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CISCO CCNA CCNP CCIE分别是什么意思?这是术语......





practice doing sth,exercise即可以作名词也可以做动词,作动词时是不可数的,意思为运动,做名词时是可数的,意思为锻炼,例如:do moning exercises(名词,可数),do exercise(动词,不可数),明白了没?


  红帽认证是关于linux操作系统的。cisco是思科认证,调试路由器交换机等。  红帽认证是由红帽linux公司推出的,主要包括红帽认证技师(RHCSA),红帽认证工程师(RHCE)和红帽认证架构师(RHCA)。是以实际操作能力为基础的测试项目,主要考察考生在实际操作系统中的实践能力。红帽培训和测试非常注重培养实际的动手实战能力!  RHCA:Red Hat Certified Architect 红帽认证架构师(RHCA)  红帽企业架构师课程主要面向那些负责部署和管理大型企业环境中众多系统的高级Linux系统管理员提供深入的实际操作培训。红帽认证架构师是红帽公司继红帽认证技师(RHCSA)和红帽认证工程师(RHCE)认证之后推出的最新顶级认证,也是Linux领域公认的最受欢迎的、最成熟的认证。  红帽认证工程师(RHCE)  是以实际操作能力为基础的测试项目,主要考察考生在现场系统中的实际能力。红帽认证工程师(RHCE)认证展示了Linux系统管理员应掌握的技能。一名红帽认证工程师除了要掌握红帽认证技师具备的所有技能,还应具有配置网络服务和安全的能力,他/她应该可以决定公司网络上应该部署哪种服务以及具体的部署方式。这一认证包括DNS、NFS、Samba、Sendmail、Postfix、Apache和关键安全功能的详细内容。  思科认证体系是由Cisco公司建立的分为3个层次的网络技术证书体系,随着Cisco产品线的扩大和市场份额的不断提升,Cisco产品从当初仅有的 Cisco路由器和Cisco交换机发展到现在的6大方向:路由交换,网络设计,网络安全,电信运营商,语音,网络存储,其Cisco证书也不断的扩增和 调整覆盖了Cisco完整的产品线!  Cisco认证体系  路由交换 :CCNA认证 CCNP认证 CCIE认证  网络设计 :CCNA认证 CCDA认证CCDP认证  网络安全 :CCNA认证 CCSP认证 CCIE认证  网络语音 :CCNA认证 CCVP认证 CCIE认证  网络存储 :CCNA认证 CCIE认证  电信运营商:CCNA认证 CCIP认证 CCIE认证  如果需要Cisco认证的相关模拟试题可以登录Testpassport查询,那上面有全套的Cisco认证全真模拟题提供的。能让你更具有针对性的来学习思科认证的知识要点。


练习 锻炼


它的考试,没有时间限制。很自由,只要你到附属的培训中心付考试费,他首先会带你照相,然后你要出示身份证,然后等一下就可以进考场考试。考试过程中,有中央监视器看着的。身后也有个监考人员,这是CCNA,CCNP和CCIE笔试的考试方式。CCIE-LAB国内只有两个考点一个在北京,另一个在香港。LAB非常严格,分两个部分。上午和下午。分别有三个CCIE做监考。他们有可能会刁难你,在你吃中午饭的时候搞你配置的路由。随意删减或增加点什么。呵呵 大概就是这样。

什么是CISCO 什么是CCNA。要想参加考试有什么要求?难不难?

  难不难是因人而异的。天下事有难易乎 为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣.人之为学有难易乎 学之,则难者亦易矣;不学,则易者亦难矣。CCNA认证(CCNA-思科网络安装和支持工程师)(Cisco Certified Network Associate)是整个Cisco认证体系中最初级的认证,同时它也 是获得CCNP认证、CCDP认证和CCSP认证的必要条件(CCIP认证、CCIE认证不强制要求),而且许多Cisco专业认证(Cisco Qualified Specialist)也要求考生首先得CCNA认证。   一、CCNA认证培训   CCNA认证属于Cisco售后工程师认证体系得入门认证,通过CCNA可以证明你已掌握网络的基本知识, 并能初步安装、配置和操作Cisco路由器、交换机及简单的LAN和WAN。CCNA认证表示经过认证的人员具有为小型办公室/庭办公室(SOHO)市场联网的基本技术和相关知识。通过CCNA认证的专业人员可以在小型网络(100或100以下个节点)中安装、配置和运行LAN、WAN和拨号访问业务。他们可以使用的协议包括(但不限于)IP、IGRP、OSPF、EIGRP、IPX、Serial、Apple、Talk、Frame Relay、IP RIP、VLAN RIP、Ethernet、Access Lists。   二、培训技能   安装、配置和操作简单的路由局域网、路由广域网,定义"简单"网络的内容,如IP、IGRP、IPX、串行、Apple、Talk、帧中继、IP RIP、IPX RIP、VLAN、以太网和访问到表等。   三、CCNA能够根据培训和现实世界的经验提供解决方案:   1、安装和/或配置一个网络;   2、通过利用访问目录过虑;   3、按需的带宽(BOD)和按需拨号路由(DDR)等特性减少带宽和降低广域网成本的Internet访问解决方案,优化广域网。   4、通过集成拨号连接和传统的远程局域网到局域网访问以及支持Internet电子商务和多媒体等新应用所需的最高水平的性能,提供远程访问。   四、获得CCNA认证的先决条件   不需要考生持有任何证书即可报考CCNA,同时对考生的年龄、学历、外语水平均没有硬性规定,但需要2个有效证件如身份证和信用卡、驾驶证、学生证、护照等。   五、CCNA认证的考试   CCNA升级为640-802且Cisco推出新认证CENNT(2007年8月1日起实行)   新版CCNA考试640-802的简介  考试编号:640-802  考试时间:90分钟  考题数目:50-60题  及格分数:845  考试题型:模拟题;少数连线题;多项选择题及单项选择题。  新版的认证内容包括:  WAN的连接;网络安全实施;网络类型;网络介质;路由和交换原理;TCP/IP和OSI参考模型等旧版CCNA网络基础知识的内容,此外,还新增加了关于无线局域网的基础知识。  除此之外,新版CCNA还可以通过以下两个途径的任意一个来通过认证:  一、通过64 0-822 ICND1 (CCENT )新课程 和640-816 ICND2课程  二、直接通过640-802综合认证课程  新版CCNA 640-802考试主要考点: 认证体系  CCIE 思科认证网络专家 (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)  CCDE思科网络设计专家级别(Cisco Certified Design Expert)  CCNP 思科认证资深网络工程师(Cisco Certified Network Professional)  CCDP 思科认证资深设计工程师(Cisco Certified Design Professional)  CCIP 思科认证资深互联网工程师(Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional)  CCSP 思科认证资深安全工程师(Cisco Certified Security Professional)  CCVP 思科认证资深语音工程师(Cisco Certified Voice Professional)  CCNA 思科认证网络工程师(Cisco Certified Network Associate)  CCDA 思科认证设计工程师(Cisco Certified Design Associate)



英雄联盟想改个名字 大家帮我选一下 或起一个 7L丶 Aestheticism 7L丶 Nir


Aestheticism 求音标

[英] [ˌi:sˈθetisizəm] [美] [ɛsˈθɛtɪˌsɪzəm


aestheticism英[i:s"θetisizəm] 美[i:s"θetisizəm] n. 唯美主义祝你开心。



求一个情侣qq名字 女方叫Aestheticism 男方怎么取



aestheticismn.1. 唯美主义;艺术超然论2. 审美感;爱美性aestheticism [iːs"θεtɪ,sɪzəm] 1. n the doctrine that aesthetic principles are of supreme importance and that works of art should be judged accordingly 2. n sensitivity to beauty, esp in art, music, literature, etc humanism [ "hjumən .ɪzəm] [ "hjuːmənɪzəm] 1. 名词 人性,人情, 2. 名词 人本主义,人道主义 3. 名词 人性的研究 4. 名词 [Humanism]人文学,人文主义 humanism ["hjuːmə,nɪzəm] 1. n the denial of any power or moral value superior to that of humanity; the rejection of religion in favour of a belief in the advancement of humanity by its own efforts 2. n a philosophical position that stresses the autonomy of human reason in contradistinction to the authority of the Church 3. n [often capital] a cultural movement of the Renaissance, based on classical studies 4. n interest in the welfare of people 例句:humanism as a religion 人道主义信仰


aestheticismn.1. 唯美主义;艺术超然论2. 审美感;爱美性


aestheticism 英[es"θetɪsɪzəm] 美[es"θetɪsɪzəm] n. 唯美主义; [例句]Japanese aestheticism literature has had a profound influence on the Chinese modern literature.摘要日本唯美主义文学对中国现代文学产生了深远的影响。

cisco 3620

Router#conf tRouter(config)#no service config

tough decision是什么意思

tough decision 艰难的决定We have a really tough decision that we don"t want to face.我们面临痛苦的抉择。


exercise[英]["eksəsaɪz][美][ˈɛksɚˌsaɪz]n.练习;运动,训练;运用;典礼vi.锻炼,训练,练习vt.锻炼(身体某部位);使焦虑,使忧虑;实行,发挥(作用);运用复数: exercises 第三人称单数: exercises 过去式: exercised 过去分词:exercised 现在分词: exercising双语例句1.Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.经常锻炼会促进血液循环。2.Diet and exercise are equally important.饮食和锻炼同样重要。3.Swimming is good exercise.游泳是有益的运动。4.One has to ask oneself what the purpose of the exercise is.大家必须问一问自己,这个锻炼的目的是什么。5.Exercise is a good safety valve for the tension that builds up at work.锻炼身体是排解工作压力的好办法。

aerobic exercise什么意思

aerobic exercise[英][eəˈrəʊbɪk ˈeksə][美][ɛˈrobɪk ˈɛksɚˌsaɪz]有氧训练;网络释义1. 有氧运动2. 有氧训练3. 有氧健身运动4. 需氧运动5. 有氧健身运动...Regular aerobic exercise can help you live longer and healthier. 定期进行有氧运动能使你更加健康,还能延长寿命。Regular aerobic exercise, and exercising on exam day, can release tension. 有规律的有氧锻炼并在考试当天锻炼,这能缓解紧张。如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!


practice一般指练习,比如技巧或者需要反复运用达到熟练程度的一些东西,eg:practice your oral english 或者 practice your violin 。exercise主要指身体方面锻炼,用到学习上的话,主要指练习题。


Practice和practise都一样.作动词.practice doing意为练习做... 而exercise多用作名词


1、意思不同。exercise是练习,一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。practice 实习,实践。指有规律的练习,特指反复练习,不断练习。2、常用词性不同。exercise既能作名词又能作动词,常用作名词,practice既有名词词性又有动词词性。3、常用搭配不同。exercise用法如:spelling exercise(拼写练习),a field exercise野外练习,lack of exercise缺乏练习,do one"s exercise做练习。4、侧重点不同。practice侧重动作实践,exercise侧重体育运动名称。5、用法不同。practice 和 exercise 当“练习”时有不同, practice 指有规律的练习,特指反复练习,exercise 一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。


exercise英 ["eksəsaɪz] 美 ["ɛksɚsaɪz] n. 运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼vt. 锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐vi. 运动;练习例:Good health depends upon good food, exercise, and getting enough sleep. 健康依赖于良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。


exercise caution谨慎操作(这应该是个车间标识)exercise 运动,练习,操练caution 小心;谨慎

do exercise怎么读


decisive adventurous honest的否定前缀

decisive 否定前缀加inindesive 非决定性的 adventurous 否定前缀前ununadventurous 不冒险的honest否定前缀前disdishonest 不诚实的

catalyst交换机与普通的Cisco1900 2900系列有什么区别?


CISCO catalyst OS系统 是什么?

IOS cisco自己的操作系统 思科网络技术交流群:100084542

麦吉尔大学申请状态“reviewed-decision pending”是什么意思?


jog的动名词形式是jogging,但是jogging本身就具有名词的意思,如take up jogging as a exercise.

本来就是名词,这里的意思开始把慢跑当做锻炼。take up 本身就是固定搭配意为开始做...


a,an 一个 aback 向后 abase 贬抑;降低 abash 使局促不安 abate 减少;减轻 abbey 修道院 abet 教唆 abhor 痛恨 abide 遵守;坚持 able 能够 about 关于 above 在…上面 abuse 滥用 abyss 深渊 ache 疼痛 acid 酸性的 acme 顶点 acorn 橡子 acrid 辣 act 担任 acute 厉害的 add 增加 adept 老手 ado 忙乱 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰 ago 以前 agree 同意 air 空气 active 积极的 approve赞同 advance先进 acknowledge承认 allow允许 ambitious有志气的 appreciate欣赏 alive 活着的 ant 蚂蚁 adder 蝰蛇 alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 anchovy 凤尾鱼 anteater 食蚁兽 antilope 羚羊 ass 驴 architecture建筑物 Anonymous 匿名的 alloy 合金 Action 开始 apple 苹果 Acute 敏锐的 Aggravate 加剧,使恶化 Appropriate 合适的,恰当的 Analogy 类比 Array 陈列,一系列 Alien 外行 Abolish 废除 Attendant 随从 Alert 警告 Authentic 真实的 Appeal 吸引力 Anniversary 纪念日 alien 外星人

decisive strike是什么意思


Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me f

Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I"ve ever had: Be bold and brave — and mighty (强大的) forces will come to your aid.当我正面临一个涉及高风险的决定,我去了一个朋友。他看着我一会儿,然后写一个句子包含我有过的最好的建议:大胆和勇敢,强大的力量会来助你。Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On the other hand, whenever I had plunged into deep water, forced by courage or circumstance, I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.这些话使我清楚地看到,当我达到过去,这是很少,因为我尝试过,但都失败了。通常是因为我让对失败的恐惧阻止我努力。另一方面,每当我陷入了深水,迫于勇气或情况,我一直游泳,直到我得到我的脚在地上了。Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you can eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They are potential powers we possess: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas — even physical strength greater than most of us realize.勇气意味着决定咬掉超过你可以吃。并没有什么神秘的强大的力量。他们是我们拥有潜在的力量:能量、技巧,声音判断,创意,甚至体力比我们大多数人意识到的。Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,” said Tim. “I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet — and stopped him cold.”诚然,这些强大的力量是精神的。但他们比身体更重要。我的一个大学同学,提姆,是一个优秀的足球运动员,即使他重远低于平均的球员。“在一场比赛中,我突然发现自己面临一个巨大的球员,他除了我他和我们的目标,”提姆说。“我很害怕,我闭上眼睛,拼命地把自己那家伙像一颗子弹,打死了他。”Boldness — a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme—is not one that can be acquired overnight.大胆——愿意延长自己的一个极端是不可以在一夜之间被收购。

介绍旧金山[San Francisco]的英文短篇

San Francisco英文简介

Room One: San Francisco in the New CenturyThe dawn of the twentieth century was a time of great hope and prosperity in Northern California. Everyone was looking forward to the new century that would surely be the greatest in the American West"s very short history. Few looked backward to the Native American tales of movements of the earth, the fires that had destroyed San Francisco numerous times in mid-nineteenth century, and the destructive earthquakes of 1865 and 1868 in the Bay Area. There were a few muted warnings. A catalogue of prior earthquakes in California was published in 1898 by the Smithsonian Institution, but few libraries bothered to stock it.The fire chief wanted a backup water system and the insurance industry thought it was "inevitable" that the city would again burn to the ground. Life went blithely on in the "queen city" of the West. With a population of 400,000, San Francisco was the largest city in California and the economic capital of the West. The buildings were the tallest, the restaurants the finest, the entertainment, the most risque, and the factories the most productive.Not all were well off, however. One in three inhabitants were foreign born. Immigrants from southern Europe and Asia were swelling the population and providing cheap labor. On the evening of April 17, 1906 the greatest single display of visible wealth in the West adorned the audience assembled at the Grand Opera House on Mission Street to hear the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso sing.The weather was unusually balmy. Carriages and a few belching automobiles arrived at the entrance and disgorged their passengers. The jewels sparkled. The fashionable, high-necked gowns were vibrant. The men traded jests in the foyer while smoking between acts. Supper was taken after the opera. A newspaper reporter trudging home in the early morning hours of Wednesday, April 18th noticed that the horses stabled at Powell and Mason Streets seemed unusually restless.Grand Opera: The 1906 SeasonSan Francisco had long been a haven for creativity, as literature, photography, fine arts, and music all flourished there. The economic boom of the 1890s lent the bohemian city a gaiety that did not disappear at the turn of the century: With fortunes made and money flowing, wealthier San Franciscans turned their attention to culture. They were determined to refine their city"s reputation and make it a recognized center for the arts. Their efforts were rewarded with the engagement of the Metropolitan Opera Company"s production of Bizet"s "Carmen." Staged the evening of April 17, 1906 at the Grand Opera House on Mission Street, "Carmen" was the most exciting cultural event of the season. The renowned tenor Enrico Caruso played the character of Don Jose; famed soprano Olive Fremstad was cast in the title role.The Grand Opera House program for its 1906 season reflected the economic prosperity and high level of cultural interest prevalent in San Francisco at the time. Its cover is a stylish rendering of a couple in evening clothes, the woman in a long white dress and veil and the man in top hat and dress suit. The profusion of advertisements for material goods highlight the city"s burgeoning consumer demands. Wealthy citizens had the funds, leisure, and inclination to don their best and patronize highbrow entertainment. Tickets to that evening"s performance were expensive and difficult to find; their stubs marked both social standing and seat reservationsWealth and the WealthyMark Hopkins and Leland Stanford were one half of "The Big Four," industrial barons who made their fortunes through railroads (the other two members were Charles Crocker and Collis P. Huntington). During the 1870s, Stanford and Hopkins built enormous, ostentatious mansions on San Francisco"s Nob Hill, a neighborhood dominated by the very rich. The two men personified San Francisco"s easy-come economy, and they intended their houses as public monuments to their wealth and power. Completed in 1876, Stanford"s residence consisted of 50 rooms and housed an art collection worth an estimated $2 million. Next door was the Hopkins home. Finished in 1878 after Hopkins" death, it was an artless melange of architectural styles that featured a profusion of spires, turrets, and other gingerbread details.Stanford and Hopkins were both long dead by 1906, but their mansions remained as examples of the conspicuous consumption that colored San Francisco"s already colorful reputation. On a more somber note, the buildings also symbolized the wide gap between social classes that only a great calamity could possibly narrow.The Growth in PopulationDue to increased foreign immigration and the rise of domestic industry, American cities experienced a population boom in the late 19th century. San Francisco was no exception. Its population had been increasing exponentially since the Gold Rush. There were less than 35,000 residents in 1852; by 1900, the US Census counted nearly 343,000. One of the leading factors of that growth was a steady stream of Chinese immigration during the latter half of the century. Not only did this phenomenon raise San Francisco"s population, it inspired an anti-Chinese labor movement whose broad charges were illustrated by this lithograph.Autographed by "C.M." and housed in the Bancroft Library"s Robert Honeyman Collection, this piece used the "bird"s-eye view" style common at the time. From a contrived vantagepoint on an unidentified hill, it shows San Francisco as caught in a triangle of Chinese immigration – Vancouver, BC being one point of entry, the docks of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. the other. The city teems with Chinese who occupy all manner of industrial works, and across the sea looms the threat of China, illustrated as a sun-like visage with Chinese facial features and a queue. The message is clear: hundreds of miles of land and leagues of ocean were not barriers enough to thwart mass Chinese immigration. Moreover, it proved extremely popular, as the political movement culminated in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. Yet the Chinese remained an integral part of the city"s population and helped San Francisco to become the largest urban center in California.Politics and PoliticiansLarge cities across America enjoyed strong-willed, if not nefarious, politicians. San Francisco enjoyed a different twist on this theme, a man behind the scenes. Of French and Jewish descent, Abraham Ruef was an intelligent, shrewd man who had been involved in politics for most of his adult life. He joined the Republican Party at the age of 21, but became disillusioned with the confines of formal party structure. Turning toward a more lucrative career as legal counsel for labor unions and other private clients, Ruef saw the advantage of matching politics with parallel enterprises. He established the Union Labor Party in 1901 and plucked Eugene Schmitz from the orchestra pit, successfully installing the former conductor as the head of a puppet city government.Schmitz may have occupied the Mayor"s seat, but Ruef was the real power behind the throne, directing his party to electoral victories in 1903 and 1905. Ruef and his followers declared that they stood for the common man against institutional elitism. Their opponents charged that the Union Labor Party meant graft and corruption. Yet as long as the city prospered, there seemed little Democratic and Republican leaders could do.So Many Places to Stay!San Francisco had been a destination since 1849 and the tradition continued during the following decades. Drawn to its beautiful location, climate, and economic opportunities, visitors and transplants alike flocked to the city. They often stayed in one of the beautiful high-rise hotels located downtown.Opened in 1904 and named after the patron saint of San Francisco, the Hotel St. Francis was one of the city"s newest buildings. With "an army of well-trained employees under chefs whose names are famous wherever Epicurus is revered," it catered to the whims of the wealthy traveler. According to this souvenir book, the St. Francis offered Tyrolean-themed cuisine, a 4000-volume library, and special tours of Chinatown, among other amenities. The opulence of the Union Square hotel reflected the city"s prosperity on the eve of the earthquake and fire.

preliminary admissions decision notification是什么意思

preliminary admissions decision notification预录录取通知双语对照例句:1.Notification of decision on electioneering activities. 就批准进行竞选活动的决定通知。2.Bottom line: don"t get hung up on grievances, because you have no way of knowingwhy an admissions decision was made. 底线:不要因为委屈而心神不宁,因为你没办法知道录取决定是如何作出的。

admissions decisions是什么意思

  admissions decisions直译为“招生决策”。  例句:  1、Middle of December: Early Action admissions decisions are available online.  十二月中旬,Early Action同学可在网上得知录取结果。  2、Buffett applied to Harvard Business School but was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admissions decisions in Harvard history.  巴菲特曾申请哈佛商学院被拒,这后来成为哈佛历史上最糟糕的录取决定之一。  3、High school seniors anxiously awaiting admissions decisions might find that question bizarre, but recently some strenuous arguments have been leveled against the value of a college degree.  那些在焦急等待着大学录取通知书的高三学生可能会觉得这问题很怪,不过最近坊间针对大学文凭的价值,出现了种种热议。

The exercises翻译成中文

练习例句:1. If you do waken up during the night, start the exercises again. 如果你夜里真的醒了,就再从头开始做这套动作。来自柯林斯例句2. Repeat the exercises described in the preceding section. 把前一节要求的练习重做一遍。来自柯林斯例句3. It took him three hours to finish the exercises. 他完成这个练习用了三个小时.来自《简明英汉词典》4. The teacher judged his students have finished the exercises with flying colours. 老师估计学生们已出色地做完了练习.来自《简明英汉词典》5. The teacher judged his students had finished the exercises. 老师估计学生们已做完了练习.来自《简明英汉词典》


  cisco设置enable密码?怎么设置?最近有网友这样问我。我去网上搜索了相关资料,给大家奉上,希望大家喜欢。    思科路由器配置enable password   A:enable password 没加密   B:service password-encryption 对明文密码进行加密   C:enable secret 用MD5算法对特权模式进行加密   D:enable password 7 后面要加密文   1.使用A的话,在show run的时候password会以明文的方式显示。例如enable password tangxuquan   Router#show run   Building configuration...   Current configuration : 354 bytes   !   version 12.2   no service password-encryption 没有过加密的   !   hostname Router   !   !   enable password tangxuquan 密码以明文显示,你设置的是什么这里就显示什么   2.再输入B命令后 service password-encryption   Router#show run   Building configuration...   Current configuration : 354 bytes   !   version 12.2   service password-encryption   !   hostname Router   !   !   enable password 7 08354D400E011006070A02 对明文密码进行了加密,显示的是经过思科算法加密后的密文   3.输入c命令 enable password cicso   在B命令的基础上运行 enable secret cisco   Router#show run   Building configuration...   Current configuration : 401 bytes   !   version 12.2   service password-encryption   !   hostname Router   !   !   enable secret 5 $1$mERr$hx5rVt7rPNoS4wqbXKX7m0 MD5算法的密码显示   enable password 7 08354D400E011006070A02 用service password-encryption的加密显示。   即使secret后面的数字是0,show run的时候,也不会以明文显示,而是MD5加密算法后的值。   使用命令enable secret cisco 后特权模式的登录密码将改为“cisco”   4.enable password常见的一个误解enable password 7后面应该加入加密后的密码,而不应该输入“bdcom”之类的明码。   3660_config#ena pass 7 bdcom //后面加入明码,则显示错误   Invalid encrypted password   以上内容来源互联网,希望对大家有所帮助。

英语The judge"s decision was appealed怎么翻译?

您好,appeal 这个英语单词用在法律上,通常指的是向上级法院提起下级法院判决不服的上述,但通常是被告人,或是原告对于法官的判决不服而提出上述,通常用于主动语态。当用在法官身上或是法官的判决上时,通常意味着(重申),也就是(重新审理)的意思。所以 The judge"s decision was appealed 的含义是法官的判决被上级法院要求重新审理。所以汉语翻译可以考虑:【法官的判决被要求重新审理。】





you should do more exercises__,don"t always sit at the desk busying doing your_exercises

you should do more exercises outside,don"t always sit at the desk busying doing your class exercises.

有机化学,rho (6S) cis n iso-alpha acid 翻译


We urgent need to make a final decision对吗?

应该是We urgently need to make a final decision.

I Left My Heart In San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:I Left My Heart In San Francisco歌手:Westlife专辑:Allow Us To Be FrankThe loveliness of ParisSeems someshow sadly gayThe glory that was RomeIs of another dayI"ve been terribly aloneAnd forgotten in ManhattanI"m going homeTo my city by the bayI left my heartIn San FranciscoHigh on the hillIt calls to me.To be where little cables carsClimb halfaway to the stars!The morning fog may chill the air.I don"t care!My love waits there in San FranciscoAbove the blue and windy sea.When I come home to youSan FranciscoYour golden sun will shine for me!欢迎光临 天下网

I Left My Heart In San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:I Left My Heart In San Francisco歌手:Julie London专辑:The Magic OfThe loveliness of ParisSeems someshow sadly gayThe glory that was RomeIs of another dayI"ve been terribly aloneAnd forgotten in ManhattanI"m going homeTo my city by the bayI left my heartIn San FranciscoHigh on the hillIt calls to me.To be where little cables carsClimb halfaway to the stars!The morning fog may chill the air.I don"t care!My love waits there in San FranciscoAbove the blue and windy sea.When I come home to youSan FranciscoYour golden sun will shine for me!

I Left My Heart in San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:I Left My Heart in San Francisco歌手:Denis Solee with The Beegie Adair Trio专辑:Trav"lin" Light: Instrumental Jazz for the Open RoadThe loveliness of ParisSeems someshow sadly gayThe glory that was RomeIs of another dayI"ve been terribly aloneAnd forgotten in ManhattanI"m going homeTo my city by the bayI left my heartIn San FranciscoHigh on the hillIt calls to me.To be where little cables carsClimb halfaway to the stars!The morning fog may chill the air.I don"t care!My love waits there in San FranciscoAbove the blue and windy sea.When I come home to youSan FranciscoYour golden sun will shine for me!欢迎光临 天下网

Eternity is not a distance but a decision什么意思


Scissor Sisters的《Night Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Night Life歌手:Scissor Sisters专辑:Night WorkScissor Sisters - Night LifeI was a young girlKnew next to nothingLiving in the suburbsAnd my heart was lustingFor a new wayAnd a new soundCrawled over my hang-upsTo the undergroundI had a breakthroughI had to shake youYou couldn"t come toTo see my point of viewI had a breakthroughIt was my debutIt didn"t faze youBut it meant something to meNight LifeBeneath the surfaceNight LifeSome say it"s worthlessNight lifeIt"s a state of beingInsideIt"s the song you"re singingNight LifeIf there"s no spiritNight LifeThen don"t go near itNight LifeIt"s a high turnoverInsideYou can find your life in the night lifeIf you are feelingLike you don"t have nothingUnder pressure in a cookerWith your head in the ovenThere"s a new waySo come on downLife in limbo will be overWhen you"re undergroundYou need a breakthroughYou need to make dueYou need to come toA brand new point of viewYou need to break throughAnd then get wise toAll that is tabooAnd you"ll be something to seeNight LifeBeneath the surfaceNight LifeSome say it"s worthlessHigh LifeIt"s a state of beingInsideIt"s the song you"re singingNight LifeIt"s the heart you"re racingNight LifeIt"s the pill you"re tastingNight LifeIt"s the cash you"re makingInsideYou can find your life in the nightlifeBeneath the surfaceSome say it"s worthlessIt"s a low-cut ceilingIt"s the rush you"re feelingIt can break your spiritIf you let them near itIt"s the back you"re breakingAre you in it for the Nightlife?Find your way to hide in the nightlifeYou can find your life in the nightlife



decision drafted是什么状态

decision drafted是起始状态,延伸的意思是起草的决定,最开始的想法和决定。重点词:decision读音:英 [dɪˈsɪʒn]   美 [dɪˈsɪʒn]  n.(作出的)决定,抉择;决断(力);果断;作决定;决策。例句:1、We"ll make a decision on that further down the line. 我们将在以后的阶段对此问题作出决策。2、Cost was a key element in our decision. 价钱是我们决策时考虑的主要因素。3、He is really bad at making decisions. 他的确不善于决策。




exercise是指运动,exercises是指练习,比如数学练习题:math exercises,practice后面加doing,是指练习做一件事,而exercises前面加形容词,activities是指活动(复数)。 总之其他区别很明显,只是加不加s而带来的深层意义,更要注意两个词之间的联系和其后所加的。。。 =w=

英语选择题it has been proposed that we —— our decision until the next morning.


San Francisco英文简介 要简短!但不用太短~抓住重点!

Room One:San Francisco in the New Century The dawn of the twentieth century was a time of great hope and prosperity in Northern California.Everyone was looking forward to the new century that would surely be the greatest in the American West"s very short history.Few looked backward to the Native American tales of movements of the earth,the fires that had destroyed San Francisco numerous times in mid-nineteenth century,and the destructive earthquakes of 1865 and 1868 in the Bay Area.There were a few muted warnings.A catalogue of prior earthquakes in California was published in 1898 by the Smithsonian Institution,but few libraries bothered to stock it. The fire chief wanted a backup water system and the insurance industry thought it was "inevitable" that the city would again burn to the ground.Life went blithely on in the "queen city" of the West.With a population of 400,000,San Francisco was the largest city in California and the economic capital of the West.The buildings were the tallest,the restaurants the finest,the entertainment,the most risque,and the factories the most productive. Not all were well off,however.One in three inhabitants were foreign born.Immigrants from southern Europe and Asia were swelling the population and providing cheap labor.On the evening of April 17,1906 the greatest single display of visible wealth in the West adorned the audience assembled at the Grand Opera House on Mission Street to hear the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso sing. The weather was unusually balmy.Carriages and a few belching automobiles arrived at the entrance and disgorged their passengers.The jewels sparkled.The fashionable,high-necked gowns were vibrant.The men traded jests in the foyer while smoking between acts.Supper was taken after the opera.A newspaper reporter trudging home in the early morning hours of Wednesday,April 18th noticed that the horses stabled at Powell and Mason Streets seemed unusually restless. Grand Opera:The 1906 Season San Francisco had long been a haven for creativity,as literature,photography,fine arts,and music all flourished there.The economic boom of the 1890s lent the bohemian city a gaiety that did not disappear at the turn of the century:With fortunes made and money flowing,wealthier San Franciscans turned their attention to culture.They were determined to refine their city"s reputation and make it a recognized center for the arts.Their efforts were rewarded with the engagement of the Metropolitan Opera Company"s production of Bizet"s "Carmen." Staged the evening of April 17,1906 at the Grand Opera House on Mission Street,"Carmen" was the most exciting cultural event of the season.The renowned tenor Enrico Caruso played the character of Don Jose; famed soprano Olive Fremstad was cast in the title role. The Grand Opera House program for its 1906 season reflected the economic prosperity and high level of cultural interest prevalent in San Francisco at the time.Its cover is a stylish rendering of a couple in evening clothes,the woman in a long white dress and veil and the man in top hat and dress suit.The profusion of advertisements for material goods highlight the city"s burgeoning consumer demands.Wealthy citizens had the funds,leisure,and inclination to don their best and patronize highbrow entertainment.Tickets to that evening"s performance were expensive and difficult to find; their stubs marked both social standing and seat reservations Wealth and the Wealthy Mark Hopkins and Leland Stanford were one half of "The Big Four," industrial barons who made their fortunes through railroads (the other two members were Charles Crocker and Collis P.Huntington).During the 1870s,Stanford and Hopkins built enormous,ostentatious mansions on San Francisco"s Nob Hill,a neighborhood dominated by the very rich.The two men personified San Francisco"s easy-come economy,and they intended their houses as public monuments to their wealth and power.Completed in 1876,Stanford"s residence consisted of 50 rooms and housed an art collection worth an estimated $2 million.Next door was the Hopkins home.Finished in 1878 after Hopkins" death,it was an artless melange of architectural styles that featured a profusion of spires,turrets,and other gingerbread details. Stanford and Hopkins were both long dead by 1906,but their mansions remained as examples of the conspicuous consumption that colored San Francisco"s already colorful reputation.On a more somber note,the buildings also symbolized the wide gap between social classes that only a great calamity could possibly narrow. The Growth in Population Due to increased foreign immigration and the rise of domestic industry,American cities experienced a population boom in the late 19th century.San Francisco was no exception.Its population had been increasing exponentially since the Gold Rush.There were less than 35,000 residents in 1852; by 1900,the US Census counted nearly 343,000.One of the leading factors of that growth was a steady stream of Chinese immigration during the latter half of the century.Not only did this phenomenon raise San Francisco"s population,it inspired an anti-Chinese labor movement whose broad charges were illustrated by this lithograph. Autographed by "C.M." and housed in the Bancroft Library"s Robert Honeyman Collection,this piece used the "bird"s-eye view" style common at the time.From a contrived vantagepoint on an unidentified hill,it shows San Francisco as caught in a triangle of Chinese immigration 钬 Vancouver,BC being one point of entry,the docks of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.the other.The city teems with Chinese who occupy all manner of industrial works,and across the sea looms the threat of China,illustrated as a sun-like visage with Chinese facial features and a queue.The message is clear:hundreds of miles of land and leagues of ocean were not barriers enough to thwart mass Chinese immigration.Moreover,it proved extremely popular,as the political movement culminated in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.Yet the Chinese remained an integral part of the city"s population and helped San Francisco to become the largest urban center in California. Politics and Politicians Large cities across America enjoyed strong-willed,if not nefarious,politicians.San Francisco enjoyed a different twist on this theme,a man behind the scenes.Of French and Jewish descent,Abraham Ruef was an intelligent,shrewd man who had been involved in politics for most of his adult life.He joined the Republican Party at the age of 21,but became disillusioned with the confines of formal party structure.Turning toward a more lucrative career as legal counsel for labor unions and other private clients,Ruef saw the advantage of matching politics with parallel enterprises.He established the Union Labor Party in 1901 and plucked Eugene Schmitz from the orchestra pit,successfully installing the former conductor as the head of a puppet city government. Schmitz may have occupied the Mayor"s seat,but Ruef was the real power behind the throne,directing his party to electoral victories in 1903 and 1905.Ruef and his followers declared that they stood for the common man against institutional elitism.Their opponents charged that the Union Labor Party meant graft and corruption.Yet as long as the city prospered,there seemed little Democratic and Republican leaders could do. So Many Places to Stay! San Francisco had been a destination since 1849 and the tradition continued during the following decades.Drawn to its beautiful location,climate,and economic opportunities,visitors and transplants alike flocked to the city.They often stayed in one of the beautiful high-rise hotels located downtown. Opened in 1904 and named after the patron saint of San Francisco,the Hotel St.Francis was one of the city"s newest buildings.With "an army of well-trained employees under chefs whose names are famous wherever Epicurus is revered," it catered to the whims of the wealthy traveler.According to this souvenir book,the St.Francis offered Tyrolean-themed cuisine,a 4000-volume library,and special tours of Chinatown,among other amenities.The opulence of the Union Square hotel reflected the city"s prosperity on the eve of the earthquake and fire.

based an important decision

答案B 现在分词作状语.因为句子的主语you和动词base之间是主动关系.相当于条件状语从句 if you base…on…而A项表示被动,可用作be based on.C项只能作谓语;D项不定式,一般表示将要发生的动作.

make decisions make resolutions区别


cisco ASA 5540 中VPN Peers : 5000 WebVPN Peers : 2 具体代表什么?有那些限制?

正巧,最近在配置一台ASA、以上信息,是show version 命令输出的版本信息,VPN Peers : 5000 表示ASA支持同时建立的最大VPN对数WebVPN Peers : 2 表示ASA支持同时建立的最大WebVPN对数

cisco 三层交换机的ACL的所有命令 和DHCP中继功能的配置命令

我只回答中继的,三层ACL的比较多。开启中继。Ruijie (config)# service dhcp 启用DHCP中继。Ruijie(config)# no service dhcpRuijie(config)# ip helper-address a.b.b.d 添加一个全局的DHCP服务器地址。Ruijie(config-if)# ip helper-address a.b.b.d 添加一个接口的DHCP服务器地址。此命令必须在三层接口下配置。如interface vlan 1下面Ruijie(config)# no ip helper-address a.b.b.d 删除一个全局的DHCP服务器地址Ruijie(config-if)# no ip helper-address a.b.b.d




precisely的意思如下:英 [prɪˈsaɪslɪ] :adv.准确地;确切地;精确地;(用以强调原因或事实)正是,确实是;(用以加强同意的语气)的确如此,一点也不错。1、同义词:exactly; accurately。完全正确。2、搭配词:describe / define / time。3、补充:『短语』at 2 o"clock precisely:在2点整时。『短语』more precisely:更准确地说。『短语』it"s precisely because … :正因为……precisely的双语例句:1、The suitcases were contained in precisely dimensioned compartments.那些手提箱放在严格按规定尺寸做成的隔间里。2、We"re precisely the same age.我们的年龄一般大。3、The key thing was to make sure that all the ingredients were weighed absolutely precisely.关键是要确保所有配料称重绝对精确。4、Boil the eggs for precisely four minutes.将鸡蛋不多不少地煮4分钟。5、Children come to zoos precisely to see captive animals.孩子们到动物园就是为了看圈养的动物。

precisely 和 accurately 这两个词 在表示 “精准的” 有神马区别,修饰的对象不同吗

Precisely 有两种用法和意思。先谈第一种 :Precisely 的第一种意思和用法跟 Exactly 一模一样、① This is precisely what I mean / This is exactly what I mean. 这正是我的意思!② That"s precisely the point! / This is exactly the point! 这正是我的主题!③ Yes, this is precisely what I needed. / Yes, this is exactly what I needed. 这正是我所需要的!第二种的用法跟 accurately 基本上一模一样,不过意思稍微不同。This measurement must be taken precisely / accurately.This picture has to be drawn accurately / precisely. You must do your homework accurately / precisely. Accurately 的精准是在说,结果必须精准,要正确。Precisely 的精准是在说,过程必须很精准,仔细。Accurate = you hit the bullseye. Precise = you always hit the same spot every time. 555555 不知道解释得清不清楚。要不是没人回答 我可不敢来答 哈哈。你有什么问题可以追问。

求问accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise 的区别是什么?

accurate:表示准确的,精确的,指“通过努力, 使事情达到正确”, 指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性。correct: 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误delicate:精美、精细的、雅致的,指“织物的组织、肌肉的肌理等的纤细柔软、本质的优美或结构中的精密, 使感官或心灵感到舒适而愉快的”。exact:确切的、精确的,指“正确无误的”,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差。precise:指精确的;准确的,精密的,如表示“恰好的”,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义。例句分析:1.His painting is a/an ___ copy of the original.A.exact B.precise C.correct D.accurate2.Laser technology has enhanced the ___ of many surgical procedures.A.detail B.cost C.exaction D.precision3.We hope to become more ___ in predicting earthquakes.A.exact B.correct C.precise D.accurate4.It"s the ___ thing to do.A.accurate B.precise C.exact D.correct5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ___ operation,he quickly recovered his sight.A. precise B.delicate C.considerate D.exact1.His painting is a/an exact copy of the original.他的画是与原作丝毫不差的临摹作品.2.Laser technology has enhanced the precision of many surgical procedures.激光技术已大大提高了外科手术的精确度.3.We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes.我们希望能更准确地预测地震.(be accurate in… 在…方面很精确)4.It"s the correct thing to do.正应如此.5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident,but after a delicate operation,he quickly recovered his sight.


accurate总联系到数字;precise也可以联系数字,也可以在其他话题泛指恰恰、确实。。。等等。举例说明: 精确到小数点后第几位,0.1 还是 0.01,这就要用 precision;而 0.01 和 0.02 的区别,这就是accurancy


accurate 是“准确”的意思precise译为:精确我相信你能体会出中文的不同Accurate records must be kept. 必须保存准确的记录。Can you give a more precise definition of the word? 你能给这个词下个更确切的定义吗?

英语单词里 accurate 和 precise 有什么不同?

In the fields of engineering, industry and statistics, the accuracy of a measurement system is the degree of closeness of measurements of aquantity to its actual (true) value. The precision of a measurement system, also called reproducibility or repeatability, is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results.[1] Although the two words can be synonymous in colloquial use, they are deliberately contrasted in the context of the scientific method.Accuracy准确度 is the difference between the measured value and the true value of a tested material.Precision精确度 is the repeatability of successive measurements under the same conditions.测量的精密度、准确度和精确度这是人们在测量中常常容易混淆的三个名词,虽然它们都是评价测量结果好坏的,但涵义有较大的差别。  1.测量的精密度高,是指偶然误差较小,这时测量数据比较集中,但系统误差的大小并不明确。  2.测量的准确度高,是指系统误差较小,这时测量数据的平均值偏离真值较少,但数据分散的情况,即偶然误差的大小不明确。  3.测量精确度(也常简称精度)高,是指偶然误差与系统误差都比较小,这时测量数据比较集中在真值附近。


accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意 accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性 correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的 exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差 precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义 例题:1.His painting is a/an ___ copy of the original. A.exact B.precise C.correct D.accurate 2.Laser technology has enhanced the ___ of many surgical procedures. A.detail B.cost C.exaction D.precision 3.We hope to become more ___ in predicting earthquakes. A.exact B.correct C.precise D.accurate 4.It"s the ___ thing to do. A.accurate B.precise C.exact D.correct 5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ___ operation,he quickly recovered his sight. A. precise B.delicate C.considerate D.exact 解答:1.His painting is a/an exact copy of the original.他的画是与原作丝毫不差的临摹作品. 2.Laser technology has enhanced the precision of many surgical procedures.激光技术已大大提高了外科手术的精确度. 3.We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes.我们希望能更准确地预测地震.(be accurate in… 在…方面很精确).4.It"s the correct thing to do.正应如此. 5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident,but after a delicate operation,he quickly recovered his sight.他的一只眼睛在事故中受伤,但经过精细的手术以后很快恢复了视力.


我也刚做到这一题,I dont"t think his description is __enough,It can be much shorter.a.accurate b.exact c.precise d.relevant 我选的是a但是答案是d.我查了下,这两者都有精确的,确切的,单从词典所查出的很难去辨别两者,起初我认为是不是discription表示描述的用precise,表时间用accurate.但是你看有这个例子,Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.警方强调这是迄今对凶手最精确的描述,所以在了解了单词意思后再进一步根据例子去试着揣摩单词的用法比较好吧。


  accurate  准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性。  precise  精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义。


1、accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性。  2、exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差。  3、precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义。


accurate和precise均含“准确的”“正确的”之意。区别如下:1、accurate 指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入。如:Watches have become very accurate. 手表已造得非常准确了。You should send in accurate income tax returns. 你应当寄去准确的个人所得税报表。Many people complain about not gathering accurate news. 许多人抱怨搜集不到准确的消息。2、 precise 侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确无误。如:She denied knowing any thing more precise. 她否认知道任何更明确的事。The level of formality determines the precise mode of expression. 不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。It was found at the precise spot where she had left it. 那东西正好在她遗落的那个地点找到了。

precise 和 accurate 的异同

precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义。accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性。

英语单词里 accurate 和 precise 有什么不同


accurate 和 precise有没区别

accurate 准确 precise 精确


accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意 accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性 correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的 exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差 precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义 例题: 1.His painting is a/an ___ copy of the original. A.exact B.precise C.correct D.accurate 2.Laser technology has enhanced the ___ of many surgical procedures. A.detail B.cost C.exaction D.precision 3.We hope to become more ___ in predicting earthquakes. A.exact B.correct C.precise D.accurate 4.It"s the ___ thing to do. A.accurate B.precise C.exact D.correct 5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ___ operation,he quickly recovered his sight. A. precise B.delicate C.considerate D.exact 解答: 1.His painting is a/an exact copy of the original.他的画是与原作丝毫不差的临摹作品. 2.Laser technology has enhanced the precision of many surgical procedures.激光技术已大大提高了外科手术的精确度. 3.We hope to become more accurate in predicting earthquakes.我们希望能更准确地预测地震.(be accurate in? 在?方面很精确). 4.It"s the correct thing to do.正应如此. 5.One of his eyes was injured in an accident,but after a delicate operation,he quickly recovered his sight.他的一只眼睛在事故中受伤,但经过精细的手术以后很快恢复了视力.


  1、accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性。  2、exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差。  3、precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义。


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