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代表鞋码的三种表示方法:USA是美码,比如7.5、8等。EUR是欧码,比如39、40等;CHN是中国标准的23cm、24cm。男女鞋尺码对照表,如下图:尺码间的换算规则如下:厘米数×2-10=欧制 ;(欧制+10)÷2=厘米数厘米数-18+0.5=美制 ;美制+18-0.5=厘米数厘米数-18=英制 ;英制+18=厘米数扩展资料运动鞋尺码的选择鞋头较窄或较低的运动鞋,尺码会相对偏小,鞋头较宽或较高的运动鞋,尺码会正常偏大。一些国际品牌的运动鞋,这些鞋子的鞋码是比较标准的,但也有的部分偏小,有的尺码是相对偏大的,选择的时候,选大一码。脚背过高或者过低的尺码都有所不同,不过大部分都是标准尺码的,否则基本不用考虑鞋码偏大还是偏小问题。如果个人脚背较高或者较宽的话,选择运动鞋时,建议偏大一码。同理,如果脚背较窄且低,则可以尝试小一码的运动鞋。无论什么鞋子,穿一段时间都会让鞋子内部空间变大。所以购买鞋子,还是建议去实体店试穿后购买,以免鞋码偏大或者偏小。参考资料来源:百度百科—鞋码




鞋子上USA、EUR、CHN分别代表鞋子的美制尺码、欧码和中国码。1、USA是美国的英语 United States of America 的缩写,简写为USA,指美制鞋码。2、EUR是欧洲的英文 Europe 的缩写,指欧洲码;3、CHN是中国在联合国注册的国家代码,国际上的正式场合都用这种统一的国家代码。相互之间的换算关系为:1、厘米数×2-10=欧制;2、厘米数-18+0.5=美制。3、中国鞋码以鞋长毫米为单位。扩展资料:世界各国采用的鞋码并不一致,但一般都包含长、宽两个测量。长度是指穿者脚的长度,也可以是制造者的鞋楦长。即使在同一个国家/地区,不同人群和不同用途的鞋,例如儿童、运动鞋,也有不同的鞋码定义。1998年政府发布了基于Mondopoint系统,用毫米做单位的中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T3294-1998,被称为“新鞋号”;之前以厘米为单位的鞋号从此被称为“旧鞋号”。中国大陆的旧码和欧码(France码、EU码)有着本质的不同,不可以混淆或者互相替代使用。 中国香港一直沿用欧洲的尺码体系,以欧码为标准单位。 日本与中国大陆新鞋码相同,使用Mondopoint为标准的5毫米进制。参考资料来源:百度百科-鞋子尺码


《The Abstinence Teacher》(Perrotta, Tom)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:cb5p书名:The Abstinence Teacher作者:Perrotta, Tom出版年份:2008-1页数:336内容简介:A sharp, funny and beautifully observed satire about the disturbing influence of the Christian right from one of America"s most cherished authors. Ruth Ramsey went too far. She hadn"t noticed the changing climate. A Sex Ed teacher "championing" oral sex!? Not now, not in this America! Cherished by her high school pupils as someone who"d tell it straight, after one innocent classroom indiscretion Ruth suddenly finds the curriculum she has taught for nigh on 15 years worryingly out of vogue. It seems these days the kids no longer need teaching; they need telling. As the scandal flares up and attracts the unwelcome eye of the local evangelical Church, the appeasing high-school principal forces her into advocating a pro-abstinence agenda in the classroom that is at odds with all conventional wisdom. Jaded though she is by her recent divorce and fruitless search for a new love, she is not yet ready to kneel at the altar of sophistry -- if common sense is to be sacrificed to Puritanism, she won"t let it pass without a fight. On the other hand, it is a syllabus change which Tim Mason, recovering addict, local football coach and recent convert to the same plaintiff Church, should consider a victory. But his new found faith is constantly put to the test by the temptations of his former wayward life, forcing him into grand, defensive statements of purpose. When he makes the gesture of leading his football team in prayer after a hard-fought victory, in which Ruth"s daughter Maggie starred, he manages not only to incur the wrathful attention of her mother, but to cement his position as the star evangelist of his church -- an office he is none too sure about occupying. "The Abstinence Teacher" is a cutting portrayal of modern America and the influence of the Christian right from the acclaimed, bestselling author of "Election" and "Little Children". Scathing, witty and brilliantly observed, it will doubtless confirm Perrotta"s standing as one of the finest chroniclers of American life.

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cabinet switch什么意思。。。电气专业里,怎么翻译


China"s Cabinet是什么意思??


美国政治问题,chamber,senate,congress, house, cabinet.到底是什么关系?white house只是总统办公的地方

不是学国际政治的,用法律英语的知识来回答你的问题吧。congress由senate和house of representatives 组成。cabinet帮助president的工作活动,cabinet member:secretaries of departments and other officials with cabinet rank,总统任免,不是congress成员。chamber应该就是both houses of congress.golden triangle是说三权分立,也就是three branches:president--executive,congress--legislative,court--judiciary

cabinet chest

closet/wardrobe 口语中最常用的 五斗橱=dresser

Kitchen cabinets.这是什么意思?

kitchen cabinetn. 政府首脑的参谋团;厨房的餐具柜网络释义专业释义英英释义厨房内阁所谓“厨房内阁”(Kitchen Cabinet)是指总统本人有一个小小的顾问圈,这些顾问是总统的耳朵、眼睛和嘴巴,为总统收集信息、传递情报、出谋划策和试探政策。餐具柜橱柜厨房绸短语Perfect Kitchen & Cabinet 设计师演绎Kitchen and Cabinet China 中国国际橱柜展览会Kitchen n cabinet 餐具柜 ; 厨房橱柜21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 kitchen cabinet橱柜,碗柜[常作 K-C-Ja]厨房内阁(美国第七任总统杰克逊的私人顾问团)(政府首脑的)私人顾问团(或智囊团)Kitchen Cabinet(美国第七任总统杰克逊的)私人顾问团,厨房内阁以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》双语例句权威例句Shape in interior design depends on the function of the object like a kitchen cabinet door. 室内设计中的平面图取决于对象的功能,比如设计一个橱柜门。article.yeeyan.orgOnce you have your bags you will find that most fold neatly and easily in your closet or akitchen cabinet. 一旦你有了自己的袋子,你会发现它们大多能方便整齐地叠放在你的衣柜或厨柜里。www.ebigear.comIt was the largest room in the apartment, and contained a stove and sink, a tub and a boiler, a table, two chairs, a kitchen cabinet, a wardrobe, and a couch with a red velvet spread thrown over it. 这是这栋公寓里最为宽敞一间,里面摆放着炉子,洗碗池,带热水器的浴缸,一张桌子,两条凳子,一个碗橱,一个衣橱,一张套着红色羽绒面的沙发。

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你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:chico line jail bait奇科线监狱诱饵希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

Bait and Switch,是什么意思,怎么翻译啊




经典的诱购(bait and switch)”策略是啥意思

Bait and Switch 是一种诱饵推销法。店商通过广告以很低的价格宣传一种产品,但当顾客上门后发现产品已卖完了,推销员乘机推销其他类似产品,但价格却是较高的。

Bait and Switch,怎么翻译啊


such a loser什么意思


Simon is very regretful. If he had been more careful, he _____ such a big mistake. A.hasn"t .

D 试题分析:句意:西蒙是很后悔的,如果他再仔细点,他就不会犯这么大的一个错误。这里是虚拟语气,根据had been可以看出是对过去的虚拟,故主句用would have done的形式,根据句意故选D。点评:本题难度适中。虚拟语气是近几年高考的热点,虚拟语气的情况复杂,形式多样,需要考生牢记它们的不同的用法,再根据不同的语境分析句子应该用哪种情况的虚拟。这里是从句和主句都是对过去的虚拟。即学即练:Tell John not to leave the house unless he _____that the lights ______ .A. will make sure, turn off     B. makes sure; are turned off C. will make sure; will turn off    D. makes sure; will be turned off解析:B。第一空在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时;第二空所有的灯被关掉。

cabin, closet, chamber 的区别


中英-Jack Welch, the Commercial genius

Jack Welch, who upended the business world in the 1980s and 1990s by transforming General Electric Co. from a stolid maker of light bulbs and washing machines into the most valuable US public company, has died at 84, GE said. 通用电气公司:杰克韦尔奇颠覆了商业界。在上世界八九十年代,他把一个灯泡和洗衣机制造商转变成为美国最具价值的上市公司。而在他84岁时,他的传奇停止了。 Known as “Neutron Jack” for cutting thousands of jobs, Welch bought and sold scores of businesses, expanded the industrial giant into financial services and produced steadily rising profits. His success led other CEOs to begin using financial wizardry to improve earnings and wow Wall Street. 因裁员数千人而为人所知的“中子弹杰克”,他通过买卖数十家企业,把工业界的巨人拓展到金融服务并且持续盈利。他的成功,启发其他的企业领导人也开始使用金融的魔法提高收入,是华尔街都为之震惊。 ​ In Welch"s 20 years as chief executive, GE"s market value grew from US 410 billion, making him one of the most iconic corporate leaders of his era. 在韦尔奇20年首席执行官生涯,通用电气的市场价值从120亿美元增长到4100亿美元,这使得他成为他那个时代的标志性的企业领军人物。 “When the book about business leaders in this century is written, Jack Welch will be near the very top,” said Thomas Cooke, professor at Georgetown University"s McDonough School of Business. “What he did as the leader of GE was remarkable.” “当在写关于本世纪的商业领军人物时,杰克韦尔奇将是站在顶端的人,“乔治大学麦克唐纳商业学院的教授汤姆斯·库克说,”他作为通用电气的领导人,他的事迹是卓越非凡的。“ US President Donald Trump tweeted: “There was no corporate leader like “neutron” Jack,” adding his warmest sympathies “to his wonderful wife & family!” 美国总统特朗姆发了推特表示世界上不再有第二个像“中子弹”杰克这样的企业领导人,他还像杰克的完美妻子和家庭表示了最温暖的同情。 But Welch"s innovations, which included ruthless personnel management, cost-cutting and offshoring, also set the stage for problems that would hit the company years after he left. 韦尔奇的创新之处,包括无情的人事管理,成本削减和离岸外包,也为在他离开之后为公司能避免不少麻烦。 John F. Welch, Jr., followed Reginald Jones as CEO in April 1981 and served in that role until he retired in September 2001, choosing Jeff Immelt as his successor. 小约翰韦尔奇跟随Reginald Jones在1981年4月出任CEO,并于2001年9月退休,选择Jeff Immelt作为他的继任者。 Two of Welch"s other top disciples – and Immelt rivals – left GE to head other major companies, helping spread Welch"s gospel: Jim McNerney at Boeing Co. and Bob Nardelli at Chrysler and Home Depot Inc. 两位韦尔奇的顶级门徒——Immelt的竞争者——离开通用电气去了其他大公司,开始传播韦尔奇的哲学:波音的Jim McNerney和在克莱斯勒和家得宝的Bob Nardelli。 “Today is a sad day for the entire GE family,” current GE chairman and CEO Larry Culp said in a statement. “Jack was larger than life and the heart of GE for half a century. He reshaped the face of our company and the business world.” “今天对于通用电气这个大家庭来说是个悲伤的日期,“现任通用电气的董事长兼首席执行官Larry Culp在一份声明中说。“半个世纪以来,杰克比通用电气的声明和核心更重要,他重塑了我们公司的面貌和商业世界。” The outsized financing business Welch built nearly toppled GE during the 2008 financial crisis, requiring a bailout from legendary investor Warren Buffett. Immelt sold most of GE Capital and GE now trades at a fraction of its peak value. 韦尔奇打造的庞大的金融在2008年几近破产,不得不向传奇投资家巴菲特求助。Immelt卖掉了大部分GE的股票,而现在GE交易的价格仅为其峰值时的一小部分。 The stock closed at US 57.68 in August 2000, according to Eikon data from Refinitiv. 星期一股市以11.21美元收盘,上升了3个百分点。据Refinitiy的Eikon数据,它在2008年顶峰交易价格是57.68美元。 Welch acquired new businesses and did not hesitate to use layoffs and outsourcing to streamline them, sometimes leaving shattered, embittered communities behind. 韦尔奇收购了新的企业,并毫不犹豫地通过裁员和外包来精简这些企业,有时还会留下一些支离破碎、痛苦不堪的团体。 He faced criticism – particularly after he retired from GE – for his cavalier attitude about offshoring and shutting US plants, a theme that has grown more potent since Trump"s election. 尤其是在他从GE退休之后,他因对离岸外包和关闭美国工厂的傲慢态度而受到批判,自美国总统选举以来,这一主题影响力越来越大。 The US industrial belt is dotted with communities devastated by GE"s downsizing. At its peak, for instance, GE employed 30,000 at a sprawling integrated industrial plant in Schenectady, New York, that now employs fewer than 3,000. 随着GE规模的减小,美国产业带变得支离破碎。例如在GE发展巅峰的时候,他们在纽约的庞大综合工厂雇用了30,000人,而现在的工人不足3,000。 Both Welch"s style of management and the strategy he pursued to expand GE have since fallen from favor. CEOs who order mass layoffs now get attacked in tweets from the Oval Office, and Wall Street has lost its appetite for conglomerates. 自那以后,韦尔奇的管理风格和他所追求的扩张GE的战略都因此失宠。企业CEO们因大量裁员遭到白宫办公室在推特上的攻击,并且华尔街对企业集团也失去了胃口。 Welch also made GE a training ground for business leaders and advocated aggressively ousting poor performers. In a 2001 New Yorker interview, he said, “If they"re in the bottom 10, they get zero raises, zero stock options, they don"t get a bit of bonus, they get zero.” 韦尔奇也在GE创建了一个为企业领导人的训练基地,并积极提倡驱逐表现差的人。在2001年的纽约报采访中,他说,“如果他们在倒数后十名,他们不会得到任何加薪,没有任何股票期权,他们不会得到分红,什么也得不到。” Thomas F. O"Boyle, author of the 1998 book, At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit, was an early critic of Welch"s tenure. 托马斯·O·鲍伊尔(Thomas F. O"Boyle)是1998年《不惜一切代价:杰克·韦尔奇,通用电气和追求利润》一书的作者,他是韦尔奇任期的早期批评者。 In an interview on Monday, O"Boyle said: “You have to look at the totality of what occurred based on the strategy Welch initiated: the de-emphasizing of manufacturing, offshoring as many jobs as possible, and emphasizing financial services in GE Capital for earnings growth.” 在一个周一的采访中,O"Boyle说:“你一定要根据韦尔奇所开创的战略来审视一切:通过削减生产制造业,尽可能的离岸外包,并强调GE股票的金融服务来实现经济增长。” O"Boyle noted that 80 percent of the some 1,000 acquisitions under Welch were in financial services. “And that strategy had terrible, terrible consequences for General Electric in the long run.” O"Boyle注意到,韦尔奇所收购的1000家企业中,有80%是在金融服务领域。“那样的战略对通用电气的长远发展有着非常可怕的影响。” Diminished conglomerate 企业集团减少 In 1980, the year before Welch became CEO, GE recorded revenues of US 130 billion. In 2001, GE was one of the largest and most valuable companies in the world, up from America"s tenth-largest by market cap in 1981. 在1980年,韦尔奇成为CEO之前,GE的收益记录是268亿美元;在2000年,他离开之前,收益达到了1300亿美元。在2001年,GE成为从1981年的市值排在美国第十位之后的公司一举成为世界上最大的和最具价值的公司之一。 Yet today, GE has sold most of the divisions Welch added, and many fault him for much of GE"s recent decline. 然而今天,通用电气已经卖掉了韦尔奇新增的大部分业务,许多人都为通用电气最近的下滑感到难过。 “He was lauded in business schools, and many CEOs considered him a role model, but few today would praise his tactics,” said Erik Gordon, assistant professor at the University of Michigan"s Ross School of Business. “He left a bloated, hollow mess to his successors. GE went from being a titan of industry to a dismembered wreck.” “他曾被商业学校的人赞美,许多CEO把他视作榜样,但是今天很少人会赞扬他的那些策略了,“密歇根大学罗斯商学院助理教授Erik Gordon说,“他走之后给他的接班人留下了臃肿的空洞的烂摊子。GE从一个行业巨人变成了残缺的沉船。” The company spun off its insurance business into Genworth Financial Inc. in 2004, for example, but kept a large batch of money-losing policies written during Welch"s tenure. Those forced GE in 2018 to take a US 15 billion in reserves. 该公司把他的保险业务剥离后成立了Genworth Financial公司。例如,在2004年,在韦尔奇任职期间保留了一大笔亏本政策。这些都迫使通用电气在2018年承担了62亿美元的费用,并拨出了150亿美元的储备金。 In 2015, activist investor Nelson Pelz"s Trian Partners bought a US$2.5 billion stake in GE and pushed for further focus on core industrial businesses, prompting Immelt to sell most of the remaining parts of GE Capital. 2015年,激进投资者纳尔逊·佩尔兹(Nelson Pelz)的Trian Partners购买了GE 25亿美元的股份,并推动进一步专注于核心工业业务,促使伊梅尔特出售了GE Capital其余大部分股份。 Engineer by training 培训出来的工程师 Born in 1935, Welch earned his B.S. degree in chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering at the University of Illinois in 1960. 韦尔奇生于1935年,获得了理学学士学位。马萨诸塞大学化学工程学士学位及其硕士学位和博士学位1960年在伊利诺伊大学获得化学工程学位。 That same year, Welch joined GE as a chemical engineer at its plastics division in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He was elected the company"s youngest vice president in 1972 and became vice chairman in 1979. 同年,韦尔奇加入通用电气,在马萨诸塞州匹兹菲尔德的塑料部门担任化学工程师。1972年,他当选为公司最年轻的副总裁,并于1979年成为副董事长。 While his GE career is mostly seen as an upward trajectory, it included an early setback. In 1963, the Pittsfield plastics factory had an explosion that tore off the roof, and Welch was nearly fired. He later touted the experience as part of what created his management approach, noting that a manager at the time talked him through what he could have done better. 虽然外界普遍认为他在通用电气的职业生涯处于上升期,但也有早期的挫折。1963年,皮茨菲尔德塑料厂发生爆炸,屋顶被掀翻,韦尔奇差点被解雇。后来,他把这段经历吹嘘为自己管理方式的一部分,并指出当时的一位经理告诉他,他本可以做得更好。 Books by Welch include Winning, from 2005. He co-wrote a column with his wife Suzy Welch for Reuters and other media. 韦尔奇的著作包括2005年的《赢》。他与妻子Suzy Welch共同为路透社和其他媒体撰写了专栏。 “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others,” Welch wrote in Winning. Reuters 最后一段:不想翻译了。。。原来这句话是他说的,这句话在科比身上也体现的淋漓尽致! 吴一清/译

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白菜Chinese cabbage白菜[bái cài]1[Chinese cabbage] 青菜(小白菜) (Brassica pekinensis )和白菜(大白菜)( B.chinensis )的任何一种,广泛用作蔬菜,大白菜的叶宽,形成伸长而淡绿色的紧密头,小白菜的叶深绿色,形成疏松的牛皮菜状的头

急!!!!!!U.S. Congress reaches tentative deal on bailout bill这篇文章翻译


求翻译 冰雪公主里面reach的中文歌词

reach 梦想成真Sometimes it seems like you"re falling 有时候 你似乎觉得你在落下Falling out of the sky从高处狠狠跌落Sometimes it feels like you"re slipping 有时候你觉得你在滑行And running out of time 快要被时代抛弃And that"s when you"ve gotta throw it all away 那都是因为有时候你忘了那些话All of the things that people say 大家教过你的那些道理And all of the doubts that fill your mind 然后你的脑中充满了疑问Don"t belong there 觉得自己不属于这里Chorus: (合唱)Whatever you do, you"ll never be wrong 不管做什么 你都不会错As long as you reach for it 直到你梦想成真When you reach for it, nothing"s to far 当那天到来的时候 一切都不会太遥远And it"s never to long, as long as you reach for it 不会太久了 你总会梦想成真You can dream on it, everywhere it"s there 你可以梦想 不管到哪里你的梦想都属于你Sometimes I can be stupid 有时候我显得很愚蠢I can get out of line 我能做到脱离困境But most times you know what I"m doing 但多数时候你知道我在做些什么It"s not like some big surprise那并不多么令人惊讶Oh and I, I just wanna to make you understand 哦~可是我只想让你明白That bailing on me isn"t in my plans 那都是我计划外的状况And all of the doubts that fill my mind我的脑中充满疑问Don"t belong there. 觉得自己不属于这里Chorus:Chorus:(合唱)Whatever you do, you"ll never be wrong不管做什么 你都不会错As long as you reach for it直到你梦想成真When you reach for it, nothing"s to far当那天到来的时候 一切都不会太遥远And it"s never to long, as long as you reach for it不会太久了 你总会梦想成真You can dream on it, everywhere你可以梦想 无论到哪里There"s so much distance总有太多距离Between what you want and what you"ve got横贯在在"已得到"和"未得到"之间But if you really want it, it"s your life如果你真的想得到 这是你自己的生活So, you gotta try所以你只能努力尝试You"ve gotta fly你总会展翅高飞Whatever you do, you"ll never be wrong不管怎么做 都不会有错You can reach for it你总会梦想成真You can reach for it你总会梦想成真It"s never to far and it"s never to long绝不会太遥远也不会太久As long as you reach for it.直到你梦想成真You can dream on it, everywhere你可以去梦想 不管到哪儿All you gotta do is reach for it(Everywhere)你所要做的就是为了梦想而努力All you gotta do is reach for it你要为了梦想而努力If i have my way如果我有自己的路Oh YeahWhoaI look around and see the possibilities我四处张望 看到了许多的可能性you know it"s fun to be me做自己 这是件多有趣的事Never fit the crowd不模仿路人Nothing gets me down没有任何事能打垮我Never scared to dddream永不害怕去梦想And if I hear something can"t be done如果我听说有什么事不能去做I"m gonna prove them wrong我将会去把它们改正Make everybody pay be-lieve让每个人都付出一点信赖That if I had the chance I could change it (oh oh)如果我失去了机会没有改变这一切That"s what I am ready to see我已经准备好去面对预见的事Chorus:If I had it my way如果我有自己的道路I would make new rules, that sounds cool我会制定新规则 听起来就很棒People say I am crazy, they don"t understand who I am人们说我疯了 他们只是不理解我If I had it my way如果我有自己的道路I would change the world, just one girl我会改变世界 就凭着我这个女孩的力量If I had it my way(yeah ooh yea)如果我有自己的道路I"ve gotta buzz in me我会自言自语That no one ever sees那些没人知道的事It"s in the attitude(yeah)这是我的态度I am gonna find a way我会找到自己的道路No matter what they say不管他们怎么说I do what I gotta do我要做自己想做的"Cuz when I hear something can"t be done因为我还有那么多没有做的事That only makes me strong它们都会让我坚强It happens every time每一次都会发生I can take a situation going wrong (yeah)我会让情况变得更糟And make it turn alright同样也可以让它变好问题补充:Chorus:If I had it my way如果我有自己的道路I would make new rules, that sounds cool我会制定新规则 听起来就很棒People say I am crazy, they don"t understand who I am人们说我疯了 他们只是不理解我I would change the world, just one girl我会改变世界 凭我一个女孩的力量If I had it my way(yeah ooh yea)如果我找到我的道路Nanah nanah nanah nahI can do anything (anything)我什么都可以做到Nanah nanah nanah nahJust watch me(just watch me)看着我Chorus:If I had it my way如果我有自己的道路I would make new rules, that sounds cool我会制定新规则 听起来就很棒People say I am crazy, they don"t understand who I am人们说我疯了 他们只是不理解我If I had it my way如果我有自己的道路I would change the world, just one girl我会改变世界 就凭着我这个女孩的力量If I had it my way(yeah ooh yea)如果我有自己的道路If I had it my way如果我有自己的道路I would make new rules, that sounds cool我会制定新规则 听起来就很棒People say I am crazy, they don"t understand who I am人们说我疯了 他们只是不理解我If I had it my way如果我有自己的道路I would change the world, just one girl我会改变世界 就凭着我这个女孩的力量If I had it my way(yeah ooh yea)如果我有自己的道路自己翻译的 累死了!看清楚 这是两首歌!!!!第一首叫reach 第二个是If i have my way

they want to treat english teachers as chinese personal aka as slaves 什么意思

意思是他们想把英语教师当作在中国的个人奴隶的代号。重点词汇和词组:treat as 当做; 看成; 把...看作...; 当; [例句]Following is a list of warnings that you might want to treat as errors.下面列出了可能要视为错误的警告。slave n. 奴隶; …。的奴隶,耽迷于…的人; 奴隶般受控的人,苦工; [机] 从动装置; vi. 奴隶般地工作,做苦工; 买卖奴隶,运输奴隶; [例句]The state of Liberia was formed a century and a half ago by freed slaves from the United States.150年前,从美国获得了自由归来的奴隶建立了利比里亚。personal adj. 个人的,私人的; 身体的; 亲自的; 人身攻击的; n. (报刊上的) 人事栏,分类人事广告版; 人称代名词; 关于个人的简讯; [例句]He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience.吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。

Parents being slaves to the children为题的英语作文

Nowadays the problem of parents being salves to the children has become a matter of great concern for the general public in the modern society.With the growth of children, the parents are willing to do anything for them in order to creat a better environment for the kids so that they can fully focus on the study. However, the parents didn"t get the awareness of their overindulgence has leaded to the deficiency of the independence of the kids.Hence, it‘s imperative for parents to give their children enough encouragement, instructions and assistance timely. Only in this way can the all-directions developed talents be cultivated.(当今,家长沦为孩子的奴隶的问题已经成为公众特别关心的一个问题。伴着孩子的成长,家长们愿意为孩子做任何事情以创造一个更好的环境给孩子让他们更专注地学习。但却没有意识到他们的过分溺爱已经造成孩子独自性的不足。因此,家长们很有必要给予孩子们足够且及时的鼓励、知道和帮助。只有这样,才能培养出全方位发展的人才。)纯手打,希望可以帮助到你。

Supplementary reading material:Temporal Changes in Paleoceanography

In the Late Proterozoic,profound changes occurred that included the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia,geographically extensive glaciations,dramatic isotope excursions of,for example,strontium and carbon Jacobsen and Kaufman,this volume on a scale unprecedented in the Phanerozoic,intervals with high abundance of acritarchs suggesting alternating periods of low and high organic productivity,and the emergence of trace,body and skeletonized fossils. Close to the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, other dramatic biotic events continue that have been described as the Cambrian Explosion. Extensive biomineralization of soft tissue in many major groups of organisms resulted in diverse skeletonized faunas being preserved in the fossil record. Some new biochemical evidence suggests that the initial radiation of major clades of metazoans began about 1200 Ma rather than about 600 Ma ago. If so,what processes or threshold conditions existed to suppress the abundance,size,and diversity radiation for about 600 Ma from 1200 to 600 Ma? Answers may lie in the chemical nature of these oceans. Martin has argued for superoligotrophic oceans for most of the Early Paleozoic. He considered that the oceans were predominantly stratified and only sluggishly circulating; as a consequence there was limited mixing and transfer of nutrients from the deep ocean to surface waters for utilization by organisms ( Fig. 1) . If the oxygen and CO2levels of about 0. 2,2 and 20 times the present atmospheric levels,respectively,for the Cambrian are correct,as interpreted by Berner,then a critical threshold factor for respiration and for ecological expansion would have been the O2levels in the surface and deeper part of the oceans. The interplay of anoxic waters with surface waters somewhat enriched in oxygen is likely to have been a critical factor in the waves of extinctions evident in Cambrian and early Ordovician rocks. Such encroachment of anoxic waters onto carbonate platforms was considered by Zhuravlev and Wood to cause the mid-Early Cambrian Botomian extinction and later the periods of eutrophication to be characterized by phytoplankton blooms. Using Sr and C isotopes data from the Upper Cambrian,Saltzman et al. argued that catastrophic ocean overturning produced similar periodic,widespread,anoxic conditions. Such pulses may well explain the pattern of trilobite extinctions that were used to define biomere boundaries by Palmer.Progressive ventilation of the deeper oceans appears to have occurred through the Ordovician and Silurian. Attempts to deduce the pattern of oceanic circulation for intervals throughout these two periods have been made by Wilde and Wilde et al. ,respectively,using the paleogeographic reconstructions of Scotese and McKerrow. The superoligotrophic conditions of these oceans and the warm greenhouse climate state throughout the Early Paleozoic were only interrupted in the Ashgill and early Llandovery ( Late Ordovician—Early Silurian) when a continental glaciation developed across North Africa that was then located near the southern pole. The onset of aggressive thermohaline circulation both chilled and ventilated the deep ocean with several glacial phases occurring over about a 10 Ma interval,but with the main Hirnantian phase perhaps lasting only for a few hundred thousand years. The cause of this short-lived icehouse state within such a long 200 Ma period of greenhouse conditions is still speculative and some authors have related it to the passage of part of Gondwana over the south polar region or to the brief drawdown of atmospheric CO2. Even as greenhouse states prevailed through much of the Silurian,detailed analysis on conodont microfossil distributions and related microfacies changes have suggested to Jeppsson and Aldridge et al. that the Silurian ocean state and associated climate was characterized by alternating primo and secundo states with periodic,but rapid turnover intervals. The principal differences being a warm humid phase vs. a drier cooler phase that resulted in significantly different lithologies and reef tracts across the low latitude carbonate platforms. Fig. 1 Indices of ancient nutrient fluxes and productivity through the last 650 MaAnother seemingly important factor in paleoceanography is the changing pattern of eustasy. Sensitive records are preserved on the carbonate platforms and examination of several cratons allows a global pattern to emerge for the Ordovician and Silurian. Major transgressions produced as epicontinental seas that generated important sites of warm,dense hypersaline waters and the periodic development and then closure of this system with transgressive and then regressive events has not yet been fully accommodated into paleoceanographic models. Such oscillations certainly produced major global bio-events. For the Late Ordovician,the Caradoc transgression was the largest of the Phanerozoic and may have been generated by much higher rates of sea-floor spreading and / or the occurrence of a mantle superplume.There is a marked contrast in the studies of paleoceanography of the Early Paleozoic with those of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as noted initially. The application of a wide range of isotope proxy data with DSDP and ODP core samples and detailed analysis of abundant cores and outcrop studies in well preserved sedimentary basins,such as the Western Interior Seaway of North America,have allowed increasingly sophisticated interpretations of paleoceanography. Periods of anoxia,of less than 1 Ma duration have been recognized in all major oceans for the Late Barremian to Late Aptian of the Early Cretaceous. Peak oxygen deficiency corresponded to highly eutrophic conditions whereas less intense dysoxic / anoxic intervals were characteristic of oligotrophic conditions. The Albian and part of the Cenomanian were the warmest parts of the Cretaceous at a time when there appears to have been four times the present atmospheric level of CO2. Some authors have argued that ready transfer of heat from the equator to the polar regions reduced the latitudinal gradient and fostered a warm green-house state. Larson advocated the presence of a mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume in the western Pacific that produced the Ontong Java Plateau and this model was elaborated upon by Caldeira and Rampino to explain the widespread black shales,high organic productivity and oil accumulation ( Fig. 2) . Even within the Cretaceous there are considerable changes in oceanic temperature gradients. Huber et al. showed that during the Coniacian—Santonian the difference between low and high latitude surface- water paleotemperatures was in the range of 0—4℃ . As cooling increased towards the end of the period,the temperature difference increased to about 14℃ . Detailed investigations of the Cretaceous biotas have revealed complex patterns of marine biogeography that primarily mirror the changing major water masses and current systems along with the modifications to the Tethys Seaway and the Western Interior Seaway of North America. The open equatorial circulation around much of the globe via the Tethyan Seaway and the presence of wide shallow shelves on which warm saline waters were generated seem to be critical components to maintain the ultra warm greenhouse state at this time.Fig. 2 Inferred mid-Cretaceous mantle superplume showing increased ocean crust generation, sea level,black shales and related increases in ocean temperature and oil generation. These changes correspond to an interval free of magnetic reversals.In addition to the Cretaceous deep oceans,particularly Tethys,Pacific and opening Atlantic, large shelf seas developed as in Europe and the Western. Interior Sea of North America. The latter has received considerable attention because of the large stratigraphic database developed through oil exploration. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,over 150,000 wells have been drilled in Alberta alone,with many aimed at the Cretaceous or passing to Devonian targets. The Cretaceous Seaway initially spread north from the Gulf of Mexico and south from the Beaufort Sea, meeting in Albian time. The sea was constrained on the west by emerging tectonic forelands tied to major Cordilleran orogenic phases and terrane accretion on the Pacific margin; on the east it lapped progressively eastwards on a largely peneplained Canadian Shield. Tectonic deformation generated an asymmetrically subsiding foreland basin and an eastward migrating peripheral bulge. From sedimentological and paleontological studies the seaway is estimated to have been up to 1000 m deep in the west-central corridor. The western margin was subjected to much clastic fill from the deforming foreland,transported by complex river systems. Volcanoes contributed extensive, eastwardly transported ash falls with over 200 bentonites in the Cretaceous sequence,which,with detailed biostratigraphy,have provided a remarkably detailed chemostratigraphy to unravel the changes to the seaway through time.Within this overall framework,there have been several recent attempts to understand and model the paleoceanography of this north-south seaway. Kaufmann initially tried to discriminate the inflowing north and south waters from surface freshwater caps derived from rivers mainly flowing from the emerging Cordilleran foreland. More recent attempts have modelled current flows within the sea-way. Jewell noted that salinity stratification in the seaway could have been established rapidly. Slingerland et al. proposed that river flux was important and likely controlled the strong counterclockwise gyre occupying the entire north-south extent of the seaway.In the Cenozoic,an early phase of global warming ( Paleocene—Eocene) was followed by a progressive but variable decline in mean annual temperature ( Oligocene—Recent) . The onset of glaciation occurred first in Antarctica close to the Eocene—Oligocene boundary ( ca. 34 Ma) . Major Arctic glaciation appears to have been initiated in the late Pliocene ( ca. 2. 8 Ma) . The Cenozoic provides an opportunity to investigate the processes of changeover from a greenhouse to icehouse state. Fundamental questions remain unresolved about the initiation and maintenance of these two states and of the complex feedback loops in the climate system. Of particular interest are the processes of heat transfer to the high latitudes during a greenhouse state and their collapse during the icehouse state. Two possible principal causes have been advanced, possibly interrelated. Firstly,decreased atmospheric CO2partly derived from the weathering of uplifted crustal rocks during the late phases of alpine orogeny ( e. g. , Himalayan, Alps, Andes, Cordillera) . Secondly,there was substantially altered ocean circulation,particularly the onset of the deep ocean conveyor belt with thermohaline circulation derived from sinking of cold water in the North Atlantic. In this latter case,the pattern of ocean circulation is strongly affected by paleogeographic barriers such as the opening of the Drake Passage or closing of the Panama Isthmus.For the early Cenozoic greenhouse state,O"Connell et al. modelled atmospheric circulation conditions. In one experiment,they showed that under extreme zonal conditions evaporation may have substantially exceeded precipitation leading to the generation of very saline water. Zachos et al. discussed early Cenozoic temperatures from the oceanographic view,and Hovan and Rea used ODP data to examine the particular changes at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary. Here,they noted the dramatic changes that occur over a period of about 1. 2 Ma including: extinction of some benthic foraminifera and changes in calcareous plankton assemblages,oceanic warming,decrease in carbon isotope ratios,reduction in wind strength,an increase in hydrothermal activity. This same change is found in the continental record and is marked by the first appearance of several important modern mammalian orders. The Paleocene and early Eocene climates were controlled primarily by large scale meridional energy transport through the oceans rather than the atmosphere and in part influenced by tectonic events. Hovan and Rea showed that a strong reduction in Paleocene / Eocene wind stress occurs in both hemispheres at the boundary,related to decreased latitudinal thermal gradients produced by a more effective poleward heat transport via the deep ocean.There were dramatic changes to these greenhouse conditions at the Eocene / Oligocene boundary,including: fall in oceanic bottom water temperatures; 1 km drop in the calcium compensation depth in the Pacific; increase in deep sea unconformities; extinctions of planktonic foraminifera. These were apparently related to sudden high latitude cooling and enhanced oceanic thermohaline circulation. The onset of Antarctic glaciation occurred at about 34. 5 Ma seemingly closely related to the opening of the Drake Passage ( between South America and Antarctica) : surface and intermediate water circulation is documented by paleontology at this time,with other geologic evidence suggesting complete opening and deepwater circulation by about 30 Ma. These circulation changes induced a new position for the polar front and strongly influenced the pattern of upwelling and productivity.The late Neogene marks the onset of Arctic glaciation and enhanced global cooling. A significant oceanographic circulation event during this time was the full closure,evaporation and then reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea; the Messinian Event ( ca. 8—5 Ma ) in the late Miocene. The more recent work based on defined sequence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy has shown that there were two distinct phases of evaporite accumulation,each associated with a sea-level drop that were in turn likely to be of glacio-eustatic origin. Salt a

Petrogenetic mechanism

The consensus view is that potassic and ultra-potassic rocks are derived by partial melting of metasomatic veins within a lherzolitic or harzburgitic lithosphere(e.g.Foley,1992).Foley(1992)introduced his vein-plus-wallrock melting model for the origin of ultra-potassic as well as potassic rocks.The composition of melts derived from veins is controlled by the degree of partial melting and the relative contributions of vein and wall-rock material.As mentioned above,the vein of phlogopite-garnet clinopyroxenite is associated with the origin of the Yulong porphyries.A plot of Cr against Rb(Fig.24)further indicates that low degree(1%~5%)partial melting of such a metasomatic vein,equivalent to the mantle xenoliths of phlogopite-garnet clinopyroxenite with Cr of 562×10-6and Rb of 21×10-6(Liu et al.,2003),could account for the origin of the Yulong porphyries.The Nangqen volcanic rocks show higher Cr and lower Rb contents(Fig.24),which implies that the wall-rock material(lherzolite)might be involved in partial melting for their origin.This is further supported by the relatively higher proportions of depleted lithospheric mantle compositions for the Nangqen volcanic rocks than for the Yulong porphyries inferred by Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic and elemental compositions(Figs.22,27b).As mentioned above,the source depth for the Yulong porphyries as well as Nangqen volcanic rocks may be at least 100 km inferred by the volatile phase relations.Both the clinopyroxene geothermometry and homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions indicate that the primary magmas had anomalously high temperature(>1200℃).What mechanism is suitable for attainment of such high temperatures to induce partial melting of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle at the depth of 100 km?The Yulong porphyries emplacement(41~39 Ma)and the NVR eruption(34 Ma)post-date the India–Asia continental collision(at about 65 Ma;Yin and Harrison,2000).This delay would not be expected if fluid release accompanying oceanic or continental subduction were the trigger.It has been suggested a response to convective thinning of the lithosphere for the potassic magmatism(~20 Ma)in the northern and southern Tibetan Plateau(Turner et al.,1996),which triggered a temperature increase in the lithosphere.However,the potassic magmatism of Yulong and Nangqen in the eastern Tibetan Plateau pre-dates that in the northern and southern Tibetan Plateau.Recently,Hou et al.(2003)realized that in the eastern Tibetan Plateau,a regional-scale strike-slip fault system caused by the India–Asia continental collision controlled the distribution of Cenozoic(49~30 Ma)porphyries.Rather,seismic profiles across the Qiangtang terrane indicate that the strike-slip faults are translithospheric and accommodated local mantle uplift with the Moho rising about 2 to 3 km relative to the surrounding area(Fei,1983;Tang and Luo,1995).This suggests that these faults most likely caused the upwelling of asthenosphere in the area,which triggered the melting of the metasomatized lithospheric mantle.Such a model is similar to the situation proposed by Liegeois et al.(2003)to interpret the petrogenesis of high-K calc-alkaline and alkaline granites in Central Hoggar(Algeria)during the Pan-African orogeny.

china is calling (作文标题)是什么意思?要怎么写?

中国在呼唤、 下面是一篇可以选取的范文内容The Summer Palace This is a beautiful spot with exuberant(茂盛的) wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts(郊区) of Beijing. From the Ming Dynasty on, many high-taste nobles built their private gardens in this place. In the Qing Dynasty perhaps because the Manchu aristocrats(贵族) who had just left their forests and grassland had not accommodated(适应) themselves to the environment of the palaces, they built great imperial gardens there. The Summer Palace that has survived calamities(灾难) in history is one of those architectural masterpieces. This is a marvellous conception of a paradise(天堂) on the earth: The Long Corridor and the Seventeen Arch Bridge are like ribbons. They frame the Kunming Lake and turn it into a beautiful picture. With the Buddha Fragrance Chamber on the Longevity Hill as the highlight, the lake and mountains become a lively whole. The West Hill and the pagoda(塔) on top of the Jade Spring Hill blot out the limit of the garden and fuse it into an open expense. Spring in the Summer Palace is merrily colourful, the summer is leisurely exuberant, the autumn sentimentally bright and winter sober, tranquil(宁静的) and clean. The beauty of the Summer Palace is kaleidoscopic(千变万化的). First you enter spacious courtyards. Their owners have long passed away, but the peonies(牡丹), crabapples and magnolias (木兰) that have survived them still beam in elegance. Walking out the grandiose imperial courtyards, through the Long Corridor while enjoying the misty lake, along the scarcely traversed West Dike(堤) and the ride in the forest, you suddenly spot the dream-like Jade Belt Bridge... With elapse of time those roaming around the Kunming Lake are no more imperial relatives or nobles, but the common people. The beauty of the Summer Palace, however, is timeless. Year after year people greet the spring with the willow branches at the Spring Discerning Pavilion, sink into meditation facing lotus in a kiosk of the Garden of Harmonious Delights, and whisper with the frosted leaves at the tranquil back hill... Rain or shine, the Summer Palace is always enchanting. The beauty of the Summer Palace is, of course, deliberated. The pavilions, kiosks, terraces, bridges, dikes, corridors are crystallisation of the thousand-year old Chinese landscape gardening. The scenic spots contain a nation?謘s profound philosophical and aesthetic tradition. The Summer Palace was not built for public benefit, but through the turbulent(动乱的) century, the Summer Palace has been displaying the height a civilisation once reached to people of different times and origins. On 2 December 1998 the Summer Palace was listed in the World Legacy(遗产) of United Nations. The council of the World Legacy remarked, Chinese imperial gardens with the Summer Palace as a representative is a convincing symbol of one of the great world civilisations. 你选择一部分简单的吧

"Absolutely",said by the teacher这个句子对吗?

不对,多了by,这是一个倒装句,the teacher是主语,said是谓语,前面的引号里的话是宾语,不需要介词。

请问He is a absolutely no achievement man.为什么错?

absolutely是一个adv副词,副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词或其他结构。一般位于动词、形容词之前,有时会位于句末,起补充、说明的作用。而你这句话对于这个男人的定义是属于形容词,这句话就错在使用了不正确的形容词。那么这句话可以改成:Absolutely,he is a no achievement man.或者改成:he is absolutely a no achievement man.当然,第一种是最好的翻译。

朋友,请帮我以China is calling 为题,写80字的英语作文,顺便翻译一下

The Summer Palace This is a beautiful spot with exuberant(茂盛的) wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts(郊区) of Beijing. From the Ming Dynasty on, many high-taste nobles built their private gardens in this place. In the Qing Dynasty perhaps because the Manchu aristocrats(贵族) who had just left their forests and grassland had not accommodated(适应) themselves to the environment of the palaces, they built great imperial gardens there. The Summer Palace that has survived calamities(灾难) in history is one of those architectural masterpieces. This is a marvellous conception of a paradise(天堂) on the earth: The Long Corridor and the Seventeen Arch Bridge are like ribbons. They frame the Kunming Lake and turn it into a beautiful picture. With the Buddha Fragrance Chamber on the Longevity Hill as the highlight, the lake and mountains become a lively whole. The West Hill and the pagoda(塔) on top of the Jade Spring Hill blot out the limit of the garden and fuse it into an open expense. Spring in the Summer Palace is merrily colourful, the summer is leisurely exuberant, the autumn sentimentally bright and winter sober, tranquil(宁静的) and clean. The beauty of the Summer Palace is kaleidoscopic(千变万化的). First you enter spacious courtyards. Their owners have long passed away, but the peonies(牡丹), crabapples and magnolias (木兰) that have survived them still beam in elegance. Walking out the grandiose imperial courtyards, through the Long Corridor while enjoying the misty lake, along the scarcely traversed West Dike(堤) and the ride in the forest, you suddenly spot the dream-like Jade Belt Bridge... With elapse of time those roaming around the Kunming Lake are no more imperial relatives or nobles, but the common people. The beauty of the Summer Palace, however, is timeless. Year after year people greet the spring with the willow branches at the Spring Discerning Pavilion, sink into meditation facing lotus in a kiosk of the Garden of Harmonious Delights, and whisper with the frosted leaves at the tranquil back hill... Rain or shine, the Summer Palace is always enchanting. The beauty of the Summer Palace is, of course, deliberated. The pavilions, kiosks, terraces, bridges, dikes, corridors are crystallisation of the thousand-year old Chinese landscape gardening. The scenic spots contain a nation?謘s profound philosophical and aesthetic tradition. The Summer Palace was not built for public benefit, but through the turbulent(动乱的) century, the Summer Palace has been displaying the height a civilisation once reached to people of different times and origins. On 2 December 1998 the Summer Palace was listed in the World Legacy(遗产) of United Nations. The council of the World Legacy remarked, Chinese imperial gardens with the Summer Palace as a representative is a convincing symbol of one of the great world civilisations. 你选择一部分简单的吧

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); (Civil Aviation Authority of China)是什么意思?

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); (Civil Aviation Authority of C全部释义和例句>> CAAC(中国民用航空总局(C);民航局

less,much less,even more的区别

less:更少 much less:更不用提(用于否定句) even more:更不用提(用于肯定句)

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Authority of China)是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Aviation Authority of China),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:中国民航。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

The vegetables were ( ) than the meat.填even,even more,还是much

even moreeven与比较级连用

解释一下some more,more much , many more是什么意思,怎么用?



much+比较级有“很...”的意思,even+比较级,是有点惊讶或朝向不好的意思,例:Are you feel well now?-Even worse.而此时这不用much

even more people 可以换成much more people 吗?为什么? 老师请告诉我


much more 和even more的区别

much more 用在相互比较的2者之间,强调一个比另一个多很多。比如100比1多很多。even more 的比较是对于一个“已经很大”的对象而言,有“比。。。还多”的意思。相对于上面的比较,你就可以说101比1多很多,它甚至比100还要多。101 is much more than 1, it is even more than 100.

even more和much 的区别

much more 用在相互比较的2者之间,强调一个比另一个多很多。比如100比1多很多。even more 的比较是对于一个“已经很大”的对象而言,有“比。。。还多”的意思。相对于上面的比较,你就可以说101比1多很多,它甚至比100还要多。例:101 is much more than 1, it is even more than 100.



为什么我用Absinthe2.0.4时 越狱的那个按钮一直是灰的 提示我的iPod touch 没有连上电脑??


请教高人,Anchors Away是什么意思?



anchor美 ["æŋkər]英 ["æŋkə(r)]n.锚;给以安全感的人(或物);精神支柱;顶梁柱v.抛锚;下锚;使固定;扣牢锚点;安佳;锚定第三人称单数:anchors 现在分词:anchoring 过去式:anchored


在用Seurat包做多样本整合的时候,我们通常采用两种方式: (1)merge的方式 (2)FindIntegrationAnchors的方式整合 这里我们来解析一下FindIntegrationAnchors函数里面的参数及用法: 对于要进行多样本整合的数据,通常的做法是: 也就是单样本做了均一化后,进行多样本的整合 那这个函数FindIntegrationAnchors就是来帮助我们寻找样本整合的数据点; 看一下这个函数的参数: 其中Seurat中有很多方法值得我们借鉴,但是具体情况要具体分析,千万不要是个方法就拿来用。 请保持愤怒,让王多鱼倾家荡产~~~~


YOLOv3的配置文件中有一段对anchors参数的配置 根据 《YOLO9000:Better, Faster, Stronger》 文章中所述: 根据 《YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement》 文章中所述: 从数据集中类聚出来的锚框,相当于预测框的一个参考,基于这个参考,算法生成的 预测框仅需要在这个锚框的基础上进行“精修或微调fine-tuning” 即可,这样算法可以收敛的更快,检测效果更好。


cornerNer论文链接: github: CenterNet论文链接: github: CornerNe-Lite论文链接: github: 所谓基于关键点进行目标检测,其实就是使用one-stage网络将目标边界框检测为一对关键点(即边界框的左上角和右下角)。通过将目标检测为成对关键点,就可消除现有的one-stage检测网络中对一组anchors的需要,这个最近火热的anchor-free也是不谋而合。接下来,先简单介绍下CornetNet和CenterNet这两个基于特征点的目标检测网络。最后对CornerNet-Squeeze做个简单介绍! CornerNet网络的整体思路是,首先通过Hourglass Network网络进行特征提取,紧接着将网络得到的特征输入到两个模块: Top-left Corner pooling 和 Bottom-right Corner pooling 提取关键点的特征,对于每个Corner Pooling模块都会进行目标框的左上角关键点和右下角关键点的类别分类( Heatmaps ),并找到每个目标的一对关键点( Embeddings ),以及减少基于坐标回算目标目标位置时的偏置( offsets )。网络的整体结构图如下: 很显然,CornerNet的核心是四个部分: 最终,如下图所示,上半支路的网络结果如下所示,网络最终是由两条支路组成的。 CenterNet网络主要是基于CornerNet网络存在的问题,而提出的基于关键点目标检测的网络。其实现了目前为止在one-stage系类算法中最高的MAP。CenterNet的作者发现,CornerNet是通过检测物体的左上角点和右下角点来确定目标,但在此过程中CornetNet使用corner pooling仅仅能够提取到目标边缘的特征,而导致CornetNet会产生很多的误检。基于此,CenterNet利用关键点 三元组 即 中心点、左上角关键点和右下角关键点 三个关键点而不是两个点来确定一个目标,使得网络能够获取到目标内部的特征。而CornerNet在论文中也说道了,约束其网络性能最重要的部分是关键点的提取,因此CenterNet提出了 Center Pooling 和 cascade corner Pooling 用来更好的提取本文提出的三个关键点。 作者基于Corner Pooling的系列思想,提出了Center Pooling的思想,使得网络提取到的中心点特征能够更好的表征目标物体。 最终,CenterNet在CornerNet的基础上增加了中心点的预测,以及修改了关键点特征的提取方式,大大减小了网络的误检,并且实现了one-stage系列算法中的最好效果。 普林斯顿大学在4月19号提出了两种更高效的基于关键点的目标检测算法,分别为: CornetNet-Saccade 和 CornetNet-Squeeze ,若将两种策略结合则称为 CornerNet-Lite 。以下是Cver对这两个网络的介绍,个人感觉写的很好,我就不造轮子了: 最终我最感兴趣的网络CornerNet-Squeeze和YOLOv3进行对比,达到了如下图所示的效果。 然而,就在我学习并总结这篇文章的过程中,我发现CornerNet-Squeeze是基于CornerNet改进的,但正如上文中介绍CenterNet的时候提到过的CornerNet所具有的那些弊端,我总觉得CornerNet-Squeeze在误检的部分不一定会很优秀,所以接下来就是看源码阶段了,希望CornerNet-Squeeze能够不负我望哈~



The Anchors 歌词

歌曲名:The Anchors歌手:Emery专辑:We Do What We WantThe Museum - The AnchorAll I"ve held on hereIs the anchor of my fearAll I"m looking forIs strength to let this goAll my hopes and dreamsI lay before you hereAll I"ve failed and fearedThey cease to reappearAnd all of this noise fades around meIn stillness and silence You"re hereNow Your perfect love surrounds meThe chains I"ve known disappearNow the hope that I hold toIs the anchor of my soulAnd the peace that I can seeIs Your promise haunting meAnd all of this noise fades around meIn stillness and silence You"re hereAnd now Your perfect love it surrounds meThe all the chains I have known disappearYou"re the anchor of my soulBy Your perfect love I knowSin has no grip on meBy Your priceless blood I"m freeOh I am freeOhh, Ohh


IOS: IOS:使用shell命令打包并上传Itunes Unity3d: Unity3d:Canvas适配屏幕分辨率与锚点(Anchors与Pivot) Unity3d:在屏幕边缘显示其他玩家方位 Unity3d:命令行打包Android Unity3d:命令行编译IOS Unity3d:使用Jenkins自动编译打包IOS(只能打包Development) Unity3d:使用Jenkins自动编译打包IOS(打包Ad-hoc,上传itunes) 所有的UI都有一个Root Canvas,该Canvas的RectTransform不可修改。 所有 Canvas坐标系 方向都是 右侧为X轴正方向 , 上方为Y轴正方向 。 该Canvas还带有一个 Canvas Scaler 组件,可以通过该组件适配不同的屏幕分辨率。 Canvas Scaler 中有一个 UI Scale Mode 属性,用于确定画布中的UI元素如何缩放。 以下假如屏幕分辨率为1500 * 3000。 使Canvas宽高保持与屏幕分辨率一致。屏幕分辨率有多大,Canvas宽高就有多大( Scale Factor 缩放因子为1时)。 所以, Canvas宽高 = 屏幕分辨率 / 缩放因子 。 使Canvas的宽高比与屏幕分辨率的宽高比保持一致。 缩放时需要基于下面的 Reference Resolution(参考分辨率) 进行缩放。 因为此时屏幕分辨率的宽高比为:1500 / 3000 = 0.5,所以在该模式下,无论怎么调整参数,Canvas宽高比也一直为0.5,不会变。 所以, Canvas宽高比 = 屏幕分辨率宽高比 。 缩放时用的参考分辨率。 下面假设参考分辨率是1080 * 1920。 如果屏幕分辨率与参考分辨率的宽高比不一致,则根据选择的模式对Canvas宽高进行缩放。 如果屏幕分辨率与参考分辨率的宽高比一致,该选项怎么调都不管用。 基于下面 Match 对Canvas宽高进行缩放。 缩放后,Canvas的宽高一定不低于参考分辨率的宽高。 缩放后,Canvas的宽高一定不高于参考分辨率的宽高。与 Expand 类似。 锚点说难不难,只是不好描述,但可以用例子来说明。 假如Canvas拥有一个Image节点。 对于 Image所在的坐标系 , 坐标系方向与Canvas坐标系方向相同 。 下面看下Image节点的 锚点在Canvas的不同位置 的情况: 单锚点 ,从Unity上看,就是4个小三角形聚在一个点。 单锚点在Canvas的位置(假设为点p) 都满足以下逻辑: 可以总结出以下公式(p为单锚点在Canvas的位置,pivot为单锚点的Pivot属性): Image所在坐标系 原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (p.x + Image.Width * (0.5 - pivot.x), p.y + Image.Height * (0.5 - pivot.y)) 。 双锚点 ,从Unity上看,就是2个小三角形聚在一个点。 左上角有2个小三角形,左下角有2个小三角形 此时,Image拥有 PosX,Top,Width,Bottom 这四个位置参数。 而且, 锚点的Pivot的Y不起作用 。 Image的Height = (Canvas.Height - Top - Bottom) / 2 。 如果设置Image的Top,Bottom都为0的话,则Image的高会与Canvas的高一致。 Image所在坐标系原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (Image.Width * (0.5 - Pivot.x) + PosX , Image.Height / 2 + Top) 。 底部边框的中心有2个小三角形,顶部边框的中心有2个小三角形 此时,Image拥有 PosX,Top,Width,Bottom 这四个位置参数。 而且, 锚点的Pivot的Y不起作用 。 Image的Height = (Canvas.Height - Top - Bottom) / 2 。 如果设置Image的Top,Bottom都为0的话,则Image的高会与Canvas的高一致。 Image所在坐标系原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (Image.Width * (0.5 - Pivot.x) + Canvas.Width / 2 + PosX , Image.Height / 2 + Top) 。 右上角有2个小三角形,右下角有2个小三角形 此时,Image拥有 PosX,Top,Width,Bottom 这四个位置参数。 而且, 锚点的Pivot的Y不起作用 。 Image的Height = (Canvas.Height - Top - Bottom) / 2 。 如果设置Image的Top,Bottom都为0的话,则Image的高会与Canvas的高一致。 Image所在坐标系原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (Image.Width * (0.5 - Pivot.x) + Canvas.Width + PosX , Image.Height / 2 + Top) 。 左上角有2个小三角形,右上角有2个小三角形 此时,Image拥有 Left,PosY,Right,Height 这四个位置参数。 而且, 锚点的Pivot的X不起作用 。 Image的Width = (Canvas.Width - Left - Right) / 2 。 如果设置Image的Left,Right都为0的话,则Image的宽会与Canvas的宽一致。 Image所在坐标系原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (Image.Width / 2 + Left , Image.Height * (0.5 - Pivot.x) + PosY) 。 左侧边框的中心有2个小三角形,右侧边框的中心有2个小三角形 此时,Image拥有 Left,PosY,Right,Height 这四个位置参数。 而且, 锚点的Pivot的X不起作用 。 Image的Width = (Canvas.Width - Left - Right) / 2 。 如果设置Image的Left,Right都为0的话,则Image的宽会与Canvas的宽一致。 Image所在坐标系原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (Image.Width / 2 + Left , Image.Height * (0.5 - Pivot.x) + Canvas.Height / 2 + PosY) 。 左下角有2个小三角形,右下角有2个小三角形 此时,Image拥有 Left,PosY,Right,Height 这四个位置参数。 而且, 锚点的Pivot的X不起作用 。 Image的Width = (Canvas.Width - Left - Right) / 2 。 如果设置Image的Left,Right都为0的话,则Image的宽会与Canvas的宽一致。 Image所在坐标系原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (Image.Width / 2 + Left , Image.Height * (0.5 - Pivot.x) + Canvas.Height + PosY) 。 四锚点 ,从Unity上看,就是4个小三角形全都是分散的( 左下角、左下角、右上角、右下角 )。 此时,Image拥有 Left,Top,Right,Bottom 这四个位置参数。 而且, 锚点的Pivot不起作用 。 Image的Width = (Canvas.Width - Left - Right) / 2 。 Image的Height = (Canvas.Height - Top - Bottom) / 2 。 如果设置Image的Left,Top,Right,Bottom都为0的话,则Image的宽高会与Canvas的宽高一致。 Image所在坐标系原点在Canvas中的坐标 = (Image.Width / 2 + Left , Image.Height / 2 + Top) 。 屏幕坐标系与Canvas坐标系都是 左下角为原点,向右为X轴正方向,向上为Y轴正方向 。 在屏幕坐标系上有个点P(x, y),我们先把屏幕分辨率的宽高缩放到与Canvas的宽高一致,此时P点的坐标也会随着缩放。 因为屏幕坐标系与Canvas坐标系都是左下角为原点,所以缩放完成后的P的位置(记作P2),就是P点在Canvas坐标系上的位置。 P2 = (P.x * Canvas.Width / Screen.Width, P.y * Canvas.Height / Screen.Height) 现在有一个Image UI,我们先把该Image的锚点设置为左下角( Anchors.Min(0, 0),Anchors.Max(0, 0) ),然后把P2的位置赋值给Image的anchoredPosition,此时该Image刚好就在P点的位置。 在Canvas坐标系上有一个Image UI,我们先把该Image的锚点设置为左下角( Anchors.Min(0, 0),Anchors.Max(0, 0) ),然后把Canvas的宽高缩放到与屏幕分辨率的宽高一致,此时Image的anchoredPosition(记作P)也会随着缩放。 因为屏幕坐标系与Canvas坐标系都是左下角为原点,所以缩放完成后的Image的anchoredPosition(记作P2),就是Image在屏幕坐标系上的位置。 P2 = (P.x * Screen.Width / Canvas.Width, P.y * Screen.Height / Canvas.Height)


相信很多刚接触UGUI的开发者,对于这套系统中RectTransform里的position,anchor,pivot都或多或少有些不熟悉,不知道这些是干嘛用的,为此,本篇文章就给大家介绍下这几个概念,不过主要还是会以Anchor和Pivot为主,position会带过介绍。 1、Pivot轴心 旋转、大小和缩放修改发生在主轴Pivot点周围,因此Pivot的位置会影响旋转、调整大小或缩放的结果。当工具栏Pivot/Center按钮设置为Pivot模式时,可以在场景视图中移动矩形变换的Pivot小圆圈。 如图:旋转操作为绕着这个点旋转。 注: Pivot是相对于自身的,(0,0)为自己左下角,(1,1)为自己右上角。(可以把这个UI看成这个点) 2、Anchors锚点 如果一个RectTransform的父物体也是RectTransform,那么子RectTransform可以以各种方式锚定到父RectTransform。 例如,子节点可以锚定在父节点的中心或其中一个角上。 锚定也允许孩子与父母的宽度或高度一起伸展。矩形的每个角都有一个固定的锚点偏移量,即矩形的左上角有一个固定的锚点偏移量,等等。这样,矩形的不同角就可以固定在父矩形的不同点上。 如: 3、Anchor presets锚点预设 在Inspector中,可以在Rect Transform组件的左上角找到锚预置按钮。单击该按钮将弹出锚预置下拉菜单。从这里您可以快速地从一些最常见的锚定选项中进行选择。您可以将UI元素锚定到父元素的侧面或中间,或者与父元素大小一起拉伸。水平和垂直锚定是独立的。 锚预置按钮显示当前选择的预置选项(如果有的话)。如果将水平轴或垂直轴上的锚设置为与任何预设位置不同的位置,则会显示自定义选项。 Anchor Min对应场景视图中左下方的Anchor handle, Anchor Max对应右上方的handle。 矩形的position字段根据锚顶点是否在一起(产生固定的宽度和高度)或是否分开(导致矩形与父矩形一起拉伸)而不同。 方式1:当所有的锚柄在一起时,显示的字段是Pos X、Pos Y、宽度和高度。Pos X和Pos Y的值表示pivot相对于锚点的位置。 方式2:当锚被分开时,字段可以部分或完全改变为左、右、上、下。这些字段定义锚定义的矩形内的填充。如果锚水平分开,则使用左字段和右字段,如果锚垂直分开,则使用顶部和底部字段。 注意,在anchor或pivot字段中更改值通常会反向调整position值,以使矩形保持原位。在不需要这样做的情况下,通过单击检查器中的R按钮启用原始编辑模式。这使得anchor和pivot值能够在不改变任何其他值的情况下被改变。这可能会导致矩形在视觉上移动或调整大小,因为它的位置和大小取决于anchor和pivot值。 看下图预设布局,可以注意到:布局分为左侧、上侧和右下。 左和上只是方位标记,用啥要选择右下角部分; 右下部分的左上9个是一个点,所有锚柄在一起,大小不会受父物体影响,父物体大小变化子物体pivot到锚点位置保持不变; 如上面方式1 其他为2个点,最右下角的为四个点,大小会受父物体影响;如上面方式2 注意区分: Pivot是相对于自身的,(0,0)为自己左下角,(1,1)为自己右上角。(可以把这个UI看成这个点) Anchor为相对于父物体的,(0,0)为父物体左下角,(1,1)为父物体右上角。 4、Blue Print Mode(蓝图模式) 、 Raw Edit Mode(原始编辑模式) 参考链接: Blue Print Mode (蓝图模式) 勾选后,就算UI被调整Rotation或Scale参数,UI的矩形框也不变。 Raw Edit Mode (原始编辑模式) 在 Inspector 中调整 Pivot 和 Anchor 时,物体会维持目前的位置与大小(Inspector 中数值部分),请注意数值部分: Inspector 中调整 Pivot: Inspector 中调整 Anchor: 5、从脚本端操作布局 从脚本端操作uGUI时,编辑符号和RectTransform字段不匹配有点复杂。没有诸如Pos X之类的参数,并且宽度/高度也不存在。 在这种情况下,将Inspector更改为Debug模式并公开RectTransform的隐藏参数。通过这个我们可以看到参数通常指向的内容。

document.anchors is not a function 在火狐下报错了

  您好,感谢您对火狐的支持  把 getMovie("qnm_media").cam_state()换成flex应用程序名.cam_state()试试;(flex编译后生成的swf的名字)。  您可以在火狐官方网站下载火狐浏览器,在火狐社区了解更多内容。希望我的回答对您有所帮助,如有疑问,欢迎继续在本平台咨询。

翻译:Anchors away




anchor teacher反义词 是什么意思

英音 [ "æŋkə ] ; 美音 [ "æŋkə ] 可数名词:1. 可以依靠的人或事物,靠山,后盾2. 锚,锚固装置(用缆﹑链等连接着的金属设备,用以将船舶固定于海底或将气球固定在地面上)3.[=anchorman, anchorwoman]【美】(尤指无线电或电视采访的)主持人动词:抛锚,用锚固装置固定(某物)词形变化:名词:anchorage;时态:anchored,anchoring,anchors。同义词:drop anchor,cast anchor;ground;ground tackle;keystone,backbone,linchpin,lynchpin,mainstay;manperson。



anchor 解释下这个单词

anchor锚;锚状物anchor[5ANkE]n.锚;锚状物v.抛锚, 锚定admiral anchor 海军锚 automatic anchor 水雷自动系留器 back anchor 副锚 base anchor 地脚板 bearing anchor 轴瓦固定螺钉 body anchor 人体支撑 bolster anchor 摇桅枕拉杆 boring anchor 钻座 bower anchor 主锚; 大锚 brake anchor 闸瓦支持销 brake pipe anchor 制动管吊卡 breast anchor 船舷锚 cable anchor 电缆锚 cathode anchor 阴极锚(电子管阴极零件), 阴极支架 floating anchor 浮锚 hand brake pull rod guide anchor 手制动拉杆吊 ice anchor 冰锚 kedge anchor 小锚 lee anchor 下风锚 main anchor 主固定支架 rail anchors 钢轨防爬器[锁定器]轨卡

anchor 做名词解释有一个意思叫"电视新闻节目主持人" 请问这是怎么来的?(朗文的解释,还是个AMe-美国英语)


delphi anchors是什么意思



anchor 是锚 的意思要看具体的上下文才知道是什么意思


anchor D.J.[ˈæŋkə] K.K.[ˈæŋkɚ] n. 锚 They lay at anchor outside the harbour. 他们在港外抛锚停泊。 给人安全感的物(或人) Letters from home were an anchor to him when he worked abroad. 他在国外工作时, 家书是他的精神支柱。


anchor[英][ˈæŋkə(r)][美][ˈæŋkɚ]n.锚; 锚状物; 靠山; 压阵队员; vt.抛锚,抛锚泊船; 使固定,使稳固; 使稳定; 在…任节目主持人; vi.抛锚,停泊; 固定; [体]任主要运动员; 主持节目; adj.最后一棒的,末捧的; 第三人称单数:anchors复数:anchors现在进行时:anchoring过去式:anchored过去分词:anchored双语例句 Who would drop anchor here?谁又会把锚抛在这里呢?

读书学英文|Why People Can Change

假若轻易就可以改变,那么人们就不会特意“期待改变”了。人即使想要改变也无法改变。正因为如此,才会不断有人被宣扬可以改变人的新兴宗教或怪异的自我启发课程所蒙骗。 1) 欺骗 I can"t believe she was taken in by him. 我简直不敢相信她被他骗了。 2) 收留,收容,收养(某人) Several families took in foreign students. 有几个家庭接待外国留学生。/ˈduː.bi.əs/ 半信半疑的,可疑的;不确定的;不可信的 These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven. 这些说法未经科学证实,有些可疑。 He has been associated with some dubious characters. 他曾经与一些可疑人物有交往。(尤指牧师在教堂中)讲道,布道 Father Martin preached to the assembled mourners. 马丁神父向聚集的哀悼者们布道。 During the sermon, he preached about the need for forgiveness. 在布道中,他宣讲了宽恕的必要性。那么,我要反过来问问你。为什么你会如此固执地主张人无法改变呢? 作为回应 Moon Jae-in conveyed his gratitude in response. 文在寅在回信中表示感谢。 In response, Panama recalled its Ambassador from Caracas. 作为回应,巴拿马召回了驻加拉加斯大使。/ˈæd.ə.mənt/ 固执的;坚决的,坚定不移的 [ + that ] I"ve told her she should stay at home and rest but she"s adamant that she"s coming. 我告诉过她应该在家休息,可她坚持要来。作为朋友我可以担保他是一位非常认真并且对社会有用的男人。向某人保证 Breaking your leg isn"t funny , I can assure you. 打断你的腿不好笑,我可以向你保证 "Don"t worry, your car will be ready tomorrow," the mechanic assured him. “别担心,你的车明天就可以修好,”修理工向他保证。很有用 For I"m sure my major would be of great use for the position.  因为我肯定我的所学专业对这一工作一定会很有用处。假若如你所言,如果所有人的“现在”都由“过去”所决定,那岂不是很奇怪吗?现在, 此时此刻 Most people can"t be bothered thinking about their retirement - they"re too busy concentrating on the here and now. 大多数人都顾不上去考虑退休的事情——他们都在忙着考虑现在。1) …地发生(或发展);结果是(尤指出乎意料的结果) As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early. 结果证明,我们当初决定早点离开是正确的。 How did the recipe turn out? 按这个食谱做出来的菜如何?2) 最终成为;最终发现 [ + to infinitive ] The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected. 结果,真相比我们预期的更离奇。 [ + that ] It turns out that she had known him when they were children. 结果发现,她和他从小就认识。对不起,那是绝对不可能的事情。或者 be no question of (doing) sth 不可能 A trip to New Zealand is out of the question this year. 今年去新西兰旅行是不可能的了。 There"s no question of agreeing to the demands. 同意这些要求是不可能的。

Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed.



Chanel S.A., commonly known as "Chanel" (English pronunciation: /ʃəˈnɛl/), is a Parisian fashion house founded by the late couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, recognized as one of the most established in haute couture, specializing in luxury goods (haute couture, ready-to-wear, handbags, perfumery, and cosmetics among others).[1] She gained the name "Coco" while maintaining a career as a singer at a coffee shop in France. Chanel has always specialized in items such as simple suits, dresses, women"s pants, and costume jewelry. Coco Chanel"s vision was to replace such opulent, sexy pieces with items which conveyed casual elegance. Her designs and creations are timeless, considering the the basic silhouettes have remained consistent from generation to generation. Today, Chanel is most famous for the "little black dress" which has become a key item in most women"s closets. According to Forbes, the privately held House of Chanel is jointly owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer who are the great-grandsons of the early (1924) Chanel partner Pierre Wertheimer.The company has had many high-profile celebrities as spokesmodels, including Catherine Deneuve (1970s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), Nicole Kidman (early 2000s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), Audrey Tautou (current Chanel No.5 spokesmodel), Keira Knightley (current spokesmodel for Coco Mademoiselle), and most famously, Marilyn Monroe (1950s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel) pictured splashing herself with Chanel No. 5. The image is certainly the most famous of all Chanel advertisements, and continues to be one of the most popular advertisement photos in the history of marketing, used in countless biographies, and still selling in large quantities as a poster and art piece using Marilyn Monroe as the model. Marilyn Monroe brought this perfume to fame.[

the remains were___to the mutilated ladies 1 conveyed 2 dispatched 3 carried 4 fetched,



既然是过去分词词组作后置定语,就不要加which/that be 过去分词词组作后置定语,语法功效相当于一个定语从句 the idea conveyed in the picture=the idea that/which is conveyed in the picture 100%对!


Much meaning can be conveyed可以传达意义


enlight 启发 其实这个en-作为一个单词的前缀的意思是使某种东西有和词根的相似的特性 你就看这个enlight ,light的意思是点亮 那么是。。。点亮 你可以理解为把某人的智慧点亮 那么就是启发的意思了~~


chase 英[tʃeɪs] 美[tʃes] vt. 追求; 追捕; 追寻; 镂刻; n. 追捕; 打猎; 猎物(指鸟兽等); 槽; vi. 追逐,追赶; 追寻; 追求(常与after连用); [口语] 奔跑; [例句]She chased the thief for 100 yards她追了窃贼100码远。[其他] 第三人称单数:chases 复数:chases 现在分词:chasing过去式:chased 过去分词:chased


pursue追赶,追捕的意思;seek寻找,抽象解释为探索;trace作为动词的时候意为追踪,强调踪迹,并没有逮捕之类的意思;chace现在常用的是chase,作为动词的时候意思是追逐。动词过去式:chased 过去分词:chased 现在分词:chasing 第三人称单数:chases.我随便举个例子吧,帮助你理解,注意他们的区别:I pursued the robbers.我追赶盗贼.I am seeking my key now.我正在找我的钥匙.I traced my father this afternoon.今天下午我跟踪了我老爸.If you make me anger,I"ll chase you from my house.如果你让我圣骑,我就把你赶出去!希望对你有帮助。

追梦 用chase,追求异性 用Pursue,是这样吗?还是反了?谢谢

pursue one"s dream

Zhuang pursued fine arts since childhood and began to learn cloisonne enamel in 2009.

英语Zhuang pursued fine arts since childhood and began to learn cloisonne enamel in 2009.。谁能回答这个问题,我表扬他。


依次是: absent(缺席的,不在的) sickness(疾病) 句意:Danny因为他的病而没上学 分析:be absent from是固定搭配,意思是:缺席.because of+n.(名词):因为.

childlife first defense怎么样


defense science and technology什么意思

defense : 名词,防卫science : 名词,科学technology :名词,技术defense science and technology :防御科技应该是游戏里常见的。

french festival有哪些

1,一月6日:帝王节。在糕点铺内,人们纷纷购买甜饼,这种甜饼内含有一种叫蚕豆的小东西。家中最小的成员,把眼睛蒙上,将甜饼分给大家:这是JEANE姑姑的,这是爸爸的,这是DESPOYES先生的。。。“每人吃甜饼时都避免咬到蚕豆。吃到蚕豆的人将封为国王(皇后),并挑选他的皇后(国王)。全家人或朋友们举杯高颂:“国王干杯,皇后干杯。” 2,二月2日:圣蜡节,这是一个宗教及美食的双重节日。这一天,家家都做鸡蛋薄饼,鸡蛋饼煎得又薄又黄,向太阳似的金黄色。它飘起来后,孩子们注视着它,如果它直接落在谁的口里该多好呀! 3,四月1日:愚人节。 4,五月1日:劳动节和铃兰花节。 5,七月14日,法国国庆节。国庆前夕,法国所有的城市燃放烟火,整个巴黎的所有街道,人们载歌载舞。次日清晨,人们观看阅兵式。法国的大假开始了。 6,法国的大假于8月31日开始。尽管政府的多方努力,几乎所有的法国人都在同一时间休假。许多工厂歇业,大批商店关门。 7,十一月1日。是冥节。在陵园,墓地被菊花点缀。尽管墓地的沉痛气氛,小学生为本年假期的头一日而欣喜若狂。 8,11月25日,是圣-喀德琳节,是个地道的巴黎地方节日。25岁尚未婚嫁的年轻姑娘们梳妆成圣-喀德琳。这些庆祝圣-喀德琳节的姑娘在位于与其同名的大街上的圣女雕像前献花圈。这一天做了许多黄色和绿色的小帽子,一个比一个新颖。在大的女装店内,人们跳舞,喝香宾。喀德琳是当日的女皇。 9,十二月25日:圣诞节。这可称为节中节,她是严冬里的光芒,为人们带来欢乐。 星星,雪花,松树,礼品,铃铛组成图画。孩子们清扫烟筒,找出他们最大号的鞋,圣诞老人上路了。1,January 6 : emperors Festival.In the cake shops, people have to buy ASP, ASP contain something called broad beans, the small things. The youngest members of the family, blindfolded, ASP will be distributed to everyone : This is JEANE aunt, it is his father"s, which is DESPOYES"s. .."Each time are avoiding eating ASP Risk broad beans. The king, who will get broad beans (Queen"s) He was selected as the Queen"s (King). Family or friends toasted high Chung : "Cheers King, the Queen"s toast. " 2, February 2 : Festival of St. wax, which is a religious holiday and gourmet double.On this day, everyone has done egg patty, fried eggs have Youboyou yellow cake, similar to the yellow sun. After floating it, the children watch it, if it stops directly in the mouth nice! 3, April 1 : fool"s day. 4, Labor Day and end on May 1 : Orchid Festival. 5, July 14, France"s National Day. Eve of the National Day, all French city fireworks display, all throughout the Paris streets, people were singing and dancing.Early the next morning, people watching the parade. France began the fake. 6, France on August 31 at the start. Despite the various efforts, almost all the French people at the same time leave. Many factories , a large number of shops closed.7, November 1. Festival of offerings. In the cemetery, the cemetery was Chrysanthemum show. Despite the painful atmosphere of the cemetery, the students leave for the first year from 1 overjoyed. 8,11, 25, St-Kadelin Festival, is a place out of the Paris festival. 25-year-old marriage of young girls who have not yet toiletry Saint-Kadelin. These celebrations of St.-Kadelin girls at the festival with the same name in the street to lay wreaths before the statue was built. On this day doing a lot of small yellow and green hat, a novelty than one. The lady in the shop, people dance, drink Hong Bin. Kadelin day is the Queen. 9, December 25 : Christmas. This can be called Festival Day, she is the light of the severe winter Lane, to bring joy. Stars, snowflakes, trees, gifts, filled composed picture. Children clean chimney, the largest find their shoes, Santa Claus hit the road.

阅读理解one day a man who liked baked beans very much

阅读理解:One day, a man who liked baked beans very much met a girl and fell in love with her. In order to avoid(避免) breaking wind in front of his newly-married wife, he gave up baked beans. They were married shortly thereafter. Months later, he smelled baked beans in a café on his way home. They were the best beans he had ever smelled! He could not resist and had three large orders of baked beans. All the way home he had gas. His wife seemed excited and a bit mysterious to see him. She blindfolded him and led him to his chair at the dinning room table. Just as she was about to remove the blindfold, the telephone rang. Seizing the chance of her absence, he shifting his weight to one leg and let the gas go. He took the napkin from his lap and fanned(扇) the air about him. When he felt another wind coming on, he shifted his weight to the other leg and let it go again. Then he made a third fart. Yet somehow his wife didn"t hear him. While keeping his ear on the phone conversation in the hall, he again fanned with force until he heard his wife saying goodbye on the phone, meaning the end of his freedom. Apologizing for taking so long a time, she asked if he had peeked(偷看). He assured her that he had not. At this point, she removed the blindfold and there was his surprise—— Twelve dinner guests seated around the table for his surprise birthday party!1.The man stopped eating baked beans because ________________.A.His wife didn"t hate his breaking windB. It was difficult to find good onesC.His wife asked him toD.He didn"t want to lose face before his wife2.Which of the following is the correct picture of blindfolding in the passage?                3.Which of the following narrations is True?A.The wife pretended to make a telephone when her husband was blindfolded.B.The man lost face in front of 12 guests when he was breaking wind.C.The man spread his gas around him with the help of his friends.D.The wife gave her husband little freedom at home.4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. A Long Telephone CallB. A newly-married coupleC. Baked BeansD. A surprise on Birthday Party 参考答案:B C B D

英语中 further more 和much more的区别


能不能说much mistakes 或 less mistakes吗?感觉和many fewer 通用啊

不可以,可以用Many Mistakes

The Psychedelic Furs的《Flowers》 歌词

歌曲名:Flowers歌手:The Psychedelic Furs专辑:Original Album ClassicsNikki Flores - FlowersI"m complicatedMy colors are shadedMaking me strongBut sometimes I"ve fadedI can"t be perfectNot even close tooI let my guard downAnd baby I know youPush me too hardIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break like flowersDon"t tear us apartIt took so long to growDon"t let the petals fall like flowersFlowers flowers flowersI was so openIm starting to closeDefending my heartLike a thorn on a roseDon"t let it dwindleDown into nothingBring back the man I fell in love withYou push me too hardIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break like flowersDon"t tear us apartIt took so long to growDon"t let the petals fall like flowersFlowers flowers flowersFlowers need the sunFlowers need the rainBut they don"t need someoneThey don"t feel the painLike I do, I doI need youDon"t let it dwindleDown into nothingBring back the man I fell in love withYou push me too hardDon"t tear us apartFlowersLike flowers
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