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This kind of cloth is sold by___A.yard B,the yard C , a yard选那个,怎么理解


Spark On Yarn的两种模式yarn-cluster和yarn-client深度剖析

转至: 每个Spark executor作为一个YARN容器(container)运行。Spark可以使得多个Tasks在同一个容器(container)里面运行 1. Spark支持资源动态共享,运行于Yarn的框架都共享一个集中配置好的资源池 2. 可以很方便的利用Yarn的资源调度特性来做分类、隔离以及优先级控制负载,拥有更灵活的调度策略 3. Yarn可以自由地选择executor数量 4. Yarn是唯一支持Spark安全的集群管理器,使用Yarn,Spark可以运行于Kerberized Hadoop之上,在它们进程之间进行安全认证 我们知道Spark on yarn有两种模式:yarn-cluster和yarn-client。这两种模式作业虽然都是在yarn上面运行,但是其中的运行方式很不一样,今天就来谈谈Spark on YARN yarn-client模式作业从提交到运行的过程剖析 Spark运行模式: 在Yarn-client中,Driver运行在Client上,通过ApplicationMaster向RM获取资源。本地Driver负责与所有的executor container进行交互,并将最后的结果汇总。结束掉终端,相当于kill掉这个spark应用。 因为Driver在客户端,所以可以通过webUI访问Driver的状态,默认是 http://hadoop1:4040 访问,而YARN通过http:// hadoop1:8088访问 因为是与Client端通信,所以Client不能关闭。 客户端的Driver将应用提交给Yarn后,Yarn会先后启动ApplicationMaster和executor,另外ApplicationMaster和executor都 是装载在container里运行,container默认的内存是1G,ApplicationMaster分配的内存是driver- memory,executor分配的内存是executor-memory。同时,因为Driver在客户端,所以程序的运行结果可以在客户端显 示,Driver以进程名为SparkSubmit的形式存在。 应用的运行结果不能在客户端显示(可以在history server中查看),所以最好将结果保存在HDFS而非stdout输出,客户端的终端显示的是作为YARN的job的简单运行状况,下图是yarn-cluster模式 [图片上传失败...(image-107978-1592274191581)] 执行过程: 比以前的更多的理解: (1)Application Master所在的NodeManager是Yarn随机分配的,不是在主节点上,下图是实验室集群上跑得一个Spark程序,tseg0是主节点,tseg1~tseg4是workers,IP10.103.240.29指的是tseg3: (2)在上图还可以看出,executor的容器和AM容器是可以共存的,它们的封装都是容器; (3)AM是Yarn启动的第一个容器; (4)AM所在的NodeManager就是平常说的Driver端,因为这个AM启动了SparkContext,之前实验室说的“谁初始化的SparkContext谁就是Driver端”一直理解错了,以为这句话是相对于机器说的,但其实是相对于Cluster和Client的集群模式来说的(不知道其他模式Mesos、standalone是不是也是这样)。 (5)在Application提交到RM上之后,Client就可以关闭了,集群会继续运行提交的程序,在实际使用时,有时候会看到这样一种现象,关闭Client会导致程序终止,其实这个Application还没有提交上去,关闭Client打断了提交的过程,Application当然不会运行。 (1)YarnCluster的Driver是在集群的某一台NM上,但是Yarn-Client就是在RM的机器上; (2)而Driver会和Executors进行通信,所以Yarn_cluster在提交App之后可以关闭Client,而Yarn-Client不可以; (3)Yarn-Cluster适合生产环境,Yarn-Client适合交互和调试。 下表是Spark Standalone与Spark On Yarn模式下的比较


  park支持可插拔的集群管理模式(Standalone、Mesos以及YARN ),集群管理负责启动executor进程,编写Spark application 的人根本不需要知道Spark用的是什么集群管理。  Spark支持的三种集群模式,这三种集群模式都由两个组件组成:master和slave。  Master服务(YARN ResourceManager,Mesos master和Spark standalone master)决定哪些application可以运行,什么时候运行以及哪里去运行。  而slave服务( YARN NodeManager, Mesos slave和Spark standalone slave)实际上运行executor进程。  当在YARN上运行Spark作业,每个Spark executor作为一个YARN容器(container)运行。  Spark可以使得多个Tasks在同一个容器(container)里面运行。  这是个很大的优点。

classicl mnsic是什么意思



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Net.Http;class Program{static void Main(){using (var client = new HttpClient()){client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:6740");var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]{new KeyValuePair<string, string>("", "login")});var result = client.PostAsync("/api/Membership/exists", content).Result;string resultContent = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;Console.WriteLine(resultContent);}}}

英语作文 clutch

A clutch is a mechanical device that provides for the transmission of power (and therefore usually motion) from one component (the driving member) to another (the driven member) when engaged, but can be disengaged.Clutches are used whenever the transmission of power or motion must be controlled either in amount or over time (e.g., electric screwdrivers limit how much torque is transmitted through use of a clutch; clutches control whether automobiles transmit engine power to the wheels).In the simplest application, clutches connect and disconnect two rotating shafts (drive shafts or line shafts). In these devices, one shaft is typically attached to a motor or other power unit (the driving member) while the other shaft (the driven member) provides output power for work. While typically the motions involved are rotary, linear clutches are also possible.In a torque-controlled drill, for instance, one shaft is driven by a motor and the other drives a drill chuck. The clutch connects the two shafts so that they may be locked together and spin at the same speed (engaged), locked together but spinning at different speeds (slipping), or unlocked and spinning at different speeds (disengaged).The vast majority of clutches ultimately rely on frictional forces for their operation. The purpose of friction clutches is to connect a moving member to another that is moving at a different speed or stationary, often to synchronise the speeds, and/or to transmit power. Usually as little slippage (difference in speeds) as possible between the two members are desired.MaterialsVarious materials have been used for the disc friction facings, including asbestos in the past. Modern clutches typically use a compound organic resin with copper wire facing or a ceramic material. A typical coefficient of friction used on a friction disc surface is 0.35 for organic and 0.25 for ceramic. Ceramic materials are typically used in heavy applications such as racing or heavy-duty hauling, though the harder ceramic materials increase flywheel and pressure plate wear.Push/PullFriction disk clutches generally are classified as push type or pull type depending on the location of the pressure plate fulcrum points. In a pull type clutch, the action of pressing the pedal pulls the release bearing, pulling on the diaphragm spring and disengaging the vehicle drive. The opposite is true with a push type, the release bearing is pushed into the clutch disengaging the vehicle drive. In this instance, the release bearing can be known as a thrust bearing (as per the image above).DampersA clutch damper is a device that softens the response of the clutch engagement/disengagement. In automotive applications, this is often provided by a mechanism in the clutch disc centres. In addition to the damped disc centres, which reduce driveline vibration, pre-dampers may be used to reduce gear rattle at idle by changing the natural frequency of the disc. These weaker springs are compressed solely by the radial vibrations of an idling engine. They are fully compressed and no longer in use once the main damper springs take up drive.LoadMercedes truck examples: A clamp load of 33 kN is normal for a single plate 430. The 400 Twin application offers a clamp load of a mere 23 kN. Bursts speeds are typically around 5,000 rpm with the weakest point being the facing rivet.ManufacturingModern clutch development focuses its attention on the simplification of the overall assembly and/or manufacturing method. For example drive straps are now commonly employed to transfer torque as well as lift the pressure plate upon disengagement of vehicle drive. With regard to the manufacture of diaphragm springs, heat treatment is crucial. Laser welding is becoming more common as a method of attaching the drive plate to the disc ring with the laser typically being between 2-3KW and a feed rate 1m/minute.Multiple plate clutchThis type of clutch has several driving members interleaved or "stacked" with several driven members. It is used in race cars including F1, IndyCar, World Rally and even most club racing, motorcycles, automatic transmissions and in somediesel locomotives with mechanical transmissions. It is also used in some electronically controlled all-wheel drive systems as well as in some transfer cases.

自由女神像上的July IV MD CCLXXVI 是什么?


Annuit cceptis MDCCLVVXInovus ordo seclorum 是什么意思?

annuit coeptis 是拉丁文 “他领导我们的事业”MDCCLVVXI 是罗马数字 “1776 " 美国建国的年份novus ordo seclorum 拉丁文 “时代新秩序”

Invincible(Kelly Clarkson演唱的英文歌曲)详细资料大全

Invincible是一首由美国录音艺术家 Kelly Clarkson 从她的第七 张录音室专辑,本单曲收入于专辑《Piece by Piece》(2015)。澳大利亚音乐才女Sia负责制作。 基本介绍 中文名称 :无敌、不可战胜的 外文名称 :Invincible 所属专辑 :《Piece by Piece》 歌曲时长 :3:58 发行时间 :2015年5月18日 歌曲原唱 :Kelly Clarkson 填词 :Sia,Warren "Oak" Felder,Kelly Clarkson 谱曲 :Sia,Jesse Shatkin 编曲 :Sia,Stephen Mostyn 音乐风格 :Synthpop,symphonic rock MV导演 :Alon Isocianu 歌曲语言 :English 发行公司 :RCA,ShatkinSteve Mostyn,Oak 基本信息,乐曲内容, 基本信息 歌名:Invincible 演唱:Kelly Clarkson “我以前从未唱她的歌。她却为我写这样棒歌曲。我们都是同样的唱片公司,所以我们有相同的共同的朋友。” 乐曲内容 [00:00.15]Invincible - Kelly Clarkson [00:01.06] [00:06.65]You know I was broke down, I had hit the ground [00:09.86] [00:10.53]I was crying out, I couldn t make no sound [00:14.10] [00:14.68]No one hears the silent tears collecting [00:19.51] [00:20.41]You know I had lost hope, I was all alone [00:23.78] [00:24.34]Never been so long till you came along [00:27.54] [00:28.49]Teacher, I feel the dots connecting [00:34.35] [00:35.28]Beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall [00:37.44]Cause I can take on so much more than I had ever dreamed [00:40.78] [00:41.93]So beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall [00:44.57]Cause baby, I am ready to be free [00:48.30]Now I am invincible [00:50.22] [00:51.78]No, I ain t a scared little girl no more [00:54.61] [00:55.12]Yeah, I am invincible [00:58.04]What was I running for [01:01.68] [01:02.22]I was hiding from the world [01:05.16] [01:05.72]I was so afraid, I felt so unsure [01:08.98]Now I am invincible [01:12.28]Another perfect storm [01:15.20] [01:16.02]Now I am a warrior, a shooting star [01:19.28] [01:20.11]Know I got this far, had a broken heart [01:23.34] [01:24.21]No one hears the silent tears collecting [01:28.98] [01:29.90]Cause it s being weak, but strong in the truth I found [01:33.24] [01:34.03]I have courage now, gonna shout it out [01:36.76] [01:38.00]Teacher, I feel the dots connecting [01:41.93] [01:44.51]Beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall [01:47.18]Cause I can take on so much more than I had ever dreamed [01:50.33] [01:51.47]So beat down on me, beat down like a waterfall [01:54.11]Cause baby, I am ready to be free [01:57.68]Now I am invincible [02:01.44]No, I ain t a scared little girl no more [02:04.64]Yeah, I am invincible [02:07.79]What was I running for [02:10.78] [02:11.70]I was hiding from the world [02:15.12]I was so afraid, I felt so unsure [02:18.63]Now I am invincible [02:21.82]Another perfect storm [02:24.76] [02:26.52]I was running from an empty threat [02:30.55] [02:31.52]Of emptiness [02:33.47]I was running from an empty threat [02:37.39] [02:38.48]That didn t exist [02:39.64] [02:40.48]I was running from an empty threat [02:44.35] [02:45.15]Of abandonment [02:46.76] [02:47.28]I was running from an empty threat [02:51.22] [02:52.24]That didn t exist [02:58.70]But Now I am invincible [03:02.18]No, I ain t a scared little girl no more [03:05.52]Yeah, I am invincible [03:08.40]What was I running for [03:12.77]I was hiding from the world [03:16.29]I was so afraid, I felt so unsure [03:18.93] [03:19.45]Now I am invincible [03:22.65]Another perfect storm [03:25.49] [03:26.40]Now I am invincible [03:29.48] [03:30.04]No, I ain t a scared little girl no more [03:32.90] [03:33.41]Yeah, I am invincible [03:36.28]What was I running for [03:37.82]What was I running for [03:40.38]I was hiding from the world [03:43.23] [03:43.94]I was so afraid, I felt so unsure [03:46.55] [03:47.24]Now I am invincible [03:50.53]Another perfect storm

Sean C. Johnson的《5 Oclock》 歌词

歌曲名:5 Oclock歌手:Sean C. Johnson专辑:Inspiration Jam Vol. 2KAT-TUN - 12 o"clock作词:a.k.a./JOKER作曲:Mike RoseUpdateされたマシンでFreeway 駆け出そうNext stage 目指して今しか出来ない Rendezvous12 o"clock ゼロが并ぶ瞬间(とき)迎えに行く Your placeそびえる楽园见上げスピーカー震わす Music俺の世界狂わせた瞳微笑む Face, yeah(Your face, Yeah yeah)心ごと夺われた俺は(この俺は)捧げる Life, yeah感じたい ひとつになりたいGood time 逃れられない爱しさと 温もり合わせHigh time 君を离さないぜStay with me 俺が守るから忘れようぜ重力风と融けあった先は追い越す Supersonicこの宇宙(そら)に辉く星ひとつ(Starlight)君だけ Shine, yeah(Shinin", Shinin")捕らわれて动けない俺の(この俺の)心は Freeze, yeah感じたい キスを交わしたいGood time 分かち合いたい体中 研ぎ澄ましたらHigh time 现在を抱きしめるぜUpdateされたマシンでFreeway 駆け出そうNext stage 目指して今しか出来ない RendezvousTick, Tick, Tack Watch da watch Say wa!Zero or 12 U know?This place, nothing da gravityI"m looser cuz I sell and luv is U感じたい ひとつになりたいGood time 逃れられない爱しさと 温もり合わせHigh time 君を离さないぜUpdateされたマシンでFreeway 駆け出そうNext stage 目指して今しか出来ない Rendezvous终わり


为增强ATOP程序与tcl/tk 的互动性, 探讨使用python编写ATOP程序后,能够有效运行现有的TCL脚本功能,增强ATOP程序的功能。TCL (最早称为“工具命令语言”"Tool Command Language",但是现在已经不是这个含义,不过我们仍然称呼它为TCL)是一种 脚本语言。 由John Ousterhout创建。 TCL很好学,功能很强大。TCL经常被用于快速原型开发,脚本编程, GUI和测试等方面。TCL念作“踢叩” "tickle"。Tcl的特性包括:(推荐学习:Python视频教程)* 任何东西都是一条命令,包括语法结构(for, if等)。* 任何事物都可以重新定义和重载。* 所有的数据类型都可以看作字符串。* 语法规则相当简单* 提供事件驱动给Socket和文件。基于时间或者用户定义的事件也可以。* 动态的域定义。* 很容易用C, C++,或者Java扩展。* 解释语言,代码能够动态的改变。* 完全的Unicode支持。* 平台无关。Win32, UNIX, Mac上都可以跑。* 和Windows的GUI紧密集成。 Tk* 代码紧凑,易于维护。TCL本身不提供面向对象的支持。但是语言本身很容易扩展到支持面向对象。许多C语言扩展都提供面向对象能力,包括XOTcl, Incr Tcl等。另外SNIT扩展本身就是用TCL写的。Python 执行TCL功能有两种:1. 进程内执行(内含TCL解析器)使用eval 命令实现2. 进程外执行 调用tclsh/wish.exe 执行,该方式与目前ATOP 方式一致。Python 运行tcl 脚本From Tkinter import Tclr=Tcl()r.eval("package require itclx")r.eval("cd $env(TCLSPACE)/ATOP")r.eval("source lib/ct/ctCaseDv.tcl")r.eval("source lib/ct/ctCaseDv.tcl") 使用eval 命令执行tcl脚本。作用:1) 可以将常用的 操作,如 Excel 转tcl, 刷新XML目录树,等功能集成到ATOP2) 加强GUI 和TCL 之间的沟通。更多Python相关技术文章,请访问Python教程栏目进行学习!


ABP CLI是ABP的命令行工具,包括ABP的各种模板,安装命令为: dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli 如果安装完成后运行不成功,有可能是工具目录不在PATH环境变量上,需要将命令行路径添加到环境变量中。注意dotnet环境必须安装在/usr/share/dotnet目录中,否则运行不成功。





Are your hands clean?做肯定回答

Yes, I AM。 N0, I"m not

Are you in One class,One Grade? Yes, I am This is my a teacher ,Mr.Wang Li lei and I an from China

正解:Are you in Class One,Grade One? Yes, I am This is my teacher ,Mr.Wang Li lei and I are from China




各类数据库管理系统的设计都有其独特之处。在Oracle上也是有存储引擎的,但Oracle官方从来都不这么提,只说存储架构。按功能上来看,InnoDB在设计之初参考了Oracle的设计(如表空间,extent,块等)。MSSQL -- 不知道。


首先申明一下,为了达到快速测试的效果,我找了一个私服,而不是官方服务器测试。 我创建了3个角色,分别是法师Feidafashi,术士FeidaShushi和牧师FeidaMushi(当然你也可以使用别的任何职业,也可以操作更多的角色),其中法师Feidafashi作为队长。 第一步:给每个角色设置一个宏命令:/follow 队长名字,我此时的队长是Feidafashi,所以我给每个角色创建的宏命令是:/follow Feidafashi,宏的名字随便,但必须定义一个相同的快捷键,我把这个宏拉到了快捷栏的 “0”上面,这样对于每个角色,我只要按一下“0”,他就会自动跟随队长了。 第二步:设置选择最近敌人的快捷键,WOW中默认是TAB,但是在keyclone的Clone按键范围设置那里,不能输入TAB键,所以需要另外设置一个快捷键,我这里设置这个快捷键为“B”,当然,你同样得为每个角色都设置一遍。 队长法师Feidafashi:快捷键2为火球术,快捷键7为冰霜新星; 术士FeidaShushi:快捷键2为暗影箭,快捷键7为地狱烈焰; /tar FeidaMushi /cast 治疗之环 意思是先选中自己,然后释放治疗之环,同样把这个宏命令拖到快捷栏的2上面,这样只要按2,就能群体治疗了。 WOW中的设置就到这里,然后是keyclone的设置。 1、运行KeyClone,如果你已经打开多个WOW游戏窗口的话(建议使用窗口模式),在Keyclone左边的窗口列表中应该就已经列出来了,否则可以点击上面的刷新按钮,刷新窗口列表; 2、然后,强烈建议你给每个wow游戏窗口改名字:点击窗口列表中的某个窗口名字,在下方的“标题”按钮前面就显示了该窗口的名字,你可以随意更改(点击“标题”按钮确认更改)(甚至你还可以点击前面的H符号来隐藏窗口,点击S符号来重新显示);我在这里给每个窗口后面加上了角色的职业名字,以示区别——试试看,相当好玩吧,一看就知道哪个窗口是哪个角色的,免除了你错误选择窗口的可能性; 3、再然后,选中 队长所在的窗口(我这里已经改成“魔兽世界-队长”了),设置其为母窗口,其他WOW窗口则加入到子窗口列表中; 4、Clone范围设定,采用默认的即可;不需要加入鼠标的动作; 5、Clone按键范围的设置:这里需要注意了,由上面WOW的设置可以知道,我们只需要复制4个按键就可以了:技能的快捷键2和7,跟随的快捷键0 以及选择怪物的快捷键B(当然,你需要根据你自己的设置具体选择)。 现在大功告成了,让我们去畅快淋漓的体验一下吧! 先让所有角色在同一个地方集合,组成队伍(我这里的队长法师Feidafashi),然后启动keyclone,然后你只要操作队长了;队长按0,让队员跟随,然后带路跑到目的地,靠近怪物之后,按B选择最近的怪物(此时所有角色都选择了最近的怪物),然后按2,壮观的景象出来了! 队长法师Feidafashi释放火球术,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放暗影箭,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放治疗之环给队员群体加血、、、再按7:队长法师Feidafashi释放冰霜新星,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放地狱烈焰,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放神圣新星、、、啊太壮观了,眼花缭乱啊。 战斗告一段落,需要继续行军了,简单,队长按一下0,然后就可以出发了,然后继续战斗,继续那壮观的景象、、、 当然,你可以同时开更多的角色,组成更大的队伍,一个人控制几十个人一起战斗(keyclone支持网络功能,可以控制多台机器上的多个角色,你不用担心一台机器带不动了),想象一下这样的威力,你就暗自偷笑吧。


首先申明一下,为了达到快速测试的效果,我找了一个私服,而不是官方服务器测试。我创建了3个角色,分别是法师Feidafashi,术士FeidaShushi和牧师FeidaMushi(当然你也可以使用别的任何职业,也可以操作更多的角色),其中法师Feidafashi作为队长。第一步:给每个角色设置一个宏命令:/follow 队长名字,我此时的队长是Feidafashi,所以我给每个角色创建的宏命令是:/follow Feidafashi,宏的名字随便,但必须定义一个相同的快捷键,我把这个宏拉到了快捷栏的 “0”上面,这样对于每个角色,我只要按一下“0”,他就会自动跟随队长了。第二步:设置选择最近敌人的快捷键,WOW中默认是TAB,但是在keyclone的Clone按键范围设置那里,不能输入TAB键,所以需要另外设置一个快捷键,我这里设置这个快捷键为“B”,当然,你同样得为每个角色都设置一遍。队长法师Feidafashi:快捷键2为火球术,快捷键7为冰霜新星;术士FeidaShushi:快捷键2为暗影箭,快捷键7为地狱烈焰;/tar FeidaMushi/cast 治疗之环意思是先选中自己,然后释放治疗之环,同样把这个宏命令拖到快捷栏的2上面,这样只要按2,就能群体治疗了。WOW中的设置就到这里,然后是keyclone的设置。1、运行KeyClone,如果你已经打开多个WOW游戏窗口的话(建议使用窗口模式),在Keyclone左边的窗口列表中应该就已经列出来了,否则可以点击上面的刷新按钮,刷新窗口列表;2、然后,强烈建议你给每个wow游戏窗口改名字:点击窗口列表中的某个窗口名字,在下方的“标题”按钮前面就显示了该窗口的名字,你可以随意更改(点击“标题”按钮确认更改)(甚至你还可以点击前面的H符号来隐藏窗口,点击S符号来重新显示);我在这里给每个窗口后面加上了角色的职业名字,以示区别——试试看,相当好玩吧,一看就知道哪个窗口是哪个角色的,免除了你错误选择窗口的可能性;3、再然后,选中 队长所在的窗口(我这里已经改成“魔兽世界-队长”了),设置其为母窗口,其他WOW窗口则加入到子窗口列表中;4、Clone范围设定,采用默认的即可;不需要加入鼠标的动作;5、Clone按键范围的设置:这里需要注意了,由上面WOW的设置可以知道,我们只需要复制4个按键就可以了:技能的快捷键2和7,跟随的快捷键0 以及选择怪物的快捷键B(当然,你需要根据你自己的设置具体选择)。现在大功告成了,让我们去畅快淋漓的体验一下吧!先让所有角色在同一个地方集合,组成队伍(我这里的队长法师Feidafashi),然后启动keyclone,然后你只要操作队长了;队长按0,让队员跟随,然后带路跑到目的地,靠近怪物之后,按B选择最近的怪物(此时所有角色都选择了最近的怪物),然后按2,壮观的景象出来了!队长法师Feidafashi释放火球术,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放暗影箭,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放治疗之环给队员群体加血、、、再按7:队长法师Feidafashi释放冰霜新星,同时,术士FeidaShushi释放地狱烈焰,也在同时,牧师FeidaMushi释放神圣新星、、、啊太壮观了,眼花缭乱啊。战斗告一段落,需要继续行军了,简单,队长按一下0,然后就可以出发了,然后继续战斗,继续那壮观的景象、、、当然,你可以同时开更多的角色,组成更大的队伍,一个人控制几十个人一起战斗(keyclone支持网络功能,可以控制多台机器上的多个角色,你不用担心一台机器带不动了),想象一下这样的威力,你就暗自偷笑吧。

我的网卡型号是intel(r) 82801hem/hdm sata ahcl controller 应该下载什么驱动




we can reuse old clothes___(tomakemakeotherthings

we can reuse old clothes uff08to makeuff09other things.



老师让我们各写5句什么可以reuse,什么可以recycle,英文! 要具体的造句!我会加赏的!

Books can be reused Paper is usually recycled in the factory. I "d like to have my TV fixed to reuse it. Water ,in some areas, is often reused after washing vegetables. Also,water can be recycled. Some bottles can be reused while others are usually recycled. We can reuse the tools to help us in real life. These iron tools can be recycled. Solar energy can be recycled. You"d better reuse these exercise books to save money. 祝你开心如意!


Some of the waste material can be reworked for reuse.They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal

reuse, reduce, recycle的定义20分...急...

Environmentally aware consumers are producing less waste by practicing the “3 Rs:” Reduce Reuse Recycle. They are buying products that are less toxic or contain less packaging using reusable containers and other reusable items maintaining and repairing products participating in recycling programs and buying products made from recycled materials. Reduce Waste prevention or "source reduction " me consuming and throwing away less. It includes: * purchasing durable long-lasting goods; * seeking products and packaging that are as free of toxics as possible; * redesigning products to use less raw material in production have a longer life or be used again after its original use. Source reduction actually prevents the generation of waste in the first place so it is the most preferred method of waste management and goes a long way toward protecting the environment. Reuse Reusing items -- by repairing them donating them to charity and munity groups or selling them -- also reduces waste. Reusing products when possible is even better than recycling because the item does not need to be reprocessed before it can be used again. Recycle Benefits of Recycling * Conserves resources for our children"s future. * Prevents emissions of many greenhouse gases and water pollutants. * Saves energy. * Supplies valuable raw materials to industry. * Creates jobs. * Stimulates the development of greener technologies. * Reduces the need for new landfills and incinerators. Recycling turns materials that would otherwise bee waste into valuable resources. In addition it generates a host of environmental financial and social benefits. Materials like glass metal plastics and paper are collected separated and sent to facilities that can process them into new materials or products. Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century. Recycling including posting diverted 79 million tons of material away from landfills and incinerators in 2005 up from 34 million tons in 1990. By 2002 almost 9 000 curbside collection programs served roughly half of the American population. Curbside programs along with drop-off and buy-back centers resulted in a diversion of about 32 percent of the nation"s solid waste in 2005. * More About Recycling * Recycle on the Go – EPA"s campaign to put recycling places in public spaces * Recycling Publications 1. 再用 重新使用 重复利用 use aagin 1. 减少;缩小;降低 -something recycle 1.使再循环;再利用 reuse aagin 参考:

Kelly Clarkson的《Tie It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Tie It Up歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:Tie It UpTie It Up - Kelly Clarkson.I was standin" with my friend when I saw you walkin" inAnd my heart started skippin" a beatI was tryin" to play it cool but I knew it was trueThat nobody would ever compete.Well first comes love and then comesFirst date first kiss, we were checkin" off the listThen you were gettin" down on your kneeAnd you didn"t have to guess, it was always a yesNow there"s two less fish in the sea.Let"s set the dateLet"s hire the bandLet"s cut the cakeTie up the cans.I love the ring of your nameYou"re the ying to my yangOh baby let"s give it a shotEvery wall needs a frameEvery ball needs a chainI"m talkin" about tying the knotTie it up.Something old, something newSomething borrowed, something blueAnd the chairs lined up in the yardThe I do"s and the kissesFrom a miss to a missesCan"t wait for forever to start.Let"s set the dateLet"s hire the bandLet"s cut the cakeTie up the cans.I love the ring of your nameYou"re the ying to my yangSo baby let"s give it a shotEvery wall needs a frameEvery ball needs a chainI"m talkin" about tying the knotTie it up.Tie it upInvite the townLet"s raise a glass and lock it downTie it upForever boundCause I"m fit to be tied down.When mama"s kickin" off her shoesAnd daddy"s spinnin" from the boozeAnd the last song is finally sungWe can run to the roomKickstart the honeymoonDon"t it sound like a whole lotta fun?.Let"s set the dateLet"s hire the bandLet"s cut the cakeTie up the cans.I love the ring of your nameYou"re the ying to my yangSo baby let"s give it a shotEvery wall needs a frameEvery ball needs a chainI"m talkin" about tying the knotTie it upTie it upTie it up.

reduse,reuse,recycle,rotten,usable 单词意思

reduse:减量化原则 不浪费 减消reuse:n. 重新使用,再用 vt. 再使用 再利用recycle:vt. 使再循环;使…重新利用 vi. 重复利用 n. 再生;再循环;重复利用rotten:adj. 腐烂的;堕落的;恶臭的;虚弱的;[俚]极坏的 adv. [口]非常 腐败的usable :adj. 可用的;合用的(等于useable) 能用的 可用的, 合用的, 便于使用的


reduce [ru026a"djuu02d0s] vi. 减少;缩小;归纳为 vt. 减少;降低;使处于;把…分解 reuse [riu02d0"juu02d0z] n. 重新使用,再用 vt. 再使用 recycle [riu02d0"sau026ak(u0259)l] n. 再生;再循环;重复利用 vt. 使再循环;使…重新利用 vi. 重复利用


reduce [rɪ"djuːs] vi. 减少;缩小;归纳为vt. 减少;降低;使处于;把…分解reuse [riː"juːz] n. 重新使用,再用vt. 再使用recycle [riː"saɪk(ə)l] n. 再生;再循环;重复利用vt. 使再循环;使…重新利用vi. 重复利用



环境3R リユース、リサイクル、リデュース( reuse,recycle, reduce)3者的区别是什么



reduce 减少reuse 来自 re- use 重新使用recycle re-cycle 回收利用


它是动副词组。cleanup;打扫;赚钱;整顿;痛打;动副短语中的动词有的是及物动词,因此,后接宾语时不需要加介词,加上副词后,该副词可以进一步说明动作的结果,从而,使得句意表达得更加准确.这些动副短语必须接宾语,但对其位置有一定的限制,如果宾语是名词,既可以放在短语的中间,又可以放在短语的后面;如果宾语是代词,就只能放在两词的中间了.例如,  you"dbetterpickthestudentsupbefore7:00.你最好在7点前把这些学生接上车.  canyoupickmeupat7:00?你能在7点时接我吗?人称代词me做宾语要放在pick和up中间.如果动副短语中的动词是不及物动词时,则该短语不可以加宾语.例如,mayicomein?我可以进来吗?come是不及物动词,所以,comein后无宾语.  初中阶段的动副短语主要有:1.bringout 取出2.cutdown 砍倒3.cleanup 清扫,收拾干净4.climbdown/up 爬下/上5.comeback/goback 回来/回去6.comeround (走)过来7.comeout (花)开,出来8.comeover 顺便来访9.eatup 吃光10.fallasleep 睡着11.fallbehind 落后12.falldown 跌倒13.giveback 退还14.getback 取回15.goout 外出16.growup 长大17.hurryup 赶紧18.knockdown 击倒19.lookout 小心20.lookaround 环顾,到处看21.lookup 查找22.openup 开设,开放,开业23.passon 往前传递24.put(sth.)down 把放下来25.putaway 收拾好26.puton 穿上27.putup 举起28.runaway 跑开了29.rushout 冲出去30.runaway 逃跑,逃走31.slowdown 减缓,减速32.setoff 出发,动身33.turnon/off 打开/关上34.turnup/down 调大/调小35.takeout 取出36.thinkover 考虑37.takeoff 脱下,把……拿掉38.takeaway 拿走39.workout 算出40.writedown 记下41.washaway 冲走42.wakeup 唤醒

linux服务器,突然断电后提示:A discovery error has occured,please powercycle the system and all the

是小机还是pcserver ,好像有部分硬件没有加电

Enclosed pls find the quotation of the two envelopes for your reference.

enclosed 在这句里是被附上的意思pls=please 请 enclosure是附件attachment: n. 附件例句:信封内装有几份附件。 There are several enclosures in the envelope.


故障现象: VNX系列的阵列柜每条总线(Bus)能支持多少个enclosures? 解决方案: VNX系列的阵列柜每条总线最多支持10个enclosure,即一个主柜9个扩展柜。 需要注意的是,每个型号的阵列柜还有对磁盘数量的限制,如VNX5100和VNX5300分别最多支持75块硬盘和125块硬盘。

external enclosure是什么意思

external enclosure外壳enclosure[英][u026anu02c8klu0259u028au0292u0259(r)][美][u026anu02c8klou028au0292u0259(r)]n.圈占; 围绕; 圈占地; 附件; 复数:enclosures Four-month-old asian elephant calf luk chai plays with a football in his enclosure attaronga zoo in sydney, australia. 澳大利亚悉尼塔龙加动物园,四个月的亚洲小象鲁克柴在圈里玩足球。


enclosureKK: []DJ: []n.1. 围住,封入[U]The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn"t use it.公共土地的圈围意味着普通人将不能使用它。2. 圈地;围场[C]There is a public enclosure of a racecourse.那儿有个作赛马场的公共圈地。3. 围栏,围墙[C]4. (信函的)附件[C]I received a letter with three enclosures.我收到一封有三份附件的信。

It is by no means clear _______ the president can do to end the strike.

首先翻译, 是说 一点也不明确 总统要"做什么"可以结束这场罢工, 有do 做,要加 “什么” ,


package example;public class HelloWorld {public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println("Hello World");}}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><project default="main" basedir="."><target name="main" depends="compile, compress" description="Main target"><echo>Building the .jar file.</echo></target><target name="compile" description="Compilation target"><javac srcdir="${basedir}/src/example" /></target><target name="compress" description="Compression target"><jar jarfile="HelloWorld.jar" basedir="${basedir}/src/example"includes="*.class" /></target></project>

vuecli3使用Ant Design 图标

1.在脚手架中引入Ant Design 2.在main.js文件中写入: import Antd from "ant-design-vue" import "ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css" 3.在需要使用的页面引入对应的图标 举个例子,我要在home.vue里面使用 在页面使用:<home-outlined></home-outlined>就可以了。

家里的电脑显示器正中间出现一条不动的绿线。我的显示器型号是飞利浦Brilliance 229cl,是led的显示器。


Brilliance 229CL 电脑的最佳分辨率是多少


ramcloud 解决什么问题

RAMCloud 是斯坦福的 Ousterhout 教授(log-structure filesystem 的作者)领导的项目,这是一个完全放在内存中的分布式 key-value store。与 memcached 和 redis 的区别是,memcached 只是个易失的cache,不能说是 storage;redis 对可靠性的保障也不高(据我所知,包括一种定期 dump 到磁盘的方式,称为 rdb;还有 Append Only方式。不管怎样,redis 可能会丢失1秒的数据)。而 RAMCloud 的定位是 storage,不允许丢失数据(“不丢失数据”并不是说可以满足用户的每一次写请求,而是每个满足的写请求,都必须是持久化的)。关键特性:为了支撑大容量,RAMCloud 需要上千台物理结点;RAMCloud 将所有数据放在内存,读写请求完全靠内存响应,因此延迟很低;为了避免网络成为瓶颈,RAMCloud推荐使用 Infiniband;每个结点的磁盘只作为备份使用,只有在结点失效时,才需要访问磁盘恢复数据。RAMCloud 面临一些挑战和解决方案:1)结点失效后,如何快速重建该结点的数据,他们在 SOSP"11的论文利用集群的并发能力解决这个问题;2)提高内存的使用率而不降低性能的问题,他们在 FAST"14的文章使用log-structure 的内存分配器解决这个问题;3)单点故障的问题,RAMCloud 有一个 coordinater负责协调整个集群,包括重建等操作,他们使用了 Zookeeper,并且在 ATC"14的论文提出 raft解决这个问题。下面就谈谈为什么需要 log-structure 的内存分配。传统的内存分配器不能应对变化的负载(key-value pair 的长度不定,从 KB 到 MB),non-copying 的分配器有大量碎片,几乎浪费一半的内存资源(比如,需要1GB,却分配了2GB);copying 的分配器没有碎片,但是当内存利用率很高时性能下降,因为它们的 copying 和数据量成正比,不是增量式的。那么其实 RAMCloud 的解决方案也很简单,使用了常见的技巧,将变长的小对象(key-value pair)打包成定长的大对象(10MB 的 segment),segment 是存储的基本单元。10GB 内存有大约1000个 segment。新的数据会被写到处于 log head 的 segment 中,并已 segment 为单元分发到其它(三个)结点的磁盘上做备份。为了快速检索数据,需要一个全局哈希表定位每个 key-value pair 的位置。 当删除和更新数据时,旧的 segment 上会出现很多失效的数据,这时有两个问题:1)如何区分失效和有效的数据;2)如何垃圾回收。区分失效数据:内存中的失效数据很好识别,因为哈希表有指向有效数据的指针。但是,磁盘上的备份呢?如果结点失效,如何防止一个失效的数据“复活”呢?RAMCloud 引入了一种特殊的对象,叫 tombstone,当删除或更新时,一个指向失效数据的 tombstone 被添加到 log head的 segment 中。一个疑惑是,更新操作为什么也需要 tombstone,新数据不能作为旧数据的 tombstone 吗?这是因为RAMCloud 的垃圾回收不能保证较新的失效对象比较旧的失效对象更晚被回收(好像有点拗口,比如我们随后删除了刚刚更新的对象,这样就有两个失效对象,它们有相同的 key,它们被回收的顺序是不能保证,如果较新的对象所在的 segment 先被回收,较旧的对象将在数据恢复时“重生”)。所以更新操作和删除操作一样,需要一个 tombstone。而且 tombstone 在它所指向的对象所在的 segment 被回收之前,是不能被回收的,它将一直占据内存和磁盘的空间。垃圾回收:当一个 segment 中有很多失效的数据时,我们应该将其中的有效数据复制到更紧凑的 segment 中(数据迁移或者 segment 合并),并回收这个 segment 的空间。这有点像 SSD 的垃圾回收,其实垃圾回收大抵都这样。但是这种操作很耗资源,因此 RAMCloud 采用了二级垃圾回收策略。首先,我们必须明白,过早做垃圾回收没有好处,等我们确实需要更多空间并且有很多垃圾存在时,做垃圾回收才是划算的(benefit/cost 最高)。二级垃圾回收包括 segment compaction 和 segment combination。在一般的情况下,只将垃圾数据较多的 segment 做 compaction 操作,就是在内存中将失效数据剔除,缩小的 segment 被写到新的位置,ID 不变,磁盘上的数据不变,所以 segment 的总数没有变化,没有任何 IO 操作。segment combination 操作要耗时的多,它就是合并 segment,多个旧 segment 合成新的 segment,并且需要同步到磁盘上。combination 无疑耗时的多,问题是何时做 combination。RAMCloud 当遇到下面情况时才做 combination:1. 磁盘的空间是内存的2倍,这时我们需要回收磁盘的空间;2. tombstone 太多,占了理论剩余空间(空间 – 有效数据占据的空间)的40%以上。必须指出的是单纯 compaction 是无法回收 tombstone 的,因为 segment 并没有真正被回收,一旦结点失效,完整的 segment 会被恢复出来。因此只有使用 combination,旧的 segment 被回收后,那些指向旧 segment 的 tombstone 就可以在下次 compaction 时删除了。待解决的问题:1. 哈希表的问题,当对象很小时,哈希表可能占10-20%的内存;(优化小对象)2. tombstone 的问题,tombstone 只有在数据恢复时才有用,但我们从不会从内存中恢复数据,因此放在内存十分浪费;(优化小对象)3. 内存压缩,当对象很大时,可否使用压缩技术提高利用率。

Triton X-100磷酸缓冲液和tris-HCl缓冲液的作用有什么不同?

在免疫组织化学(厚切片) 和免疫细胞化学中,Triton X-100 被用来做细胞破膜剂/细胞通透剂,即在细胞膜上打孔。这样抗体就能进入内与相关的抗原结合了。Triton X100一般在阻断缓冲液中或稀释缓冲液中使用,基本不用做洗液。使用浓度0.2%。较厚的石蜡切片更应该应用Triton X100,这样可以获得更好的染色背景。



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如果你从微软和网络上搜索,你可以找到解释就是“同Ntldr、Ntdetect.com四个文件一起用于启动不同计算机的” 原文“...Ntldr,, Arcsetup.exe, and Arcldr.exe files that are used for booting various computers...” 你如果不知道ARC,你一定搞不清楚说的什么意思。 要了解这两个文件,你需要先知道ARC,ARC是x86或RISC计算机中用于标识设备的动态方法。 ARC命名的第一部分用于标识硬件适配卡/磁盘控制器,它有两个选项:SCSI和Multi。Multi表示一个非SCSI硬盘或一个由SCSI BIOS访问的SCSI硬盘,而SCSI则表示一个SCSI BIOS禁止的SCSI硬盘;(x)是硬件适配卡序号;disk(x)表示SCSI总线号,即如果硬件适配卡为Multi,其正确表示方法就为disk(0);rdisk(x)表示硬盘的序号,即如果硬件适配卡为SCSI则忽略此值;partition(x)表示硬盘的分区序号。

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。。这尼玛一看就是防火墙设置问题,你直接进windows defenders里面设置看看卅。你此时是用普通用户身份(user)登录的系统,安装此程序需要管理员权限,只需点开始/注销/切换用户至管理员即可



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C-Clown 的 Let’s Love罗马歌词

Yeah, this is how the word playsYeah, this is how the word playsYeah, this is how the word playsYou know we back. It"s C-ClownOneureun mwol ibeobollaeNaeireun mwol ibeobollaeDa saenggakhaenwa naega da sajulgeHago sipeun geollo da malhaebwaMwodeun hae julge geu daesin neoneunOneul sigan jom naeYou can doWhat you want and i"ll doWhat you wantDareun mal deo pillyo eobseo huhNahante wa yeogi naegero waYeah, that"s rightNeoneun narang eoullinikkaGakkai wa amudo an bwaYeah neoui namjan nayaNeoui namjan naya uh drop itNarang manna (ya) neoneun narang maja (maja)Kkeullineun geon (e)Jigeum baro neo (neo) neo (neo) neo (neo)Neoneun narang maja (maja)Dareun nomdeureun (da)Jeorigara hae (hae) e (e)Narang manna narang mannaIjebuteoNarang manna narang mannaNuguboda neol (deo)Johahanikka (deo)Dareun nomdeureun (da) jeorigara hae(hae)(Da) da jeorigara haeA yo i"ve been around mwol bwaYeopjari anjeun geu jasik boda more flyJedaero allyeojulge yeoja darulttaeneun pulleo beoryeoNektai dareun nom nomeun good byeMwodeun haejulge geu daesin neoneun oneul siganjom naeYou can do, what you want and i"ll doWhat you want dareunmal deo pillyoeobseo come onNahante wa yeogi naegero waYeah, that"s right neoneun narang eoullinikkaGakkai wa amudo anbwaYeah deo gakkai wabwa jom deo gakkai waUh drop itNarang manna (ya) neoneun narang maja (maja)Kkeullineun geon (e)Jigeum baro neo (neo) neo (neo) neo (neo)Neoneun narang maja (maja)Dareun nomdeureun (da) jeorigara hae (hae) e (e)Narang manna narang mannaIjebuteoNarang manna narang mannaNuguboda neol (deo) johahanikka (deo)Dareun nomdeureun (da) jeorigara hae(hae)(Da) da jeorigara haeNanananan nanana neomeowaNanananan nanana that"s rightNanananan nanana iriwaNanananan nanana that that"s rightGakkai wa amudo anbwaYeah neoui namjan nayaNeoui namjan naya uh drop itNarang manna (ya) neoneun narang maja (maja)Kkeullineun geon (e)Jigeum baro neo (neo) neo (neo) neo (neo)Neoneun narang maja (maja) dareun nomdeureun (da)Jeorigara hae(hae) e (e)Narang manna narang mannaIjebuteoNarang manna narang mannaNuguboda neol (deo) johahanikka (deo)Dareun nomdeureun (da)Jeorigara hae(hae) e (e)(Da) da jeorigara hae(Narang manna narang manna narang manna narang manna)Ijebuteo

圣诞节真实英语故事:The Gold and Ivory Tablecloth

【我寄语】在圣诞节来临之际, 考 网为大家精心整理了有关圣诞节的英语作文《The Gold and Ivory Tablecloth》,以供大家参考,祝大家圣诞节快乐! 这是一个真实的圣诞节故事,在圣诞节创造的奇迹,在距圣诞节还有两天的时候,一场剧烈的风暴袭击了小教堂,教堂的一大块石膏掉下来,雨水侵蚀,圣坛后的一块石膏掉了下来。伤心的牧师和他的妻子振作起来参加了一个拍卖会,牧师最后拍得一块珍贵的金色和象牙白相间的蕾丝桌布,准备回去布置好,挡住那个损坏的地方。这个故事都是由这一块美丽的桌布而起。牧师拍走的这块金色和象牙白蕾丝桌布让一对因为战争而分离走散多年的夫妻团聚了。假如牧师得到了这块桌布,却没有让那个在寒风中领漂泊的妇女进入教堂,又假如这位妇女最后取走了这块属于她的桌布,那这个妇女还能和她的丈夫重遇吗? At Christmastime, men and women everywhere gather in their churches to wonder anew at the greatest miracle the world has ever known. But the story I like best to recall was not a miracle—not exactly. It happened to a pastor who was very young. His church was very old. Once, long ago, it had flourished. Famous men had preached from its pulpit, prayed before its altar. Rich and poor alike had worshiped there and built it beautifully. Now the good days had passed from the section of town where it stood. But the pastor and his young wife believed in their run-down church. They felt that with paint, hammer, and faith, they could get it in shape. Together they went to work. But late in December, a severe storm whipped through the river valley, and the worst blow fell on the little church—a huge chunk of rain-soaked plaster fell out of the inside wall just behind the altar. Sorrowfully the pastor and his wife swept away the mess, but they couldn"t hide the ragged hole. The pastor looked at it and had to remind himself quickly, “Thy will be done!” The joyful purpose of the storm that had knocked a hole in the wall of the church was now quite clear. But his wife wept, “Christmas is only two days away!” That afternoon the dispirited couple attended an auction held for the benefit of a youth group. The auctioneer opened a box and shook out of its folds a handsome gold-and-ivory lace tablecloth. It was a magnificent item, nearly 15 feet long. But it, too, dated from a long-vanished era. Who, today, had any use for such a thing? There were a few halfhearted bids. Then the pastor was seized with what he thought was a great idea. He bid it in for six dollars and fifty cents. He carried the cloth back to the church and tacked it up on the wall behind the altar. It completely hid the hole! And the extraordinary beauty of its shimmering handwork cast a fine, holiday glow over the chancel. It was a great triumph. Happily he went back to preparing his Christmas sermon. Just before noon on the day of Christmas Eve, as the pastor was opening the church, he noticed a woman standing in the cold at the bus stop. “The bus won"t be here for 40 minutes!” he called, and he invited her into the church to get warm. She told him that she had come from the city that morning to be interviewed for a job as governess to the children of one of the wealthy families in town but she had been turned down. A war refugee, she had imperfect English. The woman sat down in a pew and chafed her hands and rested. After a while, she dropped her head and prayed. She looked up as the pastor began to adjust the great gold-and-ivory lace cloth across the hole. She rose suddenly and walked up the steps of the chancel. She looked at the tablecloth. The pastor smiled and started to tell her about the storm damage, but she didn"t seem to listen. She took up a fold of the cloth and rubbed it between her fingers. “It is mine!” she said. “It is my banquet cloth!” She lifted up a corner and showed the surprised pastor that there were initials monogrammed on it. “My husband had the cloth made especially for me in Brussels! There could not be another like it!” For the next few minutes, the woman and the pastor talked excitedly together. She explained that she was Viennese, that she and her husband had opposed the Nazis and decided to leave the country. They were advised to go separately. Her husband put her on a train for Switzerland. They planned that he would join her as soon as he could arrange to ship their household goods across the border. She never saw him again. Later she heard that he had died in a concentration camp. “I have always felt that it was my fault—to leave without him,” she said. “Perhaps these years of wandering have been my punishment!” The pastor tried to comfort her, urged her to take the cloth with her. She refused. Then she went away. As the church began to fill on Christmas Eve, it was clear that the cloth was going to be a great success. It had been skillfully designed to look its best by candlelight. After the service, the pastor stood at the doorway; many people told him that the church looked beautiful. One gentle-faced, middle-aged man—he was the local clock-and-watch repairman—looked rather puzzled. “It is strange,” he said in his soft accent. “Many years ago, my wife—God rest her—and I owned such a cloth. In our home in Vienna, my wife put it on the table”—and here he smiled—“only when the bishop came to dinner!” The pastor suddenly became very excited. He told the jeweler about the woman who had been in church earlier in the day. The startled jeweler clutched the pastor"s arm. “Can it be? Does she live?” Together the two got in touch with the family who had interviewed her. Then, in the pastor"s car, they started for the city. And as Christmas Day was born, this man and his wife—who had been separated through so many saddened Yuletides—were reunited. To all who heard this story, the joyful purpose of the storm that had knocked a hole in the wall of the church was now quite clear. Of course, people said it was a miracle, but I think you will agree it was the season for it!

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Tony Clarke的《Landslide》 歌词

歌曲名:Landslide歌手:Tony Clarke专辑:Chess Chartbusters Vol. 2Dixie Chicks - LandslideI took my love and I took it downClimbed a mountain then I turned aroundAnd I saw my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide brought me downOh, mirror in the skyWhat is love?Can the child within my heart rise aboveCan I sail through the changing ocean tidesCan I handle the seasons of my lifeUh ah ... uh ah ....Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell ...Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell, I"m getting older tooSo, take this love, take it downIf you climb a mountain and turn aroundAnd If you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide will brought it downIf you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell maybe ...The landslide will bring it down.↑↑END↑↑


1. 标签a)Moncler的大标“永远”在羽绒服里面最上部的正中间(两面穿型号和K2型号除外)。一些假货做的没这么细致,K2型号的大标是在内部的右下角。b)Moncler的尺码标签,跟Moncler的大标是同样颜色和材质。c)Moncler的水洗标,在内部左侧拼缝处,如果出现在任何地方,那就是假的。d)不是所有的Moncler都有卡通小鸭子的漫画!但是如果有,一定在左手一侧下方的内里上。e)在Moncler大标的正上方,有时候会有一个小带子,让你挂衣服用的,这个带子的材质是皮的,或者是棉化纤混合材料,不会是塑料的。蓝色在左,红色在右。f)Moncler的大标永远只是Moncler,如果你在大标上看到Moncler的下面有型号啊或者别的字什么的,请小心。2. 扣子,拉链,兜a)所有的金属件,包括扣子,拉链(隐藏拉链除外),带了的收口头和其他的金属五金件,要么有浮雕刻印的“Moncler”,要么就是就是Moncler的LOGO。b)只有且仅有早期的Moncler的衣服,拉链上没有logo,但是这仅仅出现在1999年和少量的2000年的产品中。c)最近3-4年的新型号的Moncler,纽扣也有变化。扣子上会印着FIOCCHI ITALY。d)Moncler的拉链头永远不会是尼龙的,拉链也不会是那种镶了一圈银色的。新的Moncer型号,用的拉链都是Lampo的,所以要检查拉链背面是不是有Lampo标志。e)去Moncler的官网,记住一定要是官方网站!Moncler的官网会显示今年来的款式而且会列出这个型号里所有的款式。你对要确认的衣物。3. Moncler的刺绣请观察Moncler的刺绣和位置。真刺绣,阵脚非常细,非常有立体感,假的很多是平的。4. 水洗标我们见到过假的Moncler带了塑料的三角标牌,Moncler的小册子,还有备扣这些。但是这并不意味着这一定是真的。5. 最后,价格差距太大,永远值得怀疑

c语言问题,这个程序怎么改,求满足xyz+zyx=1231的所有x y z #include





煤的间接液化技术是先将煤全部气化成合成气,然后以煤基合成气(一氧化碳和氢气)为原料,在一定温度和压力下,将其催化合成为烃类燃料油及化工原料和产品的工艺,包括煤炭气化制取合成气、气体净化与交换、催化合成烃类产品以及产品分离和改制加工等过程。 1923年,德国化学家首先开发出了煤炭间接液化技术。40年代初,为了满足战争的需要,德国曾建成9个间接液化厂。二战以后,同样由于廉价石油和天然气的开发,上述工厂相继关闭和改作它用。之后,随着铁系化合物类催化剂的研制成功、新型反应器的开发和应用,煤间接液化技术不断进步,但由于煤炭间接液化工艺复杂,初期投资大,成本高,因此除南非之外,其它国家对煤炭间接液化的兴趣相对于直接液化来说逐渐淡弱。煤炭间接液化技术主要有三种,即的南非的萨索尔(Sasol)费托合成法、美国的Mobil甲醇制汽油法和正在开发的直接合成法。煤间接液化技术在国外已实现商业化生产,全世界共有3家商业生产厂正在运行,它们分别是南非的萨索尔公司和新西兰、马来西亚的煤炭间接液化厂。新西兰煤炭间接液化厂采用的是Mobil液化工艺,但只进行间接液化的第一步反应,即利用天然气或煤气化合成气生产甲醇,而没有进一步以甲醇为原料生产燃料油和其它化工产品,生产能力1.25万桶/天。马来西亚煤炭间接液化厂所采用的液化工艺和南非萨索尔公司相似,但不同的是它以天然气为原料来生产优质柴油和煤油,生产能力为50万吨/年。因此,从严格意义上说,南非萨索尔公司是世界上唯一的煤炭间接液化商业化生产企业。南非萨索尔公司成立于50年代初,1955年公司建成第一座由煤生产燃料油的Sasol-1厂。70年代石油危机后,1980年和1982年又相继建成Sasol-2厂和Sasol-3厂。3个煤炭间接液化厂年加工原煤约4600万t,产品总量达768万t,主要生产汽油、柴油、蜡、氨、乙烯、丙烯、聚合物、醇、醛等113种产品,其中油品占60%,化工产品占40%。该公司生产的汽油和柴油可满足南非28%的需求量,其煤炭间接液化技术处于世界领先地位。此外,美国SGI公司于80年代末开发出了一种新的煤炭液化技术,即LFC(煤提油)技术。该技术是利用低温干馏技术,从次烟煤或褐煤等非炼焦煤中提取固态的高品质洁净煤和液态可燃油。美国SGI公司于1992年建成了一座日处理能力为1000t的次烟煤商业示范厂。 费托合成(Fisher-Tropsch Sythesis)合成是指CO在固体催化剂作用下非骏相氢化生成不同链长的烃类(C1~C25)和含氧化合物的反应。该反应于1923年由F.Fischer和H.Tropsch首次发现后经Fischer等人完善,并于1936年在鲁尔化学公司实现工业化,费托(F-T)合成因此而得名。费托合成反应化学计量式因催化剂的不同和操作条件的差异将导致较大差别,但可用以下两个基本反应式描述。(1)烃类生成反应CO+2H2→(-CH2-)+H2O(2)水气变换反应CO+ H2O→H2+ CO2由以上两式可得合成反应的通用式:2CO+H2→(-CH2-)+ CO2由以上两式可以推出烷烃和烯烃生成的通用计量式如下:(3)烷烃生成反应nCO+(2n+1)H2→CnH2n+2+nH2O2nCO+(n+1)H2→CnH2n+2+nCO23nCO+(n+1)H2O→CnH2n+2+(2n+1)CO2nCO2+(3n+1)H2→CnH2n+2+2nH2O(4)烯烃生成反应nCO+2nH2→CnH2n+nH2O2nCO+nH2→CnH2n+nCO23nCO+nH2O→CnH2n+2nCO2nCO2+3nH2→CnH2n+2nH2O间接液化的主要反应就是上面的反应,由于反应条件的不同,还有甲烷生成反应,醇类生成反应(生产甲醇就需要此反应),醛类生成反应等等。 煤间接液化可分为高温合成与低温合成两类工艺。高温合成得到的主要产品有石脑油、丙烯、α-烯烃和C14~C18烷烃等,这些产品可以用作生产石化替代产品的原料,如石脑油馏分制取乙烯、α-烯烃制取高级洗涤剂等,也可以加工成汽油、柴油等优质发动机燃料。低温合成的主要产品是柴油、航空煤油、蜡和LPG等。煤间接液化制得的柴油十六烷值可高达70,是优质的柴油调兑产品。煤间接液化制油工艺主要有Sasol工艺、Shell的SMDS工艺、Syntroleum技术、Exxon的AGC-21技术、Rentech技术。己工业化的有南非的Sasol的浆态床、流化床、固定床工艺和Shell的固定床工艺。国际上南非Sasol和Shell马来西亚合成油工厂已有长期运行经验。典型煤基F-T合成工艺包括:煤的气化及煤气净化、变换和脱碳;F-T合成反应;油品加工等3个纯“串联”步骤。气化装置产出的粗煤气经除尘、冷却得到净煤气,净煤气经CO宽温耐硫变换和酸性气体(包括H2和CO2等)脱除,得到成分合格的合成气。合成气进入合成反应器,在一定温度、压力及催化剂作用下,H2S和CO转化为直链烃类、水以及少量的含氧有机化合物。生成物经三相分离,水相去提取醇、酮、醛等化学品;油相采用常规石油炼制手段(如常、减压蒸馏),根据需要切割出产品馏份,经进一步加工(如加氢精制、临氢降凝、催化重整、加氢裂化等工艺)得到合格的油品或中间产品;气相经冷冻分离及烯烃转化处理得到LPG、聚合级丙烯、聚合级乙烯及中热值燃料气。 (1)合成条件较温和,无论是固定床、流化床还是浆态床,反应温度均低于350℃,反应压力2.0-3.0MPa;(2)转化率高,如SASOL公司SAS工艺采用熔铁催化剂,合成气的一次通过转化率达到60%以上,循环比为2.0时,总转化率即达90%左右。Shell公司的SMDS工艺采用钴基催化剂,转化率甚至更高;(3)受合成过程链增长转化机理的限制,目标产品的选择性相对较低,合成副产物较多,正构链烃的范围可从C1至C100;随合成温度的降低,重烃类(如蜡油)产量增大,轻烃类(如CH4、C2H4、C2H6、……等)产量减少;(4)有效产物-CH2-的理论收率低,仅为43.75%,工艺废水的理论产量却高达56.25%;(5)煤消耗量大,一般情况下,约5~7t原煤产1t成品油。(6)反应物均为气相,设备体积庞大,投资高,运行费用高;(7)煤基间接液化全部依赖于煤的气化,没有大规模气化便没有煤基间接液化。 我国从50年代初即开始进行煤炭间接液化技术的研究,曾在锦州进行过4500t/年的煤间接液化试验,后因发现大庆油田而中止。由于70年代的两次石油危机,以及“富煤少油”的能源结构带来的一系列问题,我国自80年代初又恢复对煤间接液化合成汽油技术的研究,由中科院山西煤化所组织实施。“七五”期间,山西煤化所开的煤基合成汽油技术被列为国家重点科技攻关项目。1989年在代县化肥厂完成了小型实验。“八五”期间,国家和山西省政府投资2000多万元,在晋城化肥厂建立了年产2000吨汽油的工业试验装置,生产出了90号汽油。在此基础上,提出了年产10万吨合成汽油装置的技术方案。2001年,国家863计划和中科院联合启动了“煤变油”重大科技项目。中科院山西煤化所承担了这一项目的研究,科技部投入资金6000万,省政府投入1000万和本地企业的支持,经过一年多攻关,千吨级浆态床中试平台在2002年9月实现了第一次试运转,并合成出第一批粗油品,低温浆态合成油可以获得约70%的柴油,十六烷值达到70以上,其它产品有LPG(约5%~10%)、含氧化合物等。其核心技术费托合成的催化剂、反应器和工艺工程也取得重大突破。万吨级煤基合成汽油工艺技术软件开发和集成的研究正在进行,从90年代初开始研究用于合成柴油的钴基催化剂技术也正处在试验阶段。经过20年的开发和研究,目前我国已经具备建设万吨级规模生产装置的技术储备,在关键技术、催化剂的研究开发方面已拥有了自主知识产权。可以这样讲,我国自己研发的煤炭液化技术已达到世界先进水平。中科院山西煤化所与连顺能源有限公司就共同组建合成油品实验室达成协议,连顺公司为山西煤化所技术研究和开发出资1500万元,用于关键技术的研究和有关技术的开发,并最终用3-5年时间在山西朔州建一个年产15万t合成液化油的间接液化生产厂。中科院和山西省政府签署了“发展山西煤间接液化合成油产业的框架协议”,根据这个协议,在今后5-10年内,山西省将以自己的煤炭资源优势为依托,借助产业化部门的加盟,通过国家投资和社会融资方式,在朔州和大同几个大煤田之间建成一个以百万吨煤基合成油为核心的、多联产特大型企业集团。在技术开发的同时,国内煤炭企业对引进成熟技术、建设煤间接液化工厂做了大量工作。平顶山煤业集团、宁夏煤业集团以及神华集团就建设间接液化商业化示范工厂进行了煤种评价试验和建厂预可行性研究,并就引进技术、投融资、立项等做了大量前期工作,项目正在论证阶段。

free and clear是什么意思


free and clear是什么意思

free and clear生词本没有义务或牵连的网 络没有义务或牵连的;没有牵连的;没有义务的;无任何负担的报 错双语例句1. Money makes life easier only when the money is free and clear. 只有当来源干净且比较宽裕时,钱才能使生活变得更加如意.2. They owned their house free and clear. 他们完全有拥有自己房屋的权利.

vehicle information and communication system是什么意思

vehicle information and communication system车辆信息和通信系统例句:1.The information system play the communication role and feedback mechanism between with employee and organization. 而其中的资讯系统扮演著员工和组织间的沟通桥梁及回馈机制。2.Data visualization is also about information and communication, pierre said. pierre还说,数据可视化还与信息及通讯相关。3.In communication technology and the design of communications system, information theory has been enormously successful. 在通讯技术和传播系统的设计中,信息论取得了巨大的成功。

典例翻译成a classical example对吗?如果不对,那typical与它有什么区别?

因此副词。如此,如此,如此,如此 --------------------------------------- --- 因此,例如表示“因此,例如”。

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java sun.boot.class.path为什么打印的路径找不到

1.java已有默认系统属性,通过:System.getProperties().list(System.out);查看,结果如下:-- listing properties SE Runtime Environmentsun.boot.library.path=D:javajdk1.6.0_23jrein






首先需要安装JDK 6 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk之后需要设置默认的java程序sudo update-alternatives ——config java按照提示输入对应的选项,指定为JDK 6下面设置sudo vim /etc/environment在其中添加如下两行:CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/lib JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun如果其中已经设置了CLASSPATH和JAVA_HOME,则将其修改为上面的形式,按ZZ保存退出。接下来安装Eclipse sudo apt-get install eclipse需要注意的是,此时Eclipse并不关心之前设置的update-alternative所以应该修改Eclipse的配置。首先将 SUN-JDK-6彻底设为系统默认:sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun然后编辑JVM配置文件:sudo vim /etc/jvm在文件顶部添加/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun(如果没有则自己新建)sudo vim /etc/eclipse/java_home也是在文件顶部添加/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun之后启动Eclipse,选择Help-About Eclipse SDK,选择Configuration Details,可以看到JDK6的设置已经生效。


Tesaguri de egai te mi tayume no iro wanandaka fuzoroi dekangae ta koto nakatta mirai no kotofuan ni mo naru kedote o nobashiugokashi te hajimete wakarusukoshi zutsu nari tai jibun e mukauirodui te kukon sakura saku hirahiraomoide wa kirakirakawatte ku mono to kawara nai monoatarashii kisetsu no kaze no nioi wamada okubyō na kokoro o sotto tsutsumu nosono me ni utsuru sekai o mi te mi taku tedemo sukoshi kowaku teakogare to aseru kimochidōshite ka nafukuzatsu ni karan demayotteru kono omoime o somuke te mokakuse nai jibun jishin da karazenbu uketomeru yomata sakura saku hirahiraomoide wa kirakiraima shika deki nai koto ga aru karamayotteru jibun o shōjiki ni butsuke techizu nanka naku te mo arui te iku n daitsuka subete ga sugisattenanimokamo ga kako e to kawatte monan do datte omoidaserukimi no koesakura no saku kono machi no koto nan do mokon sakura saku hirahiraomoide wa kirakirakawatte ku mono to kawara nai monomoteamasu mirai ni oi te ke bari dattaokubyō na kokoro mo kae te yuku karasakura saku hirahiraomoide wa kirakirakotae wa doko ni mo kaite nai kedokono doa o akere badoko e datte yukerukitto mezashi ta basho etadoritsuku kara

【走遍美国】episode 8中的Popo the Clown是什么意思?





PostgreSQL中只有function (没有create procedure的语句,都用create function来做)。具体的区别来说,首先就是语法稍有不同: Oracle为P/L SQL的语法,PostgreSQL为PLPGSQL;然后是一些类型处理的不同。可以把Oracle的存储过程贴出来看看。
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