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(2013·高考湖南卷)Around two o’clock every night,Sue will start talking in her dream.It somewhat

A 选A。题干的意思是:“每天夜里2点左右,休就会开始说梦话。这多少有点打扰我们。”根据时间状语“around two o"clock every night”可知此处叙述的是每天夜里都发生的事情,故用一般现在时。题干中的every night是关键词,是一般现在时的常见时间状语。


packet 数据包,是计算机网络的专有名词They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.他们一下子把那包饼干全吃光了。In Learning Mode the firewall will ask you what to do when it detects an unknown packet.在学习模式防火墙会问你做什么当它检测到一个未知的数据包。This is useful as it saves bandwidth, each packet is transmitted only once and the entire network receives it.这是有用的,因为它节省了带宽,各分组仅发送一次和整个网络接收它。 I might go with you.我可能跟你一起去。I might go there.我可能去那里。They might go to the park or something.他们也许到公园或什么地方去了。

根据回答写出问句,(1)、she is in a pair of black sh

Is she in a pair of black shoes?

The leading dimension of the array A. 是矩阵的什么参数? (lapack中的注释)

如果你用LAPACK解过矩阵本征值问题,你一定会接触到这样一个名词,“leading dimension”,比如在函数zheev中。我想绝大部分人在第一次接触这个词的时候都不明白它到底是什么意思。以前我也不明白,今天索性搜了一把,在下面找到了答案。 that you have a matrix A of size 100x100 which is stored in an array 100x100. In this case LDA is the same as N. Now suppose that you want to work only on the submatrix A(91:100 , 1:100); in this case the number of rows is 10 but LDA=100. Assuming the fortran column-major ordering (which is the case in LAPACK), the LDA is used to define the distance in memory between elements of two consecutive columns which have the same row index. If you call B = A(91:100 , 1:100) then B(1,1) and B(1,2) are 100 memory locations far from each other. 其实之所以设LDA(leading dimension)这个参数主要是考虑到fortran是“列优先”存储数组的原因。这里要解本征值的矩阵是NxN大小的,但是存储这个矩阵的数组A却并不一定非得是NxN大小,可以是M1xM2大小,其中 M1≥N,M2≥N,NxN矩阵要存放在M1xM2数组的左上角,即A(1:N,1:N)部分。这样,当把数组A传给zheev时,zheev通过N来知道要解的矩阵是多大的,通过LDA来知道同一行中相邻两列的元素在内存中相距多远,可见,LDA=M2,其实就是数组A的一列的元素个数,也就是“实际存储时的第一维”的大小。正是由于fortran列优先存储数组,才使得概念上的第一维(行)与实际存储时的第一维(列)不一样。注1:如果参数A的位置就用数组片段来调用的话则令当别论。例如同样A的大小为M1xM2,那么若调用zheev时,A参数位置处的实参是A(1:N,1:N)的话,则LDA位置处的实参应该是N,而不是M2!注2:zheev的输出本征矢时,A的每一列代表一个本征矢。转自:

“懦夫游戏”(chicken game)是什么意思?

  Chicken Game懦夫游戏,亦称斗鸡博弈;双方相互轮流示弱才能获得最优结果(强调合作)  斗鸡博弈(Chicken Game)其实是一种误译。Chicken在美国口语中是“懦夫”之意,Chicken Game本应译成懦夫博弈。不过这个错误并不算太严重,非要把chicken game叫作斗鸡博弈,也不是不可以。  编辑本段算法  试想有两人狭路相逢,每人有两个行动选择:一是退下来,一是进攻。如果一方退下来,而对方没有退下来,对方获得胜利,这人就很丢面子;如果对方也退下来,双方则打个平手;如果自己没退下来,而对方退下来,自己则胜利,对方则失败;如果两人都前进,那么则两败俱伤。因此,对每个人来说,最好的结果是,对方退下来,而自己不退。赢利矩阵(payoff matrix)如下:     甲/乙 前进 后退     前进 (-2,-2) (1,-1)    后退 (-1,1) (-1,-1)     上表中的数字的意思是:两者如果均选择“前进”,结果是两败俱伤,两者均获得-2的支付;如果一方“前进”,另外一方“后退”,前进者获得1的支付,赢得了面子,而后退者获得-1的支付,输掉了面子,但没有两者均“前进”受到的损失大;两者均“后退”,两者均输掉了面子,获得-1的支付。当然表中的数字只是相对的值。     这个博弈有两个纯策略纳什均衡:一方前进,另一方后退;或一方后退,另一方前进。但关键是谁进谁退?当然,该博弈也存在一个混合策略均衡,即大家随机的选择前进或后退。不过相对而言,我们更关注于纯策略均衡。一博弈,如果有惟一的纳什均衡点,那么这个博弈是可预测的,即这个纳什均衡点就是事先知道的惟一的博弈结果。但是如果一博弈有多个纳什均衡,则要预测结果就必须附加另外的有关博弈的细节信息。比如,这里谁进谁退,可能就需要附加额外的细节信息才能做出判断。

pay back ; pay in ;pay for ;pay off 的区别


Shine (Thrive: From The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame And Museum Live Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Shine (Thrive: From The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame And Museum Live Version)歌手:Newsboys专辑:A Collection: 1992-2002ShineNewsboysShine -The HitsShine - Newsboysby DomDull as dirtyou can"t assertthe kinda light that might persuadea strict dictator to retirefire the army,teach the poor origamithe truth is inthe proof is when you hear your heart start askingWhat"s my motivation?And try as you maythere is no wayto explain the kinda changethat would make an eskimo renounce furthat would make a vegetarian barbeque hamsterunless you can trace this about-face to a certain signshinemake em wonder whatcha gotmake em wish that they were noton the outside looking boredshinelet it shine before all menlet em see good works and thenlet em glorify the lordOut of the shaker and onto the plateit isn"t karma it sure ain"t fatethat would make a deadhead sell his vanthat would make a schizophrenic turn in his crayonsOprah freaksand science seeksa rationale that shall excuse this strange behaviorwhen you let it shineyou will inspire the kind of entire turnaroundthat would make a bouncer take balleteven bouncers who aren"t happybut out of the glarewith nowhere to turnyou ain"t gonna learn it on "What"s my Line?"Shinemake em wonder whatcha gotmake em wish that they were noton the outside looking boredshinelet it shine before all menlet em see good works and thenlet em glorify the lord

peck (pk)什么意思及同义词 翻译peck (pk)的意思

配克,peck (pk) 配克 ,peck at 啄,凿,一点一点地吃 ,to peck 细嚼 ,peck up 全部啄起 ,peck and perch 吃和住 ,peck cutter 饲料铡碎机 ,Peck tests 【医】 佩克氏试验(检出血性紫癜) ,a peck of 很多,大量的 ,peck with *** 和某人一起吃饭 ,peck out 啄出;用一个手指打字 ,PK =Private Key 内线电键, 专用电键,pk Pakistan , 巴基斯坦,peck n. 啄痕,啄食,许多v. [T] 以喙啄,啄食,扔[I] 啄,吹毛求疵,啄食,扔石头,PK. 【医】 精神病暴发, 精神冲动,pk. (1)配克 见peck.(2)包;捆 见package.【缩写】 1.=pack 2.=park 3.=peck,hunt and peck 【美国口语】看着键盘打字,bird peck 鸟啄纹,hen peck n. 妻管严

Gackt的《FLOWER》 歌词

歌曲名:FLOWER歌手:Gackt专辑:RE:BORN cd2「Flower」作词∶GACKT.C作曲∶GACKT.C歌∶GACKTもう戻れなくて 取り戻せなくて失ったものが 余りにも多すぎて季节外れの雪を掴んで 空にばらまいたオマエの零した涙が 粉雪に変わってゆく気まぐれなその微笑みに ただ触れたくて许されはしない 罪を缲り返してたとえ地狱に堕ち この躯を焼かれても微笑みをくれる オマエがいればいい生まれ変わるなら寄り添う花にただ夺い合ってた 憎しみ合ってたあの时代の 片隅で泣いてた名もないオレには ただ眩しすぎる花でしたオマエの残した言叶が 今も胸に募る「未来のない世界などない…」と微笑んで一人で眠れない 夜はまた访れたとえただ空しい 结末が待っててもオマエがいればいい ただそれだけでいい生まれ変わるなら寄り添う花に一人残され 涙は枯れ果て…无情に季节は 変わり続ける思い出に しがみついてもあの顷には 戻れなくて终わり无き 哀しみ重ねて大地は果てしなく すべては美しくオマエが目を闭じた 季节は过ぎてゆく哀しみは今も 消えはしないけれど想い焦がれていた 世界が始まる哀しみの果てに やっと见つけたオマエという名の 花を抱きしめたやるせないほどに 爱が零れて逝く生まれ変わるならオマエのそばにYou are the irreplaceable flower X 3... ...収録:Flower発売日:2009/07/01

求女子监狱 第六季 Orange Is the New Black Season 6高清免费在线观看 提取码: 2yxl 提取码:t3gu宫崎骏所有动画作品1968年《太阳王子霍尔斯的大冒险》、1981年《鲁邦三世:卡里奥斯特之城》、1984年《未来少年柯南特别版剧场版》、《风之谷》、1986年《天空之城》、1988年《龙猫》、1989年《魔女宅急便》、《红发少女安妮 》。1991年《岁月的童话》、1992年《红猪》、1994年《百变狸猫》、1997年《幽灵公主》、2002年《猫的报恩》、2004年《哈尔的移动城堡》、《胶卷咕噜咕噜转》2010年《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》、2011年《虞美人盛开的山坡》、2013年《起风了》、《空想的飞行机械们》、《酵母君与鸡蛋公主》、《竹取物语》、《毛毛虫菠萝》、《胡桃夹子与老鼠王》。编剧动画片:1972年《熊猫家族》、2001年《千与千寻》、《风之谷》、 《侧耳倾听》 、《地海战记》、《Yadosagashi》、《种下星星的日子》《小狗克罗历险记》、《悬崖上的金鱼公主》、《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》、《阿尔卑斯山的少女》。宫崎峻的动画片是能够和迪士尼、梦工厂共分天下的一支重要的东方力量。宫崎峻的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、生存、和平主义、女权运动这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。他这份执着,不单令全球人产生共鸣,更受到全世界所重视,连美国动画王国迪士尼,都要斟介宫崎骏的动画电影发行版权(亚洲地区除外)。宫崎峻在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪士尼称其为八十年代初农户条件好转,村里几户人家购置磨面机器,速度快,磨的面粉也精细,每百斤只收取几块钱加工费。有了磨面机器,不用在磨坊里有一圈没一圈地转了,人也得以清闲许多。虽然大石磨很少再用,每年腊月用小手磨推豆腐的传统还保留着。“二十五,磨豆腐”,每年腊月,即便是最困苦的农家人,也要做一篮豆腐。宁可过年无肉,但豆腐是不可或缺的。手磨豆腐没有机器打豆腐快,没有那么精细,但手工磨的豆腐保留了地道的黄豆味儿,清香浓郁,吃货们一口能尝出来,说出机器豆腐和手工石磨豆腐的差别。品尝舌尖美味儿,家乡的石磨老豆腐算是一绝。



orange is the new black这剧名什么意思

orange-is-the-new-black橙色是新的黑色双语例句1. Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones. 橘黄色和卡其色能衬托那些金黄色皮肤的人。2. A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange. 一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。

女子监狱原名orange is the new black 是什么意思啊


Java 设计一个clock类 要求实现时针,分针,秒针 baidu;import javax.swing.JPanel;import java.awt.*;import java.util.Date;public class ClockPanel extends JPanel { private int hour; private int minute; private int second; private static Date timeNow; public static boolean timeIsSet = true; public static boolean isFirst = true; protected static int hrs; protected static int min; protected static int sec; int width = this.getWidth(); int height = this.getHeight();public ClockPanel(){ } public ClockPanel(int hrs,int min,int sec){ setTime( hrs,min,sec); } public void setTime(int hrs,int min,int sec){ hour = hrs >= 0 && hrs <= 24 ? hrs % 12 :0; minute = min >= 0 && min < 60 ? min : 0; second = sec >=0 && sec <60 ? sec: 0; } public void initTime(){ timeNow = new Date(); hrs = timeNow.getHours(); min = timeNow.getMinutes(); sec = timeNow.getSeconds(); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ super.paintComponent(g); ClockPanel clock = new ClockPanel(); if(isFirst){ initTime(); isFirst = false; } clock.setTime(hrs, min, sec);,170,150,100); if (timeIsSet){ try{ //for(int i =0 ; i <10 ; i += 10) Thread.sleep(1000); sec++; if(sec ==60){ sec = 0; min ++ ; if(min == 60){ min = 0; hrs++; if(hrs==12){ hrs = 0; } } } }catch(InterruptedException e){ } repaint(); }} void show (Graphics g,int cx,int cy,int rad){ int hourLenght = (int)(rad * 0.5);//时针的长度 int minuteLenght = (int)(rad * 0.6);//分针的长度 int secondLenght = (int)(rad * 0.9);//秒针的长度 double angle;//角度 //画出钟面 g.drawOval(cx-rad, cy - rad, rad * 2, rad * 2); //画出时针 angle = (double)(hour*60*60 + minute*60 + second)/43200.0*2.0*Math.PI; drawNiddle(g,, cx, cy, hourLenght,angle); //画分针 angle = (double)(minute*60 + second)/3600 * 2.0 * Math.PI; drawNiddle(g,, cx, cy, minuteLenght,angle); // 画秒针 angle = (double)(second)/60*2.0*Math.PI; drawNiddle(g,, cx, cy, secondLenght,angle); } private void drawNiddle(Graphics g ,Color c,int x,int y,int len,double angle){ int ex = (int)(x + len * Math.sin(angle)); int ey = (int)(y - len * Math.cos(angle)); g.setColor(c); g.drawLine(x,y,ex,ey); }} baidu;import java.awt.*;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class ClockTest extends JFrame { JTextField setHourTime,setMinuteTime,setSecondTime; JLabel hoursInfo,minuteInfo,secondInfo; JButton setTimeButton,confirmButton; JPanel controllPanel; ClockPanel paintPanel;public ClockTest(){ super("Clock"); setHourTime = new JTextField(" 时",2);; setMinuteTime = new JTextField(" 分",2); setSecondTime = new JTextField(" 秒",2); setHourTime.setEditable(false); setMinuteTime.setEditable(false); setSecondTime.setEditable(false);paintPanel = new ClockPanel(); setTimeButton = new JButton("设置时间"); setTimeButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ paintPanel.timeIsSet = false; setHourTime.setEditable(true); setMinuteTime.setEditable(true); setSecondTime.setEditable(true); } }); confirmButton = new JButton("确认"); confirmButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ setHourTime.setEditable(false); setMinuteTime.setEditable(false); setSecondTime.setEditable(false); String h = "",m = "",s = ""; try{ h = setHourTime.getText(); m = setMinuteTime.getText(); s = setSecondTime.getText(); ClockPanel.hrs = Integer.parseInt(h); ClockPanel.min = Integer.parseInt(m); ClockPanel.min = Integer.parseInt(s); System.out.print(ClockPanel.hrs+ " " + ClockPanel.min+ " "+ClockPanel.min ); }catch(NumberFormatException e){ } paintPanel.isFirst = false; paintPanel.setTime(ClockPanel.hrs, ClockPanel.min, ClockPanel.min);; paintPanel.timeIsSet = true; paintPanel.repaint(); } });controllPanel = new JPanel(); controllPanel.add(setTimeButton); controllPanel.add(setHourTime); controllPanel.add(setMinuteTime); controllPanel.add(setSecondTime); controllPanel.add(confirmButton); paintPanel = new ClockPanel(); Container container = getContentPane(); container.add(paintPanel,BorderLayout.CENTER); container.add(controllPanel,BorderLayout.NORTH); setSize(400,400); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO 自动生成方法存根 ClockTest application = new ClockTest(); application.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }}

cee lo green 怎么把Fuck you这首歌 改成了forget you?

  forget you 是另外一个版本 歌上写着 PO clean edit 干净编辑的版本意思  see you driving around town  看见你开着车在城里溜达  With the girl I love and I"m like  还搂着我心爱的女孩  Fuck you! Ooh, ooh, ooh  我就想~fuck 你 哦哦哦  I guess the change in my pocket  Wasn"t enough, I"m like  Fuck you and uh, fuck her too!  我想我口袋里面的钱满足不了你 我就想~ fuck 你 连她也一起  Said, if I was richer, I"d still be with you  Ha, now ain"t that some shit?(Ain"t that some shit?)  我以为当我有了钱以后我们就不会分手 现在看来简直是放屁 [难道不是放屁吗?]  And although there"s pain in my chest  still wish you the best with a...fuck you。。oooooo。。。  虽然我很心痛但是还是祝福你能找到更好的.......  Yeah, I"m sorry I can"t afford a Ferrari  抱歉,我没有法力里~  But that don"t mean I can"t get you there  但不代表我顶不到你的那儿~  I guess he"s an Xbox and I"m more Atari  我猜他是XBOX{就当今比较好的游戏机}我就是Atari{就好比当今早就淘汰的小霸王其乐无穷}  Ooh, but the way you play your game ain"t fair、  你玩的手段不公平啊~  I pity the fool that falls in love with you  我同情爱上你的那个傻X  (Oops, she"s a gold digger)  哦她是一个势利货~  Well, (just thought you should know nigga)  如何,{我认为该上你知道的 黑鬼}  Ooooooh, I"ve got some news for you  oooooooh我必须告诉你个事儿~  Yeah, go on and run, tell your little boyfriend  对,快跑去找你的小男朋友  {重复部分}  Now I know that I had to borrow, ha  Beg and steal and lie and cheat  现在,我知道我要去借用 :坑,蒙,拐,骗,偷~  Trying to keep you, trying to please you  试着挽留你 讨好你  Cause being in love with you ass ain"t cheap  因为爱上你的屁股可不便宜  Now, I pity the fool that falls in love with you  现在,我同情那个爱上你的傻X  (Oops, she"s a gold digger)  哦她是一个势利货~  Well, (just thought you should know nigga)  如何,{我认为该上你知道的 黑鬼}  Ooooh, I"ve got some news for you  我必须告诉你个事  Ooh! I really hate your ass right now  哦! 我现在恨死了你的屁股~  Now baby, baby, baby  哦宝贝宝贝宝贝  Why you want to, want to hurt me so bad?  为什么你要伤我伤的这么深~  So bad, so bad, so bad)  非常深,非常深 非常深~}  I tried to tell my mama  我娘知道后告诉我:  But she told me "this is one for your dad"  这都怪你老子‘  Your dad, your dad, your dad)  你老子,你老子,你老子  Yes she did, and I"m like  哦是的 她是这么说的 我想也是  Uh!) Why? (Uh! ) Why? (Uh!)  哦 为什么 为什么!  Why, lady? (oh!)  女士! 为什么啊~!  I love you (oh!)  我爱你啊~!哦!  I love you, ohhhhh!  我依然爱你啊~哦哦哦啊啊啊啊!  {重复}、


一、cash 数目[加指定是钱数,不加默认5000]二、prestige 数目 [加指定威望]三、piety 数目 [加指定虔诚]四、yesman [外交无敌]五、debug_mode[调试模式]六、play 人物ID [切换到指定人物,ID可以用调试模式看,不要作死切换到无领地人物上]七、kill 人物ID [杀死指定人物]八、allow_laws [自由变更法律]九、marry_anyone [大奸大恶专用]十、pollinate 女方id 男方id [强制怀孕]十一、cuckoo 女方id 男方id [秘密怀孕]十二、age 人物ID +/-岁数 [增加/减少指定人物的年龄]十三、observe [观察者模式]

求forget you和fuck you的英文歌词,中英对照也更好。发我邮箱。

I see you driving "round town With the girl i love and i"m like, Fuck you! Oo, oo, ooo I guess the change in my pocket Wasn"t enough i"m like, Fuck you! And fuck her too! I said, if i was richer, i"d still be with ya Ha, now ain"t that some shit? (ain"t that some shit?) And although there"s pain in my chest I still wish you the best with a... Fuck you! Oo, oo, ooo Yeah i"m sorry, i can"t afford a ferrari, But that don"t mean i can"t get you there. I guess he"s an xbox and i"m more atari, But the way you play your game ain"t fair. I pity the fool that falls in love with you (oh shit she"s a gold digger) Well (just thought you should know nigga) Ooooooh I"ve got some news for you Yeah go run and tell your little boyfriend Now i know, that i had to borrow, Beg and steal and lie and cheat. Trying to keep ya, trying to please ya. "Cause being in love with you ass ain"t cheap. I pity the fool that falls in love with you (oh shit she"s a gold digger) Well (just thought you should know nigga) Ooooooh I"ve got some news for you Yeah go run and tell your little boyfriend (chorus) Now baby, baby, baby, why d"you wanna wanna hurt me so bad? (so bad, so bad, so bad) I tried to tell my mamma but she told me "this is one for your dad" (your dad, your dad, your dad) Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy? Uh! Whhhy lady? Oh! I love you oh! I still love you. Oooh!

话说最新发布的Docker Toolbox是什么鬼

近日,Docker公司发布了 Toolbox。Toolbox是一个安装器,目前支持Mac和Windows平台。使用它可以快速地在安装Docker工具集。本文翻译自Docker官方博客。过去我们总听到有人说,在开发中很难使用入手使用Docker,尤其是你已经根据Compose定义过了你的应用程序 ,然后接下来要去单独安装Compose的情况。随着Compose、Kitematic 以及Boot2Docker的普及,我们意识到我们需要让这些零碎的工具更好的在一起工作。Toolbox可以安装你在开发中运行Docker时所需要的一切:Docker客户端、Compose(仅Mac需要)、Kitematic、Machine以及VirtualBox。Toolbox使用Machine和VirtualBox在虚拟机中创建了一个引擎来运行容器。在该虚拟机上,你可以使用Docker客户端、Compose以及Kitematic来运行容器。它取代了Boot2Docker吗?是的,玩转Docker,我们推荐Toolbox 。尽管Boot2Docker安装程序已经相当的受欢迎,但Docker Toolbox是设计用来安装正在不断发展的Docker开发者开具集合,比如Kitematic、Machine、Swarm还有Compose。之前Boot2Docker还安装了一个叫Boot2Docker的命令行工具,以用来管理Docker虚拟机,在Toolbox中它已经被Machine取代了。然而,在这个引擎下,Machine依然采用了Boot2Docker Linux发行版来运行容器。所不同的是,现在由Machine代替Boot2Docker命令行工具来管理这些容器。如果你现在正在使用官方Boot2Docker(boot2docker-VM),Docker Toolbox会提示你自动迁移到使用Docker Machine的虚拟机上。如果你喜欢手动迁移你的Boot2Docker虚拟机,请检查Docker Toolbox网站上的说明。

adblock detected,什么意思

a lock detected锁定检测


我手机屏幕上出来一个TrackID的东西是干什么用的怎么能让他没了啊 手机型号索爱 S

TrackIDu2122 是一种曲目识别服务,可提供您在周围听到曲目的名称及艺术家等信息。 录制一小段歌曲样本即可在数秒钟内获得有关信息。 您还可以利用该服务识别手机收音机或周围收音机中播放的曲目。使用TrackIDu2122服务之前,需首先安装互联网(WAP)设定。 这些设定在您购买手机时可能已输入手机,您也可以利用本站手机设定服务,通过短信接收设定。使用TrackIDu2122服务所需的费用是运营商收取的手机数据传输服务费。注: 不同国家各有自订解决方案。TrackIDu2122 通过外部录音或内部录音,采集音乐样本,然后通过网络传送到全球最大的音乐数据公司GRACENOTE,然后将样本与数据库中的音乐进行比对,得出结论。注:世界上任何国家,任何地区只要是出版发行过的音乐歌曲GRACENOTE都会有记录,所以它的音乐数据非常全,苹果的ITUNES也是通过查询该数据库来反馈给用户插入电脑中的CD上的音乐信息,TrackIDu2122是Sony Ericsson和GRACENOTE合作开发的软件。● TrackIDu2122使用指南1、识别使用者周围播放的未知歌曲以索尼爱立信Walkman W595c随身听音乐手机为例(下同)。进入手机主菜单,选择"娱乐",进入TrackID u2122 方式菜单。进入TrackID u2122 功能后,按“开始”标识音乐,屏幕显示“正在进行音乐采样,请稍候”,伴随着显示歌曲采样的进度条,经过约7秒左右的采样,TrackID u2122 将自动连接索尼爱立信全球曲库服务器,并出现"正在等待响应"的提示信息。搜索未知歌曲的持续时间视网络状况而定,一般情况下数秒内即可完成;然后进入识别结果页面--显示歌曲的详细信息,包括歌曲名称、歌手名称及所属专辑名称。在识别结果页面的下方,TrackID还提供了"保存结果"、"艺术家信息"、"搜索类似音乐"及"通过短信发送音乐信息"等个性化功能。“保存结果”-保存当前搜索结果,便于下次直接查询。“”-歌曲演唱者的详细信息。-获得与当前歌曲风格类似的十首推荐音乐。-将当前搜索结果以短信方式发送给任何人,分享歌曲的乐趣。2、识别调频收音机播放的未知歌曲在收音机界面,当未知歌曲播放时,进入"选项",选择TrackID,识别曲目的过程与上述描述完全一致。TrackIDu2122和Motorola的音乐雷达类似!TrackIDu2122功能常见于Sony Ericsson手机中。 所以你找到这软件选择完全退出或退出就行了




TrackIDu2122是一种曲目识别服务,可提供您在周围听到曲目的名称及艺术家等信息。 录制一小段歌曲样本即可在数秒钟内获得有关信息。 您还可以利用该服务识别手机收音机或周围收音机中播放的曲目。 TrackIDu2122通过外部录音或内部录音,采集音乐样本,然后通过网络传送到全球最大的音乐数据公司GRACENOTE,然后将样本与数据库中的音乐进行比对,得出结论。注:世界上任何国家,任何地区只要是出版发行过的音乐歌曲GRACENOTE都会有记录,所以它的音乐数据非常全,苹果的ITUNES也是通过查询该数据库来反馈给用户插入电脑中的CD上的音乐信息,TrackIDu2122是Sony Ericsson和GRACENOTE合作开发的软件。


CKD是KD的一种,是制造行业进出口的业务模式,就是散件进出口比如汽车行业你整车出口关税是相当高的,但是零部件出口关税相对就会较低,所以很多主机厂汽车外销就把拆散的零件出口,在国外组装,KD分为CKD和SKD,是根据拆散的程度来分的,因为拆的越散关税越少CKD: complete knocked down全散件SKD: Semi knocked down半散件。KITTING是汽车行业的排序模式,就是将一辆车的多个部件放在一个笼车上配送上线,随车走,按照整车的顺序将笼车排序。后面两种不懂

开机自检出现DIMM checksum error detected


求歌名,歌词第一句是:i am a rock chick in a hard rock world 在印度电影潇洒走一回93分钟左右

这是里面的全部音乐:01 – Dil Dhadakne Do Download Shankar Mahadevan , Suraj Jagan , Joi Barua02 – Ik Junoon (Paint It Red) Download Shankar Mahadevan , Vishal Dadlani , Ehsaan Noorani , Alyssa Mendonsa , Gulraj Singh03 – Khaabon Ke Parinday Download Mohit Chauhan , Alyssa Mendonsa04 - Senorita Download Hrithik Roshan , Farhan Akhtar , Abhay Deol , Maria Del Mar Fernandez05 – Der Lagi Lekin Download Shankar Mahadevan06 – Sooraj Ki Baahon Mein Download Loy Mendonsa , Dominique Cerejo , Clinton Cerejo07 - Toh Zinda Ho Tum Download Farhan Akhtar08 - Ik Junoon-Remix Download Shankar Mahadevan , Vishal Dadlani , Ehsaan Noorani , Alyssa Mendonsa , Gulraj Singh09 - Senorita – Remix Download Hrithik Roshan , Farhan Akhtar , Abhay Deol , Maria Del Mar Fernandez

you will get shock

B live wire燃烧着的电线,在这里是特指需要加the,get a shock 为固定短语遭受电击所以选B 。

adblocker detected是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你回答,ad blocker detected的意思是“检测出广告拦截器”短语Universal Ad Blocker 广告拦截软件 ; 通用广告拦截器Banner Ad Blocker 广告拦截器detected 英 [du026a"tektu026ad] 美 [du026a"tu025bktu026ad] adj. 检测到的v. 发现(detect的过去分词);检测到;侦测到

Shock To Your System 歌词

歌曲名:Shock To Your System歌手:Tegan And Sara专辑:HeartthrobTegan And Sara-Shock To Your SystemYou seem like you"re so restless, young at heartWho gave you reason?You should be out driving people wildWho gave you a reason?You got a shock to your systemKnocked your heart right out of syncYou"re only meant to hurt once in a whileWho gave you reason?You"re only meant to cry once in a whileWho gave you a reason?You got a shock to your systemPull yourself out of itI know that shock to your systemKnocked your heart right out of syncWhat you areWhat you areWhat you areWhat you areWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonelyWhat you areYou must rely on love once in a whileTo give you reasonYou must rely on me once in a whileTo give you a reasonYou got a shock to your systemPull yourself out of itI know that shock to your systemKnocked your heart right out of syncWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you areWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonelyWhat you are is lonely

北斗神拳歌词里you are shock什么意思?




you are shock什么意思


“YOU ARE SHOCK” 翻译成中文。


give you a cup of black tea and break a leg./呲牙


break a leg和good luck区别

都是表示“祝你好运”的意思,没有什么区别,只是表述不一样罢了。 扩展资料   一般来说,在剧院祝某个人good luck是被看做不吉利的,所以用“断一条腿”来替换“good luck”,break a leg可以表示祝演出大获成功的意思。不过现在不仅是在剧院,大家平时也会经常用break a leg来祝别人好运。

Jim Brickman的《Starbright》 歌词

歌曲名:Starbright歌手:Jim Brickman专辑:The GiftSomewhere in the Milky WaySomewhere deep in outer spaceAs he travels all the galaxyDoes he feel as lonely as meOut there where the comets flyOut there where worlds collideAs he chases all his wildest dreamsDoes he ever dream of meStar brightShining so high aboveHow I wish he could hear meStar brightSend me the one I loveMake my wishes all come true tonightStar brightWish that I hadn"t been so shyWish that he could read my mindEven though he may be lightyears awayI know he"s in my heart to stayStar brightShining so high aboveHow I wish he were near meStar brightSend me the one I loveMake my wishes all come true tonightStar brightStar brightFirst star I see tonightWish I may, I wish I mightStar brightWish I could hold him tightMake my wish come true tonightStar brightWish he were by my side

Detroit Rock City 歌词

歌曲名:Detroit Rock City歌手:Kiss专辑:Gold (Deluxe Sound & Vision) - PalI feel uptight on a Saturday nightNine o" clock, the radio"s the only lightI hear my song and it pulls me throughComes on strong, tells me what I got to doI got toGet upEverybody"s gonna move their feetGet downEverybody"s gonna leave their seatYou gotta lose your mind in Detroit Rock CityGet upEverybody"s gonna move their feetGet downEverybody"s gonna leave their seatGetting lateI just can"t waitTen o"clock and I know I gotta hit the roadFirst I drink, then I smokeStart up the car, and I try to make the midnight showGet upEverybody"s gonna move their feetGet downEverybody"s gonna leave their seatMovin" fast, doin" 95Hit top speed but I"m still movin" much too slowI feel so good, I"m so aliveI hear my song playin" on the radioIt goesGet upEverybody"s gonna move their feetGet downEverybody"s gonna leave their seatTwelve o"clock, I gotta rockThere"s a truck ahead, lights starin" at my eyesOh my God, no time to turnI got to laugh "cause I know I"m gonna dieWhyGet upEverybody"s gonna move their feetGet upEverybody"s gonna leave their seat

You Are Not Alone Michael Jackson的歌词+中文意思


trick trick - who want it feat eminem 歌词

we been the killas with everythingfrom chest wetsto death treathsthe best yetand niggas gettin their neck checkbest check to protectdetroit is only known knowfor best threatsso betwe got decksand heckscollect debtand rest the goon sqadwe reck your whole setwe rep the midwestyou reppin niggas get wrongspeak on your songy songssendin them homestone sproneand broken bonesbetter leave us the fuckk alonekeep it runnin thru niggascant even stomach whatthe D got cominwaitin until they frontin and poppin off at the chops boywe poppin off shotsguaranteeing a spot at the topfirst place for niggas gettin guys who think you fuckkin with trick and eminemno you not mother fuckerso next time you see usbe sure that you make a holeand when they mention the Dget down on all foursgot big killas with big guns (who want it)come to my hoodget some (who want it)wanna start shit in the club boy (who want it)touched up (who want it)fucked up (who want it)X2Ooh wow, look at the bitches up in this clubMan im gettin me some digits fo i leave up out this mugAnd it"s like oh pal, wam, bam, thank you ma"amI ain"t kissin you on the lips, but ill be glad to shake your handNow lets get blew out, lets start some shit tonightJust let me pick the chick that I"ma leave here with tonightBefore we get the fighting, and ThroughoutThis music makes me rally, how they gonna play that new trick trickAnd expect no-one to get their shit spitIt"s just too wild, and one more shot of hypnoticAnd I am not in control of my body, I go robotic and blow a fuse outHomies is like you"re startin to staticAnd I"m nah that"s just my swagger but I"m dancing with this fat girlAnd gettin Loose now, I don"t wanna fight, I feel like partyingTill" this idiot dumps his bacardi on my cardigan and knocks my screws outIt never fails, I"m know I"m going to jailI might as well take the laces out my shoes nowgot big killas with big guns (who want it)come to my hood, get some (who want it)wanna start shit in the club boy (who want it)touched up (who want it)fucked up (who want it)X2i hear them screamingod damn itthere goes the eminemthere aint no hittin himthat think that we just cranked upbut he been themits trick and themgoon sqad gangstasyou cant get to himwe down for the bang and the brawlbut now we killin himsee ever since we startedyou might of had to pardon our hardestfrom the largest citythey sayin that we retardedand __ brought us oversome of their artists got droppedyou think im playinthen bring itcome on lets see what you gotwe make the club go bang (gun shot)you got that light noisesee ain"t nobody fucking with this nigga and this white boythat been through the realest and the prosstreet just like hoeswe put the thugs onon him and ??we dont give a fuck about nothin you used to dothis record is not equalient to high scool musicalno blaming paul or dreblame me for everything i saycause i got him niggagot big killas with big guns (who want it)come to my hood, get some (who want it)wanna start shit in the club boy (who want it)touched up (who want it)fucked up (who want it)X2


1.长沙策长沙 2.奋斗 3.Love Storm 4.上学堂 5.温馨圣诞 6.Baby听我说 7.2008属于你 8.给奶奶的歌 9.我的乐章 10.The Second Love 11.Dear妈妈 12.我们恋爱吧 13.Hero 14.巨蟹人生 15.忘记带笔的青春有这些歌。关于Fat Gir歌词:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRLKUNG FU-P:如果说男人装都爱豆角长条那我肯定还停留在唐朝环肥燕瘦的我的FAT GIRL爱吃雪糕的我的FAT GIRL约会一定要去小吃店美食家的梦我帮你实现看着你吃我都忘记时间也没忘记把体重计丢出你实现心宽体胖的你是热心肠我是胖哥哥,你是我的槟榔你是会吃我铜锣烧的静香我是竹蜻蜓载不动的叮当你怕长胖,经常锁住冰箱把钥匙给我,又偷去吃个精光放心我会答应你去打败跑步机跟巧克力宣战,告诉他我会保护你副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRLKEY:说真的,一开始嫌你胖可乐薯条都感觉被你上上上了你的当,爱上你的胖他们说我上辈子欠了你的帐当我想家的时候,你买了很多啤酒当我想哭的时候,眼泪比我还先流你给的温柔像脂肪一样多像脂肪绑住你一样绑住我MU。。MA我的胖胖LADY MU。。MA这首歌送给你 MU。。MA夏天快要来临, MU。。MA我当你的ICE CREAM我就是有个胖胖女友就算是辣妹,也不会回头我就是有个胖胖女友谁敢笑,我会给他一个拳头副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRL大傻:我的FAT GIRL,每天跟我说GOOD MORLING他听说HIPHOP很多胖子,都喜欢 BOLING谁说胖女孩的MAN不能很帅我每天提双份早餐在你楼下等待我是你的,你是我的,BABY尽管我吃什么都没你厉害再高的卡路里,也从不珍藏只要你一年答应我去一天健身房HA...HUA...你说减肥好累那就放弃吧,谁叫你是我宝贝放不下的零食,不管午休或课间沮丧的看着体重表,多转了几个圈我的责任,你的梦想,吃遍大街小巷是真的喜欢你,又何必在乎胖瘦副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPWOW WOW WOW WOW C-BRA的FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPHEY HEY HEY HEY C-BLOCK的FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPWOW WOW WOW WOW C-BRA的FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPHEY HEY HEY HEY C-BLOCK的FAT GIRL副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRL

c block在天天向上8月20日唱的歌 FAT GIRL 的歌词~谢谢谢谢谢去听听吧,其实就是这首歌的中文翻译。是Dj Doc的歌。那个歌也是c block第一次在电视节目上唱的歌。

C block fatgirl 歌词

《FAT GIRL》词:大傻,KUNG FU-P,KEY曲:KEY编曲:FAT KEYC-BLOCK工作室歌词:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRLKUNG FU-P:如果说男人装都爱豆角长条那我肯定还停留在唐朝环肥燕瘦的我的FAT GIRL爱吃雪糕的我的FAT GIRL约会一定要去小吃店美食家的梦我帮你实现看着你吃我都忘记时间也没忘记把体重计丢出你实现心宽体胖的你是热心肠我是胖哥哥,你是我的槟榔你是会吃我铜锣烧的静香我是竹蜻蜓载不动的叮当你怕长胖,经常锁住冰箱把钥匙给我,又偷去吃个精光放心我会答应你去打败跑步机跟巧克力宣战,告诉他我会保护你副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRLKEY:说真的,一开始嫌你胖可乐薯条都感觉被你上上上了你的当,爱上你的胖他们说我上辈子欠了你的帐当我想家的时候,你买了很多啤酒当我想哭的时候,眼泪比我还先流你给的温柔像脂肪一样多像脂肪绑住你一样绑住我MU。。MA我的胖胖LADY MU。。MA这首歌送给你 MU。。MA夏天快要来临, MU。。MA我当你的ICE CREAM我就是有个胖胖女友就算是辣妹,也不会回头我就是有个胖胖女友谁敢笑,我会给他一个拳头副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRL大傻:我的FAT GIRL,每天跟我说GOOD MORLING他听说HIPHOP很多胖子,都喜欢 BOLING谁说胖女孩的MAN不能很帅我每天提双份早餐在你楼下等待我是你的,你是我的,BABY尽管我吃什么都没你厉害再高的卡路里,也从不珍藏只要你一年答应我去一天健身房HA...HUA...你说减肥好累那就放弃吧,谁叫你是我宝贝放不下的零食,不管午休或课间沮丧的看着体重表,多转了几个圈我的责任,你的梦想,吃遍大街小巷是真的喜欢你,又何必在乎胖瘦副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPWOW WOW WOW WOW C-BRA的FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPHEY HEY HEY HEY C-BLOCK的FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPWOW WOW WOW WOW C-BRA的FAT GIRLPUT PUT PUT PUT YOU HANDS UPHEY HEY HEY HEY C-BLOCK的FAT GIRL副歌:亲爱的胖胖 GIRL我每天都陪你做运动牵你的胖胖手,怎么啦脸红啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦别害羞低着头,现在开始你是我的FAT GIRLFAT GIRL FAT GIRL FAT GIRL 试听:

cblock 的歌曲

叫做《fat girl》 估计现在太早了 过两天酷狗上就有下载地址了 ...的确很好听~....呵呵 只是都没有悬赏分啊 第一次回答问题 竟然.......

c block8月20日在天天向上唱的胖女孩的那首叫什么?



关于Fuck我只能找到 他妈的 这一种意思。。。

c block 在天天向上唱的《fat girl》,求歌词。谢谢!嘿嘿嘿嘿 我也喜欢 刚下完 迅雷下阿

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前者是主程序名字,后者是tuneup 的一个快捷功能键,就是优化清理一键执行!希望对你有所帮助,如果有用请采纳,谢谢


ROCK究竟是什么,是一种精神,一种生活的态度,一种真实的行为,一种忘我的境界,一种想要超脱自我的自由。ROCK究竟是什么,每个人都有自己的定义,和为之付出的行动。因为喜欢。另类,疯狂,重金属,尖叫,呐喊,充斥着每个热爱ROCK的人。无论男女老少都会被它的真实所吸引,在这里挥洒着年轻汗水的时代,表达着最真挚的自我,对美好未来的憧憬,对现实生活的不满,完全在ROCK中得到体现,因为它可以让我们忘却痛苦,让我们完全沉浸在另一个世界,因为有了它,所以世界变的丰富多采,因为有了它,我们可以尽情的享受我们年轻的青春。表达我们最真挚的情感!因为喜欢,所以我要全世界! 什么是 R&B? R&B的全名是 Rhythm & Blues,一般译作"节奏怨曲"。广义上, R&B可视为“黑人的流行音乐”,它源於黑人的Blues音乐,是现今西行流行来和摇滚来的基础,Billboard杂志曾介定 R&B为所有黑人音乐,除了 Jazz和Blues之外,都可列作 R&B,可见 R&B的范围是多么的广泛。近年黑人音乐圈大为盛行的 Hip Hop和 Rap都源於 R&B,并且同时保存着不少 R&B成分。 Rock & Roll(摇滚) 从最纯粹的形式来讲,所谓摇滚,就是三和弦加强硬持续的鼓点加上口的旋律。早期摇滚的音乐来源非常广泛,主要的包括布鲁斯、R&B、和乡村音乐,其它还有福音音乐、传统的流行乐、爵士、以及民间音乐。所有的这些影响加在一起构成了一种简单的以布鲁斯为基础的歌曲结构,它是快速的、适于跳舞的、而且容易让人记住的。第一批摇滚明星们 — Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Bo Diddley, Bill Haley, Gene Vincent, the Everly Brothers, Carl Perkins,还有好多其它的明星 — 确立了摇滚乐的模式,并且在以后的四十年内都一直为人们所追随。在每一个十年当中,总是有很多艺人复制着第一批摇滚乐手们的音乐,而剩下的那些艺人,有的扩大了摇滚原先的定义、有的则彻底打破了这种流派被限定的模式。从英式入侵、民间摇滚、迷幻摇滚,再到硬摇滚、重金属、华丽摇滚,再到朋克,事实上每一种摇滚的分支流派在产生的最初都是忠于摇滚最基本的结构的。但是一旦这样的改变发生,传统的摇滚就从流行榜上渐渐消失了 — 当然,也有一些艺人始终都保持着光芒。有一些乐队,比如 the Rolling Stones 和 the Faces,他们始终坚持着传统摇滚最基本的规则,但他们把音乐做得更加快速更加自由。其它的一些乐队,比如原型朋克the Velvet Underground, the New York Dolls, 以及 the Stooges,他们保留了基础的音乐结构,但他们的行为中有了更多威吓性的元素。还有一些艺人成为了摇滚的传统主义者,比如 Dave Edmunds 和 Graham Parker, 他们写的歌出的唱片,从来就没有离开过50年代末60年代初的摇滚模式。虽然在摇滚出现后的这几十年里,摇滚这个词已经开始指代越来越多不同的音乐风格,但是这种音乐的本质从未改变过。 1.就我们所知HIP HOP音乐虽然说是个统称,而里面的细分好像蛮多的(例如曲风、曲调、类型是否有他的专有名词...等),能否为我们的读者解说一下! A:依历史记载是: 1.Old School Rap 2.Gangsta Rap 3.Hardcore Rap 4.Party Rap 但这只是局限在80年到90年,到现在2004,HipHop的发展已经是无法归类了!!!但可略分为1.Westside Rap 2.Eastside Rap3.Southside Rap 4.Underground Rap 5.Jazz Rap 6.Mainstream Rap,然而到最后我觉得听音乐是很无限制的,没有必要去分门别类,分类只是要让自己有个聆听的方向罢了!!! 2.就美国本土而言,又分成EASTSIDE、WESTSIDE及SOUTHSIDE的曲风,能否简单的叙述一下这三个地方音乐类型,以及在其中又有何分支的特色,及代表性的人物! A:这几种乐风的差异性,可从多方面来判断,如西岸气候较为炎热,所以在音乐上,都以较开心、热情的曲调呈现,比较好分辨的是鼓声,西岸的鼓声偶数拍听起来像鼓掌 的拍手声, 不像东岸鼓声较为扎实,在音乐的制作上大多使用哇哇吉他, Keyboard,变音器{如2pac的California Love} .........等乐器,取样上则是大多采用Funk,西岸细分为: 1. Gangsta Rap(N.W.A, Ice T, Ice Cube, King Tee, Suga Free, 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, Dr.Dre, DJ Quik,. 2. Bay Area弯区(Too Short,E-40, Ant Banks, Mac Mall, B-Ligit 3. G Funk(Warren G, Nate Dogg, Twinz, DFC, Dove Shack,) 4. Pop Rap(MC Hammer, Coolio.. 5. Latin Rap(Cypress Hill, Psycho Realm, Delinquent Habits, Mellow Man Ace, Lighter Shade of Brown, Kid Frost, Cali Life Style, Proper Dos,ThaMexakinz, Kinto Sol, Latin HipHop 则与前面所提到的不全然相同,后面将会有说明.反观东岸的制作手法较为稳重,前面有提到东岸鼓声较为扎实,取样较为偏Soul,类型分别是凶悍的Hardcore Rap(Run DMC, Boogie Down Productions, Public Enemy, House of Pain, Naughty By Nature, EPMD, Onyx, Redman, DMX, Screwball, M.O.P, Wu Tang Clan.Eastside HipHop(AZ, Lil" Kim, Noreaga, The Notorious BIG, Foxy Brown, Jay-Z),音乐张力较大,内容较为严肃,其中又有区域性的细分,如 QB(Queen Bridge)的Nas, Nature, Alchemist , Bravehearts, Capone, Big Noyd, Cormega, Littles, Mobb Deep, Infamous Mobb犰A来是东岸Underground(Mos Def,Talib Kweli,HiTek, High&Mighty, Dilated Peoples, Pharoahe Monch, Boot Camp Clik, Black Moon, Afu Ra,Jeru The Damaja, Heltah Skeltah, Das Efx, Apani B Fly, Bahamadia, Mystic)当然也少不了小品Jazz HipHop,Jazz HipHop音色编排大多偏重钢琴,随着时代变迁,我将Jazz HipHop略分两种,早期属于旧东岸的Jazz HipHop代表人物为(A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Jungle Brothers,DigablePlanetsCommon, Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth, Dream Warrior, Main Source, Guru, The Roots, PoorRighteous Teachers, Brand Nubian, Red Hot Lover Tone, Gang Starr).然而在早期的Jazz Hip Hop中,不能不提的是Pharcyde,不过Pharcyde是西岸Underground,故无法列入分类.后期的Jazz HipHop比较偏爵士小品,很多Underground的艺人都做Jazz HipHop以下是我略举(All Nature, Moka Only, J-Live, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Spinna, DJ Cam, 3582, Five Deez, Madlib, Sound Providers, Slum Village, Funky DL , LoneCatalysts. 各位请多见谅,终于轮到南岸音乐了!!!热情如火的派对音乐, Miami Bass(2 Live Crew, Tag Team, 69Boyz, 95 South, Gucci Crew II, DisnDat, Ghost Town DJ, Quad City DJ"s, Freak Nasty..)南岸音乐碎拍很多,听起来节奏很快,仔细数拍可快可慢,歌词大多是鼓动Party People的话。到后期的南岸风格(Eightball, MJG, Juvenile, Cash Money ,Master P, Mystikal, Goodie Mob, Outkast, Triple6Mafia, Jermaine Dupri.则加入新的题材,制作手法,进而演变成另外一种Gangsta Style以上的音乐定义都是一种方向,而分辨的最好方法就是自己找来听,只有这样才能真正懂文字的形容,更何况每个艺人不一定只做一种乐风.所以啰 . . . . . . . . . . .哎呀你懂嘛!!! 3.如今现在在美国本地,又将牙买加音乐(雷鬼)融入到HIP HOP的音乐中,我们可以说他是HIP HOP吗?还是它只是黑人音乐的一种。能否聊聊您对这个曲风的看法! A:我曾在Party中碰过一位牙买加裔黑人,他跟我说雷鬼才是HipHop。没错!!!黑人祖先是远从非洲殖民到美洲,不过在我的看法是,Dancehall/Ragga (HipHop+Reggae)算是一种HipHop的产物,因为Dancehall跟Reggae是不一样的,Dancehell的节奏比较偏重于HipHop的拍子,而Reggae是偏旋律与碎拍,广义而言是不同的,所以见仁见智啰!!! 4.也由于现在台湾的信息越来越发达,许多喜爱HIPHOP音乐的朋友们,会去寻找对他人来说较为冷门的曲风,例如之前的雷鬼曲风以及现在我们要提的LATINO HIP HOP。就LATINO HIP HOP您能为我们解说一下它的风格及特色吗? A:在此我想先声明Latino HipHop跟Chicano HipHop是不一样的,希望大家别在搞错了!!!Latino HipHop 是像Cypress Hill、Psycho Realm、Delinquent Habits这类的非美裔籍歌手,曲风带有拉丁味的调调,有时会加入西班牙吉他, 拉丁鼓, 康加鼓, 小喇吧...等乐器,当然也少不了他们的母语(Spanish)。 5.如果要接触LATINO音乐的人,该如何入门,如何去得到信息的代表性的人物是谁? A:上网搜寻(,或者去找专辑中合作(Feat.)歌手的个人Solo专辑来听,代表性人物(Cypress Hill, Psycho Realm, Delinquent Habits, Mellow Man Ace, Lighter Shade of Brown, Kid Frost, Cali Life Style, Proper Dos,Tha Mexakinz, Kinto Sol...) 6.就上述提到一些类别,您是否还有其它的曲风您觉得还不错的,值到大家去聆听或欣赏的的类型。 A:90-95年的旧东岸, Jazz HipHop, Disco, Funk, Soul (以前的歌太多经典的,一般唱片行都不易取得,真是太可惜了!!!) 7.虽然这次的访问由于版面的关系无法更深入的询问下去,不过以区块是式的方式来解说希望读者能概括的了解。最后想请问小奇店长,HIP HOP音乐对你来说是如何解释 A:无论做任何事,都有频律及节奏在里面,而我觉得HipHop Music与人类生活频率最接近,所以对我来说HipHop像是陪我一路走下去的伙伴.最后在此给喜爱HipHop Culture的朋友一席话“用嘴支持HipHop的人很多,用心持续下去很少,你/你不一定要喜欢HipHop,但是HipHop会一直在我们身边”。 回答人: 音乐宝藏挖掘者/ VICAR 许多跟要进入HIP HOP音乐的人,常会想今天我在唱片行所听到的音乐很好听,我想要购买此种音乐。但这是HIP HOP音乐的哪一种曲调及风格!虽然说它很好听,但下一次我要在找类似的曲风该如何找起?或是有人问我喜欢HIP HOP音乐的哪一首歌曲时我该如何回答......等之类的问题!也因为有这样的疑问,才能表现出HIP HOP音乐的多元性。以上的问题我想是每个人都经历过的阶段,也由于这几年的发展让各位在许多CD侧标文中都会看到该专辑是由某岸的某歌手所出的个人专辑,而他的风格是属于何种曲风.......等等 问号会出现在一现人的脑海里。所以本月我们就邀请“DA PROJECT”的店长“VICAR”为大家大略的解释,在全美HIP HOP的曲风什么歌手是属于哪一类型以及他的风格是属于哪一区的。我们也希望藉由这次的专访能让大家更知道自己喜欢的类型是什么,而不再是问你时哑口无言!!!!!

哈尔滨哪里有买 DUO ,More ,PEEL ,Zippo ,Lucky Strike 这几款女士烟 ?

烟 价格便宜,味淡的,有。不容易伤身体上瘾的,没有。女士烟的牌子很多阿,抽什么牌子要看你自己觉得,当地的热闹点的地方的小店都有卖吧。ESSE 爱喜应该是最淡的了,相比而言,呵呵。

现在是12年8月 问下肇庆市哪里有lucky strike( 好彩 )香烟买? 烟合特有的单个圆圈 不是peel香烟


求几首快节奏,节奏行比较强的英文歌曲,要用做舞蹈配乐,不要rap,最好像lucky strike这

Rachel Platten–lone ranger ,family affair,Tez Cadey–seve,la la love on my mind,Hillsong Young And Free–wake,前面是歌手的名字

绿lucky strike多少钱一包啊?跟万宝路的比较那种好点呢?


歌词里有lucky ky lucky ky的一首歌

lucky strike

一首英文歌 男生唱的,开头是lucky lucky lucky lucky oh oh oh oh

lucky Strike

在北京哪里能买到lucky strike(好彩)烟?最好是朝阳的

五道口地铁站那儿 东王庄 后海

请问LUCKY STRIKE 的香烟杭州哪里有卖?

杭州就不知道啦! 深圳多的是。。。!免税12~港装15

朋友走香港免税店带的烟lucky strike 说300一条有没有被宰


i hope you have lucky everday!

你好!i hope you have lucky everday!祝你幸运每一天!

那个街舞版的《bring it back》是谁唱的,在哪可以搜到?

是Max Styler,MAK和Deorro唱的,在QQ音乐搜得到。

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Gold CobraLimp Bizkit - Bring it backAlbum∶Gold CobraOh, let me hit that, let me get that party song.Let me turn this place into another motherfuckin" danger zone.Oh, where the good ones? Where the good ones at right now yo?We gonna talk this shit till we got this bitch rockin" on the rockship,No hell, no way, I"m gonna chop this rock like blocks of clay.Im" gonan sink your ship so fast, one blast, dont ask, your ass is grass.No red no green, Imma" paint this black and crack your spleen.Commin" stright from the dark Imma" shark,Imma" rip your shit like a slasher scene.Gimmie the racket for the brain.Gimmie the funky shit to make the people go insane.Gimmie the fuckin" drug we call the music on this track.Gimmie the fuckin" riff we gonna use to break your back.BRING IT BACK!Gimmie the racket for the brain.Gimmie the funky shit to make the people go insane.Gimmie the fuckin" drug we call the music on this track.Gimmie the fuckin" riff we gonna use to break your back.BRING IT BACK!Remember all them 90"s things, them 90"s hits we laced like this.Commin" to you live 2012 and hell theres still not shit like this.We still rain the blood in the club like slayer flip it up like Limp Bizkit.Tie you up to electric chairs and roast yours guts like nuts on Christmas.Never worry if anybody gonna like me.Dont give a damn if anybody give a fuck.Im gonna say what I want you can look it up.Wikipedia probley gonna fuck it up.I dont give a damn, cuz" its on.Most people never last this long.Most people never find a waybut we gonna rock this motherfucker all night long.Gimmie the racket for the brain.Gimmie the funky shit to make the people go insane.Gimmie the fuckin" drug we call the music on this track.Gimmie the fuckin" riff we gonna use to break your back.BRING IT BACK!Gimmie the racket for the brain.Gimmie the funky shit to make the people go insane.Gimmie the fuckin" drug we call the music on this track.Gimmie the fuckin" riff we gonna use to break your back.BRING IT BACK!

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:Jibbs专辑:Jibbs Feat. JibbsRihanna - Bring It BackRihanna, bring it backOh woah oh noOh woah oh noMr. dj. tell me a new playI wanna hear my jam againMove the crowd nowPlay it crazy loud nowBring it back now if you canI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noHere we go nowGotta let you know nowI wanna feel the summer heatDon"t you understandI don"t want a slow jamI wanna feel the hottest beatIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againThe one that turns me onIt"s alright, it"s okay, i don"t care if you play it until the night is doneBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noOh woah noIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againOoh woahI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelSomethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh no (play my song now)Bring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it backKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

Bring It All Back的中文歌词谁能给下...谢谢了

[ti:Bring It All Back][00:00.00]歌名:Bring It All Back - 带给自己一切[00:00.00]歌手:S Club 7 - S 7人俱乐部[00:12.00]Don"t stop, never give up 别停下 别放下[00:14.00]Hold your head high and reach the top 膨胀你的虚荣到最高峰[00:16.00]Let the World see what you have got 让这个世界感受你的荣耀[00:18.00]Bring it all back to you 带给自己一切[00:20.00]Hold on to what you try to be your individuality 坚持你的选择 那是你的个性[00:25.00]When the world is on your shoulders 当这个世界都在你的肩膀上[00:27.00]Just smile and let it go 只要一笑遣之[00:29.00]If people try to put you down 如果人们都不接收你[00:31.00]just walk on by don"t turn around 只要继续 不理他[00:34.00]You only have to answer to yourself 你只要自己的答案[00:37.00]Don"t you know its true what they say 你不认为他们都是正确的[00:40.00]That life it ain" t easy 生活并不悠闲[00:42.00]But your time is coming around 但是属于你的时间已经来到[00:47.00]Don"t stop, never give up 别停下 别放下[00:49.00]Hold your head high and reach the top 膨胀你的虚荣到最高峰[00:51.00]Let the world see what you have got 让这个世界感受你的荣耀[00:53.00]Bring it all back to you 带给自己一切[00:56.00]Dream of falling in Love 幻想吧 恋爱吧[00:58.00]Anything you"ve been thinking of 任何事你已经知晓[01:00.00]When the world seems to get to tough 当这个世界更现实[01:02.00]Bring it all back to you 带给自己一切[01:13.00]Try not to worry about a thing 不必担心任何事情[01:15.00]Enjoy the good times life can bring 享受生命的美好时光[01:18.00]Keep good all the solitude 把最好的都留给自己[01:20.00]Got to let the feeling show 不要压抑自己的想法[01:22.00]Imagination is the key 幻想就是答案[01:24.00]Because you are your own destiny 因为你把握自己的命运[01:27.00]Never should be lonely when time is on your side 当时间流去的时候不要感到孤单[01:30.00]Don"t you know its true what they say 你不认为他们都是正确的[01:33.00]Things are set to try you 考验你的事情到来[01:35.00]But your times is coming around 但是属于你的时间已经来到[01:39.00](So don"t stop trying) (所以请别停止尝试)[01:40.00]Don"t stop, never give up 别停下 别放下[01:42.00]Hold your head high and reach the top 膨胀你的虚荣到最高峰[01:44.00]Let the world see what you have got 让这个世界感受你的荣耀[01:46.00]Bring it all back to you 带给自己一切[01:49.00]Dream of falling in Love 幻想吧 恋爱吧[01:51.00]Anything you"ve been thinking of 任何事你已经知晓[01:53.00]When the world seems to get to tough 当这个世界更现实[01:55.00]Bring it all back to you 带给自己一切[02:15.00]Don"t you know its true what they say 你不认为他们都是正确的[02:18.00]Things happen for a reason 任何事情都有缘由[02:20.00]But you times coming around 但是属于你的时间已经来到[03:17.00][03:00.00][02:42.00][02:24.00]Don"t stop, never give up 别停下 别放下[03:19.00][03:02.00][02:44.00][02:26.00]Hold your head high and reach the top 膨胀你的虚荣到最高峰[03:21.00][03:04.00][02:46.00][02:28.00]Let the world see what you have got 让这个世界感受你的荣耀[03:24.00][03:06.00][02:49.00][02:31.00]Bring it all back to you 带给自己一切[03:08.00][02:51.00][02:33.00]Dream of falling in Love 幻想吧 恋爱吧[03:10.00][02:53.00][02:35.00]Anything you"ve been thinking of 任何事你已经知晓[03:13.00][02:55.00][02:37.00]When the world seems to get to tough 当这个世界更现实[03:15.00][02:57.00][02:39.00]Bring it all back to you 带给自己一切

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:The Carter Screwed & ChoppedRihanna - Bring It BackRihanna, bring it backOh woah oh noOh woah oh noMr. dj. tell me a new playI wanna hear my jam againMove the crowd nowPlay it crazy loud nowBring it back now if you canI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noHere we go nowGotta let you know nowI wanna feel the summer heatDon"t you understandI don"t want a slow jamI wanna feel the hottest beatIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againThe one that turns me onIt"s alright, it"s okay, i don"t care if you play it until the night is doneBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noOh woah noIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againOoh woahI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelSomethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh no (play my song now)Bring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it backKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:Sweet Sensation专辑:Love ChildRihanna - Bring It BackRihanna, bring it backOh woah oh noOh woah oh noMr. dj. tell me a new playI wanna hear my jam againMove the crowd nowPlay it crazy loud nowBring it back now if you canI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noHere we go nowGotta let you know nowI wanna feel the summer heatDon"t you understandI don"t want a slow jamI wanna feel the hottest beatIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againThe one that turns me onIt"s alright, it"s okay, i don"t care if you play it until the night is doneBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noOh woah noIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againOoh woahI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelSomethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh no (play my song now)Bring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it backKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:Die Fantastischen Vier专辑:HeimspielRihanna - Bring It BackRihanna, bring it backOh woah oh noOh woah oh noMr. dj. tell me a new playI wanna hear my jam againMove the crowd nowPlay it crazy loud nowBring it back now if you canI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noHere we go nowGotta let you know nowI wanna feel the summer heatDon"t you understandI don"t want a slow jamI wanna feel the hottest beatIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againThe one that turns me onIt"s alright, it"s okay, i don"t care if you play it until the night is doneBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noOh woah noIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againOoh woahI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelSomethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh no (play my song now)Bring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it backKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

在线等!高分!北京哪能买到好彩(Lucky Strike)香烟?!紧急!


苏州哪有的买LUCKY STRIKE(好彩)香烟


广州哪里有美国的Lucky Strike(好彩)烟卖?

好彩LUCKY STRIKE 系列有很多种~~蓝莓 柠檬 薄荷口感比较好

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:T.I.专辑:It S The KingRihanna - Bring It BackRihanna, bring it backOh woah oh noOh woah oh noMr. dj. tell me a new playI wanna hear my jam againMove the crowd nowPlay it crazy loud nowBring it back now if you canI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noHere we go nowGotta let you know nowI wanna feel the summer heatDon"t you understandI don"t want a slow jamI wanna feel the hottest beatIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againThe one that turns me onIt"s alright, it"s okay, i don"t care if you play it until the night is doneBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh noOh woah noIt"s my joint, it"s my jam, play the record againOoh woahI"ve been waitin" so long pump it up, put it on, tell me what you waitin" forFeel it deep in my soul, now it"s out of control, i can"t take it anymoreBring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it back againIt"s a factI need somethin" that i"m gonna feelSomethin" that i"m gonna feelOh woah oh no (bring it back)Oh woah oh no (play my song now)Bring it back againPlay my track againKeep it hot for meMake my body moveIt"s all up to youWhat"s it gonna bePlay my joint againPlay my jam andSend this one out to meBring it backKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!



魔力红lucky strike 歌词翻译 求高手指教!谢谢诶

Lucky StrikeMaroon 5You"re such a motivator, I gotta get you where 你就像催化剂,跟我走吧So sick of saying yes sir, yes sir 说“是的,先生”这太逊了You"re such an instigator, you wanna play the game 你总是煽动我,玩这场游戏Take it or leave it, that"s her, that"s her 参与或是走人,那都是她And I can"t wait another minute 我一分钟都不能等I can"t take the look she"s giving 我受不了她的表情Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million 你是弱水三千中的一瓢My lucky strike 我的幸运发现Got me so high, and then she dropped me 使我兴奋,然后又离开我But she got me, she got me, she got me bad 但她使我使我使我堕落Took me inside and then she rocked me 把我带入她的世界,摇晃(震撼)着我She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like 她使我彻夜不眠,这听起来就像Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million, my lucky strike 你是弱水三千中的一瓢Stuck in an elevator, she take me to the sky 被困在电梯中,她让我飘飘欲仙And I don"t wanna go down, go down 我不想下来,不想下来She said i"ll feel you later, go ahead and fantasize 她说待一会,继续幻想吧She make me want her right now right now 她使我急不可耐,急不可耐And I can"t wait another minute 我一分钟都不能等I can"t take the look she"s giving 我受不了她的表情Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million 你是弱水三千中的一瓢My lucky strike 我的幸运发现Got me so high, and then she dropped me 使我如此兴奋,然后又离开我But she got me, she got me, she got me bad 但她使我使我使我堕落Took me inside and then she rocked me 把我带入她的世界,摇晃(震撼)着我She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like她使我彻夜不眠,这听起来就像Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million, my lucky strike 你是弱水三千中的一瓢Hey, you"re taking all my pain away 嘿,你使我忘却痛苦You"re shaking like an earthquake 你的摇摆就像地震Hey, you"re taking all my pain away 嘿,你使我忘却痛苦You"re shaking like an earthquake 你的摇摆就像地震Got me so high, and then she dropped me 使我如此兴奋,然后又离开我But she got me, she got me, she got me bad 但她使我使我使我堕落Took me inside and then she rocked me 把我带入她的世界,摇晃(震撼)着我She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like 她使我彻夜不眠,这听起来就像Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million, my lucky strike 你是弱水三千中的一瓢,我的幸运发现My lucky strike, my lucky strike 我的幸运发现我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million 你是弱水三千中的一瓢谈不上高手,因为无聊所以翻译着玩

谁给翻译一下bring it all back to这首歌,翻译好的 速好评

  Bring it all back now 现在找回自己  Don"t stop, never give up 不要停止,不要放弃  Hold your head high 高昂起头  and reach the top 到达顶峰  Let the world see what you have got 让世界看到你的所有  Bring it all back to you ( bring it all back) 找回自己给你  Hold on to what you try to be, 坚持自己的目标  your individuality 保持自我  When the world is on your shoulders 当世界的重担在你的肩上  just smile and let it go 保持微笑 让它过去  If people try to put you down 如果有人打击你  Just walk on by 走过去  Don"t turn around 不要回头  You only have to answer to yourself 你只需要对地起自己  Don"t you know it"s true what they say 难道你不知道他们说的是真的  That life , it isn"t easy 生活,并不容易  But your time"s coming around 但你总有机会  so don"t you stop trying. 千万不能停止进取  Yeah, yeah, na,Don"t stop, 也,也,啦,不要停息  never give up 不要放弃  hold your head high 高昂起头  and reach the top 到达顶峰  Let the world see 让世界看到  what you have got 你的成功  Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now) 找回自己  Dream of falling in love 梦想坠入情网  anything you"ve been thinking of 自己想过的任何事情  when the world seems to get too tough 当世界变得太艰难时  Bring it all back to you 找回自己  ( Bring it all back now)  na, na, na, na ,na 啦啦……  na, na, na, na ,na  na, na, na, na ,na  na, na  Try not to worry"bout a thing 努力,始终如一  Enjoy the good times life can bring 享受生活带来的好时光  Keep it all inside you 这一切留在你心里  Gotta let the feeling show 让感情放飞  Imagination is the key 幻想就是答案  "cause you are your own destiny 因为你就是自己的命运  You never should be lonely when 你永远不比孤独  time is on your side. 让时间陪伴你  Don"t you know it"s true what they say 你不知道他们说的是真的  Things are sent to try you 这些事情都是为了考验你  But your time"s coming around 但是时机不能等待  so don"t you stop trying 应该不断进取  Don"t stop, never give up 不要停止,不要放弃  hold your head high and reach the top 昂头阔步走向胜利  Let the world see what you have got 让世界看到你的收获  Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now) 不要回头  Dream of falling in love 当你总是沉浸在梦想当中  anything you"ve been thinking 自己向做的任何事情  of when the world seems to get too tough 都会变得太艰难  Bring it all back to you ( Bring it all back now) 但是不能放弃自己

lucky strike troye sivan歌词翻译

《Lucky Strike》是由Maroon5演唱的一首歌曲,收录于专辑《single》中,2012年6月26日发行,音乐时长3分5秒。歌曲歌词You"re such a motivator, I gotta get you where 你就像催化剂,跟我走吧So sick of saying yes sir, yes sir 说“是的,先生”这太逊了You"re such an instigator, you wanna play the game 你总是煽动我,玩这场游戏Take it or leave it, that"s her, that"s her 参与或是走人,那都是她And I can"t wait another minute 我一分钟都不能等I can"t take the look she"s giving 我受不了她的表情Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million 你是弱水三千中的一瓢My lucky strike 我的幸运发现Got me so high, and then she dropped me 使我兴奋,然后又离开我But she got me, she got me, she got me bad 但她使我使我使我堕落Took me inside and then she rocked me 把我带入她的世界,摇晃震撼着我She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like 她使我彻夜不眠,这听起来就像Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million, my lucky strike 你是弱水三千中的一瓢Stuck in an elevator, she take me to the sky 被困在电梯中,她让我飘飘欲仙And I don"t wanna go down, go down 我不想下来,不想下来She said i"ll feel you later, go ahead and fantasize 她说待一会,继续幻想吧She make me want her right now right now 她使我急不可耐,急不可耐And I can"t wait another minute 我一分钟都不能等I can"t take the look she"s giving 我受不了她的表情Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million 你是弱水三千中的一瓢My lucky strike 我的幸运发现Got me so high, and then she dropped me 使我如此兴奋,然后又离开我But she got me, she got me, she got me bad 但她使我使我使我堕落Took me inside and then she rocked me 把我带入她的世界,摇晃震撼着我She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like她使我彻夜不眠,这听起来就像Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million, my lucky strike 你是弱水三千中的一瓢Hey, you"re taking all my pain away 嘿,你使我忘却痛苦You"re shaking like an earthquake 你的摇摆就像地震(重复)Got me so high, and then she dropped me 使我如此兴奋,然后又离开我But she got me, she got me, she got me bad 但她使我使我使我堕Took me inside and then she rocked me 把我带入她的世界,摇晃震撼着我She keep up all night, this is what it sounds like 她使我彻夜不眠,这听起来就像Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Oh oh oh my lucky strike 哦,哦,哦,我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million, my lucky strike 你是弱水三千中的一瓢,我的幸运发现My lucky strike, my lucky strike 我的幸运发现我的幸运发现Your body rocking, keep me up all night 你不停地摇摆,使我彻夜不眠One in a million 你是弱水三千中的一瓢

李孝利的bring it back罗马歌词

李孝利-Bring it backWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo dirty hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo trendy hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Nege boyeojweobwaWoo boy (Bring It Back)Let me show you like thatSame sameDdokgatchi ttarahaneunma-jijongi gateun rhythmGateun rhyme gateun fashion gateun soundWa ijejigyeop jidoanhiHa neomani mweonga mandeureobwaMae-il ddokgata jom deo saegdareungeol weonhaeMae-il ddokgatchi noraehago chumchugoJigyoweo ddokgateun moduda ddokgataNamani teukbyeolhan modaesaeki piryohaeTteukgateun noraeldo sexyhage chumchweodoNan jom movie differenly teukbyeohan naye modeungeol meomchweoWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo dirty hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo trendy hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Nege boyeojweobwaWoo boy (Bring It Back)Let me show you like thatNeon geugeot bakke low nege andwae flowNal ttarawado geogippun ingeolHey hey nal boneun ne nunbicheun neuggil su isseoDevelop bring it up slowNeon ihae halsudo eobseulgeolNan jom teukbyeolhan geol al su isseulgeol whyWoo boy naneun mudewi killerBoyeojweo you better let me see you go crazyModaewi neon drama queen changpihan gajja accessoryNan jom movie differenly teukbyeohan naye modeungeol meomchweoWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo dirty hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo trendy hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Nege boyeojweobwaWoo boy (Bring It Back)Let me show you like thatMweonga teukbyeolhan ireon namani soundHanbeon do deureo boji mothan new style 21Saekdareun nareul hanbeon bwaba no. 1Jealous (jealous) come (come)Check my ladysJigeumi jaemi itneun gameModu hanagatchi bureo weohae neoye geureon mamiNaega jom teuk byeolhani saenggakha getjiSo let me be bring it backWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo dirty hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo trendy hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Nege boyeojweobwaWoo boy (Bring It Back)Let me show you like thatNiga nareul arado gatchi move chumcheodoNaegen sangdaega andwaeDa turn a round and Bring It BackWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo dirty hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo trendy hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Nege boyeojweobwaWoo boy (Bring It Back)Let me show you like thatWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo dirty hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Jomdeo trendy hageWoo boy (Bring It Back)Nege boyeojweobwaWoo boy (Bring It Back)Let me show you like thatBring It Back Bring It Back boyBring It Back Bring It Back boyBring It Back Bring It Back boyBring It Back Bring It Back boyLet"s go my ladies c"mon right nowBring It Back Bring It Back boyBring It Back Bring It Back boyBring It Back Bring It Back boyBring It Back Bring It Back boy亲 这是我找的 不知道是不是你所需要的那种 !!!

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:Lil Wayne专辑:Tha CarterFrankie J - Bring It BackYeah (x7)Ohh Come onYeah (x2)UhYeah (x4)Shhh ..ListenIt aint your faultIt aint my fault (It aint my fault)But sometimes things happen this wayAnd you just cant explain it at allBaby we let us goMaybe the time wasn"t rightNow the stars of the nightMeu amorBaby don"t try to tell be thatYou just want to be friendsWhen I see you cussin" and fightin"And wasting time with himJust come with me and I"ll show youHow it"s suppose to be, You and MeCan"t you seeBaby come on ..I want youBaby can we bring it backTo the way it was beforeBaby I miss youTell me, can we bring it backTo the way it was beforeI"m on the outside looking in (Oh)Even though I"m just a friendI"ll catch your back and just pretend(I just don"t see you with him)Baby he don"t deserve your loveYou should give him upYou can do much better with meBaby don"t try to tell be thatYou just want to be friendsWhen I see you cussin" and fightin"And wasting time with himBaby come with me and I"ll show youHow it"s suppose to be, You and MeCan"t you seeBaby come on ..I want youBaby can we bring it backTo the way it was beforeBaby I miss youTell me, can we bring it backTo the way it was beforeBaby let"s give this one more tryI"ll make you the centre piece of my lifeI wont let you go, I want you to know thatI"m nothing without youBaby let"s just bring it backOh babyLet"s just bring it backWhoa WhoaI want youBaby can we bring it backTo the way it was beforeBaby I miss youTell me, can we bring it backTo the way it was beforeI never should have let you get away

lucky strike香烟

稥火因品禾中 齐

lucky strike是什么意思

lucky strike是好彩,鸿运当头的意思

lucky strike怎么读

lucky strike[英][u02c8lu028cki straik] [美][u02c8lu028cki strau026ak] 生词本 简明释义 [医]好彩,鸿运当头

Bring It Back 歌词

歌曲名:Bring It Back歌手:Fu-Schnickens专辑:Greatest HitsDon"t stop, never give upHold your head high and reach the topLet the world see what you have gotBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Hold on to what you try to beYour individualityWhen the world is on your shouldersJust smile and let it goIf people try to put you downjust walk on by don"t turn aroundYou only have to answer to yourselfDon"t you know its true what they sayThat life it ain"t easyBut your time"s coming aroundSo don"t you stop tryingDon"t stop, never give upHold your head high and reach the topLet the world see what you have gotBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Dream of falling in loveAnything you"ve been thinking ofWhen the world seems to get too toughBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Try not to worry about a thingEnjoy the good times life can bringKeep good all the solitudeGot to let the feeling showImagination is the keyBecause you are your own destinyNever should be lonely when time is on your sideDon"t you know its true what they sayThings are sent to try youBut your times coming around(So don"t stop trying)Don"t stop, never give upHold your head high and reach the topLet the world see what you have gotBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Dream of falling in loveAnything you"ve been thinking ofWhen the world seems to get too toughBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Don"t you know its true what they sayThings happen for a reasonBut you times coming aroundSo don"i you stop tryin"Don"t stop, never give upHold your head high and reach the topLet the world see what you have gotBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Dream of falling in loveAnything you"ve been thinking ofWhen the world seems to get too toughBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Don"t stop, never give upHold your head high and reach the topLet the world see what you have gotBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Dream of falling in loveAnything you"ve been thinking ofWhen the world seems to get too toughBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Don"t stop, never give upHold your head high and reach the topLet the world see what you have gotBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)Dream of falling in loveAnything you"ve been thinking ofWhen the world seems to get too toughBring it all back to you(Bring it all back now)

bring it on back

  Bring it all back now 现在找回自己  Don"t stop, never give up 不要停止,不要放弃  Hold your head high 高昂起头  and reach the top 到达顶峰  Let the world see what you have got 让世界看到你的所有  Bring it all back to you ( bring it all back) 找回自己给你  Hold on to what you try to be, 坚持自己的目标  your individuality 保持自我  When the world is on your shoulders 当世界的重担在你的肩上  just smile and let it go 保持微笑 让它过去  If people try to put you down 如果有人打击你  Just walk on by 走过去  Don"t turn around 不要回头  You only have to answer to yourself 你只需要对得起自己  Don"t you know it"s true what they say 难道你不知道他们说的是真的  That life , it isn"t easy 生活,并不容易  But your time"s coming around 但你总有机会  so don"t you stop trying. 千万不能停止进取  Yeah, yeah, na,Don"t stop, 耶,耶,啦,不要停息  never give up 不要放弃  hold your head high 高昂起头  and reach the top 到达顶峰  Let the world see 让世界看到  what you have got 你的成功  Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now) 找回自己  Dream of falling in love 梦想坠入情网  anything you"ve been thinking of 自己想过的任何事情  when the world seems to get too tough 当世界变得太艰难时  Bring it all back to you 找回自己  ( Bring it all back now)  na, na, na, na ,na 啦啦……  na, na, na, na ,na  na, na, na, na ,na  na, na  Try not to worry"bout a thing 努力,始终如一  Enjoy the good times life can bring 享受生活带来的好时光  Keep it all inside you 这一切留在你心里  Gotta let the feeling show 让感情放飞  Imagination is the key 幻想就是答案  "cause you are your own destiny 因为你就是自己的命运  You never should be lonely when 你永远不孤独  time is on your side. 让时间陪伴你  Don"t you know it"s true what they say 你不知道他们说的是真的  Things are sent to try you 这些事情都是为了考验你  But your time"s coming around 但是时机不能等待  so don"t you stop trying 应该不断进取  Don"t stop, never give up 不要停止,不要放弃  hold your head high and reach the top 昂头阔步走向胜利  Let the world see what you have got 让世界看到你的收获  Bring it all back to you (bring it all back now) 不要回头  Dream of falling in love 当你总是沉浸在梦想当中  anything you"ve been thinking 自己向做的任何事情  of when the world seems to get too tough 都会变得太艰难  Bring it all back to you ( Bring it all back now) 但是不能放弃自己  希望能帮到你啦~~~
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