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with the advancement of science and technology是什么意思


CISCO catalyst OS系统 是什么?

IOS cisco自己的操作系统 思科网络技术交流群:100084542

senior specialist 和 advanced specialist 哪个级别更高

senior specialist 资深专家


前者貌似是 推进 ,后者是 先进 的意思吧

谁知到国外associate professor 和 assistant professor有什么区别?


associate professor 和assistant professor有何区别

associate professor副教授assistant professor教授助理

scientific advance是什么意思

scientific advance[英][ˌsaiənˈtifik ədˈvɑ:ns][美][ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk ædˈvæns]科学进展; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Important discoveries happened throughout the 17th century, but the most influentialscientific advance was newton"s theory of gravity. 众多重要发现贯穿了整个十七世纪,但最具科学影响力的无疑是牛顿的万有引力理论。

assitant professor 和associate professor有什么区别?

��巧贤�樗��秩捶⑾炙�凶鯽ssistant professor,两者可以肯定是不一样的~ 下面做一个比较: 英制 —— 美制 Senior Lecturer 高级讲师-----Associate Professor 副教授 Lecturer 讲师 ---------------Assistant Professor 助理教授 可以知道级别高于讲师而低于副教授, Assistant professor: Once a senior teaching assistant obtains a doctorate, s/he is hired as an assistant professor, and receives tenureship. Assistant professors duties include delivering lectures, supervising graduation projects, master theses, and doctorate dissertations. Associate professor: After at least five years, an assistant professor can apply for a promotion to the rank of associate professor. The decision is based on the scholarly contributions of the applicant, in terms of publications and theses and dissertations supervised. 值得一提的是助理教授, 例如有的学校长期雇佣未拿到PHD的ABD( All But Dissertation)。在他们正式毕业前以Lecturer/Instructor称之,答辩后改称Assistant Professor。一般工作合同每年三四月敲定,答辩则在五至八月,难保绝对通过,有学校合同上就写Assistant Professor。assistant professor只是一个校内职务,和他的招生资格没有直接联系。所以,如果他在校内是硕导的话,就可以带研究生。

Associate Professors是什么意思

Associate Professors的中文翻译_百度翻译Associate Professors副教授

official catalogue是什么呢

官方目录 或公式小册子

assitant professor 和associate professor有什么区别

我在网上看到一个加州大学的华裔教授,新闻里写他是副教授,如果翻译过来就是associate professor 啊,但是上网查他名字却发现他叫做assistant professor,两者可以肯定是不一样的~ 下面做一个比较: 英制 —— 美制 Senior Lecturer 高级讲师-----Associate Professor 副教授 Lecturer 讲师 ---------------Assistant Professor 助理教授 可以知道级别高于讲师而低于副教授, Assistant professor: Once a senior teaching assistant obtains a doctorate, s/he is hired as an assistant professor, and receives tenureship. Assistant professors duties include delivering lectures, supervising graduation projects, master theses, and doctorate dissertations. Associate professor: After at least five years, an assistant professor can apply for a promotion to the rank of associate professor. The decision is based on the scholarly contributions of the applicant, in terms of publications and theses and dissertations supervised. 值得一提的是助理教授, 例如有的学校长期雇佣未拿到PHD的ABD( All But Dissertation)。在他们正式毕业前以Lecturer/Instructor称之,答辩后改称Assistant Professor。一般工作合同每年三四月敲定,答辩则在五至八月,难保绝对通过,有学校合同上就写Assistant Professor。assistant professor只是一个校内职务,和他的招生资格没有直接联系。所以,如果他在校内是硕导的话,就可以带研究生。Associate professor可以带硕士和博士的。

谁知到国外associate professor 和 assistant professor有什么区别?


scientia professor是什么意思

scientia-professor科学教授professor生词本去背诵英 [prəˈfesə(r)] 美 [prəˈfɛsɚ]n.教授; (大学的)讲师,教员; 自称者,宣称者网 络教授;研究员;位教授;教师复数: professors派生词:professorate professorial professorially professoriate professorship

Associate Professors是什么意思

副教授 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!


1.情感类动词 v+ing 表示 使人感到。。。。的 v+ed表示 感到。。的(有很多老师会说 ing 修饰物 ed修饰人 某种解题上来说是对的 ) 但是有时候会有点问题 譬如 说一个人的表情 就要用 frightened appearance 而不是 frightening appearance.2.实意动词的话, ing 表示主动 和 进行 ed 表示被动(及物动词) 和 完成(不及物动词)

precious memories是什么意思


official stamp是什么意思

official stamp详细»官方印章,官方印记They are valid only when signed by the President or Secretary General of the respective Federation and bearing the official stamp of the Federation. 跟读须有国际武联会员协会的主席或秘书长的签名和盖有该协会会章方为有效


在这个文件夹里有一个隐藏文件catalog.wci,是Microsoft Indexing Services索引服务。他的作用是对你的网站进行正常的全文检索。在这里我讲的是怎样删除它而不是安装和利用它。然而停止IIS服务我试了试,却找不到路。只能停止索引服务了~ 1)�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2停止索引服务�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2首先,选择“控制面板”“管理工具”“计算机管理”,打开计算机管理控制台,在左边的控制台树中展开“服务和应用程序”节点,选择“索引服务”项目,点击控制台上面的工具栏中的“停止”按钮,停止索引服务,或者选择“索引服务”,点击鼠标右键,选择“所有任务”“停止”来停止索引服务,或者在“服务”管理控制台中的服务列表中选择Indexing Service服务并停止。2)�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2删除现有编目�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2 Web编目的编目信息保存在c:Inetpub目录下(不同的系统和配置可能不同,需要查看得到确定的目录),具体内容保存在该目录下的一个隐藏目录Catalog.wci中,删除该目录。如果你想对现有的网站提供索引服务的话,也可以按照第三个步骤启动,不过索引服务要占空间的。

special skill什么意思

special skill特殊技能双语对照词典结果:special skill[英][ˈspeʃəl skil][美][ˈspɛʃəl skɪl]专长; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Volunteer labour becomes more valuable if it involves a special skill. 如果志愿者有某项特殊技能,那么他们付出的劳动将会更有价值。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


材料 保证 回收 技能 疼痛 收获

单词的tant、tent;tion、 sion、cion;等等类似的结尾怎么区分啊?

important[ɪmˈpɔ:rtnt] 【tnt】; intent [ɪnˈtɛnt] 【tɛnt】; television [ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] 【ʒən】; cion 【"saɪən】

麦吉尔大学申请状态“reviewed-decision pending”是什么意思?


Modbus adu 关键代码(支持 RTU及ASCII方式 )

``` /** 封装ADU数据 @param const MbFrameType    frameType  帧类型 @param const unsigned char  devAddr  设备地址 @param const unsigned char  funCode  功能码 @param const unsigned char* pData    数据 @param const nsigned  char  dataLen  数据长度 @param unsigned char*      pOutAduData 封装ADU数据 @return pOutAduData据的长度 **/ unsigned char packMbAduData(const MbFrameType frameType, const unsigned char devAddr, const unsigned char* pData,const unsigned char dataLen, unsigned char* pOutAduData) { if (frameType == FrameRtu){ return packMbRtuAduData(devAddr, pData, dataLen, pOutAduData); }else if (frameType == FrameAscii) { return packMbAsciiAduData(devAddr, pData, dataLen, pOutAduData); }else return 0; } /** 封装基于RTU的PDU数据 @param const unsigned char  devAddr  设备地址 @param const unsigned char  funCode  功能码 @param const unsigned char* pData    数据 @param const nsigned  char  dataLen  数据长度 @param unsigned char*      pOutRtuData 封装的RTU PDU数据 @return pOutRtuData据的长度 **/ unsigned char packMbRtuAduData(const unsigned char devAddr, const unsigned char* pData,const unsigned char dataLen, unsigned char* pOutRtuData) { unsigned short crc    = 0; unsigned char  req_pdu_len = packMbRtuPduData(devAddr, pData, dataLen, pOutRtuData); if (req_pdu_len > 0){ crc = calcMbRtuPduCrc(pOutRtuData, req_pdu_len); pOutRtuData[req_pdu_len++] = (crc & 0x00FF); pOutRtuData[req_pdu_len++] = (crc & 0xFF00) >> 8; } return req_pdu_len; } /** 封装基于ASCII的PDU数据 @param const unsigned char  devAddr  设备地址 @param const unsigned char* pData    数据 @param const nsigned  char  dataLen  数据长度 @param unsigned char*      pOutAsciiCmd 封装报的ASCII PDU数据 @return pOutAsciiCmd据的长度 **/ unsigned char packMbAsciiAduData(const unsigned char devAddr, const unsigned char* pData, const unsigned char dataLen, unsigned char* pOutAsciiCmd) { unsigned short i = 0, j = 0, lrc = 0; unsigned char fl; char sz[3]; unsigned char req_pdu_len = 0; unsigned char req_pdu_bin[PDU_MAX_LEN]; req_pdu_len = packMbRtuPduData(devAddr, pData, dataLen, req_pdu_bin); if (req_pdu_len > 0){ pOutAsciiCmd[j++] = ":"; for (i = 0; i < req_pdu_len; i++){ fl = req_pdu_bin[i]; sprintf(sz, "%02X", fl); pOutAsciiCmd[j++] = sz[0]; pOutAsciiCmd[j++] = sz[1]; } lrc = calcMbAsciiPduLrc(req_pdu_bin, req_pdu_len); sprintf(sz, "%02X", lrc); pOutAsciiCmd[j++] = sz[0]; pOutAsciiCmd[j++] = sz[1]; pOutAsciiCmd[j++] = " "; pOutAsciiCmd[j++] = " "; } return j; } /** 基于ASCII的PDU数据转为RTU Pdu数据 @param const unsigned char*  pAsciiPdu ASCII的PDU数据 @param const unsigned char  asciiPduLen ASCII的PDU数据的长度 @param unsigned char*      pRtuPduData  转换后的RTU Pdu数据 @return RTU Pdu数据长度 **/ unsigned char MbAsciiPdu2RtuPdu(const unsigned char* pAsciiPdu, unsigned char asciiPduLen, unsigned char* pRtuPduData) { unsigned char j = 0; unsigned char i = 0; char  sz[2]; int dv; unsigned fc = 0; // 取出地址和功能码 if (asciiPduLen >= 4){ sscanf((char*)pAsciiPdu + 0, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); pRtuPduData[j++] = dv; sscanf((char*)pAsciiPdu + 2, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); fc = dv; pRtuPduData[j++] = dv; } // asciiPduLen - 5: 去掉‘:"和LRC及 的长度;i += 2:ASCII协议中每两字节对应RTU中的一个字节 for (i = 4; i < asciiPduLen - 5; i += 2){ sscanf((char*)pAsciiPdu + i, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); if (fc == ReadHoldingRegister){ dv /= 2; } pRtuPduData[j++] = dv; } return j; } /** 以下三个方法用来校验响应数据 @param const MbFrameType frameType  帧类型 @param const unsigned char* pRspData  ASCII的PDU数据 @param const unsigned char  rspDataLen ASCII的PDU数据的长度 @return 成功返回0,否则返回>1 **/ unsigned char checkMbResponseData(const MbFrameType frameType, const unsigned char* pRspData, const unsigned char rspDataLen) { if (frameType == FrameAscii){ return checkMbResponseAsciiData(pRspData, rspDataLen); }else if (frameType == FrameRtu){ return checkMbResponseRtuData(pRspData, rspDataLen); }else{ return UnknowFrameType; } } unsigned char checkMbResponseAsciiData(const unsigned char* pRspData, const unsigned char rspDataLen) { char sz[2]; char i, fc, len; int dv; unsigned char lrc = 0, rsp_lcr = 0; if (!pRspData || rspDataLen < 3) return ParamError; sscanf((char*)pRspData + 3, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); fc  = dv; sscanf((char*)pRspData + 5, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); len  = dv; // 响应数据中的LRC if (fc >= ReadCoilStatus && fc <= ReadInputRegister){  // 功能码0x01 ---- 0x04 sscanf((char*)pRspData + 7 + len, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); rsp_lcr = dv; }else if (fc >= WriteSingleCoil && fc <= WriteSingleRegister){  // 功能码0x05---0x06 sscanf((char*)pRspData + 14, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); rsp_lcr = dv; }else if (fc >= MaskWriteRegister){ // 功能码0x16 sscanf((char*)pRspData + 18, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); rsp_lcr = dv; }else{ return InvalidFunctionCode; } // 重新计算LRC for (i = 1; i < rspDataLen - 5; i += 2){ sscanf((char*)pRspData + i, "%2s", sz); sscanf(sz, "%x", &dv); lrc += dv; } lrc = (~lrc) + 1; //printf("---fc:%d,len:%dlrc:%02X %0X----", fc, len, lrc, rsp_lcr); if (lrc == rsp_lcr) return MB_OK; return MemoryParityError; } unsigned char checkMbResponseRtuData(const unsigned char* pRspData, const unsigned char rspDataLen) { char fc, len; unsigned short int crc, rsp_rcr; if (!pRspData || rspDataLen < 3) return ParamError; fc  = pRspData[1]; len  = pRspData[2]; // 响应数据中的CRC if (fc >= ReadCoilStatus && fc <= ReadInputRegister){  // 功能码0x01 ---- 0x04 rsp_rcr = (pRspData[3 + len] << 8) + pRspData[4 + len]; }else if (fc >= WriteSingleCoil && fc <= WriteSingleRegister){  // 功能码0x05---0x06 rsp_rcr = (pRspData[6] << 8) + pRspData[7]; }else if (fc >= MaskWriteRegister){ // 功能码0x16 rsp_rcr = (pRspData[8] << 8) + pRspData[9]; }else{ return InvalidFunctionCode; } // 重新计算的CRC crc = calcMbRtuPduCrc(pRspData, rspDataLen - 2); crc = u16ToBigEndian(crc); if (rsp_rcr == crc) return MB_OK; return MemoryParityError; } /**   指低地址存放最高有效字节 **/ unsigned short u16ToBigEndian(unsigned short v) { return ((v & 0xFF00) >> 8) + ((v & 0x00FF) << 8); } /**   指高地址存放最低有效字节 **/ unsigned short u16ToLittleEndian(unsigned short v) { return ((v & 0xFF00) >> 8) + ((v & 0x00FF) << 8); } /** 以5个方法RS485通信数据转STM32数据 **/ short int toHostInt16(unsigned char *pv) { unsigned short int v = (pv[1] << 8) + pv[0]; return (short int)*((short int*)&v); } int  toHostInt32(unsigned char *pv) { unsigned int v = ((pv[2] << 24) + (pv[3] << 16) + (pv[0] << 8) + pv[1]); return (int)*((int*)&v); } __int64  toHostInt64(unsigned char *pv) { unsigned __int64 v = (((__int64)pv[4] << 56) + ((__int64)pv[5] << 48) + ((__int64)pv[6] << 40) + ((__int64)pv[7] << 32)  +  //hight bits       (pv[0] << 24)        + (pv[1] << 16)          + (pv[2] << 8)          + pv[3]); //low bits return (__int64)*((__int64*)&v); } float toHostFloat32(unsigned char *pv) { unsigned int v = ((pv[2] << 24) + (pv[3] << 16) + (pv[0] << 8) + pv[1]); return (float)*((float*)&v); } double toHostFloat64(unsigned char *pv) { unsigned __int64 v = (((__int64)pv[4] << 56) + ((__int64)pv[5] << 48) + ((__int64)pv[6] << 40) + ((__int64)pv[7] << 32)  +  //hight bits       (pv[0] << 24)        + (pv[1] << 16)          + (pv[2] << 8)          + pv[3]); //low bits return (double)*((double*)&v); } ```


  dancing dining的中文翻译  dancing dining  跳舞餐  双语例句  1  Diamonds shining, dancing, dining with some man in a restaurant.  钻石闪动,轻舞飞扬,只与陌生人晚餐。

casually 与accidentally的区别

casually = 随意的,漫不经心地accidentally =不小心的

occasional ,casual ,incidental 表示为随意时有什么区别?

occasional 表示时间概念,翻译为偶尔,间或:they occasionally stop by to visit us.他们偶尔会顺便来看我们casual 强调没有安排,不经意的,随便的,如:a casual remark 不经意说的话incidental 最常见的意思是次要的,不主要的 incidental expenses 杂费辨别近义词的最好办法就是多看例句啊~建议你以后在有语境的背景下(比如英文小说,歌词,电影)去理解~切忌只知道中文意思哈 加油

How too Touch aa Woman and Get Her Excited.www-nu26-com


state spending was high,( resulting) in a budget deficit. 请问resulting这里是什么用法?

Tax was low and state spending was high,resulting in a budget deficit.动名词做伴随状语,Tax was low and state spending was high,which results in a budget deficit.

jog的动名词形式是jogging,但是jogging本身就具有名词的意思,如take up jogging as a exercise.

本来就是名词,这里的意思开始把慢跑当做锻炼。take up 本身就是固定搭配意为开始做...

castle , city 和 town 的区别


castle ,city 和 town 的区别 如题

1. castle的意思是“城堡”,指有别于皇宫,供君主或有权势的人居住的地方,常有厚墙、塔楼、城垛,有时还有护城河. castle是可数名词,复数形式为castles. 2.city是可数名词,意思是“城市,都市,市”,多指较大或重要的城市 3.town的基本意思是“镇,集〔市〕镇”,一般指大于乡村(village)、小于城市(city)的“城镇”,是可数名词.

求《veronika decides to die》里面的两首钢琴曲(最高分悬赏)

Veronika Decides To Die on piano

street adress: 5 Autumn walk, maidenhead . City : London UK , Province/State: Berkshire 是什么国家

英国伦敦具体地点是berkshire郡(位于英格兰东南部)maidenhead县(临于泰晤士河)的5 Autumn walk(应该是街道名)

西班牙红酒 什么CHABENYA D"ARCINS French cepager CASTEL BROTHERS 这是瓶子上面的字这什么酒



cross-disciplinary 英 [k"rɒsd"ɪsɪplɪnərɪ]     美 [k"rɒsd"ɪsɪplɪnərɪ]    adj.涉及两种以上学科的; 交叉学科的cross-disciplinary的用法和样例:例句Abstract: Expounds two important problems which are that packaging has conformed to all prereguisites of a discipline and the packaging discipline has embodied every characteristics of a synthetical discipline in cross disciplinary groups.文摘:根据当代跨学科研究的基本理论和分析方法,阐述了关于包装已经符合一门学科的所有条件和包装学科已经体现交叉学科群中综合学科的各项特征的两个重大问题。


a,an 一个 aback 向后 abase 贬抑;降低 abash 使局促不安 abate 减少;减轻 abbey 修道院 abet 教唆 abhor 痛恨 abide 遵守;坚持 able 能够 about 关于 above 在…上面 abuse 滥用 abyss 深渊 ache 疼痛 acid 酸性的 acme 顶点 acorn 橡子 acrid 辣 act 担任 acute 厉害的 add 增加 adept 老手 ado 忙乱 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰 ago 以前 agree 同意 air 空气 active 积极的 approve赞同 advance先进 acknowledge承认 allow允许 ambitious有志气的 appreciate欣赏 alive 活着的 ant 蚂蚁 adder 蝰蛇 alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 anchovy 凤尾鱼 anteater 食蚁兽 antilope 羚羊 ass 驴 architecture建筑物 Anonymous 匿名的 alloy 合金 Action 开始 apple 苹果 Acute 敏锐的 Aggravate 加剧,使恶化 Appropriate 合适的,恰当的 Analogy 类比 Array 陈列,一系列 Alien 外行 Abolish 废除 Attendant 随从 Alert 警告 Authentic 真实的 Appeal 吸引力 Anniversary 纪念日 alien 外星人

energy fuels属于sci吗

没有专门生物柴油的期刊。比较常见的包括fuel,energy& fuels,renewable energy等能源类的期刊。


包 豆瓣

Course/disciple and year of study是什么意思?怎么填写呢

Course 是课程,year of study学年

哪位朋友知道cash back facilities是什么意思


commercial artist什么意思




求Owl city的Fire flies的谐音歌词

×得=dei×连在一起的要速度念 wwYou would not believe your eyes又 无 not 比例 有 哎苏If ten million fireflies一幅 忒嗯 米粒嗯 发页弗莱苏Lit up the world as I fell asleep力 奥 的 我 诶苏 哎 fail 诶苏里"Cause they"d fill the open air口诉 得 fail 的 哦本 诶And leave tear drops everywhere诶嗯 里 替页 读咯苏 诶里喂You"d think me rude but I would just stand and又 丁 米 (R音)啦 吧 哎 我 泽苏 苏得嗯 诶嗯Stare苏得I"d like to make myself believe哎 来 土 没 买苏要付 比例That planet Earth turns slowly得 普雷呢 呃 疼苏 苏咯哩It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep伊苏 蛤 土 瑟一 得 哎 类的 苏得 额喂 维恩 哎嗯 诶苏里"Cause everything is never as it seems口诉 诶里定 伊苏 内wer 诶苏 一 西恩素"Cause I"d get a thousand hugs口诉 哎 给 额 她森 哈苏From ten thousand lightning bugs浮龙 忒嗯 她森 来宁 八宿As they tried to teach me how to dance诶苏 得 图拉伊 土 替持 米 蛤 土 大恩素A foxtrot above my head额 否苏图咯 额被副 买 黑A sock hop beneath my bed额 搜 后 比你氟 买 被The disco ball is just hanging by a thread的 低速口 博 伊苏 则速 黑宁 白 额 土列(Thread, thread...)土列 , 土列...I"d like to make myself believe哎 来 土 没 买苏要付 比例That planet Earth turns slowly得 普雷呢 呃 疼苏 苏咯哩It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep伊苏 蛤 土 瑟一 得 哎 类的 苏得 额喂 维恩 哎嗯 诶苏里"Cause everything is never as it seems口诉 诶里定 伊苏 内wer 诶苏 一 西恩素(When I fall asleep)维恩 哎 发 诶苏里Leave my door open just a crack礼服 买 都 噢本 则速 额 酷烈(Please take me away from here)普利苏 忒 米 额为 浮龙 here"Cause I feel like such an insomniac口诉 哎 fail 来 萨持 诶嗯 一嗯搜那一(Please take me away from here)普利苏 忒 米 额为 浮龙 hereWhy do I tire of counting sheep?外 读 哎 塔亚 哦副 靠恩定 西(Please take me away from here)普利苏 忒 米 额为 浮龙 hereWhen I"m far too tired to fall asleep维恩 艾恩 发 土 塔亚 土 发 诶苏里To ten million fireflies土 忒嗯 迷离嗯 法也弗莱苏I"m weird "cause I hate goodbyes艾恩 喂 口诉 哎 黑 股白素I got misty eyes as they said farewell哎 勾 米速递 爱速 诶苏 得 瑟翼 发will(Said farewell)瑟翼 发willBut I"ll know where several are把 哎 no 为 瑟二了 啊If my dreams get real bizarre一副 买 杜林素 给 里而 比贼"Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar口诉 哎 瑟翼副 额 fail 诶嗯 哎 尅 得嗯 一嗯 额 ja(Jar, jar, jar...)ja , ja , ja...I"d like to make myself believe哎 来 土 没 买西药副 比例That planet Earth turns slowly得 普列呢 额 疼苏 苏咯哩It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep伊苏 蛤 土 瑟一 得 哎 类的 苏得 额喂 维恩 哎嗯 诶苏里"Cause everything is never as it seems口诉 诶里定 伊苏 内wer 诶苏 一 西恩素(When I fall asleep)维恩 哎 发 诶苏里I"d like to make myself believe哎 来 土 没 买西药副 比例That planet Earth turns slowly得 普列呢 额 疼苏 苏咯哩It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep伊苏 蛤 土 瑟一 得 哎 类的 苏得 额喂 维恩 哎嗯 诶苏里Because my dreams are bursting at the seams比口诉 买 独立恩素 啊 吧苏定 诶 的 西恩素I"d like to make myself believe哎 来 土 没 买西药副 比例That planet Earth turns slowly得 普列呢 额 疼苏 苏咯哩It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep伊苏 蛤 土 瑟一 得 哎 类的 苏得 额喂 维恩 哎嗯 诶苏里"Cause everything is never as it seems口诉 诶里定 伊苏 内wer 诶苏 一 西恩素

英文歌 Fireflies--Owl City

You would not believe your eyes 睁大眼无法相信你的眼前If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep 10万只萤火虫萦绕在睡去的我的床边Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere 因为他们将空气填满留下了遍地的泪瓣You"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare 尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems 因为一切都已经变了一个样Cause I"d get a thousand hugs From ten thousand lightning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance 萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈A foxtrot above my head A sockhop beneath my bed A disco ball is just hanging by a thread Foxtrot在我头上跳起,sockhop带出我的秘密,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去Leave my door open just a crack 毫无预兆的一切已离去Please take me away from here 能不能请你带我也离开这里Cause I feel like such an insomniac Please take me away from here 如果你知道我无法睡睡睡去,能不能请请请你带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep 厌倦了数着没完没了的睡觉游戏Please take me away from here请带我离开,离开这里When I"m far too tired to fall asleep 太过疲惫,我拥有了无法睡去的恐惧To ten million fireflies 10万只萤火虫的哭泣I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes 讨厌说再见的我是不是让你觉得很孤立I got misty eyes as they said farewell But I"ll know where several are 充满着迷茫的眼里,我说着离去,但我知道我们一定会再聚在一起If my dreams get real bizzare Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar 如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里I"d lke To make myself believe That Planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Because my dreams are bursting at the sea 因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边

owl city fireflies 歌词翻译

猫头鹰城-萤火虫你不会相信自己的眼睛如果千万点萤火虫照亮了世界,我睡着了导致他们填写露天离开泪水各地你可能认为我无礼,但我wouuld正义立场和凝视我想我自己认为这地球变成缓慢这很难说,我宁愿呆在醒来时我睡着了原因是从来没有的一切,似乎原因我想获得1000拥抱从1.000万闪电臭虫当他们试图教我如何舞蹈阿狐步以上我的头阿sockhop我的床底下迪斯科球只是不绝如缕我想我自己认为这地球变成缓慢这很难说,我宁愿呆在醒来时我睡着了原因是从来没有的一切,似乎当我入睡离开我开门只是裂纹请带我离开这里原因我觉得这样一个insomniac 请带我离开这里为什么我的轮胎计数羊请带我离开这里当我太疲倦入睡至1000万萤火虫我很奇怪的原因我恨告别我模糊的眼睛,因为它们说再见但是,我就知道有几个是如果我的梦想得到真正bizzare 因为我保存了几年,我让他们在一个罐子我想lke为了使自己相信这地球变成缓慢这很难说,我宁愿呆在醒来时我睡着了原因是从来没有的一切,似乎当我入睡我想我自己认为这地球变成缓慢这很难说,我宁愿呆在醒来时我睡着了原因是从来没有的一切,似乎当我入睡我想我自己认为这地球变成缓慢这很难说,我宁愿呆在醒来时我睡着了因为我的梦想是在海上爆破

Owl city 的fireflies中文歌词!!!

他这个百度拿来的 BS啊 翻译: 你不会相信自己的眼睛 如果千万萤火虫 照亮了世界,因为我睡着了 导致他们填写露天 并留下眼泪到处 你会认为我不礼貌,但我wouuld的正义立场和凝视 我想使自己相信 ,地球转慢 很难说,我宁愿呆在 当我醒睡 一切的原因,因为它似乎从未 原因我会得到一个1000拥抱 从万闪电臭虫 当他们试图教我如何跳舞 该指数高于我的头狐步舞 阿我的床底下sockhop 阿迪斯科球只是不绝如缕 我想使自己相信 ,地球转慢 很难说,我宁愿呆在 当我醒睡 一切的原因,因为它似乎从未 当我入睡 给我的大门刚刚打开一条缝 请带我离开这里 原因我觉得自己像一个患有失眠症 请带我离开这里 为什么我轮胎数羊 请带我离开这里 当我太疲倦入睡 为了千万萤火虫 我很奇怪的原因我讨厌的告别 我得到朦胧的眼睛,因为他们告别 不过,我就知道有几个是 如果我的梦想,获得真正的bizzare 原因我保存了一些,我不断在他们的罐子 我lke让自己相信 地球转慢 很难说,我宁愿呆在 当我醒睡 一切的原因,因为它似乎从未 当我入睡 我想使自己相信 地球转慢 很难说,我宁愿呆在 当我醒睡 一切的原因,因为它似乎从未 当我入睡 我想使自己相信 地球转慢 这很难说,我宁愿呆在 当我醒睡 因为我的梦想是在海上爆破 一些不会 还是得看上面。。 哪个人抄袭证据 百度里看多了 没办法



Owl City的《Fireflies》歌词?(要有中文翻译)

You would not believe your eyes 睁大眼无法相信你的眼前If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep 10万只萤火虫萦绕在睡去的我的床边Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere 因为他们将空气填满留下了遍地的泪瓣You"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare 尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems 因为一切都已经变了一个样Cause I"d get a thousand hugs From ten thousand lightning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance 萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈A foxtrot above my head A sockhop beneath my bed A disco ball is just hanging by a thread Foxtrot在我头上跳起,sockhop带出我的秘密,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去Leave my door open just a crack 毫无预兆的一切已离去Please take me away from here 能不能请你带我也离开这里Cause I feel like such an insomniac Please take me away from here 如果你知道我无法睡睡睡去,能不能请请请你带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep 厌倦了数着没完没了的睡觉游戏Please take me away from here请带我离开,离开这里When I"m far too tired to fall asleep 太过疲惫,我拥有了无法睡去的恐惧To ten million fireflies 10万只萤火虫的哭泣I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes 讨厌说再见的我是不是让你觉得很孤立I got misty eyes as they said farewell But I"ll know where several are 充满着迷茫的眼里,我说着离去,但我知道我们一定会再聚在一起If my dreams get real bizzare Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar 如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里I"d lke To make myself believe That Planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Because my dreams are bursting at the sea 因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边

Owl City - Fireflies中文歌词

You would not believe your eyes 睁大眼无法相信你的眼前If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep 10万只萤火虫萦绕在睡去的我的床边Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere 因为他们将空气填满留下了遍地的泪瓣You"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare 尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems 因为一切都已经变了一个样Cause I"d get a thousand hugs From ten thousand lightning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance 萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈A foxtrot above my head A sockhop beneath my bed A disco ball is just hanging by a thread Foxtrot在我头上跳起,sockhop带出我的秘密,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去Leave my door open just a crack 毫无预兆的一切已离去Please take me away from here 能不能请你带我也离开这里Cause I feel like such an insomniac Please take me away from here 如果你知道我无法睡睡睡去,能不能请请请你带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep 厌倦了数着没完没了的睡觉游戏Please take me away from here请带我离开,离开这里When I"m far too tired to fall asleep 太过疲惫,我拥有了无法睡去的恐惧To ten million fireflies 10万只萤火虫的哭泣I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes 讨厌说再见的我是不是让你觉得很孤立I got misty eyes as they said farewell But I"ll know where several are 充满着迷茫的眼里,我说着离去,但我知道我们一定会再聚在一起If my dreams get real bizzare Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar 如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里I"d lke To make myself believe That Planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Because my dreams are bursting at the sea 因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边

Owl city 的fireflies中文歌词!!!

  Owl City单曲  歌手简介:  猫头鹰之城乐队是一支来自美国明尼苏达州的电子音乐乐队。乐队仅由一名成员组成:亚当·扬(Adam·Young)。亚当·扬于2007年创建了该乐队,并且担任乐队的主唱、编曲、创作、混音合成工作。猫头鹰之城乐队的音乐飘逸、灵动,既有梦幻的神秘色彩,又有电子音乐的动感节奏。乐队的主打歌曲《Fireflies》一经推出就登上了各大音乐电台以及音乐榜单的冠军宝座。受到乐迷的热烈追捧。  歌词:  You would not believe your eyes   你也许不会相信你的眼睛   If ten million fireflies   Lit up the world as I fell asleep   如果当你熟睡时 10万只萤火虫照亮这个世界   Cause they fill the open air   And leave teardrops everywhere   因为他们将空气填满   留下了遍地的泪瓣   You"d think me rude but I would just stand and stare   尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   因为一切都已经变了一个样   Cause I"d get a thousand hugs   From ten thousand lightning bugs   As they tried to teach me how to dance   萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈   A foxtrot above my head   A sock hop beneath my bed   A disco ball is just hanging by a thread   狐步舞在我头上跳起,赤袜舞在我床下跳起,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   When I fall asleep   因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去   Leave my door open just a crack   把我的门打开一点点   Please take me away from here   能不能请你带我也离开这里   Cause I feel like such an insomniac   Please take me away from here   如果你知道我无法睡去,能不能请你带我离开这里   Why do I tired of counting sheep   厌倦了数着没完没了的数羊游戏   Please take me away from here   请带我离开,离开这里   When I"m far too tired to fall asleep   太过疲惫,我无法睡去   To ten million fireflies   I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes   我变得很奇怪,因为我讨厌对那十万只萤火虫说再见   I got misty eyes as they said farewell   But I"ll know where several are   当它们说离别的时候,我模糊了双眼,但我会知道你们都在哪里   If my dreams get real bizarre   Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar   如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里   I"d like To make myself believe   That Planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   When I fall asleep   因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不宁愿醒着   Cause everything is never as it seems   When I fall asleep   因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的曾经   I"d like to make myself believe   That planet earth turns slowly   我想要让自己相信时间过得很慢   It"s hard to say I"d rather stay   Awake when I"m asleep   当我熟睡时,我不愿醒着   Because my dreams are bursting at the seas   因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边

Owl City 唱的歌曲 《fireflies》的歌词?


求owlcity fireflys歌词

歌名应该是《fireflies》You would not believe your eyes If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere You"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep Cause everything is never as it seems Cause I"d get a thousand hugs From ten thousand lightning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance A foxtrot above my head A sockhop beneath my bed A disco ball is just hanging by a thread I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep Leave my door open just a crack Please take me away from here Cause I feel like such an insomniac Please take me away from here Why do I tire of counting sheep Please take me away from hereWhen I"m far too tired to fall asleep To ten million fireflies I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes I got misty eyes as they said farewell But I"ll know where several are If my dreams get real bizzare Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar I"d lke To make myself believe That Planet earth turns slowly It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleepCause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly It"s hard to say I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep Because my dreams are bursting at the sea

take my hand歌词 cecile corbel

歌名:《take me hand》作词:Cécile Corbel作曲:DAISHI DANCE原唱:Cécile Corbel专辑《Wonder Tourism》歌词及翻译:In my dreams我的梦里I feel your light有你的光芒I feel love is born again爱再次绽放Fireflies萤火虫In the moonlight在月光里Rising stars如闪烁的繁星Remember还记得吗The day在那一天I fell in love with you我迷恋上了你Darling won"t you break亲爱的,请不要伤害My heart我的心Take my hand now抓紧我的手Stay close to me靠近我的心be my lover成为我爱人Won"t you let me go不要放开我的手close your eyes now闭上你的眼睛And you will see你将会看到There"s a rainbow有道彩虹For you and me连接你我的心As I wake up当我醒来I see your face看到你的脸I feel love is born again爱再次绽放Cherry blossom樱桃盛开Flying birds飞翔的鸟儿In the sky在蓝天翱翔Can"t you see你看见了吗The sun阳光That is shining on the fields在原野闪烁Is it shining in像闪烁在Your heart你的心Take my hand now抓紧我的手Stay close to me靠近我的心be my lover成为我爱人Won"t you let me go不要放开我的手Close your eyes now闭上你的眼睛And you will see你将会看到There"s a rainbow有道彩虹For you and me连接你我的心And I dream of you你出现在我梦中Every night每个夜晚Cause"s there only you因为只有你In my mind在我脑海里Will you be你愿成为A stranger or a friend in my life我生命中的陌生人或朋友Darling won"t you break亲爱的,请不要伤害My heart我的心Take my hand now抓紧我的手Stay close to me靠近我的心be my lover成为我爱人Won"t you let me go不要放开我的手Close your eyes now闭上你的眼睛And you will see你将会看到There"s a rainbow有道彩虹For you and me连接你我的心Take my hand now抓紧我的手Stay close to me靠近我的心be my lover成为我爱人Won"t you let me go不要放开我的手Close your eyes now闭上你的眼睛And you will see你将会看到There"s a rainbow有道彩虹For you and me连接你我的心参考资料:百度百科“take my hand”网页链接

Owl City的《Fireflies》 歌词

You would not believe your eyes 睁大眼无法相信你的眼前If ten million fireflies Lit up the world as I fell asleep 10万只萤火虫萦绕在睡去的我的床边Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere 因为他们将空气填满留下了遍地的泪瓣You"d think me rude but I wouuld just stand and stare 尽管你会觉得我无礼,但我还是执意要站在那里注视着你I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems 因为一切都已经变了一个样Cause I"d get a thousand hugs From ten thousand lightning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance 萤火虫的千万个拥抱,似乎在教我如何去舞蹈A foxtrot above my head A sockhop beneath my bed A disco ball is just hanging by a thread Foxtrot在我头上跳起,sockhop带出我的秘密,聚光灯飘飘很轻怡I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去Leave my door open just a crack 毫无预兆的一切已离去Please take me away from here 能不能请你带我也离开这里Cause I feel like such an insomniac Please take me away from here 如果你知道我无法睡睡睡去,能不能请请请你带我离开这里Why do I tire of counting sheep 厌倦了数着没完没了的睡觉游戏Please take me away from here请带我离开,离开这里When I"m far too tired to fall asleep 太过疲惫,我拥有了无法睡去的恐惧To ten million fireflies 10万只萤火虫的哭泣I"m weird cause I hate goodbyes 讨厌说再见的我是不是让你觉得很孤立I got misty eyes as they said farewell But I"ll know where several are 充满着迷茫的眼里,我说着离去,但我知道我们一定会再聚在一起If my dreams get real bizzare Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar 如果今后我的梦里充斥着怪异,那是因为我将拿出一些分存在记忆的盒子里I"d lke To make myself believe That Planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seems When I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believeThat planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Cause everything is never as it seemsWhen I fall asleep 因为当我睡去,一切都不再是熟悉的过去I"d like to make myself believe That planet earth turns slowly 真希望不要去想那些习惯,好让自己觉得时间过得很慢It"s hard to say I"d rather stay Awake when I"m asleep 疲倦的睡去我却不愿承认,我已到了困倦的时间Because my dreams are bursting at the sea 因为我的梦燃烧在无尽的海边

路由器的Explicit Beamforming到底开不开


路由器的Explicit Beamforming到底开不开


路由器的Explicit Beamforming到底开不开


路由器的Explicit Beamforming到底开不开


路由器无线设置里explicitly beamforming 是什么意思?


路由器的Explicit Beamforming到底开不开


zero-forcing beamforming是什么意思

zero forcing beamforming全部释义和例句>> 迫零波束形成迫零波束成型,是波束成型的一种新技术。

路由器无线设置里"explicitly beamforming" 是什么意思?

意思就是无线路由器可以判断当前通信的设备是用哪个天线的效果比其它的天线好。默认的模式是自动。路由器路由器(Router,又称路径器)是一种计算机网络设备,它能将数据包通过一个个网络传送至目的地(选择数据的传输路径),这个过程称为路由。路由器就是连接两个以上各别网络的设备,路由工作在OSI模型的第三层——即网络层,例如网际协议(Internet Protocol,IP)层。

路由器的Explicit Beamforming到底开不开

路由器的Explicit Beamforming到底开不开

Beamforming 技术应该只对同样开启的设备有效,当然开了更好。操作方法如下:1、首先连接好路由器之后,就是在浏览器的地址栏中输入图片中的这个路由器设置网址,然后再按回车键进入。2、按完回车键以后就会出现这样的红色界面,输入路由器登陆密码,再点击下小箭头就可以了。3、进入路由器设置界面之后,点击左边的“无线设置”,操作如图所示。4、接着,在页面的右边就会切换到相应的无线设置选项,如图所示,在其中输入名字和密码,wifi就设置好了。5、设置完名字和密码之后,点击上面的“无线状态”,使它处于开启状态,接着再点击下边的保存按钮,就可以了。


Practicing and learning from mistakes.从错误中得到锻炼和学习。希望对你有帮助







At the end of adolescent p,however,the brain shuts down half of that capacity,preserving only th

At the end of adolescent p,however,the brain shuts down half of thatcapacity,preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuable during the first decades or so of life.这句话的主干是 the brain shuts down half of that capacitypreserving only those modes of thought是 现在分词结构,跟在主句的后面作状语。由于preserve的逻辑主语是the brain,跟主句的主语是一致的, 所以要用现在分词表主动。that have seemed most valuable during the first decades or so of life.是修饰thought的定语从句。

There are many (beach)in our city.


decisive strike是什么意思


Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me f

Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I"ve ever had: Be bold and brave — and mighty (强大的) forces will come to your aid.当我正面临一个涉及高风险的决定,我去了一个朋友。他看着我一会儿,然后写一个句子包含我有过的最好的建议:大胆和勇敢,强大的力量会来助你。Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On the other hand, whenever I had plunged into deep water, forced by courage or circumstance, I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.这些话使我清楚地看到,当我达到过去,这是很少,因为我尝试过,但都失败了。通常是因为我让对失败的恐惧阻止我努力。另一方面,每当我陷入了深水,迫于勇气或情况,我一直游泳,直到我得到我的脚在地上了。Boldness means a decision to bite off more than you can eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They are potential powers we possess: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas — even physical strength greater than most of us realize.勇气意味着决定咬掉超过你可以吃。并没有什么神秘的强大的力量。他们是我们拥有潜在的力量:能量、技巧,声音判断,创意,甚至体力比我们大多数人意识到的。Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,” said Tim. “I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet — and stopped him cold.”诚然,这些强大的力量是精神的。但他们比身体更重要。我的一个大学同学,提姆,是一个优秀的足球运动员,即使他重远低于平均的球员。“在一场比赛中,我突然发现自己面临一个巨大的球员,他除了我他和我们的目标,”提姆说。“我很害怕,我闭上眼睛,拼命地把自己那家伙像一颗子弹,打死了他。”Boldness — a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme—is not one that can be acquired overnight.大胆——愿意延长自己的一个极端是不可以在一夜之间被收购。

It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10t...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4: A小题5:D 欧洲南部的妇女在10和11世纪时享有较高的社会地位,这并未获得广泛认识。作为一个妻子,女性的地位受到其嫁妆的保护。诚然,嫁妆最初的目的是防止女性被抛弃;但是,它在当时家庭和社会现实生活中起着更重要的作用。妻子的嫁妆使她有权获得其丈夫十分之一的财物。妻子有权利拒绝丈夫所做的任何交易,但这不仅仅只是一项权利而已;文件表明她与丈夫一样平等地享有真正的决定权。文件没有表明丈夫和妻子在法律地位上有任何差别。妻子享有管理丈夫私人财产的权利,但是反之则不然。如果丈夫要越权侵犯她们的利益,女性们会时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还会表现出一种坚强的斗争精神。Maria Vivas就是一个典型的例子。为了家庭的需要,她同意其丈夫Miro出售一块属于她的土地,但是她坚持要求获得补偿。但是丈夫没有给她提供补偿,于是她把丈夫拖到一个文书处,起草了一份合同,成功地把他丈夫的一块私人土地划归自己。正如合同所写的,“为了和平”,这个不幸的丈夫不得不同意。要么借助嫁妆,要么通过发脾气,妻子知道如何在家庭中为自己赢得强大的经济地位。小题1:[C 推断题。本文介绍了欧洲南部10和11世纪嫁妆对女性在婚姻中地位的重要性。虽然嫁妆最初的目的是防止女性被抛弃,但实际上它的作用远远不止于此。它使妻子在婚姻中的地位与丈夫平等,并保障了妻子的经济利益。女性在维护自己的利益上,是很坚定果敢的,Maria Vivas就是一个例子。见第一段第三句,“Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion...”,虽然在实际生活中嫁妆有更重要的作用,但最初它的作用只是为了防范女性被丈夫抛弃,所以C为正确答案。小题2:[D 细节题。根据本文,妻子在婚姻中的法律地位和丈夫是平等的。见第一段最后一句,“In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife”文件中并没有表明丈夫和妻子在法律地位上有任何的差别,也就是说他们的地位是平等的,所以D为正确答案。小题3:[B 推断题。作者举Maria Vivas的事例,是为了说明妻子是能够捍卫自己的利益的。见第二段第二句,“Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance...they showed a fine fighting spirit.”如果丈夫要侵占自己的利益,女性们就时刻准备着捍卫自己的利益,有时她们还表现出很强的斗争精神。接下来作者就举了Maria Vivas的例子,说明女性是有能力捍卫自己的利益的。所以B为正确答案。小题4:[A 细节题。Maria Vivas得到的一份作为补偿的土地,本来是属于Miro的个人财产。见第二段第五句,“None being offered, she succeeded in... assigning her a piece of land from Miro?s personal inheritance”由此知A为正确答案。小题5:[D 推断题。作者对Maria Vivas所持的态度是客观的。作者客观地介绍了Maria Vivas的事例,并没有表示出同情、不满或者是漠不关心,所以A、B、C都是错误答案。


空城、冷清的城市,全称为Empty city词汇详解:empty一、读音英 [ˈempti]   美 [ˈempti] 二、释义adj、空的;空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的;空虚的;无意义的;无目的的v、倒空;腾空;掏空;变空;把…移出,把…腾出(置于别处)n、空车;空的东西三、语法empty space:真空区扩展资料:empty近义词:bare词汇详解:一、读音英 [beə(r)]   美 [ber] 二、释义adj、裸体的;裸露的;(树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的;无遮盖的;没有保护的v、揭开;脱掉(衣服)三、语法the bare bones (of sth):梗概;概要

empty city °是什么意思?

空城。empty英 ["empti]     美 ["empti]    adj. 空的;空洞的;空虚的;空腹的;v. 倒空;变空;排空;n. 空物1、empty指房间等时意思是“空的”“里面没装东西的”; 指座位时意思是“没有人占据的”; 指人心理时意思是“空虚的”。empty含有否定意义,且一般不与inside连用。2、(be) empty of的意思是“缺少”“没有”。3、empty修饰stomach时,通常只限用在口语里。empty,vacant这一组词都表示“空的”,但涵义有所不同。1、empty意思是“里面没有东西”、“一无所有”,具有“空无一物”的隐含意义,它可以用来描绘box、vessel、cupboard、bag、purse、room、house、street、stomach、head 等词。2、vacant意思是“闲着的”、“无人占据的”,着重指临时性的情况,如:vacant seat、vacant apartment、vacant position等。

empty city是什么意思

  到了一座empty city,还别说,真的是挺冷清的。下面是我给大家整理的empty city是什么意思,供大家参阅!   empty city是什么意思   冷清的城市.. or 无人城市   比如深夜一个人在街上,感觉是empty city..   或者   鬼片里,比如silent hill里,去到一个emty city,无人死城。   Empty的英语例句   1. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve.   将锅里的东西倒到筛子上。   2. She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.   她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。   3. She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass.   她走到水槽边,把空玻璃杯灌上水。   4. His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room.   他的声音在这空荡荡的房间里听起来异常嘹亮。   5. Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone.   她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。   6. He smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass.   他微笑着,一边沉思,一边搅动着几乎空了的杯子里的冰块。   7. There were two empty beer bottles on the table.   桌子上有两个空啤酒瓶。   8. Empty the noodles and liquid into a serving bowl.   把汤面倒进上菜用的碗中。   9. He fixed me with those luminous, empty eyes and his melancholy smile.   他笑容忧郁地凝视着我,闪亮的眼睛里空无一物。   10. On the table beside an empty plate was a pile of books.   桌上空盘子的旁边是一堆书。   11. The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire.   除了有个男人坐在火炉边,房间里空荡荡的。   12. We were given an office in the empty west wing.   给我们在空置的大楼西翼分了一间办公室。   13. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit".   他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。   14. Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty.   张看到偌大的客厅里空无一人,似乎很惊讶。   15. My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.   在遇到他之前,我的生活非常繁忙却很空虚。   city的双语例句   1. After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up.   多年的玩忽职守和经济萧条过后,这个城市在进行自我整顿。   2. The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.   旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。   3. Leningrad was the third alien city to offer him a surrogate home.   列宁格勒是他在异地安家的第三个外国城市。   4. Officers were going to retake sectors of the city.   军官们打算重新夺回该市的防御区。   5. She had an entree into the city"s culti-vated society.   她得以进入该城的上流社会。   6. The London City Ballet has engaged two male dancers from the Bolshoi.   伦敦市芭蕾舞团从波修瓦芭蕾舞团聘来了两名男舞蹈演员。   7. Shops in Ho Chi Minh City are stacked with goods.   胡志明市的商店里堆满了商品。   8. There were two bomb explosions in the city overnight.   一夜之间城里发生了两起炸弹爆炸事件。   9. The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.   城市已被猛烈的炮火夷为平地。   10. Truckloads of food, blankets, and other necessities reached the city.   成车的食物、毯子与其他必需品抵达了该市。   11. Overcrowding has taxed the city"s ability to deal with waste.   人口过多使得城市的垃圾处理能力达到了极限。   12. The city proved to be something of a disappointment.   结果这座城市有点儿令人失望。   13. The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.   孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。   14. Now we live further away from the city centre.   现在我们住得离市中心更远了。   15. The city was walled and built upon a rock.   这座城市建在岩石上,四周筑有城墙。   

cinemark movies 是什么意思

cinema movies电影院

specific permission是什么意思

specific permission 特别的认可permission 英[pəˈmɪʃn] 美[pərˈmɪʃn] n. 允许; 批准,正式认可,认可; [例句]He asked permission to leave the room他请求准许离开房间。


special英 ["speʃ(ə)l]美 [ˈspɛʃəl]n. 特使,特派人员;特刊;特色菜;专车;特价商品adj. 特别的;专门的,专用的movie英 ["muːvɪ]美 ["muvi]n. 电影;电影院;电影业adj. 电影的

specific permission是什么意思

特许特定的权限Permissions are granted by assigning specific permission levels to either individuals or groups.可以通过向个人或组分配特定的权限级别来授予权限不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】
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