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determine 和 decide 区别


用expensive interesting beautiful intelligent dangerous exciting 的比较级和最高级造句

This pen is more expensive than that one.Jim"s pen is the most expensive among us.Tom"s book is more interesting than mine.Running is the most interesting sport for me.This clothes is more beautiful than that one.Mary is the most beautiful girl in our class.The tiger is more dangerous than the rabbit.The lion is the most dangerous animal in the forest.she is more intelligent than me.Tom is the most intelligent boy in our class.This movie is more exciting than that one.It is the most exciting movie I"ve ever saw.这些是造句This man is shorter than that womanThis mouse is smaller than that oneThis policeman is weaker than that policewomanHer sisiter is more beautiful than herHis brother is more intelligent than him就是这些了 希望能对你有帮助

the scientists are about

答案是cautious;本题考查语境中选用适当的词;caution n.小心,谨慎;cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的;be cautious about 对…小心的,故答案是cautious.

reputation, reputable, purposeful ,crucial 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~



practice一般指练习,比如技巧或者需要反复运用达到熟练程度的一些东西,eg:practice your oral english 或者 practice your violin 。exercise主要指身体方面锻炼,用到学习上的话,主要指练习题。


Practice和practise都一样.作动词.practice doing意为练习做... 而exercise多用作名词


1、意思不同。exercise是练习,一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。practice 实习,实践。指有规律的练习,特指反复练习,不断练习。2、常用词性不同。exercise既能作名词又能作动词,常用作名词,practice既有名词词性又有动词词性。3、常用搭配不同。exercise用法如:spelling exercise(拼写练习),a field exercise野外练习,lack of exercise缺乏练习,do one"s exercise做练习。4、侧重点不同。practice侧重动作实践,exercise侧重体育运动名称。5、用法不同。practice 和 exercise 当“练习”时有不同, practice 指有规律的练习,特指反复练习,exercise 一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。


exercise英 ["eksəsaɪz] 美 ["ɛksɚsaɪz] n. 运动;练习;运用;操练;礼拜;典礼vt. 锻炼;练习;使用;使忙碌;使惊恐vi. 运动;练习例:Good health depends upon good food, exercise, and getting enough sleep. 健康依赖于良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。


exercise caution谨慎操作(这应该是个车间标识)exercise 运动,练习,操练caution 小心;谨慎

Advocates & solicitors 怎么翻译?


whole society advocates/advocate 哪个对?

用advocates更好。因为(the)whole society这个短语意思是“整个社会”,即将其视为一个整体,所以为单数概念。所以谓语动词用三单advocates更好。



science杂志审稿 to advisor什么意思

打分。编辑收到后,大概花几天初步筛选(under evaluation),如果不打算拒稿,会发给2-3个editorial board members打分(to advisor),然后通过的话,送出去外审(technical review),状态为to review,大概几周不等,返回意见后,返给作者,然后反复修改至接收(几周到一年)。这里说的是一路顺利的情况,中间任何步骤都有可能被拒

financial advisor是什么意思

financial advisor财务顾问;理财顾问;理财专员;融资顾问A financial planning system is a good example, where every account is owned byexactly one financial advisor, and only that advisor can see the accounts that heor she owns. 一个典型的例子是财务计划系统,每个财务顾问准确地拥有相应的帐户,并且某个顾问只能看到其所拥有的帐户。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

financial advisor是什么意思

financial advisor财务顾问;理财顾问;理财专员;融资顾问A financial planning system is a good example,where every account is owned byexactly one financial advisor,and only that advisor can see the acco...

美国financial advisor 职业怎么样

不错的,专业水平很高,待遇不错。财务顾问(Financial Advisor):具备专业财务知识为顾客提供投资理财咨询策划服务的专业人员。财务顾问业务是指专业财务咨询公司根据客户的自身需求,站在客户的角度,利用公司的产品和服务及其他社会资源,为客户的日常经营管理、财务管理和对外资本运作等经济活动进行财务策划和方案设计等。根据双方约定的财务顾问服务范围和服务方式,担任企业的财务顾问并为企业直接提供日常咨询服务和专项顾问服务的有偿顾问金融服务。

do exercise怎么读


ciphertext-only attack中文是什么意思

ciphertext-only attack 网络 密文攻击; 纯密文攻击;


consultant和specialist的区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同consultant:英 [kən"sʌltənt]     美 [kən"sʌltənt]。    specialist:英 ["speʃəlɪst]     美 ["speʃəlɪst]。    2、意思不同consultant:n. 顾问;咨询者;<英>会诊医生。specialist:n. 专家;专科医生;专食性动物。consultant近义词:adviser 英 [əd"vaɪzə(r)]     美 [əd"vaɪzər]    n. 顾问;指导教授;劝告者=adviser(美)。An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。We engage him as technical adviser.我们聘请他担任技术顾问。


财务顾问(Financial Adviser):具备专业财务知识为 顾客 提供投资理财咨询策划 服务的专业人员。 财务顾问业务是指专业 财务咨询公司 根据客户的自身 需求 , 站在客户的角度,利用公司的 产品 和服务及其他社会资源, 为客户的日常 经营管理 、 财务管理 和对外 资本运作 等经济活动进行 财 务策划和 方案设计 等。 根据双方约定的财务顾问服务范围和服务方式, 担任企业的财务顾问并为 企业 直接提供日常咨询服务和专项顾问服务 的有偿顾问 金融 服务。

financial adviser是什么意思

financial adviser 英[faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l ædˈvaɪzə] 美[faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l ædˈvaɪzɚ] 财政顾问


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================


powerful 音标: ["pau?ful] adj. 强健的,强而有力的,力量大的强大的;作用大的;强效的强烈的;浓烈的有权力的,有势力的;有权威的;有影响的 (机器等)大功率的 (演讲等)动人的;(头痛等)厉害的 [口语、方言]很多的;相当的 adv. [美国方言]很,非常短语: a powerful lot of [口语]许许多多


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为 强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜



science contest怎么读

science contest 全部释义和例句>>科学竞赛science 英[ˈsaɪəns]美[ˈsaɪəns]n. 科学; 理科; 学科; 技术,知识;全部释义>>[例句]You"re a wacko of science!你是一个科学怪人!contest 英[ˈkɒntest] 美[ˈkɑ:ntest] vt. 竞争,为…而奋争; 辩驳; vi. 竞争; 争夺; 争斗; 全部释义>>[例句]Are you in the wet t-shirt contest scene?你是在湿t恤比赛现场吗?

hair science什么意思

hair science头发保养学.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Ethnicity: White / Caucasian 什么意思?



pencil铅笔双语对照词典结果:pencil[英][ˈpensl][美][ˈpɛnsəl]n.铅笔,彩色铅笔; 笔状物; 画风,画法; [物]光线锥; vt.用铅笔写; 用画笔画; 第三人称单数:pencils过去分词:pencilled复数:pencils现在进行时:pencilling过去式:pencilled以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Forget growth marks scratched in pencil on the kitchen wall. 厨房墙壁上用铅笔画下的身高标记已经成为历史。


pencil的意思是铅笔。pencil的意思是铅笔;笔状物;用铅笔写;用眉笔涂。pencil的复数是pencils。音标是美:/ˈpensl/;英:/ˈpensl/。pencil造句1、Please tell me when the meeting date is pencilled in.暂定了开会日期请告诉我。2、He pencilled a rabbit.他用铅笔画了一只兔子。3、He had written her a note in pencil.他用铅笔给她写了个便条。4、Just a little reminder:please bring a pencil tomorrow.只是一个小提示:请明天带支铅笔。5、I picked up my pencil off the floor.我把铅笔从地板上捡了起来。6、I wore a pencil skirt.我穿了一条铅笔裙。7、She scribbled a note in pencil.她用铅笔草草写了张便条。

广告Advertising,促销Promotion,宣传Publicity,公共关系Public relation的区分

一、广告(Advertising):指商业企业、政府和其它非营利组织和个人作为广告信息中明确的主办者,以有偿付费、非个人沟通方式通过各种媒体传递有关物品、服务、组织、人、地点和观念方面的消息。现代的广告宣传要比这些早期的叫卖攻势大得多。如今美国的广告商每年要花去1500多亿美元。尽管广告主要是为商业公司所用的,它同时也为许许多多的非营利组织、职业和社会机构所采纳。它们利用广告向各种公众对象作宣传。二、 促销(Promotion)指利用各种沟通方式向人们就一个组织或个人的物品、服务、形象、观念、社区义务或对社会的影响等进行通告、说服、提示和行为激励。 促销是市场营销组合中的一个关键要素。新产品面世,必须先向人们通告这个产品及有关特性,之后人们才有可能喜欢这些产品。客户已经了解的产品,促销重点则在于说服:要将了解变为喜欢。对于家喻户晓的产品,促销重点则在于提醒:强化消费者已有的新年。下列各种活动均属于促销行为:1) 为公司及其物品和服务建立一种形象;2) 沟通物品和服务的特点;3) 让人们意识到新物品和服务;4) 保持已有物品和服务受欢迎的程度;5) 可以将滞销的物品和服务重新定位或者加以利用;6) 激发渠道成员的热情;7) 提示在什么地方可以买到物品和服务;8) 可以说服消费者购买价格更贵的产品;9) 告诫消费者不要轻易买便宜货;10) 调整(理顺)物品和服务的价格;11) 解答消费者的疑问;12) 扩大和完成交易;13) 完成交易后为消费者提供服务;14) 对忠诚的消费者以强化;15) 使企业及其产品置身于比竞争对手更为有利的位置。三、公众(a public)是指对公司实现其目标的能力具有实际的或潜在的兴趣或影响力的任何群体。四、公共关系与(public relations ):设计面向公众或其它利害关系者的各种方案以推广和/或保护公司形象或它的产品形象的活动;那么通俗的说就是公司与外界沟通传达信息的桥梁。

advertising agencies是什么意思

广告代理商 广告公司 你可以在手机上下载一个有道词典,这样更省时间。

advertising agencies是什么意思

advertising agencies n.广告商,广告公司( advertising agency的名词复数 ) [例句]Neither liodice nor the american association of advertising agencies responded to a request for comment friday morning.截至...

advertising agencies是什么意思

advertising agency 广告商,广告公司满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

advertising advertisment commercial 都做名词时的区别?要口语化一些的正规解释。

advertising是广告业,登广告的意思。不可数。还是形容词性。I think we must reduce our prices, or spend more money on advertising.我想我们必须降低价格,或者是在广告上花更多的钱。这里的意思是登广告,做广告advertisment指单个的具体的广告,可数I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.我希望在你们的报纸上登一则广告。commercial是商业的意思 Commercial Company 商业公司;贸易公司A commercial is an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio. 上面那句是解释commercial 与advertisement 的不同,它特指 电视或电台广告,也是可数名词,可与advertisement互换,而advertisement范围广,比如街边贴的小广告也可以用它

cigarette advertising中的advertising 为什么要用ing 形式?

cigarette advertising 是香烟广告的意思。这里用的advertising是使用的动名词形式,跟前面的名词cigarette构成一个名词短语。注意:不要把advertising看成是动词advertise的ing形式 这里是名词词性。望采纳。

广告Advertising,促销Promotion,宣传Publicity,公共关系Public relation的区分

一、广告(Advertising):指商业企业、政府和其它非营利组织和个人作为广告信息中明确的主办者,以有偿付费、非个人沟通方式通过各种媒体传递有关物品、服务、组织、人、地点和观念方面的消息。现代的广告宣传要比这些早期的叫卖攻势大得多。如今美国的广告商每年要花去1500多亿美元。尽管广告主要是为商业公司所用的,它同时也为许许多多的非营利组织、职业和社会机构所采纳。它们利用广告向各种公众对象作宣传。二、 促销(Promotion)指利用各种沟通方式向人们就一个组织或个人的物品、服务、形象、观念、社区义务或对社会的影响等进行通告、说服、提示和行为激励。 促销是市场营销组合中的一个关键要素。新产品面世,必须先向人们通告这个产品及有关特性,之后人们才有可能喜欢这些产品。客户已经了解的产品,促销重点则在于说服:要将了解变为喜欢。对于家喻户晓的产品,促销重点则在于提醒:强化消费者已有的新年。下列各种活动均属于促销行为:1) 为公司及其物品和服务建立一种形象;2) 沟通物品和服务的特点;3) 让人们意识到新物品和服务;4) 保持已有物品和服务受欢迎的程度;5) 可以将滞销的物品和服务重新定位或者加以利用;6) 激发渠道成员的热情;7) 提示在什么地方可以买到物品和服务;8) 可以说服消费者购买价格更贵的产品;9) 告诫消费者不要轻易买便宜货;10) 调整(理顺)物品和服务的价格;11) 解答消费者的疑问;12) 扩大和完成交易;13) 完成交易后为消费者提供服务;14) 对忠诚的消费者以强化;15) 使企业及其产品置身于比竞争对手更为有利的位置。三、公众(a public)是指对公司实现其目标的能力具有实际的或潜在的兴趣或影响力的任何群体。四、公共关系与(public relations ):设计面向公众或其它利害关系者的各种方案以推广和/或保护公司形象或它的产品形象的活动;那么通俗的说就是公司与外界沟通传达信息的桥梁。

advertising advertisment commercial 都做名词时的区别?要口语化一些的正规解释。

第一个,做广告,是动词的ing形式,相当于名词,有动词的特征。I don"t like advertising.I don"t like advertisementsI like commercials.第二个,名词广告第三个,商业广告很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^

After determining the target audience for a product or service, advertising agencies must selec...

小题1: Selection 小题2:medium          小题3: suitable       小题4:Less    小题5: local小题6: consumers  小题7:common 小题8:target 小题9:Out-of-home 小题10:comfortOne possible version: 略



cats是读成 ca ci 吗,ts是一起发成ci吗

kai ci

cats是读成 ca ci 吗,ts是一起发成ci吗


commercial advertisement可以用复数形式吗



这两个词本身就是不同的,advertisement就是广告的意思,commercial是一个形容词,商业的,贸易的意思。所以互联网广告用internet advertisements

financial reward是什么意思

财务报酬例句:1.You can"t create a great temporary tie community with financialreward. 你不能用经济回报创建一个好的暂时性关系群体。2.The difficulty, evidently, is to disentangle the health risk and thefinancial reward from all the other motivations to choose aparticular way of life. 显然,难点在于,从所有其它选择特定生活方式的动机中,将健康方面的风险和金钱上的回报区别开来

you will see this product______whenever you go in this city.


skipping special file ".consocket_stream"


propagandize disseminate publicity advertise broadcast 的区别


英语高手帮忙啊!大学英语! 1:They had to decide whether they should ___ some classes.


Adversity is a good discipline什么意思


financial claim是什么意思

financial claim [金融] 债权,财务金融要求权As a financial claim against a company, bonds take precedence over all types of stock. 作为对公司的一种金融债权,债券(收益)优先于所有的股票。

Adversity is a good discipline什么意思

1. 逆境是最好的磨炼。2. 疾风知劲草3. 苦难是磨练人的好机会4. 逆境磨练人.5. 逆境成才。例句:1.This is good news for me. 这对我来说是好消息。2.As a forced monthly saving, it"s a good discipline. 作为一种强制性的每月储蓄,这是种很好的自律。

英语in deciding怎么翻译?

in deciding在决定



Let me ciean the fish bowl 是什么意思

Let me ciean the fish bowl:让我清理下鱼缸。1、Let me让我;让我...;请允许我例句:Now let me see, who"s the man we want? 现在让我看一看,谁是我们要找的人?2、fish英 [fɪʃ]   美 [fɪʃ]  n.鱼,鱼肉,鱼类;〈口〉(特殊的)人物,家伙,东西;[建]接合板,夹片,鱼尾板;[航]钓锚器,撑夹桅杆的加固夹箍vt.& vi.钓鱼;捕鱼;摸出;掏出例句:Have any fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean? 北冰洋的鱼受到过污染吗?3、bowl英 [bəʊl]   美 [boʊl]  n.碗;一碗东西;碗状物;[体]木球例句;Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl. 将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。扩展资料:清理还可以表达为:1、put in order英 [put in ˈɔ:də]   美 [pʊt ɪn ˈɔrdɚ]  饬;整理,检修;排;_例句:Things have to be put in order here before they come. 在他们来之前,这一切都得要整理好。2、disentangle英 [ˌdɪsɪnˈtæŋgl]   美 [ˌdɪsɛnˈtæŋɡəl]  vt.解开?的结; 理顺;使解脱; 使脱出例句:In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates 在这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。

ICH-GCP 5.3 Participant Safety & Adverse Events(3)

Part 5: Adverse Event Follow-up Part 6: Summary of Key PointsUnless otherwise specified in the protocol, in some networks it is common practice that all AEs and non- study–related SAEs should be followed-up until they have resolved or stabilized or until 30 days after the participant"s involvement in the study has ended, whichever occurs sooner. 除非协议中另有规定,在一些网络中,通常的做法是 对所有不良事件和非研究相关的严重不良事件进行随访,直到它们得到解决或稳定,或者直到参与者参与研究结束后30天,以较早发生者为准。 All SAEs should be followed until resolution, or until the condition has stabilized with no further change expected. According to FDA guidance, participants should receive appropriate medical evaluation and treatment until resolution of any emergent condition related to the study intervention that develops during or after the course of their participation in a study, even if the follow-up period extends beyond the end of the study. 应遵循所有SAE,直到问题得到解决,或直到情况稳定且预计不会发生进一步变化。根 据FDA的指导,参与者应接受适当的医疗评估和治疗,直到其参与研究期间或之后出现的与研究干预相关的任何紧急情况得到解决, 即使随访期延长到研究结束之后。 When a participant discontinues participation in a study because of an SAE, investigators should: 当参与者因为SAE而停止参与某项研究时,研究人员应: Ⅰ、Continue to follow up the SAE as noted above. Ⅱ、Document the SAE and its follow-up in the participant"s record. Ⅲ、Attempt to complete any final evaluations required by the study protocol. Ⅳ、Attempt to perform other medical evaluations to try to determine the cause of the SAE and its possible relationship to the study intervention. These evaluations would include obtaining an autopsy report, if available, in the event of a participant"s death. 1、继续 跟进上述SAE 。 2、在参与者记录中 记录SAE及其后续行动 。 3、尝试完成研究方案要求的任何 最终评估 。 4、尝试进行其他医学评估,以确定SAE的原因及其与研究干预的可能关系。这些评估包括在参与者死亡的情况下获得尸检报告(如有)。 For a woman who is discontinued from a study because of pregnancy, attempt to follow up the outcome of the pregnancy to term. If the woman was enrolled in a trial of an investigational drug that is known to present a risk of birth defects, any information regarding birth or congenital abnormality should be obtained. 对于因怀孕而中止研究的女性,尝试跟踪妊娠至足月的结果。如果该妇女 参加了已知存在出生缺陷风险的试验药物的试验,则应获得有关出生或先天异常的任何信息 。 Loss to follow-up of participants with ongoing SAEs is a serious problem that can affect the validity of a study"s results. For this reason, every effort should be made to contact participants who leave a study after experiencing an SAE. Documentation of that effort should be maintained by the PI. 对患有持续严重不良事件的受试者的随访失败是一个严重的问题 ,可能会影响研究结果的有效性。因此,应尽一切努力联系经历SAE后离开研究的参与者。PI应保存该工作的文件。Data and safety monitoring plays an essential role in protecting participant safety and ensuring the integrity of a research study. The objectives of data and safety monitoring are to: 数据和安全监控在保护参与者安全和确保研究完整性方面起着至关重要的作用 。数据和安全监控的目标是: Ⅰ、Ensure that risks of participation in a clinical study are minimized as far as is reasonably possible. Ⅱ、Avoid exposing participants to excessive risk. Ⅲ、Ensure the integrity of the data collected in a clinical study. Ⅳ、Stop a study    i、If safety concerns arise, or    ii、As soon as the study objectives have been overwhelmingly met, criteria usually spelled out before the study begins. 1、确保尽可能降低参与临床研究的风险。 2、避免参与者面临过度风险。 3、确保临床研究中收集的数据的完整性。 4、停止学习 (1)如果出现安全问题,或 (2)一旦完全达到研究目标,通常在研究开始前制定标准。 The following are key points to remember about data and safety monitoring: 以下是有关数据和安全监控的要点: Ⅰ、Data and safety monitoring must occur periodically throughout every study. The frequency of monitoring is commensurate with the risks involved in the study, as well as the size and complexity of the study (i.e. a small, single-site Phase I trial versus a large, blinded, multi-site Phase III trial). 1、在每次研究过程中,必须定期进行数据和安全监测。 监测频率与研究中涉及的风险以及研究的规模和复杂性 (即小型、单点i期试验与大型、盲法、多点III期试验)相称 Ⅱ、Periodic data summary reports are prepared to determine if the study should change in any way or stop. Any significant changes in the study are implemented with the approval of the local IRB and reported to appropriate institutional officials, the study sponsor, and the FDA (if the study involves an investigational new drug or device). 2、准备定期数据总结报告,以确定研究是否应以任何方式改变或停止。 本研究中的任何重大变化均应在获得当地IRB批准后实施,并向相关机构官员、研究赞助者和FDA报告 (如果本研究涉及研究新药或装置)。 Ⅲ、The risks and benefits of the study must be reassessed whenever any new study data become available. 3、一旦有了新的研究数据,就必须 重新评估这项研究的风险和益处 。Scenario : Based on the research protocol for a behavioral non-drug study, research staff report all serious adverse events (SAEs) and report adverse events (AEs) only when an increase in the severity or frequency of a pre-existing symptom or condition occurs. 情景 :根据行为非药物研究的研究方案,研究人员报告所有严重不良事件(SAE),并且仅当先前存在的症状或条件的严重程度或频率增加时才报告不良事件(AE)。 Question : For participants that were screened, enrolled, and randomized sometime prior to experiencing the medical events described below, which are considered SAEs? 问题 :对于在经历以下所述医疗事件之前经过筛选、登记和随机分组的参与者,哪些被视为严重不良事件? A. Participant reports severe neck pain after a whiplash injury in a car accident that occurred in the previous week. B. Participant reports an ER visit due to pneumonia and was hospitalized subsequently for treatment with intravenous antibiotics. C. Participant with a history of mild asthma reports a 2-day hospital stay for severe asthma attack treatment in the study"s final week. D. Participant (A) and (B) only E. Participant (B) and (C) only F. Participant (A) and (C) only 1、参与者报告在前一周发生的车祸中颈部扭伤后出现严重颈部疼痛。 2、参与者报告因肺炎就诊,随后住院接受静脉抗生素治疗。 3、有轻度哮喘病史的参与者报告在研究的最后一周因严重哮喘发作而住院2天。 4、仅限参与者(A)和(B) 5、仅限参与者(B)和(C) 6、仅限参与者(A)和(C) Feedback : Which is the best response: A, B, C, D, E, or F? For Scenario B, the participant experienced a medical occurrence that led to hospitalization. For Scenario C, the participant"s pre-existing condition worsened to require intensive treatment and a hospital stay. Both cases are considered SAEs. Therefore, the correct response is E. 反馈 :A、B、C、D、E或F哪个是最好的回答?对于方案B,参与者经历了导致住院的医疗事故。对于情景C,参与者先前存在的病情恶化,需要强化治疗和住院。这两种情况都被视为严重不良事件。因此,正确的回答是E。Question : A 15 year old male has come in for a site visit. The participant was randomized to product Z for treatment of severe cystic acne. The participant"s parents report that after several weeks on the treatment the participant had mood swings, was crying, said he was “feeling blue” and attempted suicide. The participant discontinued the drug. 问题:一名15岁的男性来现场参观。参与者被随机分配到产品Z治疗严重囊性痤疮。受试者的父母报告说,接受治疗数周后,受试者情绪波动,哭泣,说他“感到忧郁”,并试图自杀。受试者停药。 Is this a reportable event(s)? A. Yes B. No Feedback: Which is the best response: A or B? Suicide attempt is a reportable event. Therefore, the correct response is A. 反馈:哪一个是最好的回答:A还是B?自杀未遂是应报告的事件。因此,正确的回答是A。Ⅰ、The safety and well-being of study participants must be safeguarded at all times during the conduct of a clinical research study. 1、在进行临床研究期间,必须始终保障研究参与者的安全和福祉。 Ⅱ、An adverse event (AE) is defined in the Good Clinical Practice guidelines as any “untoward medical occurrence” in a person who receives a drug while participating in a clinical study. The occurrence need not be causally related to the drug treatment. 2、不良事件(AE)在《良好临床实践指南》中定义为 在参与临床研究期间服用药物的人的任何“不良医疗事件” 。这种情况的发生 不一定与药物治疗有因果关系 。 Ⅲ、For behavioral studies, an AE may be defined as “any unfavorable, unintended diagnosis, symptom, sign (including an abnormal laboratory finding), syndrome, or disease that occurs during the study, having been absent at baseline, or—if present at baseline—appears to worsen.” 3、对于行为研究,AE可定义为 “研究过程中出现的任何不利、意外的诊断、症状、体征(包括异常的实验室发现)、综合征或疾病,在基线检查时未出现,或者在基线检查时出现,则会恶化。 ” Ⅳ、An AE is considered serious if it poses a threat to the patient"s life or functioning. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines a serious adverse event (SAE) as any untoward medical occurrence that:    i、Results in death, or    ii、Life threatening (places the patient at risk of death), or    iii、Requires hospitalization or prolongs an existing hospitalization, or    iv、Causes persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or    v、Is a congenital anomaly/birth defect, or    vi、Requires medical intervention to prevent one of the above outcomes. 4、如果AE对患者的生命或功能构成威胁,则视为严重AE。美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)将严重不良事件(SAE)定义为以下任何不良医疗事件: (1) 导致死亡 ,或 (2) 危及生命 (使患者面临死亡风险),或 (3) 需要住院或延长现有住院时间 ,或 (4)导致持续或严重 残疾 或无行为能力,或 (5) 是先天性异常/出生缺陷 ,或 (6)需要 医疗干预 以防止上述结果之一。 Ⅴ、The Investigator in a behavioral trial may modify or expand the FDA criteria for an SAE to reflect the specific risks of the intervention and the characteristics of the study population. 5、行为试验中的研究者可修改或扩展FDA SAE标准,以反映干预的具体风险和研究人群的特征。 Ⅵ、The severity of an AE is not the same as its seriousness. An adverse event may be severe (e.g., severe pain from a toothache) without being serious (threatening the patient"s life or functioning). 6、不 良事件的严重程度与其严重程度不同 。不良事件可能是严重的(如牙痛引起的剧烈疼痛),但并不严重(威胁患者的生命或功能)。 Ⅶ、SAEs must be reported by phone or fax immediately to all parties notified as specified in the protocol. 7、严重不良事件必须立即通过电话或传真报告给协议中规定的所有相关方。 Ⅷ、The purpose of expedited reporting to the FDA or other regulatory authority is to ensure that the appropriate parties—including investigators, sponsors, regulators, and IRBs—are quickly made aware of new, important information about the potential adverse effects of a drug or other experimental intervention. 8、向FDA或其他监管机构快速报告的目的是 确保相关方 (包括调查人员、赞助者、监管机构和IRB) 迅速了解有关药物或其他实验干预潜在不良反应的新的重要信息 。 Ⅸ、In addition to reporting AEs and SAEs, NIH-funded studies are required to report unanticipated problems that affect the safety of study participants and others. While unanticipated problems are found in and regulated by 45 CFR 46, OHRP provides the criteria for determining unanticipated problems and the reporting and review of these incidents (see OHRP, 2007). 9、除了报告不良事件和严重不良事件外, NIH资助的研究还需要报告影响研究参与者和其他人安全的意外问题。 虽然《美国联邦法规汇编》第45卷第46节中发现并规定了意外问题,但OHRP提供了确定意外问题以及报告和审查这些事件的标准(见OHRP,2007)。 Ⅹ、Generally, all AEs and SAEs should be followed up until they have resolved or stabilized. 10、一般来说,所有的AEs和SAEs都应该被跟踪,直到它们被解决或稳定下来。 Ⅺ、Data and safety monitoring must occur periodically throughout every study to protect participant safety and ensure the integrity of study data, for example, by the Data and Safety Monitoring Board for a clinical trial. 11、 数据和安全性监测必须在每项研究中定期进行 , 以保护参与者的安全性并确保研究数据的完整性 ,例如,由临床试验数据和安全性监测委员会进行监测。


beneficial 英[ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl] 美[ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl] adj. 有利的,有益的; [法] 可享受利益的; [例句]Using computers has a beneficial effect on children"s learning.使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。反义词有:adverse 英 ["ædvɜːs] 美 [ædˈvɚs, ˈædˌvɚs]adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的(名词adverseness,副词adversely)或是:detrimental 英 [,detrɪ"ment(ə)l] 美 [,dɛtrɪ"mɛntl]adj. 不利的;有害的

bowl ,order,special,strawberry 分别是什么意思


fill reducing ordering怎么翻译



各国航空公司都有自己的的代码,其中两字代码在航空公司间使用普遍。CX:国泰航空公司(Cathay Pacific Airways)的代码;CI:中华航空公司(China Airlines)的代码;CK:中国货运航空公司(China Cargo Airlines)的代码。

cathay pacific是什么航空


Cathay Pacific 的 economy supersaver 和 economy special 是什麼意思?和普通的economy有什麼分别?


cathay pacific是什么航空

Cathay Pacific 英[kæˈθei pəˈsɪfɪk] 美[kæˈθe pəˈsɪfɪk] n. 国泰航空公司; [网络] 香港国泰航空; 国泰; 国泰航空有限公司; Cathay Pacific 英[kæˈθei pəˈsɪfɪk] 美[kæˈθe pəˈsɪfɪk] n. 国泰航空公司; Cathay Pacific 英[kæˈθei pəˈsɪfɪk] 美[kæˈθe pəˈsɪfɪk] n. 国泰航空公司;

Cathay Pacific (国泰航空)为何翻译成“国泰”?


cathay pacific是什么航空公司


adverbial denoting accompanying circumstances意思?

adverbial denoting accompanying circumstances没有主语、谓语,这不是一句完整的英语句子。adverbial adj. 状语的, 副词的, n. 状语denoting ( denote 的现在分词)指示accompaying adj. 伴随的,相随的circumstances n. 情况,( 复数形式 )短语意思是: 状语指示伴随情况

一道高中英语题。。。求解。。。大哥大姐们。。。。Car racing is an adventurous sport,, 题目在下。

首先排除D 这是一个非限制性定语从句 that只能引导限制性定语从句再次排除B what引导表语从句做主语然后是C when引导时间状语从句选where popular with young men在这里是插入语,所以不要受它影响Car racing is an adventurous sport, _____quick mind and skill matters much more than anything else.where 在这里表示 “在这项运动中”

decisive adventurous honest的否定前缀

decisive 否定前缀加inindesive 非决定性的 adventurous 否定前缀前ununadventurous 不冒险的honest否定前缀前disdishonest 不诚实的

请问这个句子中 producing 后的部分在语法上是什么成分。

producing后caterpillars是宾语,which引导定语从句producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair状语,表示结果。句子译:树獭如此不讲究卫生,结果它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。

category,sort ,type,species有什么区别?分别举几个搭配,

category侧重于“分类”“类别”.例如:Category C car driver training. (C类汽车驾驶员培训.)sort和type还有kind都差不多,表示“种类”.species指的是“物种”.例如:This rare bird has become an endangered s...

category,sort ,type,species有什么区别?分别举几个搭配,谢谢


Even after the advent of widespread social media, a pyramid of production remains,with a small n

Even after the advent of widespread social media, a pyramid of production remains,with a small n之后更广泛的社会媒体的出现,一个金字塔生产仍然存在,与小N


不能去掉,have the advantage of 有.的优势; to think...作宾补.

campus-style facility是什么意思

campus-style facility校园风格设施facility[英][fəˈsɪləti][美][fəˈsɪləti]n.设备; 容易; 能力; 灵巧; 复数:facilities


经一番搜索和分析,得出的论点,arrogance和supercilious都是骄傲的同义词。arrogance较为刚性,形容极度傲慢,有点气势凌人,而supercilious较为柔和,寓意傲慢鄙视,带有一种超然的态度。"One who is arrogant is overbearingly proud and demands excessive power or consideration.""Supercilious implies haughty disdain and aloofness."proud ADJECTIVE: Inflected forms: proud·er, proud·est1. Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an act, possession, quality, or relationship by which one measures one"s stature or self-worth: proud of one"s child; proud to serve one"s country. 2. Occasioning or being a reason for pride: “On January 1, 1900, Americans and Europeans greeted the twentieth century in the proud and certain belief that the next hundred years would make all things possible” (W. Bruce Lincoln). 3. Feeling or showing justifiable self-respect. 4. Filled with or showing excessive self-esteem. 5. Of great dignity; honored: a proud name. 6. Majestic; magnificent: proud alpine peaks. 7. Spirited. Used of an animal: proud steeds. ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, from Old English prd, from Old French prou, prud, brave, virtuous, oblique case of prouz, from Vulgar Latin *prdis, from Late Latin prde, advantageous, from Latin prdesse, to be good : prd-, for (variant of pr-, with d on the model of red-, prevocalic variant of re-, back, again; see pro–1) + esse, to be; see es- in Appendix I. OTHER FORMS: proudly —ADVERBproudness —NOUNSYNONYMS: proud, arrogant, haughty, disdainful, supercilious These adjectives mean characterized by an inflated ego and disdain for what one considers inferior: Proud can suggest justifiable self-satisfaction but often implies conceit: “There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight” (Woodrow Wilson). One who is arrogant is overbearingly proud and demands excessive power or consideration: an arrogant and pompous professor, unpopular with students and colleagues alike. Haughty suggests proud superiority, as by reason of high status: “Her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip” (Charlotte Brontë). Disdainful emphasizes scorn or contempt: “Nor [let] grandeur hear with a disdainful smile,/The short and simple annals of the poor” (Thomas Gray). Supercilious implies haughty disdain and aloofness: “His mother eyed me in silence with a supercilious air” (Tobias Smollett).


favorable["feivərəbl, "feivərəbəl] adj. 有利的, 顺利的, 良好的, 赞同的conducive[kən"dju:siv] adj. 有助的, 有益的advantageous[.ædvən"teidʒəs] adj. 有利的, 有助的, 有益的

ring 和circle有什么区别?都有圈起来的意思?

ringvt. 包围, 套住, 按铃, 敲钟vi. 成环形, 响, 鸣, 按铃, 敲钟, 回响circle词性及解释 n. 圆周, 社交圈, 循环, 范围vt. 围着, 环绕vi. 盘旋, 循环【化】 圆; 圈

be beneficial to还是for sb?

be beneficial for和be beneficial to两个用法都有,to是对人,for是对事。be beneficial for somebody to do sth是唯一的区别,此时只能使用for。其他的类型for和to都可以用,一般to是对人,for是对事;to本身是介词,后应接名词性的词,表示“对”、“向”等。1、All these factors proved to be beneficial for the opposition.所有这些因素都对反对派有利。2、These efforts will definitely be beneficial for the healthy development of organ transplantation in China in a long run.这些规范管理措施的实施必将有利于我国人体器官移植事业的健康和长远发展。beneficial1、adj.~ (to sth/sb)2、有利的;有裨益的;有用的 improving a situation; having a helpful or useful effect同义词: advantageous, favourable例句:1、Using computers has a beneficial effect on children"s learning.使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。2、Having one IP address for some or all of the Ethernet adapters in a large multi-nodesystem can be beneficial for system administrators and network administration.可以让一个大型多节点系统中的一些或所有以太网适配器共用一个IP地址,这对系统管理和网络管理有帮助。

appreciating classic english language films 写英语作文


catalyst交换机与普通的Cisco1900 2900系列有什么区别?

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