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coastal, 海岸的



大家有知道COAST 这个品牌的衣服吗?


bank,coast,shore表示岸有什么区别 指在河流旁高出水面且坡度较大的斜坡. eg.The young man divied from the bank into the river.那年轻人从河岸上跳入河水中. 2.shore 一般指围绕海洋、湖泊、大河与陆地交界的地域,含有与水相对的意味. eg.The lake washed the shore.湖水拍打着岸边. 3.coast 在含义上比shore 狭窄,仅指沿海水与陆地相接的线. eg.The island lies on the east coast of China.这岛在中国的东海岸.

“COAST“ 是什么牌子的衣服?





那就得用live on the coast .on 表示与…相接壤的意思.in 表示在什么范围之内.这里要表达在岸边,也就是沿海,所以介词用on .







Teenage Icon 歌词

歌曲名:Teenage Icon歌手:The Vaccines专辑:Teenage IconThe Vaccines - "Teenage Icon".Oh look at me so ordinary, no mystery,with no great capabilities,But I could make out as if I had it but you know,God I""m so obvious and I should let it go,oh I don""t know..I""m no teenage icon,I""m no Frankie Avalon,I""m nobody""s hero..Preserved and shy, your average guy,No piercing stare, just out of shape with messy hair,But I always figured I was somebody who""d wait,And now I""m guessingthat my moment must be late cause I need it, oh.I""m no teenage icon,I""m no Frankie Avalon,I""m nobody""s hero..I""m not magnetic or mythical,I""m suburban and typical,But I got it, I got itI""m overrun with it all..Seductive charm a way with words so effortlessNot leather clad or dangerous,But I always did it like a real rebel would,I had a photo where John Lennon may have stood,or so I""m told..I""m no teenage icon,I""m no Frankie Avalon,I""m nobody""s hero.I""m no teenage icon,I""m no Frankie Avalon,I""m nobody""s hero..


shore指与海洋、江河水面相接的陆地,即“海岸、湖岸”,强调从陆地着眼来说明它与水面的衔接,一般前面不加限定词;coast指沿海狭长的陆地,尤指视为边界的“海岸线”,与shore相反,它是从水面着眼来说明它与陆地相衔接的。 扩展资料 shore一般前面不加限定词,但the shores of the lake已经有限定关系,所以可以加the,shores可用复数,有时可以on shore表示“在岸上、在陆地上”,与on land有相同的意思,相对与on the sea。


美国知名记者Jeannette Walls的回忆录The Glass Castle里面有一句话用到coast的另外一个意思,我们一起来看:这段话中,作者说她的父母已经教了她几乎所有学校老师Miss Page教授的知识了。但因为她想让其他孩子喜欢她,不想再像以前那样出风头,招嫉妒,所以她不会每次都争着举手回答老师的问题。她爸爸指责她coasting,所以有时会要求她用二进制方法来做作业。 从上图我们可以看到coast除了名词的海岸之外,还有动词词性。第2个意思指:得过且过,混日子。第3个意思指:轻易取得成功,不费吹灰之力。 文中,我们读到作者的父亲认为她需要被挑战,所以要求她用更难的二进制做数学作业。为什么父亲觉得女儿应该被挑战呢?因为学校老师教的女儿早就会了,那些作业对她来说太容易了,不费吹灰之力就能做出来,所以不免就有些混日子了。到这里,我们就明白了coast在文中的意思了。 你学会了吗?


汽车coast是定速巡航系统的功能开关,set/coast按扭意思是车速设置/减速控制开关。汽车的车速高于每小时30千米时才可以使用该功能。当行驶时按下set/coast按扭,设置当行的车速,松开油门后就会按设定的速度行驶。在巡航时,按住set/coast按扭不放,车速就会慢慢降低。定速巡航系统功能按扭的介绍:1、ON/OFF按扭――巡航(cruise)控制开关功能一:当按下ON/OFF按扭时;水温表上侧CRUISE/MAIN巡航主指示灯亮。巡航控制系统工作,等待接受定速控制各种操作。功能二:再次按下ON/OFF按扭时;水温表上侧CRUISE/MAIN巡航主指示灯灭。巡航控制系统被关闭。 2.RES/ACCEL按扭――加速设置/加速控制开关(大于30Km/H时允许)功能一:在巡航时,按下RES/ACCEL按扭;每次以1.6Km/H增加速度。功能二:在巡航时,按住不放车速会不断增加。功能三:在巡航时,按下CANCEL按扭;将暂时停止巡航,再按下RES/ACCEL按扭;汽车会急加速至刚在巡航时的速度。 3、CANCEL按扭――停止巡航速度开关在巡航时按下CANCEL按扭;将暂时停止巡航,水温表上侧CRUISE巡航设定指示灯灭。 (图/文/摄: 问答叫兽) @2019

bank shore coast 区别

shore, bank, coast, seaside, beach用法区别1.shore指与海洋、江河水面相接的陆地,即“海岸、湖岸”,强调从陆地着眼来说明它与水面的衔接,一般前面不加限定词,但the shores of the lake已经有限定关系,所以可以加the,shores可用复数,有时可以on shore表示“在岸上、在陆地上”,与on land有相同的意思,相对与on the sea,例如:They found an unidentified ship on the sea.The sailors were warned not to get into trouble while they were on shore.2.bank多指“河岸、河堤”,也可以指坡度陡峭的“海岸、湖岸”,或突出水边的陆地,例如:At night, we tie the boat to a big tree by the river bank near a village.We must plant many trees on the south bank of the lake.3.coast指沿海狭长的陆地,尤指视为边界的“海岸线”,与shore相反,它是从水面着眼来说明它与陆地相衔接的,例如:They sailed up the east coast between the mainland and the island.There are lots of islands off the coast.4.seaside指的是比较大范围的近海部分或附近的海边,与beach接近,但范围比较大,例如:They spent their summer holiday at the seaside.Bei Dai He is a seaside city with agreeable climate.5.beach 指的是可作娱乐场所的“沙滩、海滩、沙地”的场所,一般与海水接壤,与seaside接近,但范围较小,例如:The children are playing at the beach with their parents.The beach was crowded with sunbathers.



beach 等不等于coast

beach海滩 coast海岸 东海岸,西海岸




coast的用法 coast 指“海岸”、“海岸线”等,属地理用词,它主要指远处看到的海洋与陆地的分界线,或把这一分界线当作一个整体来看待(通常只能指“海岸”,不指湖岸或河岸)。如:They lived about 20 miles from the coast. 他们住在离海大约 20 英里的地方。 seashore与seaside的用法当人们侧重把“海岸”或“海滨”作为游玩的地方来考虑时,就用 seashore 或 seaside。如:They"ll spend the vacation at the seaside. 他们将到海滨度假。We"re taking the children to the seaside [seashore] on Saturday. 我们打算星期六带孩子们到海边去玩。

高手帮忙翻译这段~~~Entire Contract.

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: It is understood and agreed that the Terms hereof, the Confidentiality, of which they are an integral part hereof, embody the plete understanding of the parties and that any and all provisions, negotiations and representations not included herein are hereby abrogated and that the Terms hereof cannot be changed, modified or varied except by written instrument signed by both parties. In the event COMPLX issues a purchase order or memorandum or other instrument covering the services herein provided, it is hereby specifically agreed and understood that such purchase order, memorandum, or instrument is for Beijing COMPLX"s internal purposes only and shall be of no force or effect unless agreed to in writing by ________. No waivers by either party of a breach hereof or default hereunder shall be deemed a waiver by such party of a subsequent breach or default of like or similar nature. 解析: 据悉,同意其中的条款,保密,他们大多组成部分,体现了完整的理解,任何党派、各条文此处不包括谈判、交涉,现予废止,其中的条款不能改变、改装或更改,除非双方签署书面文件.在发生问题等组成了定购工具书或备忘录或其它服务此处提供现明确同意并理解,这种定购、备忘录仪表等组成,是北京还是国内唯一目的,并应不使用武力或以书面同意,除非------.任何一方放弃一节或过失违反以下应视为放弃了这种违背党的后继或失误一样或类似性质.


在英语中,每一个单词都有它的用法,认真了解它的用法,才可以更好地运用,而coast有海岸和海滨等意思,那么你知道coast的用法吗?下面是我给大家带来的coast的用法和例句_coast和beach的区别,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ coast的用法 ★ ★ coast的例句 ★ ★ coast和beach的区别 ★ ▼ coast的用法 coast的用法1:coast的基本意思是“海岸”,指陆地与海洋交界的狭窄地段,常用于与地理位置、天气、军事等有关时。 coast的用法2:coast虽然是可数名词,但常以单数形式出现,并加定冠词。 coast的用法3:the Coast特指“美国太平洋沿岸”。 ▼ coast的例句 1. The boat was anchored off the northern coast of the peninsula. 这艘船停泊在离该半岛北部海岸不远的地方。 2. The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel. 从宾馆可以看见大西洋海岸。 3. He recognized the coast of England through a veil of mist. 透过薄雾他认出了那是英格兰的海岸线。 4. The town was Redcar, a seaside resort on the Cleveland coast. 那个城镇叫雷德卡,是克利夫兰海岸上的一个海滨胜地。 5. He was drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of Spain. 他在西班牙海岸附近的一次海难中溺水身亡。 6. The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles. 公路沿着海岸延伸数百英里。 7. They managed to get away from the coast undetected. 他们设法神不知鬼不觉地离开了海岸。 8. Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods. 我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,途经人口稠密的街区。 9. Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida"s coast. 热带风暴“马可”正沿佛罗里达海岸向北推进。 10. Camp sites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches. 野营 地一般都位于海滨,靠近沙滩。 11. The west-coast line was electrified as long ago as 1974. 西海岸铁路线早在1974年就实现了电气化。 12. The Ivory Coast became the world"s leading cocoa producer. 象牙海岸成为世界上可可粉的主要产地。 13. The rebels have opened the road from Monrovia to the Ivory Coast. 叛乱分子已经开放了从蒙罗维亚到象牙海岸的道路。 14. On a clear day you can see the French coast. 天气晴朗时可以望见法国海岸。 15. They were coming in to land on the north coast of Crete. 他们将从克里特岛北海岸登陆上岛。 く く く ▼ coast和beach的区别 1)beach和shore均可指"海滨"。比较而言,beach指较为平坦、覆盖着沙子或碎石、适宜于 游泳 与日光浴的"沙滩,海滩"。 shore则是笼统的说法,指毗邻大片水的陆地,既可以包括beach,也可以指岩石突兀或陡峭的岸边。另外,shore也可以表示"湖边"。 例如: early in the morning we went to the beach to see the sunrise. many people were lying on the beach,bathing in the sun. the hotel lies on the shore of the west lake. 2)coast指海洋与陆地的分界线,意为"海岸,海岸线",是一个地理术语。 例如: she lived ten miles from the coast. china has a long coast from north to south. 3)bank表示毗邻河流的任何陆地、河流或运河的"河岸"。 例如: trees are planted along the banks of the canal. く く く coast的用法相关 文章 : ★ collect的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ 海边的英语是什么 ★ sight的用法和例句 ★ coast的用法和例句 ★ combine的用法和短语例句 ★ 乘船的英文是什么 ★ sight的用法和例句 ★ drown的过去式和用法例句 ★ drive的用法和短语例句中文意思是什么 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();







乾隆年间的colourful vase价值多少钱

you haven"t given me the,i can not give you the prize.if your vase is one made during qianglong dinasty,the prize from $1,000 to $40,000. …………算了,还是用chinese吧如果是皇宫的东西就很贵了,乾隆用过的更贵了。大约价格也就是40000美金到20000美金之间吧。如果是民间的东西,也就是普通老百姓的东西,估计也就1000到2000美金之间吧。你可以把实物的清晰照片发给中国的专家,他们可以给你做鉴定和估价的。 也许我的答案对你有点作用


coast 英[ku0259u028ast] 美[kost] n. 海岸;滑坡 vi. (汽车或自行车)(尤指不用动力向山坡下)滑行;(做事)不出力;不... vt. 沿海岸航行 [例句]I recall a perfect dawn on mexico "s pacific coast.我回想起在墨西哥太平洋海岸一个完美的黎明。中文读法:口斯特

coast是什么意思 coast英文解释

1、coast,海岸,读音:美/kou028ast/;英/ku0259u028ast/。 2、释义:n.海岸;滑行。v.滑行;(交通工具)快速平稳地移动;得过且过,做事不费力;沿岸航行。v.(Coast)(英、美)科斯特(人名)。 3、例句:They live on the south coast.他们住在南海岸。



coast怎么读 coast英语怎么读

1、coast 英音[ku0259u028ast] 美音[kost] 2、n.海岸;滑坡 3、vi.(汽车或自行车)(尤指不用动力向山坡下)滑行;(做事)不出力;不费力地取得成功;(不用多少动力)快速平稳地移动 4、vt.沿海岸航行 5、复数: coasts 6、第三人称单数: coasts 7、过去式: coasted 8、过去分词: coasted 9、现在分词: coasting 10、易混淆的单词: Coast

求助各位大神翻译句子:This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement


collar diameter是什么意思? 不是衣领的直径,是机械上的术语,

Collar diameter是接箍外径

Styx的《Cold War》 歌词

歌曲名:Cold War歌手:Styx专辑:Kilroy Was HereColdLooking back at me I seeThat I never really got it rightI never stopped to think of youI"m always wrapped up inThings I cannnot winYou are the antidote that gets me bySomething strongLike a drug that gets me highWhat I really meant to sayIs I"m sorry for the way I amI never meant to be so cold to youWhat I really meant to sayIs I"m sorry for the way I amI never meant to be so cold to youAnd I"m sorry about all the liesMaybe in a different lightYou could see me stand on my own againCause now i can seeYou were the antidote that got me bySomething strong like a drug that got me highWhat I really meant to sayIs I"m sorry for the way I amI never meant to be so cold to youWhat I really meant to sayIs I"m sorry for the way I amI never meant to be so cold to youI never meant to be so coldI never really wanted you to seeThe screwed up side of me that I keepLocked inside of me so deepIt always seems to get to meI never really wanted you to goSo many things you should have knownI guess for me theres just no hopeI never meant to be so coldWhat I really meant to sayIs I"m sorry for the way I amI never meant to be so cold to you

Courtney Melody的《My Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:My Lady歌手:Courtney Melody专辑:Total Recall Vol. 8Unknown - My LadyAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la lammmmm, ohhhhthe days have come and gone so fastwho knew that this love was gonna lastgod knows we"ve been though some very bad timesbut baby everytime i see you smileit always take me back girl its been awhilethe first time i held you close and looked in your eyesmy baby, my ladyeverything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightthose days are gone but youre still by my sidewhat a joy its been to have you in my lifeim so proud to say that youre my, my girlyouve change my life in so many waysyoure the reason why im here todayyoure the sun that shines on, on my high worldmy baby, my ladyyoure everything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightbaby, i can never tell you how muchyou mean to me, huhbut everytime you hear this songi want you to be remindedof how much i truly love youmy baby, my ladyyoure everything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightmy baby, my ladymy true lovemy baby, my ladymy bestfreindi love you



《The house of morecock》《Stonewall & Riot》请问有这两部动漫吗



  windows中LNK文件打开方式恢复  相信有些用户曾试过错误地把LNK文件的打开方式更改其他文件,导致系统所有的快捷方式都失效。在vista与Windows7系统还不普遍使用的时候,相信大家会有点惊慌失措,不要紧,下面只要大家进行如下操作后就好了。  Windows vistaWindows 7 操作系统修复方法……  1、首先 win+r  2、打开运行程序  3、输入: regedit  4、找到: 计算机HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWScurrentversionExplorerFileExts.lnk  会发现有openwithlist 和 openwithprogids 两项,如果有其他的选项将其删除  5、再将openwithlist 内的除默认以外的所有键值都删除  6、将openwithprogids内的除默认和lnkfile以外的所有键值都删除。  7、保存退出即可  如果还有图标不能还原的可以在控制面板〉外观和个性化〉个性化〉 点击更改桌面图标按钮,在弹出的面板内点击 还原默认即可!  PS:此时如果图标还是没有变回来,请你将机子重新启动一次。因为需要WINDOWS浏览器重启一次,或者你使用优化大师,重启WINDOWS浏览器也是可以的。  window的修复  1) 打开“文件夹选项”窗口,(“我的电脑”—“工具”—“文件夹选项”)。  2) 选择“文件夹选项”下的“文件类型”,点“新建”新建一个扩展名。在“文件扩展名”处输入“LNK”,然后在“关联  的文件类型”项选择“快捷方式”。(注:“关联的文件类型”项默认下没有,需点“高级”展开),确定。  3) 此时,“LNK扩展名的详细信息”项目下会有一个“更改”和“还原”按钮,点击“还原”就能把LNK打开方式还原为系统默认了,系统的快捷方式文件也恢复正常了  “。lnk”是WINDOWS系统默认的快捷方式的扩展名,如果“文件夹选项”下设置为“隐藏已知文件类型的扩展名”,正常情况下“。lnk”是不显示的。你的快捷方式的扩展名显现出来,证明WINDOWS设置被中断,快捷方式为不可识别信息。  修复的方法:  (1)点击“开始”→“运行”,键入“cmd”,进入命令提示符状态,用键盘敲入assoc.lnk=lnkfile(中间无空格),按回车即可。  (2)点击“开始”→“运行”,键入“regedit”,进入注册表,搜索“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARECLASSES”下的“。lnk”键,修改其值为“lnkfile”,保存即可。  两种办法本质一样,如果你不懂注册表建议采用第一种方法。  (3)我的电脑=》工具=》文件夹选项 文件类型=》新建 输入LNK=>从长长的列表中选择“快捷方式”  请将下列代码复制下来,粘贴至记事本,保存后将txt后缀改为reg,运行即可:  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnk]  @=“lnkfile”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{000214EE-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{00021500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellEx{BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1}]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.lnkShellNew]  “Command”=“rundll32.exe appwiz.cpl,NewLinkHere %1”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile]  @=“快捷方式”  “EditFlags”=dword:00000001  “IsShortcut”=“”  “NeverShowExt”=“”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileCLSID]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellex]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexContextMenuHandlers]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexContextMenuHandlersOffline Files]  @=“{750fdf0e-2a26-11d1-a3ea-080036587f03}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexContextMenuHandlers{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexDropHandler]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexIconHandler]  @=“{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}”  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexPropertySheetHandlers]  [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfileshellexPropertySheetHandlersShimLayer Property Page]  @=“{513D916F-2A8E-4F51-AEAB-0CBC76FB1AF8}”

The good you do comes back to you




Manowar的Warriors Of The Word United 世界战士们集合起来 ——选自美国“战士”乐团的第九张录音室专辑《世界战士》 Demogorgon译 Here Our Soldiers Stand From All Around The World 这里,我们的战士们来自世界各地 Waiting In A Line To Hear The Battle Cry 排队等待着倾听战斗的哭喊 All Are Gathered Here Victory Is Near 在这里全都集合完毕胜利接近 The Sound Will Fill The Hall Bringing Power To Us All 将充斥这大厅的声音为我们全体带来力量 We Alone Are Fighting For Metal That Is True 我们孤独地为金属而战,真的 We Own The Right To Live The Fight We"re Here For All Of You 我们拥有生存战斗的权利,我们在这里是为了你们全体 Now Swear The Blood Upon Your Steel Will Never Dry 现在祈祷你的利剑上的鲜血将永不干涸 Stand And Fight Together Beneath The Metal Sky 站起来并战斗,一道在金属的天空下 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Many Stand Against Us But They Will Never Win 很多人站起来反对我们但他们永远不会胜利 We Said We Would Return And Here We Are Again 我们说过我们将会回来现在我们就又到了这里 To Bring Them All Destruction Suffering And Pain 给他们带来全部摧毁、折磨与痛苦 We Are The Hammer Of The Gods We Are Thunder Wind And Rain 我们是众神之锤,我们是雷电、狂风和暴雨 There They Wait In Fear With Swords In Feeble Hands 他们在那恐惧中等待软弱的手中握着刀剑 With Dreams To Be A King First One Should Be A Man 梦想成为国王你要首先学会做一个男人 I Call Them Out And Charge Them All With A Life That Is A Lie 我把他们召唤出来,因谎言的生命控告他们 And In Their Final Hour They Shall Confess Before They Die 而最后一刻他们将在死去之前忏悔 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界战士 If I Should Fall In Battle My Brothers Who Fight By My Side 假如我将要在战斗中倒下,我身边战斗的兄弟们 Gather My Horse And Weapons Tell My Family How I Died 集起我的马匹与武器,告知我的家人我如何死去 Until Then I Will Be Strong I Will Fight For All That Is Real 那以后我将会强大,我将会为真实的一切而战 All Who Stand In My Way Will Die By Steel 挡在我道路上的都将死于钢铁之下 Brothers Everywhere 四方的兄弟们 Raise Your Hands Into The Air 把你们的手举到空中 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士 Like Thunder From The Sky 就像来自天空的雷电 Sworn To Fight And Die 宣誓战斗与死亡 We"re Warriors 我们是战士 Warriors Of The World 世界的战士

the common myth是什么意思?


confidence intervals是什么意思

1. 信赖区间2. 置信区间例句:1.The six sigma black belt should be able to compute confidenceintervals for various statistics. 六西格玛黑带应该能够计算出各种统计量的置信区间。2.The confidence intervals of the ratios are computed to evaluatethe performance of this automatic approach with respect toexpert inspection for clinical images. 这些比例的信赖区间是用来评估有关临床影像自动化检查方法的表现成效

置信区间(confidence intervals)


求welcome to burlesque中文歌词翻译

‘哦天啊  欢迎来到最伟大的表演  地球上最棒的表演  你以前从未见过的  这里的童话故事的展开  背后的东西烟和玻璃吗?  画脸”每个人都戴着面罩  你卖你的灵魂?  你将会落在寒冷的  它是所有蓝色的天空吗  直到你秋天乐趣和游戏  然后你没有任何人  你骑着一颗流星  你脸上的微笑  但是很快的光芒消失  和你独自离开  想知道他们都去哪里?

Welcome To Burlesque 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To Burlesque歌手:Cher专辑:Burlesque Original Motion Picture SoundtrackWelcome to BurlesqueChershow a little moreshow a little lessadd a little smokewelcome to Burlesqueeverything you dream ofbut never can possessnothing"s what it seemswelcome to BurlesqueOh, everyone is buyingput your money in my handif you got a little extrawell, give it to the bandyou may not be guiltybut you"re ready to confesstell me what you needwelcome to Burlesqueyou can dream of cocoado it at your riskthe triplets grant you mercybut not your every wishyes, it keeps you guessingso cool and statuesque"Behave yourself" says GeorgiaWelcome to Burlesqueoh, everyone is buyingput your money in my handif you want a little extrawell, you know where I amsomething very dark,is playing with your mindit"s not the end of daysjust a bump and grindshow a little moreshow a little lessadd a little smokewelcome to Burlesque



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一下是常见的服装外贸英语词汇clothes   衣服,服装wardrobe   服装clothing   服装habit   个人依习惯,身份而着的服装ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes   成衣garments   外衣town clothes   外衣double-breasted suit   双排扣外衣suit   男外衣dress   女服tailored suit   女式西服everyday clothes   便服three-piece suit   三件套trousseau   嫁妆layette   婴儿的全套服装uniform   制服overalls   工装裤rompers   连背心的背带裤formal dress   礼服tailcoat, morning coat   大礼服evening dress   夜礼服dress coat, tails   燕尾服,礼服nightshirt   男式晚礼服dinner jacket   无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo)full dress uniform   礼服制服frock coat   双排扣长礼服gown, robe   礼袍tunic   长袍overcoat   男式大衣coat   女大衣topcoat   夹大衣fur coat   皮大衣three-quarter coat   中长大衣dust coat   风衣mantle, cloak   斗篷poncho   篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)sheepskin jacket   羊皮夹克pelisse   皮上衣jacket   短外衣夹克anorak, duffle coat   带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood   风帽scarf, muffler   围巾shawl   大披巾knitted shawl   头巾,编织的头巾fur stole   毛皮长围巾muff   皮手筒housecoat, dressing gown   晨衣(美作:duster)short dressing gown   短晨衣bathrobe   浴衣nightgown, nightdress   女睡衣pyjamas   睡衣裤(美作:pajamas)pocket   衣袋lapel   (上衣)翻领detachable collar   假领,活领wing collar   硬翻领,上浆翻领V-neck   V型领sleeve   袖子cuff   袖口buttonhole   钮扣孔shirt   衬衫blouse   紧身女衫T-shirt   短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vest   汗衫(美作:undershirt)polo shirt   球衣middy blouse   水手衫sweater   运动衫short-sleeved sweater   短袖运动衫roll-neck sweater   高翻领运动衫round-neck sweater   圆领运动衫suit, outfit, ensemble   套服twinset   两件套,运动衫裤jerkin   猎装kimono   和服ulster   一种长而宽松的外套jellaba, djellaba, jelab   带风帽的外衣cardigan   襟毛衣mac, mackintosh, raincoat   橡胶雨衣trousers   裤子jeans   牛仔裤short trousers   短裤knickers   儿童灯笼短裤knickerbockers   灯笼裤plus fours   高尔夫球裤,半长裤braces   裤子背带(美作:suspenders)turnup   裤角折边,挽脚breeches   马裤belt   裤带skirt   裙子divided skirt, split skirt   裙裤underskirt   内衣underwear, underclothes   内衣裤underpants, pants   内衣裤(美作:shorts)briefs   短内裤,三角裤panties   女短内裤knickers   女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤brassiere, bra   乳罩corselet   紧身胸衣stays, corset   束腰,胸衣waistcoat   背心slip, petticoat   衬裙girdle   腰带stockings   长袜suspenders   袜带(美作:garters)suspender belt   吊袜腰带(美作:garter belt)socks   短袜tights, leotard   紧身衣裤handkerchief   手帕bathing trunks   游泳裤


上海精锐三林林老师: enjoyable是快乐的,愉悦的 comfortable是舒服的,舒适的

Zombie (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Zombie (Acoustic)歌手:Something With Numbers专辑:Stay With Me Bright EyesZombieThe CranberriesAnother head hangs lowlyChild is slowly takenAnd the violence caused such silenceWho are we mistakenBut You see it"s not me,It s not my familyIn your head,in your headThey are fightingWith their tanks, and their bombsAnd their bombs, and their gunsIn your headIn your head they are cryingIn your head, in your headZombie, zombie, zombieWhat"s in your head, in your headZombie, zombie, zombieAnother mother"s breakingHeart is taking overWhen the violence causes silenceWe must be mistakenIt"s the same old theme since 1916In your head,In your head they"re still fightingWith their tanks ,and their bombsAnd their bombs, and their gunsIn your headIn your head they are dyingIn your head, in your headZombie, zombie, zombieWhat"s in your head, in your headZombie, zombie, zombie

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zombie和corpse的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同zombien. 僵尸;行尸走肉;木讷呆板的人corpsen. 尸体二、用法不同zombieZombie(中文名:丧尸)的意思是靠巫术起死回生之者、迟钝无生气的人或动作呆板而不动脑筋的人。zombie并不一定是真的死者复活,可能是用强力药物迷昏被害人后,再利用幻觉药物跟催眠控制被害人的结果。像是在海地,常有许多丧尸传说,其实是巫师用药物迷昏被害人后,再用幻觉药物跟催眠控制被害人。外国人通常使用ZOMBIE或者ZOMBIES进行形容。I walked around like a zombie for most of the day.一天中的大部分时间我像行尸走肉般四处走动。corpsecorpse是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“尸体”。在表示“行尸走肉”这一意思时,只能用corpse。The corpse was laid out by the undertaker.承办殡葬者准备埋葬尸体。三、侧重点不同zombiezombie经常用来形容一些死气沉沉、麻木不仁的人,之说以这么来用是因为它的本义是活死尸,是死而复活的尸体,即通常所说的僵尸。它原指靠巫术把死尸复活后变为的人。corpse作名词意思是“尸体”“遗体”,corpse可用于人也可用于动物。

compare writing email and writing letter


NICO 的myfunnyvalentine的歌词表达了什么情感?

是爱情歌曲歌曲名:My Funny ValentineMy Funny Valentines 我可笑的情人My funny valentine我滑稽的情人sweet comic valentine情人节甜蜜漫画You make me smile with my heart你让我微笑着与我的心Your lips are laughable你的嘴唇是可笑UnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of art然而,你是我看好的艺术作品Is your figure less than Greek是您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Not if you care for me如果您照顾我stay little valentine stay留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节stweet coming my vanlantine stweet今后我vanlantinemy funny Valentine我滑稽的情人you make my uh smile你让我的那个微笑yes you do是你Is your figure less than Greek您的数字少于希腊Is your mouth a little weak是你的嘴有点弱When you open it to speak当你打开它说话are you smart你是聪明的But don"t you change a hair for me但是你不改变,我的头发Baby not if you really care for me宝贝不是如果你真的关心我just stay little valentine stay只留小情人留Each day is valentine"s day每一天是情人节Each day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s dayEach day is valentine"s day

关于Media production。我们拍摄了一个纪录片,老师让写一个contextual study,这个是什么东西,怎么写?

The contextual study is often something that causes confusion among our students. In fact, it"s quite a simple concept that will give you a valuable opportunity to discuss the work you"ve presented, and which will demonstrate your skills as a self-reflexive writer. Basically, it enables you to put your work in context, so that as assessors, we can see that you"re aware of what you"re doing when you"re writing, that you are able to be a self-critic in a productive way. Things you might want to include when you"re writing a contextual study will obviously vary from piece to piece, and as you go through the course, it will naturally become more advanced in style, etc as you become more confident in your writing. The most important questions you"ll probably find yourself asking are ‘how" – as in ‘how did I do this?" And ‘why" – as in ‘why did I choose to do it this way?" However, specific elements will probably include: Fiction: You might want to talk about your decisions regarding: Style of narrative and why you chose that style. Character creation. Choice of viewpoint/tense – why for example, did you choose first person POV over third, or present tense over past? Plot structure, if any; and if not why not? Use of figurative language – e.g. metaphor, motif, symbol, etc. Use of imagery – how has imagery shaped your piece? Have you used any kind of experimental/innovative styles of writing? If so, discuss the piece"s structure, language – whatever it is you"ve done that makes your piece ‘different". What precursors are there to the piece you"ve written, e.g., what were your influences, if any? Are you trying to copy another writer"s style, for example, as an experiment? What are your contemporary influences? If you"re writing in a certain genre, e.g. horror, what conventions of that genre have you used? And have you subverted the conventions – if so, how and why?Poetry: You might want to discuss: Style and use of language. Formatting (lineation, punctuation, and possibly font). Imagery/metaphor (use of, or not). The context of the piece – precursors, contemporaries, and the poetics of the piece. Certain forms of poetries, particularly innovative poetry, may prioritise one aspect of the above, so you will no doubt want to expand on this throughout the study. Creative Non-Fiction uses very similar elements to fiction, so refer back to those for guidance. As well as the above aspects, all students writing contextual studies should certainly consider mentioning: are you happy with what you"ve written? Do you think it works well? Or did your piece not quite fulfil your expectations; was it even – in your opinion – a complete disaster? Discussing these aspects in your contextual study will show awareness of yourself as a writer; for instance, if you"re unhappy with the way a piece has gone, you might want to say how you might do it differently next time. Showing this kind of self-reflexivity shows us that you"re aware, and we can consider the piece accordingly. What we DO NOT want to see is a re-telling of your piece. We have already seen what you"ve submitted; re-telling achieves nothing.


Daily early morning drinking. Morning and evening brushing, mouthwash after meals, flossing. See your dentist every six months, a small fill cavities early on, there is an early removal of wisdom teeth. Misalignment of teeth can do the best orthodontics during the 13-18 years of age, not only can reduce food impaction and also reduce the problem of food because of the sliding track periodontal tissue injuries in the event. Exercise, especially during school, be sure to protect the popularity of the sport, a lot of kids in school incisors trauma fracture rate of up to 8%. Bedtime do knocking teeth 36 times, usually to do more drum plug action. Saliva can enhance circulation, kenny jaws. Eat balanced meals to the timing, so do not only healthy teeth, the body will be disease-free.

"Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)"这句话

select case Button.text ← 也许是 Button.label 你试一下 就知道 我不用VB (我用C#是text)case "确定"... "取消"... .........

modern strange cowboy 歌词

歌曲名:modern strange cowboy歌手:Granrodeo专辑:GRANRODEO GREATEST HITS ~GIFT REGISTRY~「modern strange cowboy」作词∶谷山纪章作曲∶饭冢昌明歌∶GRANRODEOせーので飞び出して清浊并せ呑む锖び付く果てのモメンタム澄まし颜のムービースターきらびやかなロックスター吹き飞んで同列We"re morden strange cowboyAre you ready to the action?目の前に壁はないぜDo you have any functions?号令Back to the fire笔舌に尽くし难い Insanity意志无视できない 歯に衣着せないで39℃の体温抱いて今を生き抜けよCowboy新たに咲いた花を散らさないように生き抜けよCowboy今駆け抜けろCowboyあっちゅー间に朽ち果てて墓石の要予约长いようで短いmy turn変わり者のロマンサー 笼りがちなミスターこの度は饶舌We"re morden strange cowboyAre you ready to the action?泣いてるヒマなんかないぜHow do you have any function?恒例Get! light your fire感性は既に裸体 Impaction虎视眈々for life 二の足踏まないでなんちゅう行动 体温上げて今を生き抜けよCowboy确かに闻いた心の声はrollin"生き抜けよCowboy今乗りこなせCowboy星の数の喜怒哀楽をいつか空に放てば魂だけは全部を知ってるんだろう伸るか反るかも39℃の体温抱いて今を生き抜けよCowboy新たに咲いた花を散らさないように生き抜けよCowboyMy name is modern strange cowboy収録:modern strange cowboy発売日:2009/07/29

so font drink coffee night next time

so font drink coffee night next time --> So don"t drink coffee at night next time那下次晚上就别喝咖啡了。

In the time__takes to drink a cup of coffee,customers can get a pair of special-made shoes in th...


Give me a cup of coffee (改为反意疑问句) 快 在线等!!!


There is no genius in the world ,I just apply the time when others drink coffee to my work.翻译


CoffeeEnt 怎么用不了提示 time out. bytes not found


I have coffee_breakfast time A at Bin Con



coffee all time是三个单词

coffee time是什么意思


I was drinking coffee just then 一般疑问句怎么变?

Were you drinking coffee just then? What were you drinking just then?

have you got a time for coffee?对吗

你想问什么?是不是“你有时间喝咖啡吗?”Do you have time to have (a) coffee?Are you free/available for (a) coffee?



I have coffee ( ) breakfast time. 填什么?


time to coffee语法对吗

是对的,翻译过来是:该喝咖啡了coffee:咖啡 ; 咖啡豆 ; 咖啡粉 ; 咖啡色Early morning is actually the worst time to drink coffee 研究发现:早上是最不适宜喝咖啡的时段Only coffee estates that have dedicated a significant amount of time to improving coffee quality will know why these steps are important and necessary. 只有花费很多时间与心力在品质提升上的庄园才会了解这些步骤的重要性以及必要性。

coffee time是什么意思


coffie. time什么意思?咖啡厅壁画上的英文单词,感觉是咖啡这个单词写错了。





用二倍角公式,证明过程见此链接: 我再做补充说明一下,右边是用平方差公式


sinx=2sinx/2cosx/2 1-cosx=2sinx/2*sinx/2 带入后式 可得前式





求Feat. nicole scherzinger那首whatever you like里面那女声的个人资料



街机游戏 战国之刃带模拟器已经发送到邮箱把游戏文件tengai.zip放到模拟器的ROMS文件夹里面打开模拟器按F5就能用了
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