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中国英文名字叫做“china”,中国人叫做“chinese”china词源说法不一,在西方流行最广、拥护者最多的说法是源于秦朝音译,认为中国称名China来自“秦”(chin)的发音。法国学者鲍狄埃等人提出此种见解。他认为支那名称起于梵语,而梵语中支那是因为中国古代秦朝而得名,所以称中国为“秦”(Sin、Chin),而China后的a是葡萄牙人加上为了表示地域。这种说法后来得到了法国汉学家伯希和的支持,由于伯希和是西方声名显赫的汉学家,所以在他之后,“支那”之名起于秦,以成为相当有影响的一种学说。中国著名的中外交通史家张星烺先生也支持这种看法,这一说法在当代中国学术界影响甚大。古代外国人确实用“秦人”去称呼来自中国的人。China瓷器称谓来源:陶瓷最初的称呼是“Chinaware”,陶瓷产品,古称瓦器,China放在ware之前,可知China初无瓷器一义,后来省略ware,小写其字头,简称瓷器为china;获得瓷器之义,已经是晚清的事了。进入十七世纪,西欧皇室和宫廷开始兴起收藏中国瓷器之风,英国女王玛丽二世也醉心华瓷,在宫内专门设置许多玻璃橱以陈列各式瓷器。另据《英汉词海 The English-Chinese Word-Ocean Dictionary》China词条介绍,China做为瓷器的涵义,是源于波斯语chini(中国的或中国人),由于受到China表示中国这种表示法的影响,产生了元音音变,由chini变为china,成为瓷器的专有名词。




前者指古中国,词源来自Khitan,即“契丹”。传统上,Cathay是中亚、西亚、欧洲对于中国北方地区的称谓。后者则多为现代所用。China的词源来自波斯语的Chin,即“秦”。自16~17世纪西方世界与当时的满清政府有所官方交流后才逐渐固定下China这个称呼。China"s,Chinese,of China的区别一般来说,China"s和of China表达的意思都是“属于中国的”。由于of China显得比较正式,正式写作时首选of China,除非遇到以下的例外用China"s。1、将中国整体作为一个拟人角色或者独立实体(而非国家这样抽象的概念)看待。2、句子结构太复杂多一个介词of不够清爽。Chinese用来表示有中国属性(风味,血统,文化等等)的。




Cathay,就是契丹,侉子,指北部中国,china 秦,全中国





What are the three categories of Chinese painting

你好,很高兴为你解答:中国画有哪三类?词汇What什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太three三categories类别,种类; category的复数Chinese painting国画

bone china是什么意思

你好。bone china翻译成中文是:骨灰瓷。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

bone china是什么意思


A map of China_on the wall of the office A is hung B is hunged C has hung D has hunged

及物动词 vt.1.把...挂起He hung his coat on the hook.他把衣服挂在钩子上。2.(hanged;hanged)绞死;吊死The man was hanged for murder.那男子因谋杀罪被处绞刑。3.悬挂展出(画作等)[H]His pictures were hung in the Museum of Modern Arts.他的画在现代艺术馆展出。4.贴(糊墙纸等)5.安装(活动的东西)6.(用悬挂的东西)装饰The wall was hung with tapestry.墙上装饰着挂毯。7.垂下The boy hung his head in shame.这男孩羞愧地低下了头。8.(用于诅咒语中)该死Hang it! I forgot her telephone number.真该死!我把她的电话号码忘了。不及物动词 vi.1.悬挂,吊着[Q]The curtains hang well.窗帘挂得很好。2.垂下,披下[Q]Her hair hung down on her shoulders.她的头发披在肩上。3.(hanged;hanged)被绞死;被吊死He hanged for murder.他因谋杀罪被绞死。4.(门扇等)被安装A door hangs on its hinges.门安装在铰链上。5.逗留;徘徊I hung about for an hour, but he didn"t come.我等了一个小时,但他没有来。当悬挂的讲的时候 过去分词只能用hung~一张中国地图被挂在办公室的墙上 明确失态应该是一般现在时 用被动语态~


china reply 中国的答复reply 英[rɪˈplaɪ]美[rɪˈplaɪ]n. 回答,答复; 反应; 报复(行动); [法律] 答辩;vi. [法律] (原告对被告) 答辩; 反响; 作答; (以行动) 做出反应;vt. 回应,作出反应;[例句]"That"s a nice dress," said Michael. "Thanks," she replied solemnly“那件衣服很好看,”迈克尔说。“谢谢,”她严肃地回答。[其他] 第三人称单数:replies 复数:replies 现在分词:replying 过去式:replied 过去分词:replied

I find waching tv intersting中为什么interesting不是副词形式


chinese knot的英文介绍-- 解释

Chinese Knot or Chinese traditional decorating Knot is a kind of characteristic folk decorations of handicraft art. Appeared in ancient time, developed in Tang and Song Dynasty (960-1229A.D.)and popularized in Ming and Qing Dynasty (1368-1911A.D.) Chinese Knot has now become a kind of elegant and colorful arts and crafts from its original practical use. The characteristic of Chinese Knot is that every knot is made of a single rope and named by its specific form and meaning. By combining different knots or other auspicious adornments(吉祥的装饰品) skillfully, an unique auspicious ornament which represents beauty, idea and wishes is formed. For example, "Full of joy". "Happiness & Longevity", "Double Happiness". "Luck and Auspiciousness as one wishes" and "Wish you a fair wind" are Chinese traditional pleasant phrases expressing warmest regards, best wishes and finest ideal. To fit in with the needs of modern life, Chinese Knot has various products. The two main series are auspicious hanging and knitting clothing adornment. Auspicious hanging includes large tapestry, big room hanging, automobile hanging etc. Knitting clothing adornment includes ring, eardrop, hand chain, necklace and other woman"s special adornments. Today, people are fond of Chinese Knot for its characteristic form, colorfulness and profound meaning. 北京申奥标志是一幅中国传统手工艺品图案,即“同心结”或“中国结”,它采用的是奥林匹克五环标志的典型颜色。图案表现了一个人打太极拳的动感姿态,其简洁的动作线条蕴涵着优美、和谐及力量,寓意世界各国人民之间的团结、合作和交流。 The candidature logo features a stylized traditional Chinese handicraft pattern known as the "knot of one heart" or "Chinese folk knot", using the typical colors of the five Olympic rings. The design depicts a dynamic human figure in a stance that portrays someone doing "Taiji" or shadow boxing. The simple gesture lines symbolize the graceful, harmonious and dynamic movements that connote the unity of, cooperation among, exchange between and development for the peoples all over the world.

chinese leaves是什么意思

chinese leaves明白菜; 例句:Next add the broccoli and stir in the Chinese leaves or cabbage.

china战歌的背景音乐 童音英文歌


在日本买的手表贴有ass in china是什么意思





"Master economic major" (MBA) in china


英语问题!China saw mounting number of museums offering free admissons to the public recently.

saw是see的过去式就是看见的意思 后边加ing是因为of是介词 admissons是因为复数加s


SHU LUN PAN是指立信的创建人----中国会计泰斗潘序伦博士,所以立信的英文名是没有LI xin而是用SHU LUN PAN代替。

____________ his accent, he is from the south of China. A.Judged by B.Judging to C.Judging

C 试题分析:考查固定结构。Judging from="judging" by…根据…判断。句意:根据他的口音判断,他来自中国南部。故C正确。点评:judging from/by根据…判断。这是独立结构,要注意识记。

dear sir or Madam, l" m li hua,a middle student from china.l read the announcement of the summer c

as well 放在句末

2018-01-05英语新闻一则The next frontier Using thought to control machines

Brain-computer interfaces may change what it means to be human TECHNOLOGIES are often billed as transformative. For William Kochevar, the term is justified. Mr Kochevar is paralysed below the shoulders after a cycling accident, yet has managed to feed himself by his own hand. This remarkable feat is partly thanks to electrodes, implanted in his right arm, which stimulate muscles. But the real magic lies higher up. Mr Kochevar can control his arm using the power of thought. His intention to move is reflected in neural activity in his motor cortex; these signals are detected by implants in his brain and processed into commands to activate the electrodes in his arms. An ability to decode thought in this way may sound like science fiction. But brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) like the BrainGate system used by Mr Kochevar provide evidence that mind-control can work. Researchers are able to tell what words and images people have heard and seen from neural activity alone. Information can also be encoded and used to stimulate the brain. Over 300,000 people have cochlear implants, which help them to hear by converting sound into electrical signals and sending them into the brain. Scientists have “injected” data into monkeys" heads, instructing them to perform actions via electrical pulses. As our  Technology Quarterly  in this issue explains, the pace of research into BCIs and the scale of its ambition are increasing. Both America"s armed forces and Silicon Valley are starting to focus on the brain. Facebook dreams of thought-to-text typing. Kernel, a startup, has $100m to spend on neurotechnology. Elon Musk has formed a firm called Neuralink; he thinks that, if humanity is to survive the advent of artificial intelligence, it needs an upgrade. Entrepreneurs envisage a world in which people can communicate telepathically, with each other and with machines, or acquire superhuman abilities, such as hearing at very high frequencies. These powers, if they ever materialise, are decades away. But well before then, BCIs could open the door to remarkable new applications. Imagine stimulating the visual cortex to help the blind, forging new neural connections in stroke victims or monitoring the brain for signs of depression. By turning the firing of neurons into a resource to be harnessed, BCIs may change the idea of what it means to be human. That thinking feeling Sceptics scoff. Taking medical BCIs out of the lab into clinical practice has proved very difficult. The BrainGate system used by Mr Kochevar was developed more than ten years ago, but only a handful of people have tried it out. Turning implants into consumer products is even harder to imagine. The path to the mainstream is blocked by three formidable barriers—technological, scientific and commercial. Start with technology. Non-invasive techniques like an electroencephalogram (EEG) struggle to pick up high-resolution brain signals through intervening layers of skin, bone and membrane. Some advances are being made—on EEG caps that can be used to play virtual-reality games or control industrial robots using thought alone. But for the time being at least, the most ambitious applications require implants that can interact directly with neurons. And existing devices have lots of drawbacks. They involve wires that pass through the skull; they provoke immune responses; they communicate with only a few hundred of the 85bn neurons in the human brain. But that could soon change. Helped by advances in miniaturisation and increased computing power, efforts are under way to make safe, wireless implants that can communicate with hundreds of thousands of neurons. Some of these interpret the brain"s electrical signals; others experiment with light, magnetism and ultrasound. Clear the technological barrier, and another one looms. The brain is still a foreign country. Scientists know little about how exactly it works, especially when it comes to complex functions like memory formation. Research is more advanced in animals, but experiments on humans are hard. Yet, even today, some parts of the brain, like the motor cortex, are better understood. Nor is complete knowledge always needed. Machine learning can recognise patterns of neural activity; the brain itself gets the hang of controlling BCIS with extraordinary ease. And neurotechnology will reveal more of the brain"s secrets. Like a hole in the head The third obstacle comprises the practical barriers to commercialisation. It takes time, money and expertise to get medical devices approved. And consumer applications will take off only if they perform a function people find useful. Some of the applications for brain-computer interfaces are unnecessary—a good voice-assistant is a simpler way to type without fingers than a brain implant, for example. The idea of consumers clamouring for craniotomies also seems far-fetched. Yet brain implants are already an established treatment for some conditions. Around 150,000 people receive deep-brain stimulation via electrodes to help them control Parkinson"s disease. Elective surgery can become routine, as laser-eye procedures show. All of which suggests that a route to the future imagined by the neurotech pioneers is arduous but achievable. When human ingenuity is applied to a problem, however hard, it is unwise to bet against it. Within a few years, improved technologies may be opening up new channels of communications with the brain. Many of the first applications hold out unambiguous promise—of movement and senses restored. But as uses move to the augmentation of abilities, whether for military purposes or among consumers, a host of concerns will arise. Privacy is an obvious one: the refuge of an inner voice may disappear. Security is another: if a brain can be reached on the internet, it can also be hacked. Inequality is a third: access to superhuman cognitive abilities could be beyond all except a self-perpetuating elite. Ethicists are already starting to grapple with questions of identity and agency that arise when a machine is in the neural loop. These questions are not urgent. But the bigger story is that neither are they the realm of pure fantasy. Technology changes the way people live. Beneath the skull lies the next frontier.

both chinese and japanese Asians.是什么意思


i am are japanese.we are all A__

We are all Asians

为什么American korean都可以加s,Chinese不可以加?


英语Assisted Dip Chin怎么翻译?

英语Assisted Dip Chin翻译成:辅助下颚。

Baby VOX-Never Say Good Bye(China ver.)


Baby VOX-Never Say Good Bye(China ver.)

Baby VOX-Never Say Good Bye(China ver.)亲爱的宝贝永远不说再见(中国版。)韩国女子劲舞组合-辣妹BABY VOX(??????????)由五个清纯亮丽的女孩组成.1997年,BABY VOX发行首张专辑"做头发的那天"。   所属于经纪公司DR ENTERTAINMENT(1997-2005)的女子劲舞组合BABY VOX成立于1997年7月3日。   每个成员都强调独特个性的突出,留给歌迷想象的空间,她们的形象在歌迷中造就了独一无二的新鲜,前卫的风格,前卫的背后又充满了平常孩子的亲切感,BABY VOX的歌声恰到好处地铨释了年轻人每个时期的心理历程,也许正是唱出了你心里藏着的话语。通过她们,可以了解新一代年轻人的所思所想。《YA YA YA》、《GET UP》、《KILLER》等都是BABY VOX畅销金曲。   1998年,第二张专辑的主打歌《YA YA YA》获得空前的成功,在这张专辑中,BABY VOX形成了集可爱、性感、动感于一身的独特形象。第三张专辑的主打歌《GET UP》(把你叫醒),确实有种能让人清醒的力量,这首歌曲在排行榜上连续5周稳坐冠军宝座。这张大碟的推出,可以算是BABY VOX从单纯、清丽,走向魅力、成熟的重大转折点。在后续曲《KILLER》中,BABY VOX以出位的军装造型示人,在韩国掀起了“军装潮流”。2000年夏天,BABY VOX在访问中国后,推出了第四张专辑《WHY》,以一种浓浓的欧陆贵族的华丽风格出现在人们面前,主打歌《WHY》的拍摄在中国桂林取景。2001年,BABY VOX推出了收录5位成员亲自作词作曲的第五张专辑《BOYISH STORY》,以中性化的形象再一次向歌迷展示了BBV无限的可塑性。该年BBV全力进军中国市场,在北京、上海、重庆等地举办了巡回演唱会,掀起了韩流一代的高潮。   2002年的特别专辑主打歌《偶然》再一次将BBV带回到韩乐的最高峰,该年8月15日,BBV在队长金EZ的学校庆熙大学举办了组合在韩国的第一次也是唯一一次演唱会,共2场次。洪京民、JUNJIN等好友纷纷前往支持。   2004年末,成员沈恩珍因与经纪公司合约问题退出了BABY VOX,2005年初其所属经纪公司DR透过官方网站发布了这一消息。   随着成员们的相继单飞,2005年10月15日,这个曾风靡东南亚、引领“韩流一代”的美少女组合正式解散。 Baby V.O.X历年纪事1997年   1997年07月03日 正式结成Baby V.O.X(Baby Voice Of eXpression)一代成员金EZ、李姬珍   1997年07月10日 发行1辑《做头发的那天》,简美妍加入 1998年   1998年10月 发行2辑《Baby V.O.X Ⅱ》,沈恩珍加入 1999年   1999年08月 发行3辑《Come,come,come,Baby》,尹恩惠加入   1999年 正式进军中国市场   1999年 美国纽约、华盛顿演唱会 2000年   2000年05月16日 发行4辑《Why》   2000年 发行《Show My Lovable Girls》VCD   2000年 中国青岛啤酒节演唱会   2000年 日本东京 韩日EXPO2000演唱会   2000年 美国纽约、洛杉矶演唱会 2001年   2001年01月17日 发行《2000 Collection》VCD / DVD   2001年06月04日 发行5辑《Boyish Story》,收录5名成员亲自作词作曲的作品   2001年06月26日 中国官网开通   2001年 中国巡演(7月大连、沈阳;8月上海;9月沈阳、北京;12月青岛)   2001年 第三届中韩歌会(中国北京)   2001年 日本横滨、大阪(EXPO)演唱会 2002年   2002年04月24日 发行《Special Album》,3CD+1VCD+1画册   2002年08月15日 举行韩国首场演唱会《First Concert in Seoul》(地点:庆熙大学 场次:两场)   2002年09月23日 发行《First Concert in Seoul》VCD   2002年 第四届中韩歌会(中国北京)   2002年 泰国PATTAYA音乐节   2002年 越南演唱会   2002年 中国台湾、泰国宣传活动   2002年 日本NHK亚洲歌谣节 2003年   2003年01月17日 中国香港宣传活动(5天行程)   2003年03月12日 发行《Japanese Mini Album》,也是唯一一张日单   2003年03月18日 泰国PATTAYA音乐节(4天行程)   2003年03月20日 发行写真集《Devotion》,也是唯一一本写真集   2003年04月03日 发行6辑《Devotion》   2003年05月16日 发行6辑《Devotion》海外版(CD+VCD)(港台及欧美市场)   2003年05月20日 歌曲《I"m Still Loving You》中国登顶NO.1   2003年06月20日 发行《5周年新曲加精选》海外版(CD+VCD)(港台及欧美市场)   2003年07月25日 蒙古演唱会   2003年08月15日 A.S.A.P(As Soon As Possible)服装连锁店开张,5人一人一间店铺   2003年10月26日 K:LSKY护肤品开始出售,K-L-S-K-Y 取自成员姓氏的头字母   2003年11月30日 两项记录被载入韩国吉尼斯记录   1)BBV在2000-2003间飞行距离共达105346英里之多,绕地球20圈。   2)BBV造访海外达44次之多。其中,中国29次,日本6次,美国3次,泰国2次,以及中国台湾,中国香港,越南,蒙古各一次。   2003年 中国北京、西安(11月)、郑州(12月)演唱会 2004年   2004年04月16日 发行7辑《Ride West》   2004年08月 日本东京演唱会   2004年10月 第六届中韩歌会(韩国首尔)   2004年10月 与DR合约到期   2004年12月18日 中国北京关爱演唱会(缺恩珍) 2005年   2005年01月13日 恩珍召开记者发布会,宣布正式单飞   2005年03月18日 泰国PATTAYA音乐节   2005年10月15日 解散(继恩珍之后,单飞顺序是:恩惠、EZ、姬珍、美妍) 2006年   2006年02月05日 恩珍生日会(EZ、姬珍、美妍出席)   2006年09月23日 美妍《昔日女子》MBC回归舞台(EZ、恩珍应援)   2006年11月23日 恩珍Z"BAGO开张派对(EZ、美妍出席) 2007年   2007年01月28日 美妍生日会(EZ、姬珍、恩珍出席)   2007年11月25日 DR发行BBV纪念专辑《Baby V.O.X Best&Remix》,在韩日泰三国有售 2009年   2009年11月21日 MAMA颁奖礼(EZ、恩珍、美妍出席) 2010年   2010年02月03日 恩珍生日会(EZ、美妍、恩惠出席)   2010年02月26日 队长金EZ拍摄婚纱照。成员们悉数到齐   2010年04月17日 队长金EZ完婚。成员们悉数到齐担当伴娘并演唱了祝歌《Ya Ya Ya》   2010年07月 美妍《要疯了》SBS回归舞台(EZ、姬珍、恩惠应援)   2010年08月11日 全体成员录制《金正恩的巧克力》

i help the chinese friend,and he give money,it is a crime for an alien,i don"t know什么意思

i help the chinese friend,and he give money,it is a crime for an alien,i don"t know我帮助中国的朋友,他给的钱,这是一个犯罪的外星人,我不知道

Room 202.Unit1.Bldg 73,Yin Hai 2D Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province. China 谁能翻译成中文啊!谢谢啦

中国 浙江省 义乌市 银海2区 73栋 一单元 202 室(银海2区在国际商贸城H区西边,银海路以北)。

请问Please fix up the machine according to the instructions. instruction为什么要用复数。




请问在建筑工程行业文献中的cardboard machine一般指的是什么

Strengthening of a Cardboard Machine Foundation增强纸板机基础。


chinese citizen 英 [tʃaɪˈni:z ˈsitizən] 美 [tʃaɪˈniz ˈsɪtɪzən] 中国公民;

cities in china和 cities of china有什么区别

cities in china和 cities of china区别在于cities in china指的是在中国的城市,cities of china指的是中国的城市,没有太大的区别,意思差不多,表达的方式不同。感觉前者更突出强调中国,后者倾向表达城市。

我在Hyper-V上启动虚拟机出现的情况,用的是linux系统,怎么解决virtual machine boot summary?

要想往虚拟机中复制文件,你必须在你的虚拟机的操作系统里先安装virtual Machine addition 。具体安装方法是: 启动虚拟机时,进cd->capture iso->浏览中选择你的虚拟机软件安装路径,比如我的是D:Program FilesMicrosoft Virtual PCVirtual Machine Additions 选文件名为VMAdditions.iso的。然后启动你的虚拟机系统,进去后点击你的 虚拟机光驱,安装软件后,到你的virtual pc console 里的setting 里选择share folds。在这里选择你想共享的文件 夹。这样就可以实现共享了,反正我在虚拟机中装xp时是可以共享成功的,linux下我没试过,应该也可以,因为windows是把共享的文件夹虚拟成硬盘的,所以在linux下应该可以看到,不过能不能在linux虚拟机中安装Virtual Machine Additions .exe,我就不得而知了。如果你安不了virtual Machine addition或安装后还是不行,那你可以将你要传到虚拟机的文件做成镜像,每次启动虚拟机时,在cd里选择加载镜像文件。最后就可以在虚拟机里的光驱里看到你需要的文件。

我的世界无法运行点启动游戏出现如下could not initialize the java virtual machine...


麻烦帮帮忙写两篇Talk about the history behind the Great Wall China的英语作文字数在一百字范围

The history of the Great Wall is said to start from the Spring and Autumn Periods when seven powerful states appeared at the same time. In order to defend themselves, they all built walls and stationed troops on the borders. At that time, the total length of the wall had already reached 3,107 miles, belonging to different states.In 221 BC, the Emperor Qin absorbed the other six states and set up the first unified kingdom in Chinese history. In order to strengthen his newly born authority and defend the Huns in the north, he ordered connecting the walls once built by the other states as well as adding some sections of his own. Thus was formed the long Qin"s Great Wall which started from the east of today"s Liaoning Province and ended at Lintao, Gansu Province.In the Western Han Dynasty, the Huns became more powerful. The Han court started to build more walls on a larger scale in order to consolidate the frontier. In the west, the wall along the Hexi corridor, Yumenguan Pass, and Yangguan Pass was built. In the north, Yanmenguan Pass and Niangziguan Pass in Shanxi were set up. Many more sections of the wall extended to Yinshan Mountain and half of the ancient Silk Road was along the Han"s wall.The Northern Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou Dynasties all built their own sections but on a smaller scale than the walls in the Han Dynasty. The powerful Tang Dynasty saw peace between the northern tribes and central China most of the time, so few Great Wall sections were built in this period.The Ming Dynasty is the peak of wall building in Chinese history. The Ming suffered a lot by disturbances from minority tribes such as the Dadan, Tufan and Nuzhen. The Ming court from its first emperor to the last ceaselessly built walls in the north. The main line started from Jiuliancheng near the Yalu River in the east to the Jiayuguan Pass in the west and measured over 4,600 miles. Besides adding many more miles of its own, the Ming emperors ordered enlargement of the walls of previous dynasties into double-line or multi-line walls. For example, out of Yanmenguan Pass were added three big stone walls and 23 small stone walls. Eleven Garrisons were distributed along the main line of the wall. The countless walls, fortresses, and watch towers made the country strongly fortified. In the early Qing Dynasty, some sections of the walls were repaired and several sections were extended. This great engineering work stopped in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.Owing to its long history, natural disasters and human activities, many sections of the Great Wall are severely damaged and disappearing. Being a world-famous engineering project and witness to the rise and fall of Chinese history, the Great Wall, needs us to take immediate action to protect it!如果只是100个词语 你可以选择第一段


teeth wolves chinese zoos如果有帮到您 请给予好评 如果还有问题 请重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

什么是capsule seperating machine?

capsule seperating machine、胶囊返粉机、剥囊机、拔囊机、开囊机和药粉回收机,顾名思义均是指把生产过程中出现的异常胶囊产品里的药粉取出来的一类设备。在全球范围内到目前为止,这类设备里能完全符合制药企业实际生产情况、适合客户使用的完美机型是CS2胶囊返粉机。CS2胶囊返粉机完全符合GMP对制药设备的各项要求,该设备使用十分方便,效率高,灵活机动,便于操作和清洁,特别适合实际生产中异常胶囊数量少、品种多、随时可能会出现但又需要及时处理的特点。设备简介: CS2胶囊返粉机是胶囊剂生产设备里的新成员,是一种用于将胶囊完整打开并取出囊内药粉的高效小型设备。 它完美的解决了胶囊灌装过程不可逆向的问题,解决了自胶囊诞生以来长期困扰广大药品生产企业的一个难题。该设备可以把已经灌装完成的胶囊的囊体和囊帽迅速而完整的分离开来,从而帮助企业把返回的药粉再次投入到相同批号的灌装,为企业节约生产成本、节省人力,使胶囊剂的生产流程更加顺畅,使药品的质量得到更加有效的保障。 CS2胶囊返粉机所拥有的众多的显著优点使它成为胶囊剂生产的得力工具,被越来越多的药品生产企业所接受,并逐渐被作为衡量胶囊剂生产流程是否真正完善的不可或缺的一环。 CS2胶囊返粉机在处理异常胶囊产品的过程中具有如下显著优点: 1. 及时有效,工作速度极快,确保药粉当批次重新灌装,且能节省大量人力。该设备对需要返粉胶囊数量的适应性极强,可以让药品生产企业迅速而轻松的应对任何数量等级的异常产品。工作能力连续可调,返粉速度可在1~12000粒/分钟的范围内调节(0#胶囊最高可达3600粒/分钟;胶囊越小,效率越高,5#胶囊可达12000粒/分钟),能够立刻将任何数量等级的异常产品的药粉取出,并马上将药粉投入到当批次的灌装。 2. 通用性强,使用方便,对所有型号和材质的硬胶囊均通用,无须更换任何模具。适用胶囊: 000#、00el、00#、0el、0#、1#、2#、3#、4#、5#、安全型Supro(A、B、C、D、E) ,一台设备可以轻松应对所有的产品,完全避免了更换模具和调试设备的繁琐,也省去了模具的管理繁琐和维护费用,使用方便快捷,省时省力。 3. 适用范围广,对胶囊异常类型的适应性很强。 不仅适用于完整的胶囊,对各种变形、烫伤、轻度粘连的胶囊同样适用,同时也适用于药粉粘性很大或吸水性很强的中草药药粉,能有效的为企业避免生产浪费,节约更多的生产成本。 4. 对药物安全,对药粉、微丸、颗粒、小药片等所有形式的充填物均适用,且对微丸、颗粒、小药片等包衣或成形内容物的性状无任何影响,无须重做质量检验,无须重走工艺流程。 5. 返粉率高,可达99%以上,胶囊体帽完整无损,无囊壳碎片产生,确保药粉中无细碎囊壳杂质。 6. 符合GMP要求,与药粉接触部件均采用优质不锈钢,接触面平滑外露,积木式搭接结构,拆装清洗极其方便。 7. 设计安全合理,该设备采用免维护理念进行设计,操作灵活,使用方便,机身采用优质不锈钢一体式铸造,安全耐用,整机无易损零部件,亦无精密校准和油脂润滑部件。 CS2胶囊返粉以其诸多的优点,在胶囊剂的生产流程中具有效果显著的“防错”和“纠错”功能,它和胶囊充填机配合工作,犹如铅笔和橡皮之间的搭档关系,使胶囊剂的生产流程变的更加顺畅;使药品质量得到更有效的保障;使企业的生产成本、人力成本得到有效的节约;使企业的生产管理工作变的更加轻松出色。CS2胶囊返粉机被越来越多的客户所接受,为用户企业更进一步的完善生产管理工作带来显著的成效,被用户誉为“胶囊充填机的最佳搭档”、“胶囊剂生产的好帮手”。

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海百合类(crinoids)在小凹组下段上组合黑色泥灰岩和页岩中,与海生爬行动物一起,产有大量完美保存的海百合化石。一类属于个体很大营假浮游生活的创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus),另一类是此次新发现的个体非常细小、几乎无茎、靠纤细羽枝摆动而浮游的漂浮海百合类(roveacrinids)。此外,还首次发现了海参骨板。前已提及,早在1949年穆恩之(Mu A.T.)就根据乐森 (1929)和许德佑等(Hsu Te—You,1940;许德佑,陈康,1944)在关岭地区分别采获的海百合化石标本,描述了完整保存的创孔海百合的冠部,并据此连同新建立的几个新种一并归入他所建的创孔海百合科中。由于棘皮动物类,包括大多数海百合类生物,主要营底栖的生活方式,它们一般限于生活在富氧和营养丰富的海底环境。因此在保存关岭化石库的黑色泥晶灰岩和页岩中出现大量的属于棘皮动物类的创孔海百合化石显然是一个值得令人深究的问题。目前已知德国西南部Holzmaden地区(Dorset Coast和Toarcian一带)下侏罗统波斯都尼页岩(Poshidonia Shale,Posidonienschiefer)是最具代表性的棘皮动物化石库。对该化石库所含化石已经研究了200多年(Simms 1986,1999; Wignall and Simms 1990;Seilacher et al.1968; Hess,1999)。其所保存的主要化石门类与关岭化石库相似,但丰度不及后者高,除了有很好保存的具节的脊椎动物骨骼外,还有大型完整保存的且附着在浮木上的五角海百合类的群体化石,包括五角海百合(Pentacrinite)和链海百合(Seirocrinus).Seilacher等(1968)最早讨论并提出链海百合(Seirocrinus)营假浮游的生活方式的论点,现在已基本为古生物界同行所接受。Simms(1986)曾对苏格兰南部所发现早侏罗世具相对短茎的五角海百合(Pentacrinitesfossilis)群体化石的生活方式进行了研究,进而说明这些五角海百合是如何像浮筏一样营假浮游生活,最终又是如何成功地下沉的。因此,关岭化石库中如此大量海百合化石的出现无论从古生物的角度,还是从生态和埋藏学的角度都是值得研究的问题。Hagdorn(1998)曾根据创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)的形态与早侏罗世五角海百合类(pentacrinitids)相似,而推测创孔海百合亦营假浮游的生活方式。通过近年来野外观察和大量标本的采集和研究,不仅对关岭化石库中创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)的系统分类提出新的认识,而且根据所发现的大量附着在浮木上的幼年和成年期标本,进一步证明创孔海百合是营假浮游的生活方式(王传尚等,2003;汪啸风等,2003; Hagdotn et al.,2005,2007;Wang al.,2006)。研究中所发现的海百合新类型以营浮游生活的漂浮海百合类(roveacrinids)为代表,这是一类个体非常小,几乎无茎,但长有使它们能够自动漂游的纤细羽枝。已知此类海百合中最著名的代表是晚侏罗世(Tithonian)绍勒霍芬石印灰岩(Solnhofen lithographic limestone)所产的囊状海百合(Saccocoma)。漂浮海百合类(roveacrinids)最早见于阿尔卑斯和属于特提斯大区的其他地方的中三叠世晚期(拉丁期)灰岩和泥灰岩中,至中/晚三叠世之交,漂浮海百合在特提斯区大量出现(Kristan—Tollmann,1970,1977),但在我国一直没有发现。根据对小凹组特殊沉积和埋藏环境的分析和判断,在小凹组下段黑色泥页岩中应该有可能保存一些罕见,且十分珍贵的化石记录,包括牙形石动物等。因此,在小凹组下段首次发现沿层面分布的完整的或多少有点破损的漂浮海百合,令我们感到高兴,但又不感到意外。鉴于关岭化石库中创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)是如此的丰富和保存完美,从而为研究创孔海百合的分类和假浮游生活方式提供了得天独厚的条件。假浮游的创孔海百合(Pseudoplanktonic Traumatocrinus)关于创孔海百合的系统分类问题形体很大的创孔海百合的茎部化石最早见于奥地利晚三叠世早期(卡尼期)红色哈斯塔灰岩(Hallstatt Limestone),由于该类化石的茎部空隙发育,因此笛特麻(Dittmar,1866)依据其茎部化石的特点将其命名多孔海百合(Porocrinus),但因多孔海百合一名与Billings在1857年所描述奥陶纪海百合化石重名,故而Wöhrmann(1889)将其更名为创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)。在此后近一个世纪的时间内,几乎没有此类化石发现,尽管早在1949年穆恩之(Mu A.T.)就根据对关岭地区所采节状的创孔海百合化石标本的研究,描述了该类海百合的总体形态,并据此建立了创孔海百合科,而将后者置于游离海百合亚纲(Dicyclica Inadunata,Bather,1899)之中,并认为创孔海百合科与石莲海百合科(Encrinidae)相关联。遗憾的是,穆恩之的这篇文章,以及在文中对创孔海百合冠部的描述,当时并未引起国外同行的注意,以至在所出版的无脊椎动物专著(Moore&Teichert et al.,1978)中,仍将创孔海百合归于石莲海百合(Encrinus)的同义名中。继穆恩之(Mu A.T.,1949)之后,Kristan-Tollmann和Tollmann(1983)根据从关岭永宁镇和贞丰县所获标本的研究,首次指出并讨论了创孔海百合具有广泛的地理分布和地层对比意义。此后,Klikushin(1983)根据阿富汗和伊朗所采的破碎标本的研究,将创孔海百合归入可曲海百合纲(Flexibilia)中;而另外的作者(Kristan-Tollmann,1992)则将其归入幼枝海百合目(Cladida)中。通过对关岭地区所发现的大量完整保存的创孔海百合化石的进一步研究表明,穆恩之关于创孔海百合科(Traumatocrinidae Mu,1949)的建议是合适的。Hagdorn(1988,1995,1998)据此将创孔海百合作为拉丁期/卡尼期石莲海百合科(Encrinidae)演化出来的一个特化的分枝,与它的姊妹属——产于北方生物地理区的Vostocovacrinus,一起置于创孔海百合科(Traumatocrinidae Mu,1949)中,并将该科归于游离海百合亚纲(Subclass Articulata)的石莲海百合目(Encrinida)中(Hagdorn,2004)。将创孔海百合置于石莲海百合目的看法亦可以从阿尔卑斯南部上拉丁阶—下卡尼阶Cassian组所产的Cassianocrinus和Zardinicrinus和所衍生的石莲海百合也具有创孔海百合的某些特征得到佐证(Hagdorn 2004)。就创孔海百合种的分类而言,穆恩之(1949)最初与许氏创孔海百合(Traumatocrinushsu Mu,1949)同时描述的另外两个新种T.u niformis和T.kueichouensis,现在看来均系该属型种的幼年期个体,都应归于他所描述的许氏创孔海百合之中。近年来在关岭地区所报道的另外几个种,T.guanlingensis Yu et al.2000和T.xinpuensis Wang al.2002,经研究后亦认为是许氏创孔海百合(Traumatocrinushsu)的同义名(王传尚等,2003;汪啸风等,2003)。至于许氏创孔海百合是否与笛特麻(Dittmar,1866)最早描述的Traumatocrinus caudex(Dittmar,1866)为同一个种的问题至今尚存在两种不同的看法。一种意见认为许氏创孔海百合(Traumatocrinushsu Mu,1949)系Traumatocrinus caudex(Dittmar,1866)的同义名(Kristan—Tollmann& Tollmann,1983; Klikushin ,1983; Hagdorn,1995,1998,2001),因二者的茎部均具多孔的特点。但另一种意见认为,笛特麻(Dittmar,1866)描述Traumatocrinus caudex时所依据的标本,乃是靠近该属茎的末部的碎片(Dittmar,1866,p.394,pl.20,fig.1,2)。同时发表的另外两个种,“Porocrinus”ornatus(p.395,pl.20,fig.6~8)和“P.”reicuiates(p.395,pl.20,fig.3~4)的标本,分别属茎的中部和始部的碎片。这些标本均采自阿尔卑斯北部(Salzkammergut)哈斯塔特灰岩(Hallstatt Limestone)之中,无疑应归于同一种中,考虑到Traumatocrinus caudex一名发表的页码在前,故而将其保留,但遗憾的是作为区分创孔海百合不同种的主要器官,即冠部的标本,至今未在典型地区发现。因此本文作者(汪啸风等,2006)主张,在创孔海百合的冠部标本未在哈斯塔特灰岩中发现之前,仅根据上述几块海百合茎的碎片就认定许氏创孔海百合(Traumatocrinushsu)与Traumatocrinus caudex同义似乎不妥(汪啸风等,2003)。有鉴于此,本文将关岭化石库中所产的大量创孔海百合暂不置于该属的任何一个种中(Wang et al.,2006),而着重讨论关岭地区创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)的形态功能、演化、古地理环境、埋藏学及其古生态问题。创孔海百合的生活方式通过对数百块反映不同个体发育阶段创孔海百合标本形态功能的研究,正如五角海百合(Penatcrinites)和链海百合(Seirocrinus)那样,创孔海百合所具有的等分和内分羽枝(isotomous and endotomous arm)的分枝模式完全可以和香蕉植物果实发育系统对比(Cowen,1981),但它们整个食物沟的长度由于腕(brachials)的双列排列而格外加大,并在它们的腕上发育了极为密集腕羽(pinnulation)。这种从中三叠世晚期石莲海百合(encrinid)祖先发育出来创孔海百合的发育方式,至晚三叠世时为从全海百合类(holocrinid)祖先演化出来的五角海百合(Pentacrinites)通过趋同演化而再次显示出来(Hagdorn,1998)。当在含营养水流中漂浮时,这种强烈分枝的羽枝可以通过其滤食通道补偿因假浮游而带来的在捕食方面不利因素。此外,创孔海百合的形态,它们在黑色页岩中出现,以及在特提斯海域的广泛分布(见附件2:创孔海百合地质和地理分布记录)都说明它们是营假浮游的生活方式(Kristan—Tollmann和Tollmann 1983)。更重要的直接证据是,在关岭化石库中发现大量依旧附着在炭化浮木上的创孔海百合群体标本(图7-16;图版8~10),以及完好保存的附着构造(图7-18~7-21)的发现,进一步肯定了创孔海百合确实是营假浮游的生活方式(Hagdorn et al.,2004,2007;Wang al.,2006)。完整的创孔海百合群体化石主要保存在小凹组下段上部,距小凹组底部5~11m的地层间隔之中。根据对卧龙岗小凹组下段上组合的科学发掘,在200m2的层面上,可见一个附着在长3.30m浮木上的世界级的大型创孔海百合群体(图版10)和一个附着在长0.5m浮木上的小型创孔海百合群体,以及两个与它们的浮木分离保存的创孔海百合群体和共生的海生爬行动物骨架。在此层面之上30cm,还可见另一个附着在1.9m长浮木上的创孔海百合群体。此外,在卧龙岗剖面的切面上,可见4层含创孔海百合的横切面(图3-7),均共生有炭化的浮木化石。根据以上所发现化石的记录,以及在宜昌地质矿产研究所保存的,面积超过15m2,茎长11m以上的一个完整的创孔海百合群体化石的研究,均说明关岭化石库中所产的创孔海百合群体化石的丰度远远超过世界上最著名的德国波斯都尼页岩(Posidonia Shale)中所含的早侏罗世链海百合(Seirocrinus)或者五角海百合(Pentacrinites)丰度。在下伏竹杆坡组近顶部具生物搅动灰岩之中,亦有非绞接的创孔海百合发现,由于海水动荡的原因,它们多呈零散的海百合茎出现(图7-17)。此外,Yang&Zhao(1998)还报道在竹杆坡组中有Encrinusliliiformis发现。对创孔海百合附着构造的研究,也显示出创孔海百合是以茎部最末端的基板(columnals)生出的反向的细根(countless rootlets),附着在木头底层的方式营假浮游的生活方式(图7-18,7-19;图版9)。其最末端茎部系由桶形构造(barrel shaped elements)组成,后者具多分节状小光面(multiradiate articulation facets)(图7-19)。创孔海百合的这种附着方式类似不规则生长的常青藤的藤,并将其根的蔓枝交织到已结壳的浮木表面,而这些构造簇(clusters)将使大捆的海百合紧紧地固着到漂浮体上(图版8,图3;图版9)。在某些标本上可见单个,或者整束的海百合,其虽与浮木脱离,但仍然带有它们的固着构造(holdfasts),暗示它们已丧失固着能力而沉入海底。图7-16 关岭卧龙岗与浮木保存在一起的创孔海百合图7-17 巴毛林剖面竹杆坡组近顶部灰岩中所保存的创孔海百合茎的碎片图7-18 Traumatocrinus sp.的附着构造成年个体茎的末端组成的簇状构造;根部蔓枝具多分节状小光面(Clusters);浮木未保存;标尺长5cm; BT3XW-1图7-19 创孔海百合茎的末端附着在浮木上的蔓枝标尺长5cm; BTA-13与Simms(1999)和Hess(1999)所报道的下侏罗统黑色页岩中的营假浮游生活的海百合类似。创孔海百合群体的大小取决于所附着浮木的大小,即使很小的一根浮木也可以为海百合所附着(图版8,图3)。显然,这些海百合并非一定选择大个的浮木,但不断增长的海百合群体的重量使得小的“浮筏”不久就会下沉。因此,所附着的海百合,当发育至未成年或半成年期个体时,就沉没下去,以至在黑色页岩中完整保存的成年群体远不及幼年或半成年群体海百合常见。与五角海百合(Pentacrinites)和链海百合(Seirocrinus)的“浮筏”相反,后两者往往携带着不同世代(generations)的海百合(Simms,1999; Hess,1999);所研究的附着在每一个浮木上的创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)的群体,往往由冠部大小相等、代表同一代的个体所组成(图版9~10)。在一个长3m多的浮木上有时能够悬挂一个巨大的,由150个以上个体组成的创孔海百合群体。因此,从目前无脊椎动物的化石记录来看,创孔海百合可算得上是当前已知最大和最壮观的无脊椎动物,其大小仅次于晚侏罗世(Toarcian)的链海百合(Seirocrinus),后者的茎长达20m(Hess 1999)。创孔海百合在浮木的表面分布情况,清楚地说明此类海百合的幼虫喜欢附着在浮木两端生活,以保持漂浮时的平衡(图7-21;图版10,图1)。根据单个创孔海百合群体中不同个体发育的茎长不同,推测这种动物在其生活时将其冠部置于不同深度的水体(图7-22),以便能够实现对水柱高效和完全的过滤,从而获得充足的食物(Hagdorn et al.2004)。故此,为了适应这种群体内的竞争和高效的浮游过滤系统,单个海百合必须加速它们的茎的生长。另一方面,由于浮木在水上漂浮时间有限,这也需要固着在任何适宜漂浮基质上的幼虫能够迅速生长和尽早繁殖。从小凹组下段上部黑色泥页岩中保存大量不带有任何海百合的浮木,也说明在浩瀚的海洋中,创孔海百合幼虫附着到浮木上的几率还是十分有限的。Seilacher等(1968)曾证明,与底栖的海百合相反,营假浮游生活的链海百合(Seirocrinus)的茎具有相当坚硬的始部和较弯曲的末部,以防止相互间缠绕。在创孔海百合群体中,长达150cm个体往往具有直的茎,但其最初的10~15cm一般呈手杖把手式弯曲(图7-23;图版8,图1~2)。这种情况不仅见于卧龙岗所发现的巨形创孔海百合的群体标本中(图版10,图1),也见于其他群体标本上(图版9)。这种保存状态说明,这些创孔海百合的茎可能像坚硬的棍棒那样被埋藏。但在另外一些创孔海百合的个体标本上,由于它们的茎似软棍棒的样子,从而被埋藏呈窄环状(图7-22)。因为这些个体并非不同的种,它们在形态构造上并无明显的区别,保存样子的不同只能说明茎的弯曲性能的不同。推测后者可能与穿过创孔海百合茎的中央沟(central canal)的径向管系统内的长索易于变向粘贴(mutable collagens)有关。创孔海百合通过茎部的小管由柱间内沟(intercolumnar fossulae)和该动物的表面相连,从而在茎的表面形成很多空隙。正是由于这类海百合表面具孔的特点,以致最初被命名为多孔海百合(Porocrinus)。从上述埋藏的特点可以推断,当创孔海百合伴随水流漂浮时,它们的茎变硬或变软可能取决于,或者反应水流速度的变化;或者影响和反映它们为便于滤食而提高其茎的活动性能。Seilacher和Hauff(2004)的模式表明,只有当浮木在水面的漂浮速度较这些海百合在水下若干米深所形成“过滤扇”快时,这种长茎拖网式滤食(long—stemmed townet filter feeders)才开始工作。创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)所具有的这种假浮游的生活方式使得它们能够在整个古特提斯(Palaeo-Tethys)广泛分布(Kristan——Tollmann&Tollmann,1983)。而他的姊妹属——具有单列羽枝的Vostocovacrinus——仅在北方生物地理大区(boreal realm)有报道(Yeltyshewa&Polyarnaja,1986)(表7-2)。创孔海百合这种假浮游生活方式还可从他们不受相的制约,而出现在各种类型的岩石中得到证实,如在霍尔斯塔型(Hallstatt type)红色深水灰岩、灰色灰岩、泥灰岩,甚至沥青质黑色页岩中均含有此类海百合。从创孔海百合在卡尼期获得广泛的地理分布,推测这种“似漂浮木筏式的假浮游”的海百合生态境(ecological niche)在晚三叠世时期曾发生过两次,一直保持到中侏罗世,其间经历了至少50 Ma的时间。创孔海百合类在晚拉丁期/早卡尼期开始占领这种生态境(Wang et al.,2006),至晚卡尼期达到顶峰。而石莲海百合目(Encrinida)的全部绝灭发生在卡尼期末。20~25 Ma后,至诺利期(Norian),此后,该生态境为营假浮游的五角海百合类(pentacrinitids)再次占领。链海百合(Seirocrinus)从上三叠统诺利阶(Klikushin,1982)至下侏罗统土阿辛阶(Toarcian)均有报道。五角海百合(Pentacrinites)从下侏罗统辛涅缪尔阶(Sinemurian)至中侏罗统巴通阶(Bathonian)亦有发现。但是,巴通阶的Pentacrinites dargniesi可能是在被它们的蔓枝所缠绕的动物丛中营底栖生活的海百合(Hess,1999)。从地质历史上看,无论更老的或者更年轻的黑色页岩中均未发现这种附着在浮木上营假浮游生活的海百合,为什么中三叠世晚期才出现这种生态境呢?推测有以下原因:①由于古生代末期裸子植物(gymnosperm)的危机,导致适合漂浮的木头缺乏;或者②几乎所有古生代海百合在二叠纪末期绝灭之后,中生代海百合的复苏需要有一个过程,因此它们迅速的辐射演化不可能发生在中三叠世晚期之前。推测这样一种适合假浮游海百合生活的生态境的结束,可能是由于钻木双壳类的出现和辐射,从而大大缩短了浮木漂浮的时间,致使这种营假浮游的海百合类无法继续生存下去。图7-20 Traumatocrinus sp.成年个体茎的末端由簇状组成的附着构造标尺长5cm图7-21 炭化浮木的末端为近50个成年traum atocrinids所附着标尺长6cm; WT3w H-10图7-22 创孔海百合假浮游的生活方式示意图(据卧龙岗图版10,图2标本绘制)表7-2 创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)和Vostocovacrinus地质和地理分布续表浮游的漂泊海百合科(Pelagic Roveacrinidae)在卧龙岗小凹组探槽的废石中,笔者首次在含沥青的页岩表面发现密集分布的营自主浮游的漂泊海百合类(roveacrinids)化石,而且这些化石与双壳类和菊石类共生(图版11 )。其后在小凹组层型剖面小凹组下段上部的黑色、风化呈黑灰色泥、页岩层面亦发现大量保存完好的漂泊海百合类(roveacrinids)化石。目前尚难以精确确定这类化石在小凹组下段上部产出的精确位置、产出层数和厚度,原因是这类化石极为细小,而且只有当这些含化石页岩经过一段时间风化后,才能在层面上看出这类化石的细小骨板。但由于这些含漂泊海百合的黑灰色钙质泥、页岩系笔者在采集海生爬行动物和创孔海百合时挖掘出来的,故而其层位属小凹组下段上部无疑,且与产大量海生爬行动物和创孔海百合的层位相同。漂泊海百合属于多孔海百合亚科(Subfamily Somphocrniinae)大骨海百合类(Osteocrinus Kristan-Tollmann,1970),它们以具有可变的长形中背部(variably elongate centrodorsals)和很长的骨形的腕板(bone—shaped brachials)为特征(图7-24)。在小凹组下段上部至少存在两个种,Osteocrinus cf.O.virgatus(分枝大骨海百合,相似种)和Osteocrinus cf.O.spinosus(带刺大骨海百合,相似种),前者具短的骨形的中背部;后者具很长的而且很细的中背部。在一块标本上,可见径向的腕板显示定向排列的样子(图版11,图1~2),但在大多数泥页岩表面则未见这种大致定向的排列。除了大量孤立的分子外,还发现一些萼和羽枝碎片以及共生的较完整个体的小骨板(图7-24)。这些埋藏的证据,表明在关岭地区小凹组下段上部曾经发生的集群死亡事件,甚至影响到水柱含氧层的较上部。图7-23 Traumatocrinus sp.茎部构造A—手杖把手式弯曲的末部;B—似软棍棒状茎图7-24 浮游的漂泊海百合(roveacrinids Osteocrinus spp.)(Kristan-Tollmann 1970,1977)大骨海百合(Osteocrinus)属于晚拉丁期与早卡尼期之交在古特提斯大区常见的一种广泛分布的类型(Kristan-Tollmann 1970,1977)。在伊朗东北部最晚拉丁期的辛那组(Sina Formation)中,也发现创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)与具有具短的骨形的中背部的属大骨海百合的种(O.aghdarbandensis;Kristan—Tollmann,1991)共生的情况。截至目前,世界上仅发现孤立分散的漂泊海百合类化石,因此对所有三叠纪漂泊海百合类的复原和重建都是推测的。在小凹组中首次发现完整的漂泊海百合标本,从而使我们有可能讨论它们的功能形态,并与侏罗纪的气囊海百合类(saccocomids)比较。海参类(holothurians)在保存漂泊海百合类化石的岩石层面,还共生有可疑的海参骨片(holothurian sclerites)。对于这些可能应归属于Calclamnidae的平坦的孔板(perforated plates)尚未详细研究,但在下伏竹杆坡组灰岩中所含的海参骨片则已为本项目成员发现和研究(陈辉明,2003),计有5个亚属,6个亚种和2个未定亚种。在分别归入无柄海参目(Apodida),盾手海参目(Aspidochirotida),树海参目(Dendrochirotida) 的 5个亚属 ( Theelia,Acanthotheelia,Tetravirga,Calclamnella 和Eocaudina) 中 ,Theelia属于手状海参科(Chiridotidae),也可能属刺海参科(Acanthotheelia),这类海参营假底栖(epibenthic),或者类底栖(endobenthic)的生活方式;而属于Synallactidae科的Tetravirga亚属,则可能营自游底栖(nektobenthic)生活(M.Reich,Göttingen,2004,个人通讯)。由于大多数海参类(holothurians)营底栖生活,它们在竹杆坡组灰岩中出现,并不令人感到意外,但在小凹组的出现则向我们提出了一个问题,是否当时的海底曾间隙性有淡水注入而发生充氧作用,这似乎与前述地球化学的分析结果一致。这些海参与漂泊海百合类共生,可以用后者营深水浮游的生活方式来解释。但是,如果这些海参确实是营底栖生活的生物,那么人们在不久的将来应该在小凹组下段上部发现不带疑问的完整,且有节的海参类化石。

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Chinese fire drill消防演习双语对照例句:1.Only 5 percent of Chinese have ever done a fire drill, he said.

针灸用英语怎么说:Chinese Acupuncture

  编者按:针灸是我国一项中医治疗技术,能用针灸的方式使病人缓解疼痛,针灸用英语应该怎么说呢?一起学习一下吧。   “In China,you"ll find a confusing mixture of modern and traditional medical practices. You may be confused, amused and even frightened by the traditional practices that you see.Though the main ideas and techniques are thousands of years old, the traditional medical practices are still important today. Acupuncture (针灸 zhēnjiǔ) is one of them!”   1   What Is Acupuncture?   Acupuncture(针灸 zhēnjiǔ) is an age-old healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It"s primarily used to relieve pain but also has been used to treat other conditions. More than 3 million Americans use acupuncture, but it is even more popular in other countries. In France, for example, one in five people has tried acupuncture.   2   How Acupuncture Works   Acupuncture seeks to release the flow of the body"s vital energy or "qì气 " by stimulating points along 14 energy pathways. Scientists say the needles cause the body to release pain -- and may boost blood flow and change brain activity. Skeptics say acupuncture works only because people believe it will, an effect called the placebo effect.   3   Does Acupuncture Hurt?   Acupuncture needles are very thin, and most people feel no pain or very little pain when they are inserted. They often say they feel energized or relaxed after the treatment. However, the needles can cause temporary soreness.   4   Effectiveness   There isn"t yet a consensus in the West about whether acupuncture is effective. The various governing bodies, agencies, and medical societies have differing opinions. Medical surveys or clinical trials also produce differing results. There has been considerable controversy surrounding its value as a therapy and whether it is anything more than placebo. However, many people say that the treatments helped them or relieved chronic pain, and now the procedure has a level of acceptability.   公众号:HanFan汉风   本文为原创文章,版权归作者所有,未经授权不得转载!

china university of petroleum 什么意思

china university of petroleum中国石油大学

china petroleum是什么意思

china petroleum中国石油例句:1.China petroleum& chemical corporation henan nanyang branch seventeenth oil filling stations. 中国石油化工股份有限公司河南南阳石油分公司第十七加油站。2.China petroleum& chemical corp., listed in hong kong and shanghai, is china"s second-largest listed oil producer and biggest oil refiner. 中石油是香港和上海上市公司,也是中国第二大上市产油企业和最大的炼油企业。3.The chinese state-owned oil company, also known as china petroleum& chemical corp., reported a 2% rise in net profit last year, but saw massive refining losses towards the end of the year, offsetting its operating profit. 这家中国国有石油公司去年净利润增长2%,但在接近年底时炼油业务出现巨额亏损,进而抵消了运营利润。


refreshing:英 [rɪ"freʃɪŋ]美 [ri"frɛʃɪŋ]adj. 提神的;使清爽的;使人重新振作的v. 使清新;恢复精神(refresh的ing形式 [网络短语]Refreshing 清爽,消暑,提神的Refreshing Toner 清新爽肤水,清爽爽肤水,清爽的墨粉Refreshing Swim 让人神清气爽的游泳-------------------------------------谢谢采纳哦~

the research ended in failure ,reaching no conclusion.这句话中ended为什么不用was ended


在线西班牙语翻译HECHO EN CHINA Imp:PAZOS SRL Capellada:Sintetico Suela:Goma

应该是某产品的标签吧中国制造,进口:PAZOS(本意是井的意思) SRL,鞋面:合成鞋底:橡胶

He is one of ____(famous )____(actor) in China.

The famousactors

He is one of the foreign experts who___in working C.are working


capamer china release是什么意思


Mr. Smith is one of the foreign experts who _____ in China.

D的话,have been 就对了,呵呵


不是不可数,只是单复数同形,复数也是goldfish 和Chinese


后两个表 合适,适合,而不是相配

china-proposed 啥意思?



Chinese-Cantonese是什么意思 中国广东 如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我! 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳. 您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢



Chinese & Cantonese 属不属于一种语言

当然是啊 都是汉语啊

请问广东人在海外一般是称呼自己为“chinese” 还是“Cantonese”!?

有人指,用“广州话”指代广州以外的口音(包括港澳粤语)不恰当,所谓的“广州话”亦不合理,因广州话不是广州人发明。现时的广州话是由各地商人在广州经商而发展出来的,因此使用“广东话”方为正确。由于外国人在广州通商时误将省城(今广州)等于广东“Canton”(现时的广交会英文为“Canton Fair”),将广州话及粤语通通译为“Cantonese”,事实上广东与广州不是同一概念,所以应将“Cantonese”译为“广州话”方符合本义。广州话早已是学术名称,而广东话则只是俗称,香港学术界仍称之为广州话。正如将闽南语称为福建话一样,称广州话为广东话是民间口语习惯。但因广东地区又主要有三大方言:粤语、潮汕话、客家话,这三种方言又完全不同,所以将将其称之为广东话确实牵强。而且省城(今广州)称为“Canton”,而且广交会原本就是广州交易会,所以大众还是将“Cantonese”对应“粤语”,“Standard Cantonese”对应“广州话”或者“标准粤语”。 粤语,又叫广东话、广州话、广府话、粤方言、白话,英文名叫Cantonese (或 Yue),应该说:Cantonese!


cantonese 广东话mandarine 普通话chinese 汉语

请问广东人在海外一般是称呼自己为“chinese” 还是“Cantonese”!?

有人指,用“广州话”指代广州以外的口音(包括港澳粤语)不恰当,所谓的“广州话”亦不合理,因广州话不是广州人发明。现时的广州话是由各地商人在广州经商而发展出来的,因此使用“广东话”方为正确。由于外国人在广州通商时误将省城(今广州)等于广东“Canton”(现时的广交会英文为“Canton Fair”),将广州话及粤语通通译为“Cantonese”,事实上广东与广州不是同一概念,所以应将“Cantonese”译为“广州话”方符合本义。广州话早已是学术名称,而广东话则只是俗称,香港学术界仍称之为广州话。正如将闽南语称为福建话一样,称广州话为广东话是民间口语习惯。但因广东地区又主要有三大方言:粤语、潮汕话、客家话,这三种方言又完全不同,所以将将其称之为广东话确实牵强。而且省城(今广州)称为“Canton”,而且广交会原本就是广州交易会,所以大众还是将“Cantonese”对应“粤语”,“Standard Cantonese”对应“广州话”或者“标准粤语”。 粤语,又叫广东话、广州话、广府话、粤方言、白话,英文名叫Cantonese (或 Yue),应该说:Cantonese!

按要求写单词。 1. I (名词性物主代词) ____ 3. China (形容词) ____ 5. here (同音词) _...

1. mine  2. swimming  3. Chinese  4. mice  5. hear6. different 7. heavier 8. third  9. much/many 10. had

basal transcription machinery 该怎样翻译

cBirth is much, but breeding is more.



谁知道The Jackson 5的Dancing machine的歌词?

歌名:Dancing Machine语言:英语所属专辑:《Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection》歌手: The Jackson 5歌词:Michael, we love you moreOh, baby, do it, babyDancing, dancing, dancingShe"s a dancing machineAh babeMove it babyAutomatic SystematicFull of color self containedTuned and gentle to your vibesCaptivating StimulatingShe said you sexy ladyFilled with space age designShe"s movingShe"s grooving dancing until the music stop nowyeahRythmetic acrobaticShe"s a dynamite attractionAt the drop of a coin she comes aliveYeahShe knows what she"s doingShe"s super bad nowShe"s geared to blow your mindDancing, dancing, dancingShe"s a dancing machineAh babeDo it babyDancing, dancing, dancingShe"s a dancing machineAh babeMove it babyShe"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machineWatch her get down, watch her get downAs she do, do, do her thingRight on the sceneShe"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machineWatch her get down, watch her get downAs she do, do, do her thingRight on the sceneCome on babeCome on babebabebabeShake it babyShake it babebabebabebabeShe"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machine(Dance)Watch her get down, watch her get down(Dance)As she do, do, do her thingRight on the scene(Dance)She"s a dance, dance, dance, dance, dancing machine(I like it)Watch her get down, watch her get down(I like)As she do, do, do her thing(I love you)Right on the scene(I love you)Michael, we"ll never let you partCause you are always in our hearts

关于"will Chinese become glbal language"的英语作文

1As China becomes a global power, Chinese language will assume a greater global significance. That significance will extend over business, trade, culture and other areas. But, will Chinese have the influence of English now has? Will Chinese ever become the global language?After the year 1600, the British Empire began to spread English around the world. The process around a huge boost in the 20th century through the business, technology and postwar reconstruction. Beyond this, there were a number of quite extraordinary trends in culture, science and the arts that reinforces these developments. Either way, English now stands unchallenged as the world"s international language.English remains relevant today in every sphere of human life and activity. Though China"s economy is strong enough to significantly boost the cause of the Chinese. It seems unlikely that Chinese is going to displace English as the global language eventually. If that were to happen. It would arouse an entire linguistic and Cultural Revolution which does not seem feasible or practical. Interestingly, there is not much effort even from Chinese to promote their language on an international stage. They are happy to be able to speak their own language. But when it comes to international business .It is they who choose, the way the world does - in English.However it cannot be denied that till now Chinese is the most widely - spoken language in the world. But that is because of the huge China"s population, within and outside China. It seems quite improbably and far-fetched that the most widely-spoken language in the world will also become the most popular.2It is widely accepted that English,is the lingua franca* of theworld—the language of businessin a globalized economy. It isalso the language of the Internet,the most important technologycontributing to the rise ofglobalization and the resultingdominance of American English as the international language. Theascension* of English as the international language began with therise to a global power of the British Empire in the 19th and early20th century and was affi rmed and extended by the United States"taking the baton of world economic and military power from GreatBritain at the close of the Second World War. The consolidationof U.S. power, in particular with the end of the Cold War at theclose of the 20th century, meant that American English would bethe language of international communication for the foreseeablefuture.However, recently, with the rise of China as a global economic playeron the world scene, there has been talk of China"s challenging theUnited States" economic dominance and therefore the concomitant*rise of the Chinese language (specifically, Mandarin) as a rival toAmerican English as the world"s common language. Based onthe widely publicized fi gure of a 10% growth grate of the Chineseeconomy in the last decade, predictions have been made that,as China catches and surpasses the U.S. as the dominant globaleconomic power, Chinese will overtake English as the internationallanguage of business, technology and politics sometime in thiscentury, perhaps even in the next fi fty years.Nevertheless, as with many propositionsthat, when repeated enough times by alot of people are then taken for “facts,” thecoming economic challenge of China tothe U.S. and of Chinese to English as theinternational language is unlikely to happenany time soon. Lester Thurow, the notedMIT economist of globalization, recentlypublished his analysis of the 10% growth-rateclaim of the Chinese economy, and, usingthe Chinese government"s own statistics, heshowed convincingly that this fi gure is simplynot possible. In fact, the growth rate of theChinese economy for the last decade hasbeen more like 4% per annum, a fi gure notmuch above the U.S. growth rate of 3.5%during the same period. Using these morerealistic statistics, and assuming a constantaverage growth rate of about 4-5% annually,Thurow projects a Chinese contest of economic dominance, if it happens atall, to arrive no sooner than the 22nd century,not the twenty-fi rst3When I started considering this question a few years ago, it seemed like a complex question. The eventual outcome would be determined by a tangled stew of global sociological dynamics, trade and investment flows, migration patterns, economic growth rates, popular culture development and marketing, thought and opinion leadership, technology development, etc.I since have come to believe the answer is fairly simple: No, because Chinese is too difficult to learn and master as a second language.Certainly Chinese is an important language today, if for no other reason than because more than 1 billion people use it. And, it will remain important for many decades and probably centuries into the future. But, will large numbers of non-native speakers someday use it as a neutral, common language in order to converse with each other? Will corporate executives from France and Germany shift to Chinese when they meet to discuss business? How about students from Ghana and Thailand studying together in Canada? Or, government ministers from India and Australia discussing trade issues?I don"t believe so. And, those are the attributes that define a “global language”. 给你三篇参考一下吧

what is difference between mergers and acquisitions in U.S. and china?


chinese fur 是什么意思

chinese fur的中文翻译chinese fur 中国毛皮fur 英[fɜ:(r)] 美[fɚ] n. 毛皮; 软毛; 毛皮衣服; 人造毛; adj. 含羊毛的; vt. 用毛皮覆盖; 除去(锅上的)水垢; [例句]This creature"s fur is short, dense and silky.这种动物的毛又短又密、丝般柔滑。[其他] 第三人称单数:furs 复数:furs 现在分词:furring 过去式:furred

china outweighs the other two countries in its use of water for industry为什么用its而不用the


汉译英 英译汉 1 Do the rewards of teaching outweigh the trying moments?

1.教学所得的回报胜过在那过程中所付出的努力吗(难熬的时刻)?2..当物资没有发生变化的情况下,我做了改变,更重要的是,我的学生也做出了改变。3.他们坚持写日记4不知5her conclusion is based on the actual situation carried on the earnest analysis foundation.6我有能力,促使,球迷的火花,建议书,指出一条路径7Temporary he had to accept a promotion to a single company law of life.

china is developing quickly as a developing country 为什么两个都用ing形式

is developing正在发展a developing country 一个发展中国家,这里的developing是形容词,发展中的意思句子意思是中国作为一个发展中国家正在迅速地发展。

oracle 中的SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK是什么?和GBK不一样吗? 一个汉字是两个字节吧!


China(Simplified Chinese)和China(Traditional Chinese)什么意思?

ijbu ijhonilhhiuhkjjklh

苹果id设置简体中文和简体中文(simplified chinese)区别

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