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excited 和exciting 的区别

exciting是主动用法,表示某物让sb很兴奋,令人兴奋的excited的被动用法,表示sb因为sth而兴奋。e.g. the football match is exciting. 这场球赛真令人兴奋。he was excited by the football match. 一般V+ing 变成adj表示主动。意思是使人。。。的, 令人很。。。的:surprising, disappointing,pleasing...而V+ed,变成adj,表被动:surprised, disappointed, pleased. sb因为sth而。。。sb 感到。。。exciting某事让某人兴奋,指sth. excited某人自己兴奋,指sb. The movie is exciting. I"m excited about the news.类似的词语:interesting,interestedrelaxing,relaxed


excited,读音:英[ɪkˈsaɪtɪd],美[ɪkˈsaɪt̬ɪd]。释义:adj.兴奋的;激动的;活跃的。v.激动;唤起。变形:比较级more excited,最高级most excited。短语:Very excited很兴奋;非常激动。excited state激励状态。self excited自励;自激的。be very excited感到兴奋。excited condition激发条件。excited的例句1、I was so excited I forgot to introduce myself .我当时太激动了忘了自我介绍。2、Oil bulls are known to get excited about wars .众所周知,能让石油多头感到兴奋的莫过于战争。3、And here krejcarek gets noticeably excited .说到这里,克莱贾里克显然激动起来。4、Foreign analysts were less excited .外国分析师对此则没那么激动。5、Hawks is excited about the new sequencing technology .霍克斯对这项新的测序技术感到很激动。
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