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这几个词都有“指责”、 “指控” 的含义,但各自的介词搭配不同,所以可以从这一点上区别它们,即:charge sb.with sth.; accuse sb.of sth.; blame sb.for sth.然后,charge,accuse通常多用于指犯罪被指控,blame/criti...

be accused with与be charge with区别

be accused ofbe charge with介词搭配不同, 意思一样.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

charge sb with sth 和accuse sb of sth 哪种指控更严重一点或者更

charge sb with sthThe police charged the driver with reckless driving.警方指责该司机鲁莽驾驶。accuse sb of sthWe accused him of immortal conduct toward her.我们指责他对她的不道德行为。He was accused of murder.他被控犯有谋杀罪。通过例句可以看出,accuse sb of sth更严重一些,某人犯罪了,法律方面的问题。而charge sb with sth是被指责道德方面的问题。

inform... of/charge...of/accuse...of/demand...of分别是什么意思?

inform of将…告知(某人)charge...of 负责accuse...of 指控,指责demand...of 要求答案来自nicku(n词酷)的提问吧

remind sb of sth、accuse sb of、charge sb with sth 这样的短语在句子中,各部分做什么成分?

remind,accuse,charge动词通常做谓语,sb通常做间接宾语,of sth做直接宾语。


charge的用法:1、charge用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。作“控告”解时,可以接that引导的从句。作“收费”解时,可以接双宾语,可用于被动结构;表示“价格贵”或“收费贵”时,不能说charge expensively,而用too much或heavily等修饰。2、charge用作不及物动词时,常接for表示“收?的费”,接down表示“冲锋”。in charge of表示“某人负责或照管某人〔物〕”; in the charge of则表示“某人〔物〕由某人负责或照管”。3、charge表示控诉时,常表示为charge sb with sth,表示因某事控诉某人,如charge Jack with murder(控诉杰克谋杀);accuse也表示控告某人某事,但是与介词of连用,如accuse Jack of murder;4、charge sb with ...ing有时指“说某人犯了??”,有时指“把??的任务交给某人”。charge sb to do指“命令某人做某事”。charge后可接双宾语,表示“索(价)”。5、charge表示“为了??取费”时,常与介词for连用,偶然也把表示物品或服务的词做宾语。in charge of表示“管理??”,in/under the charge of表示“被??管理”。扩展资料一、charge 读法 英 [tʃɑːdʒ]  美 [tʃɑrdʒ] 1、n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载2、vt. 使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对?索费;向?冲去3、vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上短语:1、take charge 掌管,负责;主持;不受控制2、charge for 索价,要价;为?收费3、take charge of 接管,负责4、person in charge 负责人5、service charge 服务费二、charge的词义辨析:charge, command, direct, enjoin, instruct这组词都有“发出命令”的意思。其区别是:1、command表示“命令,指挥”,强调强制性; 2、enjoin表示“命令,迫使”,强调权威性,含有督促或警告的意味; 3、direct表示“命令,指示”,强调指示和对指示的遵从; 4、instruct表示“命令,指令”,常可和direct相互换用,但instruct更为正式,多用于商业、官方、外交关系中; 5、charge表示“命令,指示”,为文学用语,侧重布置任务或委以重托。

请问老师,辨析sue for ,charge with ,accused of 这3个词组?

都是法律用词,词义和流程都不同哈!be used to doing和be accustomed to doing区别不大,不必刻意区分,但是单独的be used to 就不一定了,可能会是be used to do滴~·

accuse charge presecute sue 的区别

不知道,accuse charge 词典里有区分,剩下那俩用的不多感觉,可能正式一点,accuse的话生活中也可以用

用 accuse sb.of sth.和 accuse sb.of doing sth.以及cha

He accused his boss of having broken his word.他指责老板不守信。He was accused of murder.有人指控他谋杀。The driver was charged with speeding这个司机被控超速行驶They charged me with robbery他们以抢劫罪控诉我

各种控告,指控的词区别?怎么用? 如:accuse,sue,charge,还有哪些? 对应搭配词组?

1.sue 就是按照某理由控告你,特指去法院控告一般是民事诉讼 他一般只有原告Plaintiff没有公诉人prosecutor 而且被SUE不一定你就是错了 例句 We decided to sue the company for $8,000 damages 2.accuse 比sue 的范围广 不一定是和违法有关,例句 tom accuse me of turning his back on him3.Charge 是犯法,依照法律上正式控告 例如 tom was charged with tax evasion 4.Indict 在美国是特指被大陪审团起诉 一般是比较重的罪行。谋杀什么的,中国没有大陪审团我也不知道怎么解释 在起诉前要有证据才能起诉 类似过堂,大陪审团认可就是 INDICTMENT 例句比如最近很红的Caylee Anthony案子(CASEY涉嫌谋杀自己的女儿) Casey Anthony, was indicted on October 14, 2008这些例句其实都差不多,关键掌握什么时候用哪个词 希望可以帮到你可以去看看LAW & ORDER, 里面有很多法律词汇

请问老师,辨析sue for ,charge with ,accused of 这3个词组?

都是法律用词,词义和流程都不同哈!be used to doing和be accustomed to doing区别不大,不必刻意区分,但是单独的be used to 就不一定了,可能会是be used to do滴~·


to accuse someone of doing something wrong, 意为指控某人犯了错误。例如:someone can be accused of being dishonest, or of a fault like laziness.意为某人被指责不诚实或懒惰等过错。to be accused of a crime意思是被指控犯罪。 x0dx0ax0dx0aHe himself was accused of incompetence. x0dx0a他本人被指控为不称职。 x0dx0aAnd then you would start crying and accusing us of not caring if you died. x0dx0a然后,你会哭起来,指责说即使你死了我们也不会在乎。 x0dx0aThey were in great distress because they had been wrongfully accused of theft. x0dx0a因为被冤枉为窃贼,他们深感痛苦。 x0dx0aHe is accused of killing ten young women. x0dx0a他被指控杀害十名年轻女子。 x0dx0ax0dx0athe police charge someone or charge them with committing a crime.指警方正式控告(formally accuse)某人或正式控告他们犯某罪。警方掌握犯罪证据有,正式指控某人犯罪,可以说to charge a person with a crime。指控某人玩忽职守或说谎等,可以说to charge someone with not doing their duty or lying。对于一些小过失一般不用charge。总之,charge比accuse更正式。 x0dx0ax0dx0aColonel Burr was arrested by order of President Thomas Jeffson and charged with treason. x0dx0a根据汤姆斯·杰弗逊总统的命令,伯尔上校被指控犯叛国罪被捕。 x0dx0aHe was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences. x0dx0a他被捕并被指控犯有多种罪行。 x0dx0aHe was declared not responsible for the criminal acts with which he had been charged. x0dx0a法庭宣布他与被控的罪行无关。 x0dx0aMr Horta charged the premier with being politically weak. x0dx0a霍塔先生指责总理政治上软弱无能。

accuse 和charge 的区别是什么

accuse 和charge 的区别:1、使用范围不同accuse 使用范围较广,主要用于一般的指责,也可用于法律上的正式控告,charge 比 accuse 正式,通常指在法庭上依法控告,也可以引申地使用于指责某人违反公认的行为准则。2、严重性不同charge所指控的内容比accuse更严重。3、短语搭配不同accuse后一般接of,而charge后一般接with。扩展资料一、accuse英 [əˈkju:z]   美 [əˈkjuz]  v.指控;指责,谴责例句1、How can you accuse me of such a motive? 你怎么可以怀疑我是出于这样的目的?2、What new victim is going to accuse you of weakness before God? 是哪一个新的牺牲者又要到上帝面前去控告您软弱无能了?3、Neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me. 他们现在所告我的事并不能对你证实了。二、charge英 [tʃɑ:dʒ]   美 [tʃɑ:rdʒ]  vt.装载;控诉;vi.充电;索价;n.电荷;指控;例句1、All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。2、He pleaded guilty to a charge of first-degree robbery. 他对一级抢劫罪的指控表示服罪。3、Some companies charge a fee up front, but we don"t thinkthat"s right. 有些公司预先收费,但我们认为那是不对的。



accuse 和charge 的区别是什么

accuse, charge, sue 都有指控、控告的意思。1、accuse指责(某人)。可以是一般意义上的谴责、责备;也可以指法律上的控告。常用于句型:accuse sb. of (doing) sth.【例句】He was accused of favouritism. 他被指责偏袒。【例句】He was accused of murdering his wife"s lover. 他被指控杀害了他妻子的情人。2、charge  以(一罪行)控告(某人)。 强调根据法律在法庭上控告。常用于句型:charge sb. with (doing)sth.【例句】The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels.警方指控那个囚徒偷窃了珠宝。如:The police charged the driver with reckless driving.3、另外sue 也可以表示控告,sue常与for搭配。如:Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house.扩展资料:例句(1)Brian sided with his sister, which led his mother to accuse him of being disloyal. 布赖恩站在他姐姐这一边,他母亲就此指责他不忠。(2)His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties 他的父亲会指责他不尽孝道。(3)Hard for anyone to accuse you of treason again. 很难有人再指控你叛国了。(4)He is charge with three serious offence. 他被指控犯有3种严重罪行。(5)They were charge with doctoring the election results. 他们因窜改选举结果而受到控告。(6)She faced the charge with a clear conscience. 面对指控,她问尽无愧。

accuse 和charge 的区别是什么

accuse :vt. 控告,指控;谴责;归咎于;vi. 指责;控告;一般与of搭配使用charge:n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载;vt. 使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对…索费 ;向…冲去vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上;一般后面接某人,指责某人。 望采纳,谢谢!


有. accuse sb of:因...指责/控告某人 charge sb with:因...指责/控告某人


accuse是指控,还没判刑,例句,He was accused of murder.sentence 判决,例 he was sentenced to death.charge也是指控,和accuse的差别是,charge是正式的由检察机关提起的指控,而accuse可以是没有确凿证据下的一般指控。也就是先有accuse 再有 charge 最后 sentence, 例, The boss accused John of theft and called the police. The police arrested John and charged him with theft.scold 是责骂,与法律领域毫无关系。accuse英英解释claim that (someone) has done something wrong. 谴责(因为某人做了错事)而scold是 rebuke (someone) angrily. 生气地指责、责骂(某人),一般用于大人骂小孩,上司骂下属等。例句,Mum took Anna away, scolding her for her bad behaviour. 母亲一边责骂安娜的不良表现一边带走了她。

accuse 与charge有什么区别,怎么用,说清楚点如题 谢谢了


sue accuse implead indict charge的区别及固定搭配,最好能用例句说明一下,谢谢~

sue 就是按照某理由控告你,特指去法院控告一般是民事诉讼 他一般只有原告Plaintiff没有公诉人prosecutor 而且被SUE不一定你就是错了 例句 We decided to sue the company for $8,000 damages ACCUSE 比SUE 的范围广 不一定是和违法有关,例句 tom accuse me of turning his back on himIndict 在美国是特指被大陪审团起诉 一般是比较重的罪行。谋杀什么的,中国没有大陪审团我也不知道怎么解释 在起诉前要有证据才能起诉 类似过堂,大陪审团认可就是 INDICTMENT 例句比如最近很红的Caylee Anthony案子(CASEY涉嫌谋杀自己的女儿) Casey Anthony, was indicted on October 14, 2008Charge 是犯法,依照法律上正式控告 例如 tom was charged with tax evasion 这些例句其实都差不多,关键掌握什么时候用哪个词 希望可以帮到你建议你看 LAW & ORDER 里面很多法律词汇




accuse, charge两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同.accuse v.指控,控诉,与介词of连用.The police accused him of theft.警察指控他犯有盗窃罪.charge v.可以指因为小错而受的责备,也指因违法...




charge against控告accuse of 谴责,控告

accuse 与charge with作为控告时候的区别是什么?

例如:someone can be accused of being dishonest, or of a fault like laziness.意为某人被指责不诚实或懒惰等过错。to be accused of a crime意思是被指控犯罪。He himself was accused of incompetence.他本人被指控为不称职。And then you would start crying and accusing us of not caring if you died.然后,你会哭起来,指责说即使你死了我们也不会在乎。They were in great distress because they had been wrongfully accused of theft.因为被冤枉为窃贼,他们深感痛苦。He is accused of killing ten young women.他被指控杀害十名年轻女子。the police charge someone or charge them with committing a crime.指警方正式控告(formally accuse)某人或正式控告他们犯某罪。警方掌握犯罪证据有,正式指控某人犯罪,可以说to charge a person with a crime。指控某人玩忽职守或说谎等,可以说to charge someone with not doing their duty or lying。对于一些小过失一般不用charge。总之,charge比accuse更正式。Colonel Burr was arrested by order of President Thomas Jeffson and charged with treason.根据汤姆斯·杰弗逊总统的命令,伯尔上校被指控犯叛国罪被捕。He was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences.他被捕并被指控犯有多种罪行。He was declared not responsible for the criminal acts with which he had been charged.法庭宣布他与被控的罪行无关。


accuse = 指责charge = 指控


to accuse someone of doing something wrong, 意为指控某人犯了错误。例如:someone can be accused of being dishonest, or of a fault like laziness.意为某人被指责不诚实或懒惰等过错。to be accused of a crime意思是被指控犯罪。 He himself was accused of incompetence. 他本人被指控为不称职。 And then you would start crying and accusing us of not caring if you died. 然后,你会哭起来,指责说即使你死了我们也不会在乎。 They were in great distress because they had been wrongfully accused of theft. 因为被冤枉为窃贼,他们深感痛苦。 He is accused of killing ten young women. 他被指控杀害十名年轻女子。 the police charge someone or charge them with committing a crime.指警方正式控告(formally accuse)某人或正式控告他们犯某罪。警方掌握犯罪证据有,正式指控某人犯罪,可以说to charge a person with a crime。指控某人玩忽职守或说谎等,可以说to charge someone with not doing their duty or lying。对于一些小过失一般不用charge。总之,charge比accuse更正式。 Colonel Burr was arrested by order of President Thomas Jeffson and charged with treason. 根据汤姆斯·杰弗逊总统的命令,伯尔上校被指控犯叛国罪被捕。 He was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences. 他被捕并被指控犯有多种罪行。 He was declared not responsible for the criminal acts with which he had been charged. 法庭宣布他与被控的罪行无关。 Mr Horta charged the premier with being politically weak. 霍塔先生指责总理政治上软弱无能。

charge 作及物动词时可以是掌管管理的意思吗

charge英 [tʃɑ:dʒ] 美 [tʃɑ:rdʒ] vt. 装载;控诉;使充电;索(价) vi. 索价;向前冲;记在账上;充电 n. 费用;指示;掌管;指责 电荷; 负责; 费用; 收费 复数:charges 过去式:charged 过去分词:charged 现在分词:charging 第三人称单数:charges (1)动词向…收费;索要(钱);要价 If you charge someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that you have sold to them or done for them. Even local nurseries charge £100 a week... 连本地托儿所每星期都要收费100英镑。The majority of stalls charged a fair price... 多数货摊要价比较公道。The hospitals charge the patients for every aspirin... 医院每一片阿司匹林都要病人掏钱。Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance. 有些银行对查询账户余额要收费。...the architect who charged us a fee of seven hundred and fifty pounds. 那个向我们要了750英镑服务费的建筑师(2) 动词将…的账单寄给…;把…记在…的账上 To charge something to a person or organization means to tell the people providing it to send the bill to that person or organization. To charge something to someone"s account means to add it to their account so they can pay for it later. Go out and buy a pair of glasses, and charge it to us... 去买副眼镜,账记在我们头上。All transactions have been charged to your account. 所有交易都记在你的账户上了。(3)可数名词(提供服务的)要价,收费 A charge is an amount of money that you have to pay for a service. We can arrange this for a small charge... 我们可以将此安排好,只收取很少的费用。Customers who arrange overdrafts will face a monthly charge of £5. 透支的客户每月要缴纳5英镑的费用。(4) 可数名词指控;控告 A charge is a formal accusation that someone has committed a crime. He may still face criminal charges... 他可能仍然要面临刑事指控。They appeared at court yesterday to deny charges of murder. 他们昨天出庭,否认谋杀的指控。(5)动词(警方)指控,起诉 When the police charge someone, they formally accuse them of having done something illegal. They have the evidence to charge him... 他们握有控告他的证据。Police have charged Mr Bell with murder. 警方已经起诉贝尔先生犯有谋杀罪。(6) 动词(公开)指责,谴责 If you charge someone with doing something wrong or unpleasant, you publicly say that they have done it. He charged the minister with lying about the economy. 他指责部长在经济问题上撒谎。(7)不可数名词负责;管理 If you take charge of someone or something, you make yourself responsible for them and take control over them. If someone or something is in your charge, you are responsible for them. A few years ago Bacryl took charge of the company... 几年前,巴克里尔接管了该公司。I have been given charge of this class... 我被分配负责这个班。They would never forget their time in his charge. 他们永远忘不掉在他手下的日子。(8)短语主管;全面负责;统领 If you are in charge in a particular situation, you are the most senior person and have control over something or someone. Who"s in charge here? 这儿谁管事啊?...the Swiss governess in charge of the smaller children. 负责照管小一些的孩子的瑞士女家庭教师(9)可数名词被照管的人;所负责的人 If you describe someone as your charge, they have been given to you to be looked after and you are responsible for them. The coach tried to get his charges motivated. 教练试图激发队员的积极性。(10)动词猛冲;猛攻 If you charge towards someone or something, you move quickly and aggressively towards them. He charged through the door to my mother"s office... 他冲出门,往我母亲的办公室跑去。He ordered us to charge. 他命令我们冲锋。...a charging bull. 猛冲过来的公牛Charge is also a noun. ...a bayonet charge. 拼刺刀(11)动词给(电池)充电 To charge a battery means to pass an electrical current through it in order to make it more powerful or to make it last longer. Alex had forgotten to charge the battery. 亚力克斯忘了给电池充电。Charge up means the same as charge .charge up 同 charge There was nothing in the brochure about having to drive the car every day to charge up the battery. 手册里只字没提这车要天天开,以给电池充电。(12) 可数名词(带电物质的)电荷,充电量 An electrical charge is an amount of electricity that is held in or carried by something.(13)可数名词(子弹、炮弹所装填的)火药,炸药;子弹;炮弹 The charge in a cartridge or shell is the explosive inside it. You can also refer to the cartridge or shell itself as a charge . (15)短语免费的 If something is free of charge, it does not cost anything. The leaflet is available free of charge from post offices. 宣传单可以到邮局免费领取。

charge 是什么意思?

vt. 命令, 委托 例句: He charged me to arrange everything. 他要我去安排一切事务。 控告 例句: They charged that the police had beaten three students to death. 他们指控警察将三名学生殴打致死。 使充电 例句: He is charging a storage battery. 他在为蓄电池充电。 vt. & vi. 进攻 例句: We charged and the enemy"s front line fell back. 我们一冲锋, 敌人的阵线就后退了。 收费, 要价 n. 指责, 指控, 控告 猛攻 费用 掌管, 照管 例句: The company used to be in his direct charge. 该公司过去由他直接管理。 指示, 命令 The old servant fulfilled his master"s charge to care for the children. 老仆人履行了其主人要他照料孩子的指示。 电荷

feature;characteristic; accurate 这英语怎么读

feature; 谐音:非车儿characteristic; 谐音:凯瑞可特蕊斯踢可accurate ; 谐音:哎可有锐特注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。



settlement of exchange是什么意思

settlement of exchange英 [ˈsetlmənt ɔv iksˈtʃeindʒ] 美 [ˈsɛtlmənt ʌv ɪksˈtʃendʒ] 词典结汇

settlement of exchange是什么意思

[金融] 结汇

accumulator charging pressure是什么意思

accumulator charging pressure蓄能器充压压力

calvin klein是CK牌子,那ChainKavin是什么牌子呀?不会是山寨货吧?


我的美国的chase银行账户要转账给bank of america的账户通过手机的app可以实现么

手机的app不行的。可以寄checking,可以wire transfer,或者网上搜索clearxchange,是个跨行转钱的网上平台。(没试过,可以自行先研究一下)


billing英 [ˈbɪlɪŋ]   美 [ˈbɪlɪŋ]  n.(节目单或戏院大门上的)演员表;(演员表上的)演员次序;开具账单;营业额accounting英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ]   美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ]  n.会计;会计学;记账v.记述,报告(account的现在分词)charging英 [tʃɑ:dʒɪŋ]   美 ["tʃɑ:dʒɪŋ]  n.装料,炉料v.装( charge的现在分词 );控诉;记账;使充电

this armchair prepares,i sit in it 什么when i read,是什么意思


banker surcharge是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  banker surcharge,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:燃油附加税。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Note Book 1.0 Chapter I

解析:这句话读了很多遍觉得特别别扭,是中文表达的方式限制了我的思维。 按照我的水准,我一般会写成: I never find that anything of him was out of ordinary. (很辣鸡(笑))。作者用discern 替代find, 词汇高级。 I never discerned that…中间插入了(for a moment),用从未有一刻这样的词汇强调作者曾经不看好Strickland。接着他用了there be 句型转化成高级的表述: there was in him anything(这句话我纠结了好久,主要还是断句不到位)替代通俗表述: sth of sb. 复述一遍,应该是:  I never (for a moment) discerned that / (there was in him) anything / out of the ordinary. 译为: 我从未有一刻从他身上发现一丝不平凡的闪光点。 (不过为啥anything 放在 in him 的后面呢?是倒装吗?) 解析:pompous: 浮夸的      rhetorician:演说家      tamp:温顺的,乏味的            Out of office  下台 翻译这个可以进行缩句:The Prime Minister is seen to be a rhetorician, and the General is the hero. 缩句之后,理解起来就比较通顺了:首相被视为演说家,而将军则被视为英雄。(当然,这不是原文意思)接下来我们就要进行形容词填空:(什么样的)首相被(怎么样)视为(怎么样的)演说家,而(什么样的)将军则被视为(怎么样的)英雄。按照这个思路来断句: The Prime Minister (out of office) is seen, (too often), to (have) been (but) a pompous rhetorician, and the General (without an army) is (but 是一种强调,表示:不过是……) the (tame) hero (of market town). 译为:下台的将军总是被视为不过是一个空谈的演说家,而没有军队的将领也不过是一个市镇的温顺的英雄。(直译) 润色一下:   人们常常发现一个离了职的首相不过是一个大言不惭的演说家,而卸甲归田的将军也不过是一个平乏的市井英雄。 解析:at all events 无论如何        tribute赞赏,称许 书面表达 否定,不要缩写,全拼出来 do not。 Refuse it 常用短语,此处的it指代的是his art。 Tribute of your interest  直译的话,应该翻译为 来自你兴趣的赞许。(觉得怪怪的,不过也是因为中英文表述的差异),首先进行断句: It may be that / you do not like / his art, but / at all events / you can hardly / refuse it / the tribute of your interest. 断句后会好理解得多: 也许你并不喜欢他的艺术,然而却依然难以抵挡住对它产生兴趣。 (tribute of your interest 真的好难翻译出它的意思啊。。。哭)解析:这句话个人认为十分短小精悍。 Disturb 一般作为 打扰之意,而arrest 常作为逮捕之意。Strickland 的作品如何能打扰或逮捕呢,事实上, 打扰也可以翻做扰乱你的意志也即无法使你平静,而arrest也可译为吸引,扣人心弦。这么一来就通常的多。 可以翻译为:他(的作品)扰乱着你又吸引着你。 润色一下: 他的作品使你无法平静又扣紧你的心弦。 解析: eccentricity: 古怪的,怪异的         perversity:反常的, 异常的                 extol:称赞 最初读这句话还是无法理解(哭唧唧,英语语法太差),然后依靠还是补充词语理解。(翻译不顺的时候可以做删减,加词或减词来帮助理解。) 加词之后: It is no longer a mark of eccentricity to defend (him) or (a mark) of perversity to extol him. 加词之后就好理解多了:为他辩护(defend him)或称赞他(extol him)都不再被视为是怪异的行为(# mark of eccentricity#, # (mark of ) perversity#)了。初期这么理解有助 润色一下: 为他辩护或对他赞誉也不再被看作是某些人的奇行怪癖了。 解析: adulation: 赞美      capricious:任性的,变化多端的               disparagement: 诋毁          detractors:反对者 这句话主要是在于capricious 这个词很难翻译出来。先进行一个断句减词:  And the adulation /(of his admirers)is perhaps/ no less(capricious)/ than the disparagement/ (of his detractors.) 直译为 : ……赞美可能不比诋毁少,但是……。  但是,这完全不是原文表达的意思啊……摔! 补充翻译:来自他拥护者的赞美并不比贬低者的诋毁少。  依然不对!因为没有翻译出 capricious 的灵魂意思。(哈哈,其实是直接忽略了这个词)那么——……来自拥护者的赞美与贬低者的诋毁一样任性妄为,但是……(依然觉得怪怪的) 重点做个解析(标红):no less than   一般水平的人(比如我)会翻成:不比……少, 润色一下 也可以翻译为:同……一样; 重点词汇: CAPRICIOUS,  牛津词典是这么解释的:“① showing sudden changes in attitude or behavior, ② changing suddenly and quickly ”也就是突然之间态度或行为的转变,而这个转变是快速的。翻译为 任意妄为 是大丈夫的 ε=ε=ε=(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 于是去网上找了一个比较权威的翻译: 崇拜者对他的赞颂同贬抑者对他的诋毁固然都可能出于偏颇和任性 ,(很好,感觉到了权威的吊打……(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`))解析:  be akin to = be alike to  与……相似        instinct:天性, 本能               Barbarity:野蛮的,原始的 这个句子读了n遍,做了很错误的翻译,于是成功的误导了我寄几(心疼)。首先做个断句:  but / that is akin to / the sexual instinct,and / shares its barbarity: he / lays before you / also / the gift of himself. 现在看来好简单啊(当时484傻):但是那就犹如人类的性本能,他展示着原始的一面: 他在你面前躺下同时也展示着他的才能。(很粗暴的翻译,当时最不能理解的就是 he lays before you also the gift of himself,翻译成了 他在你面前躺下,而这也是他作为礼品的馈赠。。。(´ー∀ー`) 如要是前面有个sexual instinct, 让我往羞羞的方面想了。)当然上文的翻译也有错误的地方,he lays before you 真的可以直接翻译为:他在你面前躺下? 联系上文:The artist, painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies the aesthetic sense,上文说各种艺术家们经过了他们的修饰将各自领域的事物都已最好的方式呈现给世人已满足世人的审美。那么也就可以将 he lays before you also the gift of himself 理解为 他将作品毫无保留的呈现,同时也展示了他的伟大才华。 因此,润色后的翻译应该是: 但是那宛如性本能一样也有着原始的一面:他将作品毫无保留的呈现,同时呈现的也是他伟大的天赋。 解析:well… 这句话又为难我了,每个单词都知道意思,拼在一起就不懂了(深刻了解了我的英文水平非常不堪一击……),先把前文补充一下,了解这个which 指代的是什么: The most insignificant / (of Strickland"s works) / suggests a personality / which is strange, tormented, and complex; 这句话中的which 指代的是 personality , 那么后文的which 指代的是什么呢?是Strickland 最微不足道(the most insignificant)的作品也能反映出其个性的这个事情。理解了which就好办了。我们把这个句子断句: …and / it is (surely) / which / prevents (even) those who / (do not like hispictures) / from being indifferent / to them. 有一个短语: prevent sb. from doing sth. 防止某人做某事。某人指的是: 那些甚至都不喜欢他(Strickland)绘画作品的人,某事指的是:对他们而言无所谓。 串联出来的句子:   毫无疑问即使是 Strickland 最微不足道的作品也反映着其奇异,饱受折磨又复杂的个性,而这也恰恰导致了那些尽管并不不喜欢他作品的人也无法对其作品置身事外(或漠不关心)。 (心好累……外国人的表达方式好奇怪啊~~ _(:3_/—\_)解析:ovlivion: 无人知晓的       blazed the trail  开出一条路,打开第一枪             Succeeding   后续的         docility: 听话的,俯首帖耳的(无主见的)(振作一下啊) 这句话好长。。。断个句先: … Maurice Huret wrote that article / (in the Mercure de France) / which rescued the unknown painter / from oblivion / and / blazed the trail / which / succeeding writers, (with more of less docility), have followed. 缩句: Maurice Huret wrote that article which rescued the painter and blazed the trail which writers have followed. 翻译: Maurice Huret 写了一篇文章,它拯救了这个画家也开辟了一条被其他作家跟随的道路。(果然很通顺) 接着做个填空: Maurice Huret (在 Mercure de France)上面发表了一篇文章,他(将这位不知名的)画家(从籍籍无名之中)拯救出来同时他也开辟了一个新的道路——让(后来的那些随波逐流的)作家紧随其后。 好啦,那么也就翻译完了,润色一下: Maurice Huret 在 Mercure de France 上面发表了一篇文章,拜这篇文章所赐,这位无名的画家(指 Strickland )一跃成为家喻户晓的艺术家,也是这篇文章开辟了一条道路,另那些跟风的作家紧随其后。 解析:这个句子很长也么有啥复杂的单词。如果直接翻译,依然会令人啼笑皆非: 但是我会允许那些对技术并不具备实际知识的评论家们并不能说出事物的真实价值,而我对绘画的无知也达到了极限。 这个粗暴的翻译简直令人一头雾水好咩!!(这也是我刚开始的状态),这个时候就要分析是不是其中的一些词汇代表的并不是我们常见的意思。 比如allow, 在这里实际上= admit 表示承认,而非许可。Technique 翻译为技巧会更生动一些(比如绘画技巧),seldom able to sayanything   可以直接翻译成否定,毕竟seldom也就是一点点,可以忽略不计。 润色之后: 但是我也承认那些并未对技巧掌握实际认知的评论家们很少能对事物价值做出正确的评价, 就像我对绘画简直一无所知。 (通顺多啦,给自己小星星)

ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants)是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:注册会计师协会会员。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

The Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants是什么意思啊?


chartered accountant是什么意思

chartered accountant 特许会计师 注册会计师;加拿大特许会计师;执照会计例句筛选1.Yes, I"m a chartered accountant for the Capital Holiday Inn.行,我是首都假日旅馆的会计师。2.My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker.我父亲是注册会计师,母亲是银行家。

C语言,str = (char*)calloc(10,sizeof(char));?

是分配10个大小为char,也就是十个字节的内存给str,地址类型是char指针str = (char*)calloc(10,sizeof(char));的 (char*)和(char)可以换成其他的比如str = (Int*)calloc(10,sizeof(int));这样写就是分配10x4=40个字节的地址给str

champion 前加冠词么?

champion 冠军 一般在使用时 前面可加冠词,特指哪个冠军或那个冠军。例如:The challenger delivered a series of punches to the champion.那位挑战者向(拳击)冠军发动一连串猛击。


champion的中文是冠军。champion读音英 ["tʃæmpɪən]  美 ["tʃæmpɪən] 释义n. 冠军;拥护者;战士vt. 支持;拥护adj. 优胜的;第一流的n. (Champion)人名;(英)钱皮恩;(法)尚皮翁短语TV Champion 电视冠军Champion REIT 冠君产业信讬 ; 冠君产业信托 ; 冠君房产信托基金champion team 冠军队 ; 世界杯冠军队例句The challenger delivered a series of punches to the champion. 那位挑战者向(拳击)冠军发动一连串猛击。The champion was disenthroned in the second round of the match. 这名冠军的头衔在第二轮比赛中被撤销。The world champion was dethroned in the third round of the match by a young challenger. 这名世界冠军在比赛的第三回合被一名年轻的挑战者撵下了台。

老友记(Friends)S01E02中18:44时,Ross说的“Things change.Roll with the punches.”是什么意思?


老友记(Friends)S01E02中18:44时,Ross说的“Things change.Roll with the punches.”是什么意思?

情况变了,我们得兵来将挡!Roll with the punches实际上是逆来顺受的意思,在这里兵来将挡这样翻译比较合适!

老友记(Friends)S01E02中18:44时,Ross说的“Things change.Roll with the punches.”是什么意思?

情况变了,我们得兵来将挡!Roll with the punches实际上是逆来顺受的意思,在这里兵来将挡这样翻译比较合适!

55/362 Town Plus,Khlong Lam Chiak, Nuanchan, Bueng Kum, Bangkok 10230,请教这个地址的翻译?

55/362 Town Plus,Khlong Lam Chiak, Nuanchan, Bueng Kum, Bangkok 1023055/362 +镇运河Lam Chiak、Nuanchan Bueng咕,曼谷10230年

曼谷地址翻译: 44 Moo. 7 Ladkrabang Industrial Estate, Chanlong krung Rd., Bangkok 10520 Thailand


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求Charlie Puth的《one call away》中英文歌词

I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将会为你挽救局面,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one call away,而我随时听你呼唤,Call me, baby, if you need a friend,宝贝,呼唤我,如果你需要朋友在身边,I just wanna give you love,我只想要给你我的爱,C"mon, c"mon, c"mon,拜托,拜托,拜托,Reaching out to you, so take a chance,我触手可及,所以请不要放弃,No matter where you go,无论身处何方,You know you"re not alone,你并不孤身一人,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将给予你必胜的信念,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one call away,而我随时听你呼唤,Come along with me and don"t be scared,有我陪伴,你不必寒颤,I just wanna set you free,我只想让你释放自己,C"mon, c"mon, c"mon,来吧,来吧,来吧,You and me can make it anywhere,你和我可以去任何地方,For now, we can stay here for a while,不过现在,让我们在这里暂时停留,Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile,因为你知道,我想要看你微笑,No matter where you go,无论天涯海角,You know you"re not alone,你并不孤苦伶仃,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将融化你内心的冰川,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one call away,而我随时听你呼唤,And when you"re weak I"ll be strong,当你憔悴时我会把你守护,I"m gonna keep holding on,我会坚持下去,Now don"t you worry, it won"t be long,不必焦虑,悲伤不会漫长,Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone,亲爱的,当你感到痛苦绝望,Just run into my arms,请投入我的怀抱,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将浇灌你的心田,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one, I"m only one~~ call away,而我随时随地听从你的呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将温暖你内心的斑斓,Superman got nothing on me,没人能够夺走你的笑颜,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"m only one call away,我随时在你身边。

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IOS中,网页的前进后退操作(包括 history.go() 、 history.back() 等)是直接进入其离开时的快照,不会重新触发页面的 load 事件。此时js从上次离开时的状态继续往下执行。 document.referrer 是一个字符串,内容为上一页面的URL 不同浏览器对load/unload/pageshow/pagehide表现不同,使用前需多加测试 第一次进入时,触发 pageshow ,此时 isPageHide 为 false 。离开页面时触发 pagehide , isPageHide 变为 true 。第二次进入时再次触发 pageshow ,此时 isPageHide 为 true ,成功触发页面刷新。 pageshow / pagehide 会在页面跳转前后触发,而 visibilitychange 会在页面被隐藏或显示时(如浏览器tab切换、窗口被最小化等)触发,配合 Document.hidden 可以实现如"页面被切到后台时停止声音播放,切到前台时恢复播放"等功能。

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calibration chart校准图双语对照词典结果:calibration chart[英][ˌkæləˈbreɪʃən tʃɑ:t][美][ˌkæləˈbreʃən tʃɑrt]校准图表;

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personnel change人事调动Then they won"t be confused or frustrated if they try to reach you, and weren"ttold of the personnel change. 这样当他们试图联系您而且没有被告知人事变更的情况下,他们不至于感到困惑或不快。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

saint michael是什么牌子

saintmichael是日本的潮牌,细川雄太联合CaliThornhillDeWitt共同创立的全新街头品牌SAINTMICHAEL。艺术家CaliThornhillDeWitt的名字遍布各个领域,而最近他与READYMADE的YutaHosokawa联手创办的SAINTMICHAEL品牌也终于迎来了新品。   新鲜血液一直是时尚、潮流领域中不可缺少的重要因素之一,然而潮牌也是时尚界人士喜欢的风格,那么saintmichael是什么牌子?今天我们就来了解下saintmichael这个品牌吧!saintmichael是什么牌子saintmichael是日本的潮牌。最值得时尚、潮流爱好者们关注的则莫过于细川雄太联合CaliThornhillDeWitt共同创立的全新街头品牌SAINTMICHAEL。说到细川雄太,大家第一时间想到的就是风靡欧美、日本潮流市场的Remake时尚品牌READYMADE;而此次,细川雄太的合作对象则是来自美国街头文化发源地洛杉矶的艺术家CaliThornhillDeWitt。CaliThornhillDeWitt并非如KAWS、KeithHaring等人,以辨识度较高的艺术创作作为个人风格的艺术家,其早先曾为洛杉矶当地的音乐机构Jabberjaw工作,为许多嘻哈、流行歌手打造专辑封面;而此后,CaliThornhillDeWitt则开始了自己经营画廊的“职业生涯”,其平面与立体艺术作品亦在街头潮流领域有着相当高的知名度。而进入主题,此次细川雄太与CaliThornhillDeWitt合作创立的全新街头品牌SAINTMICHAEL又为我们带来了怎样的惊喜呢?此次,SAINTMICHAEL的诞生如其品牌名称一般,灵感源自欧洲神话中的大天使米迦勒,而自然其设计主题亦与宗教美学有着密不可分的关系。在设计手法上,细川雄太沿用了在个人品牌READYMADE中惯用的做旧、破坏手法,令采用棉织物打造的卫衣、T恤等常规街头单品产生焕然一新的视觉感官体验。另一方面,在该系列设计中出现的手绘涂鸦印花设计则令其街头属性更为呼之欲出。除了富有宗教意味的印花图案与加入破坏、做旧效果的创意手法,许多人更加关注的则是SAINTMICHAEL设计中与KanyeWest《TheLifeOfPablo》专辑周边相似度极高的设计,出现在SAINTMICHAEL卫衣上的印刷字体与《TheLifeOfPablo》专辑周边的设计均出自CaliThornhillDeWitt之手,也让我们能够在该系列设计中找到多多少少的熟悉感。SAINTMICHAEL将于2020年秋冬季度迎来品牌首波单品的正式发售,而除了T恤、卫衣等设计外,一款合作美国经典夹克生产商SchottNYC打造的OneStarJacket亦引来诸多潮流爱好者的目光。众所周知,细川雄太的READYMADE以打造Remake单品而闻名世界,此番SAINTMICHAEL同SchottNYC的合作亦重现了电影《飞车党》中马龙·白兰度的经典装扮,相信在吸引众多年轻潮流玩家的同时,亦会获得“情怀粉”们的青睐。如今距离SAINTMICHAEL正式登陆潮流市场尚有一段时日,而说到这个,相信也会有许多朋友好奇这样的问题:在“新秀辈出”的当下潮流领域,SAINTMICHAEL能否复制当年READYMADE的“神话”,从诸多新生代潮流品牌中脱颖而出呢?在期待SAINTMICHAEL正式登场之前,不妨让我们回顾一番细川雄太与READYMADE究竟是怎样“火”起来的。READYMADE在时尚、潮流领域的“爆红”并非一夜之间,但不知何时,如KanyeWest、TravisScott等潮流icon都开始热衷于上身做旧质感十足的军事风格单品,而其“始作俑者”则是由细川雄太主理的品牌READYMADE。READYMADE自2013年登台亮相,而在打造这一个人品牌之前,细川雄太一直热衷于将美国二战时期的军用古布作为原材料打造服饰、包袋等单品。而究其具体的设计方式,则与时尚领域风靡多年的“Remake”美学脱不开关系——细川雄太最初以军事古布对于Hermes、Chanel等老牌时装屋的经典包袋款式进行改制,通过独具一格的军事质感令这些“经典款”焕发全新的视觉效果。而就如同Bootleg大师DapperDan的作品一样,尽管在发展过程中亦因为设计所有权问题而遭受争议,但无疑细川雄太与READYMADE凭借以军事古布改制的经典包袋设计赢得了潮流领域中许多知名人物的青睐,而其引人注目的原因,很大一部分也在于细川雄太对于军事古布改造经典单品的“格致”态度。在READYMADE的产品设计中,很少出现真正的“同款”单品,因为每一块军事古布在纹路、柔软度等方面都有着各自的特点;细川雄太最初亦并未想要将READYMADE变成一个“量产品牌”,故许多READYMADE的单品都是“仅此一件”,其本身所具有的“独一无二”亦是不容忽视的亮点之一。另一方面,每一件单品所应用的军事布料都是各不相同的,且拥有绝无仅有的编号标记,即便是款式、设计相同的服饰或包袋作品,在细节部分亦可见毫厘之间的差别,但其所想要表达的核心风格却并未受到影响。对于喜欢Bootleg的时尚、潮流爱好者来说,“不撞衫”、特立独行是选择入手单品时的基本要求之一,而READYMADE则恰恰把握住了这样的消费者心理,从而在日新月异的时尚、潮流领域中异军突起。最初READYMADE未能“爆红”的原因,很大一部分则在于其较高的价格门槛。为何READYMADE的单品卖得贵?对于这个问题,细川雄太则在此前的采访中表达过自己对于品牌设计定价的想法:“好的东西的价值,只有看过才会知道。”对于READYMADE来说,一块军事古布从寻找、分析设计到精细的制作过程,实际上都是近乎不计成本的——细川雄太想要通过READYMADE表达的,是以具有独创性的设计令人们看到“军事美学”中更深层次的东西,为了制作最精良、优质的军事古布单品,其人工、用材成本自然不能忽略,而在售价方面的“曲高和寡”亦有着一定道理。那么,READYMADE就注定与普通的消费者群体无缘吗?事实并非如此。在知名度节节攀升后,READYMADE亦不仅是明星、Icon身上的“专利”,而是开始通过联名方式进入“寻常百姓家”,如同ABATHINGAPE、JustDon以及FEAROFGOD等知名品牌的联名,不仅在设计上融合双方品牌最具辨识度的设计语言,同时较高的产量亦令人们能够以相比于READYMADE本品牌更具性价比的价格入手。说到READYMADE能够“火”起来的原因,大家的讨论自然离不开明星、联名品牌所具备的“带货效应”,但在笔者看来,READYMADE能够成为当下时尚、潮流领域中的流行因素,亦与这一时期人们审美取向的转变有着密不可分的关系。在VirgilAbloh没有明确于采访中表示对于Vintage文化的看好之前,其实我们就已经注意到Vintage风格与所谓“Archive单品”在潮流领域中的人气正在持续走高,年轻人在规划自身的穿衣风格时,往往不希望随波逐流,而是更想要体现出自身的“求异性”,READYMADE所蕴含的Remake美学则恰恰能够令这种“求异性”全面地展现出来。通过全新的选材用料、设计理念来重制从前的经典之作,还有什么能够比这些更为独树一帜的呢?而植根于东京街头的READYMADE实际上亦是日系潮流文化中的一员。在日本潮流领域,如WTAPS、NEIGHBORHOOD等以军事风格作为核心的品牌并不少见,而这些品牌在日本本土与全世界范围内亦具有一定的带动作用,让更多人愿意接受军事风格同潮流文化之间的纽带关系。而灵感源自美式复古军事文化的READYMADE亦在发展初期吃到了由此前以军事风格作为核心的时尚、潮流品牌所带来的“市场红利”——对于“军事潮流”,人们已经产生认同,而风格基调相似、设计却标新立异的READYMADE自然也不会受到人们的排斥。那么说回文章看开篇的主题——细川雄太的新品牌SAINTMICHAEL能够延续READYMADE的成功吗?其实每一个人气品牌的成功都是无法复制的,对于细川雄太来说,SAINTMICHAEL相比于READYMADE更像是一次“推倒重来”的尝试。宗教美学在时尚领域中的应用并不少见,而同样以此为主题的SAINTMICHAEL在设计理念方面并非完全的“新”,但对于热衷于细川雄太的设计风格的“追随者”们来说,这一品牌无疑还是具有吸引力的。但如果想要获得时尚、潮流领域更多人的注目,在“巨人的肩膀”上做出新的东西或许才是SAINTMICHAEL的必由之路。以上关于潮牌saintmichael的相关消息,希望能帮助到大家更好的了解这个潮牌,喜欢这个saintmichael品牌时尚亲亲可以入手哦!

Readymade主理人与Kanye的艺术家伙伴,把「Saint Michael」做到「爆款频出」

高规格的做旧破坏单品,常具有「爆款」潜质,而新品牌 Saint Michael 则是近期的代表性案例,两位主理人,一位是打造了 READYMADE 的日本设计师细川雄太; 另一位则是曾帮 Kanye 制作专辑周边的艺术家 Cali ThornhillDewitt,创立不到一年,已在日本和美国等多地玩家中「走红」,爆款单品亦一件难求,被不少「懂哥」称之为下一个 Gallery Dept.。 短短几月,从东京火到 LA, Poggy、Quavo、欧阳娜娜、Kubo... 皆被中草了这些单品: 上半年时,我开始关注到 Saint Michael 这个「新品牌」,宗教属性设计中融合了「新布做旧」、涂鸦、污渍等元素,十分特别; 此后, 在一众 Icon 和先锋玩家的频繁入手下,亦发现品牌开始出现几款 「出圈单品」, 首先是这件 —— Saint Michael 与「美国百年皮衣品牌」 Schott 的联名外套; 设计上致敬马龙·白兰度在《飞车党》中的造型, Poggy 率先上身,搭配 READYMADE 「军布包」, 社交平台上不少玩家也晒出这件单品。 同样为联名款,今年 9 月发售的 Saint Michael x Dickies 「笑脸印花套装」, 则有大山神奈为其拍摄型录; 日本 时尚 精选店 GR8 创办人 Kubo,亦 早在 3 月便 获得了提前上身的机会; Quave 则在 10 月上身套装中的夹克,并认为与 Gallery Dept.、Chrome Hearts 等品牌单品搭配相当出彩。 除了联名单品外,与涅槃乐队主唱 Kurt 天价 Vintage 人像 Tee 颇相似的 T 恤, 亦凭借「人工还原」的 Vintage 做旧感和独特印花,成为「爆款」; 不只获得 Quave 青睐, 这样的设计,显然也很针对当下玩家的胃口, 不少人评价道「这件款Tee 又是一件 Vibe 风利器」。 套头帽衫、卫衣亦是 Saint Michael 的亮点单品, 大量做旧污渍效果、手工绘制涂鸦和字体,便吸引到了 欧阳娜娜的上身, 摆拍时还不忘 COS 当时正上映的国漫《姜子牙》。 Future 则在上个月演绎了 Saint Michael 耶稣套头卫衣,评论区亦有不少玩家在表示「很想入手同款」时,也在提问「这到底是什么牌子」。 继承 READYMADE 元素, 融入 Kanye《The Life Of Pablo》 标识, 「Saint Michael」横空出世 : 然而,Saint Michael 却是在今年 1 月才创立的全新品牌,直到 8 月才市售了品牌的首个完整系列; 而上面几位日本 Icon,甚至能提前对品牌进行频繁演绎, 离不开作为 Saint Michael 主理人之一的细川熊太在背后「推波助澜」; 同时作为「READYMADE 创始人」的细川雄太,圈内人缘从 Poggy 到 Travis Scott、Post malone,曾为其带货甚至合作; Saint Michael 也继承了 READYMADE 惯用的做旧、破坏等手法,但不再依附于军事古着, 而是在「新布」上对单品进行改造,价格也相对「亲民」。 Cali 在 90 年代初,便参与过 Kurt Cobain 的巡演, 并以女人形象出现 Nirvana 93 年《In Utero》专辑封面中,还曾是 Kurt 女儿的「男保姆」; 关于 Cali 的讨论颇多,国外亦有传言称 Cali 与 Kurt 的妻子 Courtney Love 串通「谋杀」了 Kurt Cobain ,原因是在发现 Kurt 尸体前一天,双方曾进行密谈; Kurt 于罗马失踪当天,Cali 亦在当地,且不见踪影,而 近年来 Cali 则与 Virgil Abloh 、NEIGHBORHOOD 等亦展开过跨界合作,声势遍布世界各地。 而其最为玩家所知的,则是 Cali 为 Kanye 一手操办了 16 年专辑《The Life of Pablo》的周边 Merch 系列, 尤其是单品中出现的字体,红极一时; 这样的经典标识,以及与 Kurt Cobain 过往的「种种」,亦被 Cali 或多或少带入到新品牌 Saint Michael 的设计之中。 细川熊太与 Cali 这两位「知名度颇高的主理人」,还作为「模特」,为品牌拍摄了 20FW 型录,其单品随后在日本、美国等世界各地指定买手店和官网同步上线。 「爆款单品」价格急剧起飞, 而涌现的 FAKE 往往「一眼假」: 首个系列 因货量较少,上架不到一周便在 Juice 等线上官网、以及 GR8 等指定店铺售罄, 之后官方明确表示「不会补货」,使其「爆款单品」市价迅速上涨; 发售价为 400 多刀的白、红两色 Saint Michael 「涂鸦帽衫」, 在国内某鱼平台上,全新版本均为 6000-7500 RMB 左右; Futura 同款「耶稣卫衣」从 345$ 的发售价,被炒至 4、5000 RMB ; Saint Michael x Dickies 联名夹克与裤款市价分别为 5k 和 3k 左右; 而这件 Photo Tee 或许因为货量最大,溢价幅度从 Juice 官网售价 1900 港币, 涨到了 2000 RMB 左右,成为最多玩家的「选择」。 检测品牌是否「出圈」,往往 Fake 是个「指标」, 目前某鱼 便有不少「打版货」, 售价在 300-800 元不等; 不过因为做旧工艺很难被「模仿」,这些 Fake 单品的成色往往「一眼假」,卖家亦表示「已经打板了 10 几次」; 在「懂哥」口中, 它是下一个 Gallery Dept., 玩家对其评价和期待颇高: 在一众「突然爆红」的品牌中,玩家对于 Saint Michael 的评价相对「正面」不少,一些评论则会说 : “ Saint Michael 是我见过「玩做旧」仅次于 VSM 的品牌 ”、 “ 单品很难被「模仿」、比同价位做旧品牌工艺高出很多 ”… 同样是「饥饿营销」 「难被取代的工艺」 「Vintage 复古做旧热潮」, 让不少人联想到之前大热的品牌 Gallery Dept.; 不少「懂哥」亦分析说,Saint Michael 有望成为下一个 Gallery Dept., 某鱼不少卖家也「提醒」大家:“ 这种价格赶紧冲,不要像去年买 Gallery Dept. 那样后知后觉”。 Saint Michael 的上升速度,亦让不少玩家期待它的「新作」,几天前,品牌发布了与近两年大热丹宁品牌 Deinm Tears 的联名系列; Cali 还邀请来 Deinm Tears 的主理人 Tremaine emory 共同拍摄了该系列的服饰型录。 同时 Saint Michael 的 21SS 系列也进入了「预定阶段」,但由于品牌未给出明确的预定渠道,让不少玩家开始「犯难」, 国内一些玩家则表示 “ 问了很多日本朋友,都不知道这个牌子该怎么买 ”。 /// 无论 Saint Michael 会成为下一个谁, 从成立之初到如今的「强劲势头」, 确实值得留意和关注。

Directions: Change the following sentences to the passive voice.


Supplementary reading material:Temporal Changes in Paleoceanography

In the Late Proterozoic,profound changes occurred that included the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia,geographically extensive glaciations,dramatic isotope excursions of,for example,strontium and carbon Jacobsen and Kaufman,this volume on a scale unprecedented in the Phanerozoic,intervals with high abundance of acritarchs suggesting alternating periods of low and high organic productivity,and the emergence of trace,body and skeletonized fossils. Close to the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, other dramatic biotic events continue that have been described as the Cambrian Explosion. Extensive biomineralization of soft tissue in many major groups of organisms resulted in diverse skeletonized faunas being preserved in the fossil record. Some new biochemical evidence suggests that the initial radiation of major clades of metazoans began about 1200 Ma rather than about 600 Ma ago. If so,what processes or threshold conditions existed to suppress the abundance,size,and diversity radiation for about 600 Ma from 1200 to 600 Ma? Answers may lie in the chemical nature of these oceans. Martin has argued for superoligotrophic oceans for most of the Early Paleozoic. He considered that the oceans were predominantly stratified and only sluggishly circulating; as a consequence there was limited mixing and transfer of nutrients from the deep ocean to surface waters for utilization by organisms ( Fig. 1) . If the oxygen and CO2levels of about 0. 2,2 and 20 times the present atmospheric levels,respectively,for the Cambrian are correct,as interpreted by Berner,then a critical threshold factor for respiration and for ecological expansion would have been the O2levels in the surface and deeper part of the oceans. The interplay of anoxic waters with surface waters somewhat enriched in oxygen is likely to have been a critical factor in the waves of extinctions evident in Cambrian and early Ordovician rocks. Such encroachment of anoxic waters onto carbonate platforms was considered by Zhuravlev and Wood to cause the mid-Early Cambrian Botomian extinction and later the periods of eutrophication to be characterized by phytoplankton blooms. Using Sr and C isotopes data from the Upper Cambrian,Saltzman et al. argued that catastrophic ocean overturning produced similar periodic,widespread,anoxic conditions. Such pulses may well explain the pattern of trilobite extinctions that were used to define biomere boundaries by Palmer.Progressive ventilation of the deeper oceans appears to have occurred through the Ordovician and Silurian. Attempts to deduce the pattern of oceanic circulation for intervals throughout these two periods have been made by Wilde and Wilde et al. ,respectively,using the paleogeographic reconstructions of Scotese and McKerrow. The superoligotrophic conditions of these oceans and the warm greenhouse climate state throughout the Early Paleozoic were only interrupted in the Ashgill and early Llandovery ( Late Ordovician—Early Silurian) when a continental glaciation developed across North Africa that was then located near the southern pole. The onset of aggressive thermohaline circulation both chilled and ventilated the deep ocean with several glacial phases occurring over about a 10 Ma interval,but with the main Hirnantian phase perhaps lasting only for a few hundred thousand years. The cause of this short-lived icehouse state within such a long 200 Ma period of greenhouse conditions is still speculative and some authors have related it to the passage of part of Gondwana over the south polar region or to the brief drawdown of atmospheric CO2. Even as greenhouse states prevailed through much of the Silurian,detailed analysis on conodont microfossil distributions and related microfacies changes have suggested to Jeppsson and Aldridge et al. that the Silurian ocean state and associated climate was characterized by alternating primo and secundo states with periodic,but rapid turnover intervals. The principal differences being a warm humid phase vs. a drier cooler phase that resulted in significantly different lithologies and reef tracts across the low latitude carbonate platforms. Fig. 1 Indices of ancient nutrient fluxes and productivity through the last 650 MaAnother seemingly important factor in paleoceanography is the changing pattern of eustasy. Sensitive records are preserved on the carbonate platforms and examination of several cratons allows a global pattern to emerge for the Ordovician and Silurian. Major transgressions produced as epicontinental seas that generated important sites of warm,dense hypersaline waters and the periodic development and then closure of this system with transgressive and then regressive events has not yet been fully accommodated into paleoceanographic models. Such oscillations certainly produced major global bio-events. For the Late Ordovician,the Caradoc transgression was the largest of the Phanerozoic and may have been generated by much higher rates of sea-floor spreading and / or the occurrence of a mantle superplume.There is a marked contrast in the studies of paleoceanography of the Early Paleozoic with those of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as noted initially. The application of a wide range of isotope proxy data with DSDP and ODP core samples and detailed analysis of abundant cores and outcrop studies in well preserved sedimentary basins,such as the Western Interior Seaway of North America,have allowed increasingly sophisticated interpretations of paleoceanography. Periods of anoxia,of less than 1 Ma duration have been recognized in all major oceans for the Late Barremian to Late Aptian of the Early Cretaceous. Peak oxygen deficiency corresponded to highly eutrophic conditions whereas less intense dysoxic / anoxic intervals were characteristic of oligotrophic conditions. The Albian and part of the Cenomanian were the warmest parts of the Cretaceous at a time when there appears to have been four times the present atmospheric level of CO2. Some authors have argued that ready transfer of heat from the equator to the polar regions reduced the latitudinal gradient and fostered a warm green-house state. Larson advocated the presence of a mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume in the western Pacific that produced the Ontong Java Plateau and this model was elaborated upon by Caldeira and Rampino to explain the widespread black shales,high organic productivity and oil accumulation ( Fig. 2) . Even within the Cretaceous there are considerable changes in oceanic temperature gradients. Huber et al. showed that during the Coniacian—Santonian the difference between low and high latitude surface- water paleotemperatures was in the range of 0—4℃ . As cooling increased towards the end of the period,the temperature difference increased to about 14℃ . Detailed investigations of the Cretaceous biotas have revealed complex patterns of marine biogeography that primarily mirror the changing major water masses and current systems along with the modifications to the Tethys Seaway and the Western Interior Seaway of North America. The open equatorial circulation around much of the globe via the Tethyan Seaway and the presence of wide shallow shelves on which warm saline waters were generated seem to be critical components to maintain the ultra warm greenhouse state at this time.Fig. 2 Inferred mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume showing increased ocean crust generation, sea level,black shales and related increases in ocean temperature and oil generation. These changes correspond to an interval free of magnetic reversals.In addition to the Cretaceous deep oceans,particularly Tethys,Pacific and opening Atlantic, large shelf seas developed as in Europe and the Western. Interior Sea of North America. The latter has received considerable attention because of the large stratigraphic database developed through oil exploration. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,over 150,000 wells have been drilled in Alberta alone,with many aimed at the Cretaceous or passing to Devonian targets. The Cretaceous Seaway initially spread north from the Gulf of Mexico and south from the Beaufort Sea, meeting in Albian time. The sea was constrained on the west by emerging tectonic forelands tied to major Cordilleran orogenic phases and terrane accretion on the Pacific margin; on the east it lapped progressively eastwards on a largely peneplained Canadian Shield. Tectonic deformation generated an asymmetrically subsiding foreland basin and an eastward migrating peripheral bulge. From sedimentological and paleontological studies the seaway is estimated to have been up to 1000 m deep in the west-central corridor. The western margin was subjected to much clastic fill from the deforming foreland,transported by complex river systems. Volcanoes contributed extensive, eastwardly transported ash falls with over 200 bentonites in the Cretaceous sequence,which,with detailed biostratigraphy,have provided a remarkably detailed chemostratigraphy to unravel the changes to the seaway through time.Within this overall framework,there have been several recent attempts to understand and model the paleoceanography of this north-south seaway. Kaufmann initially tried to discriminate the inflowing north and south waters from surface freshwater caps derived from rivers mainly flowing from the emerging Cordilleran foreland. More recent attempts have modelled current flows within the sea-way. Jewell noted that salinity stratification in the seaway could have been established rapidly. Slingerland et al. proposed that river flux was important and likely controlled the strong counterclockwise gyre occupying the entire north-south extent of the seaway.In the Cenozoic,an early phase of global warming ( Paleocene—Eocene) was followed by a progressive but variable decline in mean annual temperature ( Oligocene—Recent) . The onset of glaciation occurred first in Antarctica close to the Eocene—Oligocene boundary ( ca. 34 Ma) . Major Arctic glaciation appears to have been initiated in the late Pliocene ( ca. 2. 8 Ma) . The Cenozoic provides an opportunity to investigate the processes of changeover from a greenhouse to icehouse state. Fundamental questions remain unresolved about the initiation and maintenance of these two states and of the complex feedback loops in the climate system. Of particular interest are the processes of heat transfer to the high latitudes during a greenhouse state and their collapse during the icehouse state. Two possible principal causes have been advanced, possibly interrelated. Firstly,decreased atmospheric CO2partly derived from the weathering of uplifted crustal rocks during the late phases of alpine orogeny ( e. g. , Himalayan, Alps, Andes, Cordillera) . Secondly,there was substantially altered ocean circulation,particularly the onset of the deep ocean conveyor belt with thermohaline circulation derived from sinking of cold water in the North Atlantic. In this latter case,the pattern of ocean circulation is strongly affected by paleogeographic barriers such as the opening of the Drake Passage or closing of the Panama Isthmus.For the early Cenozoic greenhouse state,O"Connell et al. modelled atmospheric circulation conditions. In one experiment,they showed that under extreme zonal conditions evaporation may have substantially exceeded precipitation leading to the generation of very saline water. Zachos et al. discussed early Cenozoic temperatures from the oceanographic view,and Hovan and Rea used ODP data to examine the particular changes at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary. Here,they noted the dramatic changes that occur over a period of about 1. 2 Ma including: extinction of some benthic foraminifera and changes in calcareous plankton assemblages,oceanic warming,decrease in carbon isotope ratios,reduction in wind strength,an increase in hydrothermal activity. This same change is found in the continental record and is marked by the first appearance of several important modern mammalian orders. The Paleocene and early Eocene climates were controlled primarily by large scale meridional energy transport through the oceans rather than the atmosphere and in part influenced by tectonic events. Hovan and Rea showed that a strong reduction in Paleocene / Eocene wind stress occurs in both hemispheres at the boundary,related to decreased latitudinal thermal gradients produced by a more effective poleward heat transport via the deep ocean.There were dramatic changes to these greenhouse conditions at the Eocene / Oligocene boundary,including: fall in oceanic bottom water temperatures; 1 km drop in the calcium compensation depth in the Pacific; increase in deep sea unconformities; extinctions of planktonic foraminifera. These were apparently related to sudden high latitude cooling and enhanced oceanic thermohaline circulation. The onset of Antarctic glaciation occurred at about 34. 5 Ma seemingly closely related to the opening of the Drake Passage ( between South America and Antarctica) : surface and intermediate water circulation is documented by paleontology at this time,with other geologic evidence suggesting complete opening and deepwater circulation by about 30 Ma. These circulation changes induced a new position for the polar front and strongly influenced the pattern of upwelling and productivity.The late Neogene marks the onset of Arctic glaciation and enhanced global cooling. A significant oceanographic circulation event during this time was the full closure,evaporation and then reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea; the Messinian Event ( ca. 8—5 Ma ) in the late Miocene. The more recent work based on defined sequence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy has shown that there were two distinct phases of evaporite accumulation,each associated with a sea-level drop that were in turn likely to be of glacio-eustatic origin. Salt a

Michael Jackson

我给你啦 呵呵[00:00.00]SCREAM[00:10.00]Michael Jackson[01:03.00]Tired of injustice[01:06.00]Tired of the schemes[01:08.00]Kinda disgusted[01:10.00]So what does it mean[01:13.00]Kicking me down[01:15.00]I got to get up[01:17.00]As jacked as it sounds[01:19.00]The whole system sucks[01:26.00]Peek in the shadow[01:28.00]Come into the light[01:31.00]You tell me I"m wrong[01:33.00]Then you better prove you"re right[01:35.00]You"re sellin" out souls but[01:37.00]I care about mine[01:40.00]I"ve got to get stronger[01:42.00]And I won"t give up the fight[01:44.00]With such confusions don"t it make you wanna scream[03:56.00][02:47.00][01:49.00]Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme[04:00.00][01:53.00]You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize[01:57.00]Somebody please have mercy "cause I just can"t take it[05:14.00][05:09.00][05:05.00][05:00.00][04:46.00][04:41.00][04:36.00][04:32.00][04:27.00][04:23.00][04:19.00][04:14.00][03:10.00][03:06.00][03:01.00][02:16.00][02:11.00][02:07.00][02:02.00]Stop pressurin" me[05:11.00][05:02.00][04:43.00][04:34.00][04:25.00][04:16.00][03:13.00][03:03.00][02:14.00][02:04.00]Just stop pressurin" me[05:16.00][05:07.00][04:48.00][04:39.00][04:31.00][04:21.00][03:17.00][03:08.00][02:09.00]Make me wanna scream[02:18.00]Make you just wanna scream[02:21.00]Tired of you tellin" the story your way[02:25.00]You"re causin" confusion[02:27.00]You think it"s okay[02:30.00]Keep changin" the rules[02:32.00]While you"re playin" the game[02:34.00]I can"t take it much longer[02:36.00]I think I might go insane[02:43.00]With such confusion don"t it make you wanna scream[02:52.00]You find your pleasure scandalizin" every lie[02:56.00]Oh father, please have mercy "cause I just can"t take it[03:15.00]Stop fuckin" with me[03:24.00]"Oh my God, can"t believe what I saw[03:25.00]As I turned on the TV this evening[03:28.00]I was disgusted by all the injustice[03:31.00]All the injustice"[03:51.00]With such collusions don"t it make you wanna scream[04:04.00]Oh brother please have mercy "cause I just can"t take it

Petrogenetic mechanism

The consensus view is that potassic and ultra-potassic rocks are derived by partial melting of metasomatic veins within a lherzolitic or harzburgitic lithosphere(e.g.Foley,1992).Foley(1992)introduced his vein-plus-wallrock melting model for the origin of ultra-potassic as well as potassic rocks.The composition of melts derived from veins is controlled by the degree of partial melting and the relative contributions of vein and wall-rock material.As mentioned above,the vein of phlogopite-garnet clinopyroxenite is associated with the origin of the Yulong porphyries.A plot of Cr against Rb(Fig.24)further indicates that low degree(1%~5%)partial melting of such a metasomatic vein,equivalent to the mantle xenoliths of phlogopite-garnet clinopyroxenite with Cr of 562×10-6and Rb of 21×10-6(Liu et al.,2003),could account for the origin of the Yulong porphyries.The Nangqen volcanic rocks show higher Cr and lower Rb contents(Fig.24),which implies that the wall-rock material(lherzolite)might be involved in partial melting for their origin.This is further supported by the relatively higher proportions of depleted lithospheric mantle compositions for the Nangqen volcanic rocks than for the Yulong porphyries inferred by Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic and elemental compositions(Figs.22,27b).As mentioned above,the source depth for the Yulong porphyries as well as Nangqen volcanic rocks may be at least 100 km inferred by the volatile phase relations.Both the clinopyroxene geothermometry and homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions indicate that the primary magmas had anomalously high temperature(>1200℃).What mechanism is suitable for attainment of such high temperatures to induce partial melting of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle at the depth of 100 km?The Yulong porphyries emplacement(41~39 Ma)and the NVR eruption(34 Ma)post-date the India–Asia continental collision(at about 65 Ma;Yin and Harrison,2000).This delay would not be expected if fluid release accompanying oceanic or continental subduction were the trigger.It has been suggested a response to convective thinning of the lithosphere for the potassic magmatism(~20 Ma)in the northern and southern Tibetan Plateau(Turner et al.,1996),which triggered a temperature increase in the lithosphere.However,the potassic magmatism of Yulong and Nangqen in the eastern Tibetan Plateau pre-dates that in the northern and southern Tibetan Plateau.Recently,Hou et al.(2003)realized that in the eastern Tibetan Plateau,a regional-scale strike-slip fault system caused by the India–Asia continental collision controlled the distribution of Cenozoic(49~30 Ma)porphyries.Rather,seismic profiles across the Qiangtang terrane indicate that the strike-slip faults are translithospheric and accommodated local mantle uplift with the Moho rising about 2 to 3 km relative to the surrounding area(Fei,1983;Tang and Luo,1995).This suggests that these faults most likely caused the upwelling of asthenosphere in the area,which triggered the melting of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle.Such a model is similar to the situation proposed by Liegeois et al.(2003)to interpret the petrogenesis of high-K calc-alkaline and alkaline granites in Central Hoggar(Algeria)during the Pan-African orogeny.

2Pac的《Changes》 歌词

歌曲名:Changes歌手:2Pac专辑:The Best Of 2Pac - Pt. 1: Thug2pac -《Changes》Robin_SHICome on come onI see no changeswake up in the morning and I ask myselfis life worth living should I blast myself?I"m tired of bein" poor & even worse I"m blackmy stomach hurts so I"m lookin" for a purse to snatchCops give a damn about a negropull the trigger kill a nigga he"s a heroGive the crack to the kids who the hell caresone less hungry mouth on the welfareFirst ship "em dope & let "em deal the brothersgive "em guns step back watch "em kill each otherIt"s time to fight back that"s what Huey said2 shots in the dark now Huey"s deadI got love for my brotherbut we can never go nowhereunless we share with each otherWe gotta start makin" changeslearn to see me as a brotherinstead of 2 distant strangersand that"s how it"s supposed to beHow can the Devil take a brotherif he"s close to me?I"d love to go back to when we played as kidsbut things changed, and that"s the way it isCome on come onThat"s just the way it is"Changes"Things"ll never be the sameThat"s just the way it isaww yeahThat"s just the way it isThings"ll never be the sameThat"s just the way it isaww yeahI see no changesall I see is racist facesmisplaced hate makes disgrace to racesWe underI wonder what it takes to make thisone better place,let"s erase the wastedTake the evil out the people they"ll be acting right"cause both black and white is smokin" crack tonightand only time we chill is when we kill each otherit takes skill to be real, time to heal each otherAnd although it seems heaven sentWe ain"t ready, to see a black President, uhhIt ain"t a secret don"t conceal the factthe penitentiary"s packed,and it"s filled with blacksBut some things will never changetry to show another way but you stayin" in the dope gameNow tell me what"s a mother to dobein" real don"t appeal to the brother in youYou gotta operate the easy way"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy waysellin" crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"Well hey, well that"s the way it isCome on come onThat"s just the way it is"Changes"Things"ll never be the sameThat"s just the way it isaww yeahCome on come onThat"s just the way it isThings"ll never be the same"Things"ll never be the same.aww yeah"That"s just the way it isaww yeah"aww yeah"We gotta make a change...It"s time for us as a peopleto start makin" some changes.Let"s change the way we eat,let"s change the way we liveand let"s change the way we treat each other.You see the old way wasn"t working so it"s on us to dowhat we gotta do, to survive.And still I see no changescan"t a brother get a little peaceIt"s war on the streets & the war in the Middle EastInstead of war on poverty they got a war on drugsso the police can bother meAnd I ain"t never did a crime I ain"t have to doBut now I"m back with the blacks givin" it back to youDon"t let "em jack you up,back you up,crack you upand pimp slap you upYou gotta learn to hold ya ownthey get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phoneBut tell the cops they can"t touch thisI don"t trust this when they try to rush I bust thisThat"s the sound of my tool you say it ain"t coolmy mama didn"t raise no foolAnd as long as I stay blackI gotta stay strappedand I never get to lay back"Cause I always got to worry "bout the pay backssome buck that I roughed up way backcomin" back after all these yearsrat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat that"s the way it is uhhThat"s just the way it is""Things"ll never be the sameThat"s just the way it isaww yeahThat"s just the way it is"way it is"" way it is"Things"ll never be the sameThat"s just the way it isaww yeah..

accommodate oneself to change circumstance

您的问题很简单.呵呵.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:accommodate oneself to changed circumstances 翻译: 使自己适应改变了的形势 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.



accidental discharges 什么意思


accidental 和by chance区别


by accident和by chance的区别

by accident多出现于负面的语境。by chance多用于好的、正面的的语境。by accident是因意外而引致。by chance是因运气而导致。 by accident和by chance 1、应用的语言语境稍微不同。 by accident多出现于负面的语境。例如:打碎杯子,被球砸到等。 by chance多用于好的、正面的语境。例如:张三因为运气拿了冠军。 2、导致的原因稍微不同。 accident有事故的意思;by accident是因意外而引致。 chance有机遇的意思;by chance是因运气而导致。 表示“无意地”“偶然地”意思的结构还有happen to:发生于;偶然发生。 There are some things that you can only understand when they happen to you.事实上有些事情直到真的发生在你身上你才能了解你自己的感受。 两个词都可以表示偶然性 “中性”的语境:比如偶然遇上某人,二者没有区别。 “坏”的语境:比如打碎个杯子,用by accident。因为accident还有事故的意思,令人不免联想。 “好”的语境:比如像这里某人拿了冠军,用by chance。因为chance还有机遇的意思,就让人往好处想。具体这道题里,还给了happy作修饰语来提示,那当然要选chance了。

cabin, closet, chamber 的区别


Supplementary reading material:Temporal Changes in Paleoceanography

In the Late Proterozoic,profound changes occurred that included the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia,geographically extensive glaciations,dramatic isotope excursions of,for example,strontium and carbon Jacobsen and Kaufman,this volume on a scale unprecedented in the Phanerozoic,intervals with high abundance of acritarchs suggesting alternating periods of low and high organic productivity,and the emergence of trace,body and skeletonized fossils. Close to the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, other dramatic biotic events continue that have been described as the Cambrian Explosion. Extensive biomineralization of soft tissue in many major groups of organisms resulted in diverse skeletonized faunas being preserved in the fossil record. Some new biochemical evidence suggests that the initial radiation of major clades of metazoans began about 1200 Ma rather than about 600 Ma ago. If so,what processes or threshold conditions existed to suppress the abundance,size,and diversity radiation for about 600 Ma from 1200 to 600 Ma? Answers may lie in the chemical nature of these oceans. Martin has argued for superoligotrophic oceans for most of the Early Paleozoic. He considered that the oceans were predominantly stratified and only sluggishly circulating; as a consequence there was limited mixing and transfer of nutrients from the deep ocean to surface waters for utilization by organisms ( Fig. 1) . If the oxygen and CO2levels of about 0. 2,2 and 20 times the present atmospheric levels,respectively,for the Cambrian are correct,as interpreted by Berner,then a critical threshold factor for respiration and for ecological expansion would have been the O2levels in the surface and deeper part of the oceans. The interplay of anoxic waters with surface waters somewhat enriched in oxygen is likely to have been a critical factor in the waves of extinctions evident in Cambrian and early Ordovician rocks. Such encroachment of anoxic waters onto carbonate platforms was considered by Zhuravlev and Wood to cause the mid-Early Cambrian Botomian extinction and later the periods of eutrophication to be characterized by phytoplankton blooms. Using Sr and C isotopes data from the Upper Cambrian,Saltzman et al. argued that catastrophic ocean overturning produced similar periodic,widespread,anoxic conditions. Such pulses may well explain the pattern of trilobite extinctions that were used to define biomere boundaries by Palmer.Progressive ventilation of the deeper oceans appears to have occurred through the Ordovician and Silurian. Attempts to deduce the pattern of oceanic circulation for intervals throughout these two periods have been made by Wilde and Wilde et al. ,respectively,using the paleogeographic reconstructions of Scotese and McKerrow. The superoligotrophic conditions of these oceans and the warm greenhouse climate state throughout the Early Paleozoic were only interrupted in the Ashgill and early Llandovery ( Late Ordovician—Early Silurian) when a continental glaciation developed across North Africa that was then located near the southern pole. The onset of aggressive thermohaline circulation both chilled and ventilated the deep ocean with several glacial phases occurring over about a 10 Ma interval,but with the main Hirnantian phase perhaps lasting only for a few hundred thousand years. The cause of this short-lived icehouse state within such a long 200 Ma period of greenhouse conditions is still speculative and some authors have related it to the passage of part of Gondwana over the south polar region or to the brief drawdown of atmospheric CO2. Even as greenhouse states prevailed through much of the Silurian,detailed analysis on conodont microfossil distributions and related microfacies changes have suggested to Jeppsson and Aldridge et al. that the Silurian ocean state and associated climate was characterized by alternating primo and secundo states with periodic,but rapid turnover intervals. The principal differences being a warm humid phase vs. a drier cooler phase that resulted in significantly different lithologies and reef tracts across the low latitude carbonate platforms. Fig. 1 Indices of ancient nutrient fluxes and productivity through the last 650 MaAnother seemingly important factor in paleoceanography is the changing pattern of eustasy. Sensitive records are preserved on the carbonate platforms and examination of several cratons allows a global pattern to emerge for the Ordovician and Silurian. Major transgressions produced as epicontinental seas that generated important sites of warm,dense hypersaline waters and the periodic development and then closure of this system with transgressive and then regressive events has not yet been fully accommodated into paleoceanographic models. Such oscillations certainly produced major global bio-events. For the Late Ordovician,the Caradoc transgression was the largest of the Phanerozoic and may have been generated by much higher rates of sea-floor spreading and / or the occurrence of a mantle superplume.There is a marked contrast in the studies of paleoceanography of the Early Paleozoic with those of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as noted initially. The application of a wide range of isotope proxy data with DSDP and ODP core samples and detailed analysis of abundant cores and outcrop studies in well preserved sedimentary basins,such as the Western Interior Seaway of North America,have allowed increasingly sophisticated interpretations of paleoceanography. Periods of anoxia,of less than 1 Ma duration have been recognized in all major oceans for the Late Barremian to Late Aptian of the Early Cretaceous. Peak oxygen deficiency corresponded to highly eutrophic conditions whereas less intense dysoxic / anoxic intervals were characteristic of oligotrophic conditions. The Albian and part of the Cenomanian were the warmest parts of the Cretaceous at a time when there appears to have been four times the present atmospheric level of CO2. Some authors have argued that ready transfer of heat from the equator to the polar regions reduced the latitudinal gradient and fostered a warm green-house state. Larson advocated the presence of a mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume in the western Pacific that produced the Ontong Java Plateau and this model was elaborated upon by Caldeira and Rampino to explain the widespread black shales,high organic productivity and oil accumulation ( Fig. 2) . Even within the Cretaceous there are considerable changes in oceanic temperature gradients. Huber et al. showed that during the Coniacian—Santonian the difference between low and high latitude surface- water paleotemperatures was in the range of 0—4℃ . As cooling increased towards the end of the period,the temperature difference increased to about 14℃ . Detailed investigations of the Cretaceous biotas have revealed complex patterns of marine biogeography that primarily mirror the changing major water masses and current systems along with the modifications to the Tethys Seaway and the Western Interior Seaway of North America. The open equatorial circulation around much of the globe via the Tethyan Seaway and the presence of wide shallow shelves on which warm saline waters were generated seem to be critical components to maintain the ultra warm greenhouse state at this time.Fig. 2 Inferred mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume showing increased ocean crust generation, sea level,black shales and related increases in ocean temperature and oil generation. These changes correspond to an interval free of magnetic reversals.In addition to the Cretaceous deep oceans,particularly Tethys,Pacific and opening Atlantic, large shelf seas developed as in Europe and the Western. Interior Sea of North America. The latter has received considerable attention because of the large stratigraphic database developed through oil exploration. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,over 150,000 wells have been drilled in Alberta alone,with many aimed at the Cretaceous or passing to Devonian targets. The Cretaceous Seaway initially spread north from the Gulf of Mexico and south from the Beaufort Sea, meeting in Albian time. The sea was constrained on the west by emerging tectonic forelands tied to major Cordilleran orogenic phases and terrane accretion on the Pacific margin; on the east it lapped progressively eastwards on a largely peneplained Canadian Shield. Tectonic deformation generated an asymmetrically subsiding foreland basin and an eastward migrating peripheral bulge. From sedimentological and paleontological studies the seaway is estimated to have been up to 1000 m deep in the west-central corridor. The western margin was subjected to much clastic fill from the deforming foreland,transported by complex river systems. Volcanoes contributed extensive, eastwardly transported ash falls with over 200 bentonites in the Cretaceous sequence,which,with detailed biostratigraphy,have provided a remarkably detailed chemostratigraphy to unravel the changes to the seaway through time.Within this overall framework,there have been several recent attempts to understand and model the paleoceanography of this north-south seaway. Kaufmann initially tried to discriminate the inflowing north and south waters from surface freshwater caps derived from rivers mainly flowing from the emerging Cordilleran foreland. More recent attempts have modelled current flows within the sea-way. Jewell noted that salinity stratification in the seaway could have been established rapidly. Slingerland et al. proposed that river flux was important and likely controlled the strong counterclockwise gyre occupying the entire north-south extent of the seaway.In the Cenozoic,an early phase of global warming ( Paleocene—Eocene) was followed by a progressive but variable decline in mean annual temperature ( Oligocene—Recent) . The onset of glaciation occurred first in Antarctica close to the Eocene—Oligocene boundary ( ca. 34 Ma) . Major Arctic glaciation appears to have been initiated in the late Pliocene ( ca. 2. 8 Ma) . The Cenozoic provides an opportunity to investigate the processes of changeover from a greenhouse to icehouse state. Fundamental questions remain unresolved about the initiation and maintenance of these two states and of the complex feedback loops in the climate system. Of particular interest are the processes of heat transfer to the high latitudes during a greenhouse state and their collapse during the icehouse state. Two possible principal causes have been advanced, possibly interrelated. Firstly,decreased atmospheric CO2partly derived from the weathering of uplifted crustal rocks during the late phases of alpine orogeny ( e. g. , Himalayan, Alps, Andes, Cordillera) . Secondly,there was substantially altered ocean circulation,particularly the onset of the deep ocean conveyor belt with thermohaline circulation derived from sinking of cold water in the North Atlantic. In this latter case,the pattern of ocean circulation is strongly affected by paleogeographic barriers such as the opening of the Drake Passage or closing of the Panama Isthmus.For the early Cenozoic greenhouse state,O"Connell et al. modelled atmospheric circulation conditions. In one experiment,they showed that under extreme zonal conditions evaporation may have substantially exceeded precipitation leading to the generation of very saline water. Zachos et al. discussed early Cenozoic temperatures from the oceanographic view,and Hovan and Rea used ODP data to examine the particular changes at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary. Here,they noted the dramatic changes that occur over a period of about 1. 2 Ma including: extinction of some benthic foraminifera and changes in calcareous plankton assemblages,oceanic warming,decrease in carbon isotope ratios,reduction in wind strength,an increase in hydrothermal activity. This same change is found in the continental record and is marked by the first appearance of several important modern mammalian orders. The Paleocene and early Eocene climates were controlled primarily by large scale meridional energy transport through the oceans rather than the atmosphere and in part influenced by tectonic events. Hovan and Rea showed that a strong reduction in Paleocene / Eocene wind stress occurs in both hemispheres at the boundary,related to decreased latitudinal thermal gradients produced by a more effective poleward heat transport via the deep ocean.There were dramatic changes to these greenhouse conditions at the Eocene / Oligocene boundary,including: fall in oceanic bottom water temperatures; 1 km drop in the calcium compensation depth in the Pacific; increase in deep sea unconformities; extinctions of planktonic foraminifera. These were apparently related to sudden high latitude cooling and enhanced oceanic thermohaline circulation. The onset of Antarctic glaciation occurred at about 34. 5 Ma seemingly closely related to the opening of the Drake Passage ( between South America and Antarctica) : surface and intermediate water circulation is documented by paleontology at this time,with other geologic evidence suggesting complete opening and deepwater circulation by about 30 Ma. These circulation changes induced a new position for the polar front and strongly influenced the pattern of upwelling and productivity.The late Neogene marks the onset of Arctic glaciation and enhanced global cooling. A significant oceanographic circulation event during this time was the full closure,evaporation and then reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea; the Messinian Event ( ca. 8—5 Ma ) in the late Miocene. The more recent work based on defined sequence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy has shown that there were two distinct phases of evaporite accumulation,each associated with a sea-level drop that were in turn likely to be of glacio-eustatic origin. Salt a

Petrogenetic mechanism

The consensus view is that potassic and ultra-potassic rocks are derived by partial melting of metasomatic veins within a lherzolitic or harzburgitic lithosphere(e.g.Foley,1992).Foley(1992)introduced his vein-plus-wallrock melting model for the origin of ultra-potassic as well as potassic rocks.The composition of melts derived from veins is controlled by the degree of partial melting and the relative contributions of vein and wall-rock material.As mentioned above,the vein of phlogopite-garnet clinopyroxenite is associated with the origin of the Yulong porphyries.A plot of Cr against Rb(Fig.24)further indicates that low degree(1%~5%)partial melting of such a metasomatic vein,equivalent to the mantle xenoliths of phlogopite-garnet clinopyroxenite with Cr of 562×10-6and Rb of 21×10-6(Liu et al.,2003),could account for the origin of the Yulong porphyries.The Nangqen volcanic rocks show higher Cr and lower Rb contents(Fig.24),which implies that the wall-rock material(lherzolite)might be involved in partial melting for their origin.This is further supported by the relatively higher proportions of depleted lithospheric mantle compositions for the Nangqen volcanic rocks than for the Yulong porphyries inferred by Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic and elemental compositions(Figs.22,27b).As mentioned above,the source depth for the Yulong porphyries as well as Nangqen volcanic rocks may be at least 100 km inferred by the volatile phase relations.Both the clinopyroxene geothermometry and homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions indicate that the primary magmas had anomalously high temperature(>1200℃).What mechanism is suitable for attainment of such high temperatures to induce partial melting of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle at the depth of 100 km?The Yulong porphyries emplacement(41~39 Ma)and the NVR eruption(34 Ma)post-date the India–Asia continental collision(at about 65 Ma;Yin and Harrison,2000).This delay would not be expected if fluid release accompanying oceanic or continental subduction were the trigger.It has been suggested a response to convective thinning of the lithosphere for the potassic magmatism(~20 Ma)in the northern and southern Tibetan Plateau(Turner et al.,1996),which triggered a temperature increase in the lithosphere.However,the potassic magmatism of Yulong and Nangqen in the eastern Tibetan Plateau pre-dates that in the northern and southern Tibetan Plateau.Recently,Hou et al.(2003)realized that in the eastern Tibetan Plateau,a regional-scale strike-slip fault system caused by the India–Asia continental collision controlled the distribution of Cenozoic(49~30 Ma)porphyries.Rather,seismic profiles across the Qiangtang terrane indicate that the strike-slip faults are translithospheric and accommodated local mantle uplift with the Moho rising about 2 to 3 km relative to the surrounding area(Fei,1983;Tang and Luo,1995).This suggests that these faults most likely caused the upwelling of asthenosphere in the area,which triggered the melting of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle.Such a model is similar to the situation proposed by Liegeois et al.(2003)to interpret the petrogenesis of high-K calc-alkaline and alkaline granites in Central Hoggar(Algeria)during the Pan-African orogeny.

读书学英文|Why People Can Change

假若轻易就可以改变,那么人们就不会特意“期待改变”了。人即使想要改变也无法改变。正因为如此,才会不断有人被宣扬可以改变人的新兴宗教或怪异的自我启发课程所蒙骗。 1) 欺骗 I can"t believe she was taken in by him. 我简直不敢相信她被他骗了。 2) 收留,收容,收养(某人) Several families took in foreign students. 有几个家庭接待外国留学生。/ˈduː.bi.əs/ 半信半疑的,可疑的;不确定的;不可信的 These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven. 这些说法未经科学证实,有些可疑。 He has been associated with some dubious characters. 他曾经与一些可疑人物有交往。(尤指牧师在教堂中)讲道,布道 Father Martin preached to the assembled mourners. 马丁神父向聚集的哀悼者们布道。 During the sermon, he preached about the need for forgiveness. 在布道中,他宣讲了宽恕的必要性。那么,我要反过来问问你。为什么你会如此固执地主张人无法改变呢? 作为回应 Moon Jae-in conveyed his gratitude in response. 文在寅在回信中表示感谢。 In response, Panama recalled its Ambassador from Caracas. 作为回应,巴拿马召回了驻加拉加斯大使。/ˈæd.ə.mənt/ 固执的;坚决的,坚定不移的 [ + that ] I"ve told her she should stay at home and rest but she"s adamant that she"s coming. 我告诉过她应该在家休息,可她坚持要来。作为朋友我可以担保他是一位非常认真并且对社会有用的男人。向某人保证 Breaking your leg isn"t funny , I can assure you. 打断你的腿不好笑,我可以向你保证 "Don"t worry, your car will be ready tomorrow," the mechanic assured him. “别担心,你的车明天就可以修好,”修理工向他保证。很有用 For I"m sure my major would be of great use for the position.  因为我肯定我的所学专业对这一工作一定会很有用处。假若如你所言,如果所有人的“现在”都由“过去”所决定,那岂不是很奇怪吗?现在, 此时此刻 Most people can"t be bothered thinking about their retirement - they"re too busy concentrating on the here and now. 大多数人都顾不上去考虑退休的事情——他们都在忙着考虑现在。1) …地发生(或发展);结果是(尤指出乎意料的结果) As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early. 结果证明,我们当初决定早点离开是正确的。 How did the recipe turn out? 按这个食谱做出来的菜如何?2) 最终成为;最终发现 [ + to infinitive ] The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected. 结果,真相比我们预期的更离奇。 [ + that ] It turns out that she had known him when they were children. 结果发现,她和他从小就认识。对不起,那是绝对不可能的事情。或者 be no question of (doing) sth 不可能 A trip to New Zealand is out of the question this year. 今年去新西兰旅行是不可能的了。 There"s no question of agreeing to the demands. 同意这些要求是不可能的。


Chanel S.A., commonly known as "Chanel" (English pronunciation: /ʃəˈnɛl/), is a Parisian fashion house founded by the late couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, recognized as one of the most established in haute couture, specializing in luxury goods (haute couture, ready-to-wear, handbags, perfumery, and cosmetics among others).[1] She gained the name "Coco" while maintaining a career as a singer at a coffee shop in France. Chanel has always specialized in items such as simple suits, dresses, women"s pants, and costume jewelry. Coco Chanel"s vision was to replace such opulent, sexy pieces with items which conveyed casual elegance. Her designs and creations are timeless, considering the the basic silhouettes have remained consistent from generation to generation. Today, Chanel is most famous for the "little black dress" which has become a key item in most women"s closets. According to Forbes, the privately held House of Chanel is jointly owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer who are the great-grandsons of the early (1924) Chanel partner Pierre Wertheimer.The company has had many high-profile celebrities as spokesmodels, including Catherine Deneuve (1970s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), Nicole Kidman (early 2000s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), Audrey Tautou (current Chanel No.5 spokesmodel), Keira Knightley (current spokesmodel for Coco Mademoiselle), and most famously, Marilyn Monroe (1950s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel) pictured splashing herself with Chanel No. 5. The image is certainly the most famous of all Chanel advertisements, and continues to be one of the most popular advertisement photos in the history of marketing, used in countless biographies, and still selling in large quantities as a poster and art piece using Marilyn Monroe as the model. Marilyn Monroe brought this perfume to fame.[


chase 英[tʃeɪs] 美[tʃes] vt. 追求; 追捕; 追寻; 镂刻; n. 追捕; 打猎; 猎物(指鸟兽等); 槽; vi. 追逐,追赶; 追寻; 追求(常与after连用); [口语] 奔跑; [例句]She chased the thief for 100 yards她追了窃贼100码远。[其他] 第三人称单数:chases 复数:chases 现在分词:chasing过去式:chased 过去分词:chased


pursue追赶,追捕的意思;seek寻找,抽象解释为探索;trace作为动词的时候意为追踪,强调踪迹,并没有逮捕之类的意思;chace现在常用的是chase,作为动词的时候意思是追逐。动词过去式:chased 过去分词:chased 现在分词:chasing 第三人称单数:chases.我随便举个例子吧,帮助你理解,注意他们的区别:I pursued the robbers.我追赶盗贼.I am seeking my key now.我正在找我的钥匙.I traced my father this afternoon.今天下午我跟踪了我老爸.If you make me anger,I"ll chase you from my house.如果你让我圣骑,我就把你赶出去!希望对你有帮助。
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