.这是疯狂,每天。 How unlike to that wavy, many-furrowed, oceanic surface, which it presented so short a time since, when to make it was a service not to be thought of at oftener than three or four day revolutions, when the patient was with pain and grief to be lifted for a little while out of it, to submit to the encroachments of unwelcome neatness, and decencies which his shaken frame deprecated; then to be lifted into it again, for another three or four days" respite, to flounder it out of shape again, while every fresh furrow was a historical record of some shifting posture, some uneasy turning, some seeking for a little ease; and the shrunken skin scarce told a truer story than the crumpled coverlid.如何不同,这种波状,很多- furrowed ,海洋表面上,它提出这么短的时间以来,当使这是一个服务不被认为是在oftener比三或四天的革命,当病人疼痛和悲痛取消了一会儿出来,向侵害的不受欢迎的洁净, decencies他动摇了框架已废弃;然后将取消它再次,另有3或4天的喘息,牙鲆出来形状再次,而每一个新鲜的沟是一个历史的纪录,一些转移的态势,一些不安的转折,有些寻求一点纾缓;和萎缩,皮肤稀缺说,真实的故事,比弄皱的coverlid 。 Hushed are those mysterious sighs -- those groans -- so much more awful, while we knew not from what caverns of vast hidden suffering they proceeded. hushed是那些神秘的感叹-那些呻吟-这么多更可怕的,而我们知道,不是从什么溶洞,广大隐藏的痛苦,他们着手。 The Lernean pangs are quenched.该lernean的阵痛是淬火。 The riddle of sickness is solved; and Philoctetes is become an ordinary personage.谜疾病是解决;皮洛克特是成为一个普通的人物。 Perhaps some relic of the sick man"s dream of greatness survives in the still lingering visitations of the medical attendant.也许有人遗迹病夫的梦想的伟大生存,在仍然挥之不去参观的医疗服务员。 But how is he too changed with every thing else!但如何,他也改变了每一件事,否则! Can this be he -- this man of news -- of chat -- of anecdote -- of every thing but physic can this be he, who so lately came between the patient and his cruel enemy, as on some solemn embassy from Nature, erecting herself into a high mediating party ?可这是他-这名男子的消息-聊天-的轶事-每一件事,但物理,这他,谁,所以最近来到之间的病人和他的残忍的敌人,作为对一些庄严的大使馆从性质,架设自己成为一个高调停党? -- Pshaw! -p shaw! `tis some old woman. `运输资讯系统的一些岁女子。 Farewell with him all that made sickness pompous -- the spell that hushed the household -- the desart-like stillness, felt throughout its inmost chambers -- the mute attendance -- the inquiry by looks -- the still softer delicacies of self-attention -- the sole and single eye of distemper alonely fixed upon itself -- world-thoughts excluded -- the man a world unto himself -- his own theatre --告别与他的一切所作的疾病pompous -拼写认为h ushed家庭- de sart一样的静,认为其整个in most商会-静音出席-的调查,期待-仍然柔软的佳肴,自我注意-唯一和单一的眼睛d istempera lonely固定后,本身-的世界的思考排除在外-该名男子的世界他自己-他自己的剧院- What a speck is he dwindled into ! 什么是斑点是他缩减到了! In this flat swamp of convalescence, left by the ebb of sickness, yet far enough from the terra firma of established health, your note, dear Editor, reached me, requesting -- an article.在这个单位的疗养,沼泽,左由低潮的疾病,但还不够,从陆地既定的健康,您的注意,亲爱的编辑器,达成我,要求-一篇文章。 In Articulo Mortis, thought I; but it is something hard -- and the quibble, wretched as it was, relieved me.在articulo mortis ,以为我,但它是很难-和狡辩,肮脏的,因为它,解除了我。 The summons, unseasonable as it appeared, seemed to link me on again to the petty businesses of life, which I had lost sight of; a gentle call to activity, however trivial a wholesome weaning from that preposterous dream of self-absorption -- the puffy state of sickness -- in which I confess to have lain so long, insensible to the magazines and monarchies, of the world alike; to its laws, and to its literature.传票, unseasonable ,因为它出现的,似乎是连接我就再次向小企业的生命,而我已抛诸脑后;温和的呼吁活动,但琐碎的一有益身心的断乳从这个荒谬的梦想,自吸收- puffy国家的疾病-我在其中承认有连这么久, i nsensible向杂志和君主政体,整个世界都;它的法律,以及其文学。 The hypochondriac afflatus is subsiding; the acres, which in imagination I had spread over -- for the sick man swells in the sole contemplation of his single sufferings, till he becomes a Tityus to himself -- are wasting to a span; and for the giant of self-importance, which I was so lately, you have me once again in my natural pretensions -- the lean and meagre figure of your insignificant Essayist.该hypochondriac afflatus是下沉;英亩,这在我的想象摊-为病夫膨胀,在唯一的沉思,他单身的痛苦,直到他成为一个提提俄斯自己-是在浪费一个跨度;为巨人自我的重要性,这点我是如此,最近,你有我再次在我的自然伪装-精益和微薄的数字,您的微不足道的散文家。


差异在于索绪尔的这对概念侧重于社会现象,乔姆斯基则侧重于心智现象。费尔迪南·德·索绪尔1857年,出生于瑞士日内瓦的一个学者世家,祖籍法国。他的家族中多自然科学家,有自然科学研究的传统。祖父是地质学和矿物学教授,父亲是地质学家和博物学家。但他父亲的一位挚友阿道夫·皮科特(Adolphe Pictet)研究语言古生物学,他引导索绪尔学习语言学,这使得索绪尔很早就掌握了欧洲多种语言以及古拉丁语和希腊语。上中学时索绪尔就已经开始学习梵语了。1875年,索绪尔遵循父母的意愿在日内瓦大学学习了两个学期的化学、物理和博物学。家庭的传统和早期的自然科学的教育使索绪尔的思想形式深受科学思想方式的影响。意大利的语言学家Mauro曾言,达尔文把科学的态度描绘成怀疑主义和大胆设想的一种适度的结合:每一个论点,哪怕是人们最能够接受的,也还是当作一个假设来看待。而每一个假设,哪怕是最奇特的,也被看作一种可能成立的论点,并有可能加以证实和发展。索绪尔把这种态度体现在语言学当中。这也许和他早年接受的自然科学研究观念的熏陶不无关联。





competence 和competency的区别?翻译句子?

大隐于市为您解答1、前者倾向于本身拥有的能力后者倾向欲具备的资格,比如法律上作证的能力资格2、人们可以研究每个收留的文化发展跨文化能力,如临界和反思性思维和知识的灵活性。develop intercultural competencies 培养跨文化能力reflective thinking 反思性思维望采纳

competence and performance举例

competence 是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思. 例如:His performance today does not reflect his competence at all. 他今天的表现没有体现出他的能力.


首席品牌官【CBO】 chief brand officer 首席文化官【CCO】 Chief Cultural Officer 开发总监【CDO】 chief Development officer 首席执行官【CEO】 Chief Executive officer 首席财务官【CFO】 Chief finance officer 人事总监 【CHO】 Chief Human resource officer 首席信息官【CIO】 chief information officer 首席知识官【CKO】 chief knowledge officer 首席市场官【CMO】 chief Marketing officer 首席谈判官【CNO】 chief Negotiation officer 首席营运官【COO】 chief Operation officer 公关总监【CPO】 chief Public relation officer 质量总监【CQO】 chief Quality officer 销售总监【CSO】 chief Sales officer 首席技术官【CTO】 chief Technology officer 评估总监【CVO】 chief Valuation officer CAO:Answerer 首席答辩人,专门负责解答媒体、债权人和用户等有关网站倒闭问题的询问。 CBO:Business Plan 首席商业计划官,是首席财务官的助理之一,专门针对不同的投资人制订相应的BP。 CCO:Cost Control 首席成本控制官,凡超过100元以上的支出必须由CC0批准。 CDO:Domain name 首席域名官,负责公司域名注册、网站清盘时域名的拍卖、域名法律纠纷等相关问题。 CEO:Exchange 首席交换官,一般由国际CEO自由联盟随时更换,是一个常设的短期职能岗位,类似足球教练。 CFO:Financial 首席财务官,公司最重要的领导人,决定公司命运的主要人物。(是公司中至关重要的灵魂人物) CGO:Guideline 首席方针制订官,规划公司的宏伟蓝图,一般是5年以后的目标。 CHO:Harmony 首席协调官,调解投资者和经营者之间的冲突,并确保公司内部矛盾不要泄露。 CIO:Inspector 首席检查官,检查公司内部工作状况,监督员工工作态度。 CJO:Judge 首席执法官,解决内部劳资纠纷,包括员工对降薪、辞退补偿等所引起的问题。 CKO:Keep connecting,网络连接专员,最繁忙的岗位之一,当中国电信的网络连接中断时及时向员工通报。 CLO:Lawer 首席律师,负责公司被控侵权时的应诉以及各种合同文本的审核。 CMO:Media 首席媒体官,保持和媒体之间的友好关系,为公司随时发布新闻做准备。 CNO:News 首席新闻官,向媒体披露公司网站被黑、裁员、被收购等重大新闻。 COO:Observer 首席观察员,每天在各大网站BBS灌水,有时也被称为“大虾”,工作向CWO直接汇报。 CPO:Privacy 首席隐私官,负责公司内部员工Email、ICQ、OICQ等通信内容的监控。 CQO:Quantity Making,数量指标编造专家,负责注册用户数量、页面浏览、营业收入等指标的编造。 CRO:Reduce the stafftrimmer 首席裁员官,负责所有与裁员有关的事务,直接向股东大会负责,包括董事长在内都不得干预其工作。 CSO:Strategy 首席战略官,由已经退位的公司主要创建人担任,在政府机关一般称为调研员或顾问。 CTO:Testing 首席测试官,是公司唯一负责网站建设的专家,由于技术开发不成熟,需要一直测试下去。 CUO:Union 首席联盟官,以战略联盟的名义,专门寻找有收购自己意向的网站。 CVO:VC reception 风险投资商接待专员,首席财务官的另一重要助理。 CWO:Writer 首席网络写手,负责将小事扩大化,通过炒作达到扩大网站知名度的目的,其下属为COO。 CXO:Xingxiang(因为中国特有,所以只能用汉语拼音表示) 网站形象代言人,一般由学历不高且没有任何网络知识的年轻人担任。 CYO:Yearly 公司元老,这是一个荣誉称号,授予在同一网站工作满一年的员工(这个职位通常空缺)


competence造句例如:Is it in my circle ofcompetence?(是不是在我的能力范围之内?The judge has to act within thecompetence of the court.(法官必须在法庭的权限范围内行使权力。)The ability to write is a supreme test of linguisticcompetence.(写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的测试。)
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