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nandflash 一个block多大


woven sacks 什么意思?




NAND FLASH + FATFS 最小擦除单位是block 能不能用




egg sacks 是什么意思









loacker威化巧克力在国内外知名度都是比较高的,稍微了解过的人都知道其有很多不同的味道,因为不同的人口味不一样,所以大家在购买的时候比较纠结,不知道loacker威化巧克力哪个好吃、热量等,下面就针对相关的问题为大家进行介绍和总结。1、巧克力味奶油夹心:这个系列有两种,一个是普通的巧克力,这种的话味道比较的温和、甜味适中,没有刺激性相对比较符合大众的口味;还有一种就是黑巧克力奶油夹心威化,采用的是味道更重的黑巧克力,会有点淡淡的苦味在里面,欧美地区的人更喜欢。 2、香草味奶油夹心:这款loacker威化巧克力味道就比较的偏甜一点,比较适合女性以及小孩吃,入口之后会有淡淡的香草味道在里面,但每次不能多吃不然会有甜腻感。 3、loacker威化巧克力热量的话也不是固定的,不同的产品其热量都不一样,大部分100g规格的loacker威化巧克力热量都保持在300-800大卡之间,购买时可看看成分表。 就大家的反馈来看loacker威化巧克力口味还是比较多的,具体的话要看个人的喜好以及口味决定,第一次可以多买几种尝试一下。



求解电影《致命ID》(即《Identity》,John Cusack主演)结尾的意思,没看懂

《致命ID》是一部探讨分裂人格者心理的电影。影片从一开始就表现了不同人格之间的关系和厮杀,最后真正邪恶的人格是那个孩子的设定,情理之中,又是意料之外,仔细回味,不难发现motel剧情部分写照着一个分裂人格内心的世界。 在剧情的开端,男孩自我告白式的颂诗、剪报上那被丢弃在汽车旅馆的孩童、诗的内容暗示母亲是为妓女,种种迹象表明了一种心理分析人格不健全发展最重要的因素――童年生活的阴影。一场暴风雨,穿插式的叙事方式,暗示着某种分裂、紧张、无逻辑的想象,是导演赋予分裂人格的间接诠释。分裂人格者正进行的实验剧场表演,不停地冒出新芽,没有逻辑似的时间与空间,气氛是雷电交加,大雨滂沱的夜晚。罪犯被诊断出拥有十种人格却不自知,而故事就是那十个人格所化身的人物,至于人的出生日期都一样,那是因为那些人全都是他的人格,不是真实的人。这不经意相聚的十个角色实际上是人格分裂者兀自的妄想。 影片一开始一大段对人格分裂症病情描述、对罪犯童年母亲是妓女的交代也是不容忽视的。心理分析学家认为人格分裂者会有三种病态的倾向:其一是恋母情结,其二是恋尸性格,其三是自我迷恋。因母亲身为妓女,将他关在汽车旅馆的记忆,于是幻想出一个汽车旅馆的场景,一个巴黎的妓女,十分厌恶妓女的假旅馆老板。恋尸性格的隐喻出现在那看似诡异的钥匙不停伴随尸体,其它分裂出来的人格有些代表懦弱、有些意味自尊心强、有些是劣根性、有的则是理性般的自我反省能力。他有时回想起母亲,偶尔爱恋着他,用警探的人格说着“我没去过巴黎”试图勾引着母亲,却被拒绝;有时她决定置母亲死地,便故意让她遭到横祸;片中警察说自己有时会失去意识,大概就是转换成光头胖子的另一个人格去了;而他在弥留之际说的“我一直都在想你”可能就是恋母情节的体现吧; “婊子没有第二次机会”,随着罪犯那阴冷的笑容凸现,那种不寒而栗恰如其分让观众再度回味那个杀人场地,与其说这位人格分裂症的罪犯依靠幻想在进行自我摧毁,不如说他真正想处理掉的正是妓女母亲这一角色!许多的剧情都是一个人格分裂者的心理层面形象化,一但我们一一审视,便能体验许多的暗示与隐喻。 现实中,他蕴藏十个分裂的人格,每当换了眼神、换了面容,也就无法认识另一个自己。他的心理医师试图治疗他,引导他自我知觉并自行整合人格。于是他在自己的幻想场景中挣扎、净化过多的人格,以讨伐罪恶般一一杀之。剧中每死了一个人就少了一种人格。最后一个活着的人,就是光头胖子的最终人格。所有的凶杀案都在光头胖子脑中进行,而凶杀案的目的是为了消灭多余的人格。医生是希望他能保留住最好的人格把坏的去除掉,没想到最后剩下的人格却是真正邪恶的人格,把试图治疗他的心理医生给杀了。 在充满人格分裂的幻想场域,如惊悚片般的剧情正上演,不间断离奇的谋杀,直让人错以为是场骇人的杀戮。一旦我们领悟剧情不过象征着心理状态,便可了解许多剧情的转折,许多不合逻辑的地方其实是最深刻描绘内心交战的过程。真正让这部电影跳出条条框框,带来一场骗局的正是尸体消失的一段情节,巧妙的暗示了这场骗局不过是多重人格并发症的病人所幻想出来的一切。人的思考总是无逻辑地跳跃,尤以分裂人格者,或许他不停的想要逃离锁链,但他走了一圈却回到了MOTEL被捕,他的理性战胜了某个自己。如此我们了解到《致命ID》是一部探讨分裂人格者心理层面的电影。 结局颇值得一提,孩童最后以不可思议的魔鬼形象出现,让整部片更充满了多元阅读的可能。首先,孩童的人格杀害象征母亲的妓女是基于童年的记忆,一种永远挥不去的仇恨,是根深蒂固的。另外一种解读,孩童的人格无法铲除,代表着犯人最终还是无法彻底根除自己分裂人格中最坏的劣根性。当然,你也可以解读成自始至终犯人便如导演狡猾的手法一般,不停隐瞒他的意图,让我们看不见那个凶手是谁,误以为一切迷团都已经解开,导演的功力实在不凡。


首先ill sick是形容词 ill只能做表语 而sick能做表语和定语 sick有恶心的之意 而ill是坏了的的意思 再说disease illness sickness 是名词 disease做疾病的总称 illness指生病的状态 sickness侧重不健康的状态或特指某种疾病



"disease"" illness"" sickness"用法上的区别是什么?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: "disease"" illness"" sickness"用法的区别是什么? 解析: "disease"指身体上具体的疾病。 例:Disease is usually caused by germs. 疾病一般是由细菌引起的。 “illness"和" sickness"通用,表示抽象的生病或生病的状态。例:After a long period of illness,she stopped work. 一场大病之后,她停止了工作。 打得很辛苦诶。 。 。 犒劳①下拉~`

remember pick out the batteries.哪里错了



1.pickat 挑毛病2.pickoff 摘掉3.pickout挑选(做不愿做之事)4.pickon挑选5.pickover仔细检查以便挑选最好的6.pickup1.捡起 听到,恢复,搭车.

翻译:有时要从人群中认识一个熟人是不容易的.(pick out)

Sometime it is not easy to recognize a acquaintance in the crowd.

pick out, choose ,select有什么区别

choose是普通的选择比如我选择了什么机会什么的select含有精心挑选之意妈妈精心挑选了礼物送给我这种意思pickout找出选出找出错误啊优点啊什么的选出挑出什么东西啦就这样 前几天我们刚学过嘿嘿。望采纳。

统一润 滑油油压王 CK-4是柴 油 机油吗?


find out 和 pick out的区别


pick up pick on pick after pick out



Pick out为瞬间动词,是挑出的意思

picked out是什么意思



RickyisClown,是众多潮牌中性价比较高的。亮点在于连帽衫和拼接式的夹克。 湖南皑希文化传播有限公司旗下潮流品牌RickyIsClown(RIC)于2014年成立于长沙,以港日街头风为设计理念,融入主理人Ricky对生活的理解,R.I.C缩写自Richy is clown(Ricky是小丑)。品牌表达的是主理人Ricky对自己的嘲讽和激励,同时寓意着生活中每个人都有丑陋的一面。这样的寓意与个人品牌的经历有着密不可分的联系,每一个品牌的塑造历程都是充满荆棘与挑战的,而RIC也不例外。rickyclown衣服属于中高端档次

如何理解git checkout

checkout的意思,是检出我们一般的理解是使用这个命令切换分支,其实它的本质操作就是:将当前版本库中的某个版本检出到工作区。所以一般使用这个命令切换分支之前,要确保工作区是clean的,没有用户未保存的修改,否则会被其他版本的内容覆盖掉!当然,当工作区不是clean,git也不会真正执行git checkout的操作,会提醒你做clean的操作。理解了git checkout,你就知道,git checkout后面不仅仅可以跟踪分支还可以跟任何的commit HASH值,只要对应仓库中的一个提交commit就可以当你修改了一些文件,不想保存提交,想取消掉怎么办?这个时候,你就可以使用git checkout file git会把仓库里原始的版本检出到工作区,覆盖掉之前你的修改,这样就达到了你丢掉掉修改的目的了。总结:git checkout branch 切换分支,在切换分支之前,确保工作区是清洁的。git checkout file 使用仓库里版本覆盖掉当前工作区的文件-->相当于取消掉你当前工作区的修改

check in和check out的意思一样吗?

它们的意思分别如下:1、check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号;(在机场)验票(或护照等);记录,登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out (办理退房手续)结账离开;检查,核实;符合要求例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房)She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.(相符一致)

jack frost是谁

杰克冻人即Jack Frost,是梦工厂动画《守护者联盟》里的主角,由克里斯·派恩为其配音,电影中守护神之一,前世为救妹妹而溺水身亡。角色原型为欧洲英国民间传说中的雪精灵,守护黑夜和美梦。冻人的出现意味着秋天即将结束,冬季来临。2原作相关编辑原作《童年的守护者》(The Guardians of Childhood)是电影的编剧之一——Wlliam Joyce献给女儿的作品。整个系列以欧美民间传说的“精灵”为主要人物,向人们展现了传统文化的魅力。而在电影里作为主角出场的Jack Frost原型为欧洲英国民间传说中的雪精灵。Frost的意思是严霜,人们相信叶子上的冰霜和雪花是来自于这位精灵的法力,Jack Frost的出现意味着秋天即将结束,冬季来临。在传统的故事当中,Jack Frost也存在着很多个版本。时而他是身披白衣的小精灵,时而则是在云端上剪雪花纸片的孤独仙人,时而则是拿着降霜之笔的小画家……不过不论是哪个版本,Jack Frost作为自然的精灵基本都只在冬天活动。而像“淘气鬼”这样的性格设定基本是欧洲传说对“小精灵”的传统印象了。在影片中,关于Jack的设定如下:“一个永远困在14岁身体里的男孩,他对自己的身世全然无印象,拥有控制风和冰雪的能力,喜欢恶作剧。他不属于任何一边,正邪双方都不信任他,但都想争取他。”[1]3相关故事石头一样冰凉的黛色天空,除了圆月,似乎一切都不可触及,冬天的枝杈鹿角一样清晰静立,湖面幽幽如镜,一个少年,蓝衣、褐色长裤,赤脚在冰面上行走,长长的木杖,一回身,触到哪里,哪里便凝结出一片晶莹美妙的冰花,无边无际蔓延开去。少年只记得那轮明月,自己是谁,完全不记。月光下,少年发丝雪一样白。少年随着风雪飞舞,溜过盖着冰雪的屋脊,在小孩子睡梦中的窗前掠过冰杖,便结了刺绣一样美丽窗花,他到哪里,哪里就飘起雪花,可是谁也看不见他,孩子嬉笑着从他身体穿过,没有人知道他在。他独来独往,最让他伤心的是,他不记得自己从前是谁。有没有爸爸妈妈,有没有兄弟姐妹?如果没有雪花,孩子们的冬夜就只剩下黑暗和恐惧,被恶灵占据。他帮助孩子们找回美梦,也找到了为他保存记忆的牙仙,牙仙和小精灵们收藏着千千万万只孩子们换下的乳牙,那里面也有属于他的一颗,从前的记忆在那里对他说话。他曾经和爸爸妈妈住在森林里,无忧无虑。顽皮的少年偷偷带着妹妹去滑冰,在湖的中心,听到冰裂的声音,他对妹妹说:“你不要怕,咱们现在玩个游戏,你不要动啊”猛然用手中的木杖把妹妹勾出湖面,自己坠入碎裂的冰洞中,永远只能看见那一轮月亮。。。。。。永远回不到从前。 [2]4角色评价他傲娇,他调皮,他是淘气记录保持者……却能在大难当头之际勇敢迎战食虫人;他孤僻,他古怪,却总能给孩子们带来意外的惊喜。他费尽心思只为了让人们相信他的存在,然而究其本心---他至始至终都只是一个调皮捣蛋、连善恶都有点分不清楚的贪玩小男孩,他不像其他守护者一样有着那么高的觉悟。可就是这样的他,能在两次危险来临的时候,对两个不同的小孩无比淡定的说道:“我们来玩些有趣的。“尽管到最后,独自一人的还是他自己…… Jack Forst,终究只适合这种独来独往的生活吧。即使全世界都忘记了他,也仍然有颗不灭的童心,鼓励着他,勇敢地走下去…

check in/out/up/away

check in1、到达并登记,报到2、记录check out 1、结账离开2、检查3、通过能力测试4、用于口语:看看,试试check up1、(医院)检查2、查找,查(字典)check away兑现

svn 的项目怎么check out 出来?

如果你装了svn在桌面右键 会有svn checkout选项

方程式赛车中的“check out”指令(ecu单元)是什么意思、做什么用的?


check out造句

check out造句如下:1、Check out the new website. It"s the bomb!看一看这新网站,简直是太棒了!2、Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.客人必须在中午以前办理退房手续。3、The local police found her story didn"t check out.当地警方证实她的说法不成立。4、Check out the lie of the land before you make a decision.要摸清情况后再作决定。5、They are making trips to check out the merchandise on offer.他们奔波各地,检查供售商品。6、Check out the prices of our pizzas—we"re virtually giving them away!查看一下比萨饼的价格吧,我们实际上是在白送!

怎么区分check, check on, check out


check in和check out的区别是什么?

它们的意思分别如下:1、check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号;(在机场)验票(或护照等);记录,登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out (办理退房手续)结账离开;检查,核实;符合要求例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房)She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.(相符一致)

check in和check out有什么区别?

它们的意思分别如下:1、check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号;(在机场)验票(或护照等);记录,登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out (办理退房手续)结账离开;检查,核实;符合要求例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房)She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.(相符一致)

英文的Check in和check out 法语叫什么? 在酒店前台办理入住/退房手续的时候用的

也用check in,check out


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 问题描述: Google推出的......有什么功能........ 解析: Google Checkout(即传闻中的Gbuy)。从现在得到的资料来看,传说上的Gbuy的正式名称将很可能会是Google Checkout。Google Checkout是Google的在线支付处理系统,尽管Google自己一再否认它不会与PayPal形成直接的竞争,但整个业界早就已经认定它将会是Amazon的最大克星。 下面是到目前为止所掌握到的Google Checkout的可靠资料: 1.Google Checkout的地址将会是,如果你有空,可以在未来几小时里尝试刷新看看。当前这个地址被自动指向Google Accounts,一旦上线,会被指向正式的Google Checkout网页。2.网站或贸易商可以把Google Checkout集成至网页里。 3.消费用户只需把自己的信用卡及相关付款资料输入Google Checkout帐户里,即可以在支持Google Checkout的网站上进行购物,然后再进行付款。 4.购物后,消费用户可以通过Google Checkout来跟踪自己的订单情况。 5.贸易商使用Google Checkout,每次须支付20美分的手续费,另外还必须支付出售商品价格的2.2%的费用,这比之前所预测的要高一些。 6.同时使用Google Checkout及Google AdWords(投放搜索结果相关的广告)的贸易商可以免手续费,上限是它们在AdWords里所花费的广告费的10倍以内;如果超出这个数额,必须按正常的规定付费。 7.AdWords的用户如果同时也使用了Google Checkout作为支付系统,那么它们的广告上面会显示一个Google Checkout的购物车图标,方便用户确认。 8.Google Checkout的后台系统是和Google一年前开始在Google Earth(购买收费版的Pro、Plus)、Google Video(购买收费视频)及Picasa Web Albums(购买额外的容量)上面所使用的是一样的。 9.尽管Google Checkout与AdWords相结合,但Google表示暂时不会根据Google Checkout上面的交易数据(比如交易的关键词等)而调整AdWords广告的竞价,也不会将这些数据结合至Google的CPA广告里。这与之前所预测的不一样,至少刚开始Google打算这样做。 10.把Google Checkout加入一个网站非常容易,只需把HTML代码直接插入网页即可,而原本已经有自己的购物系统的网站也可以把Google Checkout作为一个选项插入原有的系统里。 11.Google将会与一些大型的客户比如花旗银行合作,提供一个Google Checkout选项,把一些优惠返回给用户。 12.Google Checkout刚推出时将只会对美国用户有效,并且它与大多数GOogle产品不一样,它一推出就不是beta版,而是正式版。

check out和checkout原来是不同的

对滴,check out除了退房还有 “看看”,“检查”的意思。比如美剧里经常说:“Let"s check it out.” 就是我们去看看,一探究竟的意思。checkout:n.检验,校验; 结帐; Furthermore, checkout may itself face threats as it grows. 此外,随着业务增长,结帐服务自身也面临威胁。O(∩_∩)O

check-out是什么意思 check-out怎么翻译及发音

名词 付帐离开处,结帐,check out counter 结帐柜台 ,check out procedure phr. 产品出库规程 ,check out time 退房时间 ,relay check in check out register 继电检入检出寄存器 ,check out of 出发,付清帐而离开 ,check out 1.(从旅馆等)结账离开,(商店等)计价收款;(顾客在收银台前)计价付款 2. 检验,检查;调查;覈实 3. 向银行提款;开支票付款 4.【口】离开;离职 5. 检查合格;符合要求; ,I"ll check it out 我去查查看 ,time out check 超时检验 ,bus out check 总线输出校验 ,out of date check 过期支票见stale check. ,check out n. 付帐离开处,结帐,CHECK 检查,检验,覈对[C][(+of/on)],check n.[C]1.检查,查看(是否安全、正确、状况良好)2.调查;审查3.阻碍进程的事物;阻止恶化的事物4.[checks](对政治等权利的)规定,条令,约束5.[C,U](通常指双,out adv. 1. 出外;在外;向外2. 在外;不在家(办公室);在室外 3. 离岸;离开城市;离开国家4.(发)出;(借)出;(挑)出;(突)出5. 出现;问世;显露6. 出声,check in n. 报到处,签到v.[I] 办理登记手续,cross–check 1 : to obstruct in ice hockey or lacrosse by thrusting one"s stick held in both hands across an opp,out and out a. 十足的,彻头彻尾的,out to out 外廓尺寸,总尺寸,out out control adj. 无法控制的,cross check n. vt. 再确认,反复覈对

口语中的check out是什么意思?

Check it out是典型的美国口语,极为常见!不是楼上说的没什么意思,只是耍帅!Check it out有几种意思:1、最常用的是:看看,瞧瞧。例子: Hi, Danny. I have a very good gift for ya, come check it out. 2/歌曲中的连接词。通常DJ都会在播放曲目钱有段说词,介绍歌曲,放之前会说: check it out! 意思是:听吧,你们会知道的。3.检验成果。

mic check和check OUT什么意思

mic 通常是指“麦克风”,所以mic check 是检查/检验麦克风。check OUT应该是检查通过。也可能是检查出口(OUT)。

口语中的check out是什么意思?


check in/ check out有什么区别?

1、check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号知;(在机场)验票(道或护照等);记录,登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out(办理退房手续回)结账离开;检查,核实;符合要求答例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房)She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.(相符一致)酒店流程check-in, 办理入住手续,是要给客人填写入住表格,内容包括;姓名、性别、国籍、居住地、身份证(外国人护照)号码、联络电话、入住日期天数。押金(由酒店填写)给回押金单摅及酒店房间门匙给客人。check-out,办理离店手续,通知房务部查核该房内原有物件和饮品小食是否齐全及有否损坏弄脏(严重污损)和客人有否遗下物件。也要留意客人有否由房间内打出付费电话,在酒店内的饭店及消费场所有否签单消费,总结无误扣除应收款项收回押金单据,退回余款和单据给客人,也不要忘记说一声,多谢请他下次再来光顾。祝客人一路顺风。

问:check和check out用法和意思的区别

check 名词check out 动词

check与check out区别

check有检查,核对等意思。 check out除了检查的意思外,还有“(在旅馆或酒店等)办理退房手续,结账后离开”的意思。 例句: Can I have the check, please? 请把账单给我好吗? Ill double-check the figures. 我将对这些数字进行复核。 扩展资料   Do you know your check-in time?   你知道办理登机手续的时间吗?   Do you want to check your coats?   你们要寄放外套吗?   Check that your size is in stock.   查查你的尺码是不是有货。   Check out the hats.   检查一下这些帽子。   These are books I need to check out today.   这些是我今天要借的书。   These are books I want to check out today.   这些是我今天要借的书。

check in和check out的区别

check in 1. 登记签到 How many delegates have checked in at the convention? 大会已有多少代表报到? 2. 把…留给其他人照看 You can check your suitcases in at the desk. 你可以把手提箱交给服务台看管。 3. 归还经登记借出的东西 You must check in the equipment after using. 这些器材用后必须办妥手续归还。 4. 死去 He checked in three years ago. 他是三年前过世的。 check out 1.检查, 核对, 核实 Does his story check out? 他的叙述查实了吗? 2.付账后离开 He couldn"t have checked out so early. 他不可能这么早就离开。 3.办登记手续后取走 I"m just going to check this book out of the library. 我正要从图书馆办手续借这本书。 4.相等, 相同; 符合, 一致 Look at the other list and see if the names check out. 查查另一张单子, 看名字是否相同。 5.合格; 通过 The trainee checked out all right on his first flight. 受训者第一次飞行完全合格。

“check out”是什么意思?

check out vt.意思:离开(登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死) .Check out最常用于酒店付款退房.如:I am going to check out tomorrow.我明天退房.“check it out” 在rap里面是“听着看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们认真听着.相关短语:express checkout line .快速结账口;checkout counter phr. 付款柜台;收银台;结账处;checkout line phr. 排队付款的队伍;checkout environment area .检查环境区,结帐区;checkout console .测试操纵台,检测板,检验台checkout operation manual .检验操作手册;checkout gear .测试设备;checkout stand .检验台;checkout routine .校验程序,校验例行程序;checkout time .扫清时间,清除时间.参考例句:This object has been photographed at a magnification of 3, ie three times actual size.此物体拍照时已放大了叁倍Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects.正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像Derive Objects From.导入物体依据Heap or pile of objects;group of people.成堆物品;人群checkout 是 名词 和 形容词,而 check out 是 "动词形式".比如:when you want to check out of your hotel after the standard time, you might ask for a late checkout.

checkit out什么意思?

check out vt.意思:离开(登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死) .Check out最常用于酒店付款退房.如:I am going to check out tomorrow.我明天退房.“check it out” 在rap里面是“听着看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们认真听着.相关短语:express checkout line .快速结账口;checkout counter phr. 付款柜台;收银台;结账处;checkout line phr. 排队付款的队伍;checkout environment area .检查环境区,结帐区;checkout console .测试操纵台,检测板,检验台checkout operation manual .检验操作手册;checkout gear .测试设备;checkout stand .检验台;checkout routine .校验程序,校验例行程序;checkout time .扫清时间,清除时间.参考例句:This object has been photographed at a magnification of 3, ie three times actual size.此物体拍照时已放大了叁倍Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects.正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像Derive Objects From.导入物体依据Heap or pile of objects;group of people.成堆物品;人群checkout 是 名词 和 形容词,而 check out 是 "动词形式".比如:when you want to check out of your hotel after the standard time, you might ask for a late checkout.

check out的含义


check in和check out有什么不同?

1、check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号知;(在机场)验票(道或护照等);记录,登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out(办理退房手续回)结账离开;检查,核实;符合要求答例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房)She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.(相符一致)酒店流程check-in, 办理入住手续,是要给客人填写入住表格,内容包括;姓名、性别、国籍、居住地、身份证(外国人护照)号码、联络电话、入住日期天数。押金(由酒店填写)给回押金单摅及酒店房间门匙给客人。check-out,办理离店手续,通知房务部查核该房内原有物件和饮品小食是否齐全及有否损坏弄脏(严重污损)和客人有否遗下物件。也要留意客人有否由房间内打出付费电话,在酒店内的饭店及消费场所有否签单消费,总结无误扣除应收款项收回押金单据,退回余款和单据给客人,也不要忘记说一声,多谢请他下次再来光顾。祝客人一路顺风。

check out是什么意思?

本回答是结合了无数个人的精华提炼品。check sth out经常出现在口语中,可以表示不同的意思,check这个动词的基本解释是“检查、核对”,所以check sth out 就可以表示查验一下某事看是否属实或正确;当你看到什么有趣的事情,也可以用I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I check it out.Hey, check out that car!有两个意思:1.付帐后离开2 查验一下某事看是否属实或正确check it out:来看看(你拥有的/发现的某样东西)check in 有登记住宿的意思,check out 是和check in 相对的退房的意思。这是应用比较广的。check in 比较常用的就是登机验票的意思。check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号;(在机场)验票;登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out(办理退房手续)结账离开;检查,核实例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房

check out什么意思? check out的中文翻译和读音

本回答是结合了无数个人的精华提炼品。check sth out经常出现在口语中,可以表示不同的意思,check这个动词的基本解释是“检查、核对”,所以check sth out 就可以表示查验一下某事看是否属实或正确;当你看到什么有趣的事情,也可以用I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I check it out.Hey, check out that car!有两个意思:1.付帐后离开2 查验一下某事看是否属实或正确check it out:来看看(你拥有的/发现的某样东西)check in 有登记住宿的意思,check out 是和check in 相对的退房的意思。这是应用比较广的。check in 比较常用的就是登机验票的意思。check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号;(在机场)验票;登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out(办理退房手续)结账离开;检查,核实例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房



check out的用法是什么啊?

check out vt. 离开(登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死)例句与用法:I just want to drive around town and check out the main strip. 我就想驾车在城里兜兜,看看主要街市。The mechanic checked out the car battery. 汽车修理工检验了汽车里的电池。The boss checked out the tools to the workers as they came to work. 工人上工时,老板才把工具登记借给他们。The hotel insists that guests check out of their rooms before11 o"clock in the morning. 这家旅馆一定要客人在上午11点钟前结帐后离开房间。英英解释:名词 check out:the act of inspecting or verifying 同义词:check, checkout, check-out procedurethe latest time for vacating a hotel room 同义词:checkout, checkout timea counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases 同义词:checkout, checkout counter动词 check out:examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition 同义词:check, check up on, look into, suss out, check over, go over, check intoannounce one"s departure from a hotel be verified or confirmed; pass inspection 同义词:checktrace 同义词:run downrecord, add up, and receive payment for items purchased withdraw money by writing a check 同义词:chequetry to learn someone"s opinions and intentions 同义词:sound out, feel out

check out的中文意思是什么?

本回答是结合了无数个人的精华提炼品。check sth out经常出现在口语中,可以表示不同的意思,check这个动词的基本解释是“检查、核对”,所以check sth out 就可以表示查验一下某事看是否属实或正确;当你看到什么有趣的事情,也可以用I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I check it out.Hey, check out that car!有两个意思:1.付帐后离开2 查验一下某事看是否属实或正确check it out:来看看(你拥有的/发现的某样东西)check in 有登记住宿的意思,check out 是和check in 相对的退房的意思。这是应用比较广的。check in 比较常用的就是登机验票的意思。check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号;(在机场)验票;登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out(办理退房手续)结账离开;检查,核实例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房

checkout和 check out 是一个意思吗 和checked out有什么区别


check out的意思是什么呢?

1、check in(在旅馆)登记入住;挂号知;(在机场)验票(道或护照等);记录,登记签到例句:I"ll ring the hotel. I"ll tell them we"ll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out(办理退房手续回)结账离开;检查,核实;符合要求答例句:I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out.(结账退房)She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.(相符一致)酒店流程check-in, 办理入住手续,是要给客人填写入住表格,内容包括;姓名、性别、国籍、居住地、身份证(外国人护照)号码、联络电话、入住日期天数。押金(由酒店填写)给回押金单摅及酒店房间门匙给客人。check-out,办理离店手续,通知房务部查核该房内原有物件和饮品小食是否齐全及有否损坏弄脏(严重污损)和客人有否遗下物件。也要留意客人有否由房间内打出付费电话,在酒店内的饭店及消费场所有否签单消费,总结无误扣除应收款项收回押金单据,退回余款和单据给客人,也不要忘记说一声,多谢请他下次再来光顾。祝客人一路顺风。

check out什么意思、什么用法?

check out vt. 离开(登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死)例句与用法:I just want to drive around town and check out the main strip. 我就想驾车在城里兜兜,看看主要街市。The mechanic checked out the car battery. 汽车修理工检验了汽车里的电池。The boss checked out the tools to the workers as they came to work. 工人上工时,老板才把工具登记借给他们。The hotel insists that guests check out of their rooms before11 o"clock in the morning. 这家旅馆一定要客人在上午11点钟前结帐后离开房间。英英解释:名词 check out:the act of inspecting or verifying 同义词:check, checkout, check-out procedurethe latest time for vacating a hotel room 同义词:checkout, checkout timea counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases 同义词:checkout, checkout counter动词 check out:examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition 同义词:check, check up on, look into, suss out, check over, go over, check intoannounce one"s departure from a hotel be verified or confirmed; pass inspection 同义词:checktrace 同义词:run downrecord, add up, and receive payment for items purchased withdraw money by writing a check 同义词:chequetry to learn someone"s opinions and intentions 同义词:sound out, feel out


check out vt.意思:离开(登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死) .Check out最常用于酒店付款退房.如:I am going to check out tomorrow.我明天退房.“check it out” 在rap里面是“听着看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们认真听着.相关短语:express checkout line .快速结账口;checkout counter phr. 付款柜台;收银台;结账处;checkout line phr. 排队付款的队伍;checkout environment area .检查环境区,结帐区;checkout console .测试操纵台,检测板,检验台checkout operation manual .检验操作手册;checkout gear .测试设备;checkout stand .检验台;checkout routine .校验程序,校验例行程序;checkout time .扫清时间,清除时间.参考例句:This object has been photographed at a magnification of 3, ie three times actual size.此物体拍照时已放大了叁倍Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects.正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像Derive Objects From.导入物体依据Heap or pile of objects;group of people.成堆物品;人群checkout 是 名词 和 形容词,而 check out 是 "动词形式".比如:when you want to check out of your hotel after the standard time, you might ask for a late checkout.

check out是什么意思


check out是什么意思

check out检查双语对照词典结果:check out[英][tu0283ek aut][美][tu0283u025bk au028at]合格; [口]看看; 检查; 相等; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Check out his web site. 你可以看看他的网站。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

check out是什么意思?

check in 有登记住宿的意思,check out 是和check in 相对的退房的意思。这是应用比较广的。check in 比较常用的就是登机验票的意思。


check out vt.意思:离开(登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死) .Check out最常用于酒店付款退房.如:I am going to check out tomorrow.我明天退房.“check it out” 在rap里面是“听着看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们认真听着.相关短语:express checkout line .快速结账口;checkout counter phr. 付款柜台;收银台;结账处;checkout line phr. 排队付款的队伍;checkout environment area .检查环境区,结帐区;checkout console .测试操纵台,检测板,检验台checkout operation manual .检验操作手册;checkout gear .测试设备;checkout stand .检验台;checkout routine .校验程序,校验例行程序;checkout time .扫清时间,清除时间.参考例句:This object has been photographed at a magnification of 3, ie three times actual size.此物体拍照时已放大了叁倍Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects.正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像Derive Objects From.导入物体依据Heap or pile of objects;group of people.成堆物品;人群checkout 是 名词 和 形容词,而 check out 是 "动词形式".比如:when you want to check out of your hotel after the standard time, you might ask for a late checkout.

check out 什么意思

check out 1.检查, 核对, 核实 Does his story check out? 他的叙述查实了吗? 2.付账后离开 He couldn"t have checked out so early. 他不可能这么早就离开。 3.办登记手续后取走 I"m just going to check this book out of the library. 我正要从图书馆办手续借这本书。 4.相等, 相同; 符合, 一致 Look at the other list and see if the names check out. 查查另一张单子, 看名字是否相同。 5.合格; 通过 The trainee checked out all right on his first flight. 受训者第一次飞行完全合格。

check out是什么意思?


check out是什么意思,怎么用?

check out vt.意思:离开(登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死) .Check out最常用于酒店付款退房.如:I am going to check out tomorrow.我明天退房.“check it out” 在rap里面是“听着看”的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,你们认真听着.相关短语:express checkout line .快速结账口;checkout counter phr. 付款柜台;收银台;结账处;checkout line phr. 排队付款的队伍;checkout environment area .检查环境区,结帐区;checkout console .测试操纵台,检测板,检验台checkout operation manual .检验操作手册;checkout gear .测试设备;checkout stand .检验台;checkout routine .校验程序,校验例行程序;checkout time .扫清时间,清除时间.参考例句:This object has been photographed at a magnification of 3, ie three times actual size.此物体拍照时已放大了叁倍Normally, the brain does not interpret tile phosphene patterns as identifiable objects.正常情况下,脑不能把磷苯图像转化成可识别的物像Derive Objects From.导入物体依据Heap or pile of objects;group of people.成堆物品;人群checkout 是 名词 和 形容词,而 check out 是 "动词形式".比如:when you want to check out of your hotel after the standard time, you might ask for a late checkout.

Radiohead的《Backdrifts》 歌词

歌曲名:Backdrifts歌手:Radiohead专辑:Hail To The ThiefBackdriftsRadioheadWe"re rotten fruitWe"re damaged goodsWhat the hell, we"ve got nothing more to loseOne gust and we will probably crumbleWe"re backdriftersThis far but no furtherI"m hanging off a branchI"m teetering on the brinkOh honey sweetSo full of sleepI"m backslidingYou fell into our armsYou fell into our armsWe tried but there was nothing we could doNothing we could doAll evidence has been buriedAll tapes have been erasedBut your footsteps give you awaySo you"re backtrackingAh ah ahYou fell into our armsYou fell into our armsWe tried but there was nothing we could doNothing we could doYou fell into our, ahYou fell into aWe"re rotten fruitWe"re damaged goodsWhat the hell, we"ve got nothing more to loseOne gust and we will probably crumbleWe"re backdrifters

Radiohead的《Lucky》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky歌手:Radiohead专辑:Ok ComputerLuckyRadioheadI"m on a rollI"m on a roll this timeI feel my luck could changeKill me Sarahkill me again with loveit"s gonna be a glorious dayPull me out of the aircrashPull me out of the lakeI"m your superherowe are standing on the edgeThe head of state hascalled for me by namebut I don"t have time for himIt"s gonna be a glorious dayI feel my luck could changePull me out of the aircrashPull me out of the lakeI"m your superherowe are standing on the edgeWe are standing on the edge

We need an actor as ___ as possible. A.soon B.sooner C.soonest D.quickly


There was once a wise old woman who lived back in the hills. All the children used to come back an

你来决定:There was once a wise old woman who lived back in the hills. All the children used to come back and ask her questions. She always gave the right answers. 从前,有一位博学的老妇人,她住在后山。过去所有的孩子都经常来找她问问题。她总是有求必应。其中有一个调皮的小男孩。和老友记学最地道美语英语口语达人30天速成英语达人的英语学习计划There was once a wise old woman who lived back in the hills. All the children used to come back and ask her questions. She always gave the right answers. There was a naughty little boy among the children. One day he caught a tiny bird and held it in his cupped hands. Then he gathered his friends around. He said, “Let"s trick the old woman. I"ll ask her what I"m holding in my hands. Of course, she"ll answer that I have a bird. Then I will ask her if the bird is living or dead. If she says the bird is dead, I"ll open my hands and let the bird fly away. If she says the bird is alive, I"ll quickly crush it and show her the dead bird. Either way, she"ll be wrong.” The children agreed that this was a clever plan. Up the hill they went to the old woman"s hut. “Granny, we have a question for you,” they all shouted. “What"s in my hands?” asked the little boy. “Well, it must be a bird,” replied the old woman. “But is it living or dead?” demanded the excited boy. The old woman thought for a moment and then replied, “It is as you will, my child.” 从前,有一位博学的老妇人,她住在后山。过去所有的孩子都经常来找她问问题。她总是有求必应。 其中有一个调皮的小男孩。有一天,他抓到一只小鸟,双手捧住,然后把伙伴们叫到身边,说:“咱们去哄一下那个老太太。我要问她我手里握着什么东西。她肯定会回答说我握的是小鸟。然后,我问她小鸟是活的还是死的。如果她说鸟是死的,我就张开手让小鸟飞走。如果她说小鸟是活的,我就马上用劲一捏,让她看到那只死鸟。不管用什么方法,她都说不对。” 孩子们都异口同声的说这是一个聪明的计划。他们爬上山,来到了老妇人的小屋。 “奶奶,我们要问您一个问题。”他们都大声说道。 “我手里是什么东西?”那个小男孩问道。 “噢,肯定是一只小鸟,”老妇人回答说。 “可是活的还是死的呢?”小男孩兴奋的问到。 老妇人想了一会儿,然后回答说:“孩子,这由你来决定。”



Gloria Estefan的《Lucky Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky Girl歌手:Gloria Estefan专辑:Original Album ClassicsKellie Pickler - Lucky GirlLucky girlShe got the diamond but I got the worldIt"s my oyster and it"s full of pearlsSo honey tell me who"s the lucky girlYou lucky boyDid you tell her she"s your second choiceCause I wouldn"t be your little toyAin"t no man inside her lucky boy.Guess you finally found someone who"sEverything that I couldn"t beWhoah oh oh oh oh oh ohI just couldn"t see myself asMrs. you can walk all over meSo tell me who"s the luckyTell me who"s the lucky girlLucky girlShe got the Gucci gown the veil and curlsI got your precious box set of MerleSo honey tell me who"s the lucky girl.Guess you finally found someone who"sEverything that I couldn"t beWhoah oh oh oh oh oh ohI just couldn"t see myself asMrs. you can walk all over meSo tell me who"s the luckyTell me who"s the lucky girlLucky girlShe got the diamond but I got the worldIt"s my oyster and it"s full of pearlsSo honey tell me who"s the lucky girl.

请问 pipe是什么意思?


Black Pipe 是什么钢管

Black Pipe 黑铁管;非涂锌管;石油词汇英语翻译,非镀管,无镀层管seamless pipe 无缝钢管;无缝管Black Steel Seamless Pipe 碳钢;黑钢无缝钢管希望能帮你。

帮忙翻译一下ERW Black Steel Pipe ASTM A53, SEAM

ERW黑色ASTM A53焊钢管ERW: 电阻焊(Electric Resistance Welded)


一、安装Ubuntu1、DVD:Ubuntu 12.04 Server版2、分区: 490G的主分区 + 16G的SWAP(其实还能减少,服务器16G内存) + 490G空闲空间注:490G的空闲空间用于OpenStack的Swift数据存储。同时一定要给主分区格式化,并且将boot写入。3、安装语言,选择“English”,因为汉化不太好,尤其是到Openstack后,故直接选择英语,避免各种乱码方块出现4、不适用代理服务器,因为本身就已经有外网IP,自身就可以连入Internet5、选择“不使用自动更新 No auto Update”6、只安装OpenSSH服务。7、等待安装结束。重启,进入第二阶段。二、安装OpenStack1、使用putty,远程连接:login as:"s password:Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-23-generic x86_64) * Documentation: System information as of Wed Jul 4 15:13:59 CST 2012 System load: 0.0 Processes: 109 Usage of /: 1.7% of 458.53GB Users logged in: 1 Memory usage: 0% IP address for eth0: Swap usage: 0% Graph this data and manage this system at packages can be updated.29 updates are security updates.The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;the exact distribution terms for each program are described in theindividual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted byapplicable law.Last login: Wed Jul 4 15:08:33 2012localadmin@server1:~$2、现在更新系统:localadmin@server1:~$sudo apt-get updatelocaladmin@server1:~$sudo apt-get upgrade3、编辑网卡:localadmin@server1:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).# The loopback network interfaceauto loiface lo inet loopback# The primary network interfaceauto eth0iface eth0 inet static address netmask broadcast gateway dns-nameservers eth1iface eth1 inet static address netmask network broadcast$4、重启network网络服务:localadmin@server1:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart * Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces * Reconfiguring network interfaces... ssh stop/waitingssh start/running, process 11988ssh stop/waitingssh start/running, process 12029 [ OK ]localadmin@server1:~$5、NTP是用来使系统和一个精确的时间源保持时间同步的协议。建议大家在自己管理的网络中建立至少一台时间服务器来同步本地时间,这样可以使得在不同的系统上处理和收集日志和管理更加容易。建立NTP时间服务器:localadmin@server1:~$ sudo apt-get install ntpReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DoneThe following extra packages will be installed: libcap2 libopts25Suggested packages: ntp-docThe following NEW packages will be installed: libcap2 libopts25 ntp0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.Need to get 684 kB of archives.After this operation, 1,765 kB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue [Y/n]? yGet:1 precise/main libcap2 amd64 1:2.22-1ubuntu3 [12.0 kB]Get:2 precise/main libopts25 amd64 1:5.12-0.1ubuntu1 [59.9 kB]Get:3 precise-updates/main ntp amd64 1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 [612 kB]Fetched 684 kB in 5s (137 kB/s)Selecting previously unselected package libcap2.(Reading database ... 48908 files and directories currently installed.)Unpacking libcap2 (from .../libcap2_1%3a2.22-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...Selecting previously unselected package libopts25.Unpacking libopts25 (from .../libopts25_1%3a5.12-0.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...Selecting previously unselected package ntp.Unpacking ntp (from .../ntp_1%3a4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb) ...Processing triggers for ureadahead ...Processing triggers for man-db ...Setting up libcap2 (1:2.22-1ubuntu3) ...Setting up libopts25 (1:5.12-0.1ubuntu1) ...Setting up ntp (1:4.2.6.p3+dfsg-1ubuntu3.1) ... * Starting NTP server ntpd [ OK ]Processing triggers for libc-bin ...ldconfig deferred processing now taking place6、修改NTP服务器配置文件:localadmin@server1:~$ sudo vi /etc/ntp.conflocaladmin@server1:~$ cat /etc/ntp.conf# /etc/ntp.conf, configuration for ntpd; see ntp.conf(5) for helpdriftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift# Enable this if you want statistics to be logged.#statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/statistics loopstats peerstats clockstatsfilegen loopstats file loopstats type day enablefilegen peerstats file peerstats type day enablefilegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable# Specify one or more NTP servers.# Use servers from the NTP Pool Project. Approved by Ubuntu Technical Board# on 2011-02-08 (LP: #104525). See for# more information.server 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.orgserver 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.orgserver 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.orgserver Use Ubuntu"s ntp server as a fallback.server ntp.ubuntu.comserver Access control configuration; see /usr/share/doc/ntp-doc/html/accopt.html for# details. The web page <># might also be helpful.## Note that "restrict" applies to both servers and clients, so a configuration# that might be intended to block requests from certain clients could also end# up blocking replies from your own upstream servers.# By default, exchange time with everybody, but don"t allow configuration.restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noqueryrestrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery# Local users may interrogate the ntp server more closely.restrict ::1# Clients from this (example!) subnet have unlimited access, but only if# cryptographically authenticated.#restrict mask notrust# If you want to provide time to your local subnet, change the next line.# (Again, the address is an example only.)#broadcast If you want to listen to time broadcasts on your local subnet, de-comment the# next lines. Please do this only if you trust everybody on the network!#disable auth#broadcastclientlocaladmin@server1:~$7、重启NTP服务:localadmin@server1:~$ sudo service ntp restart * Stopping NTP server ntpd [ OK ] * Starting NTP server ntpd [ OK ]localadmin@server1:~$8、安装mysql-server:localadmin@server1:~$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server python-mysqldb在接下来的root密码确认中,本例输入了两次“123456”然后修改mysql的bind-address,将其改成0.0.0.0,并重启mysql服务。localadmin@server1:~$ sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnflocaladmin@server1:~$ sodo service mysql restart



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